
How to clean patent leather shoes. Tips and rules for caring for patent leather shoes. Indications and contraindications


Appearing in the 40s of the last century, patent leather shoes immediately aroused admiration among fashionistas and fashionistas of that time. Stylish and bright, with a characteristic noble sheen of the surface, today it is one of the symbols of wealth and luxury. However, only shoes with a presentable appearance can become a status wardrobe item. And for this it is necessary to provide proper and high-quality care.

Material Features

Lacquer products are made from a material based on natural or artificial leather, coated with a special composition consisting of polyurethane or polyvinyl chloride, nitrocellulose and linseed oil. Specially selected lacquer components provide a mirror-smooth coating of the base, as a result of which the material acquires a beautiful glossy surface, which is undoubtedly an advantage. But it is the lacquer film, being a very whimsical part of the material, that creates difficulties in care and storage, and sometimes significantly reduces the service life of the product. Therefore, when caring for patent leather shoes, it is important to know what situations to avoid.

Patent leather shoes look very nice, but require gentle care

What patent leather does not tolerate

Factors that can ruin the lacquered coating of shoes:

  • negative air temperatures. When frost cracks form on the lacquer surface, and the product loses its attractive appearance;
  • the opposite problem is high temperatures and direct sunlight. Under the influence of these factors, the varnish melts and stretches. Do not dry patent leather shoes near heaters or leave them on a platform that is hot from the sun. The permissible temperature at which the varnish surface will not suffer is from 0 to 25 ° C;
  • moisture, getting into the structure of the material, violates its properties. The leather layer may be deformed, the lacquer surface may change color (lightened or darkened areas will appear on the product). Therefore, it is not recommended to wash shoes with water or store them in rooms with high humidity;
  • abrasive products and materials will certainly spoil the surface of the lacquer coating, leaving scratches on it. Do not clean patent leather with brushes or hard sponges, use powder or granular products;
  • aggressive chemicals such as acetone, gasoline, thinners will cause dull spots on the surface and ruin the appearance.

Factors that can worsen the condition of patent leather should also be considered while wearing shoes.

Video: what is patent leather shoes

Steps for caring for patent leather shoes

In order for patent leather shoes to retain their attractive appearance for a long time, it is necessary to follow the mandatory rules for cleaning, drying and storing products.


Dust and dirt should be removed from varnish products as they get dirty during operation, that is, every time after wearing. Postpone the cleaning procedure at a later time should not be. Dust that has settled on the surface of the shoe may contain aggressive components and is capable of chemically reacting with the varnish coating, as a result of which the latter will be damaged. This is especially true if you live in an ecologically unfavorable area. Therefore, it is better to clean your shoes as early as possible.

Basic rules for cleaning patent leather shoes:

  • just polish new shoes with a flannel napkin - this will be enough;
  • the same should be done with slight contamination of shoes after use: gently clean the surface of dust with a soft cloth, and then polish with polishing movements;
  • for severe contamination, you can use a soap solution: for 0.5 liters of water, about 1 tsp. shampoo or the same amount of shavings of laundry soap. Stir the composition well to form a foam (it is what is needed for cleaning). Then, with a foam sponge, grab the foam from the surface of the solution, being careful not to touch the water, and apply to the varnish. Remove dirt with gentle movements and wipe the shoes dry with a cloth;
  • if there is dried dirt on the varnish surface, do not try to tear it off - you can damage the surface. Apply a sponge or cloth soaked in foam to the problem area and leave for 5-10 minutes. The dirt will soften and be easily cleaned;
  • after cleansing procedures, do not immediately put the shoes in the closet, let them dry in natural conditions for 20-30 minutes.

Professional cleaning products

You can effectively clean stains on patent leather with the help of special products, which are presented in a large assortment in the departments of related products of shoe stores, trading enterprises and household sites. The following brands are recognized as the best of their kind:

  • Salamander Prof Lack Care,
  • Saphir Leather Rife,
  • silver,
  • Famaco Huile Vernis,
  • Collonil Classic Lack Mousse.

Salton professional product provides care and is suitable for patent leather shoes of all colors

Rules for the use of professional products for cleaning patent leather:

Video: Patent Skin Care Tricks

Folk ways

To care for patent leather shoes, you can use the tools at hand, which are in almost every kitchen. In terms of efficiency, they are not inferior to professional ones.

Preserving the appearance of patent leather with milk:

How to make shoes shine with onion and vinegar:

Softness and shine can be given to patent leather shoes with an egg and turpentine.

Features of caring for shoes of different colors

When choosing professional products for the care of patent leather shoes, you should pay attention to the recommended color of the product (usually this information is indicated on the product packaging). Popular brands are more likely to offer consumers universal color scheme funds, that is, suitable for patent leather shoes of any color. But among folk recipes there are those that make a difference.

dark shoes

To clean black or dark shoes, you can use tea or natural coffee.

In addition to cleansing and shine, this method will give the shoes a noble golden hue.

light shoes

For shoes of light colors, a solution with ammonia is suitable.

Cleaning of difficult pollution

Stains and stubborn dirt are a difficult task for any material. But in the case of patent leather, the problem is only exacerbated by the characteristics of the material and the requirements for gentle cleaning. Of particular difficulty are stains on light products. Unlike dark models, they are clearly visible, conspicuous and spoil the presentable look of shoes.
Dark spots are especially noticeable on white shoes.

For in-depth cleaning of light patent shoes, you can use a combination of ammonia with glycerin.

Sometimes you can eliminate pollution with salt:

Adhering dirt and inorganics (for example: glue, sealants and other building materials) can be removed in this way:

  1. Cut off the top of the frozen fragments very carefully with a sharp knife or blade. Try to draw the cut line as close to the surface as possible, but in no case touching it. The principle is this: the more you cut, the less you have to clean.
  2. Wipe off the remaining dirt with a soft eraser (sold in stationery stores). Do not overdo it, try to keep the movements light.

The problem with light-colored shoes that many face is dark stripes. The reasons for their appearance are very different: they struck one foot on the other or they hooked something. As a result, unsightly marks appear on the shoes, which greatly spoil the appearance and do not want to be washed at all. You can solve the problem with the help of nail polish remover (from a perfume store). But pay attention, the product should not contain acetone.
Use nail polish remover to get rid of ugly dark spots on light shoes

Be sure to test the product on a less visible area of ​​the lacquer surface before cleaning off dirt.

  • use to work cotton swabs, moistened with the agent;
  • try to apply liquid only on dark stripes, without touching clean areas of the shoe.

Video: how to remove dark stripes on patent leather shoes


Lacquer shoes should be dried at room temperature and, as noted above, away from heaters and sun rays. But natural drying is a slow process. If it gets very wet (for example, if you happen to get caught in the rain), excess moisture can adversely affect the varnish coating. Therefore, it is necessary to dry patent leather shoes as quickly as possible. And absorbent agents will help in this:

  • activated charcoal (available at pharmacies);
  • salt;
  • baking soda;
  • soft and clean paper.

Activated carbon perfectly absorbs moisture

How to speed up the drying process:

  1. If the insoles are loose in your shoes, take them out and dry them separately. This will reduce the amount of moisture inside the shoes and shorten the drying time.
  2. Put a napkin with several tablets on the bottom of each product activated carbon Or a bag of salt.

    The bag can be made independently by folding the napkin three times in length and width, and pouring 1 tbsp on the middle section. l. salt.

  3. Leave shoes to dry in a well-ventilated area. Periodically check the condition of the absorbent products placed inside the shoes. When they get wet, replace them with new ones.

You can fill the inside of the shoe with crumpled clean paper, which absorbs excess moisture just as well as coal and salt. But contrary to some recommendations on the Internet, you should not use newspapers. They do absorb moisture, but they can leave traces of printing ink on the inner surface, which will certainly ruin the look of the shoe.


  • glycerol;
  • petrolatum;
  • refined vegetable oils (castor, soy, olive, sunflower).

Vaseline can be used to protect and soften patent leather shoes.

How to use:

  1. Apply the product to the sponge and spread evenly over the varnished surface.
  2. Set your shoes aside for 20-30 minutes.
  3. Use a soft cloth to blot the surface to remove excess product.


Patent shoes are not intended for everyday wear. But during "rest periods" it is important to ensure proper storage. Otherwise, the next triumphal exit in mirror-glossy shoes may not take place.
Improper storage can damage patent leather shoes

Rules for storing patent leather shoes:

Video: how to properly store shoes


Being a fragile and vulnerable coating, the varnish film quite often undergoes various kinds of damage: scratches, chips, abrasions, and so on. Any of these changes significantly affects the appearance, depriving the shoes of a spectacular stylish status. Unfortunately, it will not be possible to turn back the clock and restore the integrity of the varnish coating. But in most cases, defects can be skillfully disguised, which will undoubtedly have a positive effect on the aesthetic characteristics and presentable appearance.

Use nail polish to cover up scratches and scuffs.

If the lacquer film is damaged and part of it has moved away from the leather base, nail polish will also help correct the situation. In this case, you can use both varnish that matches the tone of the shoe, and colorless.

  1. Gently push aside the damaged area of ​​the lacquer film.
  2. Apply nail polish to the damaged area of ​​the leather base and the back of the peeled film.
  3. Press the lacquer film to the product. Use a dry cloth to press down.
  4. Wait for the varnish to dry.

Small cracks can be hidden using a matching eyeliner, soft colored pencil or felt-tip pen. To fix the problem you need:

Video: how to restore the appearance of shoes for various damages

Now you know all the tricks proper care for patent leather. This means that your shoes will look great even after a considerable time after purchase and wear.

How to care for patent leather shoes? Lacquered shoes have always been considered exquisite, and also perfectly emphasized the taste of a person. Today, patent leather shoes or boots can be seen on avid dandies and fashionistas. But, like any other material, lacquer coating requires an attentive attitude. Therefore, it is important to know how home care for patent leather shoes is carried out, what rules must be followed to fully care for the material so that it does not lose its aesthetic appearance.

In order for shoes covered with a varnish layer to last for several years without spoiling their appearance, they need to be cleaned after each wear, even if they look clean. After all, fine dust and dirt particles worsen the quality and appearance of the lacquer layer, which means that in the absence of cleaning, the shoes will gradually age, and the appearance will deteriorate.

How to care for patent leather shoes:

When the shoes are completely cleaned, and there are no stains left on their surface, you can apply a special cream designed to care for them. seasonal shoes, which often has to "face" with dirt. Such compositions carefully polish the material, giving it a soft sheen and additional protective qualities.

If such a cream is not available, it is allowed to polish with folk remedies.

For example, the care of patent leather shoes is carried out with milk with a high percentage of fat content. We put milk on a napkin, wipe the varnish coating with it, and then polish the shoes soft cloth. The process can be completed when there are no traces of moisture on the surface.

You can also wipe the surface with a small piece of onion - the vegetable will add shine to the lacquer coating, and also protect it from external damage. negative impact.

If shoes got wet while walking on the street or inaccurate washing, it is important to remember that they should not be dried on a radiator or heater. In this case, you need to turn to the old method - stuff newspaper into shoes and put them in a warm place.

The dust that settles on the surface of the varnish worsens its appearance at times. Therefore, lovers of such shoes always need to wear a small piece of cloth or a dry napkin in order to immediately wipe it off as soon as the surface becomes dirty, refreshing the shoes. During the day in dry weather, it is recommended to wipe the varnish surface 3-4 times, and during rain, snow or slush - 4-6 times. This will avoid deformation of the shoes, as well as improve their appearance and protective properties.

At home, the lacquer surface must be wiped with a dry cloth to remove dirt and dust. If this is not done, small particles will gradually destroy the coating. It is especially important to clean your shoes before storing them, otherwise they will quickly become unkempt. If the shoes are too dirty, they are wiped with a piece of cotton wool or a sponge, because these materials retain dirt particles and also absorb moisture well.

When caring for patent leather, it is important to keep in mind that if the dirt on the boots has not yet become hard, it can be removed with a swab slightly moistened with water. The surface is wiped without any pressure, as sand and earth can leave behind stains and scratches.

  • thin paper;
  • newspaper;
  • soft fabric.

How do you properly dry lacquered shoes? Shoes should be dried at room temperature, not exceeding 22 degrees. At the same time, there should be no humidity in the room, which will not allow them to dry.

When answering the question of how to clean patent leather shoes, for starters, you should pay attention to some rules for wearing them, which will make cleaning easier.

Shoes coated with a layer of varnish should not be worn during snow or rain, that is, when it is wet outside. From an excessive amount of liquid, the varnish can crack, stretch, and the shoes are completely deformed. At the same time, moisture is dangerous both for the upper layer and for the sole, which quickly disappears when it gets very wet due to its characteristics.

Shoes should also be protected from sudden changes in temperature. You can not wear boots or boots if the temperature outside is more than -5 degrees. From severe frost, the upper layer is quickly covered with cracks, which greatly impair the appearance and quality of shoes. Also, you do not need to wear shoes at a high temperature of more than 35 degrees. In this case, the surface of the varnish may simply melt.

If you like to wear patent leather boots, it is recommended to put them on 10 minutes before leaving the apartment on the street. After warming in the warmth, the surface will take the form of a leg and “lie down” on it - after that you can safely leave the house without fear of stretching your shoes.

Unfortunately, the varnish layer cannot be restored, so it is recommended that you follow all the rules for wearing and caring for the surface so as not to spoil your favorite boots.

A few more rules for caring for patent leather:

If you follow all the rules for caring for a glossy surface, it will remain well-groomed and shiny for a long time. The main thing - do not forget to regularly clean, which will preserve the appearance of patent leather shoes.

To shoes for a long time pleased you with her appearance, and also looked great with any outfit, she needs to be properly looked after.

The most valuable tips are:

An important rule it is considered that you should not wear light patent leather shoes in the cold season, but warm ones - at positive temperatures outside. This will lead to serious damage that will be difficult to repair.

We use natural remedies

To keep the shoes attractive, shiny, protective and well-groomed, it is recommended to regularly polish their top layer. Especially often this is required to be done if the shoes are worn in adverse weather.

Polishing allows you to increase the resistance of the varnish to various destructive factors:

  1. As you know, polishing is carried out in several steps. First of all, the skin is thoroughly cleaned of dirt and dust, after which it is covered with a thin layer of olive oil. It is applied to the surface with a cotton pad or a piece of soft natural cloth.
  2. Then the film is left on the shoes for 15 minutes for absorption, after which the excess oil is removed with a highly absorbent napkin or woolen cloth.

Instead of oil, you can use:

  • fatty milk;
  • castor oil;
  • egg white (for processing light-colored shoes);
  • turpentine;
  • coffee or strong tea (when polishing a dark coating);
  • glycerol;
  • petrolatum.

Polishing the top layer is required without much effort, carefully treating places where there are scratches or cracks. Do not forget about hard-to-reach places that also need polishing.

How to clean patent leather shoes yourself? Indeed, caring for husky products is not an easy task. The varnish is quite susceptible to external influences and sudden changes in temperature, and in adverse weather the shoes are easily deformed. Both hot and cold weather are equally contraindicated for a lacquered product: at high temperatures, the lacquer film can soften and melt, and at low temperatures it can become brittle and brittle. However, patent leather shoes (unlike other types of shoes, for example) look as bright, spectacular and attractive as possible. Therefore, most girls, despite the high requirements for the care of delicate patent leather, still prefer this option.

Elementary rules for cleaning patent leather shoes

After a walk, husky shoes are cleaned of dust and dirt with a soft, slightly damp cloth, wiped dry and tamped with paper. To extend the life of husky products, while maintaining the elasticity of the skin, they are periodically treated with castor oil (vaseline, glycerin), and then brought to a shine with a rag. Whipped egg white can add a special shine to shoes.

It is useful to wipe such things (especially heavily tarnished areas) with a cut onions and then gently polish with a velvet cloth.
It is undesirable to store varnished products near heating devices, since the varnish may crack. This is especially true for those who failed from a real brand. It is better to put shoes in cardboard boxes, making holes in it. How to clean patent leather shoes when not wearing them? The product should be periodically wiped with a cotton swab dipped in milk.

If a small scratch (crack) appears on black patent leather shoes, then you can remove it with nail polish.

How can you not clean husky shoes?

Lacquer products are not recommended to be worn daily, especially in bad weather. From moisture and dirt, shiny patent leather can fade and become covered with small cracks.
It must also be remembered that the constant wearing of varnished products is harmful to the feet, since the surface of the varnish does not allow air to pass through, the feet sweat and even often swell.

It is also necessary to refuse universal means as they may contain ingredients that will attack the delicate film of the lacquer. In this case, the varnish surface may fade, crack and stains will appear. For cleaning and moisturizing lacquer products, special compositions made on a water basis are used.

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Greetings, dear guests on my blog! Lacquered shoes with heels visually make their mistress taller and slimmer, buttocks rise, legs lengthen and the image becomes complete.

Regardless of whether the coating is artificial or made of genuine leather, over time, such shoes lose their charm and begin to fade. To prevent this, it is necessary to provide careful care for patent leather shoes at home.

When is the best time to wear?

First of all, it is worth mentioning when it is advisable to wear such shoes or boots. You need to wear them only in cool weather, since the varnish does not tolerate heat, cracks and bubbles appear on it under the influence of the sun. Yes, and walking in such shoes, to put it mildly, is very expensive in the summer: feet sweat, blisters appear, etc. If you already have some kind of fungal diseases, you should abandon patent leather shoes and put them in the closet until you are completely cured.

The same can be said about sub-zero temperatures: under the influence of frost, the coating begins to crack. Moreover, lacquered shoes are considered formal and weekend and are not used for everyday wear. Wear your colorful shoes once a week so you don't ruin them.

Features of care

Do not dry such shoes with electrical appliances. It will be correct to stuff it with paper and leave it alone for five hours. At the end of the season of use, wash, dry and carefully fold in a special box until the next season.

If your shoes are metallic, they must be additionally sprayed with special sprays. These fluids are used for a water-repellent result. Use them from a distance and after drying, go over the shoes with flannel. If the weather is wet and rainy, castor oil will come to the rescue.

The quality of the varnish will depend, no matter how trite, on the price: the more expensive, the better. On the genuine leather the varnish is applied by means of a special spraying agent. It consists of polymeric materials and simply cannot cost a penny. To check the quality of your new pair, press on the nose of the shoes, if the coating has ugly shrunken, refuse this purchase.

It is strictly forbidden to use brushes and washcloths for shoes. Leave all this for your other copies on the shelf. Fatty creams are also better to put aside. These funds leave behind greasy spots and affect the product destructively.

The best cosmetics for the varnish coating will be silicone. This product does an excellent job of moisturizing.

Alternative nail care products

You can replace silicone products with plain olive oil. To do this, take a large spoonful of oil and apply evenly over the entire surface of the products, rubbing for five minutes. What is left, moisten with a napkin.

For wiping use material made of flannel or felt. Put a piece of this material in your purse, and your shoes will always look chic. If such material is not at hand, it can be replaced with a simple cotton pad.

When you get home, wash off the remaining dirt with cold water. Great alternative water will become milk. Get rid of excess milk with a tissue.

To make the varnish shine better, you can use simple vinegar. Soak the foam rubber in vinegar and wipe your shoes with it. The same can be done with onions by cutting the onion into two parts. Walk the bow on the shoes, polishing with foam rubber.

You can clean dark patent leather shoes with coffee grounds or used tea leaves. Excess should be disposed of with a large number warm water.

As you can see, your favorite patent leather shoes require special attention, but careful attention and a reasonable choice of products will ensure long-term and successful wear.

You can learn how to clean suede shoes.

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Patent shoes look stylish and fashionable. She attracts attention with her brilliance. To preserve the appearance of patent leather shoes, you need to know how to properly care for them and how to clean their glossy surface.

How to care for patent leather at home

Lacquered shoes need to be looked after from the first day, otherwise they will quickly lose their luster and be irreparably damaged. It is easier to prevent such a situation than to deal with its consequences. It must be remembered that patent leather shoes and boots are not intended for everyday use. The material from which they are made does not allow air to pass through, because of this, the legs sweat and swell. After wearing, it takes time for the pair of shoes to dry out and regain their shape.

Lacquer shoes require careful care, then they will serve you for many years.

In order for your favorite shoes to serve you for more than one season, you need to observe the temperature regime when using them. Air temperature below -10ºС contributes to a decrease in elasticity. Too hot weather with temperatures above +25°C, on the contrary, softens the varnish, which leads to tarnishing and the formation of microcracks.

Do not use a shoe brush and universal cream, otherwise the glossy surface will fade and scratches will appear on it.

How to prepare for wearing new patent leather shoes

A new couple does not need careful preparation. It is enough to wipe its surface with a soft flannel cloth. If dirt or stains are found, the shoes should be treated with a cotton pad moistened with milk. After complete drying, it is necessary to lubricate the product with an onion, and then polish it with a flannel. The brush cannot be used.

New shoes need to be properly prepared for wearing

Patent leather stretches worse, so a new pair of shoes often causes discomfort. There are several ways to soften or stretch it.

  1. You can save the situation at home with the help of a special spray or foam (sold in a shoe store), which are applied to the inner surface and help soften the material.
  2. A budget option is to treat the product from the inside with soap or a candle.
  3. Ask someone you know to break in a pair of shoes big size legs.
  4. Heat the inside of the shoes with a hair dryer, apply petroleum jelly or fat cream. Then put on thick socks, walk for 2 hours. Apply cream again and leave overnight.
  5. If these methods do not help, you need to contact a shoe specialist.

In order for patent leather shoes to please you for a long time, you must follow simple recommendations for caring for them.

  1. With a soft cloth, carefully clean the entire surface from dust and dirt.
  2. For heavy soiling, it is better to use soapy water. Strongly soak patent leather is prohibited.
  3. If the adhering dirt is not easily washed off, it cannot be torn off. In this case, you need to attach a damp cloth to the problem area. After a while, the dirt will get wet and can be easily removed.
  4. After such procedures, wipe the surface well and allow to dry.

How to clean patent leather shoes

Exists special means for the care of patent leather, which can be purchased at shoe stores. They are made on the basis of glycerin, lanolin or castor oil. If you have not found a suitable one, you can buy one of the above ingredients at the pharmacy. They will provide the product with a durable and bright shine.

It's important to know! Exposure to patent leather alcohol, gasoline, thinner, acetone leads to the appearance of dull spots.

Cleaning products that every home has

To bring the glossy surface of your shoes in order, improvised materials that are present in every home are suitable:

  • coffee;
  • milk;
  • egg;
  • vegetable or olive oil;
  • petrolatum;
  • ammonia;
  • vinegar;
  • sugar.

If the shoes have dark color, you can put them in order without fear with the help of tea or coffee.

  1. Prepare a hot drink;
  2. Cool to room temperature;
  3. Wipe shoes with a cotton swab. The varnish will acquire a beautiful golden hue.

For light shoes, you can use a mixture of soapy water and ammonia. Treatment of patent leather shoes with milk, vegetable oil or petroleum jelly will keep their appearance for a long time.

To restore the surface and make microcracks invisible, you need:

  • mix the protein of one egg with a teaspoon of sugar;
  • apply the resulting mixture evenly on the skin;
  • polish the surface with a woolen cloth.

Vinegar and onions can be used to add shine. Wipe the material with onion pieces, and then polish with a cloth soaked in 3% vinegar.

To make shoes soft and shiny, use an old recipe. Mix the following ingredients:

  • turpentine - 3 tbsp. l.;
  • sunflower oil - 1 tsp;
  • one egg white.

Apply the resulting mass to a soft cloth and wipe the shoes with it. Regular wetting of the skin with this composition increases its elasticity.

Home care products for patent leather shoes - gallery

Tea and coffee will give dark-colored patent leather shoes a beautiful golden hue. Milk will keep long time the appearance of patent leather shoes Vegetable oil will add shine to patent leather shoes Vinegar will “revive” the color of patent leather Vaseline will replace expensive care products for patent leather shoes Ammonia will easily clean light-colored shoes from dirt A mixture of egg white and sugar will restore the surface of patent leather shoes

We put shoes in order - professional care

Professional tools will help remove difficult stains. It is best to use them after returning home, and not before going out. First, wipe the shoes with a napkin, removing dust and dirt from them. Then apply the product according to the instructions and let it dry.

How to clean patent leather shoes - video

Proper care in autumn and winter

In wet weather, patent leather boots should be lubricated with petroleum jelly, glycerin or oil before going outside. This will protect the shoes from moisture and maintain the elasticity of the surface.

If, nevertheless, boots or shoes get wet, they should be wiped dry with a rag - stuffed with newspaper or paper, left to dry in a ventilated room with normal humidity and no temperature fluctuations.

Do not use electric dryers, heaters or batteries. Temperature can cause deformation and cracking of the skin.

How to put shoes in order - video

Caring for patent leather shoes

For the production of shoes, different leathers are used, including artificial.

Externally, it is very difficult to distinguish genuine leather from a substitute.

There are no external differences in such shoes. After all, the same technology is used in the production of synthetic patent leather. Therefore, the main feature is the flawless finish of its inner layer. Care for patent leather shoes is the same as for other patent leather shoes.

Effective problem solving

Patent leather shoes are a very specific material that requires careful care. Scratches, dark stripes, various household stains may appear on it.

How to remove black bars

Dashes on light-colored shoes can appear from their contact with each other when walking, or as a result of touching the sole or heel on the skin.

There are many ways to remove dark stripes from patent leather shoes.

There are several ways to remove stripes on white patent leather.

  1. Fresh marks can be easily removed with a cloth dipped in milk.
  2. It is allowed to use castor or any other oil.
  3. You can rub the stained area with the soft side of a school eraser, as the hard surface can scratch the glossy finish.

How to wipe off the lines on white varnish - video

How to remove scuffs

Specialized wax for shoes or bees will help to solve the problem. It must be heated and rubbed into the damaged surface. Top with a patent leather care product, which is sold in any shoe store.

You can remove small abrasions from patent leather with nail polish or a colored felt-tip pen.

We remove scratches - video

How to clean shoes from stains

When removing dirt from patent leather, be careful, otherwise you risk ruining the product. Most shoe cleaning operations can be done at home.

  1. ingrained traces from ballpoint pen easy to wash with a mixture of glycerin and ammonia, taken in equal proportions, applied to the soiled area for 5-10 minutes. This method is only suitable for light-colored shoes.
  2. For dark shoes: dissolve a teaspoon of salt in 0.5 cups of water, add 3-5 drops of detergent. Leave until completely dry. Apply oily cream or petroleum jelly for 3 minutes. Remove residues with dry cotton.
  3. To clean the lacquer surface from the glue, you need to carefully cut it off with a nail file, and wipe off the residue with the soft side of the eraser.
  4. Remove water-based paints and fresh stains with a damp cloth.
  5. For stains from oil paint, use sunflower oil. It needs to be moistened, then gently wipe off the paint layer in a circular motion.
  6. Cured paint can be removed with acetone-free nail polish remover, having previously assessed the safety in an inconspicuous area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe coating.

Shoes made of any material need regular care, including varnished ones. Wear it carefully and keep it clean. And then a pair of your favorite shoes will delight you for more than one season.

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