
Wrinkle coffee. Face mask made from coffee grounds. Coffee face mask with fruits, berries and nuts


Benefits and contraindications of coffee face masks. Recipes and tips for their home use.

Benefits of coffee face mask

Cosmetologists have long noticed the positive effect of natural coffee on the dermis and have included its extracts in many skin care products.

Here is how such masks are useful for the skin:

  • Rejuvenation. Regular cosmetic procedures with the use of coffee tone up the cells of the dermis, regulate lipid metabolism, support the immune system and contribute to its rapid recovery. It is characteristic that positive changes affect not only the surface layers. Regenerates the skin due to the appearance of new collagen and elastin fibers. This process is stimulated by the polyphenols contained in the product: they increase the number of fibroblasts that produce collagen in the cells.
  • Lifting. The coffee mask perfectly tightens the skin, restoring clarity to the contours of the face and removing puffiness.
  • Aging protection. Coffee contains many antioxidant substances that resist the effects of free radicals, which are a product of oxidation and lead to disruption of the functions of the epidermis and its aging.
  • UV Protection. The product contains chlorogenic acid, which is able to effectively combat photoaging of the skin.
  • Moisturizing. Due to the cosmetic effect of coffee on the cells of the dermis, tissue trophism improves in them and water-lipid metabolism is normalized.
  • cleansing. Any mask containing this product has a scrubbing effect as it contains small hard particles. It is they who delicately cleanse the upper layer of the epidermis from dead cells and any impurities.
  • Complexion improvement. Coffee can give the skin a bronze tint, similar to a light tan. This is because it contains carotenoids. The latter, penetrating into the upper layers of the epidermis, darken, oxidizing. This dark patina not only visually improves complexion, but also protects against ultraviolet radiation.
  • Normalization of blood circulation. Restoring the cell from the inside, active trace elements and enzymes contained in natural coffee replenish the supply of collagen and normalize blood circulation, give the skin elasticity.

By the way! Don't limit yourself to just the skin. Coffee treatments are also good for the body, for example, they can get rid of cellulite.

Contraindications for coffee face mask

There are practically no contraindications for face products using coffee.

You should be concerned if you have:

  1. Skin problems. The use of such a procedure is prohibited if there is an open wound on the dermis, severe inflammation, rosacea, any skin disease, herpetic eruptions. In this case, you need to heal first.
  2. Individual intolerance. Just because you're comfortable drinking coffee as a drink doesn't mean it's safe to use it externally. Before the first coffee facial, be sure to do a mini-test to make sure there is no negative reaction. Apply a little cosmetic mixture to the inside of the elbow or wrist. In these places, the skin is especially tender and, if something goes wrong, it will immediately react with redness, itching, and irritation.

Important! Use only natural coffee for the preparation of funds, instant coffee will not only not bring benefits, but also harm. Fresh coffee grounds are quite suitable for this.

How to make a coffee face mask

Any of the recipes below will give your skin freshness, improve its turgor and color, invigorate and rejuvenate.

Face mask made from ground coffee with dairy products

At cosmetics made on the basis of coffee, the range of effects on the epidermis is quite extensive. They are suitable for any type of dermis, it is important to choose the right additional ingredients.

Here are some recipes for different skin types:

  • With cottage cheese. Combine equal amounts of coffee with fatty homemade cottage cheese. This tool is recommended for combination or normal dermis.
  • With yogurt. Stir 1 tbsp. l. base product and 1 tbsp. l. yogurt. This recipe is for oily skin.
  • With kefir. Connect 0.5 tbsp. l. coffee and 2 tbsp. l. kefir. The latter can be replaced with curdled milk or whey. The recipe is for oily skin.
  • With sour cream. Mix sour cream and base product (0.5 tbsp each). This option is for normal epidermis.
  • With cream. Combine 1 tbsp. l. heavy cream and coffee, pour in 1 tsp. olive oils. This is a recipe for dry epidermis.
  • With milk. Dilute 1 tbsp. l. coffee with milk to achieve the consistency of sour cream. This mask is suitable for all skin types.

Remember! Suitable additional ingredients for a coffee mask: for oily skin- rice flour and sour milk, and yolk, oatmeal and wheat flour - for dry. Eggs and honey enhance its tightening effect.

Coffee honey face mask

Coffee and honey products make the skin smooth and fresh, perfectly remove age spots.

Here are some interesting recipes:

  1. Monocomponent. Mix equal amounts of coffee and honey. Since honey is a kind of preservative, you can make yourself such a coffee cosmetic product with a margin and store it in a closet, it will not deteriorate.
  2. With sour cream. Combine the thick from the drink and 1 egg, mix, add 1 tsp each. honey and sour cream. Apply to pre-steamed skin. This recipe will help tighten the contour of the face with a fading dermis. But after removing the mask, do not use any cream for at least two hours, otherwise the effectiveness will decrease.
  3. with egg. This tool also has a lifting effect, and it also rejuvenates and whitens the epidermis. Beat the egg and mix thoroughly with honey and coffee grounds (1 tbsp each).
  4. With aspirin. Finely grind 5 aspirin tablets in a mortar and mortar into powder. Mix with honey and coffee grounds (2 tablespoons each).
  5. With olive oil. Take 1 tbsp. l. coffee grounds and the same amount of honey, mix and add 0.5 tsp. olive oil (as an option - sea buckthorn, cocoa, wheat germ or apricot kernels).
  6. With flour. Make a strong drink without sugar and dilute the flour with it to the consistency of sour cream. You can take wheat flour, as well as rice or rye. Add 1 tsp. honey.

Know! For the preparation of such cosmetics, any liquid honey is suitable. If it is sugared, melt in a water bath, but do not heat the honey over 40 degrees.

Coffee mask with spices at home

Coffee and the simplest spices are in the kitchen of any housewife. Use them to create tools like:
  • Cinnamon. 1 st. l. combine coffee grounds with vegetable oil (1 tablespoon) and 1 tsp. sugar, add on the tip of a spoonful of cinnamon and salt. This mask will help cleanse the epidermis and remove peeling.
  • With salt. To create a cleansing mixture, salt (1 tsp, you can use sea salt) mixed with the base product (1 tbsp). If the skin is overdried, add olive oil (5 ml), sour cream and milk (10 ml each), if oily - yogurt (1 tablespoon).
  • With butter. 4 tsp combine coffee with 2 tsp. salt and olive oil (to the consistency of thick sour cream). To enhance the effect of the product, add 5 drops of rosemary and lavender essential oils.

Wow! Roasted coffee beans have a very complex flavor - they contain over 700 different aromatic compounds.

Coffee face mask with fruits, berries and nuts

The use of the pulp of various fruits in the composition of coffee cosmetics saturates the skin with vitamins, and thanks to the natural acids contained in them, enhances the exfoliating effect.

Here are some recipes for face masks at home from coffee with fruits and berries:

  1. with an apple. Combine the base product with fresh applesauce (1: 2). This is an option for oily skin.
  2. with grapes. Connect 1 tbsp. l. coffee and grape puree (2 tablespoons). Such a tool is suitable for owners of a combined epidermis.
  3. with orange. Make orange peel powder in a coffee grinder. 1 tsp mix this powder with coffee grounds (1 tsp) and cosmetic clay (1 tbsp, blue or white is suitable). Add a little water to form a consistency like thick sour cream. In the resulting mixture, extinguish a little baking soda (on the tip of a knife) with apple cider vinegar and mix. This mask perfectly cleanses the dermis.
  4. with banana. Combine the crushed pulp of a small banana with 2 tsp. coffee grounds and cream (to achieve a puree consistency). This mixture perfectly fights wrinkles arising from mimic movements.
  5. With lemon. This recipe will save you from acne: combine 3 tsp. coffee with 1 tbsp. l. lemon juice and 2 tsp. fresh applesauce.
  6. walnut. Such a mask will instantly give freshness to the skin of the face: 2 tsp. combine wet coffee grounds with walnut kernels ground in a coffee grinder (2 tsp).

Facial masks with coffee and flour

The following cosmetics will rejuvenate and nourish the skin with microelements. They also have a refreshing and exfoliating effect.

Mask recipes:

  • With oatmeal. Make flour from oatmeal in a coffee grinder. Combine 2 tsp. powder with 2 tsp. coffee grounds. Add sour cream (10 ml) if your dermis is dry, or the same amount of yogurt if oily.
  • With rye flour. This mixture perfectly fights wrinkles: mix 10 g of rye flour with cold strong coffee (until mashed). Add the yolk, then mix well.
  • With rice flour. The following mask will tighten and tone the skin: 2 tsp. combine rice flour with 2 tsp. coffee. Then dilute with sour milk or regular (to the consistency of sour cream) for oily and overdried skin, respectively.
  • With wheat flour. 3 tsp combine coffee grounds with 3 tsp. wheat flour and dilute with vegetable oil to a puree state.

Know! Flour is made from grain. And the grain is alive, it is at rest, but it constantly undergoes metabolism. All valuable trace elements needed for germination are contained here in maximum quantities. Great option for masks - make flour from grains in a coffee grinder just before composing a cosmetic product.

At home, you can successfully carry out such a cosmetic procedure using mixtures prepared by you personally. To make it work, keep the following in mind:
  1. Coffee selection. It should be exclusively natural and ground, the finer the grind, the better. Large particles can injure delicate skin faces. You can use both green beans and roasted beans and grind them yourself. Or buy a ready-made powder of a natural product. You can also take thick from the drink for the mask (note that it should not contain cream, sugar, salt or spices).
  2. Recipe. Coffee masks are suitable for any skin type, however, when choosing a recipe, keep in mind that for dry and normal dermis, coffee grounds should be used, it does not hurt to add a small amount of olive oil or sour cream (for overdried type) or fatty cottage cheese (for normal). To prepare a remedy for oily skin, take ground coffee and some quality yogurt.
  3. Preparing the mixture. All the ingredients necessary for any mask should be thoroughly mixed until a homogeneous mass is formed.
  4. Number of sessions. Twice a week is the optimal amount of coffee treatments for facial skin.
  5. Time for sessions. It is believed that the most useful mask is made before dinner or before bedtime. It is customary to keep it on her face for ten minutes, not exceeding this time.
  6. Preparation for the procedure. Cleanse the skin, warm it up with a light massage or apply a heated towel, so you will improve blood circulation and enhance the effect of the mask.
  7. Application of the mixture. Apply it on your face evenly, a minute after that, massage it for 2-3 minutes with slow circular movements - this way you use the scrubbing effect of the product for 100%.
  8. After the procedure. The mixture is washed off with water at room temperature.

Please note! To reduce wrinkles, you can prepare ice coffee cubes and wipe your face with them in the morning or evening after washing. Just make a strong drink without sugar and freeze into cubes using ice molds. To enhance the effect, you can add juice from zucchini.

How to make a coffee mask - look at the video:

The coffee mask is suitable for owners of the epidermis of all types, this inexpensive and pleasant remedy will invigorate and rejuvenate it in just one session. It is important to choose the right recipe and take into account the tips for use.

Scrub from coffee grounds at home will improve the condition of the skin of the face, tighten the body. After drinking a cup of coffee, the thick should not be thrown away, but used for cosmetic purposes. This affordable tool will transform the skin of the face, and the whole body, even get rid of cellulite. To achieve this effect, you need to know effective recipes and rules for using the product.

Coffee grounds are suitable for almost everyone.

It is not for nothing that it is widely used in cosmetology:

  • coffee refreshes, tones the skin of the face;
  • gently and gently cleanses pores;
  • deeply moisturizes;
  • protects the skin from the adverse effects of external irritants, including ultraviolet rays;
  • evens out the tone of the face, eliminates yellowness;
  • tightens the skin in problem areas, eliminates cellulite;
  • has anti-inflammatory properties.

How to choose the right coffee for making a scrub

Coffee grounds scrub does not need to be bought, it is easy to prepare at home. For maximum effectiveness, you should find out which coffee to use for cosmetic purposes.

Coffee is suitable only natural.

The degree of grinding is chosen depending on the type of skin and the method of use. For facial skin choose finely ground coffee, brew it in a Turk. Anti-cellulite effect has a scrub of coarse coffee beans. It is also used for places with rough skin: feet or chronic calluses.

Contraindications for use

Coffee is a potent agent - it penetrates into all layers of the skin.

Coffee grounds have at least a small, but a number of contraindications:

  • allergy to coffee;
  • very sensitive skin;
  • rosacea - vessels close to the surface of the epidermis;
  • serious skin diseases.

Rules for the use of thick at home

coffee grounds scrub recipes

Facial coffee peeling

Any skin type requires deep cleansing, so coffee peeling is suitable for everyone. This procedure is done to rejuvenate the skin, improve blood circulation, and even out the tone of the face. Peeling exfoliates dead skin cells without damaging it.

To make coffee peeling at home, you need to use spent coffee. It is important to choose the finest degree of grinding possible. A popular recipe for coffee scrub with apricots.

  1. The pulp of 3 fruits is crushed with a blender, 3 tsp are added. coffee mass and 10 ml of liquid cream.
  2. The resulting mixture is applied along the massage lines.
  3. When the peeling begins to dry out, it must be thoroughly washed off.

Apricots can be replaced with bananas, strawberries, raspberries. Peeling is done a maximum of once a week. For 12 hours after the procedure, you can not appear in the sun. Direct Sun rays may cause the appearance age spots.

Coffee and honey scrub recipe

A universal recipe for a coffee scrub with honey and blue clay is suitable for absolutely any skin type. After the procedure, the pores will be cleansed, blood circulation will improve, the skin will tighten.

Preparation and use:

  1. Asleep coffee mass (2 tablespoons) must be combined with blue clay (1 tablespoon), gradually adding hot water until a creamy consistency is obtained.
  2. Scrub components should be mixed with honey (1 tsp), massage the face, neck and décolleté.
  3. The scrub should be washed off at the first sign of drying on the skin with water at room temperature.

It is important to remember that honey is an allergen. It is also not recommended for use on the face with rosacea.

Coffee scrub with sour cream

This simple recipe deeply cleanses, nourishes and saturates the skin with vitamins. Sour cream is chosen depending on the type of skin: the drier it is, the more oily sour cream is needed.

Preparation and use:

  1. Thick, preferably homemade, sour cream (2 tablespoons) should be beaten with a blender, mixed with coffee mass (2 tablespoons).
  2. Massaging the skin, the mixture must be distributed over the face.
  3. After drying the scrub, you should wash your face.

After applying this scrub, the skin will shine, as coffee will exfoliate dead particles from its surface, and sour cream will moisturize and enrich with vitamins.


Scrub from coffee grounds at home actively fights black dots, improves blood circulation.

Preparation and use:

  1. Cinnamon (1 tsp) should be mixed with sleeping coffee grounds (1 tbsp).
  2. Melted honey (1 tsp) should be combined with sea ​​buckthorn oil(1 tsp).
  3. Thoroughly mixing the ingredients, you need to distribute the mixture on the face massage movements.
  4. After waiting for the scrub to dry on the face, you should wash yourself with not hot water.

Cinnamon can cause an allergic reaction. If itching or burning occurs after application, the scrub must be washed off immediately.

with gelatin

Gelatin contains collagen, so the scrub according to this recipe not only cleanses, but also rejuvenates the skin.

Preparation and use:

  1. Gelatin (1 tablespoon) should be poured with water (3 tablespoons) and left until it swells.
  2. The mixture must be heated until the gelatin grains are completely dissolved.
  3. The resulting mass should be combined with the thick of sleeping coffee (1 tbsp. L.).
  4. Massaging the face, the scrub should be distributed over the skin of the face, and then wash.

Warm the gelatin mixture carefully: if the gelatin boils, it will lose its useful qualities.

with egg

A coffee grounds scrub at home will get rid of fine wrinkles and smooth out deep creases. To achieve the best effect, you need to try the recipe from coffee, rye flour and egg yolk.

Preparation and use:

  1. Rye flour (1 tablespoon) must be mixed with coffee mass (1 tablespoon), pour in the yolk, stir.
  2. Gently massaging the face, you need to distribute the scrub over the skin.
  3. As soon as the mixture dries, you need to wash and apply a nourishing cream.

With overdried skin, the scrub should be diluted with nourishing oil - jojoba, argan, peach or apricot kernels (1 tsp).

Oil slimming recipe

A coffee grounds scrub will help burn fat. Using the tool at home, you can lose 2-3 kg.

Preparation and use:

  1. Sleepy coffee mass (5 tablespoons) should be mixed with peach seed oil (3 tablespoons).
  2. Thick solid honey (1 tablespoon) must be put in a water bath so that it becomes liquid.
  3. After you need to connect all the components of the scrub.
  4. Massaging the skin, it is necessary to distribute the mixture throughout the body, carefully rub the buttocks, thighs, stomach.
  5. After the massage, you need to take a shower and apply a nourishing cream to the steamed skin.

To achieve maximum results, the scrub must be applied in a course of 10 procedures.

Cellulite Salt and Coffee Mask

This simple scrub improves blood circulation in the tissues. For cooking, it is recommended to take coarse salt from the Dead Sea.

Coffee grounds scrub with salt is one of the effective remedies for cellulite

Preparation and use:

  1. Salt should be mixed with sleeping coffee (1: 1).
  2. Then you should add shower gel (1 tsp) for ease of application.
  3. In the absence of allergies, orange essential oil (5 drops) should be added.
  4. You need to steam the body, carefully massage it with the resulting scrub, take a shower.

To get rid of cellulite, you need to make a salt scrub with coffee, exercise regularly and eat right.

Recipes for aging skin

A homemade coffee grounds scrub is most beneficial for aging skin. Natural antioxidants in the product rejuvenate the skin.

With cottage cheese

Preparation and use:

Cottage cheese and coffee scrub will make the skin radiant and toned.

With rice flour

Preparation and use:

  1. Rice flour should be mixed with thick after drinking a cup of coffee (1 tbsp each).
  2. Hot milk should be added to the coffee-rice mixture until the consistency of sour cream is obtained.
  3. The resulting scrub should be carefully distributed over the face.
  4. After keeping the product for a few minutes, you need to wash.

Rice flour has a strong rejuvenating effect and is widely used in Japan.

Nutrients for dry skin

Overdried facial skin needs nutritional components that must be added to the recipe of your choice (yolk, butter or sour cream). It is a mistake to think that deep cleansing is required only for oily or combination skin.

With oatmeal


Oatmeal not only nourishes the skin, but also enhances the cleansing effect of coffee.

With nuts and sour cream


This scrub deeply but gently cleanses the skin and nourishes it.

Scrub for oily skin type

Egg white is responsible for the fat balance of the skin in this scrub. Applying a scrub weekly can make the skin more matte.

Preparation and use:

If the skin is inflamed, there are wounds on it, salt should not be added.

Coffee scalp scrub

A homemade coffee grounds scrub will deeply cleanse your scalp. This procedure should be performed weekly. With the help of coffee grounds, the hair will become more slowly polluted, it will begin to grow faster, and basal volume will appear.

Preparation and use:

  1. Sleepy coffee mass (3 tbsp) must be combined with almond oil (1 tbsp).
  2. In the resulting mass, add cinnamon essential oil (2-3 drops).
  3. Unwashed hair should be wetted, blotted with a towel from excess moisture, and the scrub should be distributed along the partings.
  4. The scalp must be massaged for 5 minutes.
  5. The product must be kept on the hair for 10 minutes, then wash your hair as usual.

If the hair is too oily, add 1 tbsp to the recipe. l. blue clay diluted with hot water. It should be remembered that if there are wounds or other damage on the scalp, the scrub cannot be done.

Millions of people around the world drink coffee in the morning, but many of them do not even realize that such an invigorating drink is an excellent cosmetic product for the body. Coffee scrub is able to give the skin smoothness, tenderness and velvety. And among other things, a good coffee scrub is an excellent remedy for cellulite, stretch marks and unwanted hair growth.

Coffee is often used to make skin-healing and rejuvenating products.

Coffee is not just a fragrant drink, but also a natural cosmetic product that can help prevent skin aging.

The composition of small coffee beans includes a mass useful substances, vitamins and several types of organic acids.

On the basis of coffee, you can prepare an effective anti-cellulite scrub, the use of which will improve blood circulation, restore metabolism, remove toxins and increase the tone of the dermis.

There are many recipes for natural home cosmetics, and we offer the simplest, but effective ones.

  1. Add a spoonful of ground coffee beans and a little water to the shower gel. Before exfoliating, take a hot shower or even a bath to open up your pores. Spread the scrub with smooth movements over the entire body, hold it on the skin for a while, and then simply rinse with water.
  2. An expensive spa treatment can be replaced by using coffee with the same amount of sea salt. For a scrub, take the indicated ingredients, pour in any available vegetable oil and combine the resulting composition with your shower product. Treat warmed skin with a scrub and ten minutes later take a cool shower, which will not only remove the used product from the body, but also “close” the pores.
  3. Oats and coffee powder are an excellent duo, effective in combating the appearance of cellulite. Thanks to the influence of these components, the reliefs of the skin are leveled, toxins are removed, and the skin itself is nourished with oxygen and vitamins. To prepare a scrub, combine a spoonful of coffee crumbs with twice as much oatmeal. As a basis for such a remedy, take a good market sour cream. Apply the finished composition to vulnerable areas of the skin and rinse it off after ten minutes under a contrast shower.
  4. From a mixture of crushed coffee tree beans with honey, you can also make effective remedy for skin health. It will help eliminate not only skin defects, but also old stretch marks. To do this, mix these ingredients in equal proportions, dilute the resulting composition liquid soap and gently rub it into skin body.

It is important to remember that only natural, not expired coffee of medium grinding should be used to make a scrub.

Recipe for stretch marks

Stretch marks on the body do not harm the human body, but many women want to get rid of such a defect. In this case, microsurgery or homemade coffee-based scrubs can help. It is permissible to use coffee scrub even during the period of bearing a child, since it does not affect the health of the baby in any way.

When using a scrub, the skin becomes smooth, stretch marks disappear.
  1. The simplest recipe involves the use of ground grains, which you just need to pour boiling water to the consistency of thick sour cream and leave for 15 minutes. For best results, it is best to apply the product on dry skin, and then simply rinse with warm water.
  2. A coffee scrub with mummy has a good effect, which removes toxins from the skin and promotes the production of collagen. To do this, mix 1 tsp. ground coffee and mummy, pour in a little of any essential oil and a little water. We rub the product for five minutes, wait another ten, after which we wash ourselves with cool water.
  3. White clay also improves skin elasticity. For a scrub, you need to take two tablespoons of white clay and the same amount of coffee. Mix the ingredients with water, apply to problem areas and rinse off after a while.

Very valuable antioxidants predominate in coffee, which cleanse cells from free radicals and accelerate cellular metabolism.

Coffee scrub against hair growth

Modern cosmetology offers women different methods of combating unwanted hair growth. But not everyone can afford such funds, and some procedures turn out to be very painful. Therefore, many women prefer to carry out hair removal at home using scrubs prepared on the basis of coffee and soda. The essence of the work of such a tool is not just to remove hair from the surface of the skin, but to act on the bulbs themselves.

The scrub acts on the bulbs, slowing down hair growth.

For a scrub, take two tablespoons of coffee, 1 tsp. soda and mix the ingredients with water. Apply the mixture to the steamed areas of the skin and wait five minutes. If you want to speed up the process, then apply the product in the same way, wrap the treated area with cling film and wait half an hour. Repeat the procedure until the complete disappearance of the hairline. As a rule, it takes from 5 to 10 days.

For the face of coffee and honey

Natural scrubs based on coffee and honey have a cleansing, refreshing and rejuvenating effect on the skin.

Rich in antioxidants, honey is an excellent skin cleanser, while coffee refreshes and protects pores from pollution.
  1. A simple yet effective scrub can be made with a spoonful of warm honey and ground coffee beans. If the product turns out to be too thick, then it can be diluted with milk.
  2. An acne scrub can be prepared with aspirin tablets. To do this, crush four tablets of medicine into small crumbs, mix the resulting powder with a spoonful of coffee and add a little honey.
  3. From liquid honey and coffee, you can make a face scrub with a tightening effect. To do this, add a spoonful of fat sour cream and a raw egg to a spoonful of honey and coffee.
  4. With the addition of olive oil, you can make a nourishing scrub, which is recommended to be used at least twice a week.

Scrub with coffee and cinnamon

Natural cosmetics prepared at home have many advantages over those bought in the store. Firstly, the cost of the ingredients used is significantly lower than the price of the finished product. But the main thing is that you always know the composition of the home remedy and the proportions of its components. Sometimes we do not even assume that effective cosmetics can be made from the products that are present in our daily diet.

A coffee and cinnamon scrub will help clear your skin.

So, with the help of coffee and cinnamon, you can cleanse the skin, make it taut, give a well-groomed and blooming look. To prepare a scrub, you need to mix two tablespoons of a natural drink with a spoonful of cinnamon and two tablespoons of fine sugar, then pour in a little almond oil and shake the resulting composition well.

Recipe for face skin with sour cream

Dairy products have long been used in cosmetology. Based on them, moisturizing and nourishing masks, face creams and tonics. At home, you can make a scrub with coffee and sour cream, which will cleanse and moisturize tired facial skin well.

Scrub with coffee and sour cream will perfectly cleanse the skin, as well as give it a blooming look.
  1. For deep cleansing, combine ground coffee with sour cream in a 1:2 ratio. You can also add a spoonful of almond oil to nourish the epithelium.
  2. For any skin type, a nourishing scrub is suitable from two tablespoons of ground coffee, a spoonful of fatty sour cream and peach oil.

Cooking with coffee grounds

At all times, women strive to preserve their youth and beauty. Today, they are presented with many recipes for the preparation of natural cosmetics, one of the effective ingredients of which is coffee grounds.

In order for the product to show a good result, it is important to use only natural coffee cake.

Coffee needs to be brewed, and not just pour boiling water over the ground beans. You can store the thick for five days in a cool place and a closed container. Before using the scrub, the body must be well steamed so that the pores can absorb as many nutrients as possible. The skin begins to breathe especially well in the bath.

  1. To obtain an anti-cellulite result, the thick is simply rubbed into the body. For the best effect after scrubbing, you can take a bath by adding essential oils juniper or orange.
  2. If you want to rid your body of stretch marks, then make a scrub with two tablespoons of coffee pomace and a spoonful of sea salt. Apply the product to vulnerable areas and take a shower after ten minutes.
  3. For gentle cleansing of oily facial skin, you can make a scrub from honey, coffee pomace, yogurt (natural) and olive oil. Take all the ingredients in equal proportions and mix.
  4. A coffee grounds scrub with the addition of coconut oil will give the skin silkiness and tenderness. Stir 1 tsp. coffee cake, 2 tsp. oils and 3 tsp. yogurt. Apply the mixture on the skin of the face and rinse it with water after 15 minutes.

To achieve the maximum effect, it is important to regularly carry out cosmetic procedures and do not forget about proper nutrition and an active lifestyle.

One of the most popular products in home cosmetology is coffee. The coffee face mask has a complex effect on the skin due to the unique composition of this product. Most often it is used as a scrub, but at the same time it allows you to achieve other goals: increase skin turgor, improve complexion tone, giving it a light shade of tan, and prevent aging.

Benefits of coffee for skin

The effect that a coffee face mask can have on the skin is due to the composition of the main component. It contains:

  • antioxidants that protect epithelial cells from free radicals, prevent aging;
  • caffeine, which activates blood circulation and metabolic processes, ensures the saturation of cells with oxygen, nutrients, and increases its tone;
  • polyphenols involved in the synthesis of collagen, elastin, on which the elasticity and elasticity of the epithelium depends;
  • chlorogenic acid, which protects against ultraviolet radiation.

As a result, a coffee face mask at home helps to tighten the skin, smooth out wrinkles, activate metabolism and regeneration, that is, rejuvenate the skin and at the same time cleanse it of dead skin particles, get rid of blackheads, improve lipid balance, give the skin a pleasant shade.

Indications and contraindications

If you notice that the skin on your face has become dull, has lost its elasticity, wrinkles have begun to form intensively on it, then it's time to experience for yourself what effect such a mask can have. Excessively active work of the sebaceous glands, an abundance of black dots on the nose and chin are also indications for the use of this home remedy.

However, there are times when a face mask made from coffee grounds, and even more so with ground coffee, can do harm. It is contraindicated:

  • with herpes in the acute stage;
  • with rosacea;
  • in the presence of open wounds on the face;
  • with any infectious dermatological diseases;
  • with increased skin sensitivity;
  • in the presence of allergic reactions to any component of the mask, including coffee itself.

In order to completely eliminate the possibility of negative consequences as a result of using a coffee mask, it must be tested on the wrist before applying to the face.

For more effective use of the mask, you should use the following tips:

  1. To prepare a homemade mask, use only natural ground coffee (you can grind it with a coffee grinder). If the recipe requires the use of coffee grounds, then coffee should be brewed without cream and sugar.
  2. Choose the recipe that suits your skin type.
  3. A couple of minutes after applying the coffee scrub, massage your face with light circular motions with your fingertips.
  4. During the procedure, refrain from reacting with facial expressions to ongoing events.
  5. Do not overexpose the mask on your face. After the time specified in the recipe, shake off the coffee from your face with a napkin and only then wash your face with warm water.
  6. It is best to make a mask with coffee in the evening hours. With a fatty type of dermis, the recommended regularity of procedures is 2 times a week, with other types - once a week.

Coffee face mask recipes

Do not apply coffee directly to your face. Any mask at home should be made according to a special recipe. There are many recipes for coffee scrub masks, they include affordable products, so finding the right one is not difficult.

    Simple mask. In equal proportions, mix coffee grounds and sour cream (for oily skin, it is better to take low-fat yogurt).

    The mask is applied for 20 minutes.

    from black dots. cook simple mask according to the previous recipe, mix with beaten egg white.

    Remove the mask only after it is completely dry.

    For problematic skin. Take the same amount of milk powder and coffee grounds and mix. If necessary, add a little black coffee to thin the mixture to the desired consistency. Apply for 20 minutes.

    Such a coffee face mask will relieve inflammation, prevent the appearance of pimples, and improve the tone of the face. Effective also against blackheads.

    Cottage cheese and coffee scrub for normal skin. Mix coffee grounds with an equal amount of cottage cheese. Apply the mixture on your face, massaging. Leave for 10 minutes. Remove with a napkin.

    Toning scrub mask. Mix a coffee spoon of cinnamon and sea salt, two coffee spoons of sugar. Combine this mixture with coffee grounds and olive oil, which you want to take in a tablespoon. Mix well.

    A 15-minute exposure to this mask on the face will be enough to freshen up the skin, cleanse it. In addition, it will “spur” regeneration, although this effect, unlike the previous ones, will not be immediately noticeable.

    With grape seed oil. If you mix sour cream, grape seed oil and coffee grounds in the same amount, you get a rejuvenating coffee scrub for any type of dermis.

    Keep the mask prepared according to this recipe on your face for 15 minutes.

    With walnuts. Grind walnut kernels, mix with coffee grounds, dilute with kefir. All components are taken in the same volume. Apply to face, wait 20 minutes, rinse.

    The mask improves skin turgor, intensifies regeneration.

    From oatmeal. Grind the Hercules flakes in a coffee grinder, measure out a couple of teaspoons. Mix oatmeal with the same amount of coffee grounds. Add a large spoonful of sour cream or yogurt, mix. Spread the mass over the face, let it absorb. Wash off this mask after 25 minutes.

    From wrinkles. This mask requires natural ground coffee (15 g). It should be mixed with mashed banana pulp in the amount of 20 g. Gradually pour the cream into the mixture, stirring until the mass resembles a thick cream in consistency. Apply for 15 minutes, moisten with a spray bottle and remove with a tissue.

    The mask cleanses the skin and smoothes it.

    From acne. This coffee face mask is also made with natural ground coffee. You will also need orange peel and cosmetic clay, blue is best. These three main components are taken in equal amounts, mixed, diluted with mineral water to the consistency of very thick sour cream. On a tablespoon of the resulting mass, you need to take a pinch of soda and extinguish it with half a teaspoon of apple cider vinegar, add to the mixture and stir.

    When applying this mask, you need to make sure that it does not fall on the thin skin near the eyes. It is not worth keeping it on the face for more than 20 minutes with a fatty type of dermis, 10 minutes with other types of it.

    For serious acne problems, try these mask recipes.

Facial scrub masks based on natural ground coffee or coffee grounds remove dead skin cells well and help maintain youthful skin. Can be used for age care.

Official cosmetology includes coffee in the composition of many care products. Programs have been developed to combat cellulite, the main active ingredient of which is coffee beans. Extracts from them are present in cleansing series for problematic and oily epidermis. V last years on the market appeared cosmetic compositions for age-related care based on extracts from coffee, intended for women after forty years. High attention to cosmetology and to this natural remedy due to its properties and active effects on the human body.

Composition and features of coffee

The composition of the grains is well studied. Scientists have identified more than a thousand two hundred components that form their structure, taste and aromatic properties. Moreover, the lion's share of these elements are essential oils, there are more than eight hundred of them. They are not used for cosmetic purposes. Other elements are of interest.

The product also contains vitamins, macronutrients. A face mask with coffee grounds enriches the skin with sodium, potassium, maintains their tone, stabilizes lipid metabolism due to the content of thiamine and riboflavin.

Subtleties of use. Benefit or harm

As part of pharmacological cosmetic preparations, extracts and coffee oils, finely crushed grains are used as a scrubbing agent. In home formulations, ground coffee is used, brewed according to the classical technology, without added sugar.

On the basis of coffee grounds or cake, active masks are created that work in several directions.

The properties of coffee are used in programs to restore the skin, normalize its lipid layer, and protect against dryness. When applied topically, the agent improves microcirculation in tissues, the movement of blood and lymph, drains, reduces swelling of the skin of the face and eyelids.

Recipes for coffee face masks

Due to the wide range of effects, coffee-based formulations can be recommended for oily and dry skin types. In each case, appropriate additional ingredients are selected. To cleanse oily skin, the thick is mixed with rice flour or sour milk. Sour cream, heavy cream are used as a moisturizing component for dry epidermis.

For fading epidermis, which has lost its tone as a result of stress, lack of proper care, combined formulations with yolk, oatmeal or flour are used. A mixture of coffee grounds with honey, sour cream, and a raw egg has a tightening and corrective effect.

Cleansing with cottage cheese

According to reviews, a coffee mask with cottage cheese, which has a scrub effect, helps well from black dots. It gently cleanses, has a light whitening effect. It can be used on all skin types except dry. Thanks to cottage cheese, it shows a pronounced softening effect.


  1. Use coffee grounds. You will need two tablespoons.
  2. Mix the main ingredient with cottage cheese. The optimal ratio is 1:1.
  3. Steam the skin, apply the composition on it.
  4. Massage with your fingertips for two minutes.
  5. Leave the product on the skin for ten minutes.

Use warm water to remove. After use, you will notice the smoothness of the surface of the epidermis. The face looks clean and fresh.

Nourishing with olive oil

This product combines deeply nourishing ingredients: olive oil, sour cream. It is recommended to use it for dry skin types in autumn and winter. The tool reduces the aggressiveness of external factors, qualitatively nourishes and moisturizes the skin, thanks to coffee tones them. After use, it can create a bronzing effect.


  1. Use coffee grounds in the amount of a teaspoon.
  2. Mix it with olive oil. You need a teaspoon.
  3. Add sour cream - no more than half a teaspoon.

Apply to cleansed skin. The consistency of the product is liquid, so it can flow. Use napkins or a towel to prevent spreading from your face.

The composition can also be adapted to the needs of oily skin, using kefir instead of sour cream. The mask will tone and improve appearance even depleted epidermis.

Vitamin with fruit

The use of fruit pulp as part of home care products allows you to saturate tired skin with vitamins. Also, the pulp of the fruit contains natural acids that gently exfoliate dead cells from the surface of the skin, which improves cellular respiration and allows the active components of other care products to penetrate deeper into the surface of the epidermis.


  1. Pour ground coffee into the container. You will need one tablespoon.
  2. Peel the green apple, chop the pulp. Use a tablespoon of the ingredient.
  3. Peel and seeds ten large grapes, mash the pulp, mix with other ingredients.
  4. Apply to the skin, leave for fifteen minutes.

After removing the product, you will notice that the skin has become noticeably whiter, brighter. This is how fruit acids work, supported by the active components of coffee. The healing effect can be traced after several applications twice a week. The composition is preferred for normal and oily skin.

Rejuvenating with honey

The rejuvenating effect of the main ingredient is enhanced by other nutritional components. Using honey and an egg, you can achieve a pronounced lifting effect: tighten the skin, make the face oval clearer and more pronounced. The coffee and honey face mask refreshes and whitens the skin, relieves inflammation, therefore it is especially recommended for oily, combination epidermis.


  1. Set aside the coffee grounds in a bowl. Use a tablespoon.
  2. Add honey in a similar volume, mix the ingredients.
  3. Whisk the egg into foam. Add to coffee mass.
  4. Do a light facial massage to improve blood circulation. Or warm it up with a hot towel.
  5. Apply composition.

When used twice a week, you will achieve noticeable results. The composition nourishes and refreshes the skin, effectively fights signs of age-related changes. Improving blood microcirculation, productive drainage normalize water-lipid metabolism and tissue nutrition. The mask smoothes wrinkles, rejuvenates the skin.

Anti-acne with clay

The cleansing effect is shown by the composition based on coffee and clay. The composition is recommended for problem skin, with defects in the form of clogged pores, sebaceous plugs, black dots. The product qualitatively removes impurities and narrows pores, while normalizing the work of the sebaceous glands. With regular use, it reduces the severity of seborrhea, makes the epidermis matte, and the face fresh and attractive.


  1. Pour ground coffee into the container. One teaspoon is enough.
  2. Grind dry orange zest into flour. Mix with coffee.
  3. Add clay to the composition. Choose blue, black, green in the amount of one teaspoon.
  4. Mix the ingredients, gradually pour in water until a thick slurry is obtained.
  5. Add to mass Apple vinegar- five drops.

The duration of exposure to the composition on the face is fifteen minutes. It is convenient to remove it with a cotton pad dipped in warm water. When applied to steamed skin, the cleansing effect increases. After use, moisturize the skin with a daily cream.

A face mask with coffee will help in solving many problems. The main ingredient, rich in organic and fatty acids, improves lipid metabolism, normalizes microcirculation in tissues and effectively rejuvenates the skin. To combat the defects of the problematic epidermis, use clay, citrus fruits as additional components. softening action natural oils will support dry skin, and a fruit “cocktail” will saturate even tired, depleted skin with vitamins.

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