
Mayonnaise mask. Hair strengthening mask. Mayonnaise, essential oils


In the constant race for the health and beauty of hair, women are ready for anything. They spend a lot of money to buy expensive cosmetics or visit a newfangled beauty salon, where they promise to create an incredibly voluminous hairstyle or give a shine to curls. However, do not forget the fact that often you have to pay only for image or prestige, and getting really high-quality products can be much easier. Good old proven hair mask recipes will come to the rescue.

What you just do not meet now in cosmetic recipes: exotic fruits, rare oils - mostly expensive ingredients. But why "reinvent the wheel" when we have familiar products at hand, the benefits of which far exceed the most anticipated forecasts. One of these simplest and most affordable recipes is a mayonnaise hair mask.

Why mayonnaise is good for hair

Yes, exactly mayonnaise! It turns out that it is good not only as a tasty product, but also found its place in cosmetology. Why not? After all, if you remember the composition of the ingredients of mayonnaise, it becomes clear that all the products that make up this wonderful French sauce are just a storehouse of super-useful substances and vitamins:

the yolk of the egg is not only the nourishment of the hair from the base to the ends, but also the natural, natural shine of the curls;

oil (sunflower or olive) - a source of vitamin E - nourishing and moisturizing the scalp, preventing hair loss, additional volume and accelerating hair growth, and as a result - chic and thick curls;

mustard is an excellent remedy for dandruff, stimulates hair follicles and, in addition, awakens dormant hair follicles;

Vinegar is an essential element of masks to give shine, as well as tenderness and softness to hair.

What hair is mayonnaise suitable for

A mayonnaise mask is suitable for almost all hair types, but it is especially effective for hair:

damaged (from perm or permanent staining);

weakened (from nervous stress and anxiety or bad ecology);

overdried (from frequent use of hair dryers or irons);

fragile (due to frequent styling or poor-quality cosmetics).

Since mayonnaise is a very high-calorie, more precisely fatty product, a mask based on it is just ideal for dry hair. Although mayonnaise as part of masks for oily hair also found its weighty place.

The effect of the mayonnaise mask

This mask is so versatile that the benefits of its use are evident after two or three procedures. In addition to the strengthening and healing properties, other benefits become noticeable. For example, the hair will not only perfectly obey and easily lay down for styling in the most complex hairstyles, but it will also be very pleasant to comb them, they will be much less tangled. By the way, a mayonnaise mask is also a universal conditioner.

The mayonnaise mask just works wonders, it:

  • strengthens hair;
  • moisturizes the scalp;
  • nourishes hair follicles;
  • stimulates the growth of new hair;
  • restores the natural shine of curls;
  • gives silkiness and softness.

Contraindications to mayonnaise mask

As mentioned earlier, mayonnaise is suitable for any hair, and, as practice shows, it helps everyone. Therefore, you can safely assure that such a mask has no contraindications, except for one ... Chemistry.

It is very important to use a high quality product. This also applies to hair care and nutrition. Choosing a product in a store, you should carefully study the composition of mayonnaise: the less "chemistry" there is, the better. The scale should lean towards a mayonnaise where:

  • more vegetable oil(especially olive);
  • Less vinegar
  • eggs were used (and by no means egg powder);
  • there are no unfamiliar or incomprehensible additives.

Such mayonnaise will be useful, safe and will not cause allergic reactions. Of course, the ideal option is to cook it yourself, only then you can be sure that all the ingredients are natural and high-quality products.

Pure mayonnaise mask

The good thing about mayonnaise is that it is already a full-fledged ready-made mask: you just need to get the mayonnaise out of the refrigerator, bring it to room temperature (the effect will be much weaker from using a cold product!) And apply an even layer all over the hair. By the way, it is advisable to slightly moisturize the hair first. Then use a bone comb to comb your hair, put on a hat or plastic bag and insulate your head (scarf or towel).

If the hair is oily, then it is better to apply the mask only to the hair, trying not to touch the scalp and stepping back from the roots by a few centimeters.

Mayonnaise mask should be kept for 20-60 minutes, and then washed off with plenty of water. You may need to reapply shampoo more than once, but there is no need for conditioner or balm!

Mayonnaise as part of various masks

Mayonnaise can also be used as one of the components of hair masks, combining it, at your discretion, with other beneficial ingredients. For example, the following masks are very effective:

  • With avocado for extra nutrition.
  • With oils - coconut, olive, peach, tangerine, burdock, etc. - for a chic shine.
  • With banana - to enhance hair growth.
  • With honey - to restore and improve damaged hair.
  • With egg yolks (and proteins can be used as a tightening mask for the skin) - for hair growth.
  • With aloe juice - for additional hydration.

There is a wide scope for imagination, you can safely experiment and select the most optimal components (fruits, vegetables, cereals, bran, lactic acid products, yeast, etc.), and focus on the results obtained. If you make masks systematically, the result will exceed your wildest expectations!

Mayonnaise is considered not only a delicious addition to sauces and salads, but also a wonderful hair care product. Mayonnaise hair masks are able to quickly restore the structure of curls, carefully care for them from the very roots to the ends. This food product is also useful in the presence of brittle, dry and damaged hair. Constant and competent home hair care when using mayonnaise will keep it healthy for a long time.

  1. The oil contained in mayonnaise moisturizes, nourishes and repairs damaged hair.
  2. Mayonnaise is also used to stimulate hair growth.
  3. The egg, which is part of the mayonnaise, will create a barrier on each hair, and this, in turn, will reduce the harmful effects of environmental factors.
  4. This product is considered useful for dry hair, because mayonnaise is an obstacle to cutting the ends.
  5. The yolk in mayonnaise provides the curls with nutrition with all the necessary minerals and vitamins.
  6. Mayonnaise will make your hair softer, more voluminous and shiny.
  7. This product also smoothes and prevents tangles.

What is the use of mayonnaise masks for hair?

Hair will be silky, because mayonnaise contains vegetable oil, and curls receive the maximum amount of nutrients through this component. A hair mask with mayonnaise will be more beneficial if used on damaged hair.

Also, mayonnaise will protect hair from straight sun rays and products for everyday styling. This food product contains egg white and vegetable oil, which together envelop each hair, thus creating a thin invisible film.

The acid-base balance of the curls can be restored when using a mayonnaise mask. Due to the fact that the hair has an acidic environment, during washing with ordinary shampoo, as well as when using styling products, the balance is disturbed. As a result: hair becomes brittle and unruly. Vinegar, which is in the composition of mayonnaise, will help restore the correct acid-base balance of the hair, thereby improving their condition.

A hair mask with mayonnaise will help restore damaged strands. When exposed to egg whites, dry and brittle hair... With this hair mask, dry, porous and brittle strands will become voluminous and shiny.

The use of mayonnaise for hair: masks for different purposes

  • Hair growth stimulation. To prepare the mask, mix 3 tablespoons of mayonnaise with 1 tablespoon of heated burdock oil. This product must be distributed through the hair without focusing on the root of the head. After applying the mask to the head, it is covered with a film and a terry towel. The mask should remain on the head for 30-40 minutes. After that, you must thoroughly rinse your hair with shampoo.
  • For dry hair and to revive its appearance. This mask is created from 2 tablespoons of warm mayonnaise and 2-3 egg yolks. The mixture should act on the hair for at least 30 minutes, after which it must be thoroughly washed off. Such a remedy is especially good in winter, when the hair is magnetised and subject to temperature changes.
  • Nutrition and moisturizing of the strands. This composition is created from 1 tablespoon of mayonnaise, 1 teaspoon of liquid honey and 1 tablespoon of any vegetable oil. Keep on your head this mask costs at least an hour, after which it must be washed off.
  • Anti-dandruff. When creating a mask, mix 1 tablespoon of mayonnaise, garlic juice, aloe juice and 1 teaspoon of honey. This type of mask is rubbed in massage movements into the scalp and washed off no earlier than 20 minutes after application.
  • For shine and smooth hair. Create such a mask from 1 banana, 1 teaspoon of almond, coconut or burdock oil and 3 tablespoons of mayonnaise. All components are whipped with a blender and applied to the strands. This type of mask must be washed off 30-60 minutes after application. A mixture of 1 tablespoon of mayonnaise and 1 teaspoon of avocado oil gives approximately the same effect.

Did the French chef from Mahon know that the sauce he invented would win not only the hearts of gourmets all over the world, but also serve the beauties who dream of a luxurious hairstyle?

The secret to the effectiveness of mayonnaise as a hair cosmetic lies in its ingredients. It includes components that are extremely useful for curls: vegetable oil, eggs, lemon juice, mustard powder. Even taken separately, these ingredients are used to improve the condition and health of the hairstyle, and together it is truly a panacea for brittle and dry curls.

Components of a mayonnaise mask and their benefits for hair

  1. Vegetable oil. All vegetable oils have a high content of polyunsaturated fatty acids. They help to increase elasticity and restore damaged hair structure, as well as protect them from negative effects. environment... The vitamin E content of vegetable oils provides follicle nutrition and UV protection. The maximum amount of these useful components in extra virgin olive oil.
  2. Mustard powder. Rich in fats and vitamin PP. It stimulates local blood circulation, thereby improving the nutrition of the bulbs. The so-called "dormant" bulbs wake up, as a result of which the strands begin to grow more intensively and become thicker. With regular use, the secretion of the sebaceous glands decreases. However, this effect is not the main one in the mask, because it is applied mainly to the curls themselves, and not to the skin, and the amount of mustard powder in the recipe is small.
  3. Eggs. Contain a large number of vitamins and microelements, contributing not only to a short-term improvement in appearance, but also to the real health of the strands. Vitamins A, PP, B and D perfectly moisturize the skin and strengthen the hair follicles. The hairstyle has volume, smoothness and chic shine.
  4. Lemon juice and vinegar. They make the curls softer, more obedient and voluminous due to the fact that they normalize the acid-base balance and well "wash off" microparticles of dust, detergents and styling agents that cannot be completely removed regular shampoo... In addition, under the influence of lemon juice, keratin scales are smoothed out and strands become more radiant and shiny.

When is mayonnaise used?

A hair mask made of mayonnaise will be an excellent helper if the strands are fragile and brittle, thin at the ends and split, do not lend themselves to styling and get tangled during the combing process. With the correct use of such a tool, the curls will quickly recover, the hair follicles will be saturated with moisture, the structure of the hairs will improve, and they will become more elastic. Of course, there are more, but this method also deserves attention.

The first results of applying the mask are noticeable already from the first procedure, the hair shaft is smoothed out and the curls look well-groomed and healthy. This tool can be used even if the scalp is oily, only in this case it should be applied only to the damaged ends. For oily hair, this recipe will not work, the product will make the strands heavier and difficult to wash off, the hairstyle will lose volume and lightness.

Duration of the course

The recovery course is carried out within 2-3 months, depending on the type and initial condition of the strands. But, you can also look at our website. For normal, not very damaged hair, one procedure every 7 days is enough. If the curls are very dry or severely damaged by discoloration and frequent ironing, you will need 2 applications of the mask per week.

Immediately after lightening, it is recommended to start with 4 masks per week, and then, as the condition of the hair improves, switch to 1-2 procedures per week. Trichologists recommend supplementing the basic recipe with individual additives aimed at solving additional problems - dullness, weakness of hair follicles, etc.

What to choose, natural mayonnaise or store-bought mayonnaise?

The most effective is a hair mask made from mayonnaise, prepared by yourself from fresh quality products.

When planning to conduct a course of hair treatment, you should focus on a self-prepared product, and use a purchased product only if absolutely necessary, to quickly put your hair in order.

How to choose the right product in the store?

Store-bought mayonnaise in most cases contains preservatives and powder substitutes that will not do the slightest benefit to your hair or scalp. If you already have to use purchased mayonnaise, you should choose as fresh as possible, with a minimum shelf life. This will provide a minimum amount of preservatives.

Expired sauce cannot be used, it is fraught with allergic reactions. The maximum fat content should be selected, the composition should be close to the classic recipe and contain as little flavor enhancers, emulsifiers and preservatives as possible. You should not use a product with hydrogenated oil, there will be no benefit from it, and allergies may occur.

What are the ingredients for making cosmetic mayonnaise?

The choice of products for making a cosmetic sauce should be creative and experiment with the recipe several times. Over time, it will become clear to which particular hairstyle recipe they respond in the most optimal way. The mixture must include the following ingredients:

  1. Vegetable oil. For dry hair, it is better to use olive oil, normal and prone to oily - less saturated sunflower oil is better. Base oil will need from 100 to 250 ml, depending on the length and density of the strands. Castor and burdock oils, as well as shea butter and grape seed, have proven themselves well as an additive; they should be added in an amount of 1 to 3 teaspoons.
  2. Eggs. You can prepare a cosmetic sauce with both chicken and quail eggs. Chicken will need 1-2, quail from 5 to 10, depending on the amount of preparation. Opinions were divided as to the effectiveness of this or that type of eggs, but there was no fundamental difference. You can use both whole eggs and exclusively yolks. When using yolks, the number of eggs is doubled.
  3. Natural mustard powder or ready-made mustard, it is better to choose spicy classic recipes. In both cases, a small handful should be added.
  4. A pinch of sugar and salt. They are added in order to obtain the optimal consistency of the sauce.
  5. Lemon juice or vinegar, it is better to use natural apple cider. You will need from 10 to 30 ml.

Cooking algorithm:

  1. Mix the yolk and mustard with salt and sugar and beat with a whisk or hand blender until smooth.
  2. Without stopping to work with a whisk, pour in oil in a thin stream. If a mixture of oils is used, it is better to prepare them in advance by mixing in one bowl.
  3. When the mass becomes creamy, pour in the lemon juice and beat a little more until the substance brightens slightly.

If lumps appear or the prepared sauce turns out to be very thick, add a few drops of boiled water and mix well. After cooking, the product must be used immediately or put into the refrigerator. You can store it for no more than a week.

How to properly apply a mayonnaise hair mask?

  • Before the first application, you must eliminate the risk of an allergic reaction by doing a test on the skin of the forearm.
  • The mixture should be at room temperature. If the mayonnaise hair mask was stored in the refrigerator, it must be removed at least 2 hours before use. The product has a characteristic food odor; you can make it less noticeable with a few drops of your favorite essential oil. It should be added immediately before application.
  • It is necessary to apply the product on dry strands; it is not necessary to wash or wet them before using the product. If the curls are very dry, have dandruff or a dry feeling, you can apply the mixture to the skin as well. If the fat content at the roots is normal or high, the mixture should be distributed, stepping back from the roots at least 3 centimeters.
  • Next, the product is distributed over the entire length of the strands, a denser layer should be applied to the ends.
  • After the curls are completely processed, you need to wrap them with cling film, wrap them in a warm terry towel. You need to keep the product for at least 20 minutes. Depending on the type and condition of the hair, as well as the recipe, it is left from 20 minutes to 2 hours.
  • The hair mask is washed off from mayonnaise with warm water and shampoo. In order to completely wash the product and remove the greasy feeling, the shampoo will have to be applied 2-3 times. The balm should not be applied, but adding a little freshly squeezed lemon juice and 2 drops of citrus essential oil to the last rinse will be very useful.

Mayonnaise hair mask: individual additives

  • Moisturizing. Lifeless curls will become more elastic if you add burdock oil.
  • Growth stimulation. The rate of hair growth depends on the quality of nutrition of the bulbs, on how intensively the blood flows to them. Adding red hot peppers and increasing the proportion of mustard powder used will help improve circulation. If these ingredients are added, the product must not be kept for longer than 20 minutes, otherwise skin irritation or even a burn may be provoked.
  • Silky shine. Add a spoonful of pre-steamed burdock root powder.
  • Smoothness. If the curls are dull, the mixture should be made from whole eggs. It is the protein that has the property of smoothing the scales and making the structure of the hairs more uniform.

Mayonnaise-based multi-component masks recipes

Homemade sauce made with the right recipe is a great effective cosmetic product... However, sophisticated multi-component products provide a solution to several strand problems at the same time.

Anti-dandruff mask

It is applied directly to the skin. For cooking, you will need a tablespoon of mayonnaise, aloe juice, 3 cloves of garlic crushed in a mortar and a teaspoon of honey. The product is applied to the skin with massage movements. Hair should be rinsed with shampoo 20 minutes after application. It is not necessary to wrap with polyethylene.

Yeast mask

Makes curls more elastic and thickens. Dissolve one tablespoon of "live" yeast in warm kefir (whey or yogurt) and put on a battery for 30 minutes. After that, stir in the yolk of the quail egg and a teaspoon of mayonnaise and softened butter. 2-3 drops of citrus essential oils neutralize the specific gastronomic aroma. This remedy is also suitable for the scalp. You need to wash it off at least an hour later.

Luxurious shine mask

Banana puree is mixed with a teaspoon of any saturated oil (coconut and almond seed are optimal) and freshly made sauce. The mixture is thoroughly whipped with a blender and distributed over the entire length of the strands. Washed off with shampoo after an hour and a half.

Fruit mask

Improves appearance thinned curls. Fruit puree is mixed with homemade cosmetic sauce in a 3: 1 ratio, added almond oil and quail yolks. The mixture is gently applied to dry strands. Then the head must be wrapped in a film and a thick towel. The action time is 90 minutes.

Searing mask

It helps to awaken the "dormant" follicles, thereby noticeably increases the density and promotes intensive hair growth. To do this, mix 2 tablespoons of sauce with an onion chopped in a blender or grated. Then add 20 grams of honey. Chopped garlic, hot peppers, or mustard powder can be an alternative to onions. The mask is applied to the scalp and strands, then they are covered with a film and covered with a towel. Rinse off the product after 20 minutes, rinsing the curls with water with the addition of aromatic essential oils.

6385 03/21/2019 6 minutes

Mayonnaise is a delicious, but very high-calorie product, which is why many girls bypass it in stores.

It turns out that fatty French sauce can be used with benefits for the appearance - make masks for curls on its basis.

Let's figure out how to transform hair using "mayonnaise" procedures. Even the stars pay tribute to mayonnaise, successfully applying it to the beauty of their hair. For example, Julia Roberts has this favorite mask.

Benefits for hair

The positive effect of mayonnaise on hair is due to its composition:

  • egg yolks, which contain vitamins A, PP, D and group B, help to strengthen the bulbs, moisturize the scalp, and also give shine and elasticity to the hair shafts;
  • sunflower oil, containing a record amount of vitamin E, nourishes follicles, protects strands from ultraviolet radiation and restores their structure;
  • mustard, which contains fats, vitamin PP and essential oils, stimulates hair growth, reduces the secretion of the sebaceous glands and disinfects the skin;
  • vinegar, thanks to food acids, perfectly cleanses curls and smoothes keratin scales, as a result the strands become soft, radiant and obedient.

Mayonnaise itself is a hair mask that can be used to strengthen and stimulate hair growth, as well as make it smoother, more elastic and shiny.

Which mayonnaise is better?

How to choose a mayonnaise that will heal the curls, and not harm them? Buying a quality product is not easy.

Most manufacturers add a variety of chemicals to the sauce that will increase the shelf life and also "improve" the flavor.

If you examine the label of some of the "culinary masterpieces", you may not find products from the classic recipe at all. This mayonnaise should not be eaten or applied to the hair.

When buying a sauce, you need to pay attention to the following points:

  • its fat content should be at least 80%;
  • the composition may include vegetable oil, egg powder, acetic acid, mustard, also powdered milk, starch, water, soy protein and flour in small quantities;
  • products with hydrogenated oil, emulsifiers, preservatives, flavor enhancers and other "chemicals" should be avoided.

Most useful Mayonnaise is considered to be made on the basis of extra virgin olive oil. This oil contains more valuable substances than sunflower oil. But because of the price, manufacturers add it not in pure form or use not very high-quality raw materials.

The only way to get good mayonnaise is by making it yourself. In this case, you can be 100% confident in its composition and characteristics.

How to cook it yourself?


  • the yolk of 1 chicken egg (room temperature);
  • mustard - 0.5 small spoon;
  • a pinch of salt and sugar;
  • 100 ml of vegetable oil;
  • lemon juice - 0.5 teaspoon.


  1. Whisk the yolk along with the mustard, sugar and salt.
  2. Without stopping to work with a whisk, pour in a thin stream of oil.
  3. After the mass acquires a creamy consistency, add lemon juice to it and beat for a while - the mayonnaise should lighten a little.

You can store such a product only in a refrigerator in an airtight vessel for no more than 7 days.

Watch the video recipe for making homemade mayonnaise

The question of whether it is possible to use ordinary dye for dyeing eyebrows simply could not but arise, because every time you dye your hair, you definitely have a desire to apply dye to the eyebrow area. Find out why you can't dye your eyebrows with hair dye

Watch a video on using burdock oil for curls


Mayonnaise masks are used according to the following algorithm:

  1. Dry curls are combed. A freshly prepared product is rubbed into the roots. If the hair turns oily quickly, then there is no need to process the skin - it is enough to apply the paste along the length.
  2. The mask is distributed over all curls using a thin comb.
  3. The hair is covered with a film and a towel.
  4. After 30-40 minutes, the composition is washed off the first time with cool water, the second with warm water with shampoo.

Standard course of procedures - 1 per week for 1.5-2 months. With severely damaged hair, the frequency can be increased up to 2-3 times.

Before the session, it is imperative to make an allergy test - apply a small amount of masks on the skin behind the ear and monitor the reaction.

Depending on additional components with the help of mayonnaise products, you can solve various hair problems.

For growth

Preparation: Mix 4 large spoons of mayonnaise, 1 small spoonful of mustard and 1 clove of garlic (minced). Time - 40 minutes.

The mask stimulates blood flow, so that the bulbs receive more nutrients and the curls grow faster.

Judging by the reviews, the effect of the mustard-mayonnaise remedy can be seen after a couple of months - many new short hairs appear. Significant disadvantages of the mask are burning during use and a specific smell.

For dry hair

For moisturizing overdried hair can only be used with mayonnaise. It must be applied for 12 hours.

Girls who have tried such a remedy note that after it the strands become soft and shiny. But some ladies point out that mayonnaise is not easily washed off and makes hair greasy.

For split ends

in 3-4 large spoons of mayonnaise, add 5 drops of orange and rosemary essential oils. Time - 40 minutes.

After reviewing the reviews, we can conclude that mayonnaise cannot cope with the split ends. But the regular use of such a mask significantly improves the condition of the hair.

To remove paint

Preparation: 4 tablespoons of mayonnaise must be mixed well with 0.5 lemon juice and a small spoonful of liquid honey. Time - 1 hour. The minimum interval between procedures is 2 days.

The girls' opinion about such a mask boils down to the fact that it allows only a little wash off the dye from the hair - by 0.5 tones at a time. Its disadvantage is overdrying the curls, but chemical washes are much more aggressive.

For clarification

3-4 tablespoons of mayonnaise should be warmed up in a bath and supplemented with a teaspoon of burdock oil. The exposure time is 3 hours.

The brightening effect of this remedy insignificant - 0.25-0.5 tones per natural hair ... Ladies with very dark curls do not notice any changes at all.

Mask recipes

With mustard - to accelerate growth
1 teaspoon of butter and powder + 2 tablespoons of mayonnaise and olive oil.

With oil - for nutrition
3 tablespoons mayonnaise + 1 teaspoon oil (jojoba, avocado, or wheat germ).

With kefir - for recovery
0.5 cups of kefir + 1 chicken yolk + 2 tablespoons of olive oil. Thorough mixing of these components results in a thick mass similar to mayonnaise in taste and consistency.

With honey - to strengthen
1 tablespoon mayonnaise + 1 yolk + 2 minced garlic cloves + 1 teaspoon of liquid honey + 0.5 tablespoon of olive oil. This mask can be left on your hair overnight.

With lemon - for silkiness and shine
3 tablespoons mayonnaise + 1 tablespoon lemon juice + 1 tablespoon almond oil.

WITH burdock oil- for strength and softness
3 tablespoons of mayonnaise + 1 tablespoon of burdock oil.

With onions - to stimulate growth and strengthen
Juice from one + 3 tablespoons of mayonnaise. This mask can only be applied to the roots by rubbing well into the skin.

With yeast - for thickness, strengthening and nutrition
2 yolks + 1 tablespoon mayonnaise + 1 teaspoon butter + 1 teaspoon fresh yeast + 1 teaspoon whey + 5 drops of lemon essential oil.

All masks are prepared by thoroughly mixing the components. They must be applied according to the rules described above. The exposure time is determined individually.

Watch the video: mask with mayonnaise to restore hair structure

How much should you keep?

The aging period of masks with mayonnaise depends on their composition, purposes of use and hair characteristics:

  • if there is a mass acid and / or mustard, then 20-30 minutes enough;
  • nutritious funds should be left for 40-60 minutes;
  • for clarification curls will be required 2-3 hours;
  • monocomponent mayonnaise mask can be applied all night long.

Severe burning, tingling and other pronounced discomfort is a reason to stop the procedure and immediately wash off the product.

Many women spend an enormous amount of time and money on hair care. However, sometimes better ways lie on the surface. If you have damaged, dull hair, then you do not need to spend money on expensive brand products. Mayonnaise hair masks will help you just as well, and perhaps better. Maybe it doesn't sound very good, but trust me, it really works.

The process of making nourishing hair mayonnaise.

Benefits of mayonnaise hair masks

So, what can you expect from a hair treatment course with mayonnaise?

  • Moisturizing. Mayonnaise contains vegetable oils that nourish and moisturize hair. This is especially helpful if you have dry, damaged hair;
  • Sun protection and styling products. Protein and oils create a coating on the hair, thus reducing the impact of negative factors;
  • Restoration of the acid-base balance of the hair. As you know, hair has a slightly acidic environment. Lye in cleaners and styling products upsets this balance. The vinegar in mayonnaise helps restore a healthy balance and improve hair condition;
  • Repair of broken hairs. Egg white helps repair hair by filling in uneven areas. It makes hair look fuller and gives a healthy shine;


You can purchase ready-made mayonnaise from your local store, or you can make your own. If you decide to use the first method, then it doesn't really matter which brand you choose. However, it is imperative to buy full fat mayonnaise. Skimmed or lightweight products are good for your figure, but not for your hair.

Prepare for your procedure at home. You will need:

  • The mayonnaise itself. It is good if you first transfer it to a container that is convenient to use when applying the mask;
  • Brush for dyeing hair. This is not at all necessary, but for many it facilitates the process of uniform application;
  • Comb (not a brush) for hair with sparse teeth. To distribute the mask evenly along its entire length. But remember not to comb wet hair if they are not wearing a mask. You may find it easier to go without a comb if you are used to applying and distributing the mask and conditioner through your hair with your fingers;
  • Plastic cap or cling film. For wrapping hair after applying the mask;
  • A light shampoo without additional properties, previously diluted to the state of soapy water. High-quality clear baby shampoos without strong fragrances will work well. If you can't find a suitable "clean" shampoo, use a moisturizing shampoo, never a shampoo for oily hair;
  • A clock or timer to keep track of the time. However, if you forget to wash off the composition in time, then you can not be afraid to overexpose it on your hair. Unlike some branded products, the mayonnaise mask is absolutely harmless and does not irritate the skin with long-term use.

After everything is ready, you can proceed to the application process:

  • Rinse hair with warm water and pat dry with a towel. Hair should be damp, but not wet;
  • Scoop mayonnaise from a jar and spread with a brush along the entire length, comb or fingers, as you usually do with a mask or conditioner;
  • Massage the scalp and make sure that all parts of the hair are well lubricated with the composition from roots to ends;
  • Gather your hair at the top of your head and wrap it in plastic plastic bag or a special hat. The heat opens the pores and helps the substances to penetrate more easily into the scalp and hair, which makes the use of masks more effective;
  • Leave the composition on your hair for at least 20 minutes. If the hair is damaged, then keep it on longer. The more time you spend on the mask, the better for your hair;
  • After the expiration of the procedure, wash the mayonnaise out of your hair. Use only diluted shampoo. Perhaps the mask will not wash out well and you will need several rinsing sessions, but you still do not need to use undiluted shampoo for several more days;

Homemade Cosmetic Mayonnaise Recipes

If you want to be sure that the mask that you apply to your hair will work at full strength, then it is better not to rely on purchased mayonnaise, but to make it yourself. It's not difficult at all if you have a blender and free time.

Below we offer several recipes for "mayonnaise" for hair, starting with the most common. The mayonnaise produced by these recipes is not intended for human consumption, as you are unlikely to like its taste, but you can taste it if you want.

Hair mayonnaise recipe


  • 2 medium egg yolk room temperature. This is important because chilled yolks do not whip well. When beating eggs, it is useful to remember a trick: the whites are only chilled, the yolks are at room temperature or a little warmer. You will need this if you decide to add protein to mayonnaise;
  • 1 tbsp apple cider vinegar;
  • 5-6 tbsp vegetable oil (unrefined sunflower, olive, coconut, jojoba oil, grape seed). Can be used individually or in combination.


  • Pour the yolks into a blender;
  • Begin whisking at low to medium speed;
  • As soon as they become a little lighter, start pouring in the oil in a thin stream;
  • Speed ​​up the blender a little and, without stopping whisking, pour in the vinegar;
  • If the mixture is too thin, add oils. The more oil, the thicker the mayonnaise.


  • Dry rosemary powder stimulates hair growth;
  • Mustard also accelerates hair growth, but requires a time limit for applying the mask - no more than 25 minutes;
  • Burdock root powder softens hair;
  • Dry nettle powder gives shine, moisturizes the skin, stimulates new hair growth, helps to get rid of dandruff;
  • Egg white adds shine;
  • Coconut oil reduces oily hair;
  • Almond - helps to get rid of fungus and dandruff caused by it;
  • Olive - softens hair;
  • Burdock - moisturizes, additionally restores and helps to strengthen;
  • From grape seeds - moisturizes;
  • Vitamin E capsules or unrefined sunflower oil nourish, moisturize and give shine;
  • Other herbs and oils that you feel are appropriate can help you create your own mayonnaise-based hair mask recipes. Feel free to experiment.
  • If you do not have powdered herbs, grind them with a mortar and pestle, not in a coffee grinder. It will be very difficult for you to wash it from the taste and smell of herbs. Grind the herbs very finely, but remember that their grains are not easily washed out of the hair, so you will have to rinse your hair more thoroughly;
  • A mayonnaise mask can give your hair a matching scent. If you don't want to smell of salad, add a teaspoon of vanilla extract to the mask. This will remove unnecessary accents;
  • Leftover mayonnaise can be used on the face. For the skin of the face, such a mask is also useful;
  • Do not use this recipe if you are allergic to any of the ingredients;

The procedure should be repeated every 2-4 weeks, depending on how badly damaged your hair is.

With active movement, the mask may leak, which will give you unpleasant sensations. Therefore, spend the time that the procedure takes on what you can do, relaxing in a chair with your head thrown back, or at least sitting motionless: baths for hands or feet, a face mask, mud wraps, etc. You will not only save time on beauty treatments, but also relax and unwind. Be sure to play good music or a movie and make herbal tea or other favorite drink.