
Time of day by the clock for children. How to teach a child to understand the time on the clock with arrows. Look at the pictures and name the time at which you do this action. Draw arrows indicating the right time on the clock


The world appears in the mind of the child as a variety of objects, phenomena and images. The thinking of a little man follows the path of visual perception, when the baby needs to touch, smell, taste everything. The abstract thinking habitual for an adult is still inaccessible to a child, and therefore time is also intangible for him. The only thing that the baby can understand is the passage of time, that is, the onset of night or morning.

For a child, the concept of “time” is too abstract, but he understands that morning or evening has come - mainly by the actions that he has to perform

How to introduce a child to the concept of "time"?

Up to a certain age, the child lives without feeling time, because it is regulated by adults. Mom and dad know when to eat, walk, sleep. Growing up, the baby should be able to independently recognize such common concepts of time as “past” and “future”, “first” and “then”, “today” and “tomorrow”. It is important for the child to understand the course of time by the clock. The mistake of many parents is that they immediately begin to introduce the baby to the clock, not yet letting him feel the time. If the versatility of time categories is not brought to the crumbs, he will not understand their expression in hours for a long time.

The first cognitive lessons can be started at 2-2.5 years. By this age, children are able to understand the differences between “then” and “now”, “first” and “after”. When performing some actions, try to explain them using the notation of categories. For example: “First we will take off our boots, and then we will put on slippers” or “First you got your hands dirty, and then we washed them.” Use play moments in teaching your baby. The easiest time to draw:

  • “At first there was a small seed” - draw a watermelon seed;
  • “then the seed was planted in the ground” - shade half the seed with earth;
  • “having hit the ground, the seed sprouted” - take out a sprout with leaves from the seed;
  • “the sprout began to grow, a flower appeared on it, a watermelon formed from a flower” - draw all the stages of your story;
  • “If we cut a watermelon, it will contain many, many of the same seeds, from which new watermelons will grow.”

When creating a cartoon story, choose characters that are familiar to the child: an egg and a chick hatched from it, a mother baking a pie. Joint classes will help the baby navigate the simplest time categories. Through the game with visual and understandable images that are well known to him, it will be easier for the child to perceive the present, past, and future.

Present, past, future

We organize the acquaintance of the child with the present, past and future through a game or ordinary actions, adding your comments to them. For example: “Now we are eating - this is the present”, “Tomorrow we will go to visit your friend - this is the future”, “Yesterday we were swinging in the park - this is the past”. By resorting to an explanation of events that have passed or will continue to occur, you help the baby to realize when it was or will be.

A striking example is looking at a family photo album. In addition to the child's interest in images in the photo, where he can see familiar people, you form his correct perception of time. Show him your childhood photos or his photo in a year. Immediately give an explanation of the past and present so that the baby notices the differences and catches the difference between both categories.

Do not bring seriousness into explanations, as babies best perceive complex things through play and everyday activities.

Times of Day

It is difficult for a child to understand the usual daily time or day for adults. As a rule, by the age of 2.5, the baby is already well versed in such concepts as “day” and “night”. If you use in a conversation the phrase that three days have passed since some event, the baby will not be able to compare them with the fact that three nights have passed. To teach the baby to perceive the day as the totality of all time periods, use the same method of visual-subject explanation.

Throughout the day explain to the child what and when he does. Take a magazine, find in it images of morning, evening or night. Ask your son or daughter to determine the time of day. If it is difficult for a child to navigate through photographs, come up with an entertaining game for him. Draw the items that he or you use during the strictly allotted hours (morning, afternoon, evening). Next to the subject, draw circles of different colors: morning - yellow, lunch - red, evening - blue. Having fixed the concepts of morning, lunch and evening in the baby, you can proceed to the study of time intervals, that is, introduce him to the clock.

For explanation, you can use not only schematic naive drawings, but also full-fledged photographs, you can use magical elements

Determining the time by the clock

Only after the baby begins to feel and recognize time categories, we proceed to the study of hours and the ability to understand them. To teach how to use them, the child must know the numbers and be able to count at least up to ten. Without this knowledge, it will be difficult to explain to the baby that an hour consists of 60 minutes, and a minute is 60 seconds. In addition, he must have a solid understanding of simple spatial relationships, that is, he must understand what is "before" and "after", "half".

For a substantive study of the clock as a mechanism that shows time, take a special toy clock or make a large dial from improvised means. Cardboard, a compass or a large plate, a pencil or a felt-tip pen, scissors, a pushpin - a little work and a homemade watch is ready.

They will not break, they will not be sorry if the baby accidentally breaks the dial. But with their help, you can easily turn the study of watches into an exciting game and explain to your child the principle of their work in an accessible way.

Ways of learning

There is no single methodology for teaching children to use the clock. Eat general recommendations, and which of them will be interesting for your treasure to learn, you must understand for yourself. Sample Plan action looks like this:

  1. We begin the learning process with a detailed analysis of the watch. We show the baby the arrows, the dial, explain why they are needed and what their function is. Something like this: “You see, there are three arrows on the dial. Two wide and one narrow. One of the two wide ones is short and moves the slowest of all. She shows us the clock, which is why it is called “hour”. When an hour has passed, it will move forward one digit. The longest and widest hand counts the minutes. In an hour, it goes full circle on the dial, showing us the minutes. The narrowest hand counts seconds, it moves faster than the rest and makes 60 circles in one hour.
  2. Determine the hour indicated by the arrows. If the minute hand is at 12, then the number on which the hour hand stopped means how much this moment hours.
  3. Find out how to determine half an hour. We put a large minute hand on the number 6, show the child that it divides the full hour circle in half. So that the baby does not get confused with the definition of half an hour, we give the following explanation: “Thirty minutes is exactly half an hour. Look at the number that the hour hand has passed a little, for example, between 2 and 3, add 30 minutes to the first figure, you will get a time of 2 hours and 30 minutes.
  4. It is better to know minutes when children confidently count up to 100. Without this skill, it will be difficult for a child to understand why the minute hand points to the number 4, and in time it means 20 minutes.

Modern technologies allow young parents to improve the learning process. Take advantage of the same video, which shows in detail the principle of operation and counting by the hour. After reviewing it several times, the child quickly learns to set the time with arrows, correctly determines the purpose of each. By combining the video and the homemade dial, you can explain everything more clearly and more clearly.

A homemade clock with the ability to scroll hands will help the child learn to tell the time much faster than long abstract explanations and examples.

How to consolidate the skills of determining the time?

It is difficult for a child to immediately cover the entire algorithm for the movement of time. In the first lessons, he will count the divisions with his fingers in order to understand how many minutes the hand has passed. Gradually consolidating the skill, he will bring it to automatism, learn to determine the time with just a glance. Forcing the baby to just count the minutes and hours is not worth it. A monotonous activity will quickly get bored with a little man. Incorporate your usual activities around the house into your classes. If you are planning to bake a pie, ask your son or daughter to watch the clock so that the pastries do not burn. The child is looking forward to the start of his favorite cartoon, show him on the clock when it starts.

To consolidate your skills, you can perform several useful tasks:

  • We study the time of day.
  • Understand what a second, minute and hour are.
  • We find on the clock with arrows exactly the same time as on the electronic scoreboard in the hands of the kids.

  • We make 2 sets of cardboard clocks with simple and two-digit numbers, as well as with “windows”.

We learn to value and understand time all our lives. Its length is comprehended with age. Today your child has learned to count time by minutes and hours, tomorrow it will be ready to understand what eternity and a moment are. Your main task is to give the baby initial knowledge, to prepare him for the knowledge of the global aspects of the world and the role of time in it. With a simple cardboard dial, you lay in the crumbs the concept of the most elusive and important aspect of our life.

Clinical and perinatal psychologist, graduated from the Moscow Institute of Perinatal and Reproductive Psychology and Volgograd State Medical University with a degree in Clinical Psychology

Time is an abstract concept for a child; it cannot be seen or touched. In our fast paced world clocks with hands are not popular. On the streets, in in public places and in the subway there are mostly electronic scoreboards, everyone has telephones showing the time in numbers. But a small person must first be taught to understand what time it is on the arrows. So, growing up, he will be able to plan: how much time is needed for classes, games, walks.

The first concepts of time

Children by 2.5-3 years old usually know that they wake up in the morning and have breakfast, in the afternoon they play, walk, have lunch and sleep, after a quiet hour they have an afternoon snack, and then the evening comes with dinner, swimming and preparing for a night's sleep.

In conversations with children, you need to use the concepts of the past, present and future tense. That is: yesterday we went to the botanical garden, now we will read, tomorrow we will go to the zoo. You can hang a calendar in your baby's room with drawings or photographs showing the seasons, and explain to him what date, day of the week, month it is today. It is better to talk about the seasons with the help of associations and pictures:

  • winter: snowy, cold, Santa Claus, winter things;
  • spring: snowmelt, streams, birds, leaves bloom;
  • summer: sunny, warm, berries, fruits, cottage, river;
  • autumn: rain, leaves turn yellow and fall, birds fly away.

You can tell a three-year-old kid that a year ago he was small, he didn’t speak very well, he was afraid to ride down a hill, and now he’s already big! When another year passes, he will be 4 years old, he will dress himself and help his mother even more. The child will learn to understand that time always goes only forward, and he will never be 2 years old, he will always get older. It is necessary to focus the child’s attention on the time: it’s already 9 pm, it’s time for you to sleep, in 15 minutes we will have dinner, wait 1 minute.

How to teach your child to tell the time by the clock

When a child grows up, at the age of 5-6, learns to count to a hundred and knows the numbers, he can begin to be taught to understand the time by the clock with hands. The school should be able to do it on their own. To begin with, it is worth explaining to the kid the multiplication table for 5, so it will be easier for him to deal with the minutes.

Learning the dial and hands

Give your child a big clock, preferably without glass, so that he can move the hands with his fingers.

  1. Tell and show in which direction the hands always move, that the big one shows minutes, and the small one shows hours.
  2. Explain that if the big arrow points to 12, then the number pointed to by the small one is the present tense.
  3. Moving the minute hand from one number to another, note that this is 5 minutes, until the next - another 5 minutes, and so on until the end of the circle, only 60 minutes. While the minute hand went around the whole circle, the hour hand moved only to the next digit, it was one hour.

Give the baby tasks, let him put the arrows, and the mother will tell the time and vice versa.

We create watches with our own hands

Children learn very well while playing. With the help of mom, dad or grandmother, a child can make almost real watches himself. It is necessary to cut a circle out of cardboard, draw a dial on it, color it, attach two cardboard arrows in the middle with a button so that they move. You can buy such cardboard watches in the store.

Show your child how the hands move, first the hour, then the minute. Start with simple values, for example: 2:10, 3:30. When he understands about five-minute intervals, complicate and explain how it will look, for example, 12:28, 1:37. Let the baby set the time when he goes to bed, and in the morning the mother will set the time and he will answer.

Applying knowledge in everyday life

Buy your child a real watch with hands and hang it in a prominent place in his room. When the baby understands hours and minutes, introduce him to the second hand, explain clearly what a second is (clap your hands - a second has passed). There is no need to rush, but praise is a must. Some catch on the fly, others need time, but, in the end, everyone masters it.

Educational games

Day and night they go.
Never get tired.
Whisper monotonously to the beat:
Tick ​​tock, tick tock.
Arrows, like a mustache.
They are called ... (hours)!

There are many games that help the child to better understand and remember what he was taught. You can draw several dials with numbers and invite the baby to depict his daily routine with arrows, and then hang it on the wall.

Photo gallery: games, lessons and puzzles for learning time

Draw with arrows the time indicated under the clock. Show the mode of the day on the clock. Which clock is the correct time? Which clock shows the wrong time? Educational game with a clock Task for learning hours in a day

Your little "why" has a million questions every day, and sooner or later he will begin to wonder "where does the day go" and "where does the night come from." He understands what time is. This is a sign that soon you can begin to teach your baby to navigate by the clock face. Let's look at how to teach a child to tell the time on a clock with hands. So that the little one is understandable, and mom and dad do not need to drink valerian.

When to start teaching your child to navigate in time

The principle of learning to navigate time by the clock is the ability of a child to count up to 100. Or at least up to 60.

This is interesting. Better if to school age the baby will already have a good understanding of time: this will help not only rationally distribute hours and minutes for execution homework, games, etc., but will also help him understand the value of time.

Thus, it is impossible to unambiguously answer the question of when to teach a toddler to handle a watch. Some children count well already at 4-5 years old, and some at 6 may get confused in the order of numbers. But parents should not worry about this - such different age indicators are considered a variant of the norm, so humble yourself and be patient, because without knowing the rules of counting it is impossible to understand the timing mechanism. In addition, to understand the clock, the baby must:

  • be able to visually distinguish numbers from 1 to 12;
  • understand the principle of counting through 5-5, 10, 15, 20, etc.;
  • write numbers from 1 to 12.

For your child, is all this a passed stage? Great, you can start mastering the concept of time.

How to correctly explain what time is

Let's see what time is, from the point of view of understanding this concept by a child. This is a certain figure that mom and dad, as well as other adults, look at the clock and call.

This is interesting. If there is no wall clock in the house, and everyone uses only phones and other gadgets to determine the current time, then teaching a kid how to handle a clock will be very problematic.

The main task at the stage of acquaintance with the intangible concept of time is to let the baby feel the intervals and the length of the intervals on specific life examples.


  • Explain the concept of "second". Clap your hands so that one movement is equal to 1 second. You need to do this in time with the clock with a second hand. And be sure to focus on the fact that now you are making movements with your palms in time with the times.
  • Let's turn time into duration. Say that one episode of a cartoon about Luntik lasts, for example, 10 minutes, and the baby spends 15 minutes dressing. Be sure to say how much time the little one spent on a particular game. This exercise will show the child what "quickly" and "long" means.
  • Explain the concept of "day". In fact, this is not so difficult to do, it is only important to consider the essence of the issue from the position of the baby. We can say that our day consists of 24 hours. Of these, half - 12 - the baby spends in the crib, resting, and distributes the remaining 12 for food, activities, festivities, games, etc. All these important things require different time costs, since something is done quickly, and something that long.

How to quickly learn to use the clock

So, the child already knows that time is determined by the clock, but has absolutely no idea how they work. To do this, you need to “make friends” with a watch, for example, make a simulator. We recommend using a cardboard dial model.

This is interesting. As an example, you can use the old wall clock.

Making a watch trainer


  1. We take a sheet of thick cardboard, cut out a circle from it. It is convenient if its diameter is 25–30 cm.
  2. A bright felt-tip pen (you can take felt-tip pens different colors) we apply the markup of the clock.
  3. Cut out two hands (larger minute, smaller second) from pieces of cardboard of different colors.
  4. We fix the minute and hour hands on the simulator with a nut.

Learning to understand a watch with a cardboard model-picture

  1. First of all, you need to explain to the child that two hands are very important in a watch - hour and minute, which moves the hour. In some watch models there is also a second, which pulls the minute. This is where you can ask the kid a “backfilling” question: which arrow, in his opinion, is the main one. (Minute, or, if there is, second, as they pull the rest.) Such an image will be appropriate at the stage of understanding by the baby that when the minute hand, having passed one circle, rises to 12, one hour will end.

    Ready-made manuals can be used for training

  2. The next important step is to explain the "clockwise move". Show the baby that the arrows "walk" exclusively in the direction from left to right, this movement goes in a circle, and is defined as "clockwise movement". Accompany these explanations with a demonstration of how the arrows go around the circle by setting them to 12.
  3. Further it is possible to master integer temporary values. To do this, move the hour hand around the simulator and ask the baby to name the time. This is important: move only in the clockwise direction, and its movement should only follow the minute.

Learn what an hour, minute and second are

The sequence of explanations will be as follows:

You need to follow all these explanations and do the exercises on the current clock.


  • observation. Follow the circle that the second hand makes to understand the movement of the minute hand.
  • Time accounting. Draw the child's attention to the position of the minute and hour hands. Now specify the period of time that you detect (at least 2 minutes, so that the movement of the minute hand is clearer). Let the kid work out this time with his own affairs, and after a measured period, look at the dial and tell what he managed to do during this time. So you also clearly demonstrate to the little one the value of every minute.

Recognize half an hour and 15 minutes

The kid has already figured out what a "whole hour" is, it's time to move on to half and 15 minutes. To do this, you need to remind him that an hour is 60 minutes, which means that half an hour is 30 minutes. After that, it is worth paying the child's attention to the fact that the minute hand can point to half of this half - 15 minutes.


Understanding in 5 minute increments

Smaller time intervals can begin to be explained to the baby only after careful assimilation of large values ​​of time.

We start with 5 minutes. We explain to the child that a long arrow can walk smaller. This is where the baby’s ability to “jump” over 5, which can be worked out on the simulator, will come in handy. To do this, it makes sense to put down on the cardboard dial the values ​​\u200b\u200bthat will correspond to the minutes - opposite 1 we put 5, opposite 2-10, etc.

This is interesting. There is no need to rush here. First you need to fix the principle of the movement of minutes on the right side of the dial, and only then move to the left.


This is interesting. Teachers do not advise introducing the concepts of “five to five”, “to a quarter” until the baby learns to tell the time well by the clock.

How to learn to tell time in the form of a game

The game form of learning is the most effective when working with kids. To master clocks with hands, there are a number of proven simple games:

This is interesting. For those children who are well aware of the time on the electronic clock, the online game "Learning Time on the Clock" will help to study the course of the clock with arrows.

Teaching a child to read the clock is not an easy task, but it can be done easily. It is only necessary to know the correct methods and rules of this painstaking process, which are outlined in this article.

Growing up, the child begins to actively be interested in many questions. Sometimes parents get into a stupor when it is necessary to explain to the child what 5 minutes is, when an hour will pass and how today is different from tomorrow.

It would be very easy to say that a minute is a measure of time, but an inquisitive child will ask you to clarify this new word for him. How to explain to a child what is time and how to calculate it correctly we analyze in detail in this article.

How to explain time to a child how to teach a child to understand the clock?

To small children Difficulty understanding abstract concepts, that is, they love to touch, touch, bite everything. In order for the baby to begin with it was clear how time is measured, you need to introduce him to the clock.

The study of the clock should be gradual and necessarily visual

This familiarization process can be conditionally divided into several stages:

  • Take all the possible clocks that you can find in the house - it can be manual, table and large Wall Clock- to start look at the difference, find the differences. It will be good if you have electronic and hourglass so that the child can clearly see their diversity
  • After the child has a little understanding with appearance, pay attention to technical nuances- show that there is a large hand, a small one and a second. Try to explain which arrow is responsible for what and watch how they move
  • Can look at pictures of clocks in magazines and books. Find funny poems about watches, and while reading them, you can simultaneously consider the watches you have at home
  • Take your child to shops where watches are sold, show their diversity. A cuckoo clock or an old clock with loud sound"bom"

Show your child how different clocks are and how they function.

When you explain the baby about the device itself, you can move on to remembering the time. For this you can use these options:

  • Tell the child what time do you get up, at the same time say: “Today we get up at seven in the morning” and show the pre-translated time on the clock when the big hand is at twelve, and the small one is at seven
  • Show your child what time he eats, how much time you spent on a walk when dad comes home from work. The kid will be interested translate the arrows yourself and show different times - for this you can purchase a toy clock or an interactive whiteboard
  • When you go for a walk or go for tea, Focus your child's attention on what time it is. After you arrive, count by the minute how much time has passed
  • Set a timer and try to do something– jump, drink water or watch your favorite clip. After the timer has counted down, discuss with your child whether you managed to do your plan for a certain period of time

Let your child explore the watch and provide answers to any questions
  • Take hourglasses, electronic and clocks with arrows - turn on your favorite music and watch all the changes in this watch. Compare whether 1, 2, 5, 10 minutes passed the same way on them
  • First time try to do everything on time- Brush your teeth for 3 minutes, dress for 5-10 minutes. So the child will not only learn to understand the clock, but will also be more organized
  • If you see that a child does not want to study the clock and does not show any interest in them - do not insist. It is better to wait or choose a fun game form of learning.

Child must learn to understand by the clock and even if at first the training will be difficult - over time, the baby will definitely master the necessary skills and will successfully apply them in practice.

Video: Child and clock

How to teach a child to understand time on a clock with arrows?

Be prepared for the fact that at first the child will be quite difficult comprehend the peculiarities of timing. The simpler and more accessible you will be able to explain to the child the principles of this abstract process, the faster and more efficiently he will learn new knowledge.

Often children do not understand how to distinguish between such a numbering system as hour field from 1 to 12 and minute field, which is divided into 60 minutes.

Before studying time directly, it is necessary to update the child's knowledge of numbers:

  • Learn number count- if a child cannot count up to 60, then it will be very difficult for him to understand by the clock
  • Multiply by 5- in order for the child to understand the minutes, not counting them by minute marks, it is desirable that he knows how to add and multiply. This knowledge will help you understand that 5, 10, 15 minutes have passed and so on. Besides, in Everyday life we rarely use counts like 7, 13 minutes, etc., but try to round up

Children have a hard time understanding abstract concepts - illustrate your stories as colorfully as possible
  • Better teach a child on a big clock, the dial of which does not have a glass coating - so the child will more clearly see the time every minute, and the absence of glass eliminates the possibility of injury, and also allows the child to translate time with his fingers
  • in detail explain to your child the difference between a big and a small arrow- first study the time together, then say, let the baby name the time himself, and you will slowly move the hands to the right hours and minutes
  • Examine the minute hand- look at the movement of the hand in great detail by minutes, also note that when the minute hand passes the circle, the hour hand will move one digit forward. Be sure to draw the baby's attention to these nuances, if necessary, repeat what was said several times, ask questions that will check the understanding of the child
  • draw a clock- in an album or notebook, draw a lot of round, square, triangular clocks and let the child paint them. After that, tell the child the time, and let him draw the arrows on his watch - this fun activity do not leave the child indifferent
  • It would be a good idea write digital time next to the painted clock. So the child will learn everything at once - not only the clock, but also repeat the numbers

Let the child draw a clock, and you will give the task to depict any time

try do not burden the child too much information at once. Dosed and game form the kid will quickly remember where the arrow is, and what each of them means.

Teach baby time: game

A game- one of the favorite activities of children, which performs an important function - allows you to know the world. In a playful way, you can learn time with your child in an interesting way - this will help him quickly and fun to learn how the clock works.

Exists many options interactive games for various gadgets that help in the study of time - these are programs for the smallest with different tasks, game simulators and even educational cartoons

Teach your child to understand the clock in a playful way, and if you see that there is no strong interest in the clock yet, temporarily postpone learning

As an interesting game form of learning time, you can make up a time schedule with your child:

  1. Use a large poster and colored markers or pencils
  2. Draw a big clock, and next to the arrows indicate the time with numbers.
  3. In the intervals between hours, draw the obligatory activities of the child
  4. For example, you will need to draw such mandatory items as morning awakening, breakfast, daytime sleep, lunch, dinner and night sleep.
  5. Display a poster in a child's room

Between these obligatory points, which the child performs every day, add arbitrary options for the day spent: walking, watching cartoons, going to grandma, shopping and meeting friends. Be sure to tell your child what you need to follow in order to be in time everywhere otherwise, grandma's pies will get cold, and your friends will be upset if you are late.

Buy a poster with a clock whose hands can be translated - such a game will quickly teach a child to determine the correct time

Try to plan everything according to this poster - draw it colorful and fun so that when you wake up, your child’s eyes will surely fall on the wall with a masterpiece of your joint creativity.

  • In a playful way, mono teach a child control time: give the child tasks, mark the time and watch them complete
  • It is desirable that the execution time game taskwas a little more than required so that the child is always happy that he completes tasks ahead of schedule
  • Online games a lot was invented to study the clock, the main thing is to control that the child does not spend too much time at the tablet or computer, since it hurts your eyesight

Read poems and fairy tales about hours
  • Find a book with funny poems about hours and reading the lines to the child, ask him to look for the time that is spoken of in the verses. This fun activity has both an educational touch and a good way to brighten up the time spent.
  • Engage with your child and spend as much time together as possible – in the early years the foundations of all elementary knowledge are laid about the world
  • And it is mom and dad, as the closest and dearest people for the crumbs, who should help the child to learn previously unknown things and processes.

How to teach a child time by the clock: a simulator?

In a variety of games for learning the clock, you need to choose the best option for your child. It is of great benefit online game for attentiveness, which helps to study the clock - time simulator.

The simplest simulator will help train your memory and study the clock. The principle of the task very simple: in one corner of the screen there is a clock on which, using the mouse, you need to set the correct time, which is indicated on the clock in the opposite corner. For each correct answer, a a certain number of points.

Simulators will help to teach the child the clock, but the time in front of the computer should be strictly metered.
  • The more completed tasks behind, the more difficult the levels of the game become. At the last levels task clock starts to disappear- first, a clock appears with a set time, then it disappears and a clock is displayed on the screen, which the child will need to “start” himself. Thus, a child who is already a little oriented in time, learn to remember it
  • An interesting option for online simulators are games using favorite cartoon characters. For this, a game was invented in which the heroes are in a hurry, on some business, and a window with a clock is shown on top. So the child understands that his favorite doll or spider-man they do everything by the clock
  • You can also train your child without using computer games. For example, you can say that tomorrow at a certain time you will go to playground while showing him the time on the clock. Let the child count down at different times of the day how many hours are left before this anticipated event

It is better to buy a children's watch for a child - it is safe, and their study is much more interesting for the baby

invent only interesting plans- a walk to the playground or a trip to the zoo. So the child will wait for this event and keep track of time.

Thus, there are many options for familiarizing the time with the child - use interesting game methods, and your baby will definitely remember all the minutes and hours.

How to teach a child the seasons?

  • The next step in the child's knowledge of the world will be learning the seasons. When you have already studied the score and time well by the clock, you can proceed to this stage. Don't rush to learn everything at once
  • Otherwise, the baby will form porridge in the head from an excess of information, and he will not remember thoroughly either the basic functioning of the clock or the seasons
  • If the child has already studied the clock, then he knows that in hour has 60 minutes and there are 24 hours in a day. Now he will have to remember one more numerical value - in a month 30 or 31 days, and in a year 12 months
  • It’s very good to start with the child outside and explain to him what time is it now. Look around, explain to him when the grass is green, when it snows, and when the leaves on the trees turn yellow.


For a long time do not delay learning the seasons- because you won't wait three months to move on to the next season - use a photo album or use digital images.

  • tell the child what is remarkable about each season. Convey to him the idea that each season is beautiful and unique in its own way. Let the kid try to tell about what do people do in each period
  • Help explain the seasons flip calendars. Be sure to depict the time of year on them so that the child not only listens to your story, but also sees the features of a particular time. visually
  • Every day you will tear off a sheet of the calendar with your child and look at the picture where you will see nature - explain to the child through it, what season is it now and cross out another day on the calendar - so the baby will understand when the month ends

Illustrate your story about the seasons

Think of important dates for the child so that he learns on his own navigate the calendar and seasons. Say it's his birthday in a month New Year, women's day, Easter) and he will be given a lot of gifts or in the summer you will go to the sea. So the baby will count when the promised days come.

Teach with your child not only the seasons, but also the name of the months. Tell him that there are three months in one season, and only four such seasons. Gradually give him all the information, and do not tell everything in one day.

Draw the seasons with your child
  • When walking in a playful way, ask the child What day, month and season is it today. And if you see that the child has learned the new information, then start learning the following with him
  • If you do not try to tell your child about everything at once, then over time with regular repetition, Your baby will already understand with might and main not only by the clock, but will also tell you the name all days of the week and months
  • The main thing is to understand that a child's brain is not a computer, do not rush to study something by overloading the baby with information - everything must be done gradually and on time, reinforcing and repeating the studied material

Video: Learning time by the clock with Luntik

Time for a child is an abstract value. Small children do not differentiate time at all; for them, any state is infinite. In the course of growing up, the baby observes the change of day and night, the seasons, some landmarks appear on his personal timeline: birthday, New Year and other fixed holidays.

Understanding time by the clock is a necessary skill for all people. And while most of us have permanent access to digital watches, mobile phone, or a computer monitor, most parents are still convinced that the child should understand the traditional analog clock.

Where to begin

At the age of 3-4 years, it is time to introduce the child to the concepts of day and night, morning and evening, to analyze their fundamental features and the order of alternation. In order to reinforce these concepts, you can use special aids: cubes for the smallest or cards for older children.

You can start teaching a child to tell time from the age of 5-6, when he already understands what a sequence of events is. He knows the past, present and future. He understands that after day comes night.

In order for a child to be able to understand time using mechanical and electronic watches, you will have to learn to count up to one hundred. Some kids can count to 100 by age 5, while others can count by age 7. All of this is considered normal. However, without this skill, understanding the mechanism of time movement is impossible.

The main skills of the child in the development of time should be:

Visual recognition of each number from 1 to 12;

Ability to write these numbers;

Counting skills through 5 (5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30).

If your child already knows, understands and can do all this, you can begin to study the concept of time.

How to explain to a child what time is

What is the time on the clock for children? A certain figure that adults call, looking at the clock. And if there is no clock in the house and adults use telephones instead, then the abstract concept of time is not at all clear to the child.

In the process of teaching a child the definition of time, it is important to help him master this concept and feel its length or intervals using specific examples.

So, start with simple claps, each of which is equal to one second. Clap with your child to the clock, which has a second hand. At the same time, explain that now you are clapping your hands in time with the time.

Later, start paying your child's attention to the duration of his game or watching a cartoon. For example, one episode of your favorite animated series lasts 20 minutes. Voice it. Or time your child's time to get dressed.

Next, you need to explain to the child that our day is a day in which there are 24 hours. 12 of them he rests and sleeps. The remaining 12 hours are given to do all the important things: breakfast, lunch and dinner, playing with friends in kindergarten or preparation for school and so on. And each of these activities requires a certain amount of time.

Such simple exercises will help the child navigate the time periods and understand that each action requires a certain amount of time.

What to teach

For clarity, you will need children's toy watches for sale in Melitopol toy stores. The watch should have a large dial and movable hands. It is desirable that the designations of the numbers corresponding to the minutes be indicated on the clock - 1 - 5 minutes, 2 - 10 minutes, etc.

The dial can also be cut out according to the template and pasted onto cardboard. Having made cuts on the dial, the values ​​​​of the time intervals are indicated on the cardboard, which the child can peep if necessary.

Stages of learning

Explain to the child that the watch consists of a dial, numbers and hands - minute and hour. The minute hand is noticeably longer than the hour hand.

When he remembers this, leave only the hour hand and numbers. Show how slowly the arrow moves. Explain that if the hand is on the number one, it means one hour. If a little further, then a little more than an hour. Work full time - it's easier to move on to studying minutes.

Next, move on to mastering the minute hand. The child must understand that it is longer than an hour and moves faster, that is, it moves to the next digit more quickly. Draw small numbers around the clock face to define the minutes from 1 to 60. Explain that the division between the two numbers includes 5 minutes and that the minute hand takes 60 minutes, or one hour, to complete a circle. Give the child tasks to show you by moving the arrows 10 minutes, 15, 20.

Introduce concepts such as a quarter of an hour, half an hour.

Now tell me how to determine when one minute has passed. Show how the clock will look like 7 minutes, and how 8.

Write or draw with your child his daily routine. Opposite the event, draw a clock face with the image of time. For example, next to 7 the child wakes up, at 9 he has breakfast in the kindergarten, etc. First, draw just a few pictures. Don't rush time. But constantly ask the child what time it is.

Practice moving the arrows. Set the game dial to different hour values ​​and ask the child to name the numbers they stopped at. Use the training exercise books.

Your favorite characters in the training videos will also be able to help you figure it out by the hour.

Learning to tell the time with an electronic clock

The child can recognize the indications on the electronic clock more accurately. Match the values ​​of clocks with hands and electronic clocks. It may be interesting for a child to wake up with an electronic alarm clock or, under the supervision of an adult, set a timer on electrical appliances.

To consolidate the result, offer your son or daughter motivation. For example, say that we will eat sweets at a certain time - 3:45. When the clock shows this time, let the child call you. Also go for a walk and go to bed at time intervals. Such a mini-exam will be a fun and rewarding pastime. And it will certainly bear fruit.

The main thing that needs to be conveyed to the child in the process of teaching him the definition of time is the fact that time goes on constantly, it does not stop for a moment. An hourglass is a perfect illustration.

Understanding this process will not only help you more clearly navigate in hours and minutes, but also lay the foundation for a person’s careful attitude to time, help you plan your affairs more efficiently in the future, and therefore achieve great results in any chosen business.

According to the Internet.