
The game is the fourth extra for children 4 5. Interactive didactic game “The fourth extra. Characteristics of problem solving


The ability to highlight the main thing is valuable not only in learning, but also in life in general. However, even such a seemingly natural action of the child must be taught. But first, it is worth diagnosing the ability to highlight the essential features of phenomena and objects. For these purposes, the “Exclusion of the Superfluous” technique is used.

The essence of the method “Elimination of the fourth odd one out”

  • generalize concepts and objects based on certain characteristics;
  • abstract from the material covered in order to concentrate on new things;
  • highlight the essential qualities of concepts united by a common feature.

Stimulus material is presented in two forms: objective and verbal. In the first case, to conduct the test, you will need 7 sets of 4 cards with the image of 4 objects, among which one does not fit the rest in:

  • Group I - simple generalizations (for example, 3 trees and a flower);
  • Group II - standard generalizations (3 fruits and cheese);
  • Group III - differentiated generalizations (3 subjects outerwear and swimsuit)
  • Group IV - generalizations, complicated in name and essence (3 dairy products and bread);
  • Group V - generalizations requiring a detailed answer (3 things for a baby and a hammer);
  • Group VI - tasks with two solutions (chicken, chick, duck and egg);
  • Group VII - provocative tasks (lemon, pear and pepper yellow color, and the grapes are blue), when deciding which the child should rely on the essential characteristics of objects, and not on external ones. Such cards help test the experimenter’s assumptions about the concreteness or inertia of thinking.

For the verbal form of the test, a form with 12 lines of 5 words printed is used. The principle of operation is the same: you need to cross out a word that does not match one of the 4 criteria mentioned above, and then explain your choice.

The diagnostic procedure for preschoolers and primary schoolchildren

The test is carried out individually; the child is given 3 minutes to work with all the cards. After this time, the adult enters into the pre-prepared protocol the card number, the word excluded by the child, as well as a brief explanation given by the subject for his choice, or a leading question that led him to the answer.

Diagnostic instructions:

  1. Together with the child, the experimenter looks at the pictures of the first card. The adult explains: “In these pictures you see four objects. Three of them are similar, they can be called in one word, and one is inappropriate. Name the extra one and tell me what word can combine the remaining three.”
  2. The teacher reviews the first card with the subject.
  3. Then the child independently works through the remaining material in a set time. In case of difficulties, an adult can ask a leading question. For example, on card 2 of group I, trees with foliage and a Christmas tree are depicted. The subject can correctly exclude the object (the Christmas tree), but the explanation given is not entirely suitable: “These trees have leaves on their branches, but the Christmas tree has needles.” In this case, the teacher should praise the child, but say that there is a more correct explanation (some trees shed their leaves, but the Christmas tree is always green). However, for the objectivity of the data, you should not tell the subject whether he answered correctly or not; it is better to recommend thinking again.

The verbal version of the test can be carried out in groups; 3 minutes are given to practice the diagnostic form.

Instructions for organizing verbal testing:

Files: Samples of stimulus material

Processing and interpretation of results

The assessment of a child’s thinking processes is carried out based on the tasks of which group of cards the child completed:

  • Group I – the subject can make simple generalizations;
  • Group II – the child establishes the simplest cause-and-effect relationships and is able to generalize;
  • Group III – the child differentiates generalizations based on the essence of objects;
  • Group IV – the subject can independently analyze, look for a common feature and formulate it verbally;
  • Group V - the child knows about the functions of simple objects, can compose complex speech formulations and explanations;
  • Group VI - the child can find two solutions to one problem;
  • Group VII - the subject shows non-standard methods of generalization.

Child 3 years old with normal intellectual development copes with tasks of group I, 4 years old - categories I and II, at 5 years old the test subject can easily examine group III cards, as well as some items from IV and V. At 6 years old, the child is able to work with material of categories I-VI, and at a later age age, children successfully complete tasks from all groups.

For correct diagnosis of verbal testing, a special scale has been developed that assesses attention. The number of points depends on the correctness of the task and the time spent on it.

Based on the time spent completing the test, one can judge the level of development of critical thinking:

  • syncwine (creating 5 line unrhymed poems to define a concept), more about which you can read in the article “”;
  • INSERT (highlighting the main thing when reading or listening in a special table) - it is described in the material “INSERT in school lessons: what is a technique and how to use it”;
  • fishbone (drawing up a short cause-and-effect chain of a particular issue) - you can learn about this technique from the article “Fishbone technique in school lessons.”

The “Elimination of the Superfluous” technique allows you to identify errors in constructing cause-and-effect relationships in a child and select the correct correction program in a timely manner. Such measures will help prevent more serious deviations in the development of thinking of the emerging personality.

Marina Pashina
Interactive didactic game"The Fourth Wheel"

Explanatory note to the electronic manual

« Fourth wheel»

This electronic manual was made in Power Point

Interactive educational game« « Fourth wheel» designed for older children.


Experts note that a game to a certain extent, it is one of the ways to understand the world around us, especially when children use the game as a reflection of reality. Currently, a separate place in the educational process of preschool educational institutions is given to computer didactic games. Colorful and dynamic computer programs, musical arrangement, game uniform, allows the baby play enthusiastically, experience the joy of learning, discover new things. Interactive didactic games promote comprehensive development creative personality of the child. At a preschooler develops: perception, hand-eye coordination, creative thinking; cognitive motivation, voluntary memory and attention; the ability to build an action plan, accept and complete a task.

Multimedia didactic game« Fourth wheel» has developmental significance for children. It promotes the development of cognitive processes. Can be used to exercise directly educational activities with children in preschool educational institutions, and also for individual work teachers and parents with preschoolers. Trains visual-figurative thinking, verbal-logical thinking, active dictionary. Children reinforce the ability to group and classify objects using game exercises.

The teacher shows the children a slide show of four different objects. Children must name extra extra extra item.

Having completed all the tasks correctly, the child will see the inscription "Well done boys!"

This manual consists of 19 slides.

Thanks to this presentation, children can easily learn to classify and generalize objects. Computer a game for a child it is almost always a pleasure, he plays with passion and perceives the game as relaxation. It is this fact that makes computer games an irreplaceable mentor who raises and educates a child, without extra moralizing without causing protest or boredom. This means that the skills and attitudes that emerged through the game will remain in active memory for a long time.

The purpose of the game.

Strengthen the ability to find why he extra

1. Develop verbal and logical thinking, the ability to classify, compare, generalize, establish cause-and-effect, logical connections.

2. Develop visual perception.

3. Develop monologue and dialogic speech.

4. Cultivate attentiveness, the ability to accurately follow instructions, and concentration.

Abstract interactive didactic

games « Fourth wheel»

Program content: Strengthen the ability to find fourth extra item and explain, why he extra, expand ideas about the features of the objects around us, systematize children’s knowledge about the objects of their immediate environment. Cultivate mindfulness. Develop: ability to classify objects according to general characteristics, verbal and logical thinking

Material and equipment: projector, laptop, presentation of pictures « Fourth wheel»

Game description: The teacher shows the children a slide show of four different objects. Children must name extra picture and justify your point of view. On each slide there is an image of four objects, one of them extra. With a mouse click, the child must choose extra item.

1slide - the name of the game and the goal

2 slide child sees pictures in front of him with image: apple, pear, apricot, cucumber. The teacher asks which picture extra and why.

Child's answer: cucumber, because it is a vegetable. Apple, pear, apricot fruit. The child clicks the mouse and disappears extra picture.

3 slide - the child sees pictures in front of him with the image birds: turkey, duck, rooster, swan. The teacher asks which picture extra and why.

Child's answer: swan, because it is a wild bird, and turkey, duck, rooster are domestic. The child clicks the mouse and disappears extra picture.

4 slide the child sees pictures with the image animals: fox, wolf, bear, cat. The teacher asks which picture extra and why.

Child's answer: a cat, because it is a domestic animal, and a fox, a bear and a wolf are wild, they live in the forest. The child clicks the mouse and disappears extra picture.

5 slide - the child sees pictures in front of him with the image colors: forget-me-nots, dandelions, cornflowers, iris. The teacher asks a question, which flower superfluous and why.

Child's answer: iris, because it is garden flower, and forget-me-nots, dandelions, cornflowers are field flowers. The child clicks the mouse and disappears extra picture.

6 slide - the child sees in front of him pictures of insects and birds. The teacher asks which picture extra and why.

Child's answer: a bird, because beetles are insects. The child clicks the mouse and disappears extra picture.

7 slide the child sees in front of him pictures depicting warm clothes and a sundress. The teacher asks which picture extra and why.

Child's answer: sundress, because it is summer clothing, a jacket with a fur collar, a fur coat, a coat is winter clothes. The child clicks the mouse and disappears extra picture.

8 slide - the child sees pictures of trees in front of him. The teacher asks the question which tree unnecessary and why.

Child's answer: apple tree, because it is a fruit tree. The child clicks the mouse and disappears extra picture.

9 slide - the child sees pictures of shoes and a hat in front of him. The teacher asks a question which subject superfluous and why.

Child's answer: a hat, because it is a headdress, and sandals, boots, boots are shoes. The child clicks the mouse and disappears extra picture.

10 slide - the child sees pictures of nuts and raspberries in front of him. The teacher asks a question which subject superfluous and why.

Child's answer: raspberry, because it is a berry, and acorn, walnut and hazelnut are nuts. The child clicks the mouse and disappears extra picture.

Slide 11 - the child sees in front of him an image of furniture and household appliances. The teacher asks a question which subject superfluous and why.

Child's answer: iron, because it is household appliance, and a sofa, wardrobe, chair are furniture. The child clicks the mouse and disappears extra picture.

Slide 12 - the child sees 4 types of mushrooms in front of him. The teacher asks a question which subject superfluous and why.

Child's answer: fly agaric is a poisonous mushroom, and the rest of the mushrooms are edible. The child clicks the mouse and disappears extra picture.

Slide 13 - the child sees 4 types of transport in front of him. The teacher asks a question which subject superfluous and why.

Child's answer: plane, because it is air transport, and a bus, train, bicycle is ground transport. The child clicks the mouse and disappears extra picture.

14 slide the child sees an image of trees in front of him. The teacher asks the question which tree unnecessary and why.

Child's answer: birch, because it is deciduous tree, and the Christmas tree, thuja, and pine are coniferous trees. The child clicks the mouse and disappears extra picture.

Slide 15 - the child sees in front of him an image of dishes and toys. The teacher asks a question which subject superfluous and why.

Child's answer: spinning top, because it is a toy, and a plate, pan and cup are dishes. The child clicks the mouse and disappears extra picture.

Slide 16 - the child sees an image of fruit in front of him. The teacher asks a question which subject superfluous and why.

Child's answer: grapes are not a tropical fruit, but lemon, pineapple, orange are tropical fruits. The child clicks the mouse and disappears extra picture.

Slide 17 - the child sees an image of animals in front of him. The teacher asks what animal unnecessary and why.

Child's answer: The squirrel lives in the forest, and the tiger, elephant, giraffe are exotic animals. The child clicks the mouse and disappears extra picture.

Slide 18 - the child sees in front of him an image of instruments and a phonendoscope. The teacher asks a question which subject superfluous and why.

Child's answer: phonendoscope - a doctor uses it in a hospital to listen to a patient to determine whether a person is healthy or not, and the rest of the items are tools, they are needed to build and repair. The child clicks the mouse and disappears extra picture.

Slide 19 - having completed all the tasks correctly, the child will see the inscription "Well done boys!" with clapping hands emoji.


Source: Zabramnaya S. D. "From diagnosis to development." - /Materials for the psychological and pedagogical study of children in preschool institutions M.: New School, 1998 - 144 p.

Objectives of the study
Analytical-synthetic activity in visually perceived objects (first and second options) and on the basis of mental representation (third option) is studied. Ability to make generalizations. Logical validity and purposefulness. Clarity of presentation. Using help.

Three drawings of varying complexity.
In the figure (APPENDIX 1) there are three squares, each with four figures, one of which does not fit according to one characteristic (size, color, shape). Offered to children from 5 years old.
In the figure (APPENDIX 2) there are three squares, each with four objects: three from one generic group, and the fourth from another generic group. Offered to children from 6 years old.
In the figure (APPENDIX 3) there are three squares, each with four word-concepts, one of which does not fit. Offered to children from 7 years old.

APPLICATIONS 1, 2, 3 are offered in turn.

When working with APPENDIX 1, the instruction is: “Tell me what doesn’t fit here?”
When working with APPENDIX 2, they first ask you to name what is drawn, and then ask: “What doesn’t fit here?” Help: “There are three objects (pictures) that are somewhat the same, but one doesn’t fit. Which one?”
When working with APPENDIX 3, the researcher himself reads the words, and then asks the child to name the word that does not fit the others. If the answer is correct, they are asked to explain the choice.

Analysis of results

Children with normal mental development understand the purpose of the task and independently identify the feature that distinguishes the figure from the rest. Give a verbal justification for the principle of identifying a figure. When working with pictures, they are also able to make independent generalizations and justify the selection of an inappropriate picture. When highlighting concept words, re-reading is sometimes required. Leading questions are sufficient for correct execution. It must be borne in mind that the level of development of generalization at this age varies among children. Some immediately identify essential signs, others pay attention to secondary signs. This indicates insufficient formation of the higher levels of generalization. However, in children with normal mental development there are no cases of inadequate performance of this task.

Children are mentally retarded do not understand instructions and do not complete tasks independently. By the age of 6-7 years, they visually distinguish size and color, but find it difficult to make verbal generalizations even with leading questions. The task (APPENDIX 3) is not available to them at this age.

Delayed children mental development understand the instructions and complete the tasks (APPENDIX 1). The task (APPENDIX 2) to establish clan groups and justify them is difficult. Organizational assistance is effective. Work with the selection of words and concepts (APPENDIX 3) is carried out with leading questions, repeated readings, and clarifications. Children have difficulty explaining the principle of selection. They have the greatest difficulties with verbal justification.





Source: Nemov R. S. "Psychology in 3 volumes." - M.: VLADOS, 1995. - Volume 3, page 148.

This technique is intended for children from 4 to 5 years old and duplicates the previous one for children of this age. It is designed to explore the processes of figurative and logical thinking, mental operations of analysis and generalization in a child. In the method, children are presented with a series of pictures (APPENDIX 4), which present different objects, accompanied by the following instructions:
“In each of these pictures, one of the four objects depicted in it is the odd one out. Look carefully at the pictures and determine which item is superfluous and why.”
3 minutes are allotted to solve the problem.

Evaluation of results

10 points- the child solved the task assigned to him in less than 1 minute, naming the extra objects in all the pictures and correctly explaining why they are extra.
8 -9 points- the child correctly solved the problem in a time from 1 minute to 1.5 minutes.
6 -7 points— the child completed the task in 1.5 to 2.0 minutes.
4 -5 points— the child solved the problem in a time from 2.0 to 2.5 minutes.
2 -3 points- the child solved the problem in a time from 2.5 minutes to 3 minutes.
0—1 point- the child did not complete the task in 3 minutes.

Conclusions about the level of development

10 points- very tall
8 -9 points- high
4 -7 points- average
-3 points- short
0 - 1 point - very low


APPENDIX 4 B. Additional materials to the “What’s extra?” method


Source: Almanac of psychological tests - M.: KSP, 1996 - 400 p.

To conduct the study, you will need forms of the “Exclusion of Superfluous” technique, which allows you to assess the subject’s ability to generalize and isolate essential features. The technique consists of series, each series contains 4 words. (2 options offered). The experimenter must have a stopwatch and a protocol for recording responses.

Material: A form with a printed series of four to five words.

Instructions and progress: I present the form to the subject and say: “Here, on each line, five (four) words are written, of which four (three) can be combined into one group and given a name, and one word does not belong to this group. He needs to be found and eliminated (crossed out).”

Form for verbal version

1. Table, chair, bed, floor, closet.
2. Milk, cream, lard, sour cream, cheese.
3. Boots, boots, laces, felt boots, slippers.
4. Hammer, pliers, saw, nail, axe.
5. Sweet, hot, sour, bitter, salty.
6. Birch, pine, tree, oak, spruce.
7. Plane, cart, man, ship, bicycle.
8. Vasily, Fedor, Semyon, Ivanov, Peter.
9. Centimeter, meter, kilogram, kilometer, millimeter.
10. Turner, teacher, doctor, book, astronaut.
11. Deep, high, light, low, shallow.
12. House, dream, car, cow, tree.
13. Soon, quickly, gradually, hastily, hastily.
14. Failure, excitement, defeat, failure, collapse.
15. Hate, despise, be indignant, be indignant, understand.
16. Success, failure, luck, winning, peace of mind.
17. Brave, courageous, determined, angry, courageous.
18. Football, volleyball, hockey, swimming, basketball.
19. Robbery, theft, earthquake, arson, assault
20. Pencil, pen, drawing pen, felt-tip pen, ink.;

1) book, briefcase, suitcase, wallet;
2) stove, kerosene stove, candle, electric stove;
3) watch, glasses, scales, thermometer;
4) boat, car, motorcycle, bicycle;
5) plane, nail, bee, fan;
6) butterfly, caliper, scales, scissors;
7) wood, whatnot, broom, fork;
8) grandfather, teacher, father, mother;
9) frost, dust, rain, dew;
10) water, wind, coal, grass;
11) apple, book, fur coat, rose;
12) milk, cream, cheese, bread;
13) birch, pine, berry, oak;
14) minute, second, hour, evening;
15) Vasily, Fedor, Semyon, Ivanov.



Number of points

Characteristics of problem solving

The subject correctly and independently names the generic concept to designate:


First he names the generic concept incorrectly, then he corrects the mistake:

1) to designate objects (words) combined into one group;
2) to designate an “extra” object (word).

Independently gives a descriptive characteristic of the generic concept to denote:

1) Objects (words) combined into one group;
2) an “extra” object (word).

The same, but using the researcher to indicate:


2) an “extra” object (word).

Cannot define a generic concept and does not know how to use help to designate

1) objects (words) combined into one group;
2) an “extra” object (word).

If the subject copes with the first three to four tasks and makes mistakes as they become more difficult, or he solves the task correctly, but cannot explain his decision or choose a name for a group of objects, then we can draw a conclusion about his intellectual
If the subject explains the reason for combining objects into one group not according to their generic or categorical characteristics, but according to situational criteria (that is, he comes up with a situation in which all objects are somehow involved), then this is an indicator of concrete thinking, the inability to build generalizations based on essential characteristics.


Didactic game for older preschoolers "The Fourth Wheel"

This game is for children aged 5-7 years to develop thinking, attention and to consolidate general concepts.
1. Development of thinking and attention.
2. Consolidation of general concepts: vegetables, fruits; clothes, shoes; wild and domestic animals, food; furniture; insects; land, water, air transport.

Progress of the game:

Show the child the card and say: “Look, there are 4 pictures drawn here, 3 of them fit together, they can be called in one word, and the 4th is extra. Which one? Why do you think so?

Types of provocations:
- to size
- by color
- according to form
- by style
- in count
- according to material
No. 1. Dress, shirt, coat, shoes.

Shoes superfluous, since these are shoes, and the dress, shirt and coat are clothes.
No. 2 Turnips, corn, pear, pepper.

Pear superfluous, since it is a fruit, and turnips, corn and peppers are vegetables.
No. 3. Cucumber, apple, peas. potato.

Apple superfluous, since this is a fruit, and cucumber, peas, potatoes are vegetables.
No. 4. Pear, lemon, pumpkin, apple.

Pumpkin superfluous, since it is a vegetable, and a pear, lemon, apple are fruits.
No. 5. Wolf, squirrel, fox, cow.

Cow superfluous, since she is a domestic animal, and the wolf, squirrel, fox are wild animals.
№6. Cat, bear, hare, tiger.

Cat superfluous, since she is a domestic animal, a bear, a hare, a tiger are wild animals.
No. 7. Kefir, butter, cheese, cookie.

Cookie superfluous, since this is a flour product (bakery), and kefir, butter, cheese are dairy products.
No. 8. Potato, apple, tomato, cabbage.

Apple superfluous, since it is a fruit, and potatoes, tomatoes, cabbage are vegetables.
№9. 3 strawberries, 4 cherries, 4 plums, 4 gooseberries.

3 strawberries, since there are 3 of them, and the rest are 4 each.
No. 10. Bus, trolleybus, tram, watering machine.

Watering machine superfluous, since this is a special equipment, and a bus, trolleybus, tram is passenger transport.
No. 11. Butterfly, bee, 2 beetles, mosquito

2 beetles extra, since there are 2 of them, the rest of the insects: butterfly, bee, mosquito, one each.
No. 12. Chanterelles, fly agarics, porcini mushroom, russula.

Fly agarics unnecessary, since they are not edible, poisonous mushrooms, the rest of the mushrooms can be eaten.
No. 13. Goat, horse, elk, sheep

Elk superfluous, since he is a wild animal, and a goat, horse, sheep are domestic animals.
No. 14. Elk, bear, pig, hare.

Pig superfluous, since she is a domestic animal, and the elk, bear and hare are wild animals.
No. 15. Table, cabinet, sofa, chair.

Sofa superfluous, since it refers to upholstered furniture, table, wardrobe, chair - to wood.
No. 16. Locomotive, helicopter, car, bus.

Helicopter superfluous, since it is air transport, and a steam locomotive, a car and a bus are ground transport.
No. 17. Cow, horse, pig, hedgehog.

Hedgehog superfluous, since he is a wild animal, and a cow, horse and pig are domestic animals.
№18. Airplane, ship, boat, sailboat.

Airplane superfluous, since it is an air transport, and a ship, a sailboat is a water transport.
№19. Carrot, lemon, pear, apple.

Carrot superfluous, since it is a vegetable, and lemon, pear, apple are fruits.
№ 20. Banana, eggplant, potatoes, beets.

Banana, since it is a fruit, eggplant, potatoes, beets are vegetables.