
Development of fine motor skills of hands 4 5 years. The development of motor skills in children. Games with counting sticks



"A child's mind is at their fingertips"

V.A. Sukhomlinsky

Specialists in the field preschool education repeatedly stressed the importance of the issue of development fine motor skills hands in children. This question remains relevant today.

Relevance development of fine motor skills of children before school age due to the physiological and mental characteristics of children of this period of development. This is due to the fact that it is precisely at preschool age that the structures and functions of the child's brain are actively developing, and this expands his ability to know the world around him. At the heart of a comprehensive knowledge of the world around is tactile-motor perception. It is sensory perception that gives the first impressions and knowledge about the shape, size and location of objects in space. Developed fine motor skills are also one of the main assistants in mastering speech for a child.

The level of development of fine motor skills is one of the indicators of a child's intellectual readiness for school. Often it is in this area that preschool children experience difficulties. Therefore, I believe that work on the development of fine motor skills of the hands must be started from an early age.

My pedagogical experience consists in the selection and application of didactic games and exercises aimed at developing fine motor skills of the hands of preschool children in joint activities adult and child, as well as in the independent activities of children.

In the group, I created the conditions for appropriate children's activities, I selected and created a system of didactic games and exercises aimed at developing fine motor skills in the hands of children 3-4 years old.

The built systematic work with children improved and consolidated the fine motor skills of children 3-4 years of age.

My work took several stages.

On the preparatory stage the psychological and pedagogical literature was analyzed, it was determined what fine motor skills are, the importance of games and exercises for its development, and a set of didactic games and exercises focused on the development of fine motor skills of the hands of children 3-4 years of age was selected.

main stage involves the use of didactic games and exercises in the joint activities of an adult and a child, as well as in the independent activities of children.

On the final stage analyzed the results of the work.

Based on the analysis of psychological and pedagogical literature, I have determined that fine motor skills are a set of coordinated actions of the nervous, muscular and skeletal systems, often in combination with the visual system, in performing small and precise movements with the hands and fingers and toes. The term dexterity is also applied to the motor skills of the hand and fingers.

I have highlighted the following value for the development of fine motor skills:

  1. Small and precise movements of the hands and fingers affect the development motor function speech and stimulate the development of higher mental functions - thinking, memory, attention;
  2. Accurate and well-coordinated motor skills are the basis for the formation of self-service skills in children;
  3. The level of development of fine motor skills is an important indicator of a child's readiness for schooling.

In this regard, the following most effective methods works:

verbal method;

A visually effective method;

practical method;

game method.

verbal method involves verbal explanations of the educator when examining visual objects, explaining the rules of the game or the rules and the sequence of the exercise.

A visually effective method I realize by showing the object, and the child has the opportunity to examine the object, touch it, act with it.

practical method involves the application of acquired knowledge in practical activities. Therefore, after a general demonstration and explanation, children are invited, under the guidance of an adult, to perform part of the didactic game separately for each child. Single indications are possible.

game method occupies a leading position because didactic games increase children's interest in learning. Game techniques allow you to quickly interest children and learn the proposed material. I often use things like:

Playing a situation

Reception of the appearance of a toy, a fairy-tale character;

Help toys or fairy-tale characters in solving difficulties;

Use of surprises.

I have defined the following types of jobs, aimed at the development of fine motor skills of the hands of children 3-4 years of age:

  1. Games with small objects;
  2. Finger games;
  3. Didactic games.

Small object games:

Such games not only contribute to the development of fine motor skills, but also form creative imagination, orientation in space. Ideas for games in creating images from parts. But at the same time, the child constantly manipulates the details, which contributes to the intensive development of fine motor skills of the fingers.

  • mosaic;
  • puzzles;
  • constructor;
  • pyramids;
  • insert games;
  • lacing games;
  • labyrinth games;
  • clothespin games
  • stick games, etc.

For example, these are the games:

Mosaic (different diameter),

Puzzles (on a cardboard, soft and wooden base, including on wooden sticks)

Constructor "Lego", "Farmer", "Asterisks",


Cubes Blocks Gyenes, "Fold the pattern",

In-ear games " Balloon», « ladybug”, “Truck”, “Geometric shapes”

Lacing games "Collect beads", "Sew on a button", "Lace up a shoe", "Collect a caterpillar", "Mice and cheese"

Maze games

Game with clothespins "Sun", "Carousel", "Grass", "Vegetables", "Fruit", "Hedgehog", etc.

Finger games:

Finger games for the development of fine motor skills for children 3-4 years old can be based on:

  • Tongue Twisters;
  • tongue twisters;
  • poems;

At first, repetition of movements after an adult will be the norm. But then, hearing the poem, which contains the task of performing the simplest finger movements, the children must do them on their own.

Card indexes of tongue twisters, tongue twisters and finger games are selected by age and are reflected in the planning of thematic weeks.

Didactic games:

  • "Colored paths" - passing the path with the index and middle fingers alternately;
  • "Funny paths" - passing the path with the index and middle fingers alternately or without interruption, slide your finger along the path;
  • "Rolling pin" - coordination of the movement of hands and fingers when rolling a rolling pin on the surface back and forth;
  • "Hold the toy" - coordination of hand movements when squeezing and unclenching a rubber toy;
  • “Fish in an aquarium”, “Honey for a bear” - coordination of hand movements when transferring a bulk object (ball) from one container to another using a spoon, scoop;
  • "Pour water" - transfer of water from one container to another using a spoon, soaking and squeezing a sponge;
  • "Funny rubber bands" - the task of the child is to put rubber bands on the fingers in the same sequence as in the picture.


In Russia, it has long been customary to teach a child to play with his fingers from an early age. These were such games as “Ladushki”, “White-sided Magpie”, etc. After washing, the baby's hands were wiped with a towel, as if massaging each finger individually.

It has been proven that fine work with fingers contributes to the development of speech in children. Therefore, it is very important to develop fine motor skills in a child from a very early age. But just doing exercises will be boring for the baby - you need to turn them into interesting and useful games.

V Lately on the packages of children's games you can see the inscription: "For the development of fine motor skills of hands." Many parents have heard about this concept, but not everyone knows how to develop fine motor skills and why it needs to be done.

Now it is already known that at the initial stage of life, it is fine motor skills that reflect how your baby develops, testifies to his intellectual abilities. From how deftly the child learns to control his fingers in the very early age depends on its further development.

Under the term fine motor skills refers to the coordinated movements of the small muscles of the fingers and hands. They are important not only for performing various daily activities, but also for stimulating the development of the child's brain.

Along with the development of fine motor skills, memory, attention, and vocabulary of your baby develop.

Periods of development of the child in preschool age

The famous Italian educator Maria Montessori identified three periods in the development of children:

Development of children's speech (from 0 to 6 years). At this time there are two important events. From 1 year to 2.5 years, the child's vocabulary is rapidly expanding. At 4-4.5 years old, he masters writing (but only under the condition of developed fine motor skills);

Perception of small objects (from 1.5 to 5.5 years). At this age, the child likes to play with buttons, beads, sticks, etc. With the help of such objects, the motor skills of the child's hands can be developed. Just make sure that the baby does not take them in his mouth;

Formation of the simplest self-service skills (from 1 year to 4 years). At this age, the child is taught to independently dress, eat and perform hygiene procedures.

1. Exercises for the development of fine motor skills are carried out in a complex, starting from the first months of a child's life.

2. In the set of exercises, try to include tasks for squeezing, relaxing and stretching the baby's hands.

3. Start or end with a hand massage session.

4. Carry out fine motor development work regularly, according to age and level. physical development baby.

5. First, the adult performs all movements with the hands of the baby, and as he masters, the child begins to do them on his own.

6. Carefully monitor that the exercises are performed correctly by the child. If the baby finds it difficult to complete any task, immediately help him: fix the desired position of the fingers, etc.

7. Alternate new and old games and exercises. After your child has mastered simple motor skills, move on to mastering more complex ones.

8. Perform certain movements while listening to (and then pronouncing the child) a poem.

9. Encourage the child's creative activity, let him come up with some exercises.

10. Conduct classes emotionally, actively, praise the baby for success, but do not forget to monitor his mood and physical condition.

Exercises for the development of fine motor skills of hands for children from 0 to 2 years

1. "Forty-white-sided"

First, the adult runs his finger along the child’s palm and says: “Magpie cooks porridge.” Then the baby himself begins to drive his finger along the palm. We complicate the game: on the phrase “I gave this,” the adult alternately bends the child’s fingers to the palm, except for the little finger: “But I didn’t give it.” Slightly shaking it, we say with a playful reproach: “You didn’t carry water ...”, etc.

white-sided magpie
cooked porridge,
She fed the kids.
I gave this
I gave this
I gave this
I gave this
But she didn't give it:
"You didn't carry water,
Didn't cut wood
Didn't cook porridge
You have nothing."

2. "Pancakes"

Take the baby's hands in your hands and clap your hands. Show your child the movements and ask them to repeat them.

Sweets, sweets,
Sound crackers.
Clapped their hands
They clapped a little.

3. "Okay"

Read the nursery rhyme and at the same time accompany the words with gestures

Sweeties, sweeties!

(Show the baby your palms.)

Where were you?
By Grandma.
What did they eat?
What did they drink?

(Clap your hands.)

Butter bowl,
Brazhka sweetie,
Grandma is good.
Drink, eat!
Shu - fly!
They sat on the head.

(Raise your hands up, turning your palms to the right and left, then lower them with a “house” on your head.)

4. "House"

This is a house.

(Put both palms together.)

This is the roof.

(Join your palms and interlace your fingers.)

And the pipe is even higher.

(Raise all fingers up without disengaging them.)

5. "Hide and Seek"

Fingers play hide-and-seek,

(Raising your palm, spread all your fingers.)


(Put your fingers together and make a fist.)

6. Bunnies

Place all fingers of one hand on the table.

The bunnies went out into the meadow,
We got into a small circle.
One bunny, two bunnies, three bunnies,
Four bunnies, five...

(Count the bunny.)

Let's kick our toes.

(Tap all fingers on the table together or apart.)

They knocked, they knocked
And tired.
Sat down to rest.

(Bend your fingers into a fist.)

7. "Hello, finger"

Alternately touch the index, middle, ring fingers and little finger to thumb.

Hello dear finger
Here we met with you.

8. "Strong fingers"

Bend your fingers and invite your baby to do the same. Then take it by the fingers and pull them each in your direction.

Massage of the palms and fingers for children from 0 to 2 years

Finger massage is very useful to a small child. Fingers are closely connected with the brain and internal organs: little finger - with the heart, ring finger - with the liver, middle - with the intestines and spine, index - with the stomach, large - with the brain.

1. Take the baby's palm and carefully massage each finger, starting with the little finger. Perform massage movements from the nail phalanx to the palm, paying attention to each joint.

2. Massage the baby's fingertips, making light pressure on them.

3. Massage the baby's palms with circular movements of the index finger.

4. Take the child's hand in your hand and lightly press the thumb to make circular motions in the center of the palm.

5. Massage your fingers with the circular spiral massager. Put the massager on the baby's finger and massage the fingers up and down in the same sequence (starting with the little finger).

6. Take two massage brushes and run them over the palms of the child. His hands are on his knees, palms up.

Exercises for the development of fine motor skills of hands for children from 2 years

1. "Fisherman"

Pour water into a bowl and throw a few small items there: pieces of cork, twigs, large beads, etc. Invite the baby to use a small sieve tied to a stick to catch all these items in turn and put them on a plate standing on a tray on the right from a bowl. The "fishing rod" the baby should hold with one hand.

2. "Track"

Make a path on the table 3-5 cm wide, bounded on both sides by strips of paper. Invite the baby to sprinkle it with semolina or millet. Groats should be taken with three fingers and try not to spill over the edges of the track.

3. "Magic spoon"

Put two cups on a tray: on the left - a cup with cereals, and on the right - an empty one. By moving the child's hand, show him how to take the cereal with a spoon. Gently bring the spoon to the empty cup and tilt it over it. Task: pour all the cereal from the left cup into the right one.

4. "Sweet tea"

Your baby can already put sugar in his tea on his own. Now teach him to stir the sugar in the mug.

5. Salute

The child takes small pieces of colored paper and tries to tear them as small as possible. He puts the torn pieces on a saucer. Then you need to take all the pieces in the palm of your hand and throw them up.

6. "Make a ball"

Give the child a sheet of paper. His task: to crumple the sheet so that a tight lump is obtained.

7. "Spyglass"

The child takes a sheet of A4 paper and folds it with both hands into a tube, after which he brings the tube to the eye and examines the surrounding objects into it.

8. "Collect sticks"

Scatter the counting sticks in front of the child. The kid must collect them all one by one back into the box.

Massage of the palms and fingers with a prickly massage ball

1. The ball is between the palms of the child, the fingers are pressed to each other. Do massage movements rolling the ball back and forth.

2. The ball is between the palms of the child, the fingers are pressed to each other. Make circular motions by rolling the ball over your palms.

3. Holding the ball with your fingertips, rotate forward (as if you were screwing on a lid).

4. Holding the ball with your fingertips, press the ball with force (4-6 times).

5. Holding the ball with your fingertips, rotate back (as if opening a lid).

6. Throw the ball with both hands to a height of 20-30 cm and catch it.

7. Hold the ball between the palms, the fingers are clasped into the “lock”, the elbows are directed to the sides. Press your palms on the ball (4-6 times).

8. Shift the ball from one hand to the other, gradually increasing the pace.

Exercises for the development of fine motor skills of hands for children 3 years old

1. "Labyrinth"

Draw a maze on a piece of paper. Let the baby pass over it with a pencil or just a finger. To make it more interesting for the child to complete the task, you can come up with a little fairy tale: tell where this labyrinth leads, to whom, who should go through it.

2. "Beads"

It develops the baby’s hand well by stringing buttons, beads, pasta, dryers, etc. on a fishing line or thread. Start with items that have a wider hole - so at first it will be easier for the baby to master this task.

3. "Walk the path"

Draw a simple path on a sheet in a large cell. Ask your child to circle it with a finger, a colored pencil. If the child copes with this task, draw a more difficult path.

4. "Figures"

From the age of 3, children can already be taught to cut geometric shapes with scissors and stick them on a sheet of paper. It is important that the scissors have rounded ends, that is, they are safe.

5. "Surprise"

Wrap the badge in 4-5 candy wrappers. Ask your child to unfold all the candy wrappers and fold them neatly.

6. "Pegs on a basket"

Place a basket of clothespins on the table. Take the clothespin with three fingers and attach it to the edge of the basket. Have your child do the same. After the baby has mastered this, invite him to attach all the clothespins.

7. "Colorful clothespins"

On the table is a basket with colorful clothespins. Ask the child to attach a white, red, blue, green ... color clothespin to the edge of the basket with three fingers.

8. "Treat"

Invite your child to mold treats for toys from plasticine (drying, bagels, gingerbread, cookies, sweets) and decorate them with cereals, beads, etc. Cut out plates from thick cardboard and ask the kid to arrange the prepared treats beautifully on them.

finger games

A very important part of the development of fine motor skills are finger games, which activate the work of the child's brain, contribute to the development of speech and help prepare the hand for writing.

During these games, children develop dexterity, the ability to control their actions and concentrate on one type of activity.

By the age of 5, children are already learning to perform tasks that require sufficient accuracy and coordination of hand movements.

All the exercises suggested here should be performed at a slow pace, 3 to 5 times, first with one and then with the other hand. Make sure they are done correctly. Do the exercises for a few minutes, 2-3 times a day.

1. "Kitten"

Squeeze and unclench the fingers of both hands.

You, kitten, are not food!
You better look for your mom.

2. "Squirrel"

Unbend all fingers one by one, starting with the thumb. First do the exercise with your right hand, and then with your left.

A squirrel sits on a cart
She sells nuts
Sparrow, titmouse,
Bear fat-fifth,
Mustachioed hare.

3. "Tsap-scratch"

The child puts his hand on top of yours. You read a poem, and the baby listens attentively to you. At the words “tac-scratch”, he must pull back the handle so that his fingers do not fall into your “trap”. Then the other hand comes into play. After a while, you can switch roles.

On the palm, on the path
Little cat walks
In small paws
Hid the scratches.
If you suddenly want -
Sharpens claws.

4. "Funny fingers"

Clench your fingers into a fist. Unbend them one by one, starting with the big one. Then turn the brush to the right and left 5 times.

Thumb - danced
Index - jumped,
Middle finger - squatted
Nameless - everything was spinning,
And the little finger was having fun.

5. "Fan"

Keep your palms in front of you, fingers pressed ("fan closed"). Spread widely, and then press your fingers together (“open and close the fan”). Wave your brushes towards you and away from you (“we fan ourselves”) 6-8 times.

6. "Peacock"

Attach all fingers of the left hand to the thumb. Place the palm of your right hand with open fingers on the back of your left hand ("peacock's tail"). Connect and spread your fingers ("peacock opens and closes the tail").

At the cheerful peacock
Fruit basket full.
A peacock is waiting for friends to visit,
For now, there is only one peacock.

7. "Butterfly"

Clench your fingers into a fist. Alternately straighten the little finger, ring and middle fingers, and connect the thumb and forefinger into a ring. With straightened fingers, make quick movements (“the butterfly flaps its wings”) - first with one, then with the other hand.

8. “Stand up for exercises!«

Bend your fingers to the palm one by one, starting with the little finger. Then with your thumb touch all the others, as if raising them to charge. After that, do exercises - squeeze and unclench the fist 5 times.

Fifth finger - fast asleep.
The fourth finger was just dozing.
The third finger fell asleep.
The second finger was yawning.
The first finger stood up cheerfully,
Picked up everyone.

Exercises for the development of fine motor skills of hands for children 3-4 years old

1. "Cones on a plate"

Invite your child to roll pine, spruce, and cedar cones on a plate. First let him roll one bump, then two, three, etc.

2. Circle the object

You can circle everything that comes to hand: the bottom of a glass, an inverted saucer, your own palm, a spoon, etc.

3. "Magic pattern"

Poke holes in thick cardboard with an awl or nail - they should be arranged in a certain order and represent a geometric figure, pattern or pattern. Let the kid independently embroider a pattern with a thick needle with a bright thread.

4. "Sew on a button"

Show your child how to sew on a button. After that, let the baby do the same under your supervision.

5. "Colorful snowflakes"

Show your child how to make paper snowflakes. Once your child is able to cut out the snowflake, ask him to color it. Let the child cut out a few more snowflakes and color them as well.

6. "Lace up your shoe"

Show your child how to lace up a shoe different ways. First, lace up the boot with it. Once your toddler has mastered the lacing technique, ask him to lace up the boot himself.

7. "Magic pipette"

Invite your child to play wizard. On a piece of paper, paint a few multi-colored spots with paints. Show your child how to use the dropper to drop only one drop. After that, let him drop a drop of water on each colored spot. Then watch with your child how the spot will grow and turn into a pattern.

8. "Little Apothecary"

Tell your child about the work of a pharmacist. Then show him how to use tweezers to lay out and shift the beads from place to place. The game can use beads different size.

Massage of palms and fingers with natural materials

For children 4 years old, you can offer a massage using pine, spruce, cedar cones, walnuts, hazelnuts.

1. "Twist the bump"

Take pine cone and put it between the palms of the baby. Ask the child to spin the bump (like a wheel) in different directions for about 2-3 minutes.

2. "Roll the bump"

First, the exercise is performed with one fir cone, then with two. Rotate the bumps between your palms for 1-3 minutes.

3. "Catch a bump"

Take any bump. Ask the child to throw it up with both hands, and then catch it with both hands as well. After the baby has mastered this exercise, you can complicate it: toss and catch the bump with one hand; throw a bump with your right hand, and catch it with your left - and vice versa. The duration of the exercise is 2 minutes.

4. "Walnut"

Roll the nut on the palm of your right hand, then on the back of your left hand. The duration of the exercise is approximately 3 minutes.

5. "Sprinkle nuts"

Pour a handful of hazelnuts from one hand to the other. The duration of the exercise is 1-2 minutes.

6. "Nuts on a tray"

Place a handful of hazelnuts on a tray. Roll the nuts with the palms of your hands and the backs of your hands. The duration of the exercise is 1-2 minutes.

7. "Grains"

Here you can use a variety of cereals: buckwheat, rice, millet, etc. And the exercises can also be very different: squeeze the grains in a fist, pour them from one hand to another, mix in a deep bowl, etc. The duration of each exercise is 3 minutes.

8. "Affectionate feather"

Draw the pen across the surface of the palms and the back of the child's hands. The duration of the exercise is 3 minutes.

Working with plasticine

Here you will need several copies of the figures in this section. This will allow your baby to acquire the skill of accurately working with plasticine. You can arrange an exhibition of his best works.

You will need plasticine of different colors.

1. "Snowman"

Invite your child to decorate the snowman with plasticine. Let the kid work hard and smear the plasticine with his fingers, without going beyond the boundaries of the outline of the picture.

The normal development of the child, starting from infancy, requires classes on the development of fine motor skills. Many parents have probably heard this term, but not everyone knows what it means and why classes are so necessary. Let's talk about development of fine motor skills: what is it, why are classes needed, what should they be?

Children's physiology and features of the development of fine motor skills

Gross motor skills are body movements that are performed under the command of psychoanalytic reactions in the brain center. There are three main types of motor skills:

  1. Large. Large muscle work (jogging, push-ups)
  2. Small. Movement of the hands and fingers. This includes combining actions (eyes + hands when drawing).
  3. Articulation. Ability and ability to coordinate the functions of speech skills (coherent conversation).

Western scientists, having conducted research in the field of psychology, concluded that it is one third of the cerebral cortex that is responsible for fine motor skills. This part is "next door" to the brain speech center. This fact makes it possible to say that the development of fine motor skills in infants affects the formation process:

  • · speech skills;
  • memory
  • thinking;
  • logic;
  • imagination.

It was noticed that children who have good control over their hands are more diligent and get tired much less than children with whom no fine motor skills classes have been conducted.

A calendar of norms for the formation of fine motor skills in babies, or what and when you need to be able to?

Each age has its own norms for the development of fine motor skills, that is, the child is able to do a certain range of actions. As the nervous system matures and develops, the baby acquires more and more developmental opportunities. The formation of these skills must be monitored, since each subsequent achievement can only occur after the successful development of certain skills of one's age.

A step-by-step calendar of norms for the development of fine motor skills

  1. 4 months after birth. The first weeks of the newborn's hands are clenched into fists, and if we talk about the development of fine motor skills, then it is the unclenching of closed fists that can be called the first action in its development. All movements of the crumbs are still reflex, although the baby is trying to somehow coordinate them. Initially, he learns to control the movements of his eyes and head, then he reaches for objects with his hands, equally with his left and right, without highlighting the dominant one. Having caught the object in the palm at the reflex level, he clamps the brush.
  2. From 4 months to 1 year. There is an improvement in the movement of hands and fingers. Initially, the baby learns to use only one hand when holding an object. Further, this item is transferred from one hand to another. By six months, he confidently holds small objects in his palm, and by 7–8 he uses his thumb and forefinger in order to pick up small toys from the floor. Actively and consciously uses hands to help oneself sit up, stand up, hold. Closer to 12 months, he can safely touch the beads. You can read more about the development of a baby of this age in the article:.
  3. From 1 year to 2 years. Actions are getting better. At this age, the baby knows how to hold a spoon, handle it. Showing drawing skills. He can depict scribbles, dots and not quite even circles. Closer to two years, it is noticeable which of the hands is dominant. The child actively uses the index finger, showing it and touching unfamiliar objects with it.
  4. From 2 years to 3 years. The movements involve not only the hands, but also the forearms, elbows. By the age of three, the pencil takes the correct position in the hand and the first masterpieces come out from under it in the form of straight lines, circles, ovals, squares. At this time, the little one must be introduced to scissors. Normally, when he is three years old, he knows how to cut a sheet of paper in half.
  5. From 3 years to 4 years. The work uses the second hand. So, if a child draws with his right hand, then with his left he already holds the sheet on which he draws. He is able to color the figures, slightly going beyond the contour. It may well cut out a drawn large figure from paper. Closer to the age of four, he gets beautiful small details in his drawings.
  6. From 4 years to 5 years. Finger motility almost perfect. The kid, playing and applying drawing skills, does not use the entire hand, but only the brush. The coloring of the drawings becomes clearer and the lines no longer go beyond the contour. With the help of scissors, he is able to cut quite complex figures.
  7. From 5 years to 6 years. Hand movements are coordinated. A pen or pencil is already confidently "lying" in the dominant hand. The kid knows how to write straight sticks in a certain field. Uses scissors well. In addition to the development of motor skills, you should think about social sociability and the education of independence. For this purpose, a pet is suitable. If your choice falls on a dog, then we advise you to read the article:.

What is the risk of this lack of development?

Insufficient level of fine motor skills slows down the process of formation of speech functions. If you do not conduct classes with a toddler, starting from infancy, then as a consequence, problems with memory and logical thinking will arise in the future. Today, there are quite a lot of devices, toys, activities that can help the baby. Parents, for their part, need to monitor the stages of development so that the child does not have problems with school performance, since the lack of development of fine motor skills leads to a lack of concentration, increased fatigue, and these indicators will inevitably lead to lagging behind peers.

How to develop fine motor skills in children ?

Starting from birth, parents should devote time to developing activities with the baby. First aid will be in putting rattles in the palms. Next, you need to give him a touch different fabrics and invoices. From 8 months, the following development methods can be applied.

Development of fine motor skills with massage

Carrying out a competent massage on the palms of the baby is an excellent option for developing motor skills. For massage sessions, you can attract an experienced specialist or knead the palms yourself. Manipulations begin at 3 months. For one session, 5 minutes is enough. Massage should be performed in the following sequence:

  • Gently stroke the child's palm for a minute;
  • rub your palm until warm;
  • · with light tapping movements of your fingers, walk along the hands and palms;
  • bend and unbend your fingers several times;
  • massage each finger individually.

Development of fine motor skills with finger games

Game No1. Okay.

Everyone remembers such words "Paladushki, patty, where they were at grandma's...". With the help of this game, the kid will learn to straighten the reflexively twisted fingers and clap his hands.

Game No2. beads

Entrust the child to sort out the buttons typed on a string or beads from small beads. Children love to touch such small objects with their little fingers. At an older age, you can invite the child to string beads on a thread or fishing line on their own.

Game No3. cereals

Such a game, in addition to motor skills, helps to become aware of tactile sensations. Pour any cereals into a bowl, buckwheat and rice are perfect. Give the bowl to the little one, let him touch it with his hands, sprinkle the cereal. You can hide in a bowl of cereal, a few small items, let the baby try to find them.

Game No4. Cinderella

After the age of 3, let your child help in the kitchen. Mix 3 types of cereals (peas, buckwheat, beans) let him sort the cereals into three different bowls.

Game No5. Guess

Blindfold the little one's eyes and give different objects to his hands, let him guess what is in his hands.

From 7–9 months you can offer your child colored paper. Let him crush it, feel it, tear it. At an older age, teach him to tear paper into strips or create applications from it. The smaller the pieces of torn paper will be, the more perfect the fine motor skills of the hands will become.

At the age of 1-1.5 years, show how to turn the pages in a book. The process will be much more exciting if the book is with bright pictures.

Exercise No3. Making a rattle

Give your child an empty plastic bottle and offer to throw small items into it. It can be beans, buttons or beads. Pour them on the table, let him take them himself and throw them into the bottle. At the end of the work, twist the bottle, let him play with the resulting rattle.

Development of fine motor skills through lessons

  1. Painting. Initially, this is learning to hold a pencil in your hands. Next, drawing the first sticks, dots, outlining the contours of various objects. After drawings, letters, etc.
  2. Coloring. Teach your child to color both large and small objects. For these purposes, coloring pages, which the baby can already buy at 3 years old, are great help.
  3. Modeling. This activity is suitable for any age. For classes, you can use plasticine, clay or dough. Initially, it is enough to roll a ball or strip of plasticine. Any preparation of a dish from dough can also be turned into an exciting game. The kid will gladly help roll out and sculpt the dough. Learn how to spend time with your baby and make memorable casts from the article:.
  4. Cutting out. Children's scissors without sharp ends can be given to a child closer to 3 years. After he learns how to handle them, give him a glue stick and colored paper. Creating an application will help develop imagination.
  5. Embroidery. By the age of 5-6, it will be relevant to embroider with the child. More about this lesson in the article:.

Development of fine motor skills with educational toys

  1. Finger dexterity toys. Make from empty plastic bottles different size and color toy. The main idea is to twist and twist the caps on these bottles.
  2. Buttons. Teach your child how to fasten and unfasten buttons, open and close zippers. He can do it on his clothes or on yours.
  3. Lacing. For these purposes, you can use an old unnecessary boot or make a model with lacing. Have your child lace up and unlace the laces or ribbons.
  4. Mosaic. The main condition is that the details must correspond to age. So, small peanuts can be offered large details. Adults can purchase mosaics with small parts.
  5. Board with items. Such a toy is made from a piece of plywood and various devices: a switch, a latch, door hinges and other parts used in everyday life. The kid feels them with interest, opens, turns them on.
  6. Puzzles. Great option for the development of fine motor skills. These can be large puzzles that fold into a children's rug for the little ones. For older ones, you can use magnetic puzzles on the refrigerator. Well, for school age, standard paper puzzles with many details are suitable.
  7. Pyramid. Such a toy develops not only motor skills, but also logic. After all, the rings of the pyramid must be folded from largest to smallest.
  8. Constructor. For older children, a designer with small details is suitable. Such a toy trains the development of motor skills, logic, perseverance and many other skills.

If you understand, then any housework can turn into the development of fine motor skills for your child. You can train little fingers and grasping movements in all sorts of ways, the main thing is to show a little imagination. Engage in drawing, modeling, coloring with your child and in the future you will not have problems with the academic performance and development of your child.

Author of the publication: Leonid Guryev 

What is fine motor skills?

Fine motor skills are expressed in the child's ability to perform precise movements with the hands and fingers and toes as a result of the coordinated actions of the most important systems: nervous, muscular and bone. With regard to the motor skills of the hands and fingers, the term dexterity is often used. The fine motor area includes a large number of a variety of movements, from simple gestures (such as grasping a toy) to very complex movements (such as writing and drawing).

Why is it necessary to develop fine motor skills from early childhood?

This is justified by the fact that at an early age there is a rapid development of the brain. The most active maturation of the motor cortex occurs in the first year of a child's life and continues in the motor field up to 3 years.

Why is it important to develop fine motor skills in children?

The development of fine motor skills plays important role for the overall development of the child.

It is necessary to develop fine motor skills already from the neonatal stage. First, this is expressed by looking at his hands, then the child learns to control his hands, and this is expressed in the fact that the baby takes objects with his whole palm, then only with two (thumb and forefinger) fingers.

Then the child must be taught to properly hold a spoon, pencil, brush.

Fine motor skills are associated with nervous system, vision, attention, memory and perception of the child. Also, scientists have proven that the development of fine motor skills and the development of speech are very closely related. And this is explained very simply. In the brain, speech and motor centers are located very close to each other. Therefore, when the motor skills of the fingers are stimulated, the speech center begins to activate.

Therefore, if you want to competently develop a child’s speech, then you need to pay great attention to the development of fine motor skills.

In addition, fine motor skills directly affect manual dexterity, the emphasis that will be formed in the future, and the speed of the child's reaction.

From how fine motor skills are developed in a child, one can further judge his readiness for schooling. Since it is fine motor skills that determine the level of readiness of the child for writing, the level logical thinking, the level of memory, the level of development of speech, the ability to reason, concentrate attention and imagination.

It is worth developing fine motor skills gradually with the help of games, tasks and exercises.

These tasks will help develop fine motor skills in preschoolers.


Connect dotted lines in one continuous line. Color the resulting drawing according to the given sample.

Enter the name of the image in the boxes.

To open the original, click on the picture

Anna Lobanova
Exercises for the development of fine motor skills of the child

developed children's fingers are the key to intellectual baby development.

The well-known teacher Sukhomlinsky once said that the mind of a child is at its fingertips. Indeed, deft children's fingers are the key to a full-fledged intellectual baby development. baby with good developed fine motor skills talks and fantasizes, he is good developed speech, memory and visual perception.

Consequence of the weak development of general motor skills, and in particular - hands, the general unpreparedness of most modern children for writing or problems with speech development. With a high degree of probability, we can conclude that if everything is not in order with speech, these are probably problems with motility.

However, even if speech child Normal does not mean that the child is good with his own hands. If at the age of 4-5 years, tying shoelaces causes child predicament, and apart from balls and sausages, nothing is molded from plasticine, if at the age of 6 sewing on a real button is an impossible and dangerous task, then your child is no exception.

Unfortunately, about problems with coordination of movements and fine motor skills most parents find out just before school. This results in a forced load on child: in addition to assimilating new information, one also has to learn to hold a pencil in naughty fingers.

Great help in toys help develop fine motor skills. Therefore, carefully consider their choice.

It should be remembered that development fine coordination of movements and manual skill presupposes a certain degree of maturity of the structures of the brain; hand movement control Therefore, in no case should a child be forced.

Help development not only beautiful aids from an expensive store, but also the most ordinary, primitive at first glance, things can help a baby. Surely in your household there are stocks of used buttons, cardboard boxes from sweets, clothespins, capsules from "kinder surprises" and other little things. By taking these items, you can spend with a lot of interesting educational games for a child.

It is useful to roll pebbles, beads, glass balls on the table with each finger in turn. Only the child should do this under your supervision.

Good developsall kinds of stringing: rings on the pin of the pyramid, large beads and buttons on a thick thread or wire.

Show your child how to tie knots and bows.

Teach your baby to fasten buttons, hooks, locks, zippers, buttons.

Buy small tops and teach your baby how to run them.

Do with child gymnastics for hands

Tell your baby to clap along with you. Set the tempo and volume.

Let him portray a walking little man - walk on the table with the index and middle fingers, first one and then the other handle.

Let him gather all the fingers into a pinch, and then quickly open it.

The case for the thumb: he must take turns "say hello" with everyone else by touching them.

The brushes of both pens must be connected so that the fingers match, and then push them apart, and then cross

Finger games.

There can't be too many finger games. It's better to play them every day. But to keep the interest child- they need to be updated. And then you can return to the already forgotten.

They are convenient to use at any time - when you need it. entertain the child forced waiting. And besides this - they are great at the time of sitting at the table. They can be played before meals or after, as a benefit. entertainment before, during, after painting, sculpting, etc. It can become a useful and fun tradition - eat and play right after that.

"Repeat Movement"

Adult sitting opposite child, makes some "figure" with the fingers of his hand (some fingers bent, some straightened - any combination). Child must bring the fingers of his hand to exactly the same position - repeat the "figure". The task here is complicated by the fact that he still needs to mirror it (after all, an adult is sitting opposite). If this task causes child complexity, then you can first practice by conducting sitting side by side exercise(not vice versa) child) . So it will be easier for him to copy the position of the fingers.


The lanterns are on!

(fingers clenched into a fist open sharply and simultaneously on both hands)

The lanterns are out!

(fingers clench into a fist)

A more complicated option is to alternately squeeze and unclench the fingers (for example, the left hand is in a fist, at this moment the right hand is with unclenched fingers) to the next verse:

We'll light the lanterns

And then let's go for a walk!

Here the lanterns shine

Lighting the way for us!

Clench two hands at the same time into fists and put on the table (knees, then simultaneously straighten the fingers and press the palms to the table. Repeat 3-5 times.

The fist is a palm.

I walk like a cat.

A complicated version - the left in the fist, the right - with the palm of your hand. And we change.

Knead the dough

Knead the dough, knead, knead!

We press the dough, we press, we press!

(very vigorously clench our hands into fists and unclench them - simultaneously on two hands or alternately)

We bake pies

(we make movements as if we are making snowballs)

Games with household items.

Get a sink grate (usually it consists of many cells). Child walks with index and middle fingers, like legs, along these cells, trying to take steps on each stressed syllable. You can “walk” alternately with one or the other hand, or you can use both at the same time, speaking:

We take a dumpling. Its surface, as you remember, looks like a honeycomb. kid with two fingers (index and middle) depicts a bee flying over honeycombs.

Pour 1 kg of peas or beans into the pan. Child puts his hands in there and depicts how the dough is kneaded.

We bake bread sticks

3-4 summer babies may well help you bake bread (well, bread sticks! The main thing is to give them clean hands already ready dough and ask them to roll the pieces of dough into sausages. They will love this activity, but even more they will like the bread itself when it is cooked.

Rope games

You will need a medium-thick, fairly soft rope. It can be a shoelace, a finishing braid. The main thing is that the rope can take the desired shape.

Let's ask first child lay out the patterns according to the proposed samples, and then we invent and lay out our patterns and figures.

Grain games

Bags filled with cereals

Sew a few small bags and fill them with peas, beans, rice and other cereals. You should get two or three bags with the same filler. Suggest to kid find identical bags by touch.

Button games

Children love to play with buttons. To diversify this activity, you will need multi-colored flat buttons.

Mix several different button sets and offer child to sort them.

The game develops attention, perception.

Stack your buttons (turrets). Compete with child, whose stack will be higher.

We sculpt from plasticine

Children love repetition, a very good, convenient and interesting version of the game with plasticine.

1. Print large coloring pages. The image should be such that it needs to be supplemented. grow apples, decorate a cake,. we fantasize and come up with our own options.

2. Put the coloring in a file, and seal it around the edge with tape

3. Invite the baby to tear off pieces of plasticine and decorate the picture. Don't forget to create game situation and tell the kid something new. Show how you will sculpt yourself.

Postcards and candy boxes

Take the lid from the candy box and cut off the edges, you will get a rectangular picture. Cut the picture into 2-3 pieces for a three year old child, into 3-4 parts for child 4 years old, into many pieces for older guys. Show child drawing, and then "break" and offer to collect a picture


These are not simple applications!

For them, we do not cut paper, but tear it!

How many interesting things you can come up with even before the application is completed! Teach child tear paper. For kids, this is a difficult job. Toddlers can tear paper simply, and older kids can tear along the lines that you draw. Blow on the pieces of paper strongly and weakly, on one piece and on the whole pile. It will help develop speech breathing and will bring a lot of pleasure to the baby.

Games: Lacing

Maria Montessori:

- develop sensorimotor coordination, fine motor skills of the hands;

- develop spatial orientation, contribute to the understanding of the concepts of "above", "below", "right", "left";

Build lacing skills (lacing, tying a lace into a bow);

Contribute speech development;

- develop Creative skills;

Indirectly preparing the hand for writing;

- develop perseverance.