
Winter applications for children 4 5 years old. Winter applications - how to make an application on the theme of winter with your own hands. What material can be used to make applications


Name: Summary of the lesson on the application "Winter time"
Nomination: Kindergarten, Lesson notes, GCD, application, preparatory group for school

Position: teacher of the first qualification category
Place of work: MDOU "Kindergarten No. 121 of the combined type"
Location: Republic of Mordovia, city of Saransk

Application in the preparatory group for school
Theme: "Winter time"
(Application by design)

Program content:

* Encourage children to depict a winter landscape using the available techniques and methods for this:

- tracing the selected elements according to the template, followed by cutting and self-addition with the necessary small details.

- interrupted application technique,

- free cutting

- cutting out objects, invented and independently drawn.

* Provide children with the opportunity to independently compose a composition, choosing colored paper and cardboard of the desired color.

* Encourage the creation of an application consisting of various elements,

correctly position the parts in accordance with the real object.

* Fix the techniques for working with a template, cutting, gluing (lubricate the entire surface with glue reverse side details, stick carefully, remove excess glue with a napkin);

* Develop imagination, eye, creative approach to work, fine motor skills;

* Cultivate love for nature, creativity, diligence, accuracy, perseverance.

Sheets of colored cardboard A 4 for the base; colored and White paper for application, hard brushes for glue, paste, jars for glue, napkins - for each child. Templates "spruce", "hut", "high-rise building", for each child. Toy Santa Claus.
Preliminary work:

Examination of the painting "Preparing for the holiday"; conversations “Winter has come to visit us”, “Soon, soon New Year!”, memorizing a poem by S. Drozhzhin “Grandfather Frost walks the street ...”.

Lesson progress:

1. Organizational moment.

The teacher makes a riddle:

He is for every New Year

He will bring us gifts.

chubby and red-nosed,

Who is this?..

Father Frost!

The teacher shows a toy Santa Claus.

Let's remember the poem about Santa Claus that we learned, please him.

(Children read the poem)

Santa Claus walks the street

Frost scatters on the branches of birches.

Walks, shakes his white beard,

He stomps his foot, so that the crack goes.

2. Word drawing of the picture "Winter time".

When Sasha recited the poem, what did you imagine? Let's try to paint a word picture. (Street in the village or in the city, winter forest, drifts of snow, blizzard, Christmas tree, stars, snowman, winter night, etc.)

Tell me, what time of day did you imagine?

What color paper and cardboard will we use? Why?

Remind me what a landscape is?

3. Direct performance of work.

Now we will complete a winter landscape using the appliqué technique, we will please Santa Claus.

(Teacher shows exemplary sample).

You can depict in your picture everything that you have just described. You don't have to do everything like me. Maybe you want to depict a fairy forest. There is only one condition - it must turn out exactly winter picture, otherwise Santa Claus will get hot. What does it mean?

(Children answer that the picture must necessarily contain snow and other signs of winter - snowdrifts, snowflakes, etc.)

Together with the teacher, the children discuss in what technique snow can be depicted - this is free cutting, because snowdrifts have irregular shape, you can tear off small pieces of white paper and stick them side by side, or depict falling snow with small rounded pieces of paper, or you can use the technique of repeatedly bending the paper and then cutting out the pattern, as for snowflakes.

You have templates for the main parts (spruces, houses) on your tables. You can come up with and complete the picture with your own details (snowman, blizzard, etc.)

We need cardboard for the base. What color cardboard would you take? Why? That's right, if we take black cardboard, then we get a night landscape. If blue, purple or lilac, then it will be evening. If orange or pink, then this is morning, red is sunset, yellow is a sunny day, gray cardboard is a cloudy day.

(Children choose colored cardboard for the base of the application).

3. Improving the ability to compose a composition, strengthening the skills of working with a template, cutting and pasting.

(Next, the children tell how to work with templates - place colored paper on the wrong side, circle carefully without shifting the template, use colored paper sparingly. Instructions are given when working with scissors and glue).

The teacher invites the children to first lay out the landscape from the details that they cut out. Together they remember how to compose the composition correctly.

- In order not to get tired, Santa Claus invites everyone to play!

4. Musical pause - the game "Fire and Ice".
When the music is playing, the children imitate dancing flames.

As soon as the music stops sounding, motionless ice sculptures are depicted. The educator on behalf of Santa Claus notes the most successful "sculptures".

5. Independent work of children.

Children who quickly completed the task can stick on additional details, invented and independently drawn and cut out. Help is offered to children who are having difficulty.
6. Analysis and exhibition of works.

Children show Santa Claus and each other their pictures. The teacher considers applications together with the children. Praises all children, on behalf of Santa Claus notes the most successful work.

Do you think Santa Claus will like our pictures? Why?

7. The result of the lesson:

Did you like our activity?

What did you like and remember the most?

Master class on the theme "Winter Night"

Kozina Natalya Sergeevna, teacher of additional education
Place of work: MKOUDOD ZATO Znamensk CDT, Znamensk, Astrakhan region
Master class crafts winter nights for children school age, teachers and parents.
Target: The development of imagination, fantasy, fine motor skills and coordination of hand movements, the eye. Formation of a creative personality.
- development of a sense of color, proportion, rhythm;
- development of spatial thinking and creative abilities;
- aesthetic education means of fine and decorative arts;
- education in children of artistic taste;
- development of motor skills of children's fingers.

1. Thick cardboard
2. PVA glue
3. Gouache
4. Palette
5. Brushes
6. Simple pencil
7. Piece of cloth

8. Small cardboard box
9. The threads are thick
10. Papier-mâché
11. Plasticine stack

To begin with, we decide with a picture what to draw. You can like mine, a house with a tree and a fence. Or you can have a Christmas tree instead of a tree, you can even have a snowman, a complete flight of fancy.

After we have decided on the pattern, we begin to lay out our papier-mâché pattern in volume. I make the mass myself, you can make a lot of it and store it for a long time in a tightly closed bag or in a jar with a tightly closed lid. I take white paper napkins, tear them into large pieces (and sometimes entirely), pour hot water over it, and then thoroughly mix all this porridge with a blender into a homogeneous mass. Then I squeeze out all the water through cheesecloth: it is better to squeeze out in small portions, it is more convenient. When the whole mass is squeezed out, I add PVA glue there, in such an amount that a plastic mass is obtained and everything is very well kneaded. Then I add linseed oil. For lack of linseed, you can add olive oil. The only difference is that olive oil can “turn yellow” after drying, but it doesn’t matter to me: I paint everything anyway.

I used a palette knife in the formation of snowdrifts, you can use a plasticine stack. You can also trim the uneven edges of the tree with a stack. But it is better when the tree is a little careless, as trees in nature do not have even trunks. I made twigs by twisting flagella. At the log house, she rolled sausages and if it was long, she removed the excess with the help of a stack. Of course, you can simply apply a mass and then squeeze the logs into it.

After the drawing has been laid out, we moisten our fingers in glue and smear our laid out drawing a little bit. Our craft must dry, it takes about a day.
After drying, proceed to coloring. I made the sky dark, of course you can paint everything black, but it will not be as interesting as mixing blue and black. And you don’t need to paint everything in one color, make small stretches from blue to black. To do this, mix all the colors on the palette. Keep in mind that gouache has such a property as lightening when it dries. It is not necessary to use a purchased palette as a palette, here I have an ordinary piece of plastic white color. You can use a white plate or even plastic bottle cut and put a sheet of white paper under it.

After we proceed to the snow, we still mix the colors on the palette. The snow is not just white in winter, it is some kind of hollow-white, blue-white. In the shadows sometimes already blue.

We paint our birch with white and black, we still mix the colors on the palette. Draw the missing branches.

We paint the house and the fence. If your set of gouache does not have a brown color, you can get it by mixing red and green colors. And if you want a lighter shade, then add white paint. As always, mix all the colors on the palette and not on the work itself.

When everything is finished, we start drawing the stars and the moon.

In order for our work to be completed, we make a frame, I chose to make a frame from threads. If you have other ideas, feel free to use and try.
I smeared PVA glue along the contour of our work and then attached the braided threads to the pigtail.

If the thread falls off, then press it with clothespins, I don’t have such, I used paper clips. And so let the work lie down for about 20 minutes, so that the glue dries a little bit.

Let's start making supplies for work. Glue a piece of fabric to the cardboard on both sides. Let the glue dry. After drying, glue the fabric on the cardboard to our work on the reverse side. For greater reliability, I glued more pieces of paper on a glued cloth. The glue dries in about half an hour.

Well, the work is ready.

Do-it-yourself paper application on the theme: "Winter-winter". Master class with step by step photo.

Laikam Olga Vasilievna-educator, MADOU CRR Kindergarten No. 121, Kaliningrad
Target: Creating an application from paper on a winter theme.
-To teach children to create a picture with a three-dimensional application using the method of trimming, cutting out relief figures, objects;
- Strengthen the skills of folding paper in half in children, improve skills in working with scissors;
-Develop artistic and aesthetic taste;
To instill in children the desire to bring joy to themselves and others with crafts made by themselves.
-Educate accuracy when working with glue.
The work will be interesting for primary school teachers, kindergarten teachers, teachers of additional education, as well as for creative parents.
O. Fokina
Deep snow all around
Where I don't look.
A blizzard sweeps and swirls.
Do you recognize winter?
The rivers fell asleep under the ice,
Frozen motionless,
Snowdrifts burn with silver,
Do you recognize winter?

For MK we need materials:

-colored paper;
-White paper;
- a white napkin;
- a disposable plate of blue color;
-PVA glue;
brush for glue;
- rod from a ballpoint pen;
- a ruler and a simple pencil.

We start making blanks for future trees, a roof and a window for a house. To do this, cut out squares, rectangles from a sheet of white paper (you choose the size yourself, depending on the volume of the plate you have prepared).

The next step is to carefully fold our blanks in half.

Now, on folded leaves, we draw trees, a spruce, a window, a roof of a house. Pay attention when you do this with a child, explain that you need to draw a half of the tree from the side of the fold of the sheet.

This is what we should get when you carefully cut out these shapes.

From a sheet of green paper, I cut out a base square for our house (the size depends on the diameter of the plate).

It remains to prepare small squares for voluminous "snow", which we will lay out by trimming. To do this, we take a napkin and cut it, first into strips 1 cm wide, and then we cut these strips into squares 1x1 cm in size.

And now, when all the blanks are cut out, we proceed to the most important work, gluing all the figures onto the plate. First, we glue the house (green square).

then, I paste the roof. My roof turned out to be already snowy, fluffy.

Now trees have "grown" near our house. You can arrange the trees at your discretion. We glue a window on the house, add a pipe with smoke on the roof.

We start laying out the "snow". To do this, we thickly smear the plate with glue and begin to twist the napkin squares. We take the square, insert the rod from the handle into the middle and scroll the napkin without removing it from the rod with glue onto the plate. And so one by one, we glue the entire bottom of the plate.

I got these little snowdrifts. But something is missing in our picture, a little more snow.

Let's add snow, for this I took white gouache and shaded it a little over the house, trees, to give our picture a winter landscape.

To give an even more fabulous picture, you can add finely chopped silver tinsel.
Our work is finished, now it can be arranged in a craft corner, attached to children's corner. I think that you will find a place for her. Creative success to you!

Summary: Application winter. How to make applications on the theme of winter with your own hands. Examples of winter applications for making with a child at home. How to make winter applications in kindergarten. Photo applications "Winter" for children of middle and senior groups kindergarten.

Winter is a very beautiful time of the year. You can convey all the charm of winter through creativity. In this section, we will tell and show you what applications on the theme of winter you can do with your own hands with your children. To create winter applications, we will use the most different materials: colored paper and cardboard, cotton wool, cotton pads, all kinds of waste material. Most of the winter appliqués described in this article are voluminous appliqués.

1. Application winter. Application on the theme of winter

On this application, winter snow is made of white paper, which the child had previously torn into small pieces with his hands. By the way, tearing paper with your hands is very useful for the development of fine motor skills in children.

Here is another charming winter house. It should be noted that depicting houses on applications on the theme of winter is very common. On this application, winter snow is made of ordinary cotton wool. To create such voluminous application, you will first need to find on the Internet any coloring of the winter house. Figuratively cut it out, stick it on colored cardboard. Color it, and at the end glue cotton wool on your applique winter to create the appearance of snowdrifts and snow on the roof of the house.

2. Application winter. Application from cotton pads

Applications on the theme of winter from cotton pads are very popular. With this material, you can create volumetric snowmen, snowdrifts, snow on the roofs of houses and on tree branches.

3. Application winter middle group. Application winter senior group

We have already talked about the application on the theme of winter from hand-torn paper. Here is another interesting version of a similar craft.

We would like to pay special attention to winter applications using corrugated paper. In the photo below, children make applications on the theme of winter. They glue the mitten templates with multi-colored pieces of corrugated paper. It is better to cut corrugated paper for application with scissors, and not tear it with your hands. It should be glued with PVA glue diluted with water in a ratio of 1: 1.

See what bright and original winter applications the kids got as a result.

The Christmas trees in the photo below are also made of corrugated paper. You can make multi-colored Christmas trees, or you can make green ones from paper of different shades of green. Choose which ones you like best. How to make such an application winter? cut into corrugated paper different colors into small pieces. Paste it in random order on a white sheet of paper. When the glue dries, cut triangles out of it. These will be Christmas trees. Stick them on a sheet of thick blue paper. Paint snowdrifts and falling snow with white paint. By the way, snow for winter applications can be made from white paper using a hole punch.

4. Application winter preparatory group. Application winter junior group

With young children, it’s easy and quick to make such funny applications on the theme of winter called “melted snowmen”. Children can cut out the details for the application themselves or you can make them for them in advance. This winter application is good because it does not require any special accuracy in the process of its manufacture.Even the children of the younger group of kindergarten will cope with it.

Another simple application on the theme of winter. We draw a mitten on thick paper or cardboard. Cut out of paper beautiful snowflake. We glue the snowflake on our winter application. Ready!

5. Application winter. Application on the theme of winter

Insert a sheet of colored paper inside the glass. Dip the balls in white paint. Now put them in a glass, close it with a lid and shake well. As a result, you will get colored paper with white streaks. Similarly, make colored paper with white streaks of other colors. From these blanks, cut out the details of the appliqué on a winter theme.

Finally, two more unusual winter applications. The first application called "Snowplow" will appeal, first of all, to boys. To make such a voluminous application, you will need: colored paper, cardboard toilet paper roll, cotton wool, a piece of bubble wrap.

Natalia Chigirina

This variety paper plastics accessible to children and interesting to adults. essence technology, including that a decorative element is created by making a flagellum. The flagellum is obtained by twisting soft species paper. For this technology it is better to use napkins, but you can also use toilet or corrugated paper. This type of productive activity will help improve coordination of movements, accuracy in performing actions and the development of fine motor skills of the hands.


Introduce appliqué making technique« paper plastic» ;

Develop fine motor skills of hands and eye;

To form the ability to follow oral instructions;

Develop artistic taste and Creative skills, activate imagination and fantasy

For work we need the following materials and tools:

paper white napkins, glue stick, simple pencil, base - A4 colored cardboard, figured hole punch "Snowflake"

Execution steps work:

1. Tear the napkins into strips.

2. We twist the strips into flagella

3. On cardboard, draw the outline of a winter landscape with a simple pencil

4. We begin to glue the flagella, smearing the contour with glue

5. We fill the contours with a napkin, cutting it off along the silhouettes.

6. Complement snowflake applique.

7. Our work is ready.

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