
Methods of artistic and aesthetic education and development of preschool children. Consultation on the topic: "Education by creativity" - consultation for parents


No one better mom does not know how to entertain children. The author of this book, a mother of two daughters and an artist, has collected in it the brightest and most interesting activities which she tried with the children. The book teaches parents a special creative view of the world, talks about how to create a creative atmosphere in the house and help the child develop freely. It also has 60 workshops for children. different ages. And it will definitely turn your life into a continuous creative process.

Three-dimensional stained glass from petals

Photo from the book "Creative Education"

materials: self-adhesive film (transparent), scissors, flexible wire, wire cutters or strong scissors, flowers and leaves, LED candles (optional).

1. Cut out the rectangle right size from self-adhesive film. Lay it on the table with the adhesive side up, remove the protective layer.

2. Cut a piece of wire that will serve as a frame, bend a circle or square out of it, put it on a self-adhesive film so that there are margins of 1-2 cm.

3. Wrap these fields around the wire.

4. Pluck the petals from the flowers and arrange them beautifully on paper.

5. Cut out another rectangle from the tape, large enough to cover the first one. Remove the protective layer and cover with a second rectangle of self-adhesive film flower pattern.

6. Cut off excess film.

7. Bend the wire, you will get a dome or other figure.

8. Hang a stained glass window on the window to let light through, or cover it with a light bulb.

In autumn, you can use bright fallen leaves. Instead of petals, you can take pieces of tissue paper.

2. Creative year

Jean Van't Khal, mother of two daughters and author of Artful, a popular creative parenting blog, shares her experiences and ideas with parents around the world. This book will help you create an atmosphere of creativity and celebration in your home. It includes descriptions of crafts for every season, gift and holiday decor ideas for home and garden, and recipes for family reunions. The exciting process of preparing for the holiday will become the common cause that will help strengthen family ties and traditions.

The book contains 125 crafts, gifts and decorations for home and garden, as well as over 45 recipes for family celebrations on the occasion of New Year, Christmas, Valentine's Day, Easter and other holidays.

Easter tree

Materials: bucket or saucepan, pebbles or sand, large branch, scissors, 6 mm wide tape, hot glue gun, empty decorated Easter eggs

1. Fill the basket halfway with pebbles or sand. Stick a branch in the middle and, holding it, add more pebbles or sand to keep the tree stable.

2. Cut the tape into pieces 12 cm long. Fold the piece in half and use a heat gun to glue the ends of the ribbon to easter egg: you will get a loop for hanging. Provide such loops to the rest of the eggs.

3. Hang the eggs on your Easter tree.

3. Iceberg on the carpet

A bestseller that has fascinated many mothers and their children. And this is not surprising, because Asya Vanyakina created a book based on her blog, and tested all the games in practice with her son Osya. Under the cover - more than 100 ideas for games with kids from 1.5 to 5 years old. And these are really amazing activities: with homemade snow, paints, letters, based on famous books and favorite cartoons.

The main idea of ​​the book is that Asya advises all parents to play with their children more often, then they will be happy and cheerful.

dinosaur eggs

What you need: some ordinary balloons, small dinosaur figurines, water.

You can play with ice eggs, how dinosaurs hatch in our time, how they get along with modern animals. You can swim with them in the bath and watch how the balls of ice quickly melt.

1. Stretch the narrow part as much as possible balloon so that the dinosaur can crawl deep into the ball. Carefully place the figurine there. Some dinosaurs will easily fit inside the balloon, while others may have too long necks or tails. Don't try to push them into the ball by force, it's better to start pouring water carefully, and then the ball will stretch.

2. Gently pull Balloon on the water faucet and hold it firmly with your fingers so that it does not break.

3. Now carefully turn on the water with a thin stream and watch how the ball begins to grow in front of your eyes. It is better to additionally support the ball from below so that it does not tear. Don't use too much water, especially if you want to freeze dinosaur eggs in the freezer instead of outside.

Kids will love the process of creating ice dinosaur eggs! — Photo from the book "Iceberg on the Carpet"

4. Turn off the water, carefully remove the balloon from the faucet and tie it in a knot. Now you need to place the ball in the freezer, after placing it on a plate or tray.

5. To freeze whole eggs, leave them in the freezer overnight.

6. The next day, remove the frozen balls from the refrigerator and remove the shell. You can start playing: defrost the ice under warm water, hit it with a hammer, sprinkle salt, just leave it to melt in the sun - any method will do.

7. To keep the waiting fun, prepare with your child a place where the dinosaurs will live after hatching.

8. When the dinosaurs hatch, you can send them to the prehistoric world, let them do the usual dinosaur business.

4. There is an artist in everyone

Julia Cameron believes that every child is creative from birth. In her book, she helps parents understand this too. The book teaches a special creative view of the world. Under the cover are mini-trainings for children and parents. They teach to think, develop fantasy, imagination, help to educate a creative person.

Something from Nothing

Exercise from the book "There is an artist in everyone"

5. Wonderful time: winter

Any time of the year is magical and gives us a lot of opportunities for creativity. This book helps to understand this. It has a lot of incredible ideas that you can implement with your children. These are games at home and on the street, games in the dark, cardboard construction, winter drawing, drawing on snow and ice, jars-lamps, snow kitchen, footprints in the snow. In addition, under the cover there are many ideas for preparing for the New Year, a list family traditions and useful little things that will make your life more creative.

Candlestick jars

Cans can be used to make beautiful lanterns to decorate the house or night lights in the children's room.

Candlestick house. Cover the glass jar with plasticine or hardening plastic. To do this, you can roll up sausages, make small cakes, or roll out plasticine with a rolling pin. Leave room for windows or cut them out after. You can put both real candles and battery-powered LED candles in the jar.

Illustration from the book Wonderful Time: Winter

6. Creativity with kids

A book for the development of kids, which contains more than 70 master classes. She teaches parents to perceive the process of raising a child as continuous creativity. Natalya Kostikova conducted all the classes from the book with her son David. Master classes in drawing, modeling, paper-plasticity and just fun games are suitable for children under 3 years old.

Chalk bas-reliefs

We are used to the fact that children draw with chalk on asphalt or a blackboard, but there are more unusual way use of this material.

Prepare crayons, glue, a sheet of cardboard (or thick paper). Cut the chalk with a knife different colors on a tray. Glue the image onto the cardboard. To do this, you can use PVA in a bottle with a thin spout.

Photo from the book "Creativity with kids"

Now ask your child to gently dip the sheet with the pattern down into the multi-colored shavings. Draw letters, numbers, simple figures. It will be very interesting if the kid writes his own name on a piece of cardboard with your help. To save such a picture, sprinkle it with hairspray.

6. Creative workshop

Children are tireless explorers who can experiment with literally anything. This book contains activities and experiments that will teach children to look at the world creatively, to try, test and not be afraid to discover new possibilities of objects. They will be able to make a drawing machine, draw with invisible ink, make homemade ice cream, and make a marmalade constructor. They are waiting for 55 unusual and exciting activities.

Ice and salt experiment

You will need: water, glass or plastic form for ice, rock (coarse-grained, without any additives) salt, food colorings or watercolors, pipette, large tray with sides.

This experience introduces children to the interaction of ice and salt - salt lowers the melting point of ice, and ice begins to melt upon contact with salt.

Get a few milk cartons or freezer-safe bowls and fill them three-quarters full with water. Place containers of water in the freezer to turn the water into ice.

Photo from the book "Creative Workshop"

Take the ice out of the bowl and put it on a tray. Pour liquid watercolor into small bowls or ice molds, and pour rock salt into another small container. Give your child an ice tray and a bowl of salt. Have him sprinkle salt on the ice and discuss the chemical reaction that follows (the salt will melt holes in the ice). Then give the child watercolors, a pipette and invite him to drip paint into the cracks in the ice. It will turn out very bright and beautiful. Let the child mix paints, add more salt and experiment in every possible way.

Try adding other substances to the ice, such as sugar, flour, or hot water. Spread the ice on several trays and use on each different types salt: stone, table, sea.

7. Games with children

Remember how we used to play as kids? How did a stick become a sword, a blanket become a house, and sand become food? How interesting and exciting these games were! But for some reason, we rarely talk about such entertainment to our children. Kids like to explore the world through games, they are happy to explore unknown planets or to search for treasures hidden by pirates, you just need to invite them on such a journey.

This book by famous blogger and mom Lisa Arie will tell you interesting ideas, will give inspiration and help captivate your children, get a little closer to them, penetrate into their inner world and develop their imagination. You will learn to look at the world frivolously, dream and create entertainment with your child from everything that is at hand.

Treasure Bottle

Materials: beads, rhinestones, decorative stones, iron buttons, short chains, coins, sand, semolina, millet, a plastic transparent bottle with a wide neck, a magnet, plastic or silicone fish, pirate figures.

Put everything in a bottle, fill it with sand, leaving some free space. Screw the lid on tightly so that the child cannot remove it. Now you can start playing! Here are just a few options.

Treasure search. The task of the kid is to twist the bottle and find out what treasures are hidden in it. You can ask the baby to look for specific items. At the same time, you can repeat the numbers, the count, and the names and even write them down opposite the images of objects.

Game of dice. Unroll and shake the bottle, then lay it on its side. Look with your baby at what objects appeared on the surface. And now - the main thing: together compose a story or a fairy tale with the participation of the objects that fell out to you.

Modern treasure hunters. If you put in a bigger bottle metal objects, the baby will be able to find them with a magnet right through the walls of the container. At the same time, explain the principle of operation of a metal detector, with the help of which real treasures are found even today.

At the bottom of the sea. Pour half the sand from the bottle into a small box. Put only those treasures in the bottle that sink in water (it's better to check this in advance). Pour in the water, leaving a little space (you can add a drop of blue dye). Launch the toy fish. Get a piece of the sea in a bottle - with treasures in the sand, sea ​​water and fishes. You can turn over and see what is hidden at the bottom of the sea.

Irina Aspidova
Education of preschoolers in creative games

an important role in the development and education the child belongs to the game - the most important type of children's activity. It is an effective means of shaping personality preschooler, his moral and volitional qualities, the need to influence the world is realized in the game. V. A. Sukhomlinsky emphasized that “ the game- this is a huge bright window through which a life-giving stream of ideas and concepts about the world around flows into the spiritual world of the child. The game is the spark igniting the flame of inquisitiveness and curiosity. Educational the value of the game largely depends on the professional skills of the teacher, on his knowledge of the psychology of the child, taking into account his age and individual characteristics, on the correct methodological guidance of children's relationships, on the clear organization and conduct of all kinds of games.

Preschool - short, but an important period of personality formation. During these years, the child acquires initial knowledge about the life around him, he begins to form a certain attitude towards people, to work, skills and habits are developed. correct behavior, develops character.

The main activity of children preschool age- the game, in the process of which spiritual and physical forces develop child: his attention, memory, imagination, discipline, dexterity, etc. In addition, the game is a kind, characteristic preschool age way of assimilation of social experience. What a child is in the game, such will he be when he grows up. So upbringing the future member of society takes place primarily in the game. And the whole history of a single person as a member of society and a worker is represented in the development of the game and its gradual transition into labor activity. It doesn't happen quickly. V younger age child predominantly plays, his work activity is very insignificant: he begins to eat on his own, put on socks, tights, trousers, cover himself with a blanket. In a family where these work functions are well organized and then gradually become more complex, the child is assigned more and more complex work. First it concerns self-service: wash your hands with soap and water, put away toys after playing, carefully fold your things after a walk, put shoes on a shelf, then work that is important for the whole family.

All aspects of the child's personality are formed in the game, significant changes occur in his psyche, preparing the transition to a new, higher stage of development. This explains the huge educational opportunities of the game, which psychologists consider the leading activity preschooler.

A special place is occupied by games that are created by the children themselves - they are called creative or role-playing. In these games, preschoolers reproduce in roles all that what they see around them in the life and activities of adults. Creative play most fully forms the personality of the child, therefore it is an important means education.

Game is a reflection of life. Everybody is here "as if", "pretend", but even in this environment, which is created by the imagination of the child, there are many present: actions are always real, feelings, experiences are sincere. The child knows that the doll and the bear are toys, but loves them as if they were alive, understands that he is not a real pilot or sailor, but feels like a brave pilot, a brave sailor.

Imitation of adults in the game is associated with the work of the imagination. The child does not copy reality, he combines different impressions of life with personal experience.

baby creation manifests itself in the idea of ​​the game and in the search for means for its implementation. A lot of imagination is required to decide what journey to take, what ship or plane to build, what materials to prepare. Children play for themselves, expressing their dreams and aspirations, thoughts and feelings that own them at the moment.

In play, children interact with their peers for the first time. They are united by a goal, joint efforts to achieve it, and common interests. Children choose their own game. In the game, the child begins to feel like a member of the team, evaluates the actions and deeds of his comrades and his own. Task educator is to promote the establishment of relationships between children based on friendship and justice.

Creative collective play is education moral feelings preschoolers. Skills acquired in the daily communication of children with each other and with adults are developed in the game. caregiver should help children organize a game that would evoke the best emotions.

The game helps a lot mentally raising a child. Knowledge gained in kindergarten and at home, find practical application in the game. The child thinks about what he saw, what he was read about, told about, recalls episodes from fairy tales and stories, various life events. playing role children choose according to their interests, their dreams of a future profession. These dreams will never change. But it is very important that the child develops ideas about the role of different professions. Interesting games create a joyful mood, make the life of children more complete.

Only with good organization can children be successfully developed creative abilities of each child, his activity. Organize a friendly team bring up children have comradely feelings, organizational skills are possible if you manage to captivate them games reflecting the work of adults, relationships. Children imitate mom and grandma's household chores, work educator, doctor, teacher, driver, pilot, sailor, etc. Therefore, in games brought up respect for any work useful to society, the desire to take part in it is affirmed.

One of the seniors' favorite games preschoolers - play"Doll's Birthday". With the development of this game, children show a lot of invention, ingenuity, creative imagination . Family members - mom, dad, grandmother - usually cook festive table. For this educator offers to take them the most beautiful service, helps to set the table for guests in a festive way. Children prepare a variety of meals. Those who like to sculpt from clay, plasticine, cut out of paper are connected to this.

“Many guests will come today,” dad explains to Alyonushka, “it is necessary to cook cakes, oranges, apples.” Children diligently sculpt treats, decorate the table with flowers, lay out a variety of food on plates. Mom invites Alyonushka's friends to visit. Girls dress up their dolls, going to a birthday party. Guests secretly cook for Alenka presents: draw, mold from plasticine. Everyone tries to make the birthday girl like his toy. Julia painted portraits of Alenka, her mother, grandmother and father. All the drawings were loved by the children. They decided to put them in frames to hang on the wall. The guests look carefully Images: mom has blond hair and Blue eyes; dad has a plaid shirt; Grandma has a striped dress; Alenka has a big pink bow, she is cheerful. The drawings are carefully placed in gift bags so that they do not wrinkle or deteriorate.

For a birthday, by suggestion educator decided to take the bus. The boys quickly built a big bus out of chairs and building materials. But there wasn't enough room for everyone. The boys were asked to sit girls: "Sit down, please, we'll stand". caregiver approved this move.

Arriving to visit, the children congratulated the birthday girl, gave her gifts. Mom invited the guests to drink tea. The guests willingly agreed, and then, at the request of Alyonushka, they performed her favorite poems, songs, and danced in a round dance. Mom, on behalf of her daughter, thanked the guests for the congratulations and gifts, invited everyone to come to her grandmother's birthday. This story has become one of my favorites. Children, playing in"family", celebrated the birthdays of their daughters and sons, mothers and grandmothers, fathers and grandfathers.

V creative games individual inclinations and interests of children, their needs, attachments are manifested. Most often everyday topics bring children together. With the development of several plots at the same time, united by one idea, all children in the senior and preparatory groups for school can participate in the game.

Thus, the game reflected a new moral rule A: Babies should not be left alone. To fulfill it "parents" take care of the construction "kindergarten"

If the guys are in the game satisfy not only their own interests, but also consider the interests of all playing, then says that the moral rules are well learned by children. Roles that require the manifestation of humanity strengthen real children's relationships, develop mutual understanding, coordination of actions in a collective game, the desire for a common cause together, to help comrades, parents and other people in everyday life.

Games on everyday topics provide an opportunity educator it is better to study each child, to note the peculiarities of his behavior with his comrades. Sometimes children in the game show a negative attitude towards family members, an indifferent attitude towards kids, towards adult family members. This gives grounds to strengthen the individual approach, to attract the family to ensure that parents pay more attention at home education the child has certain moral feelings, skills and habits of behavior in the family, in a public place.

One more example.

The teacher noticed that not all boys show respect for girls, are attentive, sensitive to them. For politeness education, culture of behavior in a public place educator offered to start the game "trip". Children assigned the roles of family members and passengers. The number of seats was limited, and it became necessary choice: who to sit, who to stand. It was necessary to give way to mothers with children, because it is difficult to hold a child, and if the bus brakes sharply, mother and child may fall, the child will hurt himself and cry. The place can be taken by an old woman or grandfather. It's hard for them to stand. If there are no elderly people on the bus, then girls can sit down. And boys and men must stand.

In such games reveals children's knowledge of the rules of behavior in in public places. Both at home and in kindergarten, children should read books of appropriate content, conduct conversations with them. Children will definitely reflect the knowledge gained directly or indirectly in the game, and, conversely, they will replenish the impressions of the game. practical experience child.

The skillful guidance of the teacher helps to direct the children's games in the right direction.

In this way, role-playing games in which children creatively reflect the life of relatives, friends and acquaintances, contribute to the development of moral behavior.

Most clearly, the inner world of the child, the features of his thinking and imagination are revealed to us in creativity. Whenever a child draws, sculpts, cuts and glues, he is not just having a good time. He is nurtured and grows.

1. Release of internal energy. All of us, and especially children, through creativity can solve different problems. psychological problems, give vent to emotions that are sometimes difficult to express in real life. For example, if a child is going through a stage of age-related conservatism, let the crocodile be green and evil; and if the baby has a period of destruction of the rules, then the crocodile can be pink, live on a cloud and be kind. Through creativity, children are freed from the unpleasant and affirm the positive. Dynamic children can relieve internal tension with the help of drawing, while inhibited ones overcome difficulties in self-manifestation.

2. Disclosure of visual perception. Children are mostly kinesthetic. Simply put, they learn everything through touch and movement. Creative activities develop a different apparatus of perception - visual. A person oriented to visual perception can, as a rule, predict his life more effectively. It is easier for such people to make and find solutions, to remember something. Therefore, it is important to pay attention to the development of the visual channel of perception, figurative thinking.

3. Development of fantasy and imagination. Drawing, modeling and other forms of creativity develop the imagination through the mechanisms of creative transformation and contribute to the development of symbolic thinking. First, the child experiences something, gets impressions and experience of real life, and then transforms it with the help of creativity and, based on the knowledge gained, constructs his own, unique creative reality. In this way, his inner world is enriched - with fantasies, dreams, pictures of the desired and ideas of ways to achieve them.

4. Expanding horizons. A child, while doing creative work, begins to understand that reality can be perceived in different ways, and, in addition, each person has his own individual perception. He notes that the display of the same world can look different. In creativity, the child learns to see an infinite number of options, and in the future, he becomes tolerant and attentive to the manifestations of others. Travel, go on a visit, to children's theaters, to concerts, take children to exhibitions - all this will later become excellent material for joint creativity, and the child will feel like a full participant in a great life.

5. Development of cognitive activity. Creative activities give a powerful impetus to the process of learning about the world around us. During creative activities, the child learns to interpret, therefore, associative thinking develops. In addition, the ability to find something in common, as well as to see subtle differences, i.e. ability to compare and generalize. The more successful cognitive activity, the more adequate a person is to the natural and social environment, which is the key to his stable existence in the world.

6. Strengthening the connection with the child. Being creative with your child, do not treat it as another waste of time. Use this time to build and strengthen your connection with him, be attentive to what he does. Try to ask open-ended questions to find out more about his "creation" - what he drew, why he chose such colors, what are the names of his plasticine heroes, who do they resemble. Children's games and, in particular, creative activities, this is a very good opportunity to look at your relationships and relationships in the family through the eyes of a child. If desired, you can show children's drawings to a specialist psychologist and discuss what pleases the child and what can disturb or injure him.

I stopped noticing something particularly interesting in forums, blogs, articles and interviews that would be suitable for translation and publication on my blog. I passed the increased interest in technical particulars, and the history of this interest is reflected in my posts - about what my head ached at every moment of development, I roughly translated it. Of course, brighter articles have now appeared on previously raised issues, but those topics are no longer so close to me, I somehow rejected them inside myself, chewed them. With residual curiosity, I do not shy away from them and keep an eye on them when I come across them, but this is already passive monitoring, as a rule, I don’t finish reading anything. For those who are interested in the technical issues of the game - and those readers, judging by the statistics of visits to the blog most of all - it would be useful to recall the existence of Graham Fitch's blog. For him, I often meet very warm reviews on the forums, and I myself translated several of his posts with pleasure. He, yes Chang, yes Bernard - that's the whole Internet team at a minimum, which can be studied by an inquisitive mind at the very beginning. With regard to the psychology of the game, “bulletproof musician” seemed quite sufficient to me. It was these people who did their job well, without water and narcissism. IMHO. I'm subjective, I'm only talking about my experience of reading the Internet.

Of course, I came across a lot of other interesting people, but their contribution was still incommensurable in terms of the volume of available and useful material. A lot of just empty chatter, after which there is no dry residue. And unfortunately, it must be admitted that there is little to be found in Russian. Undoubtedly, I came across several extremely useful books by such authors as Neuhaus, Hoffmann, Savshinsky, Schmidt-Shklovskaya, and others, but these are all books by masters of the last century, the Soviet era. I have not seen anything digestible in Russian for adult amateurs concerned with the issues of playing technique on the Internet of the 21st century. A bunch of some courses, YouTube videos, but somehow completely from other weight (mental) categories. Not necessarily lower categories, Arkadiev's lectures, for example, on Bach are simply higher, and therefore seem abstruse for my level. (By the way, the other day he announced his new book, maybe it will be more accessible for beginners to understand). So learn people English language if you want to study on your own and at the same time use the world's most effective educational material, including the opportunity to discuss your narrow issues with someone. Yes, it already seems to me that there is no business at all - learning to read in English - not at all! Bernard, he says, mastered the language (reading, writing, speaking) in three months, and here you only need to learn to read. I think you can do it in a year if you start from scratch. If you can’t learn English, then the question arises, why do you think that then you will succeed with the piano? The discipline of piano teaching is much more difficult than the discipline of learning to read a foreign language.

Per Lately I liked YouTube videos like interviews with Seymour Bernstein , 4-part movie with discussions by Bill Evans, interview with Miles Davis. Here it is all first-hand, without any retelling, everything is to the point, but there is absolutely no way to translate all this for the blog. Too costly. And again, everything just mentioned does not concern purely technical methods of the game, but more of a philosophical plan. This is interesting to me, but not the fact that these conversations are so exciting for others.

At this stage, I have an interest in the holistic aspects of learning, i.e. to the whole integrity of embedding learning to play in life. At the same time, many smart and interesting things on the Internet from other areas than music begin to seem to me to have something to do with my piano lessons. Because it's like life, and the patterns are common. In order to improve my game, I am now more concerned about how to get into the right psychological state, what kind of internal relationships to build, and, therefore, how to perceive the surrounding (and internal!) Reality, rather than something technical. Because it is in this that I see the possibility of a further qualitative leap in the game for myself.

And for an example of holistic reasoning about learning, I offer below a translation of a recent article from the New York Times How to Raise a Creative Child. Step One: Back Off with minor cuts. With some imagination, one can imagine that we are not necessarily talking about children. Try to relate what is said to your manner of learning something new.

How to raise a creative child. Step one: get away from him.

They learn to read at age 2, play Bach at age 4, perform arithmetic at age 6, and by age 8 speak fluent English. foreign languages. Their classmates suffer from envy, and their parents rejoice in winning the lottery. But, to paraphrase T.S. Eliot, their careers are more likely to lead to whining than exploding.

Let's look at the most prestigious win for scientifically gifted high school students in the Westinghouse talent search competition, called the Science Super Bowl by one American president. From the very beginning of its history in 1942 and until 1994, more than 2,000 gifted teenagers were recognized as finalists of the competition. But only 1 percent of them made it to the National Academy of Science, and only eight people won the Nobel Prize.

Geeks rarely become adult geniuses who change the world. We believe that they must lack the social and emotional skills to function in society. But when we look at the facts, this explanation is not enough: less than a quarter of gifted children experience social and emotional problems. The vast majority of them are well-adjusted, winning at both cocktail parties and literacy.

They are held back by the fact that they do not learn originality. They do their best to please their parents and admire the teachers. But when it comes to playing at Carnegie Hall or winning the title of chess champion, something unexpected happens: practice makes perfect, but it does not create something new.

Gifted children learn to play Mozart's greatest melodies, but rarely compose their own music. They focus their energy on mastering existing scientific knowledge without making new discoveries. They conform to codified rules instead of inventing their own. Research shows that the most creative kids are the least favorite of their teachers, and so many of them develop the habit of keeping their original ideas. In terms of the language of the critic William Dereziwicz, they make excellent sheep.

As adults, many geeks turn out to be experts in their fields and take on leadership positions. However, "only a small proportion of gifted children eventually become adult revolutionary creators," psychologist Helen Winner laments. "Those who get to this point are forced to go through a painful transformation" into an adult who "ends up reshaping the field."

Most geeks never make that leap. They apply their extraordinary abilities brilliantly in their work, but without causing any waves. They become doctors who treat their patients but don't fight to fix a failing medical system, or lawyers who defend their clients against unfair fees but don't try to change the laws themselves.

So what does it take to raise a creative child? One study compared families with children who were ranked in the top 5 percent of the most creative children in school with families where the children were not particularly creative. Parents of typical children, on average, set six house rules regarding homework schedules and bedtimes. Parents of highly creative children, on average, had less than one such rule.

It may be difficult to nurture creativity, but it is easy to interfere with it. By limiting the rules, parents encourage their children to think for themselves. They tend to "emphasize moral values ​​instead of certain rules," says Harvard psychologist Teresa Amable.

Yes, the parents of creative children encouraged them to excel and succeed, but they also encouraged them to find “joy in work.” Their children had the freedom to prioritize and find their own interests. And this allowed children to become creative adults.

When psychologist Benjamin Bloom researched the early roots of creativity in world-famous musicians, artists, athletes, and scientists, he found that their parents had no thought of raising star children. They were not in the role of sergeants on the parade ground or suppliers of slaves. They listened to the intrinsic motivation of their children. When children showed interest in something, parents supported them.

Top-level concert pianists have not had elite teachers since they were infants, their first lessons being from those living in the neighborhood who made learning joyful. Mozart showed interest in music before the lessons, and not vice versa. Mary Lou Williams taught herself to play the piano by herself, Itzhak Perman began to study the violin on his own after being rejected from a music school.

Researchers have found that the more we exercise, the more we get stuck in a rut—trapped in the same mindsets. Bridge experts have more difficulty adapting to the new rules of the game than beginners, experienced accountants perform worse than novices in applying the new tax rules.

There is evidence that creative input depends on the breadth, not just the depth, of our knowledge and experience. In the fashion industry, the most original collections appear in those couturiers who have worked abroad for a long time. In science, winning the Nobel Prize is less about being a genius in a narrow field, and more about someone who is interested in different areas. In relation to ordinary scientists, Nobel laureates in science are 22 times more likely to also be actors, dancers and conjurers; 12 times more likely to write poetry, plays and novels; 7 times more likely to engage in arts and crafts; and 2 times more likely to play a musical instrument or compose music.

No one is forcing these eminent scientists to indulge in their hobby of art. It reflects their curiosity. And sometimes this curiosity leads to insights and discoveries. “The theory of relativity opened itself to me intuitively, and music is the driving force behind this intuition,” wrote Albert Einstein. His mother enrolled him in violin lessons at the age of 5, but he was not interested. His love for music blossomed only in adolescence after he quit attending classes and encountered Mozart's sonatas. "Love - the best teacher than a sense of duty,” he said.

Try to program some success and at best get an ambitious robot. If you want your children to bring original ideas into the world, you must give them the opportunity to pursue their passions, not yours.

(You can listen to the whole album Avi Darash - Impermanence .)

MBOU DOD "Palace of Creativity for Children and Youth"

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Methodical material

(for teachers of additional education and parents)

“Creativity is an opportunity for the upbringing and development of children of different ages”

Compiled by: Ulenko

Svetlana Petrovna

teacher of additional


Kemerovo 2014




The best remedy

exemption from

bad habits

creative work,

aimed at

General Good!

Methodical development was created with the aim of exchanging the experience of the association (workshop) on "Artistic processing of wood and natural materials" for teachers of additional education, and for parents whose children are engaged in artistic processing of wood or who wish to engage in this interesting and useful business.

Not only teachers, but also parents want their pupils and children to be creative, spiritually and morally. developed personalities, self-learning, self-improving personalities, having a goal - serving the common good, serving society. To do this, you need to know what creativity is, the essence of creativity, how to develop and what conditions are needed for the formation creativity. Psychological features also affect personality.

Education is of great importance, it is the nourishment of everything sublime and refined. Careful upbringing opens up the possibility of proper education. But education alone will not make up for education. As A. S. Makarenko well said about this: “He educates everything: people, things, phenomena, but, first of all and most of all, people.”

At all times in the states that became the centers of the cultural development of the planet, the upbringing of the younger generation played one of the leading roles. A people that participates in world evolution, that thinks about the future, cannot be limited by educational systems that lead only to the development of intelligence and the growth of productive labor. Insufficient development of the creative, spiritual principle in a person leads to decomposition in all areas of life, which we can observe in the form of the collapse of the economy, the moral decay of society and military conflicts.

Now in families, not all children hear lullabies, feel the warmth of mother's hands, children get used to the gray routine of adults.

Teachers of additional education have a great responsibility - to decorate life with the best measurements and create suitable conditions for the development of creativity in the younger generation.

1. What is "creativity", "development of creativity", "formation of a creative personality"?

Children come to the "Artistic processing of wood and natural materials" workshop, with mainly performing abilities. And the more complex and important side - creative abilities need to be foreseen and “pulled to the surface”. In principle, every healthy child can be made creatively developed, but on condition that the child likes it. And not the way it is sometimes done: “My mother told me to make a kitchen board or grind a rolling pin.” And the child has just arrived, he does not yet know either wood or its main properties - which wood can be sharpened and which wood can be cut. Modern children, coming to the workshop, have not seen and do not know the name of the tool, it would seem so simple and well-known to everyone - a hammer, a hacksaw, a planer. And the child is immediately disappointed without getting a quick result.

The essence of creativity is in the work of the imagination, in predicting the result of a correctly set task, in creating a certain image by the effort of thought. This is a special feeling of nature, a special flair. If a child is helped to get into the tone, the beat of nature, he can succeed. This is the essence of creativity – in intuition, in foresight.

It is clear that while the child has just come to the workshop, you cannot immediately entrust him with cutting with a cutter, choosing a relief or volume with a chisel, or developing a drawing of a sailboat. Each of the mentioned types of work requires special knowledge, skills and abilities. However, every child can test himself, at least in the simplest - in cutting out, in designing a simple toy (car, plane, etc.). But the work must be done by hand from start to finish. The significance of such work in the formation of personal qualities and labor development is extremely large and multifaceted. This work helps to develop such qualities as respect and love for work, inquisitive mind, purposefulness, will, the ability to independently obtain and master new knowledge, the desire to bring real benefits.

Bar in a vise

Planer in hand.

The chip appears

Vlad is surprised.

That's such a miracle tool,

Postrogaet everything in a moment!

(photo #1)

The level of development of the interests and abilities of a first-grader is determined by the measure of the joint work of the child, teacher and parents. Mom Vlad, not considering her personal time, finds an opportunity to take the child to the workshop, where he comprehends the skills of not only creativity, but also labor. I, as a teacher, support the position of B.M. Teplov, that the creative abilities of a person can be developed in the process of practical activity. And if a child shows an increased interest in the knowledge and practical activities of wood processing, then it is necessary to maintain this interest and direct it to creative activity.

Nikita took the jigsaw in his hands

And all he drew:

A ship in the sea and a dolphin -

Dream up - and here's the picture.

(photo #2)

Taking into account the individual abilities of the child, creating certain conditions for adaptation, optimal conditions for the development of creative abilities, it would seem that success is ensured, but there are reasons that hinder development and this reason is parents who punish the child with their favorite pastime (did not learn lessons, did not have time to do homework, didn’t tidy up the house) - this position of the parents is incorrect and you have to explain and assure that this just won’t fix the situation.

Rozhnov Andrei could not immediately decide on his choice - sawing, simple carving (triangular-notched) did not fascinate him, he was interested in three-dimensional carving, and this must have an associative vision. And he began to develop this gift in himself. Now the hobby has grown into a "hobby"

free time he comes and works:

(photo #3)

for a friend's birthday, he carved the sculpture "Boxer", as he was fond of this sport.

Creative work introduces children to a sense of joy,

born creativity. When a child creates something that no one has created before, it is not forgotten.

Chopped, sawed and cut,

chose Tameska,

And two weeks later -

Created a mermaid.

(photo 4)

Creativity is an incentive for progress, a "bridge" from the knowledge gained in the "Artistic processing of wood and natural materials" association to special, industrial knowledge, to a profession. It is only necessary to warn children against blindly copying one or another product according to ready-made templates. It is much more pleasant to see an element of the new in handmade products, even if this innovation is small. The first push is important here, the initial idea, which will continue to acquire new ideas and ideas. Here you need to work with your hands and head, and schooling will go much easier, because along with the basics of creativity, your horizons expand, you will quickly learn what is very difficult to do without practice. Children's giftedness has great, both practical and theoretical significance. The most popular idea of ​​developing abilities is the idea of ​​a differentiated approach to the development of the individual (M. Star, 1947).

The development of abilities depends on many circumstances: on knowledge of the properties and methods of processing various natural materials, in this case - wood, use various devices, tools, fixtures, machines; draw and read drawings, be able to draw, compose compositions. All this knowledge and skills should be acquired from childhood, and their formation usually begins with the child mastering simple objective actions and performing operations with the simplest tools: a hammer, a hacksaw, a ruler, a screwdriver, a planer, a cutter, a chisel, etc. (see .photo 1, 2, 3,4)

For the development of abilities, it is very important to know the structure and principles of operation of various devices and tools, to be able to manufacture and repair them. These are the main types of activity, in which active activities develop and improve abilities and creativity.

In any kind of creativity there are special specializations that a child can engage in. And he can successfully engage in them, provided that he has natural inclinations to develop the corresponding abilities and if such abilities are constantly developing. Each type of activity has its own characteristics. So creative activity in the field of art (artistic woodworking) can relate to the creation of various buildings and structures (masterpieces of Russian architecture - Kizhi), shipbuilding, science (new technologies for the manufacture of wooden structures), interior design, etc.

The range of creative tasks is unusually wide in complexity, but their essence is the same: when solving, an act of creativity occurs, something new is created. This is where the special qualities of the mind are required, the ability to compare and analyze, to find connections in dependence, patterns - all that in the aggregate constitutes creative abilities.

Creative activity, being more complex in nature, is available only to man. And the simpler one, the performing one, can be transferred both to animals and to a machine.

(photo #5) photo #6

XV city competition-festival of children's artistic creativity"Success - 2009" Laureate Diploma 2nd place.

Murzin Sergey's mother brought him to the workshop, he liked to plan at home. The artistic imagination of the child was developed. Sergei is dominated by sensory perception, capable of processing figurative information. The boy is diligent, thinking, though sometimes impatient in getting a quick result, which leads to a rework of what was planned. Constantly have to be reminded not to rush. "It's better to measure seven times - cut once."

In life it's hard to separate different types activities, and even impossible. And human activity includes both performing and creative components, in different proportions. There are activities that are simply saturated with creativity.

Creative activity is difficult, complex, but constantly attracts children. Most likely, great difficulties can also give great joys, the highest joys - the joy of overcoming, the joy of discovery, creativity. Our life requires from a person not stereotyped actions, but mobility of thinking, quick orientation, creative approach to solving problems. It is easier for a person with a creative mindset to change a profession, to find creative highlights in any business, to get carried away by oneself and to captivate others. Teachers and parents are faced with a task of extreme importance: to make children creative, enterprising, thinking, able to think creatively.

How to develop creativity:

    Early start (physical development, reading, counting, swimming);

    Advanced development (tools, building materials);

    Maximum tension forces (get to the ceiling);

    Greater freedom in the choice of activities;

    Help from adults (unobtrusively). But we must remember that it is impossible for a child to do what he himself can do, to think for him.

K. E. Tsiolkovsky: “... at first I discovered the truths known to many; then he began to discover truths known to some; and then, finally, he began to discover truths that no one had yet known. This is the formation of the creative side of the intellect. The task of educators is to help children embark on this path.

(photo number 8)

(photo number 7)

Alekseev Roma studied at school number 79, an Orthodox school. Simple copying of some works was not acceptable for him. A graduate of 2007, he was the most talented child, the winner of many exhibitions and competitions. The main themes of his works are military and ecclesiastical (photos No. 7, 8).

I worked with him not as a teacher-student, but as co-authors. Together they came up with ideas, together they embodied their plans. It was not a pity for him to have time. Giftedness, hard work, kindness and enthusiasm of Roman, rallied the team. To improve his skills, he graduated from an art school in parallel (external).

According to Ya.A. Kamensky, “... truly gifted people need much more education, since an active mind, not being busy with anything useful, will be engaged in useless, empty and destructive. The more fertile the field, the more abundantly it produces thorns and thistles, unless it is sown with the seeds of wisdom and virtue.

When Roman was 14 years old ( transitional age), I was on vacation in the summer, he “contacted” with adult 17-18 year old boys, learned to smoke, stole a car and they were detained, tried - they were given a suspended year. I had to fight for a fragile soul. Educational work was carried out constantly: in a relaxed atmosphere over a cup of tea, not moralizing, but life positions that were aimed at shaping a personality that would become a "teacher" of one's own abilities.

Currently, Roman is studying to be a carpenter-carpenter, with a carver bias and still dreams of graduating from the Provincial School of Folk Crafts.

(photo #9)

How are learning and development related?

Learning influences development. But learning cannot positively influence development if it is organized as a process of direct transplantation of knowledge from the head of the teacher into the head of the student. It will effectively contribute to development if organized as a learning activity of the students themselves. Properly organized educational activity is an active mental and practical work of the child himself as a person who studies, and not who is taught.

(photo number 10)

The guys are of different ages and everyone is doing their own thing (working with literature, designing, carving, sawing, making a cutter).

This means that there is no need to hammer in book wisdom, no need to demand memorization of some provisions, but you need to teach him to learn, to acquire knowledge with his mind at the appropriate level of development of his thinking and a little higher than this level. According to the law of development, the child needs the knowledge of "tomorrow", that is, he can and must learn it with the participation of the teacher, but not in the form of a direct hint of answers, but in the form of organizing mental search activity together with the teacher (these are various kinds of educational discussions, questions , bewilderment, surprise, leading questions, conjectures, hypotheses). The same is true in practical activities in the manufacture of some kind of product - only a little bit to correct, and then you have to do it yourself. This is creative developmental learning.

Creativity is one of the most important mechanisms of perception and self-education. More significant should be not the results of children's creativity, its products, but the formation of abilities.

Abilities are called such individual psychological characteristics of a person that affect the successful implementation of a particular activity, determine the child's predisposition to this activity.

Involvement in a variety of activities allows you to gain versatile knowledge and develop personal skills that are part of more complex abilities. Therefore, many children attend not one association, but two or even three.

There are probably as many special abilities as there are types of activities that a person can engage in. But among these activities there are especially complex and at the same time quite common. A person can successfully dispose of them only on condition that he has natural inclinations to develop the corresponding abilities, and if such abilities are constantly developing. In our workshop, this is an artistic and creative and constructive and technical activity.

2. Conditions under which children can work in the workshop:

Condition 1.

A steady interest in systematic and strenuous activities corresponding to the types of activity (carving, artistic sawing, designing, turning, birch bark) must be present and maintained. Without such interest, no abilities will develop, as there will be no proper motivation.

Interest is the main condition that gives rise to a child's desire to engage in this type of activity and ensures the development of the necessary special abilities in him. By itself, interest does not arise from scratch, but appears and develops in the process of active engagement in the corresponding type of activity.

Condition 2.

Develop abilities only if you have a strong character, willpower and a desire to overcome difficulties. These difficulties may also be due to the child's lack of the necessary inclinations. Then he will have to make a lot of efforts in order to develop the appropriate abilities in himself.

Condition 3.

The presence of elementary general inclinations for classes, this type of activity. It is impossible to develop special abilities without any inclinations at all. The child must have at least the makings of a general nature, such as, for example, a good memory and developed intelligence, accuracy, the ability to draw or at least redraw.

Condition 4.

Availability of performance. No other abilities under all the above and below conditions can develop normally if the child does not know how to work.

Condition 5.

There must be a pronounced desire, an appropriate motivation to master this type of activity. The desire to succeed at all costs precisely in the type of activity that acts as a developing one for the corresponding abilities is an important factor in their formation. Such a desire is manifested, in particular, in the desire to surpass the surrounding children, to receive approval, praise, a reward for success, to achieve outstanding results.

Condition 6.

Constant dissatisfaction with the results achieved, combined with the desire to achieve more. If a child is completely satisfied with his successes and does not strive for anything else, he usually stops in his development. On the contrary, the feeling of dissatisfaction stimulates further development.

Condition 7.

High level of aspirations of the child. The level of claims is understood as those achievements that the child expects, based on his own assessment of his capabilities and abilities. The higher the level of claims, the stronger the child's desire for success and, therefore, the faster he will develop the necessary abilities.

Condition 8.

Faith in yourself and your abilities.

Condition 9.

Systematic engagement in relevant activities that develop the necessary abilities

Condition 10.

The desire to bring creativity to the solution of tasks, the choice of the most difficult work. This condition seems important for the development of abilities because tasks of a creative nature and a sufficiently high level of difficulty emotionally and intellectually attract children much more than simple ones. This is due, in particular, to the fact that creativity arouses increased interest in the child. In the creative process, he discovers something new for himself, in particular, new opportunities and abilities. As a result, his self-esteem rises, social needs are met to a greater extent.

Imagination leads to creativity.

Imagination is inherent in every person, but people differ in its direction, strength and brightness. This process is especially intense in childhood, but gradually it loses its significance and does not develop. - to remember some rule or information, imagination and fantasy are not needed. Children move into the world of reality associated with their educational activities, and at the same time something goes into the world of fantasy that has nothing to do with the reality of the child. Therefore, the starting point for the development of imagination can be directed activity, i.e., the inclusion of imagination.

The creative activity of the imagination is directly dependent on the richness and diversity of a person's previous experience: the richer the experience, the more material that his imagination has.

Pedagogical conclusion- it is necessary to expand the experience of the child if we want to create a sufficiently strong foundation for his creative personality.

To stimulate children's creativity, it is also necessary to provide children with materials for classes and the opportunity to work with them, to encourage the creative interests of the child; it is necessary to have inner looseness and freedom. The development of children's imagination not only increases intelligence, but is also extremely important for the successful resolution of various kinds of life conflicts.

Psychological features of a creative personality.

In order to understand how certain creative abilities develop, it is necessary to get acquainted with the characteristics of the personality of a creative person.

Most often in the literature one can find mention of such personality traits as independence in judgments, self-esteem, preference for complex tasks, a developed sense of beauty, a propensity for risk, intrinsic motivation, a desire for order, a sense of humor.

The creative child is inquisitive and constantly strives to combine data from different fields. A gifted child is sometimes absorbed in his work for several hours and returns to it within a few days. Zhenya Guslyakov was fond of not only woodcarving, he studied excellently, understood technology (repaired motorcycles), at the age of 18 he received the right to drive a category “B” car, bred fish - everything was interesting to him. Graduated from the Institute of Technology. He was always full of ideas. Esin Stas, Misha Mironov, Styazhkin Petya, Charushin Vanya are the first graduates and each of them was interesting in his own way. The works of these guys adorn the walls of the workshop.

T creative team (Fig. No. 11)

The work of Yesin Stas - 15 years

Works by Zhenya Guslyakov - 15 years old (Fig. No. 14)

(Fig. No. 12, No. 13)

Alekseev's works

(Fig. No. 15) Romana - 15 years old (Fig. No. 16)

Creative people prefer something new, familiar and simple. Their perception of the world is constantly updated. Children with a high level of development of creative abilities are ahead of others in the number and strength of perception of surrounding events and phenomena - they capture and understand more, they can follow several events at the same time.

Gifted children, whose real achievements are below their capabilities, experience serious difficulties in personal and emotional sphere as well as in interpersonal relationships. For creative children, a vivid imagination is very characteristic.

3. What is the essence of the development of creative abilities?

    You must be able to find several ways to solve the problem;

    The difficulty of the task should gradually increase;

    Abilities must be improved without prompting;

    Do not demand a positive result on the first try;

    Check the accuracy of execution yourself;

    Go from simple to complex.

From children's creativity to professional self-determination.

In the Russian education system important role plays the development of creativity. The value of additional education systems for children is very important, since these institutions contribute to the development of inclinations, abilities and interests of social and professional self-determination of children and youth. The basis of the pedagogical concept of the workshop is to instill interest in creativity, the desire to lay the foundations for preparing for independent labor activity, professional self-determination. In the classroom, the guys get acquainted with the principles of design, modern technologies for processing materials (natural wood, artificial - plywood), work on machine tools (lathe, grinder, electric saw), participate in competitions. The subject of work as the children are prepared expands and becomes more complicated. The knowledge gained in the workshop helped many children to decide on their choice of profession, realize their abilities, and adapt in society.

Ways to develop creative abilities:

    The activity of students should be of a exploratory nature, and for this it is necessary to use methods that would teach children to independently identify, investigate and explain the phenomena of objective reality.

    It has been established that the acquisition of special knowledge and skills in labor training classes should go hand in hand with the inclusion of children in creative activities already at the earliest stages of the learning process. Under this condition, the formation and consolidation of knowledge and skills are much more effective, since children see a need for them.

    The effectiveness of activities depends on the fulfillment of a number of pedagogical requirements, first of all, on the feasibility of the proposed creative tasks and solutions, the effectiveness of their creative activity and the continuity of the creative process. Of no small importance in creative activity is the availability of the proposed tasks and assignments. Their complexity should be strictly coordinated with the step of creative development of pupils.

    The requirement of effectiveness is very important, since the result obtained causes a positive emotional mood, stimulates creative activity, the effectiveness of creative activity should be considered not only in relation to the final product, but also in relation to each stage of the task.

The effectiveness of the formation and development of creative personality traits largely depends on the ability to organize creative activity. One of the important pedagogical requirements for creative activity is taking into account age features pupils. Without taking into account the peculiarities of the development of the psyche of children, it is impossible to correctly correlate the goal, motives and means of achieving the goal. The main goal of the development of thinking in children is to awaken their interest in learning the techniques and methods of individual and collective search for original solutions.

In this case, the teacher should pay attention to:

    Disclosure of the role of creative activity in the life of society as a whole;

    Teaching known methods for solving creative problems;

    Acquaintance with the methods of improving creative abilities;

    Turning ideas into concrete products and projects.

In the process of learning, children must learn to correctly select information and evaluate it, they must learn to check the practical feasibility of their projects by building prototypes of products. At the same time, it is important to develop their artistic taste and arouse the desire to create products according to their own projects.

4. Inclusion of children in creative activities.

Formation in children of love for work and the ability to creatively apply knowledge and skills in the process of activity is one of the main tasks of working in the workshop.

Psychologists say that creativity can manifest itself regardless of age in all areas of its activity, that creative abilities are amenable to development. If creative activity is not taught early enough, then the child will suffer damage that is difficult to repair in subsequent years. A person who is not engaged in creative activity develops a certain stereotype in actions and adherence to generally accepted views and opinions. Inertia of thinking is generated and consolidated, which is difficult to get rid of.

Children's creativity of students is a form of attracting children to creativity, it is not only a type of activity aimed at familiarizing children with the diverse world of art, developing abilities, but also one of effective methods and methods of labor polytechnic education. If children are included in creative activity from an early age, then they develop inquisitiveness of mind, flexibility of thinking, memory, ability to evaluate, vision of problems, ability to foresee and other qualities characteristic of a person with a developed intellect. With age, these qualities are strengthened, improved and become integral features of a person's personality.

Thus, applied art is effective remedy education, a purposeful process of learning and development of creative abilities. The result of the creative activity of children is a set of qualities of a creative personality: mental activity, the desire to acquire knowledge and develop skills for practical work; independence in solving the problem, ingenuity. Applied creativity creates favorable conditions for the development of students' thinking. In the process of creative activity, children are faced with the need for additional knowledge about architecture and construction: the study of specialized literature, familiarization with the latest in the field of science (cedroplast, new technologies for manufacturing durable wood structures - evaporation).

The specificity of teaching children lies in the fact that the development of creative abilities is carried out through the development of general sensory, the proposed extensive visibility, purposeful labor activity, manual labor. Applied training creativity has a positive impact on the physical, intellectual, psychosocial spheres of children. The influence of creative work is manifested in the stabilization of the emotional state of children, in improving the functioning of their cognitive processes. These exercises lead to the strengthening of the muscles of the hands, the development fine motor skills fingers. Activities such as sawing and cutting out parts, gluing, painting, composing compositions, drawing, etc. are equally useful for children. All of these activities awaken and cognitive interests. The principle of an individual approach to children is also very important in the work.

Practical activity, supported by theoretical material, fills in the gaps in school subjects. Eighth graders do not know the subject - drawing. But this is the basis of technical universities! Where will the boys study or will everyone go to the humanities.

Classes in applied arts are aimed not only at making useful products, but also at educating children's sense of beauty, shaping the needs of objects of the surrounding reality.

Thus, the workshop is designed to form a spiritually rich, socially active personality of the child. The development of creative abilities occurs in the process of practical assimilation of the foundations of a particular type of activity, the correct pedagogical approach to mastering these foundations and identifying success. As a result, the child is a small creator, the creator of the beautiful, created by the "hands" of the teacher.


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