
Lesson applique preparatory group spring. Summary of the application lesson in the preparatory group “The rooks have arrived. Open lesson on the application

Pathology of the uterus

As a result of the analysis of articles from the journal "Preschool Education", a reference diagram is drawn up, reflecting main directions humanization of pedagogical work in preschool educational institutions:

    changes in the forms of communication with children (transition from authoritarian forms of interaction to personality-oriented communication);

    rejection of excessive ideologization of educational work in preschool educational institutions, changing the forms and organization of training sessions, reducing their number;

    saturation of the life of children with classical and modern music, works of fine art, the use of the best examples of children's literature;

    change in the organization of the object environment and living space in group room in order to ensure free independent activity and creativity of children.

3. Comparative analysis of educational programs.

When completing this task, students prepare a presentation of one of the educational programs. The message must include:

    theoretical foundations (conceptual provisions) of the program being studied. Tasks of development, education and training of preschool children;

    principles of building a program;

    the structure of the program, the characteristics of its main components.

    methodological support of the program, its characteristics;

    distinctive features of the studied program;

    subjective assessment of the merits and controversial positions of the program.

The complex and partial programs used in the practice of the work of the preschool educational institution are analyzed.

4. Essay on the topic "The problem of personnel training and ways to solve them." List of additional literature

    The concept of preschool education // Preschool education. - 1989. - No. 5.

    Standard provision on preschool education / Preschool education in Russia. - M., 1997. - S. 148-155.

    Approximate charter of a preschool educational institution / Preschool education in Russia. - M., 1997. - S. 156-168.

    An exemplary agreement between a preschool educational institution and parents / Preschool education in Russia. - M., 1997. - S. 168-172.

    Mikhailenko, N. Preschool education: guidelines and requirements for updating the content / N. Mikhailenko, N. Korotkova // Preschool education. - 1992. - No. 5-6.

    Mikhailenko, N. Model of the organization of the educational process in senior groups of kindergarten / N. Mikhailenko // Preschool education. - 1995. - No. 9.

    Andreeva, V. Problems of updating the system of preschool education at the present stage / V. Andreeva, R. Sterkina // Preschool education. -1991. - No. 11.

    Modern educational programs for preschool institutions / ed. T. I. Erofeva. - M., 1999.

Theme "The role of the family in the socialization of the child"


1. Types of families and the comfort of the child in them

Subjective assessment of the child's comfort in different types of families. Definition of the main components of comfort:

    respect for the personality of the child;

    accounting for individual and age features child;

    meaningful communication with adults.

    organization of the subject-spatial environment of the child's life;

2. Functions of the modern family

Based on the literature and own experience, it is necessary to identify problems modern family, show the relationship of its functions.

3. Debate "Problems of orphanages, abandoned children, children from dysfunctional families and ways to solve them"

When preparing a dispute, students need to study the literature on the problem, prepare brief reports on various issues of the socio-demographic situation in the Russian Federation. The debate is held in the form of a "round table", where each participant speaks on the topic, suggests ways to solve a particular problem.

4. Factors determining the nature and duration of children's adaptation to new conditions . Prepare abstracts of the report for parents of children entering preschool:

    organization of the child's life in the family during the period of his getting used to the conditions of the preschool educational institution;

    unity of requirements for the child on the part of educators and parents, etc.

Listening and discussion of reports that help parents facilitate the process of adapting the child to preschool. Reports are made out as a material for the "Corner of parents".

This essay is the personal opinion and position of the author.

When considering this topic, it first of all makes sense to give definitions of a number of terms and concepts.

Education system in Russian Federation is a set of interacting:

Continuing educational programs of various levels and directions, federal state educational standards and federal state requirements (as amended by the Federal Law of December 1, 2007 N 309-FZ);

Networks of educational institutions and scientific organizations that implement them

(as amended by the Federal Law of December 1, 2007 N 308-FZ);

Bodies exercising management in the field of education, and institutions and organizations subordinate to them (as amended by the Federal Law of December 29, 2006 N 258-FZ);

Associations of legal entities, public and state-public associations operating in the field of education (paragraph introduced federal law dated 18.07.2005 N 92-FZ) .

An educational institution is an institution that carries out the educational process, that is, it implements one or more educational programs and (or) provides the maintenance and education of students and pupils.

Educational institutions include the following types:


General education (primary general, basic general, secondary (complete) general education);

Institutions of primary vocational, secondary vocational, higher vocational and postgraduate vocational education;

Institutions of additional education for adults;

Special (correctional) for students, pupils with disabilities (as amended by the Federal Law of 06/30/2007 N 120-FZ);

Institutions for orphans and children left without parental care (legal representatives);

Institutions of additional education for children;

Other institutions carrying out the educational process.

Based on Article 18 of the Law of the Russian Federation "On Education" of July 10, 1992, the concept of "preschool education" contains the following provisions:

Parents are the first teachers. They are obliged to lay the foundations of the physical, moral and intellectual development personality of the child in early childhood;

For raising children preschool age, protection and strengthening of their physical and mental health, the development of individual abilities and the necessary correction of developmental disorders of these children, a network of preschool educational institutions operates to help the family;

Local self-government bodies organize and coordinate methodological, diagnostic and advisory assistance to families raising children of preschool age at home.

In this paper, it is proposed to consider a different version of the network of preschool institutions.

To date, pre-school children can attend GBE provided to them by the city (or other administrative unit). If there are no places in a preschool institution, the child “stands in line” until the moment of release or creation of a place in a preschool educational institution. At the same time, both children who are already attending the kindergarten and those “standing in line” can attend institutions of additional education. It may happen that the child does not have time to get into the kindergarten before entering school, then the fate of his preschool education falls entirely on the shoulders of the parents.

There is also an opinion that some parents, having sent the child to the kindergarten, do not care about what kind of education he receives within the walls of the preschool educational institution, because they consider it unsatisfactory for the needs of the child, therefore they resort to the services of additional education, usually paid.

Many parents, although they are satisfied with the quality of teaching in a preschool educational institution, still “educate” their child additionally, because some disciplines are really not in the kindergarten.

There are parents who believe that childhood should not be taken away from the child, and who prefer not to load their child with education before entering school, assuming that "he will go to school, and there they will teach him everything."

In connection with the above, consider the following model of a network of preschool institutions.

Consider the scheme (Appendix 1), where the DU network is divided into institutions divided by types of education (first, second, third and additional education, the presence of educational functions and the payment system.

Institutions of the first type, the so-called. care and supervision, are preschool institutions where the educational pedagogical process is carried out (VPP, but there is no educational segment of the pedagogical process. During the day, children are looked after, regime moments are held (feeding, walking, sleeping, and otherwise the pupils show independent activity The equipment of groups is minimal.Such institutions can be free for parents, since all the costs of maintaining institutions of the first type are covered by the city administration.Thus, the issue of providing free preschool education in our country can be closed.

The second type of institutions are institutions where the educational and educational pedagogical process (WOPP) is carried out with a minimum set of educational functions (for example, everyone is left in the schedule of classes, but one per day and so on for a month (day 1 is drawing, day 2 is physical education). , 3-ecology, 4-music, 5-reading, 6-sculpting, etc.) All regime moments are also observed.Payment is based on the cost of a visit per day, minus subsidies from the city budget.Thus, educators are charged part educational load and parents are provided with the minimum necessary set of services for a small fee.

The third type of institutions are preschool institutions that are currently operating, where OMCT is organized with all regime moments, educational activities are carried out in compliance with all federal state requirements for educational programs, the introduction of partial programs, active work is being carried out with parents and specialists. Accordingly, payment for attending a preschool institution will be at full cost, most of which is now compensated from the city budget. Based on the foregoing, we can conclude that the number of children in the groups will decrease and, as a result, the level of education will increase; for maintenance kindergarten no need to spend budget resources, the level of qualification will increase and wages employees, the attitude of parents will change in a positive direction.

The fourth type is institutions of additional education, which are institutions that provide an opportunity to receive a specific education with a narrow specialization.

1. By creating institutions of the first type, the issue of free education is solved;

2. By creating institutions of the second type, the burden on the teacher is eased, and parents receive the necessary set of services at a minimum cost;

3. In institutions of the third type, parents and children are provided with the maximum range of educational programs and additional services, the number of children in the group is decreasing, which entails an increase in the quality of education due to the opportunity to implement an individual approach. The increased fee for attending a preschool educational institution solves 2 problems: the self-sufficiency of the organization and the moral attitude towards the services for which the parent pays, since the low level of payment leads to a deterioration in the attitude of the parents.

Thus, you can try to solve several urgent problems in modern preschool education and upbringing.

Modern problems in the education system and ways to solve them

Modern problems in the education system and ways to solve them.

V last years In the system of preschool education, cardinal changes are taking place, it is being improved and developed. The main indicator of innovation is a progressive beginning in the development of education, in comparison with established traditions and mass practice. It becomes clear that the requirements for the teacher are also changing. There is a new task of revising the nature of the interaction of the teacher with children in the pedagogical process of preschool educational institutions and elementary schools. In this regard, a number of problems have been identified. So, as teachers stated to the child and clearly demonstrated certain knowledge. There is an exaggeration of the role of the intellectual dominant, the rights of the child to all-round harmonious development were violated. This leads to the fact that a child comes to school, as a rule, having a low threshold of "school maturity", and in general not ready for learning. Today, in the 21st century, society makes new demands on education. The idea of ​​self-development of the personality, its readiness for independent activity is put forward to the fore. The functions of the teacher are changing. Now he is no longer an informer, but an organizer of intellectual search, emotional experience and practical action.

Development and education of any person

cannot be given or communicated. Any,

whoever wishes to join them must

to achieve this by one's own activity,

by one's own efforts, by one's own efforts.

A. Diesterweg

That is why the central idea is: Formation learning activities- the ability to learn. The new paradigm of education requires a subject-subject relationship. The formation of the intellectual activity of the individual, the development of its creative potential. The development of training has a competence-based approach. Competence is understood as the willingness to apply, use the knowledge, skills and general methods of action learned in the learning process. Competence is knowledge in action.

Stand out: - personal competence



general cultural


The foundations of these competencies in children are formed at different levels of education and are laid at preschool age. primary school, which forms cognitive activity and creativity in children. And the teacher requires the ability to create problem situations, awaken the active position of the child in the educational process.

The teacher should teach children to acquire knowledge. Every child should master universal, educational activities.

Revision of the nature of interaction with children is an ambiguous, multifaceted task associated with the teacher's attitudes and the need to change them, which implies an awareness of the modern goals of education.

Preschool education in these conditions is designed to ensure the creation of the main basic foundation for the development of the child's personality, which gives him the opportunity to successfully master various types of activities and the main ways of "acquiring" knowledge. The means of child development, for the realization of this important goal, are pedagogical technologies, which must necessarily include such indicators as: the development of curiosity - the basis of cognitive activity of a preschooler; development of the ability to independently solve creative (mental, artistic) and other tasks that allow you to be successful in different types activities; development creative imagination as a direction of intellectual and personal development child; development of communication - the ability to communicate with adults and peers.

If at preschool age these basic foundations are not implemented and are replaced by compulsory education, the child becomes passive and incapable of self-development. To prevent this from happening, a teacher in a kindergarten needs to know well the characteristics of preschool children and to train them in specific activities that are as close to their natural characteristics as play, fine arts, design, music, theater, etc., within which , subject to an integrated approach, the most effective development of all aspects of the personality of a preschooler occurs.

On October 17, 2013, the order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation 1155 "On approval of the federal educational standard for preschool" was issued. Where new requirements for the structure of the main general educational program of preschool education are spelled out.

The program determines the content and organization educational process for preschool children and is aimed at the formation of a general culture, the development of physical, intellectual and personal qualities, the formation of the prerequisites for educational activities that ensure social success, the preservation and strengthening of the health of preschool children, the correction of deficiencies in physical and (or) mental development children.

The program must:

comply with the principle of developmental education, the purpose of which is the development of the child;

combine the principles of scientific validity and practical applicability (the content of the program must comply with the main provisions developmental psychology and preschool pedagogy, while being able to implement preschool education in mass practice) ;

meet the criteria of completeness, necessity and sufficiency (to allow solving the set goals and objectives only on the necessary and sufficient material, as close as possible to a reasonable "minimum");

to ensure the unity of the educational, developmental and training goals and objectives of the process of educating preschool children, in the process of implementing which such knowledge, skills and abilities are formed that are directly related to the development of preschool children;

be built taking into account the principle of integration educational areas in accordance with the age capabilities and characteristics of pupils, the specifics and capabilities of educational areas;

be based on the complex-thematic principle of building the educational process;

provide for the solution of program educational tasks in joint activities an adult and children and independent activities of children not only within the framework of directly educational activities, but also during regime moments in accordance with the specifics of preschool education;

to assume the construction of the educational process on age-appropriate forms of work with children. The main form of work with children of preschool age and the leading activity for them is the game.

The principle of variability in education proclaimed today gives us, educators, the opportunity to choose any programs and technologies, including copyright ones. To organize the pedagogical process, which increases his responsibility for the effectiveness of his pedagogical impact on the child. Today, the Harmony of Development program, the author of which is the head of the Department of Pedagogy of Childhood and Modern Educational Technologies of the Leningrad State University named after V.I. A. S. Pushkina Diana Ivanovna Vorobieva. This program is unique, it is distinguished by the concept of intellectually - artistic development personality, primarily through the visual arts and visual activity.

Diana Ivanovna managed to develop a program harmonious development personality of a preschooler, while avoiding the danger of fragmentation, the surface of excessive didacticism, which is typical for personality development programs. The depth and integrity of the program is largely ensured by the fact that, based on the theory of L. S. Vygotsky on the cultural and historical development of the psyche, the author singles out creative activity as the central link and the leading means of mastering human culture. At the same time, the development of skills in visual activity is by no means an end in itself and a criterion for development. Art activities are used, first of all, to develop a system of relations to the world of nature, people, objects and phenomena surrounding the child, i.e. for the development of personality (which domestic psychology defines as a system of human relations to the world around, to people, to to himself, to his activity).

I would especially like to emphasize that the program clearly shows that the child is not a passive object of influence and a product of the teacher's activity, but an active subject of activity. The image of a child who is supposed to be developed using the program under consideration also determines the main principle implemented in the program: show and explain less, encourage more active perception, reflection, productive communication with adults and peers. The ideology, methodology and content of the program are aimed at developing in children a joyful feeling of their growing opportunities for active knowledge, creation and transformation of reality (including oneself - a child).


1. The program "Harmony of Development" by D. I. Vorobyov.

2. Pedagogy P. I. Pidkasisty, V. I. Zagvyazinsky, L. I. Malenkova, A. F. Menyaev, V. M. Polonsky.

3. Pedagogy Bordovskaya, A. Rean.

Preschool education in modern Russia: problems and development prospects

Article 43 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, adopted in 1993, guarantees citizens of the Russian Federation "the general availability and free of charge of preschool, basic general and secondary vocational education in state or municipal educational institutions". In accordance with the Law of the Russian Federation "On Education" as amended by the Federal Law of 13.01.1996 12-FZ (clause 3, article 5), the state ". guarantees to citizens the general availability and free of charge of primary general, basic general, secondary (complete) general education and primary vocational education. ". For more than ten years, there has been an obvious contradiction between the Constitution of the Russian Federation, which is the fundamental law of Russia, and the Law of the Russian Federation "On Education" in terms of state guarantees of the rights of citizens in the field of education. officials of all levels as to optional education (as opposed to general education, and optional not from the point of view that a preschool child has the right to receive education, both in a preschool educational institution and in a family, but in terms of that authorities are not required to make preschool educational services available to the public.

Thus, despite the change legislative framework, the situation in education in general, and in preschool education in particular, can now be characterized as a crisis. Any crisis gives rise to an urgent need to reform something. According to the Federal Law "On Education" as amended by Federal Law No. 122-FZ of August 22, 2004, the solution of strategic problems of education is still within the competence of the Russian Federation.

preschool education as the first stage of education, which lays the foundations of a social personality and the most important institution for family support over the past 10 years hard way fitting into new realities. The initial sharp decline in enrollment in pre-school education had stabilized by 1995. Currently, about 55% of children attend kindergartens (for example, in the Scandinavian countries, such children are about 90%).

As many years of research show, the full development of the child occurs if there are two components of his life - a full-fledged family and a kindergarten. The family provides the necessary intimate and personal relationships for the child, the formation of a sense of security, trust and openness to the world. At the same time, the family itself needs support, which the kindergarten is designed to provide - parents can work and study without feeling guilty that the child is abandoned at this time, they can be sure that the child is in comfortable conditions , eats normally, teachers are engaged with him. In addition, the system of preschool education has traditionally treated parental fees in a differentiated way, low-income families received benefits, that is, they received targeted support; today, unfortunately, this happens only in certain regions. Obviously, in modern conditions, the tradition of differentiated parental fee should be saved.

And what does kindergarten give the child himself? The main advantage of the kindergarten is the presence of a children's community, thanks to which a space for the child's social experience is created. Only in the conditions of a children's community does a child know himself in comparison with others, appropriate ways of communication and interaction that are adequate to various situations, overcome his inherent egocentrism (focus on himself, perception of the environment exclusively from his own.

At present, the system of preschool education itself has also changed. Differentiation of preschool educational institutions by types and categories has been introduced. To the previously existing only type - “kindergarten”, new ones were added - a kindergarten with priority implementation of the intellectual or artistic, aesthetic, or physical development of pupils, a kindergarten for children with disabilities in physical and mental development, care and rehabilitation, a child development center, etc. On the one hand, this allows parents to choose an educational institution that meets their needs, on the other hand, most of these types (with the exception of correctional ones for children with serious health problems) do not meet the patterns of child development.

The organization of work with young children in modern conditions makes special demands on the professionalism and personal qualities of teachers. At the same time, today young specialists who have received an education practically do not go to work in kindergartens. The reason for this is not just small, but a meager salary that does not reach living wage. The work of a teacher in a kindergarten, who is responsible for the life and health of children, conducting multifaceted educational work, requires a huge expenditure of mental and physical strength. And only such teachers will be able to adequately raise children. From this follows a brief conclusion: worthy teachers - worthy salaries.

In accordance with the Concept for the Modernization of Russian Education, it is planned to introduce shared financing, which implies payment by the state only for a fixed amount of educational services for kindergartens. However, the specificity of education in a preschool institution is that, unlike school, it is carried out throughout the day and is not limited to training sessions (it is necessary to teach the child to wash their hands, eat properly, behave politely in different situations, be neat, play and cooperate with other children and much more). Therefore, it is practically impossible to reduce the educational services of preschool institutions to 3-4 hours. Equally unacceptable is the separation of parental payment for the maintenance of the child (mainly food, which many children now need so much) and budgetary financing of education.

The development of young children largely depends on the subject environment surrounding them (toys, manuals, materials for drawing, modeling, construction, books, musical instruments, physical education equipment, etc.). Solving the problems of organizing various forms of coverage of children with preschool education, decent wages for teachers, accessibility of a quality kindergarten for all children requires separate budget funding at the federal and regional levels.

Starting from 2000, it was possible to achieve an outstripping increase in expenditures on education and science compared to general economic indicators. This created the prerequisites for institutional restructuring in the field of education, primarily related to the modernization of the structure and content of general and vocational education, improving its quality, the effectiveness of managing the educational system, and the entry of the Russian Federation into the world educational space. In particular, the quality of the implementation of the educational program is considered first of all. One of the significant factors in this indicator is the implementation of an experimental program in the preschool educational institution, subject to the justification of the goal and methods, as well as the evidence of the productivity of the experiment.

Education in Russia is traditionally considered a costly area. In different periods recent history cities, attempts were made to change the situation, to turn the education sector into an investment one. However, in fact, the economic foundation of education did not create sufficient infrastructure to attract investment.

On the other hand, attempts to directly transfer market economic regulatory mechanisms to the education sector were often unsuccessful due to the fact that the effect of investments was measured exclusively in monetary terms. An educational institution as a payback project or a project that brings profit in monetary terms has not become a mass phenomenon.

Most clearly, such disproportions were traced in preschool education in many Russian cities, including Irkutsk. In the context of the demographic decline, a decrease in preschool educational institutions naturally occurred. Moreover, the number of pre-school educational institutions of the city currently available hardly corresponds to the real demand of the population for educational services for the education of pre-school children.

The network of departmental kindergartens has practically disappeared, although in large cities, for example, in Moscow, many of them were transferred to municipal ownership and kept for children. In general, in Russia there is a trend of re-profiling former departmental kindergartens and selling their buildings.

Already today, a number of preschool education institutions in many other regions of Russia have made the transition to new organizational and legal forms. Such a transition became possible due to the objective fact of the growing demand on the part of parents to receive, in addition to budgetary services, also additional educational services. The actual demand for individual educational programs and preferential conditions in preschool educational institutions is quite high today. Parents are ready to order and pay for preferential terms and additional preschool education programs outside the budgetary service.

The high quality of preschool education with an increase in the coverage of preschool children can be ensured by establishing horizontal links between educational institutions of various levels and types. At the municipal level, resource centers for preschool education are being created that provide methodological support to preschool educational institutions in the respective territory.

While variability is a requirement for the variety of services provided, accessibility of education is a requirement for the breadth of the network, its ability to cover the maximum number of children. The implementation of the principle of accessibility when building a network of institutions implementing preschool educational programs means the need to build a network in such a way as to optimally take into account both the educational needs of children and the spatial proximity of institutions to the place where children live. Educational services can be provided not only by traditional kindergartens, but also by other educational institutions that implement preschool educational programs. The task of developing a network of educational institutions that implement preschool education programs is to ensure that the range of services and their quality correspond to modern ideas about the quality of preschool education and are optimal.

Thus, building a network of preschool educational institutions involves the institutionalization, along with traditional kindergartens, of such forms of preschool educational institutions as

Groups for joint short-term stay of a child and a parent (“child-parent”, “nursery with mother”, “play support center”, “adaptation group”, etc., organized on the basis of kindergartens, at centers for children's creativity, in special centers for working with children early age or at psychological and pedagogical centers;

Home education groups (“child and nanny”, “tutor groups”, “family groups”, “mini-kindergarten”, etc., organized by parents at home or in residential apartments specially rented for this purpose;

Groups of short-term stay of a child in a kindergarten, or in another educational institution, or organization in which a preschool education program is being implemented;

Adaptation groups for children of refugees and internally displaced persons.

The optimal distribution of material resources within the preschool educational network is aimed at the rational use of those resources that exist in the network of current preschool educational institutions - equipment, premises, sports facilities, park areas, etc. At the regional level, it is necessary to develop regulatory documents regulating the use of these resources by preschool educational institutions of the network . At the municipal level, it is necessary to develop guidelines for preparing these resources for use by the preschool educational network.

The optimal distribution of personnel resources within the preschool educational network involves the most effective use potential of methodologists, psychologists, speech therapists, teachers foreign languages, educators-experimenters, senior educators to improve the quality of education in the network as a whole. The development of a network of preschool education involves the emergence of small kindergartens, home-based groups, parent groups etc.

The resource of network development is innovation activity. At the regional and municipal levels, it is planned to adopt regulatory documents and guidance materials aimed at developing innovative activities in the network of preschool educational institutions / organizations and its expert support.

The problem of general accessibility of preschool education for all categories of citizens should also be addressed today through the use of internal reserves of the education system, including the development of various forms of preschool education, as well as a more flexible system of regimes for children in preschools.

It should be noted that the network of short-stay groups is developing not in spite of and not instead of traditional full-time preschool institutions, but along with them. Along with the traditional operating modes of preschool educational institutions (12-hour and round-the-clock modes of stay for children, since 2000, 10-hour and 14-hour modes have also been used (in many cases, the 14-hour mode is most preferable for parents and is less expensive than round-the-clock This makes it possible to increase the availability of preschool education for various categories of citizens.

In addition, at present, in parallel with the development of traditional forms of preschool education, new models are being tested: preschool groups on the base educational institutions, preschool groups based on institutions of additional education, as well as the systematic education of preschool children in the context of family education.

Thus, we can conclude that the effectiveness of the development of a network of educational institutions will be achieved only if the approach to the development (modernization) process is comprehensive.

It is much more important to take into account the needs of the modern family in various forms organization of the functioning of preschool institutions. An increase in the number of groups for young children is required (from 2 months to 3 years, groups with round-the-clock and evening stay of children, holidays and weekends, groups of short stays (2-3 times a week for 3-4 hours), etc.

It is much more expedient that all public preschool institutions correspond to one “good” category, which ensures the full-fledged upbringing and development of children. And parents with special needs (although it is not a fact that this is useful for the child) could use the services of non-state preschool institutions. The only problem is that these institutions, as a rule, need special control from the state (this is evidenced by for example, the experience of France, where such control is the most important task of the inspectorate service in education).

In view of the foregoing, as well as the fact that in the last 10-15 years there has been a virtual total "municipalization" of institutions

preschool education (mass transition of kindergartens from various departments to municipal ownership, the solution of issues of survival, functioning and development of the preschool education system currently depends mainly on local governments.

It is the local governments in the municipality (city, district) that must create certain organizational and pedagogical conditions that will allow the municipal system of preschool education to get out of the crisis and move into a state of normal, stable functioning and development.

S. L. Shikina, M. I. Korchina

(ANO DO "Planet of Childhood" Lada "DS No. 63 "Vesnyanochka", Togliatti)

For the first time, the concept of pre-school education was mentioned when the Minister of Education and Science, Andrey Fursenko, presented the Concept for the Modernization of Russian Education. The term, incomprehensible to most of the population, created confusion: some perceived pre-school education as a "zero" class, someone thought that the minister was talking about pre-school education.

For the first time, detailed explanations about what pre-school education is and how it will develop in Russia were given by Igor Remorenko, Deputy Director of the Department of State Policy and Education of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation. According to him, pre-school education is a term that is widespread all over the world.

But for the Russian ear, it is not entirely clear. Our traditions closer concept– education of children of senior preschool age.

Basically, pre-school education is carried out in pre-school institutions, that is, in kindergartens. However, in Lately the so-called school preparation groups - short-stay groups working at schools or institutions of additional education - have been widely developed.

Today in Russia, more than 55% of preschool children attend preschool educational institutions or preschool groups. About 45% of children for various reasons do not receive preschool education. Only half of the children attend preschool.

The rest receive only the training that their parents offer them. Often this training comes down to forced teaching them to read and write. As a result, children who can read and write more often come to the first grade, but who are lagging behind in general development: they are not able to observe, compare, social and communicative skills are not formed.

The main task of the state in the field of preschool education - ensuring its general accessibility - still remains unresolved in full. There are many reasons for this situation: the lack of vacant places in preschool institutions, the desire of parents to raise a child at home, the inability of parents to pay for kindergarten, the presence of dysfunctional families and pedagogically neglected children, the presence of children with poor health, with chronic diseases that are contraindicated preschool regime. As a result, children come to school with different levels of development of personality traits necessary for successful adaptation to school.

Preschool education is a system of measures aimed at helping children who do not have the opportunity to attend preschool before school. The idea of ​​pre-school education embodies a humane approach to the child in order to help him adapt to school more easily.

Preschool education cannot and should not replace preschool education.

“Preschool” is a system of work with unorganized children who do not attend preschool institutions for one reason or another.

As a key solution to this problem, the introduction of "pre-school education" for children from 5 years 6 months to 7 years of age, in the so-called synzytive period, when children can receive a certain development that cannot be obtained at another age, is considered. If this development is not obtained, then in the future the child is unlikely to be successful in his career, i.e. we are talking about the expediency of creating conditions for the mass education of children of senior preschool age, focused on the formation of the success of the child, the development of his individual abilities.

The introduction of preschool education is aimed at overcoming a number of problems of modern preschool education, among which the most significant are:

A unified regime, strict regulation of the life of children and the activities of mass kindergarten teachers.

The child with his interests, emotionality, cognitive activity is lost between the observance of regime moments. In such circumstances, the child does not have the right to choose activities;

Modern preschool education programs imply early intellectualization of children, which does not always have a beneficial effect on their health;

Absence effective means and child support systems in the educational process creates a number of problems that give rise to deviant behavior of children, the fading of children's interest in the educational process, inconsistency in the actions of the family and the institution, conflict between adults and children, etc.;

In preparing preschool children for schooling, the attention of parents and educators is drawn to knowledge training, to the formation of certain skills of educational actions. This leads to widespread “schooling” in working with preschoolers, which negatively affects both the physical and mental well-being of children.

The lack of uniform rules for preparing children for school leads to the fact that children come with reading and numeracy skills, while 35-40% of them do not have developed fine motor skills, 60% - oral speech. The social component of education, associated with the acquisition of skills for effective communication with different people, cooperation, constructive rivalry, the ability to regulate one's condition, etc., is left without attention.

There is no coherence between the programs of preschool institutions and schools. Today, the actual transfer of the 1st grade program to a preschool institution is taking place;

When a child enters school, there is a drastic change social status, the requirements for it are increased by different adults, there are no conditions for the transition to new educational forms;

The daily regimen is changing, the physical and mental stress of yesterday's preschooler is increasing, and at the same time, there are no opportunities for unloading in the school space;

There is a lack of understanding and rejection by school teachers of playful and direct forms of behavior, which are still predominant in children of 6-7 years old.

In this regard, many parents are dissatisfied with the pre-school education system, which leads to poor health; a low level of socialization gives rise to social infantilism and lack of psychological readiness of the child for school;

There is a reduction in the number of kindergartens, incomplete involvement of children for one reason or another in the system of preschool education, for example, in the Moscow region 32% of future first graders do not attend preschool educational institutions, and in the whole country - 57.6%.

The solution to the problem of enrolling children in preschool education has great value, since the success of the child's life depends on its level, tk. preschool education ranks third (after higher and primary) in terms of importance.

The introduction of a new form of education is due to public demand from the state:

The need to preserve the network of preschool educational institutions in modern socio-economic conditions;

An increase in the percentage of enrollment of children in preschool education.

This will allow teachers to create conditions for ensuring the continuity of preschool and primary education.

Parents will have the opportunity to meet the need for the availability of preparing children for school for all social groups of the population, as well as to combine the efforts of the preschool educational institution and the family in promoting health, raising and educating children 5-6 years old.

The new model of preschool and preschool education should provide children from different social strata with:

Equal starting learning opportunities;

Variability of programs and forms of stay of children in preschool;

Acquisition by children in kindergarten of the experience of communicating with peers;

Preservation of the inherent value of preschool age, which should become the conceptual basis of preschool education, its enduring significance for the development of a person as a whole (A. V. Zaporozhets, V. V. Davydov, D. B. Elkonin) .

The main goal of the work of preschool education is the formation of readiness for the adoption of a new social position - the “position of a schoolchild”, who has a range of certain duties and rights. This personal readiness is expressed in the child's attitude to school, educational activities, adults, and himself.

Formation of positive self-esteem, self-confidence;

Formation of the desire for new knowledge, interest in the world around us;

Development of motivation for achieving success, an active, active position;

Formation of communicative skills and abilities;

Formation of the foundations of the spiritual and moral image of the individual, the definition and assimilation of universal values;

Mastering the means and methods cognitive activity(development of perception, memory, thinking, speech, imagination);

Formation of "children's competence" in various fields of human activity;

Physical development of the child, preservation and restoration of health.

Diversity in education should be considered in the broadest sense:

A variety of types and types of preschool educational institutions;

Variety of educational programs providing student-centered education and upbringing;

A variety of forms of children's stay in preschool, corresponding to the needs and capabilities of parents.

Various forms of children's stay in preschool educational institutions are combined in a single model:

Full-day stay groups with full educational cycles;

Evening groups;

Development groups formed for certain educational orders (psychological and speech therapy, sports and valeological, aesthetic, etc.);

Groups with a flexible mode of stay for children. Children arrive at a certain time short term, for example, from 8 - 11, from 15-18 hours;

Adaptation groups;

The conditions for effective pre-school education should be:

Accounting for the different pace and different levels of development of each child;

Adequate medical and psychological support;

Providing a wide range of activities for the child and his family to choose from.

Ways to solve the problem:

Where to train?

81% of the respondents answered this question “In kindergarten”, arguing that children are calmer there, there is an opportunity for an individual approach, health promotion and nervous system.

However, in modern conditions, due to an acute shortage of places, this problem cannot be solved on the basis of only kindergartens. For these purposes, it will be necessary to use other types of educational institutions, provided that they create an appropriate educational and material base, a subject-developing environment, a play area, etc., exemplary models of which are defined in the strategic plan for transferring children to preschool education: schools, lecotheques and Child Play Support Centers.

Who is teaching? The proposed changes in the system of preschool education should be carried out only if the teaching staff is fully prepared to work with children aged 5-6, taking into account their age capabilities and needs. The proper quality of pre-school education will be ensured by advanced training of teachers for a new type of activity in the system of additional professional education or their specialization in the field of pre-school education already at the stage of training in secondary specialized and higher pedagogical educational institutions.

The solution of these problems requires the teacher to possess technological approaches that allow a child of preschool age to become a full and interested participant in all types of activities. The teacher must have a solid knowledge in the field of psychology of a preschooler, navigate in modern concepts education, master new technologies for organizing playful, creative, cognitive activities of children, methods for developing the motivational sphere of a preschooler, be able to build cooperative relationships with pupils and their parents.

How to teach? According to experts, in order to work with children of senior preschool age, it is necessary to develop a unified state general educational program for upbringing and education that provides the basis for the development of children, while at the same time providing the opportunity to use various variable pedagogical technologies. Along with teaching literacy, the program should provide for activities specific to the preschooler (playing, designing, drawing, modeling, etc.).

Pre-school education should provide optimal conditions for the maximum realization of the child's age and individual capabilities.

Thus, the problem of a child’s readiness for school, which is relevant for parents and the school, is solved not at the usual level (the ability to count, write, think logically), but at the level of development of a complex of social, intellectual, personal, physical qualities of the child.

The social effect of the model of pre-school education will be a change in the position of parents from observers to active helpers.

And, of course, the state and society should play a decisive role in solving the urgent problems of preschool education.

Let us refer to the arguments of P.F. Kapterev about the role of the state and society in education:

The society is interested, first of all, not state views on education, we do not build schools and their laws, but with our children, their development, their health, their cheerful and cheerful mood ... The welfare of children is in the foreground. Therefore, society is a defender of the general humane education of children ... Therefore, real scientific pedagogy is a requirement of society. The state does not actually deal with pedagogy, it creates schools and supervises them, but does not organize them pedagogically and does not manage them. All this is done by society ... It outlines the paths in upbringing and education. The state uses the results that are already ready ... "


P. F. Kapterev. Selected pedagogical works. - M., 1982.

Myasnikova Inna Mikhailovna,
Nevsky district of St. Petersburg

Modern education is at a new stage of development - it is being modernized. This is facilitated by both social and economic changes taking place in society. Today, at the stage of serious changes, Russian society especially needs literate, physically, morally and spiritually developed citizens. The role of the system of preschool education in the development and education of the younger generation is great. It is the preschool institution that gives a start to the development of the child's personality, it is on how the child develops in childhood that the success of his future life largely depends. Since 2007, the birth rate in Russia has been steadily growing. At the same time, the number of places in kindergartens and kindergartens is not increasing. More precisely, the growth in the number of places in preschool educational institutions significantly (almost catastrophically) lags behind the growth in the number of children of preschool age.

New socio-economic conditions require the search for new forms, the organization of preschool education, and, accordingly, the development of a new mechanism for financing the system. Financing of preschool educational institutions is perhaps the most basic and complex problem. Underfunding, lack of funding - these words, unfortunately, are very often heard in relation to the preschool industry.

A preschool educational institution should receive and received until recently more stable funding, it is possible to conduct a unified educational policy in preschool education in the region, to better meet the needs of parents, the possibility of completing a kindergarten according to the norms of occupancy and place of residence of children, differentiated staffing of institutions and groups, timely providing advanced training and certification of pedagogical and managerial personnel of preschool institutions.

The problems of comprehensive training of specialists in preschool education at the integral level are becoming more and more urgent. , able to take on motivational, indicative, regulatory, organizational and controlling functions in the preschool educational institution, that is, simply put, managers. The activity of the head of a preschool institution corresponds to all these functions, but for its effective implementation it is not enough to possess the relevant knowledge, skills and abilities.

However, many people are quite concerned that municipal educational authorities and methodological services do not always provide a proper analysis of the results of using experimental curricula and new pedagogical technologies. Unfortunately, the issue of organizing the scientific management of innovation activity remains problematic. This problem can be quite successfully solved with the cooperation of scientists and practitioners, teachers of the Pedagogical University, the Institute for Advanced Studies of Educational Workers, as well as Pedagogical Colleges.

To ensure the quality of preschool education, the professional level of teachers of educational institutions that implement the main general educational program of preschool education is important.

The low level of wages of teachers in the preschool education system leads to staff turnover in preschool educational institutions, does not allow attracting highly qualified specialists who provide high quality preschool education.

The change in the technologies of education and training occurs simultaneously with the change in the nature of the relationship "Parent - child - educator" to equal, built on mutual respect and trust. Therefore, it is no coincidence that the model of an "Open" preschool institution with the inclusion of parents in the educational process, in managerial activity, is becoming one of the most promising in developing education.

The current state of the system of preschool education needs to solve the following problems:

  • Financing of the system of preschool education, mechanisms for distributing finances;
  • Lack of kindergartens;
  • The content of preschool education;
  • Quality of preschool education;
  • Conditions for the implementation of preschool education programs;
  • Raising the qualifications of preschool education workers;
  • Public perception of preschool education;
  • Number of places in kindergartens
  • 1. Given the gradually improving demographic situation in the country, the demand for kindergarten services is constantly growing. In large cities of Russia, there is a shortage of preschool educational institutions. There are not enough places in preschool educational institutions. Parents enroll their child in kindergarten immediately after birth, and this is not always a guarantee that he will get there. At present, 400,000 children in Russia are waiting for their turn to enter a kindergarten. The state, first of all, is faced with the task of accessibility of preschool education for all segments of the population.
  • 2. The need of preschool educational institutions for qualified teaching staff. The administration of the preschool educational institution is forced to reduce the requirements for staff in terms of their professional training and experience in working with children.
  • 3. Currently in the Russian Federation, an increase in the number of children with disabilities is recorded: twice as compared to 2002, “children with special educational needs” should not be isolated in society, hence the need for inclusive education.
  • 4. The features of the socio-cultural environment of modern society are changing - this is multiculturalism, multinationality, polyethnicity. Therefore, it is necessary to build a multicultural educational environment for preschool educational institutions, to create a multicultural educational space; it is necessary to look for new technologies for the upbringing and development of children, including children who do not speak Russian well enough.
  • 5. The need for a sufficient variety of types and types of institutions, educational services and approaches to their implementation in order to meet the diverse and versatile needs of participants in the educational process in preschool educational institutions.
  • 6. The transition of the majority of preschool educational institutions from the mode of operation in the search mode and into the development mode. The need for a raise methodological competence preschool teachers, students of pedagogical educational institutions.
  • 7. At present, the social order of parents is changing, their requirements for the services provided preschool institutions. If for many decades health care and childcare for many parents were considered as the main areas of work of kindergartens, today more and more requirements are placed on the educational programs of basic and additional education.
  • 8. Continuity between preschool and primary school age is often determined by the presence or absence of certain knowledge in academic subjects. This leads to early learning for children. It must be admitted that it is precisely this approach that can be conditionally designated as narrowly pragmatic, oriented towards the needs of the system, and not the child himself.
  • 9. Teachers are confused by the lack of rigid objectivity, the need to integrate educational areas. But it is only in integrated content that preschool children are free to make a wide range of choices and to express their as yet unstructured interests and creativity.
  • 10. In domestic pedagogy, a strong emphasis was usually placed precisely on game forms and methods of teaching children, and not on free play. However, for development it is very important that it is the child who plays, and not the adult. So that it was just a game, and not its imitation.
  • 11. Informatization of preschool education is an objective and inevitable process. A new educational environment is being formed in kindergartens, high-tech information tools for teaching and developing preschoolers are appearing, the interest of teachers and preschool education specialists in these technologies and the possibilities of using them in their field is growing. professional activity. However, not all teachers are ICT-savvy. This complicates the use of ICT in working with children or makes it impossible for a modern channel of communication with parents and other members of the pedagogical community.

Actual problems preschool pedagogy at the present stage

In the "Concept of preschool education" approved in 1989, a fundamentally new personality-oriented approach to the child was defined as the main direction of state policy in updating the system of preschool education.

Preschool childhood is a period of maturation, active formation of the individuality of each child, active knowledge of the surrounding reality, emotional attitude to the world.

In everything world goes recognition of childhood as an intrinsically valuable, original, defining period for the rest of life.

Modernity puts forward many tasks related to questions of how to develop, educate, and educate preschool children.

What are the current problems of preschool pedagogy at the present stage?

1. The problem of personality-oriented interaction of the educator with
child. This problem has not been well developed. The educator has practically no new
funds, or new technologies for the implementation of partnership communication.

2. The problem of choosing and examining new programs (there are a large number of them now)
will remain relevant for a long time to come.

3. The problem of diagnostics (from diagnostics of selection to diagnostics of development). Absence
professionalism in the selection and use of diagnostic techniques.

4. Insufficient competence of teachers in the knowledge of age characteristics
early and preschool age.

5. Psychological service in the system of preschool education, of course
contributes to the development of personality-oriented interaction of the teacher with
child, however, the insufficient level of professional competence of these
specialists, makes this work ineffective.

6. Lack of full-fledged continuity of kindergarten and family in education
and teaching the child in a preschool educational institution.

7. The lack of a differentiated, individual approach to children with more
high rates of development (gifted children) and children with deviant behavior.

8. The issue of continuity of preschool and school education.

9. The problem of methods and techniques of educational activities leading to
results in moral education, in the formation of the personality of a preschooler.

10. Substantiation of a new approach to the organization, content of education and
education from infancy and early childhood.

11. Substantiation of the types of creative activity of children, ways and methods of its

12. Substantiation of the possibilities of the creative activity of the teacher in the conditions
implementation of various educational programs.


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