
Hawkeye stone and its properties. Tiger's eye stone - magic and beauty


Since the time of ancient people, special attention has been paid to precious tiger stones. People believed that these stones carry a lot of secrets, knowledge, energy. They were used to make various figurines and decorations.

From generation to generation, knowledge about the magical properties of the tiger stone has been passed on. People believed that he stores the energy of the Sun and the Earth. And also that the tiger stone embodies its energy into materiality.

V Ancient egypt the inhabitants believed that the Sun God Ra was the patron saint of the tiger stone. They made amulets and carried them always with them. In the East, it was believed that God Shiva was the patron saint of the tiger's eye stone.

In ancient Rome, knights wore a stone as a talisman that would protect them in battles. The Indians believed that with the approach of a predator, the tiger's eye changes its weight and, thus, warns its owner of danger.

The tiger's eye gets its name from its tiger-like appearance. It is a quartz stone with streaks of asbestos and crocodolite crystals. The ability to shine in the rays of the sun betrays unearthly beauty to him.

Types and colors of tiger stone

There are two types of tiger's eye:

  • Bulls-eye. After heating the tiger's eye stone, it significantly changes its color and becomes reddish. As a result of this heat treatment, he received the name - bull's eye.
  • Hawkeye. In its composition, it is very similar to the tiger's eye. But the color is different between them. Hawkeye has a blue-gray tint with black veins. If you look closely at it, you can see the eye of a bird of prey. Its price is very high, as it is very difficult to find it.

Under chemical treatment, a bull's eye can change its color, it turns into a cat's eye. In nature, cat's eye stone is mined from chrysoberyl. It is located in hard-to-reach places. Therefore, they take a bull's eye, douse it with acid, and get a cat's eye.

Tiger stone deposit

The tiger's eye stone is mined in several countries of the world.

These include:

  • Russia;
  • Ukraine;
  • United States of America;
  • India;
  • Australia;
  • South of Africa.

Medicinal properties

The tiger's eye is characterized not only by its beauty, but also by its medicinal properties.

  1. Have vision problems.
  2. High blood pressure.
  3. Suffer from insomnia.
  4. People with sore joints.
  5. Suffer from asthma.
  6. Psoriasis.
  7. Ear problems.
  8. Rheumatism.
  9. Disease of the female organs.
  10. Intolerance to stressful situations.

For humans, the properties of the tiger's eye stone are aimed at protecting against negative impact... It is recommended to wear it as an amulet of a protector against diseases or if present. A tiger's eye stone helps a person who has undergone surgery to recover. Can also be worn as an amulet to increase appetite.

Magical properties

From generation to generation, knowledge about the extraordinary power of the tiger's eye stone was passed on. Ancient magicians believed that the power of the stone helps to ward off evil spirits. The warriors were given a stone to protect them from death in battle or from wounds.

This knowledge has come down to us today. The connection of the stone with the earth and its strength turns the stone into tremendous power. He is also called the messenger of trouble. With the approach of danger, the tiger's eye stone is able to change color, weight.

Magical properties tiger's eye manifest themselves as follows:

  • People who want to start a new business, it helps to be strong, confident, protects from rash actions. To make an important decision, you should sort out the rosary from the stone for an hour.
  • Jealous people - to calm down their jealousy. Attending events with a large crowd of people, the stone can save the owner from energy vampires and ill-wishers.
  • The power and work of the stone can be easily felt by wearing a tiger stone necklace., with the approach of danger, it will get heavier and wake up to change color. Women believed that by giving an amulet to a bad mistress, she would turn into a good mistress.
  • A good amulet will serve people who are engaged in banking. A stone in the form of a decoration attracts profits and helps to get rid of debts. Placing a tiger stone figurine on a table in an office space can help you find the right solutions and good deals. But we should not forget that only those people who work to achieve success can count on the help of the stone. It does not help inactive, lazy owners. We present to your attention an article on, here.

Red tiger's eye has no less important properties:

  • He can protect not only one person, but the whole family. To do this, put a product made of stone in a conspicuous place in the house, and it protects everyone from the impending danger and evil spirits. If you wear a stone on your finger, you can insert a bull's eye into a signet, then it will bring great income to its owner.
  • On a subconscious level, creative people choose this stone. without even knowing what kind of power he has. Since this stone attracts such individuals. He gives them the strength to create, develop, and act.
  • In lazy people, he is able to suppress laziness. The bull's eye works to increase the activity in a person, so wearing it every day is not recommended. You need to give the body time to rest. Wear only when there is a suspicion of a breakdown or the presence of otherworldly influences.
  • The stone has a very strong effect on the chakras of a person. that are responsible for the physical condition of the body. The stone is able to reveal talents, increase self-confidence and incline to creativity. Thanks to its energy, the stone is able to penetrate into the subconscious of a person, thereby stimulating him to action, to open up potential opportunities.
  • The stone is a favorite of those people who have a well-developed intuition., it gives them more confidence. Also, the bull's eye can serve as a sedative for very temperamental people. And for those who have the gift of a healer, the stone with its magical and healing properties helps in their endeavors.
  • Bull's-eye stone can often be seen in people with supernatural powers. With his magical powers, he helps these people see the past, the future, learn the secret secrets of the universe, feel the connection of time.
  • To attract wealth, a certain ritual is performed. They say that if you put a stone in a piggy bank and throw coins or paper money into it every day, then the tiger's eye will attract profit to the house.

The tiger's eye is a bundle of positive energy in one stone. He should only be in the sun for a while, as he becomes infected with a new strong energy. According to the researchers at the stones, the tiger's eye should be recharged in the afternoon.

Tiger stone cost

Based on a fairly common quartz stone deposit, the tiger's eye is inexpensive. Its price depends on colors... The more white stripes it has, the more expensive it is. If the stripes are black, the price is lower. Also, the cost depends on the size of the tiger's eye. According to calculations, a 5-centimeter stone costs up to $ 10. The most expensive stone is the hawk's eye, which is dominated by a bluish tint. Its price is 2-3 times higher than that of the tiger's eye.

The tiger's eye stone is used as a talisman in such decorations:

  • in bracelets;
  • in a necklace;
  • in rings;
  • in pendants;
  • in cufflinks;
  • in pendants;
  • in key chains;
  • in a rosary.

To turn a stone into a wonderful talisman, a jeweler needs to preserve all the shades of the stone's play. Quartz stones are processed using the cabochon method. That is, after processing the stone, it gains the shape of a smooth, convex surface without edges.

But earrings, for example, are made flat. More popular items on the market are tiger's eye figurines and boxes.

How to distinguish a fake or not:

  • The stripes on the stone should not change their position when the product rotates.
  • The weight of natural stone is much heavier.
  • If it is a fake, then the stone will be too bright.
  • The price of a natural product cannot be too cheap.

Who is the tiger stone suitable for?

The tiger's eye fascinates with its beauty and unpredictability, just like the tiger's eyes. With its healing properties, it suits many people. Serves as a talisman in the form of an amulet.

This stone is suitable for people who have the following activities:

  • According to professional activity, the tiger stone is suitable for those individuals who are engaged in creativity. These can be artists, writers, designers, poets. The stone serves as an assistant in revealing confidence, the power of possibilities.
  • It helps people in the trade to beat off competitors.
  • No less necessary is the tiger's eye amulet for people working in constant danger. These include such professions as: firefighter, pilot, builder, law enforcement officer. These people are in danger every day, and an amulet, ring or tiger stone necklace can warn its owner. A warning can be a change in the color of the stone, its weight (if it is a necklace), squeezing a person's body (if it is a ring).

The tiger stone is suitable for people with the following names:

  • Margarita. Strong jealousy is inherent in this name. The tiger's eye amulet will help to pacify jealousy and give healthy thinking.
  • Jeanne. It is characterized by its nervousness. The stone will restore strength, after nervous breakdowns, and will bring harmony and tranquility.
  • Tatyana. Unlucky person. The tiger's eye stone will bring good luck, luck and success in business.
  • Anatoly. Uncertain. The amulet will help make right choice, and decide on life goals.
  • George. A person with that name, wearing a tiger's eye amulet, will constantly rejuvenate, feel a surge of energy, harmony, and calmness.
  • Paul. The tiger's eye will help Paul to assert himself and achieve his goals.

Tiger stone and zodiac

Tiger stone has incredible properties to improve the life of the person who carries it with him. According to the predictions of astrologers, the tiger's voice is more favorable only to some signs of the zodiac.

According to the horoscope, the tiger's eye is suitable:

  1. Taurus. It is known that Taurus are ardent romantics. The tiger's eye stone helps them to be more realistic in life and vulnerable. It transfers power to them and their abilities. Ideal for Taurus who are creative. They can be artists, writers, designers.
  2. . On the one hand, this is a very emotional, impulsive sign, but on the other hand, it is very vulnerable. He needs the tiger's eye stone the most. The amulet helps them think realistically, based on situations, and will save them from rash actions. Will reveal their hidden talents.
  3. Virgo. Virgos are great careerists. Without a tiger's eye stone, their lives are like confusion. Since this sign is very persistent in its goals, and stones love such people, it will help them achieve their goal, no matter what it may be. What, you can find out here.
  4. Capricorns. These are leaders with a capital letter. In order not to fall face down in the dirt, they need a tiger's eye talisman. He will let you keep leadership skills on high. With this stone, they gain more confidence and strength in themselves.
  5. Aquarius. This sign simply needs confidence in its capabilities. He will give them control over feelings and emotions. It will help you achieve your goals. It will be more acceptable for them to wear a stone in a ring.
  6. Pisces. Of course, water stones are suitable for fish, but the tiger's eye stone has its own properties for Pisces. He makes life varied and interesting. It will help you stand on your feet when it seems that nothing can be done. You can find out which ones you can choose as a talisman here.

But this kind of tiger's eye, like a bull's eye, suits Scorpios. This stone is selected by character, not by the sign of the zodiac. The stone loves Scorpios for their dedication, hard work, desire to constantly work and achieve their goals.

What, you can find out here.

The hawk eye stone has other names - hawk, tiger. But the term "eye" remains with any definition. This is due to the appearance of the crystals. They shine like eyes, as clear as a look, as clear as a soul.

History and origins

The gem has a rich history. The legends of the hawk-eye are in different countries... In some, the ocellus appears on the ground from the debris of stars that have fallen on the Earth, broken into small crystals.

Other legends explain his appearance with the master of the Universe, who walked the Earth, leaving his eyes on it in order to know about everything that happens in his domain. The stone is of particular importance in India. He is considered a symbol of the god Brahma. In this country, it is valued more expensive than emerald placers and.

Physical properties

The stone looks like a translucent glass of dark blue color. Other tones are blue and black.


  • semi-precious stone from the group of quartz of the eye group;
  • the fracture is shiny;
  • increased hardness (only lower and);
  • translucent;
  • glass shine.

The chemical properties are reflected in the formula of the mineral - it is silicon oxide. Hawkeye consists of fibers from two natural formations: crocidolite and rhodusite.

Place of Birth

Large-scale production is carried out in Russia, India, the Czech Republic and the South African Republic.

Hawkeye's healing abilities

Wonderful healing properties passed down from generation to generation. Hawkeye heals hopeless and grave patients when traditional medicine refuses and makes the most dire predictions.

Meaning for a person healing stone multifaceted:

  1. Raises immunity;
  2. Improves the functioning of the digestive system;
  3. Heals wounds and ulcers;
  4. Relieves inflammation;
  5. Heals internal injuries;
  6. Heals injuries, cracks and breaks.

The stone hawk or hawk eye is used in massage sessions and cosmetic procedures. During the course of therapy, the support and motor system of a person is treated. To do this, the stones are heated, the muscle masses relax, and the pain disappears. Complex pathologies of the spine disappear after a course of treatment with a gem. Hawkeye relieves the symptoms of arthritis.

Another method of treatment is the vibration of stones. This method helps to restore the psyche, bring it back to normal emotional condition, relieve tension. Hawkeye jewelry has medicinal properties.

They affect a person in different ways:

  • hawkeye earrings keep and increase the level of hemoglobin in the blood;
  • bracelets eliminate skin pathologies;
  • pendants and keychains treat the gastrointestinal tract, eliminate disturbances in the functioning of the spleen, lesions of the pancreas.

The properties of the hawkeye stone are constantly expanding, healers discover new healing possibilities of stones.

Hawkeye's magical abilities

The value of the hawkeye stone is unique to humans. The magical properties of the stone bring good luck and success to those who strive for them. The main thing is what the stone feels, the desire to be active, to do what you love, to want to become a leader or leader of any level. The range of magical qualities is wide. Hawkeye will find an approach to each of its owners. It is believed that any, even ambitious, desires will become available to a person. The owner of the gem will be able to improve his personal affairs and financial situation.

The magic and power of the mineral:

  • develop mental and intellectual capabilities;
  • sharpening of intuition;
  • gaining the gift of foresight.

Talismans and amulets

The stone helps to understand the intentions of a person. If the stone gets heavier, then the visitor has ill-intentioned intentions. According to legends, you need to ask the guest to touch the amulet from the hawk's eye. The stone will not give the visitor the opportunity to harm the owner. He will not even be able to linger in the house of the owner of the talisman, the guest will try to leave as quickly as possible, with him all the negative energy will leave the room.

It is this quality that made the gem a talisman at home. He is placed at the head of the children to protect them from the evil eye and damage. It is advised to put a stone in the pillow, then the baby's sleep will be strong and healthy. Mineral is given if they see that family relations have begun to deteriorate. Hawkeye is able to regain the strength of previous feelings. He resurrects love, helps to find the cause of discord. For people with life-threatening professions, the gem will become protection from death, injury and terrible injury.

Hawkeye is given to a friend if a quarrel turns into enmity. Relationships are back on track, friends find each other again.

Varieties and colors of the hawk's eye

The appearance of the gem is easy to see in the photographs. The color of the stone changes, the essence remains constant. It resembles the eyes of a predator: a bird or an animal. It is difficult to describe a color in one tone. It is always a fusion of several shades:

  • gray, green;
  • dark greens and salad tone;
  • dark red;
  • fiery redhead.

In the center, the gem contains a needle-like shape. Its color is also heterogeneous: blue or green, rusty or red.

Interesting video: Tiger and Hawkeye

How to distinguish a fake

The mineral is worth buying after carefully studying the photo. Buy jewelry stone natural origin is a great success. The cost of the stone is average. Beautiful ring with a hawk's eye, bracelet, earrings will make the owner spectacular, graceful and sophisticated. The gem will confirm the owner's desire to be individual and special. Products will become not just an ordinary decoration, but a talisman. Men who are active and firmly on their feet are advised to purchase beads from a gem. They will further strengthen the owner in position and help them climb the career ladder.

Hawkeye Care

Eye quartz crystals are comfortable to use and wear. They do not require any special care. The stone is unpretentious. Its main feature, which makes it possible not to require special rules, is firmness. But even the toughest metal can crack, including the hawk's eye. It should be protected from shock, mechanical stress. The stone does not like high temperatures. Stores jewelry you need in a box or jewelry box.

It is not advised to keep jewelry on an ordinary surface, there is a possibility of falling. The stone may split, chip or scratch on impact. Do not keep jewelry made from softer rocks nearby. Hawkeye can damage their appearance. It is advised to clean the stone with a soft brush and soapy water. You don't need to dry the hawk eye with devices or a hairdryer, but to gain shine, you need to wipe it with a napkin or silk cloth.

Hawkeye, hawk eye and zodiac signs

Astrology singled out the gem in the category of universal. Its compatibility in talismans is marked with any sign. The value of the stone, however, is not uniform. For some he has strong affection and sympathy, for others he is indifferent.

Suitable for the horoscope decoration made of a natural gem:

  1. Helps Aquarius cope with emotional worries;
  2. Capricorn to control their own feelings and speech;
  3. Aries protects against attacks of energy vampires;
  4. Cancers will avoid financial difficulties.

All these signs will receive protection from the evil eye and negative situations, a series of accidents. The stone is not suitable for Scorpions and Virgos. For them, the gem will cause discomfort and deterioration of the psychological state.

Hawkeye - magical properties and significance of the stone for humans

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I have long wanted to deal with the "Eye Stones". I like the Tiger's Eye and Bull's Eye stones. I often use tiger eye cabochons to create. There was confusion when buying stones for jewelry with names. It was necessary to urgently deal with this issue. I walked around the Internet and collected the most reliable information useful for us about Glazkovy quartz.

Hawkeye, Tiger's Eye, Bullseye, Petersite Are decorative ornamental stones. These are not scientific names of stones, but trade names (brand), which denote one or another grade of jewelry ornamental raw materials.
The mineralogical name of these stones is Pseudomorphs of quartz over amphibole asbestos
Pseudomorphism is the replacement of one mineral with another while maintaining the form of an earlier mineral. In our case, this is the replacement of asbestos-like fine-fibrous veins of minerals of the supergroup of amphiboles (riebeckite, crocidolite, etc.) with translucent quartz or chalcedony.
New interpretation of the origin of stones "Hawkeye" and "Tiger's Eye" was recently proposed by the American scientists P. Heaney and D. Fisher. It was found that the textures responsible for flickering "Tiger's eye" do not represent a pseudomorphism of quartz over the previously existing asbestos-like aggregates of riebeckite. Rather, it serves as a classic example of the synchronous growth of minerals in the process of fracturing. "

The inclusions of riebeckite (crocidolite) fibers give the stone a blue, gray-blue, blue and almost black color with a silky iridescence. Sometimes referred to as hawk eye. In the case when riebeckite is not completely oxidized and represents alternating areas of blue and Brown This silicified variety is called "zebra crocidolite". Fibrous magnesioribekite or blue asbestos occurs in a silicified form and is a jewelry ornamental stone grayish-blue color with the trade name "Rodusit".


Crocidolite(from the Greek krokys, genus krokydos - a piece of wool, pile and lithos - stone) is an outdated term for an asbestos-like variety of alkaline amphibole of a beautiful blue-blue color (riebeckite). Ribekite occurs in metamorphic schists and forms lenticular nests and veins. It is often replaced by quartz, which is why a stone in the form of a hawk's eye is obtained. Ribekite ("crocidolite") forms dense parallel-fibrous aggregates of whiskers with rectilinear, more often wavy fibrous. A silky sheen is observed in the fracture, iridescence is observed on planes parallel to the lengthening of the fibers.

- a kind of hawk eye, which is a quartz of a beautiful golden yellow or golden brown color, with a silky sheen. The color of the stone is due to the development of goethite (limonite) along parallel oriented riebeckite fibers as a result of oxidative processes, or the filling of the thinnest channels formed during the leaching of riebeckite by goethite. The tiger's eye is formed when the processes of pseudomorphic replacement of riebeckite asbestos by quartz and the processes of its oxidation with the formation of iron hydroxides, which form scattered thin inclusions or fill hollow channels, are superimposed. The tiger's eye is found together with the hawk's eye; between them there are often quite noticeable and beautiful transitions within one vein (tiger-hawk eye). In the tiger's eye, the crocidolite has already collapsed and the iron entering it has oxidized to form goethite. Therefore, the tiger's eye can be located next to the falcon's eye, and at the same time they form a variety of scenic transitions. The most valuable tiger's eye has wide light stripes with iridescence, devoid of foreign inclusions. This stone has a beautiful golden yellow or golden brown color and a silky sheen on the polished surface. The color of the tiger's eye is due to the inclusions of iron hydroxides (goethite FeOOH, limonite).

In Chinese online stores, it is often called - Red tiger's eye. It is known that during the weathering of silicates under oxidizing conditions, the iron present in them transforms into limonite, and under reducing conditions, into hematite. This factor is responsible for the color of pseudomorphs for amphibole asbestos - yellow or reddish-brown. Also, with natural or artificial annealing of the tiger's eye, the goethite in it turns into hematite, while the yellow color of the stone turns into reddish-brown - a "bull's eye" is formed.

- breccia-like clastic-metasomatic rock, consisting of alkaline amphibole of varying degrees of weathering and its oxidation products, and chalcedony, cementing clastic material and replacing it to one degree or another. Sometimes it is considered as a type of chalcedony with inclusions of mineral fibers of the amphibole supergroup with varying degrees of change. Blue-gray, brown and yellow colors. Fibrous fragments in petersite are similar in appearance to a falcon's or tiger's eyes, but if the falcon's and tiger's eyes consist mainly of microcrystalline quartz, then in petersite the fibrous amphibole is replaced by chalcedony. In Africa, in Namibia, an ornamental variety of tangled fibrous riebeckite in the form of riebeckite breccia - cemented fragments of chalcedony amphibole in quartz rock of a breccia-like structure is mined at the Prieska deposit, where it received the trade name “petersite” (= petersite, English pietersite). Petersite, known in the pagan tribes of Africa as the Stone of Storms, is named after its discoverer Sydney Peters, who discovered this stone in 1962 during the exploration of land in Namibia for farming (not to be confused with the mineral Petersite- (Y), hydrous phosphate of copper and yttrium ). There are only two known deposits of petersite in the world - in Namibia and in China. In China (Nanyang Prefecture, Henan Province, China), petersite was discovered in 1993, but was not known on the market until 1997. Chinese specimens of petersite are poorer than African ones in terms of variety and richness of color and pattern, their color is mainly bronze-golden, and bluish to blue tones are found only occasionally.

Quartz cat's eye, tiger's eye, falcon's and bovine's - minerals of the quartz group (SiO2), are called the "eyes" of animals for their characteristic optical effect - in the form of a cabochon or on a convex polished surface, the stones acquire a narrow light beam that glides along the surface of the stone when turned, resembling vertical pupil of the animal.

All eye stones have similar properties: they have a reference hardness of -7, or slightly less, a silky sheen, a conch-like and splintered fracture. Cleavage is absent.

Since ancient times, precious stones, called "tiger", "falcon" or "cat" eyes, have been given special attention, since they are believed to have a strong energy.

As for the cat's eye, it's a little more complicated: originally a cat's eye - the name of a variety of chrysoberyl with a specific light effect of a glare running along the surface. So if we are talking about a cat's eye, it means chrysoberyl; if the cat's eye is quartz, this should be indicated.

Chrysoberyl cat's eye.

The stripe effect - eyes - is most pronounced in chrysoberyl. Minerals such as quartz with inclusions of fibrous minerals, tourmaline with a system of microscopic mutually parallel internal channels-voids oriented along the main axis, scapolite, fibrolite (fibrous sillimanite), parallel-fibrous varieties of jade and diopside can also have a cat's eye effect .

In chrysoberyl, this effect is due to the reflection of light from microscopic hollow channels or inclusions oriented parallel to one of the crystallographic axes. And stones like hawk eye (sometimes referred to as hawk eye) and products of its natural weathering - tiger's eye and bull's eye, the iridescence is due to the parallel-fine-fiber structure of the aggregates, akin to the structure of asbestos.

Quartz cat's eye.

Chrysoberyl cat's eye is a valuable gemstone. The best examples of it are mined on the island of Ceylon, in Sri Lanka. Also known is the Malyshevskoye deposit ("Emerald Mines"), Wed. Ural. If you see very cheap jewelry with a cat's eye on sale - most likely this is an imitation of a stone, or not chrysoberyl, and other options - you need to check with the seller. A simulated cat's eye is obtained by melting fibrous borosilicate glass.

The tiger-hawk eye combines the magical properties of the tiger and hawk eyes, it is a universal amulet. The stone is stunningly beautiful and worthy of being among your favorite jewelry, or in the form of a ball or egg as an amulet in the house.

The TIGER-FALCONY EYE is the name given to stones that occupy intermediate position between tiger's eye and hawkeye... One stone can contain both a mixed color of both options, and a completely distinct shade of a tiger and / or hawk's eye.

Tiger's Eye.

Tiger's eye - golden yellow or golden brown quartz with crocidolite inclusions. The tiger's eye (also called the Banker's stone) protects the owner from ruin, bankruptcy, financial failure, helps to focus on achieving a specific goal, develops insight, and brings good luck.

In ancient times tiger's eye was allowed to be worn only by privileged nobility.

Tiger's eye can bring good luck to different kind activities. If a person devotes his life to deeds (of course, noble goals, stones do not help others), then the tiger's eye will help to reach the heights. This stone is not very suitable for lazy people.

Quartz (dyed blue) with a cat's eye effect.

The cat's eye is green. Eye quartz.

The cat's eye is pinkish red. Eye quartz.

Ring, eye quartz.

Cat eye ring

Tiger's eye ring

Tiger's eye ring

Bull's eye earrings. Metal is a silver-plated jewelry alloy.

Tiger's Eye Bracelet


Hawkeye ozon what kind of eye stones they have, they answered that
Cat's eye - we have this glass. Of the natural ones, there are tiger, bovine and
falcon eyes.
I have a bracelet from this store made of a cat's eye (photo in the gallery in the article) - I would never have guessed that this is glass - neither in appearance, nor in weight, nor in touch. So in addition to Murano glass jewelry, glass cat's eye can be purchased. :-))

Eye stones

(Hawkeye, Cat's Eye, Tiger's Eye, Bull's Eye)

CAT'S EYE (Quartz)

Characteristics of the mineral. Crystalline quartz (silicon oxide) sometimes contains internal fibers and voids and also forms a very beautiful quartz "cat's eye" (photo on the left) grayish hues, which, although not as brightly opalescent as chrysoberyl "cat's eye", can nevertheless successfully compete with him. It is a very rare and most expensive form and variety of quartz. Chemically pure quartz is devoid of color, it is water-transparent and grayish. It also forms the much more common opaque peculiar varieties with fine crystalline parallel inclusions of goethite and crocidolite, known as "tiger's eye" (yellow-brown) and "hawkeye" (black-blue, blue and very rarely pink). Any "eye" must be rotated under the light in order to see a gentle overflow of color and a glare running along the surface of the mineral.

If quartz forms pseudomorphs along intergrowths of parallel-fibrous varieties of hornblende, crocidolite and asbestos, then a cat's eye is formed. There is a strong silky sheen at the break, which can be enhanced by a cabochon cut. In this case, a sharp light line or arched glow appears on the stone, resembling the pupil of the eye of an animal or bird of prey. Such formations of green, gray, grayish-green color are called the cat's eye. The shine effect and characteristic color are caused by asbestos inclusions. If these inclusions are excessively numerous, at the fracture, thin veins of the mineral become fluffy and unsuitable for jewelry processing... The largest deposits of this stone are located on the island. Sri Lanka, where it is found in walnut-sized pebble deposits of gemstones. In the CIS, these amazing stones come across in the Urals. In addition, there are deposits of the cat's eye in India, the USA, and Mexico. Elsewhere, quartz cat's eye is very rare.

The magical properties of stones. All cat's eyes are wonderful charms. An excellent amulet against any kind of damage, evil eye, evil forces and enemies. As a talisman, it helps its owner to get to the enemy and be unnoticed, but will not allow enemies and wild harmful animals. He protects property, develops in a person the ability to foresee events, gives sensitivity to reaction to the slightest manifestations of aggression, loyalty, prudence and love. The cat's eye becomes a faithful servant of all who strive for high spiritual goals, while choosing honest paths. Possessing predictive abilities, it was considered in all ages a mysterious and magically powerful stone. He makes both the owner and those around him frank to the point of paradox, but gives the owner invincibility. The cat's eye is super-aggressive towards the enemies of its beloved owner and can cause them a lot of trouble if you just draw their attention to the stone.

CAT'S EYE (Chrysoberyl)

Characteristics of the mineral. A kind of chrysoberyl BeAl2O4. It is quite rare in nature. Jewelry varieties include beryl, ruby ​​and sapphire cat's eye. Almost invariably, part of the aluminum is replaced by ferrous iron and chromium, and part of beryllium is replaced by ferrous iron. Titanium is sometimes present. Different shades of color of chrysoberyl (yellow - iron oxide, green - chromium, reddish - titanium oxide) are due to these minor impurities. The most common pale yellowish chrysoberyl owes its color to the presence of iron, and chromium causes a greenish color.

Chrysoberyl is one of the gemstones known since ancient times. Chrysoberyl, golden yellow with a bluish tint, is called cymophane. Cymophanes (golden-yellow and greenish-yellow chrysoberyls) with the effect of a cat's eye were very popular. One of the varieties of chrysoberyl, alexandrite, is green in daylight and violet-red when it is electric (incandescent lamps). Stones with a cat's eye effect are traditionally cabochonized. The largest chrysoberyl cat's eye weighing 475 carats was discovered in Sri Lanka.

The main supplier of this precious mineral- Brazil, where it is mined from alluvial placers together with tourmaline, topaz, pomegranate, etc. The second most important place in the extraction of chrysoberyl is occupied by Sri Lanka, where precious stones are extracted from pebbles in the south of the country. Chrysoberyl is represented here in yellow and green varieties, cat's eye and alexandrite. V last years Chrysoberyls, especially alexandrites and cat's eyes, are very rare and fabulously expensive. The main areas for the extraction of cymophane are the placers of Sri Lanka and Madagascar.

The chrysoberyls shown in the photo are very expensive (hundreds and thousands of dollars per carat in jewelry), although they are somewhat gloomy in outward appearance in sunlight and practically lose their color under artificial light or in the evening. It was these stones that were called widows.

Chrysoberyl is a gem that was once very popular due to the fact that opaque stones give an excellent "cat's eye" effect. If chrysoberyl exactly matches its chemical formula in composition, it is pure and colorless. In some cases, chrysoberyl crystals contain numerous microscopic tubules or fibrous inclusions that are parallel to the crystallographic axis. Since the tubules in chrysoberyl are usually hollow, opalescence occurs. The effect also occurs due to microscopic fine-fibrous inclusions (for example, actinolite or asbestos). When processing such a stone in the form of a cabochon, a wide silvery-white strip of light appears, which, in the form of a playing ray, cuts it in two and creates the effect of a cat's eye.

Most of the "cat's eye" stones on the market are synthetic ulexites or glass fakes, as a natural stone it's expensive. Today, synthetic imitations of a bright green or yellowish color from a composite material with void channels, passed off as natural chrysoberyl, have appeared on the market. Its production was presumably established in China and the USA (a product of high optical fiber technologies - sintering at a high temperature with the addition of a dye for glass optical fibers). The material is called ketsite.

Examples of an artificial "cat's eye":

Medicinal properties. Lithotherapists assume that all minerals that exhibit the "cat's eye" effect act in the same way. But depending on the color of the stone, one or another therapeutic effect is increased or decreased. For example, cat's eye can help relieve asthma attacks. Some traditional healers believe that these stones are good remedy for treatment various diseases throat and respiratory system. In the countries of the East, there is an opinion that by fiddling with a rosary made from a cat's eye, one can significantly reduce nervous tension and even recover from mental illness. The cat's eye affects the throat chakra.

The magical properties of stones. Experts say that the mineral attracts mutual love to its owner, makes him faithful in marriage and friendship. Attracts the stone to the owner and the sympathy of the people around. Products with a cat's eye should be worn by timid and insecure people - it will endow them with courage, charm, and attract the attention of others. Moreover, the gem is a real peacemaker. It helps a person avoid conflicts, improve relationships in the family and at work, and attracts the favor of his superiors. If you give an adornment with a cat's eye to the most implacable enemy, then soon he will change his attitude towards the donor and can become his friend. The stone helps boys and girls to better adapt to adult life, painlessly survive transitional age... The stone is a talisman that protects its owner from the "evil eye", bad thoughts and envy of others. Strengthens the heart, protects the mind and health of its owner, protects against adultery, including marital, protects against property losses. Helps to find a joyful perception of the world.

Talismans and amulets. As a talisman, the cat's eye should be used by diplomats, lecturers, artists, writers, artists and musicians. He awakens in them creative impulses, enhances talents and endows with charm and eloquence. In the old days, jewelry with a cat's eye was worn as amulets to protect from evil forces.

The cat's eye effect is seen in a properly oriented and polished cabochon on the stone. Ideally, a thin strip of light is visible parallel to the long axis of the cabochon. The optical effect of iridescence occurs when light is reflected from numerous microscopic parallel inclusions of fibrous and acicular minerals or tubular voids due to their leaching.

Beryl, chrysoberyl, ruby, sapphire, tourmaline cat's eyes with the most striking optical effect, which are rare and therefore highly valued, are considered jewelry. Quartz cat's eye with grayish-green tints is more common and cheaper. In recent years, descriptions of obsidian, opal, topaz, diopside, enstatite, jade, zoisite, anatite, scapolite, and cornerupine cat's eyes have appeared.

All are unusually rare, although the effect of a cat's eye or opalescence is more common than is commonly thought. In particular, the cat's eye was credited with the ability to preserve love, protect from betrayal, from the "evil eye" and even make the owner invisible in battle


Characteristics of the mineral. Fibrous intergrowths of quartz with other minerals are used to make jewelry... Eye stones are cut in the form of cabochons. Semi-transparent quartz (silicon oxide) with a large number of inclusions of parallel crocidolite fibers, giving the stone a blue, gray-blue, blue and almost black color with a silky iridescence. Rarely meet pink shades... It is also called the hawk eye. Ornamental stone. Crocidolite (from the Greek krokys, genus krokydos - a piece of wool, pile and lithos - stone) is a mineral, an asbestos-like variety of alkaline amphibole - rybeckite of a beautiful blue-blue color. It occurs in metamorphic schists, forms nests and veins, often forms pseudomorphs with quartz in the form of a hawk's eye. Crocidolite is represented by acicular crystals with rectilinear, more often wavy fibrous. In the fracture, a silky sheen is observed, on the planes - iridescence. Deposits of this mineral are known in South Africa and Austria.

The magical properties of stones. Hawkeye, a typical stone - "amulet", is the guardian of the health and life of its owner. As a talisman, it helps to maintain calmness and serenity, presence of mind in any situation; protects against rash actions. He is an excellent amulet against all kinds of enemies and ill-wishers. In danger, the stone becomes heavier, warning the owner. The talisman of the hawk eye will be for people who are often in dangerous and stressful situations, it sharpens the flair and perception of reality, makes a person vigilant and intuitive, as if it gives a tune to external events and promotes insight. Protects from ill-wishers, energy vampires, gossip and intrigues of enemies. Preserves the honor of a person and a good name. Powerful amulet. He is useless to inactive people and does not like such people.


Characteristics of the mineral. Fibrous intergrowths of quartz with other minerals are used to make jewelry. Eye stones are cut in the form of cabochons. Tiger's eye is a quartz of a beautiful golden yellow or golden brown color, with a silky sheen caused by the development of goethite along oriented inclusions of crocidolite as a result of oxidative processes or the thinnest channels formed during leaching of crocidolite and filled with limonite. Goethite (limonite) is iron oxide (Fe2O3) 89.9%, water (H2O) 10.1%, giving the stone a yellow, brown, golden color with silky iridescence (the tiger's eye is actually painted with rusty iron). The beauty is largely determined by the iridescence of these crystals.

In the tiger's eye, the crocidolite has already collapsed, the iron included in it has oxidized to goethite. Therefore, the tiger's eye can be located next to the hawk's eye, forming a fairly noticeable and beautiful transition. The most expensive tiger's eye has wide light stripes with iridescence and as few black inclusions as possible. The photo below also shows individual golden intergrowths of goethite (limonite) crystals with small inclusions of quartz crystals from the Volodarsk-Volynsky pegmatite field, Ukraine.

The magical properties of stones. This gem saves from the torment of unreasonable jealousy and helps in economic activities (women like it very much). It is a "talisman" with magical properties to protect the owner from attempts by enemies and animals; when they approach, the stone (like the hawk's eye) becomes heavy, thereby warning the owner of the danger. Protects from the insidiousness of enemies and competitors.

As a talisman, the Tiger's Eye brings the fulfillment of desires closer, develops patience, helps to turn waste into income, and get rich easily. Useful for those whose hopes are often not met; who would like to receive tangible support from above; believes that God has turned away from him; those who want to amaze people with the quality of their works. A good mascot for designers, fashion designers, architects, restorers, and novice pilots. Useful to wear during major life changes.

The tiger's eye is a stone "amulet" in economic activities.


Characteristics of the mineral. The bull's eye can belong to Labradors or be quartz - it is quartz (silicon oxide SiO2) with fine-crystalline inclusions of hematite (iron oxide). Sometimes one can observe thin inclusions of hematite visible to the eye or a hematite sole on a natural bovine's eye. The stone has a beautiful brownish-red hue and silky overflow, characteristic of a tiger's and hawk's eyes. If the tiger's eye is ignited, the brown iron hydroxides will turn into a cherry-red oxide - hematite - and the stone will acquire a beautiful brownish-red hue. The resulting ornamental stone is called a bull's eye. If, to enhance the light, the bull's eye is treated with special solutions that remove mineralogical inclusions (in concentrated hydrochloric acid), then sometimes attractive stones with the effect of a cat's eye can be obtained. Bullseye is obtained from tiger's eye deposits, but is rarer. Deposits of eye quartz are found in India, South Africa and the Czech Republic, as well as in Russia.

The magical properties of stones. A powerful talisman capable of changing a person. The stone cannot be worn all the time, since the Bullseye has magical penetrating power. If a person devotes his life to business, then the stone will help him reach great heights, will protect the owner from dishonest partners, and will help to get great profits from transactions. But such a stone helps only active, independent and purposeful people. If a lazy person wears such a stone as an adornment, then a constant internal struggle will occur in him: the stone will weigh him down. As a rule, such people lose these stones over time, since they cannot fully appreciate all their properties. All these stones are endowed with a fairly powerful energy potential. Thanks to this, they are considered the best amulets. Saves from jealousy.

Eye quartz

One of the unusual varieties of the well-known quartz is eye quartz. They are formed when quartz in the form of fibrous and dense masses includes parallel oriented needle crystals of other minerals or tubular voids. At the same time, an iridescent silky shine is obtained, which, especially when processing a stone in the form of a cabochon, resembles the eyes of predatory animals.

Distinguish eye quartz by color: Tiger's eye has a striped golden-yellow and yellow-brown colors with an arched glow, reminiscent of the eyes of a tiger. A bull's eye is a tiger's eye that has changed its color from yellow to cherry red (like bloodshot bull's eyes) due to the influence of high temperature, natural or artificial. Hawkeye is blue, gray-blue and blue color... The cat's eye is the lightest, it comes in green, greenish-gray-yellow tones and looks like a cat's eyes.

Love for eye quartz comes from time immemorial. Craftsmen of ancient cities made amulets from them. In some countries, the tiger's eye was placed on a par with precious stones. The Hindus dedicated these wonderful minerals to their beloved gods: tiger - Shiva, falcon - Brahma, feline - Vishnu. The Roman soldiers believed that the tiger's eye could protect them from injury and death. The Indians revered the tiger's eye as a talisman - the stone allegedly became heavier when predators approached.

Eye quartz as amulets "work" on all signs of the Zodiac, however, astrologers distributed them as follows: the hawk eye - AQUARIUS and CAPRICORNS, the bull's eye - SCORPIONS, the cat's eye - CANCER and FISH. brindle - VIRGINS and GEMINI.

Eye stones

These stones are powerful charms. Their "glaze" is associated with the presence of thin light fibrous minerals (for example, actinolite) in quartz, on parallel surfaces of the stone, as a result of which, when the stone is turned, a narrow movable strip runs over it. It is believed that the hawk eye helps Aries, Cancer, Libra, Capricorn very well, that is, people of the zodiac signs of the cardinal cross or those who have the main fundamental planets in this cross.

The cat's eye is shown to: Leo, Scorpio, Aquarius, Taurus, that is, people with a pronounced fixed cross of the signs of the Zodiac.

The tiger's eye is very good for people of the movable cross: Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, Pisces.

You need to know who you are according to the Sun in the horoscope, or according to the planetary core, whether you can wear this particular stone. It must be said that for people of the movable cross, their energies prevent the wearing of the hawk's eye, the tiger's eye rejects the hawk's, the cat's eye rejects the tiger’s, and so on.

The main planets of the crosses: cardinal - Mars, motionless - Venus, movable - Mercury. All eyeglass quartz stones are very capricious, they feel only the owner, only the person who is able to cope with himself. For people who are bifurcated, unable to control themselves, it is better not to wear eye quartz.

It takes a long time to get used to quartz, they are made of "hard" stones that give in to work: they need to be worn for several years before they begin to work. bracelet), before the imminent danger begins to "press", squeeze the finger, interfere.

If a person pays attention to this and puts a ring under the pillow on the 18th lunar day, then he will receive a revelation in a dream of what danger awaits him. Usually, a warning comes long, amulets are warned several months before the event. Eye quartz is associated not specifically with some sign of the Zodiac and a planet in the sky, but with the three Gunas, with the corresponding three Zodiac crosses.

Sattva is the Guna of joy, a balanced, harmonious state associated with goodness, happiness, the beneficial principle of purity. Hawkeye is associated with Sattva and, therefore, with the cardinal cross and with the first zone of the Zodiac - the zone of Accumulation. The task of this stone is to cleanse a person as much as possible. It contributes to a cardinal purification of a person and the development of counteraction to astral attacks.

Tamas is an inert, inert, dark state associated with inertia, apathy, leading to ignorance. The cat's eye is associated with Tamas. Its task is to stabilize a person as much as possible. It is associated with the Conservation Zone and with a fixed cross.

This is the protector, he protects the person. In many cases, the stone acts both on his property and on his family, preventing the penetration of foreign influences into it. This stone helps to strengthen family ties.

Rajas is a mobile, passionate, active state associated with excitement, pleasure, anxiety. The Tiger's Eye is associated with Rajas - the Transformation Zone. It is the tiger's eye that is the real stone of magicians, which protects them from alien influences and gives them strength. It is also used in alchemy, promotes metamorphosis. Until now, no one understands the real magical power of eye quartz. They are connected with a whole era by some mysterious threads.

For example, the tiger's eye was a talisman in the bygone era of Pisces. And especially he brought happiness and strengthening to isolated nations, which is associated with this era by sign, for example, island peoples, Jews and Armenians.

The tiger's eye is a stone that sharpens intuition.

Medicinal properties: Reduces blood pressure and promotes the treatment of psoriasis. It is useful for inflammation of the joints, asthma, weakness of the heart, rheumatic heart disease, inflammation of the bursa pericardium, inflammation of the middle ear, with paralysis after a stroke, with chronic depression, rheumatism.
Mystical properties: Helps in economic activities, extinguishes anger, brings good luck to kind and sincere people, sharpens intuition, heals unreasonable jealousy.

You need to set amulets only in silver, since silver is a good conductor. Gold is bad for them, as it is too giving off a metal and interferes with the manifestation of amulets. It is recommended to buy these stones on the 25th lunar day after the New Moon, and wear them for the first time on the 11th lunar day. The true names of eye quartz in the ancient tradition are as follows: Sattva - the eye of the Eagle (esoteric element of Air); Tamas - the eye of the Fish or the eye of the frog (esoteric element of Water); Rajas is the eye of the Tiger (esoteric element of the Earth).

Three beasts: the beast in the air, the beast in the water, the beast on the ground. There is also a fourth eye - the salamander's eye, which is used to a limited extent in alchemy. This stone is associated with the element of Fire.