
Modular origami how to make a swan in stages. We make a paper swan using origami technique. Color scheme of a swan made of triangular modules


Origami is a beautiful and original toy that can undoubtedly serve good gift... And such a gift can be made with your own hands. Any origami sculpture consists of paper models, separate parts that are interconnected in a simple way... But it will be more effective if all modules are coated with glue for reliability.

Simple office paper, A4 sheets, is great for making origami. To compose any origami figure, you will need a large number of paper modules, which must be done in advance. How to make a paper swan? Let's figure it out.

The swan is a beautiful, fabulous and loyal bird. This bird is a symbol of love and fidelity. The origami swan will be a great gift for absolutely any person. This article will help you create such a masterpiece with your own hands.

If this is your first experience, then you should start with a simple swan that everyone can do.

Our beautiful swan is ready! Such a swan will not take you long, and a gift for your child will be excellent!

Modular paper swan: blank

This origami will look great. No glue is required to compose it, the modules themselves will be attached to each other. Such a craft will take you a very long time, quite painstaking work. But believe me, it's worth it. The result will exceed all your expectations!

Let's start with the preparation of paper modules:

Modular origami swan: assembly

So, we will be folding a colored volumetric swan from paper models. To do this, we will need to collect the following number of paper modules:

When everyone is colored paper modules are ready, we will start collecting the origami swan.

  1. First, take 3 pink paper modules.
  2. Insert the corners of the two paper modules into the resulting pockets of the third paper module.
  3. Take 2 more pink paper modules and attach them to the first three paper modules.
  4. We will get the first ring, which will consist of two rows: inner and outer.
  5. The inner one will be short and the outer one long.
  6. Each row will consist of 30 pink paper modules.
  7. We begin to collect the first rings, while carefully supporting them with our hands.
  8. With the last paper module, we fasten the ends of the outer ring modules.
  9. Now, out of 30 orange paper modules, we assemble a ring in the same way as described above.
  10. Insert the third orange ring into the pink ones in a checkerboard pattern.
  11. We collect the 4th and 5th rows of orange rings and insert them also in a checkerboard pattern into the resulting rings.
  12. We turn 5 rows of rings from paper modules inside out with our hands.
  13. We will get the shape of the stadium.
  14. We will perform the 6th row from 30 yellow paper modules.
  15. We insert our yellow ring on top.
  16. On the 7th row we will start making the wings. We need to choose a place for the swan's head. Where the head will be, we leave 2 corners of the paper modules, the swan's neck will be attached to them.
  17. To the right and left of this place we attach 12 yellow paper modules.
  18. Now we count the modules, you should get 24 yellow paper modules and two gaps.
  19. We will continue to make the wings of the origami swan.
  20. The 8th row will consist of 22 green paper modules, 11 on both sides.
  21. The 9th row will consist of 20 green paper modules.
  22. 10th row - 18 green paper modules.
  23. 11th ring - 16 blue paper modules.
  24. 12th ring - 14 blue paper modules.
  25. 13th ring - 12 blue paper modules.
  26. 14th ring - 10 blue paper modules.
  27. 15th ring - 8 blue paper modules.
  28. 16th ring - 6 purple paper modules.
  29. 17th ring - 4 purple paper modules.
  30. 18th ring - 2 purple paper modules.
  31. We give the shape to the wings of our swan.
  32. We pass on to the execution of the tail of the swan.
  33. The tail will consist of 5 rows: 3 rows of 12 green paper modules, 2 rows of 3 blue paper modules.
  34. Paper modules should be reduced by 1 module.
  35. Now let's start assembling the origami swan's neck. There will be another technology for assembling paper modules. Insert 2 corners of one paper module into 2 pockets of the second.
  36. The neck should be composed of 1 red and 7 purple paper modules.
  37. Give the neck a bend.
  38. We glue the corners of the red paper module with glue.
  39. Then we attach the following paper modules to them: 6 blue, 6 blue, 6 green, 6 yellow paper modules.
  40. We fasten the neck between the wings at 2 free corners.
  41. We decorate our swan with a bow and eyes.
  42. In the same way as we did the swan's neck, we make 2 rings.
  43. 1 ring - 40 pink paper modules.
  44. 2 ring - 36 pink paper modules.
  45. We glue these two rings with glue. our swan stand is ready.
  46. We glue the swan to the resulting stand.

Our origami swan is ready!

The swan is a beautiful and noble bird with which many legends and tales are associated. A symbol of immaculate beauty, purity and inspiration. The house was often decorated with the image of this bird, in the hope of attracting love, wealth and family happiness to it. Using the origami technique, you can create a swan shape with your own hands at home. Due to its unique appearance, the origami paper swan will harmoniously fit into the interior of the apartment or serve as an unforgettable gift.

There are many ways to make origami paper swans. They all differ in complexity, the amount of material used or appearance finished product... Tables at weddings and birthdays are served with simple figures of birds from napkins. Many uncomplicated options can be made with children in the classroom in kindergarten or in classroom labor lessons. Children love to make products in the form of cranes and peacocks with pleasure. Handicrafts made with the help of modules will be laborious, but beautiful.

In this rendition of origami paper a swan, step by step assembly which requires painstaking work, will look spectacular and unique.

You can read about how to make origami paper swan in this article. In it you will get acquainted with detailed instructions and schemes of work.

Option for the smallest

Parents can make such a figurine for their child for a visual representation of animals. It can also be used as a Christmas tree decoration or as a decorative element for scrapbooking.

This craft can be done for children. younger age or just starting out with this hobby.


  • A piece of paper in the form of a square (you can take white stickers).
  • Scissors.
  • Black and red pencils.
  • Glue or stapler.


  1. Bend the sheet in half diagonally.
  2. With the help of scissors, we make small cuts on both sides of the resulting triangle. This will create the feathers.
  3. Draw the line of the neck and head along the long base, symmetrically cut along it.
  4. We unfold the workpiece, connect the upper and lower corners, fix them with glue or a stapler, leaving the head free.
  5. We draw eyes and a beak on the head - the bird is ready.

There are many more types of paper origami swan, including diagrams for beginners. Many step-by-step instructions step by step describe the process of making paper bird figures.

You can find a suitable option for you with pictures illustrating the entire manufacturing process. A detailed presentation and commenting on actions in the videos will help you understand the sequence and nuances of model execution.

Origami swan from napkin

You can create an origami swan not only from paper using step by step instructions... A neat figure of a swan from a napkin will help to decorate the table before the big celebration, to impress the guests. Such a serving detail will not go unnoticed and will emphasize the triumph of the moment.

For making, you will need a medium-sized square napkin.


  • The napkin should be facing downward in front of you. Mark the center line vertically with a fold.
  • Bend the corners to the center line.
  • Turn the workpiece over with the back side up, bend the corners to the center.
  • Fold upper part down so that the top corner touches the bottom.
  • Fold half of the resulting angle up again. This will be the bird's head.
  • Add volume to the figure by bending it in half vertically. Carefully line up the neck and head using the same folds.
  • Adjust the angle of your neck. You can lift the inner wing slightly to give it additional contour.

The figurine is ready - put it on the table or on a plate.

Note. The napkin is a very soft material. She cannot always keep her shape. Working with it requires special subtlety and accuracy. Therefore, it is recommended to practice on plain paper.

Swan made from modules

Modular origami- one of the most painstaking and scrupulous studies. Origami from paper swan schemes includes many nuances in the process of such creativity. It can take a lot of time and effort to create every single detail, but the result is well worth the wait. This model has smooth curves, flexible moving parts, such as the neck. A bird model in this performance can be safely demonstrated as a real work of art.

Creation in this technique is only possible for masters who know their business, however, you can replenish their number, thanks to the further instructions on how to make a swan from origami paper using the modules.

Note. The modules are strung on top of each other, which makes them hold their shape tightly, however, for greater stability, cardboard of different colors will serve.

Manufacturing of main parts

We need a small workpiece measuring 7.4 by 5.3 cm (for great crafts). An ordinary office sheet needs to be divided by 4 into 4 equal rectangles (16).

In the case of a smaller size, the sheet should accommodate twice as many rectangles. Then the blanks will be 5.3 by 3.7 cm in size.

Creating a subassembly:

  • Lay the rectangle out like a landscape sheet. Fold in half horizontally.

Note. If the paper or cardboard is colored on one side, then lay the back side up.

  • Mark the center line by folding the paper vertically and unfolding it again.
  • Bend the sides at the top corners towards the center. Turn over.
  • Bend the extreme corners of the protruding ends up. Next, fold the remaining ends towards the top.
  • Fold the resulting triangle in half lengthwise.

You now have a triangular modular blank. It is very important that each one is the same for bonding to each other in order to create an even composition. It is also necessary to ensure that the parts fit on each other in the same way, otherwise the figure will be uneven, and the parts will stick out.

Little swan

Before creating big model you can practice by making a smaller version. Good for beginners. On this option, you will get your hands on the production of parts and their fastening. Follow the instructions "paper origami swan", which presents a step-by-step assembly of a small copy.


  • For the base, we need 3 triangles: we press 2 of them to each other, and thread their corners into the pockets of the third, which is located with the long side down.
  • Take two more. Fasten them to the resulting workpiece in the same way, pressing the sides together, placing the corners in the pockets. In this way, you must attach 40 more parts (20 adjacent corners and 20 holding them together). As a result, you should have a circle with 2 rows.
  • Using 20 pieces, create the 3rd row, also putting the modules on the corners. Repeat the order of execution, creating the 4th, 5th rows, using the same amount.
  • Bend the resulting circle inward. This will give you a solid foundation.
  • Complete 6 of 20 elements, pointing them slightly up.
  • Create the wings. To do this, define a couple of corners where the bird's neck will be located. Attach the module to them for reference. Step back from it 8 elements in both directions - these are the bases for the wings.
  • Make the rest of the tunings, reducing the number of parts on each new one by ONE. As a result, you should have triangular wings.
  • We make a ponytail. To do this, we attach 3 elements to the base, then, as in the wings, we reduce each subsequent row by 1 element.
  • Modeling the head. To do this, we use 16 elements, which we string on top of each other in the previously marked place on the base. With each new element we gradually "arch" the neck. The last detail should be red - this is the beak of our bird.
  • Correct the shape of the wings by bending them slightly outward. You can glue small bead eyes on the bird's head.

Our little bird is ready. The height of this piece is approximately 20 cm when using large pieces.

Volumetric swan from 3 parts

Unlike the previous version, this specimen has more lush, expressive parts, such as, for example, double wings. Because of a large number elements and the sequence of their connection, origami from paper swan requires to observe the fastening of elements step by step.

To make a large copy, you will need 1502 parts, of which 1322 are white and 180 are any other color. The creation process includes 3 separate designs.

This is detailed in the next tutorial.


  • Make a blank of 3 modules, as in the first case.
  • Now create 2 rows of 30 pieces each.
  • Add 5 more in the same order. The number of elements in each of them is preserved.
  • After creating the 10th, we bend the disk inward, slightly stretching the volume of the future case.
  • We continue to add along the new line, up to the 15th. Gradually create a volumetric body.
  • The base is ready. Now we shape the neck. To do this, we create an order of 6 modules: we fasten the first with the last in a different color, doing the same in the next rows of the neck. We rise, decreasing the number by 1 in each subsequent one.
  • Collect the tail opposite the neck using the same technique. Only now we have in the initial order not 6, but 4 parts.
  • We measure the wings. Each wing has 10 starting elements.
  • From the 2nd order, the first one followed by the elements is done in a different color. In this order, create the height of the wings in 10 lines.

Note. Make sure that the height of each line is at the same level. Otherwise, asymmetrical wings may result.

  • After the 10th order, we begin to reduce the number in each subsequent one by 1 part. Don't forget to frame the first and last details with color.
  • We carefully bend the wings. As a result, we got the main part.
  • To make the product stand firmly, we create a stand. To do this, using glue, we fix the modules at the base of the body. After the 1st quantity is dry, stick the 2nd.

2 construction:

  • We begin to create the inner part in the same way as the main one, but now we have 20 elements in the set.
  • We build 7 rows step by step. We try to stretch the body a little.
  • After the 7th, we make the wings: 10 parts in each. The edges of each line are marked with a different color.
  • After 3 lines, we reduce each subsequent one by 1 detail.
  • As a result, we should have internal extended wings.

3rd construction:

  • The technique for creating the base is the same. Now 12 parts each.
  • Create a height of 6 modules. Turn the base down.
  • From the 7th row we attach 6 elements of a different color, use 1 less element, dividing the body into 2 parts.
  • The central part is ready.
  • It remains to collect all the details together. Carefully fit the inner wings into the body, widening it slightly. Take your time to avoid damaging the case.
  • Insert the small insert into the middle part as well. If possible, secure it with glue.
  • Before creating the neck, it is recommended to grease the initial rows with glue, as this part is very long. To create, you can use 3-4 parts at the base and continue their height in the same amount, right up to the head itself. Secure the penultimate corner with black and the last one with red. This will create a border around the beak.
  • Attach the artificial eyes to the head (beads or stickers). Shape the wings and neck. Now our piece is ready!


If desired, the finished version can be decorated with a ribbon at the neck and base, and other decorative elements can be attached to complement the image. Such a bird will be highly appreciated by your friends. A do-it-yourself paper swan as an art of origami will serve as a great gift, perfectly decorate your home interior.

Karina is a permanent expert of the PupsFull portal. She writes articles on play, pregnancy, parenting and education, childcare, and mom and child health.

Articles written

Anyone familiar with the art of origami would probably like to make a swan figurine. After all, this majestic bird is not just beautiful creature nature, but also represents the personification of loyalty and devotion to loved ones. A paper swan will be a real gift for connoisseurs of this art and just for people who love such souvenirs. Our master class will help you understand the intricacies of the art of working with paper when making a swan, and even a beginner will be able to boast of a completed bird figurine.

Working with modules

The essence of modular origami, in principle, is the use of parts from which the figure is ultimately assembled. So, triangle modules are made from a sheet of A4 paper. The first step is to complete the blanks, for this the sheet is divided into 8 parts.

In order to build the module itself, you need to perform several simple steps shown in the photo:

After the required number of modules is ready, you can start working.

Making a double origami swan from modules

To assemble this model, 1502 white modules are required, or you can use 1322 white and 180 pink modules(it is not necessary to use such a color, you can choose the one that suits your taste). The modules will be 1/32 in size.

Modules need to be connected like this:

First, you need to connect 30 modules. They are arranged in a circle.

The neck is going like this:

Followed by the tail:

The wings begin to be made like this:

Raise both wings at the same time. After 10 rows have been erected, the following construction will turn out:

In the 10th row, it is worth reducing the number of modules to 1.

At this stage, the swan looks like this:

We make a stand. We put the modules on glue, we try to make them evenly, so that later our swan would stand firmly on its feet.

After the first row is dry, you can start gluing the second:

Inner wings are made with the expectation that 20 modules are used for 1 row.

The next three rows are erected like this:

Raised by 3 rows, we begin to reduce the wings to one module.

This is what the finished inner wings look like:

Now an insert is being made.

A bit offline on the Entrepreneurial Man blog. What a webmaster can do for long winter evenings waiting for the next issue update? You can master modular origami and make beautiful things out of paper. With this article, I decided to support my previous note, in which it was proposed from A4 sheet without glue and scissors. And then she's all alone on my site. We need to support it with a thematic article. The envelope is made using the usual classic origami - the art of folding figures and paper products. In this article, we will look at a more complex modular origami technology for creating volumetric model swan.

The essence of modular origami is modules :-). Models are assembled from triangular modules, which are made from 1/8 of A4 sheet. First you need to make blanks by cutting the sheet into eight parts. To make it easier to cut the sheet, it should be bent three times and cuts should be made along the folds.

It is not necessary to cut very evenly, small irregularities will subsequently be hidden during the manufacture of the module. Before that, I already worked in the modular origami technique and know how to fold triangles, so I immediately cut the required amount of paper.

Quite simple steps. For a high-quality model, you will need to make a lot of triangle modules. Fortunately, after the 50-100th module you will be able to do them with your eyes closed. And you can combine this tedious process, for example, with watching TV or talking with your loved ones and relatives. In less than a week, I made over 1000 modules.

The modules are connected to a blank as follows:

I advise strongly not to insert modules into each other, otherwise the workpiece will be too flat, and you will have to assemble it first. The swan has inner and outer wings. For the outer wings, I took 25 modules in one row.

Top view of a five-row workpiece:

Bottom view:

We continue the assembly up to about 10 rows, and then divide the row into zones. 4 modules for the neck, 8 modules for the wings and 5 modules for the tail. For the wings on one side, we reduce by one (more precisely, by half a module) the number of modules in each new row. Thus, we get another 14-15 rows.

Small inner wings are made in the same way. Only they do not need to leave room for the neck and tail. I put 16 modules in a row, 8 for each wing.

Small wings - front view:

Top back view:

Next, we need to make the body of the white swan. The connection scheme of the modules remains the same, only we almost immediately (from about the third row) begin to reduce the number of modules in each new row.

View from above:

Bottom view:

Now we have all three parts of the double swan from the modules ready. You can insert them into each other. The parts fit tightly and hold well in place, even without glue.

To decorate the swan, it is desirable to make the extreme modules of colored paper. But where does a rogue like Seorubl come from at home colored paper? That's right, I don't have it. I had to go out to the area and catch a couple of kindergarteners in order to borrow colored pencils from them for a while. I was too lazy to paint the border modules, so I limited myself to my eyes and beak. It turned out to be a cute white swan. We make two such models and we get origami swans for a wedding.

Another photo, swan assembly, front view:

A close-up top view of the double swan so you can see the details of how the modules are connected. Pay attention to the neck, in it the modules turn in the opposite direction.

Little swan modular origami

I still have a few modules left, and I decided to make an additional small winch out of them.

Both swans in one photo:

I don't know about you, but I really liked modular origami. The swans are great. No wonder I have spent several evenings of my life mastering this technique.

It took about 135 sheets of A4 paper to make the swans. At the same time, I took the "dirty" paper, on one side the text was already printed on it. The method of folding triangles presented in the article allows you to reuse, for example, damaged or irrelevant documents at the moment. Such "material" can be found without any problems in any office with paper documents.

Yes, another interesting picture from the masters of Photoshop:

Take care of nature, give joy to yourself and your loved ones, make a paper swan. And do not forget to subscribe to blog updates, there is still a lot of interesting things ahead.