
Craft from a large light bulb with your own hands. Crafts from light bulbs - how to make decorations, toys and useful things with your own hands. Crafts to make at home: pepper and salt containers


Create original craft possible with the use of improvised materials. If you have a burned out light bulb, do not rush to throw it away. After all, with a little effort and connecting your imagination, you can make an original product with your own hands that will decorate your apartment or country house.

How to prepare material for work

Before starting production beautiful crafts from light bulbs, it is necessary to remove the internal elements from the glass bulb.

To do this, a plinth is cut around the circumference with a thin sheet of metal. The notch should also be made on the inner glass component. Then the end of the base is clamped with pliers, and the structure is rotated. As a result, the middle of the lamp is freely removed outside. If there are fragments inside, they should be carefully removed.

Light bulbs often have a matte finish. This means that there is a coating of kaolin powder inside. It must be removed with a twisted napkin, which is pushed inside the flask.

You can also pour salt into the flask and shake the lamp. Together with kaolin, it is easy to pour it out of the flask. It is also advisable to rinse the structure with water, followed by wiping dry.

Several crafts for decorating the interior

The simplest version of crafts from light bulbs for home decor is an impromptu vase. After you have removed the insides from the flask, you can pour water into it and put a few flowers with a light stem. Such a vase can be hung by tying a string around the plinth or fixed on an impromptu stand made of hard wire.

You can also pour an aqueous solution of toilet water or perfume into the flask. Get a simple air freshener. There is another option - oil is poured into the container, after running a cotton wick inside.

As a result, you can get the original candle. As a support, it is allowed to use a cork or a round blank with a hole inside. The flask is attached to it with glue or silicone.

Decorate the house and a paraffin candle in the form of a lamp. To do this, paraffin is poured into a flask with a wick. After it hardens, the glass is carefully broken and removed from the surface of the paraffin product. A master class on crafts from light bulbs will help you decide on the choice of product and manufacturing technology.

A transparent container can be filled with small pebbles, sand, moss, shells. Such a mini-garden can be hung or installed on a wire base. The structure must be fixed on the base. Pour sand or fine gravel inside with a straw for cocktails, and soil with fertilizer on top.

Moss or succulent plants can be planted in the ground. Planting is done with tweezers. You will get a wonderful mini-terrarium with toy animal figures, as can be seen in the photo of light bulb crafts.

A useful item can be made for the kitchen. After washing the inner surface of the flask, it can be used as a container for storing spices.

But for this, it is desirable to remove the metal base completely or make a larger hole in diameter. As a cover, you use a regular cork. You can decorate the plinth with a twine wrapped around it.

Original decor ideas

If you want to learn how to make a craft from a light bulb with your own hands and surprise your child, then the option with funny bees will help you. To do this, you do not need to disassemble the lamp, the bulb is used together with the base, which is painted black.

The glass is painted in yellow-black stripes and will represent the belly of the insect. To make the lines even, you should use thin elastic bands. Antennae can be made of paper by first twisting the tip from above. Paper or a loop of thick rope can also be used as wings. Small eyes are also glued to the base.

Color the flask or glue it with colored paper, and attach a homemade basket from below, you get an original Balloon. The whole structure is hung from the base or on the Christmas tree as a decoration.

By covering the flask with glue, and fixing the sparkles on top, you will create snowman figures. Of course, it will be necessary to glue hands from light twigs, as well as beads in the form of buttons.

The figurine is used as a Christmas toy. And if you paint the flask black and white, then the original penguin will come out on Christmas tree.

Ideas and instructions for making crafts are very different. With their help, you can decorate both the Christmas tree and the whole room. A solution of water and glycerin is poured into the flask in a ratio of 7: 3 with sparkles diluted in it. Get a funny snow globe. After shaking, its sparkles will fly in an original way around the flask.

Creative and interesting crafts from light bulbs can be made without much work. Children are also involved in the manufacture of the product. original jewelry on the Christmas tree will be provided. Crafts will be able to decorate the room, will find application even in the kitchen.

Photo of crafts from light bulbs

You will need:

Old minion light bulbs (or whatever you like), multi-colored dry glitter, glitter glue, brush, thin metallic decorative cord, heat gun

Apply glue to the bulb with a brush. Prepare a container of glitter (a small plastic container) and, without waiting for the glue to dry, “roll” the lamp in glitter on all sides. Wait 15 minutes, and then use hot glue to glue the metalized decorative cord to the base of the lamp to make a loop for hanging the Christmas decoration.

Christmas tree in a jar

Turn inexpensive salt and pepper containers into miniature winter glades. Sprinkle salt (or sugar) on about 1/3 of the salt shaker, and then use long tweezers to place small Christmas trees, animal figures (deer, squirrels, bunnies) or birds inside. Plastic or rubber figures can be found among old children's toys or bought at any children's store.

Small trees can be made from branches by cutting them off an artificial Christmas tree.

star garland

You will need:

spray with glitter, blanks of balls and stars for a garland, PVA glue, a cord to match the color of the spray, a tray, balls the size of a bead

In order for the garland to turn out flawless, it is necessary to apply glue to each element, remove its excess, and then cover with glitter spray. Let the elements dry well. Then thread the cord through the holes, alternating stars with balls. To keep all parts of the garland in place, secure them with beads or knots on each side.

felt toys

You will need:

scraps of felt, prepared paper stencil, buttons, needle, thread, lace (braid) for the loop, filler (synthetic winterizer, cotton wool, etc.)

    Using a paper stencil, transfer the desired shape of the toy (heart, star, Christmas tree) onto a piece of felt to get 2 identical parts.

    Decorate the toy with buttons, embroidered with a simple ornament, beads, rhinestones, braid.

    Fold the two parts of the toy with the wrong side to each other and sew with thick threads, stepping back a little from the edge. Leave a small hole. Through it, fill the toy with padding polyester, cotton wool or aromatic filler (potpourri). Then sew up the hole.

    Sew on a ribbon and hang it on a tree.

pin-up art

You will need:

old New Year cards, small wooden clothespins, decorative tape, small pieces of felt, PVA glue, twine

    Cut out pieces of felt to the desired shape so that they fit the size of the clothespins.

    Connect the parts and glue each decoration. Wait until the glue dries. If you use adhesive tape for decor, then first fix it on a clothespin, and then stick on other decorations. Make sure the glue is completely dry.

    Hang the postcards on a strong decorative string, securing them with clothespins.


Making such a ball with Santa inside is quite simple. Choose a round jar with a tight-fitting lid (from jam or jam). Glue a small figure in the center of the lid. Fill the jar with water with a few drops of glycerin (you can find it at the drugstore). Mix a tablespoon of dry glitter in water. Screw the lid on tightly and turn the jar upside down.

elegant candlestick

Fill the glass with any glittery elements to make a beautiful candle holder.

Cute, pretty, charming, affectionate - all this is about a minion. After all, this is how the word is translated from French. And indeed, in another way to call these nimble yellow men from the animated film "Despicable Me" does not turn the tongue. Their childish immediacy and unusual appearance conquered millions of viewers, especially the smallest. And it is not surprising that when it comes to homemade children's creativity, the little one asks to make a minion with their own hands. The benefit of materials and options for such crafts can be a huge amount. Perhaps we will try to bring a few of them to life with you.

air balloon minion

Perhaps one of the most simple options crafts is to make a minion out of balloons. Yes, yes, from ordinary balloons. You can, for example, take a yellow balloon, inflate it to medium size and just decorate it, looking at the portrait of a minion. It is enough even to stick eyes on a yellow ball and it will already be clear who you wanted to portray. a little more difficult option- this is a minion from several groups balloons. You will need four black balls for shoes, 7-8 blue balls for pants, 10-12 balls for the yellow torso, and a few long narrow balls for the arms and eyes. It remains only to correctly connect the balls together and your favorite character is ready. Such an air minion will look original on children's holiday or in the children's room.

Gorgeous balloon minions

Braided beaded minion

An option for girls is a minion made of beads. This work is suitable for diligent and, as they say, big-eyed. To create a classic beaded minion, it is better to take Czech beads No. 10. Colors: yellow, blue, white, black and some brown. Then you need a thread suitable color, a crochet hook, a needle, and as a basis you can take an orange cap from under a kinder surprise. The minion knitting pattern is easy to find on the Internet. You can first knit the base of knitting threads and sheathe them with beads, or immediately weave a minion from beads. By the way, remember that at one time beaded keychains were popular, so the modern version can be just a beaded keychain in the form of a minion.

Bracelet and earrings with beaded minions

Children's craft paper minion

For the smallest baby dolls, a craft option is suitable: a paper minion. What will be needed? Let's take colored paper the colors we need, scissors, glue, a pen. Ask your child to cut out a large rectangle from yellow paper, a smaller rectangle from blue paper (for pants), and ask them to make eyes from black and white paper. It remains only to glue everything together and the minion is ready. A slightly more complicated option is a minion based on a cardboard tube. A toilet paper roll will do. The inside of the tube must be filled with newspaper, and the top should be glued in accordance with the cartoon character. For reliability, the cardboard minion can be opened with varnish so that it lasts longer. But this work is best done by adults.

Easy paper minion craft
Do-it-yourself voluminous paper minion

How to make a minion out of tires for a summer residence?

We do not forget about the conservation of nature and recycling - the processing of old things. So, minions can be made from old tires. We need 5 pieces of tires different size, blue, yellow, black and white paints, special glue, degreaser. Tires need to be washed well, remove dirt, wipe with a degreaser so that the paint lays better, lay in the right order, lubricating with glue. Then paint in the desired colors, you can open with varnish for reliability. Such a minion will look great in the garden or in the courtyard of a country house.

Just a way to make a minion out of summer tires

By the way, another idea is to make a planter from the top tire and plant some kind of plant there. Here's the minion's hair, and bright idea for a flower bed in your garden. More ideas for crafts from tires for a summer residence.

Minion from plastic bottles for the garden

From the same series of trash art, you can make a minion from plastic bottles. The most elementary option: we take an ordinary plastic bottle of the size you need and decorate it with paints, acrylic or gouache will do. A slightly more difficult option is to play around with the bulging parts of his cute yellow body. For example, cut out eyes from a plastic bottle and stick on the bottle, as well as cut out plastic handles. You can put a film from the cassette into the hole of the bottle - there will be something like hair. Such minions can be placed in the courtyard of the house, decorate a flower bed with them or make a kind of fence in the country.

Minion and other crafts from plastic bottles to give

More ideas for crafts for giving from plastic bottles. And here is another way - you no longer need to cut off the top of the bottle, let it remain the “cap” of your country figure:

The easiest way to make a bottle minion

Minions from glass bottles

One of the options for this craft is a minion made of glass, not plastic bottles. In this case, you can not only paint it yellow and blue red, but also use beads or any other small loose items in order to fill a transparent glass bottle from the inside. By the way, you can take pieces of multi-colored paper for filling. If you use cereals, then it will fit perfectly for kitchen decor:

How to make a minion out of a glass bottle

Freon bottle minions

Another idea that is implemented in the same way as the previous one is the use of freon cylinders or large volumetric five-liter or even 20-liter bottles for crafts. Minions in this case are large, bright and noticeable from afar. And it is done in exactly the same way - with the help of yellow and blue paint and suitable improvised materials. Here's what you get:

Freon bottle minions for garden decoration

For Halloween: pumpkin and zucchini minion

How about a pumpkin and zucchini minion? Cook zucchini caviar at home - give your child one small zucchini, even with some flaws. Give the child the paints and let him sculpt the craft. A slightly more complicated option is to cut out pants, eyes and pens from paper or fabric and glue parts of the hero onto the zucchini. A minion on a pumpkin will look even more funny and funny. You don’t even need to paint it - I attached blue pants and eyes and now the craft is ready. If you don't want to fiddle with paper or fabric, minion parts can be made from plasticine and simply attached to a vegetable. By the way, a minion on a lemon looks beautiful and interesting, you can make several cartoon characters. More pumpkin craft ideas for Halloween.

Minions and Despicable Me Pumpkins for Halloween Home DecorationMinion from zucchini - children's craft
Minions are monsters of their pumpkins and zucchini

Edible egg minion - idea for Easter

You can also make egg minions. There is an option - this is a dye egg. You will need: food coloring, boiled egg, vinegar. We boil the egg and paint as usual in food coloring: half of the egg is blue, the second half is yellow. Draw eyes with a brush. Dip in vinegar to consolidate the result. Or we take a raw egg, carefully make holes with a needle, let the egg flow out. Then carefully draw a minion on a fragile shell. It is also desirable to open such a craft with varnish. More photos of Easter decor.

DIY Easter egg minions

How to make a minion out of kinder surprises?

Of course, there is always the option to make a minion out of kinder surprises. Take a classic brown cap or buy a plastic egg for your child and then use it for crafts. You can decorate the egg with a felt-tip pen and stick on eyes, which are sold in any art store. Such minions can be hung on the Christmas tree as a decoration. Or make something like a kind of children's medallion.

Minion from kinder surprise and beads - a great homemade gift
craft for kindergarten- Minion from Kinder

DIY minion toy for birthday

If you are going for a birthday to a lover of the characters of the cartoon "Despicable Me", then you can make a gift with your own hands. Do-it-yourself minion toy Minion is very easy to prepare. Of course, it will take a little time and imagination, and, of course, skills. Can you knit? Great, the minion can be knitted or crocheted.

Knitted pencil holder minion

Can you sew? Great, the minion can be sewn from soft plush fabric. Leftover pieces of old jeans? Sew a denim minion. A minion can be woven, sculpted, baked, drawn, and finally invented your own minion.

Large voluminous toys minions

And here is the finished pattern of the “Mignon” needle case made of felt. You just need to cut out the details, attach with a pin to the felt, translate and sew the patches together:

Scheme pattern of a minion toy made of felt

Pillow minion - simple and bright

cool and useful gift will become decorative pillow minion. The simplest option is to buy a small pillow with a white base, take fabric paints and simply decorate the pillow like a yellow man. You can sew a pillow yourself, take a yellow pillowcase as a basis, fill it with a special filler, and then, as you wish. Play with the shape of the pillow, with its design and quality. There is probably a minion appliqué in the store, it can also be taken as the basis for creating a decorative pillow.

Fancy Owl Minion Pillow
Classic Square Mignon Pillow

Minions in fashion design

Minions really tightly entered our lives. Such popularity would be envied by many. T-shirts with minions, pants, jackets with their image, and the minion hat is even more popular.

DIY minion hat

For a baby, making such a hat with your own hands will not be difficult. A simple option: we buy an ordinary yellow hat, sew black threads on it - these will be the hair and eyes of the minion. More difficult option knitted hat minion. Well, here you have to show all your creative skills and abilities, find a suitable scheme and go ahead. The hat can be knitted or crocheted. You can even knit a whole set: a hat and a scarf with the image of a minion.

Knitted hat minion for a child

A minion-style hat can also be made using appliqué. To begin with, the details of the minion need to be drawn on paper, then carefully transferred to the fabric, cut out all the details, sewn, and only then you can sew on a hat. You can use felt for applique, you can buy pieces of it in needlework stores.
And the most simple idea- make such a hat from a yellow construction helmet. All you need to do is attach eyes and a strap - and it's ready.

Hats minions from a construction helmet

Minion costume for a child

And if you want to make for your baby not only a hat, but also a whole carnival costume, then you will have to try. But in fact, the minion costume is much easier to sew than the same Cinderella or Bunny. It is enough to find a suitable bright yellow fabric, sew on a false blue jumpsuit, and complement it with a hat, which we talked about above. The character is recognizable, so your child will definitely not be confused with anyone.

Do-it-yourself minion costume for a baby

Craft Minion do-it-yourself - photo

In fact, the question "how to make a minion with your own hands?" depends solely on your imagination and on the imagination of the child. After all, it is not always necessary to repeat your favorite character exactly, it can be your exclusive minion - in those colors that you like, from the material that you want to use and with which you want to work. It can be natural materials, or even an ordinary constructor, ball plasticine or ordinary colored cardboard, an old grandmother's sweater, or dad's favorite shirt, in which he has been walking for 20 years, whatever! So, happy crafting!

A simple minion costume for children
birthday minion cake
Funny homemade minions made of plastic or plasticinePhone case - minion
Felt minions keychains
Appetizing pastries minions
Mignon-style: themed children's party
Minion popcorn cupsMinion toy - felt pincushionPebble painting - sea pebbles
Gorgeous Halloween costumes for kids and adults
Funny minions from glass jarsSurprise Craft: Minion Paper BagsSmall felt minion toyHow to make a banana minionA couple of minions in love
Original gingerbread
New Year's Christmas decorations- balloon minions

Don't throw away burnt out light bulbs! Today we will learn how to turn them into very cute Christmas decorations with our own hands. Snowmen, Santa Clauses, shiny lanterns and much more - we have collected for you the best ideas for inspiration and useful workshops. A little effort - and you will get a great set of unique toys that will make your Christmas tree even more beautiful!

All materials for work are very simple. The process itself is also easy: turn on Christmas songs and get down to business, charging yourself with a New Year's mood!

Option one: shiny flashlights

Finished toys will sparkle and shine. Choose any colors, mix them, combine with each other.

What will we need?

  • light bulbs (preferably small ones)
  • PVA glue
  • dry glitter

How to do?

  1. The light bulb must be smeared with glue with a brush. If you have dry dyes in the color of the selected sparkles, you can mix them with glue: if gaps are allowed, flaws will not be visible.
  2. Then just sprinkle them with glitter. Hold by the base, pour with a spoon.
  3. It remains only to make a rope.

Such homemade Christmas toys can replace any set!

Option two: gold and silver bulbs

Such Christmas decorations look very expensive and always turn out to be especially beautiful.

What will we need?

  • large sequins
  • PVA glue
  • spray paint or acrylic paints gold and silver color
  • standard size bulbs

How to do?

  1. Pour glue into a bowl and pour glitter into it. Dip the light bulb into the bowl and scroll it from all sides.
  2. We take another light bulb, hold it by the base and carefully cover it with paint on all sides. Don't forget to wear gloves!

Ready! In these Christmas decorations, the lights of the garland are very cool.

Option three: light bulbs in "sugar" sprinkling

These Christmas toys just make you want to eat them! They are very similar to sweet candies.

What will we need?

  • small light bulbs
  • acrylic paints
  • artificial snow (premade or homemade)

How to do?

  1. We cover the light bulb with acrylic paints and let it dry.
  2. Then repeat the procedure so that the color is saturated.
  3. From above we cover our craft with artificial snow. Ready!

It is better to take small light bulbs - it is easy to glue a gold thread to them, for which you can hang a toy.

By the way, if you make artificial snow with your own hands (you will find the corresponding master class), cover it with spruce branches as well - this way your Christmas tree will turn out snowy and “candied”.

Option four: New Year's toys in sequins

This method is suitable for those who love hard work.

What will we need?

  • small light bulbs
  • a bag of sequins
  • additional decorations in the form of flowers or stars
  • PVA glue
  • tweezers

How to do?

  1. Light bulbs can be pre-painted. Gently pick up each sequin with tweezers and dip it in the glue, and then "seat" them on the light bulb, one next to the other.
  2. Wrap the top of the craft with cotton wool.

Option five: shiny decor and satin ribbons

You will get very neat New Year's toys from light bulbs that will look beautiful both in a set and individually.

What will we need?

  • light bulbs of different sizes
  • acrylic paints
  • PVA glue
  • sequins, mirror pieces, stars and other decor
  • thin satin ribbons

How to do?

Life hack: If you don’t have acrylic paints, but only gouache, watercolor or other paints, mix them with glue and cover the light bulbs with the mixture with a brush. Such paint will lie tightly.

  1. Light bulbs are painted with acrylics.
  2. Next, use tweezers and superglue to lay out the decorative elements.
  3. Wrap the base with ribbons.

Option six: Christmas decorations with stones

We will not paint the light bulb, but we will do the decor - it will still be beautiful. This option is suitable for those who did not have paints at home.

What will we need?

  • bulb
  • large rhinestones
  • Super glue

How to do?

Please note that the glue in this case must be transparent.

Stones can be glued with tweezers or directly with your hands. If desired, you can lay out a fancy pattern.

In this case, the main thing is not to overdo it with the decor, so that the Christmas tree toy turns out to be beautiful, but not tasteless.

Option seven: snowmen in hats

You will get a very cute Christmas toy that is hard to miss.

What will we need?

  • a small piece of cloth for milking caps
  • white acrylic paint
  • plasticine
  • marker

How to do?

  1. Paint the light bulb white.
  2. We fold the fabric with a cone and glue it to the base.
  3. We draw eyes and a smile to our snowman with a marker, mark the place for the “carrot”
  4. If there is a ready-made “nose” made of plastic, we glue it on superglue, if not, we sculpt a “carrot” from plasticine.
  5. If you want to make a girl snowman, add yarn braids.

Try to make different New Year's characters in the same way. Actually, it's not difficult.

Option eight: New Year's toy made of fabric

A light bulb can turn into a ball! You just need to properly decorate it.

What will we need?

  • piece of beautiful elegant fabric
  • bulb
  • satin ribbon, lace lace
  • small decorative elements: leaves, spruce branches, etc.

How to do?

  1. We wrap the light bulb with a cloth, and from above we intercept it with a tape (in the place where the base begins).
  2. It is better to fix the design with glue.
  3. It remains to add decorative elements!

Choose fabrics in reds, greens, whites, golds and silvers. Velvet, felt or thick printed fabric look best.

Option nine: ready-made stickers and napkins

If you've ever decorated eggs for Easter with ready-made stickers, you can already guess what I'm talking about.

What will we need?

  • bulb
  • ready-made stickers or napkins
  • acrylic paints

How to do?

  1. First you need to paint the light bulb in one or more colors.
  2. If you have ready-made New Year's stickers, just decorate them beautifully on a glass surface.
  3. if you have New Year's napkins, try to decorate a light bulb using decoupage technique.

In this way, you can make toys even with very complex patterns.

Option ten: toys with a beautiful pattern

If you know how to draw or are ready to work with stencils, this idea will definitely appeal to you.

What will we need?

  • light bulbs of different sizes
  • acrylic paints
  • thin brushes
  • pieces of fabric for decoration

How to do?

  1. Paint the light bulb the same color. Let this layer dry thoroughly and apply a second one.
  2. Then arm yourself with a thin brush and apply a pattern to the surface. It is better to “rehearse” the image on paper in advance, and then copy it. If you don't know how to draw, take a stencil and tracing paper. Draw the image with a simple pencil, and then paint it.
  3. Instead of thin brushes and acrylic paints, you can take nail polish (try glitter options - they are often used for nail art, which means that their brush is thin) or special markers.

Do not forget to put a hat on the New Year's character, stick a scarf and other related accessories on it. By the way, such a light bulb-toy will be a great gift for the holiday!

Choose any of the ten proposed options. Don't be afraid to experiment! If you are working on decor with children, do it on the table. If the light bulb suddenly slips out of your hands and breaks, the fragments will not fly to the floor.

Enjoy the process, get inspired and feel like an artist!

Views: 7 883

By the New Year 2019, you can make a wonderful craft with your own hands in the form of a beautiful snowman, created from an ordinary light bulb and simple additional materials at hand. Be sure that your efforts will not go unnoticed, because at the holiday in new year's eve guests and relatives will certainly immediately notice your products flaunting on a chic Christmas tree or somewhere else in the room interior.

This will require:

  • Bulb;
  • acrylic paint;
  • tassel;
  • Textile;
  • Ribbons;
  • Scissors.


  1. To make one snowman, you need to take one light bulb and repaint it white.
  2. On its narrow part, you need to draw eyes, lips, nose and eyebrows.
  3. The torso of a handmade toy New Year 2019, should be covered with a different color of paint, and this will be her clothes.
  4. And for the top of the craft, you need to cut and sew a hat. By tying it at the top with a simple ribbon, the decoration can be hung on the Christmas tree.

Step-by-step video instructions for making a snowman from a light bulb

Christmas toy

With your own hands, you can make a wonderful Christmas tree toy from a light bulb for the New Year 2019, which will be more like a purchased one. Such a bright and unique craft will bring variety to your New Year's decor.

This will require:

  • Bulb;
  • Glue;
  • sequins;
  • Tapes.


  1. To get a brilliant craft made from a light bulb for the New Year 2019 made by yourself, you need to take a simple material that will, in fact, become the basis of our creation. The miniature form of the material, which is usually used for lamps, will look even better.
  2. Its surface must be smeared in glue, and then covered with sparkles. Beads, beads or sequins can be used instead.
  3. The top of the toy is best to decorate satin ribbon. In creating a New Year's product, another instruction can also be used, in any case, a beautiful elegant decoration for the Christmas tree is obtained, as in the photo.

Video: do-it-yourself master class on making a Christmas toy from a light bulb

Santa Claus from a light bulb

To get handsome grandfather Frost for the New Year 2019, using a regular light bulb and bright matching colors. It is advisable to use a sample in this work in order to create this character as best as possible with your own hands. If you spend your time making this craft, you will receive a reward in the form of warm smiles and positive emotions of their children and relatives when contemplating such a miracle - creation.

This will require:

  • Bulb;
  • Paints;
  • tassel;
  • Ribbon;
  • Beads.


  1. The background of the toy can be anything, but pink looks better. On its surface you need to draw Santa Claus with a beard and a hat. To make the craft more accurate for the New Year 2019, it is advisable to copy from some sample or as in the photo.
  2. Where there is a thread on the light bulb, it is better to stick beads with your own hands. And a ribbon is tied at the top. A wonderful toy for the Christmas tree is ready! If you create a whole collection of such jewelry, it will be even more beautiful. For children, this activity will be especially interesting.

Video: master class on making Santa Claus with his own hands

Christmas trees on a light bulb

To create any craft with your own hands, paints are required. They set the overall background for the product and give color and liveliness. So in our case, we form a wonderful light bulb from an ordinary light bulb. Christmas tree toy for the New Year 2019 with a cool print in the form of a coniferous tree. In addition to the Christmas tree, another drawing can be drawn, as long as it is done carefully.

This will require:

  • Bulb;
  • Paints;
  • tassel;
  • Decorative ribbons.


  1. Pear-shaped material needs to be repainted in golden color, because with it the product looks much better.
  2. Then on its surface you should draw a Christmas tree with toys and garlands. It will be more beautiful if you do it on both sides or on the whole handmade craft from a light bulb for the New Year 2019.
  3. The place of carving, it is desirable to decorate decorative ribbons with glitter.
  4. Upstairs you need to attach the same tape and a toy with christmas tree ready!

Video: master class on making Christmas toys

New Year's wreath

From the old unnecessary light bulbs collected in your home, you will get a beautiful unusual wreath for the New Year 2019, if you decorate them brightly with your own hands. For this craft, any New Year's materials are suitable.

This will require:

  • light bulbs;
  • Styrofoam;
  • Glue;
  • Paints;
  • tassel;
  • Tinsel.


  1. All light bulbs need to be decorated and attached to a foam base, which, first, is cut out with their own hands in the form of a circle.
  2. To decorate a wreath created for the New Year 2019, tinsel, rain, etc. are used. You can decorate any corner in your house, including doors and windows, with a finished elegant craft.

Hedgehog from a light bulb on a Christmas tree

A rather excellent toy for a Christmas tree or just a home decor will, of course, be a hedgehog made by hand from a light bulb for the New Year 2019. It is advisable to do this craft with your children, because this kind of fairy-tale character will delight them and, for sure, will move them to their own creative work.

For manufacturing you will need:

  • bulb;
  • acrylic paints in brown, white, black;
  • polymer clay black or gray;
  • hot glue;
  • tassel;
  • rope;

Manufacturing process:

  1. We take our base - a light bulb and repaint it in Brown color using acrylic paints.
  2. When the product dries, draw a hedgehog's muzzle on the top of the material. For this we need to take acrylic paints white color and with a convenient brush we apply small circles, placing them opposite each other, and put black dots in the middle of them. These will be the eyes of a fairy-tale character.
  3. As in the photo, draw a nose and mouth.
  4. As for the paws, we need to make them from polymer clay black or gray colors, and then use hot glue to attach them to the body of the hedgehog.
  5. To make our craft look like a real fairy-tale character with a prickly back, we need to form it from a small piece of fur, which we need to put on glue.
  6. If you want, you can complement the product with a bag that holds a hedgehog in its hands. Also don't forget the string to hang the figurine as a decoration. This is how simple and beautiful you can create an amazing Christmas tree toy from a light bulb that will delight everyone for the New Year 2019.

Video: master class on making a penguin


So our article has come to an end, which told you about how you can make crafts from light bulbs for the New Year 2019 with your own hands made for your home collection Christmas decorations . You have probably already seen that this creative process is quite exciting and useful activity, as a result of which your home will be filled with new unusually attractive decorative products that radiate positive, beauty and magic. It is so easy and simple to make a celebration lively and filled with bright colors if you show a desire and awaken your personal imagination. Happy holiday to you Dear friends! All the best to you!