
Theoretical foundations of the upbringing of a senior preschooler. Psychological portrait of a preschool child presentation on the topic Methods of researching the psychological portrait of a preschooler 5 years old


From a psychological and pedagogical point of view, preschool age is one of the key in a child's life and largely determines his future. psychological development... This made it possible to determine the structure of compiling a psychological portrait of a preschooler: identifying the characteristics of the cognitive sphere, identifying the characteristics of the development of a preschooler's personality, determining the characteristics of activity and communication in preschool age.

Features of the development of the cognitive sphere in children preschool age... In preschool age, children's attention progresses simultaneously in many different characteristics... The development of memory in preschool age is also characterized by a gradual transition from involuntary and immediate to voluntary and mediated memorization and recall.

In preschool age, children have memorization and reproduction in the natural conditions of memory development, i.e., in preschool age, under the same conditions, there is a gradual transition from involuntary to voluntary memorization and reproduction of material. The majority of normally developing children of preschool age have well developed direct and mechanical memory. With the help of mechanical repetitions of information, children in preschool age can memorize it well. In preschool age, when volition in memorization appears, imagination from reproductive, mechanically reproducing reality turns into creatively transforming it. Verbal and logical thinking a child who begins to develop at the end of preschool age already presupposes the ability to operate with words and understand the logic of reasoning.

Features of phased development different types activities of older preschool children. In older preschool age, you can find almost all types of games that are found in children before entering school. Certain stages of the consistent improvement of games, work and learning of children at this age can be traced by conventionally dividing preschool childhood into three periods for analytical purposes: junior preschool age (3-4 years), middle preschool age (4-5 years) and senior preschool age (5 - 6 years old).

In middle and senior preschool age, role-playing games develop, but at this time they already differ in a much wider variety of topics, roles, game actions, rules introduced and implemented in the game than in the younger preschool age.

In older preschool age, the construction game begins to turn into labor activity, during which the child designs, creates, builds something useful, necessary in everyday life.

Based on this psychological portrait of a preschooler from birth to the end of senior preschool age, he has certain features that are the main characteristics of this age stage and form the conditions for the transition to the next stage of child development. The cognitive sphere of a senior preschool child is characterized by the transition to the arbitrariness of all processes, from perception to thinking. Children's intellect, already in senior preschool age, functions on the basis of the principle of consistency. By the end of the senior preschool age, the main stage of the child's realization of his gender identity passed.

In conclusion of the examination of the psychological portrait of a preschooler, it should be noted that the drawing up of a schematic portrait is conditioned by the individual conditionality of the development of each child. A number of psychological characteristics of older preschoolers can be cited, but all of them will describe a specific individual and characterize certain personal qualities of the child. However, this characteristic of the tendencies of the general development of the preschooler, right up to the senior preschool age, made it possible to determine the level of development of each of the cognitive processes that the older preschooler reaches in his development. The phased development of the cognitive and behavioral spheres of the preschooler made it possible to trace the transition from one species to another and the level at which the older preschooler is in his development. Taking into account the characterological traits and typical psychological portraits of the personality of an older preschooler makes it possible to determine the zone of the child's proximal development and his readiness to study at school. Thus, for pedagogical and psychological practice, this knowledge is fundamental for building work with a senior preschool child.

6. Systems of preschool education of the Russian Federation.

The state policy in the field of education is based on the ideas of humanization and democratization. They are reflected in the Constitution Russian Federation, RF Law "On Education". The documents note that education is understood as a purposeful process of teaching and upbringing in the interests of the individual in society and the state. The right to education is one of the fundamental and inalienable constitutional rights of citizens of the Russian Federation.
The education system in the Russian Federation is a combination of a system of successive educational programs and state educational standards of various levels and directions; networks of implementing them educational institutions various organizational and legal forms, types and types; the system of educational authorities and their subordinate institutions and enterprises.
Preschool education is the first link in the Russian education system. This idea was recorded back in 1918 in the "Regulations on the Unified Labor School".
WITH early age the child is guaranteed the right to education, which, from the standpoint of the Convention on the Rights of the Child, includes the following aspects:
- the opportunity to visit an educational institution;
- creating conditions for educational activities;
- the content of education, ensuring the preparation of the child for a conscious life in a free society in the spirit of understanding, peace, tolerance (tolerance), equality of men and women, and friendship between peoples.
- the relationship between the participants educational process based on respect for the human dignity of the child.
The system of preschool education is constantly changing, improving and renewing. She fulfilled and is fulfilling the most important social order of society, is one of the factors of its development. The RF Law "On Education" (Article 18) supports the role of parents, who are the first teachers. Their responsibility includes the development of the foundations of the physical, moral and intellectual development personality of the child in infancy.
A network of preschool educational institutions operates to help the family. Today, there is no single view of preschool education in society. There is an opinion that kindergartens are not needed, that the education of preschool children can be left at the mercy of parents and that it is they who have the right to independently decide how and where to prepare the child for the future stage of education. Perhaps for some, a small part of the population of Russia, the idea of ​​vouchering education is acceptable. But the analytical data show that the overwhelming majority of parents with preschool children need the services of preschool educational institutions (DET). Therefore, the Ministry of Education considers the main strategic task of the Preschool Education Department to be the preservation and development of the network of preschool educational institutions.

Russian preschool educational institutions in their activities are guided by the Model Regulations on a Preschool Educational Institution, which regulates the activities of state, municipal educational institutions. It defines the tasks of a preschool educational institution: protection of the life and health of children; ensuring the intellectual, personal and physical development of the child; familiarizing children with universal human values; interacting with the family to ensure the full development of the child.
Modern preschool institutions are characterized by multifunctionality, variety, freedom in choosing the priority direction of the educational process, polyprogramming in the implementation of the content. All this lowers the level of variability, independent activities of preschool educational institutions, adaptability to regional conditions.
In accordance with the Standard Regulation, the system of preschool educational institutions includes the following types:
Kindergarten with priority implementation of one or more areas of children's development (intellectual, artistic, aesthetic, physical, etc.).
Kindergarten of a compensatory type with priority implementation of qualification correction of deviations in the physical and mental development of pupils.
Kindergarten for supervision and rehabilitation with priority implementation of sanitary and hygienic and recreational activities and procedures.
Combined kindergarten (which may include general developmental, compensatory and health groups in different combinations.
Child Development Center - kindergarten with physical and mental development, correction and improvement of all children.
Thus, a preschool educational institution as a type of education system includes various types that have their own distinctive features(as a rule, associated with the model of the educational process, the basis of which is the educational program).
However, all types of preschool educational institutions, implementing the tasks of upbringing and teaching children, rely on the principles of secular education.
A special section of the Model Regulations explains the procedure for creating, registering a preschool educational institution, issuing a license (permit) to them. In accordance with the law of the Russian Federation "On Education" (article 13) and on the basis of the Model Regulations on preschool educational institutions, each preschool institution creates its own Charter. The charter is a document that defines the work of an institution, goals and objectives, the main directions of work, the variability of the educational programs used. The Charter defines the rights and obligations of participants in the educational process, the main characteristics of the organization of the educational process, additional paid educational services.
Children from 2 months to 7 years old are admitted to a preschool educational institution on the basis of a medical certificate, that is, the Standard Regulation proposes the procedure for completing preschool educational institutions, the quantitative composition of groups, and their occupancy depending on age.
The section "Participants in the educational process" indicates that these are pupils, parents (or persons replacing them), teaching staff. The parental agreement governs the relationship between the preschool educational institution and the parents. The pedagogical value of this section of the Model Provision lies in the fact that the style relations between the child and the teacher are clearly defined here.
These relationships are built on the basis of cooperation, respect for the personality of the child and giving him the freedom to develop in accordance with individual characteristics.
Persons with the necessary professional and pedagogical qualifications, confirmed by educational documents, are accepted for pedagogical work. Based on Article 53 of the Law of the Russian Federation "On Education" to teaching activities Persons to whom it is prohibited by a court verdict or for medical reasons, as well as persons who have a conviction for certain crimes are not allowed.
Article 55 of the RF Law defines the rights social guarantees and benefits for employees of educational institutions. The kindergarten charter, labor agreement (contract) concretize these provisions (for example, a pedagogical worker, at least every 10 years of continuous pedagogical work, has the right to long leave of up to one year).

All employees of the preschool educational institution are certified. Young specialists (graduates of educational institutions) undergo certification after three years of work. In the section "Management of a preschool educational institution" of the Standard Regulation it is written that the general leadership is carried out by the Council of Teachers, and the procedure for its election, competence is determined by the Charter of the preschool educational institution. The direct management of the activities of the preschool educational institution is carried out by the head. Thus, the preschool education system is based on the principles of state policy in the field of education, has a regulatory and legal basis. This system fulfills the need of society for the upbringing and development of children from an early age. Preschool educational institutions, performing various functions of their activities, are responsible for the quality of their work, for the compliance of the results of their activities with the state educational standard.
The standard (translated from English - sample, basis, yardstick) includes federal and national-regional components (Article 7 of the Law of the Russian Federation "On Education." The development of the educational standard for preschool educational institutions began in the early 90s (RB Sterkina).
Today, the interim state educational standard for preschool education is designed as a system of state requirements for the psychological and pedagogical conditions of upbringing and teaching children. In the draft state. standard, the content of preschool education is differentiated in the following areas: physical, cognitive-speech, special-personal, artistic and aesthetic. This content is implemented in a particular educational program.
Among the requirements for the content and methods of education and training, implemented in preschool educational institutions, there are two groups - meaningful and personal.
The requirements of the first group (substantive) correlate with certain subject areas and orient the specialist towards the selection of a certain content of preschool education (for example, in the field of natural sciences, ecology, health - adults create opportunities for acquainting children with physical properties objects and phenomena with a variety of flora and fauna, a variety of living conditions on Earth). The requirements of the second group (personal) set guidelines for the nature of the interaction of teachers with a child and are aimed at developing his social and personal qualities (curiosity, initiative, independence, interest, etc.).
These requirements make it possible to establish a psychological and pedagogical sequence in the implementation of content, forms, methods.
The federal component of the standard acts as an invariant part, not subject to change on the ground, ensures the preservation of the best traditions, the further development of the preschool education system. The federal component of the state of the standard creates the unity of the educational space on the territory of the Russian Federation, regulates the quality of this education, is the basis for the certification of preschool educational institutions, an objective assessment of the level of education.
The national regional component of the state educational standard reflects socio-economic; national-ethnic, natural-climatic, cultural-historical features of the region (region). This component complements the mandatory minimum of the content of the educational program, implements it at the preschool educational institution. The supplement should organically and naturally fit into the main educational program of the institution. An example of the implementation of the national-regional component can be the regional educational program for preschoolers "Our Home - South Ural", built on the ideas of folk pedagogy, which are humanistic in content and universal in use.
Currently, on the territory of the Russian Federation, in accordance with the letter of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation, No. 03-51-142 in / 23003 p. On new topical programs for preschool education, the following programs operate: "Rainbow", "Development", "Childhood", " School 2100 ”,“ Gifted Child ”,“ Origins ”,“ From Childhood to Adolescence ”,“ Golden Key ”,“ Community ”,“ Little Baby ”, etc. The quality of programs and pedagogical technologies is ensured by the Federal Expert Council.
The Concept for the Modernization of Russian Education sets out the task of ensuring the quality of education, including preschool education.

An increase in its quality is associated with the renewal of the content of preschool education. Updating the content requires both a positive experience in organizing the educational process of a preschool educational institution, and a critical rejection of the negative trends that have developed in the preschool educational system.
The main approaches to updating and selecting the content of the preschool level of education are disclosed in the article by L.A. Paramonova.
According to the author, the modern basic content of the preschool level of education should be selected and built according to the following principles:
- the developing nature of education, aimed at revealing the potential of the child;
- the systemic nature of education (ensuring the interconnection of objects and phenomena perceived by the child and acting in the system);
- the integrative nature of education (the development of children based on sensory and rational knowledge of their level, corresponding to their age;
- the multicultural nature of upbringing (familiarizing children with both their own culture and traditions and the culture of other nations, fostering a sense of tolerance, tolerance for the opinions of others, the ability to express disagreement, discontent, resentment in a civilized manner);
- the activity-oriented nature of education (provision of various types of activity, the activity itself in development, its main components: goal, choice of means, finding ways, control, etc.);
- health-saving nature (formation of a healthy lifestyle, hygienic skills, the need for systematic sports, ensuring the health of a saving environment).
In the articles of T.M. Babunova, V.I. Turchenko, the main directions of the development of the preschool education system at the present stage are the transition to personality - oriented interaction, a personified approach, respect for the personality of the child, his rights, creating conditions for the development of the child's subject position in various forms activities.
The implementation of the ideas of integration as a way of updating the content and the method of preschool education is reflected in the article by G.M. Kiseleva, Yu.N. Ryumina. S.M. Zyryanova.
An integrative approach involves the formation of ideas about holistic picture world, it is based on natural scientific, aesthetic, social and logical - mathematical relationships. Integration makes the process of assimilating the content of education small in volume, but capacious, deep (L.M. Clarina). The principle of integration is well implemented in the educational program "Childhood".
Thus, the content of preschool education is a system-forming element that reflects social, economic, pedagogical changes in the life of society.
In the system of the content of the level of preschool education, social and personal qualities are of great importance, which determine all aspects of a child's development.
More about the specifics of the implementation of social personal development children, as a basic component of the content of education, can be found in teaching aids T.M. Babunova, E.S. Babunova, L.V. Gradusova.
The domestic system of preschool education is in many ways unique: at the request of parents in kindergarten the child can stay all day (12-hour stay) or around the clock. The educational process is carried out by teachers, health workers while parents pay only 20% of the total cost of supporting children.
The content of expenses for the maintenance of preschool educational institutions between the budget and the parents is considered mainly as a management problem (E.S. Komarova). However, this socio-economic situation can be considered as a socio-pedagogical one.
Taking into account the draft Decree of the President of the Russian Federation "On guarantees of the right of citizens to receive preschool education" and the draft decree of the Government of the Russian Federation "On measures to preserve and develop the system of preschool education" the basis of short-term stay of pupils in kindergarten. The results of this experiment are summarized in the book "Kindergarten Invites".
Here are models of short-term stay of children (organization of a weekend group; adaptation groups; groups focused on preparing for school). A description of new forms of the preschool education system is given in the article by O.M. Mukhametshina (see Mukhametshina O.M. In the city of Magnitogorsk, there are kindergartens for children with various disabilities, social support for children from low-income families, for musically gifted children, early intellectual development, and young hockey players.
The variety of ways to update the content of the preschool education system raises the question of improving the training of pedagogical personnel, the implementation of the creative activity of preschool teachers, the formation of personal qualities from the point of view of the ideas of humanistic psychology and pedagogy. The pedagogical potential of the educator, his orientation towards the personality of each child, the increase of professional competence, the adoption of the position of active self-education and self-education, the development of pedagogical reflexivity and thinking are resources for the development and modernization of the preschool education system.

7. History of the creation of the program: the first draft of the 1932 program "Guide for a kindergarten teacher." (1938, 46, 53) "Typical program for the upbringing and education of preschool children" 1984 Renewal of preschool education in the 90s of the 20th century.

First draft of the work program of the DU was published in 1932. The project consisted of two parts:

I - according to the types of activities of children (social and political education in a preschool institution, labor education, physical education, musical and motor work, visual activity, mathematics, literacy).

P - for “organizing moments.” This was the basis for planning. For each age group, 16 “organizing moments” were provided for a year, lasting from 12 to 25 days, depending on the volume.

Each "organizing moment" included the following:

A methodological note, which specifically listed what information from all sections of the program "by type of activity" should be worked out in a given period of time;

Current program work and its duration;

Social pedagogical work, which included discussions for parents, consultations, contacts with the school, etc.

This was the first attempt to define the tasks and content of work with children both for the kindergarten as a whole and for each age group. However, it did not sufficiently take into account the age characteristics and capabilities of children, the program was overloaded with cognitive material, especially "Social and political education", the play and the development of speech were not given due place, the themes of organizing moments and the duration of their study are the same for all groups, which indicates insufficient taking into account its capabilities and interests of children of different ages.

The "project" had a definite influence on the so-called. indicative annual and quarterly programs: "Typavaya Pragram of Preschool Establishments" (Mn., 1932), "Programm i Places of Work of Preschool Establishments in the Asenni Quarter" (Mn., 1932) "... for the Winter Quarter" (Mn., 1933), etc. . d., "Pragram pa gramack-palytychnym vyhavanni for preschool ustanou" Mn., 1933.

The programmatic instructions "Guide for a kindergarten teacher" (1938) included an introduction and seven chapters: "Physical education", "Game", "Speech development", "Drawing", "Modeling and classes with other materials", " Musical education "," Acquaintance with nature and the development of initial mathematical concepts ". The sections "Social Education", "Lessons in Reading and Writing" were completely removed. In general, when focusing on a more active role of the teacher in educational process, educational tasks. according to the new "Guidelines ..." gave more opportunities in planning work and choosing methods and means. In accordance with this "Guide", "compulsory classes" were introduced into the kindergarten day regimen. In addition to the "Guidelines", methodological letters "Creative games in kindergarten", "Work of a kindergarten with a family", etc. have been released.

In the "Guide for the kindergarten teacher" (1953), almost all the content of mental and aesthetic education was carried out in the classroom. This led to the fact that educational work outside the classroom was one-sided, since the children, in essence, were left to their own devices.

In 1938. the "Guide for a kindergarten teacher" and "Kindergarten Charter" were published, in which the role of the teacher in raising children was strengthened, as opposed to the ideas of free upbringing, which were widespread in the country in the mid-1930s. A wide range of educators, methodologists, and scientific workers were involved in the drafting and discussion of these documents. N.K. was directly involved in the creation of these documents. Krupskaya.
Creation of a new "Model curriculum for teaching and education in kindergarten" (1984 edited by R.A. Kurbatova and N.N. Poddyakov) due to the natural necessity: social development society, the achievements of pedagogical science, the requirements of the "Main directions of the reform of the general education and vocational schools." The program was developed by the Research Institute of Preschool Education of the USSR Academy of Pedagogical Sciences, the USSR Ministry of Education and the Preschool Education Department. L.A. took part in the preparation of this program. Wenger, N.A. Vetlugin, R.I. Zhukovskaya, V.A. Zaporozhets, T.S. Komarova, F.N. Levin-Shchirina, A.M. Leushina, T.M. Markova, V.G. Nechaeva, L.A. Pinevskaya, N.P. Sakulina, F.A. Sokhin, A.V. Surovtseva, A.P. Usova et al. Researchers in the field of preschool education.

8.An example of the main general educational program of preschool education at the present stage

The approximate basic general educational program of preschool education of the Autonomous institution of preschool education of the municipal formation Zavodoukovsky urban district "Child Development Center - kindergarten Alyonushka" in Zavodoukovsk was developed in accordance with the Federal Law of December 29, 2012 No. 273-FZ "On Education in the Russian Federation" and the Federal State Educational Standard for Preschool Education (Order No. 1155 dated October 17, 2013). The program ensures that pupils achieve school readiness. It takes into account the conceptual provisions used in the Model general educational program of preschool education "Childhood", authors T. I. Babaeva, A. G. Gogoberidze, 3. A. Mikhailova and others. ., Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for the design, content and organization of the mode of operation of preschool educational organizations "(Resolution of the Chief State Sanitary Doctor of the Russian Federation dated May 15, 2013 No. 26" On the approval of SanPin "2.4.3049-13).

The program is formed on the basis of psychological and pedagogical support, positive socialization and individualization, personality development of preschool children and determines the complex of the main characteristics of preschool education (volume, content and planned results in the form of targets for preschool education).

Purpose of the program: personality development of preschool children in various types of communication and activities, taking into account their age, individual psychological and physiological characteristics. The program is aimed at:
creating conditions for the development of the child, opening up opportunities for his positive socialization, his personal development, the development of initiative and creativity through collaboration with adults and peers and age-appropriate activities;
to create a developing educational ecological environment, which is a system of conditions for the socialization and individualization of children.
Objectives of the Program:
protection and strengthening of physical and mental health children, including their emotional well-being;
ensuring equal opportunities for the full development of each child during preschool childhood, regardless of place of residence, gender, nation, language, social status, psychophysiological characteristics (including disabilities);
ensuring the continuity of the basic educational programs of preschool and primary general education;
creation of favorable conditions for the development of children in accordance with their age and individual characteristics and inclinations for the development of the abilities and creative potential of each child as a subject of relations with oneself, other children, adults and the world;
combining education and upbringing into a holistic educational process based on spiritual, moral and socio-cultural values ​​and rules and norms of behavior adopted in society in the interests of a person, family, society;
the formation of a general culture of the personality of pupils, the development of their social, moral, aesthetic, intellectual, physical qualities, initiative,
independence and responsibility of the child, the formation of the prerequisites for educational activities;
ensuring the variability and diversity of the content of educational programs and organizational forms of the level of preschool education, the possibility of forming educational programs of various orientations, taking into account the educational needs and abilities of pupils;
the formation of a socio-cultural environment corresponding to the age, individual, psychological and physiological characteristics of children;
providing psychological and pedagogical support to the family and increasing the competence of parents in matters of development and education, protection and strengthening of children's health;
determination of directions for systematic social interaction, as well as interaction between pedagogical and public associations.

The work program determines the content and organization of the educational process at the preschool level. Provides the development of preschool children, taking into account their psychological, age and individual characteristics, takes into account the interests and needs of children and parents, pupils, priority areas and cultural and educational traditions. The content of the program is aimed at the formation of a general culture, the development of physical, intellectual and personal qualities, the formation of the prerequisites for educational activities that ensure social success, and the maintenance of strengthening the health of children.

The program is implemented during the period of the child's direct stay in kindergarten. The content of educational activities includes the integration of educational areas " Physical development"," Social and communicative development "," Cognitive development", "Speech development"," Artistic and aesthetic development ", which provide diversified development pupils, taking into account their age and individual characteristics in the main areas - physical, social and personal, cognitive-speech and artistic-aesthetic development.

The tasks of psychological and pedagogical work on the formation of the physical, intellectual and personal qualities of children are solved, integrated in the development of all educational areas, along with tasks reflecting the specifics of each educational area... In this case, the solution of software educational objectives is provided not only within the framework of direct educational activities, but also during regime moments - as in joint activities adults and children, and in the independent activity of preschoolers.

Construction of the educational process in the content work program based on complex-thematic planning. Topics help you organize information in an optimal way. Preschoolers have numerous opportunities for practice, experimentation, development of basic skills, conceptual thinking. The thematic principle of constructing the educational process allows you to introduce regional and cultural components, to take into account the specifics of a preschool institution. The national-regional component provides for the implementation of the following activities of the preschool educational institution:
- introduction to the origins of the national culture of the peoples inhabiting the Tyumen region;
- the formation of the foundations of morality in children on the basis of the best examples of national culture, folk traditions and customs.

Having mastered the knowledge of the history of the Tyumen region, the child learns the history of his region, he develops a feeling of love for his small homeland with its distant past. He acquires the ability to relate to animals and plants, learns how to collect medicinal plants how to make tea. The child gets acquainted with the folklore, traditions and customs of his native land. He learns to understand himself as a part of society. This determines his responsibilities to society: to love and protect his homeland, to take care of it.

The main program also includes Logical thinking development program through learning to play chess, since learning to play chess from an early age helps children to keep up with their peers in development, opens the way to creativity for many children of a non-communicative type. The "Wise Men" program includes a set of educational tasks that ensure the diversified development of children, taking into account their age and individual characteristics in the main areas of development.

Introduction of similar topics in different age groups ensures the achievement of the unity of educational goals and continuity in child development throughout preschool age, the organic development of children in accordance with their individual capabilities.

The main pedagogical technologies in working with children:

· game technology;

· Technology of project training;

· Pedagogy of cooperation;

· Problem learning;

· Traditional education;

· Technology of socialization;

· Technology of level training.

The total volume of the Program is calculated in accordance with the age of the pupils, the main directions of their development, the specifics of preschool education and includes the time allotted for:

Educational activities carried out in the process of organizing various types of children's activities (play, communication, labor, cognitive research, productive, musical and artistic, reading);

Educational activities carried out during times of security;

Independent activities of children;

Interaction with families of children on the implementation of the basic general educational program of preschool education.

Seminar No. 2 Psychological and pedagogical characteristics of a child of early and preschool age (2 hours)

Purpose: theoretical study of the psychological and pedagogical characteristics of a child of early and preschool age, methods of diagnosing mental processes, emotional and volitional sphere.

Issues for discussion:

1. Psychological portrait of a child of early and preschool age

2. Methods for studying attention and sensing of a child.

3. Methods for the study of children's memory.

4. Methods for studying children's thinking and imagination.

5. Diagnostics of the child's intelligence and creativity.

6. Methods for studying the speech development of children. Methods for diagnosing emotional well-being.

7. Methods for diagnosing the emotional sphere in infancy, early and preschool age.

8. Methods of studying the emotional-motivational sphere of preschoolers.

9. Methods for studying the volitional sphere of the child.


Early age is an extremely important and crucial period in a child's mental development. This is the age when everything is for the first time, everything is just beginning - speech, play, communication with peers, the first ideas about oneself, about others, about the world. In the first three years of life, the most important and fundamental human abilities are laid - cognitive activity, curiosity, self-confidence and trust in other people, purposefulness and perseverance, imagination, creative attitude and much more. Moreover, all these abilities do not arise by themselves, as a result of the small age of the child, but require the indispensable participation of an adult and age-appropriate forms of activity.

Communication and cooperation of a child with an adult

At an early age, the content of the joint activity of a child and an adult becomes assimilation of cultural ways of using objects... An adult becomes for a child not only a source of attention and benevolence, not only a "supplier" of the objects themselves, but also a model of human actions with objects. Such cooperation is no longer limited to direct assistance or to the demonstration of objects. Now you need the participation of an adult, simultaneous practical activity with him, the performance of one and the same thing. In the course of such cooperation, the child simultaneously receives both the attention of an adult and his participation in the child's actions and, most importantly, new, adequate ways of acting with objects. The adult now not only gives the child objects in his hands, but together with the object transfers mode of action with him. In joint activities with a child, an adult performs several functions at once:

    firstly, an adult gives the child the meaning of actions with an object, its social function;

    secondly, he organizes the actions and movements of the child, transfers him the technical methods of carrying out the action;

    thirdly, through encouragement and censure, he controls the progress of the child's actions.

Early age is the period of the most intensive assimilation of methods of action with objects. By the end of this period, thanks to cooperation with an adult, the child basically knows how to use household items and play with toys.

Psychological portrait of a preschooler

From a psychological and pedagogical point of view, preschool age is one of the key in a child's life and largely determines his future psychological development. This made it possible to determine the structure of compiling a psychological portrait of a preschooler: identifying the characteristics of the cognitive sphere, identifying the characteristics of the development of a preschooler's personality, determining the characteristics of activity and communication in preschool age.

Features of the development of the cognitive sphere in preschool children. In preschool age, children's attention progresses simultaneously in many different ways. The development of memory in preschool age is also characterized by a gradual transition from involuntary and immediate to voluntary and mediated memorization and recall.

In preschool age, children have memorization and reproduction in the natural conditions of memory development, i.e., in preschool age, under the same conditions, there is a gradual transition from involuntary to voluntary memorization and reproduction of material. The majority of normally developing children of preschool age have well developed direct and mechanical memory. With the help of mechanical repetitions of information, children in preschool age can memorize it well. In preschool age, when volition in memorization appears, imagination from reproductive, mechanically reproducing reality turns into creatively transforming it. The child's verbal-logical thinking, which begins to develop at the end of preschool age, already presupposes the ability to operate with words and understand the logic of reasoning.

Features of the stage-by-stage development of various types of activities of older preschool children. In older preschool age, you can find almost all types of games that are found in children before entering school. Certain stages of the consistent improvement of games, work and learning of children at this age can be traced by conventionally dividing preschool childhood into three periods for analytical purposes: junior preschool age (3-4 years), middle preschool age (4-5 years) and senior preschool age (5 - 6 years old).

In middle and senior preschool age, role-playing games develop, but at this time they already differ in a much wider variety of topics, roles, game actions, rules introduced and implemented in the game than in the younger preschool age.

At the senior preschool age, the design game begins to turn into labor activity, during which the child designs, creates, builds something useful, necessary in everyday life.

Based on this psychological portrait of a preschooler from birth to the end of senior preschool age, he has certain features that are the main characteristics of this age stage and form the conditions for the transition to the next stage of child development. The cognitive sphere of a senior preschool child is characterized by the transition to the arbitrariness of all processes, from perception to thinking. Children's intellect, already in senior preschool age, functions on the basis of the principle of consistency. By the end of the senior preschool age, the main stage of the child's realization of his gender identity passed.

In conclusion of the examination of the psychological portrait of a preschooler, it should be noted that the drawing up of a schematic portrait is conditioned by the individual conditionality of the development of each child. A number of psychological characteristics of older preschoolers can be cited, but all of them will describe a specific individual and characterize certain personal qualities of the child. However, this characteristic of the tendencies of the general development of the preschooler, right up to the senior preschool age, made it possible to determine the level of development of each of the cognitive processes that the older preschooler reaches in his development. The phased development of the cognitive and behavioral spheres of the preschooler made it possible to trace the transition from one species to another and the level at which the older preschooler is in his development. Taking into account the characterological traits and typical psychological portraits of the personality of an older preschooler makes it possible to determine the zone of the child's proximal development and his readiness to study at school. Thus, for pedagogical and psychological practice, this knowledge is fundamental for building work with a senior preschool child.

The senior preschool age of a child is a period of his rapid development and formation. The child begins to realize his place among other people, he actively forms an internal social position, he strives to accept a new social role.

By the age of six, the child, by establishing a distance with another person and forming a generalized concept of another person, establishes the contours of his own "I - concept". The boundaries of the child's world are expanding. In addition to his family members, other people become significant - strangers, but in some way related to his life. The child begins to understand that in addition to the unconditional parental love a stranger exists in a normally functioning family. A person who invades the mental space of a child without asking him whether he wants it or not. With this stranger, the child must build some kind of relationship, he must master the patterns of behavior that are suitable for communicating with him.

Children of six years old are highly prideful, sensitive to words and their shades, to the attitude of others. During this period, the child actively experiments with his own "I", he explores his body - this helps him to realize the boundaries of his own psychological space. He begins to assimilate the social cultural norms that characterize his gender: boys do not cry, girls do not fight, etc.

By the age of six, the child begins to focus on the norms of his gender. Models of male and female behavior are embedded in the structure of his self-awareness. Psychological features children as representatives of one sex or another are manifested in the game: in the choice playing role, in showing interest in activities related to male and female social roles. The child develops a sense of identity with other members of the same gender, he seeks to emphasize his masculine or feminine essence. The formation of such a feeling largely determines the full value of the development of his personality.

By the age of six, moral and ethical categories are actively formed. The child can already to a large extent distinguish between the concepts "bad-good", "truth-untruth", he develops and differentiates a sense of shame, guilt, appears and develops a sense of his own dignity. Children react violently to injustice, prejudice, ridicule. At the same time, those qualities that are not welcomed by parents are also developing. By the age of six, almost all children can lie. Children may develop "aggressive fantasies". The child can say: "Mom, you are bad, I do not love you." A calm attitude towards such manifestations, the absence of irritation and intolerance allows the child to learn to better manage himself, to positively process conflict situations.

At the age of 6, the child seeks to actively learn about the world of objects and phenomena around him, the structure of the objects themselves. The main means of cognition continues to be the game. Children during this period of their life like intellectual games and activities such as crosswords, puzzles, constructors. The plot is saved role-playing game, and playing by the rules stands out from it. In a plot-based role-playing game, the actual human roles and relationships are reproduced. In the game with the rules, the role fades into the background and the main thing is the strict implementation of the rules of the game. Time increases play activities- it can already last an hour or more. By the age of six, the main thing becomes the reproduction of relations between people. The game simulates social relations, the social meaning of an adult's activity. It becomes important to comply with the rules arising from the role, and the correct implementation of the rules is tightly controlled. Play actions by themselves gradually lose their original meaning - objective actions are reduced and generalized, and sometimes they are completely replaced by speech.

To develop full-fledged self-confidence and comfortable well-being, a six-year-old child needs communication with peers of the same gender, group play with peers. As a result of participation in joint play, the child accumulates a useful experience of experiencing the resistance of the boundaries of someone else's and his own psychological space, he learns to establish his place in joint activities, to "sort things out" with others on his own. The child is aware of the peculiarities of his "I" through how peers relate to his play qualities. In this case, the adult is nearby, but he is not with the child - only in this case, the child really learns to interact independently with the world around him. From this point of view, even a fight may be preferable to well-being supported by the external control of an adult.

In playing with peers, children also learn patience and cooperativeness - those qualities that will allow them to cooperate with other people in the future. In play, the child learns the arbitrariness of his behavior, acquires mechanisms for controlling it. The model in play is not the moral norms or requirements of adults, but the image of another, whose behavior is copied by the child.

Self-control in a child appears only towards the end of preschool age, initially external control appears, falls out of the process of managing behavior, and the child learns to control his behavior on his own - control becomes imaginary. The child's successes and failures in activities and in communication, the assessments of adults that he assimilates affect his image of himself.

Social development. At the age of 6-7, children know how to communicate with peers and adults, they know the basic rules of communication, they strive to be good, the first, they are very upset if they fail, they react subtly to changes in the mood of adults.

Organization of activities. Children 6 - 7 years old are able to perceive instructions and carry out a task according to it, if a goal and a clear task of actions are set, they can work with concentration, without distraction, according to the instructions for 10 - 15 minutes.

Speech development. Children 6 - 7 years old can correctly pronounce all the sounds of their native language. The vocabulary is 3.5 - 7 thousand words. Preschoolers are stylistically correct in constructing sentences, are able to independently retell a familiar fairy tale or compose a story based on pictures, are able to convey various feelings in intonation, use all conjunctions and prefixes, generalizing words, subordinate clauses.

Intellectual development. They show an independent interest in animals, natural objects and phenomena, are observant, ask many questions, take any new information with pleasure, have an elementary supply of information and knowledge about the world around them, everyday life, and life.

Development of attention. Children of this age are capable of voluntary attention, but its stability is still small (10-15 minutes) and depends on the conditions and individual abilities of the child. The number of simultaneously perceived objects is small (1 - 2). They cannot quickly and often switch attention from one object or activity to another.

Memory development. In children 6 - 7 years old, involuntary memory predominates, but they are also capable of voluntary memorization, they can master the techniques of logical memorization.

Development of thinking. Before entering school, children should have formed visual - effective thinking, which is a necessary basic education for the development of visual - figurative thinking, which is the basis of successful learning in primary school... A logical form of thinking is available.

Visual - spatial perception. Children 6 - 7 years old can distinguish the spatial arrangement of figures, details in space and on a plane, can distinguish and highlight simple geometric shapes, classify figures by shape and size. Older preschoolers distinguish and highlight letters and numbers written in different fonts, mentally they can find a part of a whole figure. Completing the figures according to the scheme, constructing them.

Development of visual - motor coordination. Children 6 - 7 years old are characterized by the ability to sketch simple geometric shapes, intersecting lines, letters and numbers in compliance with the proportions, ratios of strokes.

Development of auditory - motor coordination. Children of this age are characterized by the ability to distinguish and reproduce a simple rhythmic pattern, to perform rhythmic (dance) movements to music.

Development of movements. Children confidently master the elements of the technique of all everyday movements, are capable of independent, precise, dexterous movements made to music in a peer group. Older preschoolers can master and correctly implement complexly coordinated actions when walking, perform complexly coordinated gymnastic exercises, are capable of coordinated movements of fingers, hands, arms when performing household activities, when working with a designer, mosaic, can make simple graphic movements (vertical, horizontal lines , ovals, circles, etc.), are able to master playing various musical instruments.

Personal development, self-awareness, self-esteem. The children showed the ability to realize their position in relationships with adults and peers. Already at this age they try to meet the requirements of adults, strive for achievements in those activities in which they participate. Self-assessment in different types activities may differ materially. They are not characterized by adequate self-esteem, which largely depends on the assessment of adults (educators, parents).

Motives of behavior. Interest in new types of activity, the world of adults, the desire to be like them, is characterized by cognitive interests. Establishing and maintaining positive relationships with adults and peers, motives for personal achievement, recognition, self-affirmation.

Arbitrariness. The development of randomness is one of the main indicators of school readiness. In preschoolers, the following indicators of the development of arbitrariness are distinguished: the ability to volitional regulation of behavior based on internal motives and established rules, the ability to persevere. Overcome difficulties.

In an effort to gain a deeper understanding of the problems of development and behavior of the child, it is necessary to take into account each side of this process: mental, social and emotional development.

The period of 5-7 years is characterized by a qualitatively new social situation of the child's development. During this period, his abilities develop in the best way, the psyche matures and the formation of social properties, on which depends on what his abilities will be directed. This period is characterized by intensive development of the nervous system.

Perception, previously associated exclusively with practical action, stands out as an independent process, developing into observation, while there is a greater accuracy in distinguishing colors and sounds, and vivid impressions can leave a mark for a lifetime.

Attention in older preschool age is involuntary, but gradually it becomes more stable. A significant increase in the stability of attention is noted in studies in which children are invited to consider pictures, describe their content, and listen to a story. The turning point in the development of attention is associated with the fact that for the first time children begin to consciously control their attention, directing and holding it on certain objects. For this purpose, the older preschooler uses certain methods that he adopts from adults. Thus, the possibilities of this new form of attention - voluntary attention - are already quite large by the age of six or seven. But even older preschoolers still find it difficult to concentrate on something monotonous. But in the process of an interesting game for them, attention can be quite stable.

Similar age patterns are noted in the process of memory development. Memory in older preschool age is involuntary. The child remembers better what is of the greatest interest to him, gives the best impressions. Thus, the volume of the recorded material is largely determined by the emotional attitude to the given object or phenomenon. Compared with younger and middle preschool ages, the relative role of involuntary memorization in children of six to seven years old slightly decreases, at the same time the strength of memorization increases 7. In older preschool age, the child is able to reproduce the impressions received after a fairly long time.

The thinking of a 5-7 year old child is concrete, figurative and emotional, it is discursive (reasoning thinking proper) with the beginnings of logical reasoning. Senior preschool age presents the most favorable opportunities for the development of various forms of imaginative thinking.

And finally, it is at this age that the recreational and creative imagination develops. The formation of imagination is directly dependent on the development of the child's speech. Imagination at this age expands the child's capabilities in interacting with the external environment, promotes its development, and together with thinking serves as a means of cognizing reality. The development of representations largely characterizes the process of the formation of thinking, the formation of which at this age is largely associated with the improvement of the ability to operate with representations at an arbitrary level. This opportunity increases significantly by the age of six, in connection with the assimilation of new ways of mental action.

At the age of 5-6, the child has a systematic examination of the object, the movement of the gaze is characterized by consistency, the stability of attention increases, which is closely related to the development of speech, the child more and more correctly conveys in speech what he perceives.

The emergence of voluntary memory is also associated with an increase in the regulatory role of speech. Memory gradually turns into a special activity that is subject to a special goal - to remember. The child successfully controls himself, memorizing or reproducing material, the memory becomes more controlled by the child himself (establishes elementary connections in the image).

The basis of impressions is emotional, but intellectual activity is growing. Cognitive and activity activity also increases. During this period, the process of activity, research and holistic living of the activity itself, and not only its goals and results, is especially important for children.

There is a development of intellectual abilities at the level of specific mental operations: recognition, comparison, the process of forming images (analogies), reconstruction (fantasies, own explanations of phenomena).

Reactions to impressions and experiences become productive and are realized in creativity.

N.N. Poddyakov showed that at the age of four to six years there is an intensive formation and development of skills and abilities that contribute to the study of the external environment by children, the analysis of the properties of objects and the impact on them in order to change 8. This level of mental development, that is, visual-active thinking, is, as it were, preparatory. It contributes to the accumulation of facts, information about the world around, creating a basis for the formation of ideas and concepts.

When performing volitional actions, imitation continues to occupy a significant place, although it becomes voluntarily controlled. At the same time, the verbal instruction of an adult is gaining more and more importance, prompting the child to take certain actions. In the older preschooler, the stage of preliminary orientation clearly appears. The game also requires you to work out a certain line of your actions in advance. Therefore, it largely stimulates the improvement of the ability to volitional regulation of behavior. The child considers an adult to be the bearer of norms and rules, however, under certain conditions, he himself can act in this role. At the same time, his activity in relation to compliance with the accepted norms is increasing.

The active accumulation of social experience of older preschool children and the formation of the rudiments of self-awareness occurs against the background of their psychophysiological development. Starting from the age of 6, children undergo significant changes in the structure and function of the brain. Maturation of the cerebral cortex leads to significant qualitative changes in a person. The cortex dominates in the cortical-subcortical interaction. The cortex is a brake in relation to the subcortical structures, and the strengthening of its influence contributes to an increase in restraint in the manifestation of emotions, controllability and meaningfulness of behavior.

BA Titov points out that “At the same time, the cortex is the organizer and regulator of higher nervous functions and behavioral reactions, and with its development, the prerequisites for a better recognition of visual stimuli are created, the emotional characteristics of the stimulus and its greater informational significance begin to play a lesser role. ; the selection of the most significant information is improved by a given instruction or by an internal motivation ”9.

Children of older preschool age are already able to maintain functional activity for a long time and steadily. Play is a natural mechanism that promotes the development of functional activity. It creates certain conditions for the formation of motives of purposeful behavior. In communication with peers, the question of self-esteem, moral positions, leadership begins to arise.

By the age of six, the child's motivational sphere changes significantly. More often than other motives at the age of 6, the motive “to win, to win” appears 10. In this regard, they like to compare their successes with the deeds of other children, they are not averse to exaggerating and even boasting. All this is due to the child's need for recognition on the part of both adults and peers.

If children of 3-5 years old mainly act under the influence of momentary feelings and desires and, while performing this or that act, do not give themselves a clear account of why and why they are doing it, then the actions performed by a preschool child are more conscious.

The relationships of children with those around them are expanding and becoming more complex. Children most of all value those qualities and features of behavior that are most often accepted by their peers, on which their position in the group largely depends. Self-esteem depends on the recognition or non-recognition of the child of this age by the group.

Psychologist G.S. Abramova notes that the age of 6 years is the beginning of the active formation of the psychological mechanisms of the personality in the unity of all its components. Already a six-year-old child is able to give himself an account of his behavior, the degree of conformity of his action to the norms, he has formed self-assessment criteria 11.

The basis of initial self-esteem is the ability to compare yourself with other children. For six-year-olds, mainly undifferentiated overestimated self-esteem is characteristic. By the age of seven, it differentiates and decreases somewhat. A previously absent assessment of comparing oneself with other peers appears. Nondifferentiation of self-esteem leads to the fact that a child of six to seven years old considers an adult's assessment of the results of an individual action as an assessment of his personality as a whole, therefore, the use of censures and remarks in teaching children of this age should be limited. Otherwise, they have low self-esteem, disbelief in their own strength.

Adequate self-esteem gives the child self-confidence, courage, promotes the active manifestation of his interests, abilities, stimulates the achievement of goals. High self-esteem can lead to arrogance, arrogance, stubbornness, aggressiveness, and even cruelty. Low self-esteem can lead to a depressive state, provoke a child's neuroticism, and form an inferiority complex.

All outstanding teachers, from Jan Amos Kamensky to innovators of modern pedagogy, speak of the unusually high mental activity of 6-year-old children. An increased propensity for mental activity in children of this age is manifested literally in everything: from the ability to “easily, as if playing, memorize a huge amount of information (poems, car brands, the names of artists, etc.), to the search and discovery of original solutions in design, modeling, etc. " 12 .

The appearance by the age of 6 of such an important property of the perception system as the specialized participation of regions of the cerebral cortex in the reception and analysis of external stimuli changes the capabilities of the visual perceiving system.

G.S. Abramova notes the increased sensitivity of older preschool children to existential experiences, the designation of the boundaries of the self-concept through establishing a distance with other people, the formation of a generalized concept of another person 13. The child's sensitivity, heightened sensitivity to the content of his self-concept makes him very vulnerable to any influences from other people, it is not for nothing that the protected environment is a resource for his development.

With such an increased sensitivity to the influences of other people, the child comes to the middle of childhood. His social space of relations with different people is expanding.

The opportunity to experiment with one's own I and not-I, which is created in the middle of childhood, the experience of differentiated relations (ours - strangers) with people creates the conditions for realizing the boundaries of our own psychological space. The ability to self-regulate behavior ("I want, I can, I must"), to plan activities ("how?, Why ?, when?"

In the awareness of the world, there is a discovery and understanding of the existence of parallel worlds "in others" ("I, others and the whole world"), awareness of the existing connections "I - others", "Others between themselves and outside of me." The ability to empathize and empathize with the “other” develops, relying on one's sensory experience.

In literature, the middle of childhood is associated with the crisis of six years as a period of the child's loss of spontaneity and spontaneity in activity, and the acquisition of arbitrariness and mediation, that is, behavior becomes multifaceted, the real and fictional plan is divided, the child is aware of their discrepancy; the objective and relational plan is separated; feelings become differentiated, the transition of one feeling into another is distinguished and realized.

The child no longer just reacts, learns, he already does a lot "for fun", "on purpose", using the laws of human relations and properties of objects known to him to influence himself and others. He may already want to please another person and try to do it, he may already want to look smart and try to do it. He (not always in a sophisticated adult form) can justify the expectations of loved ones by behaving the way they want it, and not himself 14.

Psychologists point out that emotions play important role in the life of children: help to perceive and react to reality. By manifesting in behavior, they inform the adult that the child likes, makes him angry, or upsets him. As a child grows, his emotional world becomes richer and more diverse. From the basic ones (fear, joy, etc.) he goes on to a more complex range of feelings: he is happy and angry, delighted and surprised, jealous and sad. The outward manifestation of emotions also changes.

The child learns the language of feelings - the forms of expressing the subtlest shades of feelings accepted in society with the help of glances, smiles, gestures, postures, movements, voice intonations, etc. On the other hand, the child masters the ability to restrain violent and harsh expressions of feelings.

It is known that the fundamental feature of children of the sixth year of life is the possibility of mastering, under the guidance of an adult, three ways of empirical generalization, analysis through synthesis, ascent to the concrete, in which the particular, the individual is considered as a manifestation of the universal. The third type of generalization refers to theoretical generalization and is the product of inference obtained indirectly through a system of reasoning. To master such a generalization means to go over to linking outwardly very different phenomena in a single process of their origin from a common “beginning”, using, moreover, the entire set of empirical data on the real process of the development of an object (V.V. Davydov). Mastering inferential generalization shows that the content of the objective world was revealed to a person in connections and dependencies (S.L. Rubinstein).

The formation of a personality presupposes at least three interpenetrating, sometimes parallel, but retaining their specific stages, three aspects of the assimilation of culture.

The first stage - hominization (mastering by an individual of the basics of human behavior) - includes the development of sanitary and hygienic culture, elementary communication skills (primarily speech), food culture and other components of the culture of everyday life.

The second stage - socialization - finds its expression in the inclusion of a person into society through the formation of a culture in the latter social communication, the culture of knowledge, the culture of professional work, the culture of fulfilling civil, moral, social, family responsibilities.

The third stage - inculturation - is associated with the formation of a person's aesthetic attitude to reality and art, the ability to perceive cultural values; with mastering the skills and abilities of artistic creativity, introducing aesthetic principles into everyday life and leisure.

Many become subjects of the fourth stage of personality development - the stage of self-realization of their creative potential, when individuality fully reveals its culture-creating capabilities, introducing its “I”, its originality and uniqueness into the socio-cultural sphere.

The content and technology of these processes is predetermined by applied cultural studies, and the methodology for involving a person in the world of culture is built in accordance with the requirements of social pedagogy. Determining the methodology and methodology for involving a person in the world of culture, applied cultural studies should take into account the pervasive nature of culture and the specifics of its comprehension in different spheres of life. The assimilation of scientific knowledge, labor culture and industrial relations, as a rule, relies on logic, on reason, requires experimental work, proof of formulas, theorems, and the effectiveness of technological processes. The perception of works of art is primarily based on the emotional sphere, on aesthetic feelings.

However, in general, the individual's awareness of any values ​​of spiritual or material life is based on the unity of information-logical and emotional-figurative. At a scientific conference or in the development of high technologies, reason prevails, at a symphony orchestra concert or an art exhibition, feelings play a decisive role, but any cultural phenomenon evokes in people both logical inferences and emotional perception.

Psychological and pedagogical studies have shown that children of preschool age have access to an understanding of fine art, its content side and means of expressiveness, provided that purposeful teaching is provided (L.S.Vygotsky, A.V. Zaporozhets, B.M. Teplov, E.A. N.P.Sakulina, N.A. Vetlugina).

Abstract: Summarizing the most important achievements in the mental development of a child of six to seven years old, we can conclude that at this age children have a fairly high level of mental development. At this time, a certain amount of knowledge and skills is formed, an arbitrary form of memory, thinking, imagination is intensively developing, based on which you can encourage a child to listen, consider, remember, analyze. Psychophysiological features make older preschool children unusually susceptible to creative activities, this period of childhood is sensitive for the child's creative development, for the formation of cognitive abilities.

social psychological child gifted

Modern scientists in the field of economics, philosophy, sociology, history, designate modern world as a global community leading to the transition to post-civilization, neospheric, anthropogenic civilization, and marking the presence of the so-called civilizational breakdown.

Specific data obtained by scientists at the Psychological Institute of the Russian Academy of Education, Moscow University of Psychology and Education, at the Faculty of Psychology of Moscow State University. Lomonosov, the Institute of Psychology of the Russian Academy of Sciences, show that the degree of real changes in the historical situation objectively determined the qualitative mental, psychophysiological, personality changes modern child.

With all the diversity and breadth of research, scientists have practically only a set of significant, but often contradictory data, observations, ideas, fixing real changes, and at the same time difficult situation development of modern man.

For example, on the one hand, there is an increase in his self-awareness, self-determination, critical thinking, and on the other hand, his uncertainty, tension, anxiety, aggressiveness can be traced.

The resulting instability of the social, economic, ideological situation, the discrediting of many moral guidelines cause massive psychological stress, which affects the general spiritual and physical health, causing, in particular, passivity, indifference of people.

In a word, it is quite obvious that today the socio-psychological sphere of a person has changed, which is objectively related to the ongoing changes in the cultural and historical environment - an environment that does not act as a situation, but plays the role of a source of development.

Therefore, the problem of comprehending precisely the modern environment in which a person is, of understanding in what world, in what space and in what society he lives and what requirements are objectively imposed on him by the new situation of his development, what requirements are formulated and presented by society, arises acutely.

In this context, I recall the statement of the American psychologist Abraham Maslow: “Every century, except ours, had its own ideal”, - “… a saint, a hero, a gentleman, a knight, a mystic. And what we have proposed - a well-adjusted person with no problems - is a very pale and dubious replacement. "

All the more doubtful in the current situation of the development of society, where there have been significant shifts in interpersonal, intergroup relations of people, including relations in the family, at work, to work.

We are now facing a child - an infant, preschooler, junior schoolboy, teenager, high school student, who, while maintaining the essential foundations and effective mechanisms of consciousness, thinking, is strikingly different not only from the "Child" described by Comenius and Pestalozzi, Ushinsky and Pirogov, Piaget, Korchak and other great teachers of the past, but even qualitatively different from the child of the 90s of the twentieth century. Scientists state: The child has become different!

But at the same time worse or better than his 20-year-old peer? Let's try to figure it out.

It is important to note the ongoing changes in mentality, value orientations, changes in the cognitive and emotional-personal spheres of people, accompanied by the appropriation of patterns of behavior alien to our culture, the actualization of consumerism, the growth of indifference in relationships and, which is very alarming, objectively and subjectively, the growing psychological alienation of adults from the world of childhood. , giving rise to the danger of destruction of the entire system of cultural and historical inheritance.

The facts and factors related to the introduction of children to the television screen from infancy are of particular concern.

If two or three decades ago a child developed mainly in the conditions of a specific society - family, class, immediate environment, pioneer, Komsomol organizations, but always with a clear attachment to a specific adult, today he is placed in a fundamentally new situation - a situation of broken ties, when already from preschool, primary school age he is in a huge expanded social space, where his consciousness is literally pressed by the chaotic flow of information coming from the TV, the Internet, blocking the knowledge received from parents, educators, teachers, and opening an endless field for all kinds of forms relationships, connections, actions.

Moreover, this information does not have not only any structural-content logical connection or consistency, but is fed bead, brokenly fits into the child's life, into the process of his development, "deafening", suppressing his individuality, but most importantly, in modern information, the boundaries between good-bad, right-wrong.

The child is lost in the stream of information that has poured into him, choosing the easiest path in life: the path of consumption, emotional coldness, indifference to others.

So, according to scientists, by the beginning of school age, the viewing time reaches 10-12 thousand hours, and according to the Institute of Sociology of the Russian Academy of Sciences, more than 60% of parents spend leisure time with their child in front of the TV, every tenth preschooler spends all their free time watching TV. As a result, there is a special need for screen stimulation, which blocks the child's own activities.

Screen addiction leads to the child's inability to concentrate on any activity, lack of interest, hyperactivity, increased absent-mindedness. Such children need constant external stimulation, which they are used to receiving from the screen, it is difficult for them to perceive audible speech and read: understanding individual words and short sentences, they cannot connect them, as a result they do not understand the text as a whole.

Children lose the ability and desire to occupy themselves with something. They are not interested in communicating with each other. They prefer to press a button and wait for new ready-made entertainment.

The problem arises of studying not only the content of programs, the peculiarities of their appropriation by children, but also the impact of the speeds, rhythms of television on the mental, psychophysiological development of the child.

What is extremely important in a fundamentally changed world is that not only the situation of development and functioning of the person himself has changed, but the very biological body of a person, his constitution, is changing. Its psychophysical properties. The real changes of the modern child are clearly manifested both in the psychological, neuropsychological reactions of the child, and in physical health in general.