
Longitudinal wrinkle on the forehead. What do wrinkles between the eyebrows mean. What do facial wrinkles mean?


Since ancient times, people have sought to understand the signs that nature gives them. Including signs on the body: wrinkles and folds. After all, they are different for each person. Therefore, since ancient times, a person has been asking himself the question, what do wrinkles on the forehead mean? Whether the pattern of future wrinkles is laid in us from birth or we acquire it along with the events of life. Therefore, artists and sculptors paid attention to wrinkles, trying to emphasize certain character traits, the state of mind of a person. Let's try to understand the question of what wrinkles are talking about and whether it is possible to tell about the health and character of a person using them.

In childhood, we are told: "Do not frown, wrinkles will appear on the forehead." Over time, we grow up, and they come. First, slight facial wrinkles, then permanent wrinkles on the forehead. If this is a man, then usually he is not very worried about the appearance of wrinkles on his face. But women are more attentive to their appearance and those around them. And when they see signs of aging in the mirror, they perceive it as a tragedy of a universal scale. However, the process of the appearance of wrinkles is irreversible, although it is delayed in time by various methods, and it is worth learning to understand the wrinkles on the forehead, as they say.

If you think about the nature of their appearance, whether their occurrence is predetermined, or the way of life imposes a special seal on the face, it turns out that both are true.

Causes of wrinkles:

  • External natural impact (atmospheric pollution, exposure to extreme temperatures and humidity);
  • Genetic predisposition (structure of muscle tissue and skin faces);
  • Postponed or current diseases;
  • Violation of the diet or food preferences;
  • Bad habits (smoking, etc.);
  • Individual facial habits (frown, etc.);
  • Improper skin care;
  • General characteristics of the human habitat ecosystem: psychological and psychophysical indicators of the comfort of life, stress, the need for frequent physical exertion.

Wrinkles are diagnosed

For the first time, a written mention of diagnostics by the condition of the skin of the face and by wrinkles is found in the ancient Chinese “Treatise of the Yellow Emperor on the internal” (Huang Dineijing) in the 7th-4th centuries. BC. Later, in another part of the world, Hippocrates and Aristotle (4th century BC) also practiced diagnosing diseases by the location and nature of wrinkles on the face. This fact is remarkable in that the ancient Chinese and ancient Greek interpretations of the dependence of wrinkles on diseases and inclinations basically coincide.

In today's medical practice, ancient knowledge, based on modern possibilities for studying the state of the body, made it possible to build a clear dependence on the formation of wrinkles, to study in more detail the issue of wrinkles on the forehead, which means what the type and nature of the location indicate.

Skin folds, which actually wrinkles are, can tell a lot about the state of the body. In the ancient Chinese treatise Neijing it is said: only that doctor becomes the Supreme, who can know the nature of the disease by external examination of the patient.

What do horizontal forehead wrinkles mean?

Short horizontal wrinkles across the forehead indicate probable problems with nervous system, sleep problems. The owners of such wrinkles are prone to neurotic and depressive states. If one or more longitudinal wrinkles seem to connect the eyebrows, this indicates changes in the spine (there is a high probability of osteochondrosis in one or another stage of the cervical spine). Also, this is a sign of an educated and consistent person in his actions. Transverse deep folds on the forehead indicate a tendency to frequent headaches.

The meaning of vertical wrinkles on the forehead

A vertical wrinkle between the eyebrows indicates possible problems with the digestive system of its owner. Such people need to pay special attention to maintaining a proper diet, exclude very spicy and fatty foods from the diet and regularly undergo examination by a gastroenterologist. In some cases, these vertical folds are indicative of heart rhythm problems. If they are very deep and clearly defined, this most likely indicates a previous heart attack. But after reading various meanings vertical wrinkles on the forehead do not rush to the doctor immediately. Think, maybe these wrinkles are just the result of the habit of constantly frowning.

What do wrinkles on the forehead mean in men

Usually, women control their facial expressions to some extent in order to avoid premature formation of wrinkles, and sometimes for other reasons. Men generally do not ask such questions. Therefore, by their location and type, one can judge to a greater extent his habits, and, consequently, his character.

One horizontal, almost the entire width of the forehead, located in its lower part, shows that the man has good intellectual abilities, always brings his tasks to the end and skillfully uses changes in external circumstances to achieve his goals. Usually these are hardworking self-sufficient individuals, not without wit. A certain tendency to acquisitiveness can serve as a fly in the ointment, but if you turn this quality in the right direction, it is not difficult to transfer it to the category of positive ones.

Two horizontal wrinkles

Two identical horizontal wrinkles on the forehead of men mean that their owner is in harmony both with himself and with the world around him. Him good health, excellent relationships at work and a successful personal life. If the upper fold is more clearly defined and somewhat deeper than the lower one, this indicates that almost all the initiatives and actions of a man find support in the social environment, both in a narrow family circle and in external communication. Such people are successful in public professions related to the media or politics.

Three horizontal wrinkles

Three horizontal wrinkles interrupting in the middle of the forehead are a sign of an intellectual. Such a person usually has an excellent memory, out-of-the-box thinking and is able to concentrate on long time in order to achieve the desired result. Very deep wrinkles, in addition, indicate great diligence, although they may also be a sign of strong and lasting experiences endured in the past.

A lot of small, slightly curved wrinkles (this is how the sea is usually drawn on posters) is a sign of a slightly rustic and not very well-read man. Such a pattern on the forehead, by the way, for some reason is characteristic of men, and is very rare in women. But, despite the simplicity, such a man is very hardworking, responsibly treats work and sincerely worries about the overall result of the activity. Never averse to come to the aid of friends and devoted to family.

Many wavy wrinkles

Many wrinkles, repeating the line of the eyebrows and evenly spaced one above the other, are also inherent in the main male population of the planet. This is the property of the ordinary men. They do not stand out in any way, but they are not involved in any adventures until about a half-century anniversary. There are not enough stars from the sky, but often after 50 they get a stable income and a family, and in general they are quite satisfied with life.

Lots of small wrinkles

Many small horizontal wrinkles on the forehead mean that their owner needs to carefully monitor their health and mental state. Usually such people are very hard to lift, and even having a lot of ideas rarely achieve significant results in life. Over time, this can lead to periodic depression and even suicidal tendencies. by the most best image life for such men is to concentrate on a certain global goal and go only towards it, without wasting money on multiple ideas and projects.

Wrinkles in the form of seagull wings

Large wrinkles on the forehead in the form of gull wings are the lot of hermits and pilgrims. Intellectually, it can be a genius, and a very narrow-minded person. They are united by a complete disregard for everyday amenities, indifference to wealth and stable social ties. Being with a woman is akin to an asceticism for a man and they are usually alone for the rest of their lives.

No wrinkles

The absence of wrinkles up to 50-55 years does not indicate any positive or negative qualities of a man. The only thing we can say is that most women will envy such skin on the forehead. However, socially, up to about 40 years old, such people look much younger than their peers, which subconsciously does not allow them to be taken seriously enough. But after forty, a smooth forehead, on the contrary, is associated with success among the interlocutor, which undoubtedly helps their owner to achieve professional and career success more easily.

The character of a person by wrinkles

What do forehead wrinkles mean for our character?

I wonder what wrinkles on the forehead mean for our character? After all, they are not only the result of a tendency to various diseases. Most wrinkles are the result of certain habits, and as a child, my mother was right when she asked me not to frown too often. Therefore, even in ancient times, people observed the dependence of wrinkles on the forehead and character and were able to notice some patterns.

  • If a person’s forehead wrinkles consist of identical brightly defined lines, most likely he is distinguished by purposefulness and perseverance in actions. Prefers to act independently. If he is forced to solve problems in a group, he strives to lead a certain direction. Likes certainty.
  • If the folds radiate from one point, we have a detailed individualist. He does something only for himself and only for himself. He gets down to business after weighing all the pros and cons, and then goes to the goal in a steadily chosen path. However, if you have to quickly make an important decision, he does it without hesitation and most often correctly.
  • On the contrary, smooth spiral lines from one point are a sign of a person capable of strategic thinking and reasonable compromises.
  • Brave and strong-willed people with a strong character often have a vertical fold in the middle on their forehead, as if dividing the forehead in two.
  • Wrinkles divided in the center are inherent in people with a heightened sense of justice, who organically cannot stand lies and meanness. Such people will immediately turn their backs and cut off all communication with those who once betrayed, though they themselves will not betray.

In general, wrinkles on the forehead are not a reason for panic, but an opportunity to take a closer look and get to know the strengths and weaknesses of your interlocutor better.

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5000 years ago, the Greek thinker Hermes Trismegistus expressed a brilliant thesis: "What is inside, so is outside." The great Greek and his followers believed that the body, including the face, does not lie. Like a mirror, it reflects all the processes occurring inside the brain and body. As a result, physiognomy arose - the science of the face. According to the color of the skin, wrinkles, proportions of the eyes, ears and nose, today specialists can determine not only the character of a person, his hidden diseases, but also his fate. Thousand-year researches of physiognomy have proved its accuracy. On June 22, in the weekly, we told which facial features give out a centenarian, and which ones speak of a weak vitality. Today we will figure out what wrinkles on the forehead indicate. We were consulted by a well-known professor of the University of Maryland (USA), Timothy VAN, who recently visited Moscow.

Trouble Traces

Some people reach maturity in their 20s, others in their 30s, says Professor Wang. - It depends on gaining experience. The more problems we face, the more intensively we are forced to develop spiritually and physically. And then use our abilities to solve the tasks set by life. As a result, wrinkles appear on the face. Some are clearly expressed, others - slightly. It is believed that people who have a harder life tend to have deeper folds. However, there are also many young people in whom distinct wrinkles appear prematurely. And the analysis of these "traces" on the face can reveal a lot in the character and fate of a person.

Of course, on each part of the face there is a large number of various lines. But today we will explore the main ones located on the forehead.

Mark of resourcefulness

Two or three lines horizontally across the forehead are considered a good sign. A forehead with two wrinkles is often found in successful and resourceful people. A forehead with three lines indicates a high degree of artistry and literary talent.

Popularity sign

Three (and with age more) long lines without breaks, going across the forehead, forming a large arc, indicate a person of great popularity. Such a person enjoys increased respect and has a wide circle of friends. People of this type can achieve great fame or live happily ever after without much hardship.

Bad Fate Sign

A deep, vertical line in the center of the forehead is not a good omen. Among Chinese physiognomists, she received the name "hanging needle." This line means a threat to personal safety or an anxious marital relationship.

However, some people have so-called compensatory traits - such as classic, perfect eyebrows, eyes and nose (see about them in the following issues), which "help" avert trouble.

The "hanging needle" is often found among people with a high position, including members of the government, and in the acting environment, which indicates the high intellectual potential of its carriers. (In the photo Viktor Avilov - Honored Artist of Russia. He became widely known after the role of the Count of Monte Cristo. Despite the fact that he was married more than once, he was plagued by failures in his personal life. He died at 51 from cancer.)

Sign of success

Between the eyebrows are two short lines parallel to each other. These lines indicate success in government, industry, culture. Such a person is a thinker and organizer in life. He has all the abilities to make a brilliant career.

Maniac sign

If there are three lines between the eyebrows and they are even, then this indicates that a person can rise early to a prominent position in society. BUT (!) If the three vertical lines are curved, then this indicates a predisposition to deviations in the psyche and, possibly, to criminal inclinations.


Sign of power

Three horizontal lines on the forehead intersect in the middle with a short perpendicular line. This indicates nobility, portends a favorable fate, long life and a high position associated with power.

Happiness sign

One single horizontal line through the middle of the forehead is a sign of a beautiful and noble life. Such a person will be successful in all endeavors, especially in his youth. However, if the line is located too close to the eyebrows, trouble is possible in youth.

Lucky badge

Lines of unusual outlines, reminiscent of Chinese characters, indicate that a person will soon occupy a prominent position.

Glory badge

Rare lines on the forehead in the form of a rhombus indicate a long life and great fame. Characteristic for writers, artists, musicians and other creative personalities.

Disease sign

Thin, short, wavy and scattered horizontal lines on the forehead are evidence of poor health, lack of will. Even having taken office, such people remain tough, vindictive.

Sign of love

Wrinkles extending from the outer corner of the eye in the form of the so-called "fishtail" and reaching the temple, mean a cunning character and give out a clever businessman. In addition, such a person is not inclined to be faithful in marriage, easily divorced. " Fish tail"Indicates love of love - a frequent change of sexual partners. If these “rays” are already noticeable by the age of 20, or if two or three lines are bent upwards, then this means that a person will marry several times during his life.

Mimic wrinkles are often associated with a person's character, since all the main emotions we have are literally "written on the face." Damiko will tell you what a wrinkle on the bridge of your nose means, whether you should worry if you have it, and how you can get rid of it without the help of a cosmetologist.

Wrinkles on the bridge of the nose appear when a person often wrinkles and raises his eyebrows. Thus, thoughtfulness, resentment, surprise are usually expressed. It is believed that such wrinkles appear last of all in cheerful, open and sociable people, and for those who are often offended, stubborn or have a habit of thinking, these mimic folds are among the first to form.

If a person has a pronounced wrinkle on the bridge of the nose, despite his young age, it means that his character is very contradictory. By the wrinkle on the bridge of the nose, you can identify a stubborn, touchy or too closed person who is not in harmony with himself and the world around him.

Small wrinkles all over the bridge of the nose indicate that the person is very serious, preoccupied with some problems, or his work is connected with the constant solution of complex problems.

If a wrinkle goes to the bridge of the nose from the middle of the forehead, this is a sign of a person prone to deep introspection. Such a person is very critical of himself and the people around him, and in everything he sees much more negative than positive. It is easy to offend him even with a careless word, and it is very difficult to earn forgiveness from such a person.

If a disproportionate pattern of wrinkles is visible on the bridge of the nose, you need to pay attention to which way it is shifted.

A triangle of wrinkles on the bridge of the nose is considered a special sign. Such a symbol is usually "marked" by people prone to philosophical thinking, scientists and real sages.

However, not always wrinkles on the bridge of the nose appear solely from facial expressions. Sometimes these skin folds indicate health problems.

If a person has cross-shaped wrinkles on the bridge of his nose, this indicates that he is not all right with his spine. The cause may be osteochondrosis, osteoporosis and other diseases associated with deformation of the vertebrae.

Horizontal wrinkles above the bridge of the nose often appear in people suffering from migraines, and vertical wrinkles in those who have heart rhythm disturbances, i.e., arrhythmias. Such wrinkles are especially pronounced in people who have had a heart attack.

As you know, any ailment is always easier to prevent than to cure, therefore, if you do not want to become the owner of wrinkles on the bridge of your nose in early age, heed the following recommendations.

    In sunny weather, always wear safety glasses so that the sun doesn't make you squint.

    Use a special sunscreen that fights skin aging under the influence of ultraviolet rays.

    Follow your emotions.

    When working at a computer, reading or watching TV, use glasses if you can't see well enough, as constant squinting provokes the formation of wrinkles on the bridge of your nose.

    If you have dry skin on your face, use moisturizers, as excessive dryness of the epidermis accelerates the appearance of wrinkles.

    Do not smoke or drink alcohol, and always try to eat well.

If your situation cannot be called neglected, and wrinkles on the bridge of your nose are just beginning to show, cosmetologists advise using home massage. The following four exercises, performed regularly, will help you get rid of annoying wrinkles.

    If you feel that your eyebrows are starting to move towards the center of your forehead, imagine that something surprised you and keep the appropriate facial expression for a couple of minutes until the superciliary line smooths out.

    Place your palms on your forehead, sticking out the little fingers of both hands to the sides. In this case, the index fingers should be directly on the eyebrows, and the big ones in such a position, as if they were clasping the head above the ears. Press with all your fingers on the skin, then try to raise your eyebrows and stay in this position for a few seconds, then rest a bit. You need to repeat the exercise 5-10 times.

    Take each eyebrow at the bridge of the nose with your thumbs and forefingers, and then perform pinching movements along the eyebrows towards the temples. You can perform the exercise separately for each eyebrow, or you can do it for both at the same time, the main thing is that 5-6 passes are performed on each eyebrow.

    This exercise will allow the crease that has already appeared on the bridge of the nose to warm up and relax. You need to press the pads of your index fingers on both edges of the wrinkle and freeze in this position for a few seconds, and then repeat the same thing, only placing your index finger under the wrinkle, and the middle finger above it.

The appearance of wrinkles is inevitable, and the reason for this is not only age-related changes. Stress, anxiety, negative and positive emotions, illness, and even an unhealthy diet inevitably affect the skin and contribute to the appearance of wrinkles.

According to physiognomists, facial features, eye color, dark spots and moles, each fold has its own special meaning, and by the appearance of a person you can make up his exact psychological picture. What do wrinkles on the face say, and what secrets can they tell about a person’s personality and fate?

Wrinkles and fate

The Chinese sages were the first to notice the connection between physical data and character traits.

Knowledge about a person's personality, based on the study of his appearance, especially the face - its forms, expressions, wrinkles, spots and lines are called physiognomy.

If people receive the shape of the face, ears, eye and hair color from birth, then wrinkles form over the years. From them you can read fate, life experience and perception, because what the wrinkles on a woman’s face are talking about is a scheme of her life path, the imprint of experienced joys and misfortunes, the potential laid down from birth.


Two or three horizontal lines on the forehead are a wonderful sign. Two deep wrinkles indicate that a person has a significant amount of energy and inner strength to achieve great success and succeed in life. Three wrinkles mean the presence of artistic abilities and literary talent.

Three long wrinkles forming an arch on the forehead indicate popularity, such people usually enjoy universal respect and are surrounded by friends. They can become famous and live a long happy life.


Three horizontal lines between the eyebrows show that a person has every chance to quickly climb the social ladder. Three broken vertical lines, on the contrary, mean problems with the law or insanity.


Two short parallel lines between the eyebrows predict success in the field of finance and production. Those who have such wrinkles are smart and efficient, have excellent organizational skills and make a successful career.

unfortunate fate

One deep vertical wrinkle in the middle of the forehead means that dangers will lie in wait for a person. Fortunately, many people have what are called compensatory traits that help them avoid misfortune. Often such a wrinkle marks the faces of politicians, statesmen and actors.

The forehead, as if divided in half by a horizontal line, is a sign of a beautiful and prosperous life. People with such a forehead are real minions of fate and are successful in all their endeavors, especially in their youth. If this line is closer to the eyebrows, this indicates a painful adolescence marked by problems and troubles.


Unusual lines on the forehead in the shape of a diamond predict a long glorious life. Writers, artists and people of creative professions are marked with this sign.

Diseases and misfortunes

Thin short and broken lines are associated with poor health, self-doubt and indecisive character. Such people always feel unhappy, even when they manage to achieve their goals.

Unhappy love

Three vertical lines under the eyes portend unrequited love or an unhappy marriage that will end in divorce.

Gender of the unborn child

It is believed that the appearance small wrinkles around the mouth during pregnancy means the birth of a boy. If they are not, then a girl will be born.

Wrinkles and character

Facial expressions are closely related to emotions, which are reflected on the face in a certain way and cause the formation of wrinkles. So by the location and nature of the folds on the face, you can understand what feelings a person experiences more often. There are folds of responsibility, grief, disappointment, fun, wrinkles of envy, which physiognomy associates with the corresponding emotions.


Horizontal wrinkles indicate a nature prone to worry over trifles.

Very eloquent wrinkles between the eyebrows. This is what the vertical lines say in this place: two folds give out a strong woman, distinguished by her ability to concentrate and exactingness towards herself and others, and three or more show that their owner is probably striving for perfection in everything. These lines are often referred to as perfectionist wrinkles.

Sometimes they testify to an impatient character, a tendency to show anger.

Wrinkles that form a triangle between the eyebrows are a sign of remarkable mental abilities.

The lines in the lower part of the forehead, right above the nose, indicate that their owner is uncommunicative and withdrawn.

A smooth clean forehead is usually found in balanced people with a calm and friendly character.


Vertical lines on the cheeks are a sign of stress. In the life of a person with such wrinkles, there were many worries and grief. Small wrinkles on either side of the back of the nose are considered envy wrinkles.


Small vertical wrinkles upper lip- overvoltage indicator. Short wrinkles, running from the cheeks to the corners of the lips, appear from experienced disappointments.

Vertical folds under the lower lip mean dissatisfaction with life and bitterness. They are called "forced smile folds" and show that their owner often has to hide their true feelings.


Vertical wrinkles on the chin are usually associated with fears. A horizontal fold of skin under the lower lip right above the chin indicates that a person does not know how to get rid of negative emotions and accumulates them in himself.


The meaning of wrinkles in the corners of the eyes depends on their direction: if they look up, then their owner is a happy and cheerful person; downward direction indicates a tendency to melancholy and sadness.

Wrinkles and health

What do wrinkles on a woman's face say? Wrinkles on the face not only betray age, they can tell about her health.

  • Bags under the eyes appear when the kidneys or blood circulation are disturbed.
  • Small wrinkles under the lower eyelid are formed from an incorrect lifestyle - sleep disturbances and a lack of vitamins in the diet.
  • Vertical folds near the corners of the lips appear due to intestinal diseases.
  • Nasolabial folds can deepen due to diseases of the pancreas, but the main reason for their appearance is gastritis and peptic ulcer.
  • Small vertical wrinkles above the upper lip are interconnected with hormones and appear in women with the onset of menopause. They also show the condition of the intestines and spleen. Often they appear in smokers.

Taking care of your beauty and prolonging youth are not only anti-aging cosmetical tools and plastic surgery. First of all, it is a healthy body and harmony in the soul.

Wrinkles warn of physical and mental ailments, which means they help to start treatment on time.

The wrinkles between the eyebrows of each person are distributed to varying degrees. You can see one deep wrinkle, or you can see two smaller ones. No one knows why they are in such a chaotic position. What do forehead wrinkles in men say and how to change your fate by wrinkles?

For example, wrinkles on the bridge of the nose, the meaning of which in women means a bad character, and at the same time there is a wrinkle on the bridge of the nose for men, which means some privileges. It is possible to learn about a person with the help of physiognomy.

Horizontal wrinkles

One horizontal wrinkle between the eyebrows means a good mindset, high logical thinking diligence, the ability to competently act in any difficult situations and stay calm, as well as achieve your goals. The negative side also matters: greed. But this side of character is not always revealed, everything is in the hands of a person.

Horizontal pairs of wrinkles between the eyebrows, their meaning comes from Eastern countries. It has always been believed that a pair of elongated wrinkles on the forehead is responsible for the main aspects of the human condition: health, communication and success. If one wrinkle on the bridge of the nose is longer, which means small discord in the family, strained relationships between loved ones. A longer lower horizontal wrinkle on the bridge of the nose means inaccessibility, distrust, a man carefully chooses friends nearby, and a pronounced upper wrinkle means friendliness, the owner of the wrinkle reaches out to people, listens and cannot be without their attention for a long time. He reaches heights in the career of a politician.

Three wrinkles on the forehead in men speak of success in life. Their owner has an excellent memory, so it is easy for him to remember complex formulas. An unkind deep transverse wrinkle on the bridge of the nose means a large number of problems and past misfortunes.

Character and future

It is also easy to determine by the wrinkles between the eyebrows what the future holds for a man.

If a person has two equal deep wrinkles above the eyebrows, this indicates that he is talented, diversified. The presence of many small and fine wrinkles above the eyebrows indicates poor human health. If there are five wrinkles on the forehead different sizes- this means that a man is smart enough, open and principled in any life situation. But his life may not be long and cut short by an accident.

What do the folds between the eyebrows mean transverse:

  • One straight line - great luck all your life;
  • More than two wavy - fear of water and danger;
  • On an oblique - fate will turn out unhappily;
  • To the left eye oblique lines - cruelty and violence;
  • Loose lines, in the form of a fountain - a sea mark;
  • Wrinkle in the form of a cross - bad luck;
  • The letter T - there may be head bruises;
  • The letter C - you can die from poisoning.

The central frontal axis has the most significant physiognomic areas. From the root hair, the site is responsible for parental relationships. If the wrinkles are uneven and fuzzy in this area, this indicates childhood trauma associated with parents. A deep stripe stretching along the forehead is a bad fate.

The center of the forehead is a place of honor. This zone indicates career growth, relates to awards and seniority, the ability of a person to receive a high rank, not only in public service. Several lines, even if they are different, indicate a good promotion at work, success in political life. If there is at least one wrinkle that crosses out another, then this is the collapse of a career and a dream.

What the wrinkles on the face of a man say can be described by the science of physiognomy, but everyone is the master of his own destiny, so he can easily change it for the better.