
Can down jackets be washed. How to properly wash a down jacket in an automatic washing machine. How to get rid of bad smell


There is an opinion that down coats can only be brought into proper form by dry cleaning. At home, in comfortable conditions, it is very difficult to wash feather clothes, especially if you need to wash the white color. As an option, housewives are considering hand washing, but not machine washing, because they are afraid to wring out in it. The fact that a “washing machine” is capable of “ditching” down clothes is a myth, however, it arose for a reason. Indeed, some down-filled coats can only be restored to their proper look by dry cleaning. However, to some does not mean to everyone.

Find out if a children's down jacket can be washed in washing machine, easy. For this, the label was invented. Study it. No prohibition symbols? Feel free to send your favorite down jacket to the machine. But first familiarize yourself with the nuances of washing and drying down clothes, pay attention at what degree to wash, then the jacket will last a long time.

If it is indicated that 50% of the coat is camel wool, then it is prohibited to wash it in any way. Clothes with such a composition, upon contact with water, lose their shape and shrink. Dry cleaning will help to bring the thing in proper form.

Proper preparation: 4 steps

Washing a down jacket in an automatic machine requires preliminary preparation of the product. The preparatory phase consists of the following four steps.

  1. Checking pockets... All sorts of things often remain in the pockets of a down jacket: money, tickets for public transport, candy wrappers - this is just a small list of what you can find. Be sure to check your pockets before washing your coat, even if you feel like you're always taking everything out.
  2. We save the fur. Do you want your down coat not to lose its presentable appearance after washing? Unbutton fur details. Artificial fur can still withstand delicate washing (and even then not always), but natural from water is deformed, loses its attractiveness.
  3. We wash up stains... When wearing outerwear sleeves, collar, hem are the most dirty. Check these areas for heavy dirt. Washing down jackets in a washing machine will not get rid of old stains in "problem" areas, if they are not pretreated. It is best to use a special soap that is designed to deal with stains. You should not take a powder stain remover. It foams well, but in the case of a down jacket, this should be avoided. Foaming agent is difficult to wash out of outerwear, which leads to streaks.
  4. Fasten and turn inside out... Down jackets are only washed inside out. Mechanical damage may appear on the visible side. Close all zippers / buttons / Velcro before putting outer garments in the drum. So they will remain intact. A jacket made of holofiber or natural down, washed buttoned, retains its shape better.

How to wash a down jacket in a washing machine: questions and answers

Read the label carefully before washing your down coat. Many manufacturers post tips on how to care for the product. Every housewife needs to know the answers to three questions regarding washing a down coat.

  1. On which program to wash the down jacket? It all depends on your technique. The optimal mode for washing a down jacket is " Delicate wash". It is found in all modern typewriters. The Wool or Synthetics mode is also suitable. These are also gentle programs. Some models are even equipped with a special program "Down jacket / duvet washing". The water temperature is set at 30 ° C. It can be lower, but higher is a taboo: the outer down clothes are deformed from high temperatures.
  2. How to choose a detergent for washing down jackets in a washing machine? Natural fluff requires the use of special products that do not affect the thermal insulation characteristics of the fillers and are easily washed out. Look for a suitable option in the department household chemicals... Capsules, non-specialized powder, but not granular are also suitable.
  3. How to rinse? Bio fluff actively absorbs the detergent, but does not want to “give it away”. In order for the jacket to rinse well, you need to "drive" a couple of cycles. Add about four extra rinses.

When washing a down-filled coat, select the minimum spin speed. If you neglect this rule, the outerwear will lose its shape, the filler will roll.

The secret with balls

Many housewives do not dare to wash a down coat in a typewriter, fearing that after such a manipulation, the filler is deformed. So, indeed, it can happen. But if you know one secret, then all fears will be in vain.

How to properly wash a down jacket in an automatic machine so that the down does not get lost? Do not forget to throw balls for washing down jackets with your coat. They "break" the fluff when you roll the drum. Thanks to the balls for washing down jackets, the filler will be evenly distributed, you will not find "slides" inside the thing.

No special accessories? Balls that are used in tennis will do. Three or four pieces are enough. They are placed in the drum along with the garment, which guarantees the integrity of the outer garment filler. Washing a down jacket with tennis balls has its own nuances. It is recommended to wash the balls beforehand. Make sure their paint doesn't fade. Do not ignore this advice, especially if you have a light-colored jacket: poor-quality paint can ruin your favorite winter outfit forever.

To wash the down jacket, if there are no tennis balls and special balls, you can use massage rubber balls. The result will be the same. Isn't that in the house either? Tie balls of thread in clean socks; as you roll the drum, they will break up the fluff just like tennis balls.

We dry according to the rules ...

Washing your outerwear correctly is only half the battle. In order for the appearance of the down coat to continue to please the owner, you need to dry it, avoiding mistakes. How to properly dry a down jacket after washing? Follow the simple instructions.

  • Taking out the outerwear from the machine, turn it out... You need to beat the down in a down jacket after washing. If you used balls, then just shake the coat and then spread the filler with your hands.
  • Hang the down jacket on a hanger... All fasteners must be fastened. This will restore the form of clothing.
  • Dry your coat in a well-ventilated area... You can place the down jacket near a heat source, but not too close. Invert the product periodically and shake it. This will fluff up the fluff.

... and how to dry it

Sometimes housewives make mistakes during the drying stage, and the coat loses its appearance. Remember how you can't dry.

  • On the battery. The hot air will cause the filler to "climb".
  • On a horizontal surface... The air must circulate, otherwise the fluff will rot. As a result, an unpleasant odor will appear, and the thermal properties of the filler will be lost.
  • With a hair dryer. The hot air stream can distort the filler.

Found out that the down jacket is wrinkled after drying? Don't be upset. A special steamer will help to bring the outerwear in proper shape. Do not use an iron. Regular ironing of down jackets is strictly prohibited.

If something went wrong: we analyze 3 problems

Have you washed your down jacket, but the result is not happy? Let's try to figure out three problems that the owners of popular outerwear most often face.


Reason. Feathers and down used as filler were poorly handled by the manufacturer. During washing, grease is washed off from them and appears on the fabric in the form of yellow streaks / stains. If the stains are white, the reason lies in a large amount of detergent. They also appear if you use the usual washing powder rather than a liquid product.

How to fix . Dishwashing liquid will help remove stains on the down jacket after washing. Apply to stains and let sit for ten minutes, then rinse. The method is used when oily yellow spots... In order for the down jacket to be free from powder streaks, you need to rinse it thoroughly. Put the washed item with white streaks back into the drum and repeat the Rinse mode several times.

Filler outta

Reason. You did not use balls or there were few of them. The wrong mode may have been selected.

How to fix . If the fluff has strayed into lumps after washing, tennis balls will come to the rescue. Load the down jacket with balls into the machine, select only the spin mode - this will help to straighten the down in the down jacket after washing.

Bad smell

Reason. Drying rules violated.

How to fix . To get rid of the unpleasant odor, you will have to wash your outer clothing and dry it according to the rules. Don't forget to fluff up your down jacket after washing. Whisk with your hands, twist. Be sure to air the down coat on fresh air two days.

Found your perfect down jacket and want it to delight you as long as possible? Here are three helpful tips for taking proper care of your outerwear.

  1. Prepare your sleigh in summer... The down jacket should be washed after the end of the season. If, with the onset of heat, the coat is removed into the closet without washing it before, then there is a high probability that the pollution will remain on it forever. Dirt has properties to bite into fabric, it will be more difficult to get rid of it. In addition, if the down jacket is clean, then a sudden cold snap will not scare you.
  2. Evaluate and study... Checking the label before washing is an axiom. But it is also important to objectively assess the quality of outerwear. When wearing a coat, did the filler climb? There is a chance that the down jacket will not survive the machine wash.
  3. Follow the "rule of one"... If you have multiple down jackets, tidy them up one at a time. Do not stuff other items into the drum along with your coat.

Did you manage to properly wash your down jacket in the washing machine at the end of the season? Now you need to send it to storage until next winter. Be sure to make sure that the coat is completely dry, as moisture spoils the fluff, rotting, and acquires an unpleasant odor. Before sending it to the closet, hang the down jacket for two days on the balcony for airing. Store outerwear on a hanger. Cellophane should not be used, as it interferes with the "breathing" of the fluff. The optimal solution is a cotton cover. Put a lavender sachet inside and the moth won't touch your jacket.

A down jacket is an indispensable item of winter wardrobe that has firmly entered our life. On the label, you can almost always find a sign indicating that it is forbidden to wash the product yourself. But since dry cleaning is expensive and time-consuming, every housewife needs to learn how to clean outerwear on her own. This article will show you how to hand wash your down jacket without ruining it.

Before washing

To wash your down jacket correctly, follow the specific rules developed for each cleaning step. It all starts with careful preparation.

  • Remove all detachable parts of the down jacket. Due to the fact that fur and other inserts often have a different color from the rest of the product, they should be washed separately. Washing them together can negatively affect their appearance.
  • Do not try to detach the sewn-on parts. Better protect them with tape or a thick plastic bag.
  • Examine the product carefully and identify the most contaminated areas. Typically these include areas near pockets and zippers, collars and sleeves. They must be washed with extreme care.
  • Make sure there are nothing in your pockets.

After all preparations are completed, you must select a detergent.

Choosing a remedy

Most manufacturers do not recommend washing down jackets with regular detergents. The fact is that they create a lot of foam, which eats into synthetic material and is difficult to wash out. Even rinsing in the washing machine does not always cope with the remaining powder. As a result, ugly stains remain on the fabric, which can only be removed by repeated cleaning.

Certainly, the best choice will become special tool for washing down jackets. But there are also more budgetary alternatives. These include powders for automatic machines and liquid concentrates. Please note that you need to reduce the amount of funds by 1/3.

Have you noticed significant dirt on your clothes and are thinking about a stain remover? Since all chemical stain removers are prohibited, use plain laundry soap. Lather it lightly in lukewarm water and apply liberally to desired areas.

With regard to bleach, its use is also not recommended. For a whitening effect, you can lengthen the soak time or repeat the wash several times.

The main rules for home washing

To clean the down jacket by hand, fill a large basin with warm water or fill in a tub. Keep in mind that the water temperature should not exceed 40 degrees. Add special detergent to the water and soak the down jacket for 30 minutes. If it has large stains, soak it for 1 hour.

First, wash the areas that get dirty most often: the collar, elbows, seams, pockets and cuffs. Wash them thoroughly with laundry soap or mild shampoo. For the best effect, use a washing brush. You may need to repeat this procedure 1-2 times.

The cuffs and hood require special attention.

Remember important rule- it is advisable to wash down clothes in an upright position. This allows their outer layer to be well processed with minimal water penetration into the down filler.

Act quickly and confidently, but do not twist the fabric. After finishing washing, rinse the product under running water. Do this several times to completely remove the foam. For the last rinse, you can add a little softener to the bowl of water. This will soften the material and help loosen lumps of fluff.

How can you dry, but how can you not

The further type of down jacket depends not only on how to wash it, but also on drying. There are also a number of rules here.

  1. Never twist a down jacket. You risk damaging the filler capsules, which will lead to a change in the shape of the product. Gently squeeze it out with light squeezing movements and let the water drain.
  2. After all the water has drained off the product, it's time to move on to active drying. Do not spend it in the bath or on the balcony. High humidity and direct sunlight will not benefit synthetic turf.
  3. Always dry your down jacket upright! Hang it on a coat hanger and straighten it carefully.
  4. Do not dry outer clothing on a radiator or near open flames. But to speed up this process, you can place it near the central heating battery.
  5. Shake and straighten the item every 3-4 hours. This will ensure even drying and fluff up small lumps of filler. By doing it right, you will feel the down jacket is getting fluffier and softer!

If done correctly, drying will take no more than 48 hours. The dried down jacket is completely ready to wear. After such washing, it will become even more comfortable and warm.

Correcting mistakes - lumps and stains

Experience shows that mistakes during the first wash by hand are almost inevitable. If you notice that the product is felted or streaked, try to quickly restore it using simple methods.

Lumps of down are a common problem that occurs when washing down clothes yourself. If the down jacket is still wet, try solving it with vigorous shaking. A dry product can be restored manually. Use your fingers to gently knead the loose areas. Pay special attention to the pockets, collar and hood.

If that doesn't work, there is only one way left - re-wash. This time, instead of washing the down jacket by hand, use the washing machine. Set the most delicate mode with a temperature of no more than 30 degrees. Load some tennis balls with your clothes. They will help to fluff up the fluff. If the lumps are large enough, it is recommended to turn on the second rinse. Under the action of jets of water and balls, the feathers will straighten on their own.

If there are stains on the down jacket, you will need to wash it again.

Streaks on the fabric indicate that you have used the wrong detergent. Their color depends on the characteristics of the material. Most often, brown or red stripes appear on light-colored items, and gray ones on dark ones. Getting rid of them is easy enough. You need to wash the product one more time. However, replace the powder or add less.

Remember that it is easier not to correct mistakes, but to wash the item correctly. Before the next cleaning, brush up on its basic rules.

Thus, cleaning the down jacket by hand is not difficult at all! All you need to do is choose the right product and follow the instructions carefully.

Warm, lightweight, practical, comfortable and simply beautiful down jacket has become a favorite in the winter wardrobe of many Russians. It is rare to find a family where there is not at least one such item of outerwear, and in most cases both adults and children have it.

It will not be easy for the hostess of the house, because she will have to take care of such jackets and coats: clean, wash, dry. Washing a down jacket is a laborious process, in which there are nuances that you need to know so as not to spoil an expensive thing with improper care.

You can take it to dry cleaning, but this is a rather expensive service and you will have to wait for a long time, which is unacceptable if there is no other winter clothing. At the end of the cold weather, resorting to the services of professionals will be the best solution in order to keep your favorite thing well in the off-season.

Down jacket - the most popular winter clothing

Over a long winter, you will have to resort to this service several times if you have a white or light-colored model, so how to wash a down jacket will be very valuable information for you.

Many housewives decided to wash them like ordinary things and were disappointed with the result, since the fashionable puffy coat turned into a raincoat, fluff crawled out of the seams. You can avoid this if you know what should be the washing of down jackets in the washing machine. And this knowledge will be better assimilated if you know how such winter things are arranged.

The entire range of jackets, raincoats, coats, overalls is sewn according to the same principle, which was developed by research institutes specifically for members of polar expeditions. Now, not all down jackets are filled with down. So they began to call all winter things that have a variety of insulation inside:

  • down - down;
  • feather - feather;
  • cotton - batting;
  • wool - wool;
  • polyester, hollow fiber, fiberteck - synthetics.

On the labels of manufacturers there is information that in no case should they be washed or ironed, but real life shows that our housewives have learned to wash a down jacket in a machine without harm, so all of them useful tips can be easily applied to everyone.

Can the down jacket be washed with different kind insulation according to the same principle? There should be the most frugal attitude towards jackets on which it is written down (down of waterfowl), so all the tips on how to properly wash a down jacket will also work with other types of down jackets.

How to wash a down jacket in a washing machine

Filler - down and feathers have very uncomfortable properties in this case: during washing, lumps form and detergents are absorbed, which are very difficult to rinse out. For your wash to succeed, you need to get answers to the following questions:

  1. how many things can be loaded into the car at a time - only one;
  2. at what temperature to wash the down jacket - only 30 ° C, it is impossible to higher;
  3. in what mode to wash the down jacket - in the most delicate, with spinning no higher than 400 rpm;
  4. what detergent for washing down jackets to use - the best will be a special detergent or a simple one liquid soap.

All types of washing machines are suitable for this. The thing must be prepared for the procedure: check all pockets, turn inside out, fasten all buttons and zippers. Washing will be more comfortable if your washing machine has a standard load capacity.

You also need to buy balls for washing clothes, they are necessary in order to prevent the downy filler from getting lost in a coma. They will be in the drum along with the item to be washed.

Surprisingly, they can be easily replaced with 3-4 regular tennis balls, they can fulfill the same mission just as well. It is necessary to rinse the product out of down at least three to four times, the detergent is very poorly washed, so the advice to use liquid soap is due precisely to this.

How to dry a down jacket after washing

The down jacket looks dry after washing, but the seams and inner lining are still damp. Therefore, drying should be mandatory and it is the most tedious step in the entire washing process. Some people, having once dried a down jacket at home, prefer not to mess with it anymore.

It is necessary to shake the clothes periodically and very often. This should be done vigorously enough so that the feathers do not stick together and sweat in only one place.

From these physical education movements depends on how the product will look when dry. How to restore a down jacket after washing in another way? Nothing, only this way and not otherwise. To keep the shape and be beautiful, you have to try very hard.

Clothes should be upright on a hanger between shakes. Don't try to speed up the drying process. If the down jacket is next to heating devices, then the feather from hot air currents will become brittle and because of this in the future it will not warm your body well.

How to wash a down jacket by hand

If your winter clothes has slight contamination, it can be cleaned without resorting to the tedious steps described above. Cuffs, collars, lapels, pockets are most smeared. On these places you need to apply a little shampoo or a solution of laundry soap and wipe it with your hands or brush it. The resulting foam should be washed off with a cloth.

It is even possible to carry out an almost complete wash of the down product. This is done if there is a need for it. The thing is hung on a hanger above the bathroom, the fabric is soaped up and all this is washed off with the help of the shower.

The surface fabric will be clean. If it is water-repellent, then the jacket will not even get wet, but if the fabric does not have such properties, then the fluff will not get too wet, only its top layer. Down and feathers will not gather into lumps, so drying will not be difficult, but you must dry it vertically.

You can only hope that these tips have been helpful to you and that your downy clothes have been washed without too much damage. If you have your own recipes for successfully washing such clothes, then we kindly ask you to share your secret with us. We will be very grateful to you!

Down jackets are common modern outerwear. They are very warm and light, and besides, they have a stylish and fashionable design... In the process of everyday wear, down jackets are exposed to rather heavy contamination, especially if they are of a light shade. Each owner of such a thing begins to think about how to properly clean a down jacket at home so as not to ruin it.

Care features

The difficulty of caring for a down jacket is that it is filled with natural down. Duck or goose down and feathers used to make outerwear retain heat well and allow air to circulate inside the garment. But besides these useful qualities, this filler also has other properties.

Fluff, which has many small fibers, contributes to the accumulation of dust, so it is advisable to clean not only the outer coating of the jacket, but also its filler. The main difficulty is that when wet, the fibers of the fluff stick together and form a lump, and it is difficult to bring it back to its original form later. In addition, the hairs tend to absorb detergents, which are difficult to rinse out of them.

In connection with these factors, it is necessary to know how to properly clean and dry a down jacket at home so that it does not lose its valuable qualities. First, determine whether your down jacket can be washed by hand, or an automatic machine will come to the rescue. Find a label and see what kind of care the manufacturer offers. He may recommend:

  • hand wash;
  • processing in a washing machine, indicating the possibility of spinning;
  • dry cleaning.

There are downy items for which only dry cleaning is allowed. In this case, you will have to take the clothes to a specialized institution to clean them. But mostly modern manufacturers make things that can be washed by hand or in a washing machine.

In order to properly wash a down jacket at home, you need to follow some rules. The temperature for washing both types should not exceed 30 degrees. It is recommended to use mild detergents with a liquid or gel consistency. They are gentle on the jacket coating and do not leave streaks. It is better not to use regular powder.

Before you start washing the down jacket in a washing machine or by hand, you need to clean the outer coating from stains and heavy dirt. Due to the fact that the down does not give away detergents that are absorbed during the washing process, it is recommended to rinse the down jacket thoroughly in a large amount of water at least twice. It is recommended to put an additional rinse in the machine.

Since the down and feathers become lumps during processing, in order to properly wash such clothes in the washing machine, you need to use special balls. Some manufacturers sell them with down jackets. They are put in a drum with clothes and washed and dried along with it. The balls whip up the garment during washing and prevent the fluff from getting into lumps.

If you cannot find special balls for washing down products on sale, you can use regular tennis balls with a soft tennis surface for tennis. It is better to purchase light-colored balls that will not stain clothes during processing.

How to wash by hand

If the manufacturer allows washing only by hand, it will not be difficult to clean the down jacket at home. Examine clothing carefully and determine the degree of contamination. A not very dirty thing can be cleaned by hanging it on a hanger, focusing on particularly dirty places.

Pour warm water into a container and dilute the detergent composition in it. Laundry soap can be used. Foam the solution and soak a sponge in it. First scrub the dirty areas with a sponge until it is completely cleaned, and then start to process the jacket covering, making movements from top to bottom.

Rinse the entire down jacket in this way. Then turn on the shower and rinse off the foam with a strong jet. Rinse the product well so that no detergent remains in the product.

If the item is heavily stained, it is best to wash it in the bathtub. Fill in cool water (about 30 degrees) and pour in the detergent. Stir until the substance dissolves and place the jacket in the water. Wash dirty areas and leave for 10-15 minutes.

Then wash the product, change the water and rinse well. It is better to repeat the rinsing operation again. Gently wring out the garment and hang it on a hanger to dry.

Machine wash

Make sure the manufacturer approves the washing machine for downy items. To properly wash a down jacket at home, follow these rules:

  • put only one item with down filling in the drum;
  • use a special detergent or liquid soap for washing;
  • process on a delicate mode;
  • wash in cool water.

Prepare the product before placing it in the vending machine. Unfasten the fur, remove extraneous things from the pockets. Dirty places and stains must first be rubbed with a sponge dipped in soapy water or laundry soap. Fasten all the zippers and turn the garment inside out. Don't forget to use special wash balls.

Put the down jacket in the drum together with balls, select the delicate mode, set the temperature to 30 degrees. Pour the detergent into the powder compartment and turn on the machine. After the wash cycle, rinse twice. You need to wring out the product at low speeds. If your machine has an appropriate mode, then you need to dry the jacket down on the down together with the balls in the gentle drying mode.

Removing stains

If the down jacket has dirty spots, then they must be removed before washing. Dirt stains can be removed with soapy water or simply rubbing with laundry soap. For more complex contamination, use a mixture of ammonia and hydrogen peroxide.

Take not a large number of both drugs and mix in equal amounts. Rub this compound on problem areas. Leave it on for a while, then rinse the area with clean water.

Greasy stains can be removed with gasoline or brine. Rub the problem area with a sponge dipped in gasoline. You can make a slurry of salt with added water and apply it to the stain. Wait about 30-40 minutes and rinse off the rest of the substance.

Drying down jacket

In order for a down jacket to take on its original shape, it must be properly dried. A wet down jacket must be gently squeezed out, without twisting the cover, and hung on a hanger. Dry clothes outdoors or at room temperature.

During drying, it is necessary to periodically approach the product and shake it well in order to distribute the fluff on the inside of the jacket. This must be done constantly, otherwise the formation of lumps cannot be avoided.

The down jacket takes a long time to dry, so be patient. Do not dry such items near electric heaters or stoves. This can negatively affect the properties of the down.

If, at the end of the process, lumps still form in some places of the clothes, do not be discouraged. Use your fingers to rub these spots to break up the clumps. Then shake this part of the jacket very vigorously. Continue until you see that the fluff is evenly distributed.

Fur washing

Many down jackets equipped with a fur edge. If she white, dirt may be visible on it. In this case, it also needs to be cleaned. The edge is unfastened and cleaned separately from the twist.

You can clean the fur dry and wet ways... The first is that potato starch or semolina is applied to the pile. Rub the powder into the fur and wait for a while. These substances are excellent at absorbing dirt and cleaning the lint.

Then shake off the powder from the edge and comb through it with a comb or brush to remove any residual product. In addition to the described products, you can use talcum powder as a cleaner.

You can clean dirty fur with a soapy solution. Dilute some liquid detergent in warm water. Lather and apply it to a sponge. Carefully process all the fur, making sure not to get wet to the base.

Then wash off the rest of the preparation with a sponge soaked in clean water and wait until it dries. Then comb the bristles with a fur brush or a large comb.

Using all the recommendations, you can properly wash your down jacket yourself. Wash clothes in a timely manner, do not bring them to heavy dirt and stubborn stains. Then your thing will remain beautiful and fresh for a long time.

Down products have an excellent ability to retain heat, but at the same time allow the body to breathe. In this regard, winter clothing with a down filling is especially appreciated. You will be comfortable in it at any temperature. But like all things, she requires proper care... Only in this way will the service life be longer, and the appearance will remain attractive longer.

Where to begin?

First you need to figure out what specific filler you are dealing with. To do this, you should pay attention to the label, as the people usually call all voluminous, “puffy” jackets and coats a “down jacket”.

The original down jacket usually contains goose, duck or swan down. This will be confirmed by the word "down" on the label.

It is also possible that the fluff is mixed with a feather, in which case you will notice the designation "feather".

It is these types of products that require careful treatment, since improper washing and drying can harm them. outward appearance and significantly reduce the heat-saving capacity.

In a typewriter or with your hands?

Both options are possible if the basic rules are followed. First, let's figure out how to machine wash a down jacket.

  1. Do not put any extra items in the drum other than a jacket or coat.
  2. The recommended temperature regime is not higher than 30 degrees. It is better to choose a gel from detergents.
  3. Inspect the garment for stains before washing. If there are any, you must first treat them with a stain remover or rub with a soapy sponge.
  4. The product should be sent to the machine turned inside out, with a zip fastened and buttons. The fur must be unfastened and washed separately by hand.
  5. After the end of the washing cycle, you will need to turn on rinsing again, since liquid detergents are poorly washed out, forming streaks on the surface of the fabric.
  6. If it is possible to reduce the number of revolutions during spinning, then 600-800 will be enough.

And now for an important secret. To prevent the fluff from getting clumped during the washing process, you can purchase special balls for washing down jackets, and if they are not found, then tennis balls are also suitable. Throw two or three pieces into the drum, and turn on the machine. They will not only improve the quality of the wash, but also prevent the filler from churning.

The only thing to look out for when buying tennis balls is their color. Better if it is white. Colored can shed.

Washing by hand is no different from machine washing. You just have to put in some extra effort, but the effect will be the same. Follow some simple rules:

  1. Do not use powder. As in the case of washing in a typewriter, you should choose gel detergents. The powder creates a lot of foam, is difficult to rinse out, and as a result, white streaks appear on the fabric.
  2. Examine the thing. Pay special attention to the places of the greatest pollution - the collar, cuffs, pockets. If they are heavily soiled, scrub them with a brush and soap or gel.
  3. If the coat is not too dirty, then it is best to clean it by hanging it on a hanger. This will allow less foam to get inside. Detergent dilute in water and use a brush or sponge to apply to the item, then rinse with a shower.
  4. A heavily soiled product is recommended to be washed in the bathroom. How to do it right? Fill it with water, dilute the gel and soak the down jacket for 15-20 minutes. Then check the dirty areas and rub with a brush if necessary. Rinse well after washing.

How to dry?

Many people mistakenly believe that it is enough just to hang the product on the battery and after a few hours it can be safely put on. This is a big mistake. So the thing can not only have an unpleasant odor, but also many harmful microorganisms.

It is also worth giving up drying with a hairdryer to speed up the process. Excessively hot air negatively affects the natural filler, making the feather brittle. This means that the thing will no longer be so warm.

If you washed a down jacket in a typewriter, take it out, shake it and hang it on a hanger and send it to the balcony, or leave it in a well-ventilated area. Avoid hitting direct sun rays so that the fluff does not dry out and the fabric does not fade. During the drying period, you can beat the jacket several times to fluff up the filler.

After washing by hand, leave the garment on a hanger and let the water drain off. After that also dry in a ventilated place.

Happy owners of washing machines with a drying function should set the gentle mode for 2-3 hours, and then beat well.

How do I fix the error?

Is it possible to save the situation if you neglected the rules of washing and drying a down jacket at home? If the product was improperly washed and dried on the battery, and began to look more like a windbreaker than warm jacket, then heed a few helpful tips:

  1. Disassemble any lumps formed inside with your hands and beat them.
  2. Turn on the steam mode in the iron and walk over the inner surface of the product without touching.
  3. Let cool and repeat the process again.

Our simple tips will help you save on dry cleaning and keep the original look of your down jacket, which will warm you even in the most severe frost.