
From experience in environmental education of children. Theme: Enter nature with kindness. Generalization of experience in environmental education of schoolchildren Experience in ecology in kindergarten

Pathology of the uterus

Zimenko Svetlana Alekseevna
Position: educator
Educational institution: MBDOU No. 33 "Golden Key"
Locality: Rostov region st.Bagaevskaya
Material name: article
Topic: Education of the ecological culture of children in the preschool educational institution
Publication date: 09.10.2016
Chapter: preschool education

Innovative pedagogical work experience

educator, additional teacher

environmental education MBDOU

No. 33 "Golden Key"

Zimenko Svetlana Alekseevna

on the topic "Education of the ecological culture of children in preschool educational institutions"











The relationship between man and nature is an extremely topical issue of our time. Violation of the natural balance, deterioration of the state of water, air, land, formed as a result of a low level of ecological culture among the majority of the population, threaten the health and life of people, especially children. Forming the right attitude towards nature must begin long before a person becomes an adult. Therefore, teachers are faced with the task of showing children as much as possible the need to see the beauty, uniqueness, and universality of nature. Preschool childhood is a crucial period of a person's life, when the foundations of a correct attitude to the world around are laid. Nature constantly surrounds the child, enters his life very early. Education of ecological culture is a rich source of cognitive development of children. During walks, excursions, GCD, the child develops comprehensively, many positive qualities are brought up in him. It is known that the understanding of nature is born for the first time as a feeling, first of all, aesthetically, because. nature is the basis of beauty, the source of painting and music. Therefore, a person who truly felt and understood the beauty of nature with his heart will protect and protect it as a source of joy and happiness.
I believe that the problem of environmental education of preschool children remains
and determines the choice of the theme of the experience: "Education of ecological culture in preschool educational institutions."






put forward principles and techniques);
The study of various programs, teaching aids and advanced pedagogical experience on the issue under study allowed me to choose and put into practice the most relevant methodological techniques for our conditions, to design, plan and build a system of educational work. Education of ecological culture in children preschool age I have been doing it for a long time in my work I use the program S.N. Nikolaeva "Young ecologist". This program was created on the basis of its own concept of environmental education of preschoolers. It includes two subprograms, thereby helping to simultaneously solve the issue of the formation of the beginnings of ecological culture in children and its development in adults who educate them. After all, the educator is the bearer of ecological culture. The program is designed for children from 2 to 7 years old. Therefore, starting to work with children of the 2nd junior group, I determined the goal, objectives and content of the activity.
to promote the development of ecological culture, to acquaint preschoolers with the nature of their native land, to teach them to perceive nature in all its manifestations, to cultivate a caring attitude towards it and the need to protect it.
1. Mastering the system of knowledge about nature (its components). 2. Formation of ideas about the universal value of nature. 3. Raising the need to communicate with nature. 4. Instilling labor natural history skills. 5. Development of ecological consciousness.
6. Formation of respect for nature in various activities.





- observation of nature; - search activity of children; - modeling method; - method of integration (+ theatrical, musical, motor activity); -environmental conversations; - conducting didactic games; - design method; - conversations, questions, clarifications; - experiences; - reading fiction; - use of riddles, proverbs, sayings, etc.
Forms of educational work with children:
- organized GCD; - cooperative activity; - holidays and entertainment; - observations in nature; - excursions to museums, exhibitions; - organization of competitions and crafts from natural and waste materials; - watching videos, listening to music; - targeted walks outside the kindergarten site. It is important that the basic basis of the culture of a growing person is the accumulation by the child of humane knowledge about man, society and nature as the most important component of the surrounding world. It is necessary to form in preschoolers the concepts of good and evil, their mastery of the true values ​​of the spiritual sphere. Working on this topic, I put forward the following priorities: 1. Creating a subject-developing environment in the group. 2. Widespread use of fiction. 3. Acquaintance with experimental activities.
- The presence of a theoretical base;

At present, a significant number of programs have been created in Russia aimed at the ecological education of preschool children, the formation of their ecological culture. In pedagogical science and practice, the main ideas of education and upbringing in the field of environment(I.D. Zverev, S.N. Glazachev, A.N. Zakhlebny, I.T. Suravegina, N.M. Mamedov and others). Theoretical provisions on the organization of environmental education and upbringing of younger schoolchildren (T.A. Babakova, L.D. Bobyleva, A.A. Pleshakov), students of middle and senior school age have been developed and put into practice. The theoretical basis of my experience was the work of such authors as S.N. Nikolaev, N.A. Ryzhova, E.N. Ryleeva. Of great importance in the ecological education of preschool children are programs aimed at establishing the principles of ecological culture through the knowledge of the ecological laws of nature. The following methodological aids provided invaluable assistance in the work: N.V. Kolomina "Education of ecological culture in kindergarten", Z.F. Aksenova “Enter nature as a friend”, V.N. Chernyakova "Environmental work in the preschool educational institution", L.G. Kireeva, S.V. Berezhnova "Formation of ecological culture of preschoolers" and others.
- Leading pedagogical idea;
My pedagogical idea is the formation of ecological culture in preschool children. The formation of the principles of ecological culture is the formation of a consciously correct attitude directly to nature itself in all its diversity, to people who protect and create it, as well as to people who create material or spiritual values ​​​​on the basis of its wealth. The main goal of this pedagogical idea is the formation of a person with a new ecological thinking, the ability to realize the consequences
their actions in relation to the environment and who knows how to live in relative harmony with nature, as well as the education of an active and creative person.
- Optimality and effectiveness of funds;
The presented experience includes all important components: goals, methods,


, forms of education. The main approach of her work is the early formation of the basic culture of the child, his personality, starting from preschool age. Formation of a child's understanding that every person, regardless of age, is a part of nature, that every person has a homeland: places close and dear to him. And all this must be preserved for future generations. The relationship of all these areas is subject to the achievement of the main goal - cultural and environmental education, i.e. careful, conscious, value-oriented attitude to the world, in a positive attitude towards life. The whole learning process is built in the form of a game, it allows you to increase interest in research, cognitive activities. During GCD, children go on various journeys with me, look for treasure, sink to the bottom of the sea, follow the trail, make friends with flowers, etc. Beginning with younger age, I lay in children the first landmarks in the world of nature, in the world of plants and animals as living beings, I provide an understanding of the initial connections in nature - an understanding of one or two conditions for their life. At this age, I pay a lot of attention to observations. Having previously talked about why the sun, snow, trees, rain are needed, using the didactic games “When does this happen?”, “Sun and rain”, we listen to the noise of trees with children, with gusts of wind we follow the movement of leaves, consider their shape. Gradually increase the observation period and expand the subject. I not only note the nature of the weather, but also draw the attention of children to the sky.
I also change the nature of observation of plants, I note the color of leaves and flowers. Consolidation, clarification of ideas is successfully carried out in didactic tasks, which I mainly spend in the form of a game. With the onset of winter, we continue to monitor the weather and snow. Walking in the snow, we examine our footprints, admire the beauty of the trees covered with fluffy snow. We conduct experiments with snow (for example, why does it melt in a group). We find out with the children that water appears in the glass in the heat, and on the street it turns into ice again. I use fiction in my work, which opens and explains to the child the life of society and nature, the world of human feelings, relationships, accompanies him from the first years of life. Oral folk art - nursery rhymes, proverbs, sayings - play an important role in conducting regime moments that introduce children to the imagery of their native language, allow them to understand new information and discover their understanding of natural phenomena that are most often inaccessible to observation, their relationship with each other. I widely use specially selected children's cognitive literature, depending on the time of year and weather, I introduce them to the beauty of the artistic word, memorize poems with them in free activity. On rainy days I spend observations of indoor plants. We consider with children demonstration material selected for environmental education, which contributes to the development of their outwardly surrounding world. I periodically repeat observations of the same objects. This makes it possible to fix the image of an object, phenomenon, to clarify its details. In my work I select ecological riddles. They help develop auditory perception, contribute to the expansion of children's ideas about nature, which I try to use most often in free activities.
The creation of an ecologically developing environment is a continuous pedagogical process, which includes the organization of ecological spaces, their improvement and correction, the daily maintenance of the conditions necessary for the life of all living beings. Such constant activity is a method of ecological education, it helps the child to systematically think and take care of the plants and animals that are in the same living space with him. Environmentally correct equipment and organization of nature zones is the first and important condition for successful work on the environmental education of children in kindergarten, it allows for meaningful work on the formation of the beginnings of an ecological culture of children and adults. On the territory of our kindergarten there are corners of the garden, forests, meadows, a vegetable garden, a phyto-garden, flower beds, an ecological trail has been created, in group corners of nature, experimentation zones, which allows us to carry out environmental work throughout the year and observe nature in natural conditions in winter, spring, summer and autumn. In the process of familiarizing preschoolers with the outside world, favorable conditions are created for their further mental development: children are invited to analyze, compare, generalize what they see in the surrounding life, or what the teacher will tell or read to them. I constantly try to replenish the knowledge of children about their native land and native country in order to arouse their interest and develop curiosity. Direct observations, combined with the assimilation of available knowledge, contribute to the development of figurative and logical thinking. We collect with children a variety of natural materials, which we later use to make crafts. This not only brings children closer to nature, but also gives the joy of creation, creativity. The group constantly organizes exhibitions of children's works, handicrafts of their natural material: "Autumn Fantasy", "Spring Bouquet", etc.
The holding of such exhibitions significantly increases the interest of parents in raising a child in kindergarten. In connection with the Federal State Educational Standards, the main task of the environmental education of preschool children is the actual study of the surrounding life. In modern conditions, project-based learning is seen as developing, based on the consistent implementation of complex training projects. An ecological project is, first of all, the solution of certain problems in the process of research. The scale of tasks can be different, it is determined by the timing of the project, the age and, accordingly, the capabilities of the children, the content of educational programs. The teacher and children go this way together from project to project. The project that preschoolers are doing arouses their enthusiasm, captivates them. And the knowledge gained during the project is better assimilated. Working on a project, children learn to set a goal, select means to achieve it, evaluate the consequences, make decisions and take responsibility for them, learn to think, i.e. develop intellectually. Since the project method is a system of tasks that gradually become more complex, there is a continuous restructuring of the child's experience, deepening of his knowledge and improvement of his skills, such personality traits as independence, initiative, curiosity, interaction experience, etc. develop. I have developed several projects: - project " Water is the source of life”, designed for a period of 1 week. It consists of GCD, experimentation, memorization of a poem; - the project "Birds of our region", designed for 1 month, which was developed using the technology of S.N. Nikolaeva. The purpose of this project is to continue the acquaintance of children with the birds of our region. To develop a desire to learn new things from the life of birds, to cultivate a love for nature. Work
the project was carried out from January to February with children of senior and preparatory groups. - the project "Plants are the lungs of the Earth", the project is designed for four weeks: 1 week - preparatory stage; 2nd week - research stage; 3 week - 4 week - practical stage. The participants of the project were parents, children and teachers. Joint collection of materials on the topic of the project reveals Creative skills children, involves parents in the educational process, which naturally affects the results. From the experience of my work, I would like to say that the implementation of project-based learning in practice requires a change in the position of the teacher. From a carrier of ready-made knowledge, he turns into an organizer of an educational environment that meets the interests, capabilities and needs of children, providing situations of interaction with the world of people (peers, educator and others, partner and consultant). All work on education from the ecological culture of preschoolers is carried out in close connection with the teachers of the preschool educational institution, specialists and parents of pupils. Cooperation with the family helps to ensure the continuity and holistic formation of an ecological culture. Raising a positive attitude towards nature in children is possible only when the parents themselves have an ecological culture. When working with parents, I use traditional forms of work: parent meetings, consultations, conversations, questionnaires, etc. I place information on environmental education in the parent's corner, folders-sliders. Such forms of work make it possible to demonstrate what knowledge children have, to show that this knowledge is necessary for the formation of the foundations of ecological culture. The development of ecological consciousness is impossible without awareness of one's unity with nature. The entire learning process is built in the form of a game, which
helps to increase children's interest in research cognitive activity. Through conversations, children develop environmental knowledge, encourage reflection. I teach children to analyze their own and other people's actions, educate emotional responsiveness, develop the observation skills of preschoolers. One of the forms of work of environmental education are holidays and entertainment. The role of holidays lies in the strongest impact on the emotional sphere of the child's personality. It has become a tradition to celebrate Earth Day, using various games, quizzes, contests. I devote a lot of time to observations, targeted walks, excursions into nature, which allows children to replenish their knowledge of environmental education. I believe that as a result of my work on the environmental education of preschool children, there are positive results. Children have formed the beginnings of an ecological culture, they have learned to experiment, analyze, and draw conclusions. They developed a desire to communicate with nature and reflect their impressions through various activities. I would like to believe that love for the native nature will remain in the hearts of our pupils for many years and will help to live in harmony with the outside world.
- The effectiveness of experience (orientation of experience to a specific

practical result, successes and achievements of pupils);
A lot of work has been done on studying the topic, compiling abstracts of the GCD and scenarios for environmental holidays - everything that gradually formed into a system. She gave an important role in the system of work with children to environmental education. I believe that as a result of such activities, I achieved the goal. Children have a cognitive interest in the objects of nature. As a result of the knowledge gained about objects of animate and inanimate nature, labor skills have been formed in children. Children learned
fundamentals of careful and caring attitude to wildlife. Mastered the norms of behavior in the natural environment. Learned to evaluate the actions of other people in relation to nature. This work also helped me to establish contact with the families of the pupils. At the beginning of each school year, I return to the results of the results of the previous year's children's learning. Paying special attention to the identified shortcomings, their causes. An analysis of the annual monitoring of the upbringing of the ecological culture of children for 2016 showed that 60% of children showed a high level, an average level - 40%. I concluded that by the end of the year, children had established sustainable environmental knowledge.
- Possibility of replication;
- Dissemination of work experience within the framework of a preschool institution (pedagogical council, workshops); - dissemination of experience among the professional community (other preschool institutions); - publication of innovative experience on the Internet and periodicals.

The experience presents a reasonable number of applications that







1. Speech "Project method in environmental education." 2. Ecological holiday "Earth Day". 3. Workshop "Ecological approach to the maintenance of indoor plants." 4. Excursion "Comprehend the world around" 5. Ecological quiz "What? Where? When?"


The world around the child

it is primarily the world of nature with limitless

richness of phenomena, with inexhaustible beauty.

Here, in nature, is the eternal source of the child's mind.

V. Sukhomlinsky

  1. Explanatory note

The discussion about what should be the kindergarten of the future has been going on for many years. Teachers argue, defend their point of view, give arguments, suggest giving innovative names to the preschool institution. We believe that a better name than a kindergarten cannot be invented.

Children's. Happy and carefree childhood, mother and favorite toy, first classes and performances, first friends and, of course, first successes. There is no person who would not smile, leafing through old photographs where he portrayed a sailor or astronaut. There is no person who will calmly walk past a toy from childhood.

Garden. The great Russian writer A.P. Chekhov said: “Do human beings look at you from every cherry in the garden, from every leaf, from every trunk, do you really not hear voices?” Flowering spring garden with young shoots, new seedlings plays with all shades of white. The garden is our future, it is the future of the whole country, these are children who get to know the world with an open soul and heart. And how they will relate to this world, whether they will be zealous owners who understand nature, largely depends on the adults who direct their upbringing.

Man and nature... Philosophers, poets, artists of all times and peoples have paid tribute to this eternal and relevant topic.The problem of environmental education today excites - scientists, teachers, the public. What and how to teach children in order to form in them a modern scientific picture of the world, an idea of ​​a person’s place in this world, about the features of relationships in this world at an accessible level?

In the theoretical foundations of the environmental education of preschoolers presented in various psychological and pedagogical studies (I. A. Khaidurova, P. G. Samorukova, N. N. Kondratiev S. N. Nikolaeva, N. A. Ryzhova, A. V. Staroverova and others ., indicates the need to make the most of this period of time, educating children consciously correctattitude to nature, which is considered not only as an owltotality of ecological knowledge, but also effective activity withtheir participation. The active position of children is an indicator of the degree of ecologistschesky upbringing and culture of the younger generation.

II. The relevance of this topic lies in the fact that

Preschool childhood is the initial stage in the formation of a person's personality, his value orientation in the world around him. During this period, cognitive, aesthetic, moral qualities are formed, emotional and sensory experience of communication with objects of nature is accumulated. Questions of formation of the humane relation of children to the nature are important. They are integrated with the tasks of the development of speech, movements. Game skills, communication, mastery of productive activities in the process of environmental education of the child. The knowledge that the child receives at the same time leads to the process of becoming a consciously correct attitude towards nature.

It is important to teach children to look and see, to know and love and, of course, to protect nature. Perhaps in a decade and a half or two decades a generation worthy of a new century and a new millennium will grow up.

Everything in nature is interconnected. She has her own laws. For many decades, man has thoughtlessly invaded nature with his activities, not observing its laws. He destroys and rebuilds everything in a way that suits him. Consumer, irrational use of natural resources has led to serious environmental problems.

Irrational nature management is the activity of people who do not worry about the conservation of natural resources, it is the predatory consumption of the wealth of Mother Nature for maximum profit. This is nothing but a lack of a look into the future and a careless attitude towards their children and grandchildren. A direct consequence of this are global environmental problems affecting all corners of our planet.

It's time to think about what lies ahead of us. There is a tendency to worsen the health of people, and especially children, despite the advanced technologies in medicine.

A way out of this situation can be found only if humanity is aware of the problem of the ecological crisis and acquires a new worldview, a new look at the interaction of society with nature and changes the practice of life.

The path to the formation of such a personality is the further development of environmental education. It is almost impossible to change the worldview of an adult. Ecoconsciousness can be formed only among the younger generation. Then man will consider himself a part of nature.

The "Strategy for Sustainable Development of Russia" emphasizes the need to form, by all available means, an ecological worldview of Russian citizens, primarily children. With the passing of laws Russian Federation"On the Protection of the Environment" and "On Education" created the prerequisites for the legal framework for the formation of a system of environmental education of the population. “Decree of the President of the Russian Federation on environmental protection and sustainable development”, the relevant government decrees raise environmental education to the category of paramount state problems. These documents imply the creation in the regions of the country of a system of continuous environmental education, the first stage of which is preschool education.

My practical experience shows that in this direction there is a series problems.

1. A unified approach to the goals and objectives of environmental education for preschoolers as the first stage of continuous environmental education, the selection of its content has not yet been developed;

2. The system of criteria and diagnostics of results is not sufficiently developed, the ways and conditions of environmental education in preschool educational institutions are not defined.

3. Today there is an acute contradiction between the need of society for citizens with a high level of environmental culture and the unpreparedness of the education system and the state as a whole to provide their education and upbringing, including the organization of environmental education for preschoolers:

between the existing level of achievement of science, advanced pedagogical experience and the real content of work on environmental education within the general education complex;

between the existing zone of development of the child and the content of the work on environmental education;

between the need to develop educational work

and repeatability, monotony of forms of presenting ecological knowledge.

The above factors determined the choice of environmental education as a priority in my teaching activities, and also identified the need to systematize work in this area andintroduction of new forms of environmental education of an integrated orientation, contributing to the development of the moral qualities of the individual, raising the ecological culture, carrying the practical and spiritual experience of social progress, both as an individual and society as a whole.

My work in ecology is based on a number of programs:

exemplary basic general education program preschool education"From birth to school" edited by N.V. Veraksa, T.S. Komarov, M.A. Vasilyeva;

"Childhood" edited by V. I. Loginova, T. I. Babaeva;

"Young ecologist" S. N. Nikolaev;

“Our home is nature” by N. A. Ryzhova;

"We" N. N. Kondratiev;

"Semitsvetik" V. I. Ashikov, S. G. Ashikov and others.

An important component of the listed educational programs is the work aimed at the ecological development of preschoolers, at the development of their individuality.

At present, there is no single point of view on the question, at what age should a child's environmental education begin? According to M. A. Shargaev, “It is necessary to start environmental education and upbringing of a person from his uterine development ... children must be taught starting ... not even from infancy, but much earlier.” R. Levina notes that the environmental education of preschoolers can "start from the moment they enter the preschool", that is, from 2-3 years old.

However, there are significant differences in the content and methodology of environmental education for children of younger and older preschool age, primarily due to their psychophysiological capabilities.

Environmental education is implemented through several sections of the main general educational program - the sections "social world", "speech development", "physical development", in accordance with the tasks set for the year, as well as through playing and productive activities in the process of daily educational work in a group .

The organization of pedagogical activity is based on health-saving technologies: the technology of student-centered learning, using an individually differentiated approach, TRIZ technology (when compiling fairy tales, in visual activity classes), the project method (when organizing research work).

The methods and techniques used in environmental education are diverse, while the age and psychological characteristics of preschoolers are always taken into account, because. this contributes to the greatest success in the assimilation of educational material by children and a steady interest in their activities.

The formation of an ecological culture of a person is a complex and lengthy process. It is necessary to teach children an environmentally sound way of life. Work in this direction should begin already from the early preschool age, when the foundation of cognitive activity is laid in children. However, often the expansion of the volume of knowledge content leads to overload, which primarily affects children.

Forms a kindcontradiction between the desire to “give more to the child” and the actual psychological and physical capabilities of the preschooler.

This aimed at a gradual expansion of the body of knowledge in various fields, integrating them.

Problem that arose on this topic was to identify an unconventional approach to the organization of classes on environmental education of preschoolers.

The problem led to the choice of the name of my topic on self-education"Ecological education of preschoolers through play and cognitive activities"

Target: creation of a system of non-traditional approaches in the environmental education of preschoolers, aimed at developing in children a scientific-cognitive, emotional-moral, practical-activity attitude towards the environment, at forming the foundations of the ecological culture of the personality of preschoolers.


    Formation of a system of elementary scientific environmental knowledge accessible to the understanding of a preschool child through an integrated approach

    Development of cognitive interest in the natural world

    Formation of initial abilities and skills of environmentally competent and safe behavior for nature and the child himself, the ability to observe natural objects and phenomena

    Education of a humane, emotionally positive attitude towards the natural world and the world around us as a whole. Developing a sense of empathy for objects in nature

    Formation of mental processes: memory, attention, thinking, imagination. Development of children's creative abilities

    Expansion of the ecological development environment.

    Promoting environmental knowledge among parents through various forms of work

The work was built taking into account a number ofprinciples:

- the principle of environmental education It is expressed in a humane-valuable attitude towards nature, the main manifestations of which are: benevolence towards living beings, emotional responsiveness, interest in natural objects, the desire to carry out positive interaction with them, to create the conditions necessary for their life.

- the principle of humanization ensuring the physical, mental and social well-being of every child. Building the content of methods and forms of classes in accordance with the experience and level of knowledge of children, the orientation of their personality, the structure of interests.

All environmental work is built on the basis of creating positive emotions from communicating with nature, with peers (feeling of joy, empathy, helping others), victory over one's inability; understanding that the child is doing something important and necessary.

- principle of democratization - Ensuring the teacher's right to freely choose the forms, means and methods of working with children. This guarantees the adequacy of the chosen forms, means and methods with the tasks of environmental education of preschoolers.

- the principle of regional specificity involves teaching preschoolers taking into account climatic and geographical conditions as one of the factors of eco-education.

- the principle of socialization of the child - involvement of a preschooler in speech and motor activity, in the joint solution of environmental problems in the process of games and activities, so that it becomes integral part group action systems.

- the principle of variability - involves the use of various technologies for the ecological development of preschoolers, depending on the tasks of the educational process, the preferences of children, the characteristics of the developing environment, and the wishes of parents.

- the principle of individualization involves such an organization of the educational process, in which an individual approach to each child plays a major role.

- the principle of the developmental nature of education It is aimed at the development of the whole integral set of qualities of the child's personality and takes place in the zone of its proximal development. This principle involves the involvement of the child in environmental activities using visual and didactic games and exercises, which contributes to the enrichment of speech, imagination, memory, and thinking of the child.

- the principle of unity with the family involves compliance with the uniform requirements of the preschool educational institution and the family in matters of environmental preparedness of the preschooler.

I planned the study of nature with preschoolers in three stages:

I stage.

Middle group - An integrated approach to the development of speech and environmental concepts: "Development of speech + ecology"

II stage.

Senior group - An integrated approach to the development of motor skills and ecological ideas: "Nature + movement".

III stage.

Preparatory group - Senior preschoolers - researchers and environmentalists.

  1. Experience technology

I- stage. An integrated approach to the development of speech and ecological representations:

"Speech development + ecology" (middle group)

As K.D. Ushinsky: "The logic of nature is the most useful and accessible logic for children." Indeed, nature is the richest pantry, invaluable wealth for the intellectual, moral and speech development of the child. With its diversity, colorfulness and dynamism, it attracts kids, causes a lot of joyful impressions in them, and develops curiosity. Impressions from native nature, received in childhood, remain in memory for a long time, create a solid foundation for further knowledge of it.

The world surrounding the child is, first of all, the world of nature with an infinite wealth of phenomena, with inexhaustible beauty, and it is nature that is the eternal source of the child's mind. In order to improve the child's thought and word, it is necessary to enrich his impressions with vivid images of nature. everything that is logical in speech stems from man's observations of nature, and logic itself is nothing more than a reflection in our mind of the interconnection of objects and natural phenomena.

The fact that the contemplation of nature is the only true foundation of human knowledge, and its knowledge proceeds in unity with the mastery of speech, was pointed out by I.G. Pestolozzi.

The core idea of ​​the content of education is the leading role of the cultural language environment, the attitude to the native language as the property of the nation, as the air that people breathe and live. Indeed, the language continuously absorbs and carefully preserves the innumerable treasures of the historical experience of entire generations, traces of the life of each of them and the voice of native nature.

P.A. Vyazemsky emphasized that the language is the confession of the people, nature, its soul and way of life are heard in it. D.S. Likhachev, the words with the root "genus" (nature, spring, homeland, people, native, mole, parents) called the springs of native nature.

K.G. Paustovsky dreamed of a dictionary of "natural" words with sections "words of the forest", "field", "meadow", about the seasons, meteorological phenomena, rivers and lakes, plants and animals. He believed that in the Russian language for everything that exists in nature, there are many good words and names, and to be convinced of this, it is necessary to study the capacious and accurate language of the people - an inexhaustible source of their wisdom.

Today, the issue of protecting and preserving the natural ties of the child with the traditions of the culture of the word as ways of interacting with nature is very important so that children, as K.I. Chukovsky, - did not feel like foreigners in the field of their native language, soullessly repeating speech clichés. The universality of the artistic language helps the child to feel and understand more deeply the traditions of interaction between society and nature.

In the process of communication with nature, an invaluable property of the human personality is born, develops and strengthens, as well as observation, curiosity, which in turn gives rise to a lot of questions that require answers that can be found with the help of observations, logical tasks. This contributes to the expansion of vocabulary, practical mastery of word formation skills. Connected speech develops. At the same time, children practically master the skills of inflection: agreement of words in gender, number, case.

Thus, in the process of systematic, targeted observations in nature, work in the classroom, when looking at pictures, using fiction, the child's horizons expand, curiosity, visual, auditory and verbal memory develop, thought processes improve. Children learn to think and answer questions, arguing their statements, and this has a positive effect on the development of coherent speech, mastering complex sentences. For example: "Insects appeared because it became warm."

Observation creates in the child the habit of drawing conclusions, developing the logic of thought, clarity and beauty of speech. With the help of adults, the child learns to find and define in words the causal and temporal dependence, sequence, interconnection of objects and natural phenomena. The ability to reasonedly, conclusively express thoughts contributes to the formation of a realistic worldview, the ability to compare, compare, draw conclusions is improved, prerequisites are created for the formation of such qualities of coherent speech as reliability, evidence, consistency, clarity, expressiveness. In the process of getting acquainted with nature, the baby learns to reason, tell, describe, which is one of the leading and decisive factors for successful schooling, the adaptation of the child in a peer society, in an ever-changing society.

Children 4-5 years old are still far from school, but it seems so at first glance. After all, knowledge accumulates gradually.

In my work, when selecting content, I take into account the scientific nature and accessibility of concepts. At each age stage, I deepen the initial ideas, saturate them with content, gradually turn into concepts that I turn into knowledge. Thus, I form the natural science knowledge of my pupils according to the scheme:


I implement the “SPIRAL” principle, when children, returning to certain objects and natural phenomena, go upward from year to year, deepen and expand natural science ideas and concepts, comprehending more complex techniques and methods.

In this regard, putthe purpose of working with children at this stage:

The development of children's speech through the consolidation and expansion of environmental ideas

To achieve this goal, allocatedtasks:

    Continue to accumulate the luggage of children's ecological ideas from the position of a consciously correct attitude to nature

    Direct the cognitive activity of children, improving and developing speech

    Develop creative abilities, reflecting the acquired knowledge in productive activities, in games

    To form the ability to draw conclusions, inferences, develop communication skills

Taking into account the peculiarities of this age, all my work with children at this stage was carried out through - An integrated approach to the development of speech and ecological ideas: "Development of speech + ecology"

Since the game is the most natural and joyful type of activity that forms the character of children, I selected games that allowed them to develop positive qualities in children. Games stimulate the mental activity of the child, expand the range of his interests.Playing with plants and animals, the child learns to recognize the mood of a living being, its originality, which contributes to the formation of sensitivity and emotional responsiveness of the child. These are such games as: "Take care of your toys"; "Bunny in Trouble", "Visiting Grandma at the Cottage". "A live kitten is not a toy." Imagination games: "We are big whales", "We are frogs", "We are a flock of fish."Transformation games aimed at developing empathy for animals, plants, objects of inanimate nature help to develop positive emotions in relation to nature. As well as Ecological and psychological trainings: “We are caterpillars”, “Beetle upside down”, “People and a ladybug”, “Natural little men”. Using the original program "Eco Training", I form an "Ecological Feeling" in children; a sense of belonging to all living things, I instill in children ethical and moral responsibility to every living being, whether it be a plant or an animal. In addition, eco-training classes give a noticeable healing effect, relieve psychological tension and set up a benevolent attitude towards all living things. A positive emotional background of classes helps to relieve stress and aggressiveness in children caused by isolation from the natural environment.

Eco training does not require any special conditions. For children, a walk to the park or to the site is enough. Communication of a child with objects of nature gives a bright emotional coloring to his daily life, enriches his experience of knowing others and self-knowledge, forms compassion for a living being, a desire to take care of him, joy and admiration from interaction with nature, i.e. positive motivation towards nature. I am goodness - love - patience - peace.

Conducted a role-playing game "Our dolls have a holiday"

Purpose: to consolidate knowledge about the structural features of the Christmas tree, compare live Christmas tree and artificial. For this, an artificial Christmas tree was installed on the site. Children and their parents were preparing decorations for the Christmas tree. During the game, the children saw the main differences: a living spruce has roots that feed it with the juices of the earth. She needs air because she breathes. She needs the sun, because the sun gives light and heat. And the artificial Christmas tree was made of plastic, it has a trunk, but no roots, it does not smell, it does not grow. Action "Herringbone".

The game - a fairy tale "Journey of a small droplet" made it possible to consolidate knowledge about the properties of water (transparent, clean, dirty). Bring the kids to the understanding that plants, fish, birds, animals and humans cannot live without water.

A lot of preliminary work has been done for this game.

    Watching fish in an aquarium

    Considered clean and dirty water, cold and hot.

    An experiment was conducted “Are we using water correctly? »

After the game, the children began to monitor how much water they spend when washing their faces and what kind of water runs from the tap, clean or dirty. This is how I form the habit of using resources (water) wisely in children.

At the end of the year, she conducted a lesson “Journey along the river - Zeya”. The children saw that the river has two banks (left and right), trees grow along the river (they are alive). There are stones and sand on the shore. Fixed the properties of sand and stone (they are not alive). We saw that the river benefits a person (there is a dam on the river). They concluded that a person uses natural resources, therefore, he must carefully treat them.

The leading technique is a conversation. It is a conversation that helps children understand causal relationships, formulate conclusions, make generalizations, and identify the child's moral position in his relationship to animals, plants, and people. Speech should be soft, friendly, expressive, most importantly emotional. Before drawing the attention of my pupils to any object of nature, I select questions, turn to poetic images (poems, riddles, proverbs). When getting acquainted with poeticized nature, children are given an easier and more accessible opportunity to feel the charm, uniqueness of nature, to understand its significance in human life, they learn to compare. How the same natural phenomenon is reflected in different poetic lines. Reading poems about the forest by different authors S. Pogorelovskiy, "Forest", I. Bunin "Falling Leaves", A.S. Pushkin “The sky was already breathing in autumn”, I. Surikov “First snow”, I bring children to the idea that the forest is beautiful in all seasons. Children begin to understand this beauty, enjoy it and convey their impressions in words and drawings. On a winter walk, I propose to think about whether it is right to call winter weather fabulous, magical. Reflecting on this, children discover so many amazing things in the familiar and ordinary: it turns out that snowdrifts have a bizarre shape, reminiscent of lurking animals. I suggest watching the clouds. What do they look like? Children begin to dream.

Artistic and creative activities, listening, reading and looking at books with pictures help children to consolidate their knowledge, skills and abilities, expand their productive creative opportunities in the world.

There are a lot of really good and interesting books for children, it is impossible to read them all even for a long period of preschool age. Therefore, I select specific artistic subtleties based on the developing potential. And in accordance with the characteristics of age, so that children see in the book a source of satisfaction for their curiosity and interest in the environment, feel the beauty and expressiveness of the artistic word. V. Bianchi: "Whose legs are these?", "Whose nose is better?", "Ant's Adventures". I pay special attention to reading the fairy tale “The Owl” by V. Bianchi, in which it is most clearly shown that the violation of one link in the ecosystem leads to a change in the entire ecosystem. Poems by F. Tyutchev, G. Ladeyshchikov, I. Bunin, M. Druzhinina, a. Pleshcheev, N. Nekrasov, etc. the artistic word helps to develop imagination, imaginative thinking, forms emotional and value attitudes in relation to various aspects of reality (the natural and man-made world, the world of human relations).

Methodical manual L.P. Molodova provides for the education of ecological culture in children through fragments of holidays.

In my practical work, I use her method. Children love to actively participate in holidays and games. Preparing for any holiday requires a lot of work. So that children can freely answer the questions of the heroes of the scenes, and improvisation is possible. In a playful way, I report information on ecology. So in the middle group she held entertainment: "The birds are our friends." "Man is a friend of animals." "Flower Festival"

Rehearsal and memorization require repeated repetition of the rules of behavior in nature. Man is a friend of an animal, a strong, intelligent and fair friend. Children learn this truth from childhood. Therefore, holidays form knowledge about animals, birds, plants... develop an emotionally positive attitude towards them and bring up moral behavior in nature.

The age of 4-5 year old children is the most difficult in kindergarten. The time of classes increases, the children are not very diligent, they get tired quickly, they cannot concentrate their attention on educational material. Therefore, it became necessary to structure the lesson in such a way as to keep the attention of children, their interest as much as possible. I had to not only build classes in a playful way, vary the types and forms of organization of children in the classroom, but also always be emotional, artistic, and also use maximum visibility (didactic games, handouts and demonstration material), excerpts from fairy tales, surprise moments. I also used dynamic, relaxation pauses, finger games, dance games, speech with movement, etc.

The child strives for knowledge, and the very assimilation of knowledge occurs through the numerous “Why?”, “How?”, “Why?”. With the development of creative abilities by inventing and modeling fairy tales, in examining pictures (if the plot involves going beyond what was seen), in speech and other games, the child’s memory is activated, techniques and operations of mental activity are accumulated, and hence the development of speech. After all, everything that happens is voiced by the child. He is forced to operate with knowledge, imagine situations and try to find a way out in order to answer the question. Children develop curiosity, they can solve elementary problems, try to analyze the results and, most importantly, express their thoughts.

An important role in obtaining knowledge is played by the teacher, the world around him, the developing environment, as well as the replenishment of knowledge in senior preschool age through the establishment of patterns through their own logical reasoning. But in order to achieve such reasoning from children at an older age, it is necessary to carry out painstaking work on the accumulation of knowledge, skills and abilities, starting from the early and middle preschool age. In order for the child to be able to communicate and reason freely in the future, it is necessary to expand vocabulary, develop coherent speech. Constantly replenish the knowledge base of children, introduce them to new environmental concepts.

To identify the knowledge of children, it became necessary to conduct diagnostics. Having studied and analyzed the available methodological literature, I determined the main criteria for the development of speech and ecological ideas in preschoolers of this age.

The process of conducting integrated classes was built taking into account the age and individual characteristics of the children in the group.

Before starting the training, specific tasks were set:

    Analyze existing approaches to understanding integrated learning (speech development - ecology)

    Determine the basic principles of this integration

    Determine the content of knowledge for a certain age stage, create a system for advanced planning of integrated classes

    To analyze the features of the manifestation of cognitive activity of children in such classes

    To develop practical material: class notes, a card file of games, layouts, visual and demonstration material, a mini ecological museum

The theme of integrated classes is such that, on the one hand, the kindergarten program for the development of speech and ecology and the age capabilities of children are taken into account, and on the other hand, they give the maximum possible ideas, taking into account personal experience and the zone of proximal development of children. A variety of topics encourages children to emotional experiences, to verbal communication as a means of self-expression.

The main condition for conducting integrated classes is the mandatory use of visualization: paintings, dummies, toys, fairy-tale characters, models, albums and real objects. After all, the basis of the content of cognitive activity is sensory cognition.

It is important to pay great attention to the enrichment of children's visual experience also because the images obtained by preschoolers are extremely unstable and easily change.

The assimilation of the material is the deeper and more complete, the more emotional the child, the more joyful his experiences.

Speech development is a very important section. To present it to children, it is necessary for the teacher to possess a certain amount of knowledge: to have a clean (in terms of sound), correct, competent, figurative speech, to know children's literature, to be able to compose a fascinating story based on a picture and give a speech pattern, to be able to correctly and logically pose questions for the child , to have the talent of a confidential conversation with their pupils. Therefore, the motto of the work remains unchanged: "Trust the children, and they will trust you!". Speech development classes are combined with literacy training. Also, children are involved in fiction. This contributes to the accumulation and expansion of environmental knowledge.The favorite pastime of children was the composition of ecological fairy tales, where they themselves act as heroes, with whom entertaining stories happen when they meet nature.. This work was carried out from the younger group. The word "fairy tale" has become fascinating for children, the variety of topics is inexhaustible. Invented fairy tales with pleasure were told by children to their mothers and fathers. The fairy tale has become a true friend for the children, it accompanied them everywhere.

Every morning in the group begins with a meeting with another fairy tale - this creates a trusting and kind atmosphere in my communication with children.To compose fairy tales, I use a variety of schemes, pictures, models, games, in order to make it easier for children to compose their own fairy tales. The children were offered the beginning of a fairy tale: It was winter, the grandmother baked a bun .... The children began to invent their own fairy tale, then we published a book called New Adventures of the Kolobok. Making up stories is the most interesting technique. “The tale is a lie, but there is a hint in it - a lesson for good fellows!”, We know these words from childhood. Indeed, a fairy tale not only entertains, it unobtrusively educates, introduces the child to the outside world, good and evil. She is a universal teacher. We discuss the fairy tale, play with it, come up with our own continuation, remake it in a new way, put on a puppet theater according to fairy tales.

Long-term planning (Appendix No. 5) organized thematically. The main themes are the seasons. The content of the classes is based on the section "Ecology", which is integrated with the development of speech. The main direction is the development of coherent speech, but such aspects as the development of the grammatical structure of speech, phonemic hearing, and preparation for literacy are no less important. All these areas were also included in the diagnostics of the speech development of children in the middle group at the beginning of the school year and are planned to be included in the diagnostics at the end of the school year.

Realization of impressions, knowledge about nature, manifestation emotional state children were fixed in various productive activities (sculpting, drawing, appliqué, games, dramatizations, fairy tales). This helps children to realize their creative potential, as they compose, fantasize, think, learn the laws of nature and the wisdom of their native language.

The cognitive activity of children develops, tk. task questions require the activation of a speech response and the use of real life experience in a non-standard situation of an integrated lesson. The purpose of such classes is: the cognitive development of children, the development of their communication skills. A book was made - baby " speech games on ecology". It was convenient to develop speech and thinking with the help of such a book at any time, even while walking.

Equally important is the creation of motivation when conducting integrated classes, which take into account the interests, desires and abilities of children: “What do you want to do?”, “What are you interested in, what would you like to know about?”. “You will succeed and you can ... Let's try together and you will see ...” - such questions, conversations with preschoolers help in shaping the personality orientation, active motivation of the children's activities.

One of the areas of educational and educational work on ecology and the development of speech is the joint activity of preschool educational institutions and parents.

All activities were carried out in interconnection and cooperation with parents. They were the main assistants and active participants in the selection of materials for classes, a mini-museum, and photo reports.

All parents were sympathetic to the work on ecology carried out in the group, and the problems of speech development worried everyone.

Thanks to the activity and interest on the part of parents, the ongoing systematic work, the children have accumulated quite good knowledge. Work on the development of speech is carried out in close cooperation with the teacher-speech therapist of the preschool educational institution.

An integrated approach to conducting classes on ecology and speech development found a response in the activities and full cooperation of children and parents. The content side of joint activities helps to achieve the goals and objectives for the second stage in the first half of the year.

The work in the senior group was carried out on the topic of the ecological development of children in the course of integrated classes through movement. The process of implementation of this work is expressed in two directions:

Formation of a healthy lifestyle, a conscious attitude of children to their health;

Increasing the level of ecological consciousness, knowledge of nature through a variety of forms of physical activity.

Integrated classes that include a variety of game exercises and games are a natural form of transferring to children the necessary amount of knowledge from the field of environmental education. One of the most important components of the physical culture and gaming environment is variability.

To realize creative ideas, the child needs freedom, and he finds it, using an environment that he can independently organize and change at his own discretion.

A multifunctional physical culture and play environment has been created in the preschool educational institution: a sports hall, a music hall, natural corners, a phytobar, an ecological trail and a health trail (on the site and in the nearest park). There are all conditions for the successful implementation of the tasks I have planned to familiarize children with nature through movement.

II - th stage. An integrated approach to the development of motor skills and ecological perceptions: "Nature + movement".

(senior group)

At this stage, the leading role is given to optimizing the mode of motor activity of children, taking into account their mental and physical development. The subject of close attention was the issues of physical and environmental education of children, and this is not accidental, because. deterioration in the health of preschool children, noted in last years largely depends on their ecological upbringing.

In progress different forms physical activity, children learn to independently set tasks for themselves and find the most rational solutions; acquire a variety of knowledge about the world around.

Integrated classes of the second stage solve environmental and physical culture and health problems.

    Support and develop children's sustainable interest in nature.

    To expand knowledge about the uniqueness and diversity of objects of animate and inanimate nature.

    To form the need for a healthy lifestyle through the improvement of various types of movements, to apply game exercises in daily activities.

The long-term plan (Appendix No. 7) of classes allows for the possibility of repeating and varying any of the classes throughout the year, depending on the individual capabilities of the children.

Optimization of the mode of physical activity of children was achieved by introducing along with physical culture and recreational activities (morning exercises, outdoor games and physical exercise on a walk, gymnastics after a daytime sleep, physical education classes) classes aimed at the synthesis of different types of activities. Through the movement of the child, the tasks of forming acquaintance with nature are quite successfully solved!

Any physical activity only then acquires the character of an internal vital need when it becomes conscious and voluntary, and in parallel with the development motor sphere, enriching the motor experience of children, special attention is paid to the development of their cognitive activity.

An important link in the implementation of the tasks of the second stage is the work with parents. A long-term plan for working with children and parents for the year has been developed.

Drawing up a long-term plan of work with parents made it possible to work systematically and consistently.

The survey, conducted at the beginning of the school year, showed the interest of parents in the environmental work carried out by the teacher. Parents wished to continue cooperation.

Diagnostics of the level of knowledge of children was carried out at the beginning and end of the school year.

Diagnosis of indicators of the level of knowledge of pupils on environmental development (beginning of the year).

The high results of diagnostics are due to the fact that the process of cognition in the course of classes and other forms of education was based on the curiosity and inquisitiveness of children, which in turn arise and are realized in the conditions of novelty and unusualness of the field of activity. Cognitive interest that arises in motor activity made children actively strive for knowledge, look for different ways and means of satisfaction, “thirst for knowledge”, developing their creative activity.

The intellectual development of children without proper consideration of the physical and psycho-emotional state is impossible. It is necessary to instill in children the need for a healthy lifestyle. The organization of the health-forming space is of great importance for children's health.

In my work I use the following health-shaping technologies

    Healthy lifestyle education technology;

    Health saving pedagogical technologies;

    corrective technologies.

Strengthening the health of children contributes to hardening with air and water. Air hardening includes air procedures after sleep, light-air baths during walks in the warm season. Hardening with water involves washing with cool water; I spend rinsing my mouth (after each meal), walking barefoot on massage mats, wet salt and dry paths. Acupressure of the feet, children perform when walking on poured buttons of various sizes. Daily with senior nurse we conduct phytotherapy sessions.

In order to improve the air environment in the premises of the kindergarten, we carry out regular one-way and through ventilation. Reducing the risk of spreading diseases transmitted by airborne droplets is facilitated by the treatment of premises with the Quartz apparatus.

Conducted the project "Physical education - Cheers" and "Health - seriously"

Project implementation"Health - Seriously" improved the health of the children. Parents received information about a healthy lifestyle. To do this, a parent survey was conducted. The results of the questionnaire showed that 67% of parents believe that their child is often sick, while only 50% of parents themselves lead a healthy lifestyle, harden their children at home, play sports games while walking. But children like to run, jump, play with the ball. Therefore, parents were offered a consultation "How to make sports equipment from improvised materials for practicing at home." This allowed parents to get involved in sports themselves. Parents got acquainted with the "Health Code", and now they will be more careful about their health and the health of their children. The information stand "Ay - it hurts", which we made for parents, will broaden their horizons. Joint creativity, children and parents showed that playing sports is also interesting. You can not only take pictures, but also draw pictures for memory.

All activities with children were held in a playful way, which contributed to emotional well-being. To do this, I purchased sports equipment, made massage mats, sultans, and sewed bridles. I spent the entertainment “Guess the fairy tale”, read “Aibolit” by K.I. Chukovsky. The use of fairy tale therapy helped us in resolving personal and interpersonal problems, expanding knowledge about the world. When, they drew on the topic “Where are vitamins?” fixed the classification of "Vegetables", "Fruits", "Meat" and "Dairy" products. All summer the children had the motto “Sun, air and water. Our best friends." Tempering procedures: dousing the feet, rinsing the mouth after eating, sunbathing, excursions, entertainment helped to achieve positive results. I designed the presentation of the project in the form of a Collage “How I Spent the Summer”. Parents and children saw that it is necessary to lead a healthy lifestyle and then there will be no reason for a bad mood, and everyone will be healthy.

At the beginning of the project "Physical Culture!" parents were offered a questionnaire "The path to health, strength and vigor." The results of the survey showed that parents go in for sports, involve children in sports, play outdoor games with children while walking. Aerobics, cycling, football, handball. Dads are more involved in the physical development of the child, this amounted to 50%; mothers and other family members - 50%. All respondents believe that sport has helped improve health: 75% for children, 25% for parents. But the sad thing is that only 25% of families have a sports corner at home. To the question: What practical assistance can parents provide in creating a sports corner on the site, they answered as follows: Welding and carpentry work - 50%, material and physical assistance - 50%. Parents are interested in the physical development of children in kindergarten, so in the spring, with the help of parents, we will equip a sports corner on the site. Parents understand that playing sports improves the health of children and adults. Parents were also offered statements and aphorisms about health, which convinced parents to devote more time to their health and the health of their children. Child attendance monitoring preschool showed that the incidence for the period from September to November decreased by 7%, but the attendance of children in kindergarten did not increase due to parents.

Output: Systematic monitoring of children's visits to preschool institutions showed that the introduction of health-forming technologies revealed a positive trend: Morbidity decreased by 7%. The lack of positive dynamics was due to the non-attendance of kindergarten by children due to their parents.

Doctor of Medical Sciences I.M. Akhmetzyanov writes: “... In particular, in the classes on the listed disciplines, it is necessary to form an understanding among future teachers and leaders that in the conditions of further growth of technogenic pollution of the environment, the share of the environmental factor in the deterioration of public health and in first of all - for children, increases significantly. Today's widespread formal assignment of the main blame for adverse changes in health status to a specific individual is erroneous. It is clear that a person (especially a child), who is in adverse environmental conditions, is forced to use poor-quality water, is not provided with a balanced diet, even with a strong desire, does not have the opportunity to maintain a healthy lifestyle ... "

Output: Systematic monitoring of children's attendance at a preschool institution showed that the introduction of health-forming technologies revealed a positive trend:

Decreased incidence by 7%;

Increased attendance by 8%.

Children took part in city sports competitions"Merry Starts - 2014". Received a certificate for winning in the nomination "The most daring".

Sayapin Nikita and his family, in the city competition "Dad, Mom, I - a sports family" took the third prize as a reward - medals for 3rd place.

One of the forms of organizing the educational process is an excursion. During the excursions, I try to give children environmental knowledge and instill norms of environmental behavior.

Excursions make children physically stronger and more resilient. My task is to form an idea of ​​the park (forest) as a community of animate and inanimate nature, in which everyone needs each other; I teach how to behave in the park (not disturb the peace of its inhabitants): I continue to educate interest in nature, the ability to see its beauty; I form an idea of ​​the forest as a house where a person comes to visit (a person rests in the forest, admires the beauty, picks berries, mushrooms). In autumn, we watched as the leaves gradually turned yellow and began to fall off. The children liked to walk on the motley carpet rustling under their feet. They collected fallen leaves and compared them by color, size and shape. Combinations of bright red, yellow and orange colors delighted the children.

To consolidate knowledge during excursions, I organized didactic games: “What tree is this leaf from?”, “Stand near a tree (birch, pine, spruce ...)”, “Recognize by color”, “Recognize by shape”. In the summer, she held a “Flower Festival” in the park, where children turned into flowers, and then they looked for the same ones in the clearing. The children remembered that it was impossible to pick flowers, they admired them, better remembered the names of parts of plants: stem, root, leaf, flower. Observation of the same object at different times of the year makes it possible to see the changes taking place in nature. Excursions and walks in nature have a special impact on the emotional experience of the personality of preschoolers. In order for children to feel more vividly, more intensely and imagine how badly birds live in winter, I use the figurative form of the story, I clarify that the difficult life of birds is visible on the example of their behavior (ruffled, dull and sad). Children are interested in such a story, willingly describe their attitude to wintering birds.

The ability of children to peer, listen to the world around them is important for the development of the emotional and moral potential of the individual. Therefore, when conducting excursions on the site and in the park, I used the games: “Who was the first to notice?”, “Who was the first to hear?” and others. They helped children find interesting facts and phenomena. More V.A. Sukhomlinsky, thinking about how to start introducing children to the outside world, came to the conclusion that you need to start with the education of humanity - a sense of anxiety for an unfed puppy, an unwatered flower. More V.A. Sukhomlinsky wrote: "A small person should love all living things, because only kindness opens the joy of mutual understanding to the child and the children's team." In general, health-shaping technologies educate a person with an urgent need for a healthy lifestyle.

Output: Health-forming technologies: finger, morning exercises, awakening exercises, walking on massage mats, washing, outdoor games in a group and on the street - allowed to strengthen children's health, develop a sense of self-control, self-regulation, the ability to recognize their emotions and actions. Game therapy was aimed at stabilizing the health of children and removing negative manifestations of personality. The manufactured non-standard equipment aroused great interest in the exercise. The conditions created for the development of motor skills of each pupil gave positive results. From the conversation “How can you improve your health?” , classes "Your body" and entertainment "The guys really need sports, we are close friends with sports", the children learned about the structure of the human body and parts of the body. To grow up healthy, you need to eat right, eat dairy, fish, meat products. There are fruits and vegetables. Go in for sports, observe the rules of personal hygiene. Reading fiction helped to establish a connection between fairy-tale events and real life. Children received positive emotions, desire and desire to participate in festive performances. The release of the wall newspaper helped draw the attention of parents to the fact that the health of their children depends on their actions. Joint activities of parents with children have increased interest in sports.

One of the most important elements of the physical culture and game environment of the group was its variability. Large and small (plastic) balls, ropes, skipping ropes, skittles, massage tracks, wooden stairs, etc. were used.

Integrated classes, which include a variety of game exercises and games, serve as a natural form of transferring the necessary amount of knowledge to children from the field of environmental education and physical culture. For kindergarten teachers held an open lesson "Tradition of antiquity deep."

At the lesson, the children once again saw how strong and courageous the Russian people are. That only the strength, courage and bravery of warriors help protect their homeland. The work carried out in the senior group completes the second stage of the environmental focus. Such (step-by-step) planning helped to achieve good knowledge of ecology among children, and the professional level of the teacher increased.

In the preparatory group, she planned to continue work on the environmental education of children, choosing the topic “Older preschoolers are nature protectors!” An approximate list of leading headings:

Kindness Lessons

Thinking Lessons

Ecological promotions

Green Patrol

Young ecologist's laboratory

- "Panorama of good deeds", etc.

I II - stage. Senior preschoolers are researchers and environmentalists.

(preparatory group)

It is impossible to force a child to love nature,

but to teach to see its beauty and significance

possible and necessary!

E. Shatalova

The topic of work in the preparatory group "Senior preschoolers - researchers and environmentalists" has become the final link in the ecological development of children for three years.

The purpose of the work: to form in the children of the preparatory group the foundations of the ecological culture of the individual. Expand knowledge of environmental responsibility, environmental behavior skills.

    To form in children the ability to put into practice knowledge about the adaptability of animals and plants to living conditions, to understand cause and effect relationships in nature.

    Develop decision making skills problem situations to consolidate knowledge about the rules of behavior in ecosystems.

    Use experiments to test assumptions, independently set a cognitive task and find ways to solve it. Learn to draw conclusions, develop the ability to evaluate and self-esteem.

All work was carried out sequentially and in stages in accordance with a previously drawn up plan.

To replenish professional knowledge, methodological literature on research and environmental activities of older preschoolers was selected and studied.

The relevance of working with children on the above topic lies in the fact that the children of the preparatory group begin to form knowledge on environmental protection, the foundations of ecological culture. They really want to become conservationists. If at a younger and middle preschool age children observed and studied the phenomena of the surrounding natural world, then in the preparatory group they confidently apply the acquired knowledge in practice. They are the oldest in kindergarten, an example for kids, an example of a humane attitude towards all life on the planet.

At the beginning of the school year, a diagnosis of children's knowledge of environmental education was carried out.

The children (based on the results of the diagnostics) were given specific tasks:

    Joint composition of ecological fairy tales for replenishment of the collection "Ecological fairy tales for children and adults"

    Reconstruction of the laboratory of a young ecologist.

    Conducting lessons of kindness, lessons of thinking.

    Conducting environmental classes, games, trainings, exhibitions and expositions.


Work with children was carried out in parallel with close cooperation with parents. They were our helpers and companions. They understood the importance of the activities of children and the nature conservation teacher.

When forming the foundations of natural science and ecological concepts, experimentation can be considered as a method close to ideal. Knowledge that is not drawn from books, but obtained independently, is always conscious and more durable. The use of this teaching method was advocated by such classics of pedagogy as Ya.A. Comenius, I.G. Pestalozzi, J.-J. Russo, K.D. Ushinsky and many others.

The main advantage of the experimental method is that it gives children real ideas about the various aspects of the object being studied, about its relationship with other objects and with the environment. In the course of the experiment, the child's memory is enriched, his thought processes are activated, since the need constantly arises to perform operations of analysis and synthesis, comparison and classification, and generalization. The experiments are somewhat reminiscent of tricks, they are not common, and most importantly, the guys do everything themselves. During the experiment, I give children accessible natural science information, I lead them to the ability to draw elementary conclusions on their own. The ability to communicate with each other - this enriches their life experience. Helps children explore the world around them on their own. Children learn to analyze the results of observations and draw conclusions about patterns and relationships in nature.

The group conducted the experiment "The water cycle, or the journey of a droplet."Purpose of the experiment Show how water changes from one state to another.

I show the children how water boils in a kettle, and steam comes out of the kettle. Steam is very small droplets of water. I explain to the children that just as water evaporates from a kettle, it also evaporates from the sea, lakes and rivers. I ask the question: Where does the steam go? What happens to steam as it rises? What does steam turn into? (It turns into small droplets of water, so it turns out a cloud). It's raining from the cloud. It turns out that the drops returned to the same place from which they began their journey - to the sea, lake, river, as if describing a circle. So, the children learned that this phenomenon is called the cycle.

During the experiment, "Invisible Air" set the task for the children: - How to prove that ... (air has no color, smell, weight).

In the preparatory group, she conducted experiments: “Birds and oil”, “Making colored ice floes”. The children were faced with the task: - Predict what will happen if ...

Problem solving was carried out in two versions:

    Children conducted an experiment without knowing its result, and thus acquired new knowledge;

    Children first predicted the result, and then checked whether they thought correctly.

Experimentation and speech development are closely related. This is well observed at all stages of the experiment. It is necessary to note the bilateral nature of these relations. The ability to clearly express one's thoughts (i.e., a sufficiently developed speech facilitates the conduct of the experiment, while the replenishment of knowledge contributes to the development of speech). The connection between children's experimentation and visual activity is also two-way. The more developed the visual abilities of the child, the more accurately the result of the natural history experiment will be recorded. At the same time, the deeper the child studies the object in the process of getting acquainted with nature, the more accurately he will convey its details during the visual activity. For both types of activity, the development of observation and the ability to register what is seen are equally important. Children in their drawings reflect reality, so I encourage independent activity. For this, the group has a center for fine arts activities.

Observation - the leading method in the education of ecological culture. V.A. Sukhomlinsky considered it necessary to introduce the baby into the surrounding world of nature so that every day he discovers something new for himself in it, so that he grows up as a researcher, so that his every step is a journey to the origins of miracles in nature, ennobles the heart and tempers the will.

Random observations and experiments. Random experiments do not require special preparation. They are carried out impromptu in the situation that has developed at the moment when the children saw something interesting in nature, in the "Corner of Nature" or on the site. However, this does not mean that random experiments are easy to perform. It follows from this that the preparation for random experiments is constant self-education in all branches of biology, geography and geography. In addition, I need constant psychological readiness to see something new and interesting in nature. This means that while walking with children and performing my various duties, monitoring the behavior of children and preventing all possible emergencies, I must simultaneously look for phenomena in nature that may interest children, replenish their knowledge base or simply give pleasure, evoke positive emotions.

Watching the weather with students. Wind, rain, snowfall, trees, birds, insects, etc. We went outside with the guys, they noticed footprints in the snow. I ask, whose footprints are these? How do birds live in winter? Children answer that it is difficult for birds in winter, so it is necessary to hang up feeders in winter and feed the birds so that later in summer they can destroy harmful insects. The children made feeders out of boxes, and now they feed the birds every day. She held entertainment “Birds are our friends”, where she fixed the name of birds, the ability to classify, used games to develop imagination, taught to take care of birds. Another time I talk about the spring sun. It works from morning to evening, hurries, awakens both grass and flowers, and trees from winter sleep, pleases the sun, birds and people. After that, I read F. Tyutchev's poem "Spring Waters".

Summer storms are coming. Children are afraid of thunder, sitting on the veranda hushed. I try to explain to them this phenomenon of nature in an accessible way.

Helps me in this poem by V. Orlov "Clouds"

Children smile, and every time in bad weather they say: “The clouds quarrel, and the sky, dissatisfied with the quarrel, frowns, dark as in the evening.” During the rain, we notice that the birds do not sing, they hid from the rain: we listen to the noise of the rain, its drops knock on the roof of the veranda. The representation filled as a result of observations helps children solve various mental problems. I use logical tasks, stories of two types: "Finish the story", "Find the mistake and correct it." For example: I invite the children to listen to the story and find a mistake in it. Watching children, I am convinced every time that the joy of communicating with nature makes their life emotionally richer. Therefore, on a daily walk, I include a variety of labor activities in nature (feed the birds, shovel snow to tree trunks, water flowers, collect dry branches, cones). Attracting children to close contact with nature, to the knowledge of the world, plants and animals, I contribute to the active development in children of such qualities as kindness, patience, diligence and mercy.

The result of experimentation.

Target: To give children a real idea about the various aspects of the object being studied, about its relationship with other objects and with the environment.


    Improve the operations of analysis and synthesis, comparison, classification and generalization;

    Activate thought processes;

    Stimulate the development of speech;

    Develop creative abilities;

    Build work skills and health promotion skills;

    To cultivate a caring attitude towards living and non-living nature.

results experimentation showed that children have learned to establish the general patterns of natural phenomena and processes. Comparing two objects or two states of the same object, one can find not only a difference, but also a similarity. This allowed them to begin to master the techniques of classification. Therefore, they need to ask the question “Why?” more often. And they themselves become "why". The appearance of questions of this type testifies to certain shifts in the development of logical thinking. In the course of experimentation, children put forward hypotheses, test them and are able to abandon it if it is not confirmed.

Children learned to draw conclusions about the hidden properties of objects and phenomena, independently form conclusions, and also give a bright, colorful description of what they saw, and make sketches. Thanks to the accumulation of personal experience, the actions of children have become more purposeful and deliberate. Knowledge that is not drawn from a book, but obtained independently, is always conscious and more durable. However, the above cannot be applied to all children. Next to a child with a high culture of experimentation are peers with a low culture of experimentation. In this case, you need to patiently teach children the skills of experimentation, because. the degree of mastery is determined by the conditions in which a person is brought up, as well as the individual characteristics of the child.

Preschool age is a valuable stage in the development of the ecological culture of the individual. At this age, the child begins to distinguish himself from the environment, his emotional and value attitude to the world around him develops, and the foundations of the moral and ecological positions of the individual are formed. Traditionally, in preschool education, the general process of mastering nature includes an element of its knowledge, the development of a humane attitude towards it and conscious behavior in the natural environment. The ecological and social situation of today puts before us the task of finding universal means ecological education of children before school in modern conditions. One such tool is the project method. The project method is not fundamentally new in world pedagogy. It originated at the end of the 19th century in the United States. It was also called the method of problems, and it was associated with the ideas of the humanistic direction in philosophy and education, developed by the American philosopher and educator J. Ducey, as well as his student W. H. Kiel Patrick. Ducie proposed to build learning on an active basis, through the conscious active activity of the student. Keel Patrick described the project method as an activity carried out wholeheartedly with a high degree of independence of children united by a common interest.

The specificity of the project method lies in the fact that the pedagogical process is superimposed on the process of the child's interaction with the outside world, the pedagogical influence is carried out in the joint activities of an adult and children and is based on their personal experience.

Problem-based learning is a technique that allowed me to resolve the contradiction that had arisen, and the method of projects became the way to introduce it into the pedagogical process. With problem-based learning, the child is systematically included in the search for solutions to new questions and situations that cause intellectual difficulty, there is an activation of mental activity, the formation of mobility and variability of thinking. The problem situation also serves as a motivational condition and an emotional means of influencing the child's personality. The active involvement of children in research and creative activities encourage cooperation, support their desire to contact the teacher. Of particular importance is the creation of a trusting environment, attention on the part of an adult to any cognitive manifestations of children. The preschooler enjoys intellectual efforts, he gains confidence in his own competence. Children actively participate in the process of selecting information, finding ways to solve a problem, while within the project, at some stages, they can carry out research, productive, play activities, but all of them are interconnected components of a single plan, the execution of which leads to the creation of a common product . The appearance of a material socially significant product is a prerequisite for project activities with children. Such an integrated approach is more productive and time-saving than separate development in the classroom. In the process of well-organized design, the child's personality is formed, as it were, gradually, imperceptibly for a preschooler who is passionate about solving an urgent problem underlying the project.

Pedagogical experience shows that the child learns better what is his personal goal. Design educational activities is relevant at the present time. Project work helps to realize the principle of integration educational areas and can be aimed at organizing playful, cognitive-research, communicative, productive children's activities. The project method corresponds to the complex-thematic principle of building the educational process, as it involves immersing the child in a specific topic or problem.

I see the special pedagogical significance of the project method in the fact that:

It, being a method of practical purposeful action, opens up the possibility of shaping the child's own life experience;

This is a method that comes from children's needs and interests, that is, it allows you to create a system of interests, including the choice of interesting and meaningful topics for the child;

The project is a product of cooperation and co-creation of educators, children and parents. Each project includes methods such as observation, experimental work, modeling, experiments, as well as creative activities.

In my work, I used different types of projects:

Cognitive research project "Journey, droplets" the purpose of which was: to acquaint children with water as a substance, with its properties and transformations, to show the great importance in human life and all living things.

Another research project "We are friends of nature".

Target: Education of careful, attentive attitude to nature;

A task: help children understand what human actions lead to negative consequences.

Information project "Animals of our region"

Target: Enrich children's knowledge of animals and plants in our area,

Parents play an important role in the implementation of projects. To do this, I held consultations, designed information on the stands on the topics: "The role of the game in environmental education", "Rules of behavior in nature." Parents were especially interested in the project on the topic: "Nature of the native land." The participation of parents in the creation and implementation of projects arouses interest in the knowledge of their children, increases their pedagogical competence, and activates participation in the educational process. In the process of working on projects, I also interacted with public organizations: a library, a museum.

In my work I use the Modeling method. The modeling method is of developmental importance, as it opens up a number of additional opportunities for the child to develop his mental activity, including when getting acquainted with the outside world. For the development of a child as a subject of activity, it is important to provide him with the opportunity to independently find information adequate to the goal. Learn and use learned methods of action. One of the effective means of ensuring the success of cognition is the use of models by children and active participation in the modeling process.

The purpose of modeling in environmental education is to ensure the successful assimilation of knowledge by children about the features of natural objects, their structure, connections and relationships existing between them.

Using the modeling method in working with preschool children allows us to solve the followingtasks:

    to develop in children mental activity, ingenuity, observation, the ability to compare;

    teaches to isolate the main features of objects,

    classify objects, highlight the contradictory properties of the object;

    visually see, understand the connections and dependence in the world around;

    contributes to the development of speech skills, mental processes and, in general, the intellectual development of a preschooler.

In preschool education, I use different types of models:

subject - they reproduce the design features, proportions, the relationship of parts of any objects. These can be technical toys that reflect the principle of the mechanism; building models. For example: with older children they made a globe (from papier-mâché on a ball). Such a globe made it possible to give information about the Earth gradually and in small portions: during the school year, continents were glued, states, cities, seas were designated, which one way or another were in the field of view of children, their names were printed in block letters.

Object models - they help to reproduce the structure and features, internal and external relationships of real objects and phenomena. These are different objects and structures (aquarium, pets, forest, desert, water cycle in nature, space, and others).

Subject-schematic models. In them essential features, connections and relationships are presented as layout items. For example: strips of paper of different shades of green, I used to abstract the color of plant leaves. The image of geometric shapes on the card - when abstracting and replacing the shape of the leaves; strips of paper of different shapes (smooth, bumpy, rough) - when abstracting and replacing the nature of the surface of parts of plants - leaves, stems, etc. Model for familiarization with indoor plants (author N.I. Vetrova).

And the model - a layout proposed by S.N. Nikolaeva, for mastering the concept of "mimicry", helped children understand the meaning of the patronizing coloration of animals. In the work I used models of plant needs for light, warmth (author N.A. Khaidurova);

Graphic models (graphs, diagrams, etc.) convey generalized (conditionally) signs, connections and relationships of phenomena. An example of such a model is the weather calendar kept by children, using special symbols to designate phenomena in inanimate and animate nature. For example: when forming the concept of "fish" in the older group, a model was used that reflects the essential, clearly perceived features of this systematic group of animals: habitat, a peculiar structure of the limbs (fins), body shape, body cover, gill breathing, in which adaptation of fish to the aquatic environment. Graphic models - were used by me in order to generalize (conditionally) convey the signs, connections and relationships of natural phenomena. These are all kinds of weather calendars. Tables fixing the length of the day, the model of the year. Models that reflect the essential visually - perceived features of a given system. Groups (models "Fish", "Birds", Insects, "Beasts", "Alive", etc.)

A special place in working with children is also occupied by the use of imaginary tables as didactic material.

Output: using these methods (observation, experimentation, project activities, modeling) children have increased the level of knowledge and skills in environmental education. Children learned to interact in a group, became closer and more sensitive to the natural world. They reached a higher level of communication and interaction with an adult - partnerships, developed the ability to independently search for a solution to a problem and analyze the result. The subject-developing environment in the group and on the site has been enriched. Thus, these methods contributed to the development of cognitive research activities of older preschoolers. Pupils have acquired moral and valuable experience in relation to the world, which gives their activities a humane character. The leading personal achievement of the child is a truly humane attitude towards the greatest value - Life.

The children continued their activities at home, which found a great emotional response and gratitude from their parents.

During the year, the research laboratory of the young ecologist was updated and replenished. New materials were purchased, flasks, test tubes, beakers, mirrors, etc. were provided by the parents for experiments.

Experiments and research were carried out in accordance with the plan of educational work. Sometimes the range of experiments went beyond the plan, because the desire and interest of the children required it. Some of the laboratory tests are photographed. This once again proves that the curiosity and observation of children know no bounds. They are real explorers and trackers. After all, the motto of all work: “We explore! We study! Let's know!"

At the end of the school year, a diagnosis of children's knowledge of ecology was also carried out: the results are high.

In the preparatory group, the children showed their best qualities in the careful attitude of children to the objects of nature, they were able to see the self-worth and fragility of living organisms, the beauty and uniqueness of the phenomena of the surrounding world. This has been the biggest achievement. After all, we went to this for four preschool years long and painstakingly. Step by step they learned the laws of the Great Nature.

Working with parents - one of the most important areas of educational work. Since only the joint work of teachers and parents will give a positive result.

Target: Establishing partnerships with parents. This goal is achieved by solving specifictasks:

    Expansion of parents' ideas about the psychophysical development of the child;

    Motivating parents to study the problems of the child, strengthening their faith in his potential;

    Parents mastering traditional and non-traditional methods of education;

    Implementation of joint activities.

So, solving the problems of cooperation requires that I study families. their educational opportunities. Engaged parents in educational work kindergarten.

To do this, I use the following forms of work:

Parent-teacher meeting;

parent conferences;

Permanent information stand;


Thematic folders;

Thematic exhibitions;

Information leaflet;





Project activity.

This work is built on the principles of cooperation with families.

    Individually differentiated approach

(correct targeted assistance to the family in a crisis situation, mutual support within the parent community);

    Trusting, equally partnership relations between teachers and family members of pupils;

    Respect for family norms and values.

Purposefully, systematically I use visual information tools in order to familiarize parents with the content and methods of raising children, I provide practical assistance to the family. Visual information in the form of stands and corners illuminates the pedagogical process, which does not involve direct contact between the teacher and parents, so the form and method of presentation is no less important than its content. The main corners pedagogical education- wall and desktop thematic information.

Permanent information stand, where are located:

Characteristics of age-related psychological characteristics of children

Lesson grid

Daily regime

Rules for Parents

Creative Corner "Fairytale Castle"

Medical corner "Ai - hurts"

The children's art corner "Fairytale Castle" with individual drawings, applications, and of course teamwork always attracts the attention of parents. A child - an artist, observing nature, expresses in his work his vision of the phenomena occurring in it. I help the child "open his eyes" to the world he sees, implementing the main methodological principle - the spiritualization of natural phenomena. The ecology of nature and the ecology of culture are the facets of one problem: "The preservation of humanity in man." This is facilitated by thematic exhibitions on the scale of the kindergarten and group exhibitions. The thematic exhibition presents children's work, crafts, also made by children and parents.

In the medical corner "Ai-bolit" consultations were offered: "Treatment with garlic", "Healing properties of pine and birch", "Let's find the lost paradise", "The role and place of the game in environmental education" ..

What promotes health with folk remedies.

Parents bring - onions, garlic to prevent colds. I receive information about the features of family education, the nature and methods of interaction with the child through a questionnaire. So, in the preparatory group, she offered parents a questionnaire “The role of the family in the environmental education of preschoolers”.

Of course, it is very important to involve children and their parents in environmental issues and environmental education. Adults are harder to work with than preschoolers. Parents have so many momentary problems of their own that some, in their opinion, abstract environmental problems do not cause much interest. Therefore, first of all, I show how closely our whole life, the health of children are connected with the environmental situation. The results of the survey showed that 73% of parents gave a positive answer to all the proposed questions, and only 27% gave a negative answer.

In the questionnaire, parents expressed their attitude on this issue. They believe that they have enough information about the nature of their native land to answer the questions of children, that it is imperative to acquaint children with nature. Joint trips to nature are very rare, mainly in the summer season. Question: Would you like to participate in hiking trips together with educators and teachers of DOAU? 50% of parents gave a positive answer.

Thus, interaction with parents is aimed at familiarizing the family with environmental problems and involving them in environmental and health-improving work with children jointly with the kindergarten. Children spend a lot of time on the site. Conducted a master class for parents on the topic “Decorations for the site” . Parents took an active part in it. Our site has become even more beautiful. Children with great pleasure take care of flowers, and relax, admiring their beauty.. Interaction with parents in order to improve the quality of education is established at parent meetings.The parents' meeting on the theme "Love the Earth - Mother" helped to discuss with parents the problem of the formation of an ecological culture of adults and children.

Work experience has shown that the key form of work with the family is an individual conversation. I talk about the child individually with the parents. Such conversations are the first steps towards a good, trusting relationship.

Interaction with parents in order to improve the quality of education is subject to periodic evaluation.

The problem of environmental education worries all scientists, the public, teachers. What and how to teach children in order to form a modern picture of the world at their level. We have taken so much from nature that we cannot expect mercy from her. Therefore, it is time to realize that the relationship between a person and the environment can only be resolved if an ecological worldview is formed in all people, and their environmental awareness and culture are improved.


    Children have mastered strong ecological knowledge. With the consistency and systematic nature of the learning process, preschoolers formed the foundations of ecological culture.

    The level of consciously correct ideas about objects and phenomena of living and inanimate nature, the level of ecological education has been formed.

    Speech development indicators have significantly improved - coherent speech (beginning of the year) high level of 44%, (end of the year) - 54%. Children are able to freely build sentences, answer questions, the vocabulary has been significantly enriched.

    Preschoolers show curiosity, interest in all natural phenomena, the desire to be useful and necessary for those who need it, showing their best moral qualities.

    Children show purposefulness, a desire to participate in experimental and practical activities in nature, mental processes have developed: memory, attention, thinking of preschoolers. They know how to adequately assess their actions, draw conclusions and find a way out of the current situation.

    The level of pedagogical literacy of parents on issues of environmental education has increased, the active position of interaction between the preschool educational institution and the family has given a good result.

    Children have formed a strong interest, a desire to participate in the practical activities of the environmental direction in the future.

    Children, parents and teachers of preschool educational institutions actively participate in the campaigns "Save and Preserve", "Let's Save the Earth from Garbage", "Green Planet", etc.

Using these methods and modern technologies, children successfully mastered the curriculum by age:

Enriched children's vocabulary;

They use complex sentences in their speech, they are able to conduct a dialogical conversation;

Independently compose stories according to the model, from personal experience, according to plot pictures;

Possess various skills of drawing, modeling, application;

They have ideas about their native country, about state and folk holidays;

Children have formed ideas about mathematical concepts;

Conclusion. Thus, on the basis of the positive results obtained, it can be argued that the hypothesis of the effective development of the ecological culture of the individual through an unconventional (staged) approach to the choice of forms and methods of ecological education has been confirmed.

Work experience Erovenko G. M.

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From the experience of the teacher in the environmental education of preschool children

Author: Merzlyakova Natalya Vladimirovna, teacher of the kindergarten "Solnyshko", MOU "Ynyrginskaya secondary school", Choi district, Altai Republic.
Description: this project can be used (by changing the tasks in accordance with the age of the children) in working with kindergarten children, starting with the middle group and including the preparatory group (the age of children is from 4 to 7 years). This material will be useful and interesting for kindergarten teachers.
The attractiveness of this project is its accessibility, short duration, effectiveness, informational and emotional richness. The advantage of developing this project lies in the fact that in the conditions of our rural area the implementation of this project is included in the zone of the immediate environment of children.
Explanatory note
"Tell me - I'll forget,
Show me - I will remember
Let me try, I'll understand."
(Chinese proverb)
Relevance of the chosen topic
Environmental education is taking an increasingly wide place in the development and upbringing of preschool children. The goal of environmental education for preschoolers is to form the beginnings of ecological culture, the formation of a consciously correct attitude to nature in all its diversity, to people who protect it, an attitude towards oneself as part of nature, an understanding of the value of life and health and their dependence on the environment. Problems of environmental education are topical problems of our time. This encourages the search for effective ways to solve it.
The child is born an explorer. An unquenchable thirst for new experiences, curiosity, a constant desire to observe and experiment, independently seek new information about the world, are traditionally regarded as the most important features of children's behavior.
Experimentation, as a specially organized activity, contributes to the formation of a holistic picture of the world of a preschool child and the foundations of cultural knowledge of the world around. Research activity, experimentation helps to build relationships between the educator and children on the basis of partnership.
Experimentation in the senior group is an important part of the educational process.
The main form of work with preschoolers and the leading activity for them is the game. But why does the game help the child to develop? The fact is that the children's brain is designed in such a way that if the baby is not interested in this or that subject, no matter how hard you try, he will not be able to remember and understand it properly. In the end, a situation may arise when the child completely begins to reject this or that occupation. So, the baby needs to be interested. Then games-experiments come to the rescue.
Therefore, I chose the topic of self-education "Games and experiments as a means of environmental education for children of senior preschool age."
The purpose of the work on the topic of self-education: study of the game and cognitive research activities as a means of environmental education of a preschooler.
- to study the features of cognitive activity through gaming activities, namely ecological games;
- to develop in children the ability to establish cause-and-effect relationships on the basis of an elementary experiment;
- educate environmental literacy of preschoolers.
Children's experimentation is an important process of self-education of toddlers. It helps the children to better remember the actions performed and the results obtained. In addition, at this time there is an active development of thinking and usually motor skills of the hands. Of course, when preparing for school, such games are simply irreplaceable - they prepare kids for adulthood and allow them to understand complex processes.
All children (and many adults) like to get knowledge without too much stress. This helps you absorb more information in less time. If the lesson in the senior group of the kindergarten is organized correctly, then in the end the kid will be fully prepared for school life, and even receive a carload of useful additional knowledge that will help him at an older age.
Games for the older group are the main source of knowledge about the world and its features. The game method has a number of goals that must be fully implemented in the course of various classes. The purpose of the experiments is to create an interesting environment for each child. Games for the older group should form knowledge about the world around them and the properties of various substances with which the kids will interact (water, sand, and so on). Experiments are also a great way to teach children how to handle certain objects, use them for their intended purpose, in order to achieve the desired result. Experimentation in the older group allows the children to open up and show their knowledge in practice.
Any business and occupation should pursue its own tasks, which must be carried out over a period of time. So games have them too. Experimentation in the older group develops cognitive interests in kids almost ready for school. This is extremely important, as the lack of passion leads to a loss of attention and concentration. And this has a detrimental effect on future performance. Games also develop children's thought processes and thinking in general. Sometimes it is necessary to take a non-standard approach to solve a problem. If a person does not have the opportunity to develop his thoughts, then there is nowhere to take the right decision. Games of experimentation in the older group should form in children a humane, tolerant and correct attitude towards people and the environment. In addition, at the end they also have to learn some discipline and rules of conduct. All experiments conducted with children must be somehow systematized and divided among themselves. The most successful way is "crushing" by months. This helps to form the most suitable approaches to gaming processes, taking into account all the features of a particular month.
It should be understood that at different times of the year, children's experimentation is significantly different from each other. Therefore, you should take into account the peculiarities of the place of residence and the current time of the year. So, for example, in winter you can’t play in the sandbox, and in autumn - with snow. Therefore, you should take into account the peculiarities of the place of residence and the current time of the year. Thus, I have drawn up a work plan for the academic year for creative theme with children of senior preschool age of the kindergarten "Solnyshko".

Download From the experience of the teacher in the environmental education of preschool children

Municipal preschool educational institution

Kindergarten No. 10 "Solnyshko"

municipal stage all-Russian competition

"Educator of the Year" - 2015

Completed: educator 1 square. category Berezina M.V.

v. Gagarinskoe 2015

Table of contents

1. The social significance of methodological development _________________ p. 2

2. The relevance of the tasks of environmental education ___________________ p. 3

3. Presentation of work experience on environmental education in MDOU kindergarten No. 10 "Sun" ____________________________________ p.5

4. Bibliographic list ___________________________________ page 10

5 APPENDIX _____________________________________________ page 11

A long-term work plan for environmental education in the senior mixed-age group of MDOU kindergarten No. 10 "Sun" _______ page 13

Our awards_________________________________________________ page 20

Advice for parents___________________________________ p.22

Synopsis of the environmental lesson “Why animals disappear” ______ p.26

Synopsis of ecological entertainment "Cleanliness will save the world" _________ page 29

Everything good in people comes from childhood!

How to awaken the origins of goodness?

Touch nature with all your heart:

Surprise, learn, love!

We want the earth to flourish

And grew like flowers, kids,

So that for them the ecology becomes

Not science, but part of the soul!

Social significance of methodological development

Preschool childhood is the initial stage in the formation of a person's personality, his value orientation in the world around him. During this period, a positive attitude is laid to nature, to the man-made world, to oneself and the people around. Ecological upbringing and education of children is an extremely urgent problem of the present time: only an ecological worldview, an ecological culture of living people can lead the planet and humanity out of the catastrophic state in which they are now.

Environmental education is also significant from the standpoint of the child's personal development - properly organized, systematically carried out in a preschool educational institution under the guidance of people with environmental culture, it has an intense impact on his mind, feelings, will.

The world of nature is fraught with great opportunities for the comprehensive development of children. The thoughtful organization of training, walks, special observations develops the thinking of children, the ability to see and feel the colorful diversity of natural phenomena, to notice large and small changes in the world around them. Thinking about nature under the influence of an adult, a preschooler enriches his knowledge, feelings, he develops the right attitude towards living things, the desire to create, not destroy.

Whatever educational concepts the educator adheres to, no matter what programs of preschool education he works with, he cannot but set himself the goal: to teach to take care of the nature of his land, his homeland

The relevance of the tasks of environmental education

Currently, the task of environmental education of preschoolers is particularly relevant. Children receive a large amount of information that is difficult to rethink and use. Each of us has experienced the influence of our native nature to a greater or lesser extent and knows that it is the source of the first concrete knowledge and those joyful experiences that are often remembered for a lifetime. The ability acquired in childhood to see and hear nature as it really is. , arouses in children a deep interest in it, expands their knowledge, contributes to the formation of characters and interests. Familiarization of preschoolers with nature is a means of educating in their minds realistic knowledge about the world around them, based on sensory experience. Environmental education of preschoolers will be important in the future, as it is connected with the social problems of society.

The leading pedagogical idea of ​​this work is to teach children of senior preschool age to show initiative and curiosity in order to gain new knowledge about the world of nature and ecology. To form an ecological culture of the individual through the development of components:

    Environmental knowledge and skills

    ecological thinking

    Value orientations

    Environmentally Sound Behavior

Particular attention in working with preschoolers is given to moral education. It is manifested not only in the ability of children to take care of animate and inanimate nature, but also in a humane attitude towards people around them.

Objective: search for new approaches to solving the problem of the child's personal development in the system of work to familiarize him with the outside world.

Work principles:

    The encyclopedic nature of the knowledge and ideas formed in the child about everything that surrounds him

    Natural conformity: a person is a part of nature and obeys its laws

    Educational value of knowledge

Problems and tasks

Primary school education programs place high demands on the preparation of preschool children for schooling, so it is necessary to bring the knowledge of the child of the preparatory group to the appropriate level. To solve this problem, the teacher sets himself a number of tasks.

    The study of pedagogical literature and familiarization with advanced educational technologies on this issue

    Selection of the necessary content from preschool methods

    Development of new forms of planning various types of children's activities

    Search and testing of new methods and techniques of working with children

    Formation of children's knowledge about the vital manifestations of humans, animals and plants (nutrition, growth, development)

    Formation of ideas about cause-and-effect relationships within the natural complex

    Development of emotionally friendly relations in the process of communication with natural objects

    Formation of the habit of rational use of natural resources

    Developing the ability to properly interact with nature

    Education of a humane attitude towards people

    Developing an interest in the environment

    Formation of an aesthetic attitude to the surrounding reality

Achieving the goals and objectives of the system of environmental education of older preschoolers providescompliance with the principles:






    Relationships with family

Presentation of experience in environmental education in MDOU kindergarten No. 10 "Solnyshko"

Our kindergarten No. 10 "Solnyshko" works according to the "Program of education and training in kindergarten" M.A. Vasilyeva. The program provides for the formation of ecological ideas in preschoolers, the value bases of attitudes towards the world around them. Based on the main content lines of the "Child and the world around" section, the teaching staff developed an additionalprogram "Rostok", which is used in work with children of preschool age. This program involves the solution of the following main tasks:

The development of an elementary understanding by a preschooler of the value and originality of his personal "I" and any living organism;
- formation of the foundations of natural science thinking, culture of knowledge of man, nature and awareness of one's unity with it;
- development in preschoolers of ideas about the relationship of man, flora and fauna with the external environment;
- unconditional acceptance by the child of the right to life of a being other than him;
- education of the position of a researcher of the surrounding world;
- development in children of the need for knowledge and improvement of themselves and the natural world;
- education of the environmental responsibility of the child: understanding their actions and their role in specific environmental and life situations.

The program is built taking into account the principle of using various forms of upbringing and education of the child:elementary research activities, cyclic observations in nature, variable walks, educational games, heuristic conversations and etc. The content of this program is based on the principle of integration, which ensures the interaction and interweaving of the foundations of the humanitarian
nyh, natural, psychological and pedagogical sciences and a harmonious combination of all types of activities: communication, games, labor, creative activities, etc.
In our kindergarten, conditions have been created for familiarizing preschoolers with nature: in group rooms - corners of nature, on the territory of the kindergarten - a flower garden, plants of the forest, fields and gardens. Already from the end of winter, we begin to arrange mini-gardens with children: we plant onions, oats, peas in boxes with earth; we prepare flower seedlings: marigolds, asters, zinnias. In the spring we arrange flower beds. We teach children not only to admire and cherish the beauty created by nature and other people, but also to create beauty for themselves and for others. Throughout the summer, children take care of flowers, see the result of their work. Educators talk about the effect of flowers on people, about the benefits of medicinal herbs.
We pay great attention to the organization
elementary search activity, helping to introduce children into the world of knowledge of nature, to awaken their intellectual abilities. We give children the opportunity to "communicate", "act" with objects of nature. Such capabilities areexperiment . It allows you to give children the most complete information about the objects or phenomena being studied, increase the visibility and accessibility of the material, make the learning process the most effective and, of course, satisfy the natural curiosity of preschoolers.
In the conditions of kindergarten, we use only
elementary experience . Its elementarity lies, firstly, in the nature of the tasks to be solved: they are unknown only to children. Secondly, in the process of these experiments, scientific discoveries do not occur, but elementary concepts and conclusions are formed. Thirdly, household and gaming equipment is used in such work. Such as, for example, transparent and opaque vessels of various configurations and volumes, measuring spoons (from baby food), flexible plastic or rubber tubes, beaters, wooden spatulas and spatulas for stirring, etc.
Experiments are of great importance for children's understanding of cause-and-effect relationships. Experiments are carried out most often in the older group of different ages. In the younger group of different ages, the educator uses only individual search actions. In each experiment, the reason for the observed phenomenon is revealed, the children are led to judgments and conclusions. Thus, experiments contribute to the formation of children's cognitive interest in nature, develop observation, mental activity.
Preschool childhood is a period of play, so we make extensive use of various
didactic games of natural history content . Each group has printed board games, for example, "Zoological Lotto", "Botanical Domino".Word didactic games develop in preschoolers not only perception and speech, but also the ability to analyze and describe; they teach children to generalize phenomena, to classify objects: to attribute them to one category or another. Children like the games "When does this happen?", "What is round in nature?", "Name it in one word." Widely usedecological games-activities, games-travels, games-competitions. Interest and distribution are gainingecological theatrical games. These games develop imagination, empathy, strengthen the dominance of the relationship to nature, enhance the components of a personal relationship to nature, form the skills of interaction with nature.
Of the important tools in the education of many generations of people who lived in harmony with nature, there was, surprisingly, a fairy tale that accompanied a person from birth to old age. The use of folk tales in ecological education is a method of forming the foundations of ecological consciousness among preschoolers. One of the directions of creative search should also be noted -
ecological fairy tale , the interest in which in children is determined by the novelty of the plot, the presence of unusual characters, elements of mystery and allows the teacher to reveal complex natural phenomena in an entertaining way, makes it possible to teach children scientific vision, arouse sympathy for all living things, lay the initial forms of a consciously correct attitude to nature.
We assign a special role in the environmental education of preschoolers
modeling activity , with the help of which it becomes possible to deepen the knowledge of children, help them understand the essence of phenomena, establish connections and relationships. Our program provides for the formation in children of an understanding of the relationship between the development of a plant and the conditions for their existence, mastering elementary concepts such as "fish", "birds", "forest", etc.

Particular attention in the work of our MDOU is given to the topicenvironmental education for parents . Her cooperation takes place through parent meetings, individual conversations, consultations, stands, promoting pedagogical knowledge. Participation of parents in exhibitions, joint activities for the improvement of the group's site.

Thus, the experience of work on the environmental education of preschoolers showed that the direction chosen by our team is correct. The program runs successfully. Children express a steady interest in these activities, understand the importance of relationships in nature, and realize the place of man in it. But, despite a significant improvement in the state of work on the environmental education of preschool children, there are still problems and the teaching staff of MDOU No. 10 "Sun" will work on their solution.

People, take a look around!

How beautiful nature is!

She needs the care of your hands,

So that her beauty does not fade.

B. Ryabinin

Bibliographic list

ABC of environmental education // Preschool education. - 1995. - No. 5.

Veretennikova S. A. Familiarization of preschoolers with nature. - M .: Education, 1993.

Nikolaeva S. N. How to introduce a child to nature: a method. materials for working with parents of institutions. - M., 1993.

Nikolaeva S.N. Young ecologist M.2005

The program "From birth to school" edited by N.E. Verax 2012

Ryzhova N.A. Our home is nature. M.206

Solomennikova O.A. Ecological education in kindergarten Program and guidelines. M.2008

Shilenok T. Helping the teacher in the work on the environmental education of preschoolers // Preschool education. -1992. – No. 7–8.


Based on the work carried out, a number of recommendations can be formulated for educators:

    Familiarization with objects and phenomena of the surrounding nature will be more effective if the teacher notes all the achievements and independence of children, praise for confidence and initiative.

    It is necessary to constantly use innovative technologies in pedagogical practice, as a result of which a positive effect will be achieved in the development of all aspects of the cognitive activity of a preschool child.

    Work on the environmental education of preschoolers should not take place in isolation from the upbringing and educational work carried out by MDOU

    Activities for the use of innovative technologies should cover all activities of preschoolers.

A long-term work plan for environmental education in the senior mixed-age group of MDOU kindergarten No. 10 "Solnyshko"

date of




Possible form of holding during the day


Through good deeds you can become an ecologist

To give children an idea of ​​who a "Young Ecologist" is

Morning conversation, walk

Acquaintance with the book "Ecology in Pictures"

Getting to know the main sections of the book


CHL in the afternoon

nature and man

Give an idea of ​​the impact of human activities on nature


Observation while walking

How to behave in nature

To consolidate knowledge about the rules of behavior in nature

Walking conversation

We are friends of nature

Raising a caring and kind attitude towards nature

reminder signs

Repetition of the norms and rules of behavior in nature

Making signs in collaboration with the teacher

Diversity of plants and their relationship with the environment

Describe the stages of development and growth of plants.



Plants in our life

To systematize children's knowledge about the importance of plants in human life


medicinal plants

To acquaint with medicinal plants, their benefits for humans



Familiarize yourself with the variety of houseplants

Work in a corner of nature

Moisture-loving and drought-resistant plants

Give an idea about various types plants and their structure

Experimental activities

Plants in the kindergarten

To acquaint with the diversity of the plant world at the MDOU site

Educational tour


To acquaint with a complex of characteristic phenomena of animate and inanimate nature in different seasons


Did. a game

Red Book

Introduce the Red Book and protected plants

Conversation Book presentation

Reading the story "The Amazing Walk"

Introduce the educational work; encourage answering questions


Trees around us

Clarify knowledge about the diversity of trees; show the distribution of different trees in different climatic zones



tree bark

Clarify the concept of "bark", its meaning for a tree, form the ability to distinguish trees in appearance

Observation while walking

Visiting the trees

To acquaint with the features of different types of trees, to cultivate a careful attitude towards nature

Excursion to the autumn park

A conversation about the forest

Clarify and expand the idea of ​​the forest, educate interest in the life of the forest


Importance of Plants

To form the ability to understand the processes occurring in nature. Give an idea of ​​the importance of plants


Animals and man

Introduce the main groups of animals. Reveal the importance of animals in human life

Presentation for GCD


Discuss the importance of pets in human life. Cultivate a desire to care for them

Journey to the backyard

Wild animals

Build awareness of wild animals. Introduce interesting facts about the life of wild animals

Work in the corner of nature MDOU

Did. a game


To form an idea of ​​\u200b\u200binsects, their types and benefits to humans. Encourage respect for wildlife

Conversation and presentation during the day


Why don't polar bears live in the forest?

Get to know polar bears and their lifestyle

CHL "Ecology in pictures"

forest dwellers

To consolidate knowledge about the appearance of wild animals

GCD for artistic creativity


Give an idea about fish, their appearance, protective coloration, habits, habitats

Conversation in a corner of nature

Did. a game

Why do animals disappear

List the basic principles of the extinction of some animals, explain why it is necessary to protect the animal and plant world


Inhabitants of the corner of nature

To acquaint with the inhabitants of a corner of nature, to consolidate knowledge about how to care for the inhabitants of a corner of nature

Making an aquarium

Introducing children to aquarium equipment

Joint activities of the teacher and children in a corner of nature

wintering birds

Making feeders

Introducing children to the technique of making feeders

A conversation about the importance of a bird feeder for wintering birds


"Bird City in the Trees"

Familiarize yourself with the contents of the book


Diversity of animals and their relationship with the environment

To consolidate the understanding that all animals and plants are living beings. Develop curiosity



To acquaint with the visible phenomena of the universe, to give an idea of ​​the earth and other planets of the solar system

Informative conversation

Observation on an evening walk

Our Earth

To acquaint with the globe, to form an idea of ​​the existence of different regions of the Earth



Sun, earth and other planets

Give an initial understanding of the structure of the solar system

Working with did. material in the corner of nature

Earth is a living planet

Clarify children's understanding of the solar system, give an idea of ​​the uniqueness of the earth



Earth and its satellites

Describe the Moon as a satellite of the Earth

Observation while walking

Day and night

Give an idea about the rotation of the planets around the sun, about the change of parts of the day

Experimental activity

Water in human life

To form knowledge about the importance of water in the life of living organisms, about the sources of water


Water properties

To introduce the properties of water, with the different physical states of water

Sorceress - water

Clarify the idea that water is a very valuable product. Provide insight into drinking water

Informative conversation

The water cycle in nature

Learn about the water cycle in nature

Informative conversation


To form knowledge about the importance of air in the life of living organisms, about the role of plants in air purification


Reading an environmental story


Experiments with air

Develop laboratory skills. Consolidate knowledge about the properties of air

Experimental - experimental activity

Why does the wind blow

Understand the cause of wind

Observation while walking

Soil and stones

Learn about different types of soils and their properties. Give an idea of ​​the stones

Joint activity in a corner of nature

"Soil is the living earth"

Get to know the work


Environmental pollution

Show how environmental pollution occurs, discuss possible consequences this

ecological entertainment

"What the Stones Whisper About"

Continue reading the book "Ecology in Pictures"



Plant and animal life in the community

Expand your understanding of the world of animals and plants


Forest - as an ecosystem

To give an idea of ​​the forest - as a community of plants and animals. Cultivate respect for wildlife

Informative conversation

Observation while walking

Pond, lake, river, as an ecosystem

Give an idea of ​​the community of aquatic life: plants and animals that have adapted to life in the water

Informative conversation

Excursion to the reservoir

The sea is like an ecosystem

To give a concept of the sea - as a huge expanse of water, about what kind of water is in the sea, about animals and plants of the seas and oceans


Meadow as an ecosystem

To give the concept of a meadow as a community of herbaceous plants, to consolidate knowledge about insects. Get to know land birds

Excursion to the meadow


That's what I am

To consolidate knowledge about the appearance and structure of the human body


Environmental cleanliness

To give an idea that human health depends on himself and the cleanliness of the environment


Observation while walking

Work activity on a walk

Cleanliness rules

Consolidate previously acquired information, encourage them to use them in everyday life


I am a young guardian of nature

Consolidate the acquired knowledge in the section "Ecology"

ecological entertainment

Our awards

Advice for parents

Topic: "Environmental education in the family"

Target: To give methodological recommendations on the formation of an ecological culture in the family, to help realize the need for personal participation in environmental activities, to acquaint them with the literature on the environmental education of children. The role of the educator: Help in the selection of literature, didactic games, give the necessary recommendations to solve this problem.

Preparatory stage.

1. Reading the fairy tale “A fairy tale is a lie, but there is a hint in it” from the book. Ryzhovoy N.A. "Nature is our wealth."

2. Questioning of parents.

3. Acquaintance with literature, games on ecology.


1. Introduction.

2. Learn to be polite people.

3. Teach children to see the beauty of nature, enjoy its harmony.

4. Read and learn with your children.

5. Labor of children in nature.

1. Increasingly sounds in nature "SOS" - Stop! Change your mind! whisper to the man of the forest. - Don't bare the ground. Don't turn it into a desert. - Spare! - the earth echoes. You cut down trees. It robs me of moisture. I'm drying up, I'm getting old. Soon I will not be able to give birth to anything: neither cereal nor flower. - I know you have learned to fly to the stars. This is wonderful. But you need me on the flight too. I'll always be with you. You cannot live without my bread, without my flowers.” This is how the Earth calls us for help, and you and I must protect it, save it. In addition, we must teach the child to do the same, because he will continue to live on it. Our task is to bring children to the understanding that all of us together and each individually are responsible for the Earth.

2. How to form a humane attitude towards nature in a child? First of all, through compassion, caring for those who need it, helping those in trouble (animals, plants). But one must start with oneself, because a child learns a lot thanks to the imitation of adults and, above all, his parents. Therefore, always remember that you are a polite and well-mannered person, but ....

A polite and well-mannered person will not allow cutting, disfiguring a birch trunk in spring in order to taste birch sap. - An educated person does not break branches of trees and bushes, does not tear armfuls of forest flowers. - We must not kick down unknown to us or even known poisonous mushrooms. Many of them are medicine for forest dwellers. - You should not catch and carry forest animals and birds into the house. - A polite person will not leave a dump behind.

3. It is necessary to be with children in nature as often as possible. Go with them to the forest, park. Children should be taught to see the beauty of nature, to understand it, to enjoy it, to convey their impressions in a word, a drawing. Children's attention to various objects of nature should be attracted with the help of questions, gestures, emotional speech, games, appeal to poetic images. The multifaceted world of nature awakens curiosity and interest in children. Encourages reflection and doubt. Impressions received in childhood from communication with nature are unusually sharp, they leave a mark for life. Plunging into this world, absorbing its sounds, smells, enjoying its harmony, the child improves as a person. It develops and strengthens the invaluable property of the human personality - observation. Everything he sees does not leave him indifferent, it raises a lot of questions - “what?”, “how?”, “why?”.

4. But very often parents, feeling their incompetence in this or that issue, get annoyed, brush off the “boring” questions of the child, and the result of such an attitude will not be slow to affect: not having time to grow stronger and develop, the child’s interest in nature will fade away. Think! Do not ruin good beginnings in a child's soul. Try to replenish your knowledge of nature and together with your child find answers to the questions that have arisen.

5. Do not remove children from caring for animals and plants. On the contrary, it is necessary to include children in practical activities that are feasible for their age. In the process of labor in nature, labor skills and environmental skills are improved.

So, the role of the family in protecting nature is enormous. It is she who can instill in a child a love for nature, change the attitude towards it.

Questionnaire for parents.

Dear parents, environmental education of preschool children has a beneficial effect on the development of the child's personality. Your sincere answers will help us build a program for the development of children in environmental education and instill in children all the best that nature can give a person. Please answer the following questions:

1. Do you have animals, plants at home?

2. Who looks after them?

3. Do you involve your child in caring for animals and plants?

4. Do you trust your child to take care of an animal (plant) without your prompting?

5. If the child does something wrong. Your actions

a) you don't care

b) Shout, for example, “do not tear”, “do not trample”, etc.

c) do things differently

6. Do you read books about nature with your children?

7. Do you always do the right thing in relation to nature?

We sincerely thank you for your cooperation!

Synopsis of ecological lesson

Topic: "Why do animals disappear?"

Target: give children an idea of ​​the diversity of nature, list the main reasons for the extinction of some animals, name protected ones, explain why it is necessary to protect the animal and plant world, enrich the vocabulary of children (dinosaurs, mammoths, exterminate, poachers, black stork, sea cows, rarest). To inspire sympathy for wildlife, to teach empathy.

Material and equipment: Illustrations with extinct animals (dinosaurs, mammoths), material for children's visual activities (pencils, felt-tip pens, A4 sheets of paper).

Course progress.

1. Introductory conversation.

A very long time ago, the planet Earth looked completely different from what it is now, before, completely different trees grew on the planet, other animals lived. (Show children illustrations depicting ancient forests).

Questions for children: What animals do you know that do not live on Earth now? (Dinosaurs, mammoths). Why did they die out?

2. Reading the story "Sea cows"

Many years ago, a Russian ship was wrecked near distant, unknown islands in the Pacific Ocean. The sailors escaped, but they were threatened with starvation. And then they saw that huge sea animals, similar to large whales, were swimming in whole flocks off the coast. They were peaceful and so trusting that they allowed themselves to be touched. They ate algae, and the sailors called them sea cows. The meat of sea cows turned out to be tender and tasty, so the sailors did not die of hunger. From the wreckage of the broken ship, they were able to build a boat and sail home.

Having heard about amazing animals, other people began to sail to these islands and stock up on meat. But no one thought about the need to save sea cows, and in less than 30 years they were all killed. Scientists have long hoped that sea cows are still found somewhere, they were looking for them, but they never found them. Not a single sea cow is left on Earth.

3. Discussion to consolidate what was heard:

What amazing animals did the sailors meet?

How do you imagine sea cows?

4. Invite the children to draw sea cows the way they imagine them.

5. Explanations of the teacher:

More than a hundred species of different animals and birds were destroyed by people. Some were hunted too hard, others were not even left a piece of land (forest or steppe) where they could live, others were caught by predators brought by people.

Many plants have also disappeared. In the end, people understood: if you do not help nature, more and more plants and animals will die. To prevent this from happening, they compiled the Red Book. You already know about her. Let's remember what is written in it? Why is she red? Scientists have compiled the International Red Book. It is very large, because it contains endangered plants and animals of the entire planet Earth. Each state has its own Red Book, and it is even possible to create a Red Book for each region.

6. The teacher's story about the black stork.

This is the rarest bird. The black stork nests only on the territory of the Oksky Reserve, builds a nest on tall trees. It arrives from South Africa at the end of April. After arrival, storks repair their nests, cover them with moss and grass, and lay two to six eggs. Hunting for black storks is prohibited. There are very few of them left because of poachers.

The brown bear is also protected on the Russian plain, here it is in the illustration. Once upon a time there were many brown bears, but now there are no places left in the forests that people do not visit, and bears like to live in the wilderness where a person cannot go. What other animals are threatened with extinction? Why? How can you prevent their death?7. Summarizing

Ecology is a science that teaches us to take care of the world around us, the Earth. The world is colorful and bright. "The world is around us, the Earth is our Green Home." Seas and rivers, forests and mountains, villages and cities… How much is in this wonderful house! And together with us, plants and fungi, insects and fish, birds and animals live in it ...

Is everything in order in our green house?

The water in the river was polluted and the fish died from it. All the flowers in the meadow were cut off, and therefore the butterflies disappeared. Exhaust gases from cars got into the air, and from this it became difficult for people to breathe ...

Who is to blame for these violations?

Unfortunately, the people themselves Not everyone and not always take care of the Earth - our Green House. Environmental problems are global in nature and affect all of humanity. At the present stage of development of society, the issue of environmental education becomes especially acute.

The main reason for this is total environmental irresponsibility.

In order for the world to appear beautiful and spiritual to our children, so that we, adults, have different ideas about it, we must help them in this.

I think that only a living experience, received in childhood and associated with ideas about the value of life of all living things around, capable of also feeling pain, can change the attitude towards our Green House. Since the knowledge gained from the first years of life can later be transformed into strong convictions.

The outstanding teacher V.A. Sukhomlinsky attached particular importance to the influence of nature on the moral development of the child. In his opinion, nature underlies children's thinking, feelings, and creativity. He noted that nature itself does not educate, but actively influences interaction with it, and in order for a child to learn to understand nature, to feel its beauty, this quality must be instilled from early childhood.

The inherent value of preschool childhood is obvious: the first seven years in a child's life is a period of rapid growth and intensive development, the beginning of personality formation. K.D.Ushinsky was for “leading children into nature”, in order to tell them everything that was accessible and useful for mental and verbal development. Ya.A.Komensky saw in nature a source of knowledge, a means for the development of the mind, feelings and will.

I am a creative, emotional person, with a long work experience, I have always paid a lot of attention to this topic - this is the formation of knowledge about animate and inanimate nature, about natural phenomena, as well as the education of moral feelings. The relevance of the interaction between society and the natural environment put forward the task of forming a responsible attitude towards nature in children.

At this stage, I studied a lot of literature on the environmental education of children:

  • S.A. Veretennikova - "Introducing children to nature";
  • MM. Markovskaya - "Corner of nature in kindergarten";
  • Technology N.N.Kondratiev - "We";
  • ON THE. Ryzhova - "Nature is our home";
  • L.B. Poddubnaya - "Nature around us";
  • Z.F. Aksenova - “Enter nature as a friend”;
  • P.G. Fedoseeva - "The system of work on environmental education."

Get to know the programs:

  • A. Veresova - “We are earthlings”;
  • E. Ryleeva - "Open yourself";
  • J.L. Vasyakina-Novikova - "Spider Web";
  • S. Nikolaeva - "Young Ecologist".

As a basis in my work, I took the program of N.A. Ryzhova "Our home is nature" and the technology of Z.F. Aksenova - "Enter nature as a friend."

She developed a long-term project on environmental education - "Enter nature with kindness."

"Take care of this Earth, this water,
Even a small bylinochku loving.
Take care of all the animals inside nature,
Kill all the beasts within you."

The purpose of the project: familiarization with animate and inanimate nature, the education of a conscious, careful attitude towards it, the formation of the principles of ecological culture.

  • Clarify, systematize and expand children's knowledge about plants, animals and natural phenomena.
  • To form a conscious understanding of the relationships in nature.
  • To develop an emotionally benevolent attitude towards living objects and a conscious attitude towards oneself, as an active subject of the surrounding world.
  • Develop skills and abilities of proper interaction with nature.
  • Promote the need for environmental education of preschoolers among parents.

When writing the project, I followed the following pedagogical principles:

  • consistency;
  • visibility;
  • availability;
  • taking into account the age and individual characteristics of children;
  • seasonality.

I began to think over and apply in practice a variety of methods and techniques in my work. I assigned a special role to classes, as I consider this an important means of upbringing and educational work with children of preschool age. At the initial stage - introductory classes, then complex ones, which ended with productive activities. I believe that complex classes are the creative work of the educator, because they can be organized in different ways, interesting.

I believe that children's sensory ideas about nature, obtained in everyday life, in the classroom can be expanded, deepened, systematized. In such classes, I assign the main role to visualization (examining paintings, illustrations, filmstrips, fiction), but the verbal method of work is of paramount importance. Visualization in combination with emotional explanations, reasoning, clarifications help children perceive new images about nature and provide a successful result. Classes - “Living - inanimate nature”, “Living soul of nature - trees”, “Forest incidents in winter”, “Can a cow and a wolf live together, why?”, “Who rejoices in spring?”, “You can’t take him in your hands - it is prickly, there are no threads, only needles”, the topics of such activities are developed in children logical thinking, imagination and bring up initiative, responsibility.

With age, the attitude towards the world around us changes, you feel all the phenomena in nature more sharply, even a lonely mountain ash, dressed up in its colorful outfit, looks like a work of art and you want to sing a song or read poetry. I am convinced that it is poetry that will help find the way to a child's heart, because, as V. G. Belinsky noted, "poetry is initially perceived by the heart and only then is transmitted to the head."

V.A. Sukhomlinsky’s statement that if we can teach a child to feel beauty, to be amazed at the wondrous creations of human hands, the beauty of nature, then we will raise a person with a high culture of feelings, and it is possible to reveal the beauty of the world to children through the music of a word that brings joy or sadness , I took as a basis in my pedagogical activity. I use poems of different poets, nursery rhymes, songs, riddles in my work with children all the time.

Of no small importance are observations, which are short-term and long-term. I conduct observations of one cycle sequentially - from simple to complex.

Targeted walks around the kindergarten, on their site, observing the work of adults, older preschoolers, all this expands the horizons of children.

Not unimportant in my work is the "ecological path", its route was determined together with the children. At first, we just went to different objects and watched, but then we saw that someone was slowly ruining the anthill, then the ants would soon have nowhere to live, we fenced it with branches. And so we identified all our favorite places, I drew labels for each object (anthill, dandelion meadow, pine forest, flower bed, sea buckthorn, birch-girlfriends, favorite garden), the children really like it and every walk begins with a tour of our property Are we all right there? Physical activity provides children with health, energy, endurance, and communication with nature develops observation, cognitive interests, a culture of behavior and a sense of beauty, and improves mood. It may seem that walking along the same path is boring and uninteresting, but there is always something new and unusual.

G.A. Yagodin noted that “environmental education is much more than knowledge, skills and abilities, it is a worldview, it is a belief in priority, therefore the most important part of education consists in specific actions, actions that consolidate and develop this worldview.”

In combination with observations, we are sure to fill in the calendar of nature, I believe that this is an important joint activity, during which cognitive communication with children takes place, I teach you to find the right cells, designate those natural phenomena that you have observed with icons or drawings, and also understand designation symbols. With children of primary preschool age, we perform the simplest actions, for example, laying out pictures on a stand, with the natural phenomenon that we observed on a walk, or we dress the doll in the clothes that she needs for the season. There is no doubt that such joint activities and business communication develop the intelligence of children and the personality as a whole.

S.N. Nikolaeva believes that the formation of ecological ideas can go on throughout the entire preschool age, but kids can trace only single connections, while at an older age - with consistent work - they can understand the connections of complex development in nature. Older preschoolers are already forming quite correct and complete pictures of the nature around them, so I build all the work with children, taking into account their age characteristics.

The communication of children with nature is not so much an intellectual as an ethical form of interaction between children and nature, bringing joy, developing humane feelings and a correct attitude towards nature, towards all living things. I consider it useful and interesting for children to go out into nature in the immediate environment. A forest area where many different tree species grow, a favorite lake - all this is near the kindergarten, so I often organize excursions with children at different times of the year, from which the children have a lot of impressions.

I believe that a necessary condition for the initial acquaintance of children with nature is the creation of a subject-developing environment while maintaining three principles: activity - encouraging to action; stability - the educator is stable, and the environment is changing; comfort - everyone is comfortable.

A rich natural corner has been created in the group, with selected plants for children of this age, its inhabitants, as well as equipment for caring for them, a variety of material for experimentation and experimental activities.

A variety of experimental work with children actively contributes to the mental education of preschoolers, they learn the ability to establish cause-and-effect relationships, reason logically, and draw conclusions. This ensures the intensive development of thinking of a preschooler.

Construction games with sand and water help to solve many problematic situations, for example, why dry sand pours, but wet sand does not; where the grain will germinate faster, in the ground or in the sand; What things benefit from water, and what harm? All these questions make kids think, compare and draw conclusions.

The game is the leading activity in preschool age.

V.A. Sukhomlinsky spoke about it like this: “Without play, there is not and cannot be full-fledged mental development. The game is a huge bright window through which a life-giving stream of ideas and concepts flows into the spiritual world of the child. The game is a spark that ignites the flame of inquisitiveness.

In my work with children, I attach great importance to play technologies.

Didactic games: "Help me find my mother"; "Big small"; "Where is whose house?"; "Tell me who I am?"; "Seasons"; “From which tree is the leaf”; “Let's dress a doll for a walk” I made it with my own hands and they help me a lot in acquainting children with animals, birds, and natural phenomena.

Word games: "Find out by description"; "Edible - inedible"; "Good bad"; "What is superfluous?"; "Magic wand"; "Recognize by voice"; "Who is screaming?"; "Who came to us?" develop children's attention, imagination, increase knowledge about the world around them.

With the help of toys and pictures, I introduce children to domestic and wild animals, educate interest in them and their cubs. For a deeper study of this topic, I made mini-layouts "Animal Farm" and "Forest Glade", here children see the difference between the lives of domestic and wild animals.

I pay much attention to fairy tales, children of all ages succumb to her charm, and she does not leave adults indifferent. Therefore, a fairy tale should be one of the obligatory components of the ecological education of children, says N.A. Ryzhova, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, and I completely agree with her. Children really like reading fairy tales about animals, they listen carefully, remember, but they find it difficult to tell themselves. But theatrical activity, which I like to do with children of different ages, helps me to cope with this problem. Children like to show fairy tales, to be artists, embarrassment goes away, even the most shy child performs with pleasure. In this type of activity, the correct speech of children is formed, the dictionary is replenished and activated, and, of course, memory and attention develop. I know very well the individual characteristics of each child, what he is capable of in a given situation, therefore, when distributing roles, I approach them with understanding. If a child wants to be someone in a fairy tale, and I know that he may not succeed and he will be upset, closed, then I try to convince him to take a different role and at the same time not infringe on his dignity. First, with the children, we show the simplest and most familiar fairy tales for ourselves in the group, then to the kids in kindergarten. When the result became obvious, the children became more active, the children's speech improved, then we decided to show fairy tales at parent-teacher meetings. Fairy tales were chosen so that all children were involved, since every parent wants to see their child, and the children tried to show their abilities and everyone was happy.

Even with children, I like to engage in plot composition, it helps a lot in the development of imagination, fantasy, fine motor skills of hands and, of course, correct speech. We remake a fairy tale familiar to children in our own way, invent new heroes, new actions, adventures and end it with good. I write down all the statements of the children on paper, then I read where we do not like with the children, we redo it. The second stage - I read to the children our a new fairy tale, they themselves choose who will draw what, I explain to them that now we are graphic designers, and only then I make our new book, bind it and enter the text of the fairy tale. Children love these books very much, cherish them, ask to read more and more. The plot also helps to unite the team of children, as we work together, choose the most interesting statements and the result is a real book.

All the upbringing and education of children is built in a personality-oriented model. For me, the main thing is the need for the development of each child as a person, for this I create all the conditions where not only knowledge, skills and abilities are formed, but also independence, initiative, a creative attitude to work, freedom of behavior and self-esteem.

I consider design to be a unique means of ensuring cooperation, co-creation of children and adults, a way to implement a student-centered approach in education. The project - in translation - is a plan, an idea, it is a "game in earnest", where the results are significant for both children and adults. The design is focused on the unique "child-adult" relationship, which is built on complicity in activities - this is communication on an equal footing, where no one has the privilege to indicate, control, evaluate. Working on the project "Wildlife", I was able to develop my own design activities in the manufacture of collages. Why collages? Yes, because the work on creating collages teaches preschoolers to be proactive, consistent, to complete the work they have begun, to make decisions on their own and, of course, creativity, imagination and fantasy develop, and it is also a wide choice of different, very accessible material and children's favorite activity.

I completed this project by including parents in joint activities with children. Each house made a collage on the theme "Wildlife", and then a presentation was held in our "living room". This approach promotes cooperation, emotional, psychological rapprochement between parents and children, enables preschoolers to feel like “adults”, and for mom and dad to better understand the world of the child.

The result was seen in children:

  • children's knowledge of wildlife has grown;
  • there was not even a conversation about discipline, since there was a great interest in the work;
  • the team rallied - children could communicate and work with different children from the group;
  • increased independence in work;
  • coherent speech improved, if at the beginning it was difficult to come up with the name of the collage, then then they made up whole stories about their work;
  • children were able to teach their parents how to make collages? /according to parents.

It's raining outside... It's boring... It's good if the rain ends quickly and the sun comes out again. What if bad weather drags on and the walk is canceled for a long time? But it is not scary if there is a resourceful and creative teacher next to the children. Let it rain, and I can always offer an interesting business, to which no one will remain indifferent. I offer kids plasticine, paints, pencils, looking at pictures, books with colorful illustrations, and with older children I hold various contests, competitions or invent something with my own hands from various improvised materials that I stock up in advance.

You can create amazing things! The mood of my children rises, we get so carried away that we forget about the rain that pours and pours!

At the present stage, it is necessary to significantly raise the level of environmental education not only among children, but also among parents. I consider the main tasks in interaction with parents to be: firstly, to establish partnership relations with the family of each pupil and to unite efforts for the development and upbringing of children; secondly, to create an atmosphere of common interests; thirdly, to activate and enrich the parenting skills of parents.

Children's years are the most important and how they pass depends on the parents and us teachers. It is very important to reveal to the parents the sides of the development of each child in time and recommend appropriate methods of education.

The center of interaction with parents or the reception room is the face of the group, I approach its design very carefully and competently. My work experience has shown that work should always begin with a study of the family, home visits, questionnaires, individual conversations help with this, and then I plan: the topics of consultations, parent meetings, draw up moving screens. All documentation in the Parent Corner is available to parents. Of no small importance in working with the family is also such a direction as the vision of children's achievements, therefore all the children's works are hung out, exhibited on a stand where parents can evaluate the creative abilities of their child, compare with the works, crafts, drawings of other children.