
A sign in the form of a triangle on the forehead. Forehead and hairline Xiang Min. Growth line correction


... "Savior", on whom he is trying to throw off the responsibility for solving his problems. If the "Victim" succeeds, then the trap is slammed - triangle formed. Act 2: "Victim", whose problems are not solved, turns into "Persecutor", and begins to look for the guilty in that .... Or another example: if a tutor promises to prepare a student for exams, then he risks getting into triangle Karpman. In case of failure, it is he who will be blamed for poor performance. Therefore, it is important for him to stipulate in advance ...

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Not a small portion of pity and sympathy for your own person, but also fringe benefits and various amenities. Each of the participants triangle Karpman periodically tries on one of the roles, but for the longest time he stays exactly in the role that he ... in cases when you are asked about it, and exactly as much as they ask. Most Inherent Traits Sacrifice Typical Sacrifice triangle Karpman, a victim always and everywhere. She is not interested in being well treated, she tries to be among ...

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A few days later, they noticed that the compass showed something incomprehensible, and this frightened everyone. Perhaps in the area triangle- in the sky and at sea - electromagnetic anomalies affect the movement of ships. Another version assumes the existence of a connection ...), at one time conducted underwater searches on the continental shelf of the Atlantic Ocean and Caribbean near triangle... At a time when the "neo-adventurers" developed a frenzied activity to search for Spanish galleons with gold, which ...

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... .. "There are several prejudices about how to evaluate your" membership in triangle". For example, it is approved if triangle includes a boy and two girls, and it is considered completely wrong when a girl ... by this moment he is usually responsible not only for himself, and he has fewer opportunities. Mature people fall into triangle looks tragicomic: harmony "for three" does not exist, and this situation turns out to be shameful and humiliating for someone. Cases of spousal deception ...

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This is another reason to double-check the ecology - the fifth clause of the conditions of a well-formulated result. Triangle Kaprmana ( triangle Destiny) is a social game that includes 3 roles: Persecutor, Victim and Deliverer. She ... One way is to give advice. Another is to provide gratuitous assistance. After that (in full accordance with the laws of development Triangle Karpman), the Redeemer sooner or later (more often, early) becomes a Victim. Moreover, his Pursuer will be the one to whom he ...

A beautiful hairstyle is always thought out to the smallest detail. Often, the attractiveness of styling is determined by the hairline. This is the name of the contour that outlines the hairline on the forehead. Each person has individual boundaries, but there is a classification of growth lines, depending on the shape. If a man or woman does not like the natural framing of the forehead with hair, a correction can be made. The article will help you determine your growth line and find out how to correct the contour.

Varieties and their description

When a person is in a serious position, his appearance must be impeccable. The same applies to important events, celebrations, holidays. Spoil thoroughly the image being created may have hairs on the forehead. Often strands grow small, thin, difficult to style.

Which of the options the edge line belongs to is easy to determine. It is enough to comb your hair back from your forehead and look in the mirror. There are 5 types of contour in total:

  1. Letter M. It looks like a small "island" (center of the forehead) with small bald patches (lateral parts). Hair often grows along the contour.
  2. Letter V. To the center of the forehead, the line becomes sharper. 2 arcs seem to depart from the middle. The shape resembles the headdress of women of the Middle Ages.
  3. The rectangle is a clear, even horizontal line. An almost perfect contour is more often inherent in men.
  4. Arch. It is considered the most beautiful, very feminine. A smooth arch tapers slightly towards the top.
  5. Three arches. The rarest variety. It looks like 3 arches in series.

It is interesting! The shape of the forehead and the growth of the hair makes it possible to define the human character. The M-shaped line is inherent in creative people, the arched line is often found among leaders.

Growth line correction

Consider the most simple ways correct the borders of the hairline on the forehead.

With hair

  • cut off the bangs - hide the outline;
  • do styling that adds volume;
  • permanently loosen your hair: mask areas that you do not like (cover the lateral bald patches);
  • use gel or varnish to smooth the hairs, give them the desired shape;
  • unwanted hairs can be lightened with hydrogen peroxide, ammonia, ammonia.

Shaving or plucking

If you have patience and tweezers, excess hair can be plucked out. During the procedure, it is sometimes possible to remove the bulb. The regrown hair will be thin, weak, and may not appear at all. The process is troublesome, requires perseverance, diligence. More suitable for small areas. One of the most affordable, cheap correction methods.

By these criteria, plucking is comparable to shaving. If you permanently remove your hair with a razor, it will grow tough, darker. When you need to get rid of naughty strands, this feature can be a disadvantage.

Advice. Hair after shaving outward appearance approached the main curls - it is better to leave, grow. Additional strands will make your hair look fuller and fuller.

Root stimulation

The method will leave the smallest hairs intact. Stimulating root growth will sharpen the contour of the hairline. Several tools will do:

  1. Tincture of pepper. Sold in a pharmacy, inexpensive. The product is used to rub the roots or scalp. Slightly burns - the drug works. The unpleasant sensation intensifies - wash off the tincture with warm water.
  2. Mustard masks... They act similarly to hot pepper tincture. To prepare the mask, take: 2 tablespoons of dry mustard, hot water, burdock oil; 2 teaspoons of granulated sugar; 2 yolks. After the mustard is completely dissolved in water, add other ingredients. Leave it on for a few minutes and apply. The mask is made weekly. Duration of the procedure - at least 15 minutes, maximum - 1 hour(depends on the sensitivity of the scalp).
  3. Burdock and castor oils. Any of the remedies rub the problem area. Another option is to apply it all over the head. You should not be zealous: a passion for oils can bring the opposite effect.
  4. Minoxidil. The medicine is sold in a pharmacy and is not cheap. For men, a 5% solution of the drug is suitable, for women - 2% (established laboratory research). Minoxidil is rubbed into the area where you want to increase hair growth.
  5. A nicotinic acid . Sold in a pharmacy. To activate the hair follicles, rub the scalp with the agent.

Laser operation

The procedure is expensive, but it clearly corrects the hairline. The boundaries of areas of excess vegetation are discussed with a specialist. The operation is fast. Due to the cooling system painful sensations are reduced to a minimum.

The process of laser correction is as follows: the hair heats up in less than 1 second. The risk of burns is excluded. Excessive hairs completely die under the influence of radiation. The probability of their recovery tends to zero.

Think carefully when you are going to decide on surgery. A wide variety of other methods allow you to adjust the growth line yourself. When "temporary" methods have proven themselves poorly, it is worth resorting to laser removal of strands.

Useful videos

How is hairline correction done?

Leo explains how to properly trim the hairline.

Rash! With or without fever, small and large, itchy and not very, "bubbles"; or "plaques" - she always scares parents equally, because sometimes it is not easy to find the cause of "rashes". Suddenly covered with red spots, the child himself resembles a revived monster, and turns the life of the parents into a horror film. There is no need to be afraid, you need to be treated!

Chickenpox, or chickenpox

Causative agent: varicella-zoster virus (VZV).

Transfer method: airborne. It is transmitted from a sick person to a healthy person when talking, coughing, sneezing.

Chickenpox Immunity: life. It is produced either as a result of an illness or after vaccination. In children whose mothers had chickenpox or were vaccinated against it, immunity to chickenpox is transmitted from the mother in utero and persists for the first 6-12 months of life.

Incubation period: from 10 to 23 days.


Contagious period: the entire period of the rash +5 days after the last rash.

Manifestations: red dots appear at the same time as the temperature rises. However, sometimes the temperature can remain normal or rise slightly. The spots very quickly turn into single vesicle vesicles filled with a clear yellowish liquid. Soon they dry out and become crusted. Distinctive feature chickenpox - a rash on the head under the hair and on mucous membranes (in the mouth on the eyelid, etc.). It is very common for this rash to itch.

Treatment: chicken pox passes on its own, therefore, treatment can only be symptomatic: bring down the temperature, treat the itchy rash with brilliant green (so that, while combing the bubbles, the child does not bring in an additional infection there), give an antihistamine so that itching less. You can swim with chickenpox! But at the same time, you cannot rub the affected areas - instead, you need to gently blot them with a towel.

Important: it is also necessary to use brilliant green or other dyes (fukortsin, etc.) in order not to miss the next rashes - after all, only old spots will be smeared. It is also easier to track the appearance of the last focus of the rash.

Herpes simplex

Causative agent: herpes simplex virus. There are two types: herpes simplex virus type I causes a rash in the mouth, type II - in the genital area and anus.

Transfer method: airborne and contact (kisses, common household items, etc.).

Immunity: is not produced, the disease proceeds with periodic exacerbations against the background of stress or other infections (ARVI, etc.).

Incubation period: 4-6 days.

Contagious period: all the time the rashes.

Manifestations: It may be itchy and sore for a few days before the rash appears. Then a group of closely spaced bubbles will appear in this place. The temperature rarely rises.

Treatment: special antiviral ointments, for example with acyclovir, etc.

Important: use the ointment immediately after the onset of itching and soreness, even before the appearance of bubbles. In this case, the rash may not occur at all.

Hand-foot-mouth syndrome

(from the English name Hand-Foot-and-Mouth Disease, HFMD), or enteroviral vesicular stomatitis with exanthema.

Causative agent: enteroviruses.

Transfer method: fecal-oral and airborne. The virus is transmitted from person to person through communication, conversation, the use of common household items (dishes, toys, bed, etc.).


Incubation period: from 2 days to 3 weeks, on average - about 7 days. Contagious period: from the onset of the disease.

Manifestations: first, the temperature rises and stomatitis begins: rashes on the oral mucosa, pain when eating, profuse salivation. The temperature lasts 3-5 days, often diarrhea is noted against its background, in some cases a runny nose and cough appear. On the second or third day of illness, a rash appears in the form of single blisters or small specks. The name of the disease comes from the location of the rash: it is located on the hands, feet and around the mouth. The rash lasts 3-7 days, after which it disappears without a trace.

Treatment: there is no specific treatment, symptomatic agents are used to lower the temperature and relieve pain in stomatitis. The disease goes away on its own, complications are possible only in the case of a bacterial or fungal infection in the oral cavity.

The diagnosis of enteroviral vesicular stomatitis is not easy because The rash does not appear immediately and is very often regarded as a manifestation of an allergy.

Important: despite the active use of various painkillers in the treatment of stomatitis, it can be very painful for a child to eat for the first few days. In such cases, it is good to use the most liquid food (milk, fermented milk products, milkshakes, children food for babies, soups, etc.) and give it through a straw. Be sure to keep an eye on the temperature of the food: it should be neither cold nor too hot - only warm.


(sudden exanthema, sixth illness)

Causative agent: another representative of the glorious herpesvirus family is the herpesvirus type 6.

Transfer method: airborne. The infection spreads through talking, chatting, sneezing, etc.

Immunity: after an illness - lifelong. Children under 4 months of age have immunity received in utero from their mother. Incubation period: 3-7 days.

Contagious period: all the time of the disease.

Manifestations: a sudden rise in temperature and after 3-5 days its spontaneous decrease. Simultaneously with the normalization of the temperature, a pink, small and medium-sized rash appears. It is located mainly on the body and, as a rule, does not cause itching. It passes on its own after 5 days.

Treatment: only symptomatic therapy - drinking plenty of fluids, lowering the temperature, etc.

The herpes virus is exacerbated by stress or infections, such as SARS.

The disease goes away on its own, there are practically no complications.

Roseola is often called pseudo-rubella, because the skin manifestations of these diseases are very similar. A distinctive feature of roseola is the appearance of rashes after a drop in temperature.

Important: as in the case of enteroviral stomatitis, a rash that does not appear on the first day of illness is often regarded as allergic.Sometimes it is really difficult to distinguish them, but an allergic rash, as a rule, itches quite a lot, with roseola there should be no itching.


Causative agent: rubella virus

Transfer method: airborne. The virus is transmitted through communication, coughing, talking.

Immunity: life. It is produced either after illness or after vaccination. Children whose mothers were sick with rubella or were vaccinated against rubella, immunity to rubella is transmitted in utero and remains the first 6-12 months of life.

Incubation period: from 11 to 24 days.

Contagious period: from the 7th day from infection to the complete disappearance of the rash + 4 more days.

Manifestations: the temperature rises. A small, pale pink, non-itchy rash appears on the face, limbs, trunk, and at the same time the posterior cervical lymph nodes enlarge. The temperature lasts no more than 2-3 days, and the rash disappears on the 2-7th day from the onset.

Treatment: only symptomatic therapy: drinking plenty of fluids, lowering the temperature if necessary, etc. Children can easily tolerate the disease, but adults often have complications. Rubella is especially dangerous in the first trimester of pregnancy: the virus crosses the placenta and causes congenital rubella in the baby, as a result of which the newborn may have deafness, cataracts or heart disease. Therefore, all, especially girls, are strongly advised to take a course of vaccination against this disease.



Causative agent: measles virus (Polinosa morbillarum)

Transfer method: airborne. An unusually contagious and very volatile measles virus can not only be transmitted through direct contact with a sick person, but, for example, spread through ventilation pipes, infecting people in neighboring apartments.

Immunity: life. It is produced either after illness or after vaccination. Children whose mothers have had measles or were vaccinated against it, immunity to measles is transmitted in utero and lasts the first 6-12 months of life.

Incubation period: 9-21 days.

Contagious period: From two last days incubation period up to the 5th day of rashes /

Manifestations: fever, cough, hoarseness, conjunctivitis. On the 3-5th day of the disease, bright, large, sometimes merging spots appear on the face, while the temperature remains. On the 2nd day, the rash appears on the trunk, on the 3rd - on the limbs. Approximately on the fourth day after the onset of the rash, they begin to fade in the same order as they appeared.

Treatment: symptomatic therapy: drinking plenty of fluids, darkened room (because conjunctivitis is accompanied by photophobia), antipyretic. Children under 6 are prescribed antibiotics to prevent bacterial infections. Thanks to vaccination, measles is now a fairly rare disease.

Infectious erytherma, or the fifth disease

Causative agent: parvovirus B19

Transfer method: airborne. Most often, the infection occurs in children in organized children's groups - nurseries, kindergartens and schools.

Immunity: after an illness - lifelong.

Incubation period: 6-14 days.

Contagious period: incubation period + the entire period of the disease.

Manifestations: it all starts like an ordinary ARVI. Within 7-10 days, the child feels some discomfort (sore throat, a slight runny nose, headache), but as soon as he "recovers", as against the background of complete health, without any rise in temperature, a red, merging rash appears on the cheeks, most of all resembling slap mark. At the same time, or after a few days, rashes appear on the trunk and limbs, which form "garlands" on the skin, but do not itch. The red color of the rash quickly changes to a bluish red. Over the next two to three weeks, the temperature remains low, and the rash appears and disappears, depending on physical activity, air temperature, contact with water, etc.

Treatment: there is no specific treatment, only symptomatic therapy. The disease goes away on its own, complications are extremely rare.


Scarlet fever

Causative agent: group A beta-hemolytic streptococcus.

Transfer method: airborne. The pathogen is transmitted by talking, coughing, using common household items (dishes, toys, etc.).

Immunity: after an illness - lifelong.

Incubation period: 1-7 days.

Contagious period: first few days of illness.

Manifestations: the disease begins in the same way as a common sore throat (sore throat, fever). The rashes characteristic of scarlet fever appear on the 1-3rd day from the onset of the disease. The rash is small, bright pink, located mainly on the cheeks, groin and sides of the body and disappears after 3-7 days. The nasolabial triangle remains pale and free of rashes - a hallmark of scarlet fever. After the rash on the palms and feet disappears, the skin begins to actively peel off.

Treatment: only broad-spectrum antibiotics. It is very important to start treatment as early as possible, because scarlet fever can provoke the development of autoimmune diseases such as rheumatism, glomerulonephritis, autoimmune brain damage.

Sometimes the disease proceeds in an erased form, without a pronounced increase in temperature, sore throat and rash. In such cases, parents notice only the sudden onset of peeling on the palms. If this happens, it is imperative to consult a doctor.

Important: since scarlet fever can provoke the development of serious autoimmune diseases, then for early diagnosis possible complications doctors recommend doing blood and urine tests. The first time they are taken during illness, and then repeated two weeks after recovery, then it is recommended to do an electrocardiogram.

Educational program
The incubation period is the period when the infection has already occurred, but the disease has not yet developed.
The contagious period is the time when a sick person can infect others.
It is customary to distinguish six "primary" diseases with a rash: the first disease is measles, the second disease is scarlet fever, the third disease is rubella, the fourth disease is infectious mononucleosis, the fifth disease is infectious erythema, and the sixth disease is childhood roseola (sudden exanthema).

Shulamith Wolfson, pediatrician,
employee of the Nutrition Clinic of the Research Institute of Nutrition of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences

A skin problem such as black spots on the nose and face can occur at any age, both in males and in girls.

Of course, they do not threaten human health, but they do not look aesthetically pleasing at all. Therefore, the question of how to deal with them is always relevant.

But before answering it, you need to find out about the reasons why comedones form on the skin of the face and what they are.

Comedones - what are they

Comedones are small bumps with small black dots in the center. They are formed after clogging of the sebaceous ducts. Usually black dots are poured out on the nose, in the forehead, cheeks and on the chin in the T-zone of the face. They become noticeable due to the accumulation of "dead" cells in the pores, street dirt and excess subcutaneous fat.

The reasons why black dots appear on the face:

  • Irrational and unbalanced nutrition system. The skin strongly displays toxins released into the blood as a result of the processing of harmful products - fried, salted, flour and spicy foods. Digestive upset can also occur with large amounts of caffeine, alcoholic beverages, and irregular food intake. This is why blackheads appear on the nose most often. In view of this great value has a transition to a healthy diet and adherence to the same lifestyle. This will give the skin a beautiful shine and fresh look.
  • Wrong and untimely facial skin care. It means an illiterate natural cosmetic not suitable for skin type. To remove comedones, just like in the case of red acne and white spots on the face, first of all, you need to take proper care of your skin. To this end, 2 times a day - in the mornings and evenings, you should cleanse your face with a special milk or tonic, these funds help to open pores and remove dirt from them.
  • Violation hormonal background... This is also one of the reasons why blackheads appear on the face in the form of comedones. Most often, they, like acne, bother young people and girls. adolescence... This is due to the fact that at such an age period they are undergoing hormonal changes. However, such disruptions can occur in adults who have experienced stressful situations, acute respiratory diseases, adhere to rigid diets.

Blackheads on the nose: cleaning methods

Cosmetic procedures:

  1. Manual cleaning. This procedure is carried out by a beautician exclusively by hand. It is not recommended for owners of hypersensitive skin and for inflammatory processes on it. Before getting rid of blackheads on the nose in this way, the doctor prepares the skin by steaming it. Then he cleans it with his fingers for about 60 minutes, squeezing out black spots in the area of ​​the lips, nose, eyes. After, skin covering treated with disinfectants and applied to it first a lotion, and then a pore-tightening mask, a mask with hydrogen peroxide or gelatin mask from black dots. This procedure, is very simple and therefore you can clean your face yourself at home.
  2. Mechanical face cleansing. It is carried out practically on the same principle as manual. The only difference is that the beautician does not use his hands for this, but special equipment. It can help get rid of comedones painlessly.
  3. Ultrasonic cleaning. This is a way of cleansing the skin, how to get rid of blackheads on the face by exposing it to high frequency sound vibrations. The procedure has a number of contraindications, but at the same time it is very gentle on health and the dermis. Best of all, ultrasonic face cleaning is suitable for oily skin.
  4. Vacuum cleaning. In this case, skin cleansing from blackheads occurs under the influence of negative pressure created by a special vacuum apparatus... This procedure is practically painless and does not take much time. To achieve the desired results, 5-7 sessions of 10 minutes are enough.

Folk remedies for blackheads at home

Black spots on the nose, how to get rid of which both cosmetologists and healers know, can be done with folk remedies.

Lemon mask

To prepare this mask, you will need 2 tsp. fresh lemon juice (or the same amount essential oil lemon), the same volume of aloe juice squeezed from the lower leaves of a young plant, and 1 chicken protein.

All ingredients are mixed and whipped with a blender. After stirring the mass, it is applied to the previously cleansed areas of the face with comedones in two stages.

First, the first part of the composition is laid out on the skin, then, as it dries, everything remaining in the second layer. After 15 minutes have passed, it is necessary to remove it from the skin with running water.

Clay face mask

Cleansing the face with clay at home is no less effective in treating blackheads. The white type (koalin) and black are ideal. Preparing given mask from "clay" powder by diluting it with clean water. All instructions on how to do this are written on the packaging. The cream is applied to the skin for 15 minutes. This folk remedy for blackheads on the face is washed off with water.

Chemical peeling with soda

Helps to remove comedones and white pimples on the face and folk remedies with soda. Before getting rid of blackheads on the nose in this way, add 1 tsp. baking soda 1 tbsp. a spoonful of extra salt. Next, treat the skin with a cotton swab dipped in warm water. Then apply the composition on your face in the area of ​​black dots, as if rubbing it into wet skin. At the same time, you cannot rub it strongly - all movements should be smooth and light, as in a massage. Leave the mixture for 12 minutes, then rinse it off with cool water. Then moisturize your face with cream.

It is undesirable to use a soda-based cleanser more than 2 times a week, as this ingredient dries out the skin. As an analogue of salt, you can take bran or oatmeal. They can get rid of comedones as effectively as removing blackheads on the face with cosmetic procedures.

The following recipe for a mask with soda from blackheads - mix 3 drops of boric alcohol, 1 tbsp. l. chopped oatmeal, a pinch of baking soda and 1 tsp. kefir. The gruel should be thick. The composition is applied to problem areas for 10 minutes. After it is rolled up with a wet swab and washed with running water.

Important! Almost everyone can use soda, the only limitation is inflammation on the skin and pimples.

Rice mask

The rice mask helps to remove toxins and dirt accumulated in the pores from the skin. To prepare it, mix ¼ part of a glass of cereal and 0.5 liters of boiled water in a saucepan. Leave the mixture to infuse overnight. Rinse the rice in the morning, strain it through a metal sieve and heat like a potato. The gruel is applied to the face for about 10 minutes and then removed with water.

Important! Before using the above folk remedies, it is important to steam the skin. This is necessary to open pores and more effective cleansing faces from blackheads.

Treatment of comedones will be effective only if this issue is approached comprehensively. For this, it is important to ensure proper care for skin, regularly visit a beautician and choose best remedy from blackheads on the nose or other areas of the face.

In the video: Black dots. How to remove blackheads on the face

Of course, your face does not have the shape of a heart or an inverted triangle, this is a convention. But since we decided to systematize the ovals of the face according to a geometric analogy, let's figure out how to correctly determine which type to classify ourselves as.

All you need is School line 30 cm long or an ordinary Chinese chopstick.

1. Determine the widest area

Compare 3 parameters: the width of the forehead, the width of the cheekbones, the width of the lower part of the face (from one jaw joint to the other).

If your forehead is the widest part, your shape is likely to be an inverted triangle or heart.

If cheekbones - perhaps you have a circle, diamond or heart.

If Bottom part- pear or circle.

If all the pieces are roughly equal, chances are your shape is a square.

Move on to the next stage!

2. Determine the shape of the chin

If your chin is round, look for your type among round, oval or rectangular shapes.

If it is pointed, and the cheekbones are the widest part, most likely your shape is a diamond. And if the forehead was the widest part, it remains to determine whether it is an inverted triangle or a heart.

If the chin is square (even a small lower part of it represents a straight line), the choice is reduced to a square and an elongated oval.

3. Determine the length of the face

Compare the length of the face in the center from the forehead to the chin with the width at the cheekbones.

Width is greater than height - your shape is closer to a circle or heart.

If they are equal, it is an oval, an inverted triangle, or a square.

If the height is greater than the width - pear, elongated oval or rhombus.

4. Do you have a “widow's peak”?

This somewhat intimidating term refers to the hairline on the forehead, protruding at the corner in the middle. In the Middle Ages in England, it was believed that the "widow's peak" meant that a woman would outlive her husband. Superstition has long been out of date, but the term has remained.

The presence of a "widow's peak" is characteristic of the "heart" and "inverted triangle" shapes; in other forms of the face oval, it is extremely rare.

5. Let's finalize!

Most likely, you have found signs of different forms in yourself, and this is normal: "pure" types are rare. Match yourself with the option with the most matches. For clarity, we have selected photos of stars that embody all possible options: who do you look more like?

A circle

The width of the face is slightly more than the length, there are no protruding cheekbones and chin, all lines are smoothed.

Round faces with Elizabeth Olsen, Mila Kunis, Chrissy Teigen, Kate Upton, Jennifer Goodwin and Selena Gomez.

Elongated oval

The length of the face is noticeably greater than the width, but all other proportions are soft: the width of the forehead approximately corresponds to the width of the cheekbones, the chin is rounded.

Alexa Chung, Molly Sims, Joan Smalls, Liv Tyler, Sarah Jessica Parker, Maggie Q have such faces.


"Widow's Peak" and a clearly pointed chin - this is what Kat Graham, Alison Hannigan, Blake Lively, Kourtney Kardashian, Kerry Washington and Cote di Pablo look like.


A wide forehead, wide cheekbones, a strong-willed chin: it is a mistake to consider such a form unfeminine, quite the opposite!

Check out Keira Knightley, Rosary Dawson, Angelina Jolie, Bella Heathcote, Olivia Wilde and Lucy Liu!


The cheekbones are the most prominent part, and the forehead and chin are neat and small. The owners of the diamond-shaped face contour have bright, memorable features!

Camila Alves, Freida Pinto, Halle Berry, Ashley Greene, Vanessa Hudgens, Selma Blair.

Inverted triangle

From a wide forehead to a pointed chin: the shape is similar to the "heart", only the "widow's peak" is absent. And one more nuance: "triangles" usually look thinner than "hearts".