
Jack Sparrow costume from Pirates of the Caribbean. Jack Sparrow - New Year's costume for a child How to make a Jack Sparrow mask out of paper

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For many decades one of the most popular fancy dress for New Year's children's morning performances and others holiday events is a pirate outfit.

Captain Jack Sparrow (Jack Sparrow) from "Pirates of the Caribbean" is one of the most carnival actual costumes among boys. The costume of this character is quite easy to make yourself. In doing so, you can use unwanted clothes and accessories that are in every home.

No one children's holiday not without congratulations. Funny poems for children can be found here. Please the child with a cheerful poetic congratulation.

Jack Sparrow costume from Pirates of the Caribbean

1. Vest. A ready-made suede or leather vest for an adult will do. A vest can be made from a velvet dress by cutting off its sleeves and bottom. You can decorate the vest by sewing gold buttons.

2. Blouse. For a blouse, a regular boy's shirt is suitable, two sizes larger. The blouse can be decorated with cuffs and a frill made of lace.

3. Bandana. Bandana can be made from any knitted material. Sew an elastic band with black braided hair to the inside of the bandana. A ready-made wig can be purchased at the store or made by hand from thick woolen threads. Tie coins, beads, feathers and more to the “hair”.

4. Breeches. In principle, any wide pants can be assembled with an elastic band from below without any problems. Velvet breeches look good.

5. Accessories. Chains with skulls, a compass, a toy dagger and a pistol (held with elastic bands), a belt with a spectacular buckle, a neckerchief (knitted into a belt).

6. Shoes. Shoes can be any, not out of the image. Black high boots decorate the costume well. But you can also attach yellow metal buckles to black Czech shoes.

7. Makeup. Draw a mustache and a beard with a black cosmetic pencil and shadows.

Prepared by Maryana Chornovil

On the eve of the holidays, everyone takes care of preparing a suitable New Year's outfit. Buthow to make a jack sparrow costumeindependently, what materials will be required, and how to achieve the perfect match of the image?

How to sew a Jack Sparrow costume with your own hands?

Captain Jack Sparrow- the role that Johnny Dep impeccably played. This is a madman who is charming and beautiful, and his appearance delights with the number of all kinds of accessories - it is in the details that the main secret this image.

But how to make your own jack sparrow costume? Everything is very simple:

And after all the things are put on, it remains only to “revive” the chosen image. Become a real Jack Sparrownot easy, but the desire and training will help to achieve surprise everyone at the party.

    The shirt you choose should not fit in order todo new Year costume Jack Sparrow DIY, it is best to buy a product 1-2 sizes larger than usual. It should be free - unbuttoned top buttons will help to give the image originality.

    An amazing character requires a creative approach. To do this, you need to buy a regular steel ring- if the metal is rubbed with a magnet for several minutes, then it becomes magnetized. As a result, you can rotate the compass needle completely unnoticed by others, just gently moving your finger. Before demonstrating this trick to others, it is worth practicing - practice will help you quietly perform movements. Instead of a ring, devices for magnetizing objects are perfect, which you can try to look for in specialized stores.

    By magnetizing the ball, you can also transform the compass. The main thing is to choose a product in which top part easily removed and allows you to remove the arrow without breaking the device. The ball will roll inside, stopping at a certain place - it is easy to set it in motion, surprising others.

    You can do not onlyDIY Jack Sparrow costume, but also supplement it with a fake compass - it is completed in a matter of minutes, but in the end it allows you to impress everyone who is present at the party. For this purpose, it is necessary to open the bottom of the product, choosing a circle that is suitable in size. And a small indentation will help you change the direction of the arrow with your finger.


For Captain Jack Sparrow costumeit is worth using only toy weapons that will not harm anyone under any circumstances.

“Strangers sometimes say that I am not a real pirate. Yes, I do not live by robbery and blood - and this is the truth they say.
© M. Shcherbakov.

A romantic pirate should be real - this is how Captain Sparrow is shown. We are never shown it for a bloody robbery. Among his exploits is the capture of the port of Nassau without firing a shot. Throughout all five films, he does anything - except, in fact, piracy.

From the soles of his frayed over the knee boots to the last dreadlock, Jack is the quintessence of romanticism. He is the "salt of the earth" - more precisely, the sea. If the salt loses its strength, then the ocean will no longer be an ocean. As Gibbs said in the second part - "He managed to deceive us until the last hour, but without him the world somehow dimmed."

The symbolism of the name Jack Sparrow (Sparrow) is quite obvious. Jack in English language It just means "guy". Every man jack - every person, anyone and everyone. In addition, jack means "sailor", as well as "jack of cards", as well as money. To make jack - "make good money." In nautical jargon, jack means "flag". jack "s land is a "no-man's land" on the ship that is not under anyone's control. Also, jack "s land is also a strip of fog on the horizon, mistaken for land. In a word, look for a more suitable name for a character who is the quintessence of pirate and sea romance for a hundred years - you will not find it.

As for the nickname-surname, the sparrow is a badly, unseasonably tightened knot: “Officers and boatswains scolded the sailors who noticed disorder: in some, the belt grabbed not the chest, but the stomach, in others the lower waist straps dangled, while others tied the ends of the straps are not a sea knot, but a “sparrow”.
(Magdalinsky A.V. “At the sea crossroads. Notes of a participant in the Tsushima battle.” - Yaroslavl, 1954). A quote from the film immediately comes to mind: “Sailor Sparrow, how do you think this sheet is fixed ?!”

And in English, if you believe the books, in the old days, a “sparrow” was called a small coin, which was given for tea, and ladies who agreed to a lot for such a coin, and also losers (such as “penny pontorez”).

The nickname-surname of Jack was originally swallow - "swallow". From this name remained a tattoo on Jack's arm, by which Norrington identified him - the image of a swallow. I don’t know exactly why Jack was renamed - I suspect that the play on words (swallow - not only “swallow”, but also “sip, sip, swallow”, as well as “gluttony”) seemed too risky to Bruckheimer.

In the preface to Jerry Bruckheimer: When Lightening Strikes, Four Decades of Filmmaking. Johnny Depp calls Jerry Bruckheimer his " dear friend and talks about her endless trust in him. Such a warm relationship between the actor and producer emerged and strengthened over the course of more than 10 years of working together on Pirates of the Caribbean.

The role of Captain Jack Sparrow has become one of the most significant in the work of Johnny Depp, and in many respects this is the merit of Jerry Bruckheimer - it was he who conceived the character as such and decided to find a really special actor for this role.

“Depp is phenomenal. When I started making Pirates, I felt that the film needed to be presented to the audience as something different from everything else. Johnny would never do a commercial movie, but I was able to get him and do Pirates - and look what happened!” Bruckheimer says.

According to Bruckheimer, the secret to the commercial success of his films is in himself. “I don’t know what the public wants, I never knew that. But I always knew what I liked, and I did it. Note that in total, Bruckheimer's films have earned more than $15 billion worldwide. The second and third parts of "Pirates of the Caribbean" have collected more than 1 billion at the box office each.

Johnny Depp on his acceptance of the role of Jack.
London, 2002

I don't even know what made me accept an offer to star in a blockbuster. Probably, he felt in his gut: this is it! I dated the Disney guys and at first they offered me a different script, which I turned down. Thanks to my daughter, she was then only three years old, and I reviewed with her all the Disney cartoons that I could find. So I told the people at Disney that I would like to voice a children's film. Suddenly they asked: “Have you been to Disneyland or some other amusement park? So, we are planning to make a full-length film based on the Pirates of the Caribbean ride.” I immediately said: "I'm for it." Right away, without hesitation. My agent was sitting next to me, she was in shock. Yes, I didn't expect this from myself. I still don't understand why I said yes. I never thought about doing a commercially successful film, I never knew how to foresee such things. Until the very beginning of filming, everyone, including almost the guys from Disney themselves, believed that the picture would be a failure. But even later, when I was asked to sign permission to have my portrait printed on boxes of breakfast cereal, I didn't feel like a compromised person. On the contrary, I felt as if I had sneaked into the enemy's camp and planted my flag in its center. My friends said: “Oh my God! You're killing yourself!" And I answered: “Nothing like that! It's such a self-provocation."

Penny Rose, costume designer:
"I knew Johnny was thinking about Keith Richards, but he asked me to keep it a secret"

Penny Rose is a British designer who was responsible for the Jack Sparrow costumes in four Pirates of the Caribbean films.

© “I have to give 98 percent credit for the costume to Johnny Depp.<...>He came in with the image of Jack already in his head, as is the case with all of his characters. When we first met to discuss Sparrow, he said he wanted to be a "rock and roll" pirate. When I asked him if he had someone specific in mind, he said yes, but he would never say who. But as he stood there in his hissing camisole and wig, and began to walk and talk, I realized it was Keith Richards. But he made me keep it a secret and we were the only ones who knew the secret for three months.

Johnny is an instinctive, visual-effects-driven actor. He can spend only 5 minutes trying on and stop immediately when he decides that he has found what he needs. But in 10 years of our cooperation, I learned to anticipate him quite quickly, so I give him several forms to work with and the costume is born quickly.

Since we were filming in the Caribbean, I wanted to keep the costume light but didn't succeed. These 18th century suits can only be layered, otherwise you end up with someone in a pair of breeches and a shirt that looks like Errol Flynn. I strongly believe that there is no such thing as costume comedy and therefore I always start with authentic materials, fabrics, patterns. But Johnny is a cheeky bastard and he always comes up with ideas. At some point, he added a shriveled head because he saw it on my desk and thought it would be his mother.

Now there is not a single child on earth who would not love Jack Sparrow. I see little copies of him everywhere."

Another important decoration for Jack are his rings. In the movie On Stranger Tides, the pirate wears four rings. One on the right hand and three on the left. Two rings belong to actor Johnny Depp.

1 - Skull Ring, 2 - Dragon Ring, 3 - Stolen Ring, 4 - Flower Ring

1) Silver ring with a skull and a green emerald on the index finger of his right hand, bought by Johnny Depp in 1989. With this ring, he can be seen on the cover of Rolling Stone magazine in '89.
As Johnny Depp recalls: “I was in a dark antique shop and saw this ring, probably somewhere in the 80s. This is a small antique ring with skulls on each side, embellished green stone obviously of no value. Just a carnival thing. The ring itself has power, I did not go and bought it for next to nothing. Worn it for the first time when they gave me the cover of Rolling Stone in 91. Now they sell plastic reproductions of this thing. Look at the Captain Jack doll - and he has this ring."
2) Silver ring with green jade and dragon image, worn on the thumb of the left hand. It is a prop for the movie. According to legend, Jack received this ring in the Far East and it is memorable.
3) gold ring with a purple amethyst on the index finger of his left hand. The second ring, which belonged to the actor, is a copy of a Greco-Roman period ring. Later, it was stolen from the set, and therefore a copy of it was made even later for filming.
4) Gold ring with onyx engraved with a Spanish flower and three small precious stones located on the ring finger of the left hand. Johnny Depp came up with a little story that Jack took this ring as a trophy from a Spanish widow after he seduced her.
During the filming of all the films about the adventures of pirates in the Caribbean, Jack Sparrow changed the number of rings on his fingers three times. In The Curse of the Black Pearl, the pirate wears a single skull ring. For the first half of Dead Man's Chest 2, Jack wears three rings: one with a skull on his right index finger, a dragon ring on his left index finger, and a flower ring on his left ring finger. Later in the episode where Jack visits the witch Tia Dalma's hut, he notices a ring on the table near the locket. Jack takes it for himself, putting it on the index finger of his left hand, and the pirate puts the dragon ring on him earlier on thumb. As a result, there are four rings.

And here is the same photoset of the Ritz Coat of Arms in 1991, where Jack's ring first appears.

The ring theft scene from Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest.

Since the third film "At World's End" is a logical continuation of the second, the number of rings on the fingers and their location does not change. The situation will change only in the second half of the fourth film "On Stranger Tides". If at first there are four rings on Jack's fingers, then soon everything changes. After Sparrow hit the Queen Anne's Revenge ship, only three rings can be counted on his fingers. The gold piece Jack stole from Tia Dalma in Dead Man's Chest is missing. According to the visual guide to the movie "On Stranger Tides" (Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides: The Visual Guide), the ring has its own romantic history. A long time ago Jack gave this ring to Angelica during their romantic relationship. Later, after a quarrel between lovers, Angelica sold this ring to the sorceress Tia Dalma in order to find out about some pagan ritual that needs to be performed in order to use the fountain of youth. When Jack sees the witch's ring, he decides to steal it from her. Then, having met again with his former lover, the pirate decides to return the ring to her. This scene was not included in the final cut of the film, and the ring can only be glimpsed during Jack and Angelica's conversation on the deck of the Queen Anne's Revenge ship.

A still from a cut scene from On Stranger Tides.

The cut scene begins with Jack examining the ring while on deck. Seeing Angelica, he hides the ring in his hair, catching it at the same time from the jewelry. After exchanging memories of the past and a little dance of former lovers, Jack takes a ring out of his hair and shows it to Angelica.

Angelica tells Jack what happened to this ring and why she sold it. Jack puts it on Angelica's finger. For the rest of the movie, Jack walks around with three rings.

As a pirate, Captain Jack Sparrow gravitates towards a secular lifestyle not only for spending time in brothels with girls and drinking, but also for appearance. Jack wears the fashions of his time and strives to decorate his clothes with a variety of trophies. The clothes of the character from the film are pretty shabby, dirty and torn in places.

Cocked hat:
Jack's favorite headdress is a military cocked hat that came into fashion in the second half of the seventeenth (XVII) century. In this case, by color combination she is tucked under the frock coat. The original cocked hat is made of leather.

Everyone knows that one of the most important symbols of Captain Jack Sparrow is his hat.
However, not everyone knows how the Captain got this hat.
According to legend, Jack got it by honest piracy. But I didn't steal it, no! He bought it! Bought with stolen money
On this hat he spent one of the first two coins that he “earned” by starting to engage in piracy (the second coin hung on his bandana in a strand of beads called “peso”. However, in the fifth part of the “Pirates of the Caribbean” a completely different story is told , I will make a separate post about the costume from the fifth film.

Hats after the first part of the "Pirates" are also gone. The designers had to turn directly to the Roman milliners "Pironi", who still had patterns. In the second film, the hat falls into the water, so the first thing that had to be done was to sew cocked hats out of rubber. Thus, the props got a set of rubber, non-sinking hats. Johnny's leather hat. It is impregnated, rubberized leather. When Johnny came to Penny Rose to see the hats, she had six of them for Jack. She laid out the hats on the floor and asked Johnny to choose. He walked right up to this leather one, put it on his head and said, "Here's my hat." Rose suggested, "Try others on." But Johnny said, “No. Here is my hat." There are 8,000 costumes in the movie, and no one else was allowed to wear a leather hat by Rose, by Penny's own admission, only because Johnny chose it first.

For the film, these hats were made by the theatrical workshop, which is located in Italy.
You can even contact them and order such a hat! The only thing is that they have a big workload, so they will do it for a long time. But on the other hand, they themselves will age it, and it will look as if a pirate has been plowing the ocean for years and has just taken off himself, in short, they will make it exactly like Captain Sparrow in the movie!
Oh yes, they will ask for almost a thousand euros for all this.

Frock coat:
Throughout the Pirates of the Caribbean film series, Jack wears a tweed frock coat similar to those worn by important people in the eighteenth (XVIII) century. The one that Johnny Depp wears in the movie is already worn and dirty in places.

Tunic, frock coat, camisole... It doesn't matter what it's called. What is known about this item of Captain Sparrow's wardrobe.
"Official" information: "this is a coat fabric." Not true. Actually, it is furniture "upholstery" fabric.
The second is "linen, silk, tweed". And here is a hoax, in fact it is 55% cotton and 45% polyester.

The third is a "light tweed jacket". Well, the fact that this is not tweed is already clear. Regarding the "lightness" ... if we are talking about the fact that it is of the "summer" type, and therefore "light", then of course one could argue here, but if we are talking about the mass of the product, then it is not at all light, he's heavy!

And yet, a little additional information: for the frock coat, this fabric is used from the wrong side. The fabric manufacturer is Lewis and Sheron, based in Atlanta, Georgia. The original name of the fabric is Raffia Ebony 903. The frock coat itself (like the rest of the costume details) was sewn in London, at Cosprop.

Unlike the previous three pirate films, Jack's old blue vest was retired in the fourth. Johnny Depp put forward the idea that Jack must have thrown away the old vest because he couldn't stand the stench of it. Then he stole new clothes from someone in the tavern.

Jack is girded with a long sash with dark purple stripes along. It is tied on the left side and thrown over the upper belt and sash.

There are no costumes left from Pirates 1. Not a single Jack Sparrow costume has survived. There was a gap of two years between the first and second and third films, and problems arose immediately. How to find everything again? The biggest and most difficult problem, oddly enough, was the sash. That piece of striped fabric on Jack's belt that we see in the second and third series looks completely different than in the first. The material for it was woven by peasants in the mountains of Turkey. Initially, for Jack's costume, costume designer Penny Rose ordered 45 meters. But she didn't know where these people were, or who they were at all. The agent could not be found. I had to send one of Rose's assistants to Turkey and he tracked down these people. Especially for Jack's costume, they wove another 100 meters. But then another problem arose: in the way this fabric hangs on Jack and flutters. The fabric sent was very bright, which did not really fit with the image of a pirate captain. But the designer managed to keep the spirit of Jack Sparrow, skillfully fraying the sash and giving it good wear.

Jack wears the so-called poet's shirt, or pirate shirt (poet shirt, pirate shirt). Similar shirts have been worn by men since the seventeenth (XVII) century. Basically, it was either a nightgown for noble people, or a work one. In the nineteenth (XIX) century, young men wore such things more as a tribute to fashion. In the twentieth century (XX), the shirt became a symbol of historical cinema. It is used as an attribute symbolizing the end of the late Middle Ages and the beginning of a new time. On the this moment thanks to Hollywood cinema, the shirt is associated mainly with knights and pirates.

Of all the remains of Jack's costume from the first part of the Pirates, only the shirt survived, but it was no longer in the frame. The fabric on it was too thin and would not withstand tricks. For Jack Penny's new shirt, Rose chose linen, which is also thin but much stronger. To achieve a "pirate" look, I had to do a fairly large-scale job of changing the color and making small holes in some places. Making a natural fringe is a whole art. All 12 shirts were swathed by hand. 12 - that's including Johnny, the stunt doubles, the photo stunt double, and anything else that might need Jack's image. Johnny is always very difficult. He likes to wear one thing. If he has already put on shirt No. 1 and suddenly gets wet in it, then he has to be persuaded to wear No. 2, but he only wants to be in the first.

The style of breeches, like that of Jack, appeared approximately in the eighteenth (XVIII) century. Such cropped trousers have been widespread in Europe among the inhabitants since the beginning of the sixteenth (XVI) century.

If you carefully see how Jack's breeches are fastened in the film, you can pay attention to one little thing. The original has button fasteners at the waist.

Breeches from the filming of the first two pirate films. Photos taken for the auction.

High suede boots Brown with a mustard tinge and a rolled-up top, they keep pace with Jack from film to film. Boots for Johnny Depp are made by a Canadian company, and they make these boots in their workshop in Mexico.

A total of 12 pairs of shoes were made for Jack. But Johnny wanted to walk only in his favorite pair, and when his boots got wet, he had to be persuaded to change them, which he did not always happily go for. When the dressers were exhausted to fight him, they made holes in the boots so that the water would immediately pour out of them, and it would be possible to walk freely on the water in them. Another pair was made without a sole and without a heel. These boots were used mainly in the scene of Jack's fight with Turner and Norrington in the second part, when you literally had to run on water.

Hand bandages:
On Jack Sparrow's right arm is a black armband with white stripes. Rather, at one time the stripes were probably red or pink, but faded over time, as can be seen from the remains of dull paint. She helps the pirate cover up the pirate brand.

Jack wears antique lace on his left arm. Even in the second part of the "Dead Man's Chest" for this decoration, a legend was invented that Jack left himself a piece of dress former mistress as a trophy. In the movie On Stranger Tides, it is revealed that this lace is connected to Jack and Angelica's romance.

Jack prefers to wear a shoulder strap for his saber. Patterns are depicted on the leather strap and on the buckle. The scabbard mount is held on by several flower-shaped metal buttons.


In all films, Jack Sparrow mostly does not change cold weapons, no matter what happens to him. This time, the pirate was lucky, because after he was disarmed and taken to the palace of King George II, Jack managed to free himself and escape.

On the way, running past the guards, one of the unpretentious guards chased the pirate and casually laid a saber and two pistols on the table. Jack pocketed the whole set. The moment, roughly speaking, is confusing both from the point of view of logic and from the point of view of the plot. That is, the guard could go with Jack's weapon in order to put it in the arsenal, but the pirate distracted him, so that the guard chased him and put the weapon on the table, behind which Jack hid.

Jack's saber looks like a typical cutlass with a slightly curved blade, a developed guard, a small handle and an oval pommel. The saber has a real prototype. Such weapons date back to the 40s of the eighteenth (XVIII) century.

Jack Sparrow's saber was bought for the first film. Chuck Stewart and Peter Cohen, assistant directors, were in London and there they went to the Blunderbass Antiques store, where, in fact, they found this saber. Beautiful copy of 1740. In total, hundreds of swords were ordered for the film from a gunsmith in Los Angeles, but of all the swords, Johnny's sword is the best. She is perfectly balanced. Heavy handle and very fast blade. Johnny has a special relationship with Jack's sword.

Tied to the sling is the withered head of Jack's mother. He got it from his father in the third pirate movie, after which he prefers to carry it with him. Such ornaments are called tsantsa. This trophy was popular among South American Indians. They cut off the heads of their enemies, pulled the skin off the skull, and then special methods dried it to the size of an adult's fist, while maintaining facial features.

The reason why Captain Teague made a tsantsu out of his wife is not clear. But most likely, this was done in order to carry an image ex-wife, since Tsantsa is both light and allows you to preserve the features of a person's face. Although the pirate could have limited himself to a simple medal with a small portrait (which is probably not so interesting from his point of view).

P.S. Or Captain Teague's wife was still that little thing and a witch, and became not only a wife, but also an enemy ... who knows.

Jack wears two leather belt, beige and dark brown. Both are decorated with large buckles with openwork patterns.

Johnny just fell in love with the large carved buckle that designer Penny Rose showed him while demonstrating accessories. Penny was sure that this buckle did not fit the belt, but Johnny, as always, found a way out of the dispute by convincing Rose to put both belts on him.

A long time ago, somewhere in London, Disney costumers bought a cheap belt with a big plastic buckle... It was sold as a "Santa Claus belt".
In the first movie, Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl, there is a character - Captain Anna Maria (yes, this is the one who slapped Jack for simply requisitioning her brig without asking). So, she wore a belt with this same buckle. Unfortunately, Anna Maria did not appear in subsequent films, but ... in some incomprehensible way, a belt with this buckle appeared in Jack! Now a question to think about - what happened to Anna Maria and how did Jack get her buckle?
Amulets for good luck hang on this buckle: a bone from the spine of a rattlesnake, netsuke “mermaid with a pearl”, and a mummified chicken foot, and, most importantly, a compass is tied to this belt.
In the fourth film, this buckle has changed in design.

The same buckle on Captain Jack Sparrow's belt.

As you can see, Jack has a brown insert on a light belt. There is no such insert in the belt in the movie On Stranger Tides. But this detail is in the tone of the belt from fair skin is in the two previous parts of the film "Dead Man's Chest" and "At World's End".

Trophies and amulets:
Jack not only decorates his clothes with different finds, but also his belts. For example, on the beige belt on the right, the pirate has a small skin of some small animal. Jack probably believes it brings good luck. Johnny Depp even joked about fur, which is more like Jack ate a cat.
By the way, most likely, this skin is a trap for fleas, which have been common since the Middle Ages. Elegant ladies (as well as gentlemen) in the XV-XVIII centuries. wore various "flea traps" under their clothes. Apparently, the most effective was a trap made from finely dressed fur of a small animal; it resembled the body of an animal in shape and was attached to the head, often of expensive jewelry work. On a chain, a trap was worn around the neck. Fleas climbed into the fur, and during evening dress it was convenient to catch them.

“Flea fur” has become widespread - a piece of fur worn on the arm or near the neck, where, according to the medieval ladies, fleas should have collected, and from where they can then be shaken somewhere on the ground. Best gift lovers and spouses - stuffed fur-bearing animals for the same purposes. The scarecrows were encrusted with precious stones. In pictures like “Lady with an Ermine” (only this is not an ermine, but white ferret- furo) or “Queen Elizabeth I with an ermine”, just the stuffed animals or animals used as flea fur are depicted.
They were carried with them, as later ladies wore decorative dogs.
In addition to dogs, they also kept weasels, just for catching fleas. Since the 16th century, martens, ferrets, stoats and tiny dogs have served their mistresses as living flea traps to protect them from annoying insects. In a small animal, the body temperature is higher than that of a person, and, unlike a lady, he catches fleas all the time with his teeth.

Other types of traps have been preserved in museum collections - much more complex and, obviously, hardly giving a great effect.
There was, for example, a trap in the form of a roller carved from ivory, richly decorated and equipped with many small holes. A peg smeared with blood was put into the roller, which served as a bait. By 1709, another model of such a trap, made of wood, dates back. The inner peg has a slot, a piece of wool soaked in honey or syrup was placed in it to attract fleas. Apparently, roller-shaped traps were not an original invention of the Europeans: similar traps made of bamboo were used in Ancient China.

A chicken foot is attached to the buckle. Johnny Depp is sure that any person will find a connection in this symbol with voodoo witchcraft, or with protection from various corruptions. But the actor himself thinks that after Jack ate the chicken, he just liked the shape of the paw, after which he tied it to his buckle.

On the second rope, two small things are tied to the buckle. The first is a bone from the spine of a rattlesnake, and the second is a small figurine of a mermaid with a pearl (netsuke).

In all previous Pirates of the Caribbean films, Jack also has a firearm. In the fourth movie, it's two flintlock pistols.

The pistol is signed on the right and on top of the barrel. This is a real gun in working condition, bought specifically for the filming of the film by props master Chuck Stewart. For many scenes, a copy was taken from him.

The first is already quite well-known to fans, who managed to light up in the previous three films. This flintlock pistol was made in the 1760s by a gunsmith named Perry London. But there was also a difficulty. When buying such antiques, it is always difficult to find a pair for him. Many things from the time of the filming of the first film have not been preserved. But Captain Sparrow was lucky: his pistol and sword were completely intact. Especially for extreme shooting, a rubber version was made - an exact copy of a genuine pistol. All this was done in order to save Johnny from injury.

But he is quite stubborn in this sense and in most cases he preferred the antique version, and the stuntmen got the rubber one. Jack's gun is very handy. It is worth taking it in your hand, and you immediately feel the balance. The small handle fits very comfortably. In addition, it is very elegant in appearance. Gore Verbinski always prefers simplicity. He does not like big, frilly, flashy things, if it is not necessary. Nine times out of ten, the props he chooses will be simple and beautiful.

The second cannon barrel pistol made Jack's first debut in his small arsenal. More often it is called a "pistol with a cannon-shaped barrel", the name "Queen Anna pistol" is common among the people.

This type of weapon came into fashion in the eighteenth (XVIII) century due to its small shape, which made it convenient to carry in a pocket or a special case.

The right side of the pistol and the upper part of the barrel signed by the author, as in the original.
Pictured is an exhibit from Master Replicas. This is a copy of the gun that was bought for the filming of the movie "Pirates of the Caribbean". For the most part, though, the film shoots a copy of the original made for filming.
The pistol is signed on the right and on top of the barrel. This is a real gun in working order, bought specifically for the filming of the film. For many scenes, a copy was taken from him.

For the most part in the fourth film, Jack does not use pistols, but constantly wears them tucked into his belt and sash. If you pay attention to these pistols, you will notice that they are both made of plastic or rubber. Rough paintwork is noticeable, the absence of a signature on the right and most likely on top, as well as seams, like two plastic parts glued together along the main Jack pistol.

If we talk about remarkable props, then this is undoubtedly Jack's compass. He is the driving force behind the films. Jack received his magical compass from the witch Tia Dalma. This is not an ordinary compass, as it points to where its owner wants to go with all his heart, but does not know the exact direction. The compass looks old and worn, apparently made of wood and painted.

For the second and third parts of the trilogy, the compass was not changed. Critics and connoisseurs of the film may have noticed that in the future it is not exactly the same as in the first film. The scale has changed. It didn't have a red arrow in Pirates 1, and the film's director Gore Verbinski decided that something needed to be added to this highly significant item. It had to be clearly distinguishable and catchy. So it was slightly touched up and the compass rose was changed. Another mystery of the film is how the arrow manages to spin so fast when it needs to. To achieve this effect, many options have been tried. Tried to put a magnet on the finger. You twist it - and the rose points in a certain direction. There was another option with drilled holes and a film, and a wheel was hidden on the side. A man behind the scenes was pulling on the line, and the compass rose was spinning.

Video: Captain Jack Sparrow from head to toe.

Video: The image of Captain Jack.

Jack Sparrow is the pirate captain of the Black Pearl. An emotional character whose costume can be easily made in a couple of days.

Captain Jack Sparrow is very popular among both adults and children, and, of course, any boy would like to be like his favorite hero. So let's please our little actors.


At first glance, this is the most difficult "attribute" of the costume to create, although in fact it is very easy to make it.

To do this, you will need several patches of knitted fabric (it can be, for example, old T-shirts) in red and black (brown) colors.

The red flap is immediately put aside on the bandana, and the brown one must be cut into not too narrow strips.

Then we fix the resulting ribbons on a red patch, so that later we can create a “hairstyle” from them.

We braid knitted braids, which we then add with large colorful beads, coins, leather or simple shoelaces etc.

By the way, if there is additional time, then knitted “braids” can be added to those made of thick woolen threads.

pirate hat

If at home there is an unnecessary piece of leather or an old coat, then you can sew it yourself. To do this, three fragments are cut out to fit the size of the child's head, which then need to be connected to each other.

When the cocked hat is ready, the edges of the fields at the seams are bent and fixed with glue or threads.


Perfectly matches the created image White shirt with long sleeves, but without cuffs, it will not look like a pirate. There are several options for alteration: sew a linen elastic into the cuffs; alter the button on the cuff to visually “free” it; sew an additional cuff made of lace or silk to a regular cuff; turn outward and fasten the cuff above its position. By the way, you can also decorate the collar of a pirate shirt.

Vest (sash)

You will have to sew a long sash yourself or "reincarnate" from some old thing (for example, a jacket), cutting off the sleeves from it. Mandatory requirement for the vest: dark color, bulky buttons and compass pockets (according to the movie).


Pants are not a decisive element of the costume, so you can completely limit yourself to the selection of simple dark shades. Ironed "arrows" are useless here: on the contrary, the look should be crumpled and sloppy.

Knee high boots)

Boots, in principle, you can take any of the children's wardrobe, the main thing is their height (up to the knee). If you want to make the most similar boots, you will have to work a little. To do this, cut out two trapeziums from a piece of leatherette or tarpaulin and sew each of them along the side, and then fasten it on the top of the boot in several places so that they do not interfere with the little pirate's movement and do not fall off while walking.


To create a recognizable makeup, a pencil and shadows from a cosmetic bag will be used. Draw a few lines around the eyes with a black pencil and shadows, and draw a beard and mustache using the same pencil. Of course, you can also buy sticky ones, but why spend money.


Recognizable element of the costume. In the original, Jack Sparrow had a long white belt with thin red stripes. In our case, any is suitable, of course, preferably light colors. By the way, such a belt can be made by yourself from a piece of material, or you can use a long scarf.


This famous hero has a lot of accessories. It is necessary to take two or three leather belts, such are always in the wardrobe, and put them on top of the scarf, and “pass” one more over the shoulder.

We put on a bunch of laces, leather straps, woven baubles, bracelets, etc. on the wrists. It will also not be superfluous to hang all sorts of “things” around the neck. Do not forget about rings, pendants in the form of skulls, coins (can be replaced with buttons) and more.

If the house has a compass, then its presence in the suit will excellent attribute inherent in a pirate, like a toy sword or pistol.

The first films about pirates of the Caribbean aroused great interest among the audience. Thousands of children and adults began to look forward to the next parts of this film story about the adventures of brave robbers, the most charming of which was recognized as Jack Sparrow.

For many decades, one of the most popular masquerade parties and other festive events has been a pirate outfit. After the release of the picture about the “Curse of the Black Pearl”, many boys wanted to look like Jack Sparrow at carnivals. The costume of this character is quite easy to make yourself. In this case, you can use unnecessary clothes and accessories that are in every home.

What you need to make your own Jack Sparrow costume

Outfit for movie pirate consists of:

  • bandanas;
  • shirts;
  • vest;
  • trousers
  • over the knee boots;
  • wig.

To make a Jack Sparrow pirate costume, you will need:

  • crepe satin or satin white color for sewing a shirt;
  • brown or burgundy velvet for trousers;
  • red chiffon for belt and bandana;
  • faux suede or leather for the vest;
  • wig;
  • two leather belts;
  • fabric for boots;
  • wig beads.

In addition, you need to buy a sword and a pistol in toy stores, and a purse in souvenir shops (however, you can sew it yourself).

How to make your own Jack Sparrow costume

Making a carnival outfit begins with cutting out a bandana from a red chiffon cut over the child’s head, the edges of which need to be processed with an overlock or a regular zigzag on a sewing machine.

  • a shirt with high cuffs and wide sleeves is sewn from satin;
  • from fabric under the skin or suede cut out the simplest style;
  • sew details;
  • they make long leggings from fabric in the color of shoes - so that, putting them on together and turning off the "tops", get something like over the knee boots;
  • ordinary “pajama” pants with elastic are sewn from velvet fabric;
  • if there is a ready-made wig, then beads are not attached to it and braids are braided.

The problem of the hairstyle with which your “Jack Sparrow” should appear on the matinee (the costume will be incomplete without it) can be solved in another way by sewing pigtails woven from thick black yarn onto a bandana.

We make a costume of captain Jack from improvised materials

When preparing a child for the carnival, you can do without financial costs at all. In order to make a Jack Sparrow costume (for children) from improvised materials, you will need:

  • old (brown) and red;
  • White shirt;
  • old jacket;
  • jacket or raincoat made of leather or leatherette;
  • old felt hat (if any);
  • any dark trousers;
  • boots, preferably with high tops.

Work order

To get a Jack Sparrow costume (for children) you need to make:

  • Bandana and hair.

Take old red and black (brown) T-shirts. From the first cut out a large triangular piece for a bandana. The second is cut into thin stripes. Sew them to the bandana and weave them in threes to make pigtails. Decorate the "hairstyle" with beads.

  • Shirt.

To make this important item of a pirate wardrobe, a father's or mother's white shirt is suitable, if she has long sleeves. To give it the look you want, you can either sew lace or a frill to its cuff, or fasten it above its usual position. It is also worth decorating the shirt collar. The same laces are well suited for this.

  • Vest.

You can sew it from an old jacket by cutting off the sleeves and sewing on large shiny metal buttons, as well as pockets.

You can sew it yourself or give the appropriate look to an old hat. For this, 3 fragments are cut out under the boy. Then they are glued to the hat. If the headdress has wide brim, then they can be fixed on the crown so that a cocked hat is obtained. You can stick an image of the Jolly Roger cut out of paper on the hat.

  • Trousers.

Here you can completely do with any dark-colored pants, preferably without “arrows”.

  • Treads.

2 trapeziums are cut out of a piece of leatherette and each piece is sewn along the side. Fix the resulting sockets on the top of the boot. Decorate shoes with large shiny buckles.

  • Belt.

In the film, Jack Sparrow wore a long white sash with a thin red stripe. It can be made from a piece of cloth or a suitable long scarf.

  • Accessories.

First of all, you will need 2 or 3 leather straps that you need to wear on top of the scarf, and throw another one over your shoulder like a harness.

In addition, Jack Sparrow, whose costume is easy to make on his own, adored all sorts of "trinkets". Therefore, it is worth picking up leather laces and baubles, as well as rings with skulls and small multi-colored beads or a “necklace” of coins and keys.

You will also need a sword or saber.

  • Wig.

If your son wants to look exactly like Jack Sparrow at the holiday, the costume will need to be supplemented with the most similar wig and make-up. For example, a very natural “hairstyle” will turn out if you use black nylon tights(4 pairs). They are cut into pieces across and stretched so that twisted ring laces are obtained. Then they are cut and flagella are obtained. When the "strands" are ready, the base is made. To do this, use a wide black elastic band and sew the crossbars from one ear to the other, plus one transverse one - from the forehead to the back of the head. Then the flagella are fixed on the base in a circle, with a bandana pinned from above in several places.


Regardless of what the costume will be, you will need to arm yourself with a contour pencil to paint on your Jack Sparrow's eyes, beard and mustache. If you wish, use the purchased "vegetation" for the face. You can also tie a black headband with pigtails sewn on, such as on a wig, to create a beard like a pirate.


While makeup will suffice, your son may want to wear a mask. To complement Jack Sparrow's New Year's costume with it, you will need a printer. An image of a pirate's face is printed on it, cut out and pasted onto cardboard. In the upper part, the same piece of fabric is fixed with a stapler, which went to the bandana. Cut out holes for the eyes. Attach an elastic band to the mask, which will be hidden under the wig.


If you watched the movie carefully, then remember that something shiny dangled from the pirate's belt. This part of the costume was a compass. It can be made from any box by pasting it with foil.

Now you know how to make a Jack Sparrow costume for a boy, and you can dress up your naughty so that he becomes the star of a school or kindergarten New Year's carnival.