
Where can you work at 12? A child wants to earn money - at what age should he be, and how can I help? Unofficial part-time work in organizations


  • 2. Ways to earn money for a teenage schoolchild aged 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16 years old on the Internet without investment
    • Real earnings for teenagers on the Internet by writing articles
    • Maintaining your own blog site
    • For those who like to play games
    • Surfing web resources
    • Earnings in in social networks
    • Earning money from freelancing
  • 5. Conclusion

Teenagers always want as much independence from adults as possible. And, of course, you don’t want to depend on anyone financially. Therefore, most young people from the age of twelve or thirteen are looking for opportunities to earn at least some pocket money. And teenagers find the most on the Internet, in projects that do not require initial financial investments. This article provides a lot of information on how to make money for a teenager on the Internet.

For example, in projects such as SeoSprint, Wmmail, just by reading letters and browsing websites, you can earn at least enough money for a teenage schoolchild to pay for mobile communications.

If you don’t know where you can get money for free and for free, then for this we wrote, which we recommend reading.

1. Earn money on the Internet for teenagers and schoolchildren from 100 rubles per day

3. Other ways to earn money for a teenager

Maintaining your own blog site

For teenage schoolchildren, your website or blog (there may be several such web resources) can bring its owner a decent income. Income will depend on the chosen topic of the web resource. In a couple of years, with the necessary approach to filling content, achieving an income of $200 or more will not be difficult. The most important thing in this type of earnings is the regular filling of content with high requests from search engines.

Working on the Internet - maintaining your own website - blog

We recommend choosing one for your websites, forums, etc. the following topics: Finance(Forex, investments, everything about money), construction and real estate, automotive theme, insurance and other commercial topics.

Don’t forget about competition, for example, the topic is earning money on the Internet from 100 rubles a day without investments for a schoolchild and the like, they already have quite high competition, everyone who is not too lazy writes about ways to earn money, but at the same time they themselves do not achieve high results in this areas.

Before choosing this type of income, we recommend that you first try your hand at writing articles, since your customers, to whom you will write articles with errors, will send the work for revision (or refuse payment).

After you learn how to write and format articles correctly, you can move on to the next type of income, that is, maintaining your website (blog). And only then will you be able to successfully blog by ordering articles from content exchanges for your web resources.

For those who like to play games

Most teenagers and schoolchildren love to play various online games on computers, tablets and other gadgets in their free time. There are a huge number of such games online. This method involves making money on just such games.

Earn money playing games

To do this, you will need to create and develop your account in the popular online game, and after achieving a certain experience with the account (that’s why they play the game), you sell it to someone who is ready to invest money and play further. The prices for such accounts are sometimes impressive, so this method We couldn’t ignore making money.

Surfing web resources

This method of earning money is associated with surfing various sites. Such services that were mentioned at the very beginning of the article ( SeoSprint, Wmmail) suggest specific web addresses and emails that you need to view. Quite often there are tasks to follow links on these addresses at a certain time in the right order.

Surfing web resources - earning money for teenagers 12-13-14 years old and more

This type of earnings will not bring you much income. If you just want to try to start earning extra money, then this way of earning money may well be suitable as an online job for teenagers. If you manage to earn a hundred rubles or more per day in this way, then you are a very diligent and persistent person, which means you can achieve much more income in other ways. We recommend not stopping at surfing and moving on, since the income here is much less.

Earning money on social networks

This method directly depends on the social network. Most modern teenagers have gadgets (PCs, laptops, tablets, etc.) through which they can communicate on social networks, like, repost, and some already have a certain audience due to these actions. In this case, you have the opportunity to earn from 100 rubles on your communication habits through social networks. You will need to register in services such as - VkTarget, V-like , SMOfast , Sarafanka etc.

Earning money on the Internet for schoolchildren without investing in social networks through services

To make money online on social networks, you will need to log into your account and complete tasks from customers. Tasks can be different - like a post, repost, subscribe to a group, add as a friend, etc. In general, we will tell you the essence of earning money in our and “”.

Earning money from freelancing

Freelance work on the Internet means a free schedule, favorite work and combination with studies

Where else can a teenager 15-16 years old (or younger) find work on the Internet?

If you are a schoolchild and you are 12-13 years old, or you are a teenager 14-16 years old and what is described above does not suit you, then read on for more ways to earn money that will most likely suit you.

Ways to make money on the Internet for teenagers

Method number 1. Poster

Work for people, which consists of publishing articles (texts) on a website or blog, posting messages to a group or public on social networks, etc. They pay little for this work, since it is very simple to do and does not require special knowledge. A schoolchild or teenager will need to learn how to publish (complete a task) once, and only then will the work progress quickly. The text for the assignment (publication), as well as the link itself and other detailed information The customer gives you information about how and what to do.

Method number 2. Moderator - work as a moderator

The job involves moderating comments, messages, news, users, as well as monitoring the performance of a blog, website, forum, etc. You will also need to receive the task from the customer once - and information about the completion of the work.

Method No. 3. Creation of websites for sale

This is a difficult job for a schoolchild, but teenagers are modern and fashionable young people for whom creating a website on a popular engine will not be difficult, and many already know how to do it. Earning money consists of creating an interesting project to order, selling it through a freelance website, or creating a project, promoting it and only then selling it. You can sell sites that generate income from advertising on exchange sites - such as Telderi, pr-cy, etc.

Method number 4. Completing tasks

We will also provide a list of services - content exchanges, which also host a lot of different tasks. Remember that when completing assignments or any work, no one knows about your age, unless, of course, you yourself reveal your illiteracy. Therefore, if you are confident that you can handle the job, you can take on the proposed task and complete it on time.

So, here are these services:

  3. Work-zilla
  4. TurboText

We recommend that you first register with Advego, there are many customers and performers there, and therefore you can choose a task with a high proposed payment for the work. The service has proven itself well, so there should be no deception here, since the service provides a protection system for both the customer and the performer of the work. Just contact the service support and they will help you right away.

4. How can a teenager easily distinguish scammers from a real way to make money?

There is a very simple criterion - how to distinguish a real way of earning money from a fraudulent one - think - if you do the work for which they promise to pay you, will it bring benefit to someone!

Here are some examples:

  1. You write interesting articles - people read them (work on copywriting exchanges is real and you can make good money)
  2. You lead groups on VKontakte and other social networks - also interesting and useful content
  3. Or they offer you a transfer of a small amount of money to someone - something is clearly wrong here!

Copywriter- marketer

For those who want to learn how to write sales texts and master the basics of an in-demand Internet profession, so that they can then receive additional income to their salary or change their occupation.

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5. Conclusion

There are quite a lot of jobs for teenagers 12, 13 and 14 years old, we have looked at only the most popular ways of making money, where you can earn money without cheating, but if even now nothing suits you and you are still wondering how to make money as a schoolchild, then it might be possible already in you, since we have covered approximately 80% of the proposed ways to earn money.

The needs and desires of modern children are practically impossible to measure. And parents are not always ready to satisfy the “wants” of their minor children. Then the child has a desire to save money or earn extra money for this or that dream.

Today we will talk about how to quickly save money at 12 years old. This is not the easiest task. Especially if the child’s whole week is busy with activities - sections, studies, tutors, clubs. But if you want, you can earn and save money. The main thing is to try and choose the right direction to implement the task.

Saving from pocket money

How to save money quickly at 12 years old? At this age, finding a job can be problematic. Child labor is prohibited in Russia. And they can officially get a job only after receiving a passport - at 14 years old.

Therefore, teenagers are often given pocket money. A certain amount is given to minors by their parents. For example, once a day or a week.

To save quickly this way, you just need to spend less. For example, refuse unnecessary and spontaneous expenses. It is better to keep records of desires and expenses on paper. This technique will definitely help you save and spend your budget rationally. adult life.

Walking the dogs

How to save money quickly at 12 years old? Saving in 1 week will not give a significant result. Therefore, it is worth thinking about how to earn a little pocket money.

In the US, walking dogs for money is popular among teenagers. In Russia, such an activity is rare. The child can offer his services to friends, acquaintances and neighbors.

Payment in this area is negotiable. The advantage is that at the age of 12 a teenager can walk several dogs at once. If you charge 100 rubles per person for an hour of walking every day, you can make good money on the side.

We sell crafts

How to save money quickly at 12 years old? Everyone can get 500 rubles or even more by selling handmade goods. Things self made on this moment are highly valued. They are readily bought from hand or from store shelves.

This technique requires the child to have certain skills - knitting, sewing, cooking, turning, and so on. For one hand-made accessory you can earn from 200 rubles or more.

This technique does not work effectively immediately. First, the teenager will have to find clients. But if this can be done, selling handmade goods could become the main source of income in the future. This is a good freelance job for people of different ages.

Work as a promoter

How to quickly save money at 12 years old in 1 week? On a phone or tablet, for example?

It all depends on how much you want to earn. Teenagers from 10-12 years old can be hired as promoters. The child will have to stand on the street or in shopping centers, handing out advertising leaflets. An hour of work is estimated at 150 rubles. At the age of 12, children are allowed to work for 2-4 hours.

Accordingly, if you work as a promoter every day, you can save some money for a simple smartphone in a week. Otherwise you will have to work much longer. Especially if a teenager wants to buy himself a modern and powerful device.

Help with housework

How to quickly save money at the age of 12 for a dog or any other desire? In some families, parents use a system of rewarding household work and grades. If the child studies well, he is given a certain (pre-agreed) amount of funds.

Housework is also paid. For example, for a thorough cleaning of a room they pay 100-200 rubles. This is a good option for working part-time and teaching your child to do housework.

Similarly, a teenager can offer help with housework to friends, relatives and even neighbors. Busy people will definitely take advantage of such services.

At school

How to save money quickly at 12 years old? In 1 month, a teenager can start earning good money. Especially if he is smart and distinguished by intelligence in certain school subjects.

Some schoolchildren do homework and tests for money. The cost of one job depends on the complexity of the task.

If a teenager has free time, he can take on laboratory work, essays and even coursework for students. There are a lot of such orders. And they are paid decently.

A talented schoolchild is able to earn up to several thousand rubles a month in this way. Sometimes it’s enough to work hard for a month to buy yourself an expensive smartphone or a mid-range laptop. The main thing is to find clients, not to be lazy and develop your mental abilities. After all, the described method of earning money is not suitable for everyone.


How to save money quickly at 12 years old? The next option for a part-time job is making presentations on a computer for a fee. It can be combined with homework.

The bulk of the “clients” are classmates and other schoolchildren. You can search for customers outside educational institution where a teenager is studying.

Beautiful presentations pay well. On average, they charge 300 rubles or more for a small job. The cost of the order is negotiated with the customer in advance.

Surfing the Net

How to save money quickly at 12 years old? For 1 week each modern child, who knows how to work with the Internet, can get some pocket money.

The thing is that there is such a method of earning money on the Internet as surfing sites. You just need to browse paid sites by following the links provided. To do this, you will have to register on special exchanges. For example, SeoSprint, VipIP or Wmmail.

This method of working part-time allows you to earn up to 2-3 thousand rubles per month from one virtual exchange. A 12-year-old child may have problems withdrawing money from systems. This often requires an online wallet or bank card. It is difficult for teenagers to gain access to such things.

Social networks to help

How to save money quickly at 12 years old? Selling handmade goods is suitable for a girl. But teenagers can earn money regardless of their gender. Social networks will help them with this.

On the Internet you can earn income from performing simple tasks on social networks. This scenario allows you to earn extra money in your free time by promoting other people’s pages and public pages. The job does not require any skills or abilities.

The child needs to register on the promotion exchange on social networks, link his work accounts to his profile, and then take and complete certain tasks. You can receive various tasks, for example, “Add as a friend” or “Repost a post.” Even a preschooler can cope with such tasks.

This way you can't earn too much. Maximum - 2-2.5 thousand rubles per month. Most often, users work with the exchanges VkTarget, Sociate, V-Like. Registration here is completely free, there are a lot of orders, but they are completed very quickly.

Captcha and part-time job

How to save money quickly at 12 years old? There are many ways to earn money on the Internet without investment. For example, novice users can try their hand at entering captchas.

The child will only need to register on the exchange and then enter the text from the pictures that appear. Fast, simple and very convenient. True, the payment for such work leaves much to be desired. One captcha costs from 10 to 60 kopecks.

At the moment, users most often work on RuCapcha and, as in the case of social networks, a child can earn no more than a few thousand rubles here.

Texts to order

The last interesting method of earning and saving money is working as a freelancer. Usually adults earn their living in this way. Freelancers offer their skills on specialized exchanges.

Schoolchildren are encouraged to take up copywriting. This is writing texts on a specific topic to order. For example, about games or technology. You can earn from 50 to 500 rubles for a text. Sometimes even more. Payment is made depending on the complexity of the order and its volume.

The best freelance exchanges are Advego,, ETXT.

That's all. Now it’s clear how to quickly save money at the age of 12. But teenagers at this age are better off looking for part-time work in real life rather than online.

Probably every child wants to have pocket money and not ask their parents for it, and therefore many teenagers start working in the summer to earn money and spend it as they want. Despite the fact that children can officially work only from the age of 14, even if you are 12, you can find an easy part-time job for yourself. Most often, children work in groups of several people, since not every person can complete complex tasks alone.

If you want to earn money but can't find a job because of your young age you need to talk to your parents, maybe they can find you a part-time job at their job. For example, sort through documents, stamp them, place them in folders and files. Of course, your parents will pay you from their own pockets, but this way they will be sure that in the summer you are not just killing your time.

Common vacancies

Summer work at 12 years old can be represented by different vacancies. The most popular are the following:

In order not to be deceived, you need to carefully look at the employer and it is best for parents to do this.

It is worth noting that promoters, posters and people who hand out flyers receive wages for hours actually worked on the day the work was performed. If your employer starts promising you money at the end of the month or week, then you need to run away from him.

Earning money on the Internet

Since you can officially earn money only from the age of 14, one of the current options for part-time work for a child is the Internet. You can find many ways to earn money on social networks, but you should not fall for those where you need to invest your money. And this is unlikely to interest a 12-year-old child, because he does not have his own funds.

Making money on the Internet is not difficult, and even interesting. In addition, this way of earning money is relevant not only in summer, but all year round. But it is worth noting that the wait big money This kind of work is not worth it, but a 12-year-old teenager doesn’t have great needs, and therefore such a part-time job can suit them. As a rule, you will be able to earn no more than 100 rubles per day. The most common ways to earn money are the following:

  1. Ad clicks. You don’t have to worry about infecting your computer with viruses, since the sites you need to navigate to are first checked. Parents should not worry, since the child will not be able to come across “forbidden” resources.
  2. Reading letters and taking tests. You need to read short letters and answer questions.
  3. Simple tasks. To earn money, you need to register on sites, write reviews, and like.

You can also earn money on social networks, for example, by reposting posts or completing a simple registration. There are many options for earning money. Of course, there is a lot of work on the Internet, but not all of it is suitable for teenagers 12 years old. For example, you can earn the most money by writing articles.

In addition, you can blog on Youtube and earn money from ad views. In order to become recognizable, you need to shoot something interesting and unique, then your channel on the platform will develop quickly, and you will be able to earn good money. You can advertise organizations or other channels on Youtube on your videos. The most important thing in such a topic is regular content. You can also play games online, and players will pay you money to keep you going level after level.

If the idea of ​​a channel is not close to you, then you can, for example, create your own personal website on which you will post useful information for users. Today you can create simple websites for free, for example, on the Wix platform, which anyone, even a schoolchild, can learn. Is it true It’s better to turn to adults to fill out content and optimize it.

There is a lot of deception and fraud on the Internet. Probably, people who have at least once looked for work online have come across such vacancies: an employee collecting balloon rivers or other office work. It is worth knowing that such vacancies may be scams that offer to pay in advance for work material, and only then they will send you pens by mail that you need to collect. And the most interesting thing is, what kind of simple work“they pay” a lot of money, and therefore there are a lot of people who want to try.

Jobs for girls

All girls of any age love to make something and do needlework, and why not combine business with pleasure? Very often children make money from their hobby. Work for 12 summer girls may be based on the sale of such things:

  • paintings embroidered with cross or beads;
  • bracelets, earrings and rings made of different materials;
  • photo frames;
  • homemade soap;
  • figurines made of salt dough, clay.

If you know how to draw beautifully, you can sell your work. This kind of art is in great demand, as people often order portraits of their friends as gifts. And if your work is of high quality, it is possible to sell it inexpensively, which will attract a flow of clients, you just need to properly advertise your services.

Jobs for boys

One of the most common jobs for a teenage boy is a gardener. Very often, older people look after their garden, vegetable garden or dacha. But not every person’s health allows them to burrow in the ground. And therefore, older people are looking for help for themselves, and most often these are children. A 12-year-old child can already weed beds, water flowers and carry out simple tasks in the garden. Work for 12 summer boys it may be different: a teenager can be an assistant to a car wash, a courier, or just help dad.

Helping neighbors

If you live in a neighborhood with hospitable people, then perhaps they can offer you a part-time job. The most common positions include the following:

Become an actor

If your child has acting skills, can sing, dance, or read poetry expressively, you can try an acting audition. Perhaps he has talent and will be invited to appear in commercials, TV series or films. It’s worth a try, because thanks to a part-time job for children, you can arrange a good future for your child. Very often, auditions for children's roles are held in cities. According to the law, vacancies for children 12 years old with official employment may be as follows:

  • cinema;
  • circus;
  • theater;
  • concert organizations.

These provisions are spelled out in Article 63 of the Labor Code, Part 3.

Is there any danger

If a child finds a job at the age of 12, then first of all he should consult with his parents whether he can earn money this way, even if he earns money on the Internet. Since in our country you can only work from the age of 14, you do not enter into any contract with the employer, and therefore you should not exclude the fact that you will be deceived and will not be paid anything for the work done. And if you contact the police, your parents may be punished for not supervising their child.

Few employers are happy to hire teenagers, since children are a lot of hassle. Very often children are not officially employed; the following should alert a teenager:

  • probation;
  • paid training;
  • purchasing additional items for work.

If you are offered something from this list, then you need to go somewhere further away from this employer; most likely, they want to deceive you. Very often, the employer offers newspaper delivery people to pay a deposit for the material, in case you simply throw it in the trash can and the work will not be completed. You should not cooperate with such employers, as they want to profit from even people.

Since it is difficult to find a job for a teenager without deception, you need to listen to the following tips and recommendations:

  1. Go to the school and find out about available vacancies for the summer. Very often there is a need for assistant counselors and garden workers.
  2. Visit organizations located near your home. This is one of the acceptable options - find a job close to home. Don’t be shy about visiting organizations, as they often need helpers.
  3. Talk to parents, relatives and adult friends. Very often, help in finding a job is provided by adults; perhaps they need helpers at work. And so the child will be under the supervision of adults, which means there is no reason to worry.
  4. Contact the youth agency. But most often such organizations offer part-time work for children over 14 years old. But it's worth trying to contact them.

Before you try to make money, you need to read reviews about this or that organization on the Internet. And if they are scammers, then you will find more than one negative review about them. Part-time work for children 12 years old can be in different industries, the main thing is to talk with your parents and make sure that you want this.

The book by the famous German economist and philosopher Karl Marx “Capital” is still relevant today. Every day people run from one job to another in search of financial well-being. Our children are not far behind us either.

Children want to work

More and more often, children ask their parents the question: “How can 11-year-old children make money?” If a child has a desire to get his first salary, do not rush to dissuade him, this is just the first step towards his financial independence.

There is a job for an 11-year-old child with a salary; the main thing is the parents’ desire to help their child find it.

Work for kids

Activities available for schoolchildren aged 11:

Summer job

Is there a job for children 11-12 years old with a salary during the holidays? Of course have! During the summer season, ways to earn money become much more diverse. The following directions are added to all of the above:

Earn money online

If your child sits for hours staring at the monitor, then this can also be directed in the right direction. There are thousands of offers to make money online on the World Wide Web. But an independent search is not recommended here; be close to your child while he browses sites with offers of part-time work, so as not to become a victim of Internet scammers.

Types of earning money online

Now we will look at how 11-year-old children can make money on the Internet:

  1. Paid surveys and tests. There are quite a lot of such services; you just need to register and wait for an invitation to participate in the survey.
  2. Writing positive reviews. How often do you write positive reviews about a beauty salon, car service, etc. Never? Then where do they come from? This is also one of the types of online earnings.
  3. Paid web browsing. It's simple, you need to view pages using links and receive a reward for it.
  4. Reading letters. If you read letters, you get money. More letters - more money.
  5. Perform simple tasks. Basically, the essence of this type of earnings lies in completing demo games. After completing the game, you will need to write a short report on the work done.
  6. Photo editing. Suitable for anyone who knows how to use Photoshop.

Copywriting is a great activity for a budding writer

What other job is suitable for an 11-year-old child with a salary? Copywriter, rewriter.

Surely, by the time your child began to think about making money on his own, he had already written hundreds of essays at school. So why not use this as a source of income? There are copywriting exchanges on the Internet. This is a trading platform that specializes in websites on the Internet.

You can write texts to order or sell them yourself. This is especially suitable for children who have perseverance and patience. Payment for 1000 characters can reach up to 50 rubles. But the starting level is 6-10 rubles. for 1000 characters without spaces. So, if your child has the ability to express his thoughts beautifully and competently, then it’s definitely worth trying his strength in this direction.

Electronic wallet for withdrawal of funds

Money earned on the World Wide Web accumulates in an electronic wallet. Your child will be able to have their own wallet only after 18 years of age. Therefore, this cannot be done without the help of parents. This way, you can control where and how your child earns his first capital.

A little conclusion

Now you know the answer to the question that interests you: “What kind of work is there for schoolchildren aged 11?”

The basic rule: there is no need to force or coerce a child into any type of activity. You need to involve your child in the work process in a motivated and conscious manner. The child must be interested in what he wants to do so that the work evokes enthusiasm and joy and does not later become a burden.

If you still doubt that a job for an 11-year-old child with a salary is real, we will give a final argument. In their early childhood, Steve Jobs delivered newspapers, Thomas Edison sold apples on the train, and worked part-time in a veterinary clinic, which undoubtedly helped them achieve success. Even in childhood, they felt how hard it was to get money. Therefore, we firmly decided that we would achieve success so that we wouldn’t have to work like hell all our lives.

So, if your child has set a goal, don't stand in the way of him achieving it.

At the age of 10. And I think it was an extremely useful and necessary experience. Now I am a parent myself, and when my daughter gets older, I will do my best to help her work regularly from an early age. Work for children, schoolchildren and teenagers aged 10 to 18 years is very important to prepare them for adult life , to identify and develop their abilities, and is also prerequisite to master financial literacy and the ability to handle money.

In this article we will analyze in detail why it is worth teaching a child to work and work from an early age, we will talk about how and where a child can earn his own money, how this will affect his future and how to competently weave this process into the general education system.

So, I got my first money earned money at the age of 10 at a gas station. It was in the summer, my friend and I went out of town to one of the gas stations. There weren't many gas stations back then. But it wasn’t difficult to get there; we took a regular bus. There we refueled cars, for which some drivers gave us a small reward.

I remember that I myself decided to work at a gas station. More precisely, it was our joint decision with my friend. Well, to be even more precise, we would hardly have decided to do this alone, but together it seems to be more fun and not so scary.

Our parents didn't encourage us to do this. Both me and my friend grew up in ordinary Soviet families. The family had enough money and we did not live in poverty. However, I remember now that I wanted to have MY own money, not begged from my parents, which I could spend on anything.

We wanted to be independent, adults. As a child, you usually always want to grow up as quickly as possible, and when you grow up, you want, on the contrary, to become younger.

In childhood, almost every child has many different prohibitions: smoking is not allowed, swearing badly, staying out until nine, not getting a bad grade, not playing around, not jumping, not showing your tongue, etc. Therefore, every child perceives adulthood as a kind of liberation from prohibitions.

Children look at adults and see that they can do anything. And all they hear from adults is: “This is not possible, that is not possible.”

Subsequently, when I got older and worked part-time in other places, I remember that I always did it with pleasure, because work and the money I earned gave me a feeling of adulthood and independence, what I was striving for.

Although I speak for myself now, I am sure that many children have jobs in early age evokes similar sensations and emotions. If you are reading these lines and you have children, then here is the first benefit of working at an early age.

Give your child the opportunity to feel independent and grown up

By the way, if I loved working for money, I hated working NOT for money. For example, I hated working in my parents' garden. Planting and harvesting potatoes, weeding grass, picking berries - all this tired me terribly.

If I endured the first few hours calmly, then I began to get frankly bored. Moreover, parents always went to the garden from early morning until late evening.

So if you have children and they don’t like to go with you to the garden or dacha, then either take them for a shorter period, not for the whole day, or motivate them with something. You can do it both with money and in other ways, for example, snacks, movies, etc.

But let's go back to my first job. Generally This way of earning money for a child is still relevant today. There are gas stations where fuel attendants work on a permanent basis, and there are gas stations where such employees do not exist and are not provided for.

We worked at a gas station without any agreements. They just came and started working. Nobody drove us away, although the time was different then. Now, most likely, you will have to first communicate with one of the gas station employees. For refueling itself, this will only be a plus, because it’s convenient when you don’t have to tinker with the gas tank cap and pump nozzle yourself, especially when the car is dirty.

At what age can you work officially?

Labor legislation states that you can officially work from the age of 14. Perhaps some of the gas station managers will be afraid to take on such responsibility. Although, you can always agree and find a way out. For example, you can prepare children in advance and teach them what to answer in case unknown people start asking them various tricky questions.

I can say for sure that my first job at a gas station changed me a lot. She showed me the process of how money appears from a completely different perspective.

I used to always think that my parents had money, and that was always the case. Yes, I understood that they went to work, but I didn’t fully understand what it was.

Even when my parents told me that they had no money, I always knew that they were cheating. They always had money, so it seemed to me.

When I understood WHAT a job is and WHAT a salary is, many things fell into place. I have become more respectful of money. I realized that Before money rustles in your pocket, you need to work hard and make some efforts. Accordingly, I began to part with money more carefully.

If I had money, I was in no hurry to spend it left and right. I began to approach my purchases more rationally and carefully. But what’s most interesting is that I learned to realize the value of certain things.

I knew that in order to earn, for example, 100 rubles, I would need to work for a week. And when I subsequently saw something in a store, I could already estimate its value not just in rubles, but in the number of days that I would have to work in order to earn the required amount for it.

This is very it is important that your child is able to evaluate certain things not in rubles, but in the amount of effort expended, then it will be easier for him to understand the value of certain things. He will realize how difficult and difficult money is.

Perhaps for some adults such reasoning will seem banal, but for a ten-year-old child the appearance of such conclusions is akin to Mendeleev’s discovery of his ingenious table of chemical elements. In terms of developing financial literacy, this was a real breakthrough for me.

So if you are still wondering whether your child should be sent to camp or given a job this summer, now you have compelling arguments to make a decision.

Many parents think that summer is a period of rest, when you need to swim, sunbathe, eat fruit and gain strength. And about work they think: “Work makes horses die.” And they transfer this philosophy to their child, they worry about him, that the poor thing will overwork, God forbid.

I assure you, a few weeks of work, or even better, a month, will have a much more fruitful effect on your child. You shouldn’t go to extremes either and send him to some kind of labor camp for the whole summer.

Also, it is important that the child wants it so that his desire is conscious. To achieve this, I recommend doing the following. Find out what your child dreams about. Perhaps among his desires there is some expensive toy, for example a bike or a computer console. Offer your offspring to earn part of the amount, and you will add the rest to him for the purchase.

In general, you need turn your child's employment process into a game. After all, not every child wants to work in the summer, while his peers swim and sunbathe on the lake.

Here you cannot use force and force the child to work. We need to act more cunningly. It is necessary to show him the advantages of work, to convey to the child powerful arguments so that the child himself wants to earn money.

How can a teenager make money on the Internet?

When we talk about work for children, teenagers, and schoolchildren, we primarily mean work in the summer. After all, in the fall, winter and spring, children study and, as a rule, they have no time to work.

But with the advent of the Internet in our lives, this situation has changed dramatically. Now any child can easily earn pocket money on the Internet at any time of the year.

If you have a computer with Internet access, you can earn money at any time of the day. You want it early in the morning, if the child is studying in the second shift, you want it in the evening or even at night.

In general, this method of earning money should be put in first place, because working on the Internet is simple, any child starting from the age of 9-10 can easily cope with it. To master this work, you don’t need to take any special courses, study for 5 years at an institute, or read a bunch of books.

You will not be fired from this job. You can work for a week, then go to your grandmother’s village for a month or two, then return and continue working.

You can be sure that your child will not get injured at work, he will not get hit by a car, and some hooligans will not take his honestly earned money.

Let's get to the point of the work. You probably can’t wait to find out what you need to do to make money on the Internet for your child. Today, any teenager can earn as follows:

  • Clicking on links and browsing sites. Don’t worry - this is absolutely safe work and all sites you view undergo preliminary control and verification. There will be no porn sites or sites that can damage the child's psyche.
  • Reading letters. This is also a safe job. It boils down to the fact that the teenager needs to read a short letter and answer a security question.
  • Passing tests. Here you also need to read the text prepared by advertisers, and then give the correct answer to one of three options. The test usually asks three questions, each of which contains three possible answers. The questions are all simple and if the child is attentive, he will answer easily.
  • Perform various simple tasks. For example, to get money you need to register on the site, play a demo game and then write a short report.

This work can be found at this link on the Seosprint website. And here you will find detailed instructions with video lessons that I recorded especially for you.

How else can a child earn money?

Try contacting your local employment center or your city administration. Perhaps they have some public organizations or special companies that employ children.

In our city we used to have a special organization, I think it was called “Cobra,” which employed teenage children. I remember later, after a gas station, around the age of 13-14, I worked part-time in this organization. It was spring and we were clearing snow from roads, walkways and areas in front of entrances. In the summer, we usually spent time cleaning different areas.

We worked several hours a day, didn’t get very tired and received good wages for the children. This was work that was closer to reality. If at a gas station we were akin to individual entrepreneurs, they themselves decided what time to come to work and what time to leave. At Cobra we were already hired employees.

Work began at a certain time. I remember how worried I was about not being late for it. Now I understand how much this work influenced my responsibility and punctuality.

After that, I didn’t work anywhere else until I was 18. At the age of 18, I already started working seriously, like an adult. But that is another story. Now let's look at what other ways there are for children to earn money.

Sales of newspapers

In my city there is a free advertisement newspaper, “Fair,” which invites teenagers over the summer to distribute their newspaper. They are given bright yellow T-shirts, given newspapers, which they offer to buy in crowded places, in markets, near shopping centers, etc.

In general this is good school. I believe that the subject of “selling” should be taught in school. One way or another, much of our life is built on sales. When we meet a girl, we “sell” ourselves, our charm, sense of humor, etc. When we get a job, we “sell” our knowledge, skills and useful experience. When we persuade someone to our opinion, we are “selling” their advantages. When we build our own business, the key skill that an entrepreneur must possess is the ability to sell.

There are many more examples that can be given. If you have a child, I strongly recommend that you teach him sales. But if you yourself don’t know how to sell, then give it to a place where they can teach it. Newspaper sales is one such place.

Posting advertisements

This is a common job that teenagers do. No special knowledge or skills are needed here. Run around the city and post advertisements. In this regard, I don’t really like this kind of work. There is no need to think here, which means the head will not develop.

Filling cars with gasoline or selling newspapers are much more preferable in this regard. There, after all, work with people is provided. And how you approach a person, how you smile, whether you can please them - it largely depends on whether you sell something to the person or whether he will reward you for your work.

But what I don’t like most about posting advertisements is that I often come across advertisements of an intimate nature that are posted by teenagers. I will not allow my daughter to do such work.


Today, postmen are required both at the post office and at various commercial organizations that distribute their advertising leaflets to mailboxes.

And, by the way, teenagers do this job much better than adults. Teenagers work much more honestly. They have not yet been spoiled by life. But adults often cheated. For example, they threw leaflets into trash cans, and they told me that they had distributed everything. As you understand, the company suffered serious losses because of such scoundrels.

Car wash

This is a job for older children, starting from 13-14 years old. For example, selling newspapers or filling cars with gasoline earn money for kids Possibly from 10 years old or even younger.

Washing cars is monotonous physical work. But its main disadvantage is that the child will have to work in a damp room, which can affect his health. And you need to remember that your child will have to work with expensive cars, and accidentally scratching them can cause a lot of trouble.


The task of couriers is the delivery of various goods, food, and correspondence. This is also a job for older children from 13-15 years old. The fact is that you will need to wander around the whole city. And I would not advise younger children to do this.

Cleaning the area

I already wrote about cleaning the territory above, but here I want to add that this work can be found in various private organizations. Many enterprises require people who keep order on the territory, remove garbage, paint the fence, do landscaping, etc.

Distributing advertising leaflets and flyers in public areas

There is nothing difficult about this work. The main task is to distribute as many leaflets as possible to people passing by. You need to look for such work in various advertising and marketing agencies.

Usually, at the request of large trading companies, they attract teenage children to distribute advertising leaflets.

Product advertising and tastings

Often in large shopping centers I meet so-called promoters who lay out some products on small tables and offer everyone to try them for free.

They may offer various dairy products, yoghurts, various semi-finished products, cheeses, sausages, soft drinks, beer, etc.

Selling flowers

One day, I invited a girl to a restaurant. We were having a great time, chatting nicely, eating delicious dishes, listening to live music, and suddenly, unexpectedly, a boy, about 10-12 years old, appears in a strict black suit and with a bow tie instead of a tie. He looked very serious and presentable.

He had a basket of roses in his hands. Smiling, he said: “Would you like to give your lovely companion these beautiful roses?” This was very helpful. It couldn't be better. My companion was very happy when I gave her beautiful flower.

Next, this boy went through all the other tables and sold a few more flowers. Then, he left the restaurant and most likely went to the next one. In this case, you cannot do without the help of adults. Since the boy needs to be taken to restaurants. And it was already late. Around 21-22 hours.

I really like this way of earning money. Because the sales method is practically trouble-free. Even if my plans did not include buying flowers for the girl, then in that situation I would not have been able to say: “Thank you, no need.” I would have looked like an outright miser and it’s unlikely that anything would have worked out with this girl.

Packers in large stores

My wife told me about this work. As a child, she worked as a packer in a grocery store. I put cookies, candies and other sweets into bags.

Selling ice cream in squares

One of the most simple ways To earn money for a child in the summer is to sell ice cream and soft drinks in squares, parks and other crowded places.

Installing a refrigerator couldn't be easier. In addition, companies involved in the production and sale of ice cream have these refrigerators a dime a dozen. You can simply come to them, propose your candidacy, and then they will organize the workplace themselves.

It's even easier to sell ice cream on a bike. Once in Tyumen I saw special bicycles that had a small refrigerator with ice cream in front.

Bicycle and rollerblade rental

Usually in the summer there are a lot of bike and rollerblade rentals. Such rentals are organized both in separate premises and in spontaneous places. I have seen special trailers in which bikes are stored.

These trailers are small and can be easily transported using a car. Such work can be found either for hire or organized independently.


Many parents walk in parks and squares with small children. Children need to be entertained somehow, and usually various trampolines and inflatable towns are installed for them, where children can have plenty of fun.

A child over 10 years old can easily sell tickets or keep track of the time at such playgrounds. By the way, a simple trampoline that can accommodate 3-6 children is not expensive and You can easily organize an independent business in this direction.

Diploma and coursework

If your child does well at school, he may well make money from your own brains. You can help less capable classmates and solve custom problems for them.

You can also try your hand at writing term papers and essays. By the way, you don’t have to study at the institute yourself to do this. Today, most original essays and coursework are simply old essays and coursework rewritten in other words.

Dancing in clubs and restaurants

This way of earning money is not for everyone, but only for those who know how to dance well. More than once in clubs and restaurants I saw young boys who breakdanced there, and then walked around with a hat and collected donations.

In general, I present this method of earning money for children so that you can use your imagination. If you or your child have Creative skills and skills, then you will not face the problem of lack of money.

When you know how to sing, dance, draw, play musical instruments, sculpt or craft, then you can always make money from your talent.

Computer literacy (children teaching adults how to use a PC)

Children today understand computers much better than adults. This can and should be used. Computers are everywhere, in all enterprises, but not everyone knows how to use them.

This is especially true for the adult generation, those over 40. If your child is computer literate, then let them teach adults how to use it for money. Placing an ad in a newspaper or on a bulletin board is not a problem.


A merchandiser is a person who arranges products in large supermarkets. You've probably noticed how beautifully and evenly juices, milk, jars, cookies and other products stand on the shelves.

All this is the merit of the merchandisers. Usually young girls and boys work in these positions. True, no younger than 14-15 years old. The fact is that sometimes you have to lift heavy boxes, which not every child can do.