
Crafts for Easter in the kindergarten nursery group. "Easter cookies". Craft for children of the second younger group. Required for work

Pathology of the uterus

Integrations: socio-communicative, artistic, aesthetic and cognitive development.

Target: introduce children to the traditions of celebrating Easter.


1. Tell why this holiday is celebrated, why eggs are painted on this holiday.

3. Develop fine motor skills fingers, imagination.

4. Develop speech and thinking.

5. Teach children to arrange objects in a plot application.

6. Develop the ability to use a brush, pick up glue on the pile of the brush.

7. Cultivate accuracy when working at the table.



Abstract open class in the second junior group"Easter"

Integrations: socio-communicative, artistic, aesthetic and cognitive development.

Target: introduce children to the traditions of celebrating Easter.


1. Tell why this holiday is celebrated, why eggs are painted on this holiday.

3. Develop fine motor skills of fingers, imagination.

4. Develop speech and thinking.

5. Teach children to arrange objects in a plot application.

6. Develop the ability to use a brush, type on a pile

Glue brushes.

7. Cultivate accuracy when working at the table.


Brushes, oilcloths, glue, rags, application blank, sample, Easter eggs cut out of paper.

Preliminary work:

Examining illustrations with Easter eggs.

Lesson progress

Children's entrance to the music ...

They came in and sat on chairs.

Hello guys! Today I came to you in the form of Spring, look at my wreath! I did not come empty-handed, but brought one of the spring holidays.

What spring holidays do you know?

And I will tell you about Easter and Palm Sunday.

Celebrated before Easter spring holiday Palm Sunday.

Willow is health, strength and beauty. Whom the willow touches on a holiday will be healthy, strong and beautiful. Early in the morning, they lightly touched the children with a willow and said: As the willow grows, so do you grow. Come on, I'll touch you with a willow, so that you are healthy!

Willow flowers -

fluffy lumps

It blooms in spring

Easter is calling us.

I want to tell you about the Easter holiday.

Presentation display.

EASTER is the chief religious holiday. All week people are preparing for the Easter holiday.

Tell me what you need to do to celebrate the Easter holiday?

(Paint eggs, bake Easter cakes).

Easter is also called EASTER RED, i.e. beautiful.

Why is Easter called red? (children's answers)

On Easter Day, it is customary to wear clean, light-colored clothes, give each other colored eggs, and treat yourself to Easter cakes.

The egg is a symbol of life.

The egg has become a symbol of new life, rebirth at Easter.

Why did the egg become a symbol of new life?

(answers because it appears from the testicle new life, a chick hatches from it.)

That's right, nature comes to life, wakes up from sleep, when spring comes and the Easter holiday comes.

What are the children in the picture doing? (Children play with a testicle)

That's right, that day the children played with testicles, rolled them on the spot, from the slides, played cue ball. Not only children, but adults liked to play games with eggs.

Do you want to play and have fun today? (Yes)

Then I invite you to go on an unusual spring journey. Let's celebrate Easter together, because they say that miracles happen on Easter...

surprise moment

Phonogram clucking birds!

That's right, it's a chicken, let's find where the clucking comes from.

A basket of chicken with a large egg in it.

Egg game! To the music, we pass the testicle in a circle, when the melody ends, the one whose testicle comes out in a circle and dances.

Did you like the game? Well done, they quickly learned to play with the testicle.

Guys, it seems that there is still something in the basket. What's this? (testicles)

Which? (Easter)

Do you want to do the same?

Consider it first.

I will now show you how we will glue it in stages.

Look, I pick up a little glue on the brush very carefully, and start applying it to each part separately, then I glue it, very carefully and remove excess glue with a rag.

Get to work guys.

Children do the work, help as needed, remind how we use a brush and do not forget about a rag to remove excess glue.



"Jump-jump, jump-jump,

Bunny jumped on a stump.

It's cold for a hare to sit

You need to warm up your paws

Paws up, paws down

Pull up on your toes

We put our paws on the side,

On toes jump-jump.

And then squatting

So that the paws do not freeze. »

"Easter cookies". Craft for children of the second younger group.

Dear teachers! Hello! Today I want to present to your attention my new work, which I called "Kulich". The children of our second younger group like working with paper, and therefore I try to diversify the work as much as possible so as not to lose the children's interest in this type of activity.

Master Class

Integration educational areas: Socialization, labor, security, communication.

Purpose: To introduce children to the circle of basic Orthodox holidays, to show their close and organic connection with the life of the people, to acquaint them with the basics of the spiritual and moral traditions of our people and the traditional way of life, with the peculiarities of preparing and conducting public holidays Easter. Learn gluing techniques (spread with glue reverse side details, press the image to the paper with a napkin and the whole palm); paste the images carefully. To fix the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bround objects.

For crafts, we need: glue, colored cardboard, a simple pencil, colored paper.

Cut out the base of the pasta in the form of a pot. Possibly variety colors according to your taste.

Cut out hats.

And we decorate.

This is what my kids have done.

Lesson "Bright Easter" in the 2nd junior group of the preschool educational institution

This lesson is intended for familiarization, application in practice. Parents acted as educators in our class. The children got acquainted with the Christian holiday of Easter and its customs.

Target: Introduce children to the tradition of celebrating Easter.
Educational: familiarization with the origins of the cultural traditions of the Russian people.
Educational: to acquaint children with the customs of the Orthodox Church, folk games and fun.
Developing: development of attention and observation, concentration of movements.
Equipment and materials: painted eggs, pysanky eggs, an image of Easter cake, an Easter table, a hill for rolling eggs. Cardboard egg templates, paper decorations, glue.
Lesson progress:
Introductory conversation. Children sit in a semicircle on the carpet on the pillows.
Drops drip loudly
In front of our window.
The birds sang merrily
Easter has come to visit us
(K. Fofanov)

Educator: Guys, do you know what Easter is?
Children: Such bread
Educator: Yes, bread, Easter cake, baked according to a special recipe. And when are Easter cakes baked? What holiday?
Children: Easter cakes are baked on Easter

Educator: Do you want to know how this holiday is celebrated?
On this day, people went to visit each other and exchanged eggs and pastries. Eggs are dyed different colours and give to each other.
Educator: "Let's try to give an Easter egg."
The teacher chooses two volunteers, gives one of them an egg - pysanka and invites the children to say hello according to the Easter custom. (Eggs need to be hit with a spout).

The teacher shows the children colored eggs: “How are these eggs different?”
Children's answers.
Teacher: "That's right, guys. One egg is painted in one color, and on the other we see a pattern.
Eggs dyed with paint are called “krashenki”, and painted with fine patterns are called “pisanki”. When an artist paints, they say that he paints a picture or a pattern.

Now let's find out what cookies are. Easter cake symbolizes the red sun, and if a person tries Easter cake, he absorbs life-giving rays and becomes kind and strong.
Easter always fell in the spring and people watched the weather, so folk signs developed: Look outside, is there still snow?
Educator: " folk omen tells us: “If all the snow has already gone by Easter, then the year will be fruitful. And if the snow still lies, then the year will be poor.
Educator: “Now look, is it raining or is the sun shining?”
Educator: “There is another sign: if there is clear sunny weather on Easter Sunday, then the summer will be hot, but dry. If the “mushroom rain” passes, then the summer will be warm, but rainy. And if it is cloudy, but without rain, then the summer will be cold, but dry.
Educator: “For a long time there has also been a rite of “setting birds free”.
Let's imagine that we have birds in our hands, and we release them.
Educator: “So we set our birds free so that spring would come soon, so that the snow would melt, so that the flowers would bloom.
Easter is one of the most beloved family holidays all over the world.
Preparations for Easter begin with cleaning the house, many collect things for the poor and give them to those who need it. After all, Easter is a holiday of mercy and compassion, and each of us can show these qualities by helping our neighbor. And this, you see, is pleasant and not difficult at all.
On Easter, you can also put together with your parents things that you grew up with and toys that you don’t play with, and give them to younger children.
On Thursday and Friday, the housewives bake Easter cakes, and the children decorate them with icing, sprinkle with colorful sugar stars and peas.
Easter has always been accompanied by folk games and fun.
Egg rolling game: the teacher lays out small souvenirs and sets up a small homemade slide or board. The child picks up an egg and rolls it down a hill. To which souvenir the egg rolls, the child receives that gift.
"Laying game": for this game you will need 2 eggs and 2 spoons. Children are divided into two teams, the teacher sets the flags. On command, the children put an egg in a spoon and carry the egg so as not to drop it from the spoon, while bypassing the flags. Next, the egg and spoon are passed to the team. The first team to carry the egg around the flags wins.
Educator: And now let's decorate our eggs with a pattern of geometric shapes.
Application "Eggs for the holiday."

Children decorate eggs. They show each other.
Educator: The kids worked hard, how good they are.

It seems to me that it will be more interesting for children in the form of a fairy tale. Can puppet show make or finger. Act out a fairy tale, and then ask to decorate an egg.

One example:

The staging of the fairy tale "Ryaba the Hen"

Presenter: We lived in the same village
An old man with his old lady
Lived together, did not grieve,
We went to church together on Saturday
We ran the household together
They baked pies together.

Baba: Grandfather, did you flood the stove?
Today I will make a feast.
After all, Easter has arrived.

Grandfather: And I'm already exhausted
Chopped firewood, applied water,
I heated the stove for you a long time ago.

Baba: Ah yes assistant! And I didn't sleep.
I set the dough. crushed cranberries,
Sprinkled sugar. Tasty pie
I plant in the oven, he will ripen on time.
Sweet fruit drink was poured into a jug ...

Grandfather: Grandma, we forgot to color the eggs!

Baba: Well, it's not a problem!
Chicken Ryaba, come to us here!

The hen Ryaba comes out with a golden egg.

Hen Ryaba: Hello, Grandfather, and hello Baba!
Tried Kura Ryaba.
You didn't listen to me
And I did not say in vain:
For Christ's Day
I'll bring an egg.
Yes, that egg is not simple
Brought you gold!

Baba: Grandfather, the egg burns like fire!

Grandfather: I thought it was a fire!

Baba: It's a pity to paint gold,
Let it be worth it.
And you, my crested one,
I will pour the grains into a mug.

Grandfather: Well, I'll pour water,
I also praise Ryaba.

Grandfather and Baba and the hen Ryaba leave, the Mouse comes out.

Mouse What a strange egg, it burns like a fire!
I'll play with it a little, touch it with my paw, ride it.

(Drops the egg and breaks it)

Mouse Oh! Until he sees grandpa and grandma,
The mouse needs to make legs.

Runs away. Grandfather and Grandmother come in, they see a broken egg

Baba: What a grief! Here's the trouble!
This is a mouse, she is grandfather!

Grandfather: What to do? How to be here?

Baba: We will, old, shed tears!

Grandfather and Baba are crying, the hen Ryaba comes out with colored eggs in her hands.

Chicken Ryaba: Don't cry, Grandpa! Don't cry Baba!
Ryaba chicken brought you
testicles other,
Not golden, but simple!
Roll eggs, meet Easter!

Woman. Thank you, chicken, thank you, dear! But these testicles are all white, and ours was so beautiful, festive.

Leading. Don't worry, these testicles are very easy to dress up too. Guys, let's help Grandma and Grandpa decorate the testicles!

Children decorate eggs (blanks are made in advance)

Leading. Just look how elegant our testicles turned out!
Do you guys know why it is customary to paint eggs red at Easter? They paint them like this in memory of the blood of the Lord shed on the cross. On Easter, everyone exchanges colored eggs, saying at the same time: “Christ is risen! and “Truly Risen! ". And this is done so that only goodness and light stick to our souls, and everything bad, like a shell, lags behind us.

If a tea party is supposed to be in the garden, then you can continue

Woman. I've been sitting here with you. Although it’s very interesting, it’s time to go knead the dough, bake Easter cakes.

Grandfather. Go, Grandma, bother, and I'll sit here and look at the guys.

Baba enters, treats the children with Easter cakes.

Woman. Here are the cookies ready!

Be healthy, children!
Come, eat
Eat, eat, don't be shy!

Very soon, Orthodox Christians will celebrate one of the main holidays - Easter. Over many centuries in Russia, it has turned from a purely religious holiday into a family holiday associated with many traditions and rituals. How to explain to a child the meaning and significance of Easter? How to celebrate it with children?

What is Easter?

Easter in Christianity is the day of the Resurrection of Jesus Christ. The word "Easter" is of Greek origin, it is translated as "deliverance". We know that Easter celebrated the deliverance of the Jews from Egyptian slavery, so the name of the holiday corresponded to its meaning. According to the Gospel, the day of the Resurrection of Christ coincided with this old Jewish holiday.

try in simple words tell the child about the events Christ's Resurrection. The meaning of the Easter holiday will become clearer to the child if you tell him a little about Jesus Christ, about his life, death and Resurrection. You can take your child with you to the temple for the consecration of Easter cakes for the holiday, and on the way to tell him how important this day is for the life of every believer.

If your family is not too religious, tell us that the resurrection of Christ symbolizes both the awakening of nature and the senses: everything is resurrected and reborn to life. Therefore, on Easter it is customary to give a lot of fresh and paper flowers, multi-colored eggs, decorated with colored sweets and icing cakes.

Why are eggs painted at Easter?

There is a very beautiful legend explaining where the tradition came from to greet Easter with a special greeting - to paint eggs and give them to each other. During the time of Roman rule, people who came to the emperor with a request must have brought something with them as a gift. The rich carried gold, and the poor - what was in the economy. And so the news of the resurrection of Jesus Christ to Emperor Tiberius decided to convey Mary Magdalene. As a gift, she could not bring anything but a white egg. "Christ is risen!" - she exclaimed, informing the emperor of the news, and held out her gift. Tiberius contemptuously replied that he would believe in such utter stupidity as the resurrection of Jesus only if this white testicle would certainly turn red. And a miracle happened! Right in the hands of the emperor, the white egg turned bright scarlet. Then the astonished bishop exclaimed: “He has truly risen!” This is where the custom of Easter greetings known to us came from.

Explain to the children that a bird's egg can also be called a symbol of life, because a living chick can hatch from this outwardly inanimate testicle, more like a pebble. Of course, for this, the egg does not need to be taken from the mother chicken, which must hatch it, warming it with its own warmth.

Review a raw chicken egg with your children. Break the shell and pour the egg into a bowl or deep plate. Let the children tell what they see: a liquid and transparent white and a yolk - a yellow ball floating in a protein. The protein spread in all directions, and the yolk flattened into a cake, but did not spread, because it is covered with a thin and transparent shell.

How do we celebrate Easter?

Traditionally, two rituals take place on this day.

The first one is entirely devoted to religious traditions, takes place in temples with a huge gathering of believers, and is built according to the canons of Christian rites.

The second is national joy. People go to visit each other, congratulating everyone on the Resurrection of Christ. On this day, instead of traditional secular greetings, people say: “Christ is risen!” and be sure to hear in response: “Truly risen!” At the same time, it is necessary to kiss each other as a sign of brotherly love and forgiveness.

The main treat on Easter is specially baked and consecrated Easter cakes from rich dough, “Easter” from cottage cheese and hard-boiled and painted in different colors chicken eggs (krashenka and pysanky).

Depending on age, children can contribute to the preparation of these culinary delights. Let them smear the Easter cake with icing and sprinkle with various toppings, and lay out the cherished letters ХВ on Easter cottage cheese - this is the ultimate dream.

As with all holidays, gifts are given at Easter. Prepare with your children postcards, crafts in the form of eggs, chickens, bunnies. You can make applications, embroider something, mold or just draw.

We paint eggs!

Unlike Easter cake and Easter, which not every modern housewife decides to cook herself, both children and adults love to paint eggs for Easter. Eggs that are completely covered with paint are called eggs. You can color them with onion skins or food coloring.

To keep the shell intact until the end of cooking, the eggs must be kept at room temperature for about an hour. It is advisable to add a tablespoon of salt to the water. You can also poke a small hole at one end of the egg. In order for the paint to lay down more evenly, before painting the eggs, they must be degreased - wiped with soapy water or alcohol.

onion peel - the most famous and accessible to all way. Eggs with it can be dyed in colors from yellow to red-brown. The color depends on the concentration of the decoction. If you want the color to be more saturated, you need to take more husks, boil it for about half an hour and let it brew before you dip the eggs into the broth. Dip the eggs in the infusion, bring to a boil and cook for 10 minutes. Take out, cool.

Another way - wet eggs are rolled in dry rice, wrapped in gauze (the ends of the gauze must be tightly tied with a thread so that the rice sticks to the egg) and boiled in onion peel in the usual way. Are obtainedspeckled eggs.

Pluck off young leaves different shapes(like parsley leaves). Attach these leaves to the eggs, wrap with gauze and tie tightly. Dip in strongly brewed onion skins. You need to cook for at least 10 minutes.

For gettingmarble effect you need to wrap the eggs in onion peel and tie some cotton material on top.

Well, the easiest way is coloringfood colorings. Dilute a bag of dye with boiling water, add a spoonful of vinegar. Gently dip the boiled hot eggs into the solution for 10 minutes, then rinse with cold water. To add shine, you can rub the eggs with vegetable oil.

Now on sale are many sets with stickers, thermal stickers and various decorations for eggs. Or you can get creative, and together with the children make a "pysanka" - an egg, hand-painted with patterns, pictures, inscriptions.

Put your painted eggs in a beautiful basket or on pre-sprouted grass.

What to play for Easter?

Favorite Easter entertainment - searching for and "rolling" eggs. It has long been a tradition to "clink glasses" with each other with eggs. The egg is picked up with a blunt or sharp end away from oneself and hit with it on the opponent's egg. The one whose egg remains intact wins. The winner takes the loser's egg.

Search for Easter eggs and surprises

This game can be organized both in the apartment and on suburban area or in the forest. It will be interesting to spend it both with one child and with a group of children. You will need colored eggs and small surprise prizes: sweets, stickers, small toys, etc. An adult hides in advance indoors or in a summer cottage Easter eggs and prizes, and the child or group of children will have to find them. If there are many children, then you can divide them into two teams. Found surprises children take away.

The easiest version of the game is to simply hide the gifts in different places. Unusual options for caches: stick with tape under the seat of a chair or put in the paws of a soft toy.

    you can borrow the idea from the game of "Cossacks-robbers" by marking the path to the surprise with arrows.

    the most interesting option is when a child finds a surprise in a series of notes. Moreover, the first note indicates where the second is hidden, the second - where the third, etc. From the last note, the child will find out where the cache with the prize is located.

If the child is small and cannot yet read, drawings or photographs of hiding places can be used in the notes. You can draw a map of the room by marking places with notes with crosses.

egg rolling

The traditional Easter game in Russia is egg rolling. For these purposes, adults made a slide with sides for children, along which eggs could be rolled. Small souvenirs and colored eggs were laid out around it on a flat surface. Playing children approached the hill in turn and each rolled their own egg. The object that the egg touched became the winner. The trajectory of the eggs is set by turning the slide.

An Easter slide for rolling eggs can be made from wood or ordinary cardboard, for example, as shown in the figure.

Easter nest

This is a relay game in which two teams participate. Give each child a spoon and one egg (hard-boiled). Draw start and finish lines on the floor or on the ground. Children line up one after another at the start line. Everyone has their own spoon.

The children of each team carry eggs, each team - in their Easter nest (basket).

The first competitors from each team must put an egg in a spoon and, with a spoon in hand (or in their teeth), run to the finish line and put the egg in the nest. The team that completes the task faster and more accurately wins.

Happy Easter to you!