
May a congratulation smile always shine. Happy smile day. Fun and interesting facts about smiling

Pathology of the uterus

Smile day is a good holiday
Accept congratulations
Every day with a warm smile
Be sure to start.

Smile to everyone at home
To colleagues and friends,
Smile at the gray clouds
Falling leaves and rains.

Let the smile help
In relationships and work,
Let them be on the shoulder with her
All hard worries.


Happy smile day,
Smile back at me
And you will see how happy
And life will become rich.

The trees are smiling
Sun, herbs and flowers
And in response to them on this holiday
Give me a smile.

I wish that she
I never left your lips
To meet the world with a smile
Your life has become happy.


Happy Smile Day!
I wish you smile every day
Only sincerely, from the heart,
And not so that by inertia.

I sincerely wish you happiness
And love tender passion.
And goodness and prosperity,
And dreams come true.


Share smiles people
May this world be more joyful
And there will be no shadow
From a gloomy mood.

Even if there are clouds in the sky,
A chance will smile at you in return
Happiness will smile at you in return.
Smile, friends, more often.


May today on earth
Smiles fly away
The world will become a little brighter
It is redeemed in Happiness.

Give a smile to everyone
Who meets on the way
And, you will see, the count of the problems
Decreases rapidly.

World Smile Day 2018


The world is more beautiful from a smile
This truth is clear.
Let it light up today
Yours are all lips.

Smile to everyone today
It will become easier on the soul.
And twist the villainous life
In a new, bright swagger.

Give a smile to those
Who is suffering or waiting.
And the fire of love, hope
With a heart she will instantly ignite.


The sun is smiling
In the blue of heaven
It gives smiles
To you and me.

Happy smile day to you
Congratulations today
Let her face
Shines with joy.

Laughing rays
Let them scatter from the eyes,
May I meet you
People are smiling.

May happiness with a smile
Yours comes to the house,
Joy remains
Forever with you.


To you with a joyful smile
I am sending congratulations
Happy Smile Day
Let there be a mood.

I wish you do not feel sorry
Smiles for friends
Share with others
With your smile.

Let the sun shine
They're on your faces
Let them make them happy
And the poor and the princes.

I wish you on Smile Day,
To make the whole world smile
To the sad and unhappy
Nobody stayed.


Happy smile day
And I wish to smile
An indestructible optimist
Stay challenging in life.

Let the cheerful, ringing laughter
Drives away all the sorrows
I wish that smiles
Friends and relatives were handed over.

May this glorious gift
It raises the mood
The spark of a bright smile
The path in the dark illuminates you.


Even if everything is not easy at times
Do not breathe from troubles
But of any height
Friends will show the way
If you need to - suddenly they will help
But you need to - smile
After all, all deeds are from God
Do not turn away from them!
How this holiday is needed!
... and without him in any way
Give out different smiles
Know how to laugh like that!

Happy smile day


People of the world
Do not be shy,
And more often
To smile
To help,
And love -


Today is not an ordinary day
And facial expressions will not remember laziness,
All friendly, kind,
Give out smiles
For mothers, grandmothers, passers-by
And aquarium fish!
Today, all adversity is a battle
Let's smile with the whole crowd,
Let's forget about mistakes
After all, today is the day of a smile!


Happy smile day to all, I congratulate you
I send you smart congratulations,
Let your heart be smiling
The door will be open for joy,
Always have a smile on your face
I wish you all the abundance of happiness!


Tender and warm
Affectionate, kind,
Open and clean
Light, radiant -
We celebrate the day of smile
We wish everyone to smile
To everyone, always and from the heart -
And cherish a smile
She will melt the ice
Can be sweeter than honey
The path will lead to the heart
Will open the door to the soul!


Smile as often as possible
After all, life is not the same without a smile!
Get rid of all sorrows,
Just lifting the corners of your mouth!

I wish that the bright sun
Your eyes were always shining
May luck smile
To make all dreams come true!


"A smile will make everyone brighter" -
Correctly sung in the song!
Happy smile day everyone
Let your heart beat with joy!

May there be joy, positive
Always in a great mood!
And we, giving away smiles to everyone,
Let's arrange dancing and fun!


A smile warms us all
It doesn't matter if you are young or old
It inspires us to feats,
And kindle a fire in my chest!

Let's smile together
Passers-by to all and all friends.
And in this congratulation there is a smile -
She shines now for you!


Smile constantly
And give your loved ones laughter
So unexpected congratulations
May it give you success.
After all, today is the main holiday
For smiling people
Let there be more different
On the planet of joyful ideas.


"A smile will brighten everyone", -
It was always sung in a children's song
And gather your friends today
You can be close, you can-city.
Smile Day celebrates the world
The planet smiles wide
If an idol smiles -
Congratulations are easy to read!


Friendship, if real, then forever
Must be preserved
And even if you are still in a quarrel -
Soon you can easily make peace
Because this holiday is not easy,
Congratulations are crafted
Everyone on this day with their soul
To a friend and girlfriend anxiously strives.

International Smile Day was invented by American artist Harvey Ball. The artist was so-so, if not mediocre, so his work was clearly not destined to remain in the annals of history. But, like any creative person, Harvey wanted immortality, if not in the physical sense, then in the spiritual - to forever remain in the memory of mankind.

Somehow one American insurance company needed a logo, the development budget was small, so they turned to Mr. Ball. Without thinking twice, Harvey drew eyes, a mouth, a turnover, and it turned out what we all now call a "smiley".

The insurers happily accepted the new logo, unbuckled the artist several hundred bucks and replicated their logo on the badges. The employees were delighted, the customers were happy, and funny face began to be transferred to T-shirts, postcards, matchboxes and other souvenir and advertising products. The “smiling face” was so popular that it was even stamped on stamps by the US Post.

Harvey Ball achieved his goal - he ended up in eternity, and his creation has been bringing people joy for more than fifty years. Passing left and right numerous interviews, Harvey was not shy, but bluntly stated that his ingenious creation received the greatest recognition in the world. Grandfather Harvey himself died in 2001, but thanks to him, World Smile Day lives and will, we hope, live forever. Until then, smile more often, especially on October 4, 2019, International Smile Day.

When is World Smile Day 2019?

Every year, on the first Friday of October, the whole world smiles and celebrates the International (World) Smile Day. In 2019, you should smile and congratulate each other on October 4.

Good day! Every year, on the first Friday in October, the world's most positive and joyful Smile Day is celebrated. This holiday is appeared on the calendar thanks to the initiative of the author of the well-known emoticon to all of us, the American artist Harvey Bell, who wanted to draw attention to a smile and good deeds that day.

Give smiles to others, be kinder, bring joy! Just one smile can make someone happy, cheer up the whole day, even change the world - make it a little brighter and kinder! This is not difficult. It will make your day so much more enjoyable. Let the smile become your best habit, start every new day with it, and soon life will give you many new opportunities and pleasant surprises!

On this wonderful day, give each other smiles in the literal and figurative sense, pick up on our website funny and sincere congratulations in poetry and prose, comic SMS and bright cheerful postcards dedicated to this holiday.

Smile Day congratulations in verses

Let's smile more often
Why wear a sullen face!
Laughter will make life much sweeter
And let all adversity be aside, and in the ring.

I will smile for no reason
Don't be in a hurry, don't judge me.
Laughing makes everyone happier
And all good things will always come true.

Rather disassemble the joys of a particle,
Today I will give good to everyone!
And let the sorrows fly away like birds
And the soul becomes easy.

Early october
We just smiled!
All this is not in vain
There will be no place for sadness.

Beautiful words
And the laughter of people everywhere.
Happy eyes
I will smile!

A wonderful holiday awaits
Rather smile!
Let the grief pass
Do not hesitate to laugh!

I will smile today from the bottom of my heart
And even the kids know
That one cannot live without a smile -
The seas are submissive to the happy!

And on this holiday, everyone is kind
I wish forever.
There is no need to cry and be sad
Better things always happen.

Give a passerby a smile
And let everyone have enough feelings, love.
Today is Smile Day, look
Laugh heartily and do not be sad.

Let's give out smiles
Let these minutes be appreciated.
It's time to smile and sing
To look at the world with warmth.

I will not be sad today
I want to give away the good.
I'll give everyone a piece
Let's put an end to the sorrows of all.

Let the world be filled with the sun -
Good just happens.
I give you a smile
And I love everyone today!

The breeze whispered to me today
What wonderful holiday outside.
He wrapped the air from the north into the south
And he gave flowers to the kids.

Happy birthday knows that now
The world is drowning in numerous smiles.
He is preparing a congratulation for us,
Well, and we will throw a feast for joy!

Day of smiles and beautiful words
May laughter fill the earth today.
And nobody frowns their brow
Let the fun last a century!

Smile Day sms congratulations

Happy Smile Day to you
Everyone came running from all sides.
So that you look at "five",
We'll pour you some champagne.

Today is Smile Day,
Day of joy and warmth.
And neither song nor screams are heard,
You all kindly laugh.

Congratulations with a smile
I send on this holiday dear.
I light a hookah with a match
Let's smoke a pipe of peace with you.

You laugh loudly,
You smile at all of us.
Congratulate us all girl
Smile day is great!

Happy Smile Day
Smile at me soon.
And don't make a mistake
Let the luck come to you.

On Smile Day, I will
I will give my sonorous laughter.
A lot of happiness on earth
I wish you 100 years.

Smile and wave,
After all, today is Smile Day.
And may our world become more beautiful
The day is cheerful and open.

Funny congratulations Happy Smile Day

Happy World Smile Day
I hasten to congratulate you.
But, sorry, no postcard,
I came this time.
No, believe me, there are mistakes
The catch did not creep in here,
Everything here is just smiles,
Better than the kindest words!

Diving into the insides of a cold morning minibus,
Groping for a place and attaching an ass,
Between stops, counting the intervals,
Making sure again that no one is happy about you,
With my hands folded in my lap,
Glow my teeth like a Hollywood star!
In the hope that the message will be appreciated,
World Smile Day, gentlemen!

We need to smile more often in this life.
And then happiness will smile at you in return.
Every day then in the morning there will be a mood,
And in all matters there will always be only luck,
And all complex tasks will be solved
And only good luck will haunt you
People will only give compliments.
Happy Smile Day! Smile! Take the moment!

Day of smiles was not invented in vain
Nothing smiles stronger.
It's no coincidence that people all say:
A smile makes the sky lighter.
It's warm from a smile on my heart
Vitality is added.
Smile so that you all are lucky
And so that everything was wonderful.

For your smile, dear madam,
I will give whatever you want now.
Let your eyes sparkle with joy,
I enjoy you for a whole hour.
You just smiled - I'm already smitten.
And smiles fly to me from all sides.
And I myself cannot bear it.
It's Smile Day. Happy holiday, friends!

Beautiful verses congratulations for Smile Day

It's raining outside and gloomy clouds
It's time for the autumn kingdom
And the girls run past and laugh,
In them, joy rejoices in the morning.

They want to greet passers-by with a smile
How Sunray give,
And disturb the dormant world in their hearts,
And light up the day with a caress.

Ah, people!
Greet each other with a smile
It doesn't matter - a friend, a stranger,
A smile will save you from any ailment
And he will make the soul dear.

A smile will support, a smile will tell
Dispels great trouble
So that showers in the soul become the sun one day,
Wrapped up in the wind.

Smile is a magic miracle cure
From tears, from longing, from blues,
Do not believe?
Try and ... smile,
Rise from the collapse, resentment above the ground,
Be young from dawn to dawn.

Who smiles at the world
The world falls in love with that,
So wake up and smile.
And if it's cloudy in life,
With your clear smile
Contrary to bad weather, you shine.

Everything is forgiven to a smile
They agree with a smile
A smile will conquer any height.
In a smile, everyone is beautiful
Lucky, happy
So smile now.

Looking into the past with a smile
It will not become a burden
And life will be easier and more beautiful.
Everything will work out with a smile
And it will come true, and it will be smoothed out,
Smile to everyone and everyone today.

Smile wider today
Give a smile to the world.
Today is an unusual day.
Mood? Fine?

From a young age we remember the song
What to share honestly
With an elephant, a stream, a snail
With your joyful smile!

Give a smile to your friend
And then a miracle will happen!
DO NOT miss and do not be sad
And forgive everyone today!

If you feel a little sad
And it's not lucky with the weather,
Wake up your senses
Pretend to be happy.

Smile, let it be strained
And you look in the mirrors.
It just takes five minutes
Light up so that the eyes.

After all, a smile is a decoration
For men and lovely ladies.
Heals better than balm.

What is a smile for?
Any doctor will answer you -
To have joy in abundance
And health with beauty.

Smiling, you strain
Muscles are about 20 pieces.
As a result, can you imagine
Will your face be as elastic?

And a smile can also
To raise the mood.
Even the worst
The day can be beautiful.

Smile at the passers-by
And I give a guarantee
You will have a fan
After 10-5 minutes.

After all, a smile attracts
Protects, protects.
On the day I wish / eat a smile,
Let the joy in the heart live!

World Smile Day short greetings

Today is not an ordinary day
And facial expressions will not remember laziness,
Everyone is friendly, kind,
Give out smiles
For mothers, grandmothers, passers-by
And aquarium fish!
Today, all adversity is a battle
Let's smile with the whole crowd
Let's forget about mistakes
After all, today is the day of a smile!

I am sending everyone a bag of carefree fun.
Friends, let's smile more
How to rejoice in childhood and laugh heartily.
Today I wish everyone cheerful
And with a smile I finish my rhyme.

From a smile, as you know, it is good
And a smile lengthens life
Even if it snowed or rained -
Smile anyway, hold on.
You are loved by loved ones, relatives,
You love them too, no doubt about it
And their smiles, so dear,
Let him call congratulations as soon as possible.

Happy smile day to all, I congratulate you
I send you smart congratulations,
Let your heart be smiling
The door will be open for joy,
Always have a smile on your face
I wish you all the abundance of happiness!

"From a smile will become brighter for everyone" -
The song is sung correctly!
Happy smile day to everyone
Let your heart beat with joy!

May there be joy, positive
Always in a great mood!
And we, giving away smiles to everyone,
Let's arrange dancing and fun!

A smile warms us all
It doesn't matter if you are young or old
It inspires us to feats,
And kindle a fire in my chest!

Let's smile together
Passers-by to all and all friends.
And in this greeting there is a smile -
She shines now for you!

Smile Day congratulations in prose

Dear ones, wonderful, Good friends, associates, comrades and colleagues! I want to congratulate you on this wonderful holiday - Smile Day. May a truly warm autumn sun shine on you today, marking the beginning of the birth of a new life. Do not be afraid to dream about something, the main thing is that our dreams come true.

I congratulate you on Smile Day! I really want my smile to bring you at least a little bit of happiness and save you from troubles and problems. I know that the world will not change in better side from just one smile, but I dream that he will become at least a little better. May peace reign throughout the earth!

Dear comrades! Today we dream of congratulating you on Smile Day. Look at the sky - even the weather today is surprisingly warm for October. And this means that Mother Earth herself wishes us all the very, very best. Be happy and healthy, my dears.

On Smile Day, I dream to come up to you and just smile. You mean a lot to me, and I want to confess to you my most sincere feelings at least once a year. Let's forget about the petty quarrels and troubles in life that sometimes lie in wait for us. And let's just smile, because from a smile our world becomes a little more beautiful and brighter.

Finally, my favorite holiday has come - Smile Day. Today, from the very morning, I smile at people and wish everyone warmth and good mood. May lady luck descend on everyone and give everyone her smile. Let the bright autumn sun shine in the sky, and warm everyone with its gentle rays, saving everyone from ailments and troubles.

Today I want to congratulate everyone on the most wonderful holiday - Smile Day. I give you my laughter and hope to receive the same sincere, truly kind smile in return. I want to wish you all the best. May the good always be in your homes and never leave you.

Funny congratulations Happy Smile Day in prose

On Smile Day, I send you funny congratulations that can be truly worthy. I would like to wish you real fun and confidence in a wonderful world, dedication and active development. Let every day be sure to please with real fun and numerous positive events. My dear little man, I so want to give you a chance to find that happiness that you have long dreamed of. May today we manage to remember the carefree time of children and understand how pleasant it is to laugh heartily. Smile and believe that life will surely please only with worthy impressions and will allow you to understand how bright every day can be. May happiness always accompany you, and there will be enough opportunities to reveal your potential. You deserve bright emotions and real positive. Happiness!

A smile can delight you and allow you to reveal the positive facets of being. Let everything develop only in the best possible way, every day will turn out to be a worthy gift of fate. Please accept my sincere congratulations on the Day of Smile, which must be celebrated. I wish you joy and positive, perfect mood and determination. Use every day to fully enjoy your destiny and show your best edges. Please do not ever be sad, but believe that everything will definitely turn out just the way you would like. Enjoy numerous events to the fullest, be inspired for further development and achievement of the tasks set. Happiness and joy to you, prospects in a wonderful life! I believe that you will definitely achieve any set task, because purposefulness is combined with a positive. Good luck.

Vivid emotions and boundless happiness are what you can count on every day. The most important thing is to believe in a great future and never despair. There is no need to be sad about fleeting problems, because it is best to think about the meaning of life and try to find answers to all your questions. Take sincere congratulations Happy Smile Day, which must be celebrated with your friends and loved ones. Let everything develop only from the positive side, and let the opportunities for gaining and maintaining happiness become more and more. My dear little man, you can always count on my help and support, try to believe that everything will turn out only in the best way. Happiness and harmony in life! I so badly want to see you truly happy and peaceful, confident in a wonderful future.

Please smile more often and try to stay cheerful at all times. There is no need to be sad and despair, because everything can only be at a decent level. You deserve happiness, so there is no need to cry and suffer, despair and doubt. Try to discover only the best facets in life, find a positive point and successfully move towards it. I want to know so much that you will definitely discover the best facets of fate, you will be able to understand what joy is. My dear little man, on Smile Day, today's holiday, I want to wish you a good mood, which must be kept for a long time. Use every opportunity to take a break from everyday life and enjoy bright emotions, to understand how quivering life can be if you look at it from the right angle. Happiness of the present!

I wish you to be open to many people and share smiles. Let the world will be joyful and positive. You don't need to keep a gloomy mood or give in to doubts, fears. Remember that only you can control the existing life and try to open only the most positive facets. I would like to wish you numerous positive events and the opportunity to understand what happiness is. May each day bring something special and allow you to more and more strive for happiness. Dear little man, I believe that everything will certainly develop for you the way you yourself will want it. You have worthy inclinations in order to discover only the positive facets of life and successfully reach any heights. Remember that I wish you happiness and success. I believe that everything will definitely work out for you in the very near future.

Happy smile day, I congratulate you!
And today do not try to frown,
Everything should glow from smiles -
Home, shops and streets!

On the day of a smile, give it generously -
And on purpose, and as if by accident.
We will bring joy to everyone who is near
Smiling desperately from ear to ear!

Today is a bit unusual day -
Today we will ban sadness
Let it be a good habit
And I will openly smile at you

And you do not regret smiles today:
See what light shines from them!
And instead of failure and mistakes,
Fortune smiles back!

Congratulations on the most pleasant holiday - smile day! I wish that smiles, as the most sincere gifts, get you from everyone around you. Of course, not only on the first Friday of October, but every day of the year. Giving those around you warm, positive emotions, you deservedly see only joyful faces.

Today is Smile Day, and I wish you
Smiles are real fireworks!
Let them accompany you everywhere -
The boss smiles and the clerk!

May it matter to you today
There will be a good day for a reason:
A smile launches a crazy mood
And it always works positively!

You should always smile
Positive, so that your century is!
Knead your lips, gentlemen,
The day of a radiant smile has come!

I congratulate and give mine,
Sincere, kind smile!
I wish to be always in the ranks
Playing the violin for the first time in my life!

It is wonderful that there is such a holiday in the world: the day of a smile! It gives a chance to forget old grievances, make new friends and give good mood oncoming passers-by! Congratulating on this kind and radiant holiday, we wish your sincere smile to become the key to success, love and happiness! Let your eyes shine young and let the hardships of life recede!

On the first Friday of October, the world will shine with smiles of millions of people, because this very day is the holiday of a smile. And no matter what your mood is, give one little smile to any person, and he will respond to it, which will make our world, poor for good deeds, kinder. Smile more often and sincerely, and your life will be transformed, it will become better and more successful! Your smile will be able to cheer up a sad friend, grandmother passing through the passage, a sweet girl or handsome guy! Smile more often! Happy World Smile Day! Smiles are different: sincere and strained, playful and sad, perky and simple! Smiles make our world more beautiful and better! Smiles lift the mood of others and bring a drop of hope to those who have lost it, give us a reason to laugh and relax in an unfamiliar company, smiles are the first step to acquaintance! So let's all smile together today, when the whole world celebrates smile day! Let's just smile, without further ado, swear at a friend, so that our life shines with the colors of the spring rainbow and the greenery of summer meadows on the first Friday of October! Smiling just makes us look younger. Smiling makes our world more positive. A smile is never unrequited. Sincere smiles are worth more than gold. A simple smile can change human destiny for the better. Smiling every day with or without reason, you are getting closer and closer to the boundless happiness that is hidden from you behind your daily work, the dullness of city streets and the gloom of other people! Today the whole world celebrates the Day of Smile, so let us and we join such a magnificent holiday, smiling at each other! Smile today, always smile! Smile even when sadness attacks you slowly! Smile openly, without secrets or reproaches, smile at a passerby, friend, dog! Smile at the weather and the sky, the trees and the river! Smile everywhere, because your smile will brighten the faces shrouded in melancholy, will give you peace, happiness and joy! Smile today, because the whole world celebrates Smile Day, not the red day of the calendar, but an important date that will help to overcome many difficulties! Today the whole world celebrates Smile Day. And we will join the celebration, smiling at each other, because without a smile the world would be gray, and people would be gloomy. Just smile more often, not only today, because your smile for someone is like the sun emerging from the gloomy clouds. Have offended you or you, smile and everything will pass! Neighbors or a boss at work got it, a smile will cheer you up! Happy Days, evenings and nights, smile all day long, so that everyone will feel your happiness and become closer to their own! Just smile for a split second! Happy World Smile Day! Smiles make our world more beautiful! When people smile, you want to smile back at them! A smile is like a mirror of your happiness, which not only reflects, but also gives away a part of it, so that everyone is a little better! A smile will help out in difficult situation and will cheer up a person in a difficult situation! A smile is so simple that it requires almost no effort from us! Smiling gives us an incentive to move forward! The smile of relatives and friends encourages, the smile of the other half gives us confidence! And today, on Smile Day, let's all smile together to fill our world with colors of happiness! Any day can be made great. It doesn't matter if the warm sun is shining and fluffy clouds are floating across the sky or a cool rain has been drizzling for the second week. It doesn't even depend on the leg with which you stand on the cold winter floor. You just need to get out of bed, look at the dirty yellow plaster of the ceiling, which will soon collapse, and there is not enough money for repairs for a long time. Open the rusty faucet, always dripping on your nerves. Look into the cloudy cracked glass. Smile at your reflection and say that everything will be fine. Happy World Smile Day! Happy Smile Day! Do you know that one light but sincere smile adds a few grams of happiness to our world? Smile all year round, let it be easy in your soul, but in life - everything is going well! May your smiles return to you a thousand times! Smiling is an act of kindness. How can human communication be imagined without her? Today is Smile Day and I wish you to smile when you are in a good mood, and when you are a little sad to drive away sadness, because a smile is like a ray of the sun and will certainly warm you! What is the easiest and best way to decorate yourself? Of course, with a smile! And such a smile like yours is a real miracle and you cannot hide it from others! Happy World Smile Day! Let there always be a reason for her, and if there is none, let it appear as soon as possible! Today is World Smile Day! Today you need to smile a lot and firmly promise yourself, keep in the same spirit for another year! A smile is so simple and warm, sweet and beautiful! With all my heart, I wish you happiness, as well as good luck and love! Today it has long been proven by science that a smile beautifies a person and prolongs life, contributes to the fact that it beats with a living happy key! TO World day smiles, I send you air greetings and a wish to smile like a Cheshire cat!