
How to remove shine from an iron. How to get rid of glitter on pants. Ironing through newspaper


Updated: 12/15/2018

Sometimes almost new, clean and tidy clothes make you want to put them away in the closet. The reason is ugly shiny marks on the fabric - because of them, the thing immediately takes on a worn, sloppy look.

However, if you know how to remove the shine from the iron on clothes, then the life of trousers, shirts and jackets can be significantly extended. We list the most popular and reliable methods, but first we turn to the origins of the problem.

The defect occurs for two main reasons.- from frequent wear and improper ironing.

  • The fabric of your favorite, often worn trousers is subjected to so-called natural friction - the legs rub against each other and against the seats at work and in transport. The fibers of the fabric are "greasy" and acquire an ugly sheen.
  • An iron that has not been cleaned for a long time or is too hot also leaves shiny streaks on the fabric. The risk of their appearance is especially high if the clothes are not rinsed well, and at least minimal traces of the powder remain on it.

If it's too early to throw away clothes, and you are only thinking about how to remove shine from your trousers, there are several proven ways. Usually they are used to eliminate the consequences of unsuccessful ironing - but naturally greasy places after processing also take on a neat appearance.

Basic gloss removal methods

Since the cause of shine is most often poor-quality rinsing of clothes and too “hot” ironing, then simplest way solution to the problem - re-wash and iron the trousers. Only this time you need to make sure that there are no traces of powder and conditioner on the fabric - and set a lower temperature for the iron.

Another a good option how to remove shine on trousers - iron them not directly, but through a thin cloth or gauze. Then the folds on the fabric will be safely smoothed out, but the hot surface of the iron will not be able to damage the trousers.

How to get rid of shine on trousers if you need to put them on in just a couple of hours, and there is no time for another wash? It makes sense to slightly wet the glossy areas, walk on them with a clothes brush, and then iron them pointwise through gauze. To right moment the clothes will be dry - and the defects will completely disappear.

In the vast majority of cases steaming helps to remove the shiny trace from the iron. It is not difficult to carry it out - you need to boil a wide basin of water and hold your clothes directly above the rising hot steam. When the greasy area becomes damp, gently brush it with a clothes brush and let the trousers dry.

After steaming, you can dry the fabric in the usual way - or you can use the iron again, but only using a layer of gauze or fabric.

Tip: Gauze or cloth is the best precaution when ironing clothes. The layer between the item and the iron helps to remove the stain from the iron and, in principle, protects the washed items from the appearance of shiny spots.

Removing traces with vinegar and ammonia

If steaming did not help, it's too early to despair - try deal with stains with vinegar. There are two convenient ways To remove an iron stain on a white or light-colored fabric:

  1. Pour three liters of water into a large basin, add one tablespoon of vinegar and soak the trousers in this solution for about half an hour. Then dry the clothes and iron through gauze or a thin sheet of newspaper - the stains will disappear.
  2. Mix water and table vinegar in a ratio of 1: 2, respectively, and pour the solution into the iron's spray bottle. Treat stubborn areas using the steam mode.

If you are interested in how to remove an iron stain without vinegar, you can take ammonia. Just two small spoons per liter of water - and this solution will remove ugly shiny scuffs. It is not necessary to soak the clothes in ammonia completely - it is enough to rub the stains with a wet cloth, and then iron them through gauze.

Laundry soap against stains

Bar laundry soap not only helps to remove difficult stains, but also eliminates the shine of pants or jacket sleeves. The easiest way is to rub a bar of soap on a grater, and then dilute it in not in large numbers water and achieve the appearance of abundant foam. A napkin is soaked in this foam, placed on a greasy area and ironed.

Since soap also leaves its mark, after treatment, the trousers must be ironed again through gauze soaked in vinegar solution.

Removing traces with gasoline

Iron marks on black trousers and dark fabrics are especially noticeable, but it is not recommended to treat them with vinegar - this can lighten the fabric. However, there is another way - refined gasoline.

You will need a small amount of gasoline and a piece of woolen cloth. Soak a cloth in gasoline and rub the problem area properly - this will help remove the stain from the iron. Then the clothes will need to be washed and dried again. It is recommended to add to water citric acid- it will help eliminate the unpleasant smell of gasoline.

Onions, tea leaves and potatoes - helpers against stains

How else to remove shine from trousers from socks or from ironing? There are reliable stain removers even in your kitchen.

  1. Take an onion, cut it in half and carefully rub the spots with onion juice.
  2. Grind half an onion into a fine gruel, spread on the stain and leave for an hour or two.

After that, in both cases, the clothes must be washed so that they do not smell like onions. You no longer have to think about how to remove the trace from the iron - the main thing is to properly iron the fabric after washing.

Similarly, you can use regular black tea leaves. Wet a clothes brush or a napkin in it, treat the problem area, and then dry it with an iron through gauze. If you are looking for how to quickly remove the shine from the iron on your trousers, then tea leaves will be more convenient than onions - besides, it will not leave a strong smell.

And finally, we will tell you how to remove gloss with potatoes. You just need to rub the affected area with a fresh cut of the tuber, let the clothes dry natural way, and then walk over the treated area with a brush.

Today, you can find a lot of cleaning products in stores, but our housewives have long been accustomed to coping with everyday problems on their own. Sometimes there is no store nearby or the financial opportunity to take the item to dry cleaning, but do not despair - affordable ones come to the rescue. folk remedies, which effectively remove dirt and shine from clothes.

Every lover of a business style of clothing sooner or later faces the fact that his suit begins to shine. Unwanted lasses appear that spoil appearance products. This happens more often with pants than with a jacket or skirt. And visually once favorite trousers look pretty well-worn.

The main reason for the appearance of a shiny shine on clothes is improper ironing of the product. If you do not follow the rules, the same lasses may appear on jackets and skirts as on trousers. You can remove the shine from the iron by spending some time and effort, but it is much easier to prevent its occurrence.

How to prevent shine

First, before starting ironing, you need to read the instructions on the label and make sure that the product can be ironed. . To on trousers and other types of clothing there were no shiny places from the iron, it is enough to iron things correctly.

If, nevertheless, hairs appeared in the process of ironing, this is not a reason for frustration. There are various methods that will help both get rid of the shine on the trousers and return them to their original appearance. . Lasas effectively remove the following agents:

When choosing one or another method in the fight against shine, one cannot start from how accessible the chosen method is. It is very important to take into account the properties of the components used. Vinegar and ammonia are not suitable for colored or black fabrics, as they have a bleaching property. If the thing is sewn from a fabric that requires careful handling, then it is better to use a piece of wool or baking soda: they will not harm the product.

Use of acetic acid 9%

To prepare a solution for one part of vinegar, you need to add two of the same parts of water. The resulting composition is filled with a spray tank and used when steaming trousers. And you can also moisten a linen cloth with this solution and iron the place where the shine appeared through it.

If there are many sunken areas, then the trousers can be soaked for two hours in an vinegar solution. To do this, add 16 g of vinegar (a tablespoon) to three liters of water. After soaking, the product must be washed and ironed.

Ammonia will restore the appearance of things

With the finished solution, you need to wipe the shiny areas. Then iron the clothes through moistened gauze or white paper. To prepare the solution, you need to mix:

  • Water - 1 liter.
  • Ammonia - 2 teaspoons.
  • Table salt - 1 teaspoon.

Laundry soap 72% and boric acid

Soap must be grated and dissolved in water. Then beat well to get a thick foam, and spread it on the places where the shine has formed. Let the foam soak in and after half an hour you can rinse the trousers. After drying, iron the product through gauze dipped in a weak vinegar solution.

In order to make a solution of boric acid, you need to add a tablespoon of this acid to a glass of water. Saturate the shiny place with the resulting composition, rinse the trousers after 30 minutes, dry and iron.

An unexpected use of wool and gasoline

Prepare a piece of wool and a dampened cotton cloth. Put wool on the lasses, cover with a damp cloth on top and heat with an iron until the cloth warms up well. This method makes the lashes less noticeable or eliminates them completely.

Removing shine with gasoline, you need to use a purified product. A woolen piece of cloth is wetted with gasoline and the patchy area is rubbed. Then this place should be sprinkled with salt and leave the trousers for two hours, and then clean the fabric with a brush. To eliminate the smell of gasoline, wipe the pants with ammonia.

Onions or potatoes

The onion must be chopped on a fine grater, rub the areas with shine with the resulting mass and leave the product for two hours. Or cut the onion into two parts and grate the product so that the fabric is well saturated with onion juice. To eliminate the smell, clothes should be washed and dried outdoors.

When removing the gloss with potatoes, the root crop is cut into two parts and the problem area is rubbed with the cut. The cut should be juicy, if it began to dry, then it needs to be updated. Pants must be dried without exposure to any heat devices. After drying, clean the product with a soft brush.

Black tea and baking soda

To remove shine from black trousers, tea is the most The best way as it will give a matte finish. This method is very easy to use, takes a little time, so it is ideal for schoolchildren with their uniforms or employees of companies that have a dress code. Welding is necessary to wipe the lasses, then dry the trousers and iron them through wet gauze.

Baking soda is the most gentle way to remove shine. Suitable for any type of fabric. It is applied in two ways. First: add a teaspoon of soda to 200 ml of water, moisten a rag with the resulting solution and steam the problem area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe trousers through it with an iron. Second: soda is mixed with water until the consistency of thick sour cream is obtained. Apply the mass on the hair and leave to dry completely. Then clean the trousers with a soft brush.

Methods for removing shine from socks

The second reason why there is a shine on the trousers is frequent wear. Basically, lasses appear on protruding places, namely on the buttocks, knees and hips. There are several ways to remove shine from socks from trousers. Which method is suitable for restoring the fabric depends on the degree of greasing and wear of the product.

In the fight against lasa from frequent wear, they will help to cope with:

Steaming in the fight against shine

Steaming is, in fact, the most effective method eliminate grease on trousers, which, moreover, does not harm the fabric. Steam not only eliminates shine, but also levels the product on protruding places. The stretched fabric on the buttocks and knees returns to its original form after steaming. Steaming is a universal method. So you can remove the shine and on the back of the trousers, and on the sleeves of the jacket in the elbow area. It is important not to postpone this procedure for long time, since steam can only cope with traces that are not deeply embedded in the fabric. Otherwise, this procedure will not give any results, and time will be wasted.

Steaming is done correctly on vertically hung trousers. To do this, use steam cleaners or an iron with strong steam supply. If such equipment is not available, you can fix the product on a hanger or on clothespins over boiling water for half an hour, while periodically removing moisture from the trousers with a brush and wiping the greasy areas. Gradually, in the process of steaming, the stain will completely disappear.

Flannel or newspaper to remove shine

When using a flannel napkin, it must be wetted with running water. Then fix the napkin on the problem area on the trousers and steam this place with an iron. After ironing, the product should be wiped with a soft clothes brush. Movement should be light, without pressure.

The use of the newspaper is one of the most simple methods get rid of greasy, it was also used by our grandmothers and mothers, ironing school uniform. The newspaper should be put on the trousers and ironed with a warm iron with light movements, paying more attention to the greasy areas. But this method has a little trick: in no case should you use a high temperature regime, otherwise the product will be irretrievably damaged, since the printing ink from the hot effect of the iron will be printed on the trousers.

How to apply sandpaper or pumice stone

When resorting to these means, it is important to know that they can only be used for trousers made of dense fabrics and in extreme cases, since their use thins the structure of the fabric and significantly reduces the life of the product. To get the result, you need to rub the shiny place with a pumice stone or sandpaper until the shine disappears.

Tea and gasoline not only remove shine from the iron, but also effectively eliminate greasy spots from frequent wear. They should be applied in the same way.

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So, the first way: using water and vinegar.

Pour warm water into a basin and dilute a small amount of vinegar in it. Soak the item in this water. Then, without rinsing, wring out lightly and dry. After this procedure, slight tissue damage will become invisible.

The second way: using soap and gauze.

Wash shiny stains on clothes by pre-treating the contaminated area with table salt. After that, rinse the product in warm water. If necessary, repeat the procedure again.

Remove dirt on suede products by carefully treating shiny spots with an ordinary rubber band or fine sandpaper. Then wipe the clothes with a kitchen sponge dipped in warm water.

Remove glossy, shiny stains on clothing with a solution of table vinegar (9%) and water, taken in equal proportions. Apply this product to the contaminated area. After 20-30 minutes, rub the stain with a brush and rinse with warm water.

Mix 2 teaspoons of tea soda, 3 tablespoons of water and 1 teaspoon of oxalic acid. Mix all ingredients well. Soak a kitchen sponge in the resulting product, and treat the contaminated area. After 15-20 minutes, wash the product in warm water with the addition of washing powder or soapy water.

cook universal remedy to remove shiny stains on clothes. To do this, mix 1 teaspoon of rosin, 2 tablespoons of yellow wax, 2 tablespoons of turpentine and 2 teaspoons castor oil. Heat this mixture over low heat, stirring regularly. Apply this mixture to problem areas. Remove any remaining product with warm water. Dry the product in a well-ventilated area.

You can’t just wash the jacket in the washing machine, because this can ruin the thing. Leather, suede jackets are best cleaned by hand, but it can be difficult to remove especially stubborn stains. In this case, you just need to know in advance how to deal with them.

You will need

  • - egg yolk;
  • - rags;
  • - soap solution;
  • - ammonia solution;
  • - lemon juice;
  • - glycerin;
  • - table tennis balls


The method of cleaning from dirt and stains depends, first of all, on what material it is sewn from. If you want to remove a stain, it is important to know where and how long ago it appeared. There can be a lot of sources of pollution, but do not despair: every stain can be dealt with.

On the leather jackets it is difficult to see stains, but they can also lose their original appearance and become dirty. With you need to be careful, try not to scratch it when cleaning. Wipe with a damp cloth. To give things a fresh shine, beat the egg white, then apply the product to the surface of the jacket with a sponge or gauze. dark skin Lemon juice will brighten it up. Also, for cleaning jackets of this type, a soapy solution of water, in which glycerin is added, is very well suited. After processing, be sure to wipe the item with a dry cloth to remove wet marks.

One of the most difficult materials to clean is suede. If your jacket is made from it, be prepared carefully

The appearance of shine on products (lases) is a frequent phenomenon and it is caused not only by the degree of wear of the fabric, but also by the wrong choice of the temperature regime of the iron. The fabric, under the influence of the strongly heated sole of the iron, presses the fabric and a shiny mark appears.

Dry cleaning specialists will help to remove an unwanted defect, but this problem can also be solved at home.

Washing or rinsing the fabric in water will not be able to give the fabric previous view. If there are no signs of tanning on the fabric, then you can use folk remedies that exist in large quantities. Several Recipes for Removing Sheen from Hot Irons on Wood Products various kinds tissues will help repair minor damage.

natural fabrics

Natural fabrics include cotton and linen.

  • Recipe number 1.

When ironing a product made of natural fabric, the appearance of a lasa from exposure to an overheated iron and traces of tan marks can be removed with a prepared mixture of 10 ml of ammonia, a spoonful of hydrogen peroxide dissolved in a glass of water. The damaged part of the product must be wiped with gauze soaked in the prepared solution.

This recipe is used when cleaning shiny stains obtained with an overheated iron on light fabrics.

  • Recipe number 2.

Dilute 200 ml of table vinegar in 500 ml of water, carefully wipe the hairs in the form of spots and stripes on clothes with a cloth swab. After filling the sprayer with a prepared solution of vinegar, treat the fabric with it before ironing. Ironing with an iron in steam mode.

  • Recipe number 3.

Natural fabrics are most vulnerable to high temperatures. If a defect in the form of a spot or a strip forms after ironing, the product must be treated with borax powder. For this, a tablespoon of borax is mixed with a tablespoon of water. The resulting slurry is applied to the damaged area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe tissue. After two hours of exposure, clothes should be washed thoroughly.

This recipe is applicable for removing lasa from cotton and linen.

  • Recipe number 4.

Las from ironing on natural fabrics can be removed with a solution of boric acid. The area of ​​clothing damaged by a hot iron is treated with acid until the stain disappears completely, after which the clothing must be washed.

Natural silk fabrics

  • Recipe number 1.

The appearance of shiny spots and stripes after ironing on silk linen, guipure blouses, chiffon products requires very careful removal.

Glitter marks on delicate fabric rub with half of the onion, peeled. Clothes after treatment with onion juice should be washed.

To process lasa on things made of delicate fabric, you can use onion gruel. To do this, the onion peeled from the husk must be grated on a fine grater or chopped in a blender. Apply the prepared slurry to the fabric and hold for several hours. After checking the absence of stains on the fabric, the product is rinsed in water.

  • Recipe number 2.

Silk natural fabric to remove the lasa that appeared after ironing is processed with gruel from baking soda and water. On the damaged area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe fabric, you need to grind the slurry of soda. After drying, the product is removed by sweeping with a soft brush for clothes. The product is rinsed in water without the addition of detergents.

Light fabrics

  • Recipe number 1.

Light-colored clothes require special care, washing with special washing powders. The appearance on it in the process of ironing shiny and yellow spots, indicates that the iron has overheated, resulting in partial pressing of the fabric and burning.

Affected areas on clothing should be moistened with a solution of table vinegar (500 ml of water + 200 ml of table vinegar), sprinkled with finely ground salt. After drying, the salt is shaken off the fabric.

A stain that has not disappeared is moistened with a stronger solution of vinegar and the clothes are left under the influence of vinegar for one hour. Clothes should be washed in warm water.

  • Recipe number 2.

Items made of light cotton fabric, on which light shiny spots or stripes (lasas) and yellow tan marks have formed as a result of the wrong choice of ironing mode, can be treated with a 3% hydrogen peroxide solution.

Previously, the tissue is checked for the reaction of their interaction. On a small area on the wrong side of the product, the fabric is treated with a reagent and after 15-20 minutes the area is examined for strength. At the slightest change in the quality of the fabric, peroxide should not be used to clean the lasa.

In the case of a positive result, the area damaged during ironing is treated with peroxide, after the stain dries, the fabric is rinsed in clean water.

The procedure is repeated until the stains are completely removed.

  • Recipe number 3.

Sour-milk products (kefir, yogurt) are good helpers in removing lasa and light tan marks on light fabrics.

The cleaning method is very simple: an acidic dairy product is applied to the tan area and aged for 8-10 hours. The treated stain should be wiped with a swab to remove the dairy product, rinse the product in clean water.

  • Recipe number 4.

Lasa and a stain on a light fabric, treated with lemon juice, should be rubbed with powdered sugar. After this treatment, the product should be washed in warm water, rinsed and dried. If necessary, the procedure can be repeated.

Some housewives use finely ground salt instead of powdered sugar.

Dark fabrics

  • Recipe number 1.

The spots and stripes of the lasa stand out especially against the background of dark clothing. You don't have to give up on things. She can serve more long time, but for this it is necessary to process the defective part of the clothing.

On the ironing board lay out a material with a soft surface (towel or sheet). Lay out the product on the prepared surface and iron it through gauze dipped in a solution of table vinegar (500 ml of water + 200 ml of table vinegar). Ironing is carried out with an iron operating in the mode for silk and delicate fabrics. Use a warm iron to iron slowly, holding it in one place for a long time.

  • Recipe number 2.

Dark fabrics that have a shine from ironing can be treated with freshly squeezed lemon juice. Leave the product to dry completely, then rinse the product in clean water.

This recipe for eliminating lasa is applicable to products made from colored and white fabrics.

  • Recipe number 3.

You can reanimate a suit that has a lasa after ironing by wiping the scorched area with a rag soaked in gasoline. The smell of gasoline can be removed by treating the stain on the fabric with the juice of a squeezed lemon. The procedure is repeated until the complete disappearance of the stain.

Modern multifunctional irons require the study of their ironing modes in order to avoid damage to products during ironing. The main recommendations for using this ironing tool:

  • ironing products from the wrong side;
  • using a damp gauze to iron things that become shiny after ironing;
  • observe the cleanliness of the surface of the soleplate of the iron;
  • study the recommendations of the fabric manufacturer, given on the label of the product.

If the tested folk remedies could not fix the damage to the fabric during ironing, then the last step in returning the damaged product to the wardrobe will be dry cleaning.

Anna Krizskaya

Not every shine of fabrics and textures is equally attractive and beautiful. It's one thing when it comes to the aesthetic grandeur of satin or chiffon, and quite another when it comes to shiny sections of trousers. What causes shine on your favorite pants? Due to prolonged wear or improper care of the thing. Most " trouble spot» for its appearance - knees, hips and buttocks.

More rarely, it appears in other parts of the product. If the trousers are shiny even after a good wash with powder and rinse aid, you can apply " heavy artillery”, and get rid of the defect in various improvised ways.

These options are also suitable for cases where you need to choose an express method of "treatment" of your favorite thing.

Steaming to combat unattractive shiny areas of fabric

The easiest way to "refresh" frayed pants is to wash them. Glossy areas can be removed by banal steaming with an iron. Steam has a beneficial effect even on “capricious” suede, and it reanimates ordinary fabric without any problems.

The steaming procedure will not cause any harm to the fabric, which is also an additional "bonus" in the treasury of the advantages of this tool.

How to remove glitter from trouserswith regular steam?

  • Hang the product on a rope or hanger, placing it over a basin or bucket of boiling water. Steam will be absorbed into the pores of the fabric and completely restore the original texture of the material. But keep in mind - this method is relevant only in cases where the problem has not yet reached the scale of a natural disaster. If a thing is extremely worn out, this option will be absolutely useless for it;
  • After steaming is completed, remove the thing and remove excess moisture from it with an ordinary brush;
  • At the end of the process, you should thoroughly dry the pants in the air, or with an iron.

When you iron a product, be sure to select the correct temperature and iron setting. Otherwise, you run the risk of getting the exact opposite result - previously shiny parts will become even more noticeable. By the way, the shine on textiles in 60% appears precisely due to improper ironing.

Ammonia to help

Surely each of you in the first aid kit there is a vial of ammonia. It can help you remove bald spots from your favorite trousers quickly and easily:

  • Make a weak solution of ammonia by combining 2 tbsp. concentrate with one glass of plain running water. Thoroughly mix the resulting liquid and moisten a rag in it abundantly;
  • With a wet cloth, intensively wipe the "shiny" places on your favorite trousers;
  • Then the product should be ironed through gauze or a piece of special paper;
  • If these steps do not help, try adding 1 tsp to the above solution. salt and repeat the whole procedure again.

Attention: during subsequent ironing, the iron must not be hot! It is worth ironing the fabric with a moderately heated device. After a weak ammonia solution, the gloss should be guaranteed to disappear.

Fuel in the fight for the visual beauty of things

Do you have a garage and a car? Then it will certainly not be difficult for you to get gasoline to reanimate your favorite trousers!

In addition to fuel, you will need hyposulfite powder to properly complete the process of cleaning the product from unaesthetic glossy stains:

  • Cut off a small piece of woolen (required!) Fabric;
  • Soak it liberally in gasoline;
  • Wipe the shiny areas on the pants with pressure in a circular motion;
  • Make a weak solution of powdered hyposulfite. To do this, pour a tablespoon of the indicated powder with ½ liter of barely warm water and shake the resulting mixture vigorously;
  • Now soak a clean rag in this solution and go over the " problem areas»;
  • Rinse everything from your pants with clean water without the addition of soap and other cleansers;
  • Scrub the pants with a soft brush to remove water from their material;
  • Iron the wet areas with a warm iron.

Gasoline must be purified! With the help of fuel, you can clean the thing in another way. Blot the problem area with a woolen cloth dipped in refined gasoline.

Then, instead of using a special powder, simply sprinkle the shiny areas with ordinary table salt. Leave alone for 10-15 minutes. Then shake off abrasive particles from the material, clean the area with a brush, and gently iron with a warm iron through gauze.

This method does not work as effectively as sodium hyposulfite solution, but also has a fairly powerful restoring effect.

Eliminate shine with potatoes

Beloved by many of us, potatoes can become not only the basis for a delicious side dish, but also an excellent material for cleaning trousers from greasy stains. With its help, you can quickly eliminate the shine on your favorite trousers, and, since this product is completely natural, you do not have to worry about the safety of their material.

This can be done in the following way. Cut the pre-peeled root crop in half. While its pulp remains juicy and watery, rub it on the problem area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe product. If necessary, cut off the “erased” corner of the potato and process the fabric again.

Let your clothes dry naturally - do not dry it with a hair dryer and do not put it on a radiator or heater. Then intensively clean the treated areas with a soft natural brush. If necessary, iron the shiny areas with a warm iron through gauze.

Soap solution in the fight against lasses

You can use an ordinary soapy solution to remove streaks from your favorite clothes.

This is done in three steps:

  • Prepare a mild soapy solution (always with laundry soap!);
  • Prepare a small soft brush. Constantly wetting it in the solution, wipe the glossy areas with intense movements;
  • Wipe your tresses and dry your pants naturally.

How else to remove shine on trousers with ordinary laundry soap? In the same solution that you made to clean the fabric, dampen the gauze liberally. Iron the pants through it with an iron set to a moderate temperature until completely dry.