
What should be the love for a mother? Love for a mother essay Theme of mother's love for a child


Bad mom: why love her? Loving the ideal kind, affectionate, successful mother is easy. And a real mother - an alcoholic mother or a mother who punished and beaten with a belt - is difficult and even seems impossible. Is it really possible to love, respect, be grateful to such a bad mother??? I will answer this way: “It is not only possible, but it is also important to love!” And it is necessary, first of all, not for mom, but for ourselves. Because when we do not love and respect our mother, we do worse not to our mother, but to ourselves.
Rejecting our imperfect mother, our closest and dearest person, we close ourselves off from love and all the blessings that the world gives us, we close ourselves off from the world and life itself. By billing our mother, we close our hearts - and there is less love, happiness, health in our life. This is especially true for women, because a trusting relationship with mom is the basis of happiness and harmony.

Here are seven reasons to cherish your relationship with your mom:

1. A direct path to female happiness!
Tell me what kind of relationship you have with your mother, and I will tell you how happy woman. I was convinced of this by consulting the most different women and yes mine personal experience says the same thing. Now there are many trainings for the development of femininity. However, I am convinced that you need to start from the beginning - with building your relationship with your mother. This is the basis of female happiness. Why with your mother, and not with your husband, for example? Because mother is the earthly real expression of the feminine.

Respecting and appreciating our mother, we cultivate the value of femininity, calmness, and tranquility within ourselves. Through our mother, we connect with the feminine principle of our family, which is many millions of years old. We begin to appreciate feelings, emotions, a state of peace, and our consciousness opens to us what was previously closed.

2. Beautiful and healthy body
Healthy body - sure sign self love, beautiful body- it is also a reflection of the value of peace and love in the heart of a woman. Women's illnesses are a serious sign of a tense relationship with a mother, whom we reject, do not accept, whom we are offended by. If you blame your parents for the fact that you were brought up incorrectly, that they did not instill in you the value of the feminine, nothing good will come of it. Parental manifestation in this life is their karma and destiny, and your karma is your reaction to their actions, these are your thoughts and actions.

The sooner you begin to take responsibility for what happens to you, the sooner you will begin to live an adult happy life.

3. Warm and close relationship with mother-in-law
Imagine a wise mature woman. She is love and peace itself. She is set to positive, to trust the world, and the world brings her all the best. Sometimes on her way there is aggression, resentment - behind these negative emotions and manifestations of another person, she sees his weakness, his pain. And because she is a woman, she can accept this pain and experience it in her heart. It is pain, which is an external lesson, that teaches you to open your heart. If you imagine such a woman, then think about whether she can swear with another woman, for example, with her mother-in-law? There are quarrels if these women have a bias towards male energies and they see rivals in each other. They do not see ordinary human pain behind negative manifestations.

The main female muscle is the heart and it is important to be able to open it, respect and appreciate yourself and your loved ones.

4. Material wealth in the family
We all dream that the husband will earn a lot, provide for the family. And what are we doing for this? We saw, we give advice, we criticize, we set as an example a neighbor on a Lexus. And it doesn't work. In addition, it deprives us of peace and happiness ourselves. There is another way - the way of love. Creating the value of femininity within herself, being in a state of love and peace, a woman intuitively begins to behave correctly: not to criticize, but to inspire her husband, not to worry about money, but to believe in her husband's success! Being in a state of conflict with your mother, one cannot understand what enormous internal strength gives real love- patient and forgiving. Even just a cold, strained relationship with mom is already blocking the flow of feminine energy that flows through us.

Open your heart to meet your mother, and you will feel how the world has become kinder to you, how abundance and prosperity enter your family!

5. Cozy home, happy family
What is rest? This is not a trip to the mountains or the sea, this is the feeling that you are accepted when you are real in body and soul. This is what our loved ones dream of. Where can you find the strength in yourself to accept the weaknesses of your loved ones - husband and children? I know only one answer - through acceptance and respect for my mother, admiration for her as an older and wiser one. Through understanding her weaknesses and accepting them with love, without judgment or arrogance. It is in a relationship with our mother that we learn to love, open our hearts, learn to accept other people's shortcomings calmly and with love. These feminine qualities- the foundation happy family. Families where the wife respects her husband, and he gladly takes responsibility, where children respect their parents.

6. Success in a feminine way
Love for mom makes us softer, relaxes us, fills us with love from the inside. We begin to listen to our body, our intuition. And in this very feminine state it is easy to solve questions: to work or not to work, and if you work, then where and how. Start with a small step towards your success, towards your inner harmony - think with warmth and gratitude about your mother. It is never too late to build, improve your relationship with your mother, no matter how old you are.

Closeness with her mother inspires a woman, she gains strength and new opportunities in life - those that she had not even suspected before.

7. Long term relationship
Many women know how to charm a man, make a vivid impression, and at the same time keep this charm for at least a few years. life together, not to mention decades, only a few can do it. And this is the most important indicator of femininity. The more feminine, lunar energies we have, the easier it is for us to build long term relationship both with her husband and with other people. In order to increase the amount of lunar energy in the body, you can take better care of yourself, your face and body, you can dance, sing. There are many ways, it is important both to receive energy and to keep it in yourself. And a close, trusting relationship with your mother helps to do this best. If at the thought of your mother, you feel resentment, anger, then all the accumulated lunar energy immediately disappears from the body. There remains emptiness, irritation. And vice versa, only one ray of love that you send from your heart to your mother stabilizes and preserves the feminine energies in the body.

If you want to improve your relationship with your mother, try to start simple - talk to your mother about her affairs, life, ask about her health. Before talking, do a meditation on unity and closeness with your mother. It will take the pressure off your relationship, free your heart from the burden of past grievances, and help you accept with love all the weaknesses and shortcomings of your mother. Close your eyes and conjure up an image of your mother. Look into her eyes and imagine that you are slowly walking towards her. You go and become smaller and smaller, and now you are quite small - the size of her heart. Imagine how mother takes you, little one, and carefully puts it in her heart. Immerse yourself in your mother's heart and feel how good it is to be with your mother. Now imagine how your mother walks in turn towards you, shrinking and turning into a very small figure the size of your heart. Take your little mother and put her in your heart. Feel how good it is to keep mom in your heart and love her. Everything that used to be a wall between you, all this really has nothing to do with your closeness and unity.

Even if now you appreciate and respect your mother, there is always a higher level in love, which gives even more happiness, abundance and miracles! To take or not to take is your choice!

Only one person in the whole wide world is able to understand and forgive any of our petty oversights and blunder. This is what the essay about the mother tells the reader, in which the characteristic features of maternal love and devotion to her child are revealed. The worldly wisdom of our mothers protects us throughout our lives, helping us not to stray from the right path.

The connection of a person with his mother runs as a strong, invisible thread through his whole life. Starting from a quiet song at the cradle, mother becomes the most devoted friend and wise mentor.


Caring is not only about washing, cleaning and cooking. Who better than a mother will regret, caress and reassure? Only gentle, native hands will relieve pain and fatigue with their touch. Only warm motherly lips will ease physical and moral suffering.

The kid ran after a flying, motley butterfly, stumbled, fell on his back, tore off his hands, roared from fright and pain. Mom picked her up in her arms, pressed her to her chest, blew on the bleeding wounds, touched her tear-stained eyes with a light kiss, while consoling in a calm, gentle voice. The child calmed down, occasionally sobbing, wrapped his arms around his mother's neck,

He leaned his head on his shoulder and smiled happily.

Believe that the torn palms of the son are baked in maternal heart pain that is many times greater than any, her own, pain.

Mom, like a bird, carefully covers her child with a reliable wing from adversity and danger. Does not sleep at night at the bed of a sick baby. He holds his hand tightly when he is scared or lonely. Helps with school lessons. Advise first difficult situations. Teaches human kindness. the ability to be friends and love, help and compassion. Be open, honest and human. Preserve and protect nature and animals. got into trouble.

Mothers lead wisely in life, and always try to find an excuse for our missteps, because during their day we always remain children - the most beloved and the best.

Maternal love is a bottomless cup of angelic patience; worldly wisdom; spiritual kindness; inexhaustible warmth of the heart; tireless, selfless care and endless devotion.

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Mom ... how much in this word. This is light, kindness, the power that can move mountains, revive and save from the most terrible disease. They say that the father loves the child for who he is, and the mother for what he is. That is, mother's love is unconditional and the most constant of all the feelings inherent in man. What is maternal love - in this article.

What does motherly love mean?

As often happens, until a woman has her own child, she does not understand what motherly love is. But as soon as he picks up a living lump and looks into the bottomless eyes, then, as they say, disappears. It is difficult to determine the nature of this feeling, because it is inherent in us genetically and determines the movement of evolution. Mother's love is what a defenseless infant, incapable of independent life, needs, and if he does not receive it, he may die. A mother loves her child a priori. She doesn't care how he looks, how he studies and what his character is.

She will find an excuse for any act and will be able to find advantages in shortcomings. Not every mother is capable of manifestations of tenderness, care and warmth, because much depends on the atmosphere in which she herself grew up, but in a difficult moment and in a situation of danger, she is ready to protect her child until last drop blood. AT modern society it is not required in the literal sense of the word. Love lies in the desire and need to give, nurture, teach, feed and clothe. As they say, prepare your old age, because children are our future.

What is motherly love?

If a woman is not a terry egoist, he will give up his own desires for the sake of his child. She is no longer alone - next to her is a part of her, and she is ready to give her the whole world. Together with the child, rejoice and cry, grow and learn new things, explore the world. She will do everything to raise a full-fledged member of society, give and teach everything that she knows herself, help to realize herself, to get on her feet. To those who wish to know what maternal love is capable of, we can answer that much, if not all.

She will move mountains for the child, she will look for the best doctors if he is sick, the best teachers if he has the ability. Great motherly love is reflected in religion. In Orthodoxy and other confessions, there are many cases when the power of maternal prayer saved a child from inevitable death. Mother boundlessly believes in her child and supports him, creates and protection, without demanding anything in return, because her feelings are disinterested.

Why is mother's love the strongest?

Because a woman understands that her child is no longer needed by anyone but her. Yes, there are many cases in history when women raised other people's children, and this was especially evident during times of war. Today, children continue to be adopted, taken into families, but often the situation is dictated by the inability to have their own. The very concept of maternal love stands apart from all others. Love between a man and a woman can end, but love between a mother and a child has no end.

Blind maternal love is called such because the mother is simply not able to adequately evaluate her child. For her, he is the best. That is why the cases are so rare when, at the trial, the mothers of even the most notorious scoundrels refused them. Not everyone is ready to admit the mistakes of their upbringing, because this would mean that the woman was a bad mother, and few are ready to agree with this.

What is blind motherly love?

Unfortunately, not all mothers, starting the much-needed care for the offspring that have been born, can stop in time and understand that the baby has already grown up and is ready for independent life. They continue to do for him what he can and wants to do for himself. Often, women who are disappointed in men give birth to a child "for themselves", making it. it dangerous situation which rarely leads to anything good.

Without thinking about how the child will live after the death of his mother, these women from birth put an end to his fate. As Anatoly Nekrasov writes in his book “Maternal Love”, each time helping her child, the mother takes away from him his own opportunity to improve his life. Unfortunately, such is unconditional maternal love and not everyone realizes that it has a downside.

Mother's love for son - psychology

A mother's love for her son is different from the feeling she has for her daughter. Much of this is due to gender differences. No, she does not see him as a sexual object, but the jealousy she feels for potential daughters-in-law is inherent in her from the very beginning. The son's love for his mother is strong, but she raises him to care. It is so psychologically arranged that a man finds love and care in his family when he marries, and no longer needs the guardianship of the one who gave birth to him.

Mother's love treatment

The founder of mama therapy is B. Drapkin. His treatment is based on great importance mother's voices for the child. He recommends that all women, while the child is sleeping, say phrases aloud that will act as an installation. Psychotherapy with motherly love helps with various diseases, nervous disorders, tearfulness, bad dream. You can independently compose phrases that the mother wants to put into practice, and pronounce them over the crib of babies under the age of 4 years.

Films about motherly love

  1. "Dancing in the Dark" Lars von Trier. The picture about the difficult fate of a single mother received an award at the Cannes Film Festival.
  2. "Where the Heart Is" directed by Matt Williams. Movies about mother's love deservedly include this picture about a 17-year-old girl who decided to become a mother, left alone.
  3. "My Sister's Angel" directed by Nick Cassavetes. The holy love of the mother, played by Cameron Diaz, helped her daughter fight cancer.

Books about motherly love

Motherly love stories by famous writers include:

  1. "Please take care of your mother" Kun-Suuk Shin. Family members did not appreciate the efforts of his wife and mother at all, and when she disappeared, everyone's life was turned upside down.
  2. "Mother's Heart" Marie-Laure Pica. The book is about a woman who devoted her whole life to her children, but was forced to say goodbye to them, as a serious illness takes away her strength.
  3. "Doctor's Call" Natalia Nesterova. The main character is abandoned by her own mother at birth. She grew up, became a doctor and came to the call to the house where the sick woman who gave birth to her was waiting for her.

This is not a parable... Somewhat different... The question of love for parents can be considered from different points of view...

Let's see what Osho has to say about this:

A mother needs to be loved in a completely different way. She is not your lover, she cannot be. If you become too attached to your mother, you will not be able to find a lover. Deep inside you will be very angry with her, because it was because of her that you could not go to another woman. Leaving parents is a stage of human development - just like the fetus is inside the mother, and then leaves her. Thus, when a child leaves his mother, it is like... a betrayal. But if inside the mother the child thought: "How can I leave the mother who gave me life?", then it would kill both him and her. He forced leave the mother's body.

In the beginning, the child was one with the mother; but then the umbilical cord needs to be cut. He begins to breathe on his own - this is the beginning of his development, growth. He becomes an individual, he starts functioning separately. But for many years he will still be addicted. He needs milk, food, a roof over his head, love - he depends on his mother for everything; he is helpless. But as he gets stronger, he starts to move further and further away. Milk is no longer needed, but now he has to depend on another kind of food. And that alienates him even more.

One day he will go to school, make friends. Becoming a young man, he will fall in love with a girl and almost completely forget about his mother, because his new woman occupied his whole being, stunned his feelings. If it doesn't, then something is broken. If the mother tries to cling to him, then she is not fulfilling her motherly duty. This duty is very delicate. The mother must contribute to the development, the strength of the son so that he can leave her. This is her love. Then she does her duty. If the son continues to cling to his mother, then he is doing wrong, going against the laws of nature. It's like a river deciding to move upstream against the current... everything is turned upside down.

Mother is your source. If the son swims towards his mother, he will swim against the current. You need to get away from her. The river must move away from its source, heading towards the ocean. But this does not mean that a person should not love his mother.

Remember: love for a mother should be more like respect than love. Love for a mother is more like gratitude, respect, deep respect. She gave you life, she brought you into the light. Your love for her should be very much like a prayer. Do everything in your power to help her. But your love for her should not be the same as your love for a girl; otherwise you will confuse the mother with the beloved. When concepts are confused you you will be confused yourself. Remember well: in life you need to find a beloved - not a mother, but another woman. Only in this case will you become a truly mature person, because leaving for another woman completely cuts you off from your mother; the last connecting thread with it is cut off.

That is why there is a subtle antagonism in life between the mother and the son's wife; very subtle antagonism; it is characteristic of the whole world. It must be so, for the mother feels that this woman has taken her son away from her. And this, one might say, is natural. Naturally, but unconsciously. A mother should be happy that her son has another woman. Now her child is no longer a child; he became an adult, a mature person. She should feel happy, right?

So, a person can become mature only if he leaves his mother. And this happens on many levels of being. One day the son must rise up against the mother, but with respect, deep respect. However, you need to rise up. This is where you need to show delicacy: there is a revolution, there is a rebellion, but with great respect. If there is no respect, then everything becomes disgusting, rebellion loses all charm. Something is lost in all this. Protest, be free, but respect, for mother and father are your source of life.

So, you need to leave your parents. Sometimes it is necessary not only to move away from them, but also to go against them. But this should not be accompanied by malice. It should not be ugly, everything should be beautiful and full of respect. If you decide to leave, leave, but fall at the feet of your father and mother. Explain to them that you need to leave them... cry. But tell them it's not up to you, you must go. Life is calling you, you need to go. People cry when they leave their parents' house. They look back again and again, and in their eyes longing and nostalgia. It was a great time. But what to do?

If you continue to cling to the house, you will remain underdeveloped. You will remain a teenager. You will never become an independent man. That's why I'm telling you: leave with respect. In difficult times, help them, be there. But never confuse your mother with your beloved; She's yours mother.

Do you agree with everything that has been said?

"The only love I believe in is the love of a mother for her child." Karl Lagerfeld

“When I realize to the point of despair that I bad mother- I start in a hurry to catch up, suck up and please. But in this profession, you can’t make up for the loss. ” Ludmila Gurchenko

“Before I had a child, I thought I knew everything about myself. The boundaries of my heart were explored and how wonderful it was to understand that this was not the limit. My love can be limitless." Uma Thurman

"It is doubtful that in the whole universe there is anything more gratifying than the feelings that awaken in the heart of a mother at the sight of her child's tiny slipper." Victor Hugo.

"I am a mother, and a mother is never alone." Catherine Deneuve

"The best place for tears is mom's hugs." Jodi Picoult

"Thank you mom for teaching me how to dream." Jared Leto

"A mother should always think twice - first of all for the child, only then for herself." Sophia Loren

"My mum - only person, to whom I can give jewelry with diamonds. Leonardo DiCaprio

“I found out that being a baby is much more difficult. Motherhood is incomparable to what it is like to be a child.” Eva Mendes

“Motherhood has made me more open and receptive to the world. I began to judge people less, became less strict towards them. Natalie Portman

“Motherhood has changed me a lot. I realized that now I can’t afford to engage in self-destruction.” Angelina Jolie

“Motherhood is wonderful and magical. But it's very tiring." Scarlett Johansson

“Mom is the name of God on the lips and in the hearts of babies.” William Thackeray

"Real motherhood is courageous." Marina Tsvetaeva

"Biology is the last thing that makes a woman a mother." Oprah Winfrey

“A mother's love is omnipotent, primitive, selfish, and at the same time disinterested. It doesn't depend on anything." Theodore Dreiser

“A man loves his mother almost unconsciously, without feeling, because it is as natural as life itself. No other attachment is comparable to this one, because all others are accidental, and this one is innate, all others are imposed on us later by various life circumstances, and this one lives from our first day in our very blood. Guy de Maupassant

"If men had to give birth, none of them would have more than one child." Princess Diana

“It doesn’t matter how old you are and what you have achieved: you still need a mother.” Kate Winslet