
Dinner if you marry Natasha. The only honest person about food. You can't have sex with another person


The news of the imminent wedding of the multiple freestyle world cup winner Anton Kushnir came as a surprise. Back in the fall, Komsomolskaya Pravda wrote about the athlete’s relationship with the model and lead singer of the Topless group Tatyana Bankovskaya. And here they are - Anton is getting married! And not on the brunette Tatyana, but on the graceful blonde Natalya!

Let's say right away: Anton and Natasha are a feast for the eyes. The guys glow with happiness, and a rare minute goes by without a tender kiss.

An enviable groom made a marriage proposal two weeks after Valentine's Day. On Valentine's Day, Natasha was the only one who gave Anton a Valentine: "Darling, you are the best for me!" And it doesn't matter that before that the guys had not seen each other for four months. After all, feelings did not flare up overnight.

Anton and Natasha met almost five years ago. Then the young people had a stormy romance that did not last even a year.


Why didn't it work the first time?- asked Komsomolskaya Pravda.

Let's tell! Anton smiled.

No, don’t…” Natasha calmly insisted.

You see, my fiancee doesn't want to, - the sportsman spread his hands. “Then I’ll just say that I’m a straightforward person and don’t like being deceived. Even in small things...

We were young and windy, - the bride smiled.

- Yes, you will be a complaisant husband! And they say you can't step into the same water twice!- remembered the folk wisdom "Komsomolskaya Pravda".

Certainly, I'm an easy-going groom! - Anton hugged his beloved, who does not adhere to signs and believes that the most important thing in a relationship is the test of time. After all, even four years ago, after the end of the novel, the guys did not lose touch: they often called up, went to parties, to the movies.

Natasha is wonderful! She helped me clean the apartment and ironed. He will see me at a meeting in a crumpled shirt and immediately: “Come on, take it off! I can't let you go so sloppy. Not you, but I will be ashamed ... "

Once, after an evening movie show, the guys went to look at the lights of Minsk at night from the height of the National Library…

I then thought: “Maybe start all over again? ..” But I was afraid to spoil friendly relations... And then my mother, and my sister, and my sister's husband began to say to me: “You need a wife like Natasha!”


Anton's parents saw the future daughter-in-law last fall. Then the athlete brought to them in Ukraine not only his girlfriend from the Topless group Tatyana Bankovska, but also Natasha.

The freestyler is now just friends with Tatyana Bankovskaya from the Topless group.

Tanya and I decided to go and have a rest with my parents, - Anton explained. - Natasha joined us because we agreed to go together for a long time, but we never got around to it. The girls were even better together! After all, I devoted a lot of time to my parents, and Tanya alone could be bored ... Natasha's then boyfriend could not keep us company, and the three of us went.

- It turns out that a woman who knows how to wait can achieve more?

The main thing - a woman must be wise! You know, when I was little, I often thought: “Well, why do everyone have ordinary mothers, but I have the most beautiful ?!” So, Natasha is very similar to my mother. Not externally, rather internally. She is just as kind, wise and decent ...

In fact, I did not expect anything, - says Natasha. - Anton and I have always had warm, but friendly relations. He is wonderful, the soul of any company, it is always fun with him.

We really were friends. Once, when I was still dating Tanya, Natasha and I went to a private party. Tanya could not, and I invited Natasha. So that evening, Natasha met another athlete, whom she began dating. I then admonished him: “Just don’t offend Natasha!” And we were friends in pairs, we were with Natasha, like brother and sister ... Although, of course, I knew that there was no friendship between a man and a woman. But we got it the way it did. Natasha recently said one very interesting phrase: "Men always come back." And I thought to myself: “If they are expected.”

Natasha, if you already in the status of a bride or wife find out that Anton is friends, for example, with Olya, Sveta or Katya, how will you react?

Natasha scolds me for this, but tolerates it. And I will try to narrow the circle of communication. In order to have fewer girls in our company ...

- ... free, - Natasha reasonably summed up, explaining: - But I trust Anton and therefore I am calm.

Natasha generally has a mathematical mindset, she stands firmly on the ground. No wonder the future economist-marketer. And I'm a creative person, I'm in the clouds. Natasha sometimes puts me on the ground, - Anton gently hugs the bride.


On February 27, going to the ceremony of awarding the best athletes of 2010 with the Triumph award, Anton put on a spectacular silver ring labeled "Courage". And it was on that evening that he offered Natasha to become his wife. The girl answered without hesitation: “Yes!” And on March 8, Natasha prepared a delicious dinner for which she and Anton invited her parents.

Natasha is a great cook! I think it's very important for a woman. And then I had to teach some girls at the stove myself. It happens, of course, in different ways, but I am sure that this is wrong ... So, on that wonderful evening of March 8, I asked Natasha's parents for her hand. And he gave his beloved a box with a ring with three half-carat diamonds ...

But you are only 26 years old - the most juice! The girls are all over the place! I'll tell you a secret: even some of your colleagues smile: “Kushnir is getting married? Nothing, it will pass soon: every season he has a new girlfriend ... "Do you remember that from the Olympics in Vancouver you were met by the beautiful blonde Tatyana, then you met with the sultry brunette from the Topless group Tanya Bankovskaya, and now you suddenly marry Natalya. You can understand: Natasha won the title of "Miss International" in Poland three years ago! But you've been together for less than two months. Why immediately - and marry?

I have a feeling that we have been together all these five years ... - Natasha cuddles up to Anton.

Maybe I once had a lot of girls. But at some point I wanted constancy. There comes a time in every man's life to do things. I fell in love! And I'm glad I made the decision. And I hope we can live together for the rest of our lives.

And Tanya and I remained friends. She sent a text the other day: “Congratulations! I heard get married. Happiness to you!

20 years ago, American writers Ellen Fein and Sherry Schneider collected advice on how a woman can get the man of her dreams in her best-selling book. Since then, the feminist movement has revived and strengthened, and such literature has received the label "sexist". However, the "New Rules" are still being reprinted and find many fans and followers. What is the secret?

Over the years, gurus Ellen Fein and Sherry Schneider have analyzed the behavior of women who are happy in their personal lives - those who have many suitors, who are successfully married and have a happy marriage. Oprah Winfrey called their bestseller Rules for Winning the Heart of the Man of Your Dreams a phenomenon and twice invited the authors to her talk show. People magazine classified the book as a must-read, and glossy magazines named it the best publication on relationships. The authors assure: over the 20 years of the existence of the “Rules”, millions of women have been able to feel their absolute effectiveness. They got a relationship full of love and respect, which spilled over into a happy and strong marriage. In the New Rules, female writers help modern women and girls to communicate via Facebook, Skype, SMS, etc. and at the same time remain mysterious, maintain a hunter's instinct in a man when there are so many “easy prey” around him, get married in an era when everyone lives in civil marriages and is in no hurry to take responsibility.

"Men love difficulties and lose interest when the object of this interest - and especially a woman - gets them too easily."

“Secret way to get a guy: be a challenge for him. Treat him like you don't care about him,” urge Ellen Fein and Sherry Schneider. In their opinion, it is necessary to create an atmosphere of mystery and make a man crave meeting you, which is a rarity these days. “Rules” is a way of communicating with any man (provided that he first started a conversation with you, in person or on the Internet), thanks to which he becomes obsessed with you and is ready for a serious relationship.

How to Marry the Man of Your Dreams According to Ellen Fein and Sherry Schneider

Be a girl different from the rest and look like a girl different from the rest.

Do not approach a man first and do not start a conversation, do not call or write to a man first.

Do not invite men on a date via SMS, social networks and in no other way.

Wait at least 4 hours before replying to the man's first message, and at least half an hour before replying to each subsequent message.

"Let's talk/write later": always finish everything first - and disappear from sight!

Do not reply to SMS or any other messages after midnight.

Do not accept an invitation to a Saturday date later than Wednesday. "Right girls" lead a busy life. Of course, you've already made plans for the weekend before it's Thursday! If he invites you too late, don't reprimand him. Just say you're sorry, but you're busy.

Make yourself "invisible" for instant messaging. Even if nothing is happening in your life, you should not notify the guy about it by instantly responding to his messages. As with any other form of communication, he should wait for an opportunity to talk to you. To be interesting to you, he will have to work hard. Do not deprive a man of this opportunity by immediately answering messages and sitting online for hours! Remember, you have your own life (study, work, friends, hobbies, workouts, and hopefully dates) and you only have 10 minutes to chat and no more. If a guy has a lot to say and a lot to ask you, he can do it during a date!

Don't spend 24 hours a day, seven days a week with him.

Long-distance relationships: let him offer to Skype more often and visit you.

Don't text men first, ignore emoticons and winks on online dating sites.

Do not pay for dinner and do not buy his love in any way.

Don't do self-destructive acts when dating married men. If he wants to see you, tell him to call you when he is single. And after that, no communication, forget it, say "next!" - and focus on finding men who are truly free.

Don't date a man who cancels your appointments more than once.

Do not send a man anything that would be unpleasant to leave him in the event of your separation.

Don't settle for one-night stands and pointless relationships.

Do not rush to sleep with a man. The “right girl” makes a guy wait to help him fall in love with her, with her soul, with her essence – and not just with her body. The longer you delay intimacy, the longer he will be able to care for you, plan romantic meetings and dream about you. Men love challenges and don't appreciate anything that comes too easy for them, especially sex!

Don't date a man without commitment! If your relationship lasts more than a year and at the same time they are “correct” (you allowed the man to “chase you”, met him no more than 2-3 times a week, refused to spend vacations with him, did not move to live with him), then most helped him fall in love with you and want to marry. A man wants to see you more and more. But if, after a year of relationship, the man did not offer to marry him, you should tell him that you are an old-fashioned girl and are not going to meet anyone forever. If he starts making excuses, offer to take a break from the relationship. Ask him to think it over alone and call when he's ready to commit.

"I have always spoken only the truth, but people
so unaccustomed to it that I had
reputation as a comedian, because everyone thought
I'm kidding."

Bernard Show

Nevertheless, they saw a collage poster with two options - “Your dinner if you marry Natasha” and “Your dinner if you marry Madina” (I don’t post a photo here, and really everyone saw it so as not to overload the post, but if at least someone has not seen it - then the link is below), as well as a million discussions of it.

All this collage was discussed a hundred times, politicized Russian nationalists on the one hand, libertarians on the other hand, in general, you saw it a hundred times and spoke out.

But I have not seen a single honest commentary on this collage, everything is just nonsense and lies from different sides ... Finally, you need to hear the opinion of just an honest and intelligent independent person, right? So here is me.

Fuck the bald man with Madina, with Natasha. You know as well as I do that women are really, for the most part, extremely bad cooks. Well, it's true. Moreover, I personally never lie and I say this to their faces. In general, I ASK my mother never to cook, especially on holidays (although she loves to do it!), Because I don’t want to sit hungry on a holiday, coming to visit her, it’s better to let her come to us. She has already ceased to be offended even, although at first she was shocked about twenty years ago, when she heard this from me, because there is a stupid and deceitful stamp imposed on society about "the best kitchen is mother's kitchen", therefore it is unexpected to hear such words of the son; thank God - she is a smart woman and understands that I fair man simply. Nonsense and nonsense: women's cuisine does not know proportions and is absolutely devoid of either taste in general or harmony.

Finally, all my female acquaintances who have ever told me that "but in general I cook well" - every single one cooked either very badly or not at all, they are simply not interested in quality, although maybe I don’t I said or said the opposite, because a priori I approach women not as cooks, but everyone in general who asks for a compliment - I will always encourage as a kind person.

My wife already agrees with me that she doesn’t know how to cook and is glad that I ask her not to cook either (well, not counting scrambled eggs, etc.; it can help to cut something, because this is the most tedious in cooking). And in general, I don’t know any exceptions, “an exception with a stretch” is when women’s cooking is not disgusting; but it's always bad or at best "four with a minus".

And here in this collage is something that the narrow-minded debaters did not notice and did not understand, because people have lost the habit of thinking honestly. EVEN on this collage - the exact confirmation of my words. Dumplings are usually made by men. Well, someone like, of course, but usually it is historically accepted. And where "Madina" - in general, food from an Uzbek restaurant is depicted, where the cooks are ONLY men, without a single exception.

This is not to say that "don't marry either Natasha or Madina." Just don’t build illusions and don’t get married because of this, wives are not needed for that, but they simply don’t know how to cook, like writing music.

And here is the famous collage itself.

This post was inspired by my friends who constantly pester with this question. This text is a collection of thoughts that I fished out from the Internet, and does not always coincide with my opinion, although in general everything is correct.

From birth, we've been drilled into our heads that marriage and children are the only the right way lead a happy and fulfilling life as an honest citizen. It seems to many that the institution of marriage has always existed, in fact, a huge number of types of interaction between a man and a woman have been highlighted in the history of mankind. When other men find out that you want to marry, they support you, but they themselves are in no hurry to take your place, especially if they were previously married.

1. Wedding

Yes, this is the main puzzle for the groom and almost the most significant event in the life of the bride. Those who marry without this event often upset relatives, but still act wisely.
The most cheap wedding will cost you a decent amount, which can be spent on many useful things: buy a game console, go to another city, buy something useful or trite long time eat well. But it all comes down to clothes, jewelry, food, guests and a thousand other strange things like a stupid ceremony and a pedicure with a manicure, etc. Getting married in no way strengthens your relationship.
Seriously, please tell me how to dress up as a villain from the classic James Bond movies, say a few "magic" words and exchange jewelry helps two people get closer?

2. Live together

If you learn to live together, having tried to start living before the wedding, honor and praise be upon you, but some will see each other in everyday life only after a dull ceremony. Life with a woman for some is life on another planet, where the logic is different, everyone walks on the ceiling, and the laws of physics are strange. For a good life, a person does not need so much:
- Silence
- Free space
- Food
- Beer (albeit a little)
- Entertainment (sports, computer games, comrades or something smarter)
Some women are sure that if there is silence, something goes wrong. Every married man knows that terrible feeling when his wife sits next to him during a match and says, "Can we talk?"
One would like to answer: "Is it possible to choose a more suitable time?"
Worst of all, if she turns off the game, showing with all her appearance that her talk about new tiles in the bathroom is much more important than any championship or movie. With free space, everything is very tight: the cabinets are occupied by her junk, and in your bathroom, instead of toilet paper, soap, towels and a toothbrush, there are such a huge amount of all sorts of jars and bottles that it seems like a perfume department?
And hair is everywhere, it feels like not a woman lives in your house, but a German shepherd that constantly sheds!
I wonder why women don't go bald?

3. Need somewhere to go

Marriage definitely multiplies a person by two. Now you are symbiotes, like an algae and a mushroom, and your marriage is a natural lichen. You used to go where you wanted to go, but all of a sudden, your places to visit have been added to her favorite places that she longs to go to. And you don’t want to go to strange exhibitions, film festivals, proms, open days, sales, funerals and weddings. But you have to go, you're family! The worst thing is that you will be constantly late. If earlier you could come just in time to a concert and chill in a bar, then even with the current love of the organizers of performances to delay the start, you manage to be late. When you sit fully ready, she runs around you in just a towel, constantly repeating: "I'm almost ready!" Of course, there are girls who know how to dress and make up quickly. But among the ladies there are too many infantile ones who pay a lot of attention to their appearance and are sure that being late is good tone for girl.

4. Wacky TV shows and fighting for TV

It's one thing when you have similar tastes and you can watch "Game of Thrones" and "Breaking Bad" together, but if she can't watch such shows because they seem too violent to her, but instead she watches some kind of woman crap, everything is sad. First, you spend less time together. Secondly, the speed of the Internet drops when the two of you are watching something at the same time. Thirdly, women's series are stupid! All these "Girls", "The Vampire Diaries", "Top Stupid American Model", "Grey's Anatomy" and the famous "Sex and the City" - this is such incredible nonsense! If you have a TV, you also have to fight for it. She wants to watch reality shows and you're a sports channel. It seems that there can be no compromises here!

5. Rings

The very idea of ​​wearing rings seems such a rare anachronism that words can't describe it. I wonder why, when two people get married, they can't exchange their engagement LSD TV, engagement laptops, or engagement guitars?

6. 50% of all marriages end in divorce

If you look at the statistics, then, of course, much more. It's just that the principle works here: it will take off or it won't take off. 50/50. Worst of all is the divorce process. If before that you decided to remain friends, then a divorce will finally turn your whole idea into complete hypocrisy. The event is worth big money, of course, if you have jointly acquired property. Alimony is still that pain in the ass, it’s a shame most often that the money goes not to the child, but to the mother whom you love no more than stranger.

7. You can't have sex with another person.

Not according to the rules, of course.
Generally very unpleasant (despite even strong love to your lady) to realize that you are not allowed to have sex with another woman again. Women are in some way reminiscent of a car: is it always interesting to sit in the cabin of some new one? And here you have one car for many, many years. The most interesting thing is that sex with one girl becomes a boring routine, no matter how well she does it. If you have lobster for dinner every day, soon you will be ready to kill a bear with your bare hands for the opportunity to eat a banal hamburger.

8. She may now refuse to have sex with you for no reason at all.

Previously, she was almost always ready, but sex and desire disappear somewhere. Now the wife can officially ban sex altogether. I wonder why she didn't forbid it before? She got more rights, didn't she? What century are we living in!

9. Less freedom

If earlier you could take your belongings and leave, rent an apartment, or completely dump to work in any city where your eyes look, now you can’t, because you have it. Marriage has more questions, more obligations, and less freedom.

Ah, this wedding, the wedding...

February, Israeli winter. Outside the window, rain, wind, a storm at sea. I am sitting in an armchair, on a small table a glass of brandy, a plate of sliced ​​lemon, a cup of coffee. I don’t feel like reading, I don’t watch TV at all, I look through the archives, I delete something. I discover a ten-year-old congratulatory letter, hand-drawn for the 30th anniversary living together my old friends. Crazy, this year it has been forty years since that momentous event.

I met Gena at the enterprise where I worked as a distribution worker after technical school. He was older than me by a couple of years, we did not become friends, rather good friends. One early working morning, Gena announced that he was getting married.

Gena, why are you so impatient, you're only 21 years old. Really on the fly.
- No, it's just that her mother is in the hospital. she works as a department, and as soon as I am called to the military registration and enlistment office, she puts me in her department for examination.
"And that's why you're getting married?"
- And where to go - either get married or join the army.
- An interesting alignment, okay, you know better. What is required of me?
- I want you to be my witness.
- Gena, don't you need to dance on the square?
- Well, it's hard for you.
- Of course it's difficult, I can't dance.
- There will be no one except relatives, maybe a couple more friends. And the witness will be good, I'll introduce you, you'll like her.

I don't like feasts, I don't like company at all. For me, all the weddings, birthdays and other gatherings of drinking and eating together, which I occasionally got into, always followed the same scenario. If it was not possible to get out and not come at all, then I came last, handed the gift and after sitting for a maximum of half an hour, quietly left in English. So the last thing I wanted was to be a witness at a wedding.
After 40 years, I no longer remember how he managed to persuade me to take this rash step. I remember that he and his fiancee came to my house, they talked with my mother for a long time, found common, if not relatives, then almost relatives. One way or another, I agreed to be a witness at the wedding, with absolutely no idea where it would lead me.

What is a Jewish wedding. This is a gathering of some relatives, friends and acquaintances who are remembered only on very big holidays, and even then not every year. Everyone gathers at the wedding.

But the biggest evil is the toastmaster with his stupid contests and other crap. I took care of them right away. Taking his arm, he smiled and led him aside.

My friend, I hope you know what circumcision is. Do you know? Wonderful. And you avoided this fate as a child. Escaped? Well, here's the weird one. So, if you get me with your shmonkurs contests and other crap like bride kidnapping or drinking out of shoes, then your circumcision to zero will be inevitable, like the victory of communism. And this will happen immediately after the end of the celebration. I hope we understand each other. Smile, smile, you're at a wedding.

Next came the relatives.
- Genochka, you have grown so much, you are already 20 years old, you are quite big. Do you remember how you bit Grandma Dora?
- Grandma, this is not Gena. This is Sasha.
- Where is Gena?
- Here's Gene.
- Genochka, happy birthday, grow big.
- Grandma, this is not a birthday, this is a wedding, Gena is getting married.
- Is Gena getting married? Why is he doing this?

A couple of guests come up to me.
- Look, she's pregnant.
- Who?
- Bride.
I don't know, I didn't care.
The woman pulls his hand
- Fima, what do you care, leave the man behind.
"So why is he getting married if she's not pregnant?" I'm just wondering.

Izya, put down the bottle, you have an ulcer.
- Why can't I drink a little even for the health of the young?
- Drink mineral water for health. Put down the bottle, I told you!

Listen, I have a question for you. Are you a witness here?
- such a witness
- And you will not say, the bride is a Jewess?
- Yes, yes.

Do you know who his parents are?
- Some engineers.
- Poor girl, it will be difficult for her.
- Sofochka, what's wrong here, not everyone works in trade.

In the middle of a wedding, a waiter comes up to me.
- They ask you.
- Who?
- Outside.
I get up and go to the exit. Near the entrance there are five some kind of spy or, as they say now, gopniks.
- I'm listening to.
- So, you don't want us to start a fight and ruin the wedding. In short, bring five bottles of vodka and a hell of a lot of money. You have five minutes.
- Okay, let's decide.
Don't you dare call the cops.
Why, we'll take care of everything.
I go to the hall, I figure, well, I’ll definitely knock out two, maybe three, but there are five of them. The suit may be torn. Yes, and in a suit you can’t get your foot to the muzzle, the trousers can burst, but do I need it? Stop, I saw Bull among the guests.

A small digression.
I knew the bull for a long time, since school. A normal guy, though without brains, but with a cannon strike. At the age of 19 he was a master of sports in heavyweight boxing. I saw him send one pretzel flying. The body flew through the window, shattering the frame.

Girl, I'll take your date for five minutes, do you mind.
- Igor, I need you urgently.
Briefly describe the situation. The bull, without saying a word, quickly goes out, taking off his jacket as he goes. I also take off my jacket.
- No, I'm on my own.
From the porch, I manage to see how Igor quickly approaches the fans of the freebies, they do not even have time to utter a couple of words, five lightning strikes and five bodies in a deep knockout are resting on the pavement. The whole procedure took no more than three seconds. I stand with my jaw dropped, Igor takes my jacket from my hands.
- Will you figure it out yourself?
- Yes thank you.

Igor goes into the hall. I quickly drag the unconscious bodies into the nearest doorway. At this time, many police patrols go. If they see, then five bottles of vodka will not pay off. But everything ends well. Having carefully laid out the idiots, I also return to the hall.

I pour, I drink to calm my nerves. An hour passes. The waiter comes up again.
- They ask you.
- Who?
- Outside.
- What now?
I look out into the street. Kind of deja vu. There is a holy trinity. The same, two are missing, either they haven’t come to their senses yet, or they decided to leave. One turns a folding knife in his hands. Unfortunately, the Bull disappeared somewhere. Yura fits.
- Sasha, why are you standing here? Did someone offend you? Let's go break it in now. I can't really tell...

Retreat second.
I met Yura quite by accident. He worked near my house in a watch shop. I brought his watch to be repaired, we started talking, it turned out that we had many common acquaintances. Yura is a very good guy, but if he drinks, he will definitely look for someone to fight with. Only his wife can stop him. At that moment, she was a little distracted and Yura went to look for adventures.

Yura did not listen to the end.

Oh, that's right, I'm off.
- Wait, I'm with you.
- Don't go, I'm on my own. Fuck he's brandishing a knife.

I still didn't make it. The blow was strong. The knife flew in one direction, teeth and snot in the other. The rest made their feet. Olya, Yuri's wife, jumped out on the threshold.
- You cannot be left alone for five minutes, march into the hall.
Yura somehow immediately turned sour, even decreased in size and dejectedly trudged after Olya.

Having dragged the body into the already familiar gateway, I also went into the hall. He sat down and gulped down an almost full glass of cognac to calm his nerves. I feel someone's eyes on me. I raise my head, some fat woman, hung with shiny tsackks, is staring at me, as Christmas tree.

Ouch. Look, he drinks like a shoemaker, and I also wanted to introduce our Firochka. Why does she need this alcoholic.

When will this ... wedding be over ...

But everything has a beginning, and everything comes to an end. The wedding dinner is over. The guests disperse. Those who live nearby go on foot, some caught a taxi, most deliver the ordered bus. I went to them too.
I thought another twenty minutes and home. Not that case.

Five or six minutes pass. Again that nasty voice from behind.
- Bora! Will you tell me where we're going? Who's leading the parade here?
- Tsilya! The driver knows where to go, sit still.

I squeeze to the driver and ask him to stop. I'm popping up on Fresh air. I'll go on foot, at the same time I'll get some air. Half an hour and I'm already at home. Mom watches TV. I quietly walk into my room.

Sasha, how is the wedding? There were a lot of visitors? Have you been introduced to a nice girl?

The answer was a heavy sigh...