
Uninvited guest. Flu in pregnant women. Sos - flu: what to do if the virus caught during pregnancy? Prevention of influenza in pregnant women in the 3rd trimester


SARS is an acute respiratory infection of viral origin. In the III trimester of pregnancy, SARS can cause the development of various unpleasant complications. A disease that occurs just before childbirth creates a real risk of infection of the newborn in the first days of life.

Causes and features of the development of SARS during pregnancy

An acute respiratory viral infection is popularly called the common cold. Not a single expectant mother is immune from the occurrence of such a condition. The likelihood of developing SARS increases significantly in anticipation of a child. During this period, a natural and programmed by nature decrease in the body's defenses occurs. Unable to cope with pathogenic viruses that enter the bloodstream, the woman's immune system fails - and all the typical manifestations of a cold occur.

The likelihood of developing SARS increases when exposed to the following factors:

  • hypothermia (relevant in autumn and early spring with sudden changes in temperature during the day);
  • being in a state of constant stress;
  • serious emotional experiences;
  • taking medications that lower the immune system.

All these factors affect the state of the body's defenses. Immunity falls, and viruses that enter the body multiply rapidly. Getting into the blood through the mucous membrane of the mouth and nasal passages, pathogens provoke the development of inflammation. The body temperature rises, there is a cough, runny nose and other manifestations of SARS.

The most common respiratory infections include:

  • parainfluenza;
  • adenovirus infection;
  • rhinovirus infection;
  • RS infection.

Influenza as one of the acute respiratory viral infections stands out separately due to the special clinical picture and high risk of complications.


Typical signs of SARS include:

  • moderate temperature increase (up to 37-38.5 ° C);
  • sore throat and sore throat;
  • nasal congestion;
  • profuse mucous discharge from the nose;
  • lacrimation, pain in the eyes;
  • enlargement of regional lymph nodes.

The viral stage of the disease with profuse runny nose, sneezing and sore throat lasts the first three days. In the future, against the background of a sharp decrease in immunity, a bacterial infection joins. The sneezing decreases, the discharge from the nose becomes thick, yellow or yellow-green. Perspiration in the throat is replaced by a dry, and then a wet cough with a small amount sputum. Cough in uncomplicated ARVI is associated with runoff of nasal discharge along the back of the pharynx and irritation of the receptors in the oral cavity.

ARVI, even during pregnancy, rarely goes away with complications. Usually, expectant mothers tolerate the disease well, without consequences for the body and the growing fetus. In rare cases, it is possible to attach a secondary bacterial infection with the development of such conditions:

  • otitis (inflammation of the ear);
  • sinusitis (inflammation of the sinuses);
  • bronchitis;
  • pneumonia.

Complications after SARS develop on the 5th-7th day of illness. Body temperature rises again, cough intensifies, copious sputum appears. When otitis occurs strong pain in the ear. Deterioration of the condition against the background of ARVI is a reason to immediately consult a doctor and continue treatment with a specialist.

Complications of pregnancy and consequences for the fetus

In the third trimester of pregnancy, SARS usually goes away without consequences for the woman and her baby. For a period of 24-36 weeks, all internal organs the fetus is already formed, and the appearance of developmental anomalies does not threaten them. The placenta functions in full force, and the likelihood of developing placental insufficiency is extremely low. After 5-7 days, the viruses disappear from the woman's body without causing any harm to her child and without affecting the course of pregnancy.

ARVI can present a certain danger for a period after 36 weeks. organism future mother is preparing for childbirth, and he does not need an extra burden in the form of a sudden illness. The birth of a child can happen at any time. If the birth of a baby takes place at the height of the disease, infection of the baby and the appearance of all the symptoms of SARS in the newborn are possible.

The likelihood of the disease is significantly reduced in children who are breastfed from birth. With mother's milk, the baby receives ready-made antibodies necessary to fight the insidious virus. Breastfeeding on demand - The best way protect the baby from infection and all possible complications SARS.

Principles of treatment

In the third trimester of pregnancy, much attention is still paid to non-drug methods of therapy. At the first signs of SARS, you should:

  1. Create an optimal microclimate in the room: air temperature 22 ° C, humidity 50-70%.
  2. Ventilate the room regularly (at least 3 times a day).
  3. Carry out wet cleaning, remove dust from all horizontal surfaces.
  4. Rinse your nose with saline every 2 hours.
  5. Drink as much liquid as possible: berry juice, juice, dried fruit compote, warm tea.

Compliance with these rules will help the body cope with the infection faster and speed up recovery.

Drug therapy in the third trimester of pregnancy includes:


Means that stimulate your own immunity should be taken from the first hours of illness for 3-5 days. These drugs include:

  • Grippferon;
  • Ergoferon;
  • Anaferon;
  • Viferon (candles).

Interferon preparations activate the immune system, help fight viral infection and eliminate the symptoms of SARS. The use of these drugs in the first 24 hours from the onset of the disease reduces the duration of the disease by 1-2 days.

Specific antiviral therapy for ARVI is not carried out. The body of a healthy pregnant woman has enough strength to cope with the infection on its own. Antiviral drugs are prescribed only for influenza.

Remedies for the common cold

In the III trimester of pregnancy, local vasoconstrictor drugs are allowed for use:

  • Rhinorus;
  • for the nose;
  • Pinosol;
  • Tizin and others.

Drugs from this group reduce mucosal edema, reduce the permeability of the vascular wall and eliminate the symptoms of acute respiratory viral infections (runny nose, nasal congestion). Medicines in the form of drops and spray act locally, practically without penetrating into the bloodstream and without affecting the development of the fetus. The course of treatment should not exceed 5 days. If the symptoms of SARS persist for more than 5 days, you should consult a doctor.

Before using any vasoconstrictor drugs, it is necessary to rinse the nose with solutions based on sea water:

  • Aqua Maris;
  • Marimer;
  • Aqualor;
  • Salin;
  • Dolphin etc.

Salt solutions gently cleanse the nasal mucosa, wash out pathogenic viruses and bacteria, and speed up recovery. You can wash your nose every 2-3 hours throughout the day.

Sore throat remedies

A wide range of drugs for pain and sore throat, allowed in the third trimester, allows pregnant women to quickly cope with the unpleasant symptoms of SARS. During this period, both herbal and synthetic products can be used in the form of sprays, rinses, syrups or tablets. The course of treatment lasts 5-10 days. With a residual wet cough, you can do without the use of any drugs.

Sore throat medications allowed in the third trimester:

  • Hexoral;
  • Miramistin;
  • Gedelix;
  • Doctor Mom;
  • Herbion;
  • Mukaltin;
  • Licorice root, etc.

Gargling with a decoction of chamomile or calendula gives a good effect. At night, you can drink warm milk with honey, brew tea with sage, lemon and mint. Simple folk remedies soften the throat, facilitate the cleansing of the mucous membrane and speed up recovery.

Antipyretics (antipyretics)

In the III trimester of pregnancy, paracetamol and ibuprofen are allowed from antipyretics. The problem is that these drugs from the NSAID group affect the contractile activity of the uterus. Irrational use of antipyretics can cause premature birth.

Rules for the use of antipyretics during pregnancy:

  • Antipyretic drugs can only be used when the body temperature rises above 38.5 ° C.
  • Do not exceed the dosage indicated in the instructions.
  • You can not take several antipyretics at the same time.
  • The interval between taking the tablets should be at least 4 hours.
  • The course of therapy should be no more than 3 days. If fever persists, see a doctor.


The following recommendations will help prevent the development of SARS during pregnancy:

  1. Refusal to visit crowded places during the SARS epidemic.
  2. Wearing a mask in crowded places (mask change - every 40-60 minutes).
  3. Washing the nose with saline solutions before leaving the house, immediately after returning, and also when in contact with sick people.
  4. Strengthening immunity: rational nutrition, taking multivitamins, adequate physical activity.
  5. Creation of a favorable microclimate in the room (temperature not higher than 22 ° C, humidity 50-70%, regular cleaning and airing).

Compliance with these simple rules helps prevent the development of infection and avoid the occurrence of SARS during pregnancy.

Every woman, bearing a child, is more attentive to her health. At this time, physiologically weakened immunity contributes to the development of many diseases, and the flu is no exception. Therefore, it is necessary to know its manifestations in order to suspect the disease and consult a doctor in time, as well as information about whether the flu is dangerous in the third trimester of pregnancy and what its consequences may be.

Influenza is a highly contagious disease with an acute course. It is transmitted by airborne droplets. The disease is caused by viruses of types A, B and C, which are characterized by a constant, progressive variability in their structure. In this regard, there are new varieties of pathogens to which people have no immunity.

In the third trimester of pregnancy and before childbirth, women are less resistant to infections, which is why it is so easy for them to catch the flu. Expectant mothers have increased susceptibility to infectious diseases, so they often have a severe course of the disease and the addition of complications.

How the virus works

The pathogenic effect of the virus, first of all, depends on its biological properties - high toxicity and predominant damage to the mucous membrane that lines the respiratory tract.

Penetrating through the respiratory tract, the influenza virus settles on their mucosa and releases toxins that spread through the bloodstream throughout the body. Penetrating through the placenta, it damages it and enters the baby's circulatory system.

Influenza infection contributes to a sharp decrease in the body's resistance to the future mother, the functioning of the immune and endocrine systems is disrupted, as a result of which, if a woman has chronic diseases, they are activated (for example, pyelonephritis, tonsillitis, etc. become aggravated). The baby is born weakened or with a particular pathology.

Clinical picture

There are signs that distinguish the flu from a viral infection. These include:

  • acute onset of the disease, body temperature quickly rises to 39-40 ° C;
  • headache in the frontal and temporal region, photophobia, pain when moving the eyeballs;
  • pronounced signs of general intoxication - chills, severe general weakness, dizziness;
  • muscle and joint pain, body aches;
  • catarrhal manifestations are slightly expressed (a slight sore throat, a mild runny nose, a slight dry cough may be observed) or more often they are absent at all;
  • increased fatigue or severe general weakness after recovery may persist for another 2-3 weeks.

During the flu, the following periods are distinguished:

  • Incubation - lasts from the moment the virus enters the body until the first clinical manifestations occur. Its duration is 1-3 days. Patients are contagious as early as 24 hours before the onset of the first symptoms. That is why it is impossible to prevent the spread of infection.
  • The period of clinical manifestations of the disease lasts an average of 3-5 days, depending on the body's resistance and severity. But it is also necessary to take into account the fact that the patients, after the body temperature has returned to normal, remain contagious for another 1-2 days.
  • Recovery period.

There are such forms of severity of the disease:

  • Light - the clinical picture is mild, body temperature is within 38 degrees.
  • Moderate severity - pronounced signs of intoxication and manifestations of the disease, body temperature - 38.5 -39.5 ° C.
  • The severe form is characterized by an increase in temperature to 40-40.5 ° C, against the background of influenza manifestations, encephalopathy occurs (disruption of the brain), which can manifest itself as psychotic disorders (hallucinations, delirium), seizures, vomiting.
  • Hypertoxic - the temperature is above 40 degrees, it can even rise to 41, encephalopathy, meningism (hypertonicity of the neck muscles), photophobia, circulatory problems occur.

Influenza during pregnancy in the third trimester has the same symptoms as in other patients. The disease during this period most often manifests itself as follows:

  • short incubation period - only a few hours;
  • pronounced signs of intoxication;
  • other symptoms of the disease are mild.

Possible Complications

A disease such as the flu can often cause complications in any person. It is very dangerous if they occur in a pregnant woman. Often these patients experience:

  • pneumonia;
  • myocarditis;
  • sinusitis;
  • meningitis;
  • exacerbation of chronic pathology.

Complications of influenza during pregnancy in the third trimester have consequences on the course of pregnancy. The most serious are premature births. In addition, there may be:

Effect of influenza on the fetus in the third trimester

Influenza virus on later dates pregnancy can provoke infection of the fetus and cause premature birth. But this is a little less pronounced than in the 1st trimester.

As a result of damage to the placenta, placental circulatory insufficiency may develop. Such a violation is most often treatable, and pregnancy often ends with the birth of a viable full-term baby. But intrauterine growth retardation of the fetus, oligohydramnios may also occur, as a result, it is born with a small body weight.

Studies have shown that newborn babies infected in the womb with the influenza virus, as well as children early age the adaptation period is more difficult compared to those whose mothers did not get sick during pregnancy. Many had skin-allergic diseases, endocrine pathology, late teething, frequent SARS up to 1 year, viral infections were complicated by pneumonia.

First of all, the doctor must examine you and confirm that it is the flu. After that, you need to start treatment.

A mild form of influenza in expectant mothers can be treated at home. The patient is treated by a general practitioner, but it is necessary to inform the gynecologist about the condition of the pregnant woman. If necessary, he can add his own medicines to improve the condition of the fetus during illness.

Women in position are subject to hospitalization in such cases:

  • severe and moderate flu (pronounced signs of intoxication, body temperature exceeds 38.5 ° C);
  • accession of bacterial complications;
  • suspected development of viral pneumonia;
  • chronic extragenital pathology - in this case, a woman is hospitalized with an increase in body temperature of 37.5 ° C and above;
  • with a deterioration in the condition of the fetus;
  • in case of complications of pregnancy.

In the process of treatment, you must adhere to the following rules:

  • After infection, treatment should begin immediately.
  • Call your doctor right away, who will examine you and prescribe safe medicines for flu during pregnancy in the 3rd trimester.
  • It is necessary to observe bed rest, to minimize external irritating factors. Relatives and friends during this period for a faster recovery should provide the woman with a minimum of movement around the house.
  • In food, eat foods that are easily digestible by the body. Proper nutrition will provide support for a weakened immune system, will allow to restore the membranes of cells damaged by the flu and improve the functioning of the digestive organs. Although there is no appetite during this period, you need to eat at least a little at least 4 times a day. Be sure to eat fresh vegetables and fruits, seafood (mussels, caviar, fish, etc.), olive oil, nuts, pumpkin seeds, milk products.
  • To reduce the pronounced signs of intoxication, to thin the blood condensed during illness, to reduce the temperature will help to drink plenty of water. During an illness, it is worth drinking not only fruit juices and pure water, but also berry fruit drinks, various decoctions of berries and herbs. But care must be taken in the presence of edema.
  • For additional immunity support, it is worth taking special multivitamin complexes for pregnant women.
  • It is important not to forget about wet cleaning of the room where the sick expectant mother is located and its frequent airing.
  • All medicines during pregnancy should be taken with caution. Use only the drugs prescribed by the doctor and in no case self-medicate, because many medicines are categorically contraindicated during pregnancy.


Should I use antiviral flu pills during third trimester pregnancy or not? The danger is caused by drugs such as Remantadine and Amantadine. Both drugs cross the placenta, adversely affecting the fetus. In fetuses whose mothers took them during pregnancy, severe heart defects have been described (for example, tetralogy of Fallot and others). In addition, these medicines are no longer relevant today, since most flu strains are resistant to them.

The 2010 National Clinical Protocol recommends the use of the following drugs for the treatment of influenza in pregnant women:

  • Tamiflu (oseltamivir) - 75 mg suspension or 1 capsule (75 mg) in 2 doses for 5-10 days.
  • Relenza (zanamivir) - an agent for inhalation - 5 mg 2 times a day, the duration of treatment is 5-10 days.

It is important to remember that only a doctor can prescribe such drugs if the benefits of taking them are higher than the possible harm to the fetus and the body of the expectant mother. Therefore, they are appointed as a last resort. If it was not possible to avoid taking such funds, it should be done in a hospital setting.

The safer of the approved drugs in the third trimester of pregnancy are Oscillococcinum and Grippferon.

Oscillococcinum is a homeopathic remedy that is absolutely safe for expectant mothers. The drug can improve the patient's condition, reduce the duration of the disease. During the reception of the dragee (it is in this form of release that the medicine is produced) is located under the tongue. Oscillococcinum is consumed one hour after a meal or 15 minutes before it. It is very important to adhere to the dosage recommended by your doctor. The duration of the course of treatment is 1-3 days. The medicine works to the maximum if it is started to be used at the initial stage of the disease.

Grippferon decides the spread of viruses in the nasal cavity, and it is from there that they spread throughout the body. In this it is fundamentally different from other means. It is produced in the form of a spray or drops. When Grippferon enters the bloodstream, it is able to penetrate the placenta to the fetus. Studies have shown that during the use of the drug there were no deviations in the baby or a violation of the course of pregnancy. In the 3rd trimester, the fetal organs are already fully formed, so there is no particular risk during this period. As part of Grippferon, there are no mutagenic and toxic substances, so future mothers can take it if necessary.

The drug is started to be used at the first signs of the disease every 3-4 hours, 3 drops. The duration of treatment is 5-6 days. If you use a spray, just one click on the bottle is enough. To spread the product evenly, massage the wings of the nose with your fingers after instillation for several minutes. Subject to the instructions, one bottle is enough for a course of treatment.

Expectant mothers taking Grippferon note that he copes well with the manifestations of the disease. The drug is contraindicated in case of intolerance to its components.

Symptomatic treatment

Having diagnosed influenza during pregnancy in the third trimester, treatment should be started as early as possible. For this, symptomatic agents are used.

Decrease in body temperature

If the thermometer readings have risen above the mark of 38 degrees, you can take paracetamol. At one time, you can drink half a gram of medication, but no more. The medicine should be taken no more than 3-4 days. In no case should the daily dose be exceeded. If during this time the temperature does not decrease, it is urgent to see a doctor who can find out the cause of this condition and possibly recommend other means for treatment.

The fight against a cold

With a runny nose in a future mother, any drops that have a characteristic vasoconstrictor effect can only be used in case of a sharp swelling of the mucous membrane, when nasal breathing becomes impossible. To do this, it is better to use drops created on the basis of sea or mineral waters.

If necessary, vasoconstrictor drops should be used no longer than the period and doses recommended by the doctor. If they are abused, the drug may enter the umbilical artery through the mother's blood and, as a result, the blood supply to the fetus may be disturbed. In addition, long-term use may cause dependence.

It is important to take into account the fact that some pregnant women may experience nasal congestion for all 9 months, and nasal breathing is restored after childbirth. This is due to hormonal changes in the body of the expectant mother. In this case, there is no need to treat a runny nose.

Sore throat

If the expectant mother is worried about a sore throat, you can rinse with a solution of furacilin. To do this, take 1 tablet of the drug for 1 glass of water. Or you can purchase a ready-made pharmacy solution of furacilin.

Herbal decoctions will help soothe a sore throat. Here are some recipes you can use for this:

  • Infusion of birch leaves, eucalyptus and sage in proportions 1:2:3. A tablespoon of the collection should be poured with boiling water, insisted for 20 minutes, strained and used for rinsing.
  • Boil sage - 1 tablespoon in 1 glass of milk. Boil everything for 10 minutes over low heat, drain, bring to a boil again and remove. This decoction should be drunk before going to bed.
  • Take in equal parts linden flowers, raspberries, mountain ash, lingonberry leaves and St. John's wort. Pour 1 tablespoon of the collection with a glass of water. Bring to a boil, strain and infuse for about an hour. After that, the decoction is ready for use.

All infusions for rinsing are necessarily used in a warm form.

You may be interested in: Throat treatment in the 3rd trimester of pregnancy

Cough treatment

Often the flu during pregnancy in the 3rd trimester is accompanied by a dry cough. First, eliminate this unpleasant symptom with inhalation. To thin sputum, you can use thyme, plantain, chamomile, soda solution. Decoctions of their listed herbs can be drunk. If there is no result, you can drink some medicines.

So, for example, you can use Mukaltin, a safe plant-based drug that has been tested by many generations. You need to take the medicine 1-2 tablets in 3 divided doses.

Gradually, the cough becomes productive. For better sputum discharge during this period, it is worth using herbs that have an expectorant effect - a string, lingonberry leaves, thermopsis grass and ledum. To do this, you can also mix alkaline mineral water without gas with milk in equal proportions and drink this drink warm, 1 cup in 3-4 doses per day.

vitamin therapy

With the flu, do not forget about taking vitamins, since the expectant mother already has an increased need for them, and even more so during the period of illness. But in no case do not increase the doses of these drugs on your own, be sure to consult your doctor. So, for example, with prolonged use of high doses of vitamins D and C, premature aging placenta.

The most acceptable option for expectant mothers is the use of fresh fruits, berries, as well as their juices. In this case, the body can take all the necessary vitamins without an overabundance.

Other safe means

Homeopathic remedies are safe for expectant mothers. They are used at the first symptoms of the disease, as well as for preventive purposes during the epidemic.

In the 3rd trimester of pregnancy, honey is used to treat influenza. It has found both external and internal uses. This product is good for converting a dry cough into a wet one. With a productive cough, it contributes to a better discharge of sputum.

Recipes for internal use:

  • mix 100 ml of black radish juice with 200 ml of honey, take 2 tablespoons of this mixture three times a day;
  • before eating, dissolve 1 teaspoon of honey, this should be done 3 times a day;
  • mix honey (300 grams) with chopped aloe leaves (1 kg), pour everything over half a liter of water, boil and keep for 2 hours on low heat, stirring often, then cool and take 1 tablespoon before meals in 3 divided doses; store the mixture in a cold place;
  • add honey (1 teaspoon) to warm drinks consumed throughout the day.

Externally, honey for coughing is used as follows:

  • at night in the form of a compress on a cabbage leaf, covering well on top with a terry towel;
  • in the morning and in the evening, rub in the chest area.

Every woman, getting sick during pregnancy, always worries about how her illness will affect the child. This is natural, because caring for the health of your crumbs is the most important task for parents. At various stages of pregnancy colds affects the baby and mother differently. Consider what a cold can threaten during pregnancy in the second trimester.

The second trimester of pregnancy lasts from 12 to 24 weeks after conception. During this period, you can breathe a sigh of relief, as viral infections can no longer deal such a strong blow to the health of the baby as in the first trimester. The fact is that the fetus is already protected by the placenta, which serves as a conductor of nutrients, oxygen, this is a kind of barrier from negative impacts outside world. But a cold can strike at that shield. Feto-placental insufficiency occurs, in which the transfer of nutrients and oxygen to the fetus is difficult. A child can be born prematurely, with a weight below the norm. In the second trimester, the baby's nervous system may suffer, since during this period its active development takes place.

What else is dangerous cold in the 2nd trimester?

If you get a cold at week 14, then there is a possibility of a miscarriage or a change in endocrine system. If this happens at 16-17 weeks, then the bone tissue may not form properly in the fetus. When a woman is expecting a girl, special attention to her health should be shown during the period of 19-20 weeks. At this time, the formation of eggs occurs, and the virus can disrupt the correct process, which will lead to infertility of future women.

Sometimes future mothers, without hesitation, begin to take antibiotics and antipyretics for colds. In no case should this be done, because the drugs will definitely harm the baby. Therefore, if a woman falls ill in the 2nd trimester, she should not make any attempts at self-treatment, but consult a doctor and follow his recommendations. A common mistake of pregnant women, in addition to taking antibiotics, is the uncontrolled intake of homeopathic medicines. It is believed that herbs cannot harm the body, but this is not always the case. Many herbal preparations have side effects and can cause miscarriage or arousal nervous system mothers.

Consequences of a cold in the 3rd trimester of pregnancy and its danger

The comforting factor is that a cold at the end of pregnancy is less dangerous than at the beginning. For example, if a cold at 31 weeks of gestation provokes premature birth, then with the help of modern technologies, the baby can be saved. But still, colds should be avoided, as there is a risk of miscarriage.

A cold at 30 weeks of gestation can also happen and should not be taken lightly. A cold in late pregnancy greatly affects the condition of the placenta, it begins to age prematurely and the fetus loses its protection. In general, the whole danger of getting a viral infection in the third trimester is associated with the state of the placenta.

As you know, it is she who protects the child throughout pregnancy. But already in the last weeks it is aging and becomes permeable to all kinds of viruses. That is, the child cannot get sick, but toxins and medicines that the mother takes during the illness can penetrate into it. So with a cold at 33 weeks of gestation, the undeveloped immune system of the baby and the placenta do not sufficiently protect him from infections, so the fetus becomes very vulnerable to diseases.

A cold at 34 weeks pregnant can disrupt hormonal background, which at this time begins to activate the production breast milk. The fact is that the hormones of the placenta are responsible for this, which experiences a tremendous load during a cold.

A cold at 35 weeks of gestation is associated with a risk of preterm labor and complication of its course. At 36 weeks pregnant, a cold and high fever can cause complications such as placental abruption and premature rupture. amniotic fluid. And already at the 37th week of pregnancy, a cold becomes dangerous because infections can penetrate the amniotic fluid, which the child often drinks.

A cold is dangerous in the ninth month of pregnancy, because after birth, the baby will immediately fall into the world of viruses and he will have to fight them. In addition, a viral illness with a cold at 39 weeks of gestation is very unpleasant for the mother.

A cold during pregnancy at 38 weeks requires a lot of attention. The baby is still protected by the mother's body and the meeting with a foreign infection that he will face during childbirth is completely useless. Therefore, if a woman has a cold, then it is important to be cured before childbirth, so as not to endanger the baby.

The fact is that all women in labor who come with ARVI are placed in the department where women who were not registered for pregnancy are placed with temperature. After giving birth, the baby is isolated from the mother, and this deprives the long-awaited wonderful first minutes of communication with her daughter or son. If a woman catches a cold at 40 weeks pregnant, the baby will inevitably become infected, and sometimes weak children's body does not cope with the infection, which can lead to the most disastrous consequences.

Treatment of colds in the second and third trimesters

No matter how a woman is careful, the danger of getting infected still exists. And if viruses have penetrated the body, then we must sound the alarm. You can not ignore the alarming symptoms, it is better to immediately consult a doctor. It is strictly forbidden to carry a cold on the legs. Requires adequate rest and bed rest. Self-medication during pregnancy is undesirable, this applies to both drugs and herbal preparations.

A cold is accompanied by fever, runny nose, cough. And they need to be treated competently, avoiding drugs if possible. You definitely need to consult a doctor.


An increase in temperature in the 2nd trimester is quite common. This is related to the selection a large number the hormone progesterone, which affects the thermoregulatory center located in the cerebral cortex. If the temperature is raised slightly (up to 38 degrees), then there is no need to knock it down. And when the thermometer shows above 38, then it is necessary to begin treatment. For starters, a woman should try traditional methods: raspberry tea, warm milk, diaphoretics. Do not forget about the lime blossom infusion, which is a leader in the treatment of colds, especially during pregnancy. Rosehip decoctions, fruit drinks and dried fruit compotes are perfect.

Temperature is a sign of many diseases, both viral and infectious. Only a doctor can prescribe necessary tests and by their results to identify the causative agent of infection. If the temperature persists for a long time, this can provoke placental pathology in the second trimester and even pose a risk of infection of the fetus. Therefore, it is better to hospitalize the future mother in a hospital, under the supervision of experienced doctors.

Runny nose

A runny nose is dangerous for pregnant women because the baby will not have enough oxygen. But nasal drops can only be used under the strict supervision of a doctor. Initially, you can try lubricating the nasal passages with tea tree or eucalyptus oil. There are also nasal washes, which are very good at relieving a runny nose.


From this scourge, too, should be disposed of as quickly as possible. Here, too, such folk remedies as honey will come to the rescue, with the help of which inhalation is done (dissolve 1 part of honey in 5 parts of water at a temperature of about 49 degrees. Inhale the vapors alternately with one and the other nostrils, then with the mouth). With a hacking dry cough, it is necessary to gargle with decoctions of herbs of sage, eucalyptus and calendula, mixed in equal parts. Even a simple soda inhalation will perfectly relieve a dry cough, and sputum will begin to separate effectively.

Drug therapy is contraindicated for women in position, but sometimes the risk from viral infections is much greater than from drugs, so it becomes necessary to choose pills that are safer. For example, aspirin, askofen, lead to blood thinning, which can lead to bleeding. Levomycetin can cause cardiovascular collapse in newborns if the expectant mother took it in the last months of pregnancy.

Cold prevention

How to protect yourself from a cold in the 2nd, 3rd trimester?

Prevention must begin before conception. No matter how trite it may sound, it is important for the expectant mother to drink a complex of special vitamins, cleanse the body, and lose weight. excess weight. But this is not enough. It is necessary that immunity throughout pregnancy can cope with viruses. This can be done with a contrast shower, which should be taken every day, alternating cool and warm water. Finish with cold water. After water procedures, you need to rub yourself with a hard towel until pleasant warmth appears. This seemingly simple procedure, familiar to everyone since childhood, can improve the condition of the body and strengthen the immune system.

Flu during pregnancy in the 3rd trimester. How to treat the flu, the consequences of the flu and its danger to the expectant mother and baby. Prevention of influenza during pregnancy.

Unfortunately, it is rare for any pregnancy to pass without colds and viral diseases, since the female body is weakened during this period. What to do if flu occurs in the 3rd trimester of pregnancy? Of course treat him. You should immediately consult a doctor when the first signs of the disease appear. Any expectant mother can get the flu in the 3rd trimester of pregnancy, it is important that the treatment takes place under strict medical supervision.

3rd trimester flu treatment

Treatment of influenza during pregnancy in the 3rd trimester is carried out strictly according to the doctor's prescription. It is impossible to prescribe yourself anti-flu medicines in the later stages. Since most drugs are contraindicated during the period of bearing a baby, therefore, only a doctor should tell how to treat influenza in late pregnancy.

Usually, in the last months of pregnancy, symptomatic therapy of the disease is carried out. Interferons are prescribed as antiviral drugs. If complications arise, the doctor may prescribe antibiotics.

Prevention of influenza during pregnancy in the 3rd trimester

The best way to prevent flu during pregnancy is vaccination, which is safe for both the expectant mother and her baby. Contraindications to vaccination - individual intolerance and pregnancy for up to 14 weeks.
Also, the absence of hypothermia, stressful situations, a balanced diet, and vitamins will help protect the body, like the prevention of influenza in the later stages. During an epidemic, it is always better to wear a gauze bandage and lubricate the nose with oxolin ointment.
It is much easier to prevent a disease than to treat it. Therefore, future mothers, be extremely careful and try not to get sick. Remember that now the health of your baby depends on you: take preventive measures and monitor your own health.

Effects of the flu in the third trimester

The flu is dangerous in late pregnancy. It is fraught with many dangers and can cause various complications. Known effects of influenza in later periods. For example, it may adversely affect cardiovascular system, provoke premature birth, exacerbate chronic diseases. Also, after the illness, the expectant mother's immunity to bacterial infections that cause pneumococci and staphylococci decreases.

Swine flu is especially dangerous during pregnancy in the 3rd trimester. The strains of the virus penetrate the female body and multiply rapidly in it, so it is important to immediately consult a doctor at the first signs of the disease, such as fever, cough, headache, vomiting and diarrhea. Otherwise, death is not ruled out.
Influenza has a toxic effect on the unborn baby and can cause his death.

Every year, the cold season starts in our country as it gets colder outside, especially in the off-season, when the rains are replaced by clear and windy weather. But among all the respiratory diseases united by the term, it stands apart, although it also refers to viral respiratory pathology. This is due to its high contagiousness and tendency to epidemic spread, as well as the formation of a severe course among persons at risk, including pregnant women. For them, it is dangerous with serious and sometimes even fatal complications.

What is flu: definition

The first manifestations of the flu

From the moment the virus enters the body, until the first symptoms appear, no more than 12-20 hours pass, and flu begins acutely, with a sharp rise in temperature and chills, malaise and intoxication syndrome- weakness with weakness, pain in the eyes and nausea. Specific headaches of influenza origin are typical - they are localized in the frontal and temporal zones, can radiate to the superciliary arches and orbits, intensification pain typically with movements of the eyes and head, against the background of fever, it can feel sick, dizzy.

Local symptoms are not very pronounced - maybe with slight discharge, or sore throat, and they appear later, after the third day of illness. On average, flu fever can stay at high numbers for up to five days, then drop sharply, leading to heavy sweating and redness of the face and body. In the future, for a few more days, a low, subfebrile fever up to 37.5 -37.7C can be noted.

Some patients can tolerate influenza with moderate fever against the background of redness of the face and neck, severe sweating with a slow pulse and a decrease in pressure, tongue furring and diarrhea, there may be typical viral changes with a decrease in total number leukocytes and their neutrophil generation.

Features of influenza in pregnant women

During the gestation period, the presence of pronounced general symptoms against the background of weak respiratory symptoms is typical, the incubation period is extremely short, a few hours after contact with the patient, the pregnant woman herself becomes ill. High fever figures are typical, difficult to decrease due to the usual antipyretic drugs and a general severe condition, there may be a two-wave fever with an increase a second time after a couple of days of normal or slightly elevated temperature.

The virus is able to penetrate the placenta, damages its structure, and also enters the bloodstream of the fetus, leading to the development of some influenza-like manifestations.

What are the complications of the flu?

Often, the flu forms manifestations of tracheobronchitis with cough and hard breathing, intermittent wheezing in the chest area, these symptoms last up to two weeks. But the most dangerous for expectant mothers is pneumonia, which is typical for almost 10% of all cases. It can be of viral origin or is formed as a result of the activation of opportunistic microbial flora of secondary origin. It can form influenza and complications from the paranasal sinuses - as well as damage to the heart muscle or middle ear.

Severe flu can occur in about 30% of women, weakness and hearing problems, lethargy with insomnia, convulsions and speech disorders, meningeal signs with stiff neck muscles are noted. With irritation of the meninges, it is possible to form gait disorders and headaches, lesions of the coagulation system with and gingival bleeding, inflammatory processes of the heart muscle.

In addition, placental lesions are typical, which can threaten, which leads to the appearance of the genital tract, immediate hospitalization is important for such a complication. Frequent coughing and malaise can lead to or due to a sharp change in intra-abdominal pressure and uterine tone.

Features of influenza by trimesters of pregnancy

Influenza during pregnancy in the first trimester

The first trimester is a period of active laying of organs with tissues, and the flu during this period can lead to fatal lesions of the fetus with the formation of malformations and death in utero, which leads to termination of pregnancy. In the early stages of pregnancy, pregnancy fading and bleeding are possible, in which the fetus is rejected by the uterus. If he survives, malformations of the nervous system are especially likely after the infection, due to the high tropism of viruses to this fetal tissue.

Flu in late pregnancy

In the second or third trimester, the flu leads to intrauterine infection baby, which threatens with premature birth and, by virtue of. The damaged placenta forms a sharp state of FPI, unable to cope with the function of delivering a sufficient amount of oxygen and all the necessary nutrients to the fetus. Because of this, the baby may suffer from hypoxia, which in some cases can result in his death in the womb. At the end of the second and third trimester, influenza can threaten birth, formation, or intrauterine delay growth and weight gain, and after birth in such children, in about 60-70% of cases, there were lags in both physical and mental development. In the future, endocrine disorders delay and skin pathologies, allergic diseases and frequent colds were typical.

Infection with influenza does not apply to indications for termination of pregnancy, if a woman develops an infection in the first trimester, after which the pregnancy is not terminated, a favorable outcome is very likely, but it is important to undergo all necessary examinations with a doctor throughout the entire gestation period.

childbirth with influenza

Usually, childbirth occurs against the background of the flu, although urgent ones are also quite possible.. They are carried out in the conditions of the observational department of the maternity hospital with strict observance of all anti-epidemic measures. Often they can be complicated, negatively affect the condition of the fetus and then the newborn child, reducing its functional reserves and adaptation to new conditions. Such children may suffer from intrauterine pneumonia, they experience distress at birth, and require constant monitoring in the children's department. If against the background of the flu there is a threat of premature birth, doctors do everything to prevent it - such childbirth is dangerous for a child. If it is impossible to stop them, it is preferable to lead them through the natural birth canal.

Influenza is very dangerous for pregnant women, which is why self-medication of this disease is simply unacceptable. The formation of influenza during gestation is unpredictable in its course, which means that rapidly developing and dangerous to health and life complications are possible, from which a woman and her baby can die, in this regard, it is important to call a therapist at home, making a diagnosis, determining treatment tactics.

In the treatment and prevention of influenza in women during gestation, there are some peculiarities that must be remembered in order to prevent complications of both the flu itself and the negative effects of irrationally used medications.

How to treat the flu during pregnancy

Usually, all therapeutic measures for influenza in pregnant women are carried out at home, but in special situations, it is also possible to place the expectant mother in a hospital. These include:

It is important in any conditions of influenza treatment for the entire period of fever to provide the patient with strict bed rest with full care measures.


It is important to constantly ventilate (hourly), wet cleaning the room with the patient several times a day with disinfectants, disinfecting all the woman's dishes, treating all her cups, spoons, mugs with boiling water.

It is important to isolate a pregnant woman from all the people around her in a separate room, or at least create a separate fenced-off place for her.

Food and drink for the flu

Influenza significantly and actively consumes the reserves of the body of a pregnant woman, and therefore it is necessary to replenish nutritional components fully and adequately to the condition and well-being due to full and light nutrition and drinking regimen. It is important not to starve against the background of the flu, eat light, semi-liquid and fortified food according to your appetite as your condition improves.

The diet is based on vegetable and dairy products with fortified components that are easily digestible and stimulate appetite. It is important to limit salt and sugar, dairy and sour-milk products are recommended, and in the absence of pronounced edema, it is important to take plenty of warm drinks in the form of acidified fortified decoctions and drinks. Alkaline mineral waters are shown in a warm form without gas, from berries, compotes without sugar, decoctions of dried fruits. Boxed juices and fresh juices should be discarded, they contain too much sugar or irritating components. Be careful with drinks rich in salt or sugar. For sore throat, tickling, milk with honey or butter, borjomi, tea with lemon, lime blossom in the form of tea are shown.

flu medication during pregnancy

Any drugs for influenza, whether specific or symptomatic, should be used only after being prescribed by a doctor and strictly in the dosage that was prescribed. If the drug is prescribed, you should carefully read the instructions before use, especially with regard to side effects and administration during gestation. Particular attention should be paid to the analysis of data, which indicate undesirable effects on the fetus. If you have questions and doubts about the drug, you should ask the doctor questions or ask to change the medicine to a safer one.

It is important to coordinate all your actions regarding the treatment of influenza with your doctor, from antiviral drugs to taking vitamins. It is important to carefully study the packaging of drugs, instructions for them and listen to the advice of a doctor so that not only the flu virus, but also medicines that cross the placenta do not have a negative effect on the fetus.

Antiviral agents for the treatment of influenza during pregnancy

In the treatment of influenza, it is necessary to take both specific doses strictly prescribed by the doctor, and the use of symptomatic therapy. It is recommended to take antiviral drugs from the first day of illness, as they actively affect viruses, suppressing their activity, and not allowing serious dangerous complications to form. To date, specific antiviral drugs are a mandatory part of the treatment of influenza in pregnant women, but not all of the widely advertised and "antiviral" agents are applicable. So, today, based on WHO recommendations, during pregnancy, Zanamivir or Oseltamivir, sold in pharmacies under various trade names, is acceptable for use in influenza (in our country it is Tamiflu).

When signs of influenza appear, the doctor recommends taking the drug according to a special scheme for 5 days. The drug Zanamivir in the form of an inhaled form of Relenza is also applicable for influenza in pregnant women in order to treat and prevent dangerous and complicated forms.


It is important to understand that these drugs are classified as group C drugs, that is, there is no data on the safety of their use during pregnancy, due to the lack of voluntary and randomized trials. In experiments on animals, no dangerous effects were identified, therefore, if there are strict indications, they are used on the recommendation of a doctor in the shortest possible course and only under the supervision of a specialist.

The effectiveness of this type of antiviral drugs for influenza is high compared to the risks that may occur to the fetus. Any other drugs during pregnancy such as Arbidol, various ferons and homeopathic supposedly "antiviral" remedies do not affect the influenza virus and do not have proven effectiveness. An antiviral drug, applicable in the treatment of children and adults, is prohibited for pregnant women and has low efficacy against type A viruses today.

Symptomatic treatment of influenza in pregnant women

In addition to antiviral agents during gestation, caution should also be exercised in relation to symptomatic therapy aimed at eliminating all manifestations of influenza infection. Not all medicines used in everyday life against colds and flu are allowed for pregnant women, even if they are drugs against a runny nose, cough or fever.

In the treatment of influenza in pregnant women, doctors use groups of drugs:

Multivitamin preparations, immunomodulators and many other drugs, herbal formulations and fees should also be discussed with a doctor before use, they can have dangerous and teratogenic effects that negatively affect the uterus.

If necessary, use choose only those drugs that do not have side effects and have a prolonged action, requiring a single dose per day. These include third-generation drugs and the shortest course prescribed by a doctor. Usually they are used for severe swelling and nasal congestion, along with a combination of topical drugs in the form of drops or sprays. Only drugs based on:

  • Xylometazoline
  • Oxymetazoline
  • Phenylephrine

Short course, no more than 4-5 days, so as not to cause addiction and withdrawal syndrome.

In the first trimester, due to the possible resorption of drugs and a possible systemic effect, it is recommended to abandon the use of any drugs for the common cold, from the second trimester they can be used relatively safely.

Drugs against must be used with extreme caution, all codeine-based drugs and those that have a central effect are prohibited. It is important that such medicines be selected exclusively by a doctor and strictly according to indications. Usually those drugs are used that affect sputum, leading to its thinning and coughing.

Some of these drugs are prohibited in pregnant women due to their negative impact on the fetus, especially in the first trimester. So, the preparations of acetylcysteine ​​and bromhexine, as well as ambroxol, are extremely carefully applied.

It is acceptable to use solutions with antimicrobial, antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, analgesic components in the form of lozenges, tablets and sprays. They are used strictly according to the instructions, alternating with gargles with solutions of soda and salt, and medicinal herbs.

Decrease in temperature during pregnancy flu

Fever due to influenza has protective effects, but if it exceeds the limit of 38.5 C, it must be reduced due to the risk of complications from the placenta and fetus. However, not all antipyretics are allowed during pregnancy, drugs based on acetylsalicylic acid and strictly prohibited , they negatively affect the embryo and fetus, blood flow in the uterus and placenta. Especially dangerous is the use of acetylsalicylic acid before childbirth, after 36 weeks of pregnancy. Usually, drugs with or are applicable to combat fever. It is necessary to reduce the temperature strictly according to the indications, if the values ​​\u200b\u200bare exceeded above 38.5 ° C, they cannot be used systematically.

The use of antibiotics in pregnant women with influenza

Against the background of uncomplicated influenza in pregnant women, they are not used, they do not affect the activity of influenza viruses, and can only harm the treatment. Indications for their use will be the presence of secondary microbial complications - exacerbation of foci of chronic infection (tonsillitis, sinusitis, pyelonephritis) or the formation of secondary microbial pneumonia. Antibiotics are selected strictly individually, taking into account the duration of pregnancy and the condition of the woman, they are usually administered permanently, under the supervision of a doctor and blood tests.

It is also dangerous to use those that affect the immune system of a woman who works during gestation in a special mode. You should not use any drugs on your own, even widespread ones, their reaction to the body of pregnant women has not yet been fully studied.

Prevention of influenza during pregnancy

The most effective flu prevention today is one that should be taken care of even before pregnancy. If it was not done before conception, it is important to consult a doctor before the start of the epidemic about the possibility of vaccination with modern safe vaccines that do not contain live virus.


Pregnant women are at risk for a severe and unfavorable course of influenza, therefore they are vaccinated free of charge as part of a polyclinic or antenatal clinic before the start of the epidemic, so that immunity can be actively developed in full. The composition of vaccines today is completely safe for the mother and her baby, they do not contain live particles and do not give complications. Vaccination is carried out after 14 weeks of pregnancy.

In addition to vaccination, protection against influenza during the epidemic season also plays a role by observing safety rules - this is a refusal to visit crowded places where there are a lot of sick people, wearing a medical mask, taking multivitamins and keeping healthy lifestyle life, good nutrition and tempering activities.

Alena Paretskaya, pediatrician, medical commentator