
Game program for preschoolers using ICT “Smiley birthday. Scenario of game entertainment "Smile for everyone Children's birthday in the style of a smiley



Education Department of East Kazakhstan region

KSU "Glubokovo Technical College"

the village of Verkhneberezovsky

Methodical development extracurricular activities dedicated to the Day of SMILE - give a smile to the world!

Developed by a curator and teacher:

A.A. Krutikova and Smirnova I.A.

Extracurricular activity topic:"Day of the SMILE - give a smile to the world!".

Target: To acquaint students with universal human values;

    Contribute to the education of goodwill, the ability to see beauty in the simple and ordinary, the ability to give warmth and kindness.

Equipment: computer, projector and interactive board... The event was held with background music and a prepared presentation.

Event progress:

Greetings to the participants of the event.

Lead 1 : Hello, dear guests of our evening.

Lead 2: And our evening is not easy, today we are with you, we will celebrate "Smile Day")

Lead 1: September 19, it would seem, at first glance, is quite an ordinary date. but knowledgeable people will tell you that this day is the birthday of the Smiley, which is known to everyone who has ever written or received messages on the Internet. Thirty years ago, Scott Fahlman, a professor at Carnegie Mellon University, tried to introduce a symbol for a smile into computer correspondence. It was he who suggested using a colon and a parenthesis so that the reader of the message understands what the interlocutor is talking about: whether he is joking or, on the contrary, is sad. Then they decided to give a name to this symbol: Smile, which is translated from in English stands for "smile". Of course, now we understand by the word Smiley many different emotions, in addition to a smile, which we convey using different symbols on the keyboard in order to reflect our feelings and attitudes towards the situation.

Lead 1 : Although Falman is rightfully considered the parent of this sign, Vladimir Nabokov himself expressed a desire to invent, in principle, a fairly similar system for graphically displaying emotions in writing. However, nothing else was undertaken, unfortunately, and the Smiley was already waiting for his finest hour, when Scott Fahlman finally decided to create it.

Lead 2:

Thin threads circled the earth,
Threads of parallels and green rivers

Reach out your hand, reach out your hand

It is necessary that every person believes in friendship.

Warm with a word, caress with a glance,

Even the snow melts from a good joke.

It's so wonderful if you are by my side

A gloomy person will become kind and cheerful.

Lead 1 : Dear guests of the evening, let's play a little with you.

First competition. Balloon competition .
1. Who will inflate the biggest balloon? All participants will be given a balloon. Who will make the biggest and not burst?
2. Everyone chooses the most beautiful, in his opinion, balloon... All participants are given markers, scotch tape, colored paper and flaps. Assignment: Who will do the most funny face?

Lead 2 : “Human laughter is sometimes called“ many-sided. This means that laughter can have many shades, can express very different emotional states person. The range of laughter is incredibly wide: from childish “hooting” to senile “khekanov”, from girlish gurgling to masculine restrained, from laughter “a la Fantômas” to laughter “a la Commissioner Juve” ... Try to laugh so that your laugh can be named ...

· Arrogant;

· Simple-minded;

· Ingratiating;

· Enthusiastic;



When a person faces a new problem or falls into difficult situation, instructions can come to his aid. The instructions explain in detail and in detail how, in what sequence one or another work should be performed. For example, one instruction tells you how to disassemble a vacuum cleaner. Another instruction explains how to take the medicine. And the third one describes the sequence of actions when preparing the "Vigor" coffee drink. And, although there are millions of instructions, there are still works that are not yet described in the instructions. Try to fill in the gap and write instructions for everyone in need about ...

How to pick raisins out of a bun;

· How to wash an elephant;

· How to play "Tic-Tac-Toe";

· How to lure a cockroach out of the nest;

· How to wipe the snot of a three-year-old boy.

Lead 1: Scene " Kindergarten Apple».


Not all people speak like the announcers of Central Television. Many have various defects in speech. Of course, these defects can be corrected if you turn to special specialists - speech therapists. But, firstly, not all those suffering from improper reprimands turn to specialists. And secondly, sometimes speech therapists are powerless. As a result, some people before old age say “fyfka” or “hykhka” instead of “bump”. Since speech with defects causes a smile and laughter in those who listen to it, there are always people who specifically learn to speak incorrectly. These people are actors involved in comedy productions. Try to become a comedian and read a poem.At the same time, there should be such a defect in your speech as ...

· Burr;

· Nasalness;




Furry midges fly across the sky,
Feathered finches and clouds
But for some reason it doesn't fly
In the sky, the mysterious donkey Eeyore.
Scientists wondered what is the reason,
But even science could not find
The answer to the question why does not fly
In the sky, the mysterious donkey Eeyore.
Perhaps he is simply not inclined to fly?
Perhaps its height frightens?
But be that as it may
Our mysterious donkey Eeyore does not part with the land.
He grazes peacefully on the green grass,
Doing no harm to people or beasts.
What a strange SPECIAL
This mysterious donkey Eeyore !!!

Lead 1: Comic performance of the 2EGS group.

Lead # 2: Or here is such a seemingly familiar proverb ... Learning is light, and ignorance ... is a little light and to work. Do you understand the task? Then let's get started. If the participants find it difficult to give an answer, the audience in the hall has the opportunity to also take part in the game. We will include the wittiest spectators in the list of applicants for a trip to the Island of Fun. But those of the participants who do not show themselves in any way in this competition will have to say goodbye.

The presenters name the beginnings of famous proverbs, the participants and spectators name their own versions of the endings. At the same time, the presenters also announce their options. Each participant standing on the stage is given a say, and only then responses from the audience are accepted.

Proverbs and catch phrases can be as follows:

Work is not a wolf, but a product of strength and distance.

Don't spit in the well, there is no one there.

Business - time, fun - money.

Do not dig a hole for another so that he does not use it as a trench.

One head is good and two boots are a pair.

Wash your hands instead of eating.

Hunger is not an aunt, it will not run away into the forest.

Fight and seek. Find and hide.

Away is good, but at home it is bad.

Debt payment is terrible.

You will chase two hares, you will not catch the third.

Time heals, but the doctor is better. What you sow you won't find.

Lead 1: At the end of our evening, the floor is given to the jury to summarize.

Lead 1: Dear college students and our guests, and we end on such a pleasant note, we wish you positive emotions. Thanks to all!!! And now the disco!

Just think how great it is to have a bright LOL party! You will be taken to the amazing town of Textopolis. Invite your friends there too. Where does the party start? Yes! Yes! The holiday starts with invitations.
Surprise friends with cool invitations. It will not take much time, because words are superfluous here, only emoticons are needed!


Send a party message with top emoticons to any of social networks... Attach a funny photo to your message.


Small pencil cases like a box for an invitation. We write a piece of paper with information about the holiday and fill the pencil cases with sweets and confetti.


Нand-made invitations. We take cardboard paper and paint with your favorite Emoji.


Bright invitation with sticker emoticons.


How often do you chat with your friends using emoticons? 100% every day! So invite them to an Emoji party with the help of email invitations. An unusual approach!


And for sweetness! Oh, smelly, to be exact. Aahah! An invitation like this will definitely grab attention. A funny and very cute turd urges: “Don't be a dull poop! Join and have fun! " Sounds like a call to your party.

Feed your guests using themed dishes from the Emoji (Emotions) collection. No need to worry about further dishwashing. Disposable devices are the way out! Such bright dishes with funny little faces will not leave anyone indifferent. Friends will be delighted!


Everything - plates, forks, napkins, glasses and tablecloths - should radiate emoji emotion! Secretly, just shhh. Arrange the plates in the following way, put a winking smiley for some guests, put a poop on others. Watch their reactions!


Insert the tubes with cute Emoji into a jar of orange juice.


We fill the boxes with sweets.


Yellow, trendy and delicious marshmallows on a stick.


More, more smiles on a bright table! The caps will also decorate it.


If you want to focus more on the decor and use common emoticons there, then you can decorate the table with yellow dishes.

Have you already decided where the Emoji-style party will take place - room, street, special place? If so, there is still a lot of interesting things ahead. How to decorate your holiday? "Merry Venture" shares its ideas.


Tie the balls to any objects in the house or use bright weights.


Bump balls on a stick everywhere. Wherever it stumbles! In flower pots, vases, in special stands for mini-figures.


Throw Emoji Pillows!


Arrange the flowers, but not in ordinary vases, but in themed ones.


Hang up a Happy Birthday garland and images of the "Looks with loving eyes", "Well, such", "Blow a kiss" and "Cool" emoticons.


We take multi-colored plates and attach them to the wall. Can be used as a photo zone.


We use smiley decorations.


How to Avoid Poop at an Emoji Party? Our answer is no way! Regular pencils can serve as a basis for them. It's that simple!


How else can you decorate a room? Buy paper yellow lanterns and glue emoji emoji to them. Hang up and make sure they look very impressive!

When heading to the colorful town of Textopolis, where Emojis live, do not forget to eat! So that you definitely have the strength for unbridled fun.


At first, it may seem strange to call boiled eggs a treat. However, why not! The snack has not been canceled yet!


Chocolate muffins with big and kind eyes must be on the festive table.


Lollipops are loved by everyone.


For an emoji party, use vibrant colors. Brightness in sweets is encouraged.


Take a bite of the smiley cake.


Filled cookies will appeal to everyone, not only in taste, but also in design. Smile like these tasty treats!


Popcakes - difficult option... Easier - apples in sugar glaze. A boring dessert in all respects!


Juicy joyful oranges. Crack vitamins on both cheeks! Round lemons and apples are also suitable.

So, you've come to the Lol party! To a town called Textopolis. We analyze the roles of our favorite emoticons and go to have fun. To do this, stock up on ideas for entertainment from "Merry Zateya".


One of the most popular toys of 2017 is spinners. They are so popular that in early May they caught up with the US President in terms of the number of Internet searches. We keep up with fashion. We do tricks, laugh, spin and spin spinners!


See you in mobile phone... Imagine that you are a smiley and they want to send you to a friend. So many emotions, hmm ... a lot of choice! Choose the coolest emoticon and take funny memorable party photos right on the screen of your mobile phone.


Bright socks competition. Who will cope faster with an easy, only at first glance, task? We split into teams, timed a minute and put on socks on ... feet? No on hand! And not just one sock, but a pair at once for both hands. Which team has more pairs won. There will be a lot of laughter!


The surprise balloon is positive and bright emotions... You can fill it with small colored balls, sweets and various sweets, and wish notes. In the end, a sweet reward may await you.


Tête-à-tête smiley fight! How to become a real Emoji? Easy! Party guests will help. The bottom line is that your opponent pastes over you with stickers depicting the most popular emoticons, from head to toe. Yes Yes! At the same time, you are trying to do the same. In the end, we summarize who became completely yellow - lost, which means that you have been glued too much.


Arrange a culinary duel - who has the tastier turd! You heard right! Turd cake.


We open a creative studio and draw soap bubbles! How? Simply add paint to any soapy foaming solution or food coloring... Spread some foam and place a sheet of paper on top. Ready! You will make a good impressionist artist.

Game program "Smile, Smilies!"

(for kids preschool age 5-7 years old, with parents)

(the host of the holiday is dressed brightly: yellow shades in clothes, a yellow hat and a drawn smile)

(in the decoration of the hall there are bright colored faces "Smilies" and balloons-smiles)

Veda: Every day, every day

We are not too lazy to wake up.

Just how are weto smile ?

If you need to get yourself together,

Nothing so as not to forget

Have time for everything and love everyone!

To smile to learn it is necessary to work urgently!

To smile all at once!Smiled - no problem!

* But Smilies, friends, always smile!

* These Emoticons smiled for you now!

* We invite all friends to the holiday as soon as possible!

GAME "Clapperboard"

To begin with, all the kids clap heartily (clap to the music),

Adults help - they also start claping (clap to the music),

And now let's clap together, together, loudly at once (everyone claps).

Ved: Now the guests are smiling at everyone,

Holiday "Smile, Smilies!" begins!

We will teach everyone how to play with Smilies:

Play, jump, make noise, dance, laugh and joke!

GAME "Warm up emoticons" (to music)

* Smiley loves to tickle (all children run to tickle each other in the center of the hall),

* Smiley likes to have fun (they jump to the music on their feet),

* Emoticon likes to hug (hug their adults),

* The emoticon loves to be puzzled (they wrestle with each other with handles-horns),

* The smiley can laugh (all children laugh),

* Emoticon loves to kiss (children kiss their parents),

* The emoticon wants to smile (children smile at everyone and shake hands with all the adults in the hall).

GAME "Draw a Smiley"

(yellow circles 8-10cm in diameter are prepared on A4 blanks; children and their parents paint the faces of their Smilies with felt-tip pens, you can add elements of caps, hair and bows if you wish)

GAME "Smiley - Sun"

(to the music, the presenter rolls a large yellow ball around the hall - the Sun; children run away and jump away from such a ball, but who is touched by the ball - the Sun leave the game (sit on chairs). You can play 2-3 times, complicating the task, likejump on one leg or two legs while running away from the ball)

GAME "What looks like a yellow Smiley?"

(children and parents consult - they answer:

ball, lemon, apple, yolk, sun, ball, button, pancake, etc.)

GAME "Smilies play colors"

( the game with hoops : to the music, children move in different hoops bright color, stop music - stop only atyellow hoop (!); play several times, most often the stop occurs in yellow hoops to memorize the color of the Smiley)

GAME "Smiley - The locomotive took everybody"

(adults inflate balloons for children different color; then the balls are clamped between the children, who stand with a prepared "locomotive" - ​​to the music, a column of children with balloons - the locomotive moves around the hall: they swing, run on tiptoes, jump on their legs and dance. The task is not easy! You can hold the balls with your hands and snuggle up to the child in front of you gently. The game is fun, agile and noisy)

GAME "Smiley in a plate"

(disposable plates yellow color are launched by children around the hall freely - like flying objects; who next, improvisation!)

Flying Emoticons GAME

(children freely throw the balls up to the music, move around the hall:

Toss balloons and shout “Hurray! Smilies! ",

Toss balloons and clap your hands (creating sounds of fireworks),

Toss balls and beat them with hands, knees, heads, backs)

GAME "While the Smiley flies ..."

(the presenter throws up a ball - Smiley up: while thisball all children complete the task (clap, stomp, tickle each other, spin, laugh))

Ved: Smiley made all of us laugh, but surprised someone!

We laughto smile have learned everything in the game.

And now I will boldly say "Goodbye" to the kids!

* All amicably wave to me (wave their hands to the leader),

* Loudly all then say:

"Goodbye friends! That's it, the game is over! " (repeat)

* Worked very nicely -to smile have learned!

* Smile all soon! Emoticons are full of friends!

(at the end of the holiday, children are awarded: sweets, various souvenirs with Smiley symbols, balls with the image of Smilies)

So why emoticons / Emoji?

This is a scenario for the birthday of my daughter Dasha, who in January, for a minute, turned 10 years old. How quickly time passes! It seems that only recently we celebrated, and already the first serious anniversary!

What topic to choose for a child who already considers himself almost an adult?

Like many children of this age, my Dasha loves to correspond with her friends on the phone and at the same time very actively uses emoticons, stickers, pictures and other various animations. As a gift, she asked for a smartphone. In addition, literally a couple of months before our birthday, the whole family went to the cinema to see the new cartoon "The Emoji Movie", which she really liked. Thus, it has been decided - we will celebrate the birthday in the theme "Emoji".

I am sure that the idea of ​​our party can be taken for an adult party. After all, the topic of emoticons is very positive and now it is relevant for all ages - from small children to pensioners. 🙂

So, we decided to celebrate the holiday in the same restaurant where Dasha was celebrated for 5 years. Of the guests - only the closest relatives and godfathers with their families. A total of 11 people.

About three weeks before the holiday, Dasha and I came up with and made an invitation in Photoshop in the theme of the holiday, created a group in Viber and sent it to in electronic format to all guests.


The first opening speech was taken by my husband, who is Dasha's dad. After the wishes for the birthday girl, he thanked all the guests for finding an opportunity to share our joy and wished everyone happy holiday- with emoticons (smiles) on their faces and extremely positive emotions.

The game "Believe-not-believe"

After the guests had some refreshment, we played the first game "Believe not believe". They took as a basis a program about travel, which is hosted by Andrei Bednyakov and which Dasha really likes. In our version of the game, the presenter (Dasha's dad) reads out questions-statements related to Dasha, and all participants who agree with this statement raise their stick with the "Like" sign.

It is very simple to make such sticks - you print the necessary pictures on thick photographic paper (I found the "Like" icon and a heart on the Internet), cut them out and glue them with a glue gun or ordinary superglue to wooden skewers. By the way, these elements for the competition complemented the theme of the holiday and became an excellent attribute for the photo.

On the computer screen, we launched the screensaver of this program, adapted for our holiday, and then the questions began.

Everyone except our family took part in the game. Everyone who voted correctly or, on the contrary, did not vote for the approval, received a smiley sticker from Dasha.

Here are some of our questions (I give them to you as an example):

Do you believe that Dasha is celebrating 10 years today?(training question, of course YES - everyone answered right here)

Is it true that Dasha was baptized on 05/09/2008?(almost true, but NO - the christening was 10.05)

Do you believe that Dasha's first tooth appeared at 8 months old?(YES. It's hard to believe, but in Dasha's case it's true)

Do you believe that Dasha has two pets - Lena and Grisha?
(NO. Dasha really has 2 turtles, but their names are Lena and Gena.)

Do you believe that Dasha knows how to bathe elephants?(YES. Dasha elephant soap in Sri Lanka)

Do you believe that Dasha knows Tyson?(YES! But not with a boxer, but with a football player. Dasha took him to the field)

Is mathematics really Dasha's favorite subject?
(NO. This question confused many, because Dasha is a good student, but still her favorite subject is drawing)

Is it true that Dasha loves to play minecraft the most?(NO. Not everyone answered this question correctly either. Grandparents did not know what it was at all, and the godfather decided that all children, without exception, liked minecraft. 🙂 But Dasha, from the age of three and still loves to play with dolls)

Do you believe that Dasha is very fond of sending emoticons?(YES. Final question and of course everyone answered it correctly)

Answers to questions can be accompanied by supporting photographs.
The game turned out to be interesting and lively. Guests actively participated in it, for which they received emoticon stickers.

We came up with the idea with stickers just a day before the holiday, but it turned out to be very successful. Our smallest guest, five-year-old Dima, was especially happy with each received emoticon.

After the first game, we made a short pause - the guests went out for a walk on Fresh air... The restaurant was located on the territory of the recreation center in a picturesque place on the river bank.

Show the Smiley game

Do you know the game "Crocodile"? So, this is its analogue, but in the subject of emoticons. Each participant in turn pulled out a piece of paper on which one of the emoticons was depicted, and without words, with gestures, he had to show the emoticon so that others would guess it.

Everyone took part in this competition, including our family. Some of the emoticons were, so to speak, “peppery”. But in our company everything is all right with humor. 🙂

The most active participants in the game received cookies in the form of emoticons as a gift.

These cookies can be ordered or made by yourself - see.

After this competition, we had a view of Dasha's photos, and after that everyone went to dance, since a disco was turned on in the big hall.

Smiley Prediction

Finally, all the guests were offered to take turns drawing out a smiley with a prediction.

These were Roshen candy on a stick with candy wrappers in the form of emoticons. I printed the texts of the predictions on A4 paper and cut them into rectangles of the same size. After that, the left edge of the rectangle glued the candy to the stick and twisted it around it.

Prediction options:

You have friends, acquaintances of the sea, and everyone will come to visit soon

There will be a lot of money! And not fake, but verified!

You will have cakes, sweets and other small joys!

Every day and every hour someone thinks of you!

A trip to Europe is waiting for you and good luck according to the horoscope!

It is not a sin to indulge in secular entertainments off the Turkish coast!

You will always have delicious food in your house!

A holiday and fun awaits you at the end of the week

Love is waiting for you, beautiful, divided and varied!

Expect an increase in family income and vacations at your favorite time of the year!

From now on, you will continue to grow prettier and younger!

Gingerbread and sweets - there will be a lot of joy!

At the end of the holiday, we had a tea party with a birthday cake, candles and a wish. 🙂

The guests dispersed, the party was over ...

But the memories remained! I hope that my daughter will remember this day with joy for many more years.

Let her life be filled with only positive emoticons! 🙂

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