
The best scripts for a library anniversary. Library jubilee script. mission Possible


SCENARIO of a solemn event,
dedicated 95th anniversary Istra central district
LIBRARIES named after A.P. Chekhov



Light music sounds. The guests go into the hall.

Presenter: Hello, dear friends!

I would like to open our evening with the words of the great Russian writer Leo Tolstoy: "What a wealth of wisdom and infectious kindness is scattered over the books of all times and peoples ..."

This wealth is kept by libraries.

Today we celebrate 95 years anniversary Istra Central Regional Library named after A.P. Chekhov.

The library is, first of all, books, books and readers. Librarians, whose soul is contained in every library book, are of great help in the mysterious conversation between the book and the reader, because they keep every book with great love, be it a huge volume or a small brochure. It is their modest work in the library that a huge book wealth has been preserved, which is passed on from generation to generation of readers. And today all congratulations, all wishes are in your honor!

The head of the Istra municipal district, Anna Nikolaevna Shcherba, is invited to the stage.

Solemn music sounds.

Speech of the Head of the district, presentation of certificates, awards.

Performance boys choir Istra Municipal Children's Choir School "Fork".

Leading: Many changes have taken place in 95 years. But the library invariably did the main thing: it introduced people to knowledge, taught them to think, read, dream, and became the center of communication and information.

Dear friends, let me give the floor to the Deputy of the Moscow Regional Duma Galina Sergeevna Utkina.

Solemn music sounds.

Speech by G.S. Utkina, presentation of letters.

Leading: Chairman of the Federal Agency for Culture Vladimir Sergeevich Malyshev.

Solemn music sounds.

V.S. Malyshev's speech.

Leading: In Russia, it has long been believed that in a house without books, as without windows, it is dark. The library is the temple of the book. We love the book, appreciate the book, give it due praise.

Let me give the floor to the head of the Department of Culture and Sports of the Administration of the Istra Municipal District Roman Dmitrievich Oleksyuk.

Solemn music sounds.

Speech by R.D. Oleksyuk, presentation of letters.

Leading:95 years, almost a whole century ...
And memory will tell you a lot
Suddenly you will see everything, like in a movie,
And it will lie on my heart so tenderly
All that was so long ago ...

On the initiative of the Resurrection Charitable Society, on January 1, 1911, a library was opened in the city of Voskresensk. In 1912 she was officially named after A.P. Chekhov. 120 rubles were allocated for its maintenance. In the catalog of that time, there were 3070 titles of books

In the pre-war years, the library had a well-equipped premises. The book fund is 30 thousand copies.

In November 1941, during 11 days of occupation, the library was completely destroyed under the bombing of the German invaders. But by 1945 the library was completely restored.

1976 - a turning point in the history of librarianship, the centralization of 38 libraries began to merge into a large library institution - the Central Library System of the region.

But that was yesterday, and today? Today!

Today the library is a methodological center for 32 libraries district. The book fund is almost 94 thousand storage units.

Since 2004, the "Consultant Plus" legal information system has been operating in the reading room of the library.

In 2005, over 5.5 thousand people signed up for the library. More than 39 thousand people visited the library during the year. More than 100 people use the library every day.

The library is open to everyone, glad to its loyal and regular readers and is ready to accept new readers.

The library named after A.P. Chekhov maintains close ties with writers: writers, poets, journalists.

The word for congratulations is given to the daughter of the poet Alexei Surkov, the author of the famous "Dugout", this song forever united the poet with the Istra land. Natalya Alekseevna Surkova, word to you.

Speech by N.A. Surkova.

The library closely cooperates with creative organizations and collectives of the region.

Among them, a special place is occupied by Istra Academic Choir of War and Labor Veterans.

Performance by the veterans' choir.

It is with great pleasure that I want to invite the director of the Centralized library system Maria Trofimovna Smirnova.

Solemn music sounds.

Speech by M.T. Smirnova.

Leading: The library is a whole kingdom full of smart, wise books, and the librarian is the master of the book kingdom.

These are lovely, calm, smiling women, all who work in libraries are selfless workers. Only on people like you, enthusiasts and unmercenaries, our libraries are supported, which means that the culture will also be alive. Lev Oshanin wrote this beautiful, affectionate, light poem about you:

Book people, my fellow friends,
Faithful servants and book marshals,
Lovely, quiet-voiced women,
In books they are omniscient, in life they are shy.
Good healers of human souls,
The feelings and actions of librarians,
You seem to me the most beautiful
The reading rooms seem to me to be temples.
Who are we without you?
Lost in the dark
People without tomorrow and people without memory.

The next song is dedicated to you, dear librarians, and to all the women present in the hall.

Singing Olga Belova, soloist of the Istra vocal ensemble "Nadezhda". Song "Mother's eyes".

Leading: Dear guests, let me provide the next word for congratulations

Alexander Georgievich Skvortsov, Chairman of the Council of Deputies of the Istra region.

Solemn music sounds.

Speech by A.G. Skvortsov, presentation of gifts.

Leading: The word for congratulations is provided to the chairman of the Union of Entrepreneurs of Russia Valentina Borisovna Gorbunova.

Solemn music sounds.

Speech by V.B. Gorbunova, presentation of gifts.

Leading: Dear friends! For real festive evening can only become thanks to beautiful music. And it’s very, very pleasant that the students of Istrinskaya came to congratulate you on your anniversary. music school.

Speech by children.

Leading: The word for congratulations is provided director of the music school Lyudmila Sergeevna Minakova.

Speech by L.S. Minakova, presentation of gifts.

Leading: Today we celebrate the triumph of our words and give the warmth of our hearts to our veterans, sweet, humble women who have devoted themselves to librarianship. For you in this modest, but such a warm word - Librarian- fits almost a whole life, full of work and worries - thank you!

Congratulations to the veterans who have worked and are working now. The veterans stand up, the library workers hand them flowers.

Music sounds at the presentation of flowers.

Leading: Your heart is hotter,
For your silver in your temples,
For your great wisdom,
For sensitivity, attention, kindness,
For dedication to your cause,
For devotion to the book forever,
Thank you very much for everything
You are a good man!

Today we have a wonderful person with us, a modest, sweet woman who worked as the director of the Centralized Library System until 1986. Tamara Alexandrovna Shirshova. Let me give the next word to her.

Solemn music sounds.

Speech by T.A. Shirshova.

Leading: It is with great pleasure that I want to invite to the stage the head of the Department of Public Relations and Information and Analytical Issues of the Administration of the Istra District, Vladimir Abramovich Elgurt, who will not only deliver a congratulatory speech, but also perform several of his songs.

Speech by V.A. Elgurt.

Leading: Dear friends, let me give the floor General Director of IRRS Sergey Viktorovich Gureev.

Solemn music sounds.

S.V. Gureev's speech, presentation of gifts.

Leading: Especially for congratulations on the anniversary, a writer came to our celebration Vladimir Alexandrovich Dimov, the author of twelve books of scientific, historical and political journalism, among which the book "Journey to New Jerusalem" is especially dear to us. The work of this writer is inextricably linked with the Istra land, the museum "New Jerusalem", the library named after A.P. Chekhov, as well as with NIIEM and the Novator plant.

Invited to the stage writer Vladimir Alexandrovich Dimov and general manager CJSC "Novator" Nikolay Dmitrievich Fedchenko.

Speech by V.A. Dimov and N. D. Fedchenko.

Leading: The word for congratulations is provided the chairman of the city committee of trade unions of cultural workers of the Istra region Alexei Ivanovich Gubin.

Solemn music sounds.

A.I. Gubin's speech, presentation of diplomas.

Leading: The manager of the Istra branch of CB "Trado-Bank" is invited to the stage Alevtina Alexandrovna Orlova.

Congratulation. A.A. Orlova, presentation of gifts


Leading: 21 century. Technical revolution. An abundance of computers, e-books. All this is good. But no technique can replace that living energy that comes from a volume of poetry or prose. The reader opens the book, the soul of the book, and the soul of a person merge into one beautiful soul full of beauty and harmony. A witness to this wonderful merger is the Istra Regional Library, which is 95 years old! How people of the book die. If we don't take care of our friends, They drown in rivers and burn up in fire, And paper crunches under the knife. What would pass by death, parting Books to people went from century to century, Protect them, human hands, In the gentle silence of libraries!

Olga Gulyaeva
Scenario of the holiday dedicated to the 80th anniversary of the rural library.

ICOU "Verkh-Irmenskaya boarding school for children with disabilities"

Celebration dedicated to the 80th anniversary of the library.


(Students from 5 to 8 grades)

Prepared: educator

Gulyaeva O. V.

October 2016

Assigning material: I bring to your attention a project of social and creative orientation to prepare for a regional event, dedicated to the 8th anniversary Verkh-Irmenskaya model library... The material will be of interest to teachers - organizers, music workers, class teachers; children 10 - 14 years old.

Target: participation in a regional event, congratulations on the anniversary; PowerPoint Presentation Creation - Report on joint activities class and libraries.


Give an idea of celebrating the anniversary;

Expand creative boundaries;

Include children in conscious creative activity;

- collect necessary materials : photos and files for presentation design;

Write text escort, make a presentation;

Relevance of the project:

October 24 at the Verkh-Irmenskaya model library held a holiday"Happy anniversary, library, dedicated to the 80th anniversary.

Library was founded in 1936. Over the years, employees libraries have raised more than one generation of young readers. Even today it keeps up with the times and remains a favorite place of leisure and communication for children.

Library - a storehouse of wisdom, its employees do colossal work on a daily basis to educate the younger generation. The guys in our class are active readers, take part in all All-Russian and regional actions related to literature and different kinds creativity, gladly respond to participation in thematic quizzes, theatrical performances. And, of course, we could not help but congratulate our friends and mentors on a significant date - on the 80s anniversary their bright creative path!

Project preparation plan and implementation timeline:

Stage 1 - problem statement - announcement of the upcoming anniversary libraries - 01.10.2016

Stage 2 - distribution into groups, choice of creative activity, work planning - 10.10.2016. - 15.10.2016

Stage 3 - work in micro-groups: selection of photo and video material, selection of musical material, selection and processing of congratulations texts - 03/15/2016. - 19.10.2016

Stage 4 - viewing the preliminary results of the creative activities of the groups, analysis, selection of the best ones to participate in the district event, preparation for the anniversary:

Rehearsals of concert numbers

Learning poems;

Manufacturing a memento do it yourself "Gift from the heart"

Creation of a presentation - 10/19/2016. - 24.10.2016

Stage 5 - participation in the anniversary evening, demonstration of the work done - 10.24.2016.

Stage 6 - summing up, self-assessment of activities - 01.11.2016.

Host 1 There is a wonderful country in the world,

Her Library name.

Adults and children come here

Because books live here.

But the country is big libraries

There are special rules:

You definitely need to know them,

These rules, I will tell you, are six.

How will you enter the country The library,

Don't forget to say hello to everyone.

And behave yourself with dignity and calm

Polite and quiet, my friend, be.

And when you get what you need

Say thank you politely.

Return the book you received

Necessarily within the period specified in it,

Leading 2 On this day is bright and wonderful

We have not gathered in vain

The holiday has come lovely!

The mood is fine

Birthday has come

At the holy institution,

And it's not strange what they called Library temple of knowledge,

After all, she is a glow in the darkness,

He guides people through life.

Host 2 We keep everything priceless treasure!

Not for fame and awards

After all, this is our zeal

And may a blessing come down to your establishment,

Let the friendly team

Will always be peaceful

Let the library is thriving

And he does not know the end of the readers!

Grade 7 verses congratulations

Reader 1 What professions just do not exist:

Artist, cook and poet,

Teacher, doctor and pharmacist,

But there is still librarian.

Wizard, lives in the world of books,

It will find everything for the reader.

V library we go,

There is a room for fairy tales.

She leads to wonderland.

Portraits of fairytale heroes

We have a door to Magic world will open.

They look at us from all pages

Dozens of famous faces.

V library we go

As in your own, beloved home.

Reader 2 Dear librarians! Experienced and Young, Beginners and Seniors! Approximate readers for you, Excellent indicators, Interesting books, Wonderful events! Great personal happiness to you, So that there is no bad weather in life, So that the city will be proud of you. And sponsors were generous for you! Readers - adults and kids - "Thank you!"- would tell you from the bottom of my heart

Reader 3 We need it very much librarian,

And, of course, everyone knows -

In catalogs, books, card files

Serves us wise conductor:

The required volume will be removed from the shelf in no time

And will show a new article,

He loves his profession!

If necessary, then help with advice,

Suggest, can he direct,

AND librarian for this

Low bow from the readers!

Leading 1 Day has come today bright - Libraries anniversary!

There are so many untold riches here - They are all more valuable than gold:

So many wise books on the shelves Many people have been helped,

Presenter 2And readers are here with a sense Their time spent.

To work like this in the future Many, many more years!

Hundreds of new books of the wisest, So as not to know the problems and troubles!

CLASS 5 Fairy tale "Straw goby (Ukrainian folk tale for puppet theater)Duration of the performance: 15 minutes; number of actors: from 3 to 7. Characters: Grandfather Baba Bear Wolf Fox Hare Storyteller In the foreground on the left there is a hut of a woman with her grandfather, on the right - several trees. In the background, near the house, there is a low wattle fence, on the right is the steppe

Presenter1 You give people a useful business - Introduce them to the knowledge of the world, And how many people have already come to you? You take everyone as if you were family.

Presenter 2 Over the years, the generation of fathers changes, And the books are still on the shelves. And they will not go into the world of dreams, They will delight us for life!

6th grade "Funny ditties"

Presenter 1 Today is our famous hero of the day, Familiar from childhood to any person. That is not some venerable actor, but our dear library!

Host 2 She always happily greets us, With open fatherly doors. Here everyone will learn everything they want and will be able to find a lot of new things.

Team of children from 5 to 8 grades

Song Librarian.

Within the walls libraries peace and quiet,

Decently the books are arranged in a row,

Only kind people work here

For knowledge, not for rewards!

V library

We are in a hurry with you again,

Always here, always here

Open Day,

The librarian will say a kind word,

He is very glad, very glad he is the arrival of the children.

In the halls libraries

The kingdom of ancient times

The wisdom of life, science is granite,

And the constellation of bright great names

Loyal librarian keeps.

I'm happy to come

to the book house, where always

you are waiting for new meetings and discoveries,

If you are friends with a book,

into a magical world then

You will certainly find the way!

Grade 8 Repository of all knowledge and sciences

Today we sincerely congratulate you.

And strong, kind and reliable hands,

We wish the library today.

We wish you development, goodness,

So that people find salvation here.

Such an honor is given to you by the world,

So that miracles are kept within their walls.

Let both old and young come here!

May their joy and happiness await them here!

Librarians- increased salaries!

Readers - good, wise books!

Anniversary libraries -

A good reason to tell everyone

Grade 7 Many do not go to libraries,

Take an interesting book

I am always very eager.

I love the rustle of pages,

You can't compare with e-books.

Dear library

I will always love dearly.

Today is her anniversary.

Let there be more readers and friends.

Let the book supply grow

And a lot of funding is expected!

6 class library i visit.

I love hand-made scriptures.

If I wrote such myself,

Then I wouldn't take books here.

But I’m not a poet, I don’t write poems.

I just congratulate you to tell you.

Happy anniversary to you, darling library!

Let there be books for any person!

Grade 5 Special and important

Today is an anniversary

In a hurry library

Congratulate soon,

Let the books be kept

In the safest hands

We wish employees

Good luck in their business!

Handing over HOLIDAY GIFTS,

"Under the roof of his house"

1 Lead:

We are all in a hurry for miracles
But there is nothing more wonderful
Than meet you here again
Under the roof of his house ...

2 Lead:

Dear friends! We decided to call our festive meeting with just such words - "Under the roof of our house ..."

1 Lead:

And this is no coincidence! The fact is that due to the amount of time spent here, and for many other reasons, the library for many of us can safely claim the title of our home.

2 Lead:

So, we are glad to see you in a warm cozy home, at our family holiday, where guests are always welcome, and the center of attention today is the birthday girl - the library, which celebrates its 115th birthday! So the stars ordered that 2015 was declared the Year of Literature in Russia. And our jubilee evening kicks off the Year of Literature on the Bolkhov land!


1 Lead:

Indeed, this is not the first time we have met in this cozy hall. In the life of libraries, as well as in the life of a person, there are small and large events, dates. We remember some of them, prepare for them, forget about others in the vanity of everyday affairs. Today is a special occasion - the library has an anniversary! She is 115! This is a serious date, this is the age when certain results can be summed up. Indeed, there are many wonderful pages in the history of our library.

We understand with heart and soul
That the anniversary is not just numbers, dates.
Behind them are people, thoughts, great work
And the starting point that once
Gave a push and brought forward
On the path of quest, creativity, discovery!

Let's remember how it all began.

Library history

Until the eighties of the 19th century, there were no libraries or bookstores in our city. Sometimes on the market they sold, along with other things, popular literature, designed for the layman: all kinds of legends about sorcerers, about the adventures of robbers.

E. Zakharik, in his book dedicated to Bolkhov, noted only one private library, created in 1875 by the teacher Khalizev. In the late 80s of the 19th century, this library passed into the private ownership of the Panin sisters. The library's subscriber list consisted of 27 people (approximately one reader per thousand inhabitants).

On January 30, 1900, the first free library-reading room was solemnly opened in Bolkhov. It was originally planned to place the reading room on the first floor in the building of the City Council, but this did not work out. Then the landowner and philanthropist N.I.Dzhakeli bargained and bought a house in a convenient location of favorable size on the street. Kozelskaya (currently the building of the Pedagogical College).

The initiator of the creation of the library was Bishop Nikanor of Oryol. To carry out this good deed, fundraising has begun. NI Dzhakeli allocated 1000 rubles as a lump sum, and subsequently 100 rubles annually. The Society for Religious and Moral Education in the spirit of the Orthodox Church provided 280 rubles worth of books and 250 rubles for the purchase of bookcases and a harmonium. The Holy Synod, whose chief prosecutor at that time was K.P. Pobedonostsev, sent 93 rubles 23 kopecks. Bishop Nikanor asked the rectors of the churches to transfer duplicates of the existing books to the Bolkhov reading room, and recommended the organizers, first of all, to buy the Slavic Bible, the New Testament and the Lives of the Saints in the library.

After the revolution, the library funds were replenished through the nationalization of the libraries of the manor houses. The library in those years was headed by A.A. Bunakov. In 1923, the library's book fund was 10,500 copies.

Later, the library was transferred to Nikolskaya Street (now Lenin Street). It was located on the second floor of the former building of the Public Offices (the building together with the library was destroyed during the Great Patriotic War, a district administration building was built in its place).

After the war, the library was reopened in the house behind the Bolkhovchanka store. The library fund was completed from the books brought by the residents of the city.

In 1947, the library was divided into two sections - adult and children's.

1954 was marked by the move to a new building, which now houses the department of culture and the children's library.

In September 1968, the central library settled in a building built at the end of the 19th century by the merchant brothers Voinov. The building of the central library is still one of the most beautiful in our ancient city.

At present, the book fund of the Central Library is 59 598 copies of books.

The modern interior, coziness and comfort, the opportunity to take books home, get acquainted with periodicals, a friendly attitude, attract visitors here. Literary evenings, club meetings, book presentations, library seminars, exhibitions are traditionally held here. creative works, various meetings. The library contributes to the cultural development of the city and the region. There is a public information center in the reading room, you can use computers and access to the World Wide Web.

To meet modern requirements, the formation of an electronic catalog and an electronic local history card index is underway, a website for the library association has recently been created.

2 Lead:

This is how it has been going from time immemorial,
Take any of the eras as an example,
There has always been and is a library
The channel of human involvement
To all the spiritual values ​​of the Earth.

The floor is given (or for a welcoming speech we invite ………) Deputy Head of Administration for Social Affairs Drazhnikova Elena Vladimirovna


1 Lead:

The library has been and remains a sought-after institution in the city, where for 115 years past, present and future, the world of books and the world of people, are in daily contact.

For a welcoming speech, we invite the director of the Oryol Regional Scientific Universal Public Library. I. Bunina Bubnova Valery Vasilyevich (or Deputy Director for scientific work Shatokhina Natalia Zakharovna or head. methodological department Komissarova Lyudmila Nikolaevna)

2 Lead:

Every day and every moment
In cities and villages
Rustling pages of books
Sad and cheerful.
Library lights
Are glowing everywhere
Come to us, man,
Join the miracle.

The floor is given to the director of the regional special library for the blind Morozova


1 Lead:

Over the years, a special kind, homely atmosphere in our library has been created by its employees. Over time, some leave, but other people come to replace, invariably passionate about their profession.

2 Lead:

Our library owes much of its development and today's well-being to veterans of librarianship. Minaeva Maria Nikolaevna, Ishechkina Varvara Nikitichna, Pchelkina Tatyana Platonovna, Mitina Tamara Ivanovna - it was their work that formed the library fund, improved the premises, created the library network of the region.

1 Lead:

The directors Bunakov A.A., Leonov Mikhail Sergeevich, Motorina Olga Petrovna, Minaev Ivan Alexandrovich, Sechina Maria Ivanovna, Venediktova Nadezhda Petrovna made a great contribution to the development of the library.

2 Lead:

Today we turn the triumph of our words and give the warmth of our hearts to our veterans, Tamara Nikolayevna Portnova, Tamara Konstantinovna Snurnitsyna, Maria Spiridonovna Voinova, Tatyana Ivanovna Vyazmitina, Nina Andreevna Klochenko, dear, modest women who have devoted themselves to librarianship and retired. I would also like to mention the working veterans: Kotova Antonina Ivanovna, Fandeeva Raisa Petrovna, Belikova Nadezhda Mikhailovna, the former director of the library. For you, this modest, but such a warm word - Librarian - fits almost a whole life, full of work and worries - thank you!

A song for you as a gift ………………………………………………………………………

1 Lead:

Radiance comes from your bright hands

And you warm your heart

When you give people the wisdom of books,

Where light overpowered the forces of darkness -

Those books that inspire us in the struggle

What is raised to the dawn heights

Librarian, this is a verse for you

You merge hearts and thoughts together.

Many changes have taken place in 115 years. But the library invariably did the main thing: it introduced people to knowledge, taught them to think, read, dream, and became the center of communication and information.

The word for congratulations is given to the chairman of the regional trade union of cultural workers …………………………………………….

2 Lead:

In Russia, it has long been believed that in a house without books, as without windows, it is dark. The library is the temple of the book. We love the book, appreciate the book, give it due praise.

Allow me to give the floor to the head of the department of culture and archival affairs, Alexander Nikolayevich Markin

1 Lead:

The interest of the reader is different

And we please everyone!

Meetings, disputes, clubs ...

We offer any taste!

Literary and musical living room "Symphony of the Word" is the oldest club association in the library.

Moral and patriotic club "Covesnik" organizes meetings for young people on topics of morality, healthy way life, ecology.

The "Home Academy" communication club has been working on organizing leisure activities for the elderly for many years.

Meetings on topical issues are held in the youth-discussion club "Dialogue", together with the district administration and the RDK

Meetings in the club "Open your arms to me, nature," are devoted to environmental issues

2 Lead:

Library and reading


Attracting readers -

Hear, come, love -

We know this for sure!

1 Lead:

Dear readers, you are our faithful friends, with every visit you leave the sparks of your heart within these walls, and we are grateful to you for your inexhaustible love for the book and your friendly participation. As long as we are together, as long as our readers are with us, our library will live!

2 Lead:

In all cases

bow down

Word in the library

We dedicate to the reader

Favorite work,

1 Lead:

2 Lead:

Reader! - the main

1 Lead:

2 Lead:

Reader! -Hello, respect.

1 Lead:

2 Lead:

To the reader! - books, attention, love!

1 Lead:

2 Lead:

Reader! - we invite, we praise

1 Lead:

2 Lead:

The reader! -we are proud.

1 Lead:

2 Lead:

About the reader! - we dream, think, care.

1 Presenter: All readers, regardless of age and social status, we are always glad to see and always look forward to!

2 Presenter: And let the fanfare not thunder on this day, the drums do not beat and the fireworks are not visible, but the large army of readers faithful to us is always with us and congratulates us from the bottom of the heart!

The word for congratulations is given to the oldest readers: …………………………………………………… ..

A song for all readers and those present

1 Lead:

Writers - members of the Union of Writers of Russia, our friends - Tatyana Ivanovna Gribanova and Valentina Ivanovna Korneva came to our celebration especially for congratulations on the anniversary.

You have the floor ……………………….

2 Moderator: The library works in close cooperation with its social partners: city schools, pedagogical college, branch No. 1 of the Oryol technical school of agribusiness and service, RDK, editorial office, district administration, youth affairs department, employment center, etc.

We hope that our cooperation will continue to be useful and mutually beneficial.

Library congratulations

RONO, School principals, etc ………………………………… .............


1 Lead:

Academician Dmitry Likhachev once said: "If, as a result of some destructive catastrophe, all centers of education and culture disappear from the face of the earth, if there is nothing left in the world except libraries, the world and humanity will have the opportunity to be reborn."

The floor is given to friends from neighboring areas ……………………………………… ..


2 Lead:

If there is anyone else who wants to say something about this, we ask you!

Congratulations ………………………………………………………… ..

Here to believe in good, clear

Here the century meets the century.

What could be more beautiful

Works in the library!

2 Lead:

Our library employs wonderful people who give their spiritual generosity, knowledge, skills, enjoy the well-deserved authority of their colleagues and readers.

1 Lead:

Central Library…

Subscription. Here you are met by Tamara Aleksandrovna Larina, Irina Alekseevna Simonova, Yulia Aleksandrovna Sidelnikova. These are the mistresses of the book kingdom. They always have something to talk about and how to interest any reader.

2 Lead:

Reading room. Creative initiative and dedication characterize the work of Elena Evgenievna Krasnoperova - librarian

reading room.

1 Lead:

The head of the service department of the ICB is Nadezhda Mikhailovna Belikova. She is always in the thick of the collective's events, the initiator of many undertakings.

2 Lead:

Svetlana Stanislavovna Rebrishcheva is a bibliographer of our library. Any help, request, even the most sophisticated one, will be executed thoroughly and in full.

1 Lead:

Delivery of books on the Interlibrary Loan and service of the visually impaired is under the jurisdiction of Galina Aleksandrovna Belikova - librarian of the IBA and VLO department.

2 Lead:

Department of Acquisition and Processing of Books: Head of Department Antonina Ivanovna Kotova and librarian-cataloguer Nadezhda Aleksandrovna Makeeva. They process and register literature, subscribe to periodicals, and write off books. Each received book goes through their caring hands.

1 Lead:

The artist Yulia Viktorovna Konyakhina is responsible for the colorful design of the library.

2 Lead:

Serious, sympathetic, conscientious bookbinder Raisa Petrovna Fandeeva gives books a second life.

1 Lead:

The cleanliness and comfort of this building is in the fragile hands of a technical worker: Svetlana Nikolaevna Doronina.

2 Lead:

Lighting, and many small repairs are in hand the only man of our team Minushkin Nikolai Alekseevich.

1 Lead:

The solution of all financial issues lies on the shoulders of the chief accountant Zhuchkova Valentina Alekseevna and her assistant Sidorova Elena Nikolaevna

2 Lead:

And our main associates and inspirers, the methodologist Natalya Fedorovna Novikova and the director Farafonova Lidia Ivanovna, are in charge of the library's work.


1 Lead: Our colleagues

respect -

For them, sparing nothing,

We share everything we know

We know how and what we own.

They answer us the same

Both on weekdays and on days

2 Presenter: We will be glad to hear from our colleagues, librarians of the children's library and rural libraries


Song …………………………..

1 Lead:

Everything new, important, valuable

Let's take a note immediately.

Introduce useful things with vigor,

We are leading our "ship" to progress.

2 Presenter: The computers in the halls are working,

Program input is adjusted.

Here everyone is surrounded by care

And the repair was completed on time.

1 Host: Cozy, like in an oasis in summer,

And I want to come again.

Here shine, cleanliness as in the office,

And they will help to "enter" the Internet.

2 Lead:

In 2004, the library was connected to the Internet.

1 Lead:

The 21st century in the library is a step towards new information technologies. Catalogs and filing cabinets on electronic media, searching for information on the net are already today libraries. The computer is a friend and assistant of the modern librarian. Information is their common bread; efficiency, speed and quality of query execution are their common properties.

2 Presenter: The library was a repository of clay tablets, papyrus scrolls, birch bark letters, handwritten texts, printed books. The library will be a repository of web, audio and other, as yet unknown to us, books.

1 Host: Our library is on a par with the century. A light touch of the keys, and before our reader an open world of books, knowledge, information. It began to seem to many that the computer would supplant the book. However, such thoughts soared when radio appeared, then television, and the book ... is still here. It is clear that it has its own niche, and nothing will occupy it and, I think, never.

2 Host: Homo sapiens is a person who reads! Our mind, work, patience, care, creativity, our profession - everything for them, beloved readers! Our readers, our books and we, librarians, with our weekdays and holidays - this is the history and modernity of the library.


1 Lead:

Dear friends, colleagues, guests! We sincerely congratulate you once again on the anniversary of your beloved library!

Let's exclaim, admire each other.
No need to be afraid of lofty words.
Let's compliment each other -
After all, these are all happy moments of love.

Let's understand each other perfectly,
So that, having made a mistake once, do not make a mistake again.
Let's live indulging each other in everything,
Moreover, life is so short.

2 Lead:

On this wonderful note, we want to end our celebration. I would like to believe that your and our Library, regardless of any reforms, no temporary, political and economic cataclysms, force majeure circumstances, will remain the same beloved and necessary, accessible and necessarily free.

Anniversary of the Kashira city children's library, branch No. 4 "Library - Museum of Puppets"

Social and creative project for grade 4 students

Bagrova Elena Viktorovna, teacher primary grades, class teacher of the 4th grade, teacher of the GPA, MBOU "Secondary School No. 1", Kashira, Moscow Region
Purpose of material: I bring to your attention a project of social and creative orientation to prepare for the regional event dedicated to the 85th anniversary of the Kashira City Children's Library, Branch No. 4. The material will be of interest to teachers - organizers, music workers, class teachers; children 10 - 12 years old.
Target: participation in a regional event, congratulations on the anniversary; PowerPoint Presentation Creation - A report of the collaborative activities of the class and the library.
- to give an idea of ​​the celebration of the anniversary;
- expanding creative boundaries;
- to include children in conscious creative activity;
- collect the necessary materials: photos and files for the presentation design;
- write a textual accompaniment, arrange a presentation;

Relevance of the project:
On April 29, in the Kashira City Children's Library, branch No. 4 "Library Museum of Dolls", a holiday "Happy Jubilee, Children's Library!" Was held, dedicated to the 85th anniversary.
The library was founded in 1931. Over the years of its existence, the library workers have raised more than one generation of young readers. Even today it keeps up with the times and remains a favorite place of leisure and communication for children.
The children's library is a storehouse of wisdom, its employees do colossal work on a daily basis to educate the younger generation. The guys in our class are active readers, take part in all All-Russian and regional actions related to literature and various types of creativity, gladly respond to participation in thematic quizzes, theatrical performances. And, of course, we could not help but congratulate our friends and mentors on a significant date - on the 85th anniversary of their bright career !!!
Project preparation plan and implementation timeline:
Stage 1- statement of the problem - announcement of the upcoming anniversary of the children's library - 03/01/2016.
Stage 2- distribution into groups, choice of creative activity, work planning - 03/10/2016. - 03/19/2016
Stage 3- work in micro-groups: selection of photo and video material, selection of musical material, selection and processing of congratulation texts - 03/20/2016 - 03/31/2016.
Stage 4- viewing preliminary results of the creative activity of groups, analysis, selection of the best ones to participate in the district event, preparation for the anniversary:
- rehearsals of concert numbers
- learning poems;
- release of a festive wall newspaper;
- making a memorable gift with your own hands "Wise Owl"
- presentation creation - 04/01/2016. - 28.04.2016
Stage 5- participation in the anniversary evening, demonstration of the work done - 04/29/2016.
6 stage- summing up, self-assessment of activities - 04/05/2016.
Design products:
1. Festive wall newspaper "Happy birthday, library"
Volumetric panel from video discs "Wise Owl"

2. Literary and musical composition "Happy Anniversary, Kashira!"

3. PowerPoint presentation
1 slide- Kashira city children's library - branch number 4
"Library - Museum of Puppets" - 85 years

2 slide- The library is not only a mysterious magical and mysterious world books, but also people who open this world to us - readers.

3 slide- Sorcerers, magicians, sorceresses,
Coloring beauties and wizards.

4 slide- The joy of meeting, miracle, success -
This is our library!
We look forward to meeting them,
We will be taught everything they can.

5 slide- Our children have matured in a year,
We did not spare smiles for them.
And the guys tried very hard
So that we smile for them.
We wish that you do not grow old,
Only with us they grew up a little.

6 slide- No one sat still -
We were preparing for the anniversary together!
We tried 100% - as taught !!
We have given you a piece of our soul !!!

7 slide- You from us as a gift SOVA
- a symbol of wisdom and goodness!

The library staff thanked for the congratulations and awarded diplomas and thank you letters teachers and educators, teachers of the children's art school,

the most active young readers.

Together with multicolored balloons each took with him a particle of human warmth.

We will come again and again to a cozy, light house, where the age-old wisdom of the book is kept, where talented people work, in TEMPLE, called library!

Presentation on the topic: Anniversary of the Kashira City Children's Library

In the windows and inside the library there is a photo exhibition “Library - people, years, life”, in the reading room - an exhibition of reviews “My soul is a library!”, In the hall creative development- exhibition-congratulation "Happy anniversary, dear library!". Flags are handed out to those who come to the holiday different color- I worked here (to a veteran - I left my heart here), I am a reader of this library, a faithful friend of the library, a member of the club.

A classic melody sounds. Zeus, Nika and Fortuna appear.

Zeus: Goddesses, something boring on Olympus.
What's on earth? Is there someone being honored there?

Nika: Oh, Zeus, there is the anniversary of the library.
She is 35. Opened in the last century!

Fortune: It opened in the Yaroslavl region,
The Trans-Volga library is called!
They seriously decided to raise the culture there,
For this, the library was opened.

Zeus: And what about the culture in this region?

Nika: Let not without our help, but it is flourishing.
Then the still young girl began
For the cause. The door opened and the hut was filled
With a breath of special wise books
And the joyful arrival of the children.
And the girl's name was Olga,
Oh, Zeus, and so many fell on her shoulders!
I brought books from the regional center in my hands,
She put things in order in the house,
I created everything bit by bit
I couldn't help wondering from the sky
Well, how much he loves his job,
For everything willingly undertakes boldly.

Zeus: Now it's time for everyone to hear about her
On such a wonderful anniversary.

Fortune: Oh, Zeus, what to say in vain.
Let's see the anniversary, everything will be clear.

Zeus: May it be so! Let the anniversary begin!
And if someone is selfless in labor,
Tom will be reckoned in heaven.

Gods leave the stage, musical beat. The presenters appear

1 Lead: We are on the day of unlocked doors
They called a full hall of guests.
Let me take it open
Library anniversary!

2 Lead: We are not afraid to tell you
That we are 35 today.
And of course it's too early for us
Send yourself to rest.

Together: And may it be here for everyone today
Fun, jokes, laughter sound!

The backing track from the song sounds Yu. Antonova"Roof of the house"

Leading (alternately).

We are all in a hurry for miracles
But there is nothing more wonderful
Than meeting you here again
Under the roof of his house ...

1 Lead: Dear friends! We decided to call our festive meeting with just such words - "Under the roof of our house ..."

2 Lead: And this is no coincidence! The fact is that due to the amount of time spent here, and for many other reasons, the library for many of us can safely claim the title of our home.

Reader: Here is a house in which everyone is warm and comfortable.
Here you can hide from sadness and problems.
Here are the books - they are for the soul and work.
They all beckon with the feeling of flight
And these are readers - children and adults,
They have so many questions and difficult queries!
Here is a good doctor of human souls,
The hostess of our house is a librarian,
And she knows everything, ask about anything
He helps everyone from a pure soul.
This is without whom, I tell you, friends,
There is no way to get by here.
Beautiful, attentive and, without a doubt,
Has angelic patience.
There is a lot of fun in this house,
Guests are always welcomed in it.
Neither the cold is afraid of him, nor bad weather,
Success is accompanied in any business.
May the holiday give only joy and happiness
Will fill our warm home with smiles!

1 Lead: What is a library?
Anyone will probably answer you:
We go here like a pharmacy
Heal our souls with you.
If you feel bad,
Then the book will come to the rescue,
And he will make you forget all the bad
The happy world will take you away.
So be friends with the book, of course -
I advise you always -
And a medicine for the pain of the heart
There will be a book for you for years!

An excursion into the history of the creation of the library.

1 Lead: The library is today. How does he live? What does it breathe? Today the library works for everyone, helping people with education, advanced training, and leisure activities. It serves the residents of the entire village. The head of the library is Olga Gennadievna Khakhina, who is eagerly trying to help every reader. She works in close connection with all public organizations in her village: school, house of culture, veterans' council, kindergarten.

2 Lead: Centuries have passed, life has changed around.
An urgent need arose for the letter.
Here is a wish a friend writes to a friend,
And the news is flying around the city.
A monk is sitting and he is writing a book.
The lines are laid down in even rows.
About the unusual life of those times
Those books took years to build.
Here is the monastery. They keep books here.
Not at all the same as in the modern age.
So unusual to look at
They lie in the silence of the libraries.
Those books were not available to everyone
They were very expensive.
The poor fellow could not read them,
The rich only used them.

1 Lead: Modern world.
The 21st century has come.
Science, technology, discovery too.
Introduce yourself a man
Now he cannot live without books.
They contain knowledge, wisdom, secrets of the age,
Let the winds of change blow in the world
May the library live forever
And oblivion and decay will not touch the books.
Let the fashion for computers now,
And now the Internet has become available,
But the books in the life of each of us
Will leave a mark for many, many years.
And, therefore, the library will live,
Overcoming lack of money, adversity,
And serve your visitors
Magazines and books for years.

2 Lead: And today we want to arrange a holiday for you - readers, our guests and all residents of our village. Because all of you, with each of your visits, also leave within the walls of the library a part of your soul, your love, a part of your life.

Dramatization of the poem.

Two neighbors are going to the club
They talk about the library.
Neighbor Grunya says:
"The path to the library is open
To everyone who wishes with us,
Here you will be welcomed
And they will help you choose the book.

Have you seen? There are a lot of them there! "

The second answers her
To a neighbor, his girlfriend:
“To the library every day
I'm not too lazy to come.
I love to read about love,
Even if you don't tell me
And there are such books,
Do not take your eyes off the covers! "

Grunya answers her again:
“I’m ready to read day and night,
And I read different books,
But I prefer the classics.
And there is also about love,
You can't read this anywhere.

Neighbor Nyura answered her:
“My friend, no doubt,
I'll tell you what now,
I go to the library
Not only to read books,
I like to be at the evenings
Listen to poems and songs there,
Communicate with others together. "

“And I love exhibitions there,
Sometimes I stand for half a day.
No need to go to the fund already,
Everything in front of you on the rack:
Both books and crosswords too -
Decide, write the answer, if you can,
And if you suddenly don’t know something,
Take the book and read it.

I don’t go to the pharmacy for a long time -
I am friends with the library.
I'll tell you, Nyura, in secret:
How to treat this disease.
There are books in the library,
Everything is written in them as it is.
There are heaps of folk recipes,
They are much cooler pills:
You will make some weed, you will have tea -
And you will live without diseases! "

Neighbor Nyura answered her:
“I want to give advice to wives:
How to get husbands to read
After all, they have absolutely no patience,
They have a lot of things to do -
Such busy people!
Men so as not to drink beer -
Take detective wives.
The husband and son-in-law will read them -
From the sofa, for sure, do not pick it up! "

“Oh, Nyura, this is what I will say:
I keep looking at the youth -
Girls, guys - no more beautiful.
I want to give them my advice:
What to use foul language, drink vodka,
Library visit
It wouldn't hurt them for a long time.
Mind, talent is given to them,
And in order not to lag behind in development -
They would be smart books to read! "

“I agree with you in everything,
My faithful friend.
There are families in our village,
I will say about them without embellishment,
They know the path to the library
And the whole family reads books.
Read by dads, mothers, grandchildren,
Don't think for the sake of boredom.
Indeed, in books - knowledge is the power of the century,
The library will not be lost.

“Oh, we got to talking,
What needs to be shared with you,
Let's finish soon
After all, we came to the anniversary!
Library - 35!
And, as the people say,
The term is not quite long yet.
We will celebrate it with soul.
The time will come when she
The centenary will be the anniversary!
Oh, how do we celebrate it ... "

"Do not say! Keep it secret!
We do not live in the future - now,
We invite you to the library.
True to its readers
And she will reward the best.
We thank you for that.
And we say thank you to everyone:
You had enough courage:
We were sitting, you were listening to us! "

1 Lead: Of course, the main potential of the library is its readers. And today I would like to acknowledge the most loyal and devoted readers to the library. (name names)

The song sounds to the tune "If there was no winter."

Every day and every moment
In cities and villages
Rustling pages of books
Sad and cheerful.
Library lights
Are glowing everywhere
Come to us, man,
Come to us, man,
Join the miracle.

La-la, la-la, la-la, la-la,
La la la
La-la, la-la, la-la,
La-la, la-la, la-la, la-la,
La la la
Join the miracle.

Life itself confirms
Arguing with the darkness:
Doesn't happen from the mind
No grief.
Our run is faster and faster,
More and more difficult tasks.
Come to us, man,
Come to us, man,
To get richer.

La-la, la-la ...
To get richer.

We will help to take the height,
The way to find in the fog.
We are at the pilot's post,
In the ocean of books.
The twenty-first century has arrived -
Do not forget about it.
Come to us, man,
Come to us, man,
Behind the magic light.

La-la, la-la ...
Behind the magic light

2 Lead: Today came to congratulate the library and literary heroes. Meet them!

Petrushka, Ded Fedot, a bull Leo, a pig Piggy, a dog Druzhok appear on the stage

We are very happy to congratulate you
And we say with admiration:
“All meetings with you - as a reward,
That we all idolize you!
Do not bow before sorrow
Drive the sadness into the stillness of the night.
We congratulate you on your anniversary,
We wish you happiness from the bottom of our hearts!

Doggy Friend:
Woof-woof, woof-woof-woof! Hello!
In the unpredictable and complex
The soulless world where we live
There is a library where you can,
To say something about your own,
To tell your friends the longing and pain
Or splash out joy for everyone,
Ask for advice - what to do
How to curb want and sin? ...
Thank you library
For your daily good work,
For the truth, search, a ray of light.
Everyone loves you, honors and waits for you!

Grandfather Fedot:
Khe-khe, yes ... Good evening!
35 - beautiful age -
And not a lot, and not a little, -
For love and for work -
Only the very beginning.
The path of life is difficult, or it is simple -
It is not given to measure it ...
We will meet the fate of growth,
And not on your knees!
May it be so always and forever -
Let from childhood to old age
Follows knowledge into the world of the library
Friendly reading people!

Piggy Piggy:
Hi! Oink oink! In a colored discordant dance, In a glimpse of differences and accepts There are people from whom light emanates And people who absorb light.

Outside the doors of the hall, hooting and whistling are heard. The light goes out and comes on again. Baba Yaga, Kikimora, Leshy, Barabashka run in.
Baba Yaga: Here we are all assembled! Be equal! Attention! I begin the roll call. Goblin ?!
Goblin: I AM!
Baba Yaga: What did you come with?
Goblin: With witchcraft!
Baba Yaga: Swamp kikimora ?!
Kikimora: I'm there!
Baba Yaga: What will surprise you?
Kikimora: Mischief and cunning.
Baba Yaga: Little drum ?!
Drum: As always in place!
Baba Yaga: What kind of surprise have you prepared?
Drum: Pampering, noise and disgrace.
Baba Yaga: And I, Yaga, a bone leg, will scare, I will scare! Well, you unclean force, get to work! Let's start with you, Leshy.
Goblin: And now I am all children
I will transform animals into different ones.
Now they grunt
They will bark, meow!

Singing Animals competition. The melody of any famous children's song sounds. All children grunt, bark, meow instead of words.
Baba Yaga: Well done, Goblin! Great, you turned everyone!
Goblin: That's not all. I am now going to turn into a librarian ... oh, you can't become a librarian, an aunt-librarian can send us home from the holiday, but I still want to stay and do a little damage. I know who I will become, I will become a Dance Teacher and make all the kids dance.

Children dance to the music "Dance teacher"
Baba Yaga: Kikimora "now you show your unclean strength.
Kikimora: And now I'll put these pretty, pretty kids on their legs chicken. Moreover, I will make them compete.

The game "Running on chicken legs".
2 pairs of "chicken legs" are sewn from foam rubber. At one end of the hall, two teams of 4-5 people are lined up. There is a counter at the other end of the hall. At the signal, the first team players put on "chicken legs", run around the rack, return to their team and pass the "chicken legs" to the next player. The team wins, the first to finish the competition.

The song to the tune "Blue Car" is played by the employees of the recreation center. Verse 1:

There are very different libraries,
But we have one Zavolzhskaya
Celebrates his birthday today
She is surprising to everyone!

Celebrating, celebrating, celebrating anniversary
We are under a lucky creative star!
May she make us happy with her meetings today,
We are all connected here by one thread!

Verse 2:
Warm and friendly company,
We live as one family with the club,
We are eager to go to work
Every Tuesday we are happy to go!

Verse 3:
Here is a haven for poets and dreamers
Those who believe in success and destiny.
And more loyal readers
We want to wish you more.

The song is played to the tune "Wishes" by Kikabidze performed by workers

It is impossible for us to live without a book,
And we, friends, want to wish
So that you are inseparable with her,
You didn’t have to be discouraged.

We want that from meeting them,
All of you were brighter and warmer,
So that you become friends forever
And they looked at life more cheerful.

We want songs to sound
After all, today is your anniversary,
To always be surrounded by
Many kind and loyal friends.

We want books to be read,
So that you have the Internet,
So that you celebrate with joy:
That there is no dropout of readers.

We want you to live richly
So that you have health,
And the salary would be decent.
We want not sometime, now.

We want that in the book temple
It was cozy and warm for all of us.
We want together with you
Our life was good and light.

1 Lead: All good things come to an end. So our holiday has come to an end.

Whoever you are, oh, our reader!
Student, entrepreneur,
Housewife or student,
Pensioner il president
Concern, bank or country,
Everyone is equal in the library.
What word I’m not used to
The language given to you from birth,
Are you black with hair or white,
Pretty girls, brave guy.
God forbid, reader, in books you
For fun, for a dream
For life, finding a way
I could find a grain of knowledge.

A song is played by the schoolchildren to the tune "Little Country"

There is a library in the village,
The library is one.
And for any person in the village
She will become a shelter.
There are many books, see for yourself
If you come there.
There, everyone will be friendly with you,
They will always help with advice.

Village library,
Village library.
Who will tell me
who will tell
How sweet she is to everyone.
Village library,
Village library.
It's bright and clear in my soul
Friendship brought everyone there.

We often like to go to the book temple,
The book world is calling us.
At the evenings he likes to meet there
Our elderly people.
The doors are always open for everyone there,
There they will be happy to welcome us.
May it never be forgotten
A library for you.

Autumn rain is pouring outside the window.
I'm back for the book.
I believe in you - my salvation
The library is mine.
Village library,
Village library.
Who will tell me
who will tell
How bright she is to me.

1 Lead: We are grateful to everyone who was not indifferent, postponed their affairs and came to the holiday.
