
Complex thematic planning for a week in the senior preparatory group on the topic: "Space". Complex thematic planning for the project "The Mysterious World of Space. Thematic week in the senior group.

Pathology of the uterus

Galina Evdokimova
Scheduling on the topic of the week in the senior group "Space exploration"

Scheduling by topic of the week« Conquest of space» .

Topic weeks: « Conquest of space» .


Give children an idea of space and astronauts;

Tell about people's dreams conquer space and about how these dreams turn into reality;

Develop memory and attention, creative storytelling;

Foster respect for a difficult and dangerous profession astronaut;

Learn to fantasize and dream.

Morning gymnastics complex « Cosmonauts»


Conversation: "Earth is our home in the Universe".

Target: Reinforce children's knowledge that our the planet is called The "earth" that it has round shape, different people, birds, animals live on it, there are many oceans, seas, rivers on it;

to educate children in curiosity, love and respect for everything that is on planet;

to cultivate a desire to work together, to enjoy the result of work.

Form concepts « space» , « space» ;

Excursion to the museum of Yuri Gagarin's childhood

Target: to acquaint children with the life of Yu. A. Gagarin, his hobbies in childhood.

Reading the story of M.V. Vodopyanov « Cosmonaut 1... 106 minutes off the ground ".

Target: continue to introduce children to stories about the first flight in space; foster interest and respect for the profession.

Role-playing game « Cosmonauts» .

Target: to teach children to build an imaginary situation, to act in accordance with it.

Morning gymnastics complex « Cosmonauts»

Target: to develop children's imagination, to form the ability to express a conceived image in movement, to enrich the motor experience of children.

Conversation "Health astronaut» .

Target: to clarify and expand the understanding of medical professionals, specializations of doctors, professional activity doctors: to bring to the consciousness of children the need to respect their bodies.

Reading a poem by L. Kuzmin "Chilly little man".

Target: to increase interest in fiction; teach children to understand the meaning works: express your attitude to the content of the work.

Painting "Mysterious space»

Target: teach to depict a rocket in flight, characteristic features spaceship; develop interest in visual activity by using unconventional drawing techniques; educate accuracy. Purposefulness.

Reading excerpts from the works of Y. Nagibin "Stories about Gagarin".

Target: introduce children to the first astronaut planet, talk about how he was as a child.

Morning gymnastics complex « Cosmonauts»

Target: to develop children's imagination, to form the ability to express a conceived image in movement, to enrich the motor experience of children.

Hearing a song "You know what kind of guy he was!" music by A. Pakhmutova, lyrics by N. Dobronravov from the cycle "Constellation Gagarin".

Target: continue to acquaint with significant events in the life of the country. Pay attention to the bouncy rhythm of a piece of music. Enrich the musical experience. Maintain a positive emotional background.

Conversation "The most daring".

Target: continue to introduce children to the life of the first astronaut planet, to form the desire to be like a hero, to bring up purposefulness, perseverance in achieving goals.

Exhibition of books about the first man Yu. A. Gagarin, who flew to space.

Painting "The path to the stars".

Target: teach to depict the starry sky, its appearance in airless space.

Morning gymnastics complex « Cosmonauts»

Target: to develop children's imagination, to form the ability to express a conceived image in movement, to enrich the motor experience of children.

Conversation “Why do we want conquer space» .

Target: explain to children what the solar system is.

Looking at the laptop « Space conquerors» .

Target:. Reinforce the knowledge of children that they live on planet earth, v there are other planets in space;

cultivate a respectful attitude towards what is on our planet.

Morning gymnastics complex « Cosmonauts»

Target: to develop children's imagination, to form the ability to express a conceived image in movement, to enrich the motor experience of children.

Working with parents "Exhibition of art works "I want to space» .

Role-playing game « Space trip» .

Target: to enrich children's knowledge about space and astronauts, to teach to use their knowledge in the game, to perform game actions in accordance with the assumed role.

Musical and sports leisure "We are children of the Earth!".

Target: generate interest in outer space; broaden the understanding of the profession astronaut; develop imagination and fantasy; improve endurance, agility, coordination of movements; to foster feelings of collectivism, friendship, the ability to empathize.

Marina Yakovleva

"Yuri Gagarin" V. Stepanov

V space rocket

With title "East"

He's first on planet

I was able to rise to the stars.

Sings songs about it

Spring drops:

Will be together forever

Gagarin and April.

Arkady Hayt " Planets

Everything in order planets

Any of us will call:

One is Mercury,

Two is Venus,

Three is the Earth,

Four - Mars.

Five is Jupiter

Six - Saturn,

Seven - Uranus,

Behind him is Neptune.

He is eighth in a row.

And after him already, then,

And the ninth planet

Called Pluto.

Complex thematic planning by topic"Space"

Cognitive development

To give children basic knowledge that the Universe is a set of stars. The sun is the closest star to Earth. Clarify ideas about the stars, constellations. To acquaint children with the concept “ planet", with structure Solar system... Educate children about human mastery outer space, about the meaning space research for human life on Earth. Introduce the first pilot cosmonaut Yu... A. Gagarin. To cultivate a respect for what is on our planet.

Gcd "Earth is our home in the universe" Skorolupova s. 12

FEMP: “Big space trip» Skorolupova s. 26 Conversations “Why study space, "Yuri Gagarin is the first astronaut planet» , « Planets and stars» , "What are spaceships » , "The sun is the source of life on Earth".

Experimental activities: solution problem situation "Why cosmonaut space suit;

Light bulb experience. Experience "Why does day change to night?",

I / y "Magic Figures" (geometric figures) "Where did he hide alien» , "Count the Martians", "Build a rocket" Gyenysh blocks, Kuisener sticks "Lay out the rocket, alien»

"What's hidden in the picture?" (Overlay pictures) "Find differences"

loto, Kuisener sticks (rocket, "Fold the pattern"

Construction. "Our spaceship» (from waste material) Skorolupova s. 36

Watching cartoons:"The secret of the third planets»

Speech development

Continue to develop speech as a means of communication in Everyday life in games. Carry out vocabulary work, Activate the speech of children in words: cosmodrome, astronaut, a spacesuit, expanding and clarifying the knowledge of children about the environment. Develop the ability to coherently, consistently compose stories on mnemonic tables... Develop memory, thinking, imagination. Develop dialogical communication, the ability to listen, speak out, ask questions.

GCD "The rocket flies to the stars of Skorolupov from 20 Activation of the dictionary (verb forms, signs of objects, circumstances) Development of phonemic hearing, development of syllabic reading skills. Development of creative storytelling skills, the ability to adhere to the chosen line in creative storytelling. Creative stories: "Like Dunno in space flew» Conversation is reasoning “What can I see in outer space. « "We astronauts» Resolution of problematic situations: What would you do if you saw. Drawing up and guessing riddles about the stars and planets, conversation about Yu.A. Gagarin, communication on topics "How do they cook astronauts for flight» , "Life in Orbit"... D. and. "Name it affectionately", "Which? Which? Which?", "Where is what?", "Count", "Say the opposite", Didactic exercises "Because…" and "Storytelling"("Our space the ship goes flying because ... ", "On the space the ship was alerted because ... ", « Space the ship landed on an unknown planet, because…": Mnemonic tables: V. Stepanov « Astronaut» , Arkady Hayt " Planets", V. Stepanov" Yuri Gagarin " "Our home is the earth"

Social and communicative development

Encourage children to deploy role-playing games, didactic games... Encourage the use of substitute items, hand-made attributes. Develop creative imagination... Ability to jointly deploy a game, aligning one's own game intent with those of peers. Encourage to conduct director's games, fantasy games Develop the social and personal qualities of each child nka: communication, independence, observation, skills of elementary self-control and self-regulation of their actions. To cultivate the ability to work in one team, empathize and enjoy success, solve the problem together. Strengthen the ability to take on various roles in accordance with the plot. Develop independence in organizing the theater. games. Did. games "Pick up the right clothes for astronaut» , "What's closer, what's next?"(Determine the distance between planet and space by a ship using a conventional measurement.); "Star Trek", "Know by silhouette", "Collect the constellation", "Starry sky", "Observers", "Stars", "Robots in outer space» , « Planets» , The folding of the constellations from the mosaic.

Constructive games:

From a wooden constructor « spaceport»

From a plastic constructor « Spaceship»

Plot- role-playing games "Journey to the Moon", "Future astronauts» , « Space zoo» , "Researching a new planets» , « Space rescuers» , "Cooking space lunch» , "Clinic for astronauts» ... (Skorolupova "Big space trip)

Safety Summarize children's perceptions of planet earth, about the conditions necessary for life. To cultivate love for your planet and the desire to protect it.Conversation about what qualities should have astronaut Conversations“We will help the residents of the sad planets» , “What will happen to our planet, if…" Modeling the size of the sun and earth (pumpkin and pea)

Foster the need to work. Strengthen the ability to prepare materials and manuals,

duty in the dining room, in a corner of nature "Put in order your planet» , manual labor "Rockets - moon rovers - ships", self-service « The astronaut is always fine» .

Physical development Penzulaev 13-15 Repeat play exercise in walking and running,

Exercise for balance, jumping, with a ball. 15 * - repeat the game exercise with running,

Game tasks with a ball, with jumps.

Finger gymnastics Lunokhod ", "1,2,3,4,5 - we begin to take off", "V outer space an object flies through the thickness of ice years "

physical training « Space gym» , "The sun is shining in the clear sky", “Are we going to fly? "Rocket"

Sports entertainment "A detachment of young astronauts» ("One, two, we are at the start", "Preparing for flight", "Who is stronger", Tug of War, "Who quickly?", "The most agile" etc.)"

Health To consolidate the idea of ​​the need to take care of your health from childhood, to clarify what physical qualities are necessary for the future astronauts... Conversations "What is he doing astronaut, to be healthy" “Who is accepted in astronauts

Artistic and aesthetic development

Molding "Merry aliens» Skorolupova s. 48 To develop creative imagination, the ability to sculpt according to the idea, to embody your idea in sculpting, to develop skills in working with plasticine, the techniques of rolling, stretching, flattening, applying. Develop creative storytelling skills.

Drawing and applique "Star collage" Skorolupova s. 45 Drawing "Lunar landscape" Skorolupova s. 42 З Appliques made of colored paper, fabric and foil "Stars and Comets".

Compilation of constellations using a star map Book of Lykova " "We sculpt space» “Chick is a rocket, chick is a comet. Space applique»

Reading fiction

To form the ability to give short and detailed answers to questions about the text;

Improve reasoning skills; Cultivate interest in works of fiction; Develop a sense of humor, creative image

Encourage children to turn to adults with questions, judgments, verbal communication with each other. Ya. Akim "There is one planet garden» , "YU. Gagarin ", Y. Yakovlev "Satellite", R. Aldonina "Saturn", M. Bul "The sun", "Why does the sun come up and down?", G. Boyko "Counting", V. Borozdin. First in outer space... Dragoon "And we" Choline "I will fly to the stars too", According to Yakovlev "Three in outer space» , K. Scott « Space» V. Stepanov. Yuri Gagarin. L. Obukhova "How did the boy become astronaut» , G. Chernenko “As a man flew to space» , Albanian fairy tale "Like the sun and the moon went to visit each other", myth "Didal and Icarus"

Interaction with parents: Contest of joint crafts of children and parents " Aliens"(natural or waste material a. Consultation for parents “How to introduce preschoolers to space»

Age5-6 years old (senior group).

Implementation period: a week.

- Our galaxy.

- Inhabitants of planet Earth.

- Space planets.

- Space ships, their application.

- Acquaintance with the first cosmonaut.


the formation of older children preschool age ideas about outer space, space exploration by people.


- Expand children's understanding of the diversity of space.

- Tell children about interesting facts and events of space.

- To acquaint children with the fact that the Universe is a set of stars. The sun is the star closest to the Earth. Clarify the idea of ​​the planets, constellations.

- To tell children about human exploration of outer space, about the importance of space research for the life of people on Earth. Introduce Yu.A. Gagarin.

Estimated results:

- inquisitive, active: interested in the topic of space, shows interest, asks questions, takes an active part in the discussion of this topic.

- emotionally responsive: emotionally reacts to poetry, stories, conversations about space.

- who has mastered the means of communication: he knows how to share with the teacher and children a variety of impressions from watching TV, reading a story, etc.

- able to manage their behavior and plan their actions: shows the ability to work collectively, to negotiate with peers. Able to solve conflicts with the help of speech.

- is able to solve intellectual and personal tasks adequate to age: he knows and applies his knowledge in productive activities, is able to design according to his own intention.

- has a primary idea of ​​himself, family, society, state, world of nature: he has an idea about space, about the day of astronautics, about the fact that the Universe is a lot of stars, about the importance of space research.

- who has mastered the universal prerequisites of educational activity: he knows how to listen, answer questions, does not interrupt his comrades, can learn a poem about space.

- who has mastered the necessary skills and abilities: has an idea of ​​the planets, constellations, that the Sun is the closest star to the Earth.




Cognitive (cognitive-research, productive-constructive activity).

Topic: "This mysterious space"

Program content: To form the concepts of "space", "Universe" in children. Explain what the universe is like. To consolidate the knowledge of e. That they live on planet Earth; there are other planets in space. Give an elementary concept of the planets.

Artistic creation

Drawing: "Starry sky".


Productive activity:

Modeling "Rocket"


Communication activity reading fiction.

Topic: Reading "How a Boy Became an Astronaut" A. Leonov.

Program content: to make children want to listen to the story, to encourage them to turn to adults with questions, judgments, to verbal communication with each other.

Cognitive (FEMP)

Motor activity according to the teacher's work program.


Communication activity reading fiction

Topic: Conversation "Planets of the solar system"

Program content: To acquaint children with the concept of "planet". To give children basic knowledge that the Universe is a set of stars. The sun is the closest star to Earth. Clarify ideas about the stars, constellations; their diversity.

Musical activity according to the teacher's working program.


Cognitive activity:

Topic: "We are all inhabitants of planet Earth" (multimedia of the night sky, sun, moon, planets of the solar system)

Program content: to consolidate the knowledge of children about cosmic bodies, planets, to teach to correlate the named objects with their location, to enrich vocabulary, to activate the corresponding concepts.

Productive activity: application.

Topic: “Colored planets”.

Motor activity on work program teacher.

Educational activities during regime moments:

Playroom: s / r: "Flight to the moon", "Preparing astronauts for flight", "Explorers of a new planet", D.I. "What is superfluous", "Stars in the sky", "What should be taken on a flight?" "What has changed?" "Airplanes", "Who is the first", games with building material "Building a cosmodrome".

Labor: making boxes for small items, repairing books, doing feasible assignments.

Cognitive research: Solution to the problem situation: "How to save the planet Earth."

Discussion "Peculiarities of food intake in space flight", "How to avoid injury" (prevention of injuries in a state of weightlessness), "Peculiarities of human protection in space" (space suit, helmet, breathing apparatus, special footwear.)

Observation of the sky, weather, clouds, situational talk about space.

Musical and artistic: listening to music on space theme, viewing slides on a space theme, singing your favorite children's songs.

Productive: "way to the stars", "rocket", starry sky "," astronaut in open space "," lunch for an astronaut "," cosmonaut "," we are the inhabitants of planet Earth "," in space "," the mysterious world of space ".

Cognitive, speech, communicative:
conversations "Unknown Universe", "Cosmonautics Day", "Is there life on the planets?", "Why do they fly into space on rockets."

Situational talk about space.

Reading: "How the sun and the moon went to visit each other" (Albanian fairy tale). Reading "First in Space" V. Borozdin. Reading "What the telescope told about" P. Klushantsev, reading stories about space at the choice of children.

Looking at the album: "The first cosmonauts", looking at pictures about space, astronauts.

Independent activity in the centers:

Art Center: stencils, coloring, drawing "rocket in space" (spraying technique), relief molding using waste material, designing from paper "Preparing rockets for flight", making attributes for the s / r game "Explorers of a New Planet", plasticineography "Our Universe" ...
Material: paper, paints, pencils, plasticine, waste material, cardboard.

Center for Mathematics: name the geometric shapes that make up the rocket, count how many and what geometric shapes are included in the rocket, lay out the rocket from the counting sticks, compare the size of the planet, did. games "What's superfluous?", "What has changed?"
Material: image of a rocket, counting sticks, did. games.

Science Center: viewing pictures about space, conducting the "stars are constantly shining" experiment, watching the presentation "Traveling with Dunno into space", solving puzzles "This amazing space", viewing the globe, the path of the sun through the sky (morning, evening).
Material: globe, paintings, presentation.

Center of the game: d / and "Stars in the sky", "Find unnecessary", p.i. "Build the planets!" games with builds. material "Building a rocket", "cosmodrome", d / and "How the house of cosmonauts is arranged", "What an astronaut will need", "Take a seat in the rocket", "Go through the tunnel", p / and "Aircraft", p / and " Planets are being built. "
Material: did. games, builder, attributes for outdoor games.

Center of the book: encyclopedias about space, "Steps over the planet", "I go out into space" A. Leonov, viewing illustrations about space, albums, portraits of astronauts, reading stories about space, memorizing poetry, a cycle of educational articles in encyclopedias.

Construction center: build spaceships from different constructors, use waste material.
Material: Lego constructor, wooden builder, boxes, paper, cardboard.

Music Center: Listen to space-themed music, view space-themed slides.
Material: tape recorder, cassettes, disks.

Family work: placement of reference information on the subject, joint viewing of television programs on the space theme, production of "Cosmos" books with parents, creative family work: joint production of crafts on the "Space" theme, drawings on the "Parade of the Planets" theme.

Final event: competition family work"Spaceships".


Valentina Litvinova
Planning a thematic week for the holiday of astronautics

Topic and tasks Educational activities Team work caregiver and children Self


« Space»

1. Expanding children's knowledge about government holidays... 2. Telling children about outer space, about the first cosmonaut Yu... A. Gagarina and other heroes space... 3. Encouraging the interest of children in the events taking place in the country. 4. Fostering a sense of pride in her achievements. 1. OD on FTSKM

“This mysterious space»

Target: the formation in older preschool children of ideas about outer space, mastering space by people.

2. OD on drawing

Plot drawing

on the topic of "Starry sky"

Target: depict the starry sky. Pick up on your own color range for the stars.

3. Physical education

« Space travel»

1. To improve the ability of children to maintain a grouping, to perform a forward roll.

2. To foster friendly relations of children and the ability to act in a team.

4. OD Development of speech "Mysterious space»

purpose: to consolidate the ability to clearly, briefly answer the questions posed, select related words

improve the ability to compose short stories according to the scheme.

5. OD application

« Space trip(all types of equipment in outer space)

Target: improve technique applications: independently choose and combine silhouette (symmetrical, ribbon and cut-off applications to obtain a beautiful image.


"Flight to space»

Develop the ability to visually recognize figures; build a new, more complex from the simplest geometric shapes;

Exercise in the account within 10 in forward and backward order;

Exercise children in orientation on a sheet of paper in a cage; anchor spatial representations (top - bottom, left - right)

7. OD Music

"Music space»

To fix the transmission of the ascending and descending movement of the melody on different musical instruments.

1 Conversations:

-"What we see in the evening in the sky".

-« Space and solar system» ,

Conversation « Astronauts in space» .

purpose: develop an understanding of the profession - astronaut, enrich children's knowledge on the topic

2. Viewing illustrations on space theme.

purpose: develop the ability to verbally describe the picture. To form love for the Motherland and pride in its heroes.

3. Listening to Didier Marouani's music performed by the group "Space", song by Y. Chichkov "Rockets", music by Jean Michel Heat "Magnetic fields".

purpose: Tune children's audiences to the upcoming emotional experience of music.

4. Travel game: « Planet earth from space» .

1. Expand and consolidate children's knowledge in the field space.

2. To activate and enrich the vocabulary on the topic « Space»

3. Improve physical skills, develop emotional and volitional personality traits, memory, thinking, attention.

6. Reading fiction.

"He is an example for all the guys.", L. A. Obukhova "How did the boy become astronaut» , K. Bulychev "Girl from Earth", "The secret of the third planets» , E. Ponomarenko "I asked my dad once ..."

purpose: arouse in children a desire to listen to works of art, encourage them to turn to adults with questions, judgments

7. Didactic game:

"Know the constellation", "Day Night", “Come up with space animal» , "Find unnecessary", "Find your way to Earth"; "Magic space wand» ; « Space lotto» .

Target: development of horizons, the ability to make up verbal descriptions and guess from them.

8. Outdoor play:

« Cosmonauts» , "Flight to space» , "Astrologer", "Flies - does not fly"; "Who will circle the sun faster?"; "Flight to the moon", "Rockets", "Aircraft", "Sleepwalkers".

purpose: developing interest in a previously studied topic ( planets, Moon, space, astronauts, development of physical qualities

purpose: to consolidate the knowledge of children about pilots- astronauts, traits and qualities of character necessary for people of this profession.

9. Theatrical performance "Tales of the Astrologer"

Target: To instill in children a sense of pride in their homeland, interest and respect for the work of people whose work is related to the development space; continue to develop children's knowledge about outer space

10. Individual work to develop creative skills

Making attributes for role-playing games

11. Sports story game « Space»

Target: Introduce children to the military - patriotic training; improve physical fitness; to consolidate the ability to independently develop the plot of the game. Bring up friendly relations between children.

12. Musical and didactic games

« Space associations»

Target: when listening to music, everyone expresses their own impressions and associations

13. Observations in nature: clouds.

Invite the children to describe the clouds. Tell what they see astronauts from space as define

14. Construction

Topic: « Astronauts at the rocket» .

Target: examine the name component parts rockets; independently design rocket and shapes astronauts from natural material, observe the rules of safe work with piercing and cutting objects.

15. Experimental activities "Invisible air"

1. Games with balls, skipping ropes.

2. Games with construction material: "We are building space station» .

3. Role-playing game « Cosmonauts» .

4. Independent motor children:

Parachute games, with space arrows drawing with colored crayons on the asphalt space bodies

5 Stencil drawing


6. Collecting puzzles « Space Puzzles»

7. Placing pictures from counting sticks

8. Exhibition of works about outer space(joint work of children with parents).

9 Coloring pictures about outer space.

10. Astronomical games-experiments in the corner of experimentation.

Date 10.04. Topic of the week: "Space" Monday Educational activities in regime moments
GCD OD in mode
morning Artistic and aesthetic development.
Topic: "This Mysterious Space"
Purpose: The development of imagination in older preschool children, to encourage children to convey a picture of a space landscape in a drawing, using the impressions received when examining reproductions, reading literature about space. (wax crayons and watercolors)
2.Physical. (according to the plan of the FIZO instructor)
Children's Morning Hello Planet Earth - Create a positive attitude.
Selection of subject, plot pictures, illustrations, children's books, didactic games, attributes for s / r games, etc. on the topic. Add albums to the group: "Space", "Solar System". Illustrations about space and astronauts. Books with works about space and astronauts. Atlases and encyclopedias. To activate the attention of children on the upcoming topic - examining a map of the starry sky, a globe - a model of the Earth, illustrations with astronauts, spaceships, a space station; photo from space.
Conversation "What is space". Purpose: to give children an idea of ​​the planets of the solar system, the sun, stars, the first flight into space, to find out the knowledge of children on this issue.
Indus work on FEMP (Gleb, Artem) dividing a square into 2 equal parts. Purpose: Name parts and compare whole and part
... To form the ability to find partners for games, to come up with a plot of the game, to build interaction for the game, to act as organizers of the game.
walk Card number 3
Lunch, getting ready for bed, getting up. Communication: "Space dining room". What foods do you need to eat to be healthy?
Duty: learning to negotiate, distribute responsibilities.

evening 3.Music. (according to the plan of the music director
15.30-15.55 Selecting activity centers using the selection board
Construction game "Cosmodrome" Purpose: To continue to teach how to independently find new constructive solutions when completing the assignment according to the condition and in accordance with the general idea, reinforcing in children the ability to play around buildings using small toys.
Verbal d / i and exercises: "Finish the sentence", "Choose the words-actions.
Board Games - Develop quick wits and imagination, curiosity and speech skills

date: 11.04.17 Topic of the week: "Space" Tuesday

GCD OD in mode
morning 1.FEMP lesson 2, page 59
Topic: Introduce the division of a square into 4 equal parts, teach how to name the parts and compare the whole and the part.
2.Physical (on the street) (according to the plan of the instructor FIZO) Conversation: "The sun and the planets of the solar system" from the album "One planet, two comets ..."
Situational conversation and speech situation: "If I were an astronaut ..." Individual. work with Artem - construction: "Rocket" (from counting sticks)
"What number did I miss?" - fix up and down counting within 10
Independent play activity
walk Card number 3
Lunch, getting ready for bed, getting up. Communication: "Space dining room". What do astronauts eat on the space station?
Duty in the dining room: encourage you to set the table yourself, select dishes depending on the menu, compare the number of appliances with the number of children present (foster independence, respect for the results of work.
Recreational gymnastics after sleep, walking on massage paths. To form an interest in gymnastics after sleep, hardening procedures. Strengthen the ability to independently, quickly and beautifully make the bed after sleep.
evening 3. Construction / (origami)
Topic: "Rocket"
Purpose: Arouse interest in the design of paper ships; develop fine motor skills of the hands.
Organization of PPRS to support the children's initiative.
Create conditions and help organize role-playing games: "Flight to the moon", "Space travel" (astronauts get ready to fly, train, study the map of the starry sky. In flight, observe the stars and planets, keep a logbook. the results of space travel to the flight director).
Indus work (Arseny, Katya, Masha) - Consideration of the globe - to consolidate children's ideas about our planet: continents, oceans, seas, poles, etc.
Creation of conditions for independent activity: in the corner artistic creation for work. Offer children plasticine, coloring pages about space.

P / games at the request of children. Encourage children to independently conduct p / i, observe and control the rules in p / i
Date: 12.04.17 Topic of the week: "Space" Wednesday
Educational activities in times of security
GCD OD in mode
morning 1. Reading fiction.
Topic: Reading an excerpt from V.P. Furrow "Starships", story - "The first in space"
Purpose: to teach to listen carefully, to help comprehend the content of the story.
2. Physical education (according to the plan of the instructor FIZO)
Conversation about the Day of Cosmonautics. Continue to acquaint with Russian holidays, with the flight into space of the first man - Yuri Gagarin. Develop the ability to listen carefully and answer questions in full sentences.

Making riddles about space. (Appendix No. 7)
Individual work (Lilya, Olya). D / and "When it happens" ..
Purpose: to consolidate knowledge of the seasons and seasonal changes in living and inanimate nature.
D / game "Find the excess" The card contains 5 pictures. 4 pictures from one group, the fifth is superfluous. You need to find an extra picture and explain your choice.
Independent play activity
walk Card number 3
Lunch, getting ready for bed, raising the CTG during lunch - we consolidate the skills of accurate food consumption, use napkins, cutlery.
Recreational gymnastics after sleep, walking on massage paths. To form an interest in gymnastics after sleep, hardening procedures. Strengthen the ability to independently, quickly and beautifully make the bed after sleep.
evening Organization of PPMS to support the children's initiative Selecting activity centers using a selection board
CHL: N.Nosov "Dunno on the Moon" (excerpts) "followed by director's games" The Adventures of Dunno on the Moon ".
Constructive - model activity - "Spaceships"; creation of diagrams, drawings of spaceships. Building construction games: creating a mini-exhibition of ships.
Graphic dictation "Rocket" - (ind. Work with Katya, Dasha, Artem) exercise in orientation on a sheet of paper.
Independent activity in activity centers.
P / games at the request of children. Encourage children to independently conduct p / i, observe and control the rules in p / i
date: 04/13/17
Topic of the week: "Space" Thursday
Educational activities in times of security
GCD OD in mode
morning Artistic - aesthetic development
Theme: "Fly a rocket to the stars"
Purpose: to teach children to depict a rocket using an elongated triangular or oval shape, to apply small parts to it (a window - a window, antennas); as well as the starry cosmic sky with the methods of "printing", "spraying". Expand children's knowledge of the world of technology around us. Develop creative imagination
Development of speech.
Topic: Sound culture of speech
Purpose: To train children in distinguishing the sounds l - r in words, phrasal speech; learn to hear a sound in a word, determine its position, name words for a given sound Modeling communication situations: "Interview with astronauts" (Who are astronauts? What planets have you visited? What interesting / surprising things have you seen? emergencies? How did you deal with them? Have you met aliens? What are they? Etc.)
Indus work (Alina, Zhenya) D / game "Spell the word" - to exercise the ability to name words with a given vowel sound.
Д / и "Building rockets" - to fix the geometric shapes from which you can build a rocket, to exercise in the ability to build rockets from counting sticks.
Selecting Activity Centers Using the Choice Board
Independent play activity
walk Card number 3
Lunch, getting ready for bed, raising GBV - remind children of the need to greet adults, educators, children, offer to talk about the rules of etiquette associated with greeting, summarize and supplement the answers of children.
Recreational gymnastics after sleep, walking on massage paths. To form an interest in gymnastics after sleep, hardening procedures. Strengthen the ability to independently, quickly and beautifully make the bed after sleep.
"Features of human protection in space" (space suit, helmet, breathing apparatus, special footwear.)
evening Ecology / the world around.
Topic: "Space". (OV Dybina "Acquaintance with the subject and social environment", p. 53)
Purpose: to expand children's ideas about space; lead to the understanding that space exploration is the key to solving many problems on Earth; tell children about Y. Gagarin and other space heroes.
Organization of PPRS to support children's initiative
Cognitive research: Can you see the air? Experience "Find the invisible". Playing with balloons: "How does air help to play?"
Developing intellectual games: "Fold the pattern" ("Rocket" - Nikitin's cubes), "Tangram" (spaceships, inhabitants of an unknown planet) - to develop thinking and visual perception.
Creation of conditions for independent activity in the book corner. Choose books for reading and viewing: About the stars and planets ”,“ Myths of the starry sky ”.
Independent activity in activity centers.
p / and "Fast rockets are waiting for us" Children join hands and walk in a circle with the words:
P / games at the request of children. Encourage children to independently conduct p / i, observe and control the rules in p / i
date: 04/14/17
Topic of the week: "Space" Friday
Educational activities in times of security
GCD OD in mode
morning 1 Application (T.S.Komarova "Classes in fine arts activities, page 88):
Topic: "Spaceships"
Purpose: To learn to convey the shape of a rocket using the cutting technique from paper folded in half so that the right and left sides of the image are the same; position the rocket on the sheet so that it is clear where it is flying.

2.Music. (according to the plan of the music director) Reading fiction. V. Stepanov "Yuri Gagarin". Purpose: to acquaint children with literature about space; educate cognitive activity
An outdoor game "The sea is worried" (inhabitants of an unknown planet).
Game "Fold a rocket from geometric shapes". Fix the name geom. figures.
Conversation "What will happen to our planet if ...". Expand children's understanding of the planet Earth, of the conditions necessary for life. Foster a desire to protect your planet.
Independent play activity
Selecting Activity Centers Using the Choice Board
walk Card number 3
Lunch, getting ready for bed, getting up. Conversation "Who is accepted into the cosmonauts." Reinforce the idea of ​​the need to take care of your health from childhood. Clarify which physical qualities are needed by astronauts.
CGN education. Strengthen skills: soap your hands until foam forms, rinse thoroughly, wash your face, wipe dry with your own towel.
Gymnastics after sleep "WE are awake!" Purpose: to cheer up children after a nap and cheer up.
Conversation - discussion "Features of food intake in space flight."
evening the sun is shining, and around
there are planets, nine of them.
You planets in order
I will list now ...
- Once! Mercury,
- Two! Venus,
- Three! Land,
- The fourth is Mars.
- Five! Jupiter,
- Six! Saturn,
- Seven! Uranus,
- The eighth is Neptune.
Number nine is Pluto
The one who is superfluous - go out! Organization of PPRS to support children's initiative
To learn with the children the counting-out "The sun is shining, and there are nine planets around."
Individual and group work: - development fine motor skills(coloring pictures about space).
Experience: "Why it seems that the stars are moving in a circle" (Appendix 6) Purpose. Establish why the stars move in circles. labor activity(household labor). Cleaning of toys in the play center. Purpose: to develop accuracy, understanding of the need to maintain order.
P / games at the request of children. Encourage children to independently conduct p / i, observe and control the rules in p / i
Final event: Exhibition of children's creativity "About space"