
How to improve the intelligence of the child and not lose your own. Development of intelligence in children Games that develop intelligence in lagging behind children

Pathology of the uterus

By intelligence, as a rule, is understood what is usually called "mind". A smart person, an intellectual, has a developed analytical thinking, easily masters new activities, demonstrates a good memory and developed imagination, knows how to control his attention and find effective solutions for various difficulties. In order for your child to be successful, easily make new acquaintances, confidently set priorities and persevere in achieving his goal, pay attention to the development of his intellectual abilities already in early childhood.

Simple but effective ways to develop the intelligence of a preschooler

Method 1: Create together

  • sculpt;
  • draw;
  • take up origami;
  • weave ornaments from beads;
  • create simple and complex applications;
  • sing a duet or organize a family ensemble;
  • make original figures from balloons.

You can choose any variant of joint leisure that is pleasant for you, but at the same time ensure the development of the child's creative intelligence. Through creativity, the baby receives a powerful charge for the development of imagination, figurative thinking, emotional sphere.

It is important that creativity be joint in fact, and not formally. Find opportunities to enjoy the process. It is not necessary to do classes daily, but 2-3 hours a week for such a deep dive into joint creation can be allocated even with a busy schedule.

Method 2: Read aloud

Reading aloud, when an adult reads, and the child, sitting comfortably nearby, listens carefully, makes a huge contribution to the intellectual development of the child:

  • foster empathy;
  • vocabulary enrichment;
  • increasing the level of general erudition;
  • encouraging healthy curiosity;
  • stimulation of the thought process.

If your child has already entered the senior preschool age (that is, he is already 5 years old), you can select works for reading that are interesting for an adult reader as well. Do not limit yourself to exclusively simple and exciting stories for the child. Expand the child's horizons, discuss what they read with him, fantasize on the topics "What would happen if the hero acted differently" and "Why the hero found himself in such a situation."

You will be surprised how quickly your little one will demonstrate an analytical mind and the ability to think critically with this approach. Your child will become a worthy conversationalist if you allow his intellect to open up.

Method 3: Board Games

  • puzzles;
  • dominoes;
  • tags;
  • Rubik's Cube;
  • constructor;
  • labyrinths;
  • chess;
  • checkers.

The list of board games aimed at developing intellectual abilities and logical thinking goes on and on. Modern parents have plenty to choose from! Children's stores are full of colorful packaging and eye-catching names.

Ideal if you choose developing board games, focusing on the individual and age characteristics of the child.

Method 4: Monitor your child's emotional well-being

In order for your efforts to give exactly the results you expect, pay attention to how the child feels. What emotions dominate in him, forming a general emotional mood:

  • calmness, comfort;
  • Confidence in your strength;
  • interest in classes;
  • feeling loved and desired.

In senior preschool age it is especially important for a child to receive patterns of healthy social relationships. He must see in his own family what mutual respect and support means. Feel free to speak sweet words, praise for successes and cheer when something does not work out the first time. Avoid judgmental, negative language. Do not allow a child at the age of 5-6 to doubt his intellectual abilities.

Every child is a potential genius. Unleashing this potential is the task of attentive, loving adults. However, it is not necessary to set the goal of raising a genius in order to understand how important it is to develop the intellect in a child before school. Developed intelligence is the basis for the success of the baby in any of his endeavors.

Develop your child's intelligence by enjoying the process and being proud of the results. May your parenthood be filled with happiness!

preschool childhood- this is a period of intellectual development of all mental processes that provide the child with the opportunity to get acquainted with the surrounding reality. The child learns to perceive, think, speak; he masters many ways of acting with objects, learns certain rules and begins to control himself. All of this involves the work of memory. The role of memory in the development of the child is enormous. The assimilation of knowledge about the world around us and about oneself, the acquisition of skills and habits - all this is connected with the work of memory. School education makes especially great demands on the memory of the child.

Modern psychology argues that the intellectual potential of children is genetically determined and that many people have a chance of achieving only an average level of intelligence. Of course, our opportunities for development are not unlimited. But practice shows that if even "average" intellectual abilities are used at least a little more effectively, the results exceed all expectations.

Intellectual games contribute to the development of children's memory, switching from one type of activity to another, the development of the ability to listen and hear others, understand and perceive other points of view.

In order to successfully master the school curriculum, a child needs not only to know a lot, but also to think consistently and conclusively, to guess, to show mental tension, and to think logically.

Teaching the development of logical thinking is of no small importance for the future student and is very relevant today.

Mastering any method of memorization, the child learns to single out a goal and carry out certain work with the material to achieve it. He begins to understand the need to repeat, compare, generalize, group material for the purpose of memorization.

Teaching children about classification contributes to the successful mastery of a more complex way of remembering - the semantic grouping that children encounter at school.

Using the opportunities for the development of logical thinking and memory of preschoolers, it is possible to more successfully prepare children for solving the problems that school education sets before us.

The development of logical thinking includes the use of didactic games, ingenuity, puzzles, solving various logic games and labyrinths and is of great interest to children. In this activity, important personality traits are formed in children: independence, resourcefulness, ingenuity, perseverance is developed, and constructive skills are developed.

Children learn to plan their actions, think about them, guess in search of a result, while showing creativity.

Games of logical content help to cultivate cognitive interest in children, contribute to research and creative search, desire and ability to learn. Didactic games as one of the most natural activities of children and contributes to the formation and development of intellectual and creative manifestations, self-expression and independence.

Intellectual games help the child acquire a taste for intellectual and creative work. They contribute to the “launch” of developmental mechanisms, which, without special efforts by adults, can be frozen or not work at all. Intellectual games help to better prepare a child for schooling, expand the possibilities of free, conscious choice in life and the maximum realization of his potential abilities.

For a child, especially at preschool age, play is very important. The game not only gives scope for children's creativity, but also stimulates their intellectual development. For children of senior preschool age - from five to seven years old - it is important to offer games of this type that make it possible to increase the child's mental abilities, the ability to analyze, highlight the main thing, and compare.

Mind games for children of this age should teach the baby to make a certain decision and choose from various options and the ability to defend one's position.

"Play with your child"

Games for the development of perception

Perception- cognitive process that forms

subjective picture of the world. This is the selection of the most

qualities characteristic of a given object or situation,

Drawing up on their basis of stable images (sensory

standards) and the correlation of these images-standards with objects of the surrounding world. Perception is the basis of thinking and practical activity, the basis of a person's orientation in the surrounding world, society. For preschool children, it is best to develop perception in the process of playing that parents can offer the child at home.

Form perception : "Recognize the object by touch"

To play the game, you need to put various small objects in a tight bag: buttons, a spool, a thimble, a ball, a cube, a candy, a pencil, etc. Task for the child: to determine by touch what kind of objects they are.

Color perception : "Pick a couple by color"

You need to find a pair of items of the same color. During the game, you need to make five logical pairs out of ten various items.

Perception of time : The game is based on questions and answers. Allows you to teach to perceive such characteristics of time as the time of day, season, the passage of time (fast, long, often, rarely, long ago, recently, yesterday, today, tomorrow)

Questions for the child:

What time of day is it now? How did you guess?

What season is it now? Why do you think so?

What happens more often, a day or a week?

What grows faster - a flower, a tree or a person?

Perception of space : "Find a toy" An adult puts the toy in a certain place, the child determines the location of this toy (in the room, on the table, to the right / left of ..., below / above ... etc.

Perception of magnitude : Ask the child to arrange the toys in size, collect large and small toys separately from each other. Compare pencils by length. Draw paths of different lengths.

Memory Games

Memory the child is his interest. It is a complex of processes by which a person perceives, remembers, stores and reproduces information. Failure at each of these levels can cause learning difficulties. The games proposed in this section contribute to the development of the child's memory, teach logical methods of memorization.

Games for the development of motor memory.

Educational game "Puppeteer"

Option 1. An adult - "puppeteer" blindfolds the child and "leads" him, like a doll, along a simple route, holding his shoulders, in complete silence: 4-5 steps forward, stop, turn right, 2 steps back, turn left, 5-6 steps forward, etc.

Then the child is unleashed and asked to independently find the starting point of the route and go through it from beginning to end, remembering his movements.

Option 2. Children can do these exercises in pairs: one person is the "puppeteer", the other is the "doll".

Educational game "Button"

Two people are playing. In front of them are two identical sets of buttons, in each of which not a single button is repeated. Each player has a playing field - it is a square divided into cells. The starter of the game puts 3 buttons on his field, the second player must look and remember where which button lies. After that, the first player covers his playing field with a piece of paper, and the second must repeat the same arrangement of buttons on his field.

The more cells and buttons are used in the game, the more difficult the game becomes.

Game "Fold the pattern".

Make a path or pattern of shapes (start with three or four elements, when the child is comfortable with such tasks, increase the number). Ask him to look at the path (pattern), then turn away. Change the location of one shape (then two or three). Ask the child to restore the original arrangement of the figures on the tracks (patterns).

Complicated option: remove the track (pattern) from the field. Offer to restore yourself. You can once again remove the pattern and invite the child to restore it with closed eyes to the touch.

Game "Camera"

Game for the development of memory and attention.

Option 1: children are shown a card with any image for a second, they must describe it in as much detail as possible.

2nd option: a picture is shown depicting some plot (30 seconds), after which another picture is given, similar to the first picture, but some items are missing or replaced by something else. I have to say what has changed.

Games for the development of attention

Attention associated with the interests, inclinations, vocation of a person, such personal qualities as observation, the ability to notice in objects and phenomena subtle, but essential features. Attention is one of the main conditions that ensure the successful assimilation by the child of the amount of knowledge and skills available to him and the establishment of contact with an adult. The development of attention is closely intertwined with the development of memorization, and these games will help develop it.

Educational game "On the table! Under the table! Knock!"

The game develops auditory attention child.

The child must follow the verbal commands of the adult, while the adult tries to confuse him. First, the adult says the command and carries it out himself, and the child repeats after him. For example: an adult says: “Under the table!” and hides his hands under the table, the child repeats after him. "Knock!" and begins to knock on the table, the child repeats after him. "To the table!" - puts his hands on the table, the child repeats after him, and so on. When the child gets used to repeating the movements of the adult, the adult begins to confuse him: he says one command, and performs another movement. For example: an adult says: “Under the table!”, And he himself knocks on the table. The child should do what the adult says, not what he does.

Top-clap game.

Game for the development of attention, memory.

The leader pronounces phrases-concepts - correct and incorrect.

If the expression is correct, the children clap, if not correct, they stomp.

Examples: "It always snows in summer." Potatoes are eaten raw." "The crow is a migratory bird." It is clear that the older the children, the more complex the concepts should be.

"Twisted Lines"

Tracking a line from its beginning to the end, especially when it is intertwined with other lines, contributes to the development of concentration and concentration.

"Where what?"

You should agree with the child that he will clap his hands when he hears a word on a given topic, for example, animals. After that, the adult must say a number of different words. If the child makes a mistake, the game starts over.

Over time, you can complicate the task by inviting the child to stand up if he hears the name of the plant, and at the same time clap when he hears the name of the animal.


This game is best played in pairs. Players sit or stand opposite each other. One of them makes different movements: raises his hands, moves them in different directions, scratches his nose. The other is a "mirror" of the first.

To begin with, you can limit yourself to hand movements, but gradually complicate the game: build faces, turn around, etc. Game time is limited to 1-2 minutes.

If the "mirror" managed to hold out for the right time, it gets one point, and the players change roles.


The more pictures there are, the more difficult and intense (and therefore more interesting) the game will be. For this game, the child definitely needs a partner - preferably a peer. If this is not the case, the role of a partner can be played by an adult (grandmother, grandfather, brother, etc.), who slightly plays along with the baby.

Before the game, 10-20 pictures depicting various objects are laid out on the table in two rows. After admiring the pictures and specifying the name of objects that are not too familiar, you draw the attention of the players to the fact that each of them has one finger on their hand called the index finger, because it points to something. "In this game," you say, "the index finger will indicate the picture that I will name. Whoever first puts his index finger on the picture correctly will receive it."

Then you put two playing kids opposite each other and ask them to put the index fingers of their right hands on the very edge of the table and not raise them until they find the right picture. The main requirement of the game is to look for a picture with your eyes, not with your hands (this is how mental activity is stimulated). Movement - a pointing gesture - is only the last step in solving the problem. The restrictive rule - to keep your finger at the edge of the table - helps the child to refrain from unnecessary hand movements.

Then you solemnly pronounce the words: "Which of you will find and show with your finger ... a camomile (camel, teapot, umbrella, etc.) first?" And watch who will be the first to indicate the desired picture.

Imagination games

These games contribute to the gradual assimilation of the principle of conditionality and the replacement of some objects with others, the development of imagination. In such games, children will be able to learn how to animate a variety of objects. For these games, you can use almost any item, they do not take a long time. Almost any moment in a child's life can be used to organize games.


It is better to play together with the child. Draw arbitrary squiggles for each other, and then exchange leaves. Whoever turns the squiggle into a meaningful drawing will win.

"Reviving Items"

It is necessary to invite the child to introduce himself and portray himself with a new fur coat; lost mitten; mitten, which was returned to the owner; a shirt thrown on the floor; shirt neatly folded.

"Draw a picture"

The child is presented with an unfinished picture of an object and asked to name the object. If the child fails to immediately identify the object, he is helped in the form of riddles and leading questions. After the children have recognized the object and imagined its image, they finish drawing and coloring the pictures.

Unfinished pictures presented to children can be made in different ways: a bitmap, a diagram of an object, its partial image. The pictures can be any object familiar to children. Subject images can be combined into semantic groups (for example, "vegetables", "clothes", "flowers", etc.) and use this exercise when studying the corresponding group.

"Imitation of Action"

We cook soup. Ask your child to show you how you wash and dry your hands before preparing food. You pour water into a saucepan. Light the gas stove burner and put the pan on the burner. Peel and cut vegetables, put them in a saucepan, salt, stir the soup with a spoon, scoop the soup with a ladle.

Show how to carefully carry a cup filled with hot water. Imagine and demonstrate: you pick up a hot pan, pass a hot potato around.

Games for the development of thinking

Thinking- one of the highest forms of human activity. This is a socially conditioned mental process, inextricably linked with speech. The proposed games will help children learn to reason, compare, generalize, make elementary conclusions - in other words, think independently.

"It happens - it doesn't happen"

Name some situation and throw the ball to the child. The child must catch the ball in the event that the named situation happens, and if not, then the ball must be hit.

You can offer different situations: dad went to work; the train flies through the sky; the cat wants to eat; the postman brought a letter; salted apple; the house went for a walk; glass shoes, etc.

"Guess the description"

An adult offers to guess what (what vegetable, animal, toy) he is talking about and gives a description of this subject. For example: This is a vegetable. It is red, round, juicy (tomato). If the child finds it difficult to answer, pictures with various vegetables are laid out in front of him, and he finds the right one.

"What if…"

The facilitator asks a question - the child answers.

"What will happen if I stand with my feet in a puddle?"

"What happens if a ball falls into a tub of water? A stick? A towel? A kitten? A rock?" etc. Then switch roles.

"Ambiguous Answers"

Consider in advance questions to which ambiguous answers are possible. When the child answers your questions, you may be very surprised. Is this the answer you expected from him?

Small examples:

“The coat of our cat is very….” ;

“At night, the street is very…”;

“People have hands to…”;

"I got sick because..."

“What is prickly in the world?”

Try to remember with your child what is prickly in the world? Spruce and hedgehog needles, sewing needles and pins, rose and wild rose thorns, dad's chin ....

Name a few prickly objects, maybe the kid will add others to them. For example, name a Christmas tree, a hedgehog, needles and pins. And when you walk in the park or in the forest, find thorny plants, show your child the thorns. Why do plants need them? Surely, the child will remember your game and add the find to the category of "prickly things" himself.

You can play with other properties as well. "What in the world is cold?", "What in the world is round?", "What in the world is sticky?". Just don't ask too many properties at once. One thing is better. The main thing is that the child remembers the principle and includes more and more new objects in the group, say, "thorny things".

Intelligence is a term whose meaning can be interpreted in different ways. Is the man who calculates the most difficult mathematical examples? Or is the mind more developed in someone who has good creativity, verbal skills, etc.? What is it about? How to develop intelligence in an adult and a child?

What is intelligence?

According to experts, intelligence is sanity, the ability to independently resolve situations, the ability to learn new things based on one's own experience, to adapt, to correctly determine the main contexts and relationships (including social ones), through which everyday problems are solved. Intelligence is a mental development, a thinking ability characteristic of humans and animals.

The degree of intelligence is extremely important for life. It is a key success factor in work, relationships, studies, business, as well as in entertainment (chess, sudoku, etc.). The level of development of the mind can be measured using the IQ test (this abbreviation stands for intelligence quotient).


Speaking of intelligence, one important, relatively new concept cannot be ignored - Howard Gardner's theory of mind types. Gardner defines intelligence as follows: "... it is the ability to solve problems or create products that have some value in one or more cultural environments." Therefore, he emphasizes that the importance of intelligence is always in a broad cultural context, closely related to real life. He divides intelligence into a number of relatively independent aspects:

  • language - the ability to use language to convince other people, the ability to use speech to memorize, explain information, the ability to control one's activities, think about oneself;
  • musical - the ability to perceive melodies, rhythms, tones;
  • logical-mathematical - the area of ​​logic and scientific - research - thinking (from objects to statements, from activity to relationships, from abstraction to specific images);
  • spatial - the ability to transform and change initial perceptions, to form new ideas from one's own visual experience (creativity);
  • bodily-motor - the ability of mobility, the ability to move smoothly with minimal interruption after processing incoming stimuli (sports, dancing, acting, manual skills);
  • personal forms - intrapersonal and interpersonal - a dual formation that arises as a subject of research in 2 psychological areas and in social psychology:
    • intrapersonal form - the most important component is self-awareness, expressed as a culturally conditioned balance within a person, created on the basis of inner feelings, the influence of other people,
    • interpersonal form - the ability to recognize and understand other people, their mood, temperament, motives, intentions; the ability to distinguish them, to work with them.

None of these points can be ignored. This is due to the fact that a certain harmony and integrity can be developed only when a person's personality is harmonized. Balanced and harmonious personality- emotionally stable, sensitive to social processes, receptive to herself.

How does intelligence affect life?

The debate around intelligence quotient (IQ) is often very heated. Everyone wants to have an IQ of 120 (by the way, the maximum among the recorded results is 250-300). But for most people of adult (and even elderly) age, it is about 100. People who have a lower level of intelligence are considered stupid. The public often misunderstands IQ. Did you know that one unnamed but world-famous director with a reputation as a genius in his field achieved an average result on an IQ test? The explanation is simple. In his work, the director uses completely different skills that the test does not take into account. For example, creativity and communication.

Albert Einstein, the greatest genius of mankind, had mediocre knowledge in the field French. Therefore, a high IQ does not guarantee success or happiness in life. In fact, people with any IQ can be equally successful, so the level of intelligence affects the quality of life less than we tend to think.

How can intelligence be improved?

To increase intelligence and develop memory, remember the rule of three "study". Calmness is necessary for maximum concentration, but also constant mental activity, a desire to explore, consideration of problems, a combination of possible solutions, constant use of your brain.

Remember: intelligence is an innate quality, which, however, develops over the course of life. Contrary to popular belief, preterm babies are no different from full-term babies. It depends on environment and parental relationships.

Work in a cool environment

For maximum mental action, the temperature in the workroom should be 1-3°C lower than that at which you usually sit in front of the TV. Mild discomfort prompts the body to improve performance. The ideal operating temperature varies from person to person, but a range of 17-20°C is generally recommended for men and 19-22°C for women.

oxygen and stress

For the development of intelligence and thinking, a sufficient amount of oxygen is necessary. It has a positive effect on brain activity, therefore, improves thought processes.

Working under moderate stress can increase intelligence better than being completely calm. By overcoming stressful situations, minimizing their negative impact, you can acquire useful skills.

Eat chocolate

Chocolate is a pleasant way to increase the body's resistance, eliminate fatigue. This delicacy is also a way to develop intelligence. Thanks to chocolate, a substance that causes pleasant sensations is released in the body.

Bonus: chocolate improves mood, provides relaxation.

Drink coffee and stimulant drinks

Schedule work at a convenient time

Determine when it is convenient for you to work and when to rest. Compare the amount of work you did per hour under comparable conditions in different parts of the day.

Eat foods that are good for your brain

The diet should be as varied as possible. Its supplementation with food useful for the brain is good way for training brain activity, therefore, improving intelligence. Such products include:

  • broccoli;
  • cauliflower;
  • walnuts;
  • curry;
  • celery;
  • red meat;
  • blueberries.

Motivate yourself, set goals

Researchers at the University of Philadelphia demonstrated motivation in an experiment in which they asked students to take an IQ test. Half of the students were promised financial rewards for the best results. The motivated part of the respondents showed an average of 20 points higher.

Endless social media account checking, creating the perfect profile, constant monitoring of likes significantly reduce the motivation needed to achieve better results (an idealized vision of oneself is so satisfying for a person that he does not want to achieve more difficult goals).


The ability to focus on solving a problem, eliminating unwanted and distracting influences, is one of the most useful skills in developing intelligence.

There are many publications on relaxation exercise methods. Learn them and start practicing.

Make a cheat sheet

Yes, creating a cheat sheet is a good practical way to develop intelligence in an adult and a teenager (used, for example, during the exam period). By writing it down, you are repeating and learning things, putting them in your memory.

Take IQ tests, read books

There are countless IQ tests on the Internet that will help not only determine, but also increase the level of intelligence. Preparing for tests, finding answers to test questions will increase your mental abilities.

Build a strategy

The first stage, from which the IQ test should begin, includes the consideration of all tasks. Then solve the problems that are best given to you, do not linger on the questions unnecessarily. Don't be afraid to guess the answers sometimes. Control the time, but don't worry about missing the test. IQ tests are designed in such a way that it is usually impossible to fail.

go in for sports

A good way to develop fluid intelligence is regular exercise. Physical activity has a beneficial effect not only on the state of the body, but also on the functionality of the brain. For example, students are encouraged to train in running to improve their learning ability. Physical activity promotes blood flow to the part of the brain responsible for memory and learning, supports the production of new brain cells.

students high school Naperville in Chicago start every school day from a run. According to the teachers, with the beginning of the morning training, the results of the exams improved significantly.

Play games

modern card, logical games develop mental abilities. Games also have a social effect, as it's about fun for the whole family. Forget about crossword puzzles, play scrabble and sudoku. Crossword puzzles improve memory, but "trained" memory only works for the duration of the crossword puzzle. Creative logic games that support the development of intelligence include chess, tic-tac-toe.

Solve puzzles

Regular brain stress over quizzes, puzzles, puzzles will help to achieve a state in which a person is able to maintain a long-term mental load. It improves the performance of the mind and the level of intelligence.

Functional literacy training

Functional literacy is a combination of knowledge and skills that allow a person to navigate the world, understand and not be afraid of it, integrate into society, and communicate with others. Only a functionally literate person can be smart, regardless of IQ score.

Constantly learn

The world is constantly changing, requiring new skills and solutions problem situations. For the concept of new technologies, production processes and modern society, human learning should not stop throughout life.

They say that life experience is more important than all professions, and in many ways this statement is true. Thanks to rich experience, an “amateur” can solve problems more easily than a professional without it.

iodine intake

There is a known connection between the lack of iodine in pregnant mothers and the subsequent intellectual problems of their children, which manifest themselves already in the first years of life. Consume broccoli, cherries, chocolate, use iodized salt.

Don't be afraid to say "I don't know"

Sometimes it doesn't hurt to admit that you don't understand something. Don't be afraid to ask, it's better than pretending to understand the problem.

Looking for a company. You can get a lot of valuable advice and information from friends and new acquaintances.

Combine, combine things in context

Combine information from different sources into a mutual context. Intelligence means more than just knowledge a large number information, but also the ability to use it at the right time.

Don't be afraid to innovate

Change your desktop icons from time to time, choose a different route to work - changing your usual actions will help you get away from stereotypical thinking.

Sufficient, quality sleep

The need for sleep is individual. Napoleon slept only a few hours a day, someone needs to sleep 9 hours. Try to set aside for sleep different time after an equally stressful day and evaluate your well-being.

Learn to be silent

This proverb is worth its weight in gold. Think before you say anything. If you keep silent, you will be counted smart person despite the lack of knowledge in a particular area.

Learn to speak and debate. This is important at times when it is impossible to just be silent. It is important to learn how to work with an unknown audience.

Be active

A passive approach will not bring success in life. Therefore, take an interest in the events around you. Intelligence is also defined as an increase in brain activity.

Think creatively

Thanks to creative thinking, a person has the ability to move in several separate areas of knowledge (for example, in the world of technology, technology and trade), to think classically and unconventionally, mutually combining these styles.

Ways to increase the intelligence of children

Is it possible to develop the intellect of a child, or is this property "given from above"? Both possibilities are valid. The basis of a child's mind is genetically predetermined. However, scientific research shows that everything is not completely hopeless. While innate abilities are the "starting point" for developing thinking skills, children's ability to think effectively and logically can be developed.

Logical games

Crosswords, cryptograms, puzzles, checkers, sudoku, chess are ways of entertainment and at the same time a simple method of increasing intelligence. Such games are suitable for elementary and high school students, i.e., for almost everyone age groups. Players must plan, build strategies, solve situations, make decisions.

video games

Of course, we are not talking about mindless "shooters", but about strategy games. With their help, children gain experience, train creativity, look for opportunities, plan, form coalitions, learn group cooperation, develop observation.

As demonstrated by a study conducted at the University of Rochester New York, video game players are able to perceive visual stimuli faster in everyday life.

Playing a musical instrument

If your child has at least a minimal ear for music, write it down (at least for a couple of years) in music school. Research from the University of Toronto has convincingly shown that playing a musical instrument increases IQ. And the longer children play, the greater the benefits for the brain. Little musicians were more successful older university students than children who had never played a musical instrument.


Reading is simple, inexpensive, but proven and effective method support the brain, enhance intelligence.

Despite the fact that in Lately, due to the presence of other modern, dynamic high-tech methods, reading has begun to be underestimated, it greatly improves the ability to learn. Reading develops logic, imagination, and this applies to children of all ages.

Experts agree that when parents support inquisitive children, encourage them to come up with new ways to solve everyday problems, they send them a clear message: knowledge is important.

Therefore, do not roll your eyes at the next question “Why?”, Support various children's hobbies, hobbies, interests.


"You will succeed!" The child should hear this sentence as often as possible. Parental support motivates children. But it must fall within the limits given by innate abilities.

Physical activity

Old but proven advice. A University of Illinois study showed a strong relationship between physical activity and intellectual abilities, especially among elementary school children. Classes in collective sports increase self-confidence, teach teamwork, and train leadership skills. This is evidenced by the fact that 81% of women in leadership positions were involved in team sports as children.

Friends, we will not get tired of repeating: preschool education takes place in game form. And the more exciting the gameplay, the higher the effectiveness of developing activities. In the game, the child learns to interact with other people, gets acquainted with the laws of the world, learns letters and numbers. While playing, the baby develops his creative and intellectual abilities.

Have you played all the games you know and are looking for new ideas? Eureka will always help!

Game 1

For this game, the child needs to learn to weave phrases. Yes, not anyhow, but such that all words begin with one letter.

For instance,

  • A viators a fruited a ktoru A alexander A ndreevich A Brikosov.
  • B quickly b runs b big b uraya b Christmas tree.
  • V olk v left v he.

In fairness, it should be noted that even for an adult, but not a trained person, this game can be quite difficult at first. Start small. Let the kid come up with two-word phrases. Offer to pick up any signs or actions that begin with one letter (without reference to a specific object). If you play regularly, the skill will gradually develop, and with it the intellectual abilities of the child will develop.

Option 2

You can upgrade the game a bit. One letter is still selected, and then the presenter asks questions, the answer to which should be words starting with the selected letter (prepositions are not taken into account).

For example, we got the letter "G":

  • Who? - G alina!
  • With whom? - WITH G orilla!
  • Where? - V G arage!
  • What for? - Per G aikami
Game 2. "What happens ..."

For this game, it is desirable to use the ball. So it will turn out more dynamic, and therefore more interesting.

The goal is to teach the child to quickly select an object that matches the sign.

How to play

Throw the ball with the words: "What happens (your question)"?

The child must catch the ball, answer the question and return the ball to the leader.

For instance:

  • What gets wet? - Stones, grass, dress.
  • What is sweet? - Cake, sugar, tea.
  • What is high? - Tree, house, giraffe.

Option 2

You throw a ball to the child and name a color, and the child must quickly name an object that can have this color.

For instance:

  • White! - Snow, cotton, cloud.
  • Red! - Tomato, sweater, curtain.
  • Green! - Traffic light, apple, grass.
Game 3. "The missing letter"

* The game is suitable for children who have already mastered reading.

How to play

You write a word by intentionally skipping one or more letters. The task of the child is to find the loss and correctly read the word you intended.

You can use a slate or marker board, you can lay out words from letter cubes or a magnetic alphabet, or you can simply write words on a regular sheet of paper. The main thing is to create a cheerful atmosphere conducive to attentiveness and effective work thoughts.

Option 2

If finding the missing letters becomes uninteresting, offer to play differently.

Tell that while you were carrying the word in your bag, all the letters were mixed up. Now, in order to understand what was written on the card (board), you have to work hard. Offer the baby several letter sequences behind which certain words are hidden.







Game 4. "Who's in charge"

The rules of the game are simple.

The child is presented with the main subject: a word is called or an image is shown. Then the adult reads out a list of words related to the main subject. Of these, you need to choose the two most important - those without which the main object cannot exist.

For example, there is no garden without vegetables and land, but there can be a garden without a fence and a watchman.

Fulfilling the conditions of the game, be sure to discuss with the child his answers:

  • Why did you choose these features?
  • Why do you consider them important?
  • How important are the rest of the list items to the main subject?

If it is assumed that several children will participate in the game, you can prepare cards of this type in advance:









Each child receives their card, thinks about the answer for a minute, and then acts as a speaker.

Game 5

Exercises of this kind perfectly develop spatial thinking, teach you to look for non-standard solutions, help to consolidate the learned mathematical concepts in the mind of the child.

The smallest ones can be offered to repeat the proposed pattern or lay out letters, numbers, figures from sticks.

In older preschool age, choose tasks that are more difficult. For example, these:

small house

  1. Count out 11 counting sticks.
  2. Build a house out of them.
  3. Move one stick so that the house looks in the opposite direction.


  1. Count out 8 counting sticks.
  2. Make a fish out of them.
  3. Move three sticks so that the fish turns in the opposite direction

Eureka Tips:

  1. To develop ingenuity, offer the kids a variety of puzzles. These intellectual games and logical simulators can be chosen for any age.
  2. Stimulate your baby's intellectual abilities with . So that the little fidget does not get bored of solving them, when choosing tasks, avoid the same type.
  3. Excellent mind training. To be successful in the game you need good memory and attentiveness. Chess develops arbitrariness. They teach you to think several moves ahead, building winning strategies.

Friends! Do not forget that it is possible to develop the intellect of a child not only by monotonous teaching at a desk. Pay attention to everything that happens around him, use any time to spur the work of children's thoughts, play word games, make riddles and ask logic puzzles. May your parenthood be fruitful and happy.

Parents are often interested in the question: "How to develop intelligence in your child?" In order for your baby to strive for knowledge of the world, you need to observe him, gradually revealing his abilities. intellectual development child depends on many factors. From whom is the tendency to think transmitted, whose genes are more involved?

As a result of research, it was found that mental abilities are predominantly transmitted from the mother, however, the environment in which the child is brought up influences the development of the mind. After the baby has formed a character, there is a desire to learn about the world. - And here, in order to develop the intellect, it is necessary to stimulate the desire for knowledge. To instill interest in the crumbs, you need an integrated approach, the main goal of which is to provide a choice.

The intellectual development of the child occurs even when he is in the womb. Some moms listen to classical music, and rightly so! The melody should be smooth, gentle and beautiful. Brain cells are activated and only positive information is transmitted to the baby.

Factors in the development of intelligence in childhood

Simple ways to develop the mental abilities of a child

Develop a love of creativity at an early age

Provide freedom of choice of toys, do not impose what the baby does not like. A child can show imagination by organizing a game and setting a specific task for himself.

Mental abilities are manifested when he himself is looking for a way out, observes the situation, analyzes decisions and draws a conclusion.

Buy only what he needs: do not skimp on pencils, felt-tip pens, toys, provide maximum freedom of choice, give exciting coloring books, color books. Try to do everything to make the child interested in learning about the world. Exclude the computer from the daily routine, do not accustom the baby to the Internet from an early age, the whiter the computer has a detrimental effect on the eyes. To make your baby feel confident and cheerful, provide a proper sleep schedule.

Reveal your child's talents

The intellectual development of a child often depends on inclinations towards a particular craft. To develop intelligence, it is necessary to identify what the child is interested in. Parents should understand what attracts the baby, what kind of favourite hobby. Some moms like to send their kids to school early development, they want the baby to learn from the cradle. This is wrong: in order for a desire to learn to appear, psychological comfort should be provided. Do not overload the baby, especially in early age, give him the opportunity to be a child without worries, without unnecessary hassle and stress. In specialized circles, you can give from 5-6 years old, but not from 3 years old.

From whom is the talent transferred? - the question is rather complicated. Genes, of course, play a role, however, if children do not develop their inclinations, there will be no result. To mental development the child was fruitful, it is important to monitor his health. A strong, healthy baby will delight with his achievements.

Develop creative imagination

The development of intelligence in children depends not only on teaching them to speak, write, read - it is important to pay attention to creative imagination. Give the opportunity to create, you need the kid to show imagination in something, for example, in art. Perhaps some new dance will come to mind, or you want to sew an outfit for a doll. It is important to note what he likes. From whom is it transmitted creative imagination? From both mother and father. If you notice that a child is showing interest in a particular craft, do not rush to send him to the section, work with him at home and get used to creativity together.

It is important to support the baby in one direction or another, do not impose something of your own, treat with understanding, and joy in what he does.

It is important to remember that in order to develop intelligence, it is necessary to identify Creative skills. Let your imagination run wild with culinary creations! Your little one surely loves beautifully decorated dishes. Give the opportunity to draw roses on the cake or make a cake in the form of an animal, you can fashion a figure from the dough. Provide a wide scope for the manifestation of imagination!

Some children like to solve logical problems, it brings them great pleasure. After studying and resting, just sit down together and offer interesting task, which will be different from school. To develop the mind of the baby, you need to interest him. Even such simple games as lotto, dominoes and chess become useful. Have friendly conversations, and on any issues. Do not infringe on the point of view of your baby, let's speak out and express what's on our minds. Treat every word with understanding and then your child will be even more joyful, friendly and quick-witted.

In the program, a psychologist, speech pathologist-defectologist tells how to develop intelligence in a child: