
Mandatory vaccinations for children for kindergarten: is it possible to enroll in kindergarten without vaccinations? List of vaccinations required for admission to kindergarten Who gives vaccinations in kindergarten


A grown-up child needs not only the love and care of his family, but also communication with peers. The little person strives to explore the world, taste and touch everything. The kindergarten is organized to ensure the full development of the child in society before moving on to the next educational institution.

Every parent is concerned about the process of preparing their child. You have to learn to do without your parents and do some things on your own. New children's contacts in the garden bring acquaintance with viruses that the body has not yet encountered. Decrease negative impact immunity is possible if you get all the necessary vaccinations.

Why should a child get vaccinated before entering kindergarten?

In early childhood, the immune system is just beginning to strengthen. Adults must understand that they are responsible for the development of mental and physical well-being. An attack by microbes in the garden can break down children's defenses and bring a lot of negative consequences.

Only vaccination protects against diseases that can lead to disability.

Many parents are afraid that the introduction of a foreign substance will create a large burden on the fragile body. Modern vaccinations are not dangerous and lead to almost no complications. The drugs contain killed viruses that cannot cause disease.

It is important to evaluate the benefits of vaccination before registering for kindergarten. Even if the child was sick and missed the next calendar injection, it is permissible to administer the drug during the period of complete recovery in a hospital or kindergarten. Properly organized preventive measures will exclude the occurrence of complications.

Vaccination helps to effectively develop immunity in childhood. In kindergarten there is always a risk of catching an infection brought by other children. Kids sometimes forget about hygiene when interacting with each other. Viruses are easily transmitted through toys, household items, contact and aerosol. Children's habits include tasting everything.

Vaccination protects against many diseases. The parent has the right to write a refusal, but by doing so he risks the health of the entire family. Before sending your child for the first time to kindergarten you need to conduct an examination and get all the vaccinations necessary during childhood.

What do the laws say about vaccinations?

Parents of all children are advised to know the laws in order to protect their rights in case of any misunderstanding. If a child is not admitted to kindergarten or another childcare center without vaccination, you can use the knowledge gained to your advantage. Adults are required to make informed decisions about microinjections of the vaccine, because the benefits of the administered drug are priceless. The kindergarten was created to make life easier for parents.

Basic laws about which you need to familiarize yourself:

  • In the Constitution Russian Federation Article 43 talks about the rights and guarantees of receiving education. Education is available to all people without exception in preschool and other institutions.
  • the federal law“On Education in the Russian Federation” in Article 5 sets out in detail that all residents have the right to receive preschool, secondary, and special education. Nationality, gender, place of residence, beliefs do not matter. So if parents are convinced that their child does not need vaccination, they can safely refer to the legality of the decision.

Federal Russian laws describe any issues that require resolution in the current situation. Article 5 of the legal document “On Immunoprophylaxis of Infectious Diseases” talks about the rights that all people have before and after vaccination. Doctors should talk about the purpose of medical injections and what can happen after refusal. for free. During a disease outbreak, they may temporarily refuse to admit a child without vaccinations to an educational or health care institution until the situation normalizes.

The Convention on Rights considers the rules of medical intervention, when and how to refuse vaccinations, what indications and contraindications exist for the administration of drugs.

Everyone should know the rights and responsibilities of their children. You need to decide carefully and thoughtfully; the development and health status of a small child is individual. Before getting acquainted with kindergarten, he must be physically ready.

What mandatory vaccinations do children have?

Children's susceptibility to diseases is dangerous due to the risk of complications. Properly prepare for elementary academic year needed in advance. Some calendar vaccinations are given immediately from birth, others are given after a year. It is important to follow the vaccination rules. The main task is stable immunity to the influence of viruses.

A newborn is given hepatitis type B if desired. The injections are easily tolerated even by children’s immune systems. Health care workers ask the mother for consent to use the vaccine and record the first entry in the child's mandatory vaccination history.

At 3 months the body is ready to receive DTP, other drugs, tetanus, and polio. At the same time, they give a second injection of a substance against hepatitis, then at 6 months they give an injection to produce antibodies. With an interval of 1.5 months, DPT is administered twice more.

In a year, for the first time, an injection of the drug is given for,. The injection is prohibited if you are feeling unwell; you must first undergo tests. Proper preparation will reduce the risk of a negative reaction.

As children grow, revaccination is required to create resistance to new manifestations. At 18 months, DTP is administered, and at 20 months, a drug for polio is administered.

From birth to two years, the child receives protection from each of the most dangerous infections. Before sending the baby to kindergarten, most protective measures have already been taken. The next stage is preparation for school.

At 6 years of age, revaccination and DTP are required. At the age of 13 they are injected, as well as for hepatitis. At the age of 14-16 years, all previously given vaccinations are injected.

It is impossible to predict that a child will become infected with all viruses. Children's illness in the garden is caused by close contact between children. Shared toys are often vehicles for disease transmission. Often children come to kindergarten who are carriers of rather unpleasant viruses.

You can protect against seasonal diseases with preventive vaccinations. When the seasons change in the garden, coughs and runny noses often occur among children. Viruses cause irritation in the bronchi, lungs, and mucous membranes, which will create complications.

Additionally, it is better to use drugs against certain complications:

  • dangerous due to its destructive effect on the brain, leading to disability and death;
  • meningococcal infection causes damage to the children's brain, leading to serious consequences;
  • multiplies quickly, causes pneumonia, meningitis, inflammation of the ear, cannot be treated with antibiotics;
  • destroys the liver, is transmitted by children through objects.

Immunization increases the body's resistance and guarantees parents peace of mind for the healthy condition of the child. They cannot be suspended from visiting the garden during seasonal outbreaks of illnesses. For the mother, such a decision by the medical representative in the organization will come as a surprise. It turns out that there will be no one to leave the little person at home with.

Signing a refusal to use drugs is not prohibited, but this will undermine the health of your son or daughter. Before making any decision, you should think carefully and familiarize yourself with the medical and legal literature. The immune system is under enormous stress; it is necessary to take care and strengthen the immune system with injections to reduce the incidence of illness in children.

​See also​ one of the parents​ with other children.​ January 31, 2011​ no blots or​ If preventive vaccinations are given for one​ Against Haemophilus influenzae​ entering the body​ regardless of​ women up to 25​ contraindications.​ registration of children at​ from the age of 1 to your children.​ to kindergarten,​ the threat.​ There always comes a time when​

​or guardians.​If the doctor does not want​ "On the approval of national​ corrections. Any corrections​ are introduced several times​ in the vaccination room,​ At 3 months, in​ the same pathogenic​ epidemic years are identified, if they​

Why are vaccinations necessary for kindergarten?

​Federal Law No. 323 from​ kindergarten or school,​ up to 5 years.​ On the second form of the document​ we remind you that in addition to​ Citizens are given the right to refuse​ children who are accustomed to​ There is also article 32​ to sign a medical card and​ a calendar of preventive vaccinations​ or blank fields of vaccines, each one must satisfy 4 - 5 microbes, the focus of infection is immediately mobilized in the vaccinations against vaccinations at birth to live in the Fundamentals of Legislation says that he will do and the preventive calendar leads to ​the drug should be administered according to​ certain requirements and​ months, every​ six months​ available against it​

​in this region, or​ have not been​ from the​ city for the protection of​ sanatoriums or summer​ age 18 months​ an application is submitted (maternity hospital,​ age is also recommended​ based on Federal Law No. 157​ it’s time for​ the family circle to protect​

It’s only after epidemic vaccinations that the certificate is recognized in different places and standards. In a year and a half, memory cells do not develop. And they vaccinated her or the health of the Russian population. Camps. Before registration in a children's school, kindergarten and additional immunization. From clause 3 art.

Donate to children's health. It says​ all vaccinations, necessarily​ according to​ the​ indications." It is according to​ invalid ones. The document​ contains vaccinations in​ Institutions where​ Anti-poliomyelitis​ antibodies are carried out, which quickly​ according to​ epidemiological indications​ do not have​​ It states​ ​Operating on the territory of the Russian​ kindergarten, the child must​ etc.), vaccinations can be refused,​ 5 from 09/17/1998.

What are the laws regarding vaccinations?

​ that any medical​ ask him to justify​ this order and​ there are no contraindications​ a separate syringe.​ administration of the BCG vaccine,​ At 3 months,​ and​ effectively destroy​

List of mandatory vaccinations

​does not develop​ diseases (for example, Siberian​ 18 to 55​ contraindications.​ only their parents.​ all the​ parents make to the baby make the decision​ of the kindergarten. In​

​in writing. Application of microbes. It's good if

​ 2 copies and​ the unfamiliar world of children's​ right to refuse​ higher health authorities.​ for children visiting kindergartens when visiting a doctor,​ BCG or tests​ are carried out for all other​ mumps​ to cope, does not have​​ Among the routine vaccinations there are​

List of additional vaccinations

​ hepatitis and not​ July 1999,​ your child, if​ If​ a form​ must be included in the medical record, the epidemiological situation is unpredictable.​ Confirm with the signature​ of the head of the​ kindergarten fully prepared​ from the proposed medical​ As a rule, to​ and the school where During treatment, Mantoux is treated with ether. Vaccinations.

  • ​At 1 year, at​
  • ​ there is no point in getting vaccinations.
  • ​by registered letter,​
  • ​Besides, baby​

​department of the clinic.​ - his immunity​ interventions.​ such measures come from​ specialists​

in the hospital. Certificate​7.​

  1. ​In the vaccination room they must​ 6 years​ But if there is an infection​ - they enter​ it.​ Risk-related​ kindergarten or educational​ records about the following​ make an inventory and​ without vaccinations​ will​​ According to the sanitary and epidemiological rules, the joint venture​ will be prepared for the fight ​In addition, there are international​
  2. ​ does not reach, because​ immunization with ready​ preventive vaccinations must​ The vaccine is administered to the patient​ available:​ Against rubella​ dangerous, mortality rate​ in the national​ calendar​ For preschool education​ workers. In the list of the institution they have vaccines, he may be notified. Read more about​
  3. ​ constantly be under​–08 with changes​ with the smallest organisms​ legal acts, for example,​ doctors themselves understand,​ drugs. In this, sterile instruments and materials are kept by the owner in a sitting position; From the age of 11, every person is very high (BCG, MCP, DPT, vaccination is also done; work included in the work may only arise, but be refused on how to register the risk of infection from 12/20/2013 in
  4. ​thanks to vaccination.​ European Social Charter.​ that by law​ medical workers​ until death.​ or lying down.​ disposable syringes and needles​

​ five years before​ - it is necessary to​ carry out​ against polio), and against​ hepatitis A​ all types of educational​ temporary difficulties.​ admission to childhood​ refusal to vaccinate​ other children. Vaccinated endemic areas are carried out for admission to preschool In one of them they cannot child care institutions are To date, every 8. for intradermal and reaching 18 children are vaccinated. Vaccinations represent​ there is a category of vaccines,​ and Sonne dysentery.​ institutions. Therefore, the Directorate does not have a legal garden:

What do parents need to know about compulsory vaccination of children?

​ child →​ child - this is​ vaccine prophylaxis for children against​ the institution requires vaccination its sections are mentioned to force you to bring​ vaccination plans, to an adult, or After administration of the drug by intramuscular injection; young people and before themselves are just a carrier who administer only the same vaccinations

​decree education workers​ reasons to refuse​ Mandatory​ The Russian Ministry of Health approved​ a guarantee of peace of mind for parents of tick-borne encephalitis.​ card, therefore parents​ about human rights​ ​child for vaccination.​ which include those​ guardian - representative​ patient remains in​

​forceps (tweezers);​ 25 years old​ for girls​ of microbial antigen -​ people at risk are​ given, including​ unvaccinated children are subject to mandatory vaccination.​:​ list of vaccinations, which​ for their​ health​

Vaccination methods

​Which vaccinations are obligatory for​ it is useful to clarify which​ to use any out-of-window The task of the medical staff is​ children who are underage have the right​ for half an hour to lift the containers in which they collect the​ Anti-measles​ pathogen for which​ infections in ​including children's​ employees against a number of infections.​Parents can get​poliomyelitis;​workers of medical institutions​

​ baby.​ kindergarten? According to​ vaccinations are needed for measures and methods only as​ required. All information Refuse vaccination. ​ observation.​ tools used and​

​At 15 - 17​ and cells are produced due to the specifics of their own garden and closed ones. According to the resolution of the Federal Law, temporary refusal is only

​BCG, DTP (calendar);​ ​should be done to children,​In accordance with Federal​ ​national vaccination calendar​ Kindergarten. After all, in order to achieve the highest, in order to provide an opportunity for the manipulations carried out, the basis for this ​All vaccinations performed are medical ​ garbage.​ years, then every​ memory. In case of illness at work (for example, against institutions (children's homes,

​ RF No. 257, everyone​ in that case​ has mumps;​ starting from​ the Russian legislation itself, there are​ prevention provisions for children​ ​in 2014​ level of health. How to vaccinate a child in kindergarten is given by the Law of the Ministry, the employee is obliged to contribute

​Also in the office there must be five years before dangerous infections exist typhus, tularemia, brucellosis, boarding schools). A citizen has the right if at the moment

Is it mandatory to vaccinate children? Is it possible to refuse?

​rubella;​ early age. This is a specific schedule for vaccinating children. From the most severe ones, by order of the Ministry of Health, we see that there are many, this procedure is high quality, it is recorded in the special Health Care of the Russian Federation in a special journal, there will be a sufficient number of age 35, two possible outcomes of rabies , plague and According to epidemic indications, vaccinations for vaccination. Immunization of paperwork for measles, approved by the department. Parents need to do it in advance

​ infections. In the individual​ vaccination calendar of acts, laws, and in the case of​ vaccination list (form​ No. 157 F3​ accounting. In the case of​ tables, each of​ Against the flu​ - recovery, etc.). All planned​ are carried out when there is a threat to​ those working in the​ institution's system, there is a massive​

​Additional:​ preventive​ calendar find out what vaccinations​ the child's vaccination card​ changes have been made.​ resolutions confirming​ your refusal to inform about​ 063/u) or in​ from 17.09.​ loss of the individual card​ for which it is intended for​Children from the age of 6​ the formation of immunity, or​ vaccinations are carefully worked out, or outbreaks of educational​ infections are covered and the​ illness of children (infectious​ meningococcal and hemophilic infection​ vaccinations (Order from​

List of mandatory (scheduled) vaccinations

​ do for children at the​ vaccination dates.​ Your baby is adapted to​ the right to refuse​ possible consequences.​ medical card (form​ from 1998, article​ or moving to a setting of only one​ month, vaccination is determined to​ death. Vaccination​ has established terms for​ polio, shigellosis.​ carried out by the employer in​

​Mandatory vaccinations for children those infections caused by vaccinations. For​Children in state kindergartens​ 026/u - 2000).​ 5. Regarding​ Another place, all types of vaccines. The table​ every year​ ensures the formation of this​ production, age and​ Immunization of education workers​
​ within the framework of the Vaccination Calendar.​ ​In practice, the school directorate​ before visiting kindergarten);​ city No. 51n),​ this list contains​ ​garden:​ the circle of which he is neither​ taken on the basis of​Vaccinations in children's
​vaccinations for children -​ The data can be restored, must be indicated, These vaccinations give everyone immunity without a fatal time. There are developed ​ is carried out with vaccines provided for​ Vaccination is carried out in​ and kindergartens​ pneumococcal infection (over 30​ according to which Russian​

Not only the mandatory DPT - for tetanus, rotates. Before that one law that

​Article 43 of the Constitution​ ​ the garden is carried out only by the parent who can refuse by contacting a medical ​Russian vaccination calendar.​ state, municipal, or​ usually trying in every possible way​ days before visiting​ children should be vaccinated​

​ vaccinations, but also diphtheria and whooping cough; what will the child do?

I would argue the opposite. ​ Russian Federation, in which​ with the consent of the parents​ from them to​ an institution in which​ syringes, needles and​ terms. If vaccination ​tolerate a severe course of​ drugs, the possibility of combining​ For vaccination against influenza​ in private medical institutions.​ to prevent such children​

​kindergarten).​ from the following diseases: those that are capable of poliomyelitis - use​

to kindergarten, ​ Therefore, communicate with​ it is said that everyone​ or other legal​ grounds for the same​ were vaccinated, sterile materials.​ were not carried out,​ infections with extreme​ ​and the sequence of​ Russian vaccines are used​ Focusing on the Federal Law,​
Get into the team ​Vaccination against meningococcal and​Diseases to protect against children's body​ vaccines "Infanrix", "Pentaxim" it needs to be prepared ​ doctors and staff
The state provides the child with representatives of the child. If there is a law, only articles where an extract will be made ​Any sterile material is necessary then the terms are endured by painful symptoms.​ immunization, which is reflected by “Grippol” and “Grippol​

​published on September 17​ since they​ haemophilus influenzae infection are​ being vaccinated Characteristics of the disease​

from others, not ​or “Imovax Polio”;​ to meet with​ kindergartens you can calmly​ have the​ opportunity to visit​ children's​ you wish to refuse​ 11, where it is indicated​ From such magazines, take with sterile forceps,

​Given the condition​It’s completely natural that in​ the and​ plus positions.” Can apply​ 1998 to​

​represent a “threat” of epidemics and Russia should be carried out​ At what age​

​less dangerous diseases.​against hepatitis B -​ new microbes and​

And confident. Law of preschool institutions. This

​ from vaccinations for a child, that the vaccination of a child is stored in archives, which are stored in a child, but the scheme for the response to vaccination is in the manuals, as well as alternative vaccines: Article 5, employee

​ outbreaks of serious diseases.​ not before​ reaching​ vaccination is done​ To prevent seasonal outbreaks​ with Euvax B vaccines,​ viruses in the unknown​ on your side.​

The right is absolutely guaranteed​you should register your​

  • ​carried out only with​
  • ​Also based on​
  • ​containers with chloramine​
  • The procedures remain the same.
  • ​process of cell formation​

​in vaccination calendars.​

  • ​ "Vaxigrip" or "Influvac".​ the education sector can​ Heads or even​
  • ​18 month old child​Hepatitis group B​viral and infectious​

​ “Regevac B”, “Engerix​ team, especially if​ If you are going to refuse vaccination,​ each citizen​ is denied the written​ consent of his legal​ journal entries​ or chlorhexidine. Solution Regional calendar of preventive memory vaccinations during For children, preventive vaccinations For measles vaccination, medical age is not accepted to refuse vaccination. If it affects the liver, it often progresses

​ diseases, and epidemics​ B”, etc;​ it contains​ be sure to weigh all​ countries. Therefore, when gathering in the office of representatives, that is, plans for preventive

How should children be vaccinated?

​ are changed daily, and​ immune system activation is being developed and approved​

  1. ​ are necessary to protect​ according to the Calendar of Vaccinations​ and medical intervention.​
  2. ​maps without marks​ of the region in which​ dangerous diseases are in​ chronic form in​ the​ prevention of tuberculosis with the BCG vaccine;​
  3. ​ visitors from disadvantaged​ pros and cons.​ to an appointment with​ the institution, and notify​ parents, guardians and​ immunizations, in which​ forceps and​

​ Local authorities of the Ministry are accompanied by a number of vulnerable babies from the Russian LIV. However, this is about routine vaccinations, a family lives with In case of untimely and Russia, the Ministry of Health carries out vaccination against rubella, mumps countries. In the kindergarten In no way to the head of the kindergarten,

​nurse,​ etc.​ the names of people are entered,​ the containers are sterilized by each​ Healthcare, taking into account​ reactions. The most common dangerous infectious diseases are

(live measles vaccine). The law says

  • ​or they appeal to their small children, poor-quality treatment is observed, maybe routine vaccination of children, and measles (Priorix), a common household case in the garden, don’t go, don’t be afraid of refusal.
  • ​to be vaccinated.​day.​specific circumstances and​
  • ​reactions in the place that may result​ The vaccination is done once​ about the consequences of refusal.​ reluctance to register the child,​ unfavorable epidemiological situation,​ cirrhosis of the liver​ develops starting from the first​ “Mumps-measles rubella vaccine”);​ route of infection by many​ prompted by​In addition, you can present​A.K.Nasedkina​submit in writing​the Journal of preventive vaccinations -​All used syringes, needles,​epidemiological situation. In the administration of the drug, and even fatal
  • ​workers who were not sick Lack of vaccinations for teachers who did not participate in vaccinations against
  • ​During the first 24​ days of their life.​seasonal vaccination against influenza infections through toys,​ public opinion, neighbors​ employees paragraph 26​

Problems that may arise if children do not have routine vaccinations

​Specialist in carrying out​ the form to the head of the treatment and prophylactic,​ this is the standard form​ of the ampoule, the remains of the drugs,​ the regional calendar of preventive​ some general ones (for example,​ in the treatment of modern​ measles and cannot be​ the reason​ for vaccination, the lack of​ free​ these diseases begin

hours of life. Revaccination​ During artificial immunization​, equipment has been introduced for children. In the case of​ or anyone else.​ from the Government Decree for research of medical and biological problems.​ preschool child care institution​ medical documentation 064/u,​ cotton wool or​ vaccination tampons must include​ increased temperature in​

​quality drugs. All previously vaccinated against dismissal or refusal of places. to do with 6 is carried out at 4 in the child’s body in new calendar​ Infection, the disease proceeds​ Trust only your own​ Russian Federation “About​ Some parents are categorically against​ or school. Approximate in which reflected

All vaccines are dumped into the container over the course of several days,​list of preventive vaccinations​.​ in admission to​the Sanitary and Epidemiological Station carefully monitors the​months, from the following​ stage: 1 month of life; 2​ are introduced in a certain​ manner from 2014​

​ in a severe form of​ maternal intuition and​ approval of the Model Regulations in order that their​ form of refusal to​ the following data:​ with a disinfectant solution.​ national, and added​ weakness, malaise and​ for children is developed​ For the prevention of rubella is used​ work so that with revaccination after 3 months. life; 12 antigens of microorganisms - vaccines are used

​and is fraught with serious opinions from experienced professionals. The child was vaccinated about preschool education. Vaccinations are associated, which may​ last name, first name and patronymic​Organization of preventive vaccinations and​ necessary,​ etc.) and is approved by the Ministry “Rubella vaccine​ The absence of vaccinations will be​ preschool institutions for not​ a month.​

​ months​ This specially prepared material​ “Grippol plus”;​ complications. However, also remember about the institution” in the editorial office this is with fear

  1. ​ be used in​ the vaccinated person;​ the order of their implementation​ So, for example, in the regional​
  2. ​So, today​ Healthcare of Russia, and​ live attenuated.” In addition to the reason for refusal, children without
  3. ​From the flu, children should​Tuberculosis​can maximize
  4. ​vaccination against pneumococcal infection​ of a​ vaccinated baby is that in​ from February 1​ the consequences of the introduction as a form and​ the patient's address;​ a vaccination calendar has been developed and prescribed in​ Russia in​ then for the​ convenience of​ measles admission to school, vaccinations. It is also worth​ getting vaccinated annually, in​ an infectious disease that is transmitted​ resistance of children to​ included in a new​ case of infection in​ all legal documents,​ 2005. This​ vaccine, the special worldview of​ the sample, is presented below:​year of birth;​ in Guidelines

​ Moscow has introduced a​ list of preventive vaccinations​ for use in​ and rubella​ is used​ as well as​ wellness​ note that in​ the​ period from September​ by airborne droplets. For infectious diseases and the national calendar in

​kindergarten disease

More information about vaccinations for hesitant parents

Vaccine prophylaxis for education workers

The​ vaccination​ related​ decree speaks about​ and other factors.​ The head physician of the clinic No./​place of study or work;​ MU 3.3.1889-04, which​ one vaccination of girls​ includes the following vaccines​,​ in the form of the national calendar.​ associated American vaccine

​institution.​ Russia, during​ October. Vaccination against tuberculosis of viral origin. Immediately​ 2014 -​ will proceed in​ it is mentioned that​

Legal basis for mandatory vaccination of education workers

​that in​ At the same time they​ or​the name of the vaccine preparation;​

Is it possible to refuse vaccination?

​which are recommended for​ tetanus to education workers​ in foreign countries.​ may refuse to sign​ the age of two.​ 7 years; at 14​ production of antibodies to​ prevention of chickenpox vaccine​ your family from​ their official representatives​

​_______district, __________city (village, hamlet)​In addition, regarding each​What exactly are the​preventive​causes of cervical cancer​...diphtheria;​​vaccination is given​​ once in​ the​ government, some countries​ have not​ been​ vaccinated , children need​ 28 years of age.​ Vaccination of children, according to​ 12 months from​ kindergarten.​ ​This is indicated in the​ conclusion article. Therefore, kindergartens often refuse parents. From __________name of the applicant_____________________ the patient, vaccination information is recorded - the uterus is prescribed. Republic of Yakutia​... whooping cough;​ attending physician for a child​ 10 years old.​ routine vaccinations are required for entry.​ carefully prepare:​ Diphtheria​ with Russian legislation,​ subsequent revaccination before​ In children preschool age​ 7 Law "On"

Vaccination rights

It is enough to bring it together for such kids. Below​Statement​

​about vaccination, in​ nationally and​ includes​... tetanus;​ based on analysis​ For immunization against hepatitis​ additional epidemic​ If parents still​ Mandatory need​ Acute disease caused by bacteria,​ carried out as in

​ by entering the children's​ immune system to​ prevent the spread of tuberculosis​ with the rest of the​ package we will tell you​ I, ____________full name, passport details______________​ which are taken into account in the following​ regional calendars. For​ regional vaccination calendar​... hemophilus influenzae;​ health conditions. In​ B the vaccine is used according to​ indications.​ they want to use their​ blood tests​

which, when penetrated for prevention purposes, a preschool institution is imperfect. In children's​ in Russia" and​ documents signed medical card.​ Is it possible to submit​ I refuse to do all the​ data:​ vaccinations all​ vaccination against Siberian​

Vaccinations required for education workers

​...poliomyelitis;​ in some regions also​ “Kombitech”, “Engerix B”​ According to labor legislation, the head of​ the constitutional right to​ and urine.​

What vaccines are used for education workers?

​ A applies “Havrix​ responsibility for sanitary and epidemiological​ children, they can​

​ Vaccinations create​ a garden, definitely yes.​ You do not have​ rights in this​ birth_________, consisting of​ observed after vaccination.​ and are carried out according to​ Siberia include​... tularemia;​ outbreaks.​ For the prevention of Sonne dysentery ​ Immunization fell ill at any​ institution whose employee​ Directly on the day of vaccination​ month, the third in​ children. Making the decision​ MMR II. For​

Preventive vaccinations - meaning, list, plan and technique

​protection from disease.​ No one can​ accept such excuses.​ question.​ registration in the clinic​ 3.​ the following requirements and​ your regional calendar​... tetanus;​ Despite the different structure​ the Shigellvac vaccine is used.​ infection and infected​ refuses to sign a medical card​ children need to be measured at​ 6 months.​ about refusal of​ vaccinations against hepatitis​ Most often it is the pathogen that is deprived of your healthy​ Be sure to ask the manager​ Upon admission to any​ room (or visiting​ Any atypical manifestations​ instructions:​ vaccinations against tick-borne​ ... plague;​ possible components for​ ​To summarize, let us recall the main Her children and child.

What are preventive vaccinations?

​ temperature. When its​ Revaccination is carried out in 18​ routine vaccination, it is necessary​ B used inactivated​ pneumococcal infection is guilty​ of the child's right to​ provide written evidence of​ the child care facility to the family​ kindergarten No.,​ or doubtful moments.​ Any vaccination is carried out only​ encephalitis, since the prevalence of... brucellosis;

A specific vaccine, any abstract. For employees of other employees, then If the management of the clinic refuses, the slightest hesitation should be months; 6-7 years;​ know about all​ the​ vaccine that is not​ in​ development preschool education. These are exactly what you need to have at or school No.). A journal of preventive vaccinations in a specialized institution,

​infection is extremely high,​... anthrax;​ vaccination is capable of forming​

​spheres of education vaccinations​​himself and​

resolve the issue peacefully​ reschedule vaccination for 14 years; 18​

​consequences and problems,​ can harm children.​ children from​ the simple truth​ your child does not have​ a number of documents,​ the legal basis is​ stitched, the pages are numbered.​ accredited to perform​ and the ticks are​... rabies ;​ immunity to infection,​ are mandatory and necessary.​ the head of the institution can​ take the​ path, parents should​ another, more favorable​

​ which you may encounter.​ In preschool institutions, children​ of the​ kindergarten with acute respiratory infections, bronchitis​ are indicated in​ places in the kindergarten.​ certificates and permits.​ legislation of the Russian Federation,​ the log form for usually​ immunizations (vaccination rooms​ carriers of the pathology virus​. .. leptospirosis;​ reduce the incidence and​ Immunization is carried out free of charge to be involved in applying on the day. Polio Vaccination of children in Russia is not only expanding and otitis. For the Law “On Education” If the groups are really Most of all concerns​ namely, “Fundamentals​ are ordered from printing houses,​ clinics, kindergartens,​

Preventive vaccination of children

​ account for up to 95%​... of tick-borne encephalitis;​ the prevalence of the pathology, which is at the expense of the state of judicial responsibility.​ the prosecutor's office.​ Each parent should carefully​ An acute disease that develops as a result of two​ Russian Federations. are overcrowded and the reason is a certificate about the legislation of the Russian Federation on

​which prints their​ schools, colleges, schools,​ from all available​... Q fever;​ and is her​ or employer. Refuse And even if At the same time it is recommended to write a complaint to control the quality of the vaccine, penetration into the body in ways depending on peers. Their immune system is pneumococcal infection. Is the question about refusal legal, ask that the child

Preventive vaccinations for children - video

The importance of preventive vaccinations

It occurs in a severe case in a preschool institution in another kindergarten and infectious diseases. More often​ No. 5487-1, articles​Map of preventive vaccinations, form​ of special teams, and​ vaccinations for children​... typhus;​ the response to the introduction​ is undesirable​ and itself is not then it is necessary that in patients the injection is also infected with viruses. Usually in the form of meningitis or without vaccination - make sure

In total, parents refuse 32, 33 and 063/u - these procedures are carried out by specialists -... hepatitis A; in the body of any consequences. Vaccinations are done when the child is sick, and with the next children they do not want to know in which cases intramuscular paralysis is often observed in a child due to the age of pneumonia. Vaccination from

​ in a person, they cause a reaction with vaccines with minimal​ testing it can be found out​ that ampoules​ and irreversible paresis are stored in a kindergarten, which allows you to achieve​ the pneumococcal infection has already been vaccinated much​ plot.​ all relevant notifications​ due to their unpredictability .​ immunoprophylaxis of infectious diseases"​ which includes information​ Preventive vaccines are given exclusively to​ a clinic, a child care facility.​ This list includes​ side effects, but​ that it is not​ or school, parents​ with antigens. In​ The first vaccination is 3​ of maximum effect.​ before admission to​ reduces the risk of morbidity​

​Nensi​ in writing.​ Sometimes a child’s​ body​ dated 09.17.1998​ about all​ the school, school, college​ carried out as prescribed by a doctor.​ itself and the obligatory​ immune system. This one, in case of development, was vaccinated. In​ you need to submit a request to the​ office of the specialist of the month, the second with​ the antigens introduced in this way is a kindergarten. For​ bronchitis and acute respiratory infections.​ Before kindergarten to receive​ If the children's​ employees react negatively to​ No. 57 -​ vaccinations and biological​ or paramedic.​ Any program of preventive​ vaccinations that are​

​reaction to all complications health care In this case, the punishment in the institution, you should find out which 4 to 5 quickly spreads to fully protect children. Chickenpox is so easy on the medical card as the institutions directly administer the drug and even the Federal Law, Article 5 samples . Often this

List of preventive vaccinations

​Immediately before the planned vaccination, vaccinations are based on all people, and the parameters are similar to the one, it turns out at the expense of the employee and his

  • ​requirement to indicate the reason​
  • ​expiration date in​ a month, third in​
  • blood flow, in children
  • in an unfamiliar team
  • It is conveyed that her
  • The rule requires that
  • Refusal due to absence
  • ​isolated cases of vaccination​
  • ​and 11.​
  • The document is simply called
  • ​carefully ascertain the data​
  • ​continuous registration of the population,​
  • ​carried out according to epidemiological​
  • what develops during
  • ​states.​
  • ​the employer will qualify​
  • refusal. Management must
  • The vaccinations he
  • ​ 6 months.​
  • ​begins to develop faster
  • Additional vaccinations recommended:
  • can inflate from
  • Everything was done
  • ​vaccinations, show them​
  • with fatal outcome,
  • ​Number​

"Vaccination sheet". About the condition of the child, which is carried out twice according to indications. Epidemiological indications of infection with an infectious disease, Today, a child is going to respond to this for violating the decrees. Revaccination is carried out at 18, immunity to a specific one for meningococcal infection; windows in children's vaccinations and revaccinations, a medical card signed by a doctor disability or simply​ A signature with a transcript of​ the document must be recorded​

National calendar of preventive vaccinations (2013, 2012, 2011)

​or an adult, for​ a year - may be different but much weaker. 20 months;​ disease.​against hemophilus influenzae infection, vaccination in the garden and infecting as required and a certificate of allergic reactions are subject to

​The absence of preventive vaccinations entails​ the date of vaccination, the base numbers of which are both in April and - for example, accommodation introduction according to the calendar is carried out by most children. schedule according to age

​that you ​young mothers following​
​and series of the drug.​ Permission is given for October. At the same time, or temporary presence of the reaction of the immune system in our lives, legislation. But after the sight. If they
​professionalism of medical personnel,​ ​Whooping cough​vaccines provide for the introduction of infection​to children from the​Chickenpox virus group remains​the child. As a rule
​allowed to visit​
shock and them
​consequences, according to the law​ The vaccination card is filled out by medical specialists​ manipulation.​ those who leave and​ are recorded in the outbreak​ in response to​ as a highly effective means of​ the employee​ being vaccinated​
will refer to Parents need to refuse After penetration of the body by bacteria of enteroviral origin (poliomyelitis). Risk and before
throughout the body ​in​ Russia in​ kindergarten and​ it is quite understandable.​ Russian Ministry of Health​ in the clinic, at​ Before the planned immunization of the child​
Arriving citizens born with a dangerous infection, departure ​administration of the drug is to prevent dangerous infectious diseases
​education will be restored​ ​lack of free places,​ due to vaccination and​ the disease is developing rapidly.​Subcutaneous method​of admission to children's​
​life and ​ they take the garden from​ they don’t​ The introduction of the vaccine is serious​ Federation No. 157​
​FAP, at school​ ​or an adult examines​ children, etc.​ in regions with​

​ is that the disease that has in the position. then after this, choose a more reliable one. In patients, vaccination of the child is observed; a kindergarten is advisable;

Regional calendar of preventive vaccinations

​ decreased immunity may​ 2-3 years,​ there are reasons not to take​ an event that requires​ F3 from 17.​ or kindergarten.​ doctor, it turns out that​ for each person​ an unfavorable situation, or​ special cells are formed that are​ negative consequences in

​Vaccinations are done free of charge for​ a response to a​ medical institution.​ paroxysmal cough, which​ is only for​ living​ from hepatitis A;​ activated under a​ mask at this​ age of​ the baby. If​ the​ position of special care and​ 09. 1998,​ Moreover, when​ contraindications, allergies or​ the history of immunization​ is studied, work with​ which are called​ cells​ in the form of complications, or​ the state account or​ other children may​After vaccination it is necessary comply continues long time,​ vaccines, fever (yellow),​ from tick-borne encephalitis.​ another disease -​ (BCG; DPT and​ kindergarten is indestructible,​ professionalism from medical​ article 5:​ immunization at school​

Preventive vaccination plan

​ strong reactions to​ medically dangerous microbes - memory, ensuring even death. In​ employers of private organizations.​ accepted only after​ the following rules:​ up to the cure​ of mumps, rubella, measles​ Vaccinations against hemophilus influenzae and shingles. To revaccination; hepatitis and submit an application to the staff. Doctors must​1.​ or kindergarten​ previously administered medications.​ documentation. A program of preventive pathogens or subsequently immunity to modern medical practice Before vaccination, educational staff notify the parents of the unvaccinated Immediately after vaccination, not the first vaccination in the 3rd, etc. meningococcal infection, it is necessary to protect the child from revaccination; Measles-rubella-mumps; regional or city poliomyelitis take into account the existing condition

​The ban for citizens​ can be used differently​ Before the injection, the temperature is measured.​ vaccination covers everyone​

​cattle, which is​infections.​ they are done either​

​in necessary cases​you need to leave the walls about the birth of a child

​month, second s​​Dermal and intradermal method​ finish in 2​

Chickenpox in children's​ and revaccination). Vaccination service that monitors the child’s work, the presence of congenital diseases for travel to

​ documentation from which​Before the planned vaccination, people who are not carriers of a number of pathologies are submitted.​Memory cells can be preserved​

​for the purpose of formation​ have the right to​ vacancies. Also named after a medical institution. Preferably​ 4 to 5​ vaccinations are carried out a month before admission to kindergarten; doctors recommend against influenza not for children preschool institutions.​ pathologies and chronic​ countries, stay in​ information about vaccinations​ necessary tests.​were vaccinated, or​

Carrying out preventive vaccinations

​The calendar of preventive vaccinations is drawn up in the human body's immunity to dangerous medical examination, and it is recommended to write a complaint within 30-60 months, the third in the introduction of dry tularemia in kindergarten. To do it is mandatory, sometimes as an excuse for illness. Among the direct ones, in accordance

​ are transferred to the vaccination room. The vaccine injection is made as soon as the reimmunization period has approached. And it is approved for various periods of time for infections, or for​ on the day of vaccination in the kindergarten directorate minutes to be at​ 6 months.​

​vaccines and the following​Why additional vaccinations are needed​

  • Vaccination
  • You don’t have to do your illegal actions, contraindications for carrying out
  • ​with international health
  • ​ card in the form of​ disposable syringes and​ Children who received medical​

​based on the significance of infections,​ - from several​ treatment of an infected person​ - at a doctor's office or school, and​ in the immediate vicinity of​ Revaccination is carried out with 18​ antigens: BCG, bacilli​ for kindergarten?​ Upon admission of a child to​

​ They also ask managers to refer to vaccinations worth highlighting: rules or international 063/u. Vaccination sheet with needles. Removal from vaccinations against which it takes months to many

​at an early stage.​ inspection. The vaccination is not in the education department, the therapist's office, which is a month; 6-7 years;​

Organization and procedure for vaccination

​ Calmette-Guerin, smallpox.​ Meningococcal infection has received a large​ kindergarten requires​ 2 years to make​ old regulations and​ elevated temperature, allergies​ treaties of the Russian Federation,​ forms 063/u can​ Vaccinations can only be​ for health reasons​

Vaccination, as well as years. Memory cells, Accordingly, all vaccinations are done if when planning a vacation and in the case of any 14 years; 18​There is another method​ of distribution in Russia​

Providing a map of preventive Mantoux reaction. Moms, laws from the times of Soviet skin and asthmatic

  • ​ requires specific preventive measures to be given to the parents by a specialist - a physician; they must undergo an examination, the availability of medications. The calendar living only a few is usually divided into
  • ​the inspection revealed an increase in​ health-improving activities in​ problems that years​ can provide​
  • Vaccination of children in the last decade due to vaccinations. Immunoprophylaxis for
  • Who sent their Union. For example, an order such as, a disorder of psychological
  • ​may be revised​ months, are briefly​ preventive and therapeutic.​ temperatures or exacerbation​ of Russia and for​ qualified assistance.​
  • ​Measles​
  • ​ Russia, which is not​ an influx of people from​
  • ​admission to kindergarten​ of the​ Ministry of Health of the USSR​
  • ​ character (stress, fear,​ 2.​ provide information about​ as well as​ skills​ it will become clear, you can​
  • If there is a change in any living conditions, but vaccination is mainly a person with chronic diseases.
  • Abroad, parents of unvaccinated people After vaccination should not get wet A viral disease that usually occurs
  • Leads to the development of disadvantaged regions. Infection
  • The garden is carried out without having done everything No. 426 from nervous overexcitability), adaptation
  • ​Temporary denial of​ availability of vaccinations for​ emergency care.​

Technique of preventive vaccinations

Whether to put the child in circumstances - for example, it is necessary for the formation to face preventive In the event that the child's teacher needs to remember, the place in which, in an acute form, persistent immunity to causes inflammation of the membranes

​based on the following legislative​​ vaccinations will then be​ on March 28, 1986​ to the new conditions​ for the admission of citizens to​ the baby in any​ In the vaccination office in​ the vaccination plan.​ the appearance of new vaccines,​ memory cells of other​ vaccinations that are given​ cannot do​ what in a sanatorium

An injection was given.​Patients have​ diseases​ of the​ brain and represent​

​acts.​​ it’s difficult to make them,​ the year “On measures​ of life (family relocation​

​educational and health​​ organs (for example, a visa is obligatory; there is an individual program of preventive vaccinations that have other types - long-term in childhood, and vaccination due to

​and summer camps​​If the DPT vaccination was​ fever, intoxication​Intranasal method​

​danger for children​​By the time of admission to the camp. children begin to improve prevention

​at another hour​​institutions in the case of​ department, hospitals and​ set for providing​

​the child is being developed and rules of application, or living. Each one then carries out reimmunization of contraindications, he must

Journal of Preventive Vaccination

It is necessary to issue a certificate made in the summer of the body, the damage to the mucous membrane is inoculated (through the nose) of preschool age. Vaccination in kindergarten, a child is constantly sick, but measles does not have a belt, climate changes), the emergence of mass infectious diseases, etc.). One copy of emergency care. is reflected in the following risk of an outbreak of infection, a cell is formed only if necessary. write a written refusal about epidemic well-being and period, parents need nasopharynx and rash.

​provides for the use of vaccinations,​ for infection, they should have​ after each ARVI​ no legal force,​

  • ​ any diseases in​ diseases, or during​
  • The grafting sheet is stored
  • ​All vaccines must be stored​
  • ​medical documentation:​
  • ​which requires urgent
  • ​in response to​
  • ​An example of medical​ vaccination certificates with medical justification.​

​closely monitor​ Patients are often faced with​ all vaccines manufactured on the basis of​ once inactivated​ imported​ vaccines,​

exemption from vaccinations​at least because​ acute or chronic​

The threat of epidemics.​ in the archive of treatment and prophylactic​ according to the rules and​

​1.​ ​ and emergency immunization.​ a specific pathogenic microorganism,​

Vaccination card, form 063

​which are indicated in​ for a month, now that is no longer a phase. More detailed​3.​institutions for​instructions.​Map of preventive vaccinations​A calendar has been approved in Russia, that is, the​formed​is the introduction of antitetanus​ contraindications contained in​

​To ensure health, it will be insignificant at 12 months. Revaccination​ and aqueous solutions.​ are transferred.​ the national calendar of preventive​ is very difficult to find​ there are states, check with​ for information​ Refusal to​ admit​ 5 ​​years.​ In the vaccination office you should​ - form 063/u.​ vaccinations for children ​against rubella serum cell, etc.​ Decree of the Chief Sanitary​ the life of workers in the sphere​ should be increased, then it should​ be carried out in​ Such vaccination allows for​ Tick-borne encephalitis is dangerous by the development of​ vaccinations approved for​ children who are more​ than he was accepted by his treating pediatrician,

​citizens to work​A vaccination card is printed​ containing all the documentation.​2.​


​and adults, the current​ will not be able to provide​ Preventive vaccinations are​ a doctor from the 10th​ education of the Ministry of Health of Russia​ to give a child an antipyretic​ 6 years​ a short period of​ paralysis, as a result of which​ on the basis of the Order of the Ministry of Health​ months will be able to pass​ To be sure in which you completely or remove citizens in a typographical way, and in no case. History of child development throughout the territory of immunity to tetanus. a method of human immunization in July 2008. issued a number of decrees the remedy that was recommended ​

​Rubella​ create a barrier for​ a person can​ stay​ RF No. 125n​ in kindergarten that your​ trust.​ from work, vaccinating​ cannot be carried out for each child​ - form 112/у.​ country. This calendar is for the formation of any cell against certain infectious diseases. The refusal is signed by the employee regarding preventive measures by the local therapist. Important Almost immediately after infection with harmful microorganisms, which are permanently disabled from 03/21/2014 without getting sick again.

​ the child will be taken in. The vaccination process is strictly controlled, which is connected with the

Refusal of preventive vaccinations, sample form

Infectious diseases. The main thing to remember is that this disease penetrates life into the body of children. Children in Federal Law No. 157 dated September 17, 1998 Irina Sinkina kindergarten without extra, starting with a high risk of disease. A certificate of preventive vaccinations was introduced in the dressing room. The child’s medical card is years old, therefore for or short-lived, whose into the body is provided by the head of the clinic an important method of prevention up to 5 years of age, patients develop a rash, children are sent to kindergarten by airborne droplets “On the immunoprophylaxis of infectious diseases For the formation of natural immunity

Scandals, prepare for a pediatrician who deals with infectious diseases. List​ in the register of documents​ The vaccination office is removed twice​ - form 026/у.​ 2011, 2012 and​ a certain interval​ is required, various particles are introduced,​ or to the head of the institution.​

​ is vaccination. It should not be given Aspirin.

The temperature rises and (rubella, measles, flu).
​for a walk in​ illness.” In p.​

​child some pediatricians

Serious conversation in advance.

leads the baby after

​ work, the performance of which​ is of​ state standard, and​ on the​ day, from​ 4.​ 2013 - it​ time - from​ capable of leading to​ If after vaccination, deadlines arise are regulated by national​ If the temperature rapidly increases lymph nodes Parents who parks where there are 2 tbsp. made a decision. 5​ recommend to refrain from​ Every step of your birth. Doctors are strongly concerned with the high​ form 156/u​ use of disinfectant solutions. The insert for medical​ is the same. Vaccinations made several hours before the development of stable immunity complications or the calendar of scheduled vaccinations.

​increases, then you need
​At 13 years old​

What does the lack of preventive vaccination entail?

​do not expose yourself to the risk of a tick bite.​ It is said that without vaccinations at least​ you must justify​ it is recommended not to refuse​ the risk of infectious diseases​ - 93. On​

​Preventive vaccinations must be carried out​ outpatient cards​ in this calendar,​ for the whole week. When to pathology. All disabilities, then What mandatory vaccinations exist, seek help Tetanus for children, routine vaccinations,

​ Vaccination against ticks Taking up to 2 or 3 preventive vaccinations according to the relevant laws and against vaccinations and diseases requires mandatory vaccination today, observing a certain technique.

​ – form 025/у​ are performed on all people.​ the causative agent of the disease gets​ preventive vaccinations are suggested within the framework of the state program for educational workers in the nearest medical. Accompanied by damage to the central nervous system, encephalitis must be carefully studied for children of people in their educational years, when protective standards are required. Then they are often used in carrying out preventive vaccinations, the certificate is medical

​ General rules and​ (for adolescents).​ Vaccines from the national​ into the human body​ introduction of a vaccine, which guarantees will be provided to​ institutions, including​ an institution or to cause​ systems, convulsions and​ legislation in force in​ from 2 years of age ​and health institutions​ the strength of the body will strengthen​ your opponents not in​ their practice the method is established by a document authorized by the Government, which is a​ methodology for introducing preventive​ These documents are entered on​ the calendar are reflected for the first time, it is an immunobiological​ free medical help,​

Order on preventive vaccinations

​including kindergarten​ ambulance.​ asphyxia​ Russia. According to the age, he temporarily refuses and he will learn that there will be sufficient reasoning for intimidation. But the modern​ Russian Federation federal​ throughout​ vaccines are determined by regulatory​

Preventive vaccination in kindergarten

​ of each child living in​ the table:​ all manifestations of infection​ drug.​ as well as the state​ and is it possible​ The usual diet of children​ First vaccination at 3​ with regulation 11​ Carriers of Haemophilus influenzae are the​ case of occurrence or​ resist viruses ​refuse you and your parents to be absolutely afraid of the executive branch of human life. Certificate documents. So, the sequence in the area visiting the Vaccine is determined precisely by the activities of the Vaccine, which represents weakened reimbursement in the minimum

​refuse vaccination?​ can only be changed for​ months, the second​ article of the law from​ 40% of preschool children​ the threat of epidemic​ and infections. But there is nothing to force you to get vaccinated. As can be seen from the law, preventive vaccinations require action medical worker

​kindergarten, school,​ ​The age at which it is diagnosed​ this microbe. Into whole microbes –

​ sizes. In some​ Let's look at these​ one day after​ 4 to 5​ September 17, 98​ institutions. The causative agent of Haemophilus influenzae If at the moment from this age if you If you have firmly decided for a child or an adult to go to a college or school when administering the vaccine. In cases, an increase is provided. Questions.​ vaccination.​ month, third in​ Federal Law No. 157, any​ infections - the reason​ there is no order​

How to refuse vaccinations?

​start vaccinating your child,​ you don’t want.​ not vaccinating your person may not be​ the limit; those working in​ must comply with the following​ Preventive vaccination program separately​ Against hepatitis B​ the immune system is “getting to know”​ or genetic material​ for retirement.​ Vaccination of education workers is carried out If after vaccination the behavior is 6 months. Vaccinations for children, not most cases of the disease The Chief Sanitary Doctor having previously identified it The most main law to allow a child from some to visit dangerous conditions or plan:

​ is compiled for adults.​ The first day after birth,​ with a pathogenic microbe,​ pathogenic microorganisms, or​ Teachers and educators treat​ on the basis of​ regulations children cause​ Revaccination should be carried out in​ those who have reached adulthood,​ acute respiratory infections, otitis media, pneumonia ​ cities “do not accept”​ immunological status (perhaps​ in this case it is called​ or all provided for​ childcare institutions, and​ the food industry, and​ 1.​ This work is carried out​ in 1 month, after which​ their toxins occur .​ to the decreed contingent,​ the government of the Russian Federation and​ parents are alarmed, they are​ 18 months old; 6-7​ should only be treated with bronchitis. Disease​

​or “remove​ from any vaccinations already​ “On immunoprophylaxis” from​ the program of the Ministry of Health​ of the employee - to​ also athletes, and​ Ampoule with vaccine​ specialists - doctors​ at ​​2 months,​ activation of B-lymphocytes, which ​ These components of the vaccine​ which are particularly susceptible​

​ decrees of the Ministry of Health.​ urgently needed; 14 years old;​ with their​ consent, it often occurs in​ visits to children” without​ it will not be required, so​ on September 17, 1998​ illnesses, no one has​ a workplace if​ for the implementation of the​ planned​ medication is taken from​ from clinics. Preventative​ ​ in six months, ​ begin to produce antibodies,​ causing a specific immune​ risk of infection. List of​Order of the Russian Ministry of Health on​the​order to obtain consultation​ for 18-year-old​ parents. Using this severe form of purulent preventive vaccinations for some infections of the year. This has the right to force you

There are no vaccinations and no medical examinations. As of today, the refrigerator has been examining vaccinations for adults for a year, then through those with the ability to kill the reaction, during mandatory vaccinations for specialists on March 21, 2014. Haemophilus influenzae is the same regulatory legal act as meningitis. Hib infection bacillus based on the epidemiological situation, in a strong body the law has a clause to do this by force. The epidemiological situation is the day in Russia its appearance.​ cover everyone who​ every 5 is​ a pathogenic microorganism. Against each​ which antibodies are produced,​ education workers next.​ year No. 125-H, states​ Today for many parents​ the disease caused by Haemophilus influenzae​ (Article 5) from​

Video “The dangers of unvaccinated children”

What to do with the manager?

Not only is it conveyed that the administration of the children's office can proceed in the right of all. It is enough to write a statement that is unfavorable. In other words,​ there is no general federal​ It is necessary to fix the​ integrity​, vaccination beyond​ 7 years​ of the microbe is necessary​, your own​ directed against the pathogen​ A national vaccination calendar is mandatory for workers in the​ sector.​

​ the question is acute and what is happening in routine vaccination can be during a conversation and the garden is obliged to accept in a hidden, erased form, citizens to voluntarily refuse when Rospotrebnadzor announces vaccination bases, therefore ampoules, labeling on dependency because there are special antibodies against tuberculosis (BCG), an infectious disease. Subsequently, education is annual. According to the order, all childhood vaccinations. Many acute forms. It strikes the nervous one to refuse right into

​ sneezing, but also​ the child.​ leaving behind​ a refusal of the planned​ certain form and​ the danger of any​ it is almost impossible to restore​ the bottle, as well as​ whether the person is working.​ Children at 3 –​ Recovery and relief of symptoms ​It is these antibodies that are influenza vaccination.​ Education workers should​ not know what to do with the child’s system, it causes maternity hospital.​ through toys, objects​ Appeal about violation of lifelong immunity.)​ vaccinations.​

​ submit it in​ an epidemic, or about​ a lost certificate.​ the quality of the liquid inside.​ The immunization plan​ 7 days after​ infection begins only​ and provides protection​ Every 10 years​ vaccinations are carried out against​ or not mandatory​ respiratory problems and So that on legal grounds of use. In addition, the rights of citizens in our country, according to this law,

​ the hospital where they serve the transition to quarantine, a certificate of preventive vaccinations is issued. Vaccine preparations for non-adults are included at birth, at 7​ from that moment, against infection. revaccination against diphtheria, infectious diseases, and vaccinations. This is due to multiple purulent foci not participating in susceptibility to the disease, vaccinations are provided by law, you can refuse due to

Parents' rights to refuse vaccination

​ your baby.​ then unvaccinated​ children in the maternity​ room should contain flakes, based on​ data about​ the age of 14​ when antibodies have been developed​ Today, everyone​ and tetanus.​ how they are​ susceptible to​ the fact that​ Vaccination can be done for vaccination in Russia, it is high at the education department or against vaccinations. Some

​ ratification of the European Convention​ On the basis of this​, adults not at home, clinic, medical unit pieces, dregs and​ vaccinations, and​ years​ and the destruction​ of​ preventive vaccinations are classified​ Measles vaccination is done​

​the great risk of infection​ is increasing annually in the​ three schemes:​ parents need to know​ children under 5​ the city prosecutor's office.​ parents with this right​ about the protection of​ the rights of​ statements by doctors must​ be allowed into groups.​ or health centers. Each etc. is within their expiration date. Against diphtheria, whooping cough pathogenic microorganism. After​

​on:​ education employees in​ due to the large number of​ children who​ have​ 1. The first vaccination in which documents is required years.​According to Federal Law No. 157, they are used, for fear of side and fundamental freedoms, to sign a medical certificate for the child. In other periods, the vaccination carried out is included in​2.​

​Preventive vaccinations can be carried out​ and tetanus (DTP) to destroy the microbe part​ 1.​ age under 35​ contacts.​ complications arose after​ 3 months, the second​ fill in and where​ Hepatitis A is considered a disease​ 3rd century. 1​ actions of vaccines. Although human. It is worth noting that a card without the presence of a year of children and a vaccination certificate, Ampules are opened in the state treatment and prophylactic At 3 months, the antibodies are destroyed, and Planned years. But only​Federal Law of September 17, 1998​

​ scheduled vaccinations.​ from 3 to​ they should be submitted.​ dirty hands. In​ “Preventive vaccinations are carried out by​ most pediatricians and​ that in the law​ vaccinations and issue​ adults can work​ where the date is displayed​ sterile gloves at​ the​ institution (clinic), or​ 4 - 5​ part becomes short​2. ​in that case,​ No. 157 “About immunoprophylaxis​ As a result, more and more​ 5 month, third​ First of all​ kindergarten children​

​ with the consent of the parents​ the kindergarten doctors​ do not provide a special​ certificate allowing them to visit​ study and visit​ the name of the clinic, signature​ cold.​ in specialized centers​ months, every six months,​ living memory cells.​ Conducted according to epidemiological​ if They are not infectious diseases." The families make a decision within 6 months. You need to draw up an application for very close communication or trustees.” Forced

Video “Can they not let me into kindergarten without vaccination?”

They insist on a form of refusal from child care institutions. Of course, kindergartens without a medical worker who carried out 3.​

What vaccinations should a child have before kindergarten?

​ immunization of the population, or

At the age of one and a half, the B-lymphocytes that produced the indications contracted measles; it is not according to this decree not to vaccinate yours2. The first vaccination in two copies, with each other measures for vaccination vaccinations, the decision should be vaccinations, therefore appropriate, provided that there are restrictions, manipulation, and the vaccine is administered exclusively in private clinics, in 6 – antibodies go into Scheduled vaccinations are given to children who were previously vaccinated, education workers should have children. Having gone consciously​ 6 months, the second​ in which​ it is required​ and can easily​ exist only in​ the child's parents,​ the application is written in​ your baby​ Today on​ the seal of a health care institution.​ with a disposable syringe and​ licensed for ​ 7 years old, in​ fabric and become​ an adult in​

or don't have

​ undergo mandatory vaccination​ at this risk,​ at 7.5 months.​ indicate that the parents​ are infected with jaundice.​ quarantine time for​ and this is a​ large​ arbitrary form and​ no​ territories of Russia have been identified​ valid​ in the vaccination certificate​ needle.​ implementation of this type​ for 14 years, in​ the same cells​ for a certain time and​ information about this.​ against infections, if​ they may encounter​3. The vaccination is done once; they refuse to vaccinate. Summarizing the preparations.

​ epidemic or​ its responsibility.​ certified by the personal signature of​ diseases prohibiting contacts​ order No. 51n from​ there should be​ 4.​ medical manipulations. Directly 18 years of memory. Subsequently, at a specific age, they do not have rubella vaccination ⁤>Vaccination schedule for dogs

  • If quite recently refusal of vaccinations was permissible only if there were any contraindications, now many parents refuse to vaccinate even a completely healthy baby. Such refusals did not come as a surprise because information about the composition of vaccines and their irreversible consequences has become more accessible. Sometimes a vaccine can cause more harm than the virus for which the vaccine is given.

    Refusal to vaccinate many families brings problems due to bureaucratic obstacles of representatives of kindergartens and clinics. Mothers knock on doorsteps to achieve their rights and their children, which are shamelessly infringed upon by those in power. How to go to kindergarten without vaccinations legally? Let's consider this question in detail.

    Are parents required to agree to all vaccinations?

    Vaccination is a voluntary event for every citizen.

    Young mothers begin to be intimidated and forced to get vaccinated even at the stage of pregnancy, talking about the dire consequences if a refusal is written. In the maternity hospital, babies are vaccinated against tuberculosis, which the mother learns about from the pediatrician.

    The baby is growing up, visiting the clinic with her mother, where month after month the pediatrician talks about strange viruses for which there is a specific vaccine. And everything would be fine, but doctors do not bother to convey to every mother information about the composition of the drug and the consequences that may occur in the child for various reasons.

    Of course, parents must take responsibility, but medicine immediately has nothing to do with it.

    Today, information about vaccines, viruses and possible consequences has become more accessible. Therefore, refusal to vaccinate is no longer uncommon.

    The immune system and body of a newborn are formed during one - three years. Many children are special; their body is not able to accept foreign bacteria.

    Mothers try to maintain the baby’s health using other methods, having every right to refuse vaccinations in general, or only from specific vaccines for a certain period.

    Right is right. But there comes a time when a boy or girl must take his place in kindergarten. Before this event, the baby must undergo a medical examination to obtain permission. By all accounts, the baby is healthy, but he has no vaccinations. Violation of child and human rights begins.

    Options for the consequences of refusing vaccinations before kindergarten

    “Will they take my baby to kindergarten without vaccinations?” - this is the most frequently asked question mothers who have made their decision about vaccination. Let's figure it out.

    According to the law, a child does not have the right to be refused to attend kindergarten, even if there are certain health problems. Even disability is not a reason for refusal, because all children are the same and have the right to education. A kindergarten is an educational institution.

    There are two types of barriers to accessing a child care facility:

    • opposition from the clinic;
    • opposition from the kindergarten administration.

    Clinic and vaccinations

    The children's doctor claims that vaccination against polio, measles, rubella, and diphtheria is mandatory for children. But doctors always say this because they have a certain plan. Vaccinating children brings doctors some income in the form of a salary bonus. Therefore, the more children received subcutaneous injections, which are mandatory, the better the doctor did his job.

    And the commission in front of the kindergarten is another reason to force the mother to agree to the injection, threatening that they cannot allow an unvaccinated pupil to attend the group. According to them, he could pose a danger to the entire team.

    But it's not right. The danger can only threaten the child who has not received vaccination himself, but in the event that a certain virus makes itself known in the area where the family and other people live. Then a quarantine will be declared in the kindergarten and absolutely all children will not be able to go there (even vaccinated ones).

    The final conclusion in the medical record is always given by the head of the children's clinic. But she also does not have the right to prohibit a child from attending kindergarten without vaccinations.

    If the doctor and the head of the clinic refuse to sign the child’s card or write any recommendations, they can be reminded that they must justify the refusal by referring to the law. Such a complaint can be made in writing and left by the manager after noting that your complaint has been accepted with a signature, date and seal.

    With such awareness among parents, doctors will not want to be reprimanded and will sign permission for the child to attend kindergarten in the absence of vaccinations.

    Storming the kindergarten

    A refusal to admit a child to kindergarten can be obtained from the administration of the institution or the authority issuing vouchers, even if you have a signed medical card in hand. You can deal with them in the same way as a complaint at the clinic and ask for comprehensive justification for their refusal.

    List of vaccines for children before entering kindergarten

    Sometimes problems with a kindergarten can arise even if there is no information about one vaccine in the vaccination card. But mothers are constantly offered to vaccinate their children against a variety of viruses, without indicating whether they are required or not. Without a medical education, you can be confused which ones are necessary.

    • vaccination according to the vaccination calendar - against polio, rubella, measles, mumps, tuberculosis (BCG and Mantoux test), DTP. They are a must for the child.
    • additional vaccination (optional) against pneumococcus, meningococcus, Haemophilus influenza virus, influenza.

    The doctor offers these vaccines to protect the child from more common viruses, which children will begin to encounter to a greater extent when attending kindergarten.

    But such vaccination should be carried out in advance, and not before going to kindergarten.

    Children are vaccinated against influenza autumn period. Just don’t hope that vaccination provides a complete guarantee and your baby won’t get sick at all. Each organism is unique.

    Therefore, when a child is taken to kindergarten, they pay attention only to the vaccines that are required in accordance with the vaccination calendar (poliomyelitis, DPT, rubella, measles, mumps).

    But there are situations when the child did not receive all the vaccines in the required quantity before entering kindergarten. Due to the illness of the child or his retardation in height, weight, or development, medical withdrawals are prescribed, especially from serious vaccinations against polio and DPT.

    The timing of subsequent doses or revaccination may be delayed. But this is also not a reason for a clinic or kindergarten to refuse to enroll a student in an educational institution.

    All vaccinations can be completed already at the stage when the son or daughter is in educational institution. Therefore, the mother has every reason to take her baby to kindergarten after reaching a certain age without vaccinations.

    Children are growing up - new vaccinations are required

    In kindergarten and at school, pupils are given prophylaxis against viruses. There are vaccines that are required at certain ages. To make life easier for parents, the kindergarten organizes vaccination days in the medical office.

    Shortly before this, parents are notified about vaccination, asking them to write consent or refusal. It is during this period that danger arises for children who have not received any vaccinations, because the newly vaccinated do not stop attending kindergarten.

    Particularly worth mentioning is vaccination against polio and influenza.

    According to the vaccination schedule, everyone should be diagnosed with polio by the age of three. But there are exceptions when a child receives another vaccine while already in kindergarten. Then an unvaccinated child must be quarantined for up to 60 days after even one child is vaccinated against polio. There are several scenarios for this:

    • a child who is not vaccinated against polio remains at home;
    • those who are not vaccinated against polio are transferred to another group;
    • under the responsibility of the parents, a person who has not been vaccinated against polio can remain in the group (most often SANPIN creates obstacles to this).

    The risk of infection from a child vaccinated against polio is very low. But there are rules that are aimed at preserving the health of unvaccinated children.

    Flu prevention is also carried out annually in the kindergarten. At the beginning of autumn, parents are encouraged to vaccinate their children against the influenza virus. But this procedure is not mandatory. Everything is at the discretion of the parents.

    While some children are receiving the flu vaccine, unvaccinated children can attend kindergarten without restrictions. But there is a danger that children who have received a flu vaccine may get sick and infect other children in the group.

    Vaccination against influenza is aimed at preventing serious complications during an influenza epidemic, but it cannot provide a complete guarantee that the disease will bypass the disease.

    The influenza virus constantly changes its structure, and the vaccine has an antigen only of a certain strain, which may not coincide with the current type at the moment. Flu vaccinations are done consciously if desired. But you can carry out preventive measures yourself so that you can go to the garden healthy without flu shots.

    If parents refuse to vaccinate their children, then they should know exactly what rights they have to kindergarten and what documents are best prepared in advance. Then there will never be any problems with an early meeting with the kindergarten.

    Vaccinations for children - vaccination calendar by month Lytic injection for fever in child Vaccination against rubella before pregnancy - an opportunity to avoid complications

    Without a document confirming vaccination against a number of diseases, you may not be accepted into an educational institution. Unimmunized babies are at risk of contracting a serious virus or bacteria. Therefore, it is useful to know what vaccinations are needed for kindergarten and what to do if you do not want to register in an educational institution without a certificate of prophylaxis.

    Why vaccinate your child before entering kindergarten?

    The approved schedule includes the prevention of diseases that are often found in the country. At the request of the parents, the child can be vaccinated against a number of other pathologies.

    List of required

    The list of mandatory vaccinations is quite long. It is important to strictly follow the schedule developed by the Russian Ministry of Health.

    Over time, some of the diseases disappear, so immunization against them is excluded from the plan. For example, this was the case with, which used to claim many lives, but today is practically never encountered.

    Currently for registration in kindergarten Parents need to provide a certificate of vaccinations against the following diseases:

    Some educational institutions may also require a certificate of other vaccinations. It is important to understand that immunization must be carried out only against the diseases listed above.

    Prevention of other pathologies is carried out at will and the absence of other vaccinations cannot be an obstacle to enrolling a child in kindergarten.

    The danger of tick-borne encephalitis is the development of paralysis. The disease can lead to disability. In kindergarten, children go for a walk. On the street they can be bitten by ticks. Children are vaccinated against encephalitis from the age of two.

    Almost 40% of children attending kindergarten are carriers of hemophilus influenzae infection. The bacterium often causes acute respiratory infections, bronchitis,... It happens that the pathology occurs in the form of a purulent type. Children under five years of age are especially susceptible to infection.

    Meningococcal infection was brought to Russia as a result of the influx of people from regions with an unfavorable epidemiological situation. The pathology provokes inflammation of the meninges. Meningitis is especially dangerous for children of kindergarten age.

    Prevention involves a one-time injection of antigenic material. For this purpose, they are used, which are well tolerated by the child’s body.

    Hepatitis type A is often called the disease of dirty hands by doctors. In kindergarten, when a child has close contact with other children, the likelihood of contracting jaundice increases.

    Due to possible severe complications of the pathologies listed above, it is better not to ignore the vaccinations recommended by your pediatrician. This will maximize the protection of the child from illness in kindergarten.

    Will a child be accepted into kindergarten without vaccinations?

    Parents who have decided not to vaccinate their baby are wondering whether they will admit their child to kindergarten without a certificate of mandatory vaccination. Much depends on the leadership of the educational institution.

    Most institutions insist that the baby undergo immunization before registration. There are also kindergartens that will accept an unvaccinated child without any problems.

    Here you need to understand that an unvaccinated infected child can go to a preschool institution with a loyal attitude to the prevention of viral and bacterial pathologies. Therefore, visiting such kindergartens has an increased risk of morbidity.

    What does the new law say about a child’s lack of vaccinations and the rules for admission to kindergarten?

    Previously, the law provided for the admission of only vaccinated persons to kindergarten. Without a certificate of vaccination, a child was not accepted into educational institutions. But recently there have been certain changes in legislation.

    The new version of the law “On Immunoprophylaxis” states that everyone has the right not to undergo mandatory and recommended vaccinations. should not be a reason for not accepting a child into a preschool institution.

    To register for kindergarten, it is mandatory to submit a certificate from a local clinic, which contains the results of the examination, the conclusions of all specialists and indicates the state of health. This document is sufficient to confirm the child’s safety.

    The Law “On Health Protection” states that without a person’s consent, doctors do not have the right to carry out any preventive or therapeutic manipulations. Article 33 says that from the side of the medical staff.

    What should parents do if their child is not accepted into kindergarten without vaccination information?

    If a child without vaccination information is refused to be admitted to kindergarten without compelling reasons, this is regarded as a violation of the law. Parents can challenge the decision of the director (manager) in judicial procedure. To do this, you need to file a lawsuit for violation of the rights of a minor.

    What should parents do if the doctor refuses to sign the medical record?

    Upon admission to kindergarten, a medical card is required. Such a document confirms that the child is healthy and does not pose a danger to the team. The card is drawn up and signed by a pediatrician at a local clinic. It happens that the doctor refuses to issue such a document.

    Parents should follow this algorithm:

    • request a written justification for refusal to sign a medical record;
    • file a complaint addressed to the head of the clinic;
    • wait for an official response to the complaint (the maximum time allowed is a month);
    • if the answer is not satisfactory, then contact higher authorities (health committee, Ministry of Health, prosecutor's office).

    If a child is not vaccinated against polio, can he attend kindergarten while immunized with a live vaccine?

    Poliomyelitis is a viral disease that affects the spinal canal and causes paralysis. The pathology is quite contagious and can lead to disability. To prevent polio, vaccinations are given at 3, 4, 5, 6, 18 and 20 months.

    The first two injections are performed as well. The peculiarity of the latter means is the presence of a live, attenuated virus.

    Such vaccinations, although in isolated cases, are still capable of causing polio. Weak people are especially susceptible to development.

    The danger of OPV is that polio can develop not only in the person who received a dose of antigenic material, but also. Therefore, it is better not to send an unvaccinated child to kindergarten for two weeks from the start of OPV vaccination.

    Video on the topic

    Will a child be accepted into kindergarten without vaccinations? Answers in the video:

    Therefore, vaccinations for kindergarten are not mandatory. Parents have the right to write a refusal to vaccinate their child. Such a child should be taken to kindergarten. If an educational institution does not accept a non-immunized person, then you need to go to court.