
Correction of patterns: thin waist, wide hips. Guide: How to Reduce the Waist and Lose the Belly at Home Lush Wasp Waist Hips


Curvy female figures more and more violently become the subject of controversy in the media and society, we also cannot avoid this topic. In this article, in this article, we will share the secrets of how to reduce the waist and remove the belly at home. Sometimes, in order to visually reduce the waist, it is necessary to make the hips wider, which you will also learn about if necessary.

Fashion for being too thin and curvaceous forms remained in yesterday, and today the ideal figure is beautiful proportions with shapes and curves. Read on to find out how to slim your waist, what exercises to do, and how to change your diet to lift your belly and achieve your dream figure.

Skinny girls who are up-to-date do not really need to gain extra weight to have more attractive curves. And the lush does not need to strive to lose weight at all costs.

On the contrary, it is almost the opposite of reality. But since not everyone has the same body structure, therefore, because of this, we used "almost". Therefore, we will try to figure out how to make the waist thinner and remove the belly, while getting wide hips.

If you are very thin with a completely flat stomach, then this is not for you. Your waist may already be as thin as possible.

And your attempts to get even thinner will only lead to loss of muscle mass in other parts of the body, especially in the buttocks and thighs.

If your current body fat level is 35% - 40%, you can accentuate your curves by visually making your butt look bigger by losing weight in the belly area.

Indeed, you can make your butt bigger and lose weight at the same time.

Look at yourself in the mirror for a minute to determine how much more prominent your butt will become if your waist just shrinks in centimeters?

Yes it is possible! With the right diet and exercise for a thin waist. A beautiful pumped-up ass, rounded hips and a narrow waist ... Dreams come true when you act competently and apply only effective advice.

1. Be prepared to change your diet

  • Slimming your waist requires weight loss that cannot be achieved with physical exercise... You must be willing to eat healthy and cut down on unhealthy foods or cut them out altogether if you want to see good results. You need to correctly calculate your individual daily calorie intake.
  • Discipline and determination will be required of you. As well as reducing the daily calorie intake, increasing the amount of protein in the diet to help, in particular, with a decrease in waist size and keep muscles in the right places.

2. Start your day with a healthy, nutritious breakfast

  • For a perfectly balanced breakfast, combine high-vitamin fruits, eggs for protein, and whole grain breads or cereals. Bring a fitness bar or fruit shake with you when you grab a snack on the go, as they are easy to consume, full of vitamins and nutrients.
  • Try to drink a glass of water before each meal during breakfast, this will help reduce appetite and prevent the body from overeating.

3. Add More Fiber to Your Diet

  • Include a variety of high fiber foods in your diet to reap the benefits of both insoluble and soluble fiber. Soluble fiber includes barley and oats, citrus fruits and carrots, peas and beans, and apples. Insoluble include nuts, beans and green vegetables, wheat bran, and foods containing whole grains.

4. Eat healthy fats

  • Polyunsaturated fats such as omega-3s found in fish oil, flaxseed oil, tofu, walnuts, herring, salmon are additional healthy fats you can include in your diet. They help lower bad cholesterol levels, improve brain performance, improve the breakdown of fatty cells and improve heart function.
  • Eliminate trans fats (found in cookies, crackers, margarine and any other food made with partially hydrogenated oil), they tend to build up in the abdomen and should be avoided whenever possible.

How to get a thin waist and wide hips

To achieve a slimmer waist and larger hips, follow a few simple steps:

# 1 Determine Your Body Fat

The first thing you need to do is define.

# 2 What is the optimal percentage of body fat for curvaceous

If you find out your body fat content, what next? If 35% or higher, you need to choose the right diet in which the body can lose some of the fat.

And don't worry about losing thigh fat. If the diet is followed correctly, you will lose most of your belly fat long before your hips are reduced.

If your score is 25% or less, then you need to make a few dietary changes. 25% body fat is generally considered optimal for curvy curves.

Your tummy will be moderately flat, so you only need to add weight in the areas you want.

You can still try to lose belly fat, but diet is not the right solution.

You should focus on exercises to shape the beautiful buttocks.

If your body fat is around 18%, it's time to start eating better. Your hormone levels may be very low at this level.

If you go to the gym often, take a break and start eating healthy fats and calories if your estrogen levels are low.

Low estrogen levels have side effects, among which are absolutely non-prominent flat hips and chest.

# 3 Exercises to reduce the waist

If your body fat is over 18%, it's time to develop a workout plan! This part can be very interesting depending on your goals.

Who doesn't love looking good? So, in creating a regular training plan, remember, the key to achieving wide hips and a narrow waist is in the right workouts in the right areas.

A good regular workout option is the one with lots of reps on your tummy and some reps, but with weights for pumping up your butt and hips.

Here are some basic exercises. Pick a few from each section, then do them two to three times a week.

Exercises for a thin waist

Here Videos with exercises that will not only give you good results, but also burn excess fat in the lower abdomen, which will ensure a flat sexy tummy.

How many times a week should I do the exercises from the video?

3-4 times a week.

What do I need to eat?

Try to be more mindful of what you eat. Make sure to avoid junk foods and eat mostly vegetables, fibrous foods, fruits, and drink plenty of water.

Other exercises (optional)

  1. Side bar

Objectives - to strengthen the inner thighs, oblique and transverse abdominal muscles and pelvic muscles.

Lie on your side in a straight line from head to toe, resting on your forearm.

Your elbow should be exactly under your shoulder. Tighten your abdominal muscles and lift your hips off the floor, keeping a straight line.

Make sure your hips and neck are in a straight line. Stay in this position for 25-40 seconds and then lower yourself. Repeat the exercise 2-3 times and then move to the other side. (If this is too difficult for you, do the bent knee exercise.)

  1. Russian twist

This twisting movement strengthens and tones the muscles in the sides and burns fat in the middle of the abdomen.

To perform the Russian twist, sit on the floor with your knees bent and support your legs, then lean back so that there is a 45-degree angle or so between your torso and hips.

Make sure you keep your back straight and have support under your feet, or have someone help you to keep them.

Put your hands together in a lock, then turn as far as you can, to the right, pause, then turn to the left as far as you can.

This is one approach, repeat 10 - 15 times.

Exercises for the shoulders and chest

Focusing on upper part body, the waist appears to be smaller visually, so you can include chest and shoulder workouts in your regimen to help create the illusion of a narrower waist.

The exercises below will really help you shed mid-body fat.

  1. Push ups

One of the classic exercises for the arms and chest muscles. The easy version is you kneel and then bend forward and lower yourself onto your hands, palm down, shoulder-width apart.

Lower yourself down on your arms, your chest should not touch the floor, then return back to the starting position, still only on your arms.

Advanced version - you start this workout in a plank position.

Lower yourself down on your arms until your chest touches the floor, then return back to the plank position, arms fully extended, repeat several times.

This is an exercise for the arms and shoulders. To do this, you need a sturdy chair.

Sit on the edge of a chair with your legs extended forward and your heels on the ground.

Grab the edge of a chair and lower your body down until your arms form a 90-degree angle.

Bend your arms to bring your body back to the starting position and repeat.

  1. Cardio exercise

Cardio is needed to help you shape your body. " hourglass»By burning fat in the midsection, making it thinner and smaller, while strengthening your entire body.

Cardio also keeps the heart healthy and supplies sufficient blood and oxygen to the muscles to promote good health.

Cardio is great for burning calories and maintaining a healthy body weight that's ideal for achieving a sexy physique.

Dancing, cycling, swimming, step aerobics are some of the best cardio workouts to lose fat. Ideally, for beginners, you should do cardio for 30 minutes, 4 or more times a week.

For those who just would like to maintain their current level -2-4 times for 20 minutes a week.

You can choose interval workouts as your cardio workout if you don't have time for the gym. After warm-up, do vigorous exercise for about 1 minute, then at a slower pace for 45 seconds, repeat this cycle 10 times.

  1. Exercise vacuum

This exercise will help, without shaking the press, to reduce the belly at home without going to the gym.

How to get a thin waist much faster

Avoid low-rise jeans -nWearing this style when you have extra fat in your flanks can be very unattractive.

An alternative to these jeans are high-waisted jeans that hide excess fat at the waist, hips and give the effect of a thin waist.

These jeans look great with a shirt tucked into them.

Wear corrective shapers -v Choosing the right lingerie can really help in reducing your waistline.

You can opt for the Shapewear line, they have been found to be very effective.

Corsets - this is another suitable option. Many centuries ago, this underwear was worn by women of almost everyone. age groups In the 21st century, corsets are once again gaining popularity for a fluid, sexy silhouette, both as a standalone item and as worn under clothing.

Steel-boned corsets (which are completely painless) can really permanently reduce your waist size when worn for a long time!

When choosing a corset, take one that is 10-12 cm smaller than your waist size.

For example, if your waist is 65 cm, then choose a corset 50-55 cm. For beginners, it is better to be 10 cm less than 12.5 cm.

To find out your waist size, stand in front of a mirror with a measuring tape and measure the narrowest part of your waist, which is usually 3 cm above your belly button.
Don't wear jeans that are too small for you. Be careful when shopping for clothing, especially when choosing trousers.

If you are not sure if this is your size, then take a friend with you to the shops who will not be afraid to express an honest opinion, or you can ask a consultant in the store to help you with the fitting.

Wear belts around your waist- such belts focus on the narrowest part of the waist, and it looks smaller than it actually is.

They are great for women with large hips, wear them with dresses and even winter coats, as they accentuate the bust and give the illusion of an hourglass.

The belt can be braided, thin, wide, decorated precious stones and the list is endless!

Wear A-line dresses - such dresses make the waist narrow, but gradually widen towards the bottom.

This makes the waist really smaller, but at the same time highlights any imperfections, if any, around the hips.

A-line dresses are perfect for almost any body shape.

Avoid sodas and excess sodium is an easy way to avoid excess salt and reduce your intake of processed foods as much as possible.

Excess sodium contributes to fluid retention and body swelling.

If you are aiming for a pumped-up flat tummy, a well-balanced diet is very effective and has many benefits, such as reducing and maintaining weight. normal value in the long run.

Achieving a big butt and a flat stomach is possible!

Getting a big butt doesn't mean getting fat. It also doesn't mean a big belly.

A gradual increase in calories will shrink your waist and increase your butt size.

The key to achieving our goals is to properly distribute nutrients and monitor your daily workouts.

So much has changed over the years, before only men worked on the formation of a beautiful silhouette of their bodies, now women follow in their footsteps and apply the knowledge gained to create an attractive figure.

Feminine forms with a pronounced narrow waist and wide hips have always attracted men. Girls with this type of physique are not always happy with it, since the extra centimeters are immediately noticeable in the lower body. There are a number of guidelines to hide the sheer contrast with the fragile top and to make the figure more harmonious.

Features of the figure

It has distinctive features:

  • narrow shoulders and chest;
  • a noticeable difference between the waist and hips;
  • hips at shoulder level or wider than them;
  • small breasts;
  • slim stomach;
  • thin hands;
  • dense legs, which may be slightly shorter than the torso.

Due to the significant transition from the waist to the hips (the difference in their volumes exceeds 30 cm), this type of figure is distinguished by its maximum femininity. When you put on weight, your hips and legs immediately get better. Against the background of a flat or slightly rounded abdomen and a narrow chest, the bottom becomes massive and heavy.

There are also several subtypes of "pear":

  1. "Pear" in its pure form... The main signs are a flat stomach, an elongated waist and tight, muscular legs along their entire length.
  2. "Keglya"... It differs from the first type in a rounded belly and massive thighs, calves are often thin and graceful. The chest can be lush.
  3. "Bell"... It combines the most fragile top with narrow sharp shoulders and a heavy bottom with its massive hips and tight legs along the entire length. They are complemented by a short waistline, which creates an accent on the hips.

Advantages and disadvantages of the figure

Wide hips and narrow waist for girls create graceful curves of the figure. Their owners see this as a problem, not noticing the advantages of their body type, which are more significant than the disadvantages.

pros Minuses
  • This is the most feminine type of figure, in which there are 2 accents at once - the waist and hips. It is their girls who want to emphasize.
  • The owners of the "pear" figure can boast of a fragile top - a long, taut neck, narrow shoulders, pronounced collarbones, a neat chest and a thin waist.
  • Even with weight gain, the arms remain slim and thin, and the belly is flat. The waist also does not lose its shape.
  • Even the smallest weight gain is reflected in the hips and buttocks, which makes the bottom of the figure heavy with the wrong selection of clothes.
  • Owners of a pear-shaped figure are prone to cellulite and "ears" on the thighs.
  • There are some difficulties when choosing trousers and jeans, since most of them are sewn on a "rectangle" shape.

Disadvantages of the "pear" figure occur only if you do not know the secrets of choosing a wardrobe. With an active lifestyle and proper nutrition, there will be no talk about them at all, so the clothes will only emphasize the dignity of the figure.

How to dress

For the "triangle" physique, there are several rules for choosing clothes. Thanks to a well-chosen outfit, it is possible to balance the proportions of the body, then the figure will become harmonious and approach the reference "hourglass". To do this, they focus on the top and correct the hips with the buttocks, visually lengthening the legs.


This is the perfect wardrobe item for those with a pear shape. It is distinguished by the maximum femininity, which will emphasize the curves of the girls. It is important to choose a style that will outline the waist without overloading the bottom. And here you need to avoid the two extremes - tight-fitting and baggy models. Both options will visually add volume to the hips.

For Everyday life the following styles will be able to create the correct silhouette:

  • Dress shirt... A straight skirt gently frames the hips, while a belt at the waist accentuates the figure and visually lengthens the legs.
  • With smell... The asymmetry of the skirt and the length of the midi visually lengthen the figure and distract from wide hips.
  • Semi-fitted case... This style emphasizes the waist, while slightly concealing the contrast with the hips, thereby visually equalizing the proportions between the top and bottom.
  • A-silhouette... This is the most suitable option for a pear, as the skirt will hide full thighs. However, the flowing fabric will not add volume to the lower body.
  • With a flared skirt below the knee... Light flared from the waist - a universal cut for all body types. Well-draped material will frame the hips, while the high waist maintains a feminine silhouette.

Tight-fitting dresses with a narrow bottom are quite moody. Of course, they will emphasize the curves of the hips and the transition to the waist, but they are suitable for owners of long legs and an ideal figure without excess weight. The top of the dress can be either simple or have a more complex cut with various details - ruffles, loose sleeves, V-neckline.

For an evening out, long floor-length dresses or cocktail dresses with a midi length are suitable:

  • high-waisted empire made of chiffon material;
  • mermaid dress;
  • kimono style;
  • flowing A-line dress with a slit along the leg.


Finding a perfectly fitting pear-shaped skirt is quite difficult. Many manufacturers sew this wardrobe item without an accent on the belt, so girls with a thin waist and wide hips cannot always assess how well a thing sits on them, and whether a rework will help her.

Girls with such a figure should pay attention to the following styles:

  1. Pencil skirt... It is suitable for small thighs, while emphasizing the curves of the body. This skirt is worn with oversized blouses and T-shirts. Knee-highs and fitted shirts require a jacket over them.
  2. Trapezoid... The classic A-line with an extension from the mid-thigh will hide the widest line of the bottom. It is important that the skirt sits strictly at the waist, this will visually lengthen the legs and make the figure more graceful.
  3. Wrap Skirts... The vertical line on the side and slight asymmetry narrows the hips and makes them less rounded.
  4. Bell... The structured shape of the skirt will hide the width of the hips and accentuate thin calves.

The main rule when choosing a skirt is to pay attention to the material.

For trapezoid and pencil, it should be a dense fabric that holds its shape. For a flared style, a well-draped flowing material is suitable.

Trousers, shorts, pants

Girls with wide hips and narrow waists always have a hard time finding the perfect fit. This is the most problematic element of the wardrobe for the owners of the "triangle" figure. The same rule applies here as with skirts - do not put on bulky, shapeless clothes. On the contrary, it enlarges the figure and makes it blurry.

A win-win style - classic straight-leg trousers with a slightly above average fit... They may taper slightly towards the bottom, but not completely hug the legs, so as not to emphasize the contrast between the top and bottom body. The second option for the cut of trousers and pants is a light flare. It can start just below the hip and from the knee.

The first option is suitable for tall girls, as the wide cut brings the figure to the ground. It is recommended to wear it with heels. The knee flare visually balances the difference between wide hips and narrow calves. Both options go well with classic blouses, not too bulky sweaters and jumpers.

Special attention is paid to jeans. As well as with trousers, straight styles fit best on the pear shape. Skinnies are more capricious, but they suit girls with slender forms.

The best options for pairing skinny jeans with a top:

  • oversized T-shirt or shirt in a man's cut;
  • oversized sweater;
  • golf + knitted cardigan or a straight jacket just above mid-thigh.

As for the shorts, it is important to find your length here - it should cover the widest part of your legs.

Tops, blouses, shirts, sweaters

Wide hips and narrow waist in girls are corrected with the help of the top, namely the shoulders. An accent is created on them, which will divert attention from the massive bottom and reduce the contrast in the figure.

This will help:

  • oversized sweaters with a neckline or medium V-neck;
  • blouses with various details - a stand-up collar, ruffles on the chest, voluminous sleeves (lanterns, "wings"), a bow at the neck;
  • tops with or without straps, with an American armhole;
  • cropped sweatshirts or jumpers;
  • shirts in masculine style made of dense materials.

To draw attention to the top, clothes in contrasting bright and light colors are suitable. Especially it will perfectly complement the bottom in a neutral dark color... Large print is allowed - polka dots, stripes, flowers. Owners of a rounded transition to the arms should choose a top with a clear shoulder line.

Lowered sleeves, strapless tops are contraindicated in such a top structure.

The most successful option for the length of clothing for the upper body is to the thigh line and above. The form-fitting top looks good only on a slender "pear". But it also needs to be supplemented with layering - a loose jacket or a flowing cardigan.


The same principle of choosing clothes applies here - to balance the top and bottom, while leaving the emphasis on the waist.

Girls with a "triangle" body type will do all the classic options outerwear:

  • Semi-fitted or straight jacket with a clear shoulder line... To further highlight them, you can use the shoulder pads. Ideal length is to or above the widest part of the hips. Best of all, jackets are combined with skinny pants, pencil skirts, or worn over a sheath dress. Double-breasted blazers or oversized cuts increase the top too much and hide the curves of the body, so they are suitable for those who have too noticeable contrast between the top and bottom.
  • Leather "leather jackets"... Due to massive shoulders and short length jacket figure will approach the reference "hourglass". Various details in the form of active zippers, buckles, chains additionally draw attention to the chest.
  • Classic below the knee trench coat... Stylists recommend paying attention to models with shoulder straps and voluminous sleeves. The belt accentuates the waist, and the dense fabric of the skirt flows gently over the hips, which perfectly conceals the bottom of the figure.
  • Parkas with fur... It is important to tighten them at the waist and not remove the hood. The top can be complemented with a voluminous scarf.

The coat is a versatile outerwear that matches any wardrobe.

For girls with a thin waist and wide hips, the following styles are suitable:

  • trapezoid;
  • semi-fitted cut;
  • empire style;
  • coat-robe.


Wide hips and narrow waist for girls can be adjusted even on the beach, when the figure cannot be hidden under a layer of clothing.

For this, there are several secrets to choosing a swimsuit:

  • Playing on color contrast... The simplest combination is dark swimming trunks + a light or bright bodice with a large print.
  • Accent on the top... It can be a bodice with active details - fringe, ruffles, frills. The owners of small breasts should take a closer look at push-ups and bandeau bodices. Wide-set shoulder straps can extend the shoulders.
  • Correctly fitted bottom... For a visual narrowing of the thighs, swim trunks with an above-average fit. No strings or sides that are too wide or narrow.
  • One piece swimsuit... To draw attention to the top, you can choose models with asymmetry, American armhole, deep V-neck.

Stylish shoes

The main task of the shoe is to stretch the silhouette. Shoes or boots should be an extension of the leg, that is, in the same color as the trousers or tights. This also includes the heel.

For the "pear", the most acceptable:

  • cone or cylinder heels;
  • hairpins;
  • kitten heels.

It is important that the shoes are not massive, as they visually make the bottom heavier, which is contraindicated for a "pear".

The platform and high wedge heels are suitable only for skinny girls. Therefore, graceful ankle boots and shoes will be a win-win option. Shoes with a pointed toe can lengthen your legs; sandals made of thin straps that completely expose the foot are suitable for summer.

When choosing shoes on a flat run, stylists recommend paying attention to models with a wide small heel and a sole of 1.5-3 cm. Taboo for the "triangle" figure - boots just above the ankle. They shorten the legs and make the thighs heavier. Alternative - ankle boots or high boots. Both options go well with midi skirts.

Harmonious accessories

Accessories are important details that complete the look. Without them, the outfit will be "bland" and uninteresting. The bag belongs to one of the main accessories, so it is impossible to imagine without it modern woman... She is also able to correct the figure.

To do this, you should choose medium-sized soft or structured models. They are worn above the waist, so the best option there will be cross body handbags. A voluminous shopper is worn on the shoulder and only to the store. If you hold it in your hand, then all attention will be focused on the legs.

The following accessories will help to emphasize the femininity of the figure and draw attention to its top:

  • bulky fabric shawls or knitted scarves;
  • hats;
  • massive earrings;
  • multilayer neck pendants;
  • belts and belts of various textures (they are worn only at the waist).

Texture of fabrics, colors, prints

When choosing clothes, the owners of the "pear" figure should pay attention to soft, but at the same time high-quality fabrics that keep their shape well and flow easily.

For instance:

  • cotton;
  • satin and silk;
  • leather and suede;
  • wool;
  • trouser material.

Clothes for wide hips from trouser material and beautiful blouses, girls' narrow waist is emphasized and becomes more harmonious.

For the top, there are no restrictions, as girls with graceful shoulders and small breasts can wear both light chiffon blouses and sweaters with chunky knits. Bright and light shades, large prints, shiny finishes should be left for blouses and jackets.

For the bottom, you should choose trousers and skirts in solid neutral colors - black, gray, rich beige, caramel. From the print for the lower body, a thin vertical strip is allowed, which visually narrows the hips and makes the legs slimmer.

Things and details to avoid

There are several wardrobe items and details that are contraindicated for owners of the "triangle" figure type:

  • Massive oversize in shirts and outerwear... The task of the outfit is to balance the figure, and not turn it into a shapeless bag. In this case, an exaggerated trend oversize will hide the outlines of the figure and make the top massive. Both parts of the body will become heavy and bulky.
  • Patch hip pockets on trousers and outerwear... This technique is used by girls with a "rectangle" and "inverted triangle" figure to add volume to the hips.
  • Raglan sleeve and dropped shoulder line... Fragile sharp shoulders need to be emphasized, not hidden, thereby disrupting the proportions of the top.
  • Low rise pants and skirts... This cut has long been an anti-trend, in addition, it visually expands the hips and makes the legs shorter.
  • Tight dresses in soft knit fabric... They are suitable only for slender owners of "pear" with thin legs.

  • Horizontal striped skirts... They will lead to results that don't need to be achieved - they will widen the hips and shorten the legs.
  • Shiny materials for the bottom... Again, they will add volume to the legs and create imbalances in the body.
  • Trousers with breeches, cargo, bananas and culottes... They all differ in voluminous halves and focus on the hips.
  • Knitted knee-highs... They accentuate the small top, thereby accentuating the difference between the chest and hips. It is better to choose tight straight-cut knee-highs and complement them on top with a jacket or vest.

How to look after and take care of yourself

Wide hips and narrow waist in girls force them to constantly monitor their shape. This includes nutrition, sports, and body skin care. Their common task is to keep the skin and muscles in good shape. The "pear" figure has a vulnerable spot - the inner and outer sides of the thigh, buttocks. Excess weight immediately reflected in the form of cellulite and the so-called "ears".

Therefore, for their prevention and control, regular compliance with the following recommendations is important:

  • Nutrition should correspond to individual indicators of calorie content and the ratio of proteins, carbohydrates and fats. For weight loss, create a small calorie deficit.
  • It is important to remember that you cannot lose weight in one part of the body. Excess weight comes off gradually from all areas. Among the workouts, preference should be given to strength exercises. For those who do not like active sports, yoga, Pilates, swimming, walking are suitable.

  • It is also important to stay hydrated. With a lack of fluid, the body swells, which provokes the appearance of sagging skin and cellulite.
  • To maintain skin elasticity, massage with a natural bristle brush is suitable. It is made to dry skin by lungs movements in the direction from bottom to top. It is important not to touch the inner thighs due to the concentration of the lymph nodes.
  • Regular scrubbing exfoliates dead skin cells, thereby maintaining its good condition. After the shower, a nourishing or moisturizer is applied to the body.

Girls with wide hips and a narrow, pronounced waistline have feminine shapes that do not need to be shy. A properly chosen wardrobe will allow you to emphasize the curves of the body and hide imperfections.

Article formatting: Anna Vinnitskaya

Video about choosing the right clothes

How to hide big thighs:

What should the most feminine figure that distinguishes the fair sex look like? Who is the standard of beauty today? Kim Kardashian is breaking Instagram popularity records, and Monica Bellucci and Jennifer Lopez will be named among the most captivating images. Their figures are united by one thing - a narrow waist, wide hips. The 21st century has become a real revolution in the approach to understanding female attractiveness.

Types of shapes

It has long been noticed that even with a change in the weight category, the same woman has an even distribution of additional kilograms. The contours of the figure remain the same. This made it possible to distinguish certain types of female constitution. It directly depends on the genetic predisposition and is slightly corrected with the help of the nutritional system and motor activity... The most common classification, in which there are six options different figures: "Apple", "rectangle", "pear", "inverted triangle", asthenic type, and also "hourglass". The penultimate one is the choice of fashion designers who brought thin teenage girls to the catwalk with long arms and feet.

But today, plus size models are becoming more and more popular - women with a narrow waist and wide hips that have mouth-watering shapes. With no less grace, they showcase new clothing lines for the fair sex. Two types of figures out of six are distinguished by a narrow waist, wide hips - "pear" and "hourglass". Let's dwell on them in more detail.


This type is often called gynecoid, because it is absolutely not characteristic of the strong half of humanity and shows all the advantages female beauty: narrow, slightly sloping shoulders, a graceful waist and a flat stomach, but at the same time a captivating sharp curve of the hips. Representatives of this type are rarely tall and can be both broad-boned (Irina Rodnina) and thin-boned (Salma Hayek). Sometimes a different width of the bones of the skeleton is observed in the same woman: thin arms and massive legs. Due to low metabolism overweight"Settle" in the buttocks, upper legs and chest. At the same time, a narrow waist is maintained. Wide hips differ in the direction of increase by at least 30 cm.

Emphasis placed on the upper body (shoulders, jewelry on the neck and décolleté, bright colours blouses, scarves and chest pockets), will allow you to imagine a woman's figure more proportional, because it is no secret that the hourglass figure is truly coveted by many.


Approximately the same size of the hips and shoulders against the background of a thin waist (the difference is 25 centimeters or more) characterizes the representatives of this type. An example can be called Lyudmila Gurchenko, who retained enviable proportions until recent years life, and incredible Audrey Hepburn, just as fragile and feminine. The figure of Monica Bellucci can also be put on the same row with them, but she is distinguished by luxurious forms. A narrow waist, wide hips (the photo can be seen in the article) make her a breathtaking beauty at the age of 50+. Rounded buttocks and bust, a curved line from the waist to the hip - what could be more feminine? It is an indicator that extra pounds are extremely evenly distributed throughout the body, keeping exciting lines. Owners of this type of figure suit any outfit; in this regard, they can be called real lucky women.

Slimmest waist and widest hips

New trends in fashion are forcing certain representatives of the female part of the population to make incredible efforts in the struggle for beauty. Singer Rupa Boyko once weighed about 90 kg. Her dream was a slim waist and feminine proportions. Despite the fact that her performance was 40 cm, she is not a world record holder. Katie Jang, whose age belongs to the category 75+, has not removed the corset for almost 50 years, having become the owner of a waist of 38 cm.At the same time, she did not need to remove ribs or resort to other surgical interventions. Her achievement is a narrow waist.

The wide hips, measuring 2.5 meters, belong to the American Mikel Ruffinelli. In order for her to make a flight, the airline has to make up two seats. With a height of 156 cm, Ruffinelli's proportions cannot be admired. Rather, sympathy. Where is the line that should separate feminine forms from excessive fullness? There is only one criterion - this is the preservation of health, and with it elastic and delicate skin, devoid of cellulite.