
"Learning to dress and undress" ml. group methodological development (junior group) on the topic. Synopsis of GCD on the implementation of educational activities in the region. “Speech development” in the I junior group on the topic “We will dress Masha for a walk Dressing for a walk during


Olga Mazaeva
Synopsis of the regime moment (dressing for a walk) in junior group(2–3 years)

Target: Continue teaching children dress in a certain sequence


1. Develop and activate vocabulary (tights, pants, jacket, hat, mittens, socks, scarf, fur coat)

2. Continue to build self-reliance skills dressing

3. To educate children in accuracy during dressing for a walk

preliminary work: playing a didactic game "Let's dress the doll Masha on walk»

Methods and techniques: verbal directions, reminders, art word

Didactic material: doll Masha in outerwear

The course of the regime moment:

After the children have gone to the toilet, the teacher brings in group doll Masha dressed in outerwear, and refers to guys:

Children, while you and I were cleaning toys and going to the toilet, Masha's doll was going to walk. Let's get dressed and go outside with her to play, shall we? (Yes)

One, two, three, four, five

We are going to walk.

Guys, go to the locker room, each sit down to your locker. Does everyone remember their picture? (Yes)

The teacher and the children go to the locker room

Anya, what is painted on your locker? Do you remember?

Where is your locker? Sit in your locker

The teacher reads the nursery rhyme on behalf of Masha:

In the cold winter I go -

I wear my fur coat.

And in it, believe me, never

I won't freeze in the cold!

Doll Masha, sit down, look at the guys (the teacher puts the doll on a chair, and the guys and I will now show Masha how we can work together dress, truth?

Guys, we take out rugs from our lockers, put them on the floor (the teacher checks whether everyone got the rugs, who needs help - helps)

Guys, now everyone take off your sandals and put them in your locker. (who needs help the educator helps)

Now take off your socks. We put all the clothes next to us on the bench.

We put the guys, shorts and skirts to our socks and start taking off blouses, shirts, coats ... (the teacher and the junior teacher at this time help those who are not doing well and beautifully fold the already taken off clothes, put them in the lockers)

If you want take a walk,

Need it fast dress,

Open the closet door

And get some clothes.

We are the first dress tights. Guys, get your tights out of the lockers. How to properly wear pantyhose? (children's answers about 2 strips, etc.)

Show me how we will wear pantyhose(Checks whether everything is holding correctly, whoever does not correctly turns it over)

Roma, you not correctly hold! The other side!

Gather them into an accordion,

And put it on your feet.

And now we put our right hand into the pantyhose, take the patch and take it out, help with the left hand.

Sonya, well done (the educator and the junior educator help the guys to do "accordion")

-dressing"accordion" to the knee

Clever, Denis

And now the same thing, only on the other leg (teacher and junior teacher help the children)

Alena, smart girl, quickly getting dressed

Guys, are you all wearing pantyhose? (Yes)

Dasha, what do we need now dress? (blouse)

Look outside

It got cold.

It's blouse time

For kids dress.

Putting on a sweater

To protect from the cold.

Right! Guys, we get blouses from our lockers and we dress them.

Vasya, do not forget to turn the blouse over the other side!

It's cold outside the window.

So that the child does not freeze,

We put on pants

Let's run around in them.

Guys, we all tuck blouses into tights (the teacher and the junior teacher help the children fill up in a good way)

Guys, now we get pants out of our locker. dressing first on one leg, then on the other ...

Dima, turn your pants over, please.

Nastya and Artem are here today quickly dress up. Well done! Please wait for the other guys. They will also quickly dress up and catch up with you. (the teacher and the junior teacher help the children to fasten the overalls)

Guys, now what are we going to do with you dress? (boots)

Now let's put on your boots

We dress our feet.

Two boots and two legs -

A shoe for each foot.

Pull on the left boot - if only someone would help,

Pull the right boot on - and he himself on the leg - lope!

That's right, boots! But first you need to remove the rugs in the locker.

The children put the mats in their lockers.

Get your shoes out of the lockers and we dress them. Do not forget that our legs must "be friends", but not "apart" be (teacher and junior teacher help children dress boots and check if everyone is wearing them correctly and adjust the elastic bands on overalls so as not to get their feet wet)

What good fellows we are! How fast are we getting dressed!

The guys who have a shirt-front, take it out of their lockers (the teacher helps, and whoever I have without a shirt-front, we take out hats and we dress(the teacher helps the children put on hats)

The jacket will always keep us warm.

We go out for a walk in it.

Let the wind blow everywhere

Let's have fun playing!

The coat of the jacket is warmer,

And in winter it is cozy in it,

Hide your nose in the collar

Maybe even Santa Claus.

Now we take out our beautiful jackets from the lockers and we dress them(teacher and junior teacher help children put on and fasten jackets)

Who has already put on jackets, we take out mittens, scarves and we will dress them up(teacher and junior teacher help children dress mittens and tie scarves)

Guys, we take out the ice cubes from the lockers so that we can go down the hill ourselves and our Masha. And we get up in pairs (the teacher and the children go to walk a ml. the teacher accompanies them)

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Stanovskaya Lyubov Alekseevna
Position: educator
Educational institution: MBDOU №5 "Rainbow"
Locality: Kholmsk, Sakhalin Region
Material name: plan - abstract
Topic: Game situation "Let's dress the doll for a walk" in the second junior group
Publication date: 15.03.2017
Chapter: preschool education

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution

Kindergarten No. 5 "Rainbow" of the municipal formation "Kholmsky

urban district "of the Sakhalin region

694620 Russia, Kholmsk, st. Shkolnaya, d. 52, tel.: 2-00-91

Theme: "Let's dress the doll for a walk."

Game-situation in the second junior group.

Educator: Stanovskaya L.A.



-Fix the algorithm for dressing clothes.

Program content:

Educational area: "Social and communicative development"

Develop and enrich play activities with the doll

Educational area: "Cognitive development".

To consolidate children's knowledge of clothes and the order of dressing them,

Encourage children to understand the signs of winter

Activate children's vocabulary

Encourage children to use the names of items of clothing and

actions associated with it.

Raise the desire to help Katya doll.

Preliminary work:






"Let's pick

undress”, consideration of illustrations on the winter theme.

Material: Doll Masha, wardrobe with winter clothes for the doll: hat, jacket,

trousers, scarf, mittens, felt boots, panels in the corner of nature "Winter", cards -



"Children, let's stand in a circle, hold hands, smile at each other and

Let's say good morning to everyone!

Guys, let's sit on the chairs.

Now look at the pictures.

Q - who is in the picture?

Q.- What are the children doing?

D. - (They make a snowman, sledding, playing snowballs).

Q. - When do they walk in summer or winter?

D. - In winter.

Q. Are they warmly dressed?

Q. - What are the children wearing?

D. - Warm hats, jackets, mittens….

Q. - What season is it now?


It's winter-winter

You covered everything at home

Christmas trees dressed up in hats,

She covered the yard with a white shawl,

In the snow in the snowdrifts swept

Everything is white - winter has come!

Let's sit on the chairs.


Guys, I hear some strange sounds, and you? Listen, I think

someone is crying. Where could it be? I'll go and see, just quietly, otherwise

scare. (In the locker room).

The teacher brings in the doll.

This is Katya doll. Say hello to Katya (children say hello).

What are you upset about, Katya? (the teacher puts the doll to his ear, pretending

doll says).

Katya said that she went for a walk, but she was very cold, outside.

Q. - Look what Katya is wearing?

D. - Cap, Sandals, sundress.

Q. - Guys, is it possible to walk in such clothes in winter?

D. - No, it's cold outside, you can freeze.

V.- Of course, because it is very cold outside, but before you go

to walk, we need to put on warm clothes.

What will we wear?

(children's answers)

Let's play the game "Dress for a walk"

(Children, imitating, put on socks, trousers, a jacket, a hat, and then


V. - Well done. Let's sit on the chairs.


dress, let's help Katya.

Q. - Katya, where are your things?

K. - Shows things laid out on the table.




clothing name).

Educator: And now let's help the Katya doll to get dressed for a walk.

Children: Come on.

Educator: Tanya, what will we put on the doll first? (Pantyhose.) That's right,

- Misha, what will we wear later? (Pants.)

- Vika, what do we put on after our pants? (Sweater.) Well done, Vika.

- Nastenka, and after the jacket we put on mittens? (No. Cap.)

- Lenya, after the hat, will we put on boots? (No, you have to put on a fur coat.) Well done,

- Ilya, what will you put on the doll after the fur coat? (Boots.) That's right, Kostya!

- Veronica, what will we put on after the boots? (Scarf and mittens.) Well done.

in bed



So Katya is ready to walk with us!

I think that Katya remembered how to dress properly. Thank you,

The guys helped Katya.


And in parting, Katya, we will leave you pictures-diagrams, according to which you

It will be easy to remember what to put on first.

Let the guys once again remind Katya how to do it right, in order

put on clothes (use an algorithm).

The doll thanks the children for their help.

And now let's say goodbye to Katya. (Goodbye).

Final part.

Guys who came to visit us? (Doll Katya).

What did Katya not know how to do? (dress for a walk in winter).

What did we do for the doll? (Dressed her for a walk).

What did we put on her first? (tights, etc.).

Well done. Katya doll came to visit us today. You guys helped

she should get dressed, because it is very cold outside, frosty. Our doll will not freeze.

Abstract of the lesson on cognitive activity in the first junior group "How to dress for a walk in winter"

Erokhina Irina Yuryevna, educator of MBDOU "TsRR-DS "Smile", Abaza, Republic of Khakassia.

Description: This educational activity is intended for educators of the first junior group.

Purpose: GCD in winter period for children of the first junior group, can serve as a GCD for the competition.

Target: Creation of favorable conditions for the formation younger preschoolers the concept of the generalizing word "clothes".

1. Differentiate the types of clothing according to the seasons: summer, winter clothing.
2. Create conditions for the development of the ability to recognize and name items of clothing.
3. Contribute to the formation of skills of comparison and generalization.
4. Create conditions for the education of accuracy and attention to one's own appearance, careful attitude to clothing.
5. Exercise and match a pair to the subject, matching them by color.
Methods and techniques:
Verbal: conversation, questions.
Visual: showing pictures of winter and summer clothes; didactic game "Find a couple"
Practical: didactic game "What do you wear on the street."
Previous work:
1. Excursion with parents to a children's clothing store.
2. A conversation about the purpose of clothing.
3. Examining with children their personal clothing.
4. Conversation with children while dressing for a walk, showing on a doll.
Individual work:
Encourage Varya, Seryozha, Angelina to verbally pronounce the names of clothing items.

1. Problem situation.

-Guys, look, the Katya doll came to visit us. But for some reason she is trembling. She froze! Guys, why do you think she froze? (Because she came to us in one thin dress) Is it possible to walk in a thin dress now? What season is it now? That's right, it's winter outside. What is the weather like outside in winter? (frosty, cold, snowy, strong wind blowing) That's right, guys. And what clothes should be in winter? (warm). What is the name of the clothes that we will wear in winter? (winter). What will we wear in winter? What about the clothes we wear in the summer? (summer).
Is it possible to walk in summer clothes in winter? Why not? (may get sick).
- Katya, what do you have in the box? What do you guys think? (The game "Choose winter clothes"- children divide clothes into two groups (winter to a snowflake, and summer to a flower))

2. Breathing exercises"Snow Path"

Oh, guys, look, the whole path is covered with snow, how will Katya go for a walk? … Right! She needs to clear the way. (Children blow on cotton snowflakes, blowing them off the path). Well, now we have cleared the path, you can call Katya for a walk.

3. Didactic game"Find a Pair"

While we were clearing the path, Katyusha mixed up all the clothes, help her find a pair. I have one sock, Varya, find the second one ... that you gave me Varya (sock)

4. Mobile game "I will freeze"

It's quite cold outside, we need to warm up faster. Let's play…
I'm not afraid of frost, I'll make friends with him
Frost will come to me, touch my cheeks, touch my nose
So you need not to yawn, run, jump and jump.

5. Reflection. Game "What for"

Guys, look, our doll is still not dressed.
Katya, now you have warm clothes, put them on soon, and we will meet for a walk.
(We dress a paper doll ...)

- What did we do today? Where did you go? What did you like the most today?
The result of the lesson: Dolly Katya treats children with vitamins so that they are always healthy.

The mode of stay of children in the preschool educational institution involves daily walks. They have a positive effect on the physical, mental, emotional development help boost immunity. Whereas in senior group almost all the guys are able to dress themselves on their own and are perfectly familiar with the sequence of actions, then in the younger group there are always problems with this. Consider what should be the dressing of children in kindergarten and how to build a dressing algorithm correctly.

Preparing for a walk

Toddlers and matured preschoolers should know a clear rule - you can’t get dressed and go out without the permission of the teacher. Many fidgets, just mastering the regime of the institution, rush to the street at any time. To prevent this from happening, create a special atmosphere in preparation for the upcoming exit. For example, enter a tradition called "I want to return to a clean group." It will consist in jointly bringing the group's premises in order.

If every day before a walk in the preschool children begin to clean up their toys, put scattered books and pencils on the shelves, then the tradition will turn into a good habit - and after undressing from a walk, you won’t have to waste time on cleanliness. In the young minds, the algorithm of actions will be postponed: first cleaning, then a walk. In the process of cleaning, tell the children about the upcoming games and observations on the street, about the weather outside the window. Their interest will increase, and they themselves will be more willing to dress.

Dressing algorithm

An adult is able to reason logically and even put on a new thing for himself at the moment that requires it. It is harder for a child to cope with a large set of things, especially if. Winter means sweaters, scarves, gloves, tights - of course, it’s very easy for a baby, and sometimes even a preschooler, to get confused. We need a logical, understandable scheme.

The correct algorithm is best drawn up in pictures, where dressing is shown very clearly. Remember that hanging it at the eye level of an adult is a pointless undertaking. You need to place the memo at the level of children's eyes so that it is convenient for everyone to come up and clarify what is in this moment costs . As a visual aid, a doll located in the locker room can act. On it, in their free time from walking, children can train and hone their knowledge on the subject of dressing and undressing. Gradually, the sequence of actions in the pictures will be assimilated, the children will begin to gather faster.

In what order should you dress for a walk?
1. Putting on tights
2. Putting on socks
3. Putting on a T-shirt
4. Putting on pants
5. Put on a sweater or jacket
6. Putting on shoes
7. Putting on a hat
8. Putting on a jacket
9. Tie a scarf
10. Put on gloves or mittens

A Few Rules

Toddlers 3-4 years old, of course, it is very difficult, even impossible, to cope with clothes on their own and monitor its full-fledged composition on themselves (of course, if we are not talking about summer walks, when dressing, dressing and undressing is minimized). The task of the preschool teacher is to help each child, but not in the form of guardianship, but in the form of tips and games. It is important to adhere to the algorithm of putting on things in the pictures, but still the desire for independence is necessary. So that the collection process does not take too long, enter a number of rules for the guys:

  • Each preschooler can dress only near his locker.
  • We need to help each other.
  • Ask for help and be grateful for it.
  • Any clothes should lie in their place (the top tier in the closet is for changing clothes) and preferably should be available in the sequence that the dressing algorithm will correspond to.
  • The child should get out of the locker only what he intends to wear, without knocking down the sequence.

Children should be comfortable and fun to dress for a walk, because they have to do it every day. It is necessary that the skills of the children have developed. preschool teacher he should not forget about the safety of the health of his wards - children who dressed before the rest may have time to sweat and catch a cold in the cold air. Demonstrate to the children how undressing should be, removing things in the reverse order. teacher vigilance and good mood children coming to kindergarten - the key to a successful walk. And after the walk, don't forget!

Didactic game "Let's dress the doll Masha for a walk"

Target: learn to consistently put on outerwear on the doll; fix the name of the outerwear.

Equipment: Masha doll; seasonal outfit.

Children sit on chairs. The teacher brings a doll Masha and a chest with her clothes into the group, on behalf of Masha she addresses the children.

caregiver. Children, it's cold. I really want to go for a walk with you, but I don’t know how to dress. Help me please!

The teacher takes out seasonal clothes from the chest, invites the children to name them using adjectives (red tights, warm pants, rubber boots, fluffy blouse, yellow jacket, beautiful hat, soft scarf).

Let's tell Mashenka what to wear first. That's right, first you need to put on tights. How are we going to wear them? Go, Irochka, put Mashenka on her knees and put on her red tights.

Pants are worn in the same way.

Now let's put on boots: this one from the right leg, this one from the left leg. What are we going to put on Masha? That's right, Seryozha, go put on a blouse for the doll. Tell the children what Masha's blouse is?

Seryozha. Fluffy, soft, beautiful.

caregiver. Remember how we put on Vanechka's shirt: first on one handle, then on the other. We fasten all the buttons so that Masha does not catch a cold. But you can't walk like that. It's cold outside and you need to put on a jacket and a hat.

Alena, go put a jacket on Masha and show all the kids how to put on a jacket correctly. Well done! It remains to put on a hat and tie a scarf.

Encourages children to do so if they wish. When the doll is dressed, the teacher reads the nursery rhyme.

One, two, three, four, five -

We are going to walk.

Tied up Mashenka

striped scarf,

Let's get dressed - I myself, I myself!

Mashenka is dressed and invites all the children for a walk. Let's go get dressed!

Didactic game "Let's dress the doll Tanya for a walk"

Tasks: develop the need to address questions and requests to an adult; play game actions; teach to recognize yourself, your family members in the photo, show interest in the facial expressions of peers; fix the names of winter clothes, its purpose.

Equipment: a doll with a set of winter clothes (fur coat, hat, mittens, boots, knitted suit, scarf); photographs of children and their families.

The teacher draws attention to photographs of children and their families and asks to find photographs where people are dressed in winter clothes. The teacher asks to name who they see in the photo, why are people dressed in winter clothes?

There is a knock on the door, the teacher brings in the crying doll Tanya, asks what happened? Why is she crying? The doll replies that she wants to go for a walk, but does not know how to dress for a walk in winter.

caregiver. Children, let's calm the doll Tanya, help her get dressed and take her for a walk. What should she wear?

The children answer.

That's right, Tanya brought us her clothes.

The teacher lays out clothes on a chair, asks the children to name things.

What should Tanya wear first?

Children. First, put on warm pants.

caregiver. Pants are knitted from warm woolen threads. This grandmother knitted her granddaughter panties. What are you wearing to Tanya, Olya?

The child answers.

Why are you putting on her pants?

The child answers.

What do we wear next?

Children. Socks, boots.

Similarly, a conversation is conducted on each thing.

The teacher draws attention to the fact that you need to wear one thing at a time, carefully straightening them, do not rush. When the doll is dressed, she invites the children to dress up too and go for a walk together. The doll goes with the children to the dressing room, the children remember the sequence of dressing.

When the children are dressed, the teacher, on behalf of the Tanya doll, offers to take a picture of everyone together on a walk.

Didactic game "Zip and lace up"

Target: develop fine motor skills; to consolidate the ability to fasten and unfasten buttons; learn how to lace correctly.

Equipment: various fasteners with a set of small attributes, fasteners can be made independently. Silhouettes are cut out of dense fabric: favorite animals: a bunny, a fox, a bear, a hedgehog (they can fasten bows, ties, aprons, a hedgehog - apple fruits, mushrooms); trees (fasten leaves, apples); baskets (vegetables, fruits, mushrooms are fastened); Christmas tree(balloons, toys are fastened); lacing various shapes and configuration.

Didactic game "Button the buttons"

Children perform actions with fasteners. The teacher individually, if necessary, provides assistance, explains the actions performed.

Didactic game "Lacing"

Children perform actions with lacing. The teacher provides individual assistance, explains the correct implementation.