
Cinderella crafts on a fairy tale theme. Master class "Fireplace for New Year's decoration of the fairy tale" Cinderella "made of cardboard with your own hands. Cinderella wedding dress

Breast cancer

Due to the increased employment of all participants, I publish the full description. Photos and answers to questions will appear as you knit. Judging by the comments and posts, many have already finished their skirts and would like to continue knitting. And I don't always have time with fast knitters.


Cinderella before the ball

We start knitting from top to bottom. Cast on 14 stitches with light pink yarn. We knit 14 rows of hosiery.

15 row - (2 together front) to the end = 7 loops.

Cinderella at the ball

We start knitting from top to bottom. Cast on 14 stitches with light pink yarn. We knit 24 rows of hosiery.

25 row - (2 together front) to the end = 7 loops.

Collect all loops with a thread and pull tight.


Cinderella before the ball

We start knitting from top to bottom. Cast on 12 loops with yarn white.

1 row - purl loops

3 row - purl

26 row - (1 front, 2 together front) to the end = 16 loops.
27 row - knit
28 row - knit

Close all loops.

Cinderella at the ball

We start knitting from top to bottom. Cast on 12 stitches with blue yarn.

1 row - purl loops
2nd row - add 12 loops (knit from broaches) = 24 loops
3 row - purl

16 row - (1 front, 2 together front) to the end = 16 loops.
17 row - knit
18 row - knit

Close all loops.


Sew the arms and sleeves along the edge loops. We turn it over to the front side. Sew the typesetting edge. We do not stuff the sleeves very much. Hands can be filled a little more. We insert our arms into the sleeves so that there are about 4 rows in the sleeves. Be sure to combine the seams. Sew the sleeves to the arms. Then we sew the upper edges of the sleeves to the doll's shoulders.

Cinderella at the ball will need to shape her wrists. To do this, we pull our hands with a thread of light pink (flesh) color at the level of 6 rows from the loops tightened to the thread.


Cinderella before the ball

Cast on 50 stitches with black yarn. We knit one row with the front ones and close all the loops. We pin the collar with pins to the doll, so that the back seam of the collar matches the back seam on the doll. Sew on the gate. We make cross stitches on the shirt with black thread.

Cinderella at the ball

Cast on 50 stitches with white yarn. We knit one row with the front ones and close all the loops. We pin the collar with pins to the doll, so that the back seam of the collar matches the back seam on the doll. Sew on the gate.

Hair (base)

We knit from the bottom up. Cast on 56 stitches with white yarn.

We knit 17 rows with a scarf stitch.

We decorate the top of the head.

Sew along the edge loops, turn out to the front side.

You can try to sew the base as follows. When we knit in garter stitch, each loop forms two arcs, a lower and an upper. We find the top arcs and stitch along them.

Place the part face down in front of you. We start to connect as follows. On the one hand, we always pick up the lower arch, and on the other side of the seam, the upper one. Thus, it becomes possible to connect the product with a neat and almost invisible seam.

When you have sewn the two sides of the piece to the end, simply pull on the thread to make the seam neat as in the picture.

Photos taken from

We put on the doll's head so that the seam on the hair coincides with the seam on the head. To create the illusion of parting, use a pin to pull back the inlaid edge on the forehead, 7 rows above the eyes. Sew the hair to the head along the edge of the typesetting edge.


We knit 4 identical parts. We knit from the bottom up. Cast on 7 stitches with white thread. We knit 11 rows of garter stitch, then collect all the loops on a thread and tie tightly. We fold each piece into a tight roll and sew. Sew on two curls on each side of the face.

Hair - Top

Cast on 12 stitches with white thread.

1 row - knit 10, turn.
2 row - 8 knit, turn
3 row - knit to the end
4 row - knit

Repeat rows 1 to 4 12 times. We close all the loops. Sew together the typesetting edge and closed loops. Pull one side with the edge loops tight. We turn it over to the right side and stuff it. Pin up upper part pins to the top of the head and sew.

We make a twisted cord 30 cm long.To do this, we measure out two pieces of green yarn, each 120 cm long.Fold them together, tie them to doorknob and start twisting clockwise. When the threads are tightly twisted, fold the cord in half. It will twist on its own. Tie up the ends of the cord and cut it neatly. Sew on at the base of the top of the hairstyle and tie it with a bow in the back.

We knit three flowers (see description for the skirt) and sew to the cord.


We start knitting from top to bottom. Cast on 48 stitches with white thread. We knit 7 rows with an elastic band (1 front, 1 purl).

8 row - (2 together front) to the end = 24 loops
9 row - (2 together front) to the end = 12 loops

We collect the loops with a thread and tighten them tightly.

Fold the fan right side out, sew along the edge loops. Then we sew the inlaid edge. Sew the fan to the hand as shown in the picture.

Ball book

We cast on 11 loops with white yarn and knit 9 rows of hosiery. In each purl row, the first loop after the hem and last loop before the edge we knit the front one so that the edges of the book do not curl. We close all the loops.

Cut out a rectangle from thick cardboard in size slightly smaller than the connected one. Round the corners. Draw lines with a ruler. We put down numbers and write down the names of ancient dances such as "hopak", "polka", "gallop", "waltz". Next to each dance we write "Prince". Glue our dance list to the knitted cover. Fold in half in the center.

We make a twisted cord 24 cm long. To do this, measure out 1 meter of pink yarn, tie it to the doorknob and twist it clockwise. Then fold the cord in half, secure the ends and cut straight. We sew the cord to the cover of the book. We tie the ballroom book to the hand of Cinderella.

Your Cinderella is ready to go to the ball

Cinderella before the ball

Hair (base)

We knit from the bottom up. Cast on 56 stitches with yarn Brown.

1 row - (1 front, 1 purl) to the end

Knit 17 rows in garter stitch.

We decorate the top of the head.

19 row - (knit 2, knit 2 together) to the end = 42 loops.

Knit 7 rows of garter stitch.

27 row - (1 front, 2 together front) to the end = 28 loops.

Knit 5 rows of garter stitch.

33 row - (2 together front) to the end = 14 loops. We collect all the loops on a thread and tie tightly.

Putting together the basis according to the principle of the basis for Cinderella at the ball. We sew small stitches to form the parting. We make stitches at the beginning of the parting to simulate a bang.


We carry out two identical details. Cast on 16 rows of brown yarn. We knit 2 rows of hosiery.

3 row - close 12 loops, knit to the end = 4 loops.
4 row - 4 front, we cast on 12 loops using the method of two knitting needles = 16 loops.

We repeat from the first to the fourth row two times. We knit 2 rows of stockings and close all the loops.

How to cast on stitches using the two-knitting method.

Fold the thread as shown in the figure

We tie a knot on the left knitting needle as shown in the following figure

Place the right spoke in the knot on the left spoke so that the right spoke is under the left spoke.

Take the thread and wrap it around the right (lower) knitting needle counterclockwise.

Pull the resulting loop through the knot on the knitting needle and put a new loop on the left knitting needle.

Method description taken from

Here you can watch the video on how to cast on loops with two knitting needles.

Sew on the braids on both sides of the face and braid them tightly. We tie with twisted cords. For each 16 cm cord, measure 64 cm of blue yarn. Twist clockwise tightly and fold in half. We fasten the ends, trim them neatly and tie the pigtails. We grab the ends with a needle so as not to bloom.

Dust cloth

Cast on 16 stitches with orange yarn.

1 row - purl. Then we knit 18 rows of stockings. We close all the loops. We sew large stitches over the edge with red thread. We sew a rag to the doll's hand.

Our doll is ready. She can be a good friend for a little girl or a decorative doll for a big girl.

PS: I am leaving for a week, I have to return on December 27th. If there is access, I will appear and answer questions. Unfortunately, I don't take Cinderella with me, there are too many colors and details. Therefore, I myself will tie Cinderella only when I return. Please share your suggestions, thoughts and findings. I will look forward to your Cinderellas. Be sure to brag!

V kindergarten an exhibition dedicated to the fairy tales of the peoples of the world was announced at Polina's. For a week we wondered what to do and in what technique. At first they wanted the Princess-Frog, the teacher with a creak agreed that Russia can be attributed to the peoples of the world, they have already made a swamp on the SD, and then the concierge gives me a large cardboard gift box... The frog was deposited in a distant box, I wanted something more monumental. And "Cinderella" Disney's favorite cartoon of my daughters. Almost the whole house is in coloring pages, downloaded from the Internet. I turned them over in my hands, put them on top of each other and an IDEA was born.

We got a volumetric application of coloring pages. The general idea is that the scene was composed, "Cinderella is going to the ball". So you need a castle with fireworks, a forest, a road, a carriage, pumpkins, Cinderella and crystal shoes.

I am an artist of course Ahovy, so I went the simple way. We printed the necessary elements from Disney coloring pages on office paper, pasted them on thick cover cardboard and I began to torment the volumetric contours. The castle, all the lines outlined with a bronze outline, Polina filled the white space with gold glitter, she is quite capable of that.

Carriage, gold outline and black on wheels and multi-colored glitters. Silver horses, raspberry curtains, silver horses, gold carriage. Only I printed out Cinderella in color, I certainly would not have drawn it, even along the contour. The beauty is out!

Paved the way from the castle to the carriage. I drew a green outline, and Fields filled it with corn grits. All large parts were cut out with a breadboard knife, the cardboard is very thick and indestructible with scissors and should not be approached. Therefore, I decided to make pumpkins from napkins, fortunately, I have heaps of this motive. Contrary to all laws, I glued all three layers at once and on a non-uniform base, part of the picture fell on pastel paper, part on cereal. Everything is perfectly glued and even some volume is visible in the absence of folds, which I did not expect at all. Flowers and curly mustaches were added to the pumpkins. Polina twisted a lot of daisies, everyone didn't fit, they added herbs.

And I began to compose shoes. The basis is plastic from the packaging, on it I drew a shoe with silver contours, we cut out and stuck this couple into the foamed double-sided tape, and so that it was not visible, we masked it with leaves.

One corner of the box was full, the second remained empty, they decided that Cinderella needed roses - the romanticism of the situation after all. My roses are paper plastic.

Collected the picture on foam tape. The castle, directly on a sheet of paper for pastels, along the road, made by Pauline trees, then on the scotch carriage, the next Cinderella, scotch tape for her, so that there was volume, I glued three pads together. Added contours of fireworks and the moon

And sooo ... I actually started sewing. She began to sew Cinderella's dress. Rather, petticoats for Cinderella dresses.

Fabrics for the dress began to be purchased on spools in wholesalers and retail ... Different fabric, different color, different thickness, different texture ...

And as the dress developed, grew and acquired its shape, more and more ideas appeared ..

and the more my life changed .. When it began to appear, I lived difficult period, and it survived the most different facets of my life and was created in its different periods .. And as it turned out - really magical and fateful.

And the more the dress grew and took shape. The more ideas appeared and the more my life changed ... It went through a difficult period with me and moved to another city .. And oddly enough. It did not abandon and wither like many unfinished creative ideas and projects ... And the fuller and more interesting my life became, the more magical this dress became ...

In order for everything to turn out really beautifully and to be like in a movie, I watched this movie every day for several months, sometimes several times, so I don’t even know the total number of views ... Some parts of the movie I took apart frame by frame on a slow rewind and screened. to understand all the movements of Cinderella, dresses ... to see all the layers of the dress, their order and color. Naturally, the entire Internet was searched in all languages ​​to find all the pictures, backstages, all interviews and everything related to the film. It sounds like fanaticism from the movie X))), but I just tried with all my might to understand what and how this dress was made, although initially I did not pay much attention to it .. The education of the restorer-reenactor played its role - to get to all the details.
I started sewing petticoats at first, not large and not lush, but the higher the petticoat, the more magnificent it is, the more ramifications it has. Not all petticoats are presented here, only those that I remembered to take pictures))

Then endless flounces began to be sewn ... the whole floor was littered with endless ribbons of fabric ...

A cinderella dress consists of many fabrics and layers .. They are all different colors and textures, each layer of skirts is of a different color and different shape.On each underskirt, a flounce is sewn in several layers along the bottom to create the effect of layering without adding excess weight... The higher the skirt, the more layers of flounces.

Each of the 13 skirts took from 6 to 20 m of fabric. Depending on the layer and its life and species later on.

This was done to create a feeling of airiness and fabulousness from the dress ... And when it swirled, different layers of colored petticoats were visible.

It took a lot of time to create this heap of petticoats, but they were just necessary to create the desired shape of the dress. The petticoats turned out to be very lush and at the same time quite heavy. From below, they completely absorbed the crinolite and it was not visible, it seemed that the dress keeps its shape only due to fluffy skirts and there is no crinolet there) So, in principle, I achieved exactly what I wanted.

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Any child will tell you a story about the beautiful Cinderella. Perhaps such a children's book is in any home where small children live. And parents, in turn, can show their young lovers of miracles an interesting master class on sculpting a charming Cinderella from plasticine. Do you think you can't do such a craft? You're wrong. Check out this photo tutorial and make sure that making a toy is not as difficult as it seems at first glance.

Other lessons on the topic of women:

Step-by-step photo lesson:

Naturally, it is better to sculpt a Cinderella princess, and not a servant girl in a torn dress. To create an outfit, you will need a lot of blue and blue plasticine. Also prepare yellow, white and a dash of beige material.

Roll up a yellow ball.

Make a Cinderella hairstyle out of the ball. Pull the ball into an oval, then make a dent with your finger (later on there will be the girl's face). Add a stack of high hair and bangs.

Stick some beige plasticine into the center to create an oval.

Cut through the slit eyes with a stack, attach a neat nose.

Insert into slots Blue eyes, frame with thick black eyelashes.

Finish off the look by adding scarlet lips and thin eyebrows.

Crown your head with a thin blue headband.

To sculpt a slender body, draw out a small block of blue plasticine, then sharpen one side of it, forming wasp waist, and on the opposite side, make the shoulder area.

Stick the beige plasticine in a semicircle, forming the neckline, and prepare a drop for sculpting the neck.

Attach your neck to your torso.

Make a cone from a piece of cardboard. The paper part will not only save plasticine, but also make the finished craft more stable. Also crush a piece of blue plasticine with your fingers to form a flat cake.

String the tortilla over the pointed tip of the cone and lower the hem of the fluffy dress down.

Insert the remaining free end of the cone into lower part torso, holding both parts of the dress together.

Add additional elements to Cinderella's outfit: lantern sleeves, belt.

Use a stack to define the relief of the folds. Attach thin hands with high gloves.

Pierce the neck with a match and attach the head to the body to complete the craft.
Here is such a charming Cinderella from plasticine. To create a craft, you need plasticine of suitable shades and a little patience. But the result will delight all participants in the creative process.