
How to mask deep-set eyes. Arrows for deep-set eyes. How to make arrows for almond eyes


It has always been believed that human face- an open book that can be read by every person. Everything matters: mouth, eyes, eyebrows, wrinkles. The face changes over the years, but the basic features remain the same. Physiognomy is one of the most ancient sciences, originating from China. It is the Chinese specialists in physiognomy who read the fate of an individual by his face.

Science is in demand today. Provides assistance in communication, negotiation, execution of transactions. Every self-respecting businessman is simply obliged to recognize a person at first sight, to predetermine his further actions, behavior, and to protect himself from troubles in the future. Professionals believe that more difficult is woman's face because, as a rule, it undergoes daily transformation by means of cosmetics.

  • eyes;
  • brows.

It is the eyes that give a person his state of health, mood, state of mind. Their color will tell about human temperament.

The eyes are huge

They are inherent in artistic people with emotional and impressionable character traits. They are in constant communication with relatives and friends, they seduce with their sincerity and credulity. They give the face more attractiveness and expressiveness, which contributes to too much attention of others. If such eyes are bulging, then this is a very reckless person who loves to take risks. They are very sociable, passionate and fussy people. They prefer dominance over submission.

Eyes are small

People with such eyes are disciplined, friendly and not amenable to moral decay. They are jealous and envious, have a sense of inferiority. As for women, they are able to change the type of eyes with the help of cosmetics.

Eyes deep and close-set

They are romantic natures, calm and balanced. Conservatives, trust their acquaintances too much, are very vulnerable. They give preference to order, are successful in business, achieve significant material well-being. They never take risks and do not embark on adventures. They are slow, do not like haste, adore innovations, impatient and demanding both to themselves and to others. They get very upset when they do not achieve the desired result. They are very scrupulous and can concentrate. Punctual, keep their mouths shut.

If your eyes are close, then know that you are dealing with a weak-willed person, mama's son. But such people are accompanied by success in political and economic affairs. Since they belong to the category of opportunists, they are able to twist any event for themselves, having received additional benefits or bonuses.

Wrinkles in the corners of the eyes indicate that people have increased sexuality. Thick and long eyelashes speak of an agreeable and soft character.

If the eyes are deeply set, then such people are observant, able to analyze and draw correct conclusions, independent, too self-confident. People with such eyes never succumb to depression, go in for sports and try to be close to the ideal partner.

Eye color

Of no small importance is the color of a person's eyes.

Green eyes suggest tenderness, devotion, reliability, especially for women. And at the same time, green-eyed people really need love and reciprocity.

Dark brown eyes belong to people who are spontaneous. These people are difficult to understand, they are unpredictable, they are not responsible for their actions, they are never devoted life companions.

Gray-eyed people have a quick reaction to a changing environment, quickly navigate in any situation, overcoming all difficulties and obstacles on the way to achieving the goal. Such people are inquisitive, magically influence those around them, charming and bewitching.

People with light brown eyes think more with their heads than give in to emotions. They are very strong and domineering personalities. But behind their severity, tenderness, sensuality, a big human heart, capable of coming to the aid of everyone at once and at any time, is often hidden.

Blue-eyed people are capable of deception. It seems that they are dreamy and naive, but this is not at all the case. In life, they are persistent in achieving their goal, do not rely on intuition, but think very well about everything. But in a love relationship, blue eyes are unforgettable, the second halves are simply drawn to them, like a magnet.

People with black eyes have an irrepressible temperament. They are nervous for no particular reason, they like to command everyone, but they do not switch to rudeness, they use the method of persuasion more. Always achieve the desired result. They defend their love and happiness with irresistible zeal.

Eye shape

Round eyes are a sign of a hot temper. But this condition quickly passes. People with round eyes do not have vindictiveness. If the eyes are wide open, it indicates that the person has an impetuous character and sincerity.

If a person has elongated almond-colored eyes, raised from the outside upwards, then this indicates a certain cruelty. So it was believed in ancient times. V modern world it is assumed that people with such eyes have a subtle soul, are loving, sensual. If the eyes are with downcast outer tips, then these people belong to the category of melancholic people, they are very fond of arguments and rivalry.

People with deep-set eyes have a rich inner life.

If the iris is surrounded by the whites of the eyes, then this is evidence of an indomitable character. Such people do not control their behavior, they often become rabid, so you need to be careful with them and in no case be provoked into unpredictable actions.

People with thin lashes are never active. A person with short and thick eyelashes is energetic, has an aggressive character and strong volitional qualities. Long eyelashes speak of kindness and kindness.

A person with heavy eyelids has a decisive character.

More complete information about a person will be available after the entire face is carefully considered. But you can dwell on some features. This will allow you to correctly understand the thoughts of a person before starting to deal with him. And remember: it is the eyes that are the mirror of the soul. They don't cheat.

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Have beautiful and expressive eyes- any woman strives for this, but not everyone has great data from nature. Make-up for deep-set eyes will correct the shape recessed into the eye socket, which creates the effect of a miniature upper eyelid.

Everyone has drawbacks, and you need to be able to mask them with the help of a skillful make-up.
The correct use of cosmetics will emphasize the natural personality and uniqueness of each girl. When creating such a make-up, you need to take into account all the features of your appearance and choose the right color palette.

Makeup features

The makeup for deep-set eyes has some peculiarities. The photo shows the main stages of its creation.

Shades of light colors are used. Cosmetics in pastel shades look especially good. At the same time, the space between the eyebrow line and the upper eyelid visually increases.

To apply makeup, you need to take into account the shade of the hair, eyes and face shape.

Light shades of beige, pinkish and peach shades are recommended. Darker tones are applied to the movable eyelids. Darker tones are also distributed on the lower eyelid and the outer corner of the eyes, which will visually lengthen the eyes. In this case, very light shadows are applied to the superciliary areas.

In order for the sunken eyes to look harmonious, it is necessary to create the effect of their approaching forward. In this case, the type of arrows is selected taking into account the shape of the eyes. Narrow eyes need to be made wider. Round narrow a little. When creating arrows, it is best not to use liquid eyeliners.

To complement the correction effect for the bottom arrow, the space between the arrow and the eyeliner can be marked with a light pencil or shadows.

Advice!Should not be used for deep-set eyes, shadows of black tones, which will reduce the shape of the eyes and make them more sunken.

What shouldn't be used in this makeup?

When doing makeup for deep-set eyes, it is worth considering certain prohibitions:

  • Applying too dark and dark blue eyeshadows, as well as colored mascara or black eyeliners and pencils.
  • The movable fold of the eyelids in this type of make-up is made using light shades.

  • Do not use thick eyeliner lines. If the makeup is daytime, then the eyeliner at the outer corner is enough.

Advice!If the eyes are deep-set, then the "horizontal type" makeup does not look. In which a transition is made from a light tone at the eyelashes to a dark one under the eyebrows.

What shades to choose depending on the color type?

To choose the right shades will help to determine your color type of appearance and right choice palette.

The most important rule when choosing the color scheme of the shadows is the use of three light shades. In this case, the palette can vary from golden, light brown and beige to blue, lilac and light green.

Depending on the color type of appearance, the following options should be considered:

  • For the spring color type, hazel, blue, gray and peach shades are recommended. Pastels and pearlescent colors work best. Gloss or lipstick in a natural or coral tone is applied to the lips.
  • The autumn color type will be decorated with a warm range of shadows: caramel, pale green, marsh. For lips, orange, brown and beige shades are suitable.

Advice! Girls with an autumn appearance are not advised by non-makeup artists to do smoky makeup.

Deep-set eye makeup: application technique

Make-up for deep-set eyes requires adherence to a special technique, which allows you to see a step-by-step photo.

The rule of three tones when choosing a palette of shadows is based on the fact that one tone should be too light, the second slightly darkened, and the third even darker.

It is important to decide on the appointment of a make-up - daytime or evening. The main tone is located in the direction from bottom to top, from the corner of the bridge of the nose outward.

Light shadows with mother-of-pearl are used as a base. In this case, do not use dark eyeliners. The best choice will become gray, chocolate or even light brown.

When dyeing with mascara, special attention should be paid to the eyelashes on top, which are dyed in several layers.

Advice!If there are small defects or wrinkles on the skin of the face, then only matte shadows are used.

Makeup step by step

Before you start creating a make-up, you should purchase suitable cosmetics: powder, foundation, a palette of eyeshadows, mascara, brushes, as well as lipstick of a suitable shade and gloss.

Makeup consists of the following stages:

  • The surface of the face is being cleaned. Then it is moisturized.
  • The shape of the eyebrows is corrected.

  • Then used tonal basis.
  • The eyebrow line is highlighted. It is recommended to use a pencil that is darker than your hair.
  • Shadows of a lighter tone are distributed to the corners on the inner side of the eye.
  • On the bends of the eyelids, shadows are distributed, which should be darker than the base.
  • Shadows in darker tones are distributed to the outer corners. This will visually widen the eye section.
  • If you are using eyeliner, you will need to draw a slightly visible line at the base of your lashes.
  • The eye in the lower part is slightly tinted with shadows of dark tones or with a pencil.
  • The eyelashes from above are well stained with dark mascara.
  • To complete the make-up, a lip gloss is used to soften the lips and make them look bigger.

Advice! Do not forget to take care of your eyes. Indeed, in order to slightly expand strongly sunken eyes, you need to get rid of bags and bruises under the eyelids.

The nuances of daytime makeup

For daytime makeup, black-haired girls can use sand or matte-type skin shadows.

Make-up nude is performed after working on the shape of the eyebrows and the shade of the face.

The upper lashes can be accentuated with a coffee or steel pencil. The eyeliner is carried out only along the growth lines of the cilia. On the bottom of the eyelid, it is enough to put down small black dots between the individual cilia.

Base shadows of light colors are distributed on the eyelid. The inner corners must be painted with even lighter shades. The outer corner should only be slightly darkened, applying shadows slightly darker than the main tone. The mascara is distributed in one layer and only on the upper lashes.

Advice! In case of an unusual location of the eyes, it is important to correct the shape of the eyebrows in a timely manner. They must be smoothed with a suitable brush. The sharp bend of the eyebrow should be corrected by plucking.

Secrets of evening make-up

First of all, the area of ​​the eyelids is powdered, and the tone is evened skin... Arrows are drawn along the contour of the eyelashes using a soft pencil or shadows. It is also necessary to make the area in the outer corner thicker and raise it to the temporal region. The lower lashes stand out with a faint line that only extends from the middle of the century. The contours are shaded. A thicker layer of eyeshadow is spread over the upper eyelid.

Eyes of this type can also be brought down after using the eyeshadow. In the evening version, a little light shade is shaded under the eyebrows.

Advice! You should never take your eyes into the "frame", using the eyeliner around the perimeter.
This will visually reduce them. All dark tones should be closer to the outer corners of the eyes.

Makeup for looming eyelids

Make-up for deep-set eyes with an overhanging eyelid requires special knowledge and effort. It will take certain skills to mask this flaw and make the look wider.

In order not to focus on the overhanging eyelid, it is worth giving a slightly surprised shape to not very thick eyebrows. The area under the eyebrow can be highlighted with glitter.

A darker color is distributed from the middle part of the movable eyelids to the outer corner. The transitions are made smoother and more invisible using a soft brush. A more intense tone is distributed over the brow area, with a gradual expansion towards the outside of the eye.

Then the lower eyelid is painted in the same tone. Closer to the inner corner, the arrow is neatly shaded.

Arrows are drawn upward at an angle. The upper lash lines are painted over in several layers.

Advice! To make the eyes more open, subtle strokes of shadows are distributed under the outer tips of the eyebrows that contrast with the color of the eyebrows. If the eyebrows are ashy, then pink is used, if black, then white, and if brown, then blue.

Makeup according to eye color

When choosing your favorite shadows, it is recommended to take into account the color of the iris of the eyes. For example, brown eyes look with silvery tones. In most cases, hazel and green eyes are excellently combined with warm colors, and gray, blue and gray-green with cold colors.

When doing makeup for deep-set eyes, you need to consider some features:

  • Bronze, purple, peach, marsh or creamy shades are great for brown eyes... Only in this case, light shades are applied. For daytime make-up, a light tone, peach, sand or beige is used as a base.
  • For green eyes, shades of orange, purple, olive, beige or chocolate are recommended. If the color of the eyes is closer to the swamp, then pale green shadows are selected.

  • Deep blue eyes look great with blue, lilac, purple and peach shades.

Advice! To prevent the eyes from looking red and tired, a thin white line is drawn along the eyelid from below at the junction with the mucous membrane. In this case, a white pencil is used.

Create beautiful make-up advice from professional makeup artists will help:

  • Do not use pink colors, which will make the look sore. But there are women who like these shades very much.

  • Don't use mascara on your lower lashes. This will give the look a sad expression.
  • Do not overuse shadows in the area under the eyebrows. Only slightly visible strokes at the outer edge are recommended.
  • If you have acne or skin defects, you should use matte shadows.
  • Do not use a pencil or eyeliner in saturated dark tones. This will make the eyes even smaller.

Do not overuse shadows in the area under the eyebrows. Only slightly visible strokes at the outer edge are recommended

There are no inviolable rules and laws in the art of visage. Each woman has individual facial features, which provides tremendous opportunities for new experiments.

Not very expressive, deeply located eyes, the upper eyelid, which looks "heavy" and voluminous - this is a problem familiar to many girls. Although often such a feature of appearance does not spoil the overall impression, for self-confidence it is worth mastering some make-up tricks that can "open" your eyes, make them brighter and bigger. To do this, you do not need to start every morning with a visit to the makeup artist: a little practice in front of a mirror, high-quality tools, good cosmetics- and you will learn how to turn into a beauty on your own!

Let's figure out how to perform makeup for small and too deep-set eyes, what tricks to pay attention to. Please note that traditional methods - magnifying - are not suitable for everyone.

How to do makeup for deep-set eyes - instructions with step-by-step photos

The first photo shows a scheme for performing daytime makeup for deep-set eyes step by step. note that dark shadows are applied not in the crease and not on the movable eyelid, but above... In addition, they should not be black, dark blue - such shades only make the eyes smaller.

Let's take a closer look, how such makeup is performed.

  • Preparing the skin(that is, after cleansing and moisturizing), apply a foundation on the face, and under the eyes, if necessary, concealer. It will make your look fresher. After completing this preparation, you can go directly to the make-up of the eyes.

  • One of the problems faced by girls with deep-set eyes is that the shadows quickly crumble and "roll down". To prevent such troubles, apply special base on eyelids... You can also powder them.

  • Choose a base shade of eyeshadow... They should be light enough, while it is necessary to take into account the tone of the clothes, your own color type and the type of makeup. Such shadows are applied both to the movable upper eyelid and to the crease.

  • More saturated shade applied to the movable eyelid, while starting from its middle and gradually moving to the outer edge, carefully shading. Slightly above the folds, dark shadows are used, which must be shaded very well towards the eyebrow line.

  • The arrows in this makeup are used very thin: you just need to paint over the space between the eyelashes and a fraction of a millimeter above it. "Ponytails" are drawn exclusively with open eyes, slightly winding them up. It is best to use eyeliner. For daytime make-up, you can “cover” it on top with a thin layer of base shadows, this will make your look more natural. The lower eyelids are brought in quite a bit, along the outer corner. It is better to do this with shadows.

  • Another secret - light shadows or white pencil, which is applied to the inner corners of the eyes. It will make your look fresher.

  • ... It is optimal to curl your eyelashes before dyeing them: such a simple technique will "open up" your eyes and give your eyes a special expressiveness. Use voluminous mascara that is thick enough. By powdering the eyelashes before coloring, you will make them more expressive.

Pay attention to the eyebrows: they should not be too high (avoid "houses"!) And wide. It is best for a specialist to give the form, and you can maintain it yourself. For makeup, use eyebrow shadow, if necessary, wax.

Types of such makeup

Having dealt with the general technique of applying cosmetics, worth paying attention and different types makeup depending on the color of the eyes, as well as the purpose of the make-up.

If your eyes are swampy or olive green, go for warm eye shadow colors. gentle tones... They visually refresh the face and make the look brighter. Also, when doing makeup for green eyes pay attention to the eyebrow line: it is desirable that it is as smooth as possible.

Owners should take a closer look at the silvery, bluish, light lilac shades. Suitable for make-up gray-blue and turquoise shades, other cold tones. Avoid black eyeliner: it is better if it is dark gray, blue or light blue.

If you have coffee, hazel, or brown-green eyes that are set deep enough bet on warm colors: golden, light chocolate, beige or sandy shades - exactly what you need! Remember, they must be matched with the color of your lipstick or lip gloss. Use brown, dark green shades for eyeliner.


If you want to learn how to do makeup for deep-set eyes, take a look at the following selection of videos with makeup tutorials.

Watch the next video. It demonstrates step by step the algorithm for applying cosmetics.

  • Makeup technique suitable for deep-set brown eyes is shown in the following video. The emphasis is on the main secrets to visually make the eyes larger and more attractive.

Eyes that are set deep can be visually enlarged by learning how to apply makeup correctly, which does not differ too much sophisticated technique... Remember the basic rules: avoid fat arrows, dark colors shadows, do not apply a more saturated tone in the crease of the movable eyelid - and you will easily cope with the make-up. What techniques do you use to add expression to deep-set eyes? Share your makeup tricks in the comments.

People with deep-set eyes are observant, able to analyze, independent, self-confident. They rarely succumb to depression and play sports. Such a conclusion can be made by a person who is versed in "reading" faces, while others make up the first impression in appearance. Correct makeup will help make your look more expressive and open.

What are deep-set eyes

With this structure of the face, the eyes seem to be sunken, "depressed" inward, and the upper movable eyelid is seen as short and small, completely disappearing from sight. A strongly developed superciliary arch seems to hang over the eyes, because of which the eyelids are not visible. The phenomenon is often found among men and women, the latter are trying to correct the situation with the help of makeup. The main task is with the help decorative cosmetics"Bring" the eyes to the fore and widen them, give expressiveness, smooth out the difference in depth and raise eyebrows. Such a feature of appearance has such celebrities as:

  • Keira Knightley;
  • Eva Green;
  • Claudia Schiffer;
  • Kate Moss;
  • Jennifer Aniston;
  • Renee Zellweger.

How to paint deep-set eyes

A common problem for girls and women with such a feature of appearance is a hard look. This is due to the fact that a minimum distance is obtained between the eyebrow and the eye. Beautiful ladies complain that the shadows quickly roll off the eyelids, makeup is almost invisible. The main emphasis should be placed on the eyeliner and eyelashes, and with the help of a special technique of applying shadows, you will be able to "open up" the gaze. Makeup for sunken eyes is performed according to the following rules:

  • In the range of shadows, limit yourself to a light palette. Dark shadows visually make the eyes fit, and light ones bring them forward.
  • Do not paint the upper eyelid and its fold with dark shadows. These areas are naturally well darkened.
  • Be careful with shades of purple or Pink colour- with them, the look can seem tired, tear-stained.
  • To prevent the decorative cosmetics from slipping, you need to apply a special base on the eyelids or powder them.


The thickness of the arrows should be minimal - paint over the space between the eyelashes and a fraction of a millimeter above it. Approaching the outer corner, move the line up a little (make the arrow thicker). In the inner corners, do not make thick arrows - this will make the eyes smaller and they will be lost under heavy eyebrows. Draw the ponytails with the eyelids open, draw the line towards the temples. The arrowheads should not be massive. Use a pencil or eyeliner, but not jet black. Better to stay on dark gray, brown tones.

For daytime makeup, apply shadows to the arrows for a soft and natural look. Bring the lower eyelid quite a bit, preferably with shadows. Draw the inner corners with a white pencil - it will refresh the look. Owners of a hanging eyelid need to aim the arrow only with an open eye. Draw a soft ponytail pointing up, then draw a straight line along the upper eyelid. You will get a thin arrow with a nice curvature, which looks like a broken line when the eye is closed.


The color of decorative cosmetics should be chosen in accordance with the color type of appearance, keeping in mind the general rules. The right palette for each type:

  • Spring ( blonde hair warm shades, bright skin, soft gray or blue irises): Choose from light gray, pale blue, peach, hazel, or light green. You can visually enlarge your eyes with the help of mother-of-pearl. Shades of pink- taboo.
  • Summer (cool blonde hair, bright gray, brown or blue irises, fair or bronze skin): use light pastel, bluish shades.
  • Autumn (hair of red, red shades, bronze or very light skin, brown irises): choose a warm range of shadows without a reddish tint. The ideal range is pale green, caramel, marsh, khaki, blue, peach.
  • Winter ( dark hair cold shades, dark or light skin, brown or blue bright irises): use shadows of red, blue, gray shades. Smokey ice makeup is perfect for a winter girl.

A special technique of applying decorative cosmetics helps to visually push the eyes forward. Follow this sequence of actions:

  1. Choose a base shade that matches your color type and matches your outfit. It should be the lightest of the entire palette used. Apply shadows on the upper eyelid (movable and fixed part), in a crease.
  2. Apply a richer shade from the middle of the moving eyelid to the outer edge. Blend the shadows thoroughly to get a smooth transition.
  3. The darkest shade in the selected colors use just above the crease. Blend the makeup towards the brow line. With the same shadows, you can emphasize the outer corner of the eye by drawing the thinnest possible line along the eyelashes.
  4. On the lower eyelid, you can thin line apply dark shadows and blend them down with a soft brush.


To make the makeup for deep-set brown eyes, gray or blue irises look spectacular, you need to create the right "frame" for it. The brow line should be raised higher, but at the same time achieve a shape that suits the face. They should be thick and not too wide. Bushy eyebrows only make the look heavier. When choosing a pencil, focus on the natural color of the hairs. Use a scale 1 tone darker than natural - brown, gray, black. Draw the eyebrows along the outline with a pencil, then comb them with a special brush.


The final picture depends on how you paint your eyelashes. Pay special attention to the top row - curl the hairs before painting. To give your lashes extra volume, cover them with translucent powder. Use thick mascara, apply it in 2-3 coats. Thanks to this technique, the eyelashes will rise and be lush. Paint over the bottom row minimally or do not touch it at all. Buy black, brown ink.

Deep-set eye makeup technique

Girls and women with such a structural feature faces fit any make-up that does not use black and charcoal colors. The most popular makeup is daytime. He is neutral, when looking at a woman one gets the impression that she is without makeup at all. For festive events, you need a brighter image, here techniques for creating an evening make-up will come to the rescue. Makeup stand out beautifully smoky eyes- the look becomes sexy, alluring.

In rare cases, you can try the make-up "toggle switch" (using ultra-bright shades), but this is not very a good option for deep-set eyes. One of the types age makeup- lifting. For him you need a simple matte shadow, bronzer, highlighter. The lifting effectively highlights deep-set eyes with an overhanging eyelid. Great option for a noisy party - make-up in the style of "Chicago". Thin clear arrows, lush eyelashes, bright lips - the image is gorgeous.

Any makeup for deep-set eyes begins with the preparation of the facial skin:

  1. Cleanse your skin, apply a foundation that suits you.
  2. Treat problem areas (circles under the eyes, pimples, irregularities) with concealer.
  3. Apply the base on the eyelids.
  4. Switch to using makeup. Technique depends on specific type makeup.

The classic version of the make-up is created on the basis of a black palette. You need to use all shades of brown, gray. Don't let your lower eyelid down. Follow these step-by-step instructions for creating smokey ice for deep-set eyes:

  1. Line up the upper lash line with eye shadow or a cosmetic pencil. In the outer corner, raise the contour to the temples, thickening it.
  2. Bring the lower lash line very thinly from the middle of the eyelid and smoothly connect the contour with the upper line. Thoroughly blend the applied cosmetics to achieve a smoky effect.
  3. Find shadows that are close to the color of the pencil. Apply the lightest tone to the inner corner of the movable eyelid.
  4. Apply an intermediate shade to the middle of the upper eyelid, blend.
  5. Paint over the outer corner of the eye and the area above the crease with the darkest shade. Blend your makeup thoroughly so that the transitions are smooth.
  6. Apply black mascara to your lashes.
  7. Apply a neutral gloss or lipstick on your lips, and a light beige blush on your cheeks.

evening make-up

This type of make-up should be contrasting and saturated, but black colors should be avoided. Choose shadows based on your outfit. The combination of warm and cold tones provides stunning appearance... Evening makeup for deep-set eyes is done like this:

  1. On the upper eyelid, apply a golden eye shadow, covering the area above the crease.
  2. Universal option for evening makeup- emerald shadows. Apply them to the movable upper eyelid, starting from the middle to the outer corner. Blend the makeup with a brush. Apply the same shadows on the lower eyelid with a thin layer, blend. Do not touch the inner corner.
  3. Draw the arrow along the lash line with a brown, dark green, blue or gray pencil. Highlight the inner corner with a white pencil or shadows.
  4. Paint your eyelashes with black mascara in several layers. In this case, false eyelashes are also appropriate.
  5. Apply a tawny blush to your cheekbones.
  6. Paint your lips with a bright shade of lipstick (like cyclamen).
  7. The face can be decorated with stars, sparkles, carelessly distributing them over the cheekbones, lips, chin with a special brush.

Day makeup

Make-up for daylight hours requires a minimum amount of shadows, preferably light ones. Makeup for small, deep-set eyes is done like this:

  1. Go through the preparatory steps: cleanse your skin, apply foundation or powder. If there are imperfections on the face, it is advisable to correct them with a concealer.
  2. Apply a makeup base on the eyelids, then apply shadows. Suitable shades: beige, champagne, light brown, ivory.
  3. Draw a thin arrow in black, brown, gray pencil. The line can be shaded.
  4. Apply mascara to upper eyelashes... Pay special attention to the area around the inner corner.
  5. Contour eyebrows with a cosmetic pencil that matches the natural hair color.
  6. Apply a light gloss to your lips.

Nude makeup

This is a kind of daytime make-up, which focuses on natural beauty, femininity and tenderness. Your task is to create a perfectly even skin tone. This will help the foundation, concealer, concealer and powder. Step-by-step instruction creating makeup in nude style is this:

  1. Even out your skin tone.
  2. Apply a peach, coral, or pale pink blush. Swarthy girls and women are better off choosing a bronze tone.
  3. Form the brow line. Use a pencil one shade lighter than the hairs. Do not create a clear outline, do a few strokes along the hairline.
  4. On the movable eyelid, apply a pale base shade that is as close to skin color as possible.
  5. Use pearlescent or beige shadows to outline the lids without touching the inner corner. Blend your makeup.
  6. Highlight the place above the crease and the outer corner with shades of milk chocolate, hazelnut or peach.
  7. Curl your eyelashes and paint with brown or gray mascara. Leave the bottom row untouched.
  8. Cover your lips matte lipstick beige, pale pink shade.
