
What happens if you lighten your hair. Lightening hair with paint. Video on the topic: Lightening hair with honey and cinnamon


No wonder they say that gentlemen prefer blondes. After all, light, beautiful, well-groomed hair is a guaranteed attractiveness and sexuality. In pursuit of the color of their dreams, girls try many means, but if you approach this recklessly and chase after cheapness, then your hair can be ruined. They will become brittle, dry, split ends. And already there can be no talk of any attractiveness.

How to lighten hair at home?

How to achieve a beautiful lasting color, and not burnt and dull? In order to protect yourself, you can use homemade folk remedies. What is worth stocking up on? Depending on the effect you want to achieve, you may need different ingredients. The advantages of folk remedies are that they will not only help to lighten your hair by three to four tones, but will also nourish your hair.

So, there are several ways to lighten hair with lemon and water, but these methods are suitable for those whose hair is naturally not too brittle and dry. But if you want to get a beautiful golden hue and strengthen your hair, then chamomile infusions are suitable for you. There can be different options: you can take nettle and chamomile, insist on chamomile on vodka, mix it with saffron and lavender essential oil, as well as with rhubarb and tea.

The most gentle masks include kefir ones. This fermented milk product can be used as an independent ingredient, or other components can be added. For example, onion juice, cinnamon, mustard, yeast. We must not forget about such a natural clarifier as henna. Many people think that white henna is a plant, but it is not. Natural henna gives the hair a reddishness, but if various natural additives are added to it in a chemical way, then it becomes white. And then it can be part of various masks for lightening hair.

How to lighten hair with dye at home?

Of course, dyes will give better results than natural remedies, but how this will affect the quality of the hair is another question. It should be remembered that paints are of two types: some contain ammonia, while others do not. The former are more aggressive. They destroy the upper layer of the hair, then the peroxide, having penetrated into the inner layer, destroys natural pigments. This will discolor the hair. If the paint does not contain ammonia, then the effect will last, respectively, for three weeks.

How to prepare your hair for home lightening?

  • Before you dare to take such a step, think carefully about whether your new look will be combined with the color and shape of your face. Returning to the original color later will not be as easy as we would like. And the regrown ends will now have to be tinted all the time. It is worth considering the fact that the hair will change its structure.
  • Be careful with your paint choices if you've done so. perm or if your hair is already very brittle. Start with folk remedies.
  • Before applying the paint, do the test on a small area of ​​the skin. If after fifteen minutes there is no irritation, then you can start staining. Also, in salons, they usually offer to begin with lightening one strand of hair and check the effect. At home, you can do the same.
  • Light tones will immediately accentuate split ends, so you need to trim them off first.
  • Start using a brightening shampoo three weeks before your procedure. This will help you get rid of the chemicals in your hair, and the fake strands should be removed as well. In the pool, be sure to use a cap, because the chlorine absorbed into your hair can give out a completely unexpected color during the lightening process. Do not use styling products a few days before your procedure.
  • Rinse your hair thoroughly with conditioner a day before the procedure, do not lighten freshly washed hair.

Lightening hair with paint

Before the procedure, prepare a towel, which you do not mind, a comb (preferably sparse teeth) and the bleaching mixture itself. Remember that after lightening, you will need to use the appropriate shampoos and conditioners. The hair must be combed very well before applying the mixture.

If you have never lightened your hair before, but only dyed, you can assume that here, too, you first need to apply the mixture to the hair roots, and after fifteen minutes along the entire length. But this will not work with lightening. First, distribute the composition along the entire length, very carefully, without skipping strands, evenly. Heat emanates from the head, and therefore the roots can be colored much more intensely, so we apply the mixture to the roots only after the composition has been distributed along the entire length.

Wrap your hair with a towel, adhere to the time indicated in the instructions (everything will depend on the brand of dye you choose). Then rinse your hair thoroughly and lubricate it with balm, let it soak in and rinse thoroughly with water again. You don't need to use shampoo right away, your hair needs a lot of grooming to begin with.

Home lightening powder

Paints are creamy, oil and powder. The powder is the most effective, but also does not have a gentle effect.

  • First, read the instructions.
  • Prepare a plastic bowl (do not use tin or aluminum containers), gloves, and an apron if desired.
  • Do not skimp on the amount of the mixture: it should cover all your hair in a dense, even layer, then the color will be beautiful and even. Apply it with a brush.
  • For coarse hair, a higher percentage of the oxidizing agent is used, for soft hair, accordingly, a smaller one.
  • Do not think that if you hold the powder on your hair longer than the time specified in the instructions, the hair will lighten better. You can achieve the exact opposite effect and permanently ruin your hair.
  • After the procedure, do not forget to use conditioner, let your hair dry on its own, do not ruin it with a hairdryer or break it with a towel.

How to lighten hair with hydrogen peroxide?

  1. Preparation Hair should be healthy and strong. Shampoos, masks, balms should not contain sulfates. Try to avoid exposing your hair to hot air and avoid irons and hairs. Prepare a 3% hydrogen peroxide solution. A larger percentage will not work for you, because the hair will begin to fall out. You will also need a bottle of some kind of spray (just rinse it thoroughly and pour over it with boiling water), cotton pads, hairpins, and a towel. Hair should be thoroughly rinsed using conditioner. Dirt and grease can negatively affect the clarification process by reacting with peroxide. And damp hair will just help improve the reaction.
  2. The clarification process. Using a cotton swab, apply peroxide to a thin section of hair, rinse off after half an hour. So you can understand how much peroxide you need to achieve the desired result. Dried hair must be divided into sections, securing them with pre-prepared hairpins. Gradually, you will lighten each strand and secure it with a hairpin. If you want to achieve an amber effect, start lightening at the ends with cotton pads... If you want a complete lightening of your hair, then use a spray. After half an hour, rinse your hair with cool water.
  3. Strengthening the effect. The hair will be lighter and the effect will last longer if you lighten it gradually. Apply the solution every day, rather than using the entire bottle at once. Don't wash your hair daily. If your hair quickly becomes oily, then stock up on dry shampoo. Hair will become slightly lighter if you walk in the sun for a while immediately after the procedure. If your hair has become an unpleasant offensive color (bright yellow or orange), soften it with a special purple shampoo.

How to lighten hair with lemon?

In the East, these recipes have been used for a long time, and dark-haired beauties know a lot about lightening, because their hair is very difficult to make lighter.

  1. If you have dry hair, you will need one quarter cup of conditioner and a glass of lemon juice (usually squeezing 4 lemons is enough). If the hair is normal, then the conditioner can be replaced with warm water. The first mixture can be diluted with a plastic bowl, and the second in a washed bottle from any spray.

For a quicker effect, you will need to be in the sun for two hours, so apply sunscreen on your skin beforehand. If you want to lighten all hair, then use a spray or a brush (based on conditioner), if only individual strands, then use cotton pads. Repeat the procedure the next day.

  1. Hair will be moisturized and silky after lightening if you prepare the next mask. Take rhubarb (30 g) and half a liter of vinegar, cook it all over low heat for ten minutes. Then add the juice of two lemons, and twenty grams of chamomile and calendula each, boil for another five minutes. After the mixture is infused and cooled, add alcohol (50 g) and two tablespoons of liquid honey. Using a brush, apply the mixture to your hair, tie a warm scarf over your head for fifty minutes.

How to lighten hair with chamomile?

If you need to lighten your hair slightly and at the same time strengthen it, then opt for recipes with chamomile.

  1. Simmer chamomile in a water bath (2 tablespoons), filled with two glasses of water. Use the strained infusion after each wash as a rinse aid.
  2. Take a tablespoon of chamomile and nettle per liter of water, and simmer for ten minutes. After rinsing, wrap your hair with a towel and walk like this for half an hour.
  3. Red hair will acquire a pleasant shade and recover if you take half a liter of vodka, pour chamomile (150 g) with it and let it brew for two weeks. Then strain and add 10 drops of essential lemon oil and 3% hydrogen peroxide (50 ml) to the infusion. The infusion can be divided into several parts and applied with a spray bottle over the entire length of the hair.
  4. Pour chamomile (2 tablespoons) and saffron (literally on the tip of a knife) with a glass of boiling water. After half an hour, add the juice of one lemon, 5 drops of lavender essential oil. Apply the mixture to your hair and rinse off after half an hour.

How to lighten hair with cinnamon?

After such a mask, they will not only be brightened and moisturized, but they will also have a very pleasant smell. Use conditioner for each mask so that it rinses off more easily and adheres evenly to the hair during application. What can you use?

  • Half a glass of conditioner and olive oil, 4 tablespoons. cinnamon.
  • Mix in 2.5 tbsp. l oil (olive), honey, cinnamon and conditioner.
  • For 2 tbsp. cinnamon, a glass of honey, conditioner and a teaspoon of lemon juice.
  • Equal parts of conditioner and cinnamon.
  • Bring cinnamon whipped with distilled water to a paste consistency.

The process of preparing the hair and applying the mixture is the same as in the recipes we talked about above. The mixture needs to be kept on the hair for four hours, and if you have the opportunity, then leave the mask on your hair overnight.

If oil was used in the masks, then they are difficult to wash off, so rinse your hair thoroughly for 15-20 minutes. If you want to lighten your hair even more, then repeat the procedure every other day. After applying the mixture, you may feel a burning sensation, but it will go away in about twenty minutes (by the way, it is olive oil that helps relieve this burning sensation). Add two yolks to your mask if you have dry hair. Do not rub the mixture into your scalp. It is not recommended to use this ingredient for blondes, as you can get a reddish tint. Avoid contact with the skin of the face and neck, as this may cause irritation. The effect will be better if you make a chamomile tea and rinse your hair with it.

Lightening hair with honey

  • Mix 4/5 cup honey with 1/4 cup apple cider vinegar.
  • A glass of distilled water, 0.5 cups of honey, two tablespoons each of cinnamon and olive oil.
  • Add a tablespoon of cardamom and cinnamon and 3 tbsp each to a bowl of hair balm. honey.

Hair lightening with kefir

  1. This nourishing mask will brighten your hair even if you don't want to, so use kefir with caution on newly colored hair. To the egg yolk, add half a glass of kefir and two tablespoons of brandy (vodka is also good), lemon juice (one lemon is enough), a spoonful of shampoo. The mask can be kept on the hair for two hours.
  2. You can not add any ingredients, just heat the kefir to body temperature. This mask can be used twice a week. After a few uses, your hair will become noticeably lighter.
  3. Beat the warmed kefir with the egg, add a spoonful of cocoa there. Apply the thoroughly mixed mixture to hair once a week.

Kefir should be chosen natural (the shelf life cannot exceed five days). Expired product cannot be used. The mask can be kept overnight, this will only increase the benefits.

Henna for lightening hair

It should be taken into account that the red dye will need to be released, and therefore henna must be mixed with citrus juice. Lemon is best, but it's all individual. First check if you have any allergic reactions to a certain type of juice. Olive oil will not damage your mask. The smell of henna can be neutralized by adding cardamom or ginger (a teaspoon of one or the other is enough). You can not dilute henna with boiling water. Henna is not easy to wash off.

Leave the henna mixed with juice to infuse for a day. If you are the owner of hair up to the waist, then you will need 500 g of henna, then - to decrease. So, 100 g of henna is enough for a very short head of hair. There should be no grains and lumps in the mixture, otherwise the staining will not be uniform. If you just diluted henna with distilled water, then you can leave the mixture overnight (this is suitable for those who want to achieve a spectacular reddishness). If you used acid, then you should not keep the mask on your hair for more than an hour.

Hair care after home bleaching

  • Refrain from curling irons and hair dryers for a month.
  • You need to choose the right one cosmetics, give preference to indelible masks.
  • Comb your hair after it dries.
  • To make your hair shine and shine, add oils (for example, jojoba or peach) to the shampoo.
  • When washing your hair, do not tangle it; on the contrary, do the movements as if you were combing it.
  • Apply nourishing and moisturizing masks for two months. You can buy ready-made, but homemade masks made from homemade ingredients will be much more effective.
  • Be sure to use a balm after washing. This will make the hair easier to comb, and its structure will not change even more.
  • Pay attention to those products that contain silk proteins and natural oils.

Not always, in order to lighten your hair a couple of tones, you need to run to the hairdresser. Sometimes it's enough just to try some proven folk remedy. For example, it is quite possible to use a decoction of chamomile or kefir. Read more about this below.

How to lighten hair 2 tones with folk remedies

Among non-professional methods of lightening hair in two tones, the following prevail: lightening with lemon (lemon juice), with wine and rhubarb, with the help of kefir, chamomile, honey, cinnamon, hydrogen peroxide and even glycerin.

Each hair type has its own folk remedy. So, it makes no sense for brunettes to try to sharply lighten with chamomile or honey, and kefir and cinnamon may not work for blondes.

Professionals advise you to follow some rules if you are lightening at home. This way you can avoid some mistakes and not be disappointed in the final result.

1) Dark hair is difficult to lighten, so it will take a lot of patience and several sessions of this procedure.

2) With frequent lightening, hair follicles suffer greatly, therefore this procedure should not be carried out every week.

3) Wet hair lends itself to lightening faster.

4) The original hair color greatly affects the result. So, red hair lends itself to lightening the worst because of the strong pigment, but it is almost impossible to lighten gray hair without the help of a professional.

5) With bleached hair, you cannot go to the pool on the same day, as there they disinfect water with the help of special chemicals that can provoke blue or green color hair.

6) It is undesirable to do a perm on bleached hair, as this can further deplete already weakened hair.

7) It is better to pre-strengthen thin hair with masks so that the lightening procedure goes with the least harm to the hair.

Top 5 phyto clarifiers

Here is a short list - the five most popular phyto-clarifiers, that is, they do not contain chemicals. Hydrogen peroxide is not included in this list, because despite all its popularity, it still acts on the hair quite aggressively and sometimes even "burns" the curls.


One of the most powerful phyto-clarifiers is lemon. It's good for lightening both dark and blonde hair. Moreover, not only pure lemon juice brightens the hair, but also lemon essential oil. The girl under the nickname MaliSHka89 used it for lightening. Here's what she writes on the forum:

“I heard a lot about the fact that lemon brightens hair well, but for some reason I did not dare to try it. Therefore, I first tried lemon essential oil. Surprisingly, they can also lighten hair. There are two ways that I tried.

The first - added lemon essential oil to the shampoo, the second - made a mask with the addition of kefir, coconut and linseed oil, mango and cinnamon oil. I store this mask in the refrigerator and periodically apply it to dry hair. I usually keep it for 2-3 hours, and then wash it off. The result can be seen below in the photo before and after the procedure. "

Here are other examples of lemon clarification:


Hair can be lightened with others. folk remedies, for example, honey. Experts believe that it acts on hair akin to hydrogen peroxide, but not as aggressively. Before applying honey, hair is usually washed with shampoo and a pinch of baking soda.

The warmed honey is applied as a paste-like mask along the entire length of the hair and left overnight. In the morning, wash off with warm water, repeating the procedure 2-3 times. The main disadvantage of the mask is the sticky consistency of the mask and its possible leakage. The brightening effect is not noticeable immediately, but after a few days.

Here are examples of photos before and after lightening hair with honey:


It's just that dark hair can be remarkably lightened with kefir. Moreover, this product does not require special preparation for the mask. You just need to pour the contents of the bottle into a bowl and gently apply the kefir mixture to your hair. Walk with such a mask for 2 hours, and then wash off.

Here are examples of using kefir:


It's a good idea to lighten your hair with cinnamon. True, this will require an additional ingredient - any cosmetic balm-mask. Add a pinch of cinnamon powder to it and apply to damp hair. Walk with this composition on your hair for 2 to 4 hours, and then rinse. Hair will lighten, but only after 3-4 regular sessions.

Olive oil

If a woman has black dyed hair, it won't be so easy to lighten it. The user Natalya faced such a problem.

She writes: “I decided to paint myself completely black. Before that, I slightly tinted my hair with henna. I applied the paint myself, at home, and for exactly a week everything was wonderful. Then I realized that the brunette is not mine. Not my character.

I decided that I urgently needed to lighten up. Alas, this turned out to be a problem: in the salons I was offered lightening with expensive and rather aggressive means for the hair, and in some they were refused altogether, having learned about henna. There is nothing to do, I decided to remove the black color from my hair myself. I turned to folk remedies.

The following helped me: olive and burdock oil, soda and laundry soap. I applied oils along the entire length of the hair and rinsed off, and applied soda along the length of the hair and rinsed off after 15 minutes. These products only lightened my hair slightly, so I tried washing my hair with laundry soap.

So, after a few months of alternating oils, soda and laundry soap i got nice chestnut color hair".

Here are examples of how to lighten black dyed hair with folk remedies:


Home lightening is the most common type of hair coloring among women. By lightening your hair, you can give your face youth and freshness, as well as hide gray hair. But, unfortunately, lightening hair very often leads to the fact that they look like straw, become brittle and split. Chemical dyes, despite their effectiveness, very strongly destroy the hair structure, therefore let's talk today about alternative natural methods of lightening hair without harm to your hair.

Basic principles of hair lightening

  • To lighten black hair at home, the bleaching procedure will have to be repeated several times.
  • Coarse hair with a dense structure can only be lightened in a few steps.
  • With regular lightening hair roots weaken.
  • Lightening is best done on damp hair.
  • Natural or dyed red hair can only be lightened a few times.
  • It is easy to lighten blonde hair with just one coloring procedure.
  • To lighten gray hair, a special composition is preliminarily used.
  • To lighten hair after chemistry, you need take a break of at least one week.
  • For thin hair use less clarifier.
  • Before lightening, damaged hair is best restored with natural nourishing masks... An additional brightening effect will be given.

    Chlorine in swimming pool water can impart recently bleached hair greenish tint.

    Varieties and types of hair lightening

    The choice of bleach depends on the color, texture and general condition of your hair. You can lighten hair at home in the following ways:

    • ready-made chemical dyes;
    • formulations using pharmaceutical substances: hydrogen peroxide, hydroperite, ammonia, glycerin, dimexide;
    • natural remedies in pure form: lemon, onion, chamomile, cinnamon and kefir and many others;
    • prepared by natural compounds.

    Pros and cons

    Each of the listed types of clarification has its pros and cons. Let's dwell on each in more detail.

    How to properly lighten hair at home

    There are many options for lightening hair at home, so we will consider in detail one method from the types of lightening discussed above.

    Such lightening at home is carried out in two stages (bleaching and toning), and it is perfect for already colored hair.

    1. Prepare: bleach powder, oxidant 4% or 6%.
    2. Mix oxide and powder in a 1: 2 ratio until creamy.
    3. Retreating from the roots 1.5 cm, apply the composition to the hair.
    4. If the ends of the hair have been lightened, then the composition should not be applied to them.
    5. Uneven hair color requires the use of several types of oxidants. The darker the hair, the higher the percentage of oxidant. For each hair zone, depending on the color, a separate bleaching mixture is made.
    6. Wash off the composition very carefully to avoid yellow spots on the hair.

    In order to tint hair at home after lightening, you can use a special ammonia-free paint, tint shampoo or balm.

    1. Divide your hair into three sections.
    2. Apply the premixed mixture, parting your hair into horizontal sections and working from the bottom up.
    3. Adhere to the time indicated by the manufacturer.
    4. Rinse off the composition with warm water.
    5. Apply color stabilizer for 5 minutes and rinse hair well.

    You can learn more about the toning technique by clicking on the link.

    Hair lightening with hydrogen peroxide at home

    Lightening hair with chamomile

    Most safe lightening option hair at home is the use of a decoction of chamomile.

    Home hair lightening with hydrogen peroxide and lemon

    When is it justified to lighten hair at home, and when is it better to go to the salon

    If you are the owner of light or light brown hair that has not been dyed, and you want to lighten your hair by several tones without harming it, then lightening with natural remedies at home will help you solve this problem. But qualitatively paint over gray hair, even out the tone, lighten dark hair in several tones and get rid of the ugly yellow tint after the previous staining, only an experienced master in the salon will be able to you.

    Precautionary measures

    Reviews about hair lightening at home

    Participants in our experiment shared their “before” and “after” photos, which will help you choose the most suitable option.

    Larisa, 35 years old

    I decided to radically lighten my hair color and realized that I couldn't achieve such a result with folk remedies at home. I used a ready-made brightening paint in a platinum shade. Since my main tone is golden blond, and the ends of my hair are lightened, I first performed a bleaching procedure. Now I regularly use tinted shampoos to maintain color.

How few girls have naturally blonde curls, and how many beauties dream of joining the slender ranks of blondes! This is not surprising, because the golden shade of hair gives the image a special tenderness and airiness. But often a radical change in color leads to disastrous consequences in the form of hair loss, fragility and sectioning. Therefore, there is every reason to switch from chemical paints to less harsh home remedies. How to lighten hair at home without store-bought dye?

Lightening is one of the most demanded and most dangerous methods for dyeing strands. Before embarking on beauty experiments, you need to understand what happens to your hair during bleaching.

  • The pigment is washed out... Under the influence of a lightening agent, its own pigment dissolves and can be washed off with water.
  • The structure is broken... As pigment is lost, a void forms inside the hair.
  • Hair deteriorates. As a result, the curls become light, brittle, vulnerable to external influences.

5 rules for preparing for the procedure

How and how to discolor dyed in dark blond color? Even if you use natural remedies for lightening, such a procedure causes stress to the curls and can worsen them. appearance and quality. In this case, you can discolor several tones at once. To minimize the risk, start preparing your hair for bleaching two to three weeks in advance. Follow the five rules.

  1. Don't dye your hair... Applying a bleach to colored hair can have unexpected results. Instead of a golden blonde, your hair can turn blue, green or any other color.
  2. Intensive care... Apply nourishing balms and oil-based homemade masks regularly.
  3. Minimize thermal stress... Give up the hair dryer, iron and curling iron completely. Do not wash your hair with hot water or expose curls to direct sunlight.
  4. Don't use styling products... They degrade the quality of the strands. In addition, if there are particles of varnish or gel between them, they can enter into an unpredictable reaction with the clarifier.
  5. Avoid frequent washing. Greasy hair wash every two days, normal once every three to five days, and dry once a week. If you use the shampoo on a daily basis, you run the risk of washing away the protective layer of fat from your skin.

How to lighten hair with hydrogen peroxide

Can peroxide bleach your hair a little? If you dream of becoming a blonde, the easiest and cheapest way to bleach your hair with hydrogen peroxide is. The main thing is to maintain proportions and not resort to the technique too often. Remember that hydroperite can not only discolor curls, but can also destroy hair follicles if bleaching is performed frequently. It is not recommended to apply to dyed hair. The procedure is carried out in eight main stages.

  1. Wash your hair. And pat dry with a towel. Leave the curls moist, but no water should drain from them.
  2. Comb the strands well... On matted, the lightening will be uneven.
  3. Prepare the solution... Pour the contents of a vial of 3% hydrogen peroxide into a container with a spray bottle. Dilute the product with the same amount of water.
  4. Divide the strands. Use clamps to ease the process.
  5. Treat the strands... Moving from roots to ends. After applying the peroxide, immediately wipe the curl with a sponge soaked in clean water.
  6. Please wait. The product needs to be kept from 30 minutes to an hour, depending on the initial color and the desired result. To enhance the whitening effect, warm your head with a plastic wrap and a thick towel.
  7. Shampoo your hair... It is advisable to use a sulfate-free agent so as not to injure the hair even more.
  8. Apply nourishing balm... Abundantly. And soak for at least half an hour.

If you have long, dark curls, don't risk applying peroxide all over. The best option- desaturate the ends of your hair at home. Simply collect the curls in a ponytail and wipe the tip with a sponge dipped in peroxide. To get a smooth transition, increase the area to be treated each time.

Folk recipes without peroxide

If you want to keep your hair healthy, you need to know how to properly lighten your hair without dye. Of course, folk remedies do not give an instant result, but curls suffer from them much less. And some recipes are of exceptional benefit at all.

With lemon juice

Peculiarities . If you want to quickly lighten your hair yourself, give your hair a golden hue and breathtaking shine, try lightening your hair with lemon. The product will add volume and elasticity to your hair.

How to do

  1. Pour a glass of lemon juice diluted with a quarter glass of water into a ceramic container or spray bottle.
  2. Shake the mixture well and let sit for 15 minutes.
  3. Treat the strands with the composition and leave for a couple of hours. It is advisable to substitute the hair under the sun's rays.
  4. Wash your hair with plenty of shampoo and be sure to apply conditioner.
  5. The following procedures are performed every three days for a month. Duration - no more than half an hour.

If you have dry and damaged curls, it is better to replace the water in the composition with an air conditioner. After applying the mixture, wrap your head with cellophane and a towel.

With chamomile

Peculiarities . Perhaps the most safe method bleach hair - with the help of chamomile infusion. The option is suitable for tough, thick strands, which the grass will gently soften and make it more obedient. The effect will most quickly become noticeable on light brown hair.

How to do

  1. Pour three tablespoons of dry chamomile into a thermos and pour a glass of boiling water.
  2. Strain the infusion after four hours.
  3. Dry clean hair saturate well with the product.
  4. Put on a shower cap, wrap a towel around your head and let sit for an hour and a half.
  5. Rinse off the chamomile with clean water without shampoo.
  6. You can repeat the procedures at least every day until the desired result is achieved.

To revive dry hair, add a spoonful of glycerin to the strained infusion. In this case, rinsing off the composition without shampoo will not work.


Peculiarities . Cinnamon not only has a brightening effect, but it also has several other benefits, safely refreshing hair color. One cannot fail to mention the heady aroma that remains on the hair until the next wash. This spice also stimulates growth, strengthens the roots and gives the strands a healthy shine.

How to do

  1. Melt two tablespoons of honey slightly and dissolve in the same amount of water. Add three tablespoons of cinnamon to the mixture and the same amount of your favorite conditioner.
  2. Using a comb, spread the product through damp hair and gather it into a bun.
  3. Wrap your head in plastic, put on a hat and wait a couple of hours.
  4. Rinse your curls twice with shampoo.
  5. To fade hair without yellowing, rinse it with water acidified with lemon juice.

Cinnamon can be used not only to bleach hair, but also to color the strands. So, if you put it on blonde hair, you can get an interesting reddish shade at the exit.

With kefir

Peculiarities . If you have oily skin head, the most correct solution would be to lighten the hair with kefir. Sour milk products have been used since antiquity as a brightening and regenerating agent.

How to do

  1. Apply warm kefir generously to clean, dry curls.
  2. Gather your hair in a bun and wrap your head with plastic wrap and a towel.
  3. After two to three hours, rinse your hair with shampoo and rinse with chamomile broth.

Kefir works poorly on black hair. Add lemon juice to enhance its effect. A glass of fermented milk product will need a third of a glass of acid.

With onion peel

Peculiarities . Onion peels will help to lighten without harm to hair. The process of discoloration of the strands is rather slow, but it will be accompanied by complete restoration and treatment of split ends.

How to do

  1. Fill a half-liter jar with onion husks and pour boiling water over the raw materials.
  2. Cover the container with a lid, wrap with a towel and leave until the liquid has completely cooled.
  3. Dilute the strained infusion with water in equal amounts.
  4. The resulting composition must be rinsed with hair after each wash.

With white henna

Peculiarities . Lightening hair with white henna is suitable for owners of weakened and dull hair. Without any chemistry, you will get the desired shade and completely heal the curls, but you should not count on bright white strands.

How to do

  1. Prepare the coloring composition according to the instructions on the package.
  2. Spread the gruel through clean, damp hair and let sit for 40-60 minutes.
  3. Wash your hair with warm water without any detergent.
  4. To give the strands elasticity and softness, rinse them with water acidified with vinegar or lemon juice.

Judging by the reviews, ethers several times enhance the effect of henna. To speed up the clarification process, add three to five drops to the gruel. essential oils lemon, tea tree and grapefruit.

With olive oil

Peculiarities . Lightening hair with olive oil requires multiple repetitions. But your patience will be rewarded with a healthy shine, elasticity and density of hair.

How to do

  1. Pour a tablespoon of dried chamomile flowers with half a glass of olive oil.
  2. After 12 hours, strain the lightening oil and apply to damp, clean hair.
  3. For an hour and a half, the sun's rays should be exposed to the strands.
  4. Wash your hair by shampooing twice.
  5. Rinse with chamomile broth or water acidified with lemon juice.

Follow-up care

Remember that discoloration does not completely leave a trace of hair. Highlighted curls often require careful maintenance. Even if you use natural ingredients for your treatments, the loss of pigment can lead to dryness, lumpiness and lack of volume. To prevent this from happening, provide your bleached hair with intensive care using homemade nourishing masks, the recipes for which are described in the table.

Table - Recipes of masks for the care of bleached hair

For elasticity- Liquid or melted honey;
- equal amount of castor oil;
- the same amount of aloe juice
30 minutes
From yellowness- 2 egg yolk;
- a tablespoon of vodka;
- 5 capsules of vitamin A
1 hour
Recovery- Puree one banana;
- 1 chicken egg;
- a teaspoon of liquid or melted honey;
- 2 tablespoons of plain yogurt;
- the same amount of burdock oil
1 hour
For volume- Mustard powder;
- equal amount of olive oil;
- the same amount of green cosmetic clay
15 minutes

For the first time, women began to lighten curls back in Ancient Greece... It was believed that even the goddess Aphrodite maintained the blond color of the strands with a cinnamon-onion mixture. Experiments with chamomile, lime, walnut shells and other clarifiers continued until the Middle Ages, when red-haired and fair-haired women began to be persecuted. Golden blond again became the standard female beauty in the Renaissance. It was at this time that the largest number ways to bleach hair at home.

The decision to go blonde is often spontaneous. The woman just goes to the store and buys the white paint she likes. At home, she mixes something in a tube with something in a bottle, applies it to her hair and waits. Unsurprisingly, the result differs from expectations.

The creation of a blonde always takes place in two stages.

  1. Lightening (discoloration). This is the process by which natural or artificial hair pigment is destroyed.
  2. Toning. Giving the hair the desired shade.

Clarification is carried out with a special powder or cream and an oxidizing agent of a certain percentage. For example, to dark hair make it lighter by 4–5 tones, you need an oxide of at least 6%. If the hair is light, a 1.5-3% oxidizer is usually used. But everything is very individual. Sometimes, to achieve the desired result, 6-9% oxide is used to lighten blondes.

The lightening result is always warm. You will find out why this is happening a little later. In the meantime, remember: you cannot put an equal sign between the concepts of "lightening" and "coloring in blond". After all, you can lighten up to create a nuclear-orange or acid-green hair.

Lightening is just the first step to blonde. It sets the background on which the color must necessarily lie.

The result of coloring depends on many factors: the condition of the hair, the original tone and shade and, of course, the coloring composition and the method of its application.

Vika Glu, hairdresser

Mistake 2. Ignore the background lightening and tone level

In everyday life, people are divided into blondes, brown-haired, redheads and brunettes. It's more complicated for professional hairdressers and colorists.

Human hair consists of a nourishing rod (medula), which gives strength and elasticity to the cortex and a protective cuticle (many dense scales on the surface).

The cortex contains melanin, which is responsible for hair color. Melanin is composed of two pigments, eumelanin and pheomelanin. The first has a dark shade (from brown to blue-black) and the shape of elongated granules. The second one is round molecules of yellow and red colors.

The natural hair color depends on the ratio of melanin pigments. The more eumelanin, the darker the hair, and vice versa: in blondes, pheomelanin predominates.

The level of tone (or, as they say, the level of depth of tone) depends on the amount of eumelanin.

The tone level (UT or UGT) is the gradation of the natural hair color in terms of lightness.

Vika Glu, hairdresser

Allocate 10 YT, where one is black, and everything above seven is considered blond.

When lightening, the level of depth of tone rises and the background of lightening appears. This is the color that is obtained after the partial destruction of the natural or artificial pigment, if the hair has been dyed.

Imagine a flask with red and yellow balls inside. The initial tone level is 6. Lighten up to 9. Only yellow balls remain in the flask. The next step is toning, and you need to figure out how much blue and red to add so that the colors mix and from a distance the bulb looks beige.

Before switching to blond, you need to determine the tone level, the predominant pigment and the desired result. It depends on how to lighten (powder or cream), what percentage of oxidizer to use, where to start applying the composition and other nuances. Hairdressers make up special formulas to calculate how many grams from which tube to squeeze out for toning specific hair.

Vika Glu, hairdresser

Mistake 3. Not following instructions

It is important to take into account not only the tone level and lightening background, but also to understand what type the composition belongs to and how to use it correctly. Lightening and dyeing hair are chemical reactions, the course of which depends on the dye used.

All dyes can be divided into direct and indirect.

Straight lines do not mix with an oxidizing agent and do not penetrate into the hair. Their molecules are deposited on the cuticle. Direct dyes are produced mainly in the form of tinted shampoos, balms and mousses. Crayons also belong to direct dyes. They are easy to use at home (no mixing required) to maintain or refresh color.

Indirect dyes open the cuticle, penetrate the hair and break down the natural pigment to make room for the artificial one. Such dyes are always mixed with an oxidizing agent - hydrogen peroxide with various additives. They are usually produced in the form of creams. It is more difficult to work with them (exact proportions are needed).

Indirect dyes also include dyes, which do not contain ammonia, but its derivatives are present. They do not have such a pungent smell, but the principle of action is the same as that of ammonia dyes.

When working with indirect dyes, it is very important to choose the correct percentage of the oxidizing agent. It depends on it how much it will be possible to rise in the level of depth of tone and how much to keep the composition on the hair.

Many people mistakenly think that the longer they keep the dye on their hair, the better the effect will be. In fact, manufacturers are conducting more than one clinical study to calculate how long a particular formulation takes to lighten, develop and fix the artificial pigment. If the package says "Hold for 30 minutes", hold for half an hour. Overexposing the paint, you only dry your hair.

Mistake 4. Not taking care of your hair

Lightening is not enough to become a gorgeous blonde. Blond requires constant gentle care... Otherwise, the hair that has gone through the lightening reaction will hang with lifeless tow.

Hair does not have strength and energy, because these are keratinized appendages of the skin. Some restorative cosmetics regenerate disulfide bonds and protein, but most conditioners simply seal the cuticle scales tightly to reflect light. As a result, the hair looks good and is pleasant to touch.

There is a mass on the Internet folk recipes lightening hair. You need to understand that lemon juice, chamomile broth or kefir will never turn you into a platinum blonde. The maximum will do Brown hair half a tone lighter.

But natural ingredients can be used to improve the condition of colored hair. Here are some good masks.

  1. Honey... Mix equal proportions of honey, aloe juice and castor oil. Leave on hair for 30 minutes. Rinse off with plenty of warm water.
  2. Banana... Mix with a blender until smooth, one medium banana, one egg, one teaspoon of honey, a tablespoon, and two tablespoons of full-fat plain yogurt. Keep it on for about an hour, then rinse and wash your hair with shampoo.
  3. Egg... Pour two tablespoons of gelatin with warm water and leave for 10-15 minutes to swell the gelatin. Then melt it in a water bath, add the yolk of one egg and a tablespoon of your hair balm. Apply the resulting mixture to your hair, put on a plastic cap and wrap your head with a towel. Keep it on for 40-60 minutes. After the procedure, rinse your hair with warm water.

Be careful with folk remedies. They can ruin even the most beautiful cold blond. "Food" on the hair will never give the same effect as professional cosmetics... From what is unlikely to make it worse - vinegar (an acidic environment will smooth the scales), Coconut oil(but difficult to wash off).

Vika Glu, hairdresser

In addition, the color must be maintained at all times. tint shampoos and other products that also often contain care components.