
Mumiyo Altai in anti-wrinkle tablets. Effective recipes with mummy for wrinkle skin. Vitamin E mask


Shilajit is a unique creation of nature, its healing properties have a wide range of applications. The product has a beneficial effect on the skin of the face. Masks relieve acne, blackheads, heal scars and scars, smooth wrinkles. The product is now sold in any pharmacy in powder form or in pill form. Mummy for the face against wrinkles can be used in recipes for homemade masks, the very first procedure gives an amazing effect.

The healing properties of natural medicines have been known to mankind for more than 4 thousand years. In nature, it is a small crust located on a rock mass. Mountain resin consists of the remains of the bones of animals, plants, rocks.

Scientists argue whether the product is organic or geological.

The people involved in its extraction gave the name "Tears of the Mountains". Only after thorough cleaning will it be ready for further use. Dark brown shiny mass is characterized by a huge number of useful properties. A huge advantage - the product has no expiration date, it can be stored in almost any conditions.


Shilajit contains:

  • amino acid complex
  • vitamin E, ascorbic acid, as well as vitamin K;
  • from macronutrients - calcium, zinc, magnesium, selenium.

Vital active ingredients have a complex effect on the skin, saturate each cell with vitamins and other elements that guarantee a healing effect.

Benefits of mummy for the dermis

Anti-wrinkle mummy has been used in home cosmetology for a long time. Such masks not only smooth out wrinkles, but also have a beneficial effect on the general condition of the skin.

Efficiency of mountain resin:

  1. Mountain resin is characterized by tightening properties, due to which masks based on it smooth out the facial and age wrinkles formed on the face. In addition, it stimulates the synthesis of elastin and collagen, restores elasticity to the skin.
  2. Tightens scars and scars on the face, makes them as invisible as possible, brightens pigmented skin areas and removes signs of fatigue from the dermis.
  3. Helps fight acne and pimples, the disinfectant and antibacterial effect of the mountain resin cleanses the skin and prevents further breakouts.
  4. Deeply cleanses the pores of the face, removes sebaceous plugs, toxins, as a result, the skin is toned and rejuvenated.

How to choose a mountain resin

To achieve an excellent result from the use of mountain resin for medicinal purposes, you can only choose this product. A quality mineral has certain characteristics.

  1. If you put a piece of mineral in the palm of your hand, it will instantly begin to melt due to the low melting point.
  2. The mineral tastes incredibly bitter.
  3. The remedy has a specific aroma, slightly reminiscent of the smell of sheep dung.
  4. It is known that the mineral dissolves in water in a matter of seconds. Moreover, in vegetable oil it will retain its consistency.

It is extremely important to pay attention to the smell of the product. If it is disgusting, it is persistent, then there is a high degree of probability that this is a fake. Better to choose another drug. You can buy a product after making sure that the above signs are present. Shilajit collected in mountain caves contains an incredible amount of nutrients. This mineral is indispensable in medicine. In addition, having this “treasure” in the house, you can use it in home cosmetology.

Of course, it is almost impossible to acquire the mineral in its original form. For home masks, a pharmacy product is quite suitable.

How to store it correctly

So that the mineral does not lose its useful properties, it is necessary to place it in a waterproof container, store it in a dark, cool place. At room temperature, the product hardens quickly or flows. Certainly, beneficial features at the same time, it does not lose, but the shelf life is significantly reduced.

An aqueous solution of the product is stored only in the refrigerator. You can use it for 10-14 days, no longer, then nothing useful remains there. Pharmacy powder has a longer shelf life. If the girl decided to distribute one packet for the preparation of 2-3 masks, it is necessary to close it tightly so that air does not penetrate inside.

The product retains its useful properties for a very long time. If you follow the minimum storage rules, you can use the product for an extremely long time for cosmetic and medical purposes.

Application in cosmetology

Shilajit is an indispensable tool in alternative medicine. In addition, it has found application in cosmetology, fights against:

  • split ends
  • dandruff
  • cellulite, stretch marks on the skin;
  • acne, acne
  • "Crow's feet", folds on the dermis.
  • 2 grams of mountain resin powder
  • 200 ml of a decoction of burdock root.

The ingredients are evenly distributed along the length of the curls, left for 15-20 minutes, washed off with warm water.

Against cellulite

Often women are faced with the problem of cellulite on their legs, which does not look the most pleasant way.


  • orange essential oil (1 tablespoon);
  • 1 gram of mummy.

The ingredients are combined, mixed until smooth. Once a week, it is necessary to rub this mixture with fingertips into the problem area. The procedure is recommended to be repeated for 1.5-2 months to achieve the best result. Cellulite disappears. So that it does not appear again, you need to accustom yourself to do morning exercises every day, to include more fruits and vegetables in the diet.

Stretch marks

When a woman becomes a mother, it's great! However, women often face the problem of postpartum stretch marks. A harmless remedy is a massage with a mummy.


  • healing powder mummy
  • boiled water (for 1 gram of product 100 ml of liquid);
  • baby cream (in such an amount that the total mass is not too thick).

The resulting product is rubbed into problem areas of the dermis 2-3 times a week for 1.5 months. Stretch marks may not completely disappear, but they will become almost invisible.

Homemade recipes for wrinkles

# 1: Nutritious

In order to prepare an anti-wrinkle mummy mask, it is best to take mountain resin tablets. The recipe is incredibly simple. You need to take a teaspoon of the usual baby cream and dissolve 1 tablet of mountain resin in it. After 5 minutes, when the resin is completely dissolved, the consistency is applied to the face. The mask must be washed off after 20 minutes, always with cool water. It is recommended to repeat the cosmetic procedure several times during the week. The face will become elastic, acne and fine wrinkles will disappear.

If the skin is too oily and inflammation and rashes constantly appear on it, a recipe with the following components will be effective:

  • mummy (if powder - 1.5 tablespoons, if tablets - 2 pieces);
  • 1 chicken egg white
  • liquid honey (slightly less than 1 teaspoon);
  • medium fat milk (1 tablespoon).

All ingredients are well mixed, you should get a mixture similar in consistency to fat sour cream. 15 minutes after applying the product, it is washed off with ice water. It is recommended to carry out the procedure once a week for a month - you will be surprised at the effect. The face mask with mummy not only gently fights against wrinkles, but also has a pronounced nourishing effect, saturates the dermis with all useful substances to maintain her healthy appearance.

Thanks to the gentle effect, you can safely use the mummy against wrinkles around the eyes.

No. 2: against early wrinkles, unwanted pigmentation

If you want to prepare a mass that will lighten the pigmented areas of the skin on the face, you will need the following ingredients:

  • protein from chicken eggs;
  • fresh lemon juice (full teaspoon);
  • mummy (if powder - 1 large spoon, if there are tablets, 2 pieces are taken).

The ingredients are combined in a deep container and mixed well. The face is washed, wiped off with a towel, then a mask is applied to it in a thin layer. The cosmetic procedure is recommended to be carried out at least once a week. This recipe tones the skin of the face, evens out its tone, removes traces of fatigue and smoothes both expression lines and age lines.

Shilajit is a healing natural remedy that effectively fights many dermatological problems. Mountain resin does not cause allergies; women of all ages can use mask recipes.

Masks with Mumiyo

The cosmetology industry is constantly evolving; it will not be difficult to find a mask with a mummy. But, ready-made means it is better to use those ladies who have very little free time.

If a woman has the opportunity to devote 2-3 hours to beauty once a week, it is still recommended to make care products on her own at home according to the recipes presented above.

Homemade Essential Cream

It is very easy to make a great nourishing cream at home with your own hands. Before starting cooking, it is important to take into account that the mineral powder will not dissolve in the oil.

  1. At the pharmacy, you need to buy 10 mumiyo tablets (usually they are 2 grams). The tablets are crushed, dissolved in a small amount of water to a state of homogeneous porridge.
  2. 10 drops are added there. essential oil(rosemary, orange, mint, lavender), 2 tablespoons of baby cream.
  3. The resulting product is stored in a glass container in the refrigerator. The cream is used 2-3 times a week. It perfectly tones and refreshes the dermis.


  • children under the age of 12;
  • women during pregnancy, during lactation;
  • cancer patients
  • in the presence of individual intolerance to the product.

Mumiyo is the most valuable gift of nature. Pharmacy powder, tablets made on its basis can be used in home cosmetology. The product costs a little, but the result meets expectations. Regular use of it for beauty will get rid of unwanted wrinkles, improve the condition of the dermis, saturate with vitamins, and strengthen hair.

Mummy face cream is a special remedy that can be prepared at home. It has a beneficial effect on skin covering and helps to cope with many imperfections arising on the skin of the face and body.

About Mumiyo

Shilajit is a mountain resin. In appearance, this substance is a thick viscous mass of brown or black color. Its smell is very pungent, and the taste of the mummy is somewhat bitter. The substance is formed in mountain caves and rocks in Central Asia.

Interesting! People say that this substance is bat droppings, which petrified later. for a long time... However, it is impossible to give an exact answer to the end of what this resin really is. Scientists have put forward several hypotheses, one of which says that these are the remains of decomposition of animal corpses, the other suggests that the substance was obtained from the resin of plants. The mineral origin of this product is not excluded either.

Be that as it may, the mummy substance, interesting in name, type and smell, is in great demand among women. It really has many positive properties and helps the beautiful half of humanity to achieve incredible goals in the pursuit of beauty and youth.

This component contains more than 25 natural substances, elements and minerals, many of which are irreplaceable.

In home cosmetology, the following types of mummy are used:

  • Tablets;
  • Powders;
  • Ampoules;
  • Natural mummy.

Mummy face cream has many positive effects on the skin:

  1. Rebuilds the epithelium by healing scars, scars, and acne spots. In addition, it actively brightens the surface layer of the epithelium and tightens the skin.
  2. The rejuvenating properties of this product help stimulate skin tissues to produce natural components of youth - collagen and elastin, which restore skin elasticity and smooth wrinkles.
  3. Removes toxins. Shilajit has cleansing properties, thanks to which it effectively expands pores and removes dirt and sebum from them, thereby eliminating comedones and internal acne.
  4. Possesses anti-inflammatory antibacterial properties, perfectly disinfects and heals the skin.

We offer to prepare face cream with mummy using our recipes. Each of them helps to solve different problems. Positive reviews talk about the high efficiency of the cream with mummy.


  • Mumiyo powder -2 g;
  • Nourishing face cream - 25 ml.

The recipe is very simple. We take the indicated amount of powder (can be replaced with a crushed tablet) and fill in small amount water. We need to get a gruel that looks like thick sour cream.

In order to make it more convenient to apply the cream and add more positive qualities to it, we take a nourishing agent for the face. Mix the two components thoroughly and let it brew for 15-20 minutes. Then we apply the product to the face.

It is recommended to use it every day, twice a day, applying the emulsion to problem areas or the face in general. The cream has anti-inflammatory properties, helps to eliminate rashes, dry pimples and cleanse the skin.

Scar face cream with mummy


  • Mummy in the form of a balm -2 g;
  • Boiled chilled water - 1 tsp;
  • Jojoba oil - 3 drops;
  • Baby cream - as needed.

Mix the balm with cold water, thoroughly rubbing the mixture. Then we add any face cream, it can be a daily moisturizer or nourishing agent. However, we recommend using a baby cream, it is best suited for these purposes. We need to achieve the consistency of a thick gruel, so we add the cream as much as necessary. Finally, add three drops of oil. Our home remedy for scars is ready!

This product perfectly heals scars and scars, tightens and discolors them. You can go through this procedure both at home and in the salon. Even beauticians repeatedly use mummy in their practice.

Calendula cream


  • Mumiyo - 2 tablets;
  • Infusion of calendula.

You can buy tablets with this substance at the pharmacy. The price for them is not high, so a cream with a mummy for the face is considered not only effective, but also economical home cosmetics.

The tablets should be crushed into powder. Then it is diluted with calendula infusion, achieving the consistency of thick sour cream.

Calendula has anti-inflammatory and disinfectant properties, thereby enhancing the effect of the main component. The cream has medicinal properties, perfect for problematic, oily and sensitive skin.

This tool is applied to the face pointwise to the affected areas or to the entire skin.


If you want to get from your home masks not just a cosmetic effect that will improve appearance your skin, and a real healing effect, seek help from the mummy.

This is a unique product that contains more than 30 useful organic substances and elements. So a homemade mummy face mask will not only nourish your skin, but will also help to eliminate many skin problems.

Possessing pronounced healing properties, all face masks with mummy will significantly improve the condition of your skin:

  • anti-aging effect: mummy is one of the most effective means in cosmetology and medicine against wrinkles, as it makes the skin tighten and produce collagen and elastin in increased doses;
  • tissue regeneration: only a mummy can lighten and tighten scars and scars, due to which many have complexes; of course, they will not dissolve, but they will become less noticeable;
  • relieving inflammation: antibacterial and disinfecting properties of face masks with mummy allows you to get rid of unpleasant rashes in the form of acne and acne for a long time;
  • elimination of toxins: Shilajit thoroughly unclogs the pores, leaving no place for any dirt and toxins.

These are the properties of masks with mummy for the skin: both cosmetic care and treatment - in one complex effect. Do you want not only beauty, but also real health for your skin cells? In this case, actively and regularly use products based on this truly unique product.

Mask with a mummy for the face: rules of application

Of course, a mummy for the face will be more effective if you follow certain rules when preparing and using such masks.

  1. Shilajit for masks is most often used in the form of tablets, which can be turned into powder very quickly. Liquid balm is used less often, but it is much more effective.
  2. Make masks with mummy every 10 days, keeping in mind their healing effect.
  3. The course of treatment is 10 masks.

Be sure to use the mummy for the skin of the face in the composition of miraculous masks, observing all the necessary recommendations: this will increase their effectiveness.

The best recipes for mummy face masks

When choosing a specific mummy-based mask, be sure to be guided by your skin type, because the auxiliary ingredients will enhance one or another effect of this product.

  • 1. Herbal face mask with mummy for acne

Grind the mummy (2 tablets), dilute with cold and strained calendula broth to a thick state. It can be applied both on the pimples themselves and on the face as a whole.

  • 2. Protein mask with mummy for oily skin

Grind the mummy (2 tablets), dissolve the resulting powder in milk (a tablespoon), add the whipped protein. In the absence of rosacea, honey can be added to this mask in a liquid state (a teaspoon).

  • 3. Yolk mask with mummy for dry skin

Grind the mummy (2 tablets), dissolve the resulting powder in cream (a tablespoon), add the whipped yolk. In the absence of rosacea, honey can be added to this mask in a liquid state (a teaspoon).

Grind the mummy (2 tablets), dissolve the resulting powder in lemon juice, just squeezed out (a tablespoon), add the whipped protein.

Grind the mummy (2 tablets), dilute the powder in water (a teaspoon) and mix with your daily nourishing cream (a teaspoon).

  • 6. Mask with mummy for the face from scars

Dissolve the mummy balm (2 g) in boiled cold water (a teaspoon), mix with baby cream until a thick slurry forms, add jojoba oil (2-3 drops). The effectiveness of mummy from scars on faces e and is used on the body even in modern cosmetology.

  • 7. Regenerating face mask with mummy

Dissolve mummy balm (2 g) in rose essential oil (2 g).

  • 8. Rejuvenating tonic with mummy for the face

Mumiyo (2 tablets) pour dry red wine (100 ml), leave for half an hour. It is recommended to wipe your face with this tonic daily, preferably before going to bed. In this mask, the mummy for the face against wrinkles is especially effective: they are noticeably smoothed out and become invisible.

  • 9. Classic mask with mummy for the face against acne

Grind the mummy (2 tablets), dissolve in boiled cold water until thick.

  • 10. Honey mask with mummy for the face

Warm honey in a water bath until liquid and warm, mix (a teaspoon) with powdered mummy (2 tablets). As part of this mask, it is very effective in relieving the mummy of acne and other skin inflammations.

Whichever recipe you choose, any of the mummy face masks you make will be the main skin care for any type of skin. There is no such problem that the mummy could not cope with - this unique gift of nature to man.

Svetlana Markova

Beauty is like precious stone: the simpler it is, the more precious!

4 Mar 2016 Nov.


Homemade masks are an economical way to quickly improve the condition of your face and achieve a well-groomed look. Such mixtures are easy to make from available tools. Mummy for the face against wrinkles - proven folk recipe... It is easy to find in any pharmacy, and the cost will turn out to be ridiculous. Mountain resin home remedies are popular for being cheap and effective.

The action of the mummy on the skin

Shilajit has been used in cosmetology for a long time: this dark brown substance became known thanks to healing properties... Shilajit is used for the face against wrinkles, because it perfectly tightens the skin, is famous for its anti-aging effect, therefore it is used in home recipes for anti-aging creams, oils, masks. An important property of the substance is hypoallergenicity, the absence of redness, peeling or rashes, so people with sensitive skin can use it.

The tool has a smoothing effect: it helps get rid of wrinkles, copes with age and expression lines on the face. This tool is actively used for skin firmness, tightening, elasticity, and improving overall tone. For oily skin, the mummy will become just a panacea, because the substance removes shine, but does not dry out. Among the additional positive effects, it is worth noting:

  • improvement of complexion;
  • activation of blood circulation;
  • light exfoliating effect;
  • elimination of toxins, elimination of the consequences of intoxication;
  • antibacterial action;
  • healing of small scars and scars.

Application for the face

Shilajit is used for the face against wrinkles in different forms and recipes. It is convenient to use at home folk masks for face. These mixtures are easy to prepare and require only handy tools that can be found in the kitchen. Application options:

  • active additive to cosmetics;
  • independent masks;
  • wrap or compress;
  • antibacterial cream;
  • scrub.

Anti-aging face masks at home

Mummy masks are the most effective method use. In 15-20 minutes, the mountain resin will have time to have a beneficial effect. Due to the texture of this substance, it is applied to the face as an independent cosmetic product or added to ready-made folk face masks for wrinkles. You can buy professional cosmetics from the store and mix a little mountain resin with it before each use.

If you want to make your own cosmetic product, then use the recipes below:

  1. The first mixture will require cream, egg yolk(proportions 1: 2: 1). In addition to rejuvenation, this product moisturizes the skin, eliminates inflammation, and has a refreshing effect.
  2. For the combined type, it is better to use an egg, milk. Eliminates oily sheen, stops the development of blackheads and acne. This remedy helps to remove wrinkles around the eyes or other small expression lines.
  3. If you have very oily skin, it is best to mix the product with lemon juice. The proportions of the mixture are 1: 1. This recipe should not be used by girls with normal, sensitive or dry skin - lemon juice dries it out.

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Shilajit: benefits for the skin

Mumiyo can hardly be called anything attractive product: dark brown color, specific aroma, bitter taste. V cosmetic procedures you don't have to mess with taste, you can get used to the rest - beauty requires sacrifice.

Shilajit is a hypoallergenic substance. You can start using it even without preliminary tests. For allergy sufferers, it's better not to come up with an option.

What makes the mummy for the face irreplaceable?

  • Shilajit does not mask, does not correct, but really heals the skin. Any microtrauma, scars, scars - everything remains in the past after several courses of procedures with the mummy.
  • Shilajit fights inflammation. This is especially true for young girls who are fighting against acne and skin imperfections. Also, the mummy does not leave a chance for fatty tumors, pustules and other pests.
  • Shilajit accelerates the regeneration of skin cells. Rejuvenated skin breathes more easily, it seems to glow from the inside, radiating beauty and health.
  • Shilajit rejuvenates. Noticeable. Applying it to the skin of the face, you will feel some tightness - it is this action of the mummy that makes the wrinkles smooth, the skin begins to produce collagen and elastin more vigorously, as a result - the skin looks noticeably rejuvenated and healthy.
  • Mumiyo cleans the skin. Blackheads, oily shine - this is not about your skin if you regularly use mummy for beauty of your face.

Mummy for the skin of the face: what happens and how to work with it?

Shilajit comes in two forms of release: liquid and tablets.

Liquid mummy is several times more effective than the tablet form, but mummy tablets for the face are much more convenient to use: they quickly turn into powder, you can add to any other product.

Not a single remedy with the addition of mummy can be used more often than once every 10 - 14 days - this is still a medicine. The course usually consists of 10 - 12 procedures - approximately 5 months. During this time, you will not only see the transformation of the skin, but also heal it from those shortcomings that have tormented you for years. The break between courses of procedures should be at least six months - it is not necessary to frequent it.

For best results, complete the course. By abandoning the procedures for the 5th time, you will not cure the problem - you will only temporarily hide it.

Shilajit is widely used in facial cosmetology - it is added to creams, masks, salon procedures... You can do the same at home - the mummy can be ordered online or purchased from most pharmacies.

Mummy in cosmetology: women have tested recipes for healing masks with mummy for centuries. Aristotle hardly cared about skin problems, but he described in detail in his works what a mummy is and how it affects the body. Since Aristotle appreciated it, then perhaps you can try it for yourself.

Mummy for the face from wrinkles

Shilajit, due to its constricting action and active substances, is able to smooth out wrinkles and visually take several years away from you. You can ask a beautician for help, or you can prepare several anti-age products at home.

Important! All masks and tonics must be applied to cleansed skin. After you wash off the mask, apply a suitable cream (moisturizing, nourishing, anti-aging - whichever you use) to the skin.

Anti-wrinkle mummy face mask

You will need:

  • 1/5 teaspoon of mummy;
  • 1 teaspoon warm water
  • 2 teaspoons sour cream;
  • 1 teaspoon honey
  • 1 egg yolk.

What to do?

  1. Dissolve the mummy in warm water, stir.
  2. Add all other ingredients and mix thoroughly until smooth.
  3. Apply the mixture to your face, relax for 20-30 minutes.
  4. Rinse off with warm water.
  5. Repeat once every 10 days.

Nourishing mummy anti-wrinkle mask

You will need:

  • 1 tablespoon olive oil
  • ½ ripe banana;
  • ½ teaspoon of liquid mummy.

What to do?

  1. Mix all ingredients until smooth.
  2. Apply to face in an even layer.
  3. Leave the mask on for 20-30 minutes.
  4. Rinse off with warm water.

Ice cubes with mummy for the skin around the eyes

You will need:

  • 2 tablets of mummy;
  • 50 ml warm water;
  • molds for ice.

What to do?

  1. Dissolve the mummy in warm water. Pour into molds, leave in the freezer overnight.
  2. Every morning after washing your face, rub the skin around your eyes with ice cubes.
  3. After the procedure, apply cream to the skin around the eyes.

Mummy for acne on the face

Shilajit has cleansing, antiseptic and anti-inflammatory effects. If you want to get rid of acne, then mummy is for you. By the way, if acne bothers you not only on your face, but also, say, on your back, then the mummy will cope with this too - you won't even have to change the dosage.

Mask with mummy for acne

You will need:

  • 2 tablets or 1/5 teaspoon of liquid mummy;
  • 50 ml warm water.

What to do?

  1. Dilute the mummy in warm water, apply in an even layer on the skin of the face.
  2. Let sit for 20-30 minutes.
  3. Rinse off with warm water.

Refreshing cucumber mask

You will need:

  • ½ a small cucumber;
  • 1 tablespoon sour cream;
  • 1/5 teaspoon of shilajit.

What to do?

  1. Grate the cucumber.
  2. Combine sour cream, mummy and cucumber until smooth.
  3. Apply to skin for 20-25 minutes.
  4. Rinse off with warm water.
  5. The rest of the mask can be stored in the refrigerator (until the sour cream is fermented).

Mask "Oil Boom" for acne

You will need:

  • 2 tablespoons olive oil
  • 1 teaspoon of mummy.

What to do?

  1. Mix the ingredients.
  2. Apply the mixture to your face and leave it on for 20-30 minutes.
  3. Rinse off with warm water.
  4. Store the rest of the mixture in the refrigerator until the next procedure - it will not disappear.

Mummy from scars on the face

Scars, as they say, adorn men. A controversial statement - scars and scars on the face do not look very aesthetically pleasing. What can we say about a beautiful woman's face, tormented by the past.

After one course of masks with the addition of mummy, you can permanently get rid of the hated scars and make your face smooth and radiant.

Mask with mummy for scars on the face

You will need:

  • 5 mummy tablets;
  • 1 tablespoon of mineral water.

What to do?

  1. Crush the tablets with a spoon, dissolve in mineral water.
  2. Heat the resulting mixture in a water bath - you get a thick slurry.
  3. Apply the paste to problem areas (you do not need to cover your entire face), leave for 25-30 minutes.
  4. Rinse off with warm water.

Mask "I am against!" from scars

You will need:

  • 2/5 teaspoon of mummy;
  • 2-4 drops of jojoba oil;
  • 2cm oily face cream (No baby cream! Do not mock your skin);
  • 1 teaspoon of cold water.

What to do?

  1. Dissolve the mummy in water.
  2. Combine the mummy solution with jojoba cream and oil. Mix thoroughly.
  3. Apply on face skin evenly, leave on for 20-30 minutes.
  4. Rinse off with warm water.

Mummy face masks: time-tested recipes

In addition to resisting wrinkles, scars and acne, there are many more ways to use mummy for skin beauty. It doesn't matter if you are young or old, your skin is always hungry for benefits. You can make any masks for a face with a mummy at home: relaxing, moisturizing, with pine needles, with rose water. And each of them will benefit the one that does them regularly.

Mask with mummy "Deep cleansing"

You will need:

  • 1/5 teaspoon of mummy;
  • 1 teaspoon blue clay
  • 1 teaspoon yellow clay
  • 2-3 drops of rose essential oil;
  • 1 teaspoon warm water

What to do?

  1. Dissolve the mummy in warm water.
  2. Mix all ingredients until smooth.
  3. Apply evenly to face and neck.
  4. Leave it on for 20-30 minutes.
  5. Rinse off with warm water.

Sweet Dreams Rose Oil Mask

You will need:

  • 2/5 teaspoon of mummy;
  • 1 teaspoon warm water
  • 1 teaspoon of rose oil.

What to do?

  1. As usual - dissolve the mummy in water. Mix with rose oil until smooth.
  2. Apply to face, leave on for 15-20 minutes.
  3. Rinse off with warm water.

Firming gelatin and mummy face mask

You will need:

  • 1/5 teaspoon of mummy;
  • 10 grams of gelatin;

What to do?

  1. According to the instructions, soak gelatin in water, stir. You should get something like a gel.
  2. Add mummy and oil to the gel, mix.
  3. Heat the resulting mixture in a water bath. The temperature of the mixture should be around 45 degrees.
  4. Apply the mixture to your face, leave it on for half an hour.
  5. By the end of the procedure, the mask should form a film on the face, carefully remove it and rinse your face with warm water.
  6. Repeat the procedure once every 2 weeks.

Mask with mummy for dry skin "Honey"

You will need:

  • 1 tablet of mummy;
  • 2 teaspoons of honey;
  • 1 teaspoon of green tea (not a tea infusion, but a drink);
  • 1 teaspoon sesame oil

What to do?

  1. Grind the mummy into powder, dilute in warm green tea.
  2. Mix all ingredients.
  3. Apply to face. Leave on for 30-40 minutes.
  4. Wash off with warm water.

Face mask with mummy and succinic acid

You will need:

  • 2 tablets of mummy;
  • 2 tablets of succinic acid;
  • 1 teaspoon olive oil

What to do?

  1. Grind tablets of mummy and succinic acid, add olive oil, mix.
  2. Apply the mixture to the skin, leave it on for 30-40 minutes.
  3. Rinse off with warm water.
  4. Repeat the procedure once a week.

So, using just one mummy can solve many skin problems. And even at 40 you will be asked for your passport in a liquor store, because regular procedures will keep your face in perfect condition. After all, you deserve it!