
How to dress young. How to dress to look younger? Skinny: with chunky shoes or heels


Young people at all times strived to look beautiful and keep up with the times, and even be a little ahead of them. Fashionable, stylish outfits are what young people strive for, especially today, when there is an abundance of the most varied clothes in store windows. How do young people dress now?

How should a young girl dress?

First of all, it is worth understanding that looking fashionable and young does not mean dressing in children's clothes with many patterns, rhinestones and sequins. Everything should be in moderation.

Pay attention to the colors that suit you. No need to rush to the first thing you like. Measure it more than once.

Clothes need to be selected that will suit your lifestyle. You should not choose bright club outfits if you are not a regular at various hangouts and parties. It would be ridiculous to put on such things for a walk in broad daylight.

Don't forget about accessories. They are able to complement any look.

When thinking about how young people dress, pay attention to casual style and youth brands that produce similar clothes. In such stores, you will surely find models to your liking.

How do today's youth dress?

The variety in the wardrobe of almost every girl allows you to fantasize, combine, create interesting images:

  1. Shorts. Favorite clothes of modern women of fashion. It is comfortable and practical, beautiful and relevant. Lightweight and warm shorts are relevant depending on the season.
  2. Chiffon, knitted, leather skirts and dresses. Today it is extremely fashionable to create a gentle one, which is what many girls strive for. Moreover, floor-length skirts are not a hindrance in active everyday life.
  3. Denim clothing. Jeans, jackets, vests are one of the most popular models among modern youth. Jeans are extremely fashionable to wear twisted up to the middle of the ankle.
  4. Accessories. Scarves, hats, shawls, belts, bags, glasses are integral parts of a fashionable youth image.
  5. Shoes. There are many models in stores for every taste. It can be stiletto heels, wedges, platforms, and ballet flats or boots on flat sole, shoes with wide heels. Boots in the grunge style are especially relevant. But this is for brave girls who like to experiment.

Note that modern youth are distinguished by brightness and originality in their images. Every girl wants to stand out from the gray mass.

Do you know how? Most girls will say no, because I don't have the means to say yes. Other girls will answer - my husband earns little. There may be such answers - how can I be dressed with such a figure.

However, to dress stylishly does not mean to have on yourself expensive things, jewelry. Expensive clothing the girl will not be automatically dressed stylishly.

You can and should learn how to correct your figure flaws. No, no, do not be alarmed, we are not talking about a fitness club, but only about clothes. Yes, it is clothes that can help us fix something that even exhausting physical exercise... How? It's very simple.

First, you need to stand in front of a mirror in your room and alone, so you can better see your flaws if you are completely naked.

Look at yourself critically and write your weaknesses in one column and your strengths in the other (we all have strengths). Now you know what you need to emphasize and what to hide. And remember, one way or another, we are all imperfect.

First of all, neatness. Dressing casually will never, even in the most expensive clothes, make you stylishly dressed.

When choosing for yourself, be sure to consider who you are meeting with, where you are going.

Pay attention to how the clothes fit your figure. If the backside is too big, then a short jacket or trousers that are too tight will increase the volume. How many of you don't like showing off your belly with a short top and low-waist trousers? But remember, most of us look unattractive in such clothes. - O! What short legs this girl has! - you may hear yourself after. And this is not the worst line yet.

Now you need to think about which colors suit you. Here the choice can be huge. Sometimes very interesting finds come out. Let's say beige color it doesn't suit me at all, but he's so noble. Take a closer look at it, it has different shades (pink, olive, raspberry, etc.). Choose either with the color that is present in the shades, or a vest if it's a dress. Interesting combinations enough.

If it is difficult to choose clothes for yourself, pay attention to how women are dressed, whose figure is somewhat similar to you. But be careful! The outfit that makes your girlfriend beautiful may not suit you at all.

Shoes. If you are uncomfortable in shoes on high heels, they won't give you confidence. You will feel tired and it will show on your face. Choose your shoes very carefully.

Don't forget what kind of lingerie you are wearing - it also gives you a chance to look stylish. Pay particular attention if your trousers or skirt are made of thin fabric, through which the linen will be visible.

Choose the right accessories: be it a hat, scarf, scarf or gloves.

Nobody will admire you if you wear all your jewelry. We must strive not for the "golden mean", but for that - the less the better. Sometimes in simple dress decorated with a string of pearls, you will look irresistible.
(“To decorate morning roses, only dew is enough.” Lope de Vega)

For the girl should be of utmost importance. The right hairstyle for the clothes you wear today will make your appearance impeccable. When hairdressers say that a new hairstyle can change your life, it's true.

You also need to be able to present clothes. What is it about? How you carry yourself, how you communicate, how you smile, how you speak. Whether you bite your nails, or bite your lips, not ... etc.

Like clothes, makeup can help you fix any flaws or highlight your strengths. Just don't overdo it. Excess make-up at work will not leave the best impression on you. Start with a clean face.

When you are properly dressed, it will give you confidence.

There are girls who, not being supermodels, achieve success by showing good looks with their flaws.

Sometimes friends can criticize your appearance ... out of envy. Keep this in mind as well.

For Militta Magazine

Alena Baltseva | 9.06.2015 | 10430

Alena Baltseva 06/09/2015 10430

Have you noticed how clothes affect our sense of self, mood and how others perceive us? Let's talk about how to dress to look young and fresh.

It's no secret that certain wardrobe items are subconsciously read as "youth" or "adults". Whether you like it or not, ripped jeans will look youthful, and a downy shawl will look quite the opposite.

Nevertheless, let us remind you once again that “fashionable” tastes and preferences are an individual thing that every woman must decide on herself, taking into account her attitude, body shape and lifestyle. Therefore, we ask you to consider our advice as recommendations, nothing more.

"Youthful" clothing

All items of children's and teenage wardrobe can be safely included here, but this does not mean that an adult woman should borrow them. The perky dress of your daughter will make you not young, but a youthful person. And this, as they say in Odessa, is two big differences!

In this list, we will give only those clothes that you can fit into your image, regardless of age. Again, the list is not meant to be exhaustive and the only one acceptable.

  • Jeans Skinny and jeans "Boyfriends"... While classic straight-cut jeans look more "grown-up".
  • Ripped and distressed denim looks more casual than solid color.
  • High-waisted dresses or dresses baby-dollar(baby doll) in Balenciaga style ( loose fit, drop waist and ruffle hem at the hem).
  • Jumpsuits and rompers(cropped overalls).
  • Crop Tops & Sweaters.
  • Tops and sweaters on purpose big size(so called style Oversized).
  • Sweatshirts(or, as they are called, sweatshirts).
  • Short shorts, skirts and dresses. In a word, any mini.
  • Printed leggings and tights.
  • Collar "Peter Pan".
  • Bouffant skirts(including tulle or with tulle lining).

"Aging" clothes

Again, this list is pretty arbitrary. To summarize, you can add to it all the things that your grandmother could wear without the risk of being ridiculed by the neighbors on the porch. This also includes all status and conservative wardrobe items.

  • Trousers with an arrow. Even if they are of excellent quality, paired with other conservative wardrobe items, these trousers will look too solid.
  • High cut jackets. note that modern models have a deep cut and often sleeves ¾.
  • Knitted sets-two(jumper and cardigan from the same yarn).
  • Buta print(almond-shaped oriental pattern). This was worn by our mothers, and it is associated with the past century.
  • Collar sweatshirts(especially with a zipper). These are not even worn to the gym now.
  • Tweed and other dense suiting fabrics. Whatever one may say, but they are perceived as solid, solid, conservative.
  • Crochet... There are exceptions to all the rules, but most often knitted blouses look "grown-up".

How to find the balance?

The conventional division of the wardrobe into "youth" and "grandmother's" does not mean at all that you should wear exclusively things from the first category and forever abandon clothes from the second. The secret of success lies in the right combination of things.

For example, wearing ripped jeans, but afraid to look out of place in them? Complement them with a formal jacket. Put on a tweed suit - dilute the formal look with printed tights.

The main thing is to understand how this or that thing will be "read" when you make up a fashionable outfit.

Outdated styles

Clothes often age simply because the cut or fabric is outdated for a long time. How can you avoid this?

1. Don't buy trendy things.

If a floral pattern from head to toe is in fashion this season, you should not completely update your wardrobe in accordance with this fashion trend, because next season it will most likely be considered complete bad taste.

It is better to add fashionable accents to the image in the form of accessories: jewelry, bags, scarves. It is much easier and cheaper to replace them with actual ones than outerwear and shoes.

2. Choose "timeless" styles

  • Shoes. A classic stiletto heel will most likely not go out of style, unlike square heels. The same applies to the shape of the shoes: a slightly pointed nose has remained fashionable for many seasons in a row, but square or long toes come and go.
  • Leather jackets. Classic models are always in fashion: bombers (pilots' jackets) and leather jackets (biker jackets). But leather jackets and fringed jackets are not worth buying, although they are back in fashion this year. Most likely, it won't be long.
  • Jeans. If you're in the habit of buying things to wear for a long time, your best bet is to invest in a classic pair: navy or light blue with a mid-rise without trim.
  • Jackets and suits. One piece of advice on choosing a universal "two" is difficult to give. In this case, the rule "the simpler the better" applies. Pay attention to the collar, neckline, sleeve length. Most often, it is they who give out the immobility of the product.

3. Follow the fashion

If you are reading this article, we have every reason to believe that you are still interested in fashion. Keep doing it! Periodically go to stores just to see and try on new things, study fashion trends to navigate what and how it is now customary to wear.

Well, the most main advice: just be yourself! Only then will the clothes fit naturally on you.

How can a guy dress to look fashionable, attractive and at the same time not funny?

Lots of tips that you will find in the article will help you in this matter.

Men usually complicated relationship with clothes.

Some do not care at all about how things, colors and textures from their wardrobe are combined with each other.

Thank you for taking care of the cleanliness of your clothes.

Some go to extremes and experiment so boldly that they start to look ridiculous.

Some people buy standard sweaters, jeans, T-shirts and shirts looking dull.

Well and how to dress a guy, to avoid major mistakes, to attract admiring glances with your appearance, and not ridicule?

It's very simple!

The guys are generally lucky - they don't have to follow fashion trends, buy an abundance of things and spend a lot of money on accessories.

All they have to do is determine their size, figure out what suits them and what doesn't, learn how to combine things and show a little imagination.

Well, why doesn't everyone dress like this guy?

Agree, you rarely meet a really stylishly dressed guy.

Males prefer to dress in either business suits(by the way, they are often disgustingly sitting on them), either in jeans, T-shirts, sweatshirts, sneakers, or, even worse, in creepy sweaters and puffs, thanks also that pods are not tucked into socks.

There are, however, still guys from informal movements, but those, as for me, often go too far with the desire to stand out from the crowd and start dressing simply ridiculous.

Of course, there are also very pleasant exceptions, like, for example, the guy I met a few years ago in the Kiev metro.

He was so stylishly dressed that I still remember his image.

It would seem a simple shirt, slightly tapered trousers and moccasins, a leather tablet bag over the shoulder.

  • in his clothes he combined three colors - brown, mustard and marsh green;
  • his bag and belt were the same color and seemed terribly expensive;
  • the shirt had a small decor - contrasting stitching, wooden buttons, stylized shoulder straps.

I noticed that I was not the only one looking at this guy, many girls on the subway noticed his appearance.

I just wanted to shout to other representatives of the stronger sex, who were traveling in the same carriage: "Take an example, this is how a guy should dress!"

Let's start with general advice how to dress a guy:

    Wear clothes that fit.

    Doubt what size you are?

    Ask the store clerk.

    Keep your clothes clean and in good condition.

    You can dress in expensive things, but if they are stained or stink of sweat, then what's the point.

  1. Any thing fits perfectly on a good figure, so you shouldn't grow a huge belly and feed yourself to elephant size.
  2. Choose clothes according to your figure.

    Baggy clothes are not suitable for short guys, but choosing trousers a few tones darker than a shirt, you can visually increase your height.

  3. Wear long socks under your pants so that your hairy legs are not visible when you sit down.
  4. Even if you have a little money, you cannot walk in the same thing every day and drag your clothes to holes.
  5. Do not chase fashion trends, choose things that are out of fashion.

    Guys who bet on classics always manage to dress stylishly.

  6. Combine rich and soothing colors in your clothes, do not turn into a solid gray or black spot.
  7. It's better to dress a guy in high-quality clothes - they last longer and look expensive.
  8. It doesn't matter what you dress in, the main thing is to look confident at the same time, then others will believe in the style of your image.

Any guy needs to dress according to his style and taste.

Naturally, in order to do this, you need to define your own style and taste.

Let's say you are an adherent of the classics, and the work in the office leaves its mark on the style of clothing.

Then your wardrobe should contain:

  • several suits that fit you flawlessly;
  • a pair of shirts for suits and several that you can wear yourself with trousers and fashionable tie or a scarf;
  • jumper with a V-neck;
  • classic dark jeans;
  • several versatile trousers;
  • a pair of polo shirts and T-shirts;

If you do not have a dress code at work and you are an adherent of a free urban style, this does not mean that you can climb everywhere in a tracksuit or stretch jeans to holes.

Any guy can dress more stylishly - you have a choice:

  • jeans - dark and light colors;
  • pants with patch pockets;
  • cotton and linen shirts;
  • regular T-shirts (pay attention to the quality of the fabric) and polo shirts;
  • hoodies, t-shirts with long sleeve, bamber and stuff;

People who choose sports as their profession usually want to emphasize this with their clothes.

Trainers are allowed to dress in tracksuits.

But, again, you shouldn't be limited to them: in any sports store you will find a huge selection of different clothes.

Any guy should dress appropriately

The ability to dress according to the event, place, profession and age is something that not all guys remember.

I understand that this is not only a matter of disregard for their appearance, but also the unwillingness to spend a lot of money on clothes - "I'm not a girl."

That is why on celebrations a guy can come all in the same boring jeans and a ridiculous color T-shirt, and, like an office clerk, look extremely ridiculous in a suit borrowed from his older brother.

To avoid such problems, form your wardrobe correctly.

In addition to the things you wear on a daily basis, based on your style, taste, profession, etc., you must have in your wardrobe:

  1. A good tracksuit is for outdoor trips, for example.
  2. A pair of T-shirts that go well with both him and jeans.
  3. A pair of jeans (if you prefer to wear trousers every day) - expensive and perfect for your figure.
  4. An exit suit (jacket and trousers) is better than a dark (not necessarily black) solid color.

    The jacket should not be large or small on you, the trousers should not be too long or short.

  5. Shirt and tie for this suit.

A few more tips on how to dress stylishly for young guys in the video:

A guy who wants to dress stylishly shouldn't forget about shoes and accessories.

Most guys who want to dress stylishly for some reason completely ignore the power of accessories, so they forget that:

  • the belt should be in harmony with the shoes;
  • a tie bar and cufflinks can show your exquisite taste;
  • the watch must match the general style of your clothes and be expensive;
  • the cross is not a decoration, so you do not need to hang it on a thick chain and put it on display for everyone;
  • the shape of the glasses (both regular and sunglasses) should suit you;
  • scarves and arafats are not only worn by informals or guys of non-traditional sexual orientation;
  • the headpiece can be worn not only in winter ("because the head is cold"), but at any time of the year, creating stylish looks.

A guy who wants to dress well should pay great attention to his shoes - she should:

  1. To be in good condition: well-groomed, without holes and worn out heels.
  2. Expensive enough to wear well and look presentable.
  3. Match with your clothes in color and style.

    You cannot wear shoes under a tracksuit or sneakers under classic trousers.

    Flip flops are beach shoes.

    Winter boots should not be rough if you are a follower of the classics (yes, I understand that it is warmer in shoes with thick soles, but we endure inconveniences for the sake of beauty) or pointed toes with thin soles if all your pants are sporty.

If you still don't fully understand, how to dress a guy, check out men's magazines and sites, in order to understand what with what and how to combine, get a few ideas from your favorite stars, contact a stylist, in the end.

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Too many young people start their professional lives with no idea of ​​how to dress stylishly. This needs to be changed. Young people are the future leaders of society and stylish clothing is the first step to becoming a professional. However ... Clothes do not make a person. The right clothes can give young man precious seconds to assert your position and influence other people. Young lawyer, consultant, medical worker, or the manager, everyone should understand this. Today we will look at 9 useful tips that will allow a man to dress stylishly.

It is important to note that it is worth paying attention to clothing when you are young, even if you are working in an area where strict rules... Clothes that are ironed, clean, and well-fitting — wherever you are — encourages others to take you more seriously.

The foundation stylish clothes- nice shoes. The traditional idea that a person can be judged by his shoes is still relevant today. If you've never owned good shoes, pull yourself together and get ready to pay a hefty sum for quality classic shoes. You may be shocked by the price tag on good shoes, but quality and comfort will pay dividends in the future. A good pair of dress shoes will last you for years and keep their looks, perhaps losing their shine. High quality leather shoes it is not a luxury for especially rich people, it is a necessity for any person.

We have a good article detailing. I recommend reading it.

Classic shoes are just as important as classic clothing.

How you dress depends on how you are perceived. If you still wear clothes reminiscent of “student days”, people around you will perceive you as a boy who has no real life experience. Want to know how to dress stylishly, look at older people. Follow the aging trend and get the respect you deserve from older people. This means tidying up your wardrobe and getting rid of most of your everyday clothes: T-shirts, pants, denim shorts, sweatshirts, sweatpants, baseball caps.

Save a few things for gardening and exercise, donate the rest to charity (donate to church or Orphanage) and start replacing it with fashionable clothes that speak of your maturity.

Mark Zuckerberg is not in poverty, but it is still difficult to perceive him as an adult in a T-shirt and sweatshirt.

The latest fashion trends are changing too quickly for us to adopt useful wardrobe ideas from them. Most young people don't have the budget to buy new pants every month or two, so stay away from pants that are only presentable during the current fashion season.

Frayed or faded jeans are a great example; several designer brands in a short period of time managed to sell their image to the public, and then the trend changed, and left many people with very expensive jeans, but too unpresentable to wear them in in public places... Stick to a classic wardrobe staple, and avoid things that don't go well with it, even if they look good.

And yet, how to dress fashionably? Not so long ago, we have prepared a series of articles on the topic “” (,). They detail recommendations on how to assemble a universal classic wardrobe that will not lose its relevance for many years and will be fashionable for many years. In addition to recommendations on the topic of wardrobe selection, we have also collected recommendations for choosing clothing brands. After reading these articles, you will learn how to learn how to dress stylishly for a man.

Models are paid to make silly clothes fashionable. Don't fall for it.

Most young people don't have a lot of free money to throw around (we don't count parties;)). If you have spent on a few high-quality garments - a bespoke suit, a pair of expensive shoes, then keeping them in good condition will cost you another hundred more.

This means using a good hanger for your clothes, shoe spacers, and delicate wash using a washing machine. Some of your items can be purchased from outlets if you are lucky enough to find your size to fit. This is a great way to dress well and inexpensively. A few tweaks from a tailor, and a budget suit from the store can turn into a worthy piece of your wardrobe. Just look after it and protect your investment with proper care and maintenance.

Nice hanger, much cheaper than new suit... Start with her.

Council number 5. Have at least one good suit in your wardrobe

No matter what kind of job you have, you need a decent suit for a special occasion. If you work in an area where you need to wear suits regularly, you should look for different colors and styles; If you just need one suit for your infrequent special events, then go for the classic single-breasted two-button suit in dark gray or navy blue.

Well-tailored and classically styled trousers will make you look a little more stylish at social events than jeans.

Pants are less common among young people, so you will stand out. Better to get wool or cotton than blue jeans... You can read more about it in our previous publications.

Council number 9. Swap your shirts for polos and sports shirts

You can wear T-shirts to the gym or to work around the house. But wearing a T-shirt to social events or to work is by no means allowed, especially when it is too large and made of low-grade fabric with the logo of a company.

Good polo in simple, dark color- always presentable and always looks flattering if it sits well. You can also opt for a snap-on short-sleeved shirt for summer, ranging from linen casual shirts to striped or plaid shirts. If you do wear a T-shirt, make sure it is new, clean, in a solid dark color and fits you well. I recommend reading what are on sale.

How to dress stylishly for a man - video