
Scenario for Children's Day in Word. Scenario of the holiday "Children's Day. Competition "Who remembers more"


Scenario of the event "Children's Day"

Goals: Formation of ideas about the holiday "Children's Day".

- Expand knowledge about the holiday - Children's Day.
- Arouse the desire to take an active part in the holiday, emotionally - a positive attitude of children.
- Develop friendly relations between children, attention, Creative skills,

To instill in children a sense of kindness, respect for each other, mutual understanding.

Equipment: chalk, balloons, a projector, recording songs, costumes for students who take part in a theatrical performance.

Event progress

* Children enter the hall to the music: “Let there always be sunshine”

1 host:

Hello! Hello!
We are happy to greet you!
How many bright smiles
We see on faces now.

2 host:

Guys, do you know what day it is today? That's right, today is the first day of summer, and this day is also designated as International Children's Day on the calendar!

International Children's Day is celebrated annually on June 1, established in November 1949 in Paris by the decision of the Congress of the Women's International Democratic Federation, was first celebrated in 1950.
Children's Day is a bright, sunny holiday of friendship, a holiday of summer.

3 leading:

The holiday even has its own flag - a green canvas, on which five multi-colored schematic men (red, blue, black, white and yellow) are located around the symbol denoting our planet. Together, this symbolizes the unity and diversity of people living on Earth.

1 host:

First of June -
A day of big things.
Day of protection in the world
Little children!

2 host:

We present to your attention the song "What color is summer?" performed by 3rd grade students.

3 leading:

Children are full members of human society. They also have rights and obligations. People from different countries gathered together, agreed and accepted the same rights for everyone, regardless of the state in which the little person lives. In 1989, the United Nations created and adopted a document that spelled out the rights and responsibilities of children. This document is called the Convention on the Rights of the Child.

1 host:

May every child not be offended,
Let it become more dear, dearer and closer -
Not only today, on the first day of June -
On any day of the week, and on a holiday, and on weekdays.
Let childhood not be worse adult life,
Let children's tears be shed less and less,
Let a smile in a dream prove: he lies
Under gentle, but strong, reliable protection.

2 host:

* Competition "Who remembers more"

I pronounce the name of the fairy tale, and you say what rights of the hero or heroes have been violated.

"Gingerbread Man": (the fox, wolf, etc. want to take the life of the hero)

"The Wolf and the Lamb" (fable): (the wolf encroaches on the life of the lamb)

"Ugly duckling": (offended a little duckling, the law treats everyone the same, regardless of skin color, appearance and communication in another language)

"Cinderella": (the unfortunate girl was forbidden to participate in the games and amusements of her sisters, had no right to rest and leisure)

« The Adventures of Pinocchio": ( main character did not enjoy the right to free education)

"The Wolf and the Seven Kids": (The wolf has no right to invade our home, it is inviolable)

3 leading:

War has no age, gender or nationality. War is terrible. War does not choose. Every year we remember the war that claimed millions of lives. Every year we thank those who fought for our country.

1 host:

From 1941 to 1945, several tens of thousands of underage children took part in hostilities. Village boys and girls, guys from cities - they were posthumously recognized as heroes. Along with adults, they suffered hardships, defended, shot, were captured, sacrificing their own lives. They fled from home to the front to defend their homeland. They stayed at home and endured terrible hardships. In the rear and on the front line, they performed a small feat every day. They did not have time for childhood, they did not get the years to grow up. They grew up by the minute, because the war is not a child's face.

2 host:

Let's remember their names:

Valya Kotik is one of the youngest Heroes of the USSR. In a village occupied by German troops, the boy secretly collected weapons and ammunition and handed them over to the partisans. The guy was mortally wounded in February 1944.

Marat Kazei managed to finish 4 classes of a rural school. He went to reconnaissance, participated in raids and undermined the echelons.

3 leading:

Sasha Kolesnikov ran away from school with a friend and went to the front. Sasha lied that he was left completely alone. So at the age of 12 he became a soldier, "the son of a regiment." Several times he successfully went to reconnaissance, helped to destroy a train with German ammunition. During his service, Sasha has grown to the level of a tanker and knocked out several enemy vehicles.

When the war began, Lenya Golikov got a rifle and joined the partisans. Under the guise of a beggar, Lenya walked around the villages, collecting the necessary data on the location of the fascist troops and the number of their military equipment, and then passed this information on to the partisans. The boy died in a battle with a Nazi punitive detachment.

1 host:

Zina Portnova served as a scout for a partisan detachment. In 1943, Portnova was captured by the Germans. During the interrogation, she grabbed the investigator's pistol from the table, shot him and two other Nazis, and tried to escape. But she failed to do so.

In this collection, only some of the stories of children who died on the front line for their own country; children who did things that adults were afraid to think about; children whom the war deprived of childhood, but not strength of mind.

* Include video clip "About that spring"

2 host:

Rules traffic for children have great value to preserve their life and health.

Naughty pedestrian.
The road runs through the forest
The traffic light is flashing.
Everyone is in a hurry to cross over.
From moose to mice.
Sometimes across the road
Too many pedestrians
Jumps, walks, flies,
Runs, crawls.
Mom taught a hedgehog
Mom threatened with her finger:
- Remember the rules, baby!
If the light is red - stop!
If yellow - just wait
On the green - come on!
Naughty pedestrian
Did the opposite!
The hedgehog was in a hurry
And rolled in a ball
Straight to the red light!
Is it possible so? Of course not!
The brakes screeched
And he closed his eyes.
Old fat dump truck
Beeping, growling:
- I just stopped
Almost fell off the road!
What, you don't know the rules?!
Come on, quickly march into the bushes!
I'll give you a hedgehog advice:
Don't run red lights!
The hedgehog puffed softly:
- Sorry, I didn't mean to.
The traffic light told us:
The hedgehog has improved since then.
Knows the order best
Doesn't break anything!

3 leading:

The best protection and support are true friends. No wonder they say that a tree lives by roots, and a person lives by friends.

1 host:

Listen to the parable: Nails

Once upon a time there was a boy with a terrible character. His father gave him a bag of nails and told him to drive a nail into the garden wall every time he lost patience and quarreled with someone. On the first day, the boy hammered 37 nails. Over the following weeks, he tried to restrain himself, and the number of hammered nails decreased day by day. It turned out that holding back is easier than hammering nails...

At last the day came when the boy did not hammer a single nail into the fence. Then he went to his father and told about it. And his father told him to pull one nail out of the fence for every day in which he did not lose patience.

Days passed after days, and finally the boy was able to tell his father that he had pulled all the nails out of the fence. The father brought his son to the fence and said:

“My son, you have behaved well, but look at those holes in the fence. She will never be the same again. When you quarrel with someone and say things that can hurt, you inflict a wound like this on the interlocutor. You can plunge a knife into a person and then pull it out, but the wound will still remain.

No matter how many times you ask for forgiveness, the wound will remain. A mental wound brings as much pain as a physical one. Friends are rare jewels, they bring you a smile and joy. They are ready to listen to you when you need it, they support you and open their heart to you. Try not to hurt them...

2 host:

This is the end of our event. In parting, we have one wish.
We encourage you all to be friends.
Don't you dare fight!
Because without friends
Do not live in the world!

* At the end of the event - a video:

3 leading:

And now, guys, I suggest you take the balloons and go outside.

Guys, each of you has a bright ball in your hands. I propose to launch balloons into the sky and make a wish, shout a loud cheer.

* Competition: “Drawing on asphalt.

I suggest you draw your best drawing on the asphalt.

(each child receives a gift for drawing)




We publish four scenarios for holding school, sports, district and courtyard holidays in honor of International Children's Day - June 1.

The scenario of the courtyard holiday "OUR CHILDREN" dedicated to the International Children's Day

general characteristics Props Organizing Committee

Age of participants: 4-12 years old

Number of participants: 100 people

  • large playground
  • stage or place for equipment and presenter
  • sound amplifying equipment
  • sports equipment for team relay races
  • souvenirs for rewarding team members
  • souvenirs for birthdays (June 1)
  • colored crayons for drawings on asphalt
  • place for accommodation Studio "Aquagrim": table, chairs

sound engineer, presenter, puppets, studio "Aquagrim", animators, schoolchildren, organizing committee.

Cheerful music sounds : (favorite children's songs in audio recording)

The sites are working: “Aquagrim”, “Drawing on Asphalt”.

Young spectators are entertained by life-size puppets.

Students take the stage.

Poetic composition "Our childhood"

Land of funny little people

Dreaming of a doll in a carriage

About the dwarf in a crimson beret,

Of the valor of rightful kings.

We often say the word "childhood"

Unaware of the magic of meaning

And in it is a magic house made of cookies,

Fantasy unusual bright world!

Childhood is balls, jump ropes,

Race with friends

Bicycles, skis, sleds

And, of course, sticks and skates!

Children are joy and joy!

Children are a fresh breeze!

They can not be earned, this is not a reward, -

God gives them by grace to adults.

Children, oddly enough, are a test.

Children, like trees, do not grow on their own.

They need care, affection, understanding.

Children are time, children are work.

Childhood is like life started all over again:

First smiles, first steps

First successes, first awards,

Children are happiness, children are us!!! ( chorus)

Schoolchildren descend from the stage to the participants of the holiday and stand in a general circle


All adults know: when children are healthy and happy, they rejoice and laugh, which means they are happy! Children, do you know what happiness is? ( Question answer)


Do we have the funniest ones at the holiday today? The cleverest? The most vocal? The most athletic? The most dexterous and skillful? And the friendliest? And the brave ones? Now we'll check it out! Well, who jumps the highest? Well done! Who can hold their leg like this the longest? But like this?( shows) I see - well done!

Who among you was born in the summer? So, I see ... Show me how you swim? What style? "Swim" breaststroke and crawl! Fine!

Who was born in the spring? Get in the circle! There is a fun task for you: jump like that! Very good! Are there any winter birthdays among you? We've been waiting for you! You will ride half a circle on your left foot, half a circle on your right. Well, we got to the autumn birthdays! Get out of the circle! We know you love to smile! Come on, we'll stand in a circle, join hands and help you. And you and I will smile at the neighbor on the right, then the neighbor on the left. Let's try! Well done! Boys and girls, do you know the song about a smile? Let's sing it together!

THE SONG "SMILE" SOUNDS (audio recording): round dance


Are there boys and girls on our holiday who have completed 5th grade and moved to the 6th? Very good! For you - we have a tongue twister!

- Do not speak all tongue twisters, do not re-speak and do not re-speak

We have prepared riddles for you. Listen carefully!

What fairy tale are these words from?

- "The mouse ran, touched the tail, the testicle fell and broke"

“My father had three sons, and he left them an inheritance: an old mill, a donkey and a cat”

- “He took a log in his hands, turned it this way and that, and began to cut a doll out of it with a knife”

- “The old woman scratched the box, broomed the bottom of the barrel and scraped two handfuls of flour”

So a fabulous warm-up took place, and now - "Physical education"!

Scenario of a street event dedicated to International Children's Day

general characteristics Props Organizing Committee

Activity duration: 60 minutes

Age of participants: 4-18 years old

Number of participants: 50-60 people

For the event you need:

  • playground
  • sound amplifying equipment
  • selection of musical accompaniment
  • props: balls, children's umbrellas, jump ropes
  • souvenirs for children

Participating in the event are:

sound engineer, host, members of the school amateur circle, two dancers - a boy and a girl, a representative of the administration, the organizing committee.

HOST: Hello dear girls and boys! Today is the first calendar day of summer, and with it joy has come to our home. On the first of June it is customary to congratulate all children on a wonderful holiday - International Children's Day. You may ask, why should we be protected from, because we are strong and courageous? We adults are responsible for your happy childhood. We protect your peace and tranquility. We really want you to grow up healthy, smart, well-mannered, educated, respect adults, love your family and your homeland. Today our friendly team came to congratulate you on the holiday!

THE WORD IS PROVIDED:………………………………………………………………

HOST: Why is every person given childhood? What do you think? ( asking questions to children) Children's answers…………………………………………………………

And now we will listen to an amazing poem performed by the participants of the school literary circle, from which it will immediately become clear to everyone that childhood is given for joy!

Members of the school literary circle:

Childhood is the time for joy!

The man came to live!

This is a fairy tale, laughter, game,

Books and knowledge thread.

These are the sounds of lace,

Lullaby in the night.

This is the blue sky

The sun's clear rays.

It's soft grass

To trust to fall.

This is a mountain of goodies,

To eat them to their heart's content.

This is a sea of ​​kindness

To open up the heart.

The world of an open dream

To never turn around.

To become and to be

Real people

The man came to live

In the world of happiness and love!

HOST: And childhood is a variety of questions and completely unexpected answers. Who among you likes to play? I will ask you questions and you will answer. Deal? Then listen to my questions!

What do parents always hide from their children?

Who asks a lot of questions?

- What can not be done in the classroom, but really want to?

Who swims in the ice?

What do parents scare their children with?

What can no one in the world live without?

What does dad like to do at home?

What do kids love the most?

Of course, jump and play! All girls and boys in the world love to jump, I know that for sure! And now we will make sure of it! Let's jump like this! (shows task)

I invite the first participants of our fun sports competition!

(Required equipment - BALLS)

Music sounds: fun, for jumping with the ball - COMPETITIONS FOR CHILDREN

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Scenario of the school musical and sports festival "CHILDHOOD WITHOUT BORDERS", dedicated to the International Children's Day

general characteristics Props Organizing Committee

Activity duration: 60 minutes

Age of participants: 8-10 years old

Number of participants: 120 people (6 teams x 20 people)

For the event you need:

  • gym
  • sound amplifying equipment
  • music selection
  • equipment: balls, hoops, jump ropes, rope
  • diplomas and cups

Participating in the event are:

sound engineer, host, schoolchildren (6 teams x 20 people), school dance group, representatives of the administration, jury for evaluating competitions, organizing committee.

The sports hall of the school is festively decorated.

Children's music is playing.

Guests of the holiday and its participants gather.

HOST: Good afternoon, dear guests and participants of the musical and sports festival "Childhood without Borders"! Welcome and congratulations on international day child! We know that future mathematicians, engineers, doctors, teachers, scientists study at this school! We wish you all success in your studies, joy, creative victories and a happy childhood! Today, people who have to solve important issues have come to congratulate you on the holiday - issues of education, children's health, active leisure, sports and recreation.

The word is given…………………………………………………………………………………..

HOST: We would like to wish you

Learn only "five"!

With sports, of course, to be friends,

Have fun, be smart!

Walk through life with a song

Don't leave your friends in trouble

Reply with kindness,

Glorify yourself with deeds!

And, of course, joke

Poetry, prose love,

Be able to draw, draw,

Swim and dance!

DANCE NUMBERS performed by participants of school amateur performances

HOST: Childhood is small discoveries and big joys! Dear children, today you will be not only spectators, but also the most active participants in the holiday! Our fun team missions are called "Rainbow for All" and they are designed for the dexterous, strong, brave and resourceful. Do we have smart people today? What about fast ones? What about the most athletic ones? Wonderful! I invite the teams to get ready to participate in the relay races. And the members of our esteemed jury to take their places of honor. We hope that you will be very pleased to judge our competition, because talented children participate in it! Representing the jury:

HOST: So, the teams are ready! Task one: "Your motto."

Motto of the Green team:………………………………………………………………………

The motto of the team "Yellow":……………………………………………………………………….

The motto of the team "Red":……………………………………………………………………..

Motto of the Blue team………………………………………………………………………….

Motto of the Orange team………………………………………………………………………

The motto of the Violet team………………………………………………………………….

The teams did a great job with the first theoretical task!

Let's get to the relays! Teams! Get ready for the challenge!

(the game task “Our cheerful sonorous ball” is explained)


HOST: In my opinion, all teams coped with the task! The results of this competition will be summed up by the jury. And we'll move on to the next task. It will be pleasant, musical and calm, because you and I will turn ... into turtles.

(the game task "Turtles" is explained)

Teams start to compete.

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Scenario of the children's holiday "In the country of Clownery", dedicated to the International Children's Day

general characteristics Props Organizing Committee

Activity duration: 60 minutes

Age of participants: 5-6 years old

Number of participants: 30-50 people

For the event you need:

  • auditorium
  • scene
  • dressing room
  • two dressing rooms for artists
  • sound amplifying equipment
  • selection of musical accompaniment
  • fresh flowers for spectators and participants of the concert
  • stage costumes

Participating in the event are:

sound engineer, Clowns and Clownnesses: Antosha, Marzipan, Caramel, ABVGD-eyka, Letters of the Alphabet, organizing committee

Fun children's music

Antosha the Clown Appears: Festive Greetings and Introduction to the Participants

Clown Antosha:

Hello my dear friends! You have entered the land of clownery! How did they not know that such a country exists? Of course there is! They live in it funny clowns! Let's get acquainted! I am Antosha the Clown! ( shake hands with all children). Antosha! Very nice! Antosha! Antosha! Very glad to meet you! Happy holiday!

Friends, let's join hands soon! ( children form a round dance)

Do you know that all the Clowns in the world love all sorts of confusion and laughter?

So I will confuse you and make you laugh, make you laugh and confuse! I'll start right now!

MUSIC SOUNDS: round dance game with Antosha the Clown "Merry Confusion"

Clown Antosha:

And now I will check which of you is the most attentive?! I will pronounce the wrong words, and you will only say the right ones, agreed?!!

- One, two, three, four, five, the bunny went out for a walk, the hare's paws are exactly FIVE!

(correct answer: four)

- I have a dog, it has SIX tails! (correct answer: one)

- There is a funny sign, it snowed, meet SUMMER! (Correct answer: winter)

- The blizzard howls like a drill, APRIL is standing in the yard! (Correct answer: February)

- Birthday on the nose, we baked SAUSAGE! (Correct answer: cake)

A holiday is when everyone is having fun, and when there are many, many friends around!

And my friends came to the holiday! Meet them!

MUSIC SOUNDS: Clowns Marzipan and Caramel appear


Hey guys! Hello everyone! I am Marzipan!


Let's get acquainted! I am Caramel! And I bet I can guess what your name is?!


And you won't guess! Some boys and girls have names that you have never even heard of.


Guess! (suitable for children)

Are you Masha? Not?!! Not Masha?! Then Glasha? Also no? And who are you? ( The kids are in charge)

And you are Sasha, right? Not Sasha?! Then let's do this: all of you together loudly shout out your name, and then I will tell which of you is called. Deal?

Three four! ( Children say names). Well, that's how we met!


Guys, do you know what holiday is today? Probably New Years?


But I didn't guess! It's my birthday today! Really, kids? Today is International Birthday Day!


But I didn't guess! Today is jam day! I love jam so much! Do you love?

And let's find out which of you is the biggest connoisseur of jam?

You must take turns naming any jam that you remember. The one who names the most types of jams will be the Honorary Connoisseur of Jams.

(Children name the types of jams)


I remembered! Today is Candy Day! Yes, the most delicious sweets, in such pretty candy wrappers! ( Rummages in his pocket, takes out a candy wrapper, shows the children). Here I even have a candy wrapper preserved from my favorite candy! Guys, which one of you collects candy wrappers? (children answer). And I also collect candy wrappers! Now name the candy! Yes, yes, sweets that you love very, very much! (Turns to children). For example, what is your favorite candy? And you have?

(Children call). Wow! How many delicious sweets have you eaten! Your faces are so happy now!


So let's stand with happy faces in our friendly round dance "Smile"!

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Target: Create a joyful, festive, friendly atmosphere. Arouse the desire to take an active part in the holiday.


Stimulate joint musical and gaming activities,
emotional responsiveness of children.

Develop positive relationships among children.

Children enter the hall with flowers to the soundtrack of the song “Childhood is me and you”, music. Y. Chichkova.

Leading: Dear friends, so the long-awaited holiday of the sun has come for us. Today is the first day of summer. This day is dedicated International Day protecting children and maintaining peace on earth. This day is dedicated to you, dear children.

Leading: The holiday dedicated to "Children's Day" is considered open Hurrah!

Together: Hooray!

Child: We celebrate the holiday of summer
Festival of the sun, festival of light
Sun, sun, brighter gray
The holiday will be more fun.

Child: We all dream together about one thing,

So that everyone has a family and a home,

Child: So that both us and we are loved,

And in childhood, without worries and grief, we all lived.

Child: Therefore, we ask all people

To protect and appreciate us - children! "

Child: The first day of summer, become even brighter!
Meet the first of June everywhere!
After all, this is the Day of protection of all children,
People celebrate it for a reason!

Presenter: All the best songs and fairy tales in the world
Give to all the children of the Earth.
So that kind, kind children grow up,
So that the brave children grow up.

Teacher: - Childhood, - what is it?

Child: Childhood - the sky is blue!
Childhood - peace on earth
And love for home country.

Child: In childhood, the sun shines brightly, laughter rings here and there.
These are the children of the whole planet singing a sonorous song.

Children sing the song "Childhood", music. E. Filippova.

Leading: Guys, how do you understand the word "friendship" and "kindness"?
Children's answers. Child: How many cheerful and joyful faces.
Know that friendship has no boundaries anywhere!
Children on the planet know
That friendship and kindness is more precious than anything in the world!

Child: toys, friendship, Kindergarten,
Words are like sparks.
All children want to be friends
On everything in the world!

Child: The sun is gray, the sun is gray,
Don't feel sorry for your rays!
Let it be warmer and stronger
There will be friendship of all children!

Children sing the song "Friendship is strong."

Leading: Yes, it's good and fun to have friends.

Dunno enters on a scooter.

Dunno: Look how beautiful
Green, fresh all around,
It's like we were all invited
Stay in a green house!
- Oh, where am I? How many guys around! Why are you all so beautiful?
-What are you doing here?

Child: We're on holiday today
Summer has come to visit us!
Sunny afternoon holiday
Gives joy and warmth!

Leading: Dunno, today is June 1st - Children's Day! Summer has come!
Children spend a lot of time outside. And you know there are rules safe behavior?
Dunno: I don't like any rules! What are they needed for? I do what I want! Where I want to go and ride!
Leading: Dunno, if you follow the safety rules, then nothing will happen to you!
Listen to our guys and remember these rules!

Child: You are chasing a friend
Or hurry up for the ball,
Don't run on the road
Then no trouble

Child: The kids love sunbathing.
Will be black by autumn!
But Panama will not be forgotten
Always wear them.
Child: For sorrow to pass
To avoid trouble
Don't go swimming alone
Stay away from water!
Child: eat good products,
So that you don't get sick.
My all vegetables and fruits
And more often my hands!
Child: If the rules are simple
We will remember forever
In the summer they will be our family
Sun, air and water!
Leading: Do you remember, stranger?
Dunno: Thank you guys! I remember everything, and I will follow all the rules!

Dunno: And I, guys, also want to check how attentive you are, listen to my questions and try to answer them correctly:

Carp live in the river. (clap) and say yes

Mushrooms grow on pine trees. (Stomp.) and no

The bear loves sweet honey. (They clap.)

A steamboat is in the field. (Stomp.)

The rain has passed - there are puddles. (They clap.)

The hare and the wolf are close friends. (Stomp.)

The night will pass - the day will come. (clap)

Mom is too lazy to help you. (stomp)

Celebrate the holiday together. (They clap.)

And you won't go home. (Stomp.)

There are none scattered among you. (They clap.)

Everyone is careful with us. (They clap.)

Dunno: Well done! Everyone was attentive and answered questions in unison.

Leading: Here, you see what friendly guys we have, and they also know how to play together different games.

The relay race "Collect the cubes" or "With chairs" is held

(Players of both teams stand on the same side of the court. In front of each team - big basket with multi-colored cubes (for example, red and yellow). On the other side are two multi-colored boxes, similar in color to the cubes. Two players from each team take one cube, run to the opposite side of the site, drop the cubes into the box of the desired color, return, clap the next pair of players on the outstretched hand - pass the baton. The team whose members move all the dice faster and correctly wins.)

Dunno: Thank you friends! I really liked your holiday, but I have to go to the Sunny City! Goodbye!

Child: Hello, hello our summer!
Everything is warmed by your warmth:
Meadow and field and orchards,
Forest, and river, and ponds
We have a lot of fun
We'll go for a walk.
Child: The sun warmed us with rays,
Summer has given us flowers.
We will celebrate the holiday
Let's sing and dance!
Children sing the song "Summer is joy."

Gnome enters.

Dwarf: Hello guys. You sing well, but do you know that you ended up in a fairyland, in my clearing?
There are many fairy tales in the world
sad and funny
And live in the world
We can't live without them...
How many fairy tales do you know?

I will make riddles according to fairy tales, and you in unison, answer in unison from which fairy tale it is:

1) Treats young children,
Heals birds and animals
Looking through his glasses
Kind doctor. (Aibolit)

2) Mixed on sour cream,
It's cold on the window
Round side, ruddy side
Rolled. (kolobok)

3) The nose is round, patchy,
It is convenient for them to dig in the ground,
Tail small crochet,
Instead of shoes - hooves.

4) Three of them - and to what extent
The brothers are friendly.
Guess without a clue
Who are the heroes of this tale? (Three pigs)

5) Grandma girl
I loved very much
Red hat
Gave her.
The girl forgot her name.
Well, tell me her name! (Little Red Riding Hood)

6) My father had a strange boy,
Unusual, wooden,
On land and underwater
Looking for a golden key
Everywhere the nose sticks its long.
Who is this? (Pinocchio)

7) Treats young children,
Heals birds and animals
Looking through his glasses
Kind doctor .... (Aibolit)

8) Gobbling up kalachi,
The guy rode on the stove.
Ride through the village
And he married a princess.
Who will answer me immediately
This, brothers, is himself (Emelya)

9) Alyonushka has sisters
They took away the brother of the bird,
They fly high
They look far.
What kind of birds were they?
You must have forgotten? ( Swan geese)

Dwarf: And now the game is for you, as in any fairyland a fabulous mischievous wind blows here, and it made a mess in my clearing ... Petals flew off the flowers and scattered throughout the clearing.
The game "Collect the daisies."

Leading: And we also know how to dance cheerfully and provocatively. Guys, let's show how we dance the Gnome! Let's dance together the dance of little ducklings!
(children perform the dance of little ducklings)

Leading: Our holiday continues and now we have a multi quiz.

1. Which of the heroes likes to say: “Guys, let's live together! "(cat Leopold)

2. What is the name of one of the inhabitants of the village "Prostokvashino", who loved milk (cat Matroskin)

3. How the cat Matroskin liked to eat sandwiches (sausage down)

4. Where did Cheburashka live (in a telephone booth)

5. How they teased a red-haired boy (red, red freckled, killed grandfather with a shovel)

6. What did Winnie the Pooh give a donkey for his birthday (a pot without honey)

7. Where did Aibolit go by telegram (Africa)

8. What Antoshka answered when he was called to drip potatoes (we did not go through this, we were not asked this)

9. What the owl gave the donkey for his birthday (lace-tail)

Dwarf: It's time for you to solve an interesting riddle. The answer will be a fairy tale and new game. Listen:
The fox has found a home
There was a kind mouse,
In that house, after all,
There were many residents.

Children: Tale "Teremok".
Dwarf: First, tell me who lived in the tower.
Children: Mouse-louse, Frog-quack, Bunny-runaway, Chanterelle-sister, Top-gray barrel. The Bear came sixth and destroyed the tower.

Relay game "Teremok"

(Children stand in columns of six people (according to the number of characters in the fairy tale) at the start line. Each has an attribute of the chosen hero of the fairy tale on his head. The role of the tower is played by a hoop lying on the ground not far from the start line.
On a signal, the relay starts "Mouse". The participant playing this role moves to the hoop- "tower", goes around it and runs after the next participant - "Frog". Now they run to the “teremok” together, necessarily holding hands. Having reached, they both go around the hoop without breaking their hands.
Having done this, they run after the third, then after the fourth, fifth players. Bear joins last. And already six, without breaking their hands, go around the hoop and run to the start. Whoever plays the tale faster, he won.)

Leading. Kind, fabulous dwarf, it's so fun and interesting in your clearing, but it's time for us to return home.
Dwarf: Goodbye, in good hour,
Don't forget me.
Read fairy tales in summer...
The gnome leaves.

Child: Children are the same everywhere in the world!
And the kids are always in the heart
Birds, dragonflies, boats, wind,
They just don't want war!
Child: Children bathe in the sunshine
Watching the moon shine in the distance
Children are the same everywhere in the world
A joyful world is needed by the children of the earth!

Leading: Our holiday was a success, but did you children like it?
I wish you smiles, peace and happiness! May there always be sunshine, may there always be peace, may children always smile!

Children sing the song "Together it's fun to walk."
The children are handed out balloons.

(Merry children's music plays. Children gather in the yard.
Phonogram "I, you, she, she ...")
Host 1: Hello friends! Hello to all those who have a hundred freckles on their noses, and those who have none. Hello everyone with pigtails sticking out in different directions, everyone with curly forelocks and pretty bangs.
Presenter 2: Hello, elegant, cheerful, happy. Today you can all be congratulated - it's time for the holidays, and the holidays are great!
Presenter 1: Dear friends, the long-awaited holiday of the sun has come for us, the longest holiday - the Sunny Summer Festival! Every day of the summer calendar is red, because every day of summer is joy, relaxation, fun! And most importantly - it's a peaceful sky above us!
Host 2:
Peace in every home, in every Country!
The world is May on the planet! Peace is the sun on our earth The world is needed by adults and children. Presenter 1: The sun will go out again in the evening, But never the sun of friendship! Let mankind walk along the road of peace and labor.
Presenter 2: Let's join hands And we will cherish friendship Under the flag of a multi-colored rainbow Our memory must live forever!
Host 2: Today is the first day of summer. This day is dedicated to the International Children's Day and the preservation of peace on earth. This day is dedicated to you, dear children. And here is the first congratulations. The group of Yulia Seregina and Anastasia Suvorova performs for you with the song “Summer Time Has Come”.
Host 1: We are glad to see you in our summer camps. The floor for greetings is given to the director of the DPC and the head of the camp, Yu.A. Antonova.
(director's speech)
Host 2:
Guys! When we meet, I remember
First things first, get to know each other!
Presenter 1:
And now your help guys is needed:
Call your names in chorus! (children call)
Presenter 2: Well, we got to know each other! We have prepared for you an interesting holiday program called "Let's join hands!". Now, in order to become completely friends, we need to start some kind of common cause. Well, for example, I will make riddles for you, and you will solve them all together. Do you agree? (Yes)
1. What kind of baby is born with a mustache? (kitten) 2. Where are cities without houses, rivers without water, forests without trees? (on the map) 3. They beat him, but he doesn't cry, just jumps up and down? (ball) 4. Meows, not a cat, who is it? (cat) 5. From what bucket do they not drink, do not eat, but only look at it? (constellation Ursa Major) 6. Why do cats eat raw meat with pleasure? (can't cook)
Presenter 1: And now be especially careful. I'm reading and you have to finish correctly. Clear? Above the forest, the sun's ray went out - The king of beasts sneaks ... (lion) Here's a riddle for the kids: Who is the cat afraid of? He loves to eat brooms. He is powerful and full of strength - Insatiable ... (elephant) Sing songs under the moon Sat on a twig ... (nightingale) Who loves to rush through the branches? Of course, roaring ... (squirrel) He knocks like a drum. He sits on a pine tree ... (woodpecker) He knows a lot about raspberries, The owner of the forest, terrible ... (bear) The proud bird found beauty in the tail ... (peacock) He is a big and large bird. He has a nest in the mountains. Among the birds, he is the strongest. This is a bird ... (eagle) Look at your friend - How many eyes a friend has ... (two)
He tucked his tail and went into the forest. Not a lamb, but ... (wolf) He was a thundercloud. I went to battle with Piglet! He loved honey the most. Little baby ... (Winnie the Pooh) I could find a friend for myself Who watched "Well, you wait!". He knows a lot about tricks, Our good friend is gray ... (hare) Everyone should know this: The cat's paws are exactly ... (four) If the head is full of knowledge, So you will get at school ... (five)
Can't count and write
So at school you will get ... (two)
Host 1: Great, we did it! Solve all the riddles! Now we are real friends! There is nothing better than a holiday with friends! True guys! But, and now I suggest you break into teams. And for this we have prepared tokens of three colors. Everyone will draw out for themselves, and, according to the received color, 3 teams are formed.
(break into teams to cheerful music)
Presenter 2: Now you have a task, come up with a name for yourself. 1 minute to complete.
Presenter 1: Loudly, unanimously in chorus, take turns to voice it. So let's get started!
(Teams perform)
Presenter 2: Today you have to participate in various competitions, where interesting tests await you, and a highly respected jury consisting of: Director of the DPC Antonova Yu.A.
Host 1: Attention, let's start. The first competition to test your physical fitness is the Kangaroo Relay. All teams play. Rules: hold the ball between your knees and jump to the line and back, pass the ball to another player. Whichever team completes the task the fastest is the winner.
KANGAROO (fun music)
Presenter 2: The next competition is called "Tricky Quiz". Each team in turn is asked a question, for the correct answer the team receives 1 point.
Tricky Quiz Questions
1. How long does it take to boil a hard-boiled egg: two, three or five minutes? (Not at all, it's already cooked.)
2. How to read the word "humor" correctly? (From left to right.)
3. The staircase of the house consists of five flights, each of which consists of twenty steps. How many steps do you have to climb to get to the top floor? (Everything.)
4. When it is needed, they give it away, and when it is not needed, they raise it. What's this? (Anchor.)
5. How many d's do you need to make a big pile of hay? (One hundred - g.)
6. How does it all end? (Letter "yo".)
7. What does Boris have in front, and what does Gleb have in the back? (letter "b")
8. A grandmother was carrying 100 eggs to the market, and the bottom (one) fell. How many eggs are left in the basket? (No one.)
9. Why do you go to bed when you want to sleep? (By gender)
10. What tree does a crow sit on after rain? (on wet)
11. Which month is shorter than the others? (May is only three letters.)
12. Can an ostrich call itself a bird? (No, he can't speak.)
13. What kind of fabric cannot be used to sew a shirt? (Railway.)
14. What can be seen with closed eyes? (Dream.)
Presenter 1: Well done to all participants! Completed the task. And we continue! I want to know if you watch cartoons? Remember the blind and the lame from the Russian cartoon! (Fox Alice and cat Basilio from "The Adventure of Pinocchio")
Right! And now you have to play the role of the fox Alice and the cat Basilio. This is the next task.
Host 2: The team members are divided into pairs. In each pair, one participant is blindfolded, and he puts his hand on the shoulder of his partner,
who, in turn, bends one leg at the knee and holds it with his hand. In this position (one is blind, the other is lame), they must reach the turning mark and return to the start, passing the baton to the next pair. Whichever team does it the fastest wins.
Host 1: Now let's have some fun! Do you guys know such a game - aram-zam-zam? Who does not know, we will teach him now. The rules are simple: now the music will play, and you all repeat the movements after me. I suggest you play it.
ARAM-ZAM-ZAM (music)
Presenter 2: And now we will test your quick wit in the "Changeling" contest. Each team is given a piece of paper with "turnovers" of lines from poems. Try to remember and unravel the lines of the poems. Runtime 3 minutes.
1. You hate my cow (I love my horse..)
2. Your Danya laughs softly (Our Tanya cries loudly ..)
3. One granny wove over the door early in the morning (Three girls under the window spun late in the evening ..)
4. Black poplar over your door ( White birch under my window...)
SHIFTERS (fun music)
Presenter 1: You need to warm up a bit and the next task for you will be the sports "Pass the ball over the top" again. Teams line up in three columns, at a short distance from each other. Legs slightly wider than shoulders. Hands up. The team captains have the ball. At the command of the leader, the participants pass the ball over the top. As soon as the ball hits the last standing participant, the task changes. Now you need to pass the ball from hand to hand from below. Rolling the ball on the floor is prohibited by the rules. The team whose captain has the ball first wins.
PASS THE BALL OVER (fun music)
Presenter 2: But, now take a break! Yuliya Seregina has prepared a gift for you. Solo gymnastic number. We meet!
Presenter 1: And now a competition called "Night Driver". Teams are divided into two people. The first two participants: the driver and the navigator. The driver will have to drive at night without lighting, so the player
blindfold. But first, the driver is introduced to the freeway made from sports skittles. Having handed the steering wheel to the driver, the leader offers to practice and drive so that not a single column is knocked down. The player is then blindfolded and led to the steering wheel. The participant - the navigator gives a command - a hint where to turn to the driver, warns about dangers. When the path is completed, the driver's eyes are unleashed. And the participants return to the start. Then the next 2 members of the team “ride”. The first team to complete the task is the winner.
Presenter 2: And now a very difficult test awaits you - there is a river in front of you, and you need to get over it. To do this, you have a ferry (a hoop that lies at a distance from the teams). The first participant runs to him, takes and puts on himself, then runs to the team, takes one participant with this hoop, and they run to the finish line, return, take the next participant and so on, until the whole team is at the finish line.
CROSSING (cheerful music)
Presenter 1: What wonderful boys and girls we have! Everyone knows, everyone can. I have a suggestion: while the jury members are summing up the results, let's all sing together the old well-known song “They teach at school”, but in a new way. Children are invited to sing along only the chorus, which consists of one phrase "It's possible in the summer!".
The song "It's possible in the summer!"
(Song to the tune "They teach at school")
Do not wear a warm scarf
And walk until dark!

Collect all friends in the morning
And get out of the yard!
Children: You can in the summer, you can in the summer, you can in the summer!
Everyone roam the city!
Well, don't go to school!

send messages,
Play on the computer!
Children: You can in the summer! Maybe in the summer! Maybe in the summer!
Open a good book
Don't forget the letters!
Children: You can in the summer! Maybe in the summer! Maybe in the summer!
meet classmates
And miss school!
Children: You can in the summer! Maybe in the summer! Maybe in the summer!
Presenter 2: And our program has come to an end. All-all radiant smiles and Have a good mood! Because today is a really good day - Children's Day! We wish you a good time in the camp, have a great rest in the summer, guys! And now the floor to the members of the jury.
Completion of the event summing up the awards

Scenario "Summer has come, the children have brought a holiday"

Efimova Alla Ivanovna, educator of GBDOU No. 43, Kolpino St. Petersburg
Material Description: I offer you a holiday script for older children preschool age. The material may be of interest to educators, teachers of additional education.
Target: creating a festive atmosphere and a joyful atmosphere for children.
Tasks:- To cultivate the ability to behave at a holiday, to rejoice oneself and bring joy to others.
- instill skills healthy lifestyle life.
- Develop curiosity.

To Shainsky's song "Together it's fun to walk" children walk in a circle on the sports ground.
Educator: Hello guys!
The kids are in charge and stop in place.
Educator: Guys, today we are not just gathered.
Today is not an easy holiday
Well - answer me, what?
Educator: That's right, guys, today is Children's Day (that means you). But today we are also celebrating the beginning of summer. And when does summer come?
Answers children.
Educator: Well done, right.
Here, friends, summer has come!
Rest, entertainment awaits you.
We're running a program today
Prepared it - For you.
Summer is on the way...

Summer: Hello my friends,
I brought you the sun.
Lots of light and warmth
So that you frolic in the morning.
To play, sunbathe,
And they picked flowers.
Guys, do you like puzzles?

Summer: Riddles I will make you not simple, but flower. Listen carefully, answer carefully.
- Everyone is familiar with us:
Bright as a flame
We are namesakes
With small nails.
Admire the wild
Scarlet ... (carnations)
- Look - at the fence
The queen of the garden blossomed.
Not a tulip or a mimosa
And in the thorns beauty ... (rose)
- We will weave wreaths in the summer
For Oksana, Masha, Sveta,
For Alyonka, two Natashas.
All wreaths are from ... (daisies)
- The one who is already seven years old,
Say: "School, hello!
I have a bouquet in my hands -
Festive ... (asters) "
- It grows everywhere in summer -
In the field and at the bumps.
He is elegant, purple,
This is ... (bell)
- Decorate in the summer
Flowerbeds, parks, flower beds
We are with our carrot color,
And we are called ... (marigolds)
Summer: Oh, what good fellows you are! And name - ka, healing flowers for me?

Summer: They guessed the riddles and said the names of the colors, but do you know how to play?
Summer: The petals of the flowers scattered in the wind. And the flowers are my favorite, do you want to know what they are called?
Summer: But in order to find out the name, you need to collect flowers.
I invite two boys and two girls. Game - competition "Collect a flower". But you need to take one petal.
Educator: Did you like our flowers - Summer?
Summer answers.
Educator: And we have learned a song for you and invite you to listen.
Children sing a song:
Warm summer song
Warmed by the June sun
She wanders through flower meadows,
Little fairy tale countries.
Warm summer song
Walking around the world somewhere
The sun's song goes around in circles,
Her children are happy as a friend.
Chorus: Miracle - miracles, heaven - heaven.
Rainbows - arc yes through the meadows.
Warm summer song
Stars ignite comets.
In it, miracles come to life from a fairy tale,
And colorful paints.
Warm summer song
Birds sing at dawn
So he will give himself away in a verse,
Warm summer song.

Summer: Guys, tell me who are your summer friends?
Answers: Sun, air and water.

Summer: And why?
Summer: I invite you to a summer workout. Is everyone ready?

Hey couch potatoes, get up, run out for exercises,
Pretty stretched, finally - you woke up.
We start all ready, we answer: "everyone is ready"
We start all healthy, I do not hear, "everyone is healthy."
Get in order, for fun exercises.
Get ready, let's get started
And let's all sing together.

One two three four,
One two three four,
One, two, three, four, five.
We all develop hands
There is no more room for boredom.
We all develop shoulders to make it easier on hikes,
We all work out our legs so as not to get tired on the road,
We all develop the neck to sing more fun.
The radiant sun loves to jump,

One two three four,
One two three four,
One, two, three, four, five.
So, get ready, this moment, the most difficult element,
It is necessary to bend in half, and touch the earth with your hands,
Well - do not bend your legs, one, two, three, four, five.
Well done, everyone tried, straightened up, caught their breath.
The radiant sun loves to jump,
Fly from cloud to cloud.
One two three four,
One two three four.
One, two, three, four, five.
Jumping, jumping, everything in the world, even hares and bears,
And giraffes and elephants jump right up to the moon.
Cats, squirrels, loops, pigs, all in the morning workout,
Everyone was in a better mood, from such an awakening.
The radiant sun loves to jump,
Fly from cloud to cloud
One two three four,
One two three four,
One, two, three, four, five.
With a feeling of complete satisfaction, in conclusion exercise,
We stood quietly on our toes, we pull our hands with all our might,
Reach straight up to the sky, exhale .. hands down.
Congratulations, it's okay
Well done, end of charge.
The radiant sun loves to jump,
Fly from cloud to cloud
One two three four,
One two three four,
One, two, three, four, five.
Educator: did you like the charger?
Educator: By the summer I invite you,
And I offer you a game.
Here the jump rope beckons the girls,
And he tells them to jump.
I invite eight girls, competition "Jumping Rope" I announce.
Whoever jumps the longest and does not go astray wins.

And the boys are called balls, to play "Kicking the Ball". Whoever hits the ball off the ground longer and does not lose it wins.

Summer: Guys, do you know poems about summer?
Child: How much sun! How much light!
How much greenery around!
What is this? This summer
Finally hurries to our house.
Songbirds discord!
Fresh smell of juicy herbs,
Ripe ears in the field
And mushrooms in the shade of oak forests.
How many delicious sweet berries,
In a clearing in the woods!
Here I am hiring for a year,
Stock vitamins!
I swim in plenty in the river,
I will sunbathe.
And on grandma's stove
How much you want I will sleep!
How much sun! How much light!
What a beautiful summer heat!
That would make it so summer,
It was a whole year with me!
What is summer?
That's a lot of light
This is a field, this is a forest,
It's a thousand wonders
It's clouds in the sky
It's a fast river
These are bright flowers
This is the blue of heights
This is a hundred roads in the world
For baby feet.
Child: Summer, summer has come to us,
It's dry and warm!
Straight down the track
They walk barefoot.
Educator: How good it is, you read poetry.
And now stand in columns one after another,
Create four columns for me.
And most importantly, remember
Who is behind whom.
While the music is playing, you all, holding each other, walk in small steps, the music ends, you walk around the entire site on your own, as soon as you hear the music, we immediately line up in a centipede, standing one after another, as at the beginning. Whose team is built first, she won.
Competition - the game begins. The next game is "Centipede".
Summer: Guys, look, I have an umbrella in my hands, but the sun is shining outside, why do I need an umbrella?
Summer: Of course, for the game. When I say the words “rain”, you all run, hide under an umbrella, and when you hear the words “sun”, you walk around the site. Who did not have time to hide under an umbrella, he is out of the game.
Educator: Let's play a trickle game together with Leto. The players are divided into pairs and, holding hands, form a "living corridor - a stream". The player left without a pair passes inside the corridor, choosing a pair for himself. Usually, according to the rules, the boy chooses the girl, and the girl chooses the boy. A new pair, having passed through the corridor, becomes in front, and the player left without a pair is again looking for a pair.
I suggest the game to start Summer. The game "Brook".

Summer: I want to invite you to dance. Everybody is dancing. Listen to the words and repeat the movements.
Dance "Sit down".
/Estonian folk melody/
Words by Y. Entin
Arranged by A.Roomere
1. Get to dance
And bow to your friend. 2 times
2. We will all squat:
Sit down together! Stand up together! 2 times
3. The guys are waving their hands -
These birds are flying. 2 times
4. Leg top, leg top,
Once again: top and top. 2 times
5. Handles - clap, handles - clap.
Once again: clap, clap. 2 times
6. So the dance ended,
Bow again. 2 times

Educator: The sun is hot, and the asphalt is calling us to itself.
I have crayons, I suggest you draw on the pavement, drawings on the theme "Summer".
Summer is late.
Maybe summer is wandering somewhere
Behind the high mountains?
Let's draw summer.
Sun - Sasha,
Grass - Tolya,
Dandelion yellow - Olya.
Birds in the blue sky
I will color Artem too.
While we were all working
The sun was hot.
"How so? - we were surprised. -
This summer has come to us."
E. Sokolova

We look at the drawings.
The group prepared refreshments for the children.