
In what year will refuse pensions to Russians. The pension fund explained the reasons for the denial of old-age pension. Can I refuse to assign an insurance pension to a disabled person?


The rules for calculating old-age pensions in 2020 are of concern not only to people who are just about to retire.

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This issue is also relevant for today's youth, because now we must take care of our old age. The issue of pension payments has always worried our society.

System pension provision on the territory of our country has undergone changes 3 times in 26 years. This suggests that the law is constantly changing.

If you want to know exactly what amount of pension is due to you or your relatives, then you need to follow all the changes.

Main information

Despite the fact that the mass media constantly inform the population about all the changes in the pension system, it is enough for an ordinary person to simply understand all these legislative acts and formulas.

Most people still do not understand the difference between insurance or pension.

For other people, the question of what pension points and bonus factors are also remains open.

What it is

The old-age insurance pension has several features:

  • payments are made for life;
  • a person must have a long insurance experience;
  • a person must be a certain number of years old;
  • a person must accumulate a certain number of special pension points;
  • payments are in no way dependent on the person's ability to work.

The main conditions under which you can receive an insurance pension from the state:

Age restrictions From 60 years old for men, and women after reaching 55 years old. But, a certain category of people in our country has the right to receive an insurance pension ahead of time without waiting for the age that is set at the legislative level
Government positions Under these conditions, the retirement age is increased. From the beginning of 2020, the retirement age for them will increase by 6 calendar months every year
The size seniority A person must have a minimum insurance period of 15 years (the condition takes effect starting from 2025). In 2020, it must be at least 8 years old
Having retirement points A person must have accumulated at least 30 pension points (the condition starts from 2025). In 2020, their number is 11.4 points

Please note that the length of service includes not only the number of days that you spent directly at the workplace.

The following vital moments are also taken into account:

  • military service (urgent);
  • associated with child care;
  • all days.

A complete list can be found directly in the Federal Law, which deals with the issue of labor pensions (dated December 17, 2001).

Who is supposed to

Modern Russian legislation does not distinguish a separate circle of persons who are entitled to receive an old-age insurance pension.

Thus, every person can receive a labor pension by age (old age), regardless of his material and social position in society:

  • citizens of our country;
  • foreigners who live in our country;
  • persons without Russian citizenship.

The most important thing is to have all the conditions for its receipt.

Legislative aspects

The main federal laws that regulate pension payments in our country:

In order to better understand the procedure for calculating the insurance pension, as well as all the features and nuances, it is enough to simply superficially study these legislative acts.

How is the old age pension calculated?

The old-age pension is accrued to a person every month in a fixed amount on a certain day. Today, payments in most cases "go" to bank payment cards.

But, pensioners have the right to receive a pension in the mail if they do not know how to use bank cards.

Consider how the amount of a pension is calculated for a person who is entitled to receive fixed payments.

How is the insurance part calculated?

The following simple formula is used to calculate the insurance part:

StCh \u003d SPK / D + BRSP

  • StCh - insurance part;
  • SPC - pension capital;
  • D - the period of "survival";
  • BRSP is the basic indicator of the insurance part of the pension.

In this formula, the value of pension capital is taken on the day when a person is entitled to the appointment of pension payments.

The concept of the period of "survival" means a certain time period that a person will live after he retires. This number changes every year.

How does the amount of security depend on early retirement age?

A person can retire early in several cases:

  • he has the necessary amount of insurance experience to assign a payment;
  • he has accumulated a sufficient number of pension points;
  • he has accumulated the required amount of experience in a particular job.

Also, people who have worked for a certain number of years in hazardous and hazardous work can also request a pension ahead of schedule.

Of course, in case of early retirement, the amount of payments may differ. First of all, this is because of the insurance experience. The larger it is, the more payments are assigned by the state.

But, for people who have worked in hazardous industries, the amount of payments also depends on several additional factors:

  • evaluation of working conditions;
  • payment of additional tariffs before the assessment of work.

Calculation procedure

The formula by which pensions are calculated in our country is quite simple. The amount of the pension is calculated as the sum of the insurance and funded parts:

RP \u003d StCh + LF

  • RP is the amount of the pension;
  • StCh - insurance part;
  • NPCh - cumulative part.

Using this simple formula, you can independently find out how much you will be entitled to when you reach retirement age.

The amount of the insurance pension can be calculated using the following formula:


  • RSP is the amount of the state-appointed insurance pension;
  • SPB - the total number of pension points earned for work;
  • SPB - the value of the received pension points in the year in which the payments were assigned;
  • SCF is the amount of a fixed payment, which is set by the government and indexed every year.

If a person has the right to receive not an ordinary pension, but an increased one, then in this case its size is calculated separately for each indicator.

When calculating pension points, their amount is taken into account, which was accrued before the beginning of 2016 (January 1) and after this date.

If we take into account the “before” period, then the amount of the monthly payment to the person of the insurance part, which was established on December 31, 2015, is taken into account.

Please note that in this case, indicators such as:

  • fixed pension;
  • funded part of the pension.

As a result, the amount is divided by the cost of 1 pension point per this moment time. Today this figure is 64.1 Russian rubles.

The amount of pension payments that were made after this date is calculated as follows:

SPB \u003d CER / CMW * 10

  • CER is the total amount of insurance premiums that were paid to form an insurance pension at a certain rate (10 or 16%, depending on the rate chosen by the citizen);
  • SMV is the total amount of insurance premiums that were received from the maximum wage paid.

Is it possible to check the correctness

If you are not sure that your pension was calculated correctly, then you can always double-check this. To do this, just contact your pension fund at the place of registration.

There it is enough to fill out an application for double-checking the correctness of accruals and pensions.

After the application is accepted, the employees of the pension fund will recalculate everything and inform you about the results. As a rule, the entire procedure takes no more than 5 working days.

In the event that during the calculations it turns out that the amount of accruals was initially calculated incorrectly, the error will be instantly corrected.

Features of payments without seniority

It has already been said that in order to receive a pension, it is necessary to have a certain amount of work experience.

But what about people who have been working unofficially all their lives or have not worked at all. They are also entitled to receive monthly pension payments from the state.

If a person does not have a minimum work experience or it is completely absent, then the state appoints the payment of a special social pension, which has nothing to do with the old-age insurance pension.

It's all about the lack of points

“Work, work and work again” - such a motto is proposed to be implemented by those Russian citizens who expect to receive an insurance pension. Meanwhile, Russian pensioners and citizens retirement age seriously concerned about the news that the pension may be denied. And not just they can, but the failures have already been recorded. The reason for this is the insufficient number of accumulated pension points.

Until 2015, everything was much simpler with pensions in Russia. The basis for its accrual was only experience and age. Now this is not enough - in order to receive an insurance pension, citizens must be owners of a certain number of points. By 2025, their number will be thirty.

The main thing that citizens need to remember is that a pension will be assigned to absolutely any person who has reached retirement age, specialists of one of the legal support centers are encouraging. - Another thing is that we are talking about social pensions.

Recall that this year the average social pension is more than 9 thousand rubles. While insurance - more than 14 thousand rubles. For the sake of this amount, it is worth accumulating points. Their number depends on the length of service, the official salary, the amount of pension contributions and the age of retirement. If with experience and age everything is more or less clear, then the points put the Russians in a dead end. Cases have already been recorded when people were denied the appointment of an insurance pension due to their lack. What to do in this case? First, calculate the approximate pension in advance using the current online calculator on the website of the Pension Fund of Russia. If the points are not enough, there are few ways out of this situation.

We will have to continue working until the required amount of points is accumulated, - says Oleg, specialist of the legal support center.

The maximum amount of points that can be obtained in a year is ten. By 2025, the required amount for receiving a pension will be thirty.

But there is also good news. current pension legislation provides additional points. For example, 1.8 points are received by those citizens who completed military conscript service, as well as a parent caring for one child under 1.5 years old. If there are two such children, 3.6 points fall into the piggy bank, and for three or more children - 5.4 points. Care for a disabled or elderly person is also “rewarded” - in the amount of 1.8 points.

As a general rule, the basis for assigning an old-age insurance pension is a notification that the PFR sends to the applicant within the prescribed period. Under certain conditions, the FIU has the right to refuse a citizen in the appointment of an insurance pension. In the article, we will analyze in what cases and in accordance with what grounds the Pension Fund can refuse pension payments, whether it is possible to challenge the refusal of the Pension Fund to assign an insurance pension.

Refusal of the PFR in the appointment of an insurance pension by age: grounds

According to the Federal Law-400, which regulates the procedure for processing pension payments, insurance pension by age can be appointed under the following conditions:

  • achievement by a citizen of retirement age;
  • work experience;
  • IPC is not lower than the minimum required indicator.

If one (or more) of the above requirements is not met, The FIU has the right to refuse the applicant in the appointment of an insurance pension by age.

Information about the refusal of a pension is sent to a citizen in the form of a notification. If the conditions for assigning an insurance pension are not met, the PFR sends an email to the applicant (or representative) denial notice , indicating the legal grounds. The notification deadline is within 15 working days from the date of the citizen's application for a pension.

Lack of experience

The most common reason why the PFR refuses to grant a citizen an insurance old-age pension is the applicant’s lack of the necessary insurance experience. Citizens who apply to the FIU for a pension in 2020 must have at least 11 years of experience years. When calculating the length of service, the following periods are taken into account:

  • main labor activity(work within the framework of labor/collective agreements);
  • periods during which a citizen conducted activities as a self-employed person (individual entrepreneur, lawyer, notary, etc.), subject to the deduction of insurance premiums to the FIU in the prescribed manner. Read also the article ⇒ "";
  • time spent on parental leave up to 1.5 years;
  • periods of non-work activity during which the applicant cared for a disabled or elderly person (over 80 years old);
  • term of military service (including conscription, contract);
  • other periods included in the length of service on the basis of chapter 3 of the Federal Law-400.

The basis for confirmation of experience is employment history with the records it contains. Moreover, insurance experience can be confirmed by civil law contracts , acts of work performed under such contracts, certificates issued by municipal / state institutions in the prescribed manner.

If at the time of applying for a pension, the total insurance period of a citizen is less than 9 years, then the appointment of an insurance pension by age will be denied.

IPC indicator below the established

To acquire the right to an insurance pension by age in 2020, a citizen must have an IPC of at least 18.6.

According to the calculation formula, the amount of the IPC increases in direct proportion to the amount of paid insurance premiums, the amount of which, in turn, depends on the official earnings of the future pensioner. Thus, the higher the salary of a citizen, the more IPC he will accumulate during his working life.

The calculation of the IPC indicator is carried out by the PFR employees on the basis of reports provided by the Federal Tax Service. If, based on the results of the calculations, the IPC value is less than 18.6 (when applying to the FIU in 2020), then the applicant will be sent a notice of refusal to assign an insurance pension.

Citizen has not reached retirement age

One of the grounds for applying for an old-age insurance pension is the achievement by a citizen of retirement age. As of 2020, in order to qualify for pension payments, a citizen must be 57/62 years old (F/M).

Inaccuracy of information provided to the FIU

In some cases, the FIU's refusal to grant an insurance pension may be due to the inaccuracy of the information provided by the applicant when applying to the Pension Fund. If the FIU finds that the documents submitted by the citizen to the FIU contain false information, then he will be denied an insurance pension.

Can I refuse to assign an insurance pension to a disabled person?

Citizens with disabilities can apply for an insurance pension, regardless of age, subject to the following conditions:

  • the presence of insurance experience from the 1st day;
  • documentary evidence of the assigned disability group.

If the disabled person does not have a length of service, then he will be denied an insurance disability pension, instead of which he will be assigned a social disability pension in a fixed amount.

In addition, it is possible to suspend the payment of a pension previously assigned due to disability in the event that a citizen did not appear for the next re-examination of the ITU.

How to challenge the FIU's refusal to assign an insurance pension

If a citizen has received a notification from the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation about the refusal to assign an insurance pension, but considers this decision unfair and unreasonable, he has the right to challenge the refusal in a pre-trial order or file a lawsuit in court.

Pre-trial order

A citizen can confirm his right to receive an insurance pension at an intermediate stage - after contacting the PFR with documents, but before receiving an official refusal from the PFR. We are talking about cases where some documents are missing to make a decision on the appointment of a pension, or certain papers are drawn up with errors. In such situations, the Pension Fund sends to the applicant notification of the need to correct identified non-conformities. The text of the notification indicates which documents should be corrected and which should be provided additionally. The notice period for the applicant is standard - within 15 working days from the date of application.

If the citizen corrects all errors and inconsistencies within 3 months from the date of receipt of the notification, he will be assigned an insurance pension in the general manner - from the 1st day of the month following the month of the initial application.

A citizen can prove his right to receive a pension in a pre-trial manner, even if he received an official refusal from the FIU to assign a payment. This is possible subject to the availability of documents confirming the length of service, the amount of contributions transferred to the FIU, as well as other papers that confirm the applicant's right to an insurance pension.

Consider an example . Zubrov applied to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation with documents to receive an old-age insurance pension, but was refused due to an insufficient number of years of work experience. After receiving the relevant notification, Zubrov re-applied to the FIU and provided documents (civil law contracts, acts of work performed) confirming the additional experience. After a second consideration of the application, Zubrov was granted an insurance pension.

Arbitrage practice

There are frequent cases when, after receiving a refusal from the PFR to assign a payment, the applicant cannot resolve the issue out of court, and therefore is forced to go to court.

The decision on the confirmation of the right of a citizen to receive an insurance pension is made based on the results of standard judicial proceedings. In order to defend his right to a pension, a citizen should file a lawsuit with the court, to which he must attach documents confirming the right to a pension (confirmation of seniority, transfer of contributions, etc.). Based on the results of the consideration of the case, the court will make a decision in favor of the plaintiff, or confirm the legitimacy of the FIU's refusal to award the payment.

Judicial practice in recent years shows that decisions to confirm the right to a pension are increasingly being made in favor of ordinary citizens. Thus, if there are sufficient documentary grounds, a citizen has every chance to defend his right to a pension in court.

Old-age pension (by age) refers to one of the types labor pension- it state provision. There is also a social old-age pension, this category includes citizens who, for a good reason, could not work. It is paid from the age of 55 for women and from 60 for men.

Increase in old age pension

Changes in pension system, first of all, they will affect the social old-age pension (by age). The surcharge to it was accrued earlier than expected already at the beginning of 2018. This was done to ensure a significant increase in real pensions in 2019. Insurance pensions are planned to be increased further, but only by 3.7%. Next month they will grow by 255 rubles, and the average size will be 9,062 rubles. There will be no more changes for this category this year.

Authorities Russian Federation This year we decided not to increase the pension for those who work. Because they considered that such citizens are able to earn their living on their own. Such people are waiting for indexation for all the years worked after leaving their position.

Now Russian citizens retire at age 55 for women and 60 for men. The mandatory insurance period is 20 and 25 years, respectively. But by 2026, everything will change. Women will retire at 63 and men at 65.

In 2018, there is the possibility of early retirement for women - this is 53 years, and for men - 58 years. A prerequisite is also the presence of 20 years and 25 years of insurance experience, respectively. However, this happens if the enterprise is liquidated and the employee is fired.

Change in old-age pensions

In connection with the adoption by the government of decisions to change the pension reform, the age will gradually increase every year. Vladimir Putin recently said that people in the progressive countries of the world retire much later than in the Russian Federation. Therefore, the age will gradually increase.

The President also clarified that special programs would be created for pensioners, and the pension would be much larger. The medical sphere will be improved, which will lead to an improvement in the health of Russian citizens. It is for this reason that life expectancy will increase, and the pension reform will not be terrible for society. pension reform will start in Russia in 2020.

The Minister of Labor and Social Protection said that the Russian authorities are preparing proposals for an annual increase in pensions, which will be higher than the inflation rate. This will take place within the framework of 2019-2021.

According to Maksim Topilin, further growth in pensions will be ensured by amendments to the budget for the next three years.

According to approximate data, 30 million people may be left without money.

The Pension Fund of Russia refuses to assign an insurance pension to people due to the fact that they did not have enough insurance experience and pension points, the Minister of Labor and social protection Russian Maxim Topilin.

Which of the Russians can be in the "risk group"?

It is impossible to calculate the exact number of self-employed in Russia. For example, according to RANEPA estimates, 33 million Russians are involved in the shadow sector of the economy, which is 44.8 percent of the total working population of the country. According to the estimates of the Federal Compulsory Medical Insurance Fund (FFOMS), there are about 15 million self-employed citizens in Russia - they do not pay insurance premiums and do not have an official place of work, they earn money by providing various services: tutoring, household help, construction, consultations, etc. .d. At the same time, they have the right to use medical services within the CHI system on an equal basis with other citizens.

"Already in 2017, there were cases when the Pension Fund was forced to refuse to assign an old-age insurance pension to people because they did not have enough insurance experience and pension points. Such people are assigned a social pension. And if its size is lower living wage, then they will be given an additional payment and "will last" the pension," Topilin admitted in an interview with Rossiyskaya Gazeta the day before.

Expert: the situation with pensions in Russia has been brought to the point of absurdity

The size of the insurance pension depends on the length of service, the size of the "white" salary - it is from it that the employer deducts contributions to the Pension Fund. The more work experience and the higher the salary, the more points a citizen will earn in the pension system, and, accordingly, the higher his pension will be. At the same time, each point has its own "value" in rubles - the points received by citizens are multiplied by this "value", which in 2018 is 81.49 rubles.

The press service of the PFR confirmed that there were indeed cases of refusal to pay insurance pensions. However, the department has previously reported such cases: for example, in 2016, almost 400 residents of Saratov did not have enough experience or the number of pension points to accrue an old-age pension.

As explained in the Pension Fund, in order to receive an old-age pension, three conditions must be met: a minimum insurance period, age for women is 55 years, for men - 60 years, and a certain amount of pension points (coefficients).

The number of points depends on the accrued and paid insurance contributions to the mandatory pension insurance system and the length of service.

According to the FIU, the average old-age insurance pension today is 14,075 rubles ($247), while the social pension is 9,045 rubles ($159).

Last year, in order to receive an insurance pension, it was necessary to have eight years of work experience and 11.4 pension points. As expected, by 2022, this will require at least 15 years of service and 30 pension points.

According to Russian law, an insurance pension is paid to a citizen to compensate for the income that he received during his working life.

In addition, it can be appointed on disability and provided to disabled family members in the event of the death of the breadwinner.

Social pension is appointed five years later than the insurance one: women can receive it from the age of 60, and men - from the age of 65.

Requirements for documents that prove the length of service of an employee continue to tighten. Experts explain this by the fact that in Russia since the 1990s, tendencies to pay "gray" wages to workers have persisted.

"This is due to the transition to a market economy, when economic entities either appear or disappear, while they do not pay contributions for employees, and, accordingly, they do not receive any certified work experience," the Kommersant newspaper quotes Andrey Gudkov, Doctor of Economics .

Thus, in the first place, workers with minimum wages and representatives of creative professions - artists, freelancers, as well as personnel involved in short term projects and startups.

According to Sergey Smirnov, Doctor of Economic Sciences, the point system has become another attempt by the state to legalize the income of the population, but at the same time, the authorities leave employers to choose the points system themselves, and employees often cannot influence this in any way.

As a result, some citizens may not know until the last that they have not earned enough points to accrue an insurance pension, Smirnov said in an interview with

Today, however, many Russians are not so much concerned about scoring for future pension how much is the proposed increase in the retirement age.

Although the authorities have not yet announced any decisions on this issue, many experts believe that the retirement age will be increased in the coming years. Among the main reasons are the growing budget deficit and the demographic hole of the 1990s, which can lead to a sharp increase in the number of pensioners with a decrease in the number of employees.

The head of the FIU, Anton Drozdov, noted that the demographic factor plays a particularly important role in making a decision.

He also noted that there are not so many jobs on the Russian labor market that women over 55 and men over 60 can apply for.

The Pension Fund does not conduct special calculations of citizens who are at risk of being left without an insurance pension in the near future. “PFR assigns 1.8-1.9 million old-age insurance pensions every year. From this amount, the refusal due to a shortage of pension points or length of service is about 1.2 percent, ”the fund said. At the same time, the share of citizens who were refused due to a lack of points is only 0.4 percent, that is, 8.3 thousand people throughout Russia. The fund does not expect a potential increase in the number of citizens who will be denied an insurance pension.

Now the average old-age insurance pension is 14,075 rubles, for non-working pensioners - 14,329 rubles. The social pension is much less - 9,045 rubles. In order to receive an insurance pension in 2017, it was necessary to have at least eight years of work (insurance) service and 11.4 pension points; from 2018, nine years of service and 13.8 pension points are required. The increase in requirements will last until 2024, when at least 15 years of work experience and 30 pension points are required to receive an insurance pension. The Pension Fund reminds that in order to receive an insurance pension in the future, it is worth working only where the employee is officially registered, they are charged a “white” salary, and the employer makes contributions to his future pension.
