
Types of state pensions. State pension. State Pensions


Many Russians are in favor of the abolition of pensions. Here are the arguments:
Need for reform pension system Any sane person recognizes Russia. But how to carry out this reform, there is no consensus among citizens, or in the Government, and even more so in the Pension Fund of Russia itself, torn apart by contradictory leaders and their actions.
Let's look at how we are now with pensions, the population and the prospects for providing this very population with the very same pensions and finally understand that there is a way out of the prevailing the most difficult situation deficit of the Russian Pension Fund

And so what we have.

At present, the old-age labor pension in Russia consists of three parts: basic (guaranteed by the state, and its size is established by law in the form of a fixed amount), insurance (differentiated part, depends on the results of labor a specific person) and cumulative (formed only among citizens born in 1967 and younger). The average size of old-age retirement pension and at the end of 2008 amounted to 4 thousand 902 rubles.

The population of Russia is 142.0 million people.

The number of pensioners is 38.5 million people.

The economically active population is 75 million people (52.8% of the total population). But the population between the ages of 20 and 64 is about 90 million people.

Every year the population decreases by 500 thousand people.

The average amount of accrued monthly pensions is 99% of the value living wage.

45.7% of the population with an average per capita income of over 10 thousand rubles a month.

The number of participants in non-state pension funds, i.e. of those who transfer money there 6.5 million people (8.6% of the economically active population), and receive pensions from NPFs only 685 thousand people, or 1.8% of all pensioners in Russia.

About perspectives pension reform in a recent speech by the Minister of Health and social development Tatyana Golikova said that from 2015 the size of the basic component of the insurance part of the old-age labor pension will depend on the length of the insurance period. And it can be reduced by 3 percent for each year that falls short of the standard length of service of 30 years. Or increase by 6 percent for each year that exceeds the "norm."

Thus, it is clear that each of us must work at least 30 years in order to receive a pension without discounts equal to the subsistence level. I do not think that any of the sane people will be satisfied with this state of affairs. But only 8.6% of us today are concerned about our retirement future, and the rest, in the old fashioned way, hope for a Russian “maybe” or for a State that “always owes everyone”.

Meanwhile, in order to pay the basic part of the pension, the federal budget must next year translate into Pension Fund over 1 trillion rubles to close the growing budget deficit of the Pension Fund, which is to pay 3 trillion rubles to pensioners next year. In 2010 - 3.7 trillion, and in 2011 - already 4.3 trillion rubles.

It is necessary to reverse the threatening tendency of the growth of the deficit of funds of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation. So it turns out that the only way to ensure a dignified old age for those who still have to work for the normative 30 years, this is to completely abolish state pensions. With the 65-year retirement threshold, which we will soon reach, the population under 35 should be completely deprived of state pensions and, accordingly, take care of their own future. Thus, all funds of the PFR should be distributed among current retirees, and replenished at the expense of those who are over 35 and under 65, which is 56 million people. Simple calculations show that with an annual mortality rate of 2.4 million people in the country and an average annual retirement of 1.8 million people, in the coming years there will be a surplus in the PFR and budget funds may not be spent on patching up pension holes. and, for example, to improve the level of education and medical services for the population. Having adopted in the near future such amendments to pension legislation The state will solve a lot of problems not only with pension provision, but also with the development of the internal Russian investment climate, will receive serious long-term investors in the country's economy and will significantly increase the financial literacy of the population.

  • Sp on the occasion of the loss of the breadwinner
  • 20. Fixed payment to the old age insurance pension.
  • 21. Fixed payment to the disability insurance pension.
  • 22. Fixed payment to the insurance pension in the event of the loss of the breadwinner.
  • 23. Compulsory social insurance against industrial accidents and occupational diseases: concept, subjects, features.
  • 24. Types of provision for compulsory social insurance against industrial accidents and occupational diseases.
  • 25. Types of state pensions and the circle of persons entitled to receive them.
  • 35. The procedure for the formation and indexation of the individual pension coefficient.
  • 36. Benefit as a type of social security.
  • 37. Unemployment benefit: conditions of appointment, size.
  • 38. Benefit for pregnancy and childbirth: conditions of appointment and size.
  • 39. Benefit for temporary disability: concept, types, conditions of appointment, size.
  • 41. Calculation of benefits for temporary disability.
  • 40. Benefits for families with children.
  • Child care allowance
  • 41. Calculation of benefits for temporary disability.
  • 42. The system of benefits assigned in connection with pregnancy and childbirth.
  • 43. Calculation of benefits for compulsory social insurance against industrial accidents and occupational diseases.
  • 44. Social assistance: concept, principles, types, circle of persons eligible for social assistance.
  • 45. Concept, structure and size of insurance pension for disability
  • 46. ​​The concept, structure and size of the insurance pension in the event of the loss of the breadwinner.
  • 47. Concept, structure and size of old-age insurance pension.
  • 48. Social supplements to pensions.
  • 49. State support for the formation of pension savings.
  • 50. General conditions of pension provision.
  • 53 Pensions to citizens from among astronauts and from among workers of flight test personnel.
  • 54. Old-age pensions to citizens affected by radiation disasters
  • 55. Pensions for disability by state pension provision
  • 56. Pensions in the event of loss of the breadwinner to state pensions and social pensions
  • 57. Maternal (family) capital
  • 58. Social allowance for burial
  • 59. Unemployment benefit
  • 60. Pso experience: concept, types and content
  • 61. General work experience
  • 62. Experience of the state civil service
  • 63. Service
  • 64. Rules for calculating the insurance experience and length of service.
  • The procedure for calculating the insurance experience
  • 65. Insurance pensions: concept, general provisions.
  • Old age cn
  • Disability sp
  • Sp on the occasion of the loss of the breadwinner
  • 66. Retention of the right to early retirement benefits.
  • 67. Establishment of an insurance pension, payment and delivery of an insurance pension.
  • 68. Ipk: concept, calculus. 76. Calculation of IPK for non-insurance periods.
  • 69. Mechanisms for adjusting and indexing the insurance pension. 78. Recalculation of the amount of insurance pension and adjustment of the amount of insurance pension
  • 70. The share of the insurance old-age pension, set to the seniority pension by the Federal State Civil Servants (FGHS).
  • 71. The share of the old-age insurance pension, set to the seniority pension to citizens from among the workers of the flight test personnel (fox).
  • 72. Temporary disability allowance and insurance payments.
  • 1) Lump-sum insurance payment;
  • 73. Payment of additional expenses related to medical, social and professional rehabilitation of the insured person.
  • 74. Concept, goals and types of state. Social assistance
  • 75. State social assistance provided in the form of a set of social services.
  • 77. Incentives for Late Retirement of Insurance Pensions
  • 79. Suspension and resumption of payment of insurance pension.
  • 80. Innovations of the pension reform in 2015.
  • 81. Preservation of pension rights of citizens acquired before January 1, 2015.
  • 82. Concept, legal basis and principles of social services.
  • 83. Social service organizations.
  • Legal basis.
  • Concept.
  • 84. Social service in a stationary form.
  • 85. Social services in a semi-stationary form.
  • 86. Social services at home.
  • 25. Types of state pensions pension provision and the circle of persons entitled to receive them.

    Civil liability pension

    The right to GPO have:

    The right to a pension under the civil liability insurance is:

    2) military personnel:

    8) disabled citizens:

    Types of GPO pensions:

    Citizens who are simultaneously entitled to different pensions, as a general rule, are assigned one pension of their choice.

    Civil liability pensions.

    Financing civil liability pension payments are made.

    at the request of a citizen. An exception

    indefinitelyindefinitely , including indefinitely

      The circle of persons entitled to receive two pensions.

    Citizens who simultaneously have the right to various pensions in accordance with the law Russian Federation, one pension is established at their choice, unless otherwise provided by federal law.

    The right to receive two pensions at the same time is granted:

    1) citizens who have become disabled as a result of a military injury. They may be assigned a disability pension and an old-age labor pension;

    2) participants of the Great Patriotic War. They may be assigned a disability pension and an old-age labor pension;

    3) parents of military personnel who served on conscription, who died (died) during military service or who died as a result of a military injury after being discharged from military service(except for cases when the death of military personnel occurred as a result of their illegal actions). They can be installed:

    4) widows of servicemen who died during the period of military service by conscription as a result of a military injury, who did not remarry. They can be installed:

    survivor's pension and old-age (disability) labor pension;

    survivor's pension and social pension;

    survivor's pension and seniority pension (for disability);

    5) disabled family members of citizens affected by the disaster at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant. They can be installed:

    survivor's pension and old-age (disability) labor pension;

    survivor's pension and social pension (with the exception of the survivor's social pension).

    6) citizens awarded the sign "Resident of the besieged Leningrad". They may be assigned a disability pension and an old-age labor pension.

    7) family members of the deceased (deceased) citizens from among the cosmonauts, provided for in Art. 7.1 of the law. They may be entitled to a survivor's pension and any other pension established in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation (with the exception of a survivor's pension or social pension due to the loss of a breadwinner).

      The circle of family members of the deceased breadwinner who are entitled to an insurance pension in the event of the loss of the breadwinner.

    Joint venture- monthly cash payment, which is provided in order to compensate the insured person for salary (other income) in connection with the onset of incapacity for work due to old age (disability), as well as compensation for salaries (other income) to disabled family members of the insured in connection with his death.

    The loss of the breadwinner is understood as the death of the breadwinner or an unknown absence, which must be confirmed by a death certificate or be established by a court.

    The basis for the appointment of a person with the specified pension is a combination of the following conditions:

    1) the person is family member deceased breadwinner;

    2) the person consisted dependent deceased breadwinner (with the exception of persons from category 2 of disabled family members),

    3) the person is disabled.

    Family members eligible for a joint venture:

      Children, brothers, sisters and grandchildren< 18 лет, если обучаются очно - < 23 лет, дети, братья, сестры и внуки >18/23, respectively, if they became disabled before 18.! All this only if they do not have able-bodied parents!

      1 of the parents, spouse, grandfather, grandmother, regardless of age and ability to work, brother, sister or child of the deceased breadwinner who have reached the age of 18, if they are engaged in caring for children, brothers, sisters or grandchildren of the deceased breadwinner who have not reached the age of 14 and have the right on an insurance pension due to the loss of a breadwinner, and do not work;

      parents and spouse of the deceased breadwinner, if they have reached the age of 60 and 55 (respectively, men and women) or are disabled

      the grandfather and grandmother of the deceased breadwinner, if they have reached the age of 60 and 55 (respectively, men and women) or are disabled, in the absence of persons who, in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, are obliged to support them.

    Family members of the deceased breadwinner are recognized as dependent on him if they were fully supported by him or received help from him, which was their constant and main source of livelihood.

    Dependency of children under 18 years of age is assumed and does not require proof, with the exception of the specified children, declared fully capable in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation or who have reached the age of 18 years.

    Disabled family members of the deceased breadwinner, for whom his help was a constant and main source of livelihood, but who themselves received any kind of pension, have the right to transfer to an insurance pension in the event of the loss of the breadwinner.

    The insurance pension in the event of the loss of the breadwinner-spouse is retained upon entering into a new marriage ( on the preservation of exactly the assigned insurance pension

    Adopters are entitled to an insurance pension on the occasion of the loss of the breadwinner.

    Stepfather and stepmother are entitled to an insurance pension . Stepson and stepdaughter have the right to a survivor's insurance pension on an equal basis with their own children,.

    Disabled parents and spouse of a deceased breadwinner who were not dependent on him, are entitled to a survivor's insurance pension, if they regardless of the time that has passed since his death, have lost their source of livelihood.

    The insurance pension in the event of the loss of the breadwinner is established regardless of the length of the insurance period of the breadwinner from among the insured persons, as well as from the cause and time of his death, BUT in the event that the deceased insured person has no insurance experience at all or in the event that disabled family members of the deceased breadwinner commit a criminal offense that entails the death of the breadwinner and is established in judicial procedure, a social pension is established in the event of the loss of a breadwinner in accordance with the Federal Law "On State Pension Provision in the Russian Federation".

    The right to a social pension in the event of the loss of the breadwinner is children under the age of 18 permanently residing in Russia, as well as under the age of 23, full-time students who have lost one or both parents, and children of a deceased single mother.

      Pensions for servicemen for length of service: conditions of appointment and size.

    According to Art. 1 decree. Of the law

    Length of service - the total duration of military service, service in law enforcement agencies and other activities equated to this service, which gives the right to early receipt of a pension, regardless of age, subject to dismissal from service.

    The length of service for the appointment of a pension to military personnel includes:

    Military service;

    Service in the positions of privates and commanding personnel in the internal affairs department, State Border Guard Service; in the drug control authorities; in the institutions and bodies of the UIS;

    Service in Soviet partisan detachments and formations;

    Working hours in the OGV, with the abandonment of military service or in the personnel of law enforcement. organs;

    The time spent in captivity, if the captivity was not voluntary and the soldier, while in captivity, did not commit a crime against the Motherland;

    The time of serving the sentence and detention of servicemen, privates and commanding officers, unreasonably prosecuted or repressed and subsequently rehabilitated.

    In seniority, for the appointment of a pension to officers dismissed from service and persons in command of the internal affairs bodies, the State Fire Service, bodies for control over the circulation of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances, the time of their study before being assigned to the service can also be counted(but not more than five years) at the rate of one year of study for six months of service.

    Preferential calculation of length of service : a) one month of service for six months- in the permanent composition of the penal units of the active army; b) one month of service for three months:

    In military units, headquarters and institutions, in Soviet partisan detachments and formations during the period of hostilities; - in military units, headquarters and institutions that were not part of the active army, which were during the Second World War in the hero cities

    - the time of continuous being on treatment in medical institutions due to wounds, contusions, injuries or diseases received in military units, headquarters and institutions that were part of the active army; - participation in hostilities abroad, including in countries, the army which were led fighting or provided military assistance to other states (Hungary, Korea, Afghanistan, etc.); - at work related to the elimination of the consequences of the Chernobyl accident and the prevention of pollution environment in the exclusion zone, in the period from April 26, 1986 to December 31, 1987, etc.

    v) one month of service for two months:

    - during the Great Patriotic War in military units that were not part of the active army, and the OVD, the State Border Guard Service; - the time spent by military personnel (persons equated to them) in captivity (concentration camps) during the Great Patriotic War, if the capture was not voluntary and the person being in captivity, did not commit a crime against the Motherland;

    - in remote areas and highlands of the Russian Federation; - military specialists in countries whose armies were fighting or providing military assistance to other states; - in the positions of divers performing work in conditions of prolonged stay under high pressure; G) one month of service for a month and a half: - on flight work in aviation; - on nuclear surface ships and submarines; - on work related to the elimination of the consequences of the Chernobyl accident and the prevention of environmental pollution in the exclusion zone - in the period from January 1, 1988 to December 31 1990 year

    e) one month of service for one and one third of the month: - in the units for combating organized crime of the Internal Affairs Directorate, the FSB; - on surface ships (except for nuclear); e) one day of service in a day and a half: time of military service (service) in units directly carrying out (carrying out) the fight against terrorism.

    Conscript military service as soldiers, sailors, sergeants and foremen (urgent military service), except for periods subject to credit for seniority on preferential terms, credited to the length of service for the appointment of pensions vcalendar calculation .

    Conditions for the appointment of a pension for the length of service to military personnel :

      Length of service on the day of dismissal from service - 20 years or more (net length of service),

      Length of service on the day of dismissal - 12.5 years or more + dismissal upon reaching the maximum age of stay, health status or in connection with organizational and staff activities + reached the age of 45 + general work. work experience - more than 25 years (mixed length of service)

    In general seniority include:

    a) work experience before the entry into force of the Federal Law on labor. pensions,

    b) the insurance experience in the order of the Federal Law on labor. pensions and before the entry into force of the Federal Law on fear. pensions,

    c) insurance experience in the order of the Federal Law on fear. pensions

    The procedure for calculating the length of service for military personnel - Government Decree 1993 ( similar to the title of the 1993 Law on Pension Provisions for Persons Who Did Military Service, Service in the Internal Affairs Directorate, State Fire Service, Drug Control Bodies, Institutions and Bodies of the Penitentiary System, and their families)

    The size of the pension is 50% of the monetary allowance with increasing: 1) by 3% for each year of service over 20 years (no more than up to 85%), 2) by 1% for each year of OTS over 25 years - with incomplete length of service.

    In the case of re-assignment to the service of persons who received a pension, upon their subsequent dismissal from service, the payment of pension to them is resumed based on the length of service and total length of service on the day of the last dismissal

    Minimum pension - not less than 100% of the estimated size of the pension (the amount of social disability pension), which, taking into account the indexation in 2015, is about 8.5 thousand rubles.

    Increase seniority pensions - made to persons who have become disabled of the 1st / 2nd / 3rd groups due to: a) military trauma - by 300% / 250% / 175% RRS; b) other reasons (the exception is disability due to their illegal actions) - by 250% / 200% / 150% of the RRS - to the participants of the Great Patriotic War; - 200% / 150% / 100% RRS - to persons awarded the sign "Resident of besieged Leningrad".

    Allowances to pension: 1) pensioners who are disabled of group I or have reached the age of 80 (for caring for them) - 100% of the RRS; 2) non-working pensioners who have dependent family members who are unable to work and who do not receive an insurance (social) pension - 32% / 64% / 100% of the RRS (if there are 1/2/3 or more dependents); 3) pensioners - participants of the Great Patriotic War who are not disabled - 32% (64% upon reaching the age of 80).

      Disability pensions for military personnel.

    according to the Law of the Russian Federation of 12.02.1993 N 4468-1 "On the pension provision of persons who underwent military service, service in the internal affairs bodies, the State Fire Service, the bodies for control over the circulation of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances, institutions and bodies of the penal system, and their families ")

    According to Art. 1 decree. Of the law military personnel mean : citizens who served as officers, warrant officers, warrant officers or military service under contract or conscription as soldiers, sailors, sergeants and foremen in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation and the CIS, Fed. border service, internal troops, etc .; as well as service in law enforcement agencies: OVD, Federal Drug Control Service, State Border Service, UIS institutions, etc.

    Persons equated in pension service to military personnel: persons who during the Second World War in partisan detachments, military units and headquarters positions equated to officers + persons who were in extra-urgent military service, former female military personnel

    Disabled person- a person who has a health disorder with a persistent disorder of the body's functions, caused by diseases, the consequences of trauma or defects, leading to a limitation of life and necessitating his social protection.

    Restriction of life activity- full or partial loss by a person of the ability or ability to carry out self-service, independently move, navigate, communicate, control his behavior, learn and engage in work.

    A person is recognized as a disabled person federal institution of medical and social expertise... The procedure and conditions for recognizing a person as a disabled person are established by the Government of the Russian Federation (Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation of February 20, 2006 N 95 "On the procedure and conditions for recognizing a person as disabled")

    Disabled people are divided into: 1) disabled due to military injury

    Being in captivity

    due to illness received during military service military service, or military service (official duties). The amount of the disability pension for people with disabilities due to: 1) military injuries of groups I and II - 85%, group III - 50% of the corresponding amounts of monetary allowance; 2) a disease received during military service, I and II groups - 75%, III group - 40% of the corresponding amounts of monetary allowance

    Monetary allowance includes: salary according to position, rank and bonus for length of service.

    The specified monetary allowance is taken into account when calculating the pension from January 1, 2012 in the amount of 54 percent and, starting from January 1, 2013, annually increases by 2 percent until reaching 100 percent of its size. In this way, from January 1, 2015, the allowance is accounted for at the rate of 60%.

    Disability pension cannot be lower (for disabled people of I – III groups): 1) 300% / 250% / 175% RRS * - for disabled people due to military trauma; 2) 250% / 200% / 150% RRS - for people with disabilities due to an illness received during military service.

    RRSabout 8.5 thousand rubles.

    Allowances to pension (as well as for seniority): 1) pensioners who are disabled of group I or have reached the age of 80 (for caring for them) - 100% of the RRS; 2) non-working pensioners who have dependent family members who are unable to work and who do not receive an insurance (social) pension - 32% / 64% / 100% of the RRS (if there are 1/2/3 or more dependents); 3) pensioners - participants of the Great Patriotic War who are not disabled - 32% (64% upon reaching the age of 80).

    + There is still an increase to the disability pension - the same as for seniority pension (see previous question)

    A disability pension is assigned for the period of disability, and disabled people over 60/55 years old - for life with re-certification of these disabled people only at their request.

    If a pensioner who has not reached the age specified in this article is recognized as able-bodied, the pension is paid to him until the end of the month in which he is recognized as able-bodied, but no longer than until the day before which the disability is established.

    The amount of the pension can be changed upon revision of the disability group.

    If a disabled person passes the term of re-examination in federal institutions of medical and social expertise the payment of the assigned pension is suspended from the day until which he was determined to be disabled, and if he is recognized as disabled again, it is renewed from the date of establishing his disability again.

      Pensions for conscripts and their families.

    Federal Law "On State Pension Provision in the Russian Federation"

    Citizens who have served on conscription in the positions of soldiers, sailors, sergeants and foremen have the right to receive a disability pension (according to GPO), and disabled members of their families - in case of loss of a breadwinner (also according to GPO).

    Disability pension for conscripts

    Persons who have become disabled have the right to a disability pension if the disability occurs: a) during the period of their service, b) not later than 3 months after dismissal from service, c) later than this period, but due to injury, concussion, injury or illness received during the period of service

    People with disabilities are divided into 2 categories depending on the cause of the disability: 1) disabled due to military injury- persons who have become disabled as a result of injury, contusion, injury or illness received from:

    Defense of the Motherland, - serving abroad in states where hostilities were conducted, - while performing other duties of service,

    Being in captivity

    Staying in the active army as pupils and cabin boy. 2) disabled due to illness received during military service- persons who have become disabled as a result of an injury received as a result of an accident not related to the performance of duties military service, or non-performance related illness military service (official duties)

    Disability pension (for disabled people of I – III groups): 1) 300% / 250% / 175% RRS * - for disabled people due to military trauma; 2) 250% / 200% / 150% RRS - for people with disabilities due to an illness received during military service.

    RRS(= the amount of social disability pension), taking into account the indexation in 2015, is about 8.5 thousand rubles.

    If a disabled conscript has dependents, then the size of the pension is increased by 1/3 of the RRS for each dependent, but not more than three.

    In the event of disability as a result of a crime committed by a serviceman, he is assigned a social pension

    Pension on the occasion of the loss of a survivor-conscript


      death of a conscript:

    a) during the period of their service, b) not later than 3 months after dismissal from service, c) later than this period, but due to injury, concussion, injury or illness received during the period of service

      paid to disabled family members.

    Disabled family members are:

    1) children, brothers, sisters and grandchildren up to 18 years old or up to 23 years old, but full-time students; as well as older than this age, if they become disabled up to 18 years; important: they should not have able-bodied parents;

    2) one of the parents, spouse, grandfather or grandmother, brother or sister, regardless of age and ability to work, if he is caring for the children, brothers or sisters of the deceased (deceased) breadwinner who have not reached the age of 14 and are entitled to a pension and does not work;

    3) parents and spouse, if they have reached the age of 60 and 55 (respectively, men and women) or are disabled;

    4) parents of military personnel who died (died) during the period of military service by conscription or died after being discharged from military service due to military trauma, if they have reached the age of 55 and 50 years (respectively, men and women);

    5) grandfather and grandmother, if they have reached the age of 60 and 55 (respectively, men and women) or are disabled, provided that there are no persons who are obliged to support them;

    6) widows of military personnel who died (died) during the period of military service due to military trauma, who did not remarry, if they have reached the age of 55.

    The size of the pension for each (!) Disabled family member:

      200% of RRS - death due to military trauma,

    150% of the RRS is death due to a disease received during military service.

      State Pensions for Federal Civil Servants.

    !! FGS are eligible for a pension under GPOonly for seniority .

    Length of service- the total duration of periods of military service, service in law enforcement agencies and other activities equivalent to this service, which gives the right to receive a pension regardless of age and subject to dismissal from this service.

    Calculation of length of service for employees of the State Civil Service

    Federal civil servants are included in the length of service for the appointment of a seniority pension in the manner established by the Government of the Russian Federation, periods of service (work) in positions of the federal state civil service and other positions determined by the President of the Russian Federation.

    The list of positions (according to the presidential decree), the periods of service (work) in which are included in the length of service of the state civil service for the appointment of a seniority pension:

    1. Public positions of the Russian Federation and the constituent entities of the Russian Federation

    2. Positions of the federal state civil service (managers, assistants, specialists, support specialists).

    4. Positions of the state civil service of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation

    5. Positions prosecutors and employees of the RF IC

    6. Military positions, the passage of service (military service) in which is counted in the length of service for the appointment of a pension for the length of service to military personnel

    10. Municipal positions (deputies, members of elected local government bodies, elected local government officials, members of election commissions of municipalities acting on a permanent basis and being legal entities with a decisive vote), replaced on a permanent (staff) basis.

    13. Positions held by citizens of the Russian Federation in interstate (intergovernmental) bodies created by member states of the Commonwealth of Independent States

    14. Positions in trade unions created in the state. bodies

    Inclusion order (the one approved by the Government):

    Inclusion in the experience carried out on application federal state civil an employee when he applies for the appointment of a seniority pension by the federal state body in which this employee filled the position federal state civil service just before leaving, and in the event of the abolition (reorganization) of the specified body - by the federal state body, to which, in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, the functions of the abolished (reorganized) body have been transferred.

    Document confirming the length of service state civil service for assigning seniority pensions to federal state civil servants, submitted by a federal government body to the Pension Fund Of the Russian Federation to resolve the issue of the appointment of the specified pension

    Periods of service (work) included in the length of service state civil service for the appointment of seniority pensions for federal civil servants, are calculated and confirmed in accordance with the procedure for calculation and confirmation (approved by the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection) and the specified length of service based on information about labor activity, seniority or seniority in public service contained in work book and in other documents issued in accordance with the established procedure

    Conditions for granting a seniority pension for the FGGS:

      Civil service experience - more than 15 years + the right to an insurance pension + held a position under the State Civil Service for the last 12 months + dismissal on innocent grounds: agreement of the parties; expiration of a fixed-term service contract; termination of a service contract at the initiative of a civil servant; refusal to transfer; inadequacy of the position for health reasons; abolition of state. body, job cuts, etc.

      Service experience - more than 25 years + there is still no right to fear. retirement + voluntarily dismissed + held a position under the State Civil Service for the last 7 years

    !!! FGGS seniority pensionnot paid while in public service, entitling to this pension.

    Conditions for granting the right to a pension to civil servants subjects of the Russian Federation and municipal employees at the expense of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and funds of local self-government bodies are determined by laws and other regulatory legal acts of the constituent entities of the Federation and acts of local self-government bodies.

    The seniority pension is establishedadditionally To insurance pension old age (disability), assigned in accordance with the Federal Law "On Insurance Pensions in the Russian Federation" and is paid simultaneously with it.

    Pension size:

      With the HGS experience of at least 15 years - 45% of the average monthly earnings minus SP for old age (disability), EF to EF and increases in EF;

      For each full year of experience over 15 years - 3% of average monthly earnings

    The total amount of seniority pension and pension for old age (disability), PF to PF and increases in PF cannot exceed 75% of the average monthly earnings of a federal civil servant (i.e., calculated over the last full 12 months).

    Average monthly earnings used to calculate the pension, cannot exceed 2.8 basic salaries(0.8 cash reward) established (saved) in the relevant period.

    The size of pensions is increased by the size of the regional coefficient for the entire period of residence in RCS, equivalent areas, other areas, and severe climatic conditions.

    When determining the amount of seniority pension, the following are not taken into account:

      the amount of increases in FV to the insurance pension attributable to disabled family members and in connection with reaching the age of 80 years or having a disability of group I,

      amounts due in connection with the valorization of pension rights,

      the amount of the share of the insurance pension,

      the amount of increases in the size of the joint venture for old age and FV (when assigning an insurance pension for old age later than the emergence of the right to it, restoring the payment of the specified pension or assigning the specified pension again after refusing to receive the established insurance pension for old age).

      State pensions.

    Civil liability pension- monthly state monetary payment, the right to receive which is determined in accordance with the conditions and norms established by the Federal Law "On Civil Defense in the Russian Federation", and which is provided to citizens:

    1) in order to compensate for earnings (income) lost in connection with:

      with the termination of the FGGS upon reaching the length of service established by the law when retiring to an insurance pension for old age (disability);

      with retirement for long service to citizens from among the cosmonauts or from among the workers of the LIS (flight test personnel);

    2) in order to compensate for harm caused to the health of citizens:

      during military service,

      as a result of radiation or man-made disasters, in the event of disability or loss of a breadwinner, upon reaching the legal age;

    3) in order to provide a means of subsistence for disabled citizens.

    The right to GPO have:

    1) citizens of the Russian Federation, subject to the conditions stipulated for various types of pensions under civil liability insurance;

    2) foreign citizens and stateless persons permanently residing in the territory of the Russian Federation - on the same grounds, unless otherwise provided by law or international treaties of the Russian Federation.

    The right to a pension under the civil liability insurance is:

    1) FGGS (federal state civil servants);

    2) military personnel:

    Citizens who served in the military as officers, warrant officers, warrant officers or military service under contract or conscription as soldiers, sailors, sergeants and foremen in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation and the CIS,

    Military service in the Federal Border Guard Service and its agencies, internal troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, foreign intelligence agencies, government communications agencies, FSB agencies,

    Service in the Department of Internal Affairs, State. fire service, prosecutor's office, FCS, SK, FSKN, UIS authorities

    3) participants of the Great Patriotic War;

    4) citizens awarded with the sign "Resident of the besieged Leningrad";

    5) citizens affected by radiation or man-made disasters;

    6) citizens from among the cosmonauts;

    7) citizens from among the employees of the LIS;

    8) disabled citizens:

    People with disabilities, including people with disabilities since childhood, disabled children,

    Children under the age of 18, as well as under 23 years of age, if they are full-time students, who have lost one or both parents, and children of a deceased single mother,

    Citizens from among the small-numbered peoples of the North who have reached the age of 55/50 years, permanently residing in the areas of residence of the small-numbered peoples of the North on the day of the appointment of a pension;

    Citizens who have reached the age of 65/60, as well as foreign citizens and stateless persons who have permanently resided in the territory of the Russian Federation for at least 15 years and have reached the specified age.

    9) family members of these citizens in cases provided by law.

    Types of GPO pensions: 1) for the length of service: - FGGS, - servicemen, - citizens from among the cosmonauts, - citizens from among the employees of the LIS; 2) in old age - to citizens affected by radiation or man-made disasters; 3) for disability: - servicemen, - participants of the Great Patriotic War, - citizens awarded the sign "Inhabitant of the besieged Leningrad" and - citizens affected by radiation or man-made disasters;

    Cosmonauts, 4) social pension (for old age, disability, loss of breadwinner) - for disabled citizens;

    5) in the event of the loss of a breadwinner - to family members: - servicemen, - citizens affected by radiation or man-made disasters, - citizens from among the cosmonauts.

    Citizens who are simultaneously entitled to different pensions, as a general rule, are assigned one pension of their choice. Exceptions - see question 26.

    Civil liability pensions are established and paid regardless of the receipt of the funded pension.

    Financing of pensions under civil liability at the expense of the federal budget.

    Pension assignment, recalculation of its size and transfer from one type of pension to another are made at the request of a citizen. An exception- social pension: a) for disability - citizens who received a disability pension up to 18 years, being disabled children;

    b) for old age - citizens who have reached the age of 65/60 and who previously received a disability insurance pension.

    The timing of the appointment of a pension under civil liability: 1) for the length of service of the FGGS and citizens from among the employees of the LIS, established for an insurance pension for disability, - for the period of establishment of the last; 2) for the length of service (in other cases) - indefinitely; 3) old age (including social) - indefinitely; 4) for disability (including social) - for period of recognition of a person as disabled, including indefinitely; 5) in case of loss of a breadwinner (including social) - for the period of incapacity for work of the person concerned, including indefinitely

      Pensions for families of servicemen on the occasion of the loss of a breadwinner.

    Survivor's pension to conscripts - see question 30.

    Survivor's pension assigned to families: 1) servicemen, if the breadwinner died (died):

    - during service,

    Not later than 3 months from the date of dismissal from service,

    - later than this period, but due to injury, concussion, injury or illness received during the period of service; 2) pensioners, if the breadwinner died:

    - during the period of receiving a pension,

    - no later than 5 years after the termination of the payment of his pension.

    The families of those killed at the front are equated to the families of servicemen who died during their stay in captivity and who are missing. during hostilities.

    Disabled family members of the deceased (perished) have the right to a survivor's pension,dependent on them , i.e. fully supported or received assistance, which was a constant and main source of income for them.

    Whatever from being dependent the breadwinner's pension is assigned to: disabled children; disabled parents and spouse, if after the death of the breadwinner they have lost their source of livelihood; disabled parents and spouses of persons who died as a result of a military injury; spouse, one of the parents or another family member from item c) - see below.

    Disabled family members are considered I am:

    a) children, brothers, sisters and grandchildren under 18 years of age or older, but if they become disabled before 18 years old, as well as full-time students up to 23 years old; important - they should not have able-bodied parents;

    b) parents and spouse, if they have reached the age: men - 60 years old, women - 55 years old, or are disabled;

    c) a spouse or one of the parents or grandfather, grandmother, brother or sister, regardless of age and ability to work, if he is caring for the children, brothers, sisters or grandchildren of the deceased breadwinner under the age of 14 and does not work;

    d) grandfather and grandmother - in the absence of persons who are legally obliged to support them.

    The pension on the occasion of the loss of the breadwinner-spouse is retained upon entering into a new marriage ( it should be emphasized that we are talking on the preservation of exactly the assigned pension on the occasion of the loss of a breadwinner, and not the right to assign such a pension), and a minor child - upon adoption.

    Adopters are entitled to a pension on the occasion of the loss of a breadwinner on an equal basis with parents, and adopted children on an equal basis with their own children.

    Stepfather and stepmother are eligible for retirement on the occasion of the loss of the breadwinner on a par with the father and mother provided that they raised and supported the deceased stepson or stepdaughter for at least five years. Stepson and stepdaughter have the right to a survivor's pension on an equal basis with their own children, if they were raised and supported by a deceased stepfather or stepmother.

    On preferential terms (in the event of the death of the breadwinner due to a military injury), the right to a pension is: 1) spouse - upon reaching 55/50 years old, and engaged in caring for the child of the deceased under 8 years old - regardless of age, ability to work and the fact of work, service in law enforcement agencies, 2) parents (! Everyone) - upon reaching they are 55/50 years old, regardless of being dependent.

    Pension size for each disabled family member due to the death of the breadwinner: 1) from a military injury - 50% of the breadwinner's monetary allowance (not less than 200% of the RRP). A pension is established at the same rate, regardless of the cause of death of the breadwinner: - families of a disabled pensioner due to a military injury, - for children who have lost both parents (a deceased single mother); 2) due to an illness received during military service - 40% of the amount monetary allowance for the breadwinner (not less than 150% of the RRP).

    The following are established for the pension allowances ( deceased single mother).

      The procedure for the appointment, recalculation of the amount of payment and delivery of insurance pensions.

    The establishment of insurance pensions and the payment of insurance pensions, including the organization of their delivery, are made by the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation

    With an application for the establishment, payment and delivery of a joint venturehave the right to apply :

    - the insured person;

    - the employer in relation to persons who are in labor relations with him (with their written consent).

    When changing the place of residence, the payment of the joint venture (organization of its delivery) is carried out on the basis of the payment case of the pensioner at his new place of residence (stay), confirmed by registration documents (actual residence, confirmed by a personal statement).

    Citizens can apply for the establishment, payment and delivery of an insurance pension:

      directly to the pension provider,

      to the multifunctional center for the provision of state and municipal services at the place of residence in the event that an agreement on interaction has been concluded between the body carrying out pension provision and the multifunctional center for the provision of state and municipal services and the submission of these applications is provided for by the list of state and municipal services provided in the multifunctional center, established by the agreement;

      in the form of an electronic document via the Internet.

    List of required documents, rules of application for the joint venture, FV to the joint venture, monitoring their payment, conducting checks of documents on the payment and delivery of the joint venture, rules for maintaining pension documentation, storage periods for payment cases and documents established in the manner determined by the Government RF.

    Organ, carrying out pension provision has the right to check the validity of the issuance of documents required for the establishment and payment of an insurance pension, as well as the accuracy of the information they contain.

    Delivery of the joint venture (at the request of a pensioner):

    1) through a credit organization (crediting the JV amounts to the pensioner's account in this organization);

    2) through postal organizations and other organizations involved in the delivery of the joint venture (delivery of the joint venture amounts at home / at the cash desk of the organization making the delivery).

    Payment for the delivery of the joint venture is made at the expense of the funds provided for the financial support of the payment of the corresponding joint venture.

    Crediting the JV amounts to the account pensioner in a credit institution made without charging a commission.

    JV, if the recipient is a minor (a person who has reached the age of 18 and has been declared legally incompetent):

    - credited to the account of one of the parents (adoptive parents) or guardians (trustees);

    - is given to the specified person.

    A child who has reached the age of 14 has the right to receive a joint venture established for him by crediting it to his account with a credit institution (handing it over by a postal service organization, another organization delivering the joint venture), about which he must submit a corresponding application.

    At the request of a pensioner JV can be paid by power of attorney... If the power of attorney is valid for more than one year, annual confirmation by a pensioner of the fact of its registration at the place of receipt of the joint venture is required.

    The delivery of PV to the joint venture is carried out simultaneously with the joint venture through the organization that delivers this pension.

    When, if the document confirming the death (birth) of the insured person, only the year is indicated without specifying the exact date death (birth), the date is taken as July 1 the corresponding year, if the day of the month is not specified, then the 15th is considered as such day of the corresponding month, and if a period is specified, the date is taken as the date of the beginning of the period.

    If one of the conditions for establishing an insurance pension, payment of an insurance pension, or a fixed payment to an insurance pension is reaching a certain age, such a condition is considered fulfilled on the day corresponding to the date of birth.

    Payment of an insurance pension on the territory of the Russian Federation is made to a pensioner by the body providing pension provision in the established amount without any restrictions.

    Insurance pension is assigned from the date of application for the specified pension, but not earlier than from the day the right arose on the specified pension.

    The day of applying for a joint venture is considered the day of receipt of the application by the body carrying out pension provision with all the necessary documents.

    When, if not all the necessary documents are attached to the application for the appointment of an insurance pension, the body carrying out pension provision, gives the person who applied for the insurance pension, an explanation of what documents he must submit additionally. If such documents will be submitted no later than three months from the date of receipt of the corresponding explanation , the day of applying for an insurance pension is considered the day of receiving an application for the appointment of an insurance pension... The application is considered within 10 days.

    When sending an application by mail, submitting it in the form of an electronic document, filing through the MFC for the provision of state and municipal services with the attachment of all the necessary documents - the date of applying for a joint venture is considered the date: 1) indicated on the postmark of the federal postal organization, 2) filing an application using information and telecommunication networks of public use (including the Internet), 3) the date of receipt of the MFC application.

    An insurance pension is assigned earlier than the day of applying for a joint venture in the following cases:

    1) JV in old age - from the day following the day of dismissal from work when applying for JV no later than 30 days from the date of dismissal from work;

    2) Joint venture for disability - from the date of recognition of a person as disabled when applying for a joint venture no later than 12 months from that day;

    3) Joint venture in case of loss of the breadwinner - from the date of death of the breadwinner when applying for a joint venture no later than 12 months from the date of his death (if this period is exceeded - 12 months earlier than the day when applying for a joint venture).

    Old-age insurance pension to a person receiving a disability insurance pension who has reached the age for assigning an old-age insurance pension, has at least 15 years of insurance experience and an individual pension coefficient of at least 30, appointed from the day he reaches the specified age without requesting an application from him on the appointment of an old-age insurance pension on the basis of data at the disposal of the body carrying out the pension provision. Organ Pension provider, within 10 working days from the date of the decision on the appointment of an old-age insurance pension, notifies this person about the appointment of an old-age insurance pension to him.

    In case of refusal to satisfy the application on the appointment of a joint venture (transfer to a joint venture, from one type of joint venture to another) organ pension provider, no later than 5 five working days th after the day the said decision was made notifies the applicant about this, indicating the reason for the refusal, the procedure for his appeal and at the same time returns all documents submitted by him.

    Decisions on the establishment (refusal to establish) a joint venture, its payment, deductions from the joint venture, the collection of overpaid amounts of the joint venture can be appealed to a higher pension authority (in relation to the body that made the relevant decision) and / or to court.

    Terms of appointment of the joint venture:

    1) by old age - indefinitely;

    ( IPK value not less than 30) - until the day of reaching the age for the appointment of a social old-age pension (65/60 years).

    3) in the event of the loss of a breadwinner - for the period during which the person concerned is considered incapable of work (including indefinitely).

    Transfer from one type of joint venture to another (from another pension on the joint venture) is made from the 1st day of the month following the month in which the pensioner submitted the application with all the necessary documents, but not earlier than the day of acquisition of the right to the joint venture.

    Size recalculation SP, FV to SP is made from the 1st day of the month following the month in which:

    1) circumstances have come, entailing the recalculation of the size of the joint venture, the PV to the joint venture downward;

    2) a pensioner's application for recalculation of the size of the joint venture, the FV to the joint venture is accepted upward.

    The procedure for recalculating the size of the PV to SP when establishing a disability group :

    1) giving the right to a higher the size of the PV to SP for old age (disability), increasing the PV to SP for old age (disability) - from the day the ITU institution establishes the corresponding disability group without requiring a corresponding application from the pensioner on the basis of documents received from the federal institutions of the ITU;

    2) entailing recalculation downward, - from the 1st day of the month following the month by which the previous disability group was established.

    The recalculation of the size of the FV to the joint venture for old age in connection with the reaching of the age of 80 by the pensioner is made from the date of reaching the specified age without requesting the application.

    The term for consideration of an application for recalculating a joint venture or transferring to another joint venture is 5 working days from the date of receipt of the application (the day of receipt of the requested documents).

    In the event of a plausibility check documents (failure to submit the necessary documents within the prescribed period) the FIU has the right to suspend a term consideration of the application before the completion of the verification (submission of the requested documents), but not more thanthree months .

    Pay insurance pension on the territory of the Russian Federation, including its delivery, is made for the current month .

    Accrued amounts insurance pension, whose payment has been suspended by the body carrying out pension provision, and which were not claimed by the pensioner in a timely manner, are paid to him for the past time, but not more than three years preceding the month following the month in which he applied for the accrued insurance pension. An insurance pension that is not received by a pensioner in a timely manner through the fault of the body carrying out pension provision is paid to him for the past time without any time limit.

    Accrued amounts insurance pensions due to the pensioner in the current month and remaining unreceived in connection with his death in the specified month, are paid to members of his family who lived with this pensioner on the day of his death, if the application for the unreceived amounts of the specified pension followed no later than six months from the date of death of the pensioner. When several family members apply for the specified amounts of the insurance pension, the amounts of the insurance pension due to them are divided equally between them.

    The pensioner is obliged to notify body providing pension provision, aboutleaving for permanent residence outside the territory of the Russian Federation by submitting a relevant application no earlier than one month before the departure date.

    Based on the application of a person who has left the territory of the Russian Federation for permanent residence, submitted in writing or in the form of an electronic document, as well as documents, the amount of the insurance pension assigned to him is paid in the territory of the Russian Federation in rubles by power of attorney or by crediting to his account with a credit institution ...

    At the moment, great attention is paid to citizens who suffered as a result of the disaster in 1986 at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant (ChNPP) and assigned only to such persons as support from the state.

    The legal aspect of this type of pension provision is touched upon in the Federal Law of December 15, 2001 No. 166-FZ "On state pension provision in the Russian Federation", as well as in the law of the Russian Federation of 05.15.1991 N 1244-1 "O social protection citizens exposed to radiation as a result of the disaster at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant.

    Types of state pension provision

    On April 1, 2018, the total amount of social pension was indexed by 4.1% and amounted to 5240.65 rubles.

    1. Post office... Pension delivery is carried out at home, or, at the request of the recipient of payments, the money can be received at the post office.
    2. Bank. You can get it at the office of a credit institution, or get a bank card.
    3. Pension delivery organization... There are also two options for receiving payments: in person at the office, or at home.

    The recipient of pension payments at any time can change both the organization and the method of delivery of funds, for this you just need to submit an application to the FIU.

    The right to choose the type of pension

    Those affected by the events of 1986 in Chernobyl have the right to immediately several types pension provision:

    1. For state payments for old age or disability.
    2. For an old age (disability) insurance pension.

    In accordance with Federal law of December 28, 2013 No. 400-FZ, an old-age insurance pension can be awarded if you have 9 years of work experience and the number of points equal to 13.8.

    Disability pension insurance is established if there is at least one fixed working day.

    The pensioner himself has the right to choose the most advantageous variant of the pension payment. However, the appointment of two pensions at once impossible, a decision should be made in favor of one pension provision.

    On the types of pensions for state pensions

    State pension provision directly affects the interests of the disabled population of the country. State pensions are intended for members of society who are not covered by the mandatory pension insurance system, who have not earned labor or need additional financial support.

    The article informs in detail about the types of pensions for state pension provision, the conditions for their appointment.

    These payments are intended to compensate for lost income, health damage, and also provide a means of subsistence for persons recognized as disabled. The payment is made once a month.

    State pensions are financed directly by the budget of the Russian Federation. They do not depend on transfers to private pension insurance funds or on contributions to the Pension Fund (PFR), as is the case with compulsory insurance.

    Types of pension payments in the Russian Federation

    In Russia, as a measure of support for certain categories of the population, the following state and social pensions are provided for by state pensions:

    1. state pensions for seniority;
    2. social and state:
    • old age;
    • by deprivation of the breadwinner;
    • on disability.

    Social pensions under state pensions are intended to support members of society who are unable to work due to the current circumstances. These payments are provided for residents of the Russian Federation permanently residing in Russia: Russian citizens, persons without citizenship or foreigners.

    General Conditions for Granting State Pensions

    Pensions are assigned not earlier than the date when the right to it arose, in the same month when the appeal took place.

    Seniority pensions

    The appointment of the state pension for the length of service and insurance pensions for disability, old age, according to the law, occurs simultaneously.

    The recipients are state. RF employees (civil and military), law enforcement officers, test pilots and cosmonauts.

    Service pensions are indefinite unless the pensions are awarded to civil servants and test pilots in addition to disability insurance pensions. In such a situation, the duration of the payment of the said pension cannot exceed the period of disability.

    For state employees

    Federal state positions include the positions of the President of the Russian Federation, the Chairmen of the Government, the State Duma, the Federation Council, as well as their deputies. The list includes ministers, ambassadors, chairmen and judges of the Supreme and Constitutional Courts, federal judges, the Prosecutor General, the Chairman of the Investigative Committee, the Chairman and the Auditor of the Accounts Chamber, the Chairman of the Central Election Commission, the Chairman of the Central Bank, heads of the subjects of the Russian Federation, employees of these departments, municipal employees. A complete list of government positions in the Russian Federation is established by the Decree of the President.

    According to the law №166-ФЗ "On state. retirement security ”, after dismissal, subject to the specified conditions, civil servants are assigned a seniority pension.


    • minimum allowable;
    • replacement of federal state. posts for the required period;
    • the reason for dismissal is included in the list given in the law "On state. Civil Service of the Russian Federation "No. 79-FZ.

    For retirement, a requirement has been established - sixteen years of experience in 2018, in each next year the established period is increased by six months so that by 2026 it will reach twenty.

    The minimum period for replacing state. the position of the Russian Federation is at least 1 year.

    The following grounds are allowed for dismissal:

    • agreement of the parties;
    • the term of the contract has expired;
    • the contract is terminated on the personal initiative of the employee;
    • refusal to fill another proposed position on one of the following grounds: due to deterioration in health, due to replacement, the essential terms of the contract change or refusal to transfer to another locality from the state. body;
    • at the initiative of the employer due to inadequacy for the position held: poor health or due to failure to pass certification and non-confirmation of qualifications;
    • reduction;
    • the abolition of a government department;
    • termination of the contract for reasons beyond the control of the parties: restoration of an employee who previously held office by court, the onset of an emergency;
    • complete inability to work on a medical report;
    • the onset of the maximum permissible age.

    State and social pensions

    State employees who terminate the contract on their own initiative and held the state until the moment of dismissal. positions of the Russian Federation for a seven-year term or more, with a total service life of twenty-five years, the pension is paid before the maturity of the pensions assigned for disability, old age.

    The pension is forty-five percent of the average monthly salary, minus the defined benefit insurance pensions for old age and disability. For each year exceeding the minimum seniority, 3 percent is added to, a maximum of 75 percent.

    To apply for a pension, an application is filled out in the personnel department of the state body of the Russian Federation, where the position was filled. If the state body was liquidated, reorganized, then the application will be accepted by the department to which its functions are transferred. Instructions for filling out applications can be found on the PFR website. Provided a passport, documents on the passage of state. service. Additionally, if available, documents are presented indicating that the service was abandoned due to poor health.

    For military personnel, security officials

    According to Law No. 4468-1 on pensions for military personnel and employees of law enforcement agencies, work with pensions is carried out in the Ministry of Defense, the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Federal Penitentiary Service, the FSB, the Service for the Control of the Traffic of Narcotic and Psychotropic Substances. State pensions are paid not by the FIU, but by the government agency at the place of work.

    Law 4468-1 established the amount of pensions for employees of these departments. The law provides for a service pension for all servicemen, except for foremen, soldiers, sergeants, sailors - they receive such pensions only if they served under a contract.

    For the length of service in twenty years, the size of the pension for state pension provision is half of the monetary allowance. In the future, the pension is increased annually by three percent, but not more than 85 percent.

    With a total work experience of twenty-five years and a minimum continuous length of service of the state. service from twelve and a half years, the pension is calculated as follows: for twenty-five years of service, half of the monetary allowance is charged, in the future, for each year over the minimum length of service, the amount of the pension increases by one percent.

    For astronauts

    male astronauts need at least twenty-five years of work in the relevant position, women only need to work twenty years. Requirements for the minimum length of service in a flight test crew are from ten years for men and from seven and a half for women.

    The minimum pension will be 55 percent of the amount of monetary allowance received, three percent is added to it for each year of exceeding the length of service, but not more than 85 in the end.

    Upon dismissal due to health problems, a general experience of twenty and fifteen years is enough. Then the pension will be different - for each year that was not enough for the required length of service, the amount is reduced by two percent of the amount of the received monetary allowance.

    Astronauts receive two pensions at once: for length of service and old-age insurance, excluding fixed payments to it.

    For test pilots

    For men, the minimum length of service is from twenty-five years and at least twenty for women, and two-thirds of this time should be work in flight tests and research.

    The pension will be 1000% of the social. pensions minus insurance pensions established for old age, disability with fixed payments to them. For each year of exceeding the length of service, an additional payment of 25% of the social. pensions, but not more than 1500% in total. With employment in flight tests for less than two-thirds of the time, the pension will be 800% of the social. pensions, for years exceeding the minimum seniority, an additional payment of the same amount of 25% of the social. pensions, but not more than 1300%.

    For those who quit due to health problems, the minimum length of service is five years less. In this case, for each year missing to the minimum length of service is reduced by an amount equal to half of the social. pensions.

    Old age

    The payment is intended to support victims of radiation and various man-made disasters. Appointed indefinitely.

    The terms of appointment differ depending on the following circumstances:

    • the status of a person who suffered due to the disaster;
    • the nature and specifics of the work performed;
    • time, place, period of residence in an area contaminated with radiation;
    • radiation sickness, illness and disability due to the disaster.

    Indexation of pensions

    Persons who participated in the elimination of the consequences of the accident that occurred at the nuclear power plant in Chernobyl (Chernobyl), who subsequently fell ill with radiation sickness or became disabled, receive a pension that is two and a half times more social. Persons who have lived and worked in areas that are contaminated with radiation will receive double social services. retirement. If these citizens have dependent relatives, they are entitled to a pension increased by 1678 rubles. 08 k. Monthly for each dependent, no more than 3.

    Pensioners affected by the Chernobyl accident independently choose the law for assigning pension payments:

    • “On Insurance Pensions” - work experience in 2018 is at least nine years, the requirement for the size of work experience is increasing every year and by 2024 it will be fifteen years. The minimum value of pension points is slightly less than 14 in 2018, and it increases annually to reach the sum of 30 points by 2025;
    • "About the state. retirement security "- the requirement for work experience of at least five years.

    An application for obtaining a pension is submitted at the place of residence to the territorial division of the Pension Fund of Russia or to the MFC. Remote submission of documents on the PFR website through the personal account service is allowed.

    Along with the application, a passport, documents from work and documents confirming that the applicant participated in the elimination of the consequences that occurred from radiation accidents, other man-made disasters, and residence in a radioactive zone are presented.

    Loss of breadwinner

    Disabled relatives who were dependent on the soldier, after his death or death, are assigned a pension for the period of disability, may be indefinite. The same pension is assigned to the dependents of a deceased (deceased) person who has suffered from a radiation or man-made disaster.

    After the death (death) of an astronaut, a pension is assigned to his minor children who were dependent on their parents at the age of sixty - the father and fifty-five - the mother. The spouse of the breadwinner is given a pension without taking into account the ability to work and age.

    The size of the pension for the military's relatives ranges from one and a half to two times the size of the social pension. Relatives of a person affected by a radiation, man-made disaster - a pension in the amount of 1.25–2.50 of the social pension.

    Each close relative of the deceased or deceased astronaut will receive a portion of his monetary allowance in the amount of forty percent.


    Pensions are assigned for the period of being in the status of a disabled person, and can be unlimited.

    Pension recipients:

    • firstly, these are astronauts who have received a disability in connection with the preparation of a flight into space or its implementation;
    • secondly, pensions are paid to participants in the Great Patriotic War (WWII);
    • thirdly, the population recognized as victims of a radiation or man-made disaster, if the work experience is from 1 day or more;
    • fourthly, the blockade soldiers awarded with special signs are residents of Leningrad;
    • fifth, military personnel called up for service during which they became disabled, including three months after the end of the service.

    Those who have received a disability after a military injury receive a pension depending on the disability groups in the amount of 175-300% of social services. pensions. With a disability due to illness, the value of the pension exceeds the social one by one and a half - two and a half times.

    If there are dependents, then an amount of about 1,700 rubles is paid in addition to the calculation for each dependent, a maximum of three.

    People who have suffered from radiation disasters, man-made, are assigned a pension that is 2.5 times higher than social benefits. retirement.

    The amount of the pension of the participant of the Great Patriotic War exceeds the social. a pension of one and a half - two and a half times, a blockade pension - in the amount of one to two social pensions.

    Disabled astronauts of the third group receive a pension in the amount of half of the allowance; for the first two groups of disability, the amount will be 85 percent.

    Conditions for granting a social pension

    • Old age

    Pension size

    People living in the North and belonging to its small peoples are assigned social services. old-age pension: when men reach the age of fifty-five, the minimum age for women is fifty. The rest of the disabled members of society are required to reach the 65-year threshold for men and sixty years for women. The term of the assigned state pension is indefinite, in the amount of about five thousand rubles.

    • Loss of breadwinner

    A child under the age of eighteen who has lost both or one of his parents, as well as a full-time student under twenty three years receives state. support in the form of social. pension paid upon deprivation of the breadwinner. Such payments are due and, who was abandoned or thrown by a mother, whose identity remained unknown, subject to the registration of the birth in the manner prescribed by law.

    The size of the pension differs depending on the number of remaining parents, in rubles monthly:

    1. a child who has lost one of the parents receives from the state about five thousand rubles;
    2. a child who does not have both parents or they are unknown receives a little more than ten thousand rubles.
    • Disability

    Social the pension is a measure of support for adults and children with disabilities on the part of the state and is assigned for a period until the disability is lifted, it can be unlimited.

    The amount of the pension is different for each of the three disability groups, in rubles on a monthly basis:

    • the first group - just over ten thousand;
    • the first group from childhood - just over twelve thousand;
    • the second group - about five thousand;
    • the second group from childhood - just over ten thousand;
    • the third group - about four thousand three hundred.

    State provision of pensions is an important guarantee of the stability of society. Citizens who served for the good of the Motherland and faced difficulties in life, it is important to have an idea of ​​how pensions are assigned and paid. Those who were left without the care of breadwinners, lost their ability to work or did not earn the right to an insurance pension need to know about the existing state measures. support.

    Video about the increase in social pensions and pensions for state pensions:

    Mar 20, 2018 Help manual

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    A monthly pension payment, the procedure for the provision of which and the right to receive it is determined by legislative norms (Article 166 of the Federal Law), refers to state pension provision.

    Such payments are provided to citizens as income, which were lost due to the termination of public service. Persons who have reached retirement age, as well as citizens who have received a disability as a result of work or a man-made disaster.

    Also, individuals and military personnel who have lost their health in the service can count on the support of the state.

    The following categories can count on state provision of pensions:

    • citizens of the Russian Federation;
    • foreigners permanently residing in the territory of the state, but at the same time not
    • who received citizenship.

    State support implies the payment of such pensions, regardless of whether citizens receive or retirement pensions.

    In the 4th article of the Law on state provision of pensions, the category of persons entitled to receive payments includes:

    • civil servants;
    • people who took part in the Second World War;
    • military personnel;
    • victims of disasters (meaning man-made and radiation cataclysms);
    • disabled persons (disabled people);
    • as well as all family members of the categories listed above.

    Funding for payments is made exclusively from the federal budget.

    Such pensions are subject to district coefficient- that is, basic payments will be increased when staying and living in certain regions (for example, on). For residents of regions with difficult climatic conditions, payments are increased for the entire period of residence in such an area. After moving to a new place of residence, the coefficient ceases to be taken into account - the pension is re-calculated and indexed in the amount established by law.

    There are the following types of payments related to government security:

    • - provided to employees or military personnel who have received a disability;
    • - this type of payments is addressed to disabled citizens;
    • in the event of the loss of a breadwinner (payments are made in the event of his death) - type state support for families of military personnel and persons affected by disasters (man-made or radiation);
    • old age - this type of pension is paid to citizens whose health has been damaged as a result of a man-made disaster;
    • - paid to former civil servants and military personnel.


    Old-age pension payments related to state support are provided only to one category - to persons affected by man-made disasters. Their sizes are set in accordance with the Federal Law under number 166.

    The main conditions for receiving such payments are:

    • documents confirming participation in the elimination of a man-made disaster (for example, at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant);
    • the presence of the necessary (at least five years) or reaching the retirement age (for women 45, and for men 50 years);
    • belonging to the specified category;
    • long-term stay in a contaminated area (or living in an unfavorable area for health).

    Persons affected by disasters are divided (using the example of the liquidation participants at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant):

    • on the liquidators;
    • forcibly evacuated;
    • those who left voluntarily;
    • have received a disability;
    • employed in hazardous areas, but not living there;
    • permanent residents in hazardous areas (with the right to resettlement).

    The procedure for submitting documents and processing payments includes the following stages:

    • Visiting the Pension Fund in person (a representative with a notarized power of attorney can also provide a package of documents) and submit all the necessary documents along with the application.
    • Waiting for accrual. According to the law, accrual occurs from the first day of the month in which the documents were submitted (but not earlier than the date when the rights to receive pension payments arise!).
    • Receiving a pension. Each pensioner has the right to choose the organization that will deliver the money, as well as the place of receipt. For example, you can receive money through the cashier of the organization, directly to a bank account, or at home. It is also allowed to entrust the receipt to a trusted person (the validity period of such a document is one year).

    To change the delivery method, you must contact the Pension Fund again(written notification sent).

    Two pensions - who has the right to receive?

    The vast majority of citizens who have reached retirement age receive only one monthly pension payment. But the law provides for exceptions to this rule for several categories at once (Federal Law No. 166 of 12/15/2001 and the law of the Russian Federation No. 4468-1).

    I can apply for two pension payments:

    • Chernobyl disabled (have the right to choose state support and labor pension- the main condition for such a choice is five years of insurance or work experience);
    • those who participated in the Second World War and have a disability (two pension payments are paid - for old age and disability);
    • persons who served in the Russian army and received a disability;
    • parents of military personnel who died during military service;
    • servicemen's widows (receive payments for old age and for the loss of a breadwinner);
    • civil servants who have reached seniority;
    • cosmonauts and test pilots (in case of death, family members receive payments);
    • residents of besieged Leningrad who have a corresponding award;
    • servicemen who have the right to an insurance pension (except for privates, sailors and foremen).

    Also, employees of the internal affairs bodies, the drug control service, the bodies of the penitentiary system, and the fire service can count on receiving two types of pension payments (length of service and labor).