
Halloween costumes for children witch. How to create an unforgettable Halloween witch look


How do witches dress? What clothes to choose for a gothic party? With these questions, we turned to the stylist - Marina Svartsevich. Marina is a graduate of the Andre Tana Academy of Style and Beauty.

Today our conversation will be on a very unusual topic - the dress code of a woman-medium or psychic, a witch, a sorceress (in the old fashioned way) or a healer. Since not only women, but also men can be mediums (and they are sometimes even much more authoritative in predicting and managing the future than women), we have prepared a separate material for them with an eye to this.

on the picture:Marina Svartsevich

There are a lot of names for this profession - medium - there are significant differences in nuances, but not so significant in order to indicate the style of clothing for each name separately. The meaning of the image of a witch woman always remains the same: a halo of some mystery and a connection with otherworldly forces, inaccessible to mere mortals - rather incomprehensible to mere mortals. But that's just because they don't pay enough attention to developing these skills ...

The expression "female intuition" is on everyone's lips, and in most cases, intuition works flawlessly, especially when it comes to the woman herself.

How to become a medium? Where do these abilities come from? If you plunge into history, for example, in the Middle Ages, then the concept of "witch" was extremely widespread. Moreover, it was with a negative connotation, and after all, one could call witches (sorcerers) and healers, because they healed people with herbs and spells, so to speak, with folk and natural remedies.

And here you can already make a division into "good" and "evil", even if it sounds a little fabulous. It is from this moment that we will build on, developing a wardrobe capsule for a woman medium.

The clothes of witches who were associated with an unclean, dark otherworldly force are always black clothes, long dresses, skirts, wide cloaks with hoods, and hats. Accordingly, sorceresses with similar abilities, but using them for the good of people, dressed in light clothes. Various pendants, rings, bracelets have always been integral accessories of the images of both the first and the second.

When I think about a wardrobe for a woman-medium, I, like any modern person, I am sure, still comes to mind a strong association with a woman-witch. Partly stereotype works appearance- something necessarily long and necessarily black. Like in the movie "Elvira - Lady of Darkness" (but not so frank!).

However, if you remember other modern films, such as"Eastwood Witches" or" All women are witches", In which witches in their everyday looks do not look frightening and unusual at all, then you understand that women of any profession, first of all - Women and dream of looking only and only attractively.

"All women are witches"

"Charmed 2"

"Eastwood Witches"

"Eastwood Witches"

So, combining the past and the present, stereotypes and modern views and, adding to all this the fact that the medium (witch) is already one of the modern professions, I bring to your attention a collage of how, according to the stylist, a woman can dress. medium: so that the first glance is enough to determine what she is doing.

Please note that it gives the image originality and mystery - we owe this impression precisely to the abundance of accessories in vintage style.

And if you also create a corresponding make-up, for example, such as that of the same Elvira from the movie« Elvira - Lady of Darkness» , then not only a woman-medium, but also any girl who does not have the necessary abilities at all can safely appear in such clothes at a gothic party. And be sure to take a pumpkin-shaped handbag with you - this will serve as the best complement to your look!

photo from

For information on how to dress correctly for a male medium in order to make a proper impression on others, as well as - the ideal interior for a female magini receptionist - read on portal 2 queens. ru- in our next articles!

The fashion to celebrate Halloween came to us from the USA. There it is a massive masquerade that takes place on the streets of the city. We have the idea of ​​celebrating All Saints' Day loved by many, but has not yet found such a massive distribution. In most cases, young people are satisfied themed parties and dresses up in interesting and scary Halloween costumes. And the most important thing at such a holiday is to match the image as much as possible. Any costume can be sewn on your own, because this option will not only be original, but also save money.

Costume Ideas

Any image must be associated with evil spirits. It's better for princesses and fairies to visit another holiday. On a day when dark forces awaken and emerge from their sanctuaries, it is better to fit this theme. Scary Halloween costumes can display such characters: a vampire, a devil, a dead man, a ghost, a zombie, and of course a witch.

The pumpkin is an integral symbol of Halloween. It can be of any shape and size. Holes for the mouth and eyes are cut into the vegetable, the middle is completely removed, and a candle is placed in its place. The costume of this very pumpkin can also be original.

Girls happily dress up as a vampire, a dead nurse or a bloody princess. The couple can pay attention to the pirate and his faithful companion.

Among the general fun, there are also positive characters: Van Helsing, Harry Potter and his friends, Jack Sparrow, Terminator, Transformers, Spider-Man and other superheroes, Zorro.

But the most popular image for adult girls, women and little girls is the witch. How to do it yourself on Halloween will be discussed further.

How to choose an image for a witch

A traditional witch is a lady in a beautiful dark dress with a mantle or cape, always wearing a hat and a broom. But modern fairy tales and films dictate their fashion about how a witch should look. It is from cinematic tapes that you can get ideas. This will help you figure out how to make a Halloween witch costume and what details to pay attention to. Here are some examples of the most popular images.

Witch from old fairy tales

Such an old woman seems to us Baba Yaga on a broomstick and in a mortar. She has gray hair, sly eyes and warts on her face. If you are not afraid that children will be afraid of such an image, then feel free to experiment. In clothes, take a look at your grandmother's old rags: a long skirt, an apron, a shirt and a vest on top. Cover up

Witch from the forest

It can be good or bad. Add natural elements to your look: leaves, berries. Let them be present on a hat or dress. V colors stick to shades of green and yellow. The main outfit can be dark green or Brown, the cape is made of light airy materials. A small hat will look original. Pay special attention to your eyes and makeup, whiten your skin and add green or blue eyeshadow.

Charming gothic

Such a sorceress never smiles and is very strict. Her dress and all other elements are exclusively black. Her lips are red and scarlet, and her eyes hide a terrifying depth. All accessories are spiders, cobwebs, black cats, crosses. For this look, choose a long

Fashionable witch

This is the image of a cheerful, perky sorceress. She is casual and light, sexy and very alluring. For a fashionable witch, a short fluffy dress or skirt is suitable. Do not be limited in colors: it can be a combination of black and pink, purple, light green or green. Such a witch may even have the most daring image for experiments instead of a broom.

Unapproachable queen

Imagine Snow Queen... She is strict, mysterious and unapproachable. She has a chic dress and a high collar. She may not have a hat, but a cool look is required. When choosing a dress, pay attention to a fluffy long skirt, decorated with many folds. Be sure to throw an elegant robe over your shoulders.

Witch costume components

Beautiful evil sorceresses from fairy tales have always attracted with their mystery. Remember the same Maleficent. One glance was mesmerizing. A beautiful bright costume with a black cape and a long fluffy skirt to the floor - such an extraordinary outfit can easily be bought in a store, but making a witch costume for Halloween with your own hands is very simple. Consider the main components of any such outfit:

  • hat;
  • corset;
  • skirt;
  • cape.

The corset and skirt can be combined into a single dress. But without special skills in cutting and sewing, you can separate these elements and get an equally delightful result. Consider how to make a witch costume at home in stages.


What does a witch's hat look like? That's right, it is acute-angled with wide margins. If you do not have a suitable one at home, then it can be easily cut out and made. What you need for this:

  • white and brown cardboard;
  • ribbons or any other decorations on the hat (you can make spiders out of black paper);
  • scissors;
  • glue;
  • needle and thread.

Instead of a paper hat, you can also make a cloth hat. Felt is ideal for this purpose. It does not crumble, holds its shape well and is easy to use. In addition, various decorations are better attached to such fabric.

Hat making instructions

  1. The first step is to cut a circle out of white cardboard with a hole in the middle. The diameter of the hole should be equal to the circumference of the head.
  2. Then you need to transfer the size of the circle to brown cardboard. The contours are drawn with a pencil, but the hole is not completely cut. Instead, triangular cuts are made in it along the entire diameter and folded. They will form the basis for attaching the cone.
  3. The cone is done like this. The brown cardboard must be folded like a bag for seeds. The bottom edge needs to be aligned and trimmed to the same length. The diameter of the base of the cone should be equal to the inner circumference of the brim of the hat.
  4. Then you need to put the cone on the triangles and glue it well.
  5. Then decorate the hat with a ribbon, securing it with a needle and thread. Any other elements can act as decoration: stars, rhinestones, fabric spiders.

The hat can be of any size. Little princesses will gladly put on a neat hat with a hairpin or headband. If you don't want to wear a bulky accessory, you can experiment with others. For example, a bat headband will do.

Search the internet for a stencil, or draw your own bat silhouette. Transfer it to black cardboard and cut it out. Try to make the mice different in size to make the composition look livelier. Bend each workpiece in half, so you get the impression of a fluttering mouse. In the center, make two holes through which to fasten the wire. Tie the other end of the rod to the rim. Put it on your head and amaze everyone with how wonderful you managed to sew a witch costume.


In order to sew the simplest version of clothing, a witch costume pattern is not needed. Any black blouse, T-shirt or bodysuit can serve as a top for a dress.

In the above version, a long length is used as the main element. black dress to the floor. Surely this can be found in the wardrobe of any lady. If you are not sure if black suits you, give preference to other shades, for example, purple or gray. In general, when going to Halloween, do not think about which color scheme should dominate. Only your imagination should work here.

For the authenticity of the image, decorate your top with some symbolic elements: rhinestones, stars, beads. Place a crow or black cat on your shoulder.


Witch costume (adult) implies the use of long skirt to the floor. If you don't have one, borrow it from your grandmother or a friend's relative. You can also buy it, but you are unlikely to ever wear it again.

There can be a lot of options for designing a skirt. In order for a witch's Halloween costume, created with your own hands, to be distinguished by originality, do not be afraid to show your imagination. If you don't have a long skirt, take a short one. Or maybe you have a dress at all, then that's fine too. From a transparent black fabric, cut a rectangle that is as long as the floor, and in width it should be twice the girth of your hips. Make folds with your hands, fix them with a needle and thread. Draw a long ribbon and tie it at the waist. The skirt is ready!

Halloween Kids Fluffy Skirt

Some of our babies also want to wear a witch costume. Children's option practically no different from an adult. All the same elements, the same materials. Let's see how to do fluffy skirt for the holiday, for a specific example.

Halloween witch costume for girls implies the use of following materials and tools:

  • dark bodysuit;
  • organza ribbons of two shades (they may be different, in our example, black and light green are used);
  • scissors;
  • rubber bands.

The first step is to measure the waist circumference. It should be noted that this skirt is suitable for both an adult and a child. Time for its production is half an hour.

Next, you need to cut strips from the tape. You need to calculate the length like this. First, determine your desired skirt length. Let's say for a child it will be 50 cm. Multiply this figure by two and add 2 cm. Total - 102 cm. Cut a lot of such strips.

Start attaching the strips to the elastic bands, following the diagram shown in the photo below.

Fold the tape in half and thread it through the elastic. Alternating colors, secure all tapes. You will see how they bulge. That is why dense materials are best suited for such purposes: organza or tulle.

Everything, the skirt is ready!


A do-it-yourself Halloween witch costume would be incomplete without a cape or cloak. The easiest option is to borrow it at any nearby costume shop. But we are making an original image. This means that our lovely lady will wear a witch costume made from scrap materials.

What are we looking for? For a cape or raincoat, we need any dark material available in the house. It can be a scarf, a husband's T-shirt, an old raincoat, whatever. Perhaps you have a beautiful openwork shawl in a dark color. Then the question of the cape is settled. Take on the look of a vintage dark seductress.

Now we offer you one unusual version of a spider web cape. Find something black to create it. You can use an old skirt or T-shirt. The size of the material will depend on how long you want the cape. Expect it to cover at least your shoulders.

Fold the material in half, and then fold it in half, as shown in the figure. Begin making the pattern from the edge where the folds are. Measure the circumference of your head. Divide the resulting number by 2. Set this length plus 2 cm from the edge of the fabric and mark. From the second corner, make the second. Connect the dots in a semicircle.

Set the length of the cape horizontally from the beginning of the folded edge. Along the length of the arms, it will be approximately 70 cm in one direction. Measure from the point of the neckline. Cut out a semicircle. You should have a pattern that looks like a sun skirt.

Any gown will have a similar shape. Find on the Internet a pattern for an ordinary sun skirt, replace the waist with a neckline - and the mantle is ready. A hood can be sewn on if needed. To do this, cut out two semicircular parts, sew in a straight line and attach in the neck from the back side.

Let's start forming the web for our example.

With chalk, trace vertical stripes on the fabric from the neck down. This will help keep the proportions. Cut the bottom figuratively. In a horizontal direction, draw each segment of the cobweb. Use sharp scissors or a utility knife to cut out the marked holes.

If the fabric is frayed, tuck the edges. For any gown, try to use lightweight, thin fabrics that won't weigh down your look. Halloween witch costume and decorative element are ready!

Optional accessories

How to make a witch costume for Halloween, we figured out. The hat is ready, the skirt is in place, the top is selected. There is even a cape. But that's not all. Need additional accessories to complete the look. What are these elements?

  1. Tights. If the event is held indoors, then, of course, you need to wear thin ones. Under short skirt it is better to wear black tights with a pattern. Choose an original ornament or mesh. For an event taking place on the street, it is better to choose a warmer option, after all, the end of October. Opt for striped leggings.
  2. Shoes. It can be shoes or boots, it doesn't matter at all. Choose a platform that is comfortable for you to dance and have fun until the early hours of the morning.
  3. Earrings. Bright eye-catching jewelry is what you need. Halloween is that holiday where everything cannot be too much. Feel free to choose earrings with large stones, in the form of a spider web or a black cat.
  4. Rings, brooches, necklaces. Everything should be thematically stylized. Take the time to go shopping and pick up accessories for your witch costume.
  5. Handbag. Best of all, of course, a small classic clutch will look. Brave girls can successfully replace it with a bowler hat. By analogy with, you can make it yourself from cardboard and sheathe it with a dark cloth. A little tip: you shouldn't keep your mobile or wallet in it.
  6. Broom. Well, what is a witch without a broom? It can be small, in the form of a brooch, or large, such that you can hold in your hand. A broom must be present!

How to make a broom

If you live in a region where there is still no snow at the end of October, then you are very lucky. Go to the nearest park and pick up a lot of small twigs. Collect them in a bunch, attach a thicker long stick to them and you're done!

Dry grass can be used instead of twigs. She, too, will look no worse, and most importantly, it is safer this way.

You can make a small broom. She decorates an outfit or festive table... For needlework you will need: a bamboo skewer, rope threads, thin threads, scissors.

Cut the flagella at least 7 cm long. Make a small bundle, insert a skewer into it and tighten on one side with a thin thread. Unscrew the threads and pull the thread again at the base. The broom is ready.

Making a witch costume for Halloween with your own hands is very simple. If you have no sewing skills or talent, use simple materials, ready-made skirts and t-shirts. After all, the most important thing in preparing an image is to properly decorate things and apply makeup. Do not forget about the main elements of the image of any witch: hat, robe and broom.

The simplest witch costume can be made in 10-15 minutes. All you need is any black clothes (this will be the basis) and festive decor. Decor - cobwebs, spiders, bats, insects, etc. before the holiday can be found in any store or, at worst, cut out of cardboard, fabric or even a mouse pad.

Rags and decorative elements (it is better to paint them in black or shades of gray) are attached to the base garment - and your costume is ready. It remains to supplement it with the appropriate makeup, and it will be possible to go to the holiday.

A witch costume for Halloween can be made with your own hands and in 5 minutes. It is enough to dress in black, tousle your hair, and paint the visible areas of the skin with green make-up. Striped knee-highs or tights and pointed shoes are a good addition to such a suit, but they are optional.

Witch hat

Your only carnival attribute may well be a pointed witch's hat. The easiest way is to make a witch's hat out of a hard material such as cardboard or felt.

You can decorate the hat with the same bugs, mice, or, for example, autumn leaves, feathers and ribbons, small bubbles with "poisons".

The witch's hat can be very small, decorative. The main difficulty is to securely fix it in your hair. To do this, you need to glue a bezel, hairpin, hairpin to the finished hat, and be sure to check in advance whether the hat will hold.

An interesting alternative to a hat - "fluttering" the bats. They are cut out of black paper and attached to the rim with wire. To make the bats look convincing, bend them as shown in the photo.

Broom for a witch costume

If you do for Halloween baby suit witches, be sure to complete it with a broom! A broom can be made from grass and a branch - paint them black from a can and collect them.

If you live in a big city and you have no desire to dig out wet grass from under the first snow, look into any flower shop. A luxurious witch broom can be made from gypsophila, asparagus, or any other inexpensive lush flower.

Left - asparagus, right - gypsophila

Curved toe shoes

Shoes for a Halloween witch costume - always black, long noses and heels. You can make perfect shoes from any old ones - scratched, ugly, and just boring.

Model a pointed nose using masking tape and foil. Clip it securely to your shoes. Cover the shoes with newspaper or prime them with a coat of paint. Apply a final coat with spray paint. When the shoes are dry, coat them with PVA glue and sprinkle with glitter.

Witch skirt

A young witch can afford a brighter outfit: black leggings and a turtleneck combined with a bright fluffy skirt. This skirt doesn't even need to be sewn! Long colored and black mesh patches are simply tied to an elastic band. A budget alternative - a bag skirt - often looks just as good.

Witch costume- the perfect solution for a little girl and teenage girl preparing for a festive masquerade on the occasion of the New Year or Halloween. You can buy it in a specialty store or do it yourself. When it comes to a costume, we mean not only a dress, but also additional accessories: jewelry, a headdress, a magic staff or a ball.

You will definitely succeed in doing DIY witch costume if you follow our master classes closely. Today we invite you to consider an image that is gaining momentum in popularity thanks to the release of a new Hollywood fairy tale - "Maleficent".

The appearance of this witch is bright and memorable, despite the fact that exclusively black color is used to create it.

If you want to create such DIY Halloween witch costume, then you have to make a magic staff, a headdress with horns, black large wings and the dress itself with a black cape.

Witch costume

At first it may seem to you that it is very difficult to make the image of Maleficent, because you need to complete many separate accessories that are included in witch costume, photo which can be viewed on the vastness of the global web. And in order to get a portion of inspiration before the creative process, you can turn on the film itself, so you will definitely appreciate what the outfit should be, as close as possible to the original.

Of course, the best costume designers and designers worked on creating the image of Angelina Jolie, but we are sure that even an inexperienced seamstress who has little experience in creating accessories with her own hands will cope with this task, because before you probably made simple ones, but now you have a more difficult one task.

Let's start the outfit with the most important accessory, the visiting card of our witch - her headdress with horns. You will be surprised, but in order to make such horns, you only need foil and no complicated tools.

The entire base will be made of foil, which will then need to be reinforced with mounting tape and decorated with black glossy material.

In addition to a roll of foil, we also need a black rim, a roll of masking tape and the usual wide transparent, glue heat gun, scissors and a piece of black leatherette.

At the first stage, place the working space in front of a large mirror, now you only need foil, you can first cut it into pieces of 30-40 cm. Since the headdress must fit snugly to the head, we will make the blank by laying out the foil directly on the crown of the head. To do this, the hairstyle must be made smooth by pulling the hair into a tight low ponytail or braid.

Now we take pieces of foil and apply them to the head: you should get a "bathing cap" that would slightly cover the ears, and in front would go along the hairline. If you look at the photographs, you will see that there is a triangle in the center of the forehead on the headdress, which descends in the middle from the hairline and falls on the forehead. When you lay the base on your head in several layers, you need to carefully compact the layers with your hands, and then secure the result with transparent tape, tearing it off in small pieces.

Now the finished workpiece can be removed from the head, after which it can be strengthened with mounting tape from the outside and inside. Thus, you have got the base, where the horns will then be attached. To decorate it with black fabric (leatherette) you need a thermal gun. When you glue the fabric, try to smooth it so as not to form convex folds on the surface, although even folds cannot ruin such a bright headdress, because all the guests' attention will be riveted to the horns.

DIY witch costume

how to make a witch costume for halloween: we will make horns. Again, we need foil: we will twist it into a long cone, at first it is not necessary to twist it tightly, and when it is ready for the cone, we need to compact the material along the entire length with our hands and give the horns the necessary shape. You can shape like the original character, or come up with your own, which will add originality alongside.

Foil blanks must also be strengthened first with ordinary tape, wrapping them in a circle, and then using assembly tape. At the end, we will decorate the blank with black leatherette. The fabric should be cut into strips, and the horns should be wrapped around them, not fixing with hot melt glue.

The three components of our headdress are ready, and now you can assemble a one-piece accessory, the main decoration of our future costume. First, a black rim should be glued to the inner side of the base, it is thanks to it that the "cap" will not fly off. And then glue the horns on the sides and you can enjoy the result.

How to make a witch costume

Now you can move on to the next step, how to make a witch costume: this time we will perform one more essential accessory for every real sorceress - her magic staff, because it is with its help that she implements her secret spells.

For a magic staff, we need a long stick (its length, of course, depends on your height, it is desirable that the stick reaches somewhere to the chest). For decoration we need black electrical tape, black spray paint, dense black material. The main element of our staff will be a sparkling green ball, you can buy such a children's toy, or purchase a small piece of shimmering dark fabric and fit it with a foam ball-shaped base.

A similar staff will complement others, for example, if your son decided to dress up for the New Year's party as the wizard Gandalf. The idea will definitely come in handy if you chose a simpler one. halloween witch costume.

The shimmering ball must be glued to the measuring cup, which will be its base, and it is with the help of the cup that we will be able to securely fix the ball on the stick.

Separately, it is necessary to cut out three black "petals" from dense material, which will envelop our ball. If you don’t have a dense fabric at hand that would keep its shape, you can use a trick and cut out two parts of the corresponding shape for each "petal" from leatherette, leaving allowances for the seams. We also need an old plastic folder for papers, from which three shapes should be cut required size... Now it remains to sew the leatherette blanks, turn them out and place a plastic form inside. Our petals are ready, they need to surround the ball and wrap the base with electrical tape.

To make the magic staff as close as possible to the original, it must be rewound with twine. The rope should run loosely, forming a patterned weave, then spray paint everything and let it sit until dry. With such a staff witch costume for girl it will turn out to be incredibly beautiful, original, and you will remember the photos from this wonderful holiday.

If you do not want your child to appear at the New Year's party in such a gloomy outfit, then do it.

Halloween witch costume

If you take a close look at halloween witch costume photo, then you will immediately guess which accessory we will be performing next. Of course, huge black wings, in which the main strength of our fabulous beauty was hidden, who hid a kind, loving heart behind her dark appearance.

In the store where you will find witch costume, buy wings are also possible, however we will not look for easy ways and will also make them with our own hands from improvised and available materials.

There is a very simple way to make wings: for this you need a coil of wire that is flexible but strong enough to hold its shape. On a sheet of Whatman paper, you need to draw the outline of the wing and lay out the wire along it, and bend the ends slightly with pliers. Make the second wing in the same way. We will decorate each wing separately, and then we will fasten them together and sew on the straps that would be worn on the shoulders.

Making wings is one of important points, how to make a witch costume with your own hands, and this may not be the image of Maleficent at all, but a black swan or an angel of death. If you already have wings ready, then before implementing the following images, you only need to make a fluffy skirt using tulle.

By the way, tulle is an irreplaceable material if you need to quickly make an outfit for themed holiday, for example, can be done with a light green or yellow fluffy skirt, supplemented with artificial flowers from the material.

Witch costume for girl

Tulle is also useful for creating wings: the wire frame must be covered with black tulle, and then decorated with feathers. If you use single decorative feathers, then it will take you a lot of time to make the wings, and you will not have time make a witch costume for Halloween with your own hands, because each feather must be fixed separately. But you can go for a trick and buy a boa that will fill the wing surface quickly enough.

Halloween witch costume for girls almost ready, at least we have prepared all the accessories, and the only thing left is to find a suitable black dress in the closet. It must be long, to the floor. And you can also complement the look with a black cape.

DIY witch costume for a girl must be complemented with appropriate makeup. It is advisable to whiten the face, apply some dark shadows on the cheeks so that they appear sunken, also dark shadows should be applied around the eyes. For a child, make-up should be discreet, but adult girls can use dark tones, and paint their lips with bright red.

Now your image of Maleficent is completely ready, and you can get ready for the holiday, but do not forget to prepare souvenirs for your friends. For example, themed pumpkin-shaped cookies covered with orange glaze will be an excellent treat, because they are an irreplaceable symbol and the main decoration of the holiday.

Witch robes

Witch clothing has a long and varied history. Costume connoisseurs know that it reflects the history of society, as in a distorting mirror; a costume is a document that deeply and accurately testifies to social metamorphosis. Anyone who has a drop of intelligence and a sense of humor will read it. The witch costume is no exception. The difficulty is that he is alive only in legends, poetry and on the canvases of artists, and you will not find him in museums.

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Trying on clothes for the deceased From a letter from Lytus Tamara Dmitrievna: “Dear Natalya Ivanovna. I have purchased five of your "Magic" books. I read them and realized how much we don’t know. Using a coupon for a free consultation, I want to ask you for advice.

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Witches Uncover the intrigues of a witchBy Marina, 03/18/2002 As if she came to our apartment with her husband, along with a white cat (in

From the book The Magic of Wax, Candles and Plots the author Olga Kryuchkova

Preparation of the body and clothes In order to conduct fortune-telling with wax and candles, for this you need to carry out a number of certain preparations. You will need to choose the time and place of fortune telling in a certain way, and it will be important to maintain a certain state of the body, and no less

From the book Cognition of the Human Aura by Humi Coot

From the book Past Life Experience. How to find out about your own mistakes and fix them author Lynn Denise

Clothing Styles Valuable information about past lives can be found in the styles of clothing you prefer (or hate). For example, if you like long, flowing shawls and soft, sheer fabrics (and you like tall, stately stone columns in

From the book The Miracle of Mindfulness: practical guide on meditation author Nat Khan Thick

Clothing Styles When researching your clothing preferences, look at the styles you choose that can be attributed to specific cultures or historical periods. Think also about the clothing accessories that you love to wear.? What styles of clothing do you need

From the book Practical work of real witchcraft. ABC of witches the author Nord Nikolay Ivanovich

Washing Clothes Don't wash too many clothes in one go, but choose three or four items. Find the most comfortable position - sitting or standing - so that your back does not hurt. Wash your clothes calmly, serenely. Concentrate on the movements of the arms, hands,

From the book Rules of the Moon for Every Day author Lurie Helen

Witches Never Envy Witches! Witches' lives are difficult, and despite their magical powers, for the most part these women are unhappy. They have been persecuted from time immemorial, and they themselves, as a rule, are ugly or have congenital deformities or mental illnesses.

From the author's book

Seasonal storage of winter and summer clothes.No remedies for moths will be needed if you put things in the closet in spring or autumn with the waning moon in air signs(Gemini, Libra,