
26 obstetric week of pregnancy what happens


Every day of intrauterine life of a baby is unique. This article will talk about the features of the development of the child at week 26.

Enter the first day of your last menstrual period

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Anatomical features of the fetus

To determine how well the baby is growing, doctors use a special ultrasound examination method. In the course of such a study, a specialist can obtain the main dimensions of a little man.

The intensive development of the child contributes to the fact that normal values determined indicators for each week of pregnancy vary.

The table below shows the norms of the main clinical criteria for the parameters of the fetal body, which are determined during ultrasound.

In addition to determining the main parameters of the body, through an ultrasound examination, you can also see how the baby looks. High-precision devices currently used by specialists make it possible to obtain a fairly high-resolution image of the fetus.

The face of the baby by the 26th week is already quite formed. The auricles are small and acquire a more convex configuration. The eyes cover the outside of the eyelids. Downy hairs grow above the eye sockets of the child, which will later become eyebrows. The child even has small eyelashes.

With each subsequent day of pregnancy, the baby becomes more and more cute. His skin becomes smoother and more even, and the number of wrinkles that previously covered it is reduced. This is largely due to the fact that under the skin of the baby, the amount of brown fatty tissue begins to actively increase.

An increase in subcutaneous fat contributes to the fact that the baby no longer looks so small and emaciated. On the child's body, dimples and the first folds begin to appear. Gradually, the cheeks become chubby.

What does the baby feel?

The intrauterine development of the fetus at this gestational age is still ongoing, but the basic internal organs and the systems are already in place and some of them are even starting to function. However, the internal organs will be able to work in full force only after the birth of the baby, while their work can be called “training”.

By the 25-26th week of pregnancy, the child's nervous system is already functioning quite well. The baby's brain already weighs about 110-115 grams.

The number of furrows and convolutions, which give the cortex a specific striation, continues to increase every day. Such a special structure of the cerebral cortex significantly complicates the behavior of the baby. Every day the child increases the number of reflexes that he needs for later life.

Without normal development nervous system the functioning of the sense organs is also impossible. By this period, the baby can already feel quite a lot - light, sound, taste and much more. This response to environmental influences is largely facilitated by the intensive development of the peripheral nervous system.

Ability to hear

The most striking sensation experienced by the baby at this time is the ability to distinguish sounds. The baby quite easily distinguishes parental voices. It has been scientifically proven that the mother's voice has a relaxing effect on the fetus.

It is interesting that every day the number of sounds perceived by the child increases. So, he can already perceive the sounds of the environment, breaking through the walls of the abdomen. For example, the baby hears the noise of a vacuum cleaner or water flowing from a faucet.

Sounds of too high intensity can frighten the baby. The fetus will show its discontent by strengthening motor activity. Too loud noises also contribute to the fact that the child will begin to actively kick.

The best sounds for the development of the nervous system are musical works. Experts have found that at this time prenatal development the formation of the first musical preferences is already possible. Listening to classical music can be great option pastime for the expectant mother and her baby.

No less useful for the development of the child and the natural sounds of nature. So, the murmur of a stream or the sound of the surf has a calming effect on the fetus. Regular walks to fresh air able to evoke positive feelings in the child.

The ability to see

Note that a truly visual analyzer in a baby will begin to work only after his birth. At a period of 26 weeks, the fetus can already close or open its eyes. The structure of the eyeball determines the ability to distinguish light.

Scientists conducted a number of interesting experiments, during which it was proved that when exposed to a stream of bright light on the face of a fetus in the womb, he tries to turn away from him or even change his position.

With excessive insolation, the motor activity of the fetus can increase significantly. The baby, as a rule, reacts to too bright light by changing its location or simply by increasing motor activity.

The ability to taste

Despite the fact that the birth is still far away, the fetus is already able to distinguish taste. Perhaps this is when they swallow amniotic fluid.

During the day, the baby can swallow about 450-600 ml of amniotic fluid. It enters the internal environment of the child's body, where part of the nutrients dissolved in it are absorbed into the bloodstream, while other substances are simply removed through the kidneys. The main substance that is actively absorbed into the blood is glucose. It is necessary for the child's body for the full development of the brain and nervous system. Some vitamins may also be absorbed.

When the amniotic fluid is swallowed, the fetus feels its taste. The child's tongue already has microscopic outgrowths - papillae. They are a kind of receptors that help a person to feel different taste options. So, quite easily the fruit can distinguish between bitter, salty and sweet tastes.

Swallowing amniotic fluid can cause your baby to hiccup. This reaction is quite normal and serves as a kind of stage in the development of digestion in a baby.

Ability to move

The motor activity of the fetus at this stage, perhaps, is a fairly characteristic sign of the 26th week. The child is already rather big, his weight has exceeded half a kilogram. This leads to the fact that the active movements of his child begin to be strongly felt by his mother.

Every day, the number of movements made by the fetus increases. This is due to the good development of the musculoskeletal and nervous systems. The bones of the fetus are already quite dense, the muscles are mobile and elastic. All these anatomical features significantly affect the volume of possible active movements.

Until that time, the kid was very interested in studying his own body. He played with his umbilical cord, touched his face, flexed and extended his fingers and toes. By week 26, due to the good development of the brain, the fetus becomes interested in studying the "water world" in which it is located.

So, with his legs, he begins to push off the walls of the uterus. It also often happens that the baby begins to “pound” with his hands on the internal organs of his mother, which are quite close to the uterus in which he is located.

It is important to note that by week 26, the intensity of motor activity in the fetus, as a rule, increases. A woman feels her baby, which is in her womb, much stronger than before.

Some experts note that during the day the baby can be active every 10 minutes. To assess the intrauterine condition of the fetus, obstetrician-gynecologists advise expectant mothers to count the number of movements that they feel.

It is important to note that not all the time the child is active. The baby at this stage of his intrauterine life is already able to sleep. Sleep in the fetus is usually from 17 to 20 hours during the day. At this time, the baby sleeps and does not make active movements.

The motor activity of the fetus is an important clinical criterion for assessing its condition. So, if the baby kicks very often, then this may be a manifestation of the fact that he experiences some discomfort.

Doctors note that the following common causes can lead to increased motor activity in the fetus.

  • Psycho-emotional influences. The stress endured by the mother has a very adverse effect on the state of the child's body. Under the influence of stress in the female body, a number of hormones are formed that cause spasm of blood vessels. Lack of nutrients and oxygen contributes to the appearance of a response from the fetus.
  • Hypoxia - tissue starvation of internal organs. This condition occurs when the supply of oxygen to the body decreases. Hypoxia can develop for a variety of reasons. According to statistics, women living in large metropolitan areas suffer from hypoxia much more often.
  • Mother's illnesses. Some pathologies of the heart and blood vessels that occur with the development of heart failure can lead to insufficient intake of nutrients necessary for fetal growth.
  • Smoking. It has been proven that regular smoking has a damaging effect on blood vessels, thereby provoking a decrease in oxygen supply to the body. children's body. This situation will also contribute to increased motor activity of the fetus, as it causes him pronounced discomfort.

26th week of pregnancy: fetal growth is 23 cm from the crown to the coccyx, about 33-35 cm from the top of the head to the heels. Weight reaches 850 g. The active development of the hearing of the fetus continues. It's a good habit for mom to check her blood pressure regularly. Carpal tunnel syndrome may occur.

Your baby is diligently reinforcing the achievements of the previous weeks. For example, he tries to open his eyes. The muscles of the eyelids are already sufficiently developed for this. The fetus may blink and squint. The ability to open and close the eyes is very useful after birth, especially in bright light. If the tiny muscles of the eyelids do not develop as they should, the child will not be able to fully control them after birth. Eyelid drooping usually requires surgery. So the new skill is very important for the fetus, although now it is in complete darkness.

For a long time, all auditory organs have been developing in the fetus. These are not only the outer ears, but also the eardrums, and tiny bones, as well as ligaments. At first, the loudest sounds simply cause vibrations: the baby hears, but does not recognize what is happening. Later, after the development of the cerebral cortex, the fetus begins to distinguish sound vibrations.

There are no objective medical studies of fetal hearing. But observations show that it is necessary to talk with a child even before birth. If mother, father and other relatives regularly speak aloud to the unborn baby, this will bring great benefits. Later, the newborn will hear many familiar sounds and will respond positively to them.

And this is what your bugger looks like 🙂

Gradually, there is a synchronization of the brain and motor activity of the fetus. This means that some movements are a response to external stimuli, and not just reflex movements. The baby can noticeably perk up if the mother listens to music, talks loudly, or is frightened of something.

At week 26, the strengthening of the bones of the skeleton and the formation of subcutaneous fat cells continue. The rudiments of the teeth inside the gums are almost completely mineralized. Increase and develop neural connections. Barely noticeably growing hair and nails. Gradually, the hormonal background is formed. The circumference of the head reaches about 20 cm. In boys, the process of lowering the testicles into the scrotum is underway.

How is the fetus located at this time? As long as you like. Now it’s too early to worry about the position of the baby’s body.

The volume of amniotic fluid that surrounds the baby is approximately 0.7 liters. The weight of the placenta is approximately 300 grams. The tiny heart counts 120-160 beats every minute. The fetal heartbeat can usually be heard by pressing the ear firmly against the mother's abdomen.

If it happens now premature birth, it will be very difficult for a newborn to adapt. To save his life will require special medical equipment and the efforts of many physicians. According to doctors, the risk of early labor activity is higher in summer. The reason is the dehydration of the body of a woman in the heat.

How's mom doing

Six lunar months of your pregnancy have passed, the seventh is coming. The second trimester is coming to an end. He is considered the most quiet time while expecting a child. At the twenty-sixth week, mom's feelings already show the approach of the most difficult and crucial period.

Now it seems to many women that the child under their heart is constantly moving. This is easy to explain: the fetus has grown, it becomes cramped. The uterus has grown so much that some of the baby's pushes are already felt under the ribs. But there are also calm children, everything is individual.

Your body is still gaining weight. In some women, only the stomach grows, in others the waist is completely lost, and the hips increase in volume. The chest has probably already grown by 1-2 sizes, but it may pour a little more. Normally, the total weight gain since the beginning of pregnancy can reach 9 kg. An increase in the size of the uterus often leads to shortness of breath when physical activity. Learn to walk so that your breath does not go astray.

Your tummy has grown so much that it does not allow you to bend over at all. This is especially noticeable during pregnancy with twins. Because of this, it is certainly very uncomfortable to put on shoes. In warm weather, it is better to wear simple shoes or moccasins - they are easy to put on and take off. Wear boots, sneakers and other shoes with buckles and laces only while sitting.

Photo of tummies (click to enlarge)

A mucous plug gradually forms in the cervix. It literally clogs the entrance to the uterine cavity and protects it from infections and other negative impacts. Consolidation of mucus occurs completely unnoticed by a woman.

Vaginal discharge should still be moderate, without a pronounced color and smell. Report any deviation to the doctor.

Possible troubles and complications

Get into the habit of regularly measuring your blood pressure and recording the results. On the early dates it is often low, and closer to the third trimester it can periodically increase. Blood pressure is an important indicator of the well-being of a pregnant woman. If it constantly deviates from the norm, it can lead to serious complications. The most severe is (preeclampsia), kidney disease (nephropathy), preeclampsia and eclampsia (syndromes that often threaten the life of mother and baby).

Another unpleasant sensation is lower back pain. They may have various reasons. The simplest explanation is the growth of the uterus, its pressure on the nerve nodes, plus the stretching of the internal ligaments. However, kidney problems are also often manifested by pain in the lumbar region.

For minor discomfort, there is a simple check. Take a warm bath, stay in it for a while in the most comfortable and relaxed position. If it becomes easier - you have the so-called physiological pain, it is not dangerous. Nothing has changed - see a doctor. This is especially important if discomfort occurs on one side, the color of the urine has changed, or if you already have kidney disease. severe pain of any nature necessarily require the help of doctors.

If you work a lot on the computer, play the piano, or do any other repetitive work with your hands, you may experience carpal tunnel syndrome. Often this is a consequence of constant swelling of the hands. The fluid that has stagnated in the connective tissues compresses the nerve fibers, which causes pain in the hands or only in the wrists. This problem can accompany you until the very birth and is not completely solved. However, you can ease the discomfort. Try to shake, stretch your hands more often, even if they are not swollen and tired. When sleeping, try to position yourself so that your hands do not drop down. In this case, you can avoid fluid stagnation and improve blood circulation.

In some cases, pregnant women experience bile stasis. If the problem is not solved, gallstones may form. The first alarm signal is pain under the ribs on the right. The exact diagnosis and methods of therapy are established by the doctor.

When to go to the doctor

If there are no alarming symptoms, stick to the visiting calendar. Ultrasound at this time is prescribed according to special indications. For example, if you missed the scheduled examination period. Most likely, you will need to take urine and blood samples for analysis before you see a antenatal clinic. The doctor writes out directions in advance, at the previous visit.

  1. Stick to a strict diet, try not to deviate from nutritional principles.
  2. The best food option is small portions. Never allow yourself to overeat, it overloads your body and one day will turn into excess weight.
  3. Drink plenty of fluids so you don't get thirsty.
  4. Avoid any problems with bowel movements, especially avoid constipation. To prevent hemorrhoids, wash your anus regularly with warm or cool water.
  5. Wear the most comfortable underwear, clothes and shoes. Throughout the day, you should not experience pressure, friction or other discomfort.
  6. If you don't already have a prenatal bandage, it's time to get one.
  7. When age spots on the face, be patient and do not mask them with a layer of cosmetics. This is very harmful to your skin.
  8. Try to prevent stretch marks. It is advisable to rub the skin of the chest, abdomen, thighs and buttocks several times a day with special means.
  9. If you work or study, it's time to think about your loved ones maternity leave. For example, discuss with the employer the temporary transfer of your duties.
  10. If you have varicose veins in your legs, talk to your doctor about wearing compression stockings or socks.
  11. In case of slight swelling on the legs, regularly pour water of contrasting temperatures over them. Put your feet up when you lie down or sit.
  12. It is advisable not to sleep on the left side. Before going to bed, make yourself as comfortable as possible with a few small pillows.
  13. If cramps appear, rub the problem area until complete relief. Since cramps are often due to a lack of calcium and potassium, discuss dietary adjustments with your doctor.
  14. Do not forget about walking and special sports for pregnant women.
  15. Plan any business with a margin of time. You can't move fast right now. It is advisable to avoid public transport during rush hour.
  16. Don't stay still for a long time. Change body position, do small warm-ups at every opportunity.
  17. Record the time of training bouts. If they occur more than four times within an hour, there is a threat of premature birth.

It is very important to carefully monitor your well-being. Do not dismiss problems, do not be lazy to go to the doctors. Very soon you will need a lot of strength to convey and give birth to a baby.

Video guide: 26 weeks of pregnancy fetal development, blood pressure, lower back pain, pain in the hands

The child hears you

Week 26 is the last week of the second trimester. A woman enters the "finish line" and is actively preparing for the birth of a child.

Now, if you have not done this before, it is advisable to enroll in courses for pregnant women. Here, expectant mothers will not only be helped to gain confidence in their own abilities, but will also be told about the upcoming birth, the most important medical procedures, will show the safest sets of exercises necessary in order to facilitate the course of childbirth, which is just around the corner.

Fruit size

At the 26th week of pregnancy, the length of the child is about 32 cm. In size, it can be compared with a small melon.

Baby weight

The weight of the child at this time is about 800 gr.

Fetal development at 26 weeks gestation

The baby is actively preparing for the first breath, intensively swallowing the amniotic fluid surrounding it. The bones of the child are getting stronger, the eyes become more sensitive to light. In boys, the testicles descend into the scrotum; in girls, the process of forming the vagina is completed. All the sense organs are already well developed. The cognitive activity of the brain is progressing - the baby can already express his own emotions (cry or laugh). The relationship between the brain and the adrenal cortex is being established, which contributes to the formation of a stable hormonal background. The baby is actively moving in the womb - now not only the woman, but also anyone who puts his hand to her stomach feels his tremors. If the child does not move, then he is sleeping. As a rule, the baby begins to push hard in the evening.


Heart contractions should be rhythmic, their frequency at week 26 is still 140–160 beats per minute. In case of deviation from the norm, the doctor may suggest that the mother do a cardiotocogram (CTG). This is an absolutely safe procedure, if necessary, it can be done daily. CTG during pregnancy is two curves combined in time: one of them displays the heart rate of the fetus, the other - uterine activity.

What does a fetus look like at 26 weeks pregnant?

As the reserves of subcutaneous fat increase, the baby's skin becomes smoother and brighter. The eyes of the child are open and carefully examine everything around. Now all the babies are blue-eyed - the real eye color, laid down by nature, will appear only a few months after birth. The ears of the crumbs are no longer “glued” to the head, as before, but slightly protruding.

Body changes and new sensations of a woman

Do your hands go numb during pregnancy, and do you feel pain, tingling and burning in your wrists? Such discomfort is familiar to many expectant mothers at the 26th week of pregnancy. Most likely the reason lies in the imbalance of the amount of magnesium, calcium and potassium in the body. In this case, a woman should review her diet and increase her intake of dairy products, as well as vegetables, legumes and dried fruits. If, together with numbness, edema appears on the hands, there is a so-called tunnel syndrome in pregnant women. The reason for its occurrence is as follows: excess fluid accumulates in the tissues and causes swelling, which then compresses the nerve. To alleviate unpleasant symptoms, doctors advise mothers not to leave their hands in one position for a long time, often do a warm compress and be sure to tell your doctor about your ailment.

Weight gain

By the end of week 26, the total weight gain is just over 8 kg. The difference from the previous week is about 300 gr.

Mom's belly

The size of the abdomen at 26 weeks of gestation depends on the size of the fetus and the amount of amniotic fluid. Too large belly (more than 80-85 cm in diameter) indicates polyhydramnios, obesity, malposition or large fetus. Very small - indicates a delay in the development of the baby or is a sign of oligohydramnios. To dispel all doubts about the size of the tummy, be sure to consult your doctor.

Analyzes and ultrasound

Week 26 is no different from the previous one. As always, the doctor will measure expectant mother blood pressure, the size of her abdomen, the height of the fundus of the uterus, ask the woman to stand on the scales, listen to the fetal heart beat, and also evaluate the results of urine and blood tests. Urinalysis is informative for detecting late toxicosis (preeclampsia) and kidney disease, and a clinical blood test allows you to exclude the likelihood of developing diabetes and determine the level of hemoglobin in the body. As far as ultrasound is concerned, normal course Pregnancy ultrasound at 26 weeks is usually not prescribed.

Nutrition at 26 weeks pregnant

The fetus at this time is growing very actively, and according to experts, mothers need at least 2000-2500 kilocalories per day. This is quite a lot for a woman, so nutrition during pregnancy should be divided into small portions and eat at least 5-6 times a day. Most healthy foods for pregnant women, it is still dietary meat, sea fish, cottage cheese, yogurt, vegetables, berries and fruits. At a period of 26 weeks, some mothers begin to suffer from swelling: so that they are not so obvious, learn to control the amount of fluid consumed. Is it possible for pregnant women to drink non-alcoholic beer and kvass? Doctors believe that it is possible, but in a very small quantities. However, women who have kidney problems should not use these drinks.


With tunnel syndrome, the symptoms of which are described above, the expectant mother can be helped by taking vitamin B6. This vitamin contributes to the formation of blood cells, antibodies and chemicals that transmit impulses to nerve cells. Also, he plays essential role in the development of the fetal brain and its nervous system. However, before buying a vitamin at week 26, you should definitely consult a doctor.

Sex at 26 weeks pregnant

Prolonged abstinence from sex adversely affects emotional background any representative of the weaker sex. If the partner experiences fear of the mother's tummy and cannot overcome this feeling in any way, one of the ways to get rid of the accumulated energy is to masturbate the woman during pregnancy. All this is normal and completely natural. But it is better not to get involved in masturbation now (and even more so in the third trimester!) - the clitoral orgasm is considered stronger than the vaginal one. In some cases, it provokes early discharge of amniotic fluid and the onset of labor.


Until the third trimester has come, mothers, in the absence of medical contraindications, are allowed to bask in the bath (the question of whether pregnant women can take a bath is asked by many women). But the water temperature should not exceed 37–37.5 ° C, and the intake time should be limited to 10–15 minutes. When leaving the bathroom, you should not make sudden movements, it is also desirable that at this time someone close to the woman be in the apartment, ready to help her if necessary.

Beauty and accessories

Are you already wearing a bandage? If not, you need to purchase it urgently. Now you can’t do without this accessory - the bandage during pregnancy will support the baby, performing the function of the abdominal muscles. In addition, it will help to properly redistribute the load on the woman's spine. It is not necessary to tighten the bandage too tightly, but it should not hang out either. Be sure to ask your doctor to show you how to properly wear and put on this element of women's wardrobe, which is necessary during an "interesting position".

Here comes the 7th month of pregnancy. Already 26 weeks have passed since the inside of the female body began to develop new life. Now the process is entering the final stage and it is time for the expectant mother to begin mentally and physically preparing for childbirth and the birth of her beloved child. In just 3 months, those 9 months of long waiting will be left behind. Week 26 begins the 7th month of pregnancy and is the second week of the 3rd trimester.

At the 26th week of pregnancy, the tummy becomes already so large that everyone clearly understands the position of the woman. The shape of the tummy becomes distinct - round or sharp. So, it is at the 26th week of pregnancy that relatives and friends begin to assume the sex of the baby, therefore, to the sign. In fact, the form has nothing to do with gender, but is associated exclusively with the anatomical structure of the woman's pelvis. If the hip bones are wide enough and the baby fits there without problems, the tummy is rounded, and if it is narrow, it starts to move forward more.

  1. Eyeballs at week 26 complete their formation. Your child even tries to open them, but cannot do it completely yet.
  2. The color of the cornea of ​​​​the eyes is already formed by this moment, but over time it can still undergo changes.
  3. The previous stage of development of receptors and endocrine glands is over, and at the 26th week of pregnancy future baby can already fully taste the food. Based on the observations of scientists, at this stage the child prefers more sweet food, instead of salty and bitter.
  4. By this time, the fat layer ceases to increase in size - this is already quite enough for the current state of the baby.
  5. At the 26th week of pregnancy, the final shaping of the eyes takes place: the eyelashes take on the look we are used to, and the eyebrows take on a bend, which is easy to see on a planned ultrasound.
  6. The child already clearly hears and even feels everything, so it is recommended to listen to calm, quiet music to relax the muscles, and to talk gently to calm him down.
  7. With the growth of the abdomen at the 26th week of pregnancy, the weight of the child is already about 750 - 900 g, and the woman feels more and more discomfort and increasing back pain. For this purpose, comfortable orthopedic mattresses are recommended for sleeping, which evenly support the vertical position of the entire body. Doctors recommend that pregnant women sleep only on their side - this will ease the pain and allow you to get some sleep without feeling the baby's tremors.

Tests and ultrasound at 26 weeks of gestation

  1. If initially the pregnancy proceeds without deviations, then the observing doctor prescribes only 3 - 4 planned ultrasound scans for the entire period of bearing the baby. The second usually falls at 22 - 26 weeks. In this case, the goal is not only to determine the level of development of the fetus, but also to study its internal organs: the heart, genitals, kidneys and urinary tract. In addition, careful attention is paid to examining the correct structure of the skeleton and analyzing the appearance of congenital malformations. In a pregnant woman, the placenta is examined and checked for integrity and quality, as well as the condition of the amniotic fluid. The place of attachment of the placenta to the walls of the uterus is of particular importance - this will significantly affect childbirth.
  2. To the delight of parents, at the 26th week of pregnancy, the genitals reach their final development and with the help of ultrasound it is already possible to clearly determine the sex of the future child.
  3. In addition to ultrasound, clinical analyzes of urine and blood are also mandatory during this period. Their important indicator is the determination of the level of sugar in the blood of a woman, to exclude the occurrence of diabetes. This happens because a woman begins to eat a lot in the second trimester, and since the baby tastes sweet more during this period, she eats more of it. Such cases are not so common, only 3% of pregnant women, but can seriously affect the fetus. A large number of carbohydrates usually leads to abnormal fetal weight, which can affect blood flow to the placenta and reduce blood pressure The child has. Such cases are corrected by the correct diet of the mother, which she must strictly observe.
  4. Blood tests also show the content of hemoglobin in the body of a pregnant woman. Its reduced level can lead to the development of iron deficiency - anemia in mother and child, which also needs to be corrected before birth. By including iron-containing foods and iron-rich preparations in the general diet, the doctor adjusts the level of iron in the woman's body for the remaining three months of pregnancy.
  5. Determining the number of leukocytes and erythrocytes in a blood test as usual will check for the presence of minimal inflammatory processes, but is also an indicator of work genitourinary system due to the increased workload.

The condition of a woman at 26 weeks of gestation

The whole period, the expectant mother closely monitored her health, the condition of the baby and her feelings. At a period of 26 weeks, expecting the imminent appearance of a child, a woman should be more attentive to herself and the child, as well as careful.

Uterus at 26 weeks pregnant

  1. At the 26th week of pregnancy, the uterus reaches frankly uncomfortable sizes for a woman. Sometimes, reaching up to 16.5 - 17 cm in width and 25.5 cm in height, it protrudes from the level of the body by about 5.5 - 6 cm and already fairly compresses the internal organs. Unfortunately, this is not the limit. In the next three months until delivery, it will increase every day by about 0.8 - 1 cm and literally deprive the free space of the abdominal cavity. Lack of blood flow and uncomfortable tightness during this period inevitably lead a woman to problems with the intestines: bloating, constipation and heartburn become normal reaction body for such changes.
  2. Gradually, the cervical canal begins to prepare for future childbirth: it is filled with mucous fluid, forming a fairly dense plug. During childbirth, the fetus will push it out, which will mark their beginning. A more common name for this event is “water detachment”.
  3. At the 26th week of pregnancy, uterine contractions, called training contractions, will become more frequent. During this period, they are not yet so frequent, but they already cause a little pain and create temporary discomfort for the pregnant woman. In general, this is normal and cannot harm a woman and her child, and even more so lead to a miscarriage. However, if you notice an increase in such cases and an increase in their duration, which may be accompanied by uncharacteristic discharge, consult a doctor immediately.
  4. At the 28th week of pregnancy, there is a possibility of a change in the nature of the discharge. This may be due to the formation of a plug of the cervical canal. Uniform non-abundant secretions of a transparent color are the norm for this period. All other manifestations: change in color, smell, consistency - are not normal and require consultation with a doctor. Often such reactions occur during the development of infection. In addition, itching, swelling and redness of the labia, pain during urination, etc. are possible. All this is a clear indicator of infection and requires immediate elimination before childbirth with medical intervention. When spreading, the infection inevitably penetrates into amniotic fluid and the shell, and together with the nutrients and into the body of the child. Any infection of the fetus will negatively affect its development, growth and may cause abnormalities after birth.
  5. If at the 28th week of pregnancy you notice the appearance of reddish or bloody discharge, this may be a sign wrong location placenta and precursors of its abruption. In this case, you should definitely consult a doctor, and if all this is also accompanied by pain in the lower abdomen, immediately arrive at the place of observation.

Belly at 26 weeks pregnant

  1. Every day, the tummy of the expectant mother begins to rise and protrude more and more. This shifts her center of gravity more and more, which complicates movement and changes her gait.
  2. Due to the rapid growth of the fetus at the 26th week of pregnancy, the skin does not have time to adapt, and the woman may notice the appearance of vertical stripes. These places of strong pressure on the skin after childbirth will remain in the form of stretch marks. On a smaller tummy, this will not look at all aesthetically pleasing and, unfortunately, you can no longer save the situation with the skin with physical exertion and pressure. To avoid such troubles from the very beginning of pregnancy, you need to properly care for the skin of the abdomen. The most common and affordable means of preventing stretch marks are targeted creams and gels. The remedy chosen on the advice of a doctor must be used after taking a shower, but at least 2 times a day. Do not forget not only about the abdomen, but also the hips and chest. From folk remedies good natural oils or mixtures thereof. When heated, they have a tonic, firming and moisturizing effect on the skin. For example, turn your attention to extra virgin olive oil or its mixture with castor oil.

What happens to the fetus at 26 weeks of gestation

  1. Visually, the baby has already received individual facial contours and its own image. Everything that is inherent in a little man is already formed and in its place.
  2. By the 26th week of pregnancy, the external auricles have already completed their formation and are easy to see on the ultrasound photo. Now the inner ear and auditory receptors are being formed at full speed. The stage is not over yet, and the baby does not hear everything, but soon he will begin to react very subtly to sounds, getting used to new sensations.
  3. Although the baby is in the tummy, his eyes, barely open, are already discerning light through the mother's skin. Therefore, be careful with bright light - he may not like it.
  4. At the 26th week of pregnancy, not only anatomical changes occur with the baby, which also affects brain activity. Now he begins to distinguish voices. The baby begins to clearly distinguish his mother's voice from his father's. Starting from the 26th week, psychologists recommend that parents communicate more with the child, read fairy tales together, and discuss something with him. Subsequently, this will accelerate the adaptation of the baby after childbirth among new people and environments.
  5. The lungs, already almost formed earlier, finally take shape and take their place in the chest.
  6. At the 26th week of pregnancy, the baby's skeleton is strengthened - the bone tissue is strengthened so much that the connective bones begin to stiffen a little. In addition, at the base of the formed milk teeth, rudiments begin to emerge, which will subsequently become indigenous. The legs and arms are rounded, skin folds appear at the folds.
  7. The skin is smoothed and compacted so that the skin no longer looks completely transparent and defenseless.
  8. The heart at week 26 has already formed and does not beat so often - about 130 - 185 beats per minute. The blood that it distills comes through a vein in the umbilical cord from the placenta, where it is saturated with nutrients and oxygen.
  9. Brain activity increases, but the scope of its activity is still concentrated on the establishment of internal vital processes, for example, communication with the adrenal cortex. After that, a small pituitary gland will independently begin to produce hormones necessary for life, including growth hormone.
  10. On average, at the 26th week of pregnancy, the growth of the child is about 32 - 36 cm with a weight of up to 900 g.
  11. Most of the time, the fetus arrives at rest - about 18 - 21 hours a day, and the rest of the time it is actively awake, communicating with its mother.

Arrhythmia at 26 weeks pregnant

At the beginning of the third trimester, the mother feels her child as subtly as her child. So it's not surprising if you hear his heartbeat with a sinking sound. An irregular heartbeat or irregular rhythm is not a cause for concern. Such a concept as fetal arrhythmia is completely normal in the conditions of growth and development of the heart muscle. The end of such "failures" will indicate the completion of its formation. A special doctor perinatologist monitors such phenomena. If you are particularly worried, you can contact him for advice and regular check-ups. If the arrhythmia in the baby goes away before delivery, you don’t have to worry. If during childbirth the baby has arrhythmia, a pediatrician must be present for a quick response in case of any complications.

26 weeks pregnant: video

Week 26 is the last week of the 6th month and 2nd trimester of pregnancy. The baby is already big enough, he can do a lot of things, but it is still very early for him to be born. Without the help of doctors and special equipment, the crumbs cannot survive. Therefore, the expectant mother should direct all her efforts to safely convey the pregnancy and not risk the child.

Fetal size at 26 weeks gestation

The growth of the baby by the end of the week is 30-32 cm, weight - 750-850 g. If the mother is sent for an ultrasound at this time, the specialist will be able to determine in more detail the size of all parts of the baby's body:

A special program embedded in the ultrasound machine evaluates these values ​​and gives the doctor the gestational age, which corresponds to the size of the fetus. All information must be recorded in the study protocol. Subsequently, the gynecologist compares the actual and determined during the pregnancy with the parameters of the mother's abdomen (height of the uterine fundus and abdominal circumference). This allows the doctor to identify malnutrition of the baby - a delay in his intrauterine development.

What happens to the baby at 26 weeks

In week 26, there is a consolidation of the achievements of the past months and something completely new:

Feelings of a woman at 26 weeks pregnant

The closer the 3rd trimester, the more often the expectant mother has various health problems:

Each of these conditions should not bring severe discomfort. If the discomfort is pronounced, it is necessary to consult a doctor. The expectant mother cannot endure pain and neglect her health.

Abdominal parameters and weight gain of a woman at the end of the 6th month of pregnancy

The height of the fundus of the uterus at 26 weeks - 25-26 cm(a few fingers above the navel). Abdominal circumference - 1 cm more than the previous week. Significant deviations in one direction or the other are undesirable.

Weight gain for this week should not exceed 400-500 g. The total increase for the entire pregnancy is about 8 kg.

Possible complications and their causes

The expectant mother at 26 weeks of gestation may face the following pregnancy complications:

If the expectant mother is registered with the antenatal clinic, regularly visits the gynecologist and passes all the studies assigned to them, the listed complications will be detected at the initial stages of development. This will enable doctors to provide timely treatment.

Required tests

When a woman in position becomes registered, the gynecologist, in accordance with her state of health, chooses the most appropriate plan for managing pregnancy. It will include a package of mandatory studies and a number of additional tests and procedures - each woman will have something different. Some pregnant women will go through 2-3 for the entire period of bearing the crumbs, and a number of mothers will have to go for an ultrasound scan almost every month. The same situation can be with analyses. Therefore, if a gynecologist, in addition to mandatory examinations, prescribes something in excess of the norm to a pregnant girlfriend, but you do not, you should not worry and accuse the doctor of negligence. So, the girlfriend has evidence for that.

According to the plan, at the 26th week of pregnancy, each expectant mother is shown the following studies:

  • (it is desirable to pass the day before the visit to the gynecologist, so that the doctor has time to get the result).
  • Glucose tolerance test (usually performed between 24-28 weeks).

All other studies according to indications:

  • Ultrasound with Doppler, if any deviations are detected during the examination of a woman (inconsistency of the abdomen with the gestational age, the baby's heart is poorly heard, etc.).
  • if anemia is suspected or to monitor the effectiveness of treatment for this condition.
  • A blood test for hemolysins or antibodies in case of Rh conflict (performed once a month).
  • Sowing