
Styles of New Year's corporate parties. Corporate New Year: bright ideas and specific proposals. What to play in a madhouse


  • your team is very small - up to 20 people
  • you have a good organizer who loves and knows how to bring people together
  • if the budget of the holiday is money collected by employees
  • if this time you decide to change something in your usual feast with dancing to Serduchka

I will try to help arrange a cheerful corporate party activists who are sure to be in every team, if everything needs to be organized on their own. In any case, I recommend taking a look “, there is also a lot of interesting things!


I have a collection of useful ideas for such an occasion! Don't be lazy, check out all the links to my detailed articles!


Be sure to check out the article. Everything is simple, beautiful, with pictures, descriptions, diagrams and examples. And most importantly, you will not need practically anything except office supplies and white paper.

We help ourselves!

The most simple recipes for a feast with colleagues, I collected "Buffet at work"... Everything is done quickly there, the skills of a chef are not required.

Prizes and gifts!

And to have something to reward for, pick up !

Dressing up!

Ask colleagues to come to the holiday at fancy dress useless, so I suggest you wait until that moment of the New Year's corporate celebration, when your colleagues are ready to put on the horns and clown caps. A huge number of online stores offer inexpensive accessories made of paper, plastic and fabric. Be amazed at how much the party will liven up when you pick up funny ears-mask-hats for your colleagues. And the photo session turns out to be really New Year's!

My selection of contests

According to my observations, the most fun at corporate parties are contests with jokes below the belt (I will never write about them on my website, I really despise them) and absolutely childish fun, because in the New Year we all turn into children a little. I highly recommend watching good family fun and taking suitable contests for the entertainment of colleagues.

Also me, but something can be easily adapted for a corporate party!

Learning from the professionals

Thanks to the hosts of the holidays who are sharing secrets on YouTube. I can't post all the contests here, you will find it without difficulty, but here is one that is ideal not only for a wedding, but also for our corporate party:

An extraordinary concert

Now I will tell you how to organize a sufficient fun show on your own at a corporate party or family event. Of course, someone has to take on the role of the conspiratorial organizer, but it's simple enough. And the best part is, you give people the opportunity to show their talents.

The point is that all viewers should think that they are seeing improvisation, but in fact, in each number one participant should be very well prepared (we will call them "conspirators").

It happens like this (we choose different genres, as in a real concert):

Vocal number

In the introduction, say that you invited pop stars (list Stas Mikhailov and Kirkorov), but they refused at the last moment. Call 5-7 people, ask them to sing a piece of their song. Everyone sings, as a rule, confusing words and forgetting the melody. The last member (karaoke lover) you had an arrangement with refuses to sing without music. You turn on the backing track and ... everyone is surprised to listen to a wonderful musical number performed by a company employee. Such people are sure to be found, and they will not hesitate within the framework of a comic competition. If there are many singers, let them just perform in a row.


We recall a moment from Carnival Night, when a fable or a heartfelt poem sounded in every decent concert. We call 4-5 people, we ask you to recall the famous lines of Mayakovsky, Pushkin Yesenin. As you can imagine, this is difficult to do. The last participant (our ally with you) should read Krylov's fable or Shakespeare's sonnet as pompously as possible, with a poetic howl, and overwhelm the audience with knowledge.

Musical number

It's a little different here. We distribute all sorts of funny musical instruments (two glasses for the image of "clinking sound", lids from saucepans, maracas from iron beer cans with coins, rustling bags, rattles, spoons). We distribute this to all participants of the issue. But one participant toy tool didn't get it ... Sighing sympathetically, give him a real guitar or lead him to the synthesizer. Naturally, this is a participant in the conspiracy, since he must own this instrument at least at the level of "Dog Waltz". Announce the number! A noise orchestra sounds (one of the orchestra members should surprise the audience).

Magic tricks

Call 3-4 people. In front of each one place a glass half filled with water, small containers of salt and sugar. Ask people to come up with some kind of trick with these components in front of the audience. The first three mix something and conjure, but the 4th (conspirator) mixes water with a special powder white, which dramatically turns several grams of water into a snowdrift of artificial snow. Agree, unexpectedly ... The powder is easy to find both in ordinary and online stores.

Dancing with the Stars!

Call 5 men to the stage. Then you announce: “Dancing with the stars! I ask all the ladies to look under the plates! " 5 women should lie paper star... You can replace it with a lottery from the cap - who will pull out a piece of paper with a star (also only the fair sex is involved). Now we turn on the slow beautiful music ... We are waiting for the couples to start swinging and ... We will abruptly turn on rock and roll. This is so that the audience is not very sad to look at all this.

Friendly cartoon

We ask several participants of the holiday to go on stage. We give them paper and felt-tip pens and ask them to draw ... your boss, for example. A delicate situation :-). Let them try to portray at least something. Show someone's drawing, see someone for yourself, but do not put up with the audience, they say, you are afraid of dismissal of an employee FOR SUCH. But the drawing of the last participant must be replaced with a professional portrait or a cool caricature, which was drawn by a professional artist on request. Let your boss be pleased to receive such a gift from the team. ...

Battle of dancers (battle of choirs is too difficult to organize)!

Ask everyone to go to the dance area. We divide the participants of the holiday into 5 teams. The first are gypsies. The second went to "Dance of the Ducklings" (or, as a standard, "Dance of Little Swans"). Still others portray the actors of Indian cinema. The fourth are dudes. Fifths dance something from "Disco-80". And it's fun to watch, and joining any team is not prohibited by the rules. Fun, in other words!

Option 3. We use ready-made selections of entertainment for a fun company

Honestly, I accidentally opened these wonderful cards with tasks at a ridiculous price. The real host entertained us, but I remembered the box with the tasks ... They laughed until hiccups, some words from related languages ​​sound too funny for the Russian ear. Actually, they had to be guessed (the options were proposed).

"Zashkodnik"- 120 double-sided cards. Well, for example, "T-shirt" in translation from Bulgarian, who is this? Mom, cousin or grandmother? Or what should you imagine if the word in Czech sounds like "hammer"? And there are also all sorts of stinks, battles and obscurity (these are all decent words in translation).

  • "Fanta for a corporate party" will help out even in that situation if the idea came to mind 5 minutes before the holiday, since they are all in in electronic format... If you want, use an electronic medium. Want to -
  • "Pantomime"(festive version of the Crocodile) - you can also download
  • Fanta "Winter fun" for adult company- download
  • Associations (also cards with tasks that can be read from the phone screen - download

What else do they do in cases where there is no script and entertainment program?

  • play quiz, What? Where? When ?, Blaine-ring (a selection of questions can be found on the Internet).
  • play "Mafia" or other role-playing card game
  • or sites with good selections
  • conduct a comic rewarding of employees)
  • compete (you can assign a significant prize), playing darts
  • arrange a funny photo session in thematic images
  • organize dance battles
  • organize congratulations performances by department (earlier it was called "Skit")

If you prepare everything in advance, holding a New Year's corporate party on your own will become a tradition for you, because no leading leader in the world knows the habits of colleagues better than you!


Do not forget to return to my site on the eve and ...


DJ, organizer, projectionist, manager - anyone, if only not among colleagues. Because there is nothing more helpless, irresponsible and spoiled than drunken colleagues and a boss.

As for me, something is wrong with the traditional Russian corporate party. He should raise team spirit and benefit the company. But in practice, it kills health and gives rise to gossip.

In two months, the country will drown in New Year's corporate parties. I want them not to be ashamed of them this year. I call for help Alexey Gromov, founder of the Chile Peppers event studio, and Maria Ershova- event director of the company. Alexey and Maria told how to organize and not spoil a good corporate party.

An article for executives, HR directors and those golden people whom these people assign to do corporate events.


Usually corporate events are held to increase motivation, create emotional capital and build employee loyalty. There are also more exotic goals, but more on them later.

To increase motivation, an employee must feel good: creative, skillful, and in demand. The corporate party starts a chain reaction: the employee did something good at the corporate party → felt himself cool → shows himself again with better side, but already in a working environment. After a good corporate party, employees are emotionally turned on and want new achievements at work.


Emotional capital, in its simplified form, is the emotions, beliefs, and experiences that help you cope with difficulties at work. This is a margin of safety, thanks to which the employee does more than stipulated by the instructions - for example, temporarily takes on additional responsibilities. Without emotional capital, an employee gives up in any incomprehensible situation. A well-organized corporate party creates the necessary margin of safety.

Loyalty helps the employee not to go to competitors for a higher salary. "Yes, they will pay more there, but here they value me, here I am needed." At a good corporate event, an employee should feel their worth.

More exotic targets- evaluate employees, identify future leaders, shake up the team. You can help employees formulate new goals. You can resolve the emerging conflict, lay the foundation for the development of new skills. A good event company helps to accomplish all these tasks. Unfortunately, few people know that this is possible. But now you know.

A good corporate party can make you fall in love with the company, change your attitude to work, infect people with new ideas; evoke a sense of involvement in a large and important business. And a couple of times a year there is a great reason for this. It would be silly to exchange all these opportunities for a banquet.


Chaos begins when the holiday has no unifying idea and no one controls it. At a corporate party for 20 people, the boss or one of his colleagues will manage. This is a cozy event for a close company. You can add a cultural program: some agencies and venues know how to do small events.

A good idea for a small event is to invite everyone to an unusual place: to a cooking class, to an art workshop, or to nature. But remember that cooking dinner or painting is not a goal, but only a tool. Formulate for yourself why you will organize this holiday, and let the organizer come up with interesting content for your purpose.

When there are 100-200-500 of you, an organizer is a must. Large corporate events are whole festivals: they rent a large area, create "stations": shooting galleries, buffets, trampolines, labyrinths, creative workshops. The organizers think over how the employees will go through these stations, what will motivate them. Plots are created, the participants are divided into teams, they come up with game and role-playing mechanics. From the outside, it seems that you are just facing a festival, but thanks to a well-thought-out structure, a person at this festival is interesting.

It is important that all this is subordinated to the goal: not just to put trampolines and soap shops in an open field, but to organize them so that employees get the necessary emotional experience. It's up to the organizers to think it over. Without structure, the holiday will turn into chaos, money will be wasted.

Corporate regatta for a construction company. Facebook


Formalism is when neither the management, nor the organizers, nor the employees understand why they need this corporate party. This happens in international network companies. From the "center" they give the command to organize a corporate party for the development of "team values". But what this means, why do they need command values ​​and how to develop them, no one knows. And the tortured creative begins:

Let's do a tug-of-war? This is a team game

Yes, but we need to implement our values! Let's all tug-of-war while singing our company's anthem?

Great idea! You just need to compose a hymn

Let our employees compose it and use the words “team”, “work” and “team”!

Super! And then we will hold a creative competition "What is teamwork for me ..."

When there are no goals and values, the holiday turns into a farce. The employees seem to be playing all this tug-of-war, and then in the smoking-room they say, "What a shit." Money wasted.

If your company does not have goals and values, you do not need to grind out holiday creativity. Order food, organize a movie screening, or set up a disco. Let people just rest.


Creativity is a universal component of a corporate event. To act out a scene, make art soap, make a pie, take part in a photo shoot, shoot a video clip, show superhero abilities - all this is safe, fun, versatile and, with the right approach, helps to solve most personnel problems.

The leader tries on the image of the hero in the Chili Peppers photo project. 13 more looks on facebook

Employees love creativity because creativity makes you feel good, smart, and skillful. It's great when creativity is woven into the overall plot:

you do not just fold origami, but make part of a large art object that will be exhibited in the lobby of the central office;

you do not just dress up in a superhero costume, but get a secret task in which you need to show your superpowers;

you are not just making a pie, but preparing a treat for the children from the orphanage.

Socially significant initiatives, for example, subbotniks, work well. Employees spend several hours planting trees, beautifying parts of a park, or assembling birdhouses. Everything is organized, with music, food and photos. Employees feel they are doing something useful and important. Being involved in something bigger is a powerful motivator.

Assembly of birdhouses in the eco-section of the Seasons design-cleanup (organized by Chile Peppers for Volkswagen). Facebook

Man is inclined to love what he has created. Therefore, employees will be photographed next to their paper figures, show photos to friends, be proud of themselves and their company. This is a good effect, even if you didn't originally plan for it.


Like everything in the world, there is a fashion for corporate events. In the early 2000s, everyone was crazy about soap making and dancing master classes. Now in Moscow they like more interactive quests using smartphones, tablets and augmented reality. In 2 years something new will be in vogue. The job of an event company is precisely to find and come up with new ideas and connect them with the goals of the companies.

The most boring corporate parties come from client briefs - when a responsible employee unilaterally comes up with what kind of entertainment to order and invites agencies to set the lowest price. Such corporate parties are a celebration of banality and a meager budget.

Advice: even if you have a small budget, contact the event studio for at least free advice. With due persistence, many ideas can be implemented independently, but it is better to take the ideas themselves from those who are professionally engaged in this.

Interesting corporate events are obtained when a client comes to the agency with a clearly realized goal, and they jointly come up with how to realize this goal.

The bank has taken a leading position thanks to new products and technologies. But lately he has begun to give up his positions, because over the past year he has not created a single breakthrough idea. The HR audit showed that employees feel like market leaders and are resting on their laurels. The goal is to shake up the team, infect them with the excitement of struggle and innovation.

The event agency offered to hold corporate games to launch breakthrough internal projects: employees are divided into teams, come up with a project idea, receive the help of mentors from the required industry and a platform for launching. At the end of the year - presentation of projects in front of the entire company, which ends with the awarding of the winners and a big celebration with summing up. The agency came up with game mechanics, ways to motivate employees, a powerful brand of the competition and all the accompanying presentation.

As a result, the New Year's corporate party was entirely dedicated to leaders and innovators, who set a new tone for work. In two months of corporate games, the new projects department received more viable proposals than in the previous two years.


A good corporate event is never cheap, because there is a huge invisible infrastructure behind any detail of the holiday.

The client wants to have a picnic. Among other things, he is offered a station with fresh berries. Price - 1000 rubles per person. “Are you out of your mind ?! - the client is indignant, - I will buy a bucket of berries for each employee for 1000 rubles. But when he says so, he doesn't think that:

The berries will be beautifully packed in individual baskets, washed and ready to eat. If necessary, they will be accompanied by napkins and disposable forks that will look like silverware;

The berries will be fresh because they will be bought on the same day early in the morning; they will be whole, and not crushed and sour;

The berries will be handed out by two spectacular maidens in suits, in front of them there will be a luxurious rustic-style stand, and a banner with the company logo on top. The girls will smile and invite them to taste the berries, and the sound of their voices will be sweeter than those berries;

somewhere there will be a trash bin hidden from the eyes, where all the waste will fall, and after the Event, this bucket, along with the waste, will magically disappear somewhere, it will be clean;

On a hot day, a stock of berries for 100 people will be stored in a refrigerator hidden from the eyes, to which electricity will be supplied from a generator, which will also be hidden from view;

All this will be brought in a truck, assembled, installed, monitored for safety, and then disassembled, put into a truck, taken away and tidied up.

Now imagine what would happen if the client decides to just buy 100 buckets of berries.

When you contact an agency, you pay not for props, products and costumes, but for a comprehensive service. If you are having an outdoor picnic and it suddenly starts to rain, a good event studio will have a stock of a gazelle full of large beautiful umbrellas, tents, blankets and burners.

If the agency has counted too expensive a holiday for you, it is better to reduce the "coverage": remove some stations and attractions. Better one good berry stand than a whole park of boring second-rate entertainment that gets wet in the rain. And then clean up after them.

A mobile fruit station at an event in Gorky Park

Little holiday

Corporate events don't have to be huge. Small but regular events are just as enjoyable. For example, congratulate an employee on the first year of work or happy birthday. A person comes to the workplace, and is already waiting for him small congratulations and a gift. For this, it is not necessary to hire an agency - you can also entrust one of the employees.

From time to time, a fruit salad bar or a station with fresh juices may appear in the office. It's great when the office is on a short time unusual objects appear - a Soviet slot machine, a soda machine, a large mirror with the inscription "You look great", a mobile photo studio, the "Dandy" prefix, or something like that. When an object appears for a short time, employees appreciate it more, and it does not have time to get bored.

Flower master class at STS-Media.

A corporate party is so good that it allows you to unite a large (or small) team of a common holiday idea and enables each of the employees to express themselves in a new way, to surprise with talents or simply to entertain their colleagues. And if, at the same time, the party was also prepared by the efforts of the team and everyone took part in its preparation in one way or another, then we can assume that the management of the company or enterprise managed to arrange a holiday and save money on teambuilding. The main thing is to be able to choose an interesting new year corporate party script idea and ignite all its participants and guests with it.

Idea number 1. How to arrange a New Year's corporate party "Brazilian Carnival"

When organizing a party on the theme of "Brazilian Carnival", everything is important - both what dishes are served to the table, and what kind of music will "light up" the guests all evening. In the musical arrangement, of course, there should be all kinds of rumba, salsa and samba. Announce in advance among your colleagues about the upcoming numerous dance competitions (let them get in shape!), While it is worth arranging pair and singles competitions, or even a dance marathon for survival. And, of course, at a Brazilian party you cannot do without a collective "train" with an ageless lambada!

If the budget allows, then by all means invite professional dancers who, in their enchanting costumes, will accompany the festive program of the whole evening: competition program... And they will hold a master class on teaching one of the popular dances of the Brazilian carnival.

By the way, together with such a dancer you can have a very "sultry" photo session. By the way, at the carnival there are many who want to try on the luxurious "tail" and the sultan of a real Brazilian dancer. So why not arrange such an attraction as well ?! Let there be a specially designated place in the hall with an acting photographer, carnival props and elements of komtyums, here you can also install a tantamaresque with a thematic plot.

As for the treats, here you need to rely on fruits and seafood. It is best to arrange a buffet table with light alcoholic drinks.

All this Brazilian splendor can be successfully completed with fireworks. Well, as a last resort, boomfeti. An enchanting carnival theme for sure will leave enchanting impressions and memories!

Idea number 2. How to Throw a New Year's Eve Party "Masquerade Ball"

And here's another way to unusually celebrate the New Year with colleagues - to arrange a masquerade ball! The idea of ​​New Year's fancy-dress holidays is time-tested, but to breathe into it new life, and arouse everyone's interest, it is better to make the masquerade thematic. It can be any fairy tale (for example, "Alice in Wonderland"), a historical era or even an artistic direction (for example, Malevich's cubism is a very effective reason to sew a red jacket with shoulder pads and a black skinny pencil skirt). It will look spectacular and add colors and mood if the program, the hall, and the menu are decorated in the chosen style.

But, if the idea of ​​a completely fancy-dress holiday does not particularly fit into the format of a New Year's corporate party, you can limit yourself to masks or half masks. But then. for an incentive, it is worth announcing in advance that there will be a competition for the best mask, and that homemade masks will be preferred! Among the nominations may be: "Creative rules", "Everyone is in shock", "Style icon", "Miss exclusive", etc.

Music and food at the masquerade can be very different. However, if you are organizing a masquerade ball in the style of a Russian folk tale, then the menu must include pancakes, vodka, and caviar. And the musical repertoire in this case certainly will not do without "Barynya" and "Kamarinsky".

As entertainment and surprise, you can invite a caricature artist or face painting masters (by the way, everyone who came without a mask can be sent to them as a "punishment")!

In the spirit of a masquerade ball - an idea with "living sculptures", an impromptu fairy tale or favorite forfeits and other fun, where there are elements of dressing up, theatricalization. This one, full of game moments and real New Year's fun, will definitely turn out to be very bright and original!

Idea number 3. "Fashion show" at the New Year's reception.

Most of us are interested in fashion, and in their youth, many girls dreamed of becoming a popular fashion model at least for a moment or becoming famous as a couturier, whose name is known all over the world. New Year is a holiday of miracles, so why not make the cherished dream of the beautiful half of the team come true. Let the "Fashion Show" become the main theme of the corporate party and each department or office prepares its own model with a name and a corresponding presentation for the fashion show. The theme can be free, i.e. full flight of imagination, and maybe one for all, for example, the same flight, only into space. You can also declare a vintage party and then the show will accordingly be in retro style.

A jury is chosen by secret (or explicit) voting - preferably from men! You can also conduct a preliminary "draw" and distribute a narrow theme for each team-competitor, something like: a suit for sleeping in outer space, an outfit for walking on Venus, jumpsuit for docking, etc. the main thing here is to treat the tasks with humor and not "bother" too much on expensive materials. By the way, you can arrange an economy-class competition: a dress from improvised means - newspapers, paper clips, scotch tape and other office supplies.

It is also worth adding to the program more dance and New Year's contests and games - and, then, it will turn out with its own intrigue, zest and unforgettable emotions!

Idea number 4 How to arrange a New Year's party "Back to the USSR"

The entire adult population of our country belongs to those who were born in the Soviet Union, and everyone, to varying degrees, knows or has heard about that period in the life of Russians. Taking this corporate party theme as a basis, you can arrange several unforgettable hours for your colleagues: immersing everyone in the atmosphere, traditions and style of socialist times. Let in entertainment program evenings will include contests for wall newspapers or propaganda teams, parodies of the Soviet stage, dramatization of songs and scenes based on Soviet cinema. It would be nice to arrange a quiz on the knowledge of the country's achievements in 70 years of Soviet power, dance competitions in retro style, guess the melody of the 70s and 80s, etc. Hall and festive table can also be decorated with the attributes of that era, and to complete the picture, you can also arrange a strict dress code. In general, arrange a complete immersion in that contradictory, but in its own way wonderful period of our life - it will be fun and unusual!

New Year is a special holiday, it is simply created for something new, unusual, bright and cheerful, so do not get tired of fantasizing about more original idea parties, the more chances that it will be truly incendiary and uniting, as it should be for a corporate event!

Make the New Year's holiday in your work team the main event of the year!

At large enterprises and in very wealthy firms, corporate events are organized by specially invited people with the appropriate education. But what about those who, on the instructions of the management, are forced to independently arrange a New Year's party for their colleagues?

You can, of course, just order the delivery of salads, canapes and other snacks and celebrate the coming New Year with a banal buffet table. But it's better to get creative. And today tells how to turn an office party into a real New Year's corporate party.

Corporate "Dolly Sheep"

The year of the Sheep is approaching us, which means that we can safely make this animal a key figure in a corporate party. We invite you to host a clone party!

Props for a New Year's corporate party

For corporate new year holiday in the year of the Sheep you will need:

  • Same masks "sheep" and red christmas caps by the number of employees. Ideally, it would be a good idea to ask colleagues to come to the similar clothes- dark trousers and light shirts (blouses), but since this is unlikely to find a positive response, you can limit yourself to masks and hats.
  • Absolutely identical in appearance, that is, "cloned" appetizers - baskets with salads, various minced meat and pâté, meat and fish cuts, sweet creams, fruits. The trick is that they should all be mixed and decorated so that everyone has the impression that the contents of the tartlets are the same.
  • Any hot dishes that must also look the same at first, for example, be hidden under a heap of greenery or under special restaurant covers.
  • Props for contests suggested by us and invented by you and small souvenirs for rewarding the winners, as well as clothes for Santa Claus and Snow Maiden.

The standard Santa Claus can be replaced by a medium-sized man in a sheep costume, but with a red nose, a beard, a traditional hat and a staff. Turn the Snow Maiden into a lamb too, but with pigtails, a bell on her neck and a bow on her head.

So, at the very beginning of the corporate party, distribute masks and caps to colleagues, and also agree that each of those present throughout the evening begins any sentence with the “code” word “sheep”.

Congratulations and wishes for the New Year

Start the party with a performance by Ded Moroz and Snegurochka. Let them first congratulate the audience on the upcoming New Year, and then explain the rules of conduct at the corporate party. Allowed: bleating, pushing cereals, chewing, flirting, dancing and complimenting. Forbidden: stubbornness, fight off the herd, react slowly.

Then give the floor to your superiors and ask them to highlight (also starting each sentence with the word "sheep") those who distinguished themselves (in good sense) employees. After that, propose a toast: “To the friendly flock” and give employees time to drink and eat (“matching” snacks will add fun).

After those present have satisfied their first hunger, hold some kind of competition. For example, divide your colleagues into 2 teams, give them each big sheet Whatman paper and felt-tip pens of the same color. Assignment: draw as many sheep similar to each other as possible. The winner is the team that quickly fills the Whatman paper with "cloned" sheep. And everyone should draw, not just one person.

New Year's toasts

Raise the following toasts for the past year and for the success of the team, as well as for the coming year. They can sound like this:

Friends, we have done a great job,
We have achieved many successes
And we have every right
Shout out loudly to each other: "Bravo!"
Raise a toast for the past year,
Hug colleagues frantically
And drink one, and two, and three
For what lies ahead

Let's make this toast
For the year of the Sheep, standing on the doorstep,
May it be pleasant, light, simple
And it will bring high incomes.
May he unite us more than now,
Will give interesting projects
And let him demand in return from us
Just sincere compliments!

After that, let your colleagues taste hot and chat with each other, then give the floor for toasts to everyone. Then hand out new Year gifts(or have your boss do it) and run the next competition.

New Year's Contest "Cloned Drinks"

Open a bottle of wine and vodka in advance and without witnesses and replace their contents with juice suitable color and plain water (temporarily pour alcoholic drinks into plastic bottles, then return to "native" containers). Announce a competition and invite two volunteers, a man and a woman.

Give a lady a bottle with "wine", a man, respectively, with "vodka". Blindfold them, unwrap them, and offer them to drink as much as they can. The winner is the one who really drinks the bottle almost to the bottom and does not say that the drink has been changed. Explain to someone who will be disappointed with the substitution that clones have no soul, in this particular case, taste and strength.

New Year's contests and nominations for a corporate party

The next stage is the choice of "Dolly the sheep". It can be the most beautiful employee or employee who successfully “clones” ideas, money for the company, some images, etc. The winner (winner) is awarded a large plush sheep or something more valuable.

Think up the rest of the contests based on the corporate party theme ("clones") and focusing on the type of activity of your team. Pick up intermediate toasts in the same way.

After the 10th or 15th toast, dim the lights and ask your coworkers to put on sheep masks and red New Year's caps. Set the condition that from this moment and for 15 minutes only bleating is allowed. And announce the start of the slow dance marathon. Further, colleagues will not need a "master of ceremonies". Your employees will determine the continuation of the corporate party on their own.

How to create a festive mood at a New Year's corporate party

You can use all of these ideas or take only one of them, since these ideas are not a script, but just a hint in which direction to go when preparing a party for colleagues.

  • Stock up on various oversized souvenirs - key chains, sheep figurines, bright handles, small bottles of alcohol, pressed towels, etc. Put everything in one big bag - it will be a "storage" for prizes, which you will begin to present to those who won the contests or just participated in them.
  • Write a little poem about each employee, and don't forget about your boss. If you don’t have a gift for poetry, then simply redo the classics. For example: "The accountant is the uncle of honest rules, when he wrote his report, he added three zeros to the total, and he could not invent a better one." Read poetry as you present gifts to your coworkers.
  • Analyze all the successes of your colleagues over the past year and arrange an awards ceremony. Nominations can be as follows: "Workhorse 2014" " Creative idea 2014 "," Successful negotiations 2014 "," Successful deal 2014 "," Favorite clients 2014 "," Soul of the company 2014 ", etc. Purchase or make the appropriate certificates on a computer and buy large chocolate medals or some kind of Oscar-type statuettes for them.
  • Record New Year's songs, both for children and adults, on a separate disk (flash drive), and include them in between toasts and contests. This will create an appropriate atmosphere, and at some point, quite respectable uncles and aunts will begin to actively sing along. By the way, if you have a "singing" collective, then take care of the equipment for karaoke.
  • Conduct a lottery with a drawing of prizes in the New Year theme (sets Christmas balls, figurines of Santa Claus and Snow Maiden, firecrackers, etc.). Draw and print lottery tickets and distribute them to all employees at the very beginning of the corporate party. Play 5-6 tickets, and then arrange a game of forfeits. Take out the card with the number from the drum (box, hat, etc.) and ask your colleagues what to do to the owner of this or that ticket.
  • If the budget allows and if you have a team of no more than 20 people, invite an artist who draws friendly cartoons. You can ask him to depict each employee in the form of a cute sheep, on the side or on the belly of which will be written "2015". These portraits will become an additional gift for those present.

New Year's corporate party: how to make a holiday unforgettable

You don't have to celebrate the New Year in an office or restaurant. You can arrange an offsite corporate party with active outdoor games such as bowling, paintball (they also play in winter), curling or just ice skating. Naturally, this idea is only suitable for teams in which all employees are young enough - you should not offend honored elderly workers, they simply will have nothing to do at such corporate parties.

And, of course, it is worth making sure that everyone is not only fun, but also delicious. If you have small team, then it is better to interview employees in advance and draw up a menu, focusing on their gastronomic preferences. If there are a lot of people, then just when ordering or buying food (ready-made meals), do not forget that in any community there are meat eaters, vegetarians and those who eat fish.