
Scenario of a summer holiday in kindergarten. Middle - senior group. Holiday ideas and tips


Nadezhda Bunyaeva

Entertainment Scenario

"Before goodbye, summer

Compiled and conducted: Bunyaeva N. N.

The song is on record "Oh, what is our summer» from m/f "Santa Claus and summer»

Leading: Hello dear guys! What a wonderful song that brought us here together today! And now I'll give you a riddle.

Hear mosquitoes singing

Berry and flower time

The lake is warm

Everyone is invited to swim (summer)

Right! For three months you tanned, grew up. They became dexterous and skillful. And let's remember with you the names of the summer months.

Children's answers

June appears.

Soundtrack sounds "Birdsong". June appears.

June: - Do you hear the birds singing in June? What a wonderful diversity! What summer singers do you know?

(Children's answers : nightingale, lark, starling, robin)

Heat. June. Early summer!

I'm walking through the meadow with a flower.

Dressed in summer clothes

Butterflies flutter around!

The bells opened

Down flies from poplars.

In a meadow of fragrant herbs

A lush carpet spreads.

The bird choir sings.

In the backwater, where it is quiet,

The mustachioed catfish dozed off.

And the strawberry turns red

Under the walnut bush.

Didactic game "What tree is the leaf from?"

Target: the formation of relative adjectives.

June invites children to participate in the game and divides those who wish into two teams.

On the tables are subject pictures with images of trees. The presenter suggests decomposing subject pictures with images of leaves to the corresponding trees What tree did this leaf fall from?

The children lay out the pictures. The presenter evaluates the actions of the children and asks to name them correctly. branches: a leaf from a birch - birch, a leaf from a linden - linden, etc.

The phonogram sounds. July appears.


This month is the brightest

The most motley, the hottest.

Sweet linden blooms

The first boletus is growing.

Rye blooms in the field

Thunderstorms are shaking.

Bees carry honey into the hives

It all came in July.

(D. Elovikova)

July: - Hello guys! I am the second month of summer. I AM - …. (Children chorus: July) Will you please me with your poems?

Children's performance:

mobile game "Collect a Flower"

Target: creating a positive emotional background with the help of mobile developing competitive games.

July: Guys, what flowers bloom summer? Yellow are...

Children: Dandelions.

July: White is...

Children: Daisies.

July: Blue is...

Children: Cornflowers.

July: Look, guys: summer blew warm breeze and the petals of our flowers scattered. Who will collect his flower faster?

The host invites children of middle and younger age groups to participate in the game. Music sounds, children collect the petals into a flower, matching the petals by color.

Soundtrack sounds "Sound of rain, thunder." August appears.

August is not tired

Looking into all the gardens

He collects in baskets

Golden fruits.

Pears, apples, raspberries,

Tilting the branches, tears.

And in kegs and jugs

Pouring thick fragrant honey.

(T. Shorygina)

August: - Greetings, my little friends! I am the third month of summer, and I am called ....

Children: August.

August: I learned that skilful readers have gathered here. Maybe you will read me poems about the most wonderful time of the year! About summer!

Children read poetry.

The game "Complete the row"

Target: Classification of plants and assignment to the desired row (vegetables, fruits, berries, cereals)

The presenter reminds the children that August is a very fruitful month. It is not enough to harvest a crop, it must also be sorted out. Reports that there is problem: One item is missing from each basket.

Summer. Guys, while we were having fun, the postman brought the package. Guys, what do you think is in the package? (Answers.)

Summer. Let's open it up and take a look. Here lies a flower. Do you know what it's called? (Chamomile). And there's also a note. It turns out that this is not a simple Chamomile, but with a secret. Each petal is magical, with the tasks that the flower offers us to complete. I think Chamomile will reveal his secret to us. Close your eyes and count to 6.

Children: 1,2,3,4,5,6, Chamomile appears here!

On the Chamomile enters the stage.

chamomile: Hello guys! My name is Chamomile. I really love summer. What time of the year do you like? There is no other answer here - well, of course, this is ... summer. Guys, what color are my petals? What color is my middle? That's right, yellow. Yellow is my favorite. I know the Yellow Game. Do you want to play?

(Children repeat the movements of Chamomile.)

chamomile: Let's play - "Yellow Game".

The yellow sun looks down on the earth (raise arms up)

A yellow sunflower follows the sun. (shaking hands)

Yellow pears hang on branches. (flashlights)

Yellow chicks squeak loudly. (peck)

Yellow butterfly, yellow bug. (wave hands)

Yellow buttercups, yellow chamomile. (rotate hands)

Yellow sun, yellow sand.

Yellow is the color of joy, rejoice, my friend! (clapping)

chamomile: 1 petal: Guess, guys, my summer riddles!

Bright and kind, shines through the window for everyone.

We kindly ask: "Warm us up a little!" (Sun.)

2. For some, he is a gardener,

For others, he is a farmer,

Manages to be everywhere

Water the field, meadow and garden. (rain.)

3. A squadron sat on a large colored carpet,

It will open, then close the painted wings. (butterflies.)

4. Housewife

Flying over the lawn

Pat over a flower -

He will share the honey. (bee.)

5. Near the forest, at the edge,

Decorating the dark forest,

Grew motley, like Parsley,

Poisonous (fly agaric.)

6. He is yellow, he is white,

He is timid, he is brave:

As soon as the breeze blows, A flower will fly up to the clouds. (dandelion.)

Well done boys! Completed the first task.

chamomile: The second petal "Merry competition"

Children are divided into two teams.

First task: "Who quickly". Players are built in columns in front of the starting line. At the reference point - the flag of each team are 10-15 balls (these are butterflies) and a baby net. At the signal of the host, the first numbers run to the flag, take the net and put one ball in it, then carry it to the bucket, which is near the starting line, put the butterfly (ball) in a bucket, and the net is passed to the next participant.

Second task: "Who will do more jump rope."

Third task: "Run the obstacle." Children, in turn, run around the pyramids with a snake, run to the landmark and throw the ball into the basket (bucket). They return to their team.

(You can change, supplement the games at the request of educators)

chamomile: We played, frolic, now you can read poetry. This is the third petal of the chamomile.

Summer. How long we waited, how long we called

Our summer is red, loud and clear.

Finally it came, how much happiness it brought!

We have warmth and light - enough for everything summer.

1st child:

Little sun on my palm -

White chamomile on a green stem.

With a white rim, yellow hearts -

How many are in the meadow, how many are by the river!

Daisies have bloomed, it has come summer,

And we will collect bouquets of white daisies!

2nd child:

What's happened summer? That's a lot of light!

This is a field, this is a forest, this is a thousand miracles!

It's clouds in the sky, it's a fast river,

This bright flowers, the blue of heavenly heights,

This is a hundred roads in the world for childish fast legs!

Summer: Well done boys!

Another petal (4) and Chamomile's next task is to dance. Let's dance a dance that does not need to be taught. (Children dance to the tune)

Summer. You and I read poetry, and guessed riddles, and danced, and competed.

chamomile: What good fellows you are, I really liked how you play, enjoy the sun and summer.


You don't get bored without me.

I'll be back soon, goodbye!

(Chamomile leaves.)


So the fun is over, the hour of farewell has come.

Tell me frankly, did you like it here?

Guys, let's say thank you to the summer and warm sun. But unfortunately, summer ends and is replaced by (children - Autumn) and our holiday ends too. But we will not be sad, because summer will come to us again, and we will all be waiting for him together. And to all of you guys, I suggest taking crayons and drawing flowers, let this clearing remind us of summer.

The scenario of the final summer holiday for kindergarten

Leisure scenario "Goodbye, summer!" for all age groups.

Agaltsova Nina Nikolaevna, instructor in physical culture, MDOU "Kindergarten No. 128", Saratov.
Material Description: I offer you a leisure scenario “Goodbye, summer!” for all age groups. . This material will be useful to educators preschool institutions, music directors, physical education instructors.
Target: Recall the events of the summer, form positive emotions.
Tasks: improve dialogue and monologue speech; develop memory, thinking; promote the development of positive emotions; to cultivate interest in the world around, responsibility for one's behavior, actions.
Characters: adults: Leader. Children - Old man-forester, Droplet, Schoolboy.
Equipment: Projector, basket with cards (images of animals - squirrel, wolf, hedgehog, bear, fox, hare), 2-3 school bags, letter.
Music: Sound recording - "Train", "Sounds of the Forest", "Sounds of the Sea", songs - "In every little child", " School years wonderful”, “They learn at school”, “Together it’s fun to walk”, soundtracks from cartoons - “Tryam, hello!”, “Well, you wait!”, “Fixies”, “Lion cub and turtle”, “Masha and the bear”, “ Flying ship", "Barboskins".

Holiday progress:

The song “In every little child ...” sounds, children of all groups enter the hall.
Leading:- Hello guys! So autumn has come, yellow and red leaves have decorated the trees ... Today we will see off the summer and remember how we rested. I suggest you take a trip! And we’ll hit the road by train! (The music “Steam Engine” sounds)

1 stop "Forest".(An image of the forest appears with the help of a projector, the music “Forest Sounds” is heard)
Leading:- Guys! Where do you think we ended up? (Children's answers) Yes, that's right, we ended up in the forest! How beautifully the birds sing! Let's hear them sing!
The Old Man-Lesovichok appears.
Old Man-Lesovichok:- Oh! Get noisy! Who is disturbing the peace of the forest here? Are the animals scared? Leaves trash?
Leading:- Hello, Old Man-Forester! We do not make noise and do not frighten animals, and we do not scatter garbage! Really guys? (Children's answers) We are the guys from the kindergarten, we came to visit you.
Old Man-Lesovichok:- Oh, well, that's another matter! I love these guests! Do you like riddles? (Children's answers) That's nice! I have a magic basket. If you guess the riddle, a picture of an animal appears in it!
Old man: - Lesovichok makes riddles, and when the children guess, he takes out images of animals from the basket.
Riddles about animals:
1. Who deftly jumps on the Christmas trees
And flies up to the oaks?
Who hides nuts in a hollow,
Dry mushrooms for the winter?
2. All the time he prowls through the forest,
He is looking for someone in the bushes.
He clicked his teeth from the bushes,
Who say it -
3. Angry touchy
Lives in the wilderness of the forest.
Too many needles
And not a single thread.
4. He is brown and clubfoot,
Catches fish with a powerful paw.
He also loves honey!
Who will call sweetheart?
5. Cunning cheat.
red head,
Fluffy tail - beauty!
And her name is...
6. Likes red carrots
Gnawing cabbage very deftly,
He jumps here and there,
Through the forests and through the fields,
Grey, white and oblique
Who say he is
Old Man-Lesovichok:- Well done boys! It is immediately obvious that you love the forest and know its inhabitants! All riddles solved! Well, it's time for me to say goodbye to you! It is necessary to follow the forest dwellers, and who to help, because winter is coming soon, it is not in vain that they say: Autumn is a storehouse, winter is a pickle. Goodbye, guys!
The old man Lesovichok leaves.
Leading:"It's time for us guys to hit the road!" ! (The music "Steam locomotive" sounds)
Children holding on to each other's shoulders go on their way.
2 stop "Sea".(An image of the sea appears, the music “Sea Sounds” is heard)
Leading: Guys, where do you think we ended up? (Children's answers) Absolutely right! We are at sea!
Drop appears.
droplet:- Hello guys! Where are you from? (Children's answers) What good fellows you are for visiting me! Do you like to play? (Children's answers) I suggest you play the game “The sea worries once ...” And I will choose the leader using a counting rhyme:
It's good to swim in the sea!
We are not afraid of you
Dip with your head
A droplet explains the rules, the soundtrack of the game sounds. Children play 3-4 times.
Leading:- Guys, hear, the locomotive is calling us ... (The whistle of the locomotive is heard) He is calling us on the road! Goodbye, Droplet!
droplet: - Goodbye, guys. Always waiting for you to visit!
Sounds music "Steam".
Children holding on to each other's shoulders go on their way.
3 stop "School".(An image of the school appears, the song “Wonderful School Years” is heard)
Host: Guys, where are we? (Children's answers) Yes, we are in the schoolyard.
The student appears.
Schoolboy:- Hello friends! How did you get here? Too early for school...
Moderator: Hello, Artem! The guys and I came to find out how you are doing at school, what did you learn new?
Schoolboy:-I like to study, but I especially like change! Do you want me to teach you an interesting school game(Children's answers) The game is called "Pass the briefcase." We all get into a group and pass the portfolio to the music, and when the music ends, whoever has the portfolio left, he stands in a circle and performs the task - squats or jumps.
The game “Pass the briefcase” is played 3-4 times. (Music "Learn at school" sounds).
The school bell rings.
Schoolboy:-Oh, guys! It's time for me to go to school! Till!
The student runs away.
Leading:- Goodbye, Artem! Excellent grades to you at school! And we guys are going to kindergarten! ! (The music "Steam locomotive" sounds)
Children holding on to each other's shoulders go on their way.
4 stop "Kindergarten"(The song “In every little child” sounds, an image of cartoon characters appears)
Leading:- Here we are again at home, my friends! Look - we are met by cartoon characters, there is an envelope here, let's see what's in it!
The host reads: "Guys! Do you love cartoons? We, cartoon characters, offer you to guess the songs!
Soundtracks of cartoons sound - “Tryam, hello!”, “Well, wait a minute!”, “Fixies”, “Lion cub and turtle”, “Masha and the bear”, “Flying ship”, “Barboskins”. Children guess cartoons - on the wall, with the help of a projector, a corresponding illustration for the cartoon appears.
Leading: Guys, this is the end of our journey!
Children leave the hall to the song "It's fun to walk together ..."

Script musically - game program by June 1 for preschoolers
Selikhova Valentina Georgievna, musical director of MKDOU "Kindergarten No. 5" Kolobok "

G. Chekhov, Moscow region.

Job title:Scenario of musical and game program for children preschool age by June 1

"Knopa and Klepa visiting children or a kindergarten meets summer"
Work description:This material will be useful for music directors, preschool educators, parents of pupils, for children of preschool age.

Target: To create an atmosphere of a general holiday, to bring joy to children from meeting their favorite characters, to provide each child with the opportunity to show their performing abilities in games, dances, round dances, songs.

Preliminary preparation:

1. Writing a script, ads.

2. Preparation of presenters and their assistants, learning the repertoire, poems, skits with adults.

3. Decoration of the site, arrangement of scenery and attributes.

Equipment, attributes, toys:audio equipment, microphones, a rug, an artificial branch with large leaves, a hat, a chicken basket, kinder surprises with riddles, paper cranes, balloons.

Holiday progress:


Hello! Hello, we are glad to see everyone,

Who loves songs, games, and sonorous children's laughter!

Today is a holiday for the guys.

Meets summer kindergarten.

What is summer guys? (children's answers)

The facilitator asks the children to choose.

Crying is heard, the presenter pays attention to this

Host: Can you hear someone crying?

Knopa appears, crying.

Leading : Hello girl, what happened to you, why are you crying so bitterly?

Button: I ran to you for a holiday and brought you this balloon, but ran so fast that she didn’t look at the road, and that’s what I had left of this ball. (crying)

Leading : Dry your tears and don't be upset, because today is a wonderful holiday, 1st day of summer and children's day! Today everyone should have fun and rejoice, so tell us, what is summer?

Knopa : (calms down)

What is summer? “This is a sea of ​​light.

This is a field, this is a forest, this is a thousand miracles!

It's clouds in the sky, it's a fast river,

This is a thousand roads of adventure without worries!

Are you ready for adventure? (children's answers) to songs? To dances? Games?

Then it's time for us to go

Repeat after me friends!

Choo-choo-choo, tuk-tuk-tuk (show the movement of the wheels with their hands)

White lambs (show cloud)

Blows on the go (ex. hand, left hand, both hands)

Steam locomotive bug (

Sounds in the recording of the song "Paravoz bug"

(children of 2 junior, middle, senior and preparatory groups are taken by a train one after another in a circle, then they perform movements as shown by the host, according to the text in the song).


Here we cometo the Magic Land, where a wonderful holiday awaits us

Button: Guys, run out as soon as possible, we will have fun playing, we will dance together!

Dance "Magic Land"»

We welcome our children to our holiday

Welcome everyone to us

Knopa: We are very glad to have guests!

Leading: The holiday of childhood is here with us,

Knopa: And we want to amuse you all!

Let's get acquainted,

My name is Knopa,

And this is my friend Klepa!(applauding, everyone is waiting for the appearance of Klepa).


Klepochka, are you there?(He enters behind a tree from one side, Klepa at this time sneaks from the other side, covering himself with a large branch with leaves)


Call back, where are you?(Klyopa moves in the opposite direction in short dashes. Both begin to back away, collide with their backs, find themselves in front of the audience, and freeze in amazement. Button carefully bypasses Klepa, looking closely)Whom does this tree remind me of?...Huh?!(looks under the leaves). Ah, is that it? Well, why such a disguise, tell me, please?

Klepa. I'm shy.

Button. I can not hear. What are you saying?

Klepa. I'm shy, there are so many strangers here.

Leading: Why be shy, let's get to know everyone soon.

Klepa. (Suitable for children, adults, shakes hands)I am Klepa, I am very glad, good afternoon, have a nice meeting!

Button. Stop! So we will get to know each other until the evening. Let's do it differently.

Klepa. Like this?

Button. And like this - as I say the word "three", say the name out loud.

Leading : Guys, everyone understood how the button will say one, two, three, everyone shouts their name loudly.

Klepa. Now I know everyone.

You are now my friends!

Conducted by the Host: a game in the circle “All friends are in our hall”

Leading : In our hall all friends(clapping hands)- and one, two, three,

He, she and you and me (clapping hands)- and one, two, three,

Turn to the one on the right, turn to the one on the left...

- we are now friends;

Smile to the one on the right, smile to the one on the left - we are now friends;

Wink at the one on the right, wink at the one on the left - we are friends now;

Hug the one on the right, hug the one on the left - we are friends now;

Give a hand to the one on the right, give a hand to the one on the left - we are now friends.

Knop. How many friends we have here, let's dance quickly!

Together with us, our smallest children ....

Dance with the kids "Little Ducklings" muses.

Klepa: Guys, do you like swimming in summer? Who likes to swim in hot water in summer? And in the cold?

Knopa : Swimming is great in summer. I love dog bathing.

Klepa: And I'm a brass.

Host: Ah, I'm on my back.

Button: And let's play with the guys and see how attentive they are.

Swimming game

Leading : Guys, tell me, is it possible to go to the river without adults? (children's answers) That's right, do not forget to invite adults to the river with you, because together it is always more interesting, and safer.

Klepa : How interesting it is with you, in your cheerful and friendly company.

Knopa : Of course, it's interesting, because these guys live in a magical land, and how they live, they will now show. Guys from preparatory group danceDance "Little Stars"and guys from other groups will join you.

(Klepa spreads a rug, lie down with his legs crossed)

Button: (referring to Klepa)So what does it mean?

Klepa: (sings)

I lie in the sun, I look at the sun.

I lie and lie and look at the sun ...


Klepochka, you can’t sunbathe for a long time in the sun, get up couch potato (Klepa waves it off, turns to the other side)

Let's learn together, guys, my fun exercise.(Gradually, Klepa connects to the charger, takes the rug away)

"Children's exercises" "Funny little men" E. Yu. Shalamonova

Funny little men can not sit:

On the shore, they want to have time for some water!

(Children run in a circle with small steps.)

Bultykh! And everyone swam for the golden fish,

And they did not freeze at all under the warm wave.

(Imitate diving and swimming)

Bultykh! They dived together, and emerged at once.

(They imitate diving, squatting a little, “emerge”, rising on their toes.)

Now we need to dry off, we are on the grass now.

(“Shake off” the water with appropriate hand movements.)

Jumping gallop! Vodka in the ears! Let's shake our ears.

(They jump on one or the other leg, slightly shaking their heads.)

It’s not good for us to get sick - we run faster to the house!(Run in place).


You see how athletic Knopa is because she does such interesting exercises every day.

Klepa: Knopa and I don't get bored, we rock boogie-woogie!

Dance "Boogie Woogie"

(Klepa approaches Button and whispers in her ear)


Ah, you have a secret for the guys.(Klepa nods her head in response)

And where is he hidden?(Klepa takes out a basket with a toy - Chicken). Ordinary chicken, but what's the secret ?!


The chicken is ordinary, but in the golden testicles there are riddles. (Knopa opens Kinder - a surprise egg, and Klepa loudly reads riddles - shifters).

The bunny went out for a walk

The paws of the hare are exactly ... (not five, but four)

I have a dog

She already has tails ... (not 6, but 1)

There is a funny saying:

Snow fell - meet ... (winter)

The blizzard howls like a drill,

It’s standing in the yard ... (not April, but February)

birthday on the nose

We baked ... (not sausage, but a cake)

At Irinka and Oksanka

There are three-wheelers ... (not a sled, but a bicycle)


Let's put this chicken in its place, something she was worried.

Everyone has a cherished secret for a friend,

Take a friend by the hand

Tell him your secret.

Dance "Colorful game"music B. Savelyeva (Children of the preparatory group perform in pairs).

Klepa (looks up at the sky, runs to look for a cap from the sun)

Knop. Klepochka, what happened, did you lose something?

Klepa. Where is she? ( Runs, fusses, looks under the bench, for the teachers)

Knop. What are you looking for?

Klepa. Well, such ... - light with fields?

Knop. What?! Notebook?!

Klepa. No!!! Such a kru - u - glaya !!!

Knop. What?! Plate?!

Klepa. Well no!!! She is still dressed on her head so that her head does not bake.

Knopa: Guys, help me.

Klepa: Exactly, she found it!!! ( Takes a hat) . Knopa, this is a gift for you!

Button: Joyfully, thank you Klepa, you are a true friend.

Leading: Guys, but Klepa is right, in the summer you should definitely wear hats.

Klepa: Of course not. Guys, look carefully at Knopa with a hat, this hat is magical!

Button: Yes, okay, magic

Klepa: Magical, I tell you for sure, as soon as the music starts, she begins to dance, when the music stops, she does not dance.

Button: It can't be!!!

Klepa : And now we’ll check, (Music sounds, the hat is dancing, Knopa throws it to Klepa with fright, Klepa again Knop, laughs at her, the music stops, throws his hat)

Klepa A: Well, what did I say...

Knopa : Miracles, but let's play with the guys, they will pass this hat to each other, and on whom the music stops, he runs out into the circle.

(Children pass the hat to the music)

Children caught in a circle, read a verse, or dance, by choice

Leading : The sun warmed us with rays,

Summer gave us flowers

We will celebrate the holiday

Let's sing and dance!

Chunga-changa dance

Klepa: Guys, is it true that you and your parents prepared a surprise for such a wonderful holiday? (Children answer)

Leading: Yes, our children, together with their parents, were preparing for this holiday and made such paper cranes.

Button: Guys, do you know what this paper crane means?

(Suitable child reads a verse)

Cranes, cranes,

Birds of Peace and Kindness.

Cranes, cranes,

We will open our hearts to you

Klepa: Happy Protection Day congratulations
All the kids on earth
With all your might
Protect children from harm
Button: So that in the life of a child it was
More joy always
To go further
Even a small problem!
Leading : Our dear children, parents and guests who are present at our holiday, we once again congratulate you on Children's Day!

Now we will give each of you a balloon, with your paper crane, hold the ball tightly and don't let it go, because our cranes want to hear how kind, sweet and good guys you are.

Button: Guys, let's together with our cranes, we will sing a wonderful song called "Let there always be sunshine"

Klepa: May there always be peace on our planet!

Children sing "Let there always be sunshine" movements are performed according to the adult's show).

The song "Stork on the Roof" sounds under the song Knopa says the words

Button: Let the balloons

With a paper crane

Brings Peace to all the earth

In the sky clear, clear!
Leading: And now we will say the magic words and send white cranes along with balloons into the sky.



(everyone releases balloons into the sky)

The song I! YOU! HE! SHE sounds! Everyone is dancing!

Knopa and Klepa: Well, it's time for us to say goodbye. Until we meet again, friends!

Holiday script

"Goodbye, Summer"

(The song "What color is summer" sounds)


Hello, I am glad that the best and most cheerful guys have gathered in our hall today. I have a question for you:

Which season of the year is your favorite in nature?

There is no other answer here: the best of all, of course,

Children. Summer!

Leading. You can swim, sunbathe,
To pick a wreath of flowers.

Walk in the forest for berries
Catch a fish in the river!

Let's remember what our summer was like.

(Children's answers.)

presenter. And today we will say goodbye to summer. And it will help us to be transported to visit Summer, this one magic flower.

Fly fly petal

Through west to east

Through the north, through the south,
Come back making a circle
Just touch the ground

To be led in my opinion

Tell us to be

In a fairy tale!

/ tears off a petal, the song “Summer” sounds music. And sl. A. Pugacheva, SUMMER enters. /

Summer. Hello my friends!

How glad I am to meet you!

You have grown up, become big,

Tell me, did you recognize me?

So tell me, who am I?

Children. Summer!

Summer. Why are you so sad?

presenter. Today we say goodbye to you next year.

And we don't want to.

Summer. And today we will have fun and play with you. Do you agree?

Summer. Cheerful, merrier, the sun shines
Fly into the blue, fly into the blue!

presenter. Let's guys sing a funny song, shall we?

"Funny song" - senior group

Summer: I brought you guys interesting riddles


A hot ball in the sky shines -

Anyone will notice this ball.

In the morning he looks at us through the window,

Joyfully shining, ... (sun)

Animals, birds live there;

Berries, mushrooms grow.

Pines growing to the sky.

What kind of place is it? (Forest)

Not a bird, but with wings,
Not a bee, but flies over flowers. (Butterfly).

Sparrows, swifts, penguins,
bullfinches, rooks, peacocks,
Parrots and tits:
In a word, this is ... (Birds)

Summer: Guys, do you want to fly like birds?

Come out to the clearing kids (younger and middle groups)

Now I will turn you into birds. You just need to say the magic words:

Turn right, turn left

Turn into different birds!

The game "Here the birds flew"

Summer: Now I'll turn you back into kids:

Turn right, turn left

Birds, turn into children!

(Children do not sit down)


In this summer hour, we have fun!

Well, do not yawn, start the game!

The game "Hat" - all groups

(Children of the younger and middle group take their places)


The fun continues
Let's get in the mood!
Get in a circle soon
Let's dance more fun!

Dance "Opanki" - senior and junior groups

Game "How are you?"

Summer. How fun I am with you!

I don't even want to leave.

At parting, I invite everyone to dance.

Children are dancing free dance using familiar movements.


And now - gifts of summer!
There's my basket somewhere!
Will be in groups - a feast by a mountain,
Well, it's time for me to go home!
(There is a covered fruit basket nearby. Summer takes it, shows the contents of the basket to the children. Gives the basket to the teacher)

Leading. Let's say thank you to Summer and goodbye! Until next year!

(Summer says goodbye to the children and leaves.)

"We will find colors for the summer." Scenario summer fun for children 5-7 years old

Kryuchkova Svetlana Nikolaevna, music director MDOU Children's Garden No. 127 "Northern Tale", Petrozavodsk

Material Description: the scenario of summer entertainment for senior preschool age may be of interest to music directors and educators for holding Children's Day on June 1.

Target: creating a joyful mood in children

- to consolidate the knowledge of preschoolers related to the summer theme.
- to improve the skills and abilities acquired in music lessons
- to promote the development of positive emotions in children

Preliminary work:
- learning poems, songs, dances

For the celebration we will use 2 halls - sports and music. We decorate the music hall with forest decorations. We decorate the gym with flowers, balloons, toys

Children to the music "Let's go to the garden for raspberries" (backing track) enter the gym).

Presenter: Hello guys. Listen to the riddle
The forest is full of songs and screams,
Strawberry juice splashes
Children splash in the river
The bees are dancing on the flower...
What is the name of this time?
Guess kids... (SUMMER)

Children: Summer

Leading: Today is the first day of summer.
We celebrate the holiday of summer
Festival of the sun, festival of light.
Sun, sun, hotter gray!
The holiday will be more fun!

1 child:
Summer laughs again
In an open window.
And sun and light
Full again

2 child:
To ring out cheerful laughter,
The kids didn't cry
The sun shines for everyone
Shines the same
General dance "The sun came out"

Leading: Let's call Summer to us. We've been waiting for him for so long.

Summer, come visit
Bring us warmth!

Music "Straw summer" sounds

Leto enters the hall to the music.

I send you all hello guys,
I am red summer, rich in sun
Have you been waiting for me?

Leading: Waited. We love summer

Summer: What do you know about this time of year?

1 child:
Summer is famous for mushrooms,
Berries and flowers
And in June the nightingales
Songs will begin to sing

2 child:
Trills are sonorous output!
The kids go to the river
Sunbathing on the sand
Learn to swim in the river.

3 child:
More pants and t-shirts
They lie on the shore
And the lawns bask
In chamomile snow

4 child:
Butterflies flutter around
Harvest from flowers
Both in gardens and orchards
Nature is generous to the fruits

5 child:
So this is the time of year
Paying people for their work
And it's not for nothing that he's called
Summer is red, summer is clear
Summer is good, fertile!

Summer: Ay, well done! They didn’t miss anything, everyone told about me. Tell me guys, how did you spend your day?

We will tell everything in order:
Exercised in the morning

Summer: How?

Children: Like this, like this, and like this, and like this!
(show exercises)

Summer: And then?

Leading: They sat down for breakfast, ate breakfast with appetite

Summer: How?

Children: (imitate how "they eat porridge with a spoon")

Summer: And then?

Leading: We went for a walk, caught colorful butterflies

Summer: How?

Children: (pretend to catch butterflies with their hands - clapping their hands)

Summer: And then?

Leading: Then they swam, swam in the river, splashed!

Summer: How?

Children: (swimming movements with two hands)

Summer: And then?

Leading: Then they worked in the garden with a watering can, with a chopper

Summer: How?

Children:(they pretend to "water the beds, water the beds")

Summer: And then?

Leading: We sat down to dinner, without a trace everyone finished up!

Summer: And then?

Leading: They lay down and fell asleep soundly!

Summer: How?

Children: And this is who, how, you can do it, you can do it!

(show - hands under cheeks, close eyes)

Summer: Wonderful!

Do you want to visit the summer forest? It's full of wonders!

Children: want

Hold hands tight
Stand one after another.
I'll go ahead
I will take you children to the forest.

Children move from the gym to the music and go to the music room.

Enter the music room. In the hall, a soundtrack of birdsong sounds against the background of calm music.

Summer: Here we are in the forest. Do you hear how the birds sing? This is how they welcome guests.

Summer: And what is this bird? (answers) It's a woodpecker.
He sits on a tree, his nose is hollowing out a dry trunk.

The phonogram of rain (rain) sounds:

Leading: looks like it's starting to rain...

Summer takes a large umbrella decorated with green leaves.

Summer: Here we will wait out the rain.
(children hide under an open umbrella)

Gradually decrease the volume of the phonogram ...

Summer: It looks like the rain is ending.

(children come out from under the umbrella, the sound of rain becomes louder again)

Summer: it's so rain invites us to play with it.

The game "Whose circle will gather faster"

(children stand in 3 circles around three multi-colored umbrellas - red, yellow, blue).

1 part of the music - walk around the umbrellas
Part 2 of the music - they run loose

3 at the end of the music, the children line up around the umbrellas, near which they started the game)

Summer draws attention to a sheet of drawing paper folded and tied with a ribbon under the tree. The painting depicts the sun, clouds, dandelions, grass, flowers, ladybugs, a river, trees with leaves in black and white…

Summer: wonder what it is? (unfolds a sheet of paper). Look, it's the same picture. There's just something missing from her. What do you think is missing?
Children: she is black and white. Not enough colors.

Summer: it was the rain that played a trick - it washed away all the colors from the summer picture.
We will not lose heart - we will look for paints.

Leading: Where do we look for paint for the picture?

Beautiful gentle music sounds. Against the background of music, a voice is heard:

Summer: let's go look for the magic flower.
Children walk around the hall to the music, find a flower with multi-colored petals (yellow, green, red, blue), on which riddles are written. The petals are inserted into the slot in the middle, they can be easily removed and inserted.

Summer: Hello, colorful flower.

The voice of a flower sounds:

Hello my friends.
I will be glad to help you.

Multi-colored riddles live on my magic petals. If you can guess them, they will give you colors for your picture.

Leading: Well, what, guys, will solve riddles? Shall we return the paint to the painting?

Children: Yes.

Summer takes a flower - a multicolored flower (4 petals on a flower - red, yellow, green, blue flowers). As they guess the riddles in the picture, the children with the teacher shade the pictures with felt-tip pens of the corresponding colors

yellow - sun, dandelion
red - ladybugs, flowers,
blue - river, sky, clouds
green - grass, flower stems

Leto removes the petal with riddles and reads:

Summer: we will pick the petal and we will read the riddle.
(pulls off 1st petal)

1. A hot ball in the sky shines,
Anyone will notice this ball.
In the morning he looks at us through the window,
Joyfully shining, (sun)

Dance of the sun and rays (girls)

2. All of it is golden,
Soft and fluffy.
He is a chicken's child,
And his name is ... (chicken)

What color did the riddles give us?

Children: yellow

Leading: let's give it to the picture? What can they decorate?

sunshine, dandelion

(children with a teacher shade with a yellow felt-tip pen in the picture the image of dandelions, the sun)

Summer: Again we will pick the petal and we will read the riddles:

(pulls off 2nd petal)
The sun sets in the evening
He spends in the sky with a brush.
Doesn't want to leave in vain
Leaves a trail ... (dawn)

What kind of trees
Do they have needles?
What red balls
But you can't see the tinsel?
So beautiful along the fence
In the summer they sing ... (tomatoes)

She eats aphids from the branches,
And he helps us in the garden.
Deftly perched on a leaf
This is ... (ladybug)
Dance "Ladybug"
(music and movements by T. Suvorova)

Leading: what color will we give the picture? (Red)

(children with a teacher shade with a red felt-tip pen in the image picture ladybugs, colors)

Summer: we will pick the petals again and we will read the riddles
(pulls off 3rd petal)

In the June garden
We build like good fellows
Grow in the garden ... (cucumbers)

This beauty
All the guys like it.
Balls, stars, needles
At an elegant slender ... (Christmas tree)

A violinist lives in the meadow,
He wears a tailcoat and walks galloping ... (grasshopper)

Game "Grasshoppers"

(children are divided into 2 teams. On the floor for each team there are mock-ups of green leaves. On command, one at a time, the child puts a rim of grasshopper antennae on his head, jumps over all the leaves in turn, returns to the team, passes the rim, ... etc.)

Leading: what color will we give the picture? (green)

(children with a teacher shade with a green felt-tip pen in the picture images of grass, flower stalks, tree leaves)

Summer: let's solve the riddles from the remaining petal.

(pulls off 4th petal)

A snake rushes over the hills,
Bringing moisture to the trees.
washing the shores,
It flows through the fields ... (river)

He will weep over the gardens
The garden will be filled with fruits.
Even dusty plantain
Glad to wash in the summer ... (rain)

Song "Rain"

Summer: on the petals of a multi-colored flower, we solved all the riddles. Look, the picture has become multi-colored. We gave her paints. Thank you, colorful flower!
(referring to the multi-colored flower): thank you, flower for the donated paints.

Guys, let's go. Let's return the colored petals to him. They may still come in handy.
(insert the petals back into the slots)

Leading: nice summer, it's very good visiting you, but it's time for us to return home.

Summer: I had a lot of fun with you, my friends. In parting, I want to treat you to my delicious gifts. This is a delicious healthy juice and juicy apples. Eat them with pleasure and be healthy.