
Winding the handle of a basket of newspapers. How to weave a handle for a newspaper basket. Simple twisted handle


Very strong handle for newspaper baskets

master class author Valentina Mikheeva

further words of the author

I want to offer my own version of weaving and fastening the handle for the basket. In the previous blog, I already showed this photo, here is exactly the way that I will show. By this type, I try to make almost all the handles for my baskets, because the handle is strong and hardy.

So, to begin with, we cut off 2 wires. I don't have a specific figure for the length of the handle, I always look at the shape and size of the basket, put a wire in place of the handle, where the future arc appears. In this method, you need to remember a little mathematics. We add 10-12 cm to the length of the finished handle (this is the length of the arc from one edge of the basket to the other) (these are allowances of 5-6 cm on each side).

The thickness of the wire, as you can see, is not small. It looks like 2 cm in the photo, but in reality it is a little smaller, about 1.5-1.8 cm

Here I photographed tubes from oriflame magazines, the basket is actually woven from them in the very first photo, but in fact I want to say by this that larger diameter tubes were needed in order to insert our wire there. I was too lazy to make them from newspapers and used the existing magazine ones, which I regretted a little ..

On my magazine tubes, one end is wider than the other, so I pushed the wire into the wide part so that the tube reached the middle of the wire.

And with the other side of the wire I did exactly the same, the two tubes met, we will press them closer to each other.

Where the tube is bent - I showed the end of the wire, it is inside the tube, but we need 2.5-3 cm of the wire to be outside. I took side cutters from my husband, cut off the wire with them, and cut off the excess tube with a little pressure, around.

Here she is, looking out. We do this on both sides of each wire, and we have two of them.

We put our arcs together and form the future handle, giving the wire round shape. Now we need to bend the bare ends of the wire, I did it with the same side cutters. Only here it is not completely bent, it will look more correct if the tip is parallel to the arc with a distance of about 1 cm from it.

Here's how it is here.

Now we need to carefully thread the bent tip of the wire between the tubes of our weaving, i.e. where the riser is located, a knitting needle can help here. And insert the second wire in the shell on the other side of the riser.

On the other hand, we fasten the arc in the same way, observing symmetry. And this is how the basis for weaving the handle looks like when the wire is inserted on both sides of the basket.

Now we begin to braid our frame. I will say right away that the future pen will shake a little at first, but slowly weave until our weaving rises above the bowl of the basket. You can carefully glue the ends of the beginning of the weaving of the handle and hide them between the handle and the basket.

Well, something like this...

And now we take something heavy, I have such a weight, turn our basket over so that the beginning of the weaving of the handle is at the bottom.

And in this way, well, well, we press down from the inside of the basket so that the ends of the wire are pressed against the beginning of the handle. This action is best performed on a carpet on the floor, you can even hit this thing well to press it tighter.

Having fixed one side well, we can easily weave the handle to the loose side. It is not visible here, but in fact, in some places, magazine tubes treacherously peek out - the result of my laziness.

So we finished it, the tip of the tube remained at work, we will hide it in the same way as the initial tube.

Here it is, I dripped a little more glue

That's it, final photo. The only thing I didn't do was press down (tap) the ends of the wire on the other side. I'll do it tomorrow, because it's already late at night, or rather 04.20 and my whole family is sleeping, and I can wake them up by knocking my weight. I will only add that the handle is already very strong, even without bending and varnishing, the basket can withstand the weight of the weight, but it is not light.

Maybe someone will come in handy with my version of the handle for baskets. To all the unbelieving "Fomkas" who said "fu-u-u, paper", I thus proved that and paper products can be durable, wear-resistant and practical.

I came across on the net such creativity as weaving from newspaper tubes. Intrigued, I decided to try it. I reviewed more than a dozen master classes. Outwardly, the products are in no way inferior to braided rods. And for home use they are quite durable and for a gift - nice!
Using various varnishes, paints and impregnations for coating when weaving, you can create braids of all colors of the rainbow.
And by decorating the baskets with beads, flowers, ribbons or applications using the decou page technique, you can turn them into works of art.
That's what I did.
You will need:
1. Newspaper sheets
2. PVA glue
3. Knitting needle
4. Scissors, clerical knife
5. Paint (acrylic), varnish (finish varnish), alcohol-based stain (origon, larch, lemon ....)
6. Brushes for glue and paint.
7. Basis for weaving

Operating procedure:

First, you need to determine the direction of the paper grain. The direction must be longitudinal. Direction can be determined in several ways. Here's one: stretch the edges of a piece of paper between the nails of two fingers. In the transverse direction of the fibers, the edge will become wavy, in the longitudinal direction of the folds will not form. Stripes of this size will make thin tubes for an elegant product. If you need thicker tubes, then the width of the strips and the diameter of the knitting needle need to be increased.
I paint the tubes with a brush on an ordinary oilcloth. I only use alcohol-based stains. On the recommendation of one master class, I tried to paint the tubes with a water-based stain - I ruined everything. When wet, the place of gluing diverges and the tubes unfold. Don't repeat mistakes.
Stage 1: Preparation
We mark the newspaper into strips of 7 cm.

On a lining board, cut the newspaper into strips with a clerical knife.

The angle of the needle position on the newspaper strip is 10°-15°.

You need to start winding the strip very tightly, winding the edge of the newspaper around the knitting needle. The tubes are obtained white color if the white field of a newspaper strip, leave on the right.

Secure the edge of the newspaper with glue.

Ready-made tubes at this stage can be dyed in the desired color if desired and allowed to dry well. You can also paint after the finished product. And if you cover it with paint and varnish on top, then no one will guess that this basket is made from an ordinary old magazine (newspaper).

Stage 2: Weaving
We will start the work with weaving the bottom. It all depends on the size of your product. For weaving the basket presented to your attention, you will need 30 (thirty) tubes 50 cm long.
We take 10 tubes (hereinafter: faces) 45-50 cm long. Lay them out in pairs.

We fold the working tube in half and wrap it around the first pair of rays.

The beginning of work can be marked with a marker on the edge of the beam.

We braid each pair of rays with a rope. The working tubes cross, then one working tube goes on top of a pair of rays, the other on the bottom. As soon as the length of the working tube ends, we increase it (insert the end of the next tube into the hole of the previous one).

Weave two rows to the pair of rays marked with a marker.

Weave the third and fourth row in one ray.

We direct the working tubes to the middle of the bottom.

We form the edge of the bottom. With the first ray (marked with a marker), we go around the next one, directing it to the center of the bottom and so on in a circle.

We start the last ray from below into the loop of the first ray.

We decorate the 5th (fifth) row with wooden beads with a diameter of 16 cm. You will need 6 pcs. beads.

6 (sixth) and 7 (seventh) rows, knit with a rope. The work is almost finished! It remains to cut off the excess length of the working tubes and fill them between the rows using a knitting needle.

We cut the removed ends of the working tubes with scissors.

To make the handle of the basket, leave 3 (three) rays on each side, separating them into clothespins. We drip a drop of glue at the base of the remaining rays and cut them with scissors.

We connect the ends of the tubes of the basket handle.

Before weaving the handle, we drip a drop of glue on the edge of the tube and fix it with a clothespin. We braid the handle with a tube along the entire length.

At the end of the weaving of the handle, we drip a drop of glue onto the end of the tube and fix it with a clothespin. The main work has been completed.

Stage 3: Coloring
For strength, we saturate the basket with PVA glue, give it the desired shape. Let the glue dry completely.

Paint the basket white acrylic paint. (you can add color paste, different dyes or stain).

We cut out motifs from a napkin and make a deco page. Cover the basket Finish with varnish, dry the finished work.

There is nothing better than a handmade thing. Admire, rejoice, give as a gift!!!

A popular way to decorate the interior is weaving baskets from newspaper tubes: a simple task will allow you to create real works of art.

Basket weaving involves the use of rope technique, with which you can create beautiful products for home decor. In such baskets it is convenient to store threads for knitting, needlework and other accessories. The finished basket is not particularly durable, so you should not place objects with a lot of weight in it.


A newspaper basket is well suited for storing decorative fruits in the kitchen: it serves more as an interior item than as a means of carrying things.

To make a basket with your own hands at home, you can use a master class for beginner needlewomen. All you need is to prepare necessary materials and follow the suggestion step by step instructions with photo. The process is so exciting that it will even involve children from the age of 7 years.

For work you will need:

Let's start weaving the handle.

  • To do this, leave 3 tubes on opposite sides of the basket and braid them.
  • Weaving must be carried out immediately on both sides of the product, gradually narrowing it towards the center of the basket.
  • At the top, the ends are connected with adhesive tape and disguised as the base of the handle.
  • Finishing the product is considered the final stage: mix a little acrylic white paint, water and glue and walk around the perimeter of the walls with this composition.
  • It is also necessary to paint the bottom of the product. To dry the basket, turn it upside down and leave it for a few hours.

Final decoration finished product happens according to the desire of fantasy. Do not forget to open the workpiece with varnish for reliable connections. Decorate the basket with ribbons, decorative flowers, rhinestones or using the decoupage technique: a masterpiece will delight your eyes and give you a great mood.

Handle weaving

One of the main details of the basket is a high-quality handle, because it is useful to move items from place to place. The handle should be dense and durable, it can be decorated as desired: make a braid with tape, stick artificial stones and rhinestones, as well as simply decorate with colored acrylic. There are several ways to make a pen:

  • openwork weaving;
  • pigtail;
  • rope way.

In this master class, we will consider the manufacture of a reliable and beautiful handle for a basket using the pigtail weaving technique. At first glance, it seems that the technique is complex and inexplicable, however, after completing the step-by-step actions after 1 hour, you can enjoy the finished wicker handle.

Weaving a strong handle

Detailed master class

To work, you will need 6 long newspaper tubes along the length of the handle, colored blanks for braiding the frame, as well as twisting for weaving the braid itself.

Let's get started step by step:

  • We put newspaper bundles in the amount of 6 pieces together and wrap them with colored tube blanks. This is easy to do: just start from the edge of the blanks, gradually wrapping them around the entire perimeter in one tight bundle.
  • When the base of the handle is ready, we proceed to attach an additional 4 tubes to decorate the pigtail. To do this, at the very base of the handle, we apply 4 tubes of different or the same color and wind them a little to the workpiece using a bundle.
  • We begin to weave a pigtail: first we bend the two side sticks to the sides, and bend the two middle sticks towards ourselves. After that, we carry out weaving according to the figure in the photo below.
  • When the tube ends, we insert a new one into it, wetting the connection with glue. We continue weaving until the braid covers the entire base of the handle. finished pen can be fixed on the basket in any way: it is best to do this with rope technique.

How to make a cover?

If the basket is woven open, then it is enough to make handles for it, and it will be ready. When it is planned to manufacture a structure with a cover, then upper part products are woven separately. To make a cover yourself, you can use a simple master class for beginners.


If you want to get a more patterned cover, you should choose those workshops that are based on openwork or checkerboard weaving - then the pattern will be clearly visible on the surface.

For work, prepare 2 circles of cardboard, corresponding in diameter to the finished basket. The circle can be immediately decorated: perform decoupage, decorate with acrylic or cover with a cloth. You will also need PVA glue, a lot of newspaper tubes of one or more colors and varnish.

Let's start the process of creating a simple but beautiful cover:

  • Two circles of cardboard must be glued together, having previously placed around the circumference, the rays of newspaper twists.
  • Weaving is done in rope technique or by layering. Four main twigs are inserted through one ray twist and the braiding of a circle of cardboard begins.
  • All 4 twigs are used at once: first they are brought over a newspaper tube, then they are carried out behind the next tube. The result is a beautiful border along the contour of the cardboard. So the whole circle is woven along the diameter of the basket.
  • To make the sides of the lid, the workpiece is applied to the basket and the rays of the twists are bent down by bending the rack behind the rack. Weaving continues in the above technique. The ends are cut off and bent inward, gluing.

The finished cover should dry, then you can decorate it in your own way.

Basket weaving methods

The widespread popularity of making beautiful baskets from newspaper tubes provoked the development of new techniques. If earlier it was possible to weave a basket only by the method indicated above, then modern craftswomen do not sit still.

They come up with new ways of weaving blanks, as well as various schematic patterns. To learn more about each type of weaving, we propose to consider a summary table describing the methods.

Technics Description Where is it applied?
Spiral twist The technique is considered one of the simplest, judging by the reviews of the needlewomen, even a schoolboy can cope with it. The essence of the method lies in the gradual increase in the height of the product due to the circular interlacing of the tubes. Each new workpiece is superimposed on the previous one in a spiral. Used to create tall decorative baskets as well as attractive vases unusual shape. Using this technique, it is easy to make a stylish decor item for the interior.
Layered The technique involves making a basket from several tubes at once. For the convenience of weaving, first several rows are performed with rope technique, additional tubes are inserted into the support holes and they begin to braid the walls in a circle with each tube at the same time. Used to create baskets various shapes, as well as for the design of patterns on the surface of products. It is worth noting that the racks should be an order of magnitude stronger than the blanks for braiding themselves.
Rope This weaving method was discussed in the master class above, where a step-by-step guide to creating an original, but simple basket for beginners, was disassembled. The weaving technique is used to create simple products of round and square type. This method is suitable for teaching beginner craftswomen.
Weaving in a spiral Do not confuse the technique with spiral twisting - they are fundamentally different. This method involves weaving at an angle Spiral weaving is suitable for making small and tall items, such as narrow baskets, glasses, vases.
Pigtail There are 2 types this method- edging and invoice. The first option is used to weave the rack counterclockwise, while the tubes are brought out, then in. Overhead technique involves the use of several twists at once, braided with an edge. Baskets made in this way look more elegant. The texture of the pattern resembles a real willow basket.
Openwork It is not difficult to recognize such weaving - outwardly it looks like lace. It consists of holes and patterns. Technique is a synthesis of simple and complex techniques. Original openwork baskets are open or closed. They are well suited for presenting a gift to a birthday person as a packing box.

The considered methods of weaving will help you better understand how to make a basket with your own hands. For beginners, it is better to use the rope technique or spiral twisting, more detailed descriptions of these techniques will be presented as the material progresses.

Laundry baskets

The main advantage of working in this technique is its practical side: having learned how to weave baskets from improvised material, you can easily create household items.

One of these useful devices is a laundry basket - the work is simple, the difficulties lie only in the size of the product itself. To weave a laundry basket from newspaper rolls yourself, be patient and have the necessary materials.

Prepare the following materials and tools:

  • thick cardboard, some needlewomen use corrugated cardboard;
  • wallpaper or colored paper for pasting the bottom;
  • paper tubes, pre-dyed desired color and covered with stain;
  • colorless varnish;
  • PVA glue;
  • fabric for the liner on the base.

You will also need clothespins to secure the bottom while it dries and heavy objects such as a weight or stack of books. A box will not be superfluous, according to the size of which the basket will be braided. It will add stability to the bottom and make the basket the correct shape.

To make a beautiful fruit basket yourself, prepare 310 newspaper tubes - their length is 27 cm. It is recommended to pre-paint the tubes with this composition: take 2 tbsp. l. acrylic varnish and mix with the shade color. Process all the tubes and proceed to step by step work.

Stage Description
bottom formation The bottom is made in rope technique using a cross for the base. Take 12 tubes, divide them into groups of 3 each and glue the cross.
bottom weaving Weave 6 rows using the indicated technique, braiding 3 tubes at once, after which start braiding 1 convolution. So it is necessary to weave until the bottom of the desired diameter is obtained.
Board forming To make rises for weaving the sides of the structure, it is necessary to insert 3 more tubes into each hole with a stick.
Weaving boards Putting the bottom on a round object, such as a wooden bowl, you can continue to work. Here it is already possible to weave boards using a layered technique: it is performed in 2-4 rods and will be much more reliable than the rope technique.
Creation of delicacy To make the basket elegant, you can create a pattern: in the center of weaving, simply cross the adjacent rods, imitating rhombuses. Press each connection with a clothespin and weave in new rods for further work.
Handle shaping When the main work is ready, we proceed to create a handle: we insert additional rods from the sides of the product and create a handle, according to the master class indicated above.
Decor We finish the design as we wish: we paint it with multi-colored pigments, we make fabric inserts.

fruit basket

Detailed master class

Such a basket does not need a lid, because it is designed to store fruit. The handle of the product can be effectively decorated with a foamiran rose.

Square basket weaving

Detailed master class

To make such an auxiliary device, it is enough to take a sheet of cardboard, bend it in half lengthwise and, after 2 cm from the fold, make holes for the tubes with a hole punch. You also need to prepare a large number of paper or newspaper bundles.

  • We insert the sticks for the base into the holes of the cardboard so that most of them are closer to work.
  • We begin to braid the bottom: we take a long tube and insert it next to the cardboard, then we work using the rope weaving technique. When we reach the desired perimeter of the square, we finish the bottom.
  • To form and lift the walls, we insert new torches around the perimeter of the square: we bend the twist in half and thread it into the hole, grabbing the nearest tube. We fix the attachment points with tape and clothespins.
  • We begin to braid the walls until we get the height. For ease of work, we put the design on a square box.

When the work is finished, you can attach a handle to it or weave an additional cover. Such a basket will not only serve as a breadbasket, but will become good option packaging box.

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Thanks to the patience and perseverance of craftswomen, old newspaper pages magically turn into completely unique things: unique panels, all kinds of amulets, wall clocks, exquisite baskets and candy bowls, vases and planters, chests and caskets - you can’t list everything. Thanks to social networks and the Internet interesting ideas instantly circle the globe, prompting novice adherents of newspaper weaving to take up paper vines and improve their skills.

We advise beginners not to start their creative journey with large products. We understand that your plans must be grandiose. My hands are itching to weave a large box for linen or an impressive basket for going to the forest for mushrooms. Did we guess?

You can find in our previous article detailed description process, starting with the manufacture of straws and ending with their painting and processing before weaving.

So, the preparatory stage is behind you: the tubes are ready for work in front of you, and the outlines of the first basket that you want to weave with your own hands have already loomed in your head. Now you need to find a form for braiding. For this, a plastic bucket, a vase, a flower pot, a deep plate are suitable.

Advice. It is better for beginners to start work by braiding any object. Weaving without a shape can cause difficulties at first, without support it is easy to warp your product and get its asymmetry. When using a supporting object, you can easily achieve an even arrangement of rows of tubes and control the quality of the braid.

And now we will tell you in detail how to make a basket of newspaper tubes for beginners, and we will reveal all the secrets of successful weaving and neat appearance finished product.

Master class of a round basket without a handle (weave in shape)

In order for you to be able to determine the required number of tubes and know in advance how many of them you need to prepare, we will give approximate calculations.

For a small basket (about the size of a soup plate), you will need about 100-150 tubes, for a medium-sized product, prepare about 200-300 of them. Large baskets can take more than 500-700 straws. It all depends on the type and density of weaving, as well as the length and thickness of the newspaper vine.

In this MK we will weave a medium-sized basket. For it, you will need 200-230 tubes wound on a 1.5 mm knitting needle, 8 - 10 mm wide.

And now we will give you one more piece of advice. No need to rush. Try to avoid gaps between rows of weaving, placing each row tightly to the previous one. Do not crush the tubes during work, but do not spare them either. When you see that they are wrinkled or disheveled, ruthlessly cut them off and grow new ones.

To weave a round bottom, fold 4 tubes in pairs, making a cross. Another, working, bend in half.

Start braiding her cross, weaving the first row with a rope. Do two more rows in this way.

On the fourth circle, separate the double racks and continue to braid them separately. Try to weave as tightly as possible to avoid gaps. Work three rows of weaving.

The distance between the racks by this time should increase and become more than 2 cm - it's time to introduce additional racks. Make a hole with scissors or an awl and insert an additional rack, dripping a little polymer glue for reliability. Don't forget to compare your actions with the submitted step-by-step photos.

Braid the added racks with a string until you get the bottom right size. The bottom of the basket is ready.

Take the shape of your choice, which will serve as a temporary basis for the future basket. In our case, this is a deep inverted plate. Place the weave on the form and gradually bend the racks along it to go to the walls. Continue braiding the sidewalls with a rope.

Put something heavy on top of your workpiece to securely fix its position.

If it is inconvenient for you to work like this, turn the weaving over. Weave the basket to the desired height and cut the work tubes.

Next, bend the “rope of 4 tubes” (in the last article we talked in detail about different ones).

Extend the cut working tubes for bending in a different color (in our case, blue), and glue 2 more blue tubes behind the racks.

Take the leftmost blue tube and put it behind the fourth rack in the same way as weaving a simple rope. And if you were doing a rope of three tubes, then you would weave with three blue tubes, starting each of them for the third rack, and not for the fourth.

Take the left tube again, count 3 racks and wind it up for a free fourth. Weave to the last free rack. This moment is illustrated by the photo below.

Now it's time to finish the craft. Take it now the rightmost tube. After counting 3 racks from it, lay it behind the fourth and tuck it inside the basket without taking it out. Continue weaving in this pattern with the remaining working tubes, each time placing the rightmost of them behind the 4th rack inside the basket.

Tie the ends into a weave, bring them out and cut off the front side.

It remains to lay the white racks. Take one of them, count three more from it, and after the third rack, thread it under the blue pigtail, bringing it out.

Then take the next one and similarly lay it under the pigtail after 3 racks from it.


When all the racks are laid, it remains to cut and hide their tips.

Completion of work on a wicker product involves its priming. To do this, you can use a solution of PVA with water in a ratio of 1: 1 or an acrylic varnish + water composition in the same proportion. Thoroughly coat the basket with primer using a soft brush.

We want to warn you right away: PVA can turn yellow over time. To avoid this, it is better to cover the wickerwork with an acrylic varnish solution. The latter must be water-based; it can be distinguished from alkyd by the absence of odor.

After the basket has completely dried (it will take about a day), varnish it acrylic varnish and leave to dry again. Strongly thick varnish can be pre-diluted with water.

Do not be afraid that after such a manipulation the product will turn white a little, this is temporary. After drying, the varnish will become transparent, and the craft will take on a finished look. You can give it a beautiful sheen or an elegant matte finish, depending on the polish you use. Recall that it can be glossy, semi-gloss, matte or semi-matte - choose to your taste.

At the beginning of your creative journey, be sure to weave such a basket for fruits or sweets. As you can see, it turns out to be very pretty, which means that you will not only be able to practice knitting a paper vine, but also make a great gift for all occasions.

If you have any questions, please take a look. detailed video from Lada Ligay. In it, she tells how she wove a pot-bellied mini-basket.

Oval basket with a simple handle (weaving without a shape)

Now let's look at how to weave a pretty oval baby basket. In this case, the bottom is weaved in a different way.

You can find in our previous article step by step photos and understandable.

We offer to watch the process of weaving live in a video master class from Alena Bugrova. In his lesson, the author clearly and easily explains all the intricacies of weaving an oval basket from newspaper tubes.

We would like to add:

  • this craft takes about 100 tubes;
  • to obtain a color as in MK, you need to strongly dilute the “walnut” water stain with water;
  • the distance between the uprights here is about 2 centimeters;
  • it is advisable to insert a wire into several tubes for the handle so that it holds its shape.

This cute little basket is a great gift idea for any occasion. For example, you can weave it for Easter and fill it with dyed easter eggs or sweets, present gift set people dear to you.

Basket bends

If you are a beginner and working on a basket for the first time, we advise you to finish its edge with simple folds. For small and medium-sized products, voluminous bends are suitable, for example, a rod or isida in 3 or more tubes. We considered the technique of their implementation.

Also, the edge of the basket can be decorated with a voluminous openwork oblique. Her different kinds and features of weaving you can see in our recommended videos.

The first lesson from Alena Bugrova is devoted to making a spectacular braid from tubes with a plastic cord inside. Be sure to practice braiding it - such a fold-decor turns the basket into a real masterpiece.

The second detailed and understandable video tutorial from Lada Ligay is maximally adapted for beginners. It gradually reveals all the secrets of weaving a volumetric braid and its correct ending.

Don't be afraid to experiment with different folds. They are able to give the most simple product an elegant and festive look.

We make out the pen

The simplest pen

The photo looks like this:

To make it, you need to take a bundle of 3-4 tubes, form a handle bend and attach the workpiece to the basket. Next, with a moistened tube, carefully wrap the entire handle, periodically lubricating with glue so that the winding fits snugly. For this work, it is better to use polymer glue than PVA. It dries quickly and fixes, while the paper does not have time to get wet.

Instead of a bundle of tubes, you can take a thick wire (cable) and wrap it around it with several tubes at once. The process in the photo looks like this:

Making a handle with chintz weaving

It looks like this:

To work, take moistened tubules and immediately increase their length. Mark their locations on the basket. Make holes with an awl and insert tubes into them. Glue the ends while they dry, fix them with clothespins.

Give the tubes the desired bend. To better keep their shape, you can pre-insert a wire 1-0.9 mm thick into them. With a working tube, we braid these 3 main tubes with a simple chintz weave.

Simple twisted handle

In the photo, she looks like this:

It is also easy enough for a beginner to make. For small handles, you need to take a bundle of 5-7 tubes, you can insert a wire into one of them. Next, they need to be laid, twisting with a rope and gradually twisting.

We present you a detailed MK from Lada Ligay, in which each step is accompanied by a photo.

If you still don’t understand how to twist and round such a handle correctly, there is only one way out - urgently watch a detailed video from the craftswoman.

Sturdy twisted basket handle

It is better to make it using a thick cable or wicker.

For ease of perception, we suggest that you look at 3 stages of working on a pen.

Part 1: You will learn how to correctly insert a wicker into the wall of the basket:

Part 2: How to wrap it with paper vine:

Part 3: Features of fastening the handle with a beautiful connecting lock.

openwork handle

Do you want to surprise everyone with an unusual and elegant look of your basket? Then you urgently need to master the openwork knitting of the handle.

For this method, each paper tube of the base of the pen must be reinforced with wire. You will learn the features of the work from the video recommended by us from Irina Chirkova.

Pigtail in 4 tubes

The pen looks like this:

It is done very simply in steps:

Pigtail of 8 tubes

The photo shows what a handle looks like, woven with a regular volumetric pigtail of 8 pipes.

If you do not have enough thickness of the handle, then you can insert a cable, TV wire, thick wire or bundle inside paper tubes. The thickened version will look like this:

The process of weaving such a pigtail is covered in detail in a video from Olga Ryzhkova.

Below are step-by-step photos of attaching the handle to the basket and neatly designing the lock:

wooden handle

You can also use an ordinary thick branch as a handle. Take a walk to the nearest park - and get the material absolutely free. The found branch must be sawn off to the desired shape, cleaned, removing the bark, sanded for smoothness. Optionally, you can paint the piece of wood with wood stain and cover with acrylic varnish.

See how beautiful and unusual these basket handles look.

We sew a cover for a basket

The last and optional stage of work on the basket is its decoration. You can decorate your wicker craft with catchy artificial flower, satin ribbons, a bright bow or sew a cute fabric cover.

Its function is not only to decorate the basket, but also to protect the walls from pollution and facilitate its care. In addition, you will be able to close the weaving flaws in your first works, giving them an impeccable look.

In this video you will learn how to sew a basket cover with a round bottom.

If you wove a square bottom basket, see how to sew a fabric liner into it. It will require only three measurements and no complicated calculations and templates. All details in the video.

Ideas for inspiration

Now that you are familiar with the basics of weaving the simplest products, we want to offer you a photo selection of the work of different craftswomen. Here you will find not only Easter basket from newspaper tubes for novice lovers of newspaper weaving, but also all kinds of options for all occasions.

Round, oval, rectangular, with unusual folds and handles - look at them, get inspired and don't be afraid to create your own masterpieces.

And let your first basket not turn out the same as in the picture, but you will make it yourself, with your own hands. And the experience, accuracy and speed of weaving will definitely come along with practice. Most importantly, always get to work with good mood and mood - and you will succeed!

Weaving from newspaper tubes allows the master not only to enjoy the product he has created, but also to enjoy a pleasant pastime. Weaving baskets from newspaper tubes is an easy task, the main rule of which is to follow the sequence of actions. This article will describe better ways basket weaving.

A laundry basket can be made in many ways. For example, you can make it square.

So, we weave laundry baskets:

  1. Work begins with the creation of the bottom of the product. Need to make a bottom square shape. To do this, you need to use cardboard. It folds in half.
  2. Now, using a hole punch, you need to make holes in the cardboard through which newspaper tubes will pass. It is important that the distance between the holes is no more than 2 cm. A working tube is inserted into the holes made.
  3. At this stage, you can weave the bottom of the product. A twisted tube from a newspaper braids a basket, passing through cardboard paper. You should make a turn every time the weave reaches the edge. Thus, you need to weave the bottom of the basket.
  4. The newspaper tube should be supplemented with a new tube each time so that it does not end. The shape of the bottom of the product is formed by the master himself.
  5. Now you can start weaving the side parts of the product. To do this, two working vines-tubes are placed on the frame. Their tails are attached at the top and bent. The vine should be of the same size as the product should be in height.

The weaving of the side parts starts from the bottom. Vertical newspaper bars should alternate with horizontal bars.

In the training video - a detailed MK for beginners.

Newspaper tube basket: master class (video)

Weaving from newspaper tubes: new ideas

In any craft, new ideas are always interesting. Even avid conservatives like to add variety to their business from time to time.

So, among the innovations in weaving from newspaper tubes, we can say about:

  • Decorating home furniture. For example, beautiful flowers are obtained from this material.
  • Jewelry boxes.
  • Decorative sofa cushions.
  • Stands for alcoholic drinks and bottles.
  • Home toys. For example, you can make a beautiful squirrel out of newspaper tubes.
  • Decor elements. Very beautiful details are obtained from this material, for example, a branch with cones.
  • Weaving bags - large and small. Looks great and round bag, woven from paper tubes, and rectangular.

Yes, it's all very creative and interesting. It's never too late to stop there! In creativity, development must be systematic. So in such a business as weaving from newspaper tubes, new ideas and opportunities appear every year.

Gallery: a basket of newspaper tubes (25 photos)

Weaving handles from newspaper tubes

Weaving handles is a very important stage in this work, the functionality of the product depends on their strength. How to make durable and high-quality basket handles?

Master Class:

  1. First you need to decide on the size of the future pen. Its length depends on the wishes of the master. When he determines the desired length, it is worth cutting off 2 pieces of wire. Here you should perform an unimportant calculation: approximately 10 cm are added to the length of the handle (5 cm each for side allowances).
  2. It is important to choose a wire that is not thin so that the handle does not break.
  3. At this stage, it is necessary to connect the base handle and newspaper tubes to each other. Both elements must be very firmly connected so that there is no distance between them.
  4. Difficulty may arise when the tube must be bent in the center of the wire. In order to do this, you need to use side cutters. Do not squeeze the workpieces too hard with this tool, as this can damage them.
  5. It is important to leave 5 cm uncovered at the ends of the bent wire. That's why at one of the previous stages it was necessary to add 10 cm to the length of the wire. These allowances are needed to fasten the handle to the basket.
  6. At this stage, the future pen is placed on a flat surface. The master must look at it and, if necessary, give it roundness.

Weaving handles is a very important stage in this work, the functionality of the product depends on their strength.

At the last stage, the handle can be attached to the product by the side curved edges.

Do-it-yourself basket of newspaper tubes

In order to do it, you need to follow these instructions:

  1. You will need cardboard. It will be used as the basis for the basket. You need to cut out 2 square pieces of the same size from cardboard. The size of the squares depends on the size of the future product.
  2. It is necessary to paste over the surface of one square with double-sided tape.
  3. Now you can do the fastening of newspaper tubes. 20 elements should be evenly glued along the edges of the figure, 5 on each side.
  4. After that, the figure must again be pasted over with double-sided tape. Then another cut out cardboard square is placed on top of this blank. It should be good to press one figure to another.
  5. At this stage, the weaving of the basket begins directly. You need to enter a working vine. To do this, at an angle to the bottom, several protruding tubes should be attached on each side. If the tubes are too small, they should be extended.
  6. There are two rows of weaving. After that, 4 more working newspaper vines are added on each side of the figure. Weaving continues.
  7. Further weaving occurs in pairs. A "rope" is formed.

When the basket is woven to the end, the working vine should be glued to the walls. If its edges are too long, it is worth trimming them.

Round basket of newspaper tubes

Weaving this product round is the most difficult. But nothing is impossible.

Step-by-step instruction:

  1. Weaving starts from the bottom. The method is rope. It is necessary to make one surface from six newspaper vines. To do this, use a clothespin.
  2. Now 6 more vines are taken and fastened with a clothespin. Both blanks are placed on a flat surface crosswise.
  3. After that, a newspaper vine begins to be used in the work. One tube is bent in half, and its edge is placed in the area of ​​the cross formed earlier.
  4. Now there is a process of weaving a circular bottom. The complexity of the work lies in the fact that the working tube must be bent every time a turn is made. Therefore, the manufacture of such a product requires not only the concentration of the master, but also his time.
  5. All bends are performed only at right angles. When the bottom is woven, it is fixed with clothespins.
  6. The weaving of the walls should be paired. Long newspaper tubes are connected in 2 and placed evenly under the woven bottom. The edges of paired vines should be fixed on the basket.