
Production of different types of mascara: at the factory and at home. What is absinthe made of What is mascara made of


The composition of mascara is the secret of each company, but the manufacturer is obliged to provide part of the list of ingredients. The global market for the cosmetics industry is overflowing with offers. Each brand is trying to attract buyers with a bright product design, developed by an innovative formula. Women are presented with different forms of brushes, a wide palette of colors.

The production of mascara is under constant control.

Technologies, composition and formulas are unique for each brand of cosmetics.

Before buying, you must carefully study the chemical composition and components of the product, which is indicated on the package:

  1. The H2O retains the liquid in the hairs and dilutes the dye to a paste.
  2. Paraffin makes it possible to use the product for a long time during the day, envelops the eyelashes.
  3. Flavoring.
  4. The presence of mastic gives shine.
  5. Coloring pigments, coal to achieve color saturation.
  6. Mascara is made on the basis of preservatives. Contribute to long-term storage of funds.
  7. UV filter that protects against the harmful effects of the sun.
  8. Sealing resin.
  9. Vitamins A, E, F, panthenol.
  10. Brasmatic acquires protective properties with the help of keratin and melanin.
  11. Lanolin and glycerin promote hydration.
  12. The presence of castor and almond oil provides care, stimulates the growth of hair follicles.

Before buying a product, you need to find out what mascara is made of. Incomprehensible chemical formulas should alert customers. The designation can be quite a common and safe substance. For right choice make-up products, you should find out how different types of brasmatics differ in their chemical composition.

Ingredients that make mascara lengthening or voluminous

Each woman chooses cosmetics, taking into account the features: skin type, visual condition of the hair. Lacking volume, short lashes are a fairly common problem. The doll look or the effect of false hairs is the standard of beauty that girls aspire to.

Products marked Volume are designed to create additional volume. Excellent result due to the composition of the carcass: wax, silicone, paraffin. Thick consistency, barrel-shaped brush with dense pile. The viscosity of the paste allows you to color each eyelash, resulting in a thickening of the trunk. After complete drying, the look becomes expressive.

The inscription length or extend is placed on the packaging of brasmatic, whose task is to significantly lengthen the eyelashes. A similar effect is achieved using special nylon and silk fibers in the composition. The brush has uniform, spiral and long bristles. After applying the mascara, an enveloping coating is created that contributes to an increase in length. The consistency of the product is quite watery compared to other types of product. Popular form of release: bottles with two compartments. The first contains the contents that lengthen the eyelashes, the second contains the coloring pigment.

What is added to the product so that it is waterproof

The main distinguishing components that make the product waterproof are natural wax, resins, volatile polymers, and persistent dyes that do not leave prints added to the carcass composition. Cosmetics are labeled moisture-proof. Mascara is used at high humidity. Not suitable for daily use. The synthetic components included in the composition can harm the structure of the eyelashes. The material is resistant to make-up removal. To remove, you will need a cleansing gel.

The chemical composition of hypoallergenic mascara

The tool does not contain aggressive irritating elements that can inflame the shell of the eye. Carcasses are marked V.A. or sensitive. The tool can be used in the presence of lenses and hypersensitivity, tendency skin to redness. A balanced content does not cause allergies, irritation, does not affect the epidermis and the state of the organ of the visual system. The University of California published a study showing that a third of women suffer from an allergic reaction to cosmetics. To resolve the situation, a special chemical composition was selected that excludes the factor of irritation: water, wax of animal origin, a complex of vitamins, iron oxide and glycerin.


  • uniform distribution of mascara due to a convenient brush and enveloping effect;
  • has a healing and strengthening effect due to the vitamins included in the composition;
  • permanent use is possible when wearing contact lenses, the developed technology does not allow the paint to crumble;
  • is easily washed off with water.

What components can harm eyelashes

There are four harmful components that are found in almost all brands decorative cosmetics for eyes:

  1. preservatives. With the help of parabens, mascara has its properties much longer, but at the same time it provokes excessive production of the female sex hormone - estrogen. There is a risk of developing breast cancer.
  2. The presence of aluminum powder in the composition. The neurotoxic effect of the substance contributes to the deterioration of the conductivity of the nerve fiber, is an obstacle to the natural process of excretion of mercury, regularly ingested with food.
  3. The content of propylene glycol in the composition of mascara can cause a severe allergic reaction of the skin and mucous membranes of the eye.
  4. Retinol acetate can disrupt the vital activity of cells and cause gene mutation.

Often, unscrupulous manufacturers counterfeit cosmetics, putting them on the market under a foreign brand. The composition of such brasmatic for eyelashes is usually characterized by low quality with a significant proportion of components that are cheap to manufacture, but dangerous to use. They recommend buying a quality product that has been certified and has proven itself in the market. Buying cheap cosmetics will not hit the wallet, but it can affect the health of the eyes, the treatment will require much more money.

Quality mascara has its limitations.

With daily use, moisture-resistant cosmetics will harm the structure of the eyelashes, the mucous membrane.

It is strictly contraindicated to use mascara of any kind, brand, composition after the expiration date, even if the consistency and smell have not changed. The resulting irritation can cause discomfort and provoke the development of complications. If symptoms appear, you should consult a doctor.

Carcass expiration date before and after opening

Brasmatik for eyelashes has different dates expiration date before opening the tube and after. Each product package has an expiration date label to determine safe use. Types of designations:

  • the year, month and day when the product was made, and the date when the application period expires are prescribed;
  • a specific date of manufacture is not spelled out, but a stamp is placed on the day the end of operation;
  • date and time of manufacture is present, you need to calculate the end of use yourself.

Shelf life of a sealed bottle of mascara: 1 year.

Manufacturers often go to experiments aimed at transforming the composition, making mascara not always safe. After opening the original packaging, the period is reduced to three months. The determining factor is the gradual multiplication of bacteria on the brush, provoking eye diseases. At the first sign of inflammation, you should stop using the dye and consult an ophthalmologist.

Owners of short eyelashes want to visually lengthen them, making the look more piercing. Girls who rarely grow hairs want to give them density to emphasize their eyes. Hence the need to use mascara. Depending on the specific problem, the direction of action varies. cosmetic product. Carcasses are voluminous, twisting, lengthening. Let's talk about each type in more detail.

Ingredients of the carcass

To achieve maximum results when using the product, you need to consider the ingredients of the carcass.

  1. Wax. The component is part of a quality product. The wax helps the mascara stay on. for a long time on the eyelashes and not crumble.
  2. Water. Almost all mascara contains liquid. The ingredient allows the cosmetic to maintain the desired liquid structure.
  3. Melanin. The substance gives color to the hairs. Melanin is considered a hypoallergenic component that is part of high-quality mascara. Also, the ingredient allows the product to remain more resistant on the eyelashes, while saturating the shade of the eyelashes.
  4. Natural oils. Before buying, check if the carcass contains natural oils. Components contribute to proper nutrition and strengthening of hairs.
  5. Glycerol. Do not be alarmed if the carcass contains alcohol or glycerin. Such ingredients do not adversely affect the condition of the eyelashes. They only prolong the life of the cosmetic product.
  6. SPF filters. The protective components contained in the mascara help protect the eyelashes from the negative effects of ultraviolet rays.
  7. Lanolin. A special component is part of expensive cosmetics. Lanolin favorably affects the condition of the hairs, strengthening them. It prevents delamination and brittleness.
  8. Protein. Some manufacturers of high-quality carcasses add natural protein to the quality product. The component strengthens the structure of the hairs, it also contributes to the rapid growth of eyelashes.
  9. Keratin. The component creates a shell when applying mascara to the eyelashes. Thanks to keratin, the hairs are protected throughout the day from environmental factors.
  10. Additional components. Give preference to the vitaminized group of cosmetics. Some manufacturers add flavors and green tea. If the mascara contains natural oils, no other additives are needed to create the scent.

  1. Plastic brush. Such a device with sparse bristles, which looks like a regular comb, can give an impressive volume to the eyelashes. A significant disadvantage is the inability to separate the hairs after applying the product.
  2. Silicone brush. The accessory is able to separate each hair when applying the composition. At the same time, the silicone brush does not lengthen the eyelashes and does not add visible volume. Mascara with a similar device is more suitable for representatives with thick and long hairs by nature.
  3. Spiral brush. With the help of a device in the form of a spiral, the composition lies in an even layer along the entire length of the hairs. Such a brush is suitable for girls with naughty and hard eyelashes.
  4. Short bristled brush. This accessory is suitable for short lashes. Hair can be easily painted over, and without much effort you will emphasize the corners of the eyes. The undoubted advantage of such a brush is that when applying mascara, traces of the product do not remain on the upper eyelid.
  5. Extension brush with thick bristles. The fixture has different length villi, while they remain quite thick. The accessory is able to carefully stain the eyelashes, as a result of which the hairs are separated and acquire a visible length.
  6. Full bristle brush. The device is able to give an impressive volume to the eyelashes. Also, the hairs are easily separated, despite their natural length and thickness. A brush with a solid bristle is the most common and in demand.
  7. Curved brush. If you use such a device, you can achieve an expressive and memorable look. The brush is able to lift the eyelashes, making them more rounded.
  8. Long bristled brush. The accessory has proven itself to be able to give eyelashes an impressive volume. Mascara with the help of this brush lays down in an even dense layer along the entire length of the hairs. The device is able to separate each eyelash, while leaving the maximum amount of mascara on it.

V modern world cosmetology there are a lot various options ink. Depending on the desired effect, choose the right product for yourself.

  1. Mascara with a lengthening effect. The constituent components of the cosmetic product are able to lengthen the hairs. When the mascara is applied, the particles form the eyelashes, giving them an impressive look. The composition should contain fibers of viscose, nylon or silk.
  2. Curling mascara. Thanks to the curved brush and short pile, you can achieve the desired result. On the accessory, the pile has a short structure. With its help, eyelashes can be slightly lifted and twisted, despite the size of the hairs.
  3. Mascara with volume effect. The cosmetic product gives an impressive volume to the eyelashes. The result is obtained due to the special components of the carcass. When applied, the components build additional length of the eyelashes, thanks to the sticky microstructure. The ingredients completely envelop the hairs with synthetic fibers or wax.
  4. Mascara with color effect. Cosmetics of this kind are designed for non-standard women who want to stand out from the crowd, breaking everyday stereotypes. Buying such mascara, you can choose almost any color for hairs. The range of mascara manufacturers is impressive. To use a cosmetic product with a color effect every day or not is up to you.
  5. Waterproof mascara. The composition of the product includes substances that can withstand the influence of moisture. If you use this mascara Everyday life, you can not be afraid of a sudden downpour. Also, with such a cosmetic product, you can visit the pool, while remaining with an expressive look.
  6. Mascara with hypoallergenic components. If your eyes and skin are sensitive to various synthetic additives, many manufacturers provide cosmetics based on natural ingredients with a minimum amount of impurities. Allergies can be caused by preservatives and dyes, so you should carefully consider the choice of product. This mascara is especially recommended for girls who wear contact lenses.
  7. Mascara with vitamin complex. The composition of the product provides for a number of directed components to strengthen and nourish the hairs. Mascara has a higher price compared to other analogues, while the product contains protein, melanin, SPF filters, keratin and wax. It is worth noting that it is necessary to give preference to just such a product. In the future, you will not have to additionally restore eyelashes.
  8. Mascara with medicinal ingredients. Such a tool does not give any visible effect, as it is a colorless substance. Mascara is available in the form of a thick transparent gel with a set of vitamins for recovery natural growth hairs. The components have a beneficial effect on the condition of the eyelashes, protecting them throughout the day from the effects of environmental factors. Please note that the shelf life of the product does not exceed 90 days.

When choosing a quality mascara, stick to practical advice. If neglected simple rules, you run the risk of purchasing a product that does not suit your features, while you simply throw money away.

Carcass consistency

  1. Choose mascara only in specialized cosmetic stores. If you have looked after the copy you like, take a sampler or ask a consultant for a tester.
  2. Such stores are responsible for the quality of cosmetics. They should provide an opportunity to visually inspect and test the tool.
  3. Open the mascara and apply the composition to a piece of paper or hand. Carefully examine the structure of the substance, the paste should be homogeneous, without a hint of any clots.
  4. The mark from the brush should remain bright, clear and uniform. After that, figure out how the mascara will lie on your eyelashes when using the product.
  5. You should also pay attention to the smell of the composition. It should contain admixtures of light pleasant aromas. Avoid mascara with a strong unpleasant odor.
  6. Repeat a series of identical movements, remove and return the brush to the mascara tube. The easily soiled composition should not remain on the neck of the container, otherwise you risk getting your hands dirty during further use.

Mascara packaging

  1. If you figured out the consistency of the product, focus on the packaging of the carcass. The components included in the composition, instructions for use, information about the manufacturer, date of issue and expiration date must be signed on it in detail.
  2. If the latter expires soon, you should not purchase the product even at a tempting price.
  3. The components included in the composition can adversely affect the condition of the eyelashes and skin. There is also a risk of an allergic reaction, even if you have not previously experienced one.
  1. When using a new cosmetic products You should still read the rules for using the tool. Thus, you can apply mascara much longer.
  2. If the product has served you faithfully throughout the expiration date, while a significant amount of the composition is still left in the container, it is better to change the mascara with a new one.
  3. The cosmetic product should be changed 1 time in 4 months. Please note that the product is not allowed to be used by several girls. This factor is due to personal hygiene considerations, do not neglect this.
  4. Before the first application, do not rush to apply mascara with a thick layer. First, do an individual intolerance test by treating a few hairs.

Do not let the mascara dry ahead of time, each time you use the composition, gently unscrew and twist the brush. Thus, the air will be evenly distributed throughout the container. If the mascara has dried up a little, it should be placed in an upright position in a glass with 80 ml. hot water, wait 1.5-2 minutes, remove.

Video: which mascara to choose

Every woman's dream expressive eyes. Properly selected and mascara is the basis of a successful make-up. The appearance of the eyes depends on well-groomed eyelashes. How beautiful it is when the eyelashes are thick, long and stand out clearly.

You should not use the first mascara that comes across, because a poor-quality product can ruin your eyelashes forever instead of beauty. During the selection, the structure of the eyelashes is taken into account, appearance, quality, density.

Types of mascara

Varieties depending on the effect:

  • With the effect of lengthening;
  • therapeutic action;
  • Different colors;
  • Mascara for sensitive eyes.

Waterproof type is suitable for women exhibiting physical activity above average during the day: constant negotiations, a lot of movement around the city, sports training, etc.

Volumetric - for girls with eyelashes rare by nature, lengthening - for short eyelashes, colored - for those who like to experiment with their appearance, try new looks.

There are combined compositions aimed at solving several problems at the same time:

  • visual lengthening and volume,
  • volume and effect of curled eyelashes,
  • all in a complex - 3-in-1.

Visual decorative effects are achieved through the curve of the brush and the texture of the ink.

This tool is labeled "Volume". The task is to create additional volume. The effect is provided due to the dense composition and special components - wax micro-granules, silicone, paraffin.

Characteristic features of the species:

  1. During application, the dense composition and constituent components envelop each hair, increasing their size;
  2. Thanks to the barrel-shaped brush with a thick pile, the composition is applied evenly;
  3. The thick pile of the brush separates each hair from each other, and they do not stick together;
  4. After application, eyelashes become thick, fluffy and expressive.

This type of tool must be marked "length" or "extend", which means length, extension. This type is designed to lengthen the eyelashes. Elongation is provided by special fibers (silk and nylon).

After drying, these components create a thin film coating on the eyelashes, due to which the length increases.

The texture is fluid compared to other types. The brush has long villi, sparse, arranged in a spiral. Sometimes lengthening mascara is available in two tubes - in one lengthening agent, and in the other mascara, which is applied over the lengthening agent.

Gives the eyelashes an original curl that makes the look seductive.


  • Curved brush with short bristles curls eyelashes unusually;
  • Short villi separate the cilia from each other;
  • The consistency of the product is applied evenly and dries instantly;
  • After drying, a tightening effect occurs, which retains the bend for a long time.

This tool is convenient for use during rainy weather, if sleet is falling outside or when going to the river, sea, or swimming pool. But it is worth remembering that this type of mascara cannot be used constantly, only if necessary to protect eye makeup from moisture.

Due to the fact that it contains synthetic substances - different kinds wax, special resin, persistent dyes, volatile polymers, it can seriously damage the condition of eyelashes if used frequently.

Usually a gentle agent is used - water-soluble mascara, it does not have such a harmful effect on the eyes and is easily washed off with water.

Healing mascara

In appearance it is a colorless, dye-free gel. This tool is useful for the health of eyelashes, it improves their quality, strengthens and makes them healthy.

It contains a high content of vitamins, microelements, proteins, nourishing oils, ultraviolet filters, keratin, lanolin, castor oil and other useful components. This remedy is applied before going to bed on washed eyelashes.

This tool is suitable for eyes with hypersensitivity, which are constantly watery and redden from any external factors - the sun, bright light, dust.

This type of mascara should be marked "ophtolmologicall ytested" - this means that the product has been tested by ophthalmologists.

Due to the balanced composition with a low level of preservatives, this product does not crumble, does not cause allergies, irritation and redness on the mucous membrane of the eyes. This tool is suitable even with the constant use of contact lenses.

If desired, you can purchase water-based mascara marked "V.A" or "Aqua".


  1. Convenient bristle brush. The villi can be located densely, rarely, spirally;
  2. Uniform application;
  3. Full enveloping of eyelashes;
  4. Separation of eyelashes from each other;
  5. Medicinal products have a hypoallergenic composition that does not cause allergies, irritation and redness of the eyes;
  6. Gels with a therapeutic composition have a strengthening effect on the structure of eyelashes, accelerate their growth;
  7. Fortitude;
  8. Emphasizing the beauty of eyelashes and eyes - after application, the look is bright and expressive;
  9. Easy rinsing;
  10. Strengthening and healing of eyelashes;
  11. Protection of eyelashes from negative external influences.


Appear due to low-quality means. Negative qualities include:

  • Over time, the mascara becomes thick, which leads to gluing of the eyelashes and shedding the composition from them;
  • In waterproof types of mascara, there are harmful components that cause brittleness, loss of eyelashes;
  • Heavy flush. Waterproof products are washed off only with special liquids;
  • The occurrence of allergic reactions to the composition;
  • Long drying;
  • Lump formation.

To choose a quality mascara for your eyelashes, consider the composition, consistency, smell, color, packaging and information on it.

Composition of mascara

When choosing a mascara, first of all, pay attention to its composition. It must contain:

  1. Water;
  2. Soap;
  3. Soot;
  4. Sealing resins;
  5. Coloring pigments;
  6. preservatives;
  7. wax components.

In addition to these components, the composition of cosmetic products includes other nutrients:

  1. Keratin - this component envelops each eyelash and forms a thin film on it. The film strengthens, protects from external factors;
  2. Castor oil accelerates the growth of eyelashes. In addition, it strengthens, nourishes and relieves inflammation;
  3. Lanolin. This substance nourishes the hairs and resists their fragility;
  4. Wheat germ proteins. These components stimulate the growth of eyelashes;
  5. Melanin protects the hairs from the influence of negative external conditions;
  6. Vitamins - A, B, E, F. These components strengthen the structure of eyelashes, moisturize them, make them soft and silky;
  7. Due to ultraviolet filters, there is a protective effect and neutralization of the negative effects of solar radiation.

The consistency of the composition is checked according to the following scheme:

  1. During the selection, take the bottle, open it and carefully remove the brush;
  2. Carefully inspect the brush with the composition, the consistency should be uniform without lumps and other foreign elements;
  3. The consistency should resemble a creamy mixture;
  4. This can be checked like this - brush across the palm of your hand. If a straight line without lumps is formed, then the product is of good quality.

It is worth paying attention to the smell. A quality product should have a subtle smell, sometimes a sweetish or neutral aroma. If the smell is pungent, it means that the composition contains a high level of flavors and chemical solvents.

Information on the packaging

Be sure to pay attention to the packaging of the product that you liked. It must contain the following data:

  • Constituent components;
  • period of manufacture;
  • Manufacturer country;
  • Mascara type.

These data have great value. Pay attention to the presence of a mark on the passage of the product in ophthalmological studies.

The brush is an important element, because it ensures uniform application of the composition, its distribution along the entire length. Thanks to the brushes, the cilia are separated from each other and their shape is adjusted.

So that the choice of a brush does not cause difficulties, you should carefully familiarize yourself with the types and characteristics:

  • brush from plastic material in the form of a comb with a rare arrangement of bristles. This option provides a chic volume, but it is better not to use it for separation;
  • Arrangement of bristles in the form of a twisted spiral. Great option for naughty, hard eyelashes;
  • silicone brush well separates, but does not provide a pronounced volume and elongation. Therefore, it is suitable for thick and long eyelashes;
  • With short bristles. This look is suitable for short lashes. With this element, you can paint over the lower eyelashes and the corners of the eyes. Does not leave stains on the eyelids;

  • With full bristles. This option gives volume, but only thin cilia can separate;
  • With long bristles. Suitable for separating eyelashes from each other and giving them volume;
  • Curved tassel used for curling cilia, lifts them up;
  • Thick brush with bristles of different lengths. This option is used to separate and stain thick eyelashes;
  • An element with short bristles along the edges in the form of a spindle. With this product, you can paint over the corners of the eyes and add volume to the eyelashes;
  • Long villi on the edges. This brush is designed to lift eyelashes.

What is the best mascara

High-quality mascara has the following parameters:

  • Convenient brush - the presence of villi for uniform distribution of the composition and separation of the cilia from each other;
  • Homogeneous consistency - creamy, without lumps;
  • Nutrient components in the composition;
  • Hypoallergenic composition - when applied, there should be no redness, irritation, tearing;
  • After application, the composition should envelop each eyelash and not crumble;
  • Protection of eyelashes from negative external factors. A film should form on the eyelashes that protects from external influences;
  • The presence on the packaging of the necessary data on the composition, manufacturer, date of manufacture, type of carcass;
  • Functionality - this indicator is determined depending on the wishes of the woman. The product is used for a specific purpose - lengthening, adding volume, twisting and much more;
  • Price. It should be borne in mind that high-quality mascara is not cheap.

How to use mascara

It is not enough to choose high-quality mascara, you need to use it correctly.

Each woman paints her eyelashes in her own way - someone moves the brush along, someone holds it still and blinks, some hold the brush vertically, while others perform twisting movements.

There are many application techniques, but for the beauty and expressiveness of eyelashes, it is worth remembering the application rules.

Rules for applying mascara to eyelashes

  • For getting natural makeup, first of all, comb the eyelashes with a stiff brush. Then bring the brush with mascara to the eyelashes in a vertical position and blink, touch the brush.

As a result, eyelashes will be voluminous and evenly colored;

  • If you need an open look, then when staining, open your eyes and make up small hairs in the corners of the eyes. To color short eyelashes, use brushes with a short and hard bristle;
  • For sparse hair, use a volumizing agent. Apply it in several layers, but the mascara must be with a soft consistency, with an average hardening period.

First, apply the first layer of mascara, wait, then apply the second layer;

  • If suddenly the eyelashes stick together, separate with a stiff brush. Do this before the product dries;
  • Coloring with a curved brush will allow you to make up the eyelashes in one go. Attach it to the edges and slowly, with slight pressure, slide it up to the tips;
  • If the hairs are short and straight, use a curling iron. To begin, press them to the edges, hold and unclench. It is not advisable to do this often, otherwise the eyelashes will become brittle and weak.

  • To emphasize the almond-shaped eyes, make up more hair from the outer corners of the eyes. Internal can not be touched;
  • If the hairs are long and thick, then color only the tips. If they are rare and short, it is better to apply eyeliner. Apply it to the roots, blend, then paint the hairs;
  • It is not advisable to color the lower hairs too much, this will give an unnatural look. You can lightly walk with a brush at the outer corner of the eyes. A heavily colored bottom row can visually reduce the size of the eyes;
  • Girls with blonde hair for everyday makeup, it is advisable to use brown or gray tones carcasses;
  • Use brushes with a soft and long nap to add volume to the eyelashes;
  • Hard plastic brushes should be used to separate the hairs;
  • With a short brush, you can carefully color each hair, as well as small and not noticeable ones.

How to dilute

After a certain period of use, the mascara dries up. To extend the life of the product, use thinning.

A safe way to dilute is to add contact lens fluid to the mascara. The composition of the liquid is similar to the composition of human tears, so it will not cause irritation.


To preserve the qualities of carcasses for a long time, follow the storage rules:

  1. The bottle must be closed after use.
  2. Air should not get inside, otherwise it will lead to drying of the composition;
  3. For application, use disposable and reusable brushes;
  4. Do not use beyond the stated time limit. The average life of the carcass is 2-3 months, but experts recommend using it for 1.5 months.

Mascara Manufacturers


When applied, the composition envelops the hairs and gives them density. Colored eyelashes will be expressive, bright, and the eyes will become even larger.


  1. Natural ingredients in the composition;
  2. No synthetic fragrances;
  3. During application, the mascara lengthens the hairs and makes them voluminous;
  4. Comfortable brush that slightly twists the tips;
  5. Coloring in black saturated color;
  6. Long-lasting effect, by the evening the coating does not crumble;
  7. Ideal consistency, which is like a cream;
  8. Fast drying;
  9. Does not form lumps when applied.

AllinOnePanoramicBlack- the composition is designed to give volume and lengthening of hairs. When applied, the composition is evenly distributed over the eyelashes from the very roots to the tips.

Eyelashes become expressive, voluminous, long, and the look acquires depth.

When staining, no lumps are formed, no sticking occurs, the top film protects the hairs from external influences. Fast drying and long lasting effect all day long.


This mascara is a waterproof volumizing mascara.


  • Convenient XXL brush to separate each eyelash from each other;
  • Uniform distribution of coverage;
  • Fast drying;
  • Lengthening and enlargement of hairs;
  • Bright and saturated color;
  • Does not cause allergies and irritation;
  • Long effect.


A sculpting mascara that helps achieve volume and length. This tool models each eyelash, while not causing a weighting effect. Eyelashes after staining do not stick together, no lumps form on them, they turn out to be expressive and bright.

The creamy consistency of the composition, when applied, lays down easily and envelops each hair.

Curved brush provides an original curl that lasts all day long. The composition has good stability, does not leave stains when touched to the cilia, does not crumble.

Effect Liner

This mascara is specially designed to create an expressive and bright look. The composition envelops each hair and protects them from negative external influences.


  1. Staining of each hair;
  2. Creating an eyeliner effect;
  3. Convenient brush made of plastic material ensures uniform application;
  4. Due to the fact that the brush has long bristles on one side and short bristles on the other, additional volume and separation are created.


This tool gives volume to the eyelashes, makes them fluffy and thick. After application, each hair acquires bright color and natural look.


  • Due to the special structure of the brush, each hair is colored;
  • Creates extra volume. Increase in volume up to 11 times;
  • Rolling eyelashes and lifting them from the roots;
  • Lasts up to 16 hours.

Beautyfull VolumeDarkKhol

This is the only cosmetic product that is designed to emphasize hair growth. It has an intense black color. It is applied evenly, does not form lumps. Ideal for creating evening make-up.

According to reviews, the brush is comfortable, reminiscent of the appearance of a figure eight. The brush is suitable for creating graphic accents.


  1. Extra volume and super durability - these two conditions can be achieved after a single application;
  2. Thanks to special polymers and natural oils does not cause irritation and allergies;
  3. Suitable for women with sensitive eyes and contact lens wearers;
  4. The application is ideal - complete enveloping of each hair without the formation of lumps.

Available in two types:

  • Volume Glamor Ultra Black - cosmetics with ultra-black pigments;
  • Volume Glamor Ultra Curl - products for curling hairs and giving them volume.


This cosmetics is a classic brasmatik. This tool has proven itself, for many years it has been in demand among women.


  • Soft texture composition;
  • Easy rinsing with water;
  • Does not cause allergies and irritation;
  • Contains no alcohol;
  • Brush for creating thick and lush eyelashes;
  • Uniform distribution of the composition along the length of the hairs.

This special formula is designed to create volume and length for each hair. In addition, during application, it gives shine to the hairs, twists them to the very tips, separates and moisturizes.


  1. Due to the special shape of the brush, consisting of 5 spheres, thorough staining of short and long hairs is ensured;
  2. Nylon micro fibers create a cascading lash build-up effect with each successive coat;
  3. Due to the fact that the microvilli are attached to each hair, they become even longer;
  4. When applied, the composition does not spread, does not form lumps, does not imprint on the eyelids and ensures high makeup durability.

FalseLashes- suitable for sparse and short eyelashes. The composition envelops each hair from roots to tips. Microvilli in the composition lengthen and add volume. After staining, no lumps form, the composition does not crumble. Durability of makeup - up to 16 hours.

Build-up ExtraVolumeMascara


  1. The composition gives volume and length;
  2. The texture dries instantly after application and does not form lumps;
  3. When applied in several layers, a uniform coating is formed;
  4. Wedge-shaped bristle brush provides volume and separation of each hair from each other;
  5. There are no fragrances in the composition;
  6. Does not cause allergies, the composition is designed for sensitive integument of the eye area. The tool has passed ophthalmological studies.

This mascara has a unique formula that gives extra volume and length upon application.


  • Double-sided brush with double reservoir applies composition, provides volume and curl effect for each hair;
  • The viscous and light texture of the composition envelops, lengthens and gives additional volume to the eyelashes;
  • Uniform coloring from roots to tips;
  • The brush pulls the hairs up and out in a fan-like fashion;
  • Complete separation of lashes.


Gives expressiveness to the eyes, makes eyelashes bright and spectacular. The unique brush covers every hair from root to tip. In addition, the creamy composition adds density and volume.

Natural ingredients in the composition do not cause allergies, suitable for sensitive eyes. This tool is suitable for people who constantly use contact lenses.


The unique composition of this tool makes the look more expressive. This is ensured due to the positive features of the carcass:

  1. Limiter removes excess mascara;
  2. The composition envelops each hair and does not form lumps;
  3. Giving a chic volume;
  4. Separation of each eyelash;
  5. Coloring every hair.


Bild-up formula containing 4 mm fibers makes the eyelashes long and voluminous.


  • Giving volume after the first application;
  • Brush with a special tip for easy staining;
  • Uniform application along the entire length of the hair;
  • Fast drying;
  • The mascara lasts a long time, does not spread and does not crumble.

Blueberry WildVolume

Designed specifically for volume. This property is ensured due to the presence of wax in the composition. The plastic brush applies mascara, colors and applies the optimal amount of composition.

As a result, voluminous hairs are obtained, with complete separation.


Advantages of the formula:

  1. Due to the presence of moisturizing components in the composition, a soft structure is created that completely envelops each hair;
  2. The mascara evenly stains, while it does not crumble and does not roll into lumps;
  3. After use, the hairs become smooth, elastic, long and strong;
  4. Complete separation of each hair due to a convenient brush;
  5. Various shades - black, brown and blue.

False LashEffectGold

This tool after application creates the effect of false eyelashes. Thanks to the creamy composition, the application is even and complete from root to tip. The hair becomes voluminous, long and bright.

The brush separates each hair, curls at the ends, which gives originality and luxury. Suitable for everyday makeup.

Colossal volume Express

This is a popular remedy for chic volume. Eyelashes become voluminous, fluffy and expressive. A brush with lush bristles colors each hair, the composition envelops them from root to tip.

After drying, a film is formed that protects each eyelash from the harmful effects of external factors.

Volume ExpressWaterproof

This is a waterproof mascara that adds volume and length.


  • Persistence. Suitable for make-up during rain, extreme heat, water procedures, and will not run when tears of joy suddenly appear;
  • Due to the formation of a film, protection against negative external factors is provided;
  • Volume. After drying, the hairs become fluffy, which gives the look depth and expressiveness;
  • The brush separates and curls each hair to the very tips.

Other Maybelline mascara models have similar properties:

  1. New York Colossal Volume Express waterproof;
  2. New York Volum Express Waterproof Turbo Boost;
  3. The Rocket Volum Express Waterphoof;
  4. Lash Expansion Waterproof;
  5. The Falsies Black Drama Waterproof;
  6. The Colossal smokey eyes Waterproof Mascara;
  7. New York Great Lash is waterproof.

NinelleUltimateVolume & Lengt & Curl

After a single application of the composition of this mascara, the hairs become lush, voluminous and long. This is ensured by the unique features of this cosmetic product:

  • The composition is specially designed to thicken the cilia and create length;
  • The brush evenly distributes the creamy texture and ensures complete coloring of each hair;
  • The brush is made in the form hourglass, thanks to this, a twisting effect is provided;
  • Several zones of bristles - low ones give volume, long ones lengthen each eyelash;
  • Nutritious and natural components give an elegant and natural look;
  • Suitable for sensitive eyes, does not cause allergies.

Pupa lashMascaraEnergizer

This tool gives an elegant and luxurious look. Due to the presence of natural waxes in the composition, extra volume is provided. And super-length is provided by the presence of a combination of silicone polymer and cellulose.

This tool is designed to create a luxurious make-up for festive evenings. Mascara gives a deep black color to each hair. The brush applies the composition in a uniform layer, while it does not roll or crumble.

Long bristles lengthen and curl each hair.

Extra SuperLash

Gives a well-groomed look to eyelashes, openness and expressiveness to a look.


  1. Tapered brush lengthens each lash
  2. The composition of the creamy structure envelops each hair, while it does not roll or crumble;
  3. Special hydrogels prevent sticking and allow you to apply the composition in several layers;
  4. Thanks to the content of carnauba and natural beeswax, eyelashes become shiny.

Scandaleyes LycraFlex

The formula of this tool is specially designed to give volume to each eyelash.


  1. Thick bristled brush for even application
  2. The composition envelops every hair,
  3. Fast drying;
  4. After drying, it does not crumble and does not roll;
  5. Application in one layer gives natural volume, in 2-3 layers - super-volume;
  6. Suitable for everyday makeup.

The mascara of this company, like the ever-popular red lipstick, is bright, feminine and special. Once applied, it creates stage volume.


  1. Bright saturated colors;
  2. Easy application;
  3. Full staining of each hair - from the roots to the tips;
  4. The composition does not spread and does not form lumps;
  5. Does not stick hairs even when applied in 2-3 layers;
  6. Fast drying;
  7. Does not crumble after drying.

Cosmetic for short, sparse hairs. Once applied, it imparts a vibrant black color that defines and enhances the size of the eyes.


  • The brush with long bristles lengthens each eyelash after the first application;
  • The creamy composition envelops the hairs, does not form pellets, and does not crumble after drying;
  • When applied a small amount, eyelashes acquire a natural volume;

In general, manufacturers divide mascara into 2 types: waterproof and non-waterproof. Waterproof mascara contains:

  • vegetable and animal wax;
  • polymers;
  • volatile solvents;
  • various resins;
  • mineral wax (often paraffin);
  • dyes.

Depending on the manufacturer, various vitamins and proteins may be added to waterproof mascara.

Silicone polymers are a synthetic chemical that lengthens and adds volume to lashes. A volatile solvent is a component that has a water-repellent effect. Wax of mineral origin has the same property. Dye is added to mascara to give it color. And sealing resins give the cilia the desired shape.

Waterproof mascara contains:

  • water;
  • wax of various origins;
  • dyes;
  • polymers;
  • preservatives;
  • fat base.

Experts note that preservatives and other chemical compounds that make up the carcass can cause allergies. Therefore, the cosmetic product must necessarily pass ophthalmological control.

Additional substances

In addition to the two main types, there are several more subspecies of carcass:

  • lengthening;
  • twisting;
  • bulk;
  • hypoallergenic;
  • with the effect of false eyelashes;

Mascara should be creamy in consistency. If it is very dry or very liquid, then most likely it has expired. In this case, it must be thrown away. When choosing a mascara, it is also important to know that a quality product does not have a pronounced smell.

It is worth noting that not so long ago, experts conducted an experiment and studied the contents of 26 carcass items. It turned out that most of the items contain heavy metals and preservatives, which are prohibited for use. The fact is that heavy metals can cause a number of incurable diseases, including cancer. Also, some manufacturers have included chemicals in the product that environmentalists do not recommend for use.

According to the results of these studies, experts do not recommend purchasing decorative mascara. It contains chemical elements and iron oxide, which can cause irritation, allergies, burning. Therefore, it is better to give preference to natural organic cosmetics.

Mineral carcasses have a more natural composition. The minimum content of chemical elements and the absence of dyes, preservatives and parabens have a positive effect on the cilia, nourishing and strengthening them. Most organic mascara is non-waterproof. However, users note that it keeps well on the cilia, does not roll down and is not washed off with water. Of course, you will have to pay a little more for natural quality, but you don’t have to worry about eye health and possible unpleasant consequences.

It's no secret that female beauty closely related to cosmetic (mainly decorative) means. This statement is not intended to downplay the importance of natural beauty, but the girls themselves have been using cosmetics in one form or another for many millennia. Mascara is a clear confirmation, references to it can be found in Ancient Egypt and Mesopotamia. Of course, the composition of eyelash cosmetics was not the same as that of the current specimens, but the difference is not so great.

The task of this type of cosmetics is the ability to highlight eyelashes, emphasize their volume, increase their length and change their natural color. For this, liquid, creamy and dry carcasses with special brushes are used. different forms. However, the effectiveness of the result for the most part does not depend on the form factor of the applicator or the type of cosmetic product, but on the composition.

The first mascara arose in the middle of the century before last thanks to the efforts of Eugene Rimmel, an Englishman with French roots.

The invention did not create much excitement, but gained some popularity (in many languages ​​​​of the world, the word "rimmel" means ink). The composition of Eugene's product has not been preserved, but the ingredients of his follower Terry Williams are known. The story of Williams has long become a textbook - he wanted to help his sister, who was not very lucky with the guys, and created a mixture to give eyelashes beauty and volume. Despite the fact that Terry was a high-class chemist, his mixture consisted of several simple components - coal dust and petroleum jelly. Actually, the name of the sister and one of the components served as the name for Williams' carcass - "Maybelline".

Film stars of those years contributed to the spread of the carcass - Theda Bara, Greta Garbo, Marlene Dietrich and many others. In the wake of popularity, many entrepreneurs tried to repeat the success of Williams, but Max Factor, a native of Russia, managed to do this, using carnauba wax as an additional ingredient.

The technical and scientific progress of the last century, if they influenced mascara, then only in terms of the technology for manufacturing the cosmetics themselves and changes in packaging (the usual tube with a brush appeared in 1957). Like decades ago, the main components of the carcass remain:

  • water;
  • wax;
  • mastic;
  • fragrance;
  • dyes;
  • preservatives;
  • seals;
  • vitamins.

Of course, the composition of different manufacturers can vary significantly, so when buying, you should carefully study the components.

And the less incomprehensible chemical formulas they have, the better.

Features and properties of waterproof and non-waterproof mascara

In order to choose the right cosmetics, you need at least a little understanding of all its diversity, which can be observed on the world market. And mascara is no exception in this regard.

Modern carcasses can be divided into several large categories:

  • waterproof (they are also waterproof);
  • not waterproof.

The first option does not contain water-sensitive components, so it is sufficiently resistant to rain, tears and/or sweat.

For the same reason, it can only be removed from the hairs of the eyelids with the help of special means to remove make-up. Main Ingredients: Animal, vegetable and artificial wax (bees, rice bran, paraffin), dyes (ultramarine and iron oxide), polymers (arabic resin, modified cellulose) and vitamins A, B5, F and E.

The non-water resistant version shows some resistance to tears, but will not stand the test of rainy weather. On the other hand, soap and water are enough to remove it. The composition is not much different from waterproof mascara - except for the presence of water and preservatives.

The chemical composition of hypoallergenic mascara

According to studies at the University of California (Berkeley), about a third of the world's population have an allergic reaction to cosmetics. For the most part, it is caused by synthetic components that can cause serious damage to the cilia and organs of vision, even for women without allergies. In order to resolve the situation, a whole range of cosmetic mascaras has been developed, the chemical composition of which contains:

  • water (H 2 O);
  • iron oxide (Fe 2 O 3);
  • glycerin (C 3 H 8 O 3);
  • beeswax (contains acids, alcohols and esters of varying complexity);
  • vitamins useful for eyelashes.

Contrary to popular belief, iron oxide and glycerin are completely natural ingredients with no side effects. Hypoallergenic mascara is suitable not only for allergy sufferers, but also for girls with sensitive eyelashes, as well as for those who wear contact lenses.

When choosing cosmetics, you should carefully study the composition - this also applies to hypoallergenic products, since unscrupulous manufacturers often make a corresponding mark on all products indiscriminately - as a marketing ploy. That is why you should avoid purchasing products that contain the most common allergens, such as carnauba wax, petroleum distillers and hydrozenerated resinates.

Ingredients of popular mascaras

The components from which this type of cosmetics is made can differ significantly from different companies. However, over the long years of existence, manufacturers have developed "traditions" regarding both the mandatory components of the substances and the design of the packaging. Below we will consider this issue using the example of products from manufacturers that are in the top 5 in terms of popularity among domestic users.

What is Leningrad ink made of?

This product has a long history, during which neither the composition nor the design has undergone significant changes. On a black briquette, you can read the composition: soap, stearin, beeswax, ceresin, vaseline oil, soot, fragrance. Leningrad ink is not subjected to any preservatives or harmful chemical compounds.

What is Maybelline made from?

Employees of the company are faithful to the first recipe, but do not hesitate to experiment. Through experimentation, elongating microfibers have become a permanent component of the products of this company.

"Max Factor"

The Max Factor company, created by a man who was a cosmetologist for Emperor Nicholas II, has always been distinguished by a love of innovation. Therefore, the composition of the carcass in different time contained completely different ingredients: panthenol, nylon fibers, glycerin, propylene carbonate, synthetic wax and others.


Like the previous company on the list, Loreal did not disdain experimentation and innovation. The most popular components of their products are: ceramides, microfibers, vitamin complexes and silicone complexes, as well as silk extract.

"Yves Rocher"

The French have succeeded in the production of cosmetics - Yves Rocher products have a standard set of water, wax and dyes. The only constantly changing component are nutrients - keratins, lanolins, castor oil and others.

Which composition is safe for eyes and eyelashes

It is quite logical that the safest cosmetics are those that contain natural substances and do not cause fear of dangers such as an allergic reaction, redness of the eyes, tearfulness and do not lead to the loss of cilia.

The most popular solution among domestic beauties is the famous Leningrad mascara, since it fully complies with the above parameters, however, global manufacturers provide a wider choice, so that everyone can find the right cosmetics for themselves.