
Transparent snot in a child of 4 months. Some notes on the treatment of snot in babies. Treatment of a cold in infants


When a runny nose appears in a baby for 4 months, not all parents know how to treat it. Runny nose in four month old baby almost always has a viral or bacterial nature, which contributes to the development of the inflammatory process. Breastfeeding babies are prone to persistent infectious respiratory diseases. This can be explained by the anatomical features of the olfactory organ, as well as the insignificant volume of mucus production during the first months of life. This facilitates the penetration of pathogenic bacteria into the baby's body. The child's immune system at this time is still weak, so the inflammatory process is transmitted to the pharyngeal mucosa. With the development of a cold, the baby needs a medical examination. Correct treatment can only be prescribed after determining the exact cause of rhinitis.

Etiology of the phenomenon

Parents should understand that it is not only viral infections that cause colds that can provoke a runny nose. Cold air, animal dander, and allergic plant and chemical substances can cause a runny nose.

A runny nose in a 4 month old baby can be a manifestation of a protective reaction. Thus, the child's body is trying to cleanse itself of unnecessary elements. Nevertheless, if a 4-month-old baby has a runny nose, then this is a good reason to seek medical help.

Rhinitis in infants can be both infectious and non-infectious in nature. But the main role in the development of such a condition is still assigned to infections. Often, when a child is 4 months old, a runny nose makes itself felt due to the development of acute respiratory diseases.

Against the background of an infectious lesion child's body pathogenic bacterial flora can develop, which aggravates the inflammatory process. As practice shows, the peak of the development of a common cold in children in the fourth month of life is the off-season periods, during which there are jumps and frequent changes in air temperature. In addition, the presence of a foreign body in the nasal cavity, mechanical trauma to the mucous membrane and the negative influence of the environment can provoke rhinitis in infants.

Treatment of a cold in infants

How to treat a runny nose in an infant correctly? First you need to remember that at elevated temperatures, bathing the baby and walking with him is unacceptable. If the child does not have a fever, then it is better to shorten walks and bath procedures. It will be enough to bathe your baby no more than 2 times a week and go for a walk 1 time during the day.

Experts do not advise limiting the crumb to breastfeeding... If the baby refuses to milk, do not force feed him. It is recommended to give the baby boiled water as often as possible, especially if he has a fever.

What means can be used to treat a runny nose in a baby? With a runny nose with no fever and other signs of a pathological condition, it will be enough to use topical preparations, for example, drops and other means for babies. Every mother should remember that for the treatment of rhinitis in a 4 month old baby, it is better to use nasal drops, but not sprays.

Depending on the action, all topical medicines can be divided into the following conditional groups:

  • vasoconstrictor drugs;
  • moisturizers;
  • antiviral agents;
  • nasal drops containing antiseptic agents.

Vasoconstrictor drops and preparations for moisturizing the nasal cavity

These funds can relieve puffiness, facilitate breathing through the nose and reduce the amount of mucus secreted. The drugs should be used with great care, strictly in accordance with the attached instructions, in a dosage calculated for children under the age of 1 year. Without the appointment of a pediatrician, such drugs should be used no more than 3 days.

In order to moisturize the mucous membrane, liquefy thick secretions from the nasal cavity, and also cleanse it, children can be prescribed products made on the basis of sea water or saline solution. These drugs are considered the safest. In order to cure a runny nose, it is necessary to rinse the baby's olfactory organ every 2 hours and before dripping other nasal drops. This clears the nose, which greatly facilitates the action of the other drug. Moms can get moisturizers in the form of nasal drops (Aquamaris), sprays (Saline), or special means(Aqualor baby, Otrivin baby).

Antivirals and antiseptics

The fastest-acting remedies for rhinitis in infants are antiviral drugs, which must be instilled into the nose. It can be Grippferon or Interferon. In the case of children, you should be careful when choosing one or another therapy. The use of drugs for 4 month old babies and the dosage are prescribed only by a pediatrician.

What should dads and moms do if their child has a bad cold? Antiseptic preparations will help to dry the mucous membrane and get rid of microbes. Their use is permissible if there is a discharge of a mucopurulent or purulent nature, when the snot is cloudy, yellow or green. These funds have a strong effect, so you should not prescribe them yourself and use them unnecessarily. Often, in the treatment of childhood rhinitis, folk remedies are used - decoctions and drops of medicinal herbs, oils and some products.

To cure a runny nose in a 4 month old baby, there are many means. It is necessary to seek help from a doctor, identify the cause of this condition and receive appropriate treatment. Self-medication is not worth it, otherwise the consequences may be unpredictable.

Every person experiences a runny nose several times a year. And if an adult is pathological condition most often tolerates easily, then children younger age a clogged spout is a lot of trouble. Toddlers do not yet know how to blow their nose, so a stuffy nose prevents them from breathing normally, eating and sleeping. The sick baby becomes whiny and irritable. A runny nose in a child at 4 months of age must be treated. Failure to do this can lead to serious complications. It is worth remembering that infants are prohibited from many medications for adults.


A runny nose in a baby at 4 months can occur for various reasons. The most common ones are:

  • Pathogenic viruses. Most often, such a pathology is provoked by rhinovirus, adenovirus and other types of pathogenic microorganisms.
  • Bacteria. Pathogenic bacteria such as staphylococci and streptococci can provoke a runny nose. Normally, these microorganisms are on the mucous membrane of the nasopharynx, but with a decrease in immunity, they begin to multiply actively and lead to a runny nose.
  • Physiological reasons. 4-month-old babies have very narrow nasal passages, so mucus quickly accumulates in them, which interferes with normal breathing. With such a runny nose, the baby's general condition remains normal. But a clogged spout makes it difficult to breathe, eat and sleep normally.
  • Low humidity in your home can cause a runny nose. In this case, the mucous membrane dries up, pathogenic microorganisms settle and multiply on it.
  • Allergy. Often, the cause of snot in a small child is an allergy to one or another irritant. Household dust, pollen or animal hair can provoke an allergic reaction in a young child. To prevent allergies in a baby, it is necessary to remove excess textiles and plants from the nursery.

The cause of an allergic reaction in a 4-month-old baby is often an early introduction of complementary foods, improper nutrition a nursing mother or artificial feeding baby.

The cause of a cold in infants can be a foreign body that gets into the nose. Children are so early age do not play on their own yet, so they cannot stick a bead or a small button in their nose. But in the process of breathing, fluff or a small piece of paper can get into the airways. In this case, transparent mucus will leak from one of the baby's nostrils, which can become purulent over time.

The causes of a cold in a 4-month-old child may be different. First you need to find out if there are any other symptoms, such as high fever, cough, and weakness. After that, you should analyze whether the microclimate in the dwelling is normal. If the air is very dry and warm, then this can be considered the cause of the pathological phenomenon.

In children under 4 years of age, sinusitis almost never occurs, due to the structural features of the skull and respiratory organs. Therefore, inflammation of the appendages is excluded, even in the presence of purulent nasal discharge.

Danger of runny nose for babies

A stuffy nose not only causes a lot of inconvenience, but also poses a danger to a young child:

  • Infants spend most of their time lying on their backs. This contributes to the spread of the infection to the throat and ears.
  • Difficulty breathing reduces the supply of oxygen to the body, which leads to symptoms of oxygen starvation. Oxygen starvation of the brain is especially dangerous. This leads to a developmental delay in the child.
  • Runny nose in babies must be treated. With a clogged nose, the baby cannot eat and sleep normally, due to which it gains weight poorly and lags behind in physical development.
  • If rhinitis is provoked by a viral or bacterial infection, then it always proceeds against a background of increased temperature. This condition is also very dangerous for the baby, as there are signs of intoxication and dehydration.

If for an adult, rhinitis is a mild malaise, then for a baby, a runny nose is considered a serious problem. The infection can quickly spread to other organs and lead to a number of complications.

If a baby has a runny nose, it should be shown to the doctor as soon as possible. Self-medication is unacceptable!

Signs of a runny nose in an infant

A runny nose is not only a regular leakage of mucous secretions from the nasal passages. With this pathological condition, a young child has a number of symptoms:

  • A sick child becomes overly whiny and capricious.
  • The baby's mouth is constantly open.
  • The wings of the nose are somewhat edematous and tense.
  • Mucus of different consistency and color is secreted from the nose.
  • Noisy breathing is observed during sleep. Sometimes small children start snoring with a clogged nose.
  • The crumb refuses to eat. Due to a clogged spout, he cannot suckle properly at the breast or bottle.
  • The baby does not sleep well and often begins to cry in his sleep.
  • If the pathological condition is provoked by viruses or bacteria, then the temperature rises and symptoms of acute intoxication appear.

If the microclimate in the home is normal, and the child is worried about a runny nose, then the baby should be shown to the doctor. The specialist will conduct an examination, correctly diagnose and, if necessary, prescribe treatment.

Babies at 4 months may have their first teeth. At this time, immunity is greatly reduced, so a cough and a runny nose may appear.

Treatment features

The complexity of the treatment of children is so young age is that they cannot be prescribed many drugs for the common cold. In addition, babies do not know how to blow their nose, which also greatly complicates treatment.

Cleansing the nose

To begin with, the baby should thoroughly cleanse the nasal passages of mucus and crusts. For this purpose, various aspirators are used. There are rubber aspirators made in the shape of a toy, as well as nozzle pumps in the form of a tube, with a container at the end. Before using the aspirator, mucus should be done less often, and then only removed. For this, ½ pipette of saline solution or a couple of drops of Aqua Maris are instilled into the nasal passages. If there are no such drugs in the house, then you can use ordinary salted water.

After instilling the baby's nose with saline, the mucus is removed with an aspirator, and the sodden crusts are removed with cotton filaments. The baby's nasal passages should be soaked dry with cotton wool.

To clean the nose of an infant, it is unacceptable to use cotton swabs, as there is a high probability of damage to the shell.


You can cure a runny nose in a baby with the help of inhalations through a nebulizer. For this purpose, use alkaline water without gas or saline. In some cases, with a runny nose provoked by viruses, the doctor may prescribe inhalation with Interferon. The child should inhale such vapors no more than 2 minutes.

According to the doctor's prescription, herbal decoctions can be used for inhalation. It can be chamomile or calendula. Herbal inhalation is only allowed if the child is not allergic.

Vasoconstrictor drops

If the baby's breathing is very difficult, then the doctor may prescribe vasoconstrictor drops. It can be Nazivin for children up to one year old or Rinorus, in the appropriate dilution. Vasoconstrictor drugs can be used no more than 2 times a day. The duration of treatment is three days.

Naphthyzine cannot be used to treat young children, as it has many side effects.


If a baby's runny nose is caused by an allergy, then contact with the allergen should be eliminated first. It is not difficult for observant parents to determine why the baby's runny nose is getting worse.

If the runny nose is severe, antihistamines may be prescribed. Usually doctors give preference to drugs of the latest generation, although Suprastin and Diazolin can be prescribed.

Most often, a runny nose in infants is associated with colds... If, against the background of rhinitis, there is a high fever and coughing, then we can say with confidence that the baby has caught a cold. Treatment is carried out under the supervision of a physician.

Unfortunately, even the smallest patients have a runny nose, despite the fact that they practically do not contact other children, and adults try to observe the rules of hygiene when handling babies. Often hypothermia, viruses and drafts become the cause of the common cold.

Parents do not always rush to the children's clinic and try to "defeat" the child's snot using home methods. In any case, a runny nose must be treated, whether or not other symptoms are present.

Do I have to go to a pediatrician?

Undoubtedly, the process of treatment must be entrusted to a pediatrician. Snot in a 4-month-old child can flow quite quickly, and after a week it will completely disappear. Many parents, especially when a child's body temperature is normal, do not treat a runny nose, considering that it is a waste of time.

Yet this is the wrong approach. The child experiences discomfort, discomfort in the nose, headache. Nasal congestion often provokes the development of otitis media. Above upper lip there is irritation from flowing secretions. The baby becomes whiny, refuses to breast, does not sleep well at night.

Is such a state of the child can suit the parents? Of course not! Then you need to help the baby. The main thing is to exclude the possibility of complications: otitis media, tracheitis, bronchitis, and also to eliminate all existing symptoms. In order for the treatment to be effective and not harm the health of the baby, consult a pediatrician for advice.

Ask the doctor as many questions as possible so that after he leaves you will have no doubts about the treatment of the child.

Important! Never seek help from pharmacists who sell "baby drops". All pharmaceutical preparations for the treatment of snot in infants of 4 months are selected only by a pediatrician.

Treatment of snot in a child of 4 months

If a runny nose is accompanied by a temperature, you cannot bathe and walk with the child. In the absence of temperature, the walking regime should be reduced - one going outside and two bathing a week will be enough.

Continue breastfeeding without restriction. When the baby refuses to breastfeed, do not feed him, the baby may be thirsty. During the snot period, give the child boiled water more often, especially when the body temperature is elevated. If the child has already tried compotes and juices, then they will be useful for the viral origin of the common cold.

For the treatment of snot in infants, antiviral, antiseptic, moisturizing and vasoconstrictor drugs are used. For infants, nasal drops are most often used.

Antiviral drops (interferon, influenza) are recommended to be prescribed to children with weakened immunity. When the baby's snot is yellow, green, cloudy, antiseptic drops are shown: sodium sulfacyl, protargol.

Antiseptic drugs are prescribed only by a doctor, since they tend to dry out the mucous membrane and even cause a burn. If there is a subfebrile condition against the background of a runny nose (body temperature is 37-37.5 degrees), you do not need to take antipyretics. When the temperature exceeds 38 degrees, give the child Panadol, Nurofen for children or Efferalgan.

To moisturize the nasal mucosa and liquefy thick discharge in infants, physiological solution or products based on sterile sea water are used. These drugs can be used alone, overdose is not dangerous. They are completely safe for the baby.

A baby of 4 months is washed with a nose every 2-3 hours. It is enough to instill 4 drops in each nasal passage. Moisturizing drops are always used before instilling antiseptics, vasoconstrictor and antiviral drops (in 5 minutes).

The child's nose will clear of accumulated mucus, and the drug will already act directly on the nasal mucosa. Moisturizers include: saline, aquamaris, otrivin baby, 0.9% NaCl solution and others.

Sometimes you cannot do without vasoconstrictor drops. They perfectly facilitate nasal breathing, dry mucous membranes, relieve puffiness. For all infants, the dose and instillation regimen is prescribed only by the pediatric ENT or pediatrician.

Typically, the instillation regimen does not exceed three times a day, and the duration of use is 3-5 days. Parents should always remember that vasoconstrictor drops are potent drugs and can cause serious side effects, including seizures.

For children 4 months old, the following vasoconstrictor drops can be used in the treatment of snot: nasol baby and 0.01% nasivin for children.

Home remedies for rhinitis in children 4 months old

Some mothers use breast milk to treat a cold. The opinions of pediatricians on this matter are divided. Some believe that in breast milk contains many protective substances, while others argue that such treatment can be harmful by increasing the inflammatory process.

Carrot juice is considered a popular remedy for treating the common cold in babies. It relieves inflammation and swelling of the mucous membrane, fights viruses, causes a slight sneezing, due to which the child's nose is cleansed. Squeeze the juice from grated carrots through cheesecloth and drip the baby drop by drop into each nasal passage. This treatment is applied three times a day.

You can use aloe juice to instill the spout. It should be diluted with boiled water in a 1: 1 ratio so as not to provoke an allergy in the baby. Instill into the nose drop by drop three times a day.

Nasal aspirators to remove snot in babies under one year old

Babies on their own do not know how to free the nose from mucus, so modern medicine has developed a device for cleaning the nasal passages - a nasal aspirator. With its help, parents will be able to clean the nose of babies.

When buying an aspirator, do not forget to take the instructions, or even better, if the pharmacist or representative of the manufactured products shows you how to use the device.

Before using the aspirator to begin removing mucus from the baby's nasal cavity, drip the mucus thinning solution. Use moisturizing drops for this purpose.

In the absence of an aspirator, a conventional syringe (small size) with a soft tip is dispensed with.

Inhalation in infants

This type of treatment is not entirely suitable for babies. The child cannot yet be forced to breathe correctly, and essential oils, as well as plants, can cause an allergic reaction, bronchial obstruction and laryngospasm. Even older children are prescribed inhalation only when a cough is attached. As a rule, one runny nose is not treated with inhalations.

Prevention of runny nose in infants

Good prevention of colds and viral diseases in babies is the frequent airing of the premises, wet cleaning, the use of moisturizing devices, and the use of cold inhalations. In the child's room, place a saucer with chopped onions or garlic. Healing phytoncides will protect the baby from infections.

During epidemics, or when there are sick children and adults in the house, the pediatrician may prescribe a prophylactic intake of influenza.

In order for the treatment of snot in a 4-month-old child to be effective and safe, use the advice of a pediatrician, even if, in your opinion, nothing terrible happens to the child. Trust in the experience and knowledge of the children's specialist. Do not be ill!

How to treat a runny nose in a baby at 4 months

it is necessary to rinse all the same with aquamoris!


aloe juice to bury





flush anyway! this is the reaction of the mucous membrane to air. do wet cleaning more often in the room where the baby sleeps, walk on fresh air... be sure to suck mucus, although I know how torture it is for a child and parents. the technique is this: first, drops of aquamaris or something like that, they thin the mucus, then suck it off. then when it is relatively clean in the nose, nazivin. do not get carried away with the latter, as soon as the bubble ends, do not buy or drip any more. week of snot is still not enough. we had three weeks, but somehow passed in one day. in the morning and at night it is obligatory. And by the way, nasal drops from salt water by themselves do not cure a runny nose. they only help to clear the nasal mucosa and do not injure it.


Squeeze the juice from the Kalanchoe leaves and drip your nose. The child is different and all the snot will come out. Then drip with interferon.

gripferon, at night if nazivin does not breathe. (removes congestion). protargol dries snot.

Queen Margo

Neonilla n

“Nazivin 0.01%” helped us a lot; it is possible for children from birth. Highly recommend.

But it will be better if you consult with your doctor about this.

They also advise Kalanchoe juice, it causes sneezing and snot just "fly out" from the nose.

Since Nazivin did not help, go to the doctor for sure. Perhaps it is an allergic rhinitis. Only a doctor can make the correct diagnosis and prescribe treatment.

Olga Sokolova

we washed with a decoction of St. John's wort, and sodium sulfacil (albucid) dripped

Brown Fox

looks like strong renit

salt water is not treated and the nose is washed, it is better to do it at home, and instead of a bunch of drops, buy expensive children's vasoconstrictors that are not addictive


So, what color is the snot to start with? if yellow or green, then go to the lore - this is already an infection !! !

and if transparent or white, then you can try to do it as follows: drip aquamaris, clean the nose with an aspirator, then drip nazivin or vibrocyl (vibrocil helped my daughter better, and it does not cause addiction, unlike nazivin) drop by drop into each nostril, wait 5-7 minutes and again clean the nose with an aspirator, then drip levomecitin eye drops into the nose or protagrol drop by drop. Do this all three times a day, no more than 5 days.

Well, if you are for folk remedies, then aquamaris, clean it with an aspirator and drip 2-3 drops of chamomile decoction.

It is very good to mix albucid with sofradex. It is only necessary to drip immediately, mixed ones are not stored. Nazivin only for the night.

Help with advice. 4 months old baby, runny nose, stuffy nose. how can you treat




with my mother's milk, a couple of drops in each nostril

hope gringhouse

rinse with saline and suck out the sniffs with an elephant, and Laferabion also helps us a lot!


read the advice of Dr. Komarovsky! helps

Natalia East

aquamaris was poured in, sucked off with an aspirator, nazivin was dripped.


First, ask your pediatrician a question. but until you have time - rinse with aqualon for babies, or aquamaris every four hours and try to understand what is the reason - a cold or an allergy. but such questions should be answered by a qualified doctor after examining the baby, and not by users of the mail ru. these are not toys.


A runny nose is a natural reaction that helps the nasopharynx fight off a virus or bacteria. But it is necessary to help the kid so that the runny nose “does not bother him very much”.

1. Maintaining moisture in the spout, when it is necessary to prevent the mucous membrane from drying out, is considered the main task! At home, cool air is desirable (at temperatures above 22 degrees, mucus dries quickly) and high humidity. Use a humidifier. Or start an aquarium. Or just arrange the cups of water. In addition, it is good to breathe saturated, humid air in the bathroom. Walk there every half hour, breathe for 5-10 minutes, let the nozzles liquefy and pour out, then wash the child. You can add a drop of lemon oil with lavender to the water.

2. It would be nice to provide comprehensive treatment, because a runny nose usually goes along with other catarrhal phenomena.

3. Healing baths. Herbs: calendula, birch leaf, yarrow, sage. In equal parts. 50 gr. Herbs for a large tub, 25 for a baby bath. Insist in a thermos for 2 hours. The water temperature is not less than Bath for at least 20 min. At least 5 days.

1. The simplest remedy is saline. Although every hour there is a half pipette in each nostril, it is impossible to overdose. You can make a kind of saline solution yourself: add one teaspoon of salt to one liter of boiled water, or to be more precise, add 9 grams. Salt can be replaced with sea salt, but only without additives, better food. Attention! use saline only! for "dripping" into the nose, and not for rinsing the nasopharynx. In no case should a child's nose be rinsed with a small pear or enema. In children, it is very easy for fluid to pass from the nose into the Eustachian tube that connects the nose and ear. This can cause inflammation in the middle ear (otitis media). But if the saline is dripping, nothing like this will happen.

2. In the same way as nat. solution, you can bury the herbal infusion. Calendula, yarrow. 1 tsp collection or mixture for 1 glass of boiling water and 20 minutes in a water bath. Cool down. Instill half a pipette into each nostril several times a day.

3. Liquefy the snot by the methods described above and remove the excess only from the outside. Suck the excess out of the nose with a pear only before going to bed if it interferes with breathing. Attention! In a child with a runny nose, mucus should not be sucked from the nose. After all, on the contrary, we need to make the nose even more wet with a runny nose! The nozzles are the protection of the poor, small, stressed and irritated nasal mucosa. In addition, intense suction leads to even more severe edema, which, as you yourself understand, leads to a vicious circle.

4. Moisturizing the mucous membrane. If the runny nose is liquid, then the inside of the nose does not need to be lubricated, the mucous membrane is already moisturized. If it does not flow, then it is good to lubricate the mucous membrane so that it does not dry out. For example, peach oil or Vitaon. It is to lubricate with a turunda, and not to bury, in addition to all of the above activities


and our nose was stuffed up from birth, aqua-maris was bought, dripped and cleaned afterwards

Rita wrote it right. and also PROTARGOL. (they don't do it in regular pharmacies)

rinse with chamomile broth.

and galazolin and nazivin do not cure (note) only make breathing easier.

Oksana Nikitina

Nazol baby. Not Aqua Maurice. That water, that Aqua Maurice - the difference is ZERO.


gripferon, derinat, weak saline solution, breast milk

Vovchik Musienko

dripping No-Salt for babies, he liquefies the nozzles 3 times a day, then sucked out with a pear, the main thing is to be careful not to damage the nasal mucosa and then dripped with her milk, even though I didn’t count how many times just many many many times. I write this as I do, but I think it’s necessary specialist advice do not risk the health of the baby, because every child is different.


When the teeth began to be cut, nothing helped us. dripped a couple of drops of aqua maris, then sucked and buried Nazivin. only this and were saved ... a couple of times a night, but the child slept at least a little, otherwise she grunt and could not breathe. Do not be ill.

Julia Poddubnaya (Kostylkova)

try - fresh carrots on a grater, squeeze out the juice and bury. suck the nozzles. but do not forget about the doctor.

Vera Bokareva

We dripped it with breast milk, and then hid the cotton wool in the milk and moistened it and cleaned it, only milk helped us.

Treating the common cold of a 4 month old baby. Help.


Irina Babich

If you are against any chemistry - here's a tip: suck the nozzles from the nose and bury it with breast milk - there are immunostimulants!


candles Vefiron 1. the doctor prescribed us to prevent the disease from developing.

Fluffy Pussy Cat

see a doctor, you are still too young)

Alexander Nagovitsin

Add Kalanchoe juice in half with water and a little honey - wipe with tampons in the nose and give a little drink.

Keep the baby warm, put the baby to sleep on a barrel, placing a roller under the back, cancel the bath for now - enough washes

... Sveta.

I dripped AFLUBIN right into my mouth. I had it in 1 month. And VIFERON candles.

Suppositories Viferon or Kipferon, for any Gedelix cough, in the nose of sea water and vasoconstrictor drops, if there is no nasal congestion, then Albucid. Get well!


Aflubin needs to be constantly taken according to the scheme even before the illness for prevention so that he would begin to act. And if the cold is just beginning, buy Anaferon for children, in the nose of the marimer with a saline solution.

Old lady over 40

Drink chamomile and suck out the nozzles

Ekaterina Tatarintseva (Egorova)

I gave Aflubin - it is to maintain and stimulate the immune system. In a bottle with a mixture of drops 10. If breastfeeding, then dilute in juice or water. But the volume should be decent mg, otherwise there will be no ice, still there is 43% alcohol. But the remedy is good. Homeopathic, so there are no complications or contraindications.

This is with regard to general prevention, and with a cough, I would begin to fight with ointments. Dr. IOM or something similar will do. Spread on the crumb, it will warm the lungs and prevent severe inflammation, but read the instructions - I don't remember at what age! As far as I remember, I treated my runny nose with Xymelin for children 0.05%. Does not burn, irritate or dry out. Drip any baby drops, but not menthol, pinosol or other nasty things!

Do not bathe the child, I once treated bronchitis for 2 weeks, the doctors said that it was unacceptable to wash! Causal places only. So forget about the baths, too. See that it is wrapped up and there are no drafts. Good luck!


The doctor recommended Viferon candles to us. The spout was also washed with French sea water in ampoules (I don't remember the name). And you can be allergic to honey, you can't give anything like that yourself. It is necessary to call a doctor - listen to breathing and look at the child's throat. Do not be ill.

Natalia Vit

In general, call a doctor at home, and so Viferon candles, sinomarin spray into the nozzle, chamomile 1 teaspoon 3 times a day, and more often with a back, suck the nozzles after spraying with a spray, keep a column. try not to run up to antibiotics. RECOVER.

Elsa Kravets

candles viferon-antiviral, cough syrup or aflubin syrup slept. I don't remember from a cold, aquamarine seems to be recommended for washing, antigrippin drops, 1 in each nasal passage. And there is also oil "olbais" or "olway" (on essential oils) I don’t remember exactly what it’s called, it’s dripped onto a handkerchief and let the baby breathe, it is used both in prevention and in treatment, all my hands don’t reach to buy it (Start something for prevention, not the fact that it’s a cold, for children, snot is protective reaction, and maybe even on the teeth, anything can happen.

Interferon, if there is an opportunity to buy it right now, in a day it will be useless, dilute with boiled water and drip into the nose. It helps well at the beginning of the disease.


We were sick for 1.5 months. We were prescribed Vibrocil for a cold, and Miramistin for a cough. This is the most harmless medicine for little children and Kipferon suppositories, as a general tonic. And in a week everything was gone.


My son was flooded when he was three months old. I was afraid that it would come to coughing everyone there. All right. For the first two days, interferon was dripped into the nose every two hours, the room was ventilated (very often), and saline solution was dripped. In general, a child should not be taught to be warm. Need to temper.

Please tell me how to cure a runny nose for a 4-month-old baby.


Kostya Komar

Use breast milk.

In an instant, the runny nose will evaporate.

Emilia Khabibullina for friends

Marina, he told us so too, not even with aquamaris, but just saline. but before cleaning, for a few minutes, on his recommendation, vasoconstrictor drops (nazivin up to a year) were dripped. I can't say that it fundamentally helps in treatment, but rinsing is easier and happens less often. Vooot. good luck, don't get sick.

Nadezhda Trubnikova

Elementary. Soak a cotton pad with breast milk, drip your nose to a level so that you can swallow, then take the smallest syringe (in the pharmacy), close one nostril with your finger and suck the snot from the nose with the syringe. Milk will help them sag in their sinuses and they will come out more easily. Then oxolinic ointment grease not greasy. Repeat the procedure as appropriate. Look in a couple of days everything will be fine. And also cut onion in a plate and place by the bed. Be healthy.


Breast milk (you can have an eye in the nose and in the ear), and if you are tempted, then protorgol!

***** Lenuska

Aquamaris has the same goal, to make the nozzles less thick, and then, buy otrivin baby (with 3 nozzles) at the pharmacy and suck the nozzles (like a vacuum cleaner). The transparent tip will show what came out. Nazivin for babies is also good, but not more than 2 times a day. It narrows the blood vessels, relieves the swelling of the mucous membrane of the nose, thus the nozzles come out better and the baby can breathe easier (the swelling is removed).

And milk in the nose. - early yes (grandmother's method, when there was nothing else) Moreover, since it is sterile in itself, but viruses and bacteria that can be on the mucous membrane of the nose love milk very much and will diligently feed on it and multiply it.

Make the air in the child's room more humid, the mucous membrane dries out from dry (that's why the doctor prescribed aquamaris). Get well!

Evgeniya Arzamastseva

nasal drops AQUA MARIS (for children) we are saved only by these drops. saline-based

Snezhana Stochevan

Our pediatricians do not allow us to suck out the nozzles with anything, since a vacuum is given, the pressure inside increases, which can break something. Better to soak well and let it drain down the throat and swallow. It is good to drip albucid to dry the nose, rinse the nose with oak bark (it also dries a little) ..

Olga gingerbread man

maybe a runny nose from allergies

Hello to all. Can you please tell me what is better and how to treat a runny nose in a 4 month old baby?


Maria Petrova

Be sure to call a doctor at home, let him look and listen.

And so - 1.2 drops of aquamaris into the nose and after a minute remove the mucus with an aspirator. Nazivin can be dripped only when the nose is not breathing at all and for no longer than 3 days.

The aspirator is the most convenient (in my opinion) Otrivin, sold in a pharmacy


Do not self-medicate. See your doctor. The nozzles can be removed with a pipette and the nozzle must be instilled with special drops (for a certain age).

happinnes exists.

Here we have just been tortured (pah-pah) I advise you to immediately go to an appointment with the Laura, they have an excellent device that sucks snot, homemade, suckers, they could not cope with our snot. So we first treated ourselves for a week, then we went to the ENT, she prescribed vibrocyl (one drop in each nostril) three times a day, but put on, of course, I dripped more often, knowing that it was harmful, but how else to sleep 2- X month old baby if the nose is not breathing? candles Viferon, in the morning and in the evening, so as not to get sick, and we were also prescribed UFO, in short it did not help us, in the end the runny nose went away, only from antibiotics ((((((((of course antibiotics are an extreme case


my pediatrician doctor with great experience taught me from infancy to treat a runny nose with ALBUCID (eye drops), it not only eliminates a runny nose like other types of Nazivin, Pinosol, etc., but it Cures a runny nose.

A runny nose is an inflammation of the nasal mucosa. And if for adults rhinitis is an unpleasant, but not a serious problem, then for infants this disease can disrupt the functionality of the whole organism.

The appearance of a cold in a 4-month-old child is associated with a viral or bacterial lesion, which provokes the development of the inflammatory process. Babies are prone to frequent infectious diseases respiratory tract. This phenomenon is due to the anatomical and physiological features of the structure of the nasal cavity and a reduced production of protective mucus in the first months of life. In the form of weak local immunity, inflammation spreads to the pharyngeal mucosa. Therefore, if a runny nose occurs, the child needs a medical examination. Treatment is prescribed only after the causes of the symptom are established.

The trigger mechanism in the development of the common cold is viruses. Also, cold air, exposure to allergens of animal, plant and chemical origin can provoke an increase in the secretory function of the nasal mucosa in a child in the fourth month of life.

Protective function

The formation of a mucous secretion is a mechanism for cleansing the body. The secretion of mucus removes pathogens, irritants and organic debris. However, if the production of nasal secretions is increased, then this is a reason to consult a doctor who will determine if there is cause for concern.


A runny nose in infants is infectious or non-infectious (the presence of a foreign body in the nasal cavity, which provokes an increase in the production of mucus). But infections play a dominant role. More often, a runny nose in a 4-month-old child is associated with acute respiratory viral diseases.

Together with the air, pathogens penetrate the mucous membrane, where they settle and develop for three days. The ciliated epithelium consists of many cilia that make oscillatory motion and cleanse the nasal cavity from foreign agents.


With an infectious lesion, the integrity of the respiratory mucosa is violated. A breeding environment for pathogens is created. The bacterial flora joins, inflammation develops.

More often, rhinitis in children occurs during the off-season - fluctuations in air temperature, at which microbes are capable of infection, affect.

Other causes of a runny nose:

  • the presence of a foreign body in the nasal cavity,
  • mechanical damage to the mucous membrane,
  • negative impact of the environment,
  • allergic reaction.


Acute runny nose in a 4-month-old child does not require intensive therapy if there is no deterioration in health.

Ventilate the room, observe the temperature and humidity conditions, systematically do wet cleaning.

If a runny nose is accompanied by fever and a number of characteristic symptoms, treatment is based on the use of drugs:

  • antiseptics;
  • antiviral agents;
  • moisturizing mucous membranes;
  • vasoconstrictor drops.


These funds are prescribed to moisturize the mucous membrane, liquefy thick secretions. For this purpose, drops from sterile sea ​​waters, saline. Such drugs are harmless, they can safely be used to treat children in the first months of life. It is recommended to rinse the nasal passages every two hours, 2-4 drops in each nasal passage, and before using other nasal drops to cleanse the nasal cavity.


Treatments for rhinitis in infants include the use of nasal medications that constrict the nasal vessels. The drugs relieve local symptoms, relieve nasal breathing, and reduce the amount of mucous discharge. Treat rhinitis with such agents with caution, following the recommendations specified in the instructions.

It is advisable to use vasoconstrictor drops without medical supervision for no more than three days, since they are addictive and thin the mucous membrane.

Therefore, it is better to use them only when urgently needed.



Treatment with such means is more often prescribed in the presence of purulent exudate. Antiseptic drugs kill microbes, dry out the mucous membrane. Protargol is popular, which contains silver ions. You can buy it only in specialized pharmacy points that make medicines themselves, or in a hospital.

Antiseptic drugs are not as harmful as vasoconstrictor drops, but they can cause mucosal burns. Therefore, use them only in consultation with your doctor.

Traditional methods

In addition to drug treatment, a baby's runny nose can be treated with home methods:

  1. Instilling carrot juice into the nose. Means for a short time will help cure a child's runny nose. Grate the carrots and squeeze the juice through sterile cheesecloth. It is recommended to do the procedure 3 times a day, instilling 1 drop into each nostril.
  2. Saline solution can also help with a runny nose. 1 tsp is added to a glass of boiled water. sea ​​or table salt. Every 3 hours, instill 2-3 drops of the solution into the nostrils.
  3. Aloe helps to cure snot in babies. Place the cut leaves of the plant in the refrigerator for a couple of days. Then squeeze the juice and dilute with boiled water 1: 1. The resulting remedy, bury the nose 2-3 drops three times a day.

It is important to treat a runny nose in a 4-month-old child on time, because, unlike adults, the baby is more difficult to bear the disease. If untreated, an unpleasant symptom becomes the cause of the development of unwanted complications.