
Panel in the technique of quilling "Rowan branch". Master class with step by step photos. Quilling master class: “Rowan branch Quilling rowan branch how to make


The art of quilling consists in composing three-dimensional or flat compositions from strips of colored paper twisted in various shapes. This technique is also called paper rolling. Why is quilling so popular?

This art is such an occupation that can unite people of various age categories. The kids are developing fine motor skills and imagination, while adults unleash their creativity and calm their nerves. This activity is ideal for beginner needlewomen and craftsmen.

Necessary materials for work

The simplicity of this technique lies in the fact that it does not require specialized tools. You can buy all the necessary materials in a regular store and even make it yourself. So, what do you need to make crafts "rowan branch" in the style of quilling:

  • cardboard or beautiful paper;
  • paper strips dyed on both sides;
  • any glue for paper (for example, PVA);
  • scissors;
  • toothpicks;
  • pencil;
  • ruler-stencil with round holes.

Cardboard and colored paper with patterns will be needed to create panels and postcards. Paper strips can be bought at craft stores, where they are sold in sets in different shades. You can also make them yourself from ordinary double-sided paper or thin cardboard. To do this, the sheet should be marked and cut into strips of the width that suits you (the most convenient option for children is from 5 to 7 millimeters).

For a branch of rowan quilling, you will need red, green, brown colors as the main ones. If desired, the composition can be diluted with orange, yellow and different shades of green.

Instead of toothpicks, you can use a special quilling tool, which can also be found in needlework stores.

We offer you a master class on how to create a paper figurine yourself using the example of an autumn rowan branch. This MK is just right for beginner needleworkers.

We make berries for a rowan branch

Let's take a step-by-step look at how a rowan twig is created. Even a beginner can make such a panel, because it uses the most simple tricks quilling.

They usually start with berries, since they are the easiest to make, but they will need a lot. From strips of red and red flowers, rowan berries are made using the quilling technique. They are made very simply: the strip is tightly wound around a toothpick, each new layer is evenly superimposed on the previous one, and the tip is fixed with glue. A toothpick is carefully pulled out from the center of the berry. You should end up with a thick roll of curled paper.

We make leaves for a rowan branch

To create them, you need green shades of stripes. If you want to make the composition more autumnal, you can add yellow and light brown leaves, as well as mix several of these colors on one leaf. Also, a rowan branch can be made of plain white paper, then it will look wintery.

Instructions on how to make quilling rowan leaves. You need to run a fingernail or scissors over them so that the stripes are slightly bent.

The strips are also wound on a toothpick, then it is pulled out, and the twisted roll is placed in the stencil hole of the right size. In the photo, for example, a circle with a diameter of 22 millimeters was used. When the circle has become freer, it must be pulled out of the mold and the tip glued.

Now these round blanks should be shaped into leaflets. To do this, they are gently squeezed with fingers on both sides, pressing down on the outer layers. It should be almond shaped.

We compose a branch of mountain ash for a postcard

From the resulting leaves and berries, you can now make a branch of mountain ash quilling. It will look great on a postcard if the thickness of the strips does not exceed 7 millimeters.

In order to place the resulting elements on the postcard, you need to draw a sketch of the future branch with a pencil on one of its sides. To develop the imagination, you can use various templates found on the Internet.

Then lay out the blanks on the resulting pattern and glue them. Green strips of paper are glued between the leaves and berries, as well as from the edge of the leaf, which will depict the rowan branch itself.

In such postcards, you can embody a variety of ideas; quilling rowan can be made in a variety of colors and shapes. You can add other materials to the work, make the berries convex and lay the leaves on top of each other, then the postcard will receive additional volume.

We make a rowan tree using the quilling technique

A detailed scheme for creating a rowan tree quilling from paper strips. In order to make a full-fledged rowan tree using quilling technique, in addition to leaves and berries, you will need branches and a trunk. They can be made from brown paper. It will be better to use thick double-sided cardboard, but if you only have thin strips, you need to pre-glue them in two or three pieces.

The second step is to glue the existing leaves in three pieces so that a rowan branch can be glued between the two lower leaves. On each branch now you need to glue three bunches of leaves. The result should be an odd number of branches.

Now you need to select the central branch of mountain ash using the quilling technique, and glue all the rest one by one on it. Place the side branches each time below the previous ones and bend them a little to the sides. You should get a tree with a spreading crown.

On top of the leaves on the branches, now we glue the berries collected in several pieces. In the picture they are presented flat, but they can be made voluminous by slightly pressing your finger into the center on one side.

If you want to put a do-it-yourself rowan tree in a vase, you can add volume to it. To do this, stick a few more on top of the first branches.

The roots of the tree can now be split in two and glued to a rigid base, such as cardboard. And you can insert it into a vase in this form - the tree will hold on well to them.

First, let's find out what is quilling? Also popular under the name - paper rolling. Translated from English means "bird's feather". Each finished spiral is given the desired shape, which is called a module. And already from these modules the necessary composition is created. To achieve the best result, you need to try very hard.

Consider specific work- Rowan.

To work, you will need the following tools:

  • Scissors;
  • PVA glue;
  • For the basis, for the background, you can use cardboard;
  • colored paper;
  • A tool for quilling, or for beginners, take toothpicks;
  • Watercolor, cotton.

Let's start by deciding what colors will be needed for the "Rowan" composition. Leaves are green and yellow. Berries are red. Trunk, twigs - brown. We will divide the work itself into 3 levels. At the first stage, we will cut strips of colored paper 5 mm wide, lengthwise - at the discretion of everyone. For berries and leaves, you will need to wind the required number of rolls on a toothpick or quilling tool. How many berries and leaves will be in the composition depends on the size of this picture.

To make branches, take brown strips, glue them two by two and simply twist them into a spiral with your hands, leaving the tips of the branches not glued.

The tree trunk is naturally thicker than the branches, so we glue four strips into one and twist them by hand. Let's get back to leaf rolls. If the berries are round in shape, then the leaves should be slightly loose and the ends pressed with your hands to get the shape of an eye. The second stage of our work consists of preparing the background on which the subject of creativity will be located. Let's make the background color blue. To do this, we take white cardboard, twist the cotton wool into a tight roller so that particles do not remain on the paper. Let's dilute the blue paint in a small amount water and paint our cardboard.

We come to the most interesting 3 stages. Here, as a rule, the fantasy of a person comes into play. As he sees in his imagination a mountain ash. We place all the elements on the cardboard, look what happened. Then we start gluing. If everything is done slowly, carefully, then quilling is a fairly affordable way to create a beautiful composition that pleases the eye.

Create quilling: rowan branch

Composition - rowan branch is very suitable for beginners. To perform this simple work, we take standard tools: scissors, colored paper, PVA glue, cardboard as a base, quilling tool. To begin with, from paper of different colors, we will cut strips 5 mm wide, the length is determined by the volume of the components.

This composition includes modules:

  • Leaves;
  • Twigs;
  • Berries.

Then, for leaves and berries, we take each strip and wind it on a special tool in a spiral. We leave the berry modules round, and the leaves should take the shape of an eye, for this we slightly fluff the element and press the tips with our fingers.

We glue the branches from two strips into one. We do not glue the tips of the branches in order to glue berries to them in the future.

We take cardboard, arrange our made modules, turn on the imagination and start gluing. Perseverance and attentiveness will bear fruit when creating a beautiful picture.

Description of rowan quilling step by step

Step-by-step instructions for creating a composition "Rowan".

A set of tools required for work:

  • Scissors;
  • PVA glue;
  • colored paper;
  • Cardboard;
  • Special tool for quilling.

From colored paper we cut strips 5 mm wide. Using a quilling tool, wind the strips onto it until a spiral is formed. We glue the strips intended for the trunk four into one, for the branches two into one and manually twist them, right hand clockwise, left counterclockwise.

We leave the berries in round modules, and the leaves should form into a droplet shape. To do this, slightly dissolve the element, and pinch the ends.

We distribute all the components on cardboard to make a mountain ash and glue the modules. Quilling is very attractive to children. Children's imagination is limitless, do not miss the opportunity to interest the child in this creativity.

Quilling: bullfinches on mountain ash

Before we start creating this composition, let's prepare all the tools for work. Scissors, PVA glue, a set of strips of colored paper, 5mm wide, cardboard and a quilling tool, some cotton wool. We turn on the imagination, how the bullfinch should look like, how many modules and what shape will be needed. To make it clearer, find a picture of a bullfinch in any children's book. Divide mentally into parts: beak, head, torso (abdomen), wings, tail. Let's start creating bird modules. Let's start with a simpler component - the beak. We take a black strip, twist it into a spiral, using a quilling tool. Slightly dissolve and glue the free tip. We form a triangle with our fingers. Got a beak. Next, we will prepare the modules for the bird's head. Again we use black stripes.

The head will consist of five basic shapes:

  • Crescent;
  • eye shape;
  • The curl is bilateral;
  • Oval;
  • A drop.

We work according to the standard scheme, wind the strips into a circle, and then create the desired shape. We take cardboard as the basis where the bullfinches will be located, glue the beak. Next, we form the head of a bullfinch from the resulting modules. Let's make a roof. After twisting into a spiral, dissolve and form an elongated eye. We fix it on the basis.

Then came the turn of the abdomen. It will consist of five modules. We fold the black strip in half and twist the spirals on each side, dissolve it, we get a two-sided curl. We twist the red stripes and make 4 modules, a petal, only so that one side is convex. As well as a drop, a double-sided curl, a leaflet. Glue to our bird.

We make wings using two colors: white and black, 2 elements of each color. Dissolve to the shape of an elongated petal, one side should remain square. Attached to the picture.

It remains to make a tail for the bullfinch. We give the shape of the eye to the three white stripes. Determine your place in the composition. We finish the tail of the bird with two modules in the shape of an eye made of black stripes. The bullfinch is ready. Now, according to the finished layout, make another bird, since the composition is called "Bullfinches on a mountain ash." And now let's proceed to the final stage, the creation of mountain ash. To do this, we will make a branch, take green stripes, wind up such a number of spirals that both birds fit on it. Let's give the spirals the shape of leaves. Arrange in the figure as if the bullfinches are sitting on a branch.

Then, from brown paper, we will make twigs for a bunch of mountain ash. We glue 2 strips into one, leaving the ends not glued. The berries will naturally be made of red paper. Here we standardly twist into a spiral and seal the free ends. We glue the berries to the branches and place them on the composition.

Bullfinches are a winter bird, and to give our picture the smell of winter, you can fluff up pieces of cotton wool and stick them to a rowan twig. The composition is ready.

Quilling rowan (video)

Patience, perseverance and accuracy will help develop skills in twisting high-quality modules. Quilling is the art of creating unforgettable pictures. This type of creativity is easy to use. It is enough to have a rich imagination to surprise your friends and acquaintances.

Painting "Rowan twig" in the technique of "Quilling" Master class with step by step photos.

Prepared by the educator: Ustushenkova Ya.A. Date: 11/11/17

Description: This workshop is for children ages 6 and up. Purpose: gift, interior decoration.

Target: making an autumn picture using the quilling technique with your own hands.

Tasks: Introduce children to the basic concepts basic forms quilling.
Learn different paper handling techniques. Develop the ability to follow verbal instructions.
Develop attention, memory, logical and spatial imagination.
Develop fine motor skills of hands and eye. Develop artistic taste Creative skills and fantasies of children. To develop in children the ability to work with their hands, to accustom them to precise finger movements, to improve fine motor skills of the hands, to develop an eye.
Raise interest in the art of quilling. Build a culture of work and improve work skills.

Necessary materials:

basis for work
sheets of tinted paper in red, orange and green colors
corrugated paper Brown
PVA glue Moment
scissors or utility knife
split end rods (special for quilling)

I walked in the park
Where the dawn grows I learned.
Looked up she
I immediately became visible!
The berries are burning brightly
They are looking at me!
What a wonderful picture?
This tree is a rowan!
V. Sibirtsev

Step by step process execution:

Step 1. We take tinted paper and cut it into strips of 5 mm. (I used a knife, the children used scissors)

Step 2. We take strips of red paper and use a rod to make a tight spiral - berries.

Such berries must be made on a bunch - an arbitrary number.

Step 3. We take orange and green stripes and make leaves. We also wind a tight spiral, remove it from the rod and unravel it a little and flatten it from one end. The size of the leaves should be the same.

There should be about 20 or more such leaves, depending on how many branches with leaves you want to make.

Step 4. Take corrugated paper, cut off strips measuring 4 cm x 10 cm and twist tightly with a spiral.

Step 5. Glue the spirals to the base, forming a bunch.

Step 6. Glue the berries
Step 7. Take a sheet of green paper and cut it into 8 strips of 5 mm.

Step 8. We glue 2 strips each, it turned out 4 dense strips.

Step 9. We glue 3 strips of arcs with a friend only from above, about 4 cm. We got a branch under the leaves.

Step 10. Glue a branch to a bunch of rowan.

Step 11. Glue the leaves alternating green with orange.

Step 12. On the right side, glue 4 stripes and leaves on it.

Step 13. Frame the work.

Quilling, or paper rolling, is a very difficult way to do crafts. Each detail of the picture is made separately, carefully twisted into a spiral of narrow strips of paper. Individual modules are then combined into an overall picture. They are placed either next to each other or in steps. Are obtained

Now this technique of making paintings is very popular. They even make voluminous figurines, frames for drawings or photographs, decorate albums, make beads and earrings, postcards. This method of twisting paper was invented by the monks of the Mediterranean. They cut off the edges of the gilded books. Thin golden stripes were obtained, from which miniatures were then twisted with bird feathers. They were placed for beauty in poor churches. The word quill translated from in English means "bird's feather".

In the article we will look at how to make a picture using the Rowan quilling technique. This beautiful tree with clusters of red berries and carved leaves is often used by artists and hand-made craftsmen in their work. We will also get acquainted with the difficult process of manufacturing such an interesting and multi-modular craft.

First imagine necessary tools for working with quilling stripes.

Quilling set

To work with thin strips, you must have such a set of tools. This includes paper holders. These are metal sticks with a slot in the middle, a template ruler with cut holes of various diameters, a comb for twisting the internal elements of the modules.

You will also need scissors, pins, thick PVA glue, a set of strips required colors and width. They are sold packed in several colors at once. There are various widths: from very thin and narrow to wide in a few centimeters. A ruler will also come in handy. If you just want to try for the first time what kind of art it is, then you can only buy strips and a hook. It can be purchased separately.

Who can do quilling?

This technique is not easy, it requires a lot of perseverance and patience. To create, for example, rowan quilling, you need to make a huge number of identical modules. Each branch with leaves has a minimum of 4-5 leaves on each side and one central one at the top. And there can be many such branches. Yes, and bunches of mountain ash consist of 15-20 berries. It will take more than one day of work for several hours to create a big picture.

Work on the details is monotonous, because many models are exactly the same in shape and size. Consider what the simplest branch looks like. If you are able to spend many hours a day on such meticulous work, then our article is designed for you.

Quilling - rowan branch

Such an image consists of berries, a brown twig on which they grow, and leaves of green and light green flowers. This three-dimensional image is assembled from several layers. Sheets of dark color are glued in the first layer, berries and light leaves are placed on top of them with a second layer.

Let's start the rowan quilling master class with twisting berries. We take a hook and strips of red color of the same thickness. You can make several dark orange berries. These will be unripe fruits, and multi-colored elements will add color to the image.

Making berries

The edge of the strip is fixed in the crevice of the hook, we begin to twist the strip around the metal stick. Press your finger on top of the paper so that the winding is tight and tight. The strips are not too long, and for such large berries you will need at least three of them. When one strip is wound to the end, the next one is glued to its edge and winding continues.

To ensure that all berries are the same size, use the template ruler described earlier. A round hole of the required diameter is selected in it, and the workpiece is checked against the template. When the required thickness is reached, then the winding ends, the extra centimeters of the strip are cut with scissors and the edge is glued to the last turn. The berry is ready. But for rowan quilling, you will need a lot of them, so the work continues in the same way so that there are enough berries to realize the creative idea. It all depends on the size of the picture and the number of clusters on it.

How to make leaves

Making leaflets is, on the one hand, monotonous and monotonous, since they must all be of the same shape and structure, but, on the other hand, you can diversify the picture by making them multi-colored. For example, for autumn rowan quilling, you can use yellow, green, light and dark orange shades of stripes. To make each leaf multifaceted and bright, several strips of different colors are wound on a hook at once.

The photo shows how rowan quilling is made step by step from three elements. The leaves do not curl as tightly as the berries. After checking with the template, each part is flattened on both sides with your fingers. Only the edges of the sheet are wrinkled well, no pressure is exerted on the middle. Ready-made leaflets are laid out on the table in the required order. When all the modules are assembled, you can begin to collect the blanks together.

Explanation for beginners

Rowan quilling should start with a drawing. On a piece of paper, you need to draw at least schematically where the branch will be located, where it is better to place a bunch of berries. Then the background of the future picture is selected. You can place all modules on a light background of blue or gray sky, bright berries will look beautiful on a dark background.

Berries can be placed not only on a branch, collected in clusters, but also as separate bright accent points throughout the picture, between green leaves. You can depict just one or two branches with leaves or draw a tree branch with leaves. After all, each consists of a branch (thin strip) and several twisted sheets glued in pairs to the branch, plus the central one at the top.

Putting the Parts Together

First, the bottom layer of the craft is placed. A thin brown strip is glued to the end part. This is a branch of the tree, on which all modules created in advance will be placed. Quilling bunches of mountain ash are also placed in layers. The first row is glued by spreading PVA glue on the end of the circle. You can make the berries round and voluminous. To do this, a cap from a pen or just a finger is inserted into the middle of the finished element and pressed forward a little. It turns out the shape of a bowl. It is turned over so that the extended part looks out, and the part is glued only over the edges of the circle.

The second layer of modules is glued on top of the first, slightly shifting. So the lower details will not completely overlap, but will be visually visible.

Painting decoration

If your efforts were successful and turned out beautiful picture, then it can be framed and hung on the wall in the room. It can be store standard, or you can also decorate it using the quilling technique. It can be a regular ornament around the entire perimeter of the frame, or you can continue the rowan theme and add red berries with the same leaves.

Working with quilling stripes is difficult, tiring and extremely interesting. So that you do not get tired while doing a lot of beautiful work, you need to give yourself time to rest. Better spend more days to manufacture than to get tired and quit. Do not rush, you will succeed.

Novice craftsmen should first practice making simple elements, assemble several types of sheets different lengths and shapes, learn how to use a comb, make different flowers. After all, there are a huge number of options for modules, and you can fantasize and invent your own. The main thing is to want and start, and then the work will entice you so much that you will not notice how you become a true professional in this art.

Quilling technique as a way of needlework from paper is gaining popularity all over the world. Moreover, not only adults can get involved in this an interesting activity but also children. Due to the fact that the child will have to work with thin and small strips of paper, fine motor skills, perseverance, imagination and creativity develop. You will find a quilling master class for beginners below in the material.

Quilling is twisted in a different way details that generally form a complete picture or craft. There are many ways to create these elements - twisting in the form of tight and loose rolls, in the form of drops, squares, ovals, pointed shapes, hearts and many other shapes.

To work in the quilling technique, you may need some tools.

Twisting parts of any shape begins in one way:

  1. A thin strip of paper is wound onto a special tool, a toothpick or skewer.

  1. If you need a tight roll, then leave the strip in a twisted form and fix the edge of the paper with glue.
  2. To create a droplet or petal, we compress the part on one side. In all cases, glue the end of the strip.

To create a boat, we compress the twisted roll from both sides.

Flowers in technology

The most famous quilling crafts are flowers. They can be of different colors, sizes and shapes.

The principle of their manufacture is the same as described above. Via various ideas and your own imagination, you can form any flower pictures. Finished twisted elements are simply glued onto a sheet of paper or cardboard.

Better for beginners simple circuits creating flowers, for example, using round twisted strips.

And then move on to more complex ones.

bright rowan

Below we will consider a quilling master class for beginners and try to make a picture with bunches of mountain ash. This craft can be done with children, it is quite simple to perform.

  1. Prepare the necessary tools and materials:
  • a sheet of white paper or cardboard as the basis of the picture;
  • colored paper;
  • glue;
  • scissors;
  • pencil and ruler;
  • quilling sticks.
  1. We cut colored paper of green, red and orange colors into thin strips 5 mm wide.

For convenience, you can use a clerical knife.

  1. We twist the red shelves into tight rolls using a thin rod or a toothpick. These will be berries.

It is necessary to make the right amount, in this case we will prepare about 15 pieces.

  1. Next, we prepare leaves from orange and green stripes - we twist them into rolls, open them a little and pinch them on one side.

To create a picture of such leaves, you need to make at least 20 pieces.

  1. We form rowan branches with berries. We take brown paper measuring 4 by 10 cm (you can take textured paper to create a bark effect) and twist it into a spiral.

  1. We turn to the formation of the picture. First of all, we place the branches on paper.

You can stick berries on the branch.

  1. From green paper you need to make branches for the leaves. To do this, take 8 strips of 5 mm wide.

  1. Glue 2 strips on top of each other.

  1. We glue 3 strips so that we get a twig.

  1. We arrange the branch in the picture and lay out and glue the leaves in random order.

  1. We place the fourth green branch nearby and also decorate with leaves.

  1. In conclusion, we draw up the work in a frame. Such a beautiful autumn mountain ash with your own hands should turn out.

Quilling butterfly

Another small master class is presented on creating a butterfly with your own hands. Children will also be interested in making a flying beauty with their own hands. This tutorial shows you how to make different forms details and apply them in the craft.

  1. For work in the quilling technique, materials and tools remain the same. Only the colors of paper for crafts change and decorations in the form of beads, rhinestones or sparkles are added.

  1. We wind black paper to create a tight roll.

  1. We remove the part, dissolve and fix the end of the paper with glue.

  1. To begin with, we form twisted rolls in the form of drops. It is more convenient to prepare parts of 2 pieces in a mirror form so that the future butterfly looks even and symmetrical.

  1. To create a roll of two colors, we glue strips of different colors one after another, and then twist them in the usual way.

  1. We will make these details in the shape of a crescent, also bending and pinching the edges with our fingers.

  1. We make a border of black paper - so the wings will look even more elegant.

  1. We make a few more pairs of one-color details, now in the shape of an eye and also paste over with black paper.

  1. Next, we twist 2 parts and give them the shape of a triangle and glue them with a black stripe.

  1. We will make two more parts in two colors and with a black edge.

  1. Next, all the prepared parts must be assembled into a single whole.

  1. We arrange the details in the form of a wing and paste over with black paper. In the same way we create the second wing.

  1. Similarly, we collect and glue the lower wings. The number of parts, their location and color can be arbitrary at the discretion of the author.

  1. To make the body of the butterfly, you need to cut out a long black triangle with a side of 14 cm.

  1. We twist it and glue it with yellow tape around in a spiral.

  1. Glue the body and wings onto a sheet of paper or cardboard.

  1. We form antennae from a black strip and a bead and glue them in the same way.

We let the craft dry from the glue, and the butterfly is ready.

Video on the topic of the article

You can find more in the videos below more ideas and master classes on working in the quilling technique.