
Why does silver turn black? How to clean silver at home quickly and efficiently: get rid of blackness one or two times


Silver is an inert metal that slowly oxidizes, but in its pure form it is not used to make jewelry. Jewelry is made from an alloy, diluting silver with copper and other metals. So why does silver turn yellow and how to avoid plaque build-up?

If a plaque has formed on the surface of the jewelry, there may be several reasons for this:

  1. Low quality alloy.
  2. Contact of the product with the human body.
  3. Exposure to aggressive substances.

Yellowed Silver Ring

If the silver turns yellow immediately after purchase, then most likely the reason lies in the quality of the decoration. When preparing the alloy, they added a large number of copper or other base metals. As a result, the decoration began to turn yellow, since copper and other metals are not inert like silver.

Often silver changes color on contact with the body, this process is faster if a person has excessive sweating or health problems. Jewelry on the body of pregnant women also turns yellow faster.

Plaque may appear after jewelry comes into contact with aggressive substances, household chemicals, and cosmetics.

Yellowness may appear on its surface if the product is often in contact with the following chemicals:

  • gray;
  • carbon dioxide;
  • iodine;
  • bromine.

Carbon dioxide acts on silver slowly, the metal becomes covered with a film, but this happens over a period of time.

Iodine can damage the thin film that covers the product. In this case, the silver changes color, stains appear on it, which will be difficult to get rid of.


The silver hue can change over time. Silver jewelry is often covered with a film: rhodium prevents discoloration - but over time, the film wears off.

Rhodium is a metal that is added to white gold, it is quite expensive, so it is covered with jewelry made of pure silver, which is not cheap.

Over the years, the film becomes thinner, rhodium wears off, and the jewelry oxidizes. Under the influence of the external environment, a film forms on its surface, it is yellow, gray, and then the plaque turns into a dense black film. It is difficult to clean the product from such plaque.

Therefore, if an expensive product unexpectedly changes color after many years of use, then it is necessary to handle it more carefully, since the film that covered the jewelry has worn off or thinned out.

How to remove plaque?

It is not difficult to understand why silver turns yellow, the jewelry can change color during use. There are several ways to help restore a jewel to its original appearance and avoid discoloration:

  1. Silver should be kept in a special box.
  2. Protect from external factors.
  3. Take off jewelry before beauty treatments.
  4. Clean products regularly with special products.

Cleaning the silver ring

Jewelry is removed before evening dress. Protect them from moisture and hot air (steam). It is not recommended to wear the products in the steam room or swimming pool. The water contains a lot of chlorine, which aggressively affects the alloy.

Jewelry is stored in a box wrapped in thick felt fabric, which reduces the likelihood of discoloration of the product.

The products need cleaning, if the jewelry is expensive, then it is better to give it to a jeweler, he will carry out all the procedures and return the color and shine to the jewelry.

In addition, the jeweler will determine the quality of the alloy. This procedure does not last long, the specialist will write a conclusion and give recommendations for care. You will have to pay for the examination, but the buyer will have an accurate idea of ​​the quality of the alloy and the strength of the product.

Jewelry is capricious by nature and therefore requires care. You can clean them with home remedies or use special pastes that will help remove plaque. If the jewel darkens rapidly, and it is not possible to remove plaque from its surface with the help of a paste, then it is better to take the product to a pawnshop or hand it over to a store under warranty.

Silver is one of the most popular precious metals. He is great alternative many other materials. Often times, silver items are chosen by those who do not like gold. And this is a great option.

When purchasing various silver jewelry, be prepared that these products may not only turn black, but also turn yellow. Why is this happening? There may be more than enough reasons. We will talk about this and many other things in more detail in this article.

It is very important to properly care for these pieces of jewelry at home to prevent spoilage of these pieces. But more on that later. To begin with, let's find out what are the main reasons that such a noble and precious metal as silver begins to turn yellow.

Silver refers to precious metals, belongs to the group of noble ones, along with many others. These jewels have been known to mankind for several millennia.

During all this time, the most observant people managed to notice that metals do not corrode, do not become coated with a coating of various colors after exposure to alkalis, acids, etc.

Such properties of jewelry can be easily explained: the presence of high resistance to chemical attack environment... Therefore, the reasons why silver begins to turn yellow lie far from the surface. Why does silver turn yellow? To the main factors provoking the development of yellowness in silver items, include the following:

  • emission of sulfur in the air from those items that are made from special rubber. These include various rubberized capes, boots, seals in kitchen furniture, windows and doors, etc.;
  • sulfur compounds in packaging paper, cardboard, clothing, these substances are subsequently not removed in any way and, having firmly settled in the room, begin to stand out and provoke the development of a yellow tint in precious silver items;
  • sulfur and sodium thiosulfate are in contact with each other. The latter component is actively used in the food industry as a complexing agent and oxidizing agent. In addition, it is used to remove bleach from cotton in the textile industry;
  • medicines, which contain bromine, iodine, as well as various cosmetics, household chemicals, building materials and other things;
  • exposure to sulfur compounds. When mixed with water, sulfur-based acids can be formed, which negatively affects silver items;
  • waste emissions from industrial enterprises, man-made sources spreading in the air, also provoke the development of a yellow tint in silver;
  • another reason silver starts to turn yellow is due to human health conditions. Excretions (sweat, breathing, etc.) of the human body also contribute to the appearance of a yellow tint;
  • yellowed items can be made not of silver, but of an alloy - that is, you can purchase a fake made of copper and bronze. To exclude this option, you can conduct an examination of the products that have changed color. This is done for a short time and at the same time is inexpensive.

Under the influence of negative factors, silver first begins to turn yellow, and then acquires a darker shade, eventually turning into a black material. It is very difficult to get rid of this plaque later, therefore it is recommended not to start the oxidation process.

Pure metals do not turn yellow

It is worth noting that only pure metals are not exposed to yellowness, which are made in special factories that carry out a complete cleaning of products. Thus, various impurities in such products are minimal. Often they are only a few grams per kilogram.

This is all, of course, good, but, despite the fact that these products do not turn yellow, they have another more significant drawback - low strength. In this regard, manufacturers use alloys of several metals at once, for example, silver with platinum, gold, nickel and other components.

Such a composition of silver increases its mechanical characteristics, polishing stability, etc. Thanks to the composition used, you can achieve the desired shade of jewelry, but this is a very controversial issue.

Why improve one quality in order to degrade another? After all, it is not known which is even better. The more other metals in the alloy - nickel, zinc and others - the faster the jewelry will become coated with a coating, which is then not so easy to clean.

How to care for silver items to avoid yellowing?

Each owner silver jewelry dreams that her wealth will retain its former splendor, color and beauty for as long as possible. Is it possible to do it yourself, at home, without spending big money? Quite, if you properly care for silver things and adhere to a few simple rules.

  1. Put all silver items in their places, store them in special boxes (preferably made of wood) so that they do not lie anywhere. It will be ideal if the selected silver jewelry box is tightly closed and contains cotton or linen inside.
  2. For storing silver jewelry, you can also use special bags with a clasp, which are very common today, they can be bought at any jewelry store.
  3. If you do not plan to use silverware for a long time, it is better to provide them with special storage conditions: wrap with special paper, wrap as tightly as possible in order to exclude the ingress of air to the jewelry.
  4. After using your silver product, be sure to wash it in warm water and soap, or better with baking soda. You can use soft bristled brushes to avoid scratching the surface of the product. Wipe each piece dry with a napkin or towel to prevent the chain from drying out on its own. Put the dry silver in the box (see recommendations above). In order to prevent yellowness, we also recommend that you wipe your silver items daily with a flannel cloth.

If you follow all these rules, you are a neat person, then you will be able to keep silver jewelry in its original form. But sometimes the circumstances are different, and the jewelry fails to keep the color and shine. What to do in this case?

How to deal with the already manifested yellowness? Are there any universal and truly effective methods? Of course, the main thing is not to panic too much. You can always correct any imperfections that have arisen on silver jewelry. The main thing is to take it as seriously as possible.

Basic methods for cleaning yellowed silver

So how do you effectively clean your silver if it suddenly turns yellow? The most popular techniques include several methods.

  1. Place all yellowed items in a stainless steel container; enameled dishes are quite suitable. Cover them with baking soda, you don't need to sprinkle the entire pack in so that the jewelry is completely covered in the baking soda. After that, fill them with boiling water completely. Wait until the water has cooled down. Then rinse the items with clean water and dry them with a napkin.
  2. Many people resort to another popular way to clean silver - rub it with toothpaste. This technique is very common, probably many have used it. The main thing is not to overdo it in your efforts and not rub cracks and scratches on the jewelry. For cleaning, you can use a simple toothbrush to which the paste is applied.
  3. Use GOI paste by applying it to a woolen cloth and gently rubbing the silver product. Then rinse the silver in warm soapy water. If the yellow spots have not disappeared, then you can repeat this procedure. Instead of GOI paste, you can use lipstick, but do not forget about the grease rinsing.
  4. Another popular recipe- using gruel made from soda and water in the following proportions: mix 500 ml of warm water with 2 tablespoons of soda. In this case, in the container in which this mixture is prepared, it is necessary to put foil. Products are dipped in this composition. It is necessary to wait a few minutes, and then thoroughly wash the jewelry with clean water and be sure to wipe it dry.
  5. You need to take soda, add water to it to make a gruel and wipe the silver product well. Or take a container, lay out the walls and bottom with foil, pour 0.5 liters of water at 70-80 degrees, add 1-2 tbsp. tablespoons of soda. Dip the silver for a few minutes. Then rinse and dry. This method shows you how to clean silver with foil.

In addition to the above methods, for cleaning silver from yellow spots fits lemon acid, ammonia, table vinegar, and nail polish remover, preferably alcohol-based.

Using these tools, you will not spend a lot of free time and money. It's very simple and cheap.

Now you know why silver jewelry turns yellow and how to deal with it. Take good care of your jewelry and always take proper care of it. Then you will have no problem with changing the color of silver jewelry.

Every home must have any decoration or item made of silver. But, as you know, silver has such a property as to oxidize under the influence of external factors and become black, gray and yellow. However, this semi-precious metal is very easy to clean and there is no need to be afraid of this oxidation. If the product turns yellow, then you can take the following steps at home, how to clean the silver with soda. Add baking soda to warm water and wash the silver in this solution, and then rinse with plain water and wipe with a soft cloth.

Also, instead of soda, you can use ammonia, hydrogen peroxide. These are traditional methods of cleaning, but there are also original methods for cleaning silver with soda. Pour water into the foil, put a spoonful of salt and soda there, lower the product into the solution: after half an hour, the item shines like new. You can use tooth powder for cleaning, it is applied with any brush. If the oxidation is strong, then a special solution can be made from tooth powder, ammonia and soda. Apply with gentle strokes.

How to care for silver if it is jewelry with precious stones? Here it is already necessary to approach it more seriously, since the stones should not be damaged during cleaning. It is better, of course, to give the jewelry to specialists: they know what to do in such situations. If you still need to clean it at home, then you must follow some rules. You do not need to clean the stone itself, because it can tarnish. Also, many have silver items with gilding, how to clean gilded silver? It is very difficult to do this, because the gilding can be easily damaged. You can not clean with powders, otherwise the pona will be quickly erased. You can wipe them with ethyl alcohol, turpentine or vinegar.

For a situation with stones, there is nothing better than cleaning the silver with ammonia, and in the process it is better to use a cotton swab. A few drops of ammonia are added to the soapy solution, and the decoration is wiped with this solution. Silver with pearls cannot be cleaned with ammonia, otherwise the pearl may lose its natural color. Also, many have silver items with gilding. For silver to regain its original shine, you also need to know how to clean silver with peroxide. The product should be immersed in hydrogen peroxide for half an hour, you can also add alcohol there. Then rinse and dry.

In order to prevent various deformations and oxidation of silver jewelry, before starting any homework or anything related to this, better decoration take off. It is also better to remove silver jewelry if there is close contact with iodine, various cosmetic products... Preventive cleaning of jewelry made of this precious metal is recommended to be carried out at least once a year. Then the products can be passed on in excellent condition to their children and grandchildren.

It is not actually gold, but oxidized silver or a low-grade silver alloy with a high copper content. As you know, silver has only one, silvery - white color. However, over time, silver not only darkens, but also turns yellow.

Silver, reacting with sulfur, forms on the surface of products -. Silver items coated with a thin layer of silver sulfide have a yellow tint at first, and then a thick layer of silver sulfide makes the silver dark.

Yellow silver is also formed by the interaction of surface silver with bromine or iodine. It is bromide and have, respectively, light yellow and yellow color, and under the influence of light, silver halides slowly turn black.

Some items of base silver are plated. Rhodium plated, protects silver from oxidation. Over time, rhodium wears out and exposes silver, which, by reacting with other substances, turns into yellow silver... The more yellow the base silver alloy, the faster the silver darkens.

First, you need to make sure that your piece is genuine silver. It is not uncommon when, under the guise of pure silver, they sell products made of brass or copper, on which a thin layer of pure silver is applied. When this layer begins to wear off, a color change may be observed. Expertise can be carried out in any jewelry workshop and it does not take much time.

Real silver, as a rule, is quite inert, for example, it does not dissolve in hydrochloric and dilute sulfuric acids, and silver does not oxidize with oxygen even at high temperatures. There is even a widespread myth that silver darkens solely due to copper impurities in the alloy. However, pure silver has its weaknesses. So, silver reacts very actively with sulfur compounds: in humid air in the presence of even the slightest trace compounds such as hydrogen sulfide, a coating of poorly soluble silver sulfide is formed. The reason for the appearance of a yellow tint on products may be the release of sulfur from vulcanized rubber, which is used for seals in store windows. Also, silver can react with sulfur sodium thiosulfate, which is used in the food industry as a complexing agent and antioxidant, as well as in the textile industry to remove traces of chlorine after bleaching. Generally speaking, there are many products that contain sulfur and contribute to coloration when in direct contact with silver products. It can even be some types of cardboard used for packaging, paper, textile materials. Silver sulfide has dark color, therefore, it can lead to staining in yellowish shades only when it is formed in the form of a very thin film, and with a slightly greater thickness, silver products simply darken.

The yellow color can also be the result of the formation of its compounds with bromine and iodine on the surface of silver. Silver bromides and chlorides are light yellow and yellow accordingly, under the influence of light, they slowly turn black.

Finally, your silver can be coated with a thin layer of rhodium. Rhodium is a fairly expensive metal white, which almost does not react with anything and therefore reliably protects products from reactions with various substances from our environment. Rhodium is often coated with white gold items. Some manufacturers also cover silver items with them so that they retain their presentation for a long time before being sold. Rhodium is a platinum group metal, it is quite expensive, and therefore the coatings are usually very thin and can wear off over time, revealing the surface of silver, which can then react with other substances and become colored. So your rhodium-plated jewelry may well retain its beauty and shine for a long time, and then suddenly turn yellow.

All of the above applies to pure silver or fine silver items. In silver alloys low samples there is a significant amount of copper, which is much less inert than silver and therefore can contribute to more rapid change alloy color and darkening.

Thus, silver can turn yellow due to a reaction with various substances that can be released from certain foods, from construction and finishing materials and even as a result of reactions with human sweat. By the way, the composition of sweat can vary markedly depending on emotional state a person, as well as during pregnancy. It is usually difficult to pinpoint the exact cause of the color change. If your silver is real, the stain can usually be removed easily with conventional silver cleaning. If you especially value your jewelry, it is best to take it to a jewelry workshop for cleaning. In order for silver to retain its color and shine for a long time, try not to expose it to water and, in particular, to various agents. household chemicals, store it separately from other jewelry, preferably in sealed containers.