
Interesting design of the reception room in the first junior. How to decorate a group room in an original way for the New Year, or create a fairy tale for children. Requirements for finishing materials


Lena Novikova

Photo report on the topic: « Kindergarten room design» .

This is an art studio where children are engaged. Wall with children's work.

This is the back wall of the art studio with shelves where samples of art crafts and other manuals are located.

This is how the ceiling and windows are decorated.

This is a wall decoration in one of the locker rooms.

This is a wall in the corridor, which contains information for teachers.

So I decided to paint the wall in one of the bedrooms.

Changing room in senior groups e.

This is the wall in preparatory group.

Corner of nature in the middle group.

Speech zone in the "Bee" group.

This is the transition to the bedroom.

Corner for parents in the locker room.

Central staircase.

This is the bedroom of another group.

Prostenok in the younger group.

Dressing room corner.

Wall near the kitchen with "menu".

This is also a dressing room.

This is the parental corner in the younger group.

This is the wall of the corridor to the nursery. The drawings are made on the ceiling tiles.

This is a stairwell.

This is a panel on the staircase at the transition to the second floor.

This is a wall in the hallway near the medical office.

Wall in the study area of ​​the senior group.

Wall in the study area in the preparatory group.

Wall in the bedroom.

Many more works I can present to your attention, but only in the next folder.

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kids preschool age spend a lot of time in the kindergarten. There they eat, play, rest, develop. Therefore, the room in which the children are located should be as cozy and comfortable as possible.

Setting up the group room kindergarten is an integral part of the entire educational process. How the interior is designed depends on the artistic and aesthetic development babies, as well as their psychophysiological state.

What should be considered when registering groups in kindergartens?

When creating an interior, you should consider age features children. Each age has its own pedagogical tasks. In addition, you should take into account the size of the room, its features and available inventory.

A good help in the design of the group can be ready-made sets of stands. Templates can be found online or made to order. The stands are very convenient for work - they can contain data on the menu for the day or the daily routine of children, lists of groups, useful information for parents.

The color of the room matters a lot. The original design of the kindergarten group is bright, saturated colors.

In matters of choosing furniture, one should adhere to the following principle: the less, the better. Toddlers prefer to have a large play area.

The room in the group is best conditionally divided into play and work (for educational activities). And starting from this, equip the space.

Age features and interior design of the children's group

When making nursery group kindergarten should focus on the play space. It is important that children have shelves with toys and upholstered children's furniture. You can also arrange children's corners with sets of certain tools and toys. For girls, it can be "Shop" or "Kitchen". For boys - "Garage", "Workshop", etc.

Thematic corners based on popular fairy tales or cartoons will also be interesting for kids.

Children junior group kindergarten will be happy if the design of the room includes the image of your favorite fairy-tale characters in the form of applications or stickers.

A significant increase in workspace should be observed in the interior middle group. The design of the middle group of the kindergarten is a book and mathematical corner, a calendar of nature. In addition, there may be a music and theater area.

The program for older children is aimed at preparing children for school. Therefore, when arranging the premises of the senior and preparatory groups of the kindergarten, emphasis should be placed on the space for educational activities. First of all, these are tables, a board, a cabinet with educational materials, books and materials.

Making a group in kindergarten becomes an exciting activity if, in addition to educators, parents of pupils also take part in it. This interaction creates creative ideas, and parents create comfort and a fairy tale for their kids with their own hands. Design ideas for a kindergarten group can be very different. You can choose thematic design of marine, space, fairy-tale or forest themes. It is appropriate both a single design of a kindergarten group, and a combination various options. It all depends on the materials available and your imagination.

Kindergarten is the first acquaintance of the child with an educational institution. Therefore, it is so important that the design of the kindergarten group is bright and pleasant. It is worth making only a little effort and imagination - and your baby will be happy. Creativity and imagination work wonders!

Often, as parents, we don't think about what we take for granted. For example, bringing a child to a beautiful, elegantly decorated kindergarten, we consider it natural, not suspecting that the design of kindergartens is also laborious and painstaking work. It is mainly handled by educators, who often have Creative skills because their work itself contributes to the development of creativity.

It happens that parents are also involved in the original design of the kindergarten group. After all, the child spends most of his time here and the work invested by dad and mom will not be in vain. It is beautiful when a green corner with selected plants becomes the main decoration, which the children themselves can take care of, joining in the work.

Making stairs in kindergarten

The stairs can also and should be decorated with something unusual, for example, a panel made of mesh with appliqué or home-made paintings. All materials can be found at home for everyone, the main thing is to stock up original ideas for kindergarten design. Even unpretentious-looking steps can be painted by a self-taught artist, making it much more fun for children to step into the garden.

Making a corridor in kindergarten

Pupils will certainly like it if their photographs decorate the corridor or lobby of the garden. You can make such a composition different ways, the main thing is to be bright and elegant. Panels made by craftsmen in the technique, which has become widespread, will interest not only children, but also parents who also want to try their hand at this business.

Making lockers in kindergarten

Bright lockers for children's clothes need to be decorated with individual pictures or photographs so that the baby can easily find his own.

Window decoration in kindergarten

Children love everything bright and beautiful. Surrounding kids with such things, we develop their aesthetic taste. Of course, sanitary standards do not allow too bright colors in the design of the walls, but this can be corrected by choosing multi-colored curtains, curtains and lambrequins for the windows in the group and the corridor. When everyone's favorite holiday approaches New Year, children, together with teachers, traditionally decorate windows with New Year's symbols.

The visiting card of any children's institution is its site and playgrounds. With the help of decorative natural materials, old boxes and containers that are unnecessary in the household, you can create interesting street decorations.

They have always been a favorite material for craftsmen. Outlandish characters are made of them and are traditionally used instead of flowerpots.

As you can see, decorating a kindergarten with your own hands is not such a difficult task, the most important thing is to have a desire to change life for the better for the sake of children.

The formation of a group in kindergarten is part of the pedagogical process, on which the successful psychophysiological state of the child depends.

In this section, you can consider design options for a group room, taking into account the zoning and age preferences of children. Interesting ideas will help teachers to think over the organization of redevelopment and placement of the necessary equipment in the room. The result of the work will depend on the capabilities of the preschool educational institution, the size of the premises and the creative potential of the group's team.

Interiors of group rooms in kindergartens

Contained in sections:
Includes sections:
  • Registration of kindergarten by February 23. We decorate groups and the hall for the holiday Defender of the Fatherland Day
  • Development environment. Subject-spatial, educational environment in the group

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